thepopoptic · 2 years
Watch "Ridiculous Leftist inconsistency: Jordan Peterson #shorts" on YouTube
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gradient-joe · 9 months
I want bugbo to sit next to Thomas who is RASIST against bugs
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taylorswiftshipsbyler · 7 months
I just found out that my cousin is a billy stan
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heeliopheelia · 6 months
Im sorry but i dont understand how people support stray kids...theyre so racist...chan literally did the jim crow pose and hyunjin mocked black people...
Okay so I don't think I'm in the right place to talk about it since I'm white and the things the boys have done don't affect me personally. I'm not defending anyone but I wouldn't necessary call it plain racism by maybe more of a racial ignorance?? Okay please don't come for me!!
Okay like I said before i'm NOT defending anyone but I also think that some of you, especially americans, need to understand that in the most of the countries people are not taught or told about things such as cultural appropriation. I can tell you guys by my own example that EVERYTHING I have learnt about what's offensive or not was through internet. I had no idea how many things are considered cultural appropriation and the second I read about it and understood why, I immediately stopped doing such things. For example, when I was in kindergarten, half of the kids were dressed up as stereotypical native americans or indian women... Now as I'm older I see fault it in, but i can bet my life that none of the parents buying those costumes actually knew that that was offensive... I also had no idea what the Jim crow pose was until like last year I think.
I'm not trying to excuse what they've done, I don't feel like it's my right to speak about it either, all I'm saying is that I'm not going to stop stanning them because of these mistakes – if they do keep happening again though and they won't acknowledge that what they're doing is offensive, I will do so then
Hope what I said isn't gonna bring no controversy and I hope you guys understand what I mean by that.
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kitchen-box · 1 year
Choises - a study
Harry didn't exactly know when it happened.
It could be in the Chamber or in the graveyard. Or probably both. Yeah, definitely both...
The chalenge that Harry was dealing with this time was worse that the dragon, the basilisk and the dementors combined. Harry didn't think he was exaggerating. Not this time.
He knew he wasn't the most... moral individual out there.
From 'killing and eating the intestines of a rat when he was 6 because he couldn't open the, at that time new, locks, and he hasn't ate in at least 5 days, and he so conveniently found a rat near the playground on the last day of school and fucking Jenna Baker was braging that she got a mouse for her birthday and surely it must be okay that Harry got one as well, as long as aunt Tuney doesn't find out it must be alright. It must!' incident alone you get that he wasn't that great in the morals departament. But in his defence he did fell bad for the rat's death. But he was also hungry and desparate. And the combination of both won over his morals.
At least most of them. He wasn't going to murder a human being. No matter what they did.
Not even him. The reason of his questioning morality, the reason he lived and still lives with the Dursley's over the summer, the fucking murderer of his parents and the guy who killed Cedric, entered him in a deadly tournement and tried to murder and probably will succeed in murdering him in the probably near future and... his current crush.
Oh, and current Dark Lord who is fighting for the death of anyone who isn't a pureblood and at least 50 years his senior. Oh, did Harry forgot to mention that? Opsie!
Which againt brings Harry back to his current dillemma.
'How the fuck did I get here?'
He got a wet dream where Voldemort fucked his guts out. That's how he got here.
And it wasn't even a dream where hot 16 year old Voldemort was fucking his brain out. No - no - no! Harry's couln't be that easy. He got snake head - no nose - red eyes - paper skin fucking Voldemort. That Voldemort was worse.
He knew he was bent, that wasn't really a surprise for Harry, he had plenty of dreams about guys like Oliver and Cedric, but he also had dreams about Cho and even one about Parvati, so he knew he wasn't a real fag, just bent. So a dream about 16 year old Tom wouldn't have been a problem.
But it was a dream about Voldemort, so it was a problem.
He couldn't tell anyone about this. Not Ron, not Hermione and certainly not Sirius.
So 14, soon to be 15, year old Harry Potter chose to ignore his crush.
Like 11 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore every quality that may have had him sorted in anything other that Gryffindor.
Like 12 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore the hatred he had for Ginny for being so stupid to be manipulated by a motherfucking book. His anger at the stupidity of the adults for not realising, at least, what the monster from the Chamber was.
Like 13 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore that his godfather and his teacher nearly killed a man and harmed Harry and his bestfriends.
Like 14 year old Harry Potter chose to ignore his bestfriend's betrayal.
Like 15 year old Harry Potter will chose to ignore that Snape has been a victim all his life. His sudden urge, at Voldemort cowardly departure from Dumbledore, to run after the darkest wizard of the time and beg him to take Harry with him to tell him that Harry loves him .
Like 16 year old Harry Potter will chose to ignore that part of him still hates Ginny, the same part that only wants Ginny for Tom.
Like 17 year old Harry Potter will chose to ignore his bestfriend's second betrayel. His knees colapsing under him and bursting into tears at the sight of his soulmate's body, not for the deaths of his friends and of children like everyone else assumed. No, he wept at the sight of the love of his life, a man he loved as much as he hated, lifeless on the ground. Because of him...
Because of Harry Potter.
A Tragedy in the form of a Martyr Hero.
Harry Potter turned the Elder Wand, a Legend in form of a Wand, to himself and for the first and last time cast the Killing Curse succesfully.
A Saving in the form of a Punishment.
But that will be later.
Right now Harry is going to stay awake and try not to weep at the thought of loving a man he hated.
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enekorre · 1 year
Love seeing an American be racist on my years old post about racism in Europe and then block me. If I didn't have emails turned on I would never even have seen the comment. Fucking racist moron 🤪
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misstsiki · 1 year
Σκάλισα το συρτάρι με τα χάπια
-έψαχνα εκείνα τα χάπια για το στομάχι.
Τα βρήκα, έχουν λήξει από το καλοκαίρι.
Αναρωτιέμαι αν είχαμε χούντα, θα τα έπαιρνα;
Ε τότε θα τα πάρω, γιατί δημοκρατία δεν έχουμε.
Κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη δεν έχουμε.
Κοινωνική ειρήνη δεν έχουμε.
Κοινωνική ισότητα δεν έχουμε.
Χούντα έχουμε.
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no-no-no-ahhhh · 2 years
Pls to anyone out here with the power .... fix monster high 🙏🏽
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lemonlovemeanslove · 4 months
Jag fucking hatar Norea så jävla mycket
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digmark2 · 4 months
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u-friend-or-ufo · 11 months
Graeme general blight voice is just perfection
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shield-sheafson · 1 year
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icarusdelta · 1 year
being part of a friend group that requires a diagnosis to get into is so mid,,, 2/10 don’t recommend
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makemycitybreak · 1 year
Hatar vänsterkids lmao
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lau-and-history · 1 year
Someone came to have a look at our flat because we discovered mold. And this man was mansplainig us at best and gaslighting us at worst. I'm in complete shock of how unprofessional he dismissed what we told him. I had to go to work midway through but my partner told me that the man said something racist in the end. So there's that. Would have kicked him out on the spot then.
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kazuha-ame · 1 year
me: drinks nail polish in the discord voice chat for a suicide attempt (it tasted disgusting i was sick after that)
the guys in the vc: haha die *slur* we don't need f@gg0ts
trin calling me later: *pretty voice of hers* hey please don't do that again or i will be mad if you kill yoursrlf then i will also kill myself because i can't live without you. don't die or i will miss you pretty
me: *falls in love all over again*
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