#race crutchie and jack are brothers
Hi this is something I wrote a while back about after the strike
Jack wasn't satisfied. He wasn't satisfied with the win. He boasted about the accomplishments they've made, but it was all to hide his true feelings. He stayed up for many nights, making sure everybody was alright, cause he felt it was his responsibility. There was hidden terror, hidden guilt, hidden feelings of worthlessness. But he kept up a proud front, cause that's what he wanted the others to see
Crutchie wasn't happy. He wasn't happy to be back. He cracked a smile to comfort the others, but it wasn't the same smile as before. He gave his food to the others, cause that's what he was used to in the refuge. There were hidden bruises, hidden scars, hidden tears. But he kept up a happy front, cause that's what he wanted the others to see.
Race wasn't clueless. He wasn't clueless about what his brothers were going through. He told a joke to make the others laugh, but he did it to not let them in on his worry. He kept a close eye on his boys, cause he knew they always did the same for him. There were hidden thoughts, hidden words not said, hidden anxieties. But he kept up a careless front, cause that's what he wanted the others to see.
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Jack: this is Crutchie,.. he’s my best friend, he is brave and sweet and kind and loyal to the Newsies. i trust him with my life
Jack: this is Race, i found him in the trash.
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newsiesficchallenges · 2 months
Day One of Found ‘Em in a Dumpster!
Happy Day One of blorbos week! For today, just send an ask with the name of your blorbo and the most unhinged reason why they’re your blorbo. Whoever has the best gets the prize of worldwide acclaim and prestige!
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Skittery: *staring at Jack and Davey* Are we really going to let him keep that?
Mush: …we kept Racetrack.
Race: Hey!
Race: …
Race: …actually, that’s fair
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 2 months
If you endgame ship jackcrutchie, how does that work with canon events (asking respectfully.) Was Jack ever attracted to kath and/or Davey? Does he try it with one of them and then go back to Crutchie? If so does that hurt Crutchie's feelings at all/does he date anybody else?
in my mind jack didnt think of crutchie as an option cuz its the 1890s and ppl wouldnt even talk about that kind of stuff. he definitely liked katherine and their relationship was meaningful but sometimes things just dont work out with people. maybe their lives are just headed in different directions and they thought they were better off as friends. jack would realize how he felt about crutchie MONTHS after that, and they wouldnt get together till many years later.
crutchie has known he was in love with him since day one, no one finds out until jack gets with katherine and race notices how it affects him. race and spot are the only ones who know until they eventually figure their shit out. jack probably tells race and/or spot at some point as well, making them both go insane trying to convince each of them to do something about it. davey would probably be the first person jack would tell tho.
regarding davey, i dont think jack ever was attracted to him (except in 92sies cuz there is no other explanation for that shit). i personally love aroace davey but if not that then maybe davey had a little crush on him for a bit, but it faded pretty fast after the strike. him and jack are besties.
if you cant tell i love jack and crutchie dearly and they have a home in my head.
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There is a reason why Jack and Crutchie are newsies leaders with Race as the second in command, the holy trio of Lower Manhattan
Jack is a natural born leader, he's charismatic, he's been around and seen how the world works but he's also idealistic. This boy is a DREAMER. He's the loverboy. It's easy to get swept into the fantasy when Jack talks about it. A strike? Sure, sounds great, we can take them no doubt.
He's also mighty protective of his kids. He'd give up his dreams, his ideals just to keep his kids safe. He'd do anything for them, he's the person you go to when you have a problem and he might not be able to solve it (or have an idea how to for that matter) but he will listen and advise best he can.
He also definitely puts away some of the money he earns for whenever some of the newsies can't pay for food or lodging or whenever they need bandages or medicine.
He also loves the newsies so much, he definitely mother hens them.
Crutchie is not an obvious leader, not with Jack around but the kids flock to him anyway. He's got easy, playful (gremlin like) personality, he's great problem solver and best at advise. He's the VOICE OF REASON. A strike? Yeah, we should probably swallow the bitter pill and get the papes or well starve cos noone cares about us.
He's been around, being an orphan and having a bum leg, long enough to know that the world is a cruel place and he's wise beyond his years in a day to day matters. He's the one that thinks of basic, yet crucial for survival things like will they have enough food? Is everyone in the lodging and do they have a place to sleep? He sees a kid on a street and offers help. He's the one to keep the guys (or not if it's particularly funny) in check. Jack, for the love of everything holy no. This is the stupidities things I've heard. No, Race you can't do that and I don't care you think you can take them. You will die. He sees Les and immediately wants to keep him safe but the he remembers right they got folks
Racetrack is the second in command because he's younger than the other two, a kid enough to still mess around with his friend and be the smartass funny guy of the group but when things get serious he does a 180 and he does not fuck around. Strike? Fuck ye, we won't let them walk all over us! It will be a pleasure to tell Weasel meself! But at the same time when he sees there are no reinforcement coming he wants to back down, he looks around at the kids and thinks fuck we can't take them, this is a bad idea.
He's the tough love kind of guy, he loves the newsies, they are the only family he had, being at the lodging house the longest/a newsie for forever so if you fuck with one of them get ready cos he's coming for you. But at the same time he'd leave them to resolve their problems themselves or does not interfere unless things get real. You spend all the money already? Suck to be you. Haha, get a load of that guy, what a loser. Jack you still thinking? Sure he is can't ya smell the smoke?
He's most independent of the newsies. He goes to Brooklyn everyday, sells his papers, bet on the ponies (usually wins because he's wicked at maths and probability) and at the end of the day comes back to joke around and tell funny stories. But when Denaceys are picking on someone he's first one to start a fight. He's the first person you go get when shit goes down on the streets because he will not lecture you like Crutchie would or would not fuss too much like Jack would. He would call you an idiot and move on. But he's loyal to a fault just has a lot of anger building underneath and does not know how to process that so he either ignores it or just blows, but not on the newsies, no, he'd just pick a fight with someone or say something a little meaner than he intended but they know he doesn't mean it.
He's the second cos he doesn't know yet how he would lead the newsies. He keeps his feet on the ground hard and sucks at all that mothering Jack does. He's also used to doing his own thing and what's he supposed to do when people start looking up to him for guidance?
He also definitely puts away some money just not as obvious like Jack to help out the ones that are down on their luck at the moment. He would be the official secretary if newsies had one. No, Jack, we absolutely do not have money for that. No, Henry, don't take 100 papes. Why? One cos yous not Jack, you're shit at selling, two the headline sucks and chances are you'll be eating 20% of what's it worth and you can't afford that
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 10 months
Junps from window whats up i need to know your racetrack thoughts
there's so many, anon
ok so first off, my boy. the boy ever. yes yes, I do know the fandom overhypes him, but I adored that scraggly lil adhd sucker way before I got on newsieblr, so those haters can succhiami le noci.
but the he! I've seen so many trans!race hcs and I honestly adore it we need more rep and he's just so ghgaaaaah/pos
he's also simply too silly and. hyper to not be adhd so you will rip that hc out of my cold dead hands
I ADORE sprace, yes, I do know they almost never interact in livesies, but their 92sies dynamic is so so fun and great, all the kudos to max casella and gabriel damon, excellent job, boys. especially since max was like, way older than all the others?? great job man, most fifteen year old twenty three year old I've ever seen
and don't even get me STARTEd on ben cook n tommy bracco. CARA DEI THEYRE SO FUN
the first time I saw livesies and race appeared on the scaffolding, I was like 'oh yeah, this gangly blond twink with the cigar is gonna be my favorite.' and then in Brooklyn's here??? when they all get lit up with the spotlights and spots just fukkin TINY???? LOVE IT
I think I'm also just biased towards race because I too, am a short sassy brunet trans guy, so like. mhm.
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b-rainlet · 5 months
Me, at the doctor's office, drifting in and out of sleep: Javid She's all that AU
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rhysdoesstuff · 9 days
My thoughts on TUTS Newsies!!!
It’s a long post folks, so here you go:
First of all, holy shit was that show good
Second of all, here are my thoughts about the show, in a mildly unordered manner-
During Carrying the Banner, the top part of Crutchies crutch broke off, so he spent the rest of the song, and a bit into the next scene hobbling around with the broken crutch until he could leave stage and get it fixed (they all did such a great job ignoring it) (I also feel it’s worth mentioning it got broken when Jack used it to beat up the Delaney Brothers)
When the Newsies found out the price of papes was raised, and were trying to figure that out, Wisel kept having to deal with Newsies moving towards the paper station, then backing away, and it was funny to watch him grow more and more frustrated with them all.
During one of the songs, Davey carried Les around on his shoulders for a bit and I loved it!
MEDDA. She is an absolute powerhouse of a singer and I love her. A very Very powerful voice, that I adore and love. Plus her outfits are phenomenal. I love them.
During That’s Rich, there was a man onstage watching it, and every time the name Frank was said, it was said to him, and he had such funny reactions to it all!! 
I don’t know if it was intentional, but when Kathrine went on her tangent about “Like someone said, "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power" she did a little voice, and it sounded a bit like Pulitzer, and now I headcannon Pulitzer saying that to her, and her using those words against him.
During the last few seconds of Santa Fe, as Jack is hitting that final amazing high note, the projection behind him turns from the dreary city streets to a bright and vibrant painting of Santa Fe and a sunset, and it was beautiful, but it was only there a few seconds before blackout and intermission. I loved it though.
Right before King of New York when Davey announced that they “launched the strike in a most auspicious manner” and no one cheers, there was one person who gave a little Hurrah, and that was Mr. Jacobi, who was walking offstage after dropping off the water. It had the audience laughing and I loved it.
Before the Watch What Happens reprise, when Davey asked Jack if what he is painting is Santa Fe, he says Santa Fe in a sing song voice, and he removes his hat as Jack does at the end of Santa Fe, and that was amazing to watch.
Jack, when he is painting during Watch What Happens Reprise, he puts on a red shirt over top of his undershirt. Then he leaves stage and that shirt is never seen again and I’m so confused at why it was there. I loved it, but then he was right back into the amazing blue shirt- so. Yeah.
THE FEMALE BRONX NEWSIE. We love her! I was able to track her through the show, she was in the other group Newsies numbers as well, and was doing an amazing job!
Also, Race. Let’s talk about Race. I absolutely loved him. He was so tall. Taller then everyone else (except maybe Davey, cause he was tall too, though I’m not sure as tall as Race)
In addition, I’m not sure if it was bad shadows, or intentional, but it kinda looked like Race had a black eye? Which would be in character. It’s probably my bad eyesight making it uncertain though. Also! Race’s elbows were all red after the fight. No other Newsies had as noticeable injuries. 
SPOT!!! SPOT AND ROMEO WERE PLAYED BY THE SAME PERSON. They did amazing with both characters, but I spent so long staring at Spot going, wasn’t that Romeo? Until I checked the program and went, Wait, that was actually Romeo! I’m not going insane!!
THE DANCING!!!! They had different choreo from Broadway which I loved. It was wonderful, I loved it so much, and everyone did such a good job. They were doing flips all over the place, and I’m not even sure what I saw half the time, but I know it was good.
The lighting was amazing, and I loved how it was used to set the energy level for each scene!! Also, the projections were beautiful, and paired wonderfully with the amazing set, which was rearrangeable!!!
Pulitzer had a really thick accent, which wasn’t fully New York. I can’t quite place what it was, but whatever it was, it was noticeable, and that made it funnier when Jack mimicked him at one point.
At the very end of the musical, when Jack buys papes and decides to stay, Kathrine buys papes too, and goes to celebrate with the Newsies, and someone puts a newsies hat on her head, which was adorable and which I loved.
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raggedy-albert · 1 year
santa fe (prologue) is literally a prologue.
jack and crutchie’s relationship seems slightly different, like they don’t really know each other that well. they’re both just getting used to the idea of having someone there for them. why would jack just be telling crutchie his fondest hopes and dreams if they’ve been best friends and brothers for years?
it’s because this was a few years earlier.
also, the lighting in the background changes. at first, there’s a dark sky like it’s very early morning. then, jack starts talking about his dreams and the sun starts to rise. after the song ends is when it changes to the present. the sky goes back to dark, and race wakes up the other newsies instead of jack.
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totallysora · 4 months
Newsies (Live)
Ok so I rewatched newsies live at like,,Christmas and have been caught in a major newsies spiral so here are my thoughts 😻‼️
Jeremy Jordan 🥰 I get that he was kinda old to play Jack but Idc he’s iconic I’m so glad they called him back to play him
Same with Kara she’s an icon and literally the only Katherine I will accept for the proshot
Completely random but I’m glad it was a proshot and not an attempt to make it into a musical movie 😭 (especially since 92sies is literally already a movie lmao)
I also rewatched the og movie and watching it reminded me how much they BUTCHERED SPOT’S SCREEN TIME 😕 and therefore Tommy’s screen time 😔
Also Tommy Bracco he is literally the only spot I will accept (and like,,the only spot on bway that Ik so 😭)
The bg newsies 🥰 Literally all of them they were all icons the cast was literally perfect it’s unreal
Andrew Keenan Bolger, also so glad they got him back as crutchie cuz he is an I c o n (as much as I love Andy I deffo prefer Andrew as crutchie lmao)
The fact that there were enough members in the cast that there was literally only 1 case of a newsie doubling up on characters
Literally the entirety of seize the day
The fact that Jeremy runs away from all of the dancing 😭
Also how Jeremy almost kills himself at the end with the heel click/bell kick 💀
The fact Michael (Tommy boy) has a rlly bad American accent but that’s ok cuz I can’t do one either 🥰
How Tommy’s (spot) eyeliner/eye lashes are sm more noticeable than everyone else, especially his bottom lashes lmao
How tf did Morris not hurt his hand when he hit the printing press?? Like gurl what 😭
The Delancey brothers - they were like,,deffo less comical than in the og movie but still rlly silly 😭
The fact morris literally just stands on top of the newspaper bit for like the entire show
Them bonking heads (I am a Delancey apologist sorry guys 😔)
Ben Tyler Cook 🥰 I absolutely adore Ryan Breslin and actually would’ve loved to see him return as Race but god Ben is so silly I love him sm 😭
“The woild is yer erster” - Literally no one beats his version of this sorry 😭
Pulitzer - He was so good and literally for what bro 😭
”It’s a compromise we can all live with” - Jack Kelly 1899
BEN FANKHAUSER‼️ Also literally the only appropriate Davey fr
The way at the start of Brooklyn’s here Jeremy hits the printing press in time with the music
The set 😻 Ik it’s kinda simple but literally shut up it’s iconic
The height difference between Tommy and Ben at the end of Brooklyn’s here and like,,everywhere lmao
Honestly the height difference between Tommy and everyone
Joshua Burrage - He’s so silly I love him sm
Will never get over how they can sing like that whilst dancing
So sad Ryan Steele wasn’t there 😔 The dude who played specs was good tho (+Michael covered for the turns so 🤷‍♀️)
Hannah was so unserious she’s so funny 😭
Once and for all - this song will literally always give me chills
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face during seize the day 💀
The hug between Tommy and Michael (Spot+Tommy Boy) at the end when Jeremy tells them they won ☹️
The fact Oscar and Morris went for Les first?? Like gurl I get it he’s probably easiest to carry but what were yall trying to achieve with that 😭
The fact that the Delanceys like,,actually got their asses beat like that shit kinda looked like it hurt 💀
SANTA FEEEE‼️ Iconic 😻
The way Crutchie screams for Jack ☹️ although that one “what ya say” meme where it starts playing after Oscar hits him has kinda ruined that scene for me cuz I keep laughing abt it 😕
That one two people cartwheel during the scene change
”I’m glad to have you back :)” “Shuddup” - Jack and Davey (THEY’RE GAY YOUR HONOUR)
There is literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Once again literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Ok but literally just how much fun all of the newsies look like they’re having?? Especially in king of new york like they honestly look like they’re having the time of their lives 😭
“That’s disgusting” - David Jacobs, 1899 (when he’s a victorian newsboy who cares about hygiene 🥰🤭)
Ik Pulitzer saif it too but Idc ok the dude who played Pulitzer was kinda hot anyways (I don’t make the rules sorry 🤷‍♀️ [I am sorry for this tho my taste in men is uh 😨])
That one thing Jeremy does after he shakes Roosevelt’s hand for the first time 😭
”Your majesty” - Crutchie, 1899 (Referring to the governor 😭)
Maybe I should just make one of these with my favourite lines cuz I have so many
Honestly literally the whole fucking musical it was iconic and I am forever grateful that it exists 😻
Honestly there’s probably so so so much more but that’s all I can like,,fully remember rn but I’ll definitely rewatch it and update this lmao
Overall I absolutely adore the musical, and I’m glad the proshot exists cuz it is I c o n i c (also I am totally gonna make a list of my favourite lines from it lmao)
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fireworkss-exe · 2 months
saw a production of newsies last night, here are some fun/interesting things I noticed
OUTDOOR VENUE! it was super open and you could see the stars, which was cool
the crew members were dressed like newsies
Davey wore mostly black during Act 1 and lighter colors during Act 2 (possibly reflecting his feelings towards the strike moving from doubtful to hopeful)
JACKED Davey?? like he was built like a wrestler
SUPER tall Crutchie
he, Jack, and Davey were built like a staircase height-wise
Crutchie gave off calm, reserved, practical, reasonable older brother vibes
the Seize the Day choreo was inspired by the movie's choreo
newspapers were thrown at the audience
HUGE ensemble
Medda in red <3
one of the cast members proposed to his gf during intermission and the cast sang for her?? and SHE SAID YES
more improv'ed interactions
King of New York choreo was super original and fun, they danced on tables and chairs and with brooms
Les, Katherine, and Davey danced on the bar during KONY
Davey imitated Spot and his stance for the "next event you can count on Brooklyn" line
he also sounded genuinely excited for the "is that a real place? is that santa fe?" line, more like he was impressed and interested by Jack's painting and less like he was skeptical
Davey and Jack got in a physical altercation before Watch What Happens Reprise
Pulitzer slapped Katherine when she tried to apologize to Jack in the office
Katherine showed up at the rally with the newsies
all the Brooklyn newsies were girls except Spot
Les went up to Jack at the end of the rally and tried to talk to him, and Jack shoved him to the ground
the newsies threw their caps in the air when Jack announced they won
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ratfreecog · 4 months
I’ll admit I haven’t thought much about this one but have we considered in a sprace and javid and Jack+Crutchie+Race as brothers canon universe (which is all of them in my head but I understand I need to specify) David and Spot’s friendship. I can smell the potential. Spot who’s known these people for years vs Davey the newcomer who is so worried about how he fits in. Davey’s autistic ass being the only person who doesn’t find Spot terrifying at first and vents to them about all of his worries and Spot’s just like “dude. My boyfriend’s brother is so in love with you that my boyfriend won’t shut up to me about it. What do you want me to tell you”
Anyway someone write about this pls or at least brainstorm with me cause I think there’s some untapped gold there
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somedayonbroadway · 4 months
What would the Newises do if they saw the Delanceys showing their brotherly affection with each other?
Interesting question…
I think all the newsies would react in different ways.
Jack would leave it alone. He wouldn’t say anything about the way morris tussled Oscar’s hair, but he would watch the exchange and wonder why they had decided to be as cruel to him as they were.
Race would speak up and ask them if they were going soft which would end in him getting chased all the way to Brooklyn
Crutchie would smile at them and say good morning as he bought his papes and he’d tell them they were lucky to at least have each other
Albert would use the opportunity to slip himself an extra pape or two because Morris would be making sure Oscar was alright after he slipped and fell
David would be too distracted managing his own brother to notice.
Specs would clean his glasses to make sure what he was seeing was actually real.
What do you guys think?
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Jack:  This is my boyfriend, Davey! He's amazing and has taught me so many things.
Jack: This is Crutchie. He’s basically my brother and I love him so much!
Jack: This is Race. He has rabies.
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brooklynscamp · 27 days
Well wada’ ya know you found my blog
main blog: @casp1an-sea
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picrew: Makowka
Scamp is my OC/self insert, 17, male, He/him, gay. Was born in Louisana, now an orphan. Worked as a coal boy on the railroads so has traveled around the states (yes he’s been to Santa Fe) settled down in Brooklyn till he was chased out by cops raiding a gay bar and fled to manhattan where he recently joined Jack’s gang. He went by his real name Russle “Rus” back in Brooklyn before Jack dubbed him the name Scamp. Has a side job pulling curtains at medda’s. He is friends with Spot, Mush, Splasher, Crutchie, and the characters bellow, but aside from spot he hasn’t rly had the chance to get to know people yet.
NO NSFW romance is fine—————————————————————————
Other Characters:
(Aside from Weeds and Alfred these are my IRL’s self inserts so I designed them but do not own them. You can send asks to Scamp about them or directly speak to Weeds or Alfred even though this is technically a scamp blog)
I made a character for every role I played lmao
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- Patrick AkA Weeds
A Richmond Newsie with a strong Irish Accent. Twin brother of Alfred they don’t get along. best friends with Stacks, attached at the hip with Worm.
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- Alfred A former Richmond Newsie that now works for Wiesel. Friends with the Delancey Brothas’ Twin brother to Weeds they don’t get along. Has a strong Irish accent. He gets in fights with Specs and Race a lot. Considers Specs to be his number one rival. —————————————————————————
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- Queenie
They’re a Bowery Beauty (the one Les tried to hit on lmao) They are Worm’s older sibling.
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- Worm
A newsie from Richmond, best friends with stacks attached to the hip with Weeds.
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- Stacks
a newsie from lower Manhattan (originally from Richmond) known for being short. Best friends with Weeds and Worm, just recently met Scamp.
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- Lenard
a newsie from flushing who spends a lot of time in Manhattan. knew Scanp before he came to Manhattan.
character based on @ravenwing0110
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- Dash (Scab 1)
A newsie from the Bronx who’s actually Scamps little brother (they don’t know that) the first scab from that scene before seize the day to join Jack’s gang. Friends with Spot. Has a joke rivalry with splasher.
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- Rusty
a Manhattan Newsie that also works at Medda’s for extra change. He helped Scamp get his job. Nephew of both Mr. Jacobi and Nunzio. How? Idk
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- Darling
she’s the older sister of Rusty and the one who got him the job at Medda’s.
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- Sparky
a Manhattan newsie who just met Scamp. His older sister is a nun and his mother works as one of Pulitzer’s secretaries. character based on @messylxve
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- Maria Wright
one of pulitzers secretaries. Her son is a newsboy and her daughter is a nun.
character based on @messylxve —————————————————————————
@bigmack2go @distant-velleity @messylxve
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