#qsmp egg headcannons
chamoemileclown · 6 months
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I can imagine she's just always a little bit sticky
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redraven3093 · 1 year
spreading my Tall girl Tallulah and my short boi Chayanne propaganda
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Don't mess with Tallulah or else Chayanne will bite u and call you an idiot sandwich
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lusi-raul · 1 year
When Tallulah’s admin filled in for Chayanne today, it made me look at the way she plays Tallulah in a slightly different light. When talking about Tallulah everyone sees her as this beacon of light, soft, sweet, and gentle. She is still all that but me seeing her play as Chayanne and expecting a strong, brave adventurous egg made me think I underestimated her stronger side. Yes being kind to everyone and just spreading love and happiness is a very strong character to possess but in a more literal sense, she isn’t as weak and vulnerable as we think she is.
When Phil was giving her a way out of cooking since Chayanne loves to cook she took on the challenge and succeeded beyond Phil’s expectations. She has a very strong personality that she can’t express well physically because her strength is limited by the “air” and her “weak muscles”
She has strong determination and drive. She isn’t afraid of expressing disappointment and confronting people who hurt her feelings. When someone doesn’t believe in her, she’ll prove them wrong. If she wants to achieve something, she will not give up until she succeeds. I truly believe that if she wasn’t handicapped by what is holding her back, she would train really hard to be a strong egg to protect her poor foolish father and become one of the strongest eggs in the server. She is the complete opposite of Leo in the sense that Leo as I have observed, always appeared so stoic and strong to me but is sensitive and feels emotions on a more extreme way. Like when Ramon had his code monster nightmare and when Forever attacked her. Tallulah appears so sweet and vulnerable that you’d want give up everything just to protect her but deep inside her is a fiery little soul that will not let anyone harm the people she cares for the most.
Go, Tallulah. Slayyyy!!!
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cheese-water · 7 months
When you think about it, Peptio’s sudden outburst makes a lot of sense. Pepito was pushed to a breaking point. And for Pepito, the only way for things to change, to get better even, is to refuse to play into Roier’s “game.” To give up on trying to make a broken system work. To discard any and all items that were supposed to make this hell tolerable. And, most importantly, to fuck off to who knows where, at least it’ll be better than here.
Actually, when you really think about it, this song and dance sounds quite familiar. If only Pepito had tossed all the items in lava instead of a chest… well let’s not dwell on it too much, the damage has already been done.
If the gas mask fits, you might as well wear it and all :-)
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quinntell · 6 months
fit and Ramon just chilling inside Ramon’s house and just talking to each other. juat I njoying each others presence
Ramon sitting on the floor messing with some kind of contraption while fit cat he shim up on all that’s been happening and looking away with a red tint to his face when he mentions pac and Ramon looks at him with a knowing smile
fit eventually getting bored of talking and instead sits on the floor with Ramon (while complaining about his back and how he’s not getting younger) and he asks Ramon to tell him about what he’s making and Ramon give him as best detail as possible and fit misunderstands a few times but all in all is genuinely interested and listening but since it’s later then fit would normally stay up fit ends up falling asleep half on Ramon and Ramon struggles a bit but drags fit (who is a surprisingly heavy sleeper) to bed and curls up next to him his lil project safety tucked away on a table as they both sleep on Ramon’s bed
fit later wakes up and puts a blanket on Ramon and goes back to his lil cave room thing and passes out again until his normal time
Pure rant
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ultra-raging-ghost · 19 days
I'd like to imagine in Bad's "sad ending" him and the kids can still do their everyday shenanigans
The kids would get so bored of heaven so fast if they can't cause a little bit of chaos and explore dangerous things lol
(The Fall™ part 2 but with the kids as well)
Richas wouldnt get bored for a while... hed spend so long just setting shit on fire for funnies, testing how much he can push before getting punished
I imagine pomme would do fine, she has her siblings to entertain her <3 and she can make music and art to her hearts content!
Dapper would get bored FAST. They want to do unethical experiments and you can only entertain her so much with fire, not like richas... they want answers, he'd run around, asking questions to anyone she can get her hands on, bothering skeppy, bothering bad, bothering whatever god is up there, but asking questions gets boring if you dont even have to work for the answers :(( you cant even eat people here!!!!
i imagine theyd eventually try and convince bad to drag skeppy back down to earth with them so they can keep tormenting humans, whether thats with angel or devil wings 💀 unlike bad and skeppy, theyve never had a god they felt they needed to impress aside from the parents that raised them so they wouldnt mind either way!!
although even if skeppy agreed hed miss the damn damning that gets them sent back down just like last time/j
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itslouisan · 3 days
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((@leticiachaos on twitter))
Time for Q!Tallulah headcannons!!
Fair warning: this post has mentions of depression, abandonment issues, trust issues, poor living conditions; all of the mentions of Wilbur are ONLY mentions to his character not the real person.
• Due to her abandonment and trust issues, Tallulah created a tough and cold exterior not opening herself to anything new, but, if you manage to break the shell, she's sweet, caring, loyal, nice, creative, the loveliest egg possible
• She likes Richas, but has jealousy, after all he came AFTER her and still has most of the island around him and ADOPTING HIM??? While SHE had to ground herself to an empty promise of a returning loving father and feeling alone most of the time "without" a "real" family to comfort her.
• Due to her time in the attic Tallulah developed anemia due to not having for a long time the necessary nutrients and surviving off of dirt.
• She hates the smell of moss, dirt and related things despite loving botany due to her time in the attic
Black: depression, extreme anger, sorrow or loneliness, it's her way of expressing she's REALLY not feeling okay
• When she finally accepted Wilbur would never come back or be the father she wished and dreamt of, she cut her hair that was long since "hair holds memories", painted her hair black since Missa is Philza's partner and is more of a father to her than Wilbur could ever be and she was tired of holding herself to a small memory instead of accepting change and happiness
• Can't really vent not because her family wouldn't listen, but because of her trust issues and before having to be the "cute innocent girl who's there for everyone" she didn't have the space to vent and put her emotions first
• She was tired of her original red beanie matching Wilbur, it was too dirty and old, deciding to pick a purple one who matched her and a few mushroom hats to express her emotions
• Each color of mushroom represent an emotion (in canon I think she only had black and purple, but I expanded it considering there's a lot more patterns and colors of mushrooms, especially in a sort of magic island)
purple: neutral, calm, it's the regular she wears all the time
Pink: love, happiness, she's feeling creative or excited over something, possibly wanting or doing stims
Blue: shows more of "little" sadness, not strong enough to be depression or despair, but just enough to show it, also can mean fear.
Red: anger, hate.
• Due to her autism, she carries a pair of headphones ALL the time as well as stim toys, comfort objects or plushies, a sketchbook she writes and draws what she's feeling to better communicate it.
• She can play maracas, flute, piano, guitar (acoustic), kalimba.
• Big fan of musicals and history, in late nights she likes to listen to Philza's stories of the old times and Chay loves his battle stories, so they share this cozy moment
• In the beginning she could only see ghosts, but with time she could see the deities. She can see and feel their emotions but can't talk with them much, she mainly can see Mumza and Rose, Rose in the sanctuary where her power is centered and stronger, Mumza all around her dad (Phil >:) ) and every time she's with the crows.
• Knows flower language to write better letters to everyone, adding a deeper meaning, sometimes saying secret stuff through the flowers and as an extra giving pretty flowers
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• Tallulah sometimes paints her nails with Phil and Chayanne, every week with a different design
• When Missa is home back from his journeys, Tallulah sees how exhausted her dad is, so she speaks in spanish (their native languages) and makes him some food or brings fruit
• Before she officially forgot Wilbur whenever she would come with other residents and her siblings, Tallulah sometimes felt weak, abandoned, left behind, after all, ALL the others had their parents, had close connections, she hated it but couldn't help but feel jealous, in these situations Phil and Chayanne always reassured her the best they could that they would never leave her and that she wouldn't go back to the attic.
• Makes bracelets for her close family, always wearing one with PxTxC on her left hand (Philza, Chayanne and Tallulah), in the right one she has a TxCxR (Tallulah, Richas, Chayanne) or it could be TxCxP (Tallulah, Chayanne, Pomme) after all she doesn't hate Richas, she hates that he's immature and acts "entitled" and dramatic over his issues, but still tries her best to be a good sister to him, also loves pomme a lot!! Considering Pomme her bestie
Reminder: Tallulah is just a child in rp, children don't know how to control their emotions and in situations of abandonment, neglect and lack of a trusting bond with a caretaker, children can struggle even more with emotions, care, jealousy, trust, self-esteem etc, so don't call Tallulah "selfish" or "spoiled" she has every right to be that way after what she's been through
• Due to her depression,sometimes Tallulah can't take care of herself, spending days or weeks in bed or just not feeling like going out, or when she does she doesn't show much interest, in these cases Phil and Chayanne always cooked some nice food and drinks, went to the nests, and chatted and comforted her
• She became a great fighter after the events of pre-purgatory and purgatory, she NEEDED a tough exterior since she was without Chayanne, and that time worsened her depression severely
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problematiccheeto · 10 months
So, yeah, everyone loved Dapper and Chyanne, so I'll work my way through the rest.
Anyway Lullah-
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I know it's basic for a Tallulah design but I'm still proud of it. Also I added a little headcannon:
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Tallulah wears the lmanburg flag on her hat because she found a big box of lmanburg stuff one day and asked wilbur what it ment. Wilbur, not wanting to explain his former drug empire to his child, told her it was the crest of a secret music guild. But that backfired when she asked if she could join. Wilbur has asked (and bribed) everyone who knows the true meaning of the flag not to tell her.
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louissatturi · 11 months
In my mind, richarlyson looks like those 2012-2014 anime fanchild (since all of the brazilians are his biological parents)
Like its a very over complicated desing and very cringe but its dear to me
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mayrine · 1 year
Since I don’t have anyone irl to brainrot to about qsmp I’m writing it here  SO here are my qsmp headcanons that have little to no proof  at all !!!  btw every time i quote something just know that it is from the qsmp wiki
Because Trump was very good at math and Leo wasn't, he would help her with homework (they were also best friends)
Since Trump was very shy, Leo would have to drag him to play with the other eggs but she and trump would often take brakes during playtime when trump felt overwhelmed and Leo would stay with him until he calmed down
Both Trump and Bobby are very round, almost spherical
The reason Fit spoils Ramon so much is because he is sorry for letting him die and now that he has one life left, Fit wants his son to have the best life possible even tho this is making Ramon kinda snobbish
Ramon is lazy because he is scared of going outside. He would rather sleep and stay inside then risk dyeing again. The reason he began going outside besides making his dad less worried is because of  Dapper and Chayanne. But after the kidnaping he is worse then ever. Being scared to even leave his room if fit isn't besides him Because of this, Ramon and Dapper are working on a construction so they can communicate even when they're apart. Chayanne tries to help but, because he doesn't know anything about redstone, he mostly stand to the side and tries not to brake anything
Dapper was a bigger and taller egg then Leo and he would make fun of her for being little. But after hatching, Leo got his dads godly height and is now much taller then dapper and is CONSTANTLY making fun of them
Since Leonarda is dyslexic(and trump can't help them anymore) she has Dapper help her with homework and insist on paying him even tho he told her multiple times that it isn't necessary. In the end Dapper accepts the money but later he gives it to Foolish
Chayanne wants to be like his brother Techno so he dies his hair pink and often tries to talk to the other kind about anarchy before quickly getting stopped by the adults. He is very attached to all the eggs and sees them as his siblings and would do anything to protect them
Richarlyson and Bobby often get into fights before Chayanne has to break them up. After the initial rocky start to their friendship, they became good friend but still keep up a fake rivalry, but the truth is that they deeply care and admire each other. When they fight, the other eggs bet on who would be the winner with Ramon and Leo being the ones that bets the most Richarlyson is the "baby" of the group and he likes that Bobby doesn't treat him like a little kid
Tallulah, just like Chayanne, cares deeply about family. She tries to find out more about Willburs history, but is met with vague answers  that don't satisfy her. She tries to learn as much about the other eggs as possible, even the ones that aren't here anymore and tries to honor them as much as she can. The reason Tallulah beanie red is because she learn that Tilins ribbon was red and wanted to make Quackity a little happier Her taste buds are fucked up because she ate dirt for so long so now she can't taste things She also writes songs about the other eggs
Tilins always wears her ribbon, resulting in it getting very dirty very fast but she still refused to take it down. Quackity has to steal it while she sleeps in order to wash it. But he also has a drawer full of identical red ribbons in case the one that she is currently wearing gets desrtoyed
Flippa is the most extroverted out of the eggs and is always daring the egg to to dangerous things. When Quackity would leave Tilin alone, Flippa would be there to comfort her because she understood what it felt like to not have your parents pay attention to you Slime and Mariana would often fight and would leave the house to cool down, leaving Flippa alone She was the elder queer of the eggs and would help them navigate there gender identity and helping them to come out
ALL of the eggs have autism. Their specials interests being: Tilin - guns, fashion Juanaflippa - bombs, gymnastics Leonarda - photography, building Dapper - reading, animals, collecting stuff Tallulah - music, history Chayanne - combat, potatoes Bobby - combat, painting Richalyson - football      Trump - politics, weapons  Ramon - animals, redstone
The eggs draw on their shells
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randomdegu · 1 year
Ok something that I would think to be absolutely amazing and adorable, the admins of the eggs being in a discord call when online so they can talk to each other. Cause like they could play it off as dragons being able to telepathically talk to each other :3
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redraven3093 · 3 months
New design idea for Tallulah 2024 :D
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new design for Tallulah :D
after Phil left in self-exile and Chayanne went Fuking MISSING (honey the fuck where you at??)
Tallulah decides to cheer herself up by trying out new outfits/hats for herself.
Design #1 Mumza inspired
the hat is inspired by another artist @ama-a93 on X/Twitter
It is the same shirt I have her wear in my first 2024 design
hair still long but braided
Design #2 Flowers Inspired
Flowers in hair :D
trying new clothes design
wish I can put more flowers in here
hair is now short and is braided
Design #3 Mushroom Inspired
Mushroom hat
just going with the flow
looks cute i guess??
Design #4 Adventurer Inspired
Beast Tamer Tallulah >:D
Missa's Skull mask on her
pouch filled with beast food (for taming them)
hair pulled up
Crow mask
not fully finalized but it came to me in a dream
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lusi-raul · 11 months
Cucurucho denying that he knows about Antoine’s hobby of taking pictures of his ass in front of Phil was so hilarious. In hindsight, it’s most likely that it was a different admin who knew that but I’d like to think that it was because he was in front of his dad.
Cucurucho be like “you can’t say that in front of my dad c’mon, dude! What’s he gonna think of me?” And proceeds to shoot Antoine in the face and burn the photos.
Cucurucho following everything Philza says and just outright being obvious that he’s Philza’s son by playing with him is so funny. I want there to be a day where Cucurucho is tasked to terrorize the citizens and Philza’s like “No! Go to your room, you are grounded.” He actually listens and sends Walter Bob in to go do his task for him instead to not upset his dad 😂
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
Dumb head cannon number 1:
On the DSMP
Hear me out
TNTduo - relationship (romantic? Sexual-definitely)
First child dies
Then they have Tallulah
You can play the; “is it biological or adopted?!” Game
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quinntell · 8 months
go fitmc angst! (Said like summoning a Pokémon)
Fit and Ramon in Ramon’s house Ramon on the end of his bed and fit on the floor next to it Ramon fixing his prosthetic arm and fit watching fondly 
Fit sitting on the floor his prosthetic arm in his lap as he looks at it sadly and Ramon’s bed empty with only the mustache on it 
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ultra-raging-ghost · 1 month
Hello again :D
As it has been a difficult week with no cucuhalo, i would like to humbly request your Nacho hc's, I must find a way to cope... And Nacho with their little (probably paper plate) mask seems to be the perfect thing
NACHO HCS!!! Nacho is my absolute beloved ill spread the HCs to yall like bird seed once more <33
theres speculation around the office that Nacho's gun is just a toy gun or that its like a really well painted nerf gun, but nobody can confirm or deny bc on one hand nachos a kid, on the other hand theyre cucuruchos kid so they wouldnt put it past him to give them a real gun, and also they cant get it away from them to check (its a real gun)
Nacho has their own special fed assignments to carry out in the office (unlike the ones on the clipboard they yoinked) which is usually just little stuff, but occasionally cucurucho will be like "hey go tell fred if he doesnt get this on my desk by friday ill use his skin as paper while i do it for him" and nacho will be like OKAY :D and go tell him, which usually is met with horror but cucurucho gets to giggle from his office while he watches through the window with popcorn
Nacho likes to dress up in many kinds of frilly outfits, most of them being white, but usually struggles because theyre a baby and theyre hard on their clothing. Oftentimes they dont pick up their feet yet and step all over the back of jeans or skirts they wear or get grass and dirt stains on their little white shoes or on their sleeves <3
They keep having to replace their mask bc they are just a baby and see it like ass their face, so when they eat oftentimes they initially try to eat through the mask's mouth which results in grilled cheese or peas or soda getting all over the mask. They insist on a new one every time, its very important!!!! Thats their face, they cant just walk around without their face!!!
I like to think nachos ears are real and alongside this they have a cute little bear tail that wags when theyre happy (if youve ever had a dog with a nub tail you know what i mean)
Nacho likes to go mirmirmir in cucus lap while he works at his desk, they are so very little and they are so very eepy they need their mid day nap with their papa bear its a requirement non negotiable (cucus doesnt mind bc thats his egg ofc but doesnt love how the workers tend to coo when they enter his office.... hes so big and scary and definitely not a good caring father)
This is semi cannon but i like to think Nachos like the addams family kids/nanny mcfee kids in those two movies and that they keep getting assigned different babysitters (usually bunny ones) and keep tormenting them and making them run away <3
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