#my back hurts and i sometimes cant breath and theres always this Lump in my throat when i try to eat
Let You Go
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a/n: I hope you all enjoy! please like and share this one is kind of long (:
“You know I will always support you but I cannot let you do this.”
I roll down the sleeves of my sweater letting the fabric swipe away the tears that pool from my eyes. Ive told myself over and over again to never let it get to this point. To never let anyone see how much I love him but its too late.
“I can't do this Brooke, its too hard.” My voice comes out as a whisper as Brooke sits beside me on the cold bathroom tile. She rests her head against the wall grabbing my hand in hers and sighing deeply.
“The wedding is tomorrow pet, you cannot just bail he is your best friend.”
Ive spent most of my life convincing myself that one day I would build up the courage to tell him the truth. That one day he would see me across the room, look into my eyes and that would be it. He would smile while walking over to me  and kiss me till the world melted away. Sometimes life doesn't work out that way. So, here I am sitting on my bathroom floor with my roommate the day before the love of my life gets married, fighting with what I want to do and with what I know I have too.
“I cant even say his name without crying Brooke ” I rest my head on her shoulder.
“Im going to be honest with you okay? This i going to be the hardest thing you will ever have to do but I promise you, when you look back you won't regret it. You can't just disappear you have to take tomorrow as an opportunity to receive closure. To, to-”
“Let him go?” I finish her sentence
“Yes lovely, its time to let him go.”
The next morning
The sun shines bright today as I stand in front of the mirror. I  run my hands along the side of my dress making sure everything is in place. The peach colored fabric runs a couple of inches above my feet. I don't normally wear backless but Brooke talked me into it. My hair is neatly curled falling just below my shoulders.
“Y/n! Gemma is here.” Brooke calls for me.
Taking one last look at myself I head downstairs following Brooke and Gammas laughter in the kitchen. My eyes land on Gemma she looks absolutely stunning she is practically glowing.
“Y/n look at you, oh my goodness you look amazing.” She pulls me in for a hug 
“You look incredible Gem.”
“Thank you sweets. Well what do you say are you ready to go?”
no no no no no no
“Yes all set!” 
“Have a good time you two. You both look beautiful ill pick you up later Y/N.” Brooke walks us to the door
We make our way to Gammas car. I have to continuously remind myself to breathe. I need to get it together.
“Hey wait.” Gemma lightly grabs my hand 
“whats up did you forget something?” I ask 
“Are you okay?” Her eyes are filled with compassion and love 
“Of course I'm okay why would you-”
“Y/n you're my brothers best friend I have known you my entire life you don't have to pretend around me.” Holy shit she knows 
“What are you talking about?” Please don't make me talk about this 
“y/n, don't play with me I see you. Its the way you look at him, hell even in the way you say his name. You love him.”
“Please Gemma I can't”
“I know my love, I know. I am so sorry y/n you have no idea how much I am hurting for you, I promise you I will be here for you okay? If you need to take a breather or something is too much for you to handle just tell me and we will get through it together.”
“You shouldn't have to do that Gem its your brothers wedding day. You should be happy celebrating him not babysitting me.”
“I love my brother more than anything on this planet but that doesn't mean I have to agree with everything he does.”
“Gem Emma is perfect for Harry. She makes him over the moon happy that is all I want for him. I guess thats what makes it worse she absolutely  lovely, not a bad bone in her body.”
“Don't get me wrong I adore Emma but its always been you two, always. trust me I'm not the only one who thinks so.”
“Who else knows?” 
“My mum, well its basically obvious to everyone but Harry. Tell you the boy is clueless.”
“He doesn't love me Gem I have to accept it.” 
“You're the strongest person I know y/n.” 
The car ride to the church is spent with Gemma filling the air with small talk. I can tell she is trying to distract me bless her soul. There is nothing on this Earth that could pull me away from this pain. I should have told him why the hell did I not take a chance. What if he felt the same way, what if-
“y/n? you ready.” 
It takes me a moment to realize that we have arrived to the church. I take a deep breathe and nod. I step out of the car and force myself to smile. This is going to be a very long night. 
We step through the doors and I am taken back by how beautiful the church is. We are one of the first people here Anne greets us right away, hugging Gemma first then making her way to me. She immediately wraps her arms around me and whispers.
“He is looking for you I can come up with something if you're not ready to see him.” I pull away 
“No, Its okay I'm ready.” Anne leads me to the back room where Harry is we both stand blankly in front of the door.
“I love you my sweet girl let know if you need anything.” 
“Thank you Anne I love you too.” She gently smiles and quietly walks away
I can feel my heart fall to my throat. My hand begins to shake as I slowly lift it and begin knocking.
“Come in.” His voice causes my heart to race my mouth goes dry I slowly turn the knob and enter. 
Harry stands in front of a tiny mirror adjusting his curly hair. He turns to face me and his face turns up into a bright smile. This is so hard 
“Hey, there you are come in.” the sun light streaming through the window causes his skin to radiate a heavenly glow. His eyes, My God those eyes I never want them to leave mine.
“Look at you, you look so handsome ” don't cry don't cry don't cry 
He walks closer to me, “Thank you petal, you know its crazy to think that you use to be taller than me.”
“Oh hush you'll shrink down by the time you're forty. You'll probably be balding by then too.”
He dramatically gasps, “Okay now you've crossed a line.” we both chuckle as he walks behind me grabbing two glasses and a bottle of champagne. He pops the Champagne open and begins pouring.
“I don’t think Ive ever been this nervous.” he hands me a glass 
“You’ll be fine you have nothing to worry about.”
“I need you to know that it means the world to me that you're here. You're my best friend and I could not imagine doing this without you.”
“Of course Harry what are friends for?” He steps closer to me 
“Can you promise me something?” His eyes poor into mine, it takes everything in me not to fall into his arms and confess everything. All I can do is nod as he continues.
“Promise me that we will be in each others lives forever. That we will spend holidays together and our kids will grow up and become best friends just like we did.” 
“I promise.” I raise my glass to his clinking it 
“Heres to forever.”
“To forever.” A forever next to a man I can never have. 
The ceremony begins, I watched Harry step up to the alter messing with his fingers as he waits for his bride. A nervous habit he has never been able to break. Theres a moment when everything goes silent my eyes are glued to Harry. His eyes are wide, his smile the brightest I have ever seen. I can't stop myself from grinning along with him. He looks so happy, Emma makes her way closer to him their eyes are focused on each other. I watch him  mouth the words ‘I love you’ and in that moment my heart shatters. 
They exchange their vows giving the rest of their lives to one another. I sat in silence counting all the times I could have confessed. Once the ceremony ends I drive with Niall and Louis to the reception. Its nice to get pulled out of reality for awhile. Louis is the best person to go to when you need a distraction. Once we reach the reception I find my name tag and take my seat. I'm able to get through dinner and make polite conversation. The Dj announces Mr and Mrs. styles are about to have their fist dance. I couldn't sit through it, I had to excuse myself.
I tried my best to be inconspicuous as I snuck through the back. The cool summer breeze kissed my skin, the sun began to set as I listened to their song in the background. I have never felt so empty. I couldn't hold back anymore I let myself unravel I let every tear Ive ever held back fall.
I didn't realize how long I was outside till the moon began to rise. I was suddenly pulled away from my thoughts when the back door opened.
“y/n? What are you doing out here I have been looking all over for you.” I can't bring myself to face him.
“y/n? petal its freezing out here.” I feel him begin to wrap his tux around me but I pull away.
“You don't have to do that I'm okay.” he stands closer to me 
“Have you been crying?” 
“I’m okay its probably just the wine you know how I get.” I try my best to keep my voice calm but the lump in my throat gets bigger and bigger 
“Hey, hey, hey look at me. You can talk to me y/n its me.”
“Harry please just go inside Ill be okay I promise just go back and enjoy your wedding.”
“I can't enjoy it knowing you’re out here by yourself crying. You haven't even danced with me yet.” I can't help but chuckle at his concern 
“Come on please petal come dance with me I have a song picked out and everything.”
“Harry I can't, Im sorry I just can't.”
“Thats okay we can dance right here.”
“well you won't go inside come on come here.”
He wraps his hands around my waist and I place mine on his shoulders. We slowly sway back and fourth even though the Dj is playing a fast paced song. I can't handle looking at him so I place my head on his shoulder.
“Petal I want you to know that whatever is bothering you will get better. I will be here when you are ready to talk about it. I want you to enjoy yourself tonight I can't stand to see you sad. Emma will be heartbroken if she knew you were so upset.” And with that I lost it again, I pulled away from him.
“I have to go Harry.” 
“What why?”
“I can't handle this anymore.”
“y/n please talk to me you're freaking me out.”
“Its too much I will ruin everything if I tell you.” He grabs my hands in his attempting to calm me down 
“Please just talk to me I promise you aren't going to ruin anything.”
“You are the most important person in my life Harry. You have been here for me my entire life and your friendship means the world to me. I thought I could push it away, I thought I would be able to do this but its impossible because I'm in love with you. I don't expect you to do or say anything I just needed you to know. I will leave and you won't have to worry about me intruding I promise I am so sorry for ruining everything I just-” 
He wraps his arms around me and pulls my body close to his chest. I slowly bring my arms around him, hugging him back. I hear him sniffle and realize he is crying. He pulls away for a moment and puts his forehead against mine
“I should have told you.” he whispers 
“What?” This can't be happening 
“Its always been you y/n.”
“You can't say that to me Harry this can't happen its too late.”
“I know.” Tears streaming down both of our face 
“Its best for the both of us if I disappear for awhile Harry.”
“Petal please don't you're my best friend, I love you.”
“I love you too but this is too hard I can't watch you kiss her its too painful I just need some time.”
“Please don't do this.”
“Harry I have to let you go.”
“I know that you understand that I love Emma with all my heart. She makes me so happy and for a long time I was convinced I would never have that. She is my wife and I will always honor and be loyal to her. But that will never change the fact that you will always be my first. It was you from the beginning, you will aways be in my heart fucking always. Promise me you won't let this change us please.”
“I can't promise that. I just need to go away for awhile please don't be upset with me.”
He leans down and presses his lips to my forehead.
“I could never be upset with I just can't believe we have to-”
“Let each other go.” we say in unison
He let me go. 
Hope you all enjoyed!!! sorry if none of it makes sense I never edit my work lol
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missjackil · 7 years
Sam and 13x6
As many of you have, I noticed reactions and emotions in Sam’s expressions that he wasnt vocalizing. Now I wont go as far as some of you do and blame writers for casting Sam’s feelings aside, because we see it, and if we see it, it’s supposed to be there, and there is a reason for it. Jared has said on several occasions that Sam is happy Cas is back, but is apprehensive. Unsure if this is really Cas, or if this form of Cas can be trusted, because Cas has come back as a bad guy before. I got that feeling from Sam, but I got a layer of something more. Was it Jealousy? Disappointment? He could be feeling either. For the last several weeks, he has had both Jack and Dean all to himself, and now he has to share them again.  The scene in the motel bedroom, for me, was much more than apprehension, and concern about “this Cas” but Sam feeling jaded because Dean is in a good mood. Sam IS genuinely happy Dean feels better, but when Dean said that having Cas back was their big win, Sam looked deflated and just answered “fair enough” and he told Dean it was good to see him smile. This warmed my heart, but at the same time, it looked like Sam wanted to say “Nothing Ive done for you, could have made you smile?” 
This isnt the first time Ive seen Sam want to say something negative, but say something positive instead. Last season in the Asa Fox episode, when he confronted Mary about hunting after Dean was born, she looked guilty at him, and he looked like he wanted to call her out on lying, but he didnt, he took a deep breath and told her he understood that she couldnt stop then, and he guesses she cant stop now. And then we saw him literally swallow a belly full of hurt and tears in The Raid when she said she stole the Colt.  So, Im seeing Sam’s latent jealousy popping up. And I say jealousy in a way that we dont usually experience it. Ive always felt like Sam harbored some jealousy over Cas, but he never took it out on Cas, he never even took it out on Dean, because really, jealousy is our own, and his own demon, and no one is at fault for that but ourselves. Sam loves Cas, and Cas loves him too, but he’s always been more Dean’s friend than Sam’s even though they have a close (and even more healthy) relationship. The bond is stronger, and Cas has said so himself.  Its not only with their mother, and Cas, its been with pretty much everyone in their lives. We know Sam believes John and Dean had a better relationship, (though in Dream a Little Dream Dean believes John and Sam had the better relationship) and Bobby favored Dean and admitted it, Kevin, Charlie, even Crowley, all liked Sam but favored Dean, but Sam only ever expressed this once, in the Church in Sacrifice. “Who are you gonna turn to next time instead of me? Another Angel? Another Vampire?”  Sam didnt put much effort into hiding that he was jealous of Benny, but that was the first time he ever said anything about Dean turning to Cas for anything. In 13x4 in the theapist’s office, when Sam had his brief outburst, he was talking about his and Dean’s relationships with Mom, but I feel like he was lumping everyone in there. Cas, Bobby, Crowley, they all would call Dean and go to him for everything, and then they were all gone and Sam would have to swallow he would never have that kind of relationship with them.  And now we just had Sam trying to help Dean through his morbid depression, meanwhile taking care of Jack, and growing very attached, and now Cas is back. Dean feels better and Jack cant hug him tight enough. How can Sam not feel like shit? And when Jack moved the pencil, Sam looked like he didnt want him to show them that, like maybe he doesnt want Dean, or Cas for that matter, to know he was trying to get Jack to move something with his mind... like he used to do, back when both of them thought he was going dark.  Sam’s jealousy has never quite played out, but was an undercurrent of S11. because now he was also adding Amara to the list of people Dean may love more. In Love Hurts, the monster woman (I dont remember what she was) was putting spells on women who would continuously take back their cheating husbands and killing them, now she was gonna do it to Sam, while Dean was learning who his deepest darkest desire was.  Later, Sam is relieved in Safe House to find that Dean saw a vision of “dead Sam” which meant that Dean loves him, and also Sam was curious as to what Dean did when he thought he was dead in Red Meat. When Amaras fog was killing Sam, he tells Dean “You were gonna choose Amara over me”. And then Chuck and Amara take somewhat of a parallel of Sam and Dean, and “Samara” tells Chuck/Dean “In the beginning it was just you and me, and we were family. I loved you and I thought... I knew, you loved me too” and she went on to talk about all these things Chuck needed and she hated that he needed something other than her, and then he locked her away. This could be in reference to the panic room in S4 or, Sam fearing Dean will push him away for all these other people.  So I think Im seeing now some of the jealousy popping up again, and thoughts that Dean doesnt need Sam. These things do usually come to a head, but sometimes theres a long wait. I hope we dont have to wait very long for Sam to open up and express that he feels like hes not enough, if indeed thats how he feels. His facial expressions and demeanor seem to be showing it. 
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sophieaaaah-blog · 7 years
Sup some Langst and Pidge angst cuz i miss my Friends so Imma wright some annnggststtt
Can see it as Pidge x Lance if you want i wont judge, even though its not neccecarely one of my ships 0:
Tw: Suicidal thoughts, self-harm mention and homesickness so yeah
Pidge walks down the cold and lingering hallways, distracting her thoughts from the past, to the present. she doesnt want to think about the past, and, the present is the best that can exist, as you don't know what could happen in the future, and it scares you, like the dark in a place you haven't been in before, or a stranger taking your hand in a omnious place. And if you would've ever thought about the past? You get stuck, clawing through rose-thorns, hurting your entire being, feeling like you're walking on mud and never getting to a destination that doesn't even exist.
She keeps walking down the dark castle halls, getting away from the past, although it may feel like she's walking on mud, clawing through those painful thorns, she can take the cold.
The present may seem like its hurtful.
But its the best you can have at the moment.
* * *
* * *
The floor is cold against her small, white feet, and step after step they get bluer. But she doesn't care right now, she can let them get blue, she can let them fall off, let them decay and get eaten by worms and insects, rot untill they’ve become just a pile of bones, or until someone finds them in the horrid state they’ve become- and the rest is up to the the person, isn’t it? Anyways, It wouldn't help getting her family back so why should she care? 
Her thoughts wander away as her footsteps sound is coursing through the halls, a never-ending pitter-patter that wont seem to stop bothering her. 
As shes trying to convince herself to think about something happy and light, she starts thinking of her mother, but her mind falls on something dreadfull.
Is her mom still alive? 
´Shes all alone, isnt she?´ 
´She could be dead.´
´She cant be dead can she?´
´She could be.´
´She wouldnt kill herself, would she?´ 
´Maybe, she could’ve though.´
Her words start to haunt her, although now its not about the past, its about what could be the future, and it doesnt haunt her, it plagues her. It struck her heart with fear, ´What if shes dead?`, she thinks, ´What if my entire family is dead?`, she cant take it, she can’t think, she cant breath, she cant do anything. 
She feels hopeless.
Like a baby bird thats fallen from its nest.
Naked, cold, hungry, crying.
Crying for help for its mother that will never come.
She founds herself walking faster, not caring about bumping onto Shiro, as she knows his thoughts haunts him aswell, but not in thoughts, but in nightmares, making him afraid of falling asleep. He too will roam around the halls, it works as some sort of coping mechanism, distracting him from the hurting, heavy past.
She wants to forget aswell.
But its hard.
So, so hard.
She finds herself by the airlocks.
She roams past the airlocks. 
She won’t do anything stupid, she wont kill herself, she knows it means she may never see her family again. Not only her biological family, but her space family aswell. They’re all she has, and even if the rest of her family may be dead, and all her work couldve been for nothing, she still has them. and she still has a universe to protect. 
So her work may not have been for nothing after all.
plus she doesnt whant to die, theres so much she wants to see, and to do, and to feel.
She doesnt want to die.
She tries to keep the positivity up as long as she can, she feels lighter, and the ground isnt as cold anymore, she’ll keep it up as long as it lasts.
And it doesnt last long.
She finds a body by one of the airlocks.
A Tanned boy, tears fresh, breathing heavily, hugging his knees.
Blue eyes staring at her.
She doesnt know what to do at the moment, seeing one of her friends crying in the middle of the hallway, he’s still looking at her, eyes wide, eyebrows scrunched together, he’s scared.
She decides that, maybe its best for her to sit down next to him, she doesn’t need to say anything, the quiet can be calming and helpful. But seeing him in this state isn’t maybe what he wants. Or needs.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asks, looking at him, her smooth, honey eyes almost looking like a pair of brown chestnuts in the dark hallway.
He turns his head away from her, looking at the metal-floor of the castle, he feels uncomfortable to be in this position. How could he be so carefree? He was so stupid thinking that he was brave enough to throw himself out through the airlock. He was scared. Not afraid of dying but at the same time he was afraid of dying.
He could be able to die, but at the same time just thinking about it just makes him anxious sometimes. And when the thought sounds comforting for him he would hurt, not with emotion but with blood. 
A blade
Cutting his thighs.
It was easier to hide.
he’d only wear pants and long shorts. And when hed go swimming he’d wear over-sized boxers that almost went down to his knees, or that just covered his scars enough that no one would notice.
But when he doesnt have his blade anymore? After he left it back at the garrison in his old room? After hed been flung into space? He cant cut anymore. His thoughts gets the best of him and he’d really gets the urge to do it. But now the only thing he has are his old scars. It would itch so much, but hed bite his nails untill he couldnt scratch anymore.
So he’d panic.
And panic.
Untill it was too much.
And he’d do stupid things like these.
He almost did it this time, he almost pressed the button. But he was too scared, he was scared of the thought of never seeing his family again. He wants to see them again before he does anything stupid.
Maybe he needs help.
Huh, the thought never came to him before.
Maybe does he needs help. 
Maybe... he should talk to pidge.
She’s right here anyways.
What’s stopping him?
oh right,
his fear is.
He’s scared to talk to someone about his problems when hes so used to listening to others. But know maybe he should talk, just this one time. 
Just maybe.
He takes a deep breath, shaking as he’s doing it. But it didnt feel like he’s breathig, it felt like he was choking. Like if vines are growing in his throat clogging his only way of breathing, it felt like.. drowning.
“I-I.. I was too scared to do it.” He manages to get out, still looking away from the green paladin, he’s tense, and he won’t move. Its almost as if he’s... scared.
Pidge feels confused, what is he scared of? Is he scared of the war, of maybe space? or maybe hes scared of..
“Lance, what are you scared of?” She asks, she sees that lance tenses up more, putting his head between his knees.
“Of.. never seeing my.. family again,” He mumbles, and before Pidge can ask something else he interrupts her, “but I guess that’s what’s stopping me.”
Pidge doesnt like where this converstation is going.
“stopping you from what Lance?” She asks looking worried at Lance. She sees how he’s pale, dehydrated from the crying, he’s skinnier, and his usually broad, strong shoulders are now just thin.
Lance looks down at her, his face is emotionless, and his eyes looks dull, like a thuderstorm thats all calmed down.
almost dead.
“Stopping me from killing myself.” He says, looking at the cold floor infront of him, and at that, Pidge gasps.
She cant believe his words, she doesnt want to believe his words, does he want to die? she can only ask to find out.
“D-do you want to die?” She asks carefully, she doesnt want to cause harm in any way, she doesn’t want to hurt anyone.
“I guess.” Is his answer, he feels calmer now. Maybe telling someone does help.
“Is that why you’re here?” She asks again.
“Yes.” He says looking at the airlock in front of him.
“Oh and why are you here?” Lance asks, pidge jolts at the question. Not really caring about herself when she knows that her friend is suicidal.
“Pidge, there must be a reason your walking around here, not because youre bored in the middle of the night.” He says, patting her on the back, he honestly feels.. numb
“Oh, I uh, miss my family. I guess.” She lets out not really bothered by the fact that he asked, shes more worried over how calm he is, after having a - what she thinks- supposed panic attack.
“And, I’m scared.” She says, rubbing her arm to ignore the awkwardness of this situation, Lance raises his eyebrow.
“Why are you scared?” He asks, more worried about his sis- friend than himself, and he knows he should be worried about himself, but he doesnt really care.
“That my family is dead.” She lets out, her voice cracking. She can’t cry, not infont of Lance.
“Oh.” Lance says, mildly surprised.
“And thats why i dont want you to die Lance, cuz youre family,” Her eyes start getting to sting, a lump gets stuck in her throat. The thought of death is scary, but somebody that she loves dying?
“you’re like a brother to me, and maybe the only one. So.” Pidge gasps, she’s not ready to let her tears fall, she wants to seem strong, she doesnt want to act fragile when she is the one trying to seem like she’s the one helping.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” She says. Now her face is the one thats buried in her knees, whilst lances head is looking straight at her, his eyes wide.
Lance has always been good at comforting people, but he doesn’t know how to comfort Pidge. He never really got to have any physical touch with anybody on the team, so he doesn’t know how to help.
Well, he’ll have to guess.
“Pidge, do you want, uh, a hug?” She shakes her haid, instead she says something unexpected.
“Show me your scars.” lance backs away a bit. Why does she want to see them? He doesnt mind but he never told her about them, so how does she know about them?
“C’mon, telling me that you want to die is screaming self-harm, show them to me.” She says, her head still in her knees, shaking slightly.
Lance is just confused, but he listens to her request anyways. 
So he stands up and pulls his yellow sweatpants off, revealing slighlty skinny legs and- scars. 
“Here you go pidge.” he says, sitting down with is legs streched out. Feeling kind of vulnerable.
Pidge tilts her head upwards, looking at lance sitting in his short underwear, revealing his most secret part of him, his cuts.
She looks shocked, but her crying seems to have stopped, she looks calmer and- she is calm, she remebers when she was younger and she would play with her brother out in the garden of her house. The smell of grass covered on their clothes, and their smiles plastered on their faces.
“Y’know, when I was little and when me or my brother got hurt, he’d show me the scar when I was crying and say that everything heals. It made me feel better, which is why I asked you to show me yours. Becuse everything heals.” Pidge says, looking at the scars on his thighs, only scars though, knowing that he didn’t have anyother tool to cut with , she felt less tense at the fact.
“So uh, Pidge.” She looks up at him, taking her eyes away from the scars. 
“Yah Lance?” She says, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“Can I put my sweatpants back on it’s kinda cold.” And Lance wasn’t lying, he really did feel cold, and honestly just wanted to put his sweatpants back on.
“Oh, pfft, yeah, sure you can” She says before taking his pants and running away.
Lance stands up at the process.
“Hey! Not cool! My scars, hello!” He screams, seeing her stop and face-plant on the floor before picking herself back up again and running back towards lance.
“Oh shit yeah, sorry.” She grinns, half-apologetically, Handing his sweatpants back to him.
Lance smiles and and takes them back, feeling kinda half-happy, half-cold, but honeslty? Its the closest he’s come to happy in weeks.
“Yeah, sure, Gremlin.”
End <3
(Oh hey im alive, yes ive been gone for a while sorry for the 100th time)
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ijustwantagoodurl · 6 years
#shsjdjdjjs sorry im just gonna rant in the tags here#dont bother reading this or anything i just need to vent a bit#my back hurts and i sometimes cant breath and theres always this Lump in my throat when i try to eat#and i Have been eating my regular two meals a day but theyve been getting smaller and smaller and that worries me#i LOST my coffeecup in this house somewhere which makes me sad#dad seems pretty shaken up by Something and theyre both gonna b gone for most of this month#i am BEHIND on applying for colleges i should already b applying and not still searching#i havent done laundry in a while and i feel bad for my binders#SPEAKING OF im takin this week off of binding and im on my period which SUCKS ASS but i gotta take a week off sometime this month#ive only told tim but it turns out that teles has a gf? and theyve been goin for a month but somethin struck me as off?? idk tho#maybe i just wanted something to seem off when he was talking abt her#i think im taking it p well#also asdrubal is staying with us for a Month and its interestig feeling Put Off by being gendered in spanish bc it can just seem like#like i forgot spanish rules when i call myself a ingenierO instead of inginerA and thats somethin#raine is in my thursday Gay Group at school which is interesting#i dont have a therapist yet but my parents still seem to busy to bother asking#i recently realized that i have a lot of people who consider me a friend but only a few who /i/ consider a friend#cuz theres tim aleK chels#amber i guess?#maddy but idk if shes even in town any more and shes not the type to just chat#id say teles but were not at a Comfortable Talking stage yet so#idk its bc i listen and care abt what people say and thats a Lot more than most will do for others ig??#maybe its just bc all my potential friends are teens???? idk tho it seems ridiculous to b snobby and be like tEeNs when im still one ya kno#magic seems to be crawling back into my life and at this point in time im too tired to try and stop it or fight it#my shoulders are sore and in pain#ive set a reminder for tomorrow tho to treat myself and buy things for myself#im gonna bother chels abt that nice ass pen she has and buy myself some records and new binders#maybe ill bike over to a bank and put all my cash into my account??#i wish i had the strength to get rid of all the things i hoard#aleX texted today bc they were having a panic attack but i was at work and they were being manipulative towards tim yesterday and idk
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