#raine is in my thursday Gay Group at school which is interesting
ijustwantagoodurl · 6 years
#shsjdjdjjs sorry im just gonna rant in the tags here#dont bother reading this or anything i just need to vent a bit#my back hurts and i sometimes cant breath and theres always this Lump in my throat when i try to eat#and i Have been eating my regular two meals a day but theyve been getting smaller and smaller and that worries me#i LOST my coffeecup in this house somewhere which makes me sad#dad seems pretty shaken up by Something and theyre both gonna b gone for most of this month#i am BEHIND on applying for colleges i should already b applying and not still searching#i havent done laundry in a while and i feel bad for my binders#SPEAKING OF im takin this week off of binding and im on my period which SUCKS ASS but i gotta take a week off sometime this month#ive only told tim but it turns out that teles has a gf? and theyve been goin for a month but somethin struck me as off?? idk tho#maybe i just wanted something to seem off when he was talking abt her#i think im taking it p well#also asdrubal is staying with us for a Month and its interestig feeling Put Off by being gendered in spanish bc it can just seem like#like i forgot spanish rules when i call myself a ingenierO instead of inginerA and thats somethin#raine is in my thursday Gay Group at school which is interesting#i dont have a therapist yet but my parents still seem to busy to bother asking#i recently realized that i have a lot of people who consider me a friend but only a few who /i/ consider a friend#cuz theres tim aleK chels#amber i guess?#maddy but idk if shes even in town any more and shes not the type to just chat#id say teles but were not at a Comfortable Talking stage yet so#idk its bc i listen and care abt what people say and thats a Lot more than most will do for others ig??#maybe its just bc all my potential friends are teens???? idk tho it seems ridiculous to b snobby and be like tEeNs when im still one ya kno#magic seems to be crawling back into my life and at this point in time im too tired to try and stop it or fight it#my shoulders are sore and in pain#ive set a reminder for tomorrow tho to treat myself and buy things for myself#im gonna bother chels abt that nice ass pen she has and buy myself some records and new binders#maybe ill bike over to a bank and put all my cash into my account??#i wish i had the strength to get rid of all the things i hoard#aleX texted today bc they were having a panic attack but i was at work and they were being manipulative towards tim yesterday and idk
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Green Book
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Well it’s 2019 and we finally solved racism, you guys. It had a good run, but Peter Farrelly and Co. have managed to fix it through the power of - you’re never going to guess - FRIENDSHIP. I have no idea how someone didn’t think of this before now!
But seriously, folks. Green Book is already an awards season heavyweight and an Oscar favorite with its 5 nominations. So is this anything more than a simplistic feel-good story designed to make the Academy sleep better at night? Or is there something to this based-on-(one side of)-a-true-story that, in spite of itself, gives the audience some deeper emotional truths to hold onto? Well...
Let me put it to you this way. Do you think the concept “People who are different from you ALSO have struggles to go through” is a *deep* emotional truth? If so, I am so happy that you are broadening the content you’re intaking in middle school, and I have some solid reading recommendations for you when the next Scholastic Book Fair rolls through town! For the rest of us, a white savior odd couple road trip dramedy should feel as old and tired as fried chicken bones thrown to the side of the road, which YES IS A FEATURED GAG IN THE MOVIE. 
Green Book is the story of Dr. Donald Shirley (Mahershala Ali), a brilliant and extraordinarily gifted concert pianist, who basically invented his own style of music during a decade when the white booking agents in America told him black people could only play jazz onstage. (He was also queer, but we’ll get more into that later). Dr. Shirley embarked on a concert tour through the Deep South in and hired an out-of-work club bouncer from the Bronx named Tony ‘Lip’ Vallelonga (Viggo Mortensen) as his personal driver and valet. Can you imagine the hijinx that ensue?? With a screenplay that was developed by Mr. Farrelly, Brian Currie, and Nick Vallelonga (son of Tony), is it any surprise that we have a movie about racism in 1962 America that centers on an unremarkable middle-aged white man rather than the queer black man who had 3 Ph.Ds and was one of the only black classical musicians performing to sold out audiences at the time? 
Some thoughts:
First of all, for someone who sees as many movies in theaters as I do, I rarely have any problems with disruptive audience members that take me out of the film. But during the Thursday night showing of this movie that I attended, the white couple next to me did the following: a) laughed repeatedly at racial epithets uttered by Tony because he’s just such a lovable racist, right?; b) exclaimed LOUDLY “that’s awesome” when Tony folded a whole pizza in half like a taco and began to eat it; c) whisper-shouted “They’ve never seen anything like that before” when Tony and Dr. Shirley are broken down by the side of the road and a group of presumed slaves see a white man driving a black man; d) repeated both Tony’s and Dr. Shirley’s “laugh lines” about 1.5 seconds after they were spoken, non-stop, for the first hour of the movie. SO you’ll excuse me if some of my bitterness is peeking through, because I know that there are people who enjoyed this movie. I was sitting next to them. And honestly? I don’t want to enjoy whatever movie they were watching, because they were having a fuckload of a different experience from me. 
Perhaps I should have known what to expect from the first illuminating title card that said “The Bronx - New York”. Thank god they clarified, or I would have thought they meant The Bronx in Iowa, and jeez would that have been embarrassing for me. This is the level of hit-you-over-the-head obviousness that touches everything in this movie.
I hate myself for this joke, but when Tony gets the address for his interview with Dr. Shirley and he pulls up to Carnegie Hall, I legitimately thought that they should have had him say “You sure these are the right directions?” And someone else reply “Yeah - practice, practice, practice, then it’s upstairs on the left.” These are real thoughts I have, people. I’m not proud.
A note on perspective - a lot has been written about the failure of the filmmakers to do their due diligence in telling Dr. Shirley’s story. His surviving family members were not consulted AT ALL, even though, without Dr. Shirley, this story would never have existed in the first place. It may be a feel-good tale, it may show two unlikely men looking past their differences to forge a friendship, it may even inspire more folks to investigate Dr. Shirley’s music and his legacy - none of those things are bad, and no one is saying they are! But a person’s story...especially when that story is being told posthumously on their behalf...is the closest the world can get to knowing a person’s soul. And I don’t think anyone can successfully argue that Nick Vallelonga is the best person, or the person with the singular authority, to be the author of Dr. Donald Shirley’s story. Especially when Mr. Vallelonga has a vested interest in smoothing over the rough parts of his father’s story to make them more palatable.
Case in point - after discovering Dr. Shirley naked and handcuffed to a shower with another naked man in a local YMCA on their tour, Tony tells him that he’s not homophobic because he’s “worked in a lot of New York nightclubs” and he’s seen it all before. Oh, so in the Bronx in the 1960s, Tony sees so many gay people that he’s Mr. Tolerant, but he’s never spent any time around BLACK PEOPLE? 
Or how about downplaying any and all connection Tony might have to more “unsavory” white people in his neighborhood. You know the kind of guys who offer you a mysterious job, and when you say “What do I gotta do?” they say “Things.” That’s not a job good people want to do. Those aren’t good people to have in your life. 
Also, the movie does such a forceful job of portraying Dr. Shirley as isolated from his family, from other black people, and from true human connection (seeing as he’s cruising for hookups in a YMCA and has to be rescued gallantly by white knight Tony) that it becomes pointedly hateful. It’s as if to say the only way a queer black man can go through life is isolated and full of self-destructive loathing. 
This may be why the film’s working title could have been RESPECTABILITY POLITICS: THE MOVIE. 
Don’t get me wrong, the performances are great. Both Mahershala Ali and Viggo Mortensen are doing everything they can with the material they’re given and injecting these one-note caricatures of human beings with as much depth and nuance as they can. Much like Rami Malek in Bohemian Rhapsody, I don’t fault the actors for the sins of the writers, directors, and producers - if anything, their performances and the excellent music are the only thing that allowed me to feel any sense of goodwill or enjoyment during the movie at all.
Is there a rule that if you’re going for the big Oscar-winning speech that it has to take place in the rain? Literally watch that gif above and remember that this line was written by a white man whose father worked for this black man. You tell me that you think this movie allows Donald Shirley’s story to be told with any sort of depth or honesty about his emotional interior. 
It’s pandering, it’s overly simplistic, and from a technical standpoint, it’s honestly not that remarkable to look at. It’s all cotton-candy-coated racism solved in time for Christmas dinner and it’s probably going to win a bunch of Oscars and that really fucking sucks.
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torontotravelblog · 5 years
Toronto Travel Prep Guide
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Toronto, Canada can sometimes get confused with just another city, as it’s neither the capital nor the cultural favorite like Montreal. However, there’s so much more to it than skyscrapers! The neighborhoods like Kensington Market, Distillery District, Queen Street West, and Chinatown offer so many chances for exploration. The yearly Toronto International Film Festival is one of the city’s most popular events. Shops, ethnic eats, and street art all make Toronto a great destination for all types of travelers.
If we’ve left anything out or you’d like to join the conversation, please leave comments below!
Toronto Travel Expenses Tips
Toronto is a reasonably priced destination for travelers, especially when compared with other North American cities like New York or Miami. As long as you know how to cut corners, you’ll be able to get plenty of bang for your buck in Canada.
Enjoy the free attractions. You don’t have to spend a fortune to appreciate Toronto. For example, the street art that covers the city is completely free, as are the parks! Tour Guys offers a number of free tours of the city. The Art Gallery of Ontario has free admission on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The Bata Shoe Museum offers “pay what you like” admission on Thursdays from at 5 pm. The Scarborough Historical Museum also offers the same system every day.
Exploring Graffiti Alley in Toronto, Twirl the Globe
The Big List of Free Things to Do in Toronto, Frugal Mom Eh
Skip cabs and cars. Leave the car behind because you won’t need it unless you’re venturing out further. Public transportation is easy to use, including the metro, buses, and trams. If you’re trying to go even cheaper, there’s bike rentals. Toronto is also extremely walkable and doesn’t have too many hills. I had no trouble walking from the bus station to my hostel.
How to Get Around Toronto with Subway and Streetcars, For Two, Please
Stay in one of the neighborhoods. The advantages of staying outside of the Central Business District are many. Not only will you save some loonies, but you’ll also get to experience Toronto like a local. I recommend the Kensington Market area.
Exploring Toronto’s Kensington Market Neighbourhood: A Travel Guide, Brittany Thiessen
Essential Gear to Pack for Toronto
Pack for Toronto like you would just about any other big city. It certainly depends on the season, but summers are mild and winters can be extra chilly with snow. Learn how to pack light for cold weather travel.
Comfy shoes– If you plan on walking during most of your visit, which I recommend, be sure to bring comfortable walking shoes.
Light waterproof jacket– Not only is this good to have in case of a sudden rain storm, but it will also keep you from having to buy a cheap poncho at Niagara Falls!
Cash– Change over your money to use on public transportation. Cards are accepted just about everywhere else, but I didn’t have coins one night on the train and had to borrow.
What to Pack for Summer Activities in Eastern Canada, Tortuga Backpacks
Books to Read Before Visiting Toronto
There are a number of books set in the city of Toronto but not all reach national acclaim. But these are a good few to start with before your trip.
Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood– A controversial painter returns to her home city of Toronto for a retrospective of her work. While there, she remembers her childhood and friends. Grab a copy on Amazon.
Headhunter by Timothy Findley– A librarian is reading a book when a character jumps out of the page. She frantically searches the streets of Toronto in search of him before it’s too late. In the meantime, a number of children end up in institutes with the same disease. Grab a copy on Amazon.
The Killing Circle by Andrew Pyper– A failed novelist joins a writer’s group in hopes of finding inspiration. During this time, a serial killer is terrorizing Toronto. He listens to the tales of a fellow writer, which sound familiar to what’s going on in real life. Grab a copy on Amazon.
Consolation by Michael Redhill– Telling two stories at separate points in time in Toronto, a geology professor throws himself from a ferry and a young apothecary is struggling to make his life in a new country. Grab a copy on Amazon.
Lemon by Cordelia Strube– A high school girl named Lemon has a dysfunctional life and decides not to try and fit in any longer. Grab a copy on Amazon.
Movies to Watch Before Visiting Toronto
Fans of shows like Degrassi may know the skyline well, but the independent film scene is also thriving in Toronto.
Breakfast with Scot– Based on the novel of the same name, a gay retired hockey player lives with his sports lawyer partner in Toronto. Their lives are changed in when they take in his brother’s stepson. Grab a copy on Amazon.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World– Another film based on a popular series, Michael Cera stars as Scott, who must battle the ex-boyfriends of the girl he likes in honor to win her heart. Grab a copy on Amazon.
This Beautiful City– The lives of four Toronto residents collide one night when a woman jumps from her window in a suicide attempt and runs into a couple trying to recover from addiction. Grab a copy on Amazon.
The F Word/What If– The film had different names in some countries, but it starred Daniel Radcliffe. He stars as a medical school dropout who falls in love with his best friend, who happens to be with her live-in boyfriend. Grab a copy on Amazon.
Top Things to Do in Toronto
Toronto has the most attractions and museums of any Canadian city, so you certainly won’t get bored. If you plan on visiting a number of them, get a CityPass or other combination pass. And don’t forget about the outdoors as well!
CN Tower– The most imposing structure in the Toronto skyline, go to the top for the best views or even a walk along the edge!
Niagara Falls– While not in Toronto proper, this easy day trip showcases the beautiful waterfall that straddles the American and Canadian borders.
St. Lawrence Market– This food hall predates the current trend, offering butchers, bakeries, and much more.
Casa Loma– Once a private home, this castle is now a museum and event space where you can see how the other half lives.
Hockey Hall of Fame– Sports fans will appreciate a trip to the museum devoted to Canada’s favorite pastime.
Centre Island– The island across the harbor from downtown has its own theme park and petting zoo, open seasonally.
Art Gallery of Ontario– This art museum’s collection includes works from Africa, Oceania, Europe, and, of course, Canada.
Bata Shoe Museum– It seems like an odd choice for a museum, but this one has four galleries of footwear ranging from ancient China to the modern day.
Royal Ontario Museum– Memorable exhibits at this museum include Chihuly glass, dinosaur fossils, and Egyptian mummies.
Tours– There’s a tour for every interest including street art, beer, history, and even pork. I recommend Urban Adventures and Tour Guys. Or search on Viator.
Caroline in the City Guide to Toronto, Caroline in the City
The Travelettes Guide to Toronto, Travelettes
Things to Do in Toronto, Canada, Y Travel Blog
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Where to Stay in Toronto
There’s an accommodations option for every price range, starting from the hostels and going up to luxury hotels.
Planet Traveler is a luxurious hostel with a rooftop patio, full kitchen, and computers for you to use.
The Drake Hotel is a chic boutique hotel in the heart of the hip Queen Street West district.
Thompson Toronto is a luxury hotel with the best rooftop pool in the city.
The Ivy at Verity is a boutique property with unique rooms, each different from the next.
AirBnB is another option, which is ideal for a more local experience and additional space.
What Not to Do in Toronto, Conde Nast Traveler
Food and Drink in Toronto
You may not think of Canada when it comes to well-known dishes, but you will certainly eat well in Toronto.
Poutine– Ah yes, a Canadian classic. The hand cut fries are topped in brown gravy and cheese curds and can be found all around town. Some varieties are standard while others are topped with pulled pork and other offbeat toppings.
Craft beer– Toronto has a surprising number of craft and local breweries like Steam Whistle, Left Field, and Granite breweries.
Caesar– Don’t call it a Bloody Mary! This Northern interpretation uses Clamato juice instead of tomato juice.
Butter tart– These tarts are totally decadent with butter and sugar in a pastry crust.
Anything at Tim Horton’s– You can’t go to Canada without stopping by this quintessential coffee shop for a cup and a doughnut.
My 10 Must Eats in Toronto, This Beautiful Day
Toronto: Where to Eat, Round the World Girl
The post “ Toronto Travel Prep Guide “ was appeared first on HER Packing List
IV Vitamin Drip Therapy Toronto Clinic - The IV Lounge
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rinnysega · 7 years
I have to go to work in a couple hours, but until then I’m just going to lounge in bed and miss my gf
I had such a great time with her, and I miss her so much already. 
Like when I got to the airport and waited for her, I was so nervous I could hear my heart beating in my chest like a drum. When I saw her, I smiled so wide and she did too and we hugged super hard before I took her hand and led her outside to the parking garage. I was so nervous and distracted being in her presence that I missed my exit on the Freeway and had to take an alternate route to get home. 
We stopped by Trader Joe’s and I picked up some groceries to cook for dinner when we got home. The minute we got inside my apartment was the exact moment that I felt comfortable and less nervous, that everything was right and natural and that we’d be okay. She watched me cook dinner and giggled when I got nervous, and then I helped her dry the dishes when it was over. That night we cuddled in bed for the first time ever and we talked about her flight and omg she was so tired and wanted to sleep so bad but I was so awake and talking nonstop about like everything, that I ended up taking some ZzzQuil just so I could sleep lol 
The next day we went to Universal Studios and we had such a good time. Being with her and doing fun activities was so great, and I was so proud of her when she faced her fears and rode Jurassic Park and the Mummy. I held her hand the whole time, and treated her to lunch for being so brave. After that we got to spend a little time at home to wind down before the comedy show. Ben Schwartz was so funny, it was probably the funniest show I’ve ever seen, and I was in tears laughing and slapped my knee a few times. And seeing Ilona laugh and have a good time was pure magic.
On Monday we lucked out and arrived at Cal Arts just in time for a tour of the building. We met a really sweet girl from Mississippi on the tour named Pamela who wanted to go there for acting, and there was another girl in a wheelchair in our group who broke her leg when she fell down laughing. She was there with her dad, and there were two others from Boston who were all interested in Theatre. I think Ilona was the only perspective student there for Character Animation. We got to see the classrooms, all the areas of study, got questions answered, and saw room A-113 of Pixar fame! When we left, we drove down to Northridge to check out CSUN which is her second option if Cal Arts doesn’t work out, but you never know! It made my day when she said later on that she loved it so much she wanted to apply for Fall of this year rather than Spring 2018. 
When we got back to town we walked to a little pottery place where she painted a princess to look like me and I painted a mermaid to look like her. When we finished, we went to a little Japanese BBQ place where we cooked our own food on the table, and that night we settled into the couch to watch Moulin Rouge. My movie selections are slim since I only took a few with me when I moved. I also chatted with some of my friends while she chatted with some of hers, but just being on the couch together was comforting enough.
On Tuesday we spent the morning cooking breakfast and watched Love is Strange and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Then in the afternoon we went to the movies to see Lego Batman before heading into town to see another comedy show. They called on us in the audience when they asked who was there on a date with their valentine and they used some of our story in the improv they did. After that we headed to a hibachi grill where I had reservations, and we weren’t the only gay couple at the table, bless. That night we went home and she fell asleep on my shoulder while I watched the new This is Us.
On Wednesday we got up early and went to Disneyland!!! I made a seperate post about it earlier so I won’t highlight it here, but trust me that it was the best time I’ve had at Disney. Instead of waiting in line to get a bus to take us back to the parking lot, we walked the 10 minute walk, and the whole way I made her laugh using a dorky voice while we carried the balloon we got between us. 
On Thursday we got brunch and went to DisneyTVA to see Sam Levine. He gave us a tour of the offices, as he does because he’s fantastic (or samtastic!) and Ilona was so nervous before meeting him that she kept telling me “Holy shit, I’m going to forget how to speak English” but she did very well! And she got two Sam hugs that she gushed about on the ride home. But while we were there, he let us sit in on a viewing of two episodes from season 2 with Ryan Shore, Jeff and Mark, and no spoilers, guys, but they were so fantastic that I had to bite my tongue not to talk during it. I wanted to say things out loud like “oh my god” and “awww” and make little comments like “this is so great” but I didn’t want to miss a second. Ilona sat between Sam and Ryan on the couch and I glanced over every now and again to see her having a great time. And yes, there was much laughter. 
We went to see a musical improv show later that night, and one of the characters was a shark named Jeremy, so Jeremy Shark became a running joke with me and her and I’m so glad because it was so great. 
As you guys might know, on Friday we saw the worst rain/thunder storm LA has seen in 20 years, so we didn’t get a chance to do much. We walked down to a cafe for breakfast and we picked up our finished pottery, but then the rain and wind started to pick up so we stayed indoors the rest of the day, enjoying the sound of rain while I RPed with Taylor, she talked to her friends, and we watched a few more movies. I’d planned on us going out to see La La Land and have a good dinner out on the town, but again because of weather, we just stayed inside and ordered a pizza. It was very peaceful.
Saturday was melancholy when we got lunch and I helped her pack up for her trip home. We were both quiet in the car on the way there because we were both trying not to cry. It hurt when I left her at the airport and teared up something fierce on the drive home. I tried to get it off my mind by getting photos printed and look for frames, but going to bed last night was rough. I kept refreshing the flight tracker to see where she was. She was over Canada by the time I fell asleep and early this morning when I woke up to use the bathroom, I checked again to see she was almost to the Swedish coast. 
And now we’re both talking about how much we miss each other, and how we can’t wait to see each other again. My mom makes it worse by calling and asking me all about the trip and it’s like “noooo if I do I’ll cryyyy” lol
I’m just...so in love. Each moment spent with her was a treasure that got better every day. We had a lot of down time, especially in the evenings, when I’d get tired and take a nap while she talked to her friends back home or I’d play some Overwatch while she showered or did the dishes. Either way, the quiet moments were just as meaningful as when we spent time together doing fun activities. Being with her felt so good, and the two of us compliment one another in the best of ways. We communicate, we get each other, we’re opposites and peas in a pod at the same time, it’s hard to explain. I really believe she’s good for me, and from our late night talks when we were in bed together, I believe I’m good for her too.
I can’t wait until the day she moves here for school. It’ll be nice to see her on the regular and watch her make new friends and adjust to a life in a new country. Either way, I want to be by her side and shower her with praise and affection all along the way. Seeing her happy makes me happy.
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msmarvelsmarvel · 5 years
Lgbt+ ask game
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
Bisexual, she/her
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
Uh well, I always kinda knew I liked both and in my family, no one was really homophobic so I never thought it was weird. My first kiss with a girl I was in 4th grade and she was my best friend. My policy was always “if you’re hot, I like you” and it didn’t occur to me that there was a term for that (and yeah I’m going with the OG term for Bi meaning the attraction to two OR MORE genders don’t @ me) Anyway in high school I had my ‘coming out’ when my friend group consisted of two pansexuals, a straight and another bisexual. They gave me a name for how I felt
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
Since I am FAB I never had to deal with that sort of thing!
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
I guess the first people I officially told were my friends and they didn’t bat an eye. 
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?
When I finally like posted it on facebook and wore shirts around school and didn’t care who heard, it was a great feeling. I was much luckier than a lot of folks because if anyone at my school had a problem with it, they didn’t let on. My family was accepting, my friends obviously were, and the kids at my school didn’t give a fuck.
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
When I told my mom and stepdad they just said they knew and they loved me all the same. My mom actually said she and my bio dad had known since I was like 2 lol
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
The threesome question, unicorn hunters, the like. Turning on your settings to women on tinder is so annoying because every other person is a couple ‘looking for a nice girl who wants to have some fun’
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
Comfy. I live in leggings and t-shirts/tank tops. I also always have an overcoat of some sort, be it a leather (pleather) jacket, my favorite denim jacket, a sweatshirt, a hoodie, I have all types of overcoats. It’s actually a problem
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
Non-canon of course cause most fandoms don’t like us: Ambrollins is probably the top, Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens (is that canon? Whatever), and Mickey and Ian from Shameless
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
Uh well, I don’t wear it super often. If I’m going to a nice event or it’s a nice occasion or even if I just feel like it and have time I wear like foundation and contour the whole nine yards, but I don’t do it every day. 
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
I do not, thankfully.
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
The pretty obvious one: That we don’t need a pride month/parade and on the reverse, since we have one why isn’t there a straight month/parade
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
For the most part, I’ve had positive, welcoming experiences. I went to NYC pride last year and it was just very happy and welcoming and a sense of community
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
GATEKEEPING! Nothing bothers me more than people acting like there are strict guidelines you have to follow in order to be in the LGBT+ community. Just shut up and let people live, dear lord!
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
Well I mentioned NYC pride which was a lot of fun. I’m from PA so it wasn’t my own city’s pride, but it was so much fun! I almost went to Philly pride that same year, but it was supposed to rain so we canceled. It didn’t rain
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
I think Halsey is a big influence for me, she’s doing good work. Also JVN who recently came out as non-binary. He just gives me a confidence I never knew I lacked. I also just a really big fan of Tessa Thompson
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I’ve only dated men as of now, but I have been talking to a girl I matched with on tinder and she’ll probably be the first girl I date
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?
I honestly haven’t read a book that wasn’t for school in literal years, none of which included lgbt+ characters so I can’t answer this tbh. Actually, I’ll say Harry Potter, according to JK that’s suuuuper LGBT, it just wasn’t important to the plot :/
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
The closest I’ve come so far, in my very small town and closed off life, was a girl that I matched with on tinder.
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
Sense8 was cool, big fan of that show. I honestly can’t say I’ve seen any other shows that focus on LGBT characters. Send me recommendations! 
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
I feel like at this point, all the people I see on my dash are LGBT somehow soooo
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?
Queer! I think it’s mostly already been said, but it’s a good umbrella word for those that don’t exactly know what it is they feel or identify as. It also can take place of titles like bisexual heteroromantic or asexual biromantic. It’s just a nice general term to say without having to explain your whole LGBT story to complete strangers!
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?
I have! There’s a place here in Allentown called Stonewall (I know, right!) and on Thursdays they do drag night along with 18+ so in high school, my group of friends would go. It was always so much fun!
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?
I’ve never really questioned my gender, I’ve always known I was cisgender but it is important to me that I live up to the women I look up to like Carrie Fisher and my mom.
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?
Tough question. Yes and no. If I ever have kids it’ll be adopted because I never want to be pregnant, no exceptions. I’m hesitant though bc my parents have instilled in me a reaction that makes me yell and I’m easily irritated and I also kinda practically raised my youngest brother at a young age so I’m not sure I’m cut out the be a parent
What identity advice would you give your younger self?
Advice in general: Go to more pride things. Join the pride+ club on campus earlier, take any advantage possible to go to parades and just be more annoying about your sexuality. Also! Find more lgbt friends, having friends that are allies is amazing, but actually having friends that are part of the community makes a huge difference
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
I think they’re dumb af. Fuck gender roles in relationships and just in general.
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
Not particularly, just be your genuine self!
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?
It’s not nearly as small a community as people think. Like, we’re considered minority which makes people think there isn’t a lot of us, but (and especially in recent years) I feel like you’ll meet more LGBT+ people than straight in some cases. Also that the majority within the LGBT+ community is bisexual, I feel like a lot of people don’t know that
Why are proud to be lgbt+?
Why wouldn’t I be? lol
♡ Happy pride from @hogwartsonline ♡
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