rchanscandy · 7 years
rchanscandy’s webcomic recomendations!
I don’t normally do this but I’ve been reading a lot of really awesome webcomics and I wanted to tell y’all about them and stuff because damn I found some real gems this past month. I also need people to scream about them with so heres my list in no particular order under the cut! (the comics are hosted on either smackjeeves or tapastic or both)
Lazy Snow Leopard
An utterly lazy god, an anthropomorphic personification of the Snow Leopard, rests upon his favourite tree, when suddenly woken up by a thrown stone. The thrower turns out to be a young admirer of his former self. The youngster persuades the lazy god to begin a quest for fame, glory and world salvation. While the one concerned would have preferred to just lie down and go back to sleep.
Notes: This one has me dying of laughter, I love everything about it; the art, characters, just all of the yes
A street rat is given a second chance when he is dragged from the gutter and into a new life. Will he accept his position at the side of royalty, or fight every step of the way? -Rated M for sex (M/M, consensual), violence, nudity, language and dark themes.- Warnings: -References to child abuse and sexual abuse.-
Notes: The art and story is absolutely mesmerizing, I couldn’t stop thinking about this one after reading it for a long while. Can’t wait for more updates!
Novae is a historical romance with a touch of the paranormal and a dash of astronomy. It chronicles the adventures of Sulvain, a sweet tempered necromancer and Raziol, a passionate 17th century astronomer. A connection forms between them and their relationship blooms, but when the body of a fellow astronomer is found on the steps of the Academy of Sciences, their lives are entangled in ways they could never foresee.
Notes: There are not a lot of pages so far but I’m already in this for the long run. I’m a sucker for historical romances, especially gay ones and this is just beautifully executed. 
A story about being nice to birds and having safe gay sex.
Notes: The description pretty much sums it up xD. Such a good read and really intriguing characters, I enjoyed this a lot. (NSFW)
Mismatch tells of the bond between two rivals who slowly discover they have more in common than they think.
Notes: Only 5 pages in and I was immediately hooked. The art style is so cute and I absolutely love the premise! I can’t wait for more!
Grey Eyes
Mike Lawson finds himself on the strange world of Dwal. But now the ancient Gate won't let him back through. Mike must try to find his place in this strange new world, and perhaps find it to be better than the world he came from. A fantasy/romance with a touch of mystery. 18+ for adult language and situations.
Notes: The character designs and the art are so cool, hell everything about this is freaking cool and I need more!
Almost Touching
Wyatt's got a huge secret and Aiden is a nosy bitch who becomes intertwined in it. Though he doesn't seem to mind much... boyxboy
Notes: I got sucked in by the pretty art style and stuck around for the interesting story and lovely characters. (NSFW)
Avialae is a webcomic about a gross bird boy and his nerdy wannabe ornithologist boyfriend--I mean neighbor who helps him out during the painful and bloody process of growing wings. 
Notes: I just absolutely adore this one, it has really interesting characters, a unique premise, and just...birds man. (NSFW)
Rainbow Mansion
Watch the drama unfold as 14 contestants come together at the Rainbow Mansion in hopes of becoming the Rainbow Champion! Hearts will break, the tension will sizzle, and only one will have a chance at eternal glory. Or, like, at least a quip in the tabloids and a book deal? (M/M)
Notes: This is one of the best and most hilarious fucking comics I’ve read in a long time. I love the way it’s set up (a cheesy bad reality tv show) and the characters (all of them) are fucking fantastic not to mention the art is on point. (NSFW)
Yrkki sold drugs to a stranger guy. That wouldn't be nothing new for him, but this guy was a cop.
Notes: Beautiful art, beautiful men, and a story that keeps you on your toes, whats not to love? (NSFW)
Demon House
Tula is a student just trying to get through her senior year of college. Little does she know that her new rental is inhabited by demons. Juggling her social life and these new roommates should be no problem.
Notes: This comic is a blessing. I absolutely love all the characters and the art is so well done, not to mention the hilarity that ensues. Definitely one of those must-reads!
Demon of the Underground
Pogo is a big-mouthed but small-framed young thief who falls through a hole in the ground and finds himself in a brutal underground world where survival is based on strength and intimidation. His only hope for escape is his telekinetic ability - and the help of a stray ferret named Annie. Urban fantasy/paranormal/LGBTQ
Notes: I’ve been following this one for awhile. First off, the art is fantastic, and I’m in love with that in itself. Second the characters and story are so interesting and unique...I’m dying to know what happens next and discover more!
Boy meet boy and together search their origins
Notes: This story is so cute and the art is beautiful and I’m gonna cry I need more. (NSFW)
Markus is a reclusive witch living in the woods. He stumbles across a surprise one morning that changes his entire life. It's gay.
Notes: I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this comic. It’s so fucking cute, the characters are adorable, the art is adorable and well drawn, and every time it updates I get so freakin excited you have no idea ahhh just go read it!
No Way
NO WAY is a web comic, a story about fantasy world and Academy, where many creatures study together. But first and foremost this is a story about a vampire and an elf who were betrothed to each other and who now have to live and learn together. Yes, this is a story about the relationship between two guys, basically, although the other characters are there too. Also in the future in the comic are planned explicit scenes of a sexual nature, so there is a limit 18 + But, basically, it's still a romantic Comedy and fairy tale.
Notes: Everything about this, the characters and the art and the story are fucking phenomenal. It’s got some of my favorite character designs ever by far. Highly recommend this one, such a good read and a feast for the eyes! 
The God in the Field
The age-old story of Hades, Persephone, and a love that causes the seasons (with a yaoi twist.) Disclaimer/Content Warning: Anyone familiar with greek mythology will know that they are in for a ride. This comic will contain kidnapping, a coercive relationship with unequal power dynamics, and various other scenes from the underworld that Hades presides over. It will contain NSFW scenes and scenes rated 18+. Please be forewarned!
Notes: One of the most friggin beautiful art styles I’ve come across in a long time. I actually caved in and bought hard copies of this one it was so beautiful. I love everything about this gosh I can’t even put it into words.
Les Normaux
Les Normaux follows the lives of a bunch of supernatural beings living in Paris after a human wizard named Sebastien moved to the city. 
Notes: The premise and characters in this one are so unique and the art style is so cute. Actually everything in this is cute, and funny, and just a good time in general. Highly recommend this one.
Dakota and Kennedy are thrown together in a world ravaged by a single disease. Fast spreading and corrupting sanity, civilization was razed to the ground. For those fortunate to have immunity, life isn't easy. Avoiding the diseased is one thing, but without law and order those left take complete advantage of a world they can now build for themselves. Stranded together in the ghost of the country they once knew, Dakota and Kennedy fight through whatever obstacles lay in their path, seeking peace and quiet and maybe something to eat.
Notes: I really like the way the story is going, not to mention the art is hella nice. Highly recommend this one, especially if you like apocalyptic themes and such.
Wham, Bam!
Harvey is nothing. He's a nobody. Trapped in a small Texas town where nothing ever changes, doomed to waste away in the scrub brush and withering sun, he figures the best he can do is keep his head down and stay out of everyone else's way. After all, who would be crazy enough care about a deadbeat redneck like him? Then one day an old Dodge rumbles into the parking lot of the gas station where he works, and Harvey learns that some folks wear their crazy like it'll never go out of style. It's amazing how much your life can change in just four days. [WARNINGS: explicit content, strong language, depictions of violence, TW for homophobic attitudes/language (later on). 18+ only please.]
Notes: I am in love with this art and storyline. It’s so unique, I don’t think I’ve read anything quite like it. Not to mention that the title itself grabbed me in for the hook before anything else.  I can’t wait to see more!
Sometimes, home can be a person. A sheltered young mutant meets a soldier who's seen far too much for his short life. A process of learning and healing begins.
Notes: The art is so pretty, reminds me a lot of avatar the last airbender in terms of style. I’m super excited to see where this story goes as well, the characters are super interesting and really cute!
Hendrix and Julian
Hendrix and Julian are natural enemies- a cocky jock and the school's gay punching bag, but will all that change after one cold night alone in the gym cupboard? (NSFW)
Notes: I’m usually not a fan of the whole bullied falling for bully plot but I really really love how this story goes. Not to mention the nsfw scenes are really good and the art is just yesssss.  I highly recommend this one!
Nine young adults with different backgrounds all end up in the same area in Paris. What started off as another semester at art school takes a turn when the differences of the group's lives finally meet. A story of lgbt love, friendship and finding yourself. Warning for blood, violence, sexual content and drug use in the upcoming chapters.
Notes: The art style is cute, the characters are cute, the comic feels super relatable and down to earth and I just really love the whole thing overall. I always get so excited when it updates!
Countdown to Countdown
Iris is a young man with the gift to bring pieces of artwork into reality. 5 years into an apocalyptic outbreak, he's holed up in a lab that shelters "problem" children. Between his failed experiments, deteriorating mental stability, and being ridiculed by other members of the lab, he doesn't think life could get any worse. Life agrees to disagree.
Notes: This comic is so friggin beautiful. The story is hella interesting and the setup is like that of a video game which I think is really super creative and interesting to experience. The characters and the world they are in are really fun and interesting and just overall this is a really well done comic, I’m always excited for when it updates!
Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, meet at a British all-boys grammar school. Friendship blooms quickly, but could there be something more...?
Notes: The title of this comic is the most accurate thing.  This comic has my heart stopping because of how dang cute this is. Seriously, there are parts of this that have me screaming on the floor.  The art style is so cute and airy and totally fits the mood of this comic and the characters are so adorkable and just...aughhh go read it seriously!
With Great Abandon
With Great Abandon is a queer romance set over the course of a year in London. It's the story of Harry and Russell's differences, similarities, and relationship. A hopeful and kind story. Also food and comics.
Notes: This comic made me cry (good tears).  The story is so down to earth and realistic, not to mention so cute.  Also the art and colors are just on point and I really appreciate this comic aesthetically. It just completed and I was very satisfied, you should definitely give it a read!
Age of the Grey
When the unseen war between heaven and hell finds itself bound to the plane of humans, several kids discover themselves caught in the middle. The almighty angels of heaven and the wicked demons of hell battle for their kingdoms, a revolution that could mean the end of humanity, and when god and the devil decide to take it into their own hands, only chaos can follow.
Notes: This is such a cool concept executed with such bold and expressive art. I love love love the characters and its so cool to see how the art continues to improve over the course of the story! Definitely recommend this!
Behind these Birchwood Walls
Adrian Pembroke's parents put their foot down after his teenaged mischief turns into a run in with the cops. He finds himself shipped off to Mercier Preparatory Academy, an elite boarding school. Miserable and feeling utterly out of place, Adrian soon lands himself into trouble as usual. He is rescued from his own antics by Acario Ambrose, the resident golden boy of Mercier. Appearances are deceiving, and Adrian learns a great deal more about both himself and his new friend than he ever bargained for.
Notes: I love this so much, it started out a bit slow but as soon as the story got going i was on the edge begging for updates. The art is amazing, I have no idea how this artist is able to be so consistent with their painting style throughout, its amazing! 
Ingress Adventuring Company
Saving the world is a pretty big deal, but what do you do once you’re done saving the world and no one needs you anymore? Do you become a magic professor? Do you study a convoluted thesis that no one understands? Maybe you relive the glory days by starting up a one-man adventuring party to gather mystical artifacts for people who may or may not pay you. Or, if you’re Toivo Kissa, you do all of those things.
Notes: I fell in love with the premise and art at first sight. It’s absolutely adorable and the main character is so precious I love him so much. I cannot wait to see where the shenanigans go. 
Alphor, a countryside apothecary, comes to the capital city for work, where he has a chance encounter with his estranged childhood friend, the wizard Selfrid. The same childhood friend who confessed his love for him ten years ago, before they separated. They resume their friendship, as though there was no confession, but such feelings can't be forgotten that easily; they are torn between the bitterness of a crushed first love and the comfort of a friendship they don't want to ruin again.
Notes: This comic is so damn pretty i can’t handle it. I love the setting and all the little world elements added into this comic. Definitely a bit of a slow burn if you’re into that but oh man will it be satisfying if the main ship finally sails. 
When Stephen, a quiet bookworm from Oregon, gets his admission letter from the University of Hawaii at Manoa he was anticipating some life changes. What he didn’t anticipate was meeting Alex, an upbeat and easygoing local who offers to be his guide around the island. After that, it’s love at first sight. Through ups and downs, they’ll bring out the best in each other in this story of love, growth, and self-acceptance.
Notes: If you want a sweet heartwarming story about 2 cinnamon buns falling in love with each other then this is the comic for you! Seriously, every little tiny moment in this comic just makes me scream because its too cute.
A cursed prince must rely on a witch to free him from an enchantment. But witchcraft is banned, and the two young men have little in common. As love blossoms between them, can they overcome their own prejudices, save their nation, and find a cure... before it's too late?
Notes: Everything about this comic i just love love love love. The story, the art, the characters, everything! It tugs at your heartstrings in ways you don’t even expect whilst dealing with a suspenseful situation. I’d gush forever about this one but I don’t have enough room.
Guard Dog
BL about people living in the post apocalyptic world where being infected by a zombie won't immediately turn you into one, but it can give you some troubles... and some extras
Notes: By the same creator as Handcuffs, which is also on this list, I knew when this came out I’d love it too. I was not wrong. Cute gay bois in the apocalypse, what more can you ask for? Definitely a must read!
The Sun Prince, the Saint, and the Changeling
When Tomas stumbles into unexpected feelings for his friend Matthias, he dreams about a fun, uncomplicated summer romance. Instead, he discovers that he doesn’t know his friend nearly as well as he thought he did, he knows himself even less, and when your family has connections to the Holy Roman Empire, nothing is ever simple. When summer comes, Tomas finds himself drawn into a mystery spanning two years and three hearts — one of which is his own. 
Notes: This is one of my all time favorite comics. I am a sucker for lgbt historical romances and everything about this comic from the story, to the art, to the world building is just so beautifully done. Cannot gush enough about this one to do it justice, just read it. 
Abel & a Dead Man
Jim lives an ordinary life until the day he's supposed to die. Abel is a Soul Collector who decides to let Jim live and asks him out instead.
Notes: Such a unique graphic art style combined with one of my favorite grim reaper x supposed to be dead person premises, I highly highly recommend checking this out.
Life Outside the Circle
The heartwarming tale of two men who find love in the Finnish countryside.
Notes: This comic is way too cute I cannot handle how cute it is everything about it just makes me scream because ahhhh it so CUTE!!! Just read it and you’ll understand what I mean.
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rchanscandy · 7 years
Life Updates
So I’ve been nonexistent on here for like months on end...I’m surprised people are still following me and reblogging shit...thanks so much if you’re still hanging on and waiting! Anyway heres whats been going on:
-school was tough, I survived, but I was unable to have any time to make any personal/fanart during that time. 
-I’m starting a HUGE thesis project! I’m so excited, I’m going to be creating a visual novel. I’ll be making a separate blog for that progress, but working on that will be consuming most of my time for the coming year.
-Despite general inactivity I am still taking commissions if you are interested. I always will make time for those.  
-My cat is happy and healthy thank mew very much for helping me spread the emergency commissions post!
-I killed off my last dnd character and replaced him with a badass warrior girl, so thats new...maybe some art of her to come
-Battling an ear infection -.-
-I’m no longer active on skype and therefore no longer running the snk artists skype group. My account also got hacked so I’ve changed the password and just stayed off for now.  If you want to chat with me, send me messages through tumblr ^^ I might be inactive posting but I’m still around for chats if you’re bored
-Thats pretty much it. Idk if anyone actually reads these anymore but in case someone was worried, this is whats up xD
Thanks for sticking around!
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rchanscandy · 7 years
It’s my birthday!
I’ve waited 21 years for this day hahahaahahaha *pops a bottle*
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rchanscandy · 7 years
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Rules: Upload a picture of yourself from the beginning of the year and a picture from the end of the year to see how much you’ve changed. Tag 10 people
I was tagged by @nelleri (thanks! ^3^)
I haven’t changed much other than the color of my hair physically but oh man am I a different person than I was at the beginning of the year wow. Heres to another year of personal and mental growth!
I’m gonna tag @clockworkwatch @cinnamonbunwithgun @natalieallyn @rosanticis @somaybeidontcare and anyone else who wants to do this. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to of course ^^
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rchanscandy · 7 years
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Updates on life: 
 Sundae has been a happy healthy kitty since her last bout of sickness and hasn't been showing any odd symptoms since. She's diabetes free and the results for a bacterial infection came up negative. Still don't know exactly what was wrong with her but hopefully it won't happen again. Thanks everyone for supporting us through this hard time whether it was well wishes, commissions, or reblogging the post. I'm still taking commissions! (If anyone is wondering) thank you once again so much to those who helped us out! <3
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rchanscandy · 8 years
Life updates
my cat got really sick tonight, I think she had a seizure at one point too. So it was panic all the way to the animal ER and they did alot of tests. They think she might have diabetes but I have to take her to the vet again monday for more tests to make sure. These tests are really expensive and if she does have diabetes I’ll have to start getting her insulin which will be even more money. I’m going to make an emergency commissions post soon since I’m in desperate need of money for these things. Just tonight took a huge chunk out of my bank account and I currently don’t have an income to support it.   
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rchanscandy · 8 years
I am actually crying right now
SO fucking happy holy shit i cannot believe A+++++ show I have no words I’m just a sobbing mess of happy
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rchanscandy · 8 years
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My cat is so cute ok i love her <3
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rchanscandy · 8 years
i am tired and might accidentally reblog things to the wrong blog my apologies >< 
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rchanscandy · 8 years
ok real talk
I really need a victuuri amv to Amaranthe, Endlessly, I will actually cry...no joke...the song itself makes me tear up so pair that with the otp and ill drown in my own tears
listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDPqXQiPUII
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rchanscandy · 8 years
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Hey guys, not really art related but I’m super excited, I just adopted my first cat! Her name is Sundae, she’s 7 years old and the biggest cuddlebug I’ve ever met. I went through crazy amounts of paperwork to be able to have her with me at school but it was so worth it. 
I’ve always wanted a cat and I feel so blessed she was able to come into my life <3
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rchanscandy · 8 years
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“Wow rchanscandy has been super inactive and hasn’t drawn any fanart! Why?” Above you will see is only part of why. Those are only the ones I’m not ashamed of to post. 
I’ve been working my ass off this semester guys. To the point of neglecting nearly all my social media. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me despite. I’m trying to revamp my art blog and become a bit more active again. 
Also if anyone is interested I have 2 new speedpaints up on my youtube channel! 
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rchanscandy · 8 years
Thanks for ur patience!!
I feel like i should post something since I haven’t in awhile and I feel kind of guilty since alot of you follow me for my fanart but I’ve been super lazy and not drawing anything nor motivated to do so. But in case anyone was worried I’m alive and well xD I’m doing my best to keep up with what I can even if that means I’m not being a consistent artist or good network admin right now. Hopefully this sort of makes sense. I really do want to post more fanart, I miss doing so I just have has 0 energy these days and the summer has been killing me with other shit.  So thanks to everyone who has been patient with me despite! Special thanks to @ackermenn for dealing with this (particularly the network part).  
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rchanscandy · 8 years
annnnd I’m back
back to being on social media again, thank you for your patience! It was a much needed break ^^
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rchanscandy · 8 years
I haven’t been posting much anyway lately but I need a small break from tumblr and the internet in general. So sorry thank you for your patience. I’ll be back again~
@ackermenn so sorry I’m kind of placing you in charge of the network till then and i know you’ve been really busy too -.-
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rchanscandy · 8 years
Signal Boost
Hey guys it was brought to my attention that there is an art tracer on the loose. 
https://www.instagram.com/kat.drawingg/ and  https://twitter.com/kat_drawing
has traced these artists works:
as well as traced official art : 
and she’s continuing to trace and post other’s art as her own, even trying to show her “process” which is obviously faked.  
https://www.instagram.com/p/BAvSN3sFxgM/?taken-by=a.ven12 here is some more proof from one of my friends
This is just really incredibly sad. Because this artist has potential to do good work, but they are wasting it on tracing others art and claiming it as their own. If this could be spread, to alert some of the artists that she has stolen from and help prevent more things like this in the future that would be appreciated by everyone in the artistic community.
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