otthonzulles · 5 months
most kéne menni!
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atlatszo · 6 months
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A most elfogadott „szuverenitásvédelmi” törvény betűje szerint ugyan nem a médiacégek működését szabályozza, mégis alkalmas arra, hogy súlyosan korlátozza a sajtószabadságot, megnehezítse, akár ellehetetlenítse a független szerkesztőségek, újságírók, médiacégek munkáját. Független szerkesztőségek közös közleménye a tegnap létrehozott új törvényről és hatóságról. https://atlatszo.hu/kozugy/2023/12/13/a-szuverenitasvedelmi-hivatal-kartekony-es-jogallamellenes-megsem-felemlitheti-meg-a-fuggetlen-mediat ❤️ Támogasd a tényfeltáró munkánkat: atlatszo.hu/tamogatom ​ Illusztráció: Somogyi Péter (szarvas) / Telex
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covenawhite66 · 2 months
The new software diagnoses errors and corrects them while calculations are underway without destroying the logical qubits via its active syndrome extraction technique.
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nanotechnologyworld · 4 months
Quantum bits can be described more precisely with the help of newly discovered harmonics as a team of 30 researchers reports in Nature Physics.
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Wonder World / QUBIT
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I have always tried to understand the concept behind Quantum Computing and this video clarified a bit of it to me, despite I still have various questions regarding this topic. Quantum computing seems to be really complex to explain entirely in an eighteen minutes video, also, much of the information revolving quantum technology might be confidential, so I understand why it doesn't go that deep in the topic.
Channel: Cleo Abram
Video: Quantum Computers, explained with MKBHD
Year: 2023
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zamanin-izinde · 11 days
Kuantum Bilgisayarlar: Geleceğin Hesaplama Teknolojisi
Kuantum bilgisayarlar, kuantum mekaniğinin temel prensiplerini kullanarak bilgi işlem yapabilen cihazlardır. Klasik bilgisayarlardan farklı olarak, çok daha hızlı ve karmaşık hesaplamaları gerçekleştirme yeteneğine sahiptirler. Klasik bilgisayarlar, bilgi işlemede bit kullanırken, kuantum bilgisayarlar qubit kullanır. Bu makalede kuantum bilgisayarların çalışma prensiplerini, klasik bilgisayarlardan farklarını ve potansiyel uygulamalarını inceleyeceğiz.
Kuantum Mekaniğinin Temelleri
Süperpozisyon Nedir? Kuantum mekaniğinde süperpozisyon, bir qubit'in aynı anda birden fazla durumda bulunabilme yeteneğini ifade eder. Klasik bilgisayarda bir bit ya 0 ya da 1'dir. Ancak bir qubit, aynı anda hem 0 hem de 1 olabilir. Bu durum, hesaplama kapasitesini büyük ölçüde artırır. Dolanıklık Nedir? Dolanıklık, iki veya daha fazla qubit'in birbirleriyle bağlantılı olduğu ve birinin durumu değiştiğinde diğerinin de anında değiştiği bir durumdur. Bu, kuantum bilgisayarların paralel işlem yapabilme yeteneklerini artırır ve karmaşık hesaplamaların çok daha hızlı yapılmasını sağlar.
Kuantum Bilgisayarların Çalışma Prensipleri
Qubit Nedir? Qubit, kuantum bilgisayarların temel bilgi birimidir. Qubit'ler, süperpozisyon ve dolanıklık gibi kuantum özelliklerine sahiptir ve bu sayede klasik bitlerden çok daha fazla bilgi işleyebilirler. Kuantum Kapıları ve Devreler Kuantum kapıları, qubit'lerin durumlarını manipüle eden ve hesaplamalar yapan temel yapı taşlarıdır. Kuantum devreleri, bu kapıların bir araya gelerek oluşturduğu hesaplama yollarıdır. Kuantum algoritmaları bu devreler üzerinde çalışarak belirli problemleri çözer. Klasik Bilgisayarlardan Farklar Paralel İşlem Yeteneği Kuantum bilgisayarlar, süperpozisyon sayesinde birçok hesaplamayı aynı anda yapabilirler. Bu, klasik bilgisayarlara göre çok daha hızlı işlem yapmalarını sağlar. Hesaplama Hızları ve Kapasitesi Kuantum bilgisayarlar, belirli problemlerde klasik bilgisayarlara göre üstel olarak daha hızlıdır. Örneğin, büyük asal sayıların çarpanlarına ayrılması gibi karmaşık problemleri çok kısa sürede çözebilirler. Günümüzde Kuantum Bilgisayar Uygulamaları Büyük Veri Analizi Kuantum bilgisayarlar, büyük veri kümelerinin analizinde devrim yaratabilir. Süperpozisyon ve dolanıklık özellikleri sayesinde, çok büyük veri setlerini hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde işleyebilirler. Kriptografi ve Güvenlik Kuantum kriptografi, mevcut şifreleme yöntemlerinden çok daha güvenli iletişim sistemleri geliştirilmesine olanak tanır. Kuantum bilgisayarlar, klasik bilgisayarların çözmekte zorlandığı şifreleme algoritmalarını kısa sürede çözebilirler. Simülasyonlar ve Modellemeler Kuantum bilgisayarlar, karmaşık fiziksel ve kimyasal süreçlerin simülasyonlarını yapmada büyük avantaj sağlar. Bu, yeni malzemelerin keşfi ve ilaç geliştirme gibi alanlarda önemli ilerlemeler sağlayabilir. Gelecek Perspektifleri Potansiyel Gelişmeler ve Yenilikler Kuantum bilgisayar teknolojisi hala gelişim aşamasında. Gelecekte, daha fazla qubit'e sahip ve hata düzeltme yetenekleri daha gelişmiş kuantum bilgisayarlar geliştirilecek. Bu, teknolojinin daha yaygın ve erişilebilir olmasını sağlayacak.
Kuantum Bilgisayarların Toplumsal ve Ekonomik Etkileri
Kuantum bilgisayarlar, birçok endüstri ve bilim dalında devrim yaratabilir. Finans, sağlık, lojistik ve daha birçok alanda yeni çözümler ve inovasyonlar getirebilirler. Ayrıca, iş gücü piyasasında yeni yetenekler ve beceriler gerektirecek yeni iş fırsatları doğurabilir. Kuantum bilgisayarlar, bilgi işlem teknolojisinde büyük bir devrim yaratma potansiyeline sahiptir. Kuantum mekaniğinin temel prensiplerini kullanarak, klasik bilgisayarların çözmekte zorlandığı problemleri hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde çözebilirler. Gelecekte bu teknolojinin daha da gelişmesiyle, toplumsal ve ekonomik etkileri çok büyük olabilir. Kaynaklar - Nielsen, M. A., & Chuang, I. L. (2010). Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press. - Shor, P. W. (1994). Algorithms for Quantum Computation: Discrete Logarithms and Factoring. IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science. - Grover, L. K. (1996). A Fast Quantum Mechanical Algorithm for Database Search. Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. - Preskill, J. (2018). Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond. Quantum, 2, 79. İlginizi Çekebilir - İlginizi Çekebilir - Kuantum Mekaniğinin Temelleri - Süperpozisyon ve Dolanıklık: Kuantum Bilgisayarların Temel İlkeleri - Geleceğin Bilgisayar Teknolojileri: Kuantum Bilgisayarlar ve Ötesi
SSS (Sıkça Sorulan Sorular)
Kuantum bilgisayar nedir?Kuantum bilgisayar, kuantum mekaniğinin prensiplerini kullanarak bilgi işlem yapan bir cihazdır. Klasik bilgisayarlardan farklı olarak, qubit'leri kullanarak çok daha hızlı ve karmaşık hesaplamalar yapabilir.Qubit nedir?Qubit, kuantum bilgisayarların temel bilgi birimidir. Süperpozisyon ve dolanıklık özelliklerine sahip olan qubit'ler, aynı anda birden fazla durumda bulunabilirler.Kuantum bilgisayarlar hangi alanlarda kullanılır?Kuantum bilgisayarlar büyük veri analizi, kriptografi, simülasyonlar ve modellemeler gibi alanlarda kullanılır. Özellikle karmaşık ve büyük veri setlerini hızlı ve verimli bir şekilde işleyebilirler.Kuantum bilgisayarların geleceği nasıl görünüyor?Kuantum bilgisayar teknolojisi hala gelişim aşamasında, ancak gelecekte daha güçlü ve daha erişilebilir kuantum bilgisayarlar geliştirilecek. Bu, birçok endüstri ve bilim dalında büyük yenilikler ve çözümler getirebilir. Read the full article
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suiyoubis · 4 months
qubit — beautiful days
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citygamepop · 4 months
Qubit: "Beautiful Days"
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atlatszo · 6 months
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mihirjaiswal · 5 months
A System Architect’s Perspective on Quantum Computing: An Interview with Dr. Gokul Subramanian Ravi
Dr. Gokul Subramanian Ravi has been a career computer scientist. He is an assistant professor and active researcher in quantum computing at the University of Michigan. In this interview, we talked about the philosophy and technology of quantum computers. Dr. Ravi talked about quantum computers, its need, current state, architecture, and quantum advantage at length. While this interview is more technical than previous ones in quantum chats, it is very enjoyable and informative.
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Mihir: Why do we need quantum computers? Classical computers are getting better every day. Can’t we just use classical computers for everything?
Dr. Ravi: That’s a good question. The classical computers’ capability is not increasing as fast as it used to be. We all have heard about Moore’s law failing. Thus, there is a fundamental need for new technology. We want more computing capabilities in any form, not specifically quantum computing. Today, computing and computers are the most fundamental driver of innovation. We want to keep pushing for new innovations. That reason motivates us towards emerging technologies, quantum computing being one of them. Some problems are exponentially hard to solve. That means the computational resources required to solve such problems increase exponentially with the increase in problem size. Classical computers quickly reach their limitations in addressing this kind of problem. For example, to discover new medicines, you want to understand chemistry between two chemical molecules. You can’t mix thousands to chemicals together in the lab and study them, so computer simulations are done. Computational models for solving such problems represent each molecule as some numerical interaction and perform calculations to predict the molecular interactions. As the size of molecule increases, the numerical equations become exponentially complicated and soon reach the limits of classical computers. The reason for that is at the molecular level, when we are considering electrons; we cannot ignore some of the non-trivial forces, which we generally ignore in day to day calculations like gravity. With number of electrons, these forces become very large in numbers, hence the exponential growth of the problem. These are called quantum mechanical properties.
When Richard Feynman proposed quantum computing, the idea was that we needed a device that was able to simulate quantum mechanical properties and such a device would be quantum computing machine. Thus, quantum computer is specifically of interest for solving large-scale scientific problems in physics, chemistry etc. Other problems, like factoring, also have important application of quantum computing. If you are able to factor a number quickly, that has implication in security and cryptography. Factoring is a classical problem, not quantum, but there is a method that can solve factoring faster than a classical computer can. Quantum computer has a long way to do. However, in theory, there are quantum, classical as well as scientific problems that can be solved more efficiently using quantum computer than any classical computer.
Mihir: As you said, classical computers are reaching its capacity and no longer growing as fast as they were. As a result, we need new technologies to fill that gap and continue expanding our computational power. Is quantum computing one such new technology or are we calling a group of technologies quantum computing? Are we able to define quantum computer today?
Dr. Ravi: Again a very good question. In general, we would define quantum computer as a technology that is able to exploit quantum mechanical properties towards computing. Within that definition, all different technologies like supercomputing qubit, trapped ion qubit, neutral atoms, and photonic qubits are quantum technology. In their own way they all are exploiting quantum mechanics. If we are being very specific than you are absolutely right that quantum computing is an umbrella term. However, broadly they all fall within the same scope of exploitation of quantum mechanics.
Mihir: In my understanding, a problem has to be converted to a mathematical formula to make an algorithm that can be computed by a classical computer. Is that true for quantum computing also?
Dr. Ravi: I would say yes and no. I would approach this question in two different ways. Think of a problem which can be solved 90% on a classical computer and only last 10% needs a quantum computer because that last part is really exponentially hard. In classical computer, we would use an approximation and perhaps accept a 90% solution. We still need mathematical formula to reach that 90% solution and then improve beyond 90% using a quantum computer. We want to continue to use classical computer to go as far as we can, because quantum computer is always going to be an expensive resource. Now the other question: is the quantum computing also based on a mathematical formula? I would argue, yes to some extent. Let’s take an example of a classical computer. In designing a complex machine learning algorithm, the algorithm would have complex metrics, its addition, multiplication and many complex mathematical operations. When coded onto a classical computer, a compiler would take that and through multiple steps ultimately pass down to transistors. Transistors would always work in a series of 0 and 1, no mathematical formula there. Thus, classical computer is formulas up to transistors and then it is just transistors’ natural property of 0 and 1. Quantum computer is not much different. Let’s take example of chemistry. Let’s assume that we are trying to find energy of some chemical molecule, a common problem in chemistry. There are techniques like Jordan Wigner method, which converts fermionic (chemistry) form to the qubit form. There would be cleaning and optimization steps to remove non-important components from the molecular formula and properties. Finally, the qubit form is run on a quantum computer. If we assume there are twenty steps in calculating molecular energy, than nineteen of them are mathematical like cleaning, optimization, Jordan Wigner transformation and so on. Only the twentieth step is quantum computing, similar to going to the transistors in classical computing. Mathematics and software gets less focus in quantum computing, because everybody is focused on qubits. Whereas in classical computing, we don’t think about transistors anymore.
Mihir: Let’s pivot now to system architecture. What is the simplest way to define system architecture irrespective of technology?
Dr. Ravi: Entire system is made up of multiple layers known as abstraction layers. One layer is an application like zoom or software doing chemistry calculations. Second layer is algorithm that application runs on. Then you have instruction layer like instruction set architecture which runs your device. To convert algorithm to instructions, you need a compiler. You may also have an operating system that is doing resource management. Another layer is micro architecture of the computer, which is how the computer is designed. This micro architecture has components like circuits and circuits are made up of transistors for classical bits or qubits. System architecture is interactions between these different layers. Hardware architects focus on interactions between circuits, transistors and qubits like hardware components. Architects working at micro-architecture levels organize components within a processor. Other types of system architects deal with interaction between compiler and hardware, or compiler and algorithm, or stacking servers to build complex super-computing architecture. System architect is a broadly defined term for a group of experts working anywhere among different layers of hardware and software and they understand the pathway from application to technology. It is a complex pathway and system architects usually work on only a subset of different layers.
Mihir: How has the role of system architect evolved over the year?
Dr. Ravi: Yes, the role has definitely changed over the years. That change has come based on the needs. During the seventies, there were so many opportunities and needs in a single layer of the stack that a person can focus on being expert of just one layer like on micro-architecture or compiler. Early 2000s, computers started to reach limits of computational power within a single core and multi-core systems became a norm. That prompted change in the role of some system architects. They asked questions about parallelization of processes, dependencies between applications and different cores and other questions that system architects did not think about before. Because the capacity of processors was not increasing rapidly, the focus shifted to building accelerators. Again that had an impact on role of system architects. The architects needed to look at multiple layers from application to processors, but they were focusing on just one application. Earlier system architect’s role was broad within a layer or two. Modern system architect’s role has become deeper than broader.
Mihir: While systems architecture was evolving for classical computing we had opportunities to try and fail. Now that we have all these knowledge about computing, we have to use our knowledge in quantum computing. We do not have enough opportunity to try new things and fail, isn’t it?
Dr. Ravi: Again, a very good question. On one hand it has been a huge positive that we have learned to build a full stack in classical computing and we can apply that knowledge to quantum computing. For example, IBM has been at the forefront of building system architecture for classical computing; it is applying that knowledge to the quantum computing and doing very well. On the other hand some of the strategies and habits that work in classical computing may not work in quantum computing. In emerging technology you can’t start with being broadly expert in one layer like how classical computing started. We have to be flexible. As other layers are evolving, system architect in quantum computing needs more depth and flexibility in their knowledge and approach.
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sneek-m · 6 months
"Mr. Sonic" by QUBIT [9BIT, 2023]
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コンタクト / QUBIT
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jpopstreaming · 6 months
🆕🎶 「 9BIT 」 new album by QUBIT is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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sonofkumiko · 6 months
QUBIT’s 9BIT Review - Better than expected
The first album to come from DAOKO’s new project, QUBIT. The album being appropriately named 9BIT (a play on words which sounds similar to the band’s name in Japanese), features 9 songs - 6 being brand new and one being an album mix.
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As the first album from the band, I was pretty skeptical of the songs I’d be hearing, since the first couple of singles from them didn’t really resonate with me and felt a bit too out nowhere for me, however I’m glad to say that this album features a wide array of songs, from the energetic Mr. Sonic, to the dark distorted rumbles of Distant Dance.
This album has a lot of experimental tracks that can feature anywhere from little plucks in the bass to vocal effects being thrown everywhere throughout the song, hell, sometimes even the melodies don’t make sense - giving this album a very chaotic, erratic, and indie feel, but still working well as a commercial release.
For those who have kept up with DAOKO’s other works, this album feels a lot like a successor to the 2020 album Anima, although this album is much more cohesive and consistent with the quality and style it’s trying to portray (thankfully).
In the end I feel like this album definitely won’t be for everyone, or even people who like DAOKO’s 2014-2019 works, it’s its own thing derived from the same idea that DAOKO’s 2020 works were based on… ‘slap anything up there and see what sticks!’
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Now, onto the actual song ratings…
Big Mouth 3.5/5 - it’s a nice intro song, but doesn’t do much on its own.
G.A.D - 3.5/5 - the debut song from QUBIT, it’s a bit too ‘weird’ and erratic for me. Still enjoyable but definitely gave me a very iffy first impression.
Mr. Sonic 5/5 - released as a promo single for the album and is probably the strongest song they’ve made so far. All of the chaos and sampling really work in their favor for this one, my only complaint is the outro is very abrupt.
Wonder World 3.5-4/5 - the harmonies and chord progression are very nice in this particular song, there’s not much more to say on it but it’s definitely worth a listen!
Distant Dance 4.5/5 - a very dark and grungy song with melodic moments that DAOKO really lends a hand to. Definitely one of the more standout songs from here.
Fast Life (album mix) 4/5 - this song feels less like a qubit song and more like a solo release from DAOKO. With a happy tone, heavy rapping and it being surprisingly safe with how it uses vocal sampling and unconventional methods. Not to say any of this is bad, I really enjoyed this song, and I’m glad that some of the songs here aren’t all over the place. The album mix doesn’t really add anything, more or less just rebalances some stuff - definitely more of a remaster if anything.
Room Tour Complex 4/5 - this track is either standout or bland depending on who you are. This song features glitchy vocals with the lyrics being a bit more standout than others and a very nice melody to follow. Along with some nice “oohs” during the chorus which makes this a very charming song.
Neon Diver 4/5 - a very melodic and mellow track, being a bit more minimalistic than the others. The synths have a very “poppy” feel to it with a pretty prominent and grooved bass. Her vocals feel really smooth in this song with a slightly longing melody paired with it. I feel like we could’ve gotten a bit more of a bridge for this song rather than the very short break in it but that’s my complaint.
Beautiful Days 4/5 - a very atmospheric, anthemic, and slightly psychedelic track that does a very good job leading out the album and summarizing what QUBIT actually is. A mix of different genres that lend themselves whenever and wherever. I love how upbeat this track is.
Overall album rating: 4/5 - absolute banger of an album and I love the new ideas that they’re experimenting with. Here’s hoping they keep trying new things!
Stream: https://qubit.lnk.to/9bit
Mr. Sonic official MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQfRyJ2v5RY
Official website: https://columbia.jp/qubit/
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eannpatterson · 6 months
Chirping while calculating probabilities
A couple of weeks ago, I visited the London headquarters of IBM in the UK and Ireland for discussions about possible areas of collaboration in research and education.  At the end of our meeting, we were taken to see some of their latest developments, one of which was their Quantum System One computer.  We had seen its casing, a shiny silver cylinder about half metre in diameter and a metre and…
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