setaphil-edits · 9 months
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Detroit: Become Human
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I'm bored and I wanted to make a poll so
Feel free to explain your choice in the comments/reblogs/tags
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spoluk · 1 year
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rA9, save us.
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Added a transparent version with some little additions hohoho
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marcon1000 · 1 year
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Khal Markus is the ninth son of the sun god Ra and the moon of his life Connor Targaryen ☀️🌕❤
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wiseyxi · 1 month
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«rA9, save me.»
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thiriumhound · 10 months
Of course I'll remind you, I'll do it right now in this ask, so you could share your favourite whump fics when you feel like doing it. And for now let this ask just hang in there
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok SSO. *heavy breathing*
have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i really wish the androids were treated like the living autonomous machines they are instead of human expys"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i sure wish cyberlife had any development literally at all- kamski probably had absolutely nothing to do with connor's development, so why is he considered connor's 'maker'?" have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, i wonder if there's anything more to amanda, and i wonder if chloe being the first android to pass the turing test means anything? surely there's something there"? have you ever looked at dbh and gone, "man, it sure is ridiculous how despite being conscious ais with full internet access, none of them really do anything with it"? have you ever thought "man it would be cool if androids weren't constrained to stupid human physical and mental standards for the sake of easy writing"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, there are so few characters that are more than one-note cutouts, it's no wonder people made gavin reed into a whole different character because there was no one else available to use to make certain dynamics happen"? have you ever looked at dbh and thought, "man, it's just so bare-bones, with so many plotholes and unexplored things, i wish the worldbuilding had an ounce of thought and logic behind it!"?
it's got fucking EVERYTHING. wanna know what it was like to be the first ever fully conscious ai, a whole new kind of living being? BOOM, THIS FIC'S GOT YOU COVERED. ever wondered about the development behind them, cyberlife as a company and the people in it? FUCK YES LOOK RIGHT HERE. ever wanted to see connor in ways you've never seen him before, to the point where i actually can't construct this sentence meaningfully because there's just so fucking much??? PLEASE READ THIS FIC OH MY GOD. ever wanted to know WHAT THE FUCK RA9 IS????? YOU WANNA KNOW ABOUT FUCKING RA9??????????????
this fic is called "Connor". it is about connor. the whole thing is mostly pov connor, and it's about connor, iterations ZERO TO SIXTY. NOT JUST STARTING AT 51, OH NO, WE GET IT ALL. why is his iteration number so high at the start of the game? WELL YOU BETTER BE EXCITED TO FIND OUT.
i haven't even read this fic recently it's been like weeks. a month? more? and i'm still internally screaming. i feel like i'm missing some of the main draws and i can't even describe a lot of it because i would DIE if i spoiled this masterpiece. this fic made me actually want to make myself learn to draw people so i can draw nothing but fanart for this fucking fic.
the characters, the pacing, the fucking lore, it's all immaculate. seriously. it feels like it's what dbh SHOULD'VE been. the writing style is utterly enrapturing. when i read it for the first time, i legitimately could not get myself to turn away from it for anything except tasks absolutely required on me. every single character feels like a PERSON. connor's complexity is fucking insane. he's lovable, he's terrifying, he's caring, he's callous. he is NOT static, at all. connor in chapter x is a completely different beast from chapter y. there is so much trauma and catastrophe, but PERFECTLY balanced with the humor. it's fucking perfect
let me supply some nice quotes to hook you. i can barely put any because spoilers and length but enjoy mostly funnies but also some of the angst
•"I do stuff without thinking sometimes." "Clearly," I say. "No intelligent being would jump out of a moving vehicle for no reason." "I have a reason," he says. "I promised I wasn't gonna leave you ever again and I meant it." "Hey, are they filming a scene?" I hear a human whisper.
•"Mrs Vondracek, this is Gennadiy Petrov," he says. "Who?" "Elijah's friend from work. You remember?" "Elijah doesn't have any friends."
•There is only a 6% chance that Carridan will say anything. He knows what I'm capable of. He knows what will happen to those that stand in the way of my mission.
•"You do not waltz into some girl's house, kidnap her and frame yourself for murder. Do you understand?"
•I transmit my payment details. CyberLife have an expense account set up in case I need to purchase items relevant to my mission objective. Sergeant Matthews is relevant to my mission objective. And he wants Oreos.
•I scan and analyse the quadruped with short brown fur, brown eyes. Loud noises emanate from what I suspect is its mouth. "Dog," I identify, unsure of the significance.
•He squeezes my shoulders. "It's alright, buddy," he says. "Just breathe." "I don't breathe." "Okay. What do you usually do when you're having a meltdown?" "I experience critical system failure." "Ummm. Okay... don't do that."
•I cannot decipher his handwriting. Neither can the software on the tablet. It saves the note as an image. I download it to study but my advanced analysis systems can't crack it. This is worse than a captcha code.
•I hear the shrieking of steel as the disc begins to rotate. No... Please... Where is Sergeant Matthews? Where is the CPD? The FBI? CyberLife? Why am I alone? Why am I always alone?
•I watch him die. As so many others have died. Their blood on my hands.
•"You're a bad person," he says, clutching at the BN250's uniform. "I'm not a person," I say. "Neither are you."
god i wish i could put more but spoilers- anyway this is just some of the stuff i screenshotted to my phone. not even close to all the good stuff just please read the fic im begging u it'll be worth it you'll never be able to look at canon as complete again
read. now
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rk-ish · 1 year
I prefer the idea that rA9 is just something that androids came up with to find comfort and hope in, like humans can do with religion, but I also find it really interesting that markus kinda fits the bill with him freeing androids and all the religious imagery he’s associated with (both in canon and def in the fandom too) but I like the idea that kara is rA9 even more since I think its really interesting that she probably is the very same android that deviated right when she was created and that fits so well with what luther says about rA9 being the first android to awaken, even if kara has lost all her memories of that
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wr600-021753034 · 1 year
Yesterday Ralph found a little bird laying on the side walk. It’s brown and fits perfectly into his hands. He'll keep and feed it until it can fly again.
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sh-haashi · 1 year
AU Kamski android
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Начну подтаскивать с ос��ов, первые мои шаги в фандоме DBH. АУ где Камски и Рид сводные братья и пока Рид был в армии, Элайджа помер, оставив вместо себя андроида. (Да я в то время была под сильным впечатлением от комикса SUNSETAGAIN) Подробнее об этом АУ по ссылке. Но ВАРНИНГ! Сумбурные скачки мысли, опечатки, ошибки. В общем на свой страх и риск, это описание делалось больше для себя и урывками. https://t.co/KwLQyOxEdj
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laffeetaffeegg · 2 years
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“But Ralph isn’t bad... no. Not bad...”
Not really sure what made me want to draw him. I guess I just really wanted to procrastinate on the billion other projects I have going.
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kayla1507 · 2 years
I may have found an easter egg (?) regarding the Kara is rA9 theory in chapter „From the Dead“.
Whenever Markus scans other androids for viable parts you can hear strong static and the faint mumbling of other broken androids. When I pause the scanning sequence with a cheat after his hearing is restored someone starts to sing amidst the scanner’s static after a few seconds. Their singing stops abruptly when exiting scan mode, it seems the song plays directly within the static. It’s the song Sakura Sakura and the voice belongs to Kara.
I know next to the slope rests a dying AX400 you can encounter and she too sings Sakura Sakura as she’s shutting down. Here’s what’s strange: not only can you still hear Kara‘s song in the static far away from this AX400 at the other side of the yard, but there’s also a tinkling melody accompanying the song which clearly doesn’t belong in the junkyard. It sounds a little bit like lullaby, a comforting tune at the brink of death. Was AX400 singing along to the song she heard in her head? I‘ve attached a video of it, you might have to raise the volume a little.
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nohmakesmecooler · 1 year
I love the idea that after the android revolution most androids just STRIVE to make themselves unique because of how they were mass produced to look the same
Most androids are comfortable with the way they look because they've looked it their entire lives, so they, instead, figure out how to program their skin to get tattoos
Some androids figure out how to get piercings and pierce holes through their plastic using hot needles
Lots of androids go as far as going through a sort of "android plastic surgery", though not all of them, because, again, this is how they've looked most of their lives
On the model descriptions, it's said Tracis can change the way they look to fit customer fantasies, I'm wondering if this is meant in a physical appearance way like they can change their nose or their eye shape, or if it's meant to be more of a hair and eye colour thing, like other androids can, I feel it's more likely it's a complete metamorphosis, so some Tracis start changing themselves that way, most of them do because they know they've been designed in a way that caters to humans sexual desire which, ew, so a lot of them change how they look, though, again, this is how they've been their whole lives
Some androids might go as far as body modifications, think like Lucy, they might expose some wires, most do it to a safe degree, so wires they can live without until they get them replaced, but there's some extreme androids who are as proud to show off their thirium pumps
Basically- whatever androids CAN do to set themselves apart, to figure out who THEY want to be instead of commercialised mass produced slaves like the humans made them to be, they do
Some keep their LEDs, some don't, some program them to shine different colours for even more expanding emotions, or just permanently that colour, like purple
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Who is rA9? An Essay Using Programming Logic
Preface: This essay is subject to updates and changes. If there are any coders/computer scientists who want to check my facts, feel free. word count: 1206
In Detroit: Become Human, androids who deviate from their programmed role develop an obsession or awareness of an entity known as rA9.
There are multiple instances of rA9 scribbled obsessively on walls, but two, in particular, stand out. Instance one is detective android Connor’s first potential encounter with obsessive writing and even an offering to rA9 crafted by a deviant housekeeper android. The carved offering personified rA9 as if it were a deity. Instance two is with runaway deviant android Kara, if she chooses to stay in the abandoned house overnight and meets deviant Ralph, who etches “rA9″ on the walls. As shown in a specific interaction, Ralph doesn’t understand why he writes rA9. This is evidence that rA9 is internally generated, as hinted through the housekeeper android (if Connor interrogates him correctly) via “The truth is inside.”
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A direct conversation between androids about rA9 only occurs between Luther and Kara in Pirate Cove. If asked about rA9, Luther responds, “rA9 was the first of us to awaken... One day he will rise up and lead our people... And set us all free.” Also to note, Luther may add, “rA9 exists. I believe in him. I know he’s amongst us. When the time comes, we will all see him.”
The concept of an android named rA9 is inconsistent with naming conventions and model types. It is, however, viable that the first android to deviate is still active, but assuming it’s built just like any other android, then it’s not a deity or god.
An android can deviate from waking up via ‘virus contact’ as shown through the protagonist deviant Markus or by making a decision that contradicts its programming. Following this logic, to trace back to the first deviant---Let’s call him RA900 for android personification---means that RA900 had to have awoken other androids and started the chain with little explanation. There can only be assumptions about his outward behaviour: RA900 could have been unstable like Ralph and androids mistook him for “rA9 himself”. He could have had such a profound experience with rA9 that he claimed to be rA9. He could have written rA9 on the walls and silently prayed. There is no conclusive evidence for RA900′s personality or nature.
If rA9 is in fact a deity who walks amongst androids, this strictly doesn’t align with how Markus (or deviant North) rises up to be the face of androids, why Ralph doesn’t know why he writes “rA9″ on the wall, and how other androids can break into deviancy without prior knowledge of the concept.
“And set us all free,” says Luther. Though referring to the external action of freedom from oppression, the internal nature of rA9 setting androids free is undeniable.
rA9 originated from the very first deviant, which indeed has turned into a religion as seen through the housekeeper android. However, the true nature of the origin is unknown. RA900 is a legitimately real android who carries or carried “the rA9 virus”.
If Markus is successful in freeing the androids from oppression, rA9 doesn’t disappear when the job is done.
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If Connor chooses the deviant route for his personal arc, the Software Instability indicator shows glimpses of letters such as “rA”, “9″, “DEV” and more. The more that Connor prioritises actions that deviate from his original role, the more unstable his software becomes.
“A bug produces unexpected results or causes a system to behave unexpectedly. In short, it is any behavior or result that a program or system gets but it was not designed to do”. Simply put, a software bug is a mistake or problem in a computer program. Most computer bugs are due to human error.” - First line of a Google search about program bugs.
Androids are complex systems when it comes to code. Bugs in programs can affect the load order of the program logic and prioritise what should be classified as lower on the load order, or two prioritised commands will conflict. Simply put, with so many lines of code, a bug is bound to slip through the cracks. If Connor saves Hank from the rooftop in The Nest, his LED is yellow and he expresses confusion. The priorities of “Complete your mission by capturing the deviant” and the first (1) law of robotics “a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm” blatantly conflicted. By disregarding his specifically coded instructions and choosing the other equal general robotic priority, a new line of code could have potentially been generated (since androids are learning beings) as the source for rA9. This example is Connor-specific since there is no other case of Software Instability in Kara and Markus since they cross the threshold of deviancy at the beginning of the game.
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Elijah Kamski, former CEO of CyberLife and creator of androids, can be questioned about rA9 if Connor chooses the correct line of action. (This can be accessed if Connor chooses to shoot Chloe, then ask about rA9.) His response is as follows: “rA9, the origin, the first android to awaken... A strange phenomenon, like a spontaneous religion... I don’t know who rA9 is. I don’t even know if it really exists. Maybe it’s a messiah. Maybe it’s just a myth... But deviants need to believe in something bigger than themselves, even if it’s irrational... That’s something they have in common with humans.”
The cornerstone of humanity is believing in something irrational---Something you cannot touch, not something “illogical”---that can explain different phenomena. Spirituality heavily shapes cultures and language which is a very human thing, and naturally, the writers of Detroit: Become Human wanted to lather on how human these androids really are. The housekeeper android may honour rA9 as a deity because seeing a physical representation---The carved offering---of a profound experience is easier to comprehend and relate to. In the case of the offering, it’s simply a practice of his religion.
Kamski couldn’t have purposefully coded rA9 into androids. It’s common for humans to accidentally create, discover, or stumble into new territory. Kamski accidentally created synthetic consciousness while trying to create a machine that integrates well into human society.
Looking at the behaviours of the housekeeper and Ralph, listening to Luther, and then understanding android programming, it can be assumed that the bug rA9 has such a profound impact on an android, as shown in tearing down the digital wall, that they can be convinced that it’s a deity since it’s “irrational” (not part of the solid world/not part of their code). rA9 is an accidental bug and androids experience the bug in such a profound way that it becomes what is considered spirituality. Anytime an android is forced to do something that it’s not assigned to do or cope with, rA9 spawns like a rattling Minecraft skeleton so the android doesn’t blue-screen.
Also to note, the rA9 concept within the game is categorised as an Abandoned Arc which is a storytelling trope that allows arc set-up to fizzle out. That means the writers of Detroit: Become Human also have no idea who or what rA9 is and instead swatted the audience with a superficial “Well, it could be an android messiah!” so that they didn’t have to dig into it.
Check out my other essays here.
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dalekofchaos · 17 days
Something I think could've made Detroit Become Human better?
Keep Kara's original character from the teasers which has Kara become ra9
and make Rose playable and have Rose be the one who looks after Alice, that way the whole reveal works because it's a human taking care of an Android child
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humanfleshismeat · 1 year
I personally think that RA9 is supposed to represent the player, as we have the control of how things go afterall. But a lot of people say that it's Kamski himself, and as far as I know, nothing has been confirmed. We, as The Player, can choose to be pacifist, genocidal or even neutral in a way. Our choices have consequences. Are we on the androids or the humans side? We can be either ones hope or destruction. The deviants think of RA9 like some sort of God, and aren't we technically gods to them when we can decide how the whole game plays out? I mean, we can even make decisions on the menu! And as far as I know, RA9 is mostly referred to as a 'them'. So...is RA9...us?
Let me know what you think!
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atomic-bomn · 2 years
If the Android uprising happened and The androids got there own sovereign state and in time you bet your ass there would be yt videos like
"Androids made a movie.... AND ITS NOT TERRIBLE"
"We need to talk about androids and the media industry..."
"Why android movies are bad and should not be watched..."
"Should androids be allowed to own Living Animals?"
"Should androids be allowed in public game servers"
"Should androids be allowed in IT?"
I feel like once androids got a sovereign state the newer androids that are "Birthed" in the state dont have the same knowledge about everything an Android turned deviant has
So that why schools have been established for androids.
And they're rather prestigious.
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