#premade household replacement
simplyanjuta · 2 years
📝Tutorial: Creating Premade Household Replacements
Some of you have been wondering how to make premade household replacements (as the ones shared here or here). So I have written down below what is known to me/what I was able to figure out so far. If anyone would like to share any additional info or tips, please do 😊
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Note: If your goal is to do more than tweaking or replacing the premades, a save file is most probably the way to go. I actually ended up messing with the premade files because personally I wasn’t quite happy with EAs remake of the Goth family recently & was looking for a way to bring back the original version or replace them with my own instead.
Update/News: There’s now a tool by denton47 that you can use to replace sims from premade households. The tool came out shortly after I made this tutorial.
I keep the tutorial up for documentation and for those who prefer or might need to do things manually and/or are interested in understanding the process.
The basic process is rather simple:
Save the household that you want to use to your Library.
Create an empty package file and batch import the .householdbinary file of your household from your Tray folder.
Open the original premade household file as reference and replace all relevant household data entries in your file with those from the original file. As an optional step, you can also edit some of the sim related data.
Finally, you can also override the household thumbnails in a similar manner.
See additional note at the end of the tutorial about limitations for BG families and a heads up for non-BG sims, in particular occults - which come with an extra file (”PremadeSimTemplate”).
Below you will find more info elaborating on the steps.
1. Save the household that you want to use to your Library.
Create/modify the household that you want to use for the replacement and save it to your Library. As an alternative, download the household you want to use from the Gallery to your Library (naturally, make sure it’s ok with the creator in case it’s not your creation and you have intentions to share the mod).
Make sure that the household has all the info set-up before proceeding (like all outfits, genetic relationships, traits, likes & dislikes, jobs, skills).
Note that only household information that is transferred to and from the Library will be available. (This excludes, for example, any relationships to sims in other households as well as non-default relationship scores and sentiments. For the latter, there is an additional note at the end of the tutorial.) You can preview what information will be included by placing the household from your Library in game.
2. Create an empty package file and batch import the .householdbinary file of your household from your Tray folder.
Open Sims 4 Studio and create an empty package file:
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Batch import the .householdbinary file from your Tray folder to your package file. If the household was saved last, you can just select the last householdbinary file in the list. (The Tray folder is located one level above your mods folder and contains all households, builds and rooms that you have saved to your Library. Each of those creations is composed of several files.)
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When you imported the file, it should show up as a “Household Template” file in your package file.
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3. Open the original premade household file as reference and replace all relevant household data entries in your file with those from the original file. As an optional step, you can also edit some of the sim related data.
Open the S4S Game File Cruiser:
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Select “Household Template” as file type and look through the families listed to find the one you want to replace. If you know the Instance ID already you can also search by this ID.
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Now, you need to replace/match all relevant household data entries with those from the original household files.
As a rule of thumb, you can replace all household specific entries that don’t match.
Some of the entries might not matter or are optional, I haven’t looked into the purpose of each. But you need to make sure that the original family is replaced and that your override is placed on the correct lot, so matching the corresponding IDs is necessary.
You can/should leave the “lastplayed_simid” as it is. The data for the individual sims can actually stay as it is, in general (some more info below).
“Last_modified_time” determines the order in which the household appears unter “Household Management”. Leaving it at zero made the household appear somewhere towards the end/in the middle of that menu, so I also chose to replace it.
Below I marked the entries that I matched. (The entries in your file can also depend on the way you saved the household to your library, e.g. directly from CAS, or from CAS after putting the family into game, or as a download from the Gallery.)
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As an optional step, you can then also view and edit the data for each sim that is included in the household:
Click “Edit Items…” next to the field “sim” (towards the bottom of the window).
This will open another window that will list various data about each sim (SimData). There is a very long list of sim related data and I have only looked into some of it.
If you understand what you’re doing, you can edit some of this data if necessary, like skills, careers and basic family relationships. I would avoid that, however, and make sure to include all necessary info in-game beforehand.
Most of the data, including all referenced IDs can be left as they are, based on my testing. In particular, you don’t need to match the sim IDs to make the household replacement work.
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Now one thing I noticed while testing was that sometimes the premade household would spawn on the lot across the street, when I entered a new save on that lot. When you save a household from the game to your library, there is actually some additional gameplay data included. Some of it seems to be responsible for location and spawning position of the sims. Interestingly, for the issue I mentioned, resetting the value in the field “serialization_option” to zero seems to solve it. The other data, that sounds related, doesn’t seem to change anything.
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4. Finally, you can also override the household thumbnails in a similar manner.
Now there are 2 options to export the thumbnails of your household: You can batch export the thumbnails from the file “localthumbcache.package” or use the Sims 4 Tray Importer, which is usually my preferred method. You can read more about the process in my post here (go to the last part “5. EXTRACTING GALLERY PICTURES FOR EDITING PURPOSES”).
The file localthumbcache will give you all of the 5 generated thumbnail size options. The Sims 4 Tray Importer, which reads the info from the tray files, will give you two sizes – but you will also only need those two sizes, as those two are the ones used to display the family in “Household Management” later in game.
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Similar as for the Household Template files you can then use the Game File Cruiser to look up the original household thumbnails. Reset the file type filter (that you set to “Household Template” previously) to include all file types and then use the Instance ID of the original Household to look up the related files (this is, for example, “01BD3F7EDED01430” for the Goth family; btw., due to EAs remake, there are also the old thumbnails that you can ignore - they are actually not functional anymore as they have a different/old group assigned).
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Batch export the files from the Game File Cruiser. The exported files should have a composed name as in the example shown below. The marked numbers (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) represent the thumbnail sizes. You will only need the sizes 2 and 3.
Replace the names of your custom thumbnails with the ones above (make sure to match the size) and batch import your custom thumbnails of the relevant sizes to your package file.
5. Additional Note
When you look through the set-up of the premade households, you might notice that the BG families have a slightly different set-up than the families from packs. Sims from non-BG families come with a so called “PremadeSimTemplate” which is referenced in the SimData of the Household Template files. The PremadeSimTemplate is a Tuning file, which you can find by its name or Instance ID via the S4S “Extract Tuning” option, via lot51s TDESC browser or using a tool like DocFetcher.
The PremadeSimTemplate contains or links to additional information for Non-BG sims.
For example, it can link to advanced relationship settings (like sentiments) via the so called ”premade_sim_relationships” file. Therefore, for example, the premade families from Cottage Living, have some sentiments set up in advance. And you can use the PremadeSimTemplate to manipulate this kind of info for Non-BG families. Now, unfortunately, the same thing doesn’t seem to be possible for BG families.
It also seems that for occult premades a lot of occult specific information incl. the occult form is outsourced to the PremadeSimTemplate. See example below. For Vladislaus, not only does the PremadeSimTemplate contain occult perks and ranks but also the occult form of the sim which is linked from a Sim Info. 
Now, when you import a custom household template containing your sims, the occult form is stored in the household template itself (sim -> occult_tracker -> occult_sim_infos -> OccultSimData). However, this data will be ignored if you use/link to the PremadeSimTemplate with the additional occult data. Therefore, if you want to make use of the PremadeSimTemplate, you need to also override the Sim Info for the occult form that is referenced by the PremadeSimTemplate.
You can do so by saving your sims to your library, export their Sim Info via the S4S library viewer (details here; the export should contain the Sim Info for human and occult form) and then update the respective Instance ID to match the Sim Info Instance ID of the occult form that is referenced in the  PremadeSimTemplate. Alternatively or in addition, you can also override the PremadeSimTemplate itself to change more details like perks. The most convenient way to do this is with the help of the above linked TDESC browser.
Interestingly, the PremadeSimTemplate also includes some additional non-occult data incl. the Sim Info of the human form. However, it seems that this data is not used by the game (the data from the household template is used instead).
(Disclaimer that I didn’t experiment much with occults myself. The info above is the result of trouble shooting an issue with a fellow creator.)
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florwal · 9 months
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portsim 1.2 update (playtest version) is now available for patrons! as soon as everything’s complete and i know there’s no issues, it’ll be free to the public <3
more info:
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cleaned up all the builds + households from dead end, now they can all live a non post-apocalyptic life in the portsim universe ☣️
fixed some issues from 1.1 (no more double san sequoias)
deleted all the premade townies and replaced them with npcs by simsontherope and cowplant-snacks on the gallery - now there won’t be as many ugly ass townies
i’m still working on oasis springs and it’s almost finished now BUT i wanted to give y’all something new to play in until then <3
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it’s almost my favorite time of the year so i set the season to fall and decorated all the portsim lots to fit the vibe 🍂🎃
*u can download the playtest version off my patreon now BUT i’m trying to finish everything as fast as i can and it’ll be public v soon, all my completed content is free so it’s my way of saying thanks to my patrons*
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oceansmotion · 1 year
Another Pleasantview
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Almost every single lot has been remodeled, renovated, or replaced by me. I also added a few new houses, a bowling alley, a gym, a church, and a cemetery.
Sims have been genetically corrected by either myself or simgigglegirl.
Scripted events are available, although a few of the first prompts were already closed out. The only 4 lots I didn't do are the unoccupied trailers and the two condos closest to them.
All Pleasantview townies are now using my default templates.
The Oldies and Burbs have already been placed and have furnished homes. The Oldies live across from the park, and the Burbs live in their (probably) canon house next to the Goths (you can see it in the promos from Happy Holidays).
The Newbies have been placed. Joe, the brother of Brandi, and Jane from the Tutorial are both genetically correct and live next to the Dreamers.
The hood itself is made with MeetMetotheRiver's clean Pleasantview template. It's also CC free.
Because I copied over the houses from my other PV, Don has a "great date" arrangement in his kitchen…..from Bella. Oops. Don't judge me. Anyway, you can just ignore it…..unless you don't want to wink wink.
A few more pictures:
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290 Main Street, the grocery store.
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330 Main Street, an outlet mall shopping center. Has an H&M, a furniture store, a food court, a bookstore, and a music shop (instruments are blocked off so sims don't get annoying with them).
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250 Main Street, the pool. Most objects have been removed from the lot so that Sims might actually go swimming.
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95 Woodland Drive, the Oldie house. I renovated the entire house and added Mary-Sue's childhood bedroom and tea room.
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215 Sim Lane, the Pleasant household. I tried to keep almost every house recognizable so the outside is pretty much the same though I did give Mary-Sue a zen garden. I subscribe to the head canon that Mary-Sue's birth parents are Hand Goddard and Pauline Wan, and as a child, Coral and Herb tried to help Mary-Sue feel connected to her Chinese ancestry. Mary-Sue has never actually been to China and her tastes are exactly what you'd imagine an American who has never been to China would be, and the house reflects that. it's Chinese inspired but still very American. I also slightly changed the shape of the upstairs because Lilith's side has always driven me nuts.
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165 Sim Lane, the Goth house. They are one of the few premade families whose house got a full rework. I made it more Victorian looking but did attempt to keep the interior recognizable...slightly. I actually typically play with recolors of the Mansion & Garden pieces I used so in my own version of the hood, the house has black and grey trim instead of white and wood. A few examples of what I've change in PV. Because I changed literally every lot but 4, I wont post pictures of every single thing, but this is the idea. Some houses were more dramatically changed (like the Goth house or 113 Wright Way) while others are more subtly changed.
I removed the stealth hoods themselves but didn't think to disable them beforehand, so the normal default socliates/downtownies are already there, sorry! I did replace the PV townies with my own default face templates, so there's that at least.
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glowyjellyfish · 20 days
Narniapocalypse Set-Up Part One
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...this is not gonna be anywhere near as lengthy as setting up the Megakingdom or my Build A City Through Time Founding Pleasantview hood, but there's a little set-up involved. I decided to kill off all the adults just so the kids can be traumatized, and organized the kids into 7 households of 6-10 sims each. I couldn't stop Samantha Ottomas from giving birth instantly--even if I killed her, she still insisted on giving birth before dying. So I gave up and now have infant Ottomas twins added to my hood, which is slightly annoying. Had I known this would happen, I would have made Pascal, Brandi, and Ana Patel give birth before dying, too, if only for the variety, but whatever.
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Behold, the DeBateau household, consisting of the premade teens, children, and toddlers from Belladonna Cove. (I always play the Newsons in BDC, but they have their own household.) The idea here is that the kids found this cluster of abandoned farmhouses they're using for shelter--and any kids whose clothing has been ruined by default replacements is gonna use rags they found inside. They'll have to buy new outfits from a merchant or else make their own in the future. I feel like I may have made this one too nice, even though it has no floor (only terrain paint) and not enough beds. I have calculated secondary aspirations and traits for all the kids, and I'm going to have to adjust their ages manually since Neighborhood Age Correct doesn't appear to be cooperating. Let's see, I'm going to use the rule that they can't place a well until somebody strikes water while digging, and they have to be able to afford it. I might make them pay for it in blocks of stone, too, to imply they ha to build it.
Each abandoned farmhouse lot is going to have one Giving Tree and several berry bushes of the same type. All other foragable/harvestable goods must be dug up or harvested from the Woods before a sim can plant it at home. It's also going to take these kids a while to figure out hunting/trapping, but I haven't thought up any particular requirements for that yet. Livestock will have to be purchased from a merchant.
And of course, none of these kids will get to go to college. The nearby Elf Kingom--where the Elven High King who demands tribute (aka taxes) lives--has several universities that will be happy to accept qualified students who can pay the fees, but that's probably not going to be possible for a generation or so. There's a Royal Academy for royalty and nobility; a wizard college for supernatural sims; a religious college that requires graduates perform service for the church; and a bardic college with high creativity requirements. In practice, these are just going to be themed dorms within one large college, and whenever my city works its way up the Medieval Charter ladder enough, I'll build a local college that may be less specialized.
I would like to tell a proper story with this hood, but I do worry that might make it too much effort to play. Right now, I couldn't start actually playing because I couldn't find the Institution Sign and I need that to prevent the school bus from coming. Hopefully I have what I need now.
The hood itself is called Newcastle, but let's face it, Narniapolcalypse is far more memorable and fun.
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catbrokensims3 · 18 days
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Finally finished and on to a little testing! :)
I've been wanting to start a save in Lunar Lakes or some other futuristic/alien world but haven't because I thought seeing base game cars all over the place would be distracting and not as fun. So I decided to make myself some default replacements using the Into the Future vehicles because I couldn't find any anywhere.
But I finally figured it out though and went a teensy bit overboard and ended up doing all the service vehicles I could find hover versions for and all the base game cars. Still want to do more testing though, esp to see the ins and outs of using the defaults in worlds where premade households already have cars.
Above is Sunset Valley btw. I forgot to get a pic of Agnes Crumplebottom in her hover convertible. It was cute.
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sneakyflowerboy · 5 months
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hi guys! happy new year!! 🥳
i'm so sorry just making my first post then completely disappearing. I got really really sick after posting in fact i still don't feel well but i feel well enough to play the sims again :)
anyway here is my makeover of the pancakes household. hope you like them! i'm sooo in love with Bob Pancakes he's one of my favorite premade sims to play. I usually break Eliza and him up but i wanted to try something different. also i made Iggy a girl because for the longest time I thought Iggy was one smh. I plan on playing this family while i slowly makeover other sims.
another thing while i was sick i decided to switch this blog to my main one it just makes more sense to me. i will slowly be deleting my cc finds. luckily i only had one post from myself on my previous blog which was @sneakyflowerboybri .
i'm excited for this year and the possible sims (simmer?) friends i may make! 🌱
ps - they are using only items from in game besides the eyes and skin they are default replacements
eyes by @sammi-xox
skin by @nesurii
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paperanddice · 5 months
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Weaving is a complex process, one that requires a lot of specialized knowledge. So, logically, any clockwork device designed with the ability to work fabric in any way is by necessity large and complex. Non-animated looms are massive, and adding the gears and equipment to automate them would necessarily make them larger, right?
Well, some genius proved that wasn't necessary. The clockwork weaving spider is tiny, smaller than a cat, but can be programmed to perform all kinds of fibre crafting. They can work on looms, sew, knit, darn, hem, and craft outfits. Four of their ten legs are designed for work; two guide thread on a loom, one has a needle built into it, and the last has a small blade for trimming cloth and threads. While they're not the fastest or greatest workers, their programming is limited due to their size, they are exceptionally helpful for someone doing that kind of work. And yet they're completely inaccessible to anyone who would benefit from them most, as the incredible precision needed for their creation prices them above the range of all but the wealthiest individuals. As with so many other clockworks, they're mostly a toy for the rich. Noble households can buy one or several to replace much of their staff, and extremely well off clothiers can do the same. The weaving spider replaces poor workers, rather than making the lives of the lower class better.
And they could probably be even better crafters, if not for the fact that a portion of their incredibly limited programming gears are set up to allow combat. Whether for protection of the household, or protection of the design of the weaving spider itself, they're "taught" how to fight. This doesn't make them very powerful combatants, almost seeming to be a waste of space and potential, as most competent combatants will crush it in moments, but against untrained foes or ones caught off guard one can prove a serious threat. They're even equipped with a small amount of poison that can be applied to its needle shuttle, which is then launched at an enemy to paralyze it and leave it vulnerable to that sharp trimming blade. Some nobility take advantage of this more fully, using these small clockworks as assassins hidden in plain sight. Of course they would.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Clockwork Weaving Spider Creature 1 Rare Tiny Clockwork Construct Mindless Perception +6 Skills Acrobatics +8, Crafting +6 Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -1, Wis -1, Cha -5 AC 14; Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2 HP 15; Immunities death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious; Weaknesses lightning 2, orichalcum 2 Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet Melee trimming blade +8 (agile, finesse), Damage 1d6+2 slashing plus Unmaking Ranged needle shuttle +8 (range 30 feet), Damage 1d4+2 piercing plus Numbing Agent Numbing Agent (poison); Saving Throw DC 14 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 3 paralyzed (1 round) Unmaking When the clockwork weaving spider scores a critical hit with its trimming blade, one cloth item worn or carried by the target becomes broken (chosen at random). If the item is already broken, it is instead destroyed.
13th Age
Clockwork Weaving Spider  1st level spoiler [construct]  Initiative: +6 Vulnerability: Lightning Trimming Blade +6 vs. AC - 4 damage. Natural 16+: The target takes a cumulative -1 penalty to AC (maximum -3) until the end of the battle. R: Poisoned Needle Shuttle +6 vs. AC (one nearby enemy) - 3 damage. Natural 12+: The target is also dazed (save ends). Natural 16+: The target is weakened instead of dazed (save ends). Natural 20: The target is stunned instead of dazed (save ends). Inorganic Immunity: The clockwork weaving spider is immune to effects. It can’t be dazed, weakened, confused, made vulnerable, affected by ongoing damage, etc. Wall Climber. AC 16 PD 14 MD 12 HP 22
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harmonyckrs · 6 months
this feels like something that they would do tbh
Also just bc I'm going to talk about the Sims 4 story with the Smiths
I replaced all of the townies in Sims 4 with Sims 2 premades (which included redoing the Caliente and Goth families but that's besides the point) and then added my own sims that I would play as. I also had the Life Tragedies mod installed and you can see how this went
Johnny got kidnapped about four times. Jenny also got kidnapped and Pollination Technician died trying to save her (computer lag prevented me from completing the scenario on time). My sims ended up unofficially adopting Johnny because one of them had a maxed out fitness level and Johnny was often at the gym (which meant we saw him a lot and as a result he got kidnapped a lot as well), and every time he got saved he'd just get kidnapped about five seconds later
It got to the point where I added a second floor that could only be accessed with a ladder and one door and locked it for everyone but household members lol. Nothing happened with Jill fyi outside of her having a bunch of other siblings her age because of the family oriented trait
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ryttu3k · 1 year
Seeking excellent premade makeover recommendations! Looking for ones that are as complete as possible - hot and cold weather outfits (for the pre-Seasons households), gender and sexuality settings, likes and dislikes, skills, household relationships (like the BFFs actually being friends), etc.
Have most packs, aside from Growing Together, Journey to Batuu, and any of the CAS Kits. One or two outfits using stuff from those packs is okay, but please let me know so I can replace items before I re-save to my library. No CC, and would prefer the characters to at least vaguely resemble their original versions, with two exceptions (please give Bella and Cassandra their melanin back, and I'd prefer Dina and Nina to resemble their TS2 selves).
Going the Vatores, Morgyn, and Johnny myself, so I don't need those ones.
There are so many makeovers out there it's hard to pick them out, and also very hard to tell if they have everything like skills etc just from Gallery listings. Gallery listings or tray files are both fine. I'd love to see what the Simblr community is playing with!
Thanks <3
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Female simbot alternative body and head. (Updated)
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Hello, this is my first time making custom content for the sims 3 I have done some before but only for personal use. I did this because im not good at making clothing and functional items so for my first custom content I created an alternative female Simbot body with a matching head.
The Simbots body and head have 3 color channels she also has decorative branches on her body and head. I tried my best to fix her normal map I couldn't figure out how to fix it. However, she looks better in the game.
She is based on Monster High C.A. Cupid you can tell by her wings.
I did give her somewhat of a story. She also has premade skills.
Note: I gave her the green thumb trait but there is a chance it might get replaced by the brave trait. I don't know why that happens it just happens.
Note: Her house is quite simple I know simbots don't use most of the items but I wanted to make it more of a home.
What the Sims3Pack contains
The custom cupid simbot CAS parts. (Ambitions needed)
the cupid simbot single-sim household. (Ambitions needed)
the cupid simbot with a house. (Ambitions needed)
Installation> It is important to install the Sims3Pack via the launcher do not convert it to a package file.
What Updated
I fixed the normal map.
I changed the texture of what used to be branches on her body and head. Now they are vines.
I took off the single sim household from the sims3pack and kept the one that included the house only.
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Sunshine Save File: First Look at worlds rebuild
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Hey hey!
This is my first look at the new Sims 4 world which I've created since December 2021. As you can see I replaced 87% premade households and add some from myself. Everyone has each own story and some neighborhood are connected. I still not sure about future of my personal legacy households but I show you more soon :)
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simplyanjuta · 2 years
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SakuraLeons BG Families Remake 💖 Premades Replacement Mod
This is a replacement mod for all of the 8 premade basegame family households. The mod will replace the original versions of the families with the remakes when you start a new game.
The family remakes and poses are made by my talented friend @j-e-n-n-e-h (SakuraLeon). The families are updated with hot & cold weather outfits, and some families come as extended versions. Of course, you can also find and download these families the usual way on SakuraLeons Gallery page (also see links below) 😊
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(Note that the custom thumbnails will be replaced with randomly generated ones when sims in the household change or age up.)
The package file is a merged file including all families. If you want to use only some of the families, you can unmerge this file via Sims 4 Studio to receive the individual family files: Go to "Content Management" ->"Un-merge Package".
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🟢 Other Premade Replacement Mods:
“Goth Family Nostalgic Refresh” by SACRIFICIAL
Replacement mod to bring back the original version of the Goth family before EAs remake + my own remake.
👉As with all default replacements, only use one family replacement at a time!
🟢 Families on SakuraLeons Gallery:
Goth | Pancakes | Landgraabs | Spencer-Kim-Lewis | Johnny Zest | Caliente | Roomies | BFF
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fallin4fiction · 6 months
My First Rotational Gameplay: Round 1
I’ve decided to do something different and give rotational gameplay a try. I’m going through four households: The Bjergesens,The Goths, The Lunas, and the Munchs. (Mainly because plan on pairing up Elsa and Alexander and Karmine with Lucas) Here is what happened in my first round.
The Bjergesens: I replaced the Bjergesen’s home and added more kids to Elsa’s adventurer club ( Alex Goth, Kamine Luna and Tomi Markovic) I wanted her to become friends with Alexander.
Sofia met Ea’s version of Ripp Grunt and thought he was basic looking until I gave him a makeover. They ended up dating by the end of the round and even went to prom together. Also I tried to get Sofia to set up Ash and Cassandra Goth and she was successful for more on that later.
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Goths: Turns out Cassandra isn’t Pan and Ash wasn’t really interested in Cassandra so I broke it off for them. I tried to get Cassandra a date from the wishing well, but it wasn’t successful. Then I ended up moving in some Gothic teenagers next door, and she tried to flirt with one of them, but was still unsuccessful. In the end I got her to go to prom with some generic guy from the gallery, but she was NOT HAPPY about it.
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At the end of the round, Alex managed to get an A grade (thanks to the wishing well) before aging up to a teenager and Bella had a baby boy, which Mortimer was not happy about because he didn’t want any more kids.
Luna: At this point all the premade kids aged up, including Karmine but sadly , her grandmother died the day after and as soon as Karmine left for school. I guess she didn’t want her granddaughter to witness her death. Karmine was sad, so I gave the family a pit bull named Cora as a pet. (They seemed like Pit people)
Karmine ended up getting a crush on Lucas Munch , however he isn’t as attracted to her as she is to him( right now) I didn’t focus too much on her studies because I was working on getting Xochitl a partner.
Xochitl ended up marrying a guy named Chester Lockwood from the gallery and had a baby boy at the end of this round.
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brittanytobiason · 10 months
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The household consists of two sims.
Family inventory: two Relax-O-Rocker chairs, Knack Outdoor Table, The Exquisite Bistro Chair by Bourgeois Creations, an Artsy Easel
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
Download Fort sims3pack file
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Chuck North
young adult male
Traits: artistic, handy, nurturing, angler, night owl
Career: Writer 1
Lifetime Wish: Illustrious Author
Inventory: a sketch pad, a sleeping bag, Bodkin Laptop computer by Peachy Soft
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Late Night, Showtime, Seasons, University Life
Download Chuck North .sim file
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Kaitie Ford
young adult female
Traits: adventurous, green thumb, loves the outdoors, perfectionist, party animal
Career: Gardener 1
Lifetime Wish: The Perfect Garden
Inventory: a sleeping bag, seeds
Expansion Packs Used: Generations, Pets, Showtime, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise
Download Kaitie Ford .sim file
To Play Guerilla Food Forest Gardener
Place two or more small lots in scenic vistas.
Purchase them for the household.
Have Kaitie plant and tend them.
To Play Fort
Place a homesite lot and try to build a fort of platforms on columns accessed by poles and ladders. Or download this premade one and place it on a premade lot.
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Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Ambitions, Pets, Supernatural, Island Paradise
I checked this file with Custard before uploading.
Download 10x10 Fort sims3pack file
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Use a park as residence by adding an All-in-one bathroom or using spherefish’s One with Nature mod.
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CC Credits
Sweetdevil's Floral Plate Replacements
World of Wonder Carousel Venue Blam’s EA Store
Thank you to Norn for making and sharing Northeney, as well as to Crowkeeper, willky12, attuned, SimmyRN, mammut, maramaja06, ktarsims, Don Babilon, Jynx and Misty, HP and Awesims, Roocheysims, Titosims, AcquireSimoleons, and Brntwaffles for your creativity and generosity.
All my downloads by sim
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glowyjellyfish · 1 year
Greetings, fellows sims 2 simmers!
I have been playing with a standard gameplay modern Ubermegahood—as opposed to all the old-timey BaCCs I am always talking about setting up. Basically, I installed the traits mod and the new LTWs mod and got way too excited about playing with them. I’ve been adding missing traits and refilling LTWs in every household, and it’s a lot of fun.
Except. As I finally got up to Pleasantview, I realized the traits added were far too random. Which is interesting sometimes, like when Dustin Broke somehow got the Eco-Friendly trait, a LTW to harvest lots of perfect produce, and the Nature OTH, signaling to me a highly interesting organic farmer sort of direction to take him. But it’s also absolute bullshit sometimes, like when Brandi Broke got traits of Schmoozer, Green Thumb, Born Salesperson, Star Quality, and Ambitious. They don’t even match her LTW, which is to be Captain Hero. Obviously there is a fair amount of nuance that trait randomizer doesn’t pick up on, and it probably mainly uses personality and interests to assign traits, going full random when that’s not enough.
So I think I am probably going to work on assigning everyone more correct traits, whether that means picking them out in advance or just replacing some of the more questionable ones the randomizer hands out. And I want to know what traits the sims 2 community agrees would be best for all the premades. I can work out most of the Pleasantview, Strangetown, and Veronaville sims for myself, maybe, but really want to know what everybody else thinks.
Might make a second post with less explaining to try and get better traction, we’ll see
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ommsims · 5 years
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Households no 3. The Vatores - Equally mysterious as they are handsome, Caleb & Lilith are the newest, and seemingly only, residents of Windenburg’s spookiest suburb - Forgotton Hollow.
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