#qb mc
the-unconquered-queen · 6 months
*This does not include LIs whose feelings for MC are necessary for the plot of the book, such as Liam in TRR or the MTFL LIs (because without theirs and MC's feelings for each other there's no story to begin with), just LIs who happen to like MC no matter how you play
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tyrilstarfury · 15 days
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I don't understand why they don't give MC's a thickums body like this or at least give us a feme thickums to romance!
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itlovesinthewoods · 8 months
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I actually adore him<333 My most loyal hoe<3
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Not that I want to marry Duke Richards or Sir Gideon Payne by any means, but rereading Desire & Decorum has made me wonder what it would be like to play a more morally darker mc that gets married to someone who is trying to overthrow the king or queen. Something like TC&TF but instead of fighting to get your throne back, usurping the throne. Watching the world burn for you obtain power...
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koko-heads · 1 year
their dynamic basically
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cadybear420 · 1 year
Fun facts that would probably shock the Choices fandom right out of their skins:
Teens and young adults that "look older" than they actually are exist.
Full-grown adults that "look younger" than they actually are exist.
People in their thirties and above that do an undergrad education at college exist.
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becca-davenqueer · 2 years
Queen B but I try to make the MC on the cover
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Sent by @cadybear420
'Baby Bump was a decent book, but I loathe the Ch1 flashback scene of MC and Covington met. The part where women are fangirling over Covington read like it was written by someone who once heard some people stereotyping Twilight fangirls and thought that that was enough to make them knowledgeable about female gaze. Plus, it's very unfitting to the book's otherwise realistic wholesome nature; that type of writing would be more at home in something like Queen B, LoveHacks, Bachelorette Party. I mean, I'd still probably roll my eyes at it, but it'd be more tolerable in those books because it at least fits their wild, comically exaggerated themes. I think they were trying to hype up Clint to make us feel "lucky" that he's the one who knocks up our MC... but it just feels forced, pandering, and very disconnected.'
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gaiuskamilah · 4 months
Hey drop the Poppy opinion babe (please!)
CW for mentions of in-canon racism, harassment. also i've only read the first QB book so i don't know how things played out in the second one.
i think one thing choices players sometimes forget is that yes, while the nature of the game of makes it so you typically self-insert as the MC, you are ultimately not the MC and this isn't wholly your story. the writers are in charge of the story, and they have a narrative in mind. the problem with poppy is that so many entered queen b with a pre-conceived image of her in their heads and got mad when canon showed otherwise. because suddenly then, she wasn't the funny just mean girl you wanted to become an LI, she became a full-on racist, classist, misogynist bitch who didn't care that her rival was sexually harassed. in my opinion, to deny her these traits is to misread queen b and misread poppy's character.
reiterating: poppy is a racist, classist, misogynist bitch who didn't care that her rival was sexually harassed, and in the context of queen b, it makes perfect sense. queen b is satire. you are not supposed to blindly root for poppy or for MC who is "taking her down" (more on the latter later). it's set in an university, a historically exclusionary institution that for the longest time has dictated what ontology is, often to the benefit of the (white, european) ruling class. belvoire itself is a mockery of universities, where majority of the people who attend are rich, where they form alliances between themselves to get ahead in life more than they already are, where they hold each to such disgustingly weird standards to protect their own status quo. these old money families and these institutions are racist, they are classist, and they are threatened by anyone who doesn't wholly fit the ideal image of who should be a member. that is why MC and zoey are ostracized by the rest of belvoire - they're new money, their blood isn't blue enough, and in zoey's case, it's no doubt it's partially because she's Black.
poppy exemplifies being raised in these institutions and blue blooded families. she is old money, she is racist and classist towards anyone beneath her, she only cares for people as a means to her end, she is a misogynist who doesn't care that her rival was sexually harassed, and she holds everyone impossible standards of beauty, even herself. she's blonde and blondness has long been associated with wealth and the upper class, which hasn't exactly been a very open group of people. these are neutral statements; i am simply describing how she is in-canon. these institutions allow for people like her to come into being and into power, and to deny her those traits and demand that her bacchanalia plot with zoey be removed so you can continue fantasizing about her in peace is to miss the point of queen b, as queen b is fundamentally criticizing people like her.
in the latest choices secrets: revealed, chelsa stated that she never intended for poppy to be an LI because then she would have to be redeemed, and she simply isn't a character where that seems plausible:
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and i agree. if you want to romance someone like poppy, or whatever picture in people's minds were of poppy, characters like becca davenport are right there. queen b isn't the place for it because of the book's satirical nature. i think that getting mad (if there are any people who got mad) that poppy isn't a "true" LI is to not give justice to the vision that chelsa, a Black woman, had for the book.
now, do i personally think stanning poppy is bad, or that poppy is a terrible person? well, poppy already is a terrible person. again, a neutral statement. however, i find her a good character in which she was used by the writers to exemplify everything wrong in archaic institutions - she serves her function well as that. it's similar to how i think miranda priestly from the devil wears prada is a good character in which she embodies everything wrong in the fashion industry and how it holds women to impossible standards and pits them against each other; she is terrible, and that is the point. you are meant to appreciate and know that she is terrible without stripping those features of her character away. you are not supposed to be upset that anne hathaway left her terrible boss behind, you are supposed to be happy that she stopped stripping away and molding herself into an image that conformed to a fucked up, exclusionary image of womanhood and fashion. that a lot of people seem to miss this point and just view the devil wears prada and queen b (and mean girls!) as "yass girlboss slay" stories is concerning to me. big win for capitalist feminism and i hate it.
related here is the queen b MC and how she is postured as someone who will "take poppy down". one thing i liked is that in the book 1 finale (at least how it turned out for me), MC is framed as someone just as bad as poppy, and this makes sense. no matter if you played her as a good girl or a bad girl, she is still someone who works within the institution, playing the rules of the game, and someone who upholds the legitimacy and power of the institution. a ruler is still a ruler and being queen still means that you hold a significant amount of unbalanced power over others. you still maintain the status quo, which is an inherently exclusionary one. nothing fundamentally changes; the only difference is who's on top, and that's a very shallow way to make progress, if any.
another related topic is how queen b is actually pretty good in showing how living in and being raised in these institutions is to the detriment of those in it, which also criticizes the very nature of the institution of the family. i think it also does well in stories like veil of secrets and crimes of passion 2 where archaic old money families serve as antagonists. but that's for another time lol.
tl;dr uwu-ifying poppy is to miss the point.
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peonyblossom · 5 months
*I'm going to do as many as I have time for, so this is just going to let me know which order to make them in!
*I also have more MCs than this, so if there's any other MCs of mine you want to see feel free to comment them :)
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lorirwritesfanfic · 4 months
Top 10 characters that should've been LIs
(I'm stealing this idea from @jerzwriter 😁😘)
Han (AME): I do like Mackenzie, but ugh... it's such a waste of time to make a character as handsome as he is and not give him at least a tiny story. And several flings with MC... Just saying... 😏
Horatio (LH): Before Ben showed up, every time I played LoveHacks I was annoyed Horatio wasn't romanceable. Why did PB make a character so adorable and never let the players romance him?
Renza Fiero (TRM): Yeah, she's evil and a backstabbing traitor who romanced one of the most stupid villains on Choicesverse. But I loved her 🤷
Harper Emery (OpH): Well, here's a power imbalanced romance I'd gladly play. She's beautiful, powerful, competent and more interesting than most characters in the entire series;
Teagan (AME): Again, why did PB make a character so sweet and never let the players romance her? I don't get it;
Ruby Webster (CoP): I like Trystan more than I ever expected to like a LI from a single LI book. But when I first started playing Crimes of Passion, I was upset I couldn't romance Luke. Then I changed my mind and wanted to romance Ruby lol. She is pretty, sweet, smart, doesn't date much. My MC would gladly date her;
Luke Watanabe (CoP): If Crimes of Passion was a multiple LIs book, I'd definetely choose his route. Even if I changed my mind later, I think he'd still be worth romancing;
Carter Jackson (QB): I swear I thought he would be a LI when I started playing Queen B. Such a disappointment...
Robin (TNA): I only played until chapter 6 (I think...), but I remember MC talking and having much more fun with them than with Sam. I know they hooked up with Sam's fiancée, but I liked them. And btw, they're prettier than Sam;
Xanthe (ACOR): I'm not an enemies to fuckbuddies lovers enthusiast, but once again I fail to understand why PB created a gorgeous and intriguing character like her if the players can't even have a fling with her.
tagging @choicesfandomappreciation
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the-unconquered-queen · 3 months
Because PB sure loves giving MCs catty rivalries with female characters! 🙃
(I was gonna include more but I feel like the line between rival and full-on villain would get blurry, so I'm putting it in your hands)
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tyrilstarfury · 1 year
Back on my bs, just got acrylics and the are long (OK medium) ... Imagine being this impractical when you live a busy life!
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eisukevint · 3 months
Milady, the fire you have lit in me to forget my exam prep for the next 30 mins and find the best bollywood/ pakistani/ desi/ coke studio songs that MC would have on her playlist - you have no idea (PS - chaand baaliyan, iraadey, tum se hi & pasoori definitely make the cut imo). Which ones would you add? 👀
NO BEC THE SECOND I STARTED STUDYING I WAS LIKE ‘lets write this shit down’ 😭😭
ANS OMG YES PASOORI AND IRADAY WOULD BE AT TH TOP and ofc i would like to add more
- ghalat fehmi TOP OF THE LIST
- kana yaari for sure
- mehbooba (its a nesface studio song so so good)
- mundiya by qb is top tier + aya lariye
- humraah (asim azhar version is too good)
i have so much more to add but the list wohld become so long
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It feels like a "beggars can't be choosers" situation sometimes.
A lot of people in the fandom are very passionate about wanting more GOC books– and rightfully and understandably so. Choices is one of the few VN apps that regularly makes male MC stories (and men being included in genres that are usually stereotyped as being "for women" is a good thing IMO).
But a lot of them not only speak over the wlw players, but just either focus on the wrong issues or go about certain issues the wrong way. A lot of the male MC stuff that they call "female coding"? That's just lazy coding for all genders and routes. Their complaints are nitpicky at best and kinda sexist at worst, meanwhile there are plenty of actual coding errors (mostly seen in the wlw routes) that get mostly ignored in comparison by these same people.
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koko-heads · 1 year
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