#prunella celtigar
coldraindropsss · 1 month
Prunella Celtigar, Lady of Starpike, Prudence Celtigar, Lady of Gulltown
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gothgleek · 3 months
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🦀Prunella and Prudence Celtigar🦀
These two minor characters are the only named women of House Celtigar, one of the three houses of Valyrian descent so naturally they caught my attention. Given the Valyrian supremacy of the other two houses, none of them married a Celtigar? Very strange.
Prudence appears to be the eldest sister since she got married first in 52 AC to Lord Grafton in the Vale. She also seems the braver of the two as she was stabbed by Septas while protecting Alysanne at Joquil’s Pool. Her dress is inspired by Burgundian gowns and her hairstyle is based on Ukiyo-e hairstyles from Japan’s Edo Period.
Prunella is likely the younger sister. She was married in 55 AC to Lord Peake in the Reach. This was recorded as an ‘exceptional match’ so the two were most likely in love. Her dress is inspired by the Italian Renaissance and her hair is inspired by the squash blossom hairstyle of the Hopi women.
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in-my-own-opinion · 2 years
Valyrian Names
These are names we have record of from canon and semi-canon sources!
She/Her Common Valyrian Names
Aelinor, Alysanne, Baena Daella Daena Daenerys Elaena  Jaenara Rhae Rhaelle Rhaena Rhaenyra Rhaenys Rhaera Visenya Vaena
He/Him Common Valyrian Names
Aerys Aegon Aegor Aemon Aemond Aenys Aerion Aethon Aurion Baelor   Daemon Daeron Haegon Jaehaerys   Jacaerys Lucerys Laenor Maegor Maekar Matarys  Orys Rhaegar Rhaegel Valarr Viserys Vaermon Vaemond
She/Her Names for House Targaryen
Alysanne, Aerea, Alyssa, Aelora, Baela, Calla, Daella, Daena, Daenerys, Daenys, Daenora, Elaena, Gael, Helaena, Jaehaera, Maegelle, Naerys, Rhae, Rhaelle, Rhaella, Rhaena, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Shaera, Shiera, Saera, Shaena, Visenya, Vaella, Viserra
He/Him Names for House Targaryen
Aerys, Aegon, Aegor, Aelyx, Aemon, Aemond, Aenar, Aenys, Aerion, Aeryn, Aelor, Baelor, Baelon, Daemon, Daeron, Daemion, Gaemon, Haegon, Jaehaerys, Maelys, Maegon, Maegor, Maekar, Matarys, Maelor, Orys, Rhaegar, Rhaegel, Valarr, Viserys, Vaegon, Valerion
She/Her Names for House Velaryon
Alyssa, Daenaera, Laena, Lianna, Larissa, Valaena
He/Him Names for House Velaryon
Aethan, Addam, Alyn, Aurane, Corlys, Corwyn, Daemon, Daeron, Daemion, Jacaerys, Jorgen, Lucerys Laenor, Malentine, Monford, Rhogar, Vaemond, Victor
She/Her Names for House Celtigar
Prudence, Prunella
He/Him Names for House Celtigar
Alton, Bartimos, Clement, Crispian, Edwell, Terrence
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geekygee01 · 11 months
Choosing a name for my Hightower/Celtigar oc (daughter of gwayne and Prunaera/Prunella)
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Noble Ladies and Royal Companions in the Reign of Jaehaerys I
Lady Rosamund Ball
Lady in waiting to Queen Alysanne
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Lady Lucinda Broome Tully
Lady in Waiting to Queen Alysanne; Wife of Lord Prentys Tully
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Lady Alarra Stark
Lady in Waiting to Queen Alysanne
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Lady Mara Manderly
Lady in waiting to Queen Alysanne
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Lady Prudence Celtigar Grafton
Lady in Waiting to Queen Alysanne
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Lady Prunella Celtigar Peake
Lady in Waiting to Queen Alysanne
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Lady Jennis Templeton Mullendore
Lady in Waiting to Queen Alysanne
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Lady Florence Fossoway Tyrell
Unofficial Mistress of Coin for King Jaehaerys I; Wife of Lord Martyn Tyrell
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Lady Perianne Moore Mooton
Companion to Princess Saera Targaryen; wife of Ser Jonah Mooton
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Lady Alys Turnberry Pryor
Companion to Princess Saera Targaryen; wife of Ser Dunstan Pryor
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Lady Beatrice Butterwell
Companion to Princess Viserra Targaryen
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reignfms · 1 year
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as the inquisitions wind down with the last of the nobles trailing out the throne room, a silence fills the halls of sunspear for the first time since the reception. everyone is anxious to see what the dornish small council will do next with hours passing before the first of the news starts to trickle in. summons not for the entirety of houses, but individuals. each seeming random, a pattern not able to be seen as they leave the apartments given to them and retrace the steps to where the small council remains, not to return. the minutes turn to hours without the return of those called back to be, seemingly, re - questioned before it is announced : they have been taken to the dungeons.
a full list of names given to each queen and king of their respective region, small councils being gathered in haste to alert the ruling heads of those that have been placed in the spear tower. there is no news of when to expect their releases, infractions explained as wishing to question them more. before long, the list in its entirety has been circulated to all and it seems no region has been spared.
those summoned and placed into the dungeons :
alyn ashwood - released
alyssa blackwood
andar royce - released
andrik merlyn - released
beatrice bracken - released
corlys velaryon - released
dalonne allyrion - released
eliza beesbury
hylia donniger - released
irassa manwoody
jynessa blackmont - released
joffrey clegane
kieran bolton
lisenth allgood - released
lukas harlaw - released
lyra hawthorne
myriah yronwood - released
orion manwoody
oswell baelish - released
pimchanok targaryen - released
prunella celtigar
qhorin drumm - released
teressa keath
yohn farwynd
tldr : the inquisition has ended in various people being taken to the dungeons. it’s unknown how long they will be there for, the reasoning of some of the guards seeing people sneaking around, the answers to the questions too vague or too knowledgeable, etc. 
it is canon to know who all was taken to the dungeons, but also okay for people not on the small council to only have heard rumors. 
those in the dungeons can receive visitors. they can’t be broken out, and there are guards stationed everywhere so any talks of it will be taken as treason and treated as such
we will not be allowing other additions to the list this go round 
as usual, if you have questions just let us know !
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vhgr · 1 year
immediate family of myrsini peake.
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house peake.
a noble house of the reach traced back to the first men. lord uther peake was married to prunella celtigar, a noble woman of valyrian origin; a successful match made by queen alysanne targaryen. it is possible that the following ruling lords of house peake cultivated their patriarchal insistence from uther peake himself, ursen included. however, unlike his older brother who was bound by duty, and gedmund who was much younger than both of them, he had always been able to raise his neck a little higher when it came to freedom of choice. many a maiden and experienced woman he had bedded in his youth, one of which being irene of lys; a young woman who had found her purpose in the performing acts, brown of hair and lilac-eyed. it was the rumours of pre-marital coitus—and her family's wealth—which allowed the two to marry, only a month after irene and her troupe had arrived in the reach.
house rogare.
a noble house of lys the lovely, dedicated to the work of banking. irene rogare is a younger sister to the head of the family, lysandro rogare and drazenko rogare, later prince consort of dorne. finding little room for herself in the family business, irene instead entertained singing, dancing and acting, like many did on lys. it wasn't long before she had to travel away from her family with a troupe, though she did not cut ties with her brothers. even after her sudden marriage to ursen peake, irene would often write to her brothers, even visiting whenever possible, despite her husband's reluctance.
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mariedemedicis · 3 years
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ASOIAF MINOR LADIES WEEK - Day 5: the Crownlands/the Stormlands
“The King’s Hand, Edwell Celtigar, had two young maiden daughters, thirteen and twelve years old respectively. He urged the king to take his pick of them, or marry both if he preferred.” “All King’s Landing rejoiced when it was announced that Jaehaerys had also dismissed Edwell Celtigar as master of coin. The king spoke to him gently, it was said, and even praised the leal service of his daughters to Queen Alysanne on Dragonstone, going so far as to name them ‘two treasures.’ The daughters would remain with the queen thereafter, but Lord Celtigar himself left for Claw Isle at once.“ “Lord Rogar himself, roaring drunk, led the men who disrobed her and carried her to the bridal bed, whilst the queen’s companions Jennis Templeton, Rosamund Ball, and Prudence and Prunella Celtigar were among those who did the honor for the king.” “Naked and vulnerable, the Wise Women did not hesitate, but stepped between the attackers and their lady. Septa Edyth was slashed across the face, Prudence Celtigar stabbed through the shoulder, whilst Rosamund Ball took a dagger in the belly that, three days later, proved to be the death of her, but none of the murderous blades touched the queen.” “Still by her [Alysanne] good offices, the betrothal of Lady Prudence Celtigar to Lord Grafton of Gulltown was arranged.” “In 55 AC she took particular pride in betrothals she arranged for two of the Wise Women who had served in her household since Dragonstone: Lady Jennis Templeton would wed Lord Mullendore of Uplands, whilst Lady Prunella Celtigar was joined in marriage to Uther Peake, Lord of Starpike, Lord of Dunstonbury, and Lord of Whitegrove. Both were considered exceptional matches for the ladies in question, and a triumph for the queen.”                             —Fire and Blood
The sisters Celtigar have the dubious honor of being the only named ladies of their house. We don’t know very much about them - who is the elder, who their mother was, how many siblings they have, what their married lives were like, whether or not they had children. Since the pair is stressed as their father’s ‘maiden‘ and ‘unwed’ daughters, I would postulate there may be older sister(s), already married. Presumably the eldest Celtigar girl or her firstborn son succeeded Lord Edwell after the death of his son her brother. I further postulate that Prudence is the elder of the two sisters as her betrothal was announced in 52 AC whereas Prunella was not married until 55 AC. Additionally when the sisters are mentioned by name together, Prudence’s name comes first. Nonetheless, I feel confident in saying that Prunella would have been horrified by the actions of Unwin Peake, her possible descendant. 

I imagine the pair as very close, perhaps to the exclusion of their other sibling(s). Prudence is braver and quicker to act whereas Prunella is more ladylike and thoughtful. Clearly they were amiable and pleasant company at the very least since both Jaehaerys and Alysanne on separate occasions offered praise of their persons even in contrast to the much less than stellar behavior of their father. I confess to having become rather fond of the Celtigar sisters while writing my Vaella Targaryen lives au where they feature as significant secondary characters.
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The Female Attendants of Queen Alysanne Targaryen
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nanshe-of-nina · 4 years
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Companions and Ladies-in-Waiting of Good Queen Alysanne
Rosamund Ball Three other girls of noble birth made up the remainder of the company, one each from the Vale, the Stormlands, and the Reach: Jennis of House Templeton, Coryanne of House Wylde, and Rosamund of House Ball.
Ella Broome With her came her younger sister, Ella of House Broome, a modest maid whose name had briefly been offered as a match for Jaehaerys.
Lucinda Broome Prentys Tully, Lord of Riverrun, was summoned to court to serve as master of laws; with him came his redoubtable wife, the Lady Lucinda, far famed for her piety.
Prudence Celtigar Lord Celtigar’s daughters, so recently scorned by the Hand as being chinless, breastless, and witless, were included as well.
Prunella Celtigar In 55 AC she took particular pride in betrothals she arranged for two of the Wise Women who had served in her household since Dragonstone ... whilst Lady Prunella Celtigar was joined in marriage to Uther Peake, Lord of Starpike, Lord of Dunstonbury, and Lord of Whitegrove.
Jonquil Darke The slender mystery knight known only as the Serpent in Scarlet also had a great following; when finally defeated and unmasked, “he” proved to be a woman, Jonquil Darke, a bastard daughter of the Lord of Duskendale.
Mara Manderly ...and even a woman of the North, Mara Manderly, daughter to Lord Theomore of White Harbor.
Alarra Stark The women of Winterfell were taken by the queen’s charms as well, once they grew to know her; Her Grace became particularly close with Lord Alaric’s daughter, Alarra.
Jennis Templeton In 55 AC she took particular pride in betrothals she arranged for two of the Wise Women who had served in her household since Dragonstone: Lady Jennis Templeton would wed Lord Mullendore of Uplands...
Coryanne Wylde The lascivious details of the author’s erotic adventures need not concern us here. Our only interest is in the early part of her sordid tale, the story of her youth…for the alleged author of A Caution for Young Girls is none other than Coryanne Wylde, one of the girls sent to Dragonstone as a companion to the little queen.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 5 years
I think fAegon and Serra are Blackfyres and that Daemon Blackfyre's female descendants being sold into sex slavery fits perfectly with how GRRM writes women and girls from houses he dislikes. For instance, we all know how he uses House Peake and House Bracken as perpetual antagonists. In Fire and Blood, when we are introduced to mustache-twirling villain Unwin Peake, we learn that his daughter was bedded at age 11 and died in childbirth at age 12, making her a child rape victim.
I wouldn’t say this happens to every house he dislikes. We know that the Freys and Boltons are villains by canon era, but some of their wives/daughters are either heroic (Sabitha Frey warrior in the Dance of Dragons, Barba Bolton who asked Aegon III to send food to the North during a famine) or at least of the “evil/moral ambiguity is cool/funny” variety (the schemer Barbrey Dustin, snarky Walda Frey). Even the Peakes get a decent figure in both Lord Uther, who married the notoriously unattractive Prunella Celtigar on the advice of Queen Alysanne), and Lady Myrielle, who is described as “fresh and pretty and pleasant” and shy with her smiles on account of crooked teeth (ugh GRRM, why are we harping on a 12 year old’s 'average looks’), no mockery of Jaehaera included (she really didn’t deserve to be mocked as Lady Turnips throughout the realm when she was just a preteen). The problem I have with the Brackens is that even when evil they aren’t even "evil is cool” (as opposed to the Boltons and GRRM’s fave, Bloodraven) but lethally incompetent, and on top of that every one of their women face sexualized violence.
However, this is not the case of the Blackfyres. It is canonical that Daemon II was rather decent, and from what we hear of Haegon and Aenys, they seem pretty honorable. They are not “uniformly evil and incompetent” as the Brackens, and despite some possible underaged betrothal between Aegor and Calla (although GRRM’s interviews don’t seem to bear this out), the Blackfyre woman we know the most of was highly competent and powerful, so the way he wants us to see the Blackfyres is more of “tragic heroes or at least cool villains” than a 1-dimensional House Bracken. GRRM may write girls from his “Bad Houses” facing sexual trauma, but until it’s written in canon that this happened to the Blackfyres, I don’t want to believe he would resort to such a cheap writing tactic.
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