#re error interaction
askreerror · 11 months
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I've did an interaction while ago where my subscribers ask me to draw some Error's weird reincornations XD
That's lama Error and goose Error!
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lightweaver-chosen-if · 2 months
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I know it took awhile but… tadaah!
New 20k words of content just dropped, bringing the game to 50k! Each playthrough is around 22k~ words with mini paths to explore.
I tried to edit this as much as I could, but with the new amount of branches I'm starting to get cross-eyed after re-reading the game so many times. As always feedback is always welcome! I'm having some trouble in linking scenes together with code. So if there are parts where it seems weirdly formatted or abrupt, please let me know in the forums.
IMPORTANT: Please use a new save! A lot has changed since the last update so it's most likely broken. The game passed both the quick and random test, so if you encounter any errors please make sure you didn't use an old save before reporting game breaking bugs.
What's New:
Continue the tour with A and L!
Learn about future events
Officially become a Launwyce Academy student
MC lore ;)
Meet and interact with your potential pet 🐶😺
Meet and interact with J
What's Edited:
World lore
More physical banter variations for A and L when they have different genders
Hope everyone enjoys the update! :D PS: Ignore the main re-post, just wanted to transfer the main post to this account. PPS: omg I just realized it's April 1 - this is not an April fools joke !!!
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laikabu · 3 months
re: my thoughts on laios’s sexuality (long post ahead lol)
let me start this post with this. first, this contains a lot of references to the new adventurer’s bible world guide book released last february. i can read japanese, but i’m sure they’re translated somewhere. general spoiler warning in case. also… i am ESL, so sorry for any grammar errors
second, if you’re on the team that insists laios doesn’t care about humans enough to form relationships, either read the manga again or at the very least read this thread.
last, please don’t chime in with your acearo headcanons on this post. there’s already a majority of posts here that insist laios is acearo and that anything else is impossible. i don’t like it the same way i don’t like when someone declares they hc marcille as bisexual to a poster who reads her as lesbian. i already have enough people here who declare he’s ace on my own art. at least people on twitter of all places don’t do this sort of thing to me. nothing in this manga is canon, you can headcanon anything i won’t get mad if you hc him as bi or something. just. don’t be weird on my post.
okay. trust me, i love women, and i love the idea of making my favs women lovers but the idea of laios being gay really appeals to me because of his background. this isn’t fueled by yaoi since i don’t even ship the only m/m relationship i bring up here, i just think it adds a nice layer to his disconnect with his own humanity
i do think laios has a very abstract relationship with his sexuality for a multitude of reasons. he grew up in a very conservative backwater village. he has a hard time recognizing his own feelings towards others just as much as vice versa. i don’t really care for the “laios is a monsterfucker” agenda people are pushing but i do think he’d engage in sexual thoughts in his own weird way, i won’t deny his deviantart fetish shit
as an autistic person myself, i relate to how he’d prioritize his special interest over social interactions. after all, he was fixated on monster food so he’s distracted from dark thoughts. he’s not an actual glutton
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he’s shy around women, but i don’t think it’s out of attraction. i just think it’s because he’s awkward and doesn’t want to be seen as a threat. there’s a couple of times when, out of armor, he deliberately tries to make himself look smaller and nonthreatening.
he didn’t show any interest towards ashivia (the hubby hunter girl marcille replaced) and just humored her because she wouldn’t leave him alone. his other party members thought he was giving her special treatment so he had to tell her he “doesnt want to give her special treatment anymore”(even though he never did), so she left
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ashivia did her best to butter herself up to laios and he didn’t care, but laios thought shuro was his bestest friend in the whole world because he was too much of a pushover to reject him. ironically… what ashivia did to him parallels what he was doing to shuro
also… yeah sorry i keep bringing up that one comic of laios saying if he were falin he’d marry shuro and then begging him to take him back to his country, or that comic of laios wondering why he doesn’t like him(and then the first two questions he asks the magic mirror was what if he or shuro were women). i don’t even ship them! but it’s not a reach to assume that he likes men because of this, even if it’s kinda played like a joke(after all,a lot of people like chilshi even though their ‘shippy’ interaction was played as a joke)
of course, given the setting, i don’t think knows he’s gay, he wouldn’t have the vocabulary to label himself. i do want to dance around with the idea of him forcibly confronting his own sexuality after years of yaad pressuring him to produce heirs lol. laios might not be cishet but he’s a king so he rdgaf about that right now. i’m open to him having female consorts for political reasons, but i don’t think he’s into women, is all.
before anyone brings up his succubus… god forbid an author makes hetbait. a part of the plot twist was that not-marcille wasn’t the only succubus enticing laios, his other party members were copied too. she was the only one who approached him. also… succubi aren’t always inherently romantic. once it realized marcille didn’t work, it switched to appeal to his desire to be a monster.
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gummilutt · 6 months
Get dressed action on towel racks
A while ago I started using @episims' wonderful towel lite mod that makes our Sims put on a towel or a bathrobe after they shower or bathe. It adds a delightful touch of realism that is really fun. But as much as I enjoy taking my rich lady from her fancy bathroom to her walk in closet in a towel, sometimes I don't want to send my Sim past their bedroom to get dressed. When I shower I usually get dressed in the bathroom, putting on clothes I hung by the towels before getting in the shower. I thought, why can't my Sims do the same? With a little imagination, I re-purposed the actions of the Seasons coat rack to add clothes-changing animations to the towel racks that most of my Sims already have in their bathrooms, so that I can pretend they too put out their clothes on the towel rack before getting in. I wasn't sure if it was worth uploading but you guys loved the idea so here we go! :)
I only added everyday, formal and pyjamas because those are the three I thought it likely I would ever want. Shower during the day? Everyday clothes please! Girlies got ready for a night out? Get glam with your formal wear! A shower before bed? You'll want your pyjamas. The other categories seem unlikely, but I am open to updating it if there's a persuasive reason :)
As you can see in the video Sims are pretty decent about using the towel racks, even if they are on a wall behind stuff. I haven't altered the actual code to navigate to it, it uses the same slot as viewing the deco object did previously, which in my test has worked well. In the end I had to use different animations for children because the coat rack uses a step stool which needs a slot that the deco objects do not have and I could not figure out adding one. It was either different animations or floating in the air, so different animations it is :)
I've edited three of the Maxis towel racks. "Towel on a Metal Rod", "Towel on a Wooden Rod" and "Towel Hanger Plus Plus". I'm also sharing one edited CC towel rack by Simply Styling, which I discovered through @gayars recolors found on her website here.
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Get maxis towel rack add on on SFS | Get Jope towel rack on SFS
If any creators would like to add these edits to their own towel racks, please feel free to do so. To make it easier on you, or any simmer that simply wants to update things they downloaded, I prepared a download package with the resources you need and some basic instructions. It's not step by step, it assumes you are familiar with edits. Should anyone want or need more detailed instructions, I am happy to help when I can :) (Update 2024-03-06 I replaced the routing mechanism in the interactions, to avoid a slot-missing error that happens in some CC objects that do not have a routing slot)
Conflicts: The maxis towel rack add on are global plug in for those objects, which means there is a potential for conflicts. HCDU+ will find any conflicts, but I doubt there are any. Indirect conflicts may also occur if you have mods that add additional interactions to deco objects, they would not show on the towel racks because I have overridden their usual pie menu.
Credits: whoward69 at @picknmixsims who taught me how to edit event trees in animations, @episims for the towel lite mod that inspired this, @gayars who taught me how to repurpose animations between objects and for introducing me to the jope towel, and all you lovely people that encouraged me to post this with your enthusiasm <3
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thebigbiwolf · 6 months
Mine, if Only for the Night
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Based on a prompt given to me by a wonderful anon: Astarion/reader fic where he finds out she's never had a lover 'finish the job' so she doesn't see what all the fuss is about, and he decides to use his skills to ruin her for anyone else and show her what she's been missing out on?
Fic Tags: Porn with feelings, Multiple Orgasms, Overstim, Astarion POV, LOTS of Pining, Vaginal sex of all kinds (jesus), and Reader's First Orgasm lol
Fic Warnings: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), language
Word Count: 5.1k~
Read on AO3: Here
A/N: I loved this prompt. No notes. This is also maybe a bit of a fix-it fic where Astarion does not dissociate during your first time in the woods because my baby deserves to have a good time.
Thank you Lari @imaginarydromedary for being the best beta ever.
Astarion leans his shoulder against a tree, surveying the clearing. 
While the surroundings were still a tad rugged for his tastes, he’d taken it upon himself to arrange a few furs and pillows here and there until it felt acceptably comfortable. 
He peels off his nightshirt, discarding it into the plush grass as he works his jaw, wondering where you might be. 
You should have arrived by now. More than an hour had passed since the distant, jovial music and chatter had faded into nothing, and the tieflings have long since said their goodbyes. The night envelopes him in silence, broken only by the distant murmur of a nearby stream and the usual cricket song.
He’s starting to wonder if perhaps he had misread this entire situation. Maybe he pushed too far - made some sort of error in his assessment of you. 
Or maybe you didn't desire him at all. 
The idea gnaws at him - unsettles him more than he’d ever care to admit.
An uncomfortable weight in his chest. 
He brushes the feeling aside, scoffing to himself.
As if you or anyone else would deny themselves a chance to indulge in his body, especially when offered an immediate out. No unnecessary promises. Not even a cuddle.
As if.
And yet, he can’t seem to shake this uncomfortable doubt.
Step by step, he paces, turning your interaction with him at the party over in his head until he’s exhausted every word - until the grass flattens beneath the soles of his feet. 
How the topic of your disappointing sexual history came up could perhaps be attributed to your shared bottle of wine. He’d nearly choked on the damned drink when you explained to him, in detail, about every encounter, every night you spent satisfying a man’s ego rather than having your needs met, and how you no longer believed there was any real point to sex.
He could hardly believe his beautifully pointed ears.
And while he would normally revel in the opportunity to embarrass someone over being the tragic victim of terrible sex, your case is… different.
You are different.
You stood by his side, even through the disastrous revelation of his condition. More than that, you allowed him to drink from you - a favor he won’t soon forget. 
Part of you even enjoyed it. 
He felt it the moment he put his mouth on you, the very second his fangs breached the delicate skin of your neck. He felt it all: the subtle hitch in your breath, your little twitches of excitement. 
And yet, you asked nothing more of him. 
So, what is a friend to do?
It took some insistence - a bit of reassurance that no , offering to bed you properly was not brought about by a sick sense of obligation, nor was it a way to repay you for your kind deeds - but honestly, for the life of him, he doesn’t understand why this feels so damn important - why there's this incessant urge to bring you the release he knows you so desperately need. 
Perhaps it's the promise of a challenge - one that pokes at his male pride like a petulant child. It goads him, raising an egotistical brow his way, the knowledge that unlike all the other men you’ve wasted your time with, Astarion could get you off with ease.
He’d pull out all the stops, use every trick in his little black book to reduce you to a quivering, obedient mess. He’d take his time with you - have you wet and pliant, begging beneath his fingers before giving you everything those pretty little lips could ever ask for. 
He would ruin you, if you’d allow it.
All you had to do was give him one night. No strings attached.
And yet, here you are, keeping him waiting.
Five, then ten, then 20 minutes pass, and only when he’s about to pack his things - when his growing impatience threatens to twist into a feeling dangerously close to disappointment - does he hear movement behind him.
The rustle of leaves, a snapping twig. 
Astarion turns to find you grappling with a particularly thorny bush - your hair a mess, adorned with small sticks. With a frustrated huff, you kick at the plant, muttering under your breath.
You haven’t noticed him yet, too busy fighting to free your foot - and it suddenly occurs to him that your inferior human eyes had to navigate these woods in the dark. 
That little detail must have evaded him when he made his proposition, but realizing it now, knowing that you weren't simply wasting the night away, wrestling with the decision of whether to leave him waiting and wanting… sets him at ease.
“You should have been a druid.” he teases.
You freeze, head perking up and swiveling towards the sound of his voice.
“I don’t see why the lot of them insist on camping out in the wilderness,” you huff,  “There’s a perfectly fine grove less than a mile from here.” 
You finish prying your boot out from the thicket, nearly toppling over in the process. He almost considers helping you, but watching you struggle like a newborn dear is just too amusing to pass up. He’ll make it up to you soon enough.
Making your way toward the clearing, your eyes gradually adjust to the moonlight. They find his gaze, then wander over the pale expanse of his chest, before quickly darting away to focus on the ensemble of blankets.
“Oh. This is… nice.” You remark, gesturing towards the furs, and at first, Astarion assumes you’re mocking him - turning a nose up at his thoughtful efforts.
But when he turns toward you, preparing to make a less-than-savory comment about gratitude, he is instead met with a genuinely surprised, and somewhat irritating, smile.
Just what sort of lovers have you settled for, thinking that this constitutes ‘nice’?
“And you thought I was going to, what,” he scoffs, “Drag you into the cold woods and have my way with you against a tree?” 
Your face flames at the suggestion, burning bright red at his boldness, but you don’t deny it. 
In fact, his keen ears pick up on the subtle flutter of your heartbeat as soon as the words leave his lips.
That’s all the confirmation he needs. 
“Ah,” he purrs, “I see.”
With that, Astarion closes the distance between you, toned arms sliding beneath the firmness of your thighs to lift you with ease. A surprised squeak leaves your mouth as your ankles instinctively lock around his waist.
He takes a few steps forward until the dull edges of bark press into your shoulders.
“Is this what you want?” He punctuates his words with the firm press of his clothed cock against your core, already hardening with interest. It’s almost maddening - how responsive you are, already squirming in his arms when he’s hardly touched you.
His grip tightens on your rear, nails digging into your soft skin.
“Answer me, dear,” he growls, “I want to hear you say it.”
It’s a lie, of sorts. He doesn’t want to hear it - he needs to. Needs you to beg for him, as ridiculous as it feels. 
He’s had more lovers than he could count, heard their sweet cries like a symphony of praise, but they fell on deaf, pointed ears compared to this - to your ragged breaths.
“ Say it .”
“ Please , Astarion. I want this -”
As soon as the words leave you, his lips are on yours, hungry and demanding. He sets you down, one hand leaving your thighs to grab at your jaw and tilting it just so - steering your face into a more accessible angle, the tip of his nose finding its place against your flushed cheek.
His other hand snakes its way to the back of your head, twining the soft strands of hair between his fingers, tightening them in his fist and pulling .
The sudden sting elicits a whine, stolen from your parted lips, and he takes the opportunity to run his tongue along the seam, dipping into the inviting heat of your mouth. Notes of cheap, flat wine still linger on your tongue, but he quickly finds he doesn’t mind the taste - barely notices it at all when you're opening up for him so eagerly.
He long expected himself to turn off - to hide behind his practiced movements, allowing his body to do the work for him - to wake up sometime after you’d found your pleasure in him.
But here he remains - his script thrown to the wind while your little sounds of approval hang in the air between you, driving him with a hunger that is wholly unfamiliar. 
He wants this, but that realization will come later, when he’s gathering his clothes with the heat of the morning sun at his back, wondering why the idea of leaving you there in the plush grass settles like lead in his stomach. 
It’ll wait for him there, hidden behind layers of denial and fear, then follow like a hound biting at his heels for months on end until he makes peace with it - until he chokes on his own tears in the safety of your arms where you’ll welcome him, along with all of his complications.
But for now, he kisses a line down your shoulder, feeling more alive and present with every swipe of his tongue against your collar bone. You sigh, and he pays special attention to the thin skin there, warm and jumping in time with your pulse.
Astarion's deft fingers skillfully unhook the buttons of your shirt with practiced ease. He tears away the offending fabric, and a low growl burns its way out his throat as the last two buttons pop off, landing somewhere in the dirt beside him. You’ll have something to say about that later, he’s sure.
When the morning comes, he’ll notice you searching for them and offer to sew in new ones - more suitable ones, in whichever color you’d prefer. When he hands the shirt back to you just a few hours later, now embroidered and finer than even before his careless blunder, your impressed smile will awaken a fondness in him that will linger naggingly in the corners of his mind for the foreseeable future. 
He’ll ruminate on that later, when his mouth isn’t descending on your breasts, and his hands aren’t palming at your newly exposed skin.
Falling to his knees, he works at the laces of your trousers. Then, when the troublesome strings are finally undone, his eyes meet yours, holding your gaze as he peels the cloth slowly down the length of your thighs. He takes his time with it, dragging the fabric over your knees and trailing the blunt edge of his nails back up to the curve of your hips, watching intently as the skin prickles beneath his touch.
You wiggle, restless and flushed bright red from your neck to your ears, suddenly avoiding his stare. 
It’s a strange, uncharacteristic shyness—until he puts two and two together when he runs his finger over the white lace of your smalls and finds them positively soaked .
“Is this all for me?” he teases, a smug smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
His thumb presses knowingly into the wet fabric, petting the skin beneath with practiced pressure. 
You don’t answer - you can’t - with your head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut, too busy rocking mindlessly into his touch. 
Well, that certainly won’t do.
A hard slap lands on the inside of your thigh, jolting you to attention. The responding hitch in your breath goes straight to his cock.
“I asked you a question, darling. Is this all for me?”
“I - agh , yes.”
“ Very good,” he purrs, satisfied, “Now, spread these for me.” 
You obey, parting your legs and giving him more space to work with. He tugs at your pants, quickly ridding you of them, then goes back to work kneading lazy, unhurried circles into the thin, sticky, wet fabric. It clings to your skin so perfectly, outlining your form for him as if you were wearing nothing at all.
You're panting above him now - small, rushed breaths suspended in the charged air. The muscles of your thighs twitch with each pass of his thumb over your clit.
And again, you’re not looking at him - head turned to the side and whispering curses quietly to yourself.
Another slap to your thigh, then - the same one, because he’s cruel - now marked with the vivid red imprint of his hand.
“Eyes on me,” he commands.
When your eyes meet his again, they’re hooded and glossy, filled with a familiar haze. 
Lust .
He’s got you now.
Pulling the now thoroughly ruined garment to the side, Astarion rewards you by dragging a finger through your folds, watching your arousal drip down his wrist. It practically drools out of you, coating the rest of his digits, slickening his palm as he presses one into your entrance. 
Your hands instinctively fly to his hair, settling atop the tousled, white strands, and your body takes him in greedily . 
Astarion smiles to himself. 
This feels… good - being so in control, pulling little pleasured sounds from your lips. His pride swells as he adds another finger. You buckle forward, letting out a strangled groan, losing yourself to the feeling of being stretched - being prepped for him and every inch of cock he has to give you, sitting impatiently hard and neglected in his trousers.
He pumps in and out of you, slowly at first, but it only takes a few short moments before your impatient squirming turns into a mindless, needy grind. Each small thrust forward has your body taking him deeper, clenching him tighter until he can feel you throbbing around his fingers.
There’s a level of self indulgence here that he would deny if questioned - perhaps even under oath - but the wholly unnecessary way he pauses to tear the fabric of your smallclothes would quickly betray him. 
Your squeak of surprise is all he hears before the press of your thighs deafens him - and if he was naive enough to believe that your blood was the most enticing thing he’s tasted in the last two centuries, it pales in comparison to the mess you’ve made for him. 
An anguished hum escapes him as he drags his tongue through your folds - so hoarse and strained with disbelief, it almost sounds more animal than man.
He drinks you in, letting up for only as long as it takes to press tender, soothing kisses into your clit, sucking gently at the nub before dipping his tongue back into your hole for seconds, thirds -
This is madness . How someone could pass up this opportunity is far beyond him. Your fist in his hair, surrounded by your pulse as it thrums within the warm, pillowy skin of your thighs, the way you chase your release, rocking into his mouth and coating his chin with your slick, is everything . 
It is everything.
In the cornered haze of his mind, he almost regrets his promises. Had he known it would be like this, that you’d be the first and only memorable partner he’s had in the last two centuries, he may have reconsidered. 
Hells, he should have reconsidered the moment his tongue slipped into your mouth and you had the gall to taste that fucking sweet - to be that damned responsive . 
How is he supposed to play this off as if it changes nothing - as if this means nothing at all?
“Shit, Astarion -”
Pesky details. He’ll have to sort those out later.
“I’m - I think I’m close -” 
Astarion is a smart man - smart enough to know that the best course of action here, when you’re on the precipice of coming apart, is to simply redouble his efforts and continue on as he has been. No special trick up his sleeve, no overly indulgent stylized movements, just sucking as gently and generously as you need. He applies the same steady, circular pressure of his tongue, curls his fingers and fucks you with them in a steady, calculated rythm, until -
The moment you fall apart will be forever burned into his mind. 
He will remember it all: the twitching of your thighs, the tight pinch of your brows, the sound of your cries as your hips stutter in his strong hold. He’ll remember the way he moans, earnestly, as he laps you through it, eager to extend your high for as long as your body allows him. And he will surely remember the thrill that runs up the length of his spine at the sight of you losing yourself at his hand.
But most of all, he will remember the moment immediately after - when your movements slow, and your tight grip loosens from his hair; when your warm hand falls to the side of his face, the soft pads of your fingertips rubbing gentle circles into the shell of his pointed ear. 
You may not have even noticed the small gesture, too blissed out and trembling, but when the two of you look back on this moment years from now, Astarion will laugh at how blind he was - how he should have seen the spark of fondness in your eyes as you fought to catch your breath, the kindling that was twisting in his chest at the sight of your flushed skin, and the fire that would grow there until it nearly consumed him. 
He should have known that this was the start of something greater.
But at this moment, all he knows is the sudden, inexplicable urge to keep you here tonight - to prove himself worthy of coming back, should you ever have an itch that needs scratching. Perhaps tomorrow, or the next night, or any other time you’d see fit. 
Astarion places a final kiss on the junction of your hip, right where the skin is thinnest above the bone, then leans back to fully appreciate his work. 
You are breathless , chest heaving from sheer exertion.
“That was…”
You huff out a laugh as you try to find the right words.
“Perfect?” he raises an eyebrow at you, grin tugging at the corner of his lips, “I know. Like I said, I’m quite good at this.”
He wipes at the clear slick on his chin and shamelessly licks his hand clean, sucking your mess off his fingers with a playful pop.
Your face flushes with embarrassment - the pretty color now matching the puffy, reddened skin of your sex. 
“Do you want more?” he asks, as if his cock isn’t threatening to leak a dark patch into his trousers, “We don’t have to, of course, but -”
Astarion’s smiles are normally calculated - purposeful, and poised to perfection, but the one that finds its way to his face at your eagerness is as real as the ache beginning to bloom in his knees.
“Come here, then,” he says, dragging his weight back to the blankets. He doesn’t even have the time to readjust the decorative pillows before you’re clamoring on top of him, covering his neck with impatient kisses and helping him remove his clothes. 
“Eager, are we?” he teases, but he’s met with no response. Your mouth is too busy sucking bruises into the pale, hard planes of his chest, hands working diligently at the laces of his pants. 
The moment his legs and cock are free, Astarion wastes no time wrapping his arms around your midsection and seating you perfectly on his hips, the searing heat of your slit molds around him, dragging up and down as you grind against his length. 
There’s urgency in the air - in the way your mouth finds his own. It buzzes and hums, growing with every pass of your hips, prickling like burrs beneath his skin. He’s as much a victim of it as you are -here in this little corner of the wilderness - to the strange and unrecognizable pull. 
This desire to touch you.
With one hand anchoring the back of your neck, he takes his length with the other, notching himself at your entrance - an invitation you eagerly accept.
You sink down, enveloping him in suffocating heat . 
The grunt that escapes him is entirely involuntary - the honesty behind it bleeding out between his teeth, escaping with a hiss. 
“Shit,” he huffs under his breath, willing his brain to focus on anything other than how you mold so perfectly to him. It’s almost like you were made for this - for him - and the notion itself is almost enough to toss him right over the edge.
It’s hard enough to believe he’s present with you, here in this moment, rather than falling into oblivion and allowing the act to pass him by.
But to be enjoying it this much? 
Sheer disbelief.
Your hips move experimentally, sighing with relief as you take the rest of him down to the hilt. His grip on the nape of your neck tightens, nails digging small grooves into the base of your scalp. The slow rock of your hips as you adjust to his size would surely be enough to finish him, were he any ordinary man - were he not determined to brand this night into your mind for the rest of whatever time you have left on this earth - tadpoles be damned.
It’s not supposed to be like this. You’re not supposed to be like this, melding so beautifully around his length. But he has appearances to maintain, and spilling into you now would surely ruin his carefully crafted reputation, so he steals what’s left of his composure and continues on. 
Astarion stares at where your bodies meet, bringing a practiced thumb back to your perfect little nub and pressing . The delicious pressure has your forehead falling to his shoulder.
“Can I - agh, ” you pause as he cruelly begins to rub your clit, much too slow to actually finish the job, but just enough to feel you clench around him. He continues like that for a few seconds, savoring the way you grip, release, and start to dribble down from where he’s rooted so deeply inside.
“Can you what, my dear?”
“Can I move, please?” 
“Hm,” he sighs with feigned indifference, “Well, since you asked so nicely.”
His hands guide you into a comfortable rhythm, stroking your walls and filling every inch of your greedy cunt as it swallows him up - back and forth, rocking into him until you’re good and split open.
You ride him until your legs begin to fail you - until he has to grab your waist to keep you steady as he fucks up into you in earnest. The hard, wet slap of his damp skin against yours mixes with your strained, desperate moans. He pounds you like he’s sating some sort of hunger - fucks you with so much force that your slick forms a thick white ring of cream at the base of his cock. 
His thumb rubs expert circles into your clit with firm, gentle pressure, until he feels that telltale fluttering of your walls around him, and your blunt nails are digging into where his shoulders meet his chest. 
“You’re close again, aren’t you?” he grunts, and the question is met only with an affirmative whine. “Good. This time, I want to feel it.”
His hands move to your rear, squeezing and kneading - pulling and pushing your hips to grind himself even deeper into you until your body gives up its orgasm.
It drags you under like a raging current. 
You wail pitifully against his shoulder - the suffocating grip of your sex working to milk him dry, gushing around him and soaking his thick cock as he relentlessly fucks you through it.
It's almost enough to end him, it truly is, but Astarion is nothing if not thorough, and G ods be damned if you leave this clearing tomorrow morning without your cunt permanently molded to his shape - without this encounter seared into your very being.
His arms wrap around you, pulling your chest tight against his own and turning you over until your back meets the soft furs - his hips rolling into yours as the waves of white-hot pleasure pulse through you. 
There will be many more where that came from. When you eventually crawl back to his tent with a shy gaze and offer him another taste of your neck, pretending it was simply a coincidence that you waited until the dead of night to seek him out, when the rest of your merry little troup were fast asleep in their bedrolls. Couldn’t stay away? He’ll joke, pretending as though his heart doesn’t stir at the sight of you.
He’ll bed you again, and again, and again. Whenever and wherever you should ask: on his desk - tomes shoved carelessly to the ground, between the cracked stone walls of a cave while the others ready their gear, tangled within the sheets of the first real bed you happen to find. He’ll fuck you in those stolen moments with a willing mouth and hands and cock, however many times it takes for him to realize this does mean something to him - even if he isn’t quite sure what that something is . 
And you, being the perfect thing you are, will be patient, and give him the space he needs to figure that out.
“One more,” he whispers hot against your cheek, “I think we can get one more out of you.” 
“This is insane. How are you so - gods, ” he’s got just the right angle now, dragging languidly in and out of your thoroughly fucked hole. 
He’s done quite a number on you already, and you’ll likely need a day to recover the strength in your legs. The others will surely mock you for it, but perhaps you’ll manage to blame it on the hangover?
“Astarion, I - I don’t think I can do another -”
“You can,” he says with the confidence of a man who’s done this before - one who knows the limits of a woman’s body and exactly how to push them. “And you’re going to stay right here, wrapped beautifully around my cock, until you give me what I want.” 
He drives the point home with a sudden, hard thrust, and the rush of it has you keening in surprise, hands flying to his back and heels digging in for purchase. 
In fairness, he’s hardly given you a chance to come down from the last climax, but you sought him out tonight. You knew what you were getting into, no less than a mouse offering itself to a cat. He’ll toy with you until he’s had his fill - the first man in your life to ever make you come apart. Not just once or twice, but three times once he’s through with you.
And while the third takes a bit more work, as expected, he quickly realizes you appreciate a decent amount of force, so he feverishly pounds into you - pinning your wrists at your sides to prevent too much useless, unnecessary squirming. 
Astarion thinks could get addicted to this level of control if he isn’t careful - his brave, unwavering, diplomatic leader held captive beneath him as he wrings every last bit of pleasure from your body, drunk on his cock and fucked out well past the point of any decorum. 
The way you moan for him now would put some prostitutes to shame - eyes glazed over and thoughts entirely wiped of anything other than being split open and thoroughly used. 
It reminds him of why he’s here. The thankless months you’ve spent worrying yourself over every vagrant’s problems are now practically a thing of the past. And after tonight, you’ll surely be ruined for any other man, securing himself in your good graces. A win, win, all around.
Your orgasm almost sneaks past him, too caught up in his own musings to notice, but the subtle rush of slickness and the resounding sound of your body sucking him in even deeper gives it away. Your head rolls to the side as you choke back a sob, tears forming the corners of your eyes as your exhausted cunt barely manages to scrounge up the effort to squeeze him, and that’s when he finally decides you’ve had enough.
“Where do you want me?” he asks.
“Inside? Agh - Inside, please, ” 
An unexpected answer, but not an unwelcome one.
And so, he does.
For the first time in his memory, he comes entirely apart. 
With a few more strokes, he spills inside of you, and the sheer impact of it takes him by surprise.
Hissing between his gritted teeth and buried in your warmth he floods you to the brim, floods every inch of your cunt until his come has no more room to fill. The spend clings to his cock with every stroke, drooling out of you and tracing a cloudy white line through the valley of your rear before soaking into the blankets beneath.
Astarion heaves like a man with functioning lungs, groans from the sudden, noticeable soreness in his limbs, and actually, truly laughs at the absurdity of it all.
Just how long had the two of you been at this? Over an hour, surely?
He’s about to ask you - maybe try his hand at a bit of pillow talk for the first time in his life - but when he looks back at your face, he finds that you’re barely conscious, just on the precipice of passing out from exhaustion.
He pulls out of you, trying his best not to grunt through the overstimulating drag of your skin against his.
Astarion could count on one hand how many memorable encounters he’s had since the beginning of his servitude, and even less when considering how many he enjoyed. 
Well, enjoyed would be a very generous descriptor. More so, how many he was able to stomach until the end. And while his anatomy was capable of producing results despite his head being elsewhere, this was… different.
You are different - that much was clear from the beginning, since the moment you forgave him for pulling a knife on you and, for whatever reason, trusted him enough to allow him to stay with you, despite it being an objectively stupid thing to do.
He’ll tell you as much, when he finally confesses his feelings for you. That had it not been for your endless patience and your unfathomable kindness, he may have never learned to love at all.
But he wont have the words, let alone the maturity , to articulate that for quite some time.
For now, here you are, snoring softly beneath him. 
And here he is, with the beginnings of a strange, unrecognizable tingling in his chest.  
What ever will he do with you?
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readychilledwine · 8 months
Broken Part 3
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Summary - Rhysand and Aelia finally have their reunion, and the consequences of it be damned.
Warnings - smut, Minors go away, or at least don't interact. I'm not your mother. I, in reality, cannot control you, BUT the warning is there. Fluff, some praise kink stuff.
A/N - this is very different from the smut I normally write, but after re-reading the original, it did not feel right. This moment needed to be just... love and worship? Forgive me for any errors, I'm currently editing and rewriting on my phone as I wait for my new laptop to arrive (internal squeeling it's purple.)
Word count - 3173
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Rhysand's hands felt like feathers dancing across Aelia's skin. Her back had arched, pressing her chest closer to Rhysand as he kissed down her throat. "I adore you," he licked the column of her throat before gently biting down on her pulse point and making her whine. "I missed you so much, snowflake." 
She sighed happily as he continued kissing, nipping, and licking his way down her body. Her hand had tangled into his hair. "Do you know how often I think of worshiping you," His voice was soft, deep, and gentle. "How often I dream of you?"
Aelia's head fell back further into the pillows when his mouth wrapped around the tender peak of her nipple. This wasn't the hard pent up years apart sex she had been expected. The sex where Rhys would fuck her against the nearest surface with his sole mission in mind being her completion and submission.
This was the gentle sex he treated her to on special occasions. The sex that'd leave them both breathless. Where every roll of his hips into her was laced with emotion. Where every single second was spent with Rhysand whispering his love for her. Where every soft touch held meaning and a message. 
I love you, he purred into her mind. His tongue flicked at the sensitive skin before he kissed his way across her chest. His hands were gripping her hips tightly. As if he was afraid of letting her go, as if she'd slip away like a dream if his grip loosened. 
He had spent years waiting, praying, fighting, and playing all of his card right for this moment. The moment he filled her again, felt her again, could be vulnerable with her again. He had never questioned the Mother nor the Cauldron, even after the deaths of his mother and sister, Rhys understood everything served a purpose.
But what could his purpose truly be without Aelia there, at his side, holding him, loving him?
He moved further down her body. Nipping gently at the skin of her stomach and the faint scars from pregnancy that still lingered. He kissed each one delicately, praising her body for the gift it had given to him before continuing his journey lower.
He couldn't stop the growl that came the second he hovered above her core, nor the quick flicker of his eyes up her panting body, admiring each bruising mark beginning to adorn her pale beautiful skin. He placed a teasing kiss above where he knew she needed him, "Please," he groaned at her breathy voice. "Rhys please."
"Please, what darling?" He knew what she wanted, a feline like smirks gracing his face as he moved her legs over his shoulders and kissed the soft plushness of her inner thighs. "What does my darling need?"
Aelia had never been good at this. Growing up in a conservative household where sex had been a taboo topic. She remembered vividly the first time she had caved to his wants and tried to speak to him the way he wished for. Instead of sex, Rhysand had ended up on the floor laughing while Aelia buried her face into a pillow from embarrassment. She had learned. Slowly, but she did learn. "I need you to play with me, make me feel good. Please."
Rhys bit her skin gently, eyes rolling back as he realized what he was in for. "Need me to lick this pretty pussy baby?" The soft yes please had him grinding against the bed for any friction he could find, his mind beginning to cloud and his cock growing restless. "Lay back, darling. Let daddy take care of you." 
Aelia almost screamed at the first long drag of his tongue from her licking hole to her clit. She sighed softly and whimpered as she leaned back fully. Eyes fluttering shut as Rhysand moaned against her and began sucking her clit gently and rolling it under his tongue.
She tasted like magic. She always had to Rhys. He was hooked all over again, remembering now why any female he had tried to touch after their first casual hook up held no candle to Aelia. He switched between sucking that bundle of nerves to licking her hole and feeling a drunk state set in as he drank her essence.
He moved his hand up, gathering wetness on a single digit before moving his mouth back. "Tastes so good, baby. Like the finest of wines." Aelia whined at the praise, another moan fall from her parted pink lips as he ran his finger up and down her folds. "Did you play with this pretty girl while I was gone, darling?" Aelia's hips tried to move, chasing his finger or mouth as she desperately begged him for more. "Answer my question, Aelia. Did you play with my pussy while I was gone?"
Aelia shook her head, causing him to smirk. "Only yours. All yours." Her voice was laced in need. "Please, Rhys. I need it. I need you." 
His finger pushed in slowly, her jaw dropping at the stretch of the intrusion before a loud moan fell from her lips. Her tight heat was stretching around that single finger, burning her so deliciously she couldn't help but to start lightly rolling her hips. "Such a desperate little thing." Rhys went back to licking her clit, timing each movement of his tongue to match his fingers. 
Aelia was quickly becoming a mess. Rhys had begun a physical assault on her body while playing another in her mind. He was sending her memories. Memories of her riding him, head back in bliss. Memories of her taking him from behind as he forced her to watch in the mirror. Memories of her on her knees for him, cock deep down her throat as she stared up at him with wide blue eyes rimmed with tears. 
She was so lost in the pleasure of it all, she hardly noticed he had pushed a second finger into her until both of them were dancing on that spot inside of her only Rhysand could find. "Fuck! Rhys!" She felt herself tightening around his fingers. His mouth began to work harder. He trapped her clit between his lips, sucking, licking, gently scrapping his teeth against her. Her moans were mixing with breathy pants until finally a band snapped inside of her.
For the first time in 50 years, Aelia truly saw stars. Her mind fell into a lost fog and haze as pleasure rushed from her toes to her stomach. She screamed for him, calling his name as he pushed her over the edge of bliss. Her body shook and shattered with his touch. Good girl, just like that, darling. He praised her gently as he slowed his mouth and fingers. Just like that, Aelia. 
He pulled away gently with on last kiss to her clit but kept his fingers inside of her, stretching her open with a scissoring motion. He kissed up her body, licking each nipple, before kissing her lips gently. Aelia's hands roamed the muscles of his body greedily. Rememorizing the familiar hard planes, mentally noting each new scar. Need you inside me, she told him as his tongue gently massaged hers allowing her to taste every lingering drop of herself. 
Soon, he purred to her. His fingers began to speed up again. And he pulled his mouth away, leaning his forehead against hers briefly before hovering above her to watch. 
That coil began to form again and Aelia started gently meeting each thrust of his fingers. "Look so beautiful riding my hand, darling." Rhys was enchanted watching her face contort and her chest begin to rise and fall again. "Give me another one, baby. Soak my hand." 
He kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse point. Her moans were music in his ears. They reminded him of happy times, of not so distant memories. "I've missed you so much, Aelia." He bit her pulse point, savoring the cry she made as her pain mixed with pleasure.
She was on fire, the magic losing control as she couldn't help but to drop every guard she had. The windows were frosting over, snow beginning to fall harder. Rhys shivered in delight, bringing his body closer to hers. "There we go, darling," her soft inner walls pulsed again. "Cum for me. Let go." He pressed his thumb to her clit at just the right time, causing her to fall off the ledge again and cry out his name. 
Rhysand couldn't wait any longer, all but ripping his hand from her dripping cunt and sucking his fingers clean as he claimed his space between her thighs. He could have her any way he wanted, but he knew this was right. He forced her long smooth legs around his waist and took no more time to enter her in one quick harsh thrust knocking the breath from Aelia's overestimated body. 
"Fuck," he groaned out, eyes rolling back slightly as he felt her trying to adjust to his size. "Feels like home, darling." She whimpered at his praise. "Can I move?" 
"Please." Rhysand set a slow pace, enjoying the soft whines and sighs his wife was making as her hands came to explore his arms and chest. Every deep drag of his cock shot shivers through both of them as he hit all the right places. 
Aelia raised her upper body, resting on her forearms and hands to touch his forehead against hers again, silently pleading with him for intimacy. He could never deny her. Never resist her bright shining blue eyes. He leaned her back down, large hand spraying between her shoulder blades as he pressed his chest against hers. 
Her arms wrapped around his waist and one copied his, going between his shoulders to bring them as close as possible. 
He began whispering words of love and praise into her ear, watching every little change in her face as his hips met hers. She was moaning his name, whispering how good he felt, how much she had missed this. 
Rhys focused in, knowing he wasn't going to last long with the way she was squeezing him and how good she felt wrapped around his cock like a perfect warm sleeve. "Hold on to me, darling," Rhys kissed her gently before switching the angle of his thrusts. 
Aelia threw her head back into the pillows, a lewd moan ripping through her throat as he found his mark. Rhys began picking up speed as her nails sunk into his skin. Each time he hit that spot inside of her, Aelia felt herself slipping from reality. "So good," she panted as she clung tighter to him. "Feels so good, Rhys. Right there, please." 
She could feel that coil getting tighter and tighter, begging to be released. Her walls were fluttering. "Rhys please," he knew what she wanted. She watched his brows pinch together, jaw falling slightly as he began to moan and pant.
"Not yet, Aelia. I, fuck-" he couldn't even finish the sentence, his cock beginning to twitch at the feeling of her walls trying to milk him. "I need."
She kissed him deeply, "Need more?" He nodded desperately, whining as his thrusts became sloppy. Need to cum together, he said into her mind, mouth to preoccupied with moaning her name as she grew tighter and tighter. Almost there, darling. Just hold on a little longer. 
Aelia whimpered but obeyed, moving to lick and nip at the shell of his ear, then his pulse point. She began doing anything she could to offer him more pleasure, suddenly saddened by the lack of wings being displayed.
After a few more thrusts into her tight heat, he couldn't hold back any longer, bringing the hand holding her waist between them to play with her clit again. At the same time that he began to gently circle her nerve point with those long calloused fingers, Aelia bit down on the part of his neck that made Rhys putty in her hands. 
She screamed his name as she came, and he growled and groaned out hers. He growled harder as her nails redug into his back, making him give her a few more sharp thrusts. Her walls were draining him for everything he had, causing their released to mix together on her inner thighs and bedsheets. He began to kiss her sloppily, feeling their hearts racing in unison as he held her tight. He oulled out her slowly, watching as her back arched and then rested on top of her, studying the ethereal haze setting in on her face.
His attention was drawn to faelights in the courtyard suddenly snapping on. "Aelia, is your room sound shielded?" Panic fell over her face as she realized it wasn't because she had not been awake to do it herself. "We have to go, darling. Now." 
There was no basking in the post bliss high of their love making. Not as she heard guards and Kallias yelling. "If you are coming with me. I need to know now Aelia. My banishment is punishable by death, and I will not fight him in his own court." 
She didn't know what else to do, she nodded and clung tighter to him as darkness surrounded them. They landed hard on their marriage bed in the Riverhouse. Rhys was sweating again, the magic pulling so much out of him he had to pause every administration of aftercare and love he wanted to give Aelia. 
He finally lifted her and carried her to their large bathroom, walking into the already filled and warmed waters before sinking down with his wings appearing. 
"He's going to banish me, isn't he?" Rhys nodded, his mouth tightening as he tried to comfort her. "I can never go back?" 
He kissed the top of her head. "I will prove to him I didn't do it, darling. I will fight this so we can still enjoy our Winter home." He made her the promise, unknowing if it was empty words. "Let's not think about it right now, hmm?" He tilted her head up to him, "we just had a beautiful reunion, do not let darkness and sadness ruin this for us."
She nodded, blinking away the tears lining her eyes. He summoned her favorite wine, running his hand up and down her spine as she relaxed back into him. "I love you," she breathed as her head fell into his shoulder. "I never realized how much I truly loved you until you weren't here anymore."
Rhysand paused, his arm resting on her hips holding her tighter against him. "I realized how deeply I loved you when I realized the extent I would go to in order to protect you. To protect our son." Rhys looked down at her. 
"I knew there was a chance you would never forgive me for what I had to do, but I had to risk it. I had to risk losing you as long as it meant you were alive. She wanted you down there. She knew who you were. Knew you weren't in Winter. I had wiped everyone's memories of where you were." His hand come to rub his jaw. "I had to cage memories of Nyx learning to walk, to talk, of him throwing his food so deep down into my mind I almost forgot at times I had a son." His voice cracked. 
"I would have given her anything to protect you two and our family. If she asked for my own head on a spike, I would have let her take it." Aelia clung to him at the confession. 
"I never wanted Feyre, Aelia. I had always hoped it would be you. That it was you, and it had been delayed due to trauma or timing. I was desperate for that snap between us. When it wasn't you, I felt like part of me shattered. Like I would never be whole again."
Rhys paused again as she kissed him, enjoying the feeling of her lips lingering on his. "I went to Spring to reject the bond, darling." The words crashed into her like waves beating against a shore. The intensity of the statement could have cut her. "And when I came back and you were gone. That last bit of me broke. I wanted to chase after you to go there immediately and rip you and our son out of the beds you were in and bring you both home. But Azriel refused to tell me exactly where you were."
Aelia would have to thank Azriel later when she wasn't naked in her husband's lap, when her chest pressed against his watching as he sipped wine. "When Nyx came home, part of me came back to life. I had hope again. We sat for a while, just talking. I learned he prefers hand to hand over weapons training, thinks my taxation system is unfair, and needs to be updated. He has found a way to sneak out of my shields and into an illyrian camp, tricking the minds of everyone there to ensure he could partake in the Blood Rite." 
Pride laced into his voice as he smirked. "I learned from my son that you were devoted to him. That you waited on him, hand and foot pushing your own emotion and physical well being to the side the whole time I was gone. He told me if I didn't bring you home within 3 days, he'd leave and stay by your side, regardless of where that was."
Aelia responded, pulling back to look at Rhys. "I never asked that of him. He came with me by choice and of free will." Rhys nodded. 
"I am aware of that, snowflake. I also told him that Summer would freeze over before I left tonight without you." His face was serious. "Because, I had hoped deep down, your heart and soul were aching for me as much as I was longing for you."
"I will always long for you. I will always be yours." Rhys shut his eyes, basking in her quiet confession. "I love you"
He answered sincerely. "And I love you. More than the stars in the sky."
"Wash my hair?" He nodded, allowing her to turn and began caring for her.  It was a simple act of love. He rubbed shampoo into her scalp and massaged it to eliminate the tension she was feeling. She sighed in content as he washed away the suds and switched to working conditioner into her long white strands. He pushed her hair over her shoulder, allowing it to set for a bit, and began to massage her shoulders and kiss the back of her neck. 
Soft moans began to fall from her lips again as he worked out what felt like years of knots. 
He took her in the bath again. Then made love to her in front of their fireplace. And again on their bed. 
She slept soundly in his arms that night, allowing him to wrap his wings around her to block out the early morning sun that would disturb them in just a few short hours.
Rhys did not sleep at all, too afraid if he did she would be gone. That this was all a dream.
But Mother, even if it was, Rhys could not imagine a happier one.
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Tag list: @we-were-beautiful @daedriclys @historygeekqueen
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lawqual1ty · 2 months
Burn out... (FEM! Trafalgar Law x FEM! Reader)
Pov: College can sure take a toll on anyone, especially when exams come around the corner. Your roommate however tries her best to be your biggest supporter even though she's quite dense on how to do so...
I wrote this on a whim while trying to get my stress levels down a bit due to my exams so... Expect a lot of errors--
Warning: Curse words, Lesbians, burn out and stress symptoms (reader), mild flashbacks (Law), College scenario, fluuuuff I need female Law to comfort me okay??, A bit of Ooc Law? I'm not sure. Law calls you a raccoon--
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College is the most magical chapter of your life, they said... Enjoy every part of it while it lasts, they said...
Those words resounded in your brain like some sort of non-breakable chant as you read and re-read the PDF the teacher had sent you over to study... It was long and filled with intricate words that you struggled to understand... It made your whole entire system feel dizzy as you stared at the screen of your tiny laptop, almost dumbfounded.
"I'm hungry..." You muttered in annoyance.
"Ugh God dammit!" You let out a loud groan as you roughly held onto your hair, luckily you were sitting on your bed of your tiny rented room so your fall backwards was rather safe, your hair fell backwards as you groaned in annoyance... Did you really have to wait until the last minute to study...? Did you really have to be so persistent on getting a better grade than last time...? Why did everyone define this as the best phase of your life...? If this was the best part you didn't even want to begin to imagine what the rest of your life would be like. You were tired, too sleepy to process another equation but too stressed to take at least a single wink of sleep, not that you could either way since, well... Tomorrow morning you would have to go to class all over again and sleeping would only make time pass faster. You bury your face into your hands, lifting your glasses up a bit, a soft groan escaping your lips before silence surrounded your room...
Before you knew it you had stood up from your bed and walked out of your room and over to the kitchen.
The small house you lived in was rather cozy; your room was located in the basement which gave you a clear access to the kitchen, you only had to climb up a pair of stairs and you were greeted by a small living room to your right and the kitchen to your left, it was perfect for long nights such as these in which you only needed to serve yourself a small cup of coffee and some pancakes (since they had been your basic night diet for the past week or two...), especially considering the fact that since you were so close you wouldn't have to wake up either of your roommates.
Their rooms were upstairs, far away from you and your annoyed at the world and your decisions ass. You rented a room with two other girls; One you had only passed by a couple of instances since she mostly hung out with her friends and even sometimes went to sleep over to their house, if you were to describe her you would say she was like a hurricane of sunlight in some way... She was cheerful and energetic and always had that characteristic strawhat that made her stand out just with a single glance, you had only interacted with her a few times but when you did you couldn't help but smile dropping an occasional laugh or two. She was cheerful and you could appreciate that occasionally. You turned to look up at where her room was only to realize her light was turned off... A soft sigh escaped your lips, a wave of relief washing over you as you realized that she won't be stealing any of your food this time around.
You looked around once more, your eyes falling into your other roommates room... Oh yes, you couldn't forget about the other one, although, she was even more rare to see than the prior. You had definitely interacted with her more but it was still on certain occasions, heck you could even count them with your fingers and it would fit. She was the first one to get here, even before you, and her tired gaze and demeanor made you realize immediately that she was not someone you wanted to get in the way of... She was cold, sharp and analytical; although there were occasions in which that all came crashing down and you have managed to witness that more than once much to your luck...
As you stared up into her turned on light you wondered what would go down if she came down to the kitchen with you inside it... Would she argue with you about how much longer she's been up than you? Or will she just ask why are you still awake and head off once you made her a mug of your characteristically strong coffee? You let out a soft amused huff before shaking those thoughts away, only she knew if she would come down... It all depended on how drowned out in studying she was: it wasn't up to you.
Since she was a medicine student it was rather obvious she had the most stress out of the three, you being a criminology student was in the middle, you had ran into her in your occasional ransacks into the kitchen looking for something to keep you awake and functional as you tried to Speedrun all your investigation papers, since your work groups had rarely managed to do shit right in the first place. Occasionally, you would chat about meaningless things; starting out with a quick "hey..." And following it up with a "why are you still awake...?" Making the conversations evolve from that point onward. She introduced herself as Trafalgar Law but told you you could just call her Law if you'd like to which you agreed since well... you found it a tad bit rude to call someone by their full name, even if you had just met 'em. You would catch glimpses of her softer side, noticing just why she had decided to study medicine in the first place, she was a sweet gal' underneath that cold exterior; that however didn't take off her snarky remarks nor her anger when she talked about some incompetent classmate in her class, to which you usually reluctantly agreed sometimes due to your own experiences. Your relationship with Law was... Unique to say the least, although you two got along you would sometimes get into banter out of who cleaned up or your grades even though you were completely different majors, it resulted in some rather tense yet fun moments between you two, although, mostly there were more calm moments than heated ones.
You walked into the kitchen and opened your cupboard to take out your coffee. You took a few spoonfuls and placed them into the filter of the coffee machine, the soft scent of the coffee grind already helping you to wake up a bit. You hummed softly as you walked up to the sink to get some water into the machine.
Unbeknownst to you, on the upper side of the house a black haired girl let out a tired yawn as her gaze was fixed on her computer. The accumulated sleepiness of several days with a wink of rest was finally catching up to her as she tried to read the document on the screen of her laptop. She squinted her eyes, her vision getting blurry due to how sleep deprived she was; frustration made her let out a groan as she leaned back on her chair, her hands ran through her hair making it even more of a mess than what it was already... She couldn't concentrate at all.
"four cups should do..." You muttered to yourself as you poured the needed water into the machine, clearly oblivious to your surroundings.
Her brows perked up as she realized she wasn't the only one awake. It was around 12:12 pm when she headed out of her room and noticed the kitchen light on together with the light to your room in the basement reflecting onto the small living room, You were also awake, the faintest scent of coffee coming from the kitchen confirming her suspicions. Unbeknownst to her, a small smile crept its way to her lips as she headed down the stairs... Almost as if the sweet scent of your coffee mixed with your characteristic humming pulled her into the kitchen, a magnetism only you had on her.
"Fuck..." She cursed under her breath, both out of respect for you and your other roommate and out of tiredness, she didn't have the strength to even yell out but if she slept she definitely wasn't going to pass, why did she decide to study this again...? She looked up at the ceiling, the slightest glimpse of her family coming back to her... Her lips parted slightly before smiling gently to herself.
"I better wake up..." She muttered under her breath as she slowly got up from her chair and onto the main hallway.
You were so focused on your duty at hand that you didn't realize a tall dark haired girl was leaning against the door frame, staring at you... Pondering on how long exactly it would take you to realize she was there. Sooner rather than later you quickly turned around and almost yelled out when you saw her, she had to hold back a laugh at how scared you seemed just by her unexpected presence alone.
"HOLY-- LAW!" A soft snort could be heard from her.
"Hey..." Her half husky yet sweet voice greeted you in a very nonchalant way, almost as if she didn't regret how she had scared you even one bit. A pout could be visible in your pursed lips.
"A warning would have been nice..." You mumbled under your breath as you turned around to turn on the coffee machine, the familiar sound of a beep showing you it was already on and ready to make the coffee you two very much needed. She let out a low chuckle, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at you.
"Even if I had warned you, you were too focused on your own shit to actually take it seriously..." Her playful words only made you pout as you turned around to face her.
"Shut up!" You exclaimed almost in a yelp which was rather amusing to Law "Warn me still! Or did you want to scare me that badly...?"
Your question only made her shrug, fueling your frustration up a notch... Although you couldn't quite exactly stay mad at her for long, you were too tired for that. A soft sigh escaped your lips, you leaned against the counter a reaction that caught Law's attention immediately; Sure, you could usually be a bit grumpy when you didn't sleep well but for you to go on and sigh... It was rather odd. If you looked close enough, you would notice the slightest glimpse of worry in her eyes, she didn't show it openly due to her little understanding of how far she could go with her emotions when it came about you, she just stared at you... Her body gently leaning forward a bit towards you as if she was pulled yet again by your presence.
"Rough night...?" Was all she could muster the courage to ask, a soft groan escaped your lips as you rubbed the bridge of your nose.
"Rough night..." You responded gently, not really wanting to act annoyed at her, after all, it wasn't her fault that you were in a foul mood... You were the one who forgot to study days before the exam and just now was catching up... Not her! So why would you burst in front of her?
As you were mentally struggling to keep yourself at bay Law stared at you with a hint of concern in her face, although you two had rarely interacted she knew something was off... Sure, she could blame it all on the lack of sleep, college could be a bitch and she totally understands that since well... She's in the same situation as you, but your uncharacteristic annoyance and groans were more than just having a bad sleep schedule. Law was so torn on what to do... How is she supposed to help you...? You had always been a great aid, unbeknownst to you, whenever you two had interacted during these long and stressful nights you had always managed to make her believe that things weren't as rough as she had believed so in the first place, it was like your mere existence was all that she needed to keep going... Almost as if you gave her the little spark she needed to keep going strong during this long and arduous journey that is studying medicine; But now that you needed her to aid you she froze... She had no clue on what to do or what to say to help, she had never been good with comforting even herself so how was she supposed to do it for you? It was frustrating...
The coffee machine pouring the four cups of coffee you had served was the only sound that surrounded the two of you, the mere dripping adding a soft sound of ambiance as both your minds filled the rest with loud thoughts.
You kept pondering and pondering on the things you've studied so far, remembering everything you could, getting frustrated by the second as you forgot some stuff... Your brain was filled with dark strings of thoughts, some threaded into your mind with knowledge and understanding of debates and investigation yet others just stepped into the edges of your patience with a negative poison that made your head hurt... It was getting overwhelming and you didn't even know how to stop it from getting as intense as it was... Your heart felt heavy and your mind became dull, a migraine threatening to start and ruin your study night... Just like before, you were so caught up in your own world that you didn't realize the movement that had happened just next to you.
You had fully expected for Law to have already left, after all the only thing she would have stayed for was a cup of your coffee... Or that's what you thought. Your mess of a mind was suddenly blank, all the dark threads of thought seemingly coming to a halt as you felt a pair of hands stop them... The unfamiliar warmth that covered you sent a shiver down your spine; What had happened...? You slowly glanced over your shoulder only to find a mass of black hair over the crook of your neck... Law was hugging you.
Your whole body froze; she had never been the type to give hugs heck, even the slightest glimpse of affection coming from her was like a rare achievement, so for her to now be hugging you was... Odd; Even Law herself was surprised, she wasn't one to be this open yet when she saw how your eyes had slowly drained out of that spark she loved, her mind went blank and her body moved on her own, Half out of her whim and half out of what she had learned from you aiding her.
A few minutes went by in this position, her rather strong arms holding onto you while you looked at the coffee machine, the sound of coffee dripping onto the container now feeling somewhat comforting... Your heart and mind were a mess, the latter now filled with thoughts about Law and Law only, almost as if her presence alone made your whole mind agree on what should be threading it. Before long, you raised your hands and gently placed them on top of her tattooed arms, making her flinch slightly. She fully believed you would make her pull away but you didn't, you chuckled slightly as you rubbed your thumb through her soft skin.
"Thank you..." You muttered gently, a soft hum was heard from Law as she held you tighter against her.
"No need..." She mumbled against the nape of your neck. "I just... Thought you might need one of these..."
A soft snort escaped your lips. "'One of these'...? Are hugs so alien to you you don't even know what they're called...?" Your teasing words made her blush a bright red, not that you could see.
"S-shut up, That's not--"
"Nah Nah, you said one of these!" You giggled before clearing your throat and speaking in a bit more of a formal tone just to mess with her. "Allow me to introduce you: Law, hugs; hugs, Law"
Your playful tone made her roll her eyes; sure, you were being annoying but it was better than that gloomy version of yours she saw a few minutes ago, so she would let it pass... For now.
"Oh well nice to meet you I guess..." You laughed at her sudden approval of your teasing words.
Your laugh... It was beautiful, Law's mind became a mushy mess as she chuckled along with you. Sure, she had heard plenty of people laugh but for some reason the way you laughed with such genuine joy was... Something that always made her melt.
"You little raccoon..." She mumbled against the back of your head, making you giggle. It wasn't long before Law's instincts took place... She stared at the back of your head, your soft hair greeting her almost as if asking her to act as she had desired to for so long... A deep breath was all that she needed to get the courage to do so. Your eyes widened as you heard a faint smack sound coming from the back of your head, the gentle tickle of your hair mixed with Law's lips snapping you out to reality... Your pulse jumped up to your cheeks, tinting them a light pink as the realization of what had happened sank in... Your lips parted slightly.
"Did you... Kiss me...?" You didn't even understand why you asked... The answer was so obvious it made Law feel flustered about the fact that you were asking in the first place. A low chuckle was heard from her.
"What do you think little raccoon...?" Her words made your heart leap, she had kissed you... While holding tightly against her. Your silence made her a tad bit uneasy as she couldn't look at how brightly you were blushing confirming that you had indeed liked that small showcase of affection.
"You okay...?"
You perked up. "Y-yeah I'm fine!"
Your yelp caught her off guard, it was all the affirmation she needed... You liked it. She laughed, clearly amused by your reaction. She let out a soft sigh before hugging you against her body.
"Rough night then...?" She asked once more, the resounding of the same question from earlier making your heart flutter, the silent affirmation of that change lingering in the air like a mute prayer... Your lips curved up in a soft smile. You don't know where you got the courage but you laced your fingers with hers, the words 'DEATH' greeting you for an instant before they were quickly hidden by your lips, turning them a slight rosy pink as your companion felt a surge of warmth go through her entire body.
The coffee machine suddenly beeped, signaling the end of its coffee making process but neither of you cared for coffee anymore... You were too drowned out in the pleasure of being next to each other that you didn't listen, all you could hear was your heartbeat as you spoke in a soft whisper...
"Not anymore..."
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yuurei20 · 3 months
I had been wondering about this since the friend thing was brought up, but Idia says “not all of these people are our friends,” which suggests that he considers at least some or one of the people present to be a friend. Since he follows it up by stating that, “Ramshackle dorm isn’t the prefect’s house,” in response to Ortho declaring they’ve visited a ‘friend’s house’—add in the whole yobiste moment with the prefect in the Glorious Masquerade, which occurs after Book 6–could it be that Idia actually considers the prefect to be a friend?
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I could be wrong about these two moments on the EN server, since I don’t think he really uses the word ‘friend’ in the Ceremonial Robes quote and even on EN I can’t be certain about whether or not he’s solely referring to Grim when the Ramshackle duo or added to the Glorious Masquerade trip and he says “AND valuable emotional support,” or if he even mentioned it in JP. But they seem to lend credence to the idea that Idia considers the prefect a friend or at least more than an acquaintance.
Hello hello!! Thank you so much for this question! 
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This is a very good point!! When Ortho points out that they have "traveled to the residence of an acquaintance" Idia responds, "not all of these people are our friends," and one interpretation could be that there is at least one person who counts as a friend present at the time! 👀 (another interpretation may be, "It's not like we're all friends.")
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(While Ortho does say "we've experienced hanging out at a friend's house" at first, he then corrects himself to call the prefect "an acquaintance." Referring to other students as Idia's friends despite Idia's and/or others' protests is something Ortho has done before!)
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Idia himself says that he has no friends at NRC, but the characters having a less-than-accurate understanding of their own interpersonal relationships is a running theme! (Re: Idia and Azul)
As you say, one of the rare interactions between Idia and the prefect involved Idia not using an honorific during Glorious Masquerade, but this was revealed to be a proof-reading error:
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The re-release of Glorious Masquerade in 2023 added "-shi" to Idia's dialogue when he is speaking with the prefect ^^ (This was actually on my posting schedule to share today! You have amazing timing!)
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You are also very right about Idia's ceremonial robe's voice line! He does not use the word "friend," but he does say that he trusts the prefect as a fellow introvert!
While looking for the best way to describe the word Idia actually uses (仲間) I found an interesting explanation on the One Piece wikipedia!
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(It reminded me of these screenshots from the American drama Firefly!)
The person explains, "The word simply means '(part of a) group' you use it to refer to members a group or members of a group of friends just as you would also refer to your coworkers as your 'nakama' in Japanese, even the ones you hate, because they're part of the same group as you," and I agree ^^ (EN translating the word 仲間 as "friend" is not unusual!)
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Concerning Idia's comment early in Glorious Masquerade, I think you are right again and he might have been commenting on the emotional support that Grim provides as a cat!*
*We do not yet know whether or not Grim is technically a cat 👀
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Overall I am not sure that we have seen enough of Idia and the prefect interacting on-screen together to be able to say that they are objectively, officially and canonically more than acquaintances, and this is likely by design: the game seems to be going to great lengths to leave as much up to interpretation as possible so that it as many different people as possible can enjoy it.
That said, up until now the pattern has largely been "the prefect teams up with the main character of the previous story in order to solve the issue of the current story," re: teaming up with Riddle in Book 2, Leona in Book 3, Azul in Book 4, Jamil (and others) in Book 5 and Vil in Book 6, so it is possible that we may see more of Idia and the prefect moving forward!
And there is of course no harm in someone going in the direction of "maybe the prefect and Idia are friends" for something like fanfic purposes, for example, if they so wish ^^ It is all a part of the fun! But I might not call it canon just yet :>
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eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Greek Myths
pairings: jake sim x reader
synopsis: as you caught jake sim’s attention, he couldn’t stop himself for wanting for you to be his and so he kidnaps you and took you to a place far from the people you love.
word count: 10k
important note: i originally planned to write enhypen as greek gods but then i didn’t find some love stories that i like so i end up using some love stories that aren’t greek gods. also these are like modern versions of greek mythology love stories.
warnings: grammar errors, kidnapping, mafia!jake, curses. let me know if i missed some!
note📎: i hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @en-sun @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core @sleepyenhasasha @soobin-chois @rcveribin @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nyfwyeonjun @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @niinjo @ssomsworld @purplepuppychild @iceeee​ @wtfhyuck​ @tobiosbbyghorl​ @edensgardenn​ @nikililmj​ @ayayiiie​ @moonlightisland​ (still working on my tag-list)
tag-list: @luvvdsttfaye @nikililmj @psh-pjh @rylexe @095won @belle643 @luvrjn @jangwonie​ @softb-tterfly​ @3chae​ @jovibaes​ @aeyeree ​
© 2022 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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“This is fucking boring.” Jake uttered under his breath before taking another sip from his wine while roaming his intimidating eyes around these people.
He heard the person beside him, his friend, chuckling. “I see you’re enjoying very much.” he teased that made him roll his eyes while he slid one of his hand inside his pocket, the other still holding his glass of wine.
He kept his placid expression over his face while watching the guests around interact with each other. To be invited at this gatherings was nothing new for the young man, but to actually be present to them is what is rare.
If you’ll ask Jake what he hates the most, he’s answer would be humans. Funny, since he’s part of the community he hates the most. It’s just he thinks the main source of evilness in this world is none other than humans themselves. They can be very deceiving.
“Come on dude, it’s Jay’s birthday. Try to be a supportive friend and show that you’re happy to be here.” Sunghoon have his usual smirk as he say those words to his friend. If Jake hates crowds, his two best friends sure loves it. He doesn’t even understand why he’s friends with them at the first place. They have a lot of differences.
“Isn’t my presence enough? He asked me to come, not to enjoy.” he deadpans which made his friend chuckle, clearly having a great time seeing him slowly losing his cool.
Sunghoon taps his shoulders, “Chill, dude. Loosen up a bit.”
He rolled his eyes off from his friend and back to the crowd of people who’s interacting with each other. He felt disgusted just by watching them flashing those fake smiles and talk about whatever shits they were blabbering. It’s pathetic how they all act like they all get along well and won’t point gun at each other when things go downhill.
That’s the thing about people, they’re good at pretending. In this world, Jake never met a single pure soul. All of them are deceiving, cruel and selfish.
He was still roaming his eyes when it settled and stopped at the unfamiliar pretty face that caught his attention. Jake was at dazed, seeing you smiling and laughing at the person next to you. For the first time after a long time, he actually found himself admiring somebody.
“Hoon,” he called the attention of his friend. “who is she?” he added, eyes not leaving you.
Sunghoon glanced at his friend, confused at first but as he heard his question, his eyes turned curious while following his line of sight. A playful smirk appears over his lips, “Oh her? She’s y/n. The heiress of Chois.” he said then glanced back to his friend.
He doesn’t exactly know what to feel to see him actually interested over someone. It was new for him since his friends were always drowned with work and usually hate interacting with people. This is actually a good step for him so he kind of feel glad for him.
Sunghoon decided to be more helpful and give more informatios he knows about you in hope that Jake will get more interested towards you without actually realizing the other young man was already down bad. The other information that his friend continued blabbering was just a background music for him. All he can think about was your name and your beautiful face and how he wanted you all for himself.
“Jake?” he calls out his attention when he noticed how he’s not listening at all.
He lets out an amused chuckle, “Dude what the fuck? I can’t believe you’re being lovesick at somebody you just saw.” he joked but Jake was too occupied to even listen to him.
Jake finally managed to snap out of his trance and he gazed away, taking another sip from his wine. He avoided taking glance to his friend who’s already ready to tease him bad. He knew him very well so he tried his best not to look at him.
“Do you need help getting introduced?” he asked that caught Jake into the trap. He quickly glanced to his friend which he regrets pretty much quickly. He was giving him those annoying teasing smile.
“Dude, you’re ridiculous! Are you being serious right now? I’m telling Jay.” he said continuously that made him irritable.
‘Can he stop being annoying just for once?’ says Jake’s inner thoughts.
“Fuck you.” he cursed his friend only to be responded with a chuckle.
He found himself staring at you once again, admiring your beauty, completely clueless about the pair of eyes watching you carefully. Jake’s thoughts were filled by a lot of things but one thing’s clear for him, he wanted you for himself. He will do anything to have you. Anything.
It was obvious how he’s down bad to you that it wasn’t a surprise anymore for his friends to heard from him sooner. They were summoned here on Jay’s office because apparently, their friend, Jake, needs help with something.
“Didn’t you heard what I just said?” his friend’s tone was amused while looking at Jake. He kept his thoughts altogether, ignoring the fact that they are now making fun of him right after he said he still wants you.
“She’s already arranged with somebody else.” Jay repeats himself like as if Jake didn’t heard him the first time. It made the latter annoyed as he clicked his tongue at the side of his cheeks.
Sunghoon was smirking while watching Jake get all pissy after hearing about you being arranged by someone named ‘Nicholas’. They don’t know who that was and honestly, he’s somehow thanking him because they got the chance to see pissed off Jake.
“Didn’t you heard me too? I said I don’t fucking care.” Jake deadpans before running his hand over to his hair, trying to calm himself.
Jay lets out a heartly laugh as he rest his back at his swivel chair, watching Jake carefully. He couldn’t believe this day would come. The day where Jake Sim will be interested with a girl— no, scratch that, he’s down bad.
“Dude, its the Choi’s we’re talking about okay? I bet they already made the arrangements because of business merging. I can’t remember you owning something align with Hotels and Restaurants?” Jay trying to punch some senses back into their friend’s mind.
Jake taps his shoes impatiently at Jay’s office floor. “Yeah, Jay’s right dude. I heard these marriages are hard to stop once arranged. You wouldn’t get her.” Sunghoon said with a playful smirk. Jake glanced at him with that cold stares, unamused.
“Unless you kidnap her and take her somewhere nobody will find the two of you.” he added. Jake’s mind wandered off, really considering the idea his friend just gave him.
“Hoon!” Jay spats, “Did you just gave our friend an idea?”
The accused person laughs, “What? I’m trying to be a good friend here.” he tried defending himself. Jay shakes his head and looked back at Jake’s direction. He was obviously spacing out, like carefully plotting something inside that pretty mind of his. Whatever it is, Jay’s pretty sure its something not good.
He sighs, “Jake, don’t tell me you actually consider that? Come on, you’re smarter than this.”
“Hey, what’s that suppose to mean?” Sunghoon commented only to earn a short glare from Jay, silently telling him to shut his mouth.
“Jay...” Jake finally snapped out from his trance and he calls his friend’s attention.
Both of them turned their heads at his direction only to see him thinking deeply, “Is the island you were offering to me a month ago still available?” he asks that made Sunghoon smirking and Jay sighing heavily.
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“Your Father is here, Ms. Y/n.” your eyes shifts from all your piled paper works towards the intercom after hearing your secretary’s voice.
A sigh left your lips as your hand trailed lazily towards it to press the button, “Let him in.” you said quickly and you heard a faint knocks from your office door moments after.
Soon enough, you saw your Father entering your office with his usual work clothes. You pushed yourself away from your table to freely stood up and greet him. He laid his arms, beckoning for an embrace which you gladly gave into.
“How are you sweetheart?” he asked and even placed a kiss at the crown of your head.
You pulled away to flash a small smile at him, “Busy. I have a lot of proposals to review and some of them are actually scheduled at the end of the week so I have no choice but to finish them.” you said hinting that you a lot over your plate.
Your Father flashes you his usual half-smile, “I hope you’re not overworking yourself?” a worried tone lingers through his voice.
You pressed your lips together, “Don’t worry, Dad. I’m making sure I have enough sleep.”
He nodded his head, satisfied with your answer. You offered the visitor chair for him to sat down and even asked your secretary to get you guys some teas. As you watch him settle himself down, you can’t help but to feel your stomach wrench in worry.
Your Father is a very busy man. Even if you often see each other at home and he visits you at your office, you’re pretty sure he didn’t came all the way here just to check on you. Time is very precious for him.
After your secretary gave you space, you saw how your Dad watches you with his strict eyes. You can’t help but to gulp and feel a bit nervous about it. He may be very sweet, but he’s a strict Father as well. He wants everything to be in their right places. You grew up with having your whole future planned ahead of you. It is pretty suffocating, you must admit.
He always tells you that everything he does is for your own good. All he wants for you is a perfect life. At the back of your mind, you wanted to protest, but you know that you’re not brave enough to go against your parents.
“How was your date with Nicholas?” he asks pretty directly.
A sigh made it out from your lips the moments he broke the silence with that question. He was referring to the past dinner they arranged with Nicholas. He’s suppose to be the man promised to you. It was obviously a marriage for convenience and you’re against about it. Totally against.
“It was good, Dad.” you shortly answered, doesn’t really want to talk about it. One of his brows raised as he halt his hand from taking his tea near his lips. He was staring at you like as if telling you that what you said wasn’t enough for him, like he’s expecting more precise details.
You glanced down at your cup of tea. Thoughts inside your mind mixed up and shuffled, unable to arrange the situations consecutively in a way that will sooth your Father’s curiosity.
“Y/n...” he sighs and put down his cup. Your eyes snapped at him. “You know that we want you and Nicholas to get to know each other more before we officially announced your engagement, right?”
You lowered your head and finger played at the handle of your cup, trying to absorb whatever lecture your Father was trying to give you.
You aren’t really afraid to speak up to him. Even if he’s strict and intimidating, he raised you to be somebody with principles and the confidence to voice out whatever that is that you want to say. You’re contemplating to talk not because you’re afraid, but more on you’re too tired trying to make him understand.
You get it that they just wants the best for you, but can’t they just let you decide for yourself just for once? They’ve been controlling your whole life ever since you can remember. From which school to study, which course to take, how you dresses and acts. All of it, your parents were the one to decide for them. Can’t you have the freedom to choose the person you want to marry?
This is marriage they’ll trying to get you into. It’s not just something shallow. It’s a lifetime commitment. You were thinking that you can maybe like marry someone you really love. Atleast that they can give you.
“I think we have too many differences, Dad.” you opened up to your Father, hoping they can finally get the hint that you don’t want to push this marriage.
You lifted your head to look at his expression and as expected, he doesn’t looked too pleased at what he just heard. You kept your stares at your Father, letting him know that you are serious.
“You asked me to try and I am trying, Dad. It’s just, I told you we won’t work because—”
“Then try harder.” he cut you off, dismissing whatever that is that you wanted to point out. Your shoulder fell in dismay because once again, your thoughts were unheard.
“This is not just for the company, but also for—”
“For me...” you were the one to finish his own sentence. Pretty familiar already that you didn’t even find it hard to guess what his ending words were.
You sighed frustratingly, “Dad, don’t you trust me with the company? I can make this company going and even make it grow on my own. Please have some faith to your daughter.” you begged.
He clenched his jaw, unamused. He doesn’t seem fazed about what he heard from you as well.
“I know your skills and I know you’re good but the merging will work wonders in both companies.”
You glanced away and put your cup back at the table, losing hope that he would get your point. He did the same thing before he stared right at your eyes, now with more seriousness.
“Nicholas will pick you up later after your work. Don’t disappoint me, Y/n. You need this marriage.” he stated with firmness over his tone.
It made you clench your fist a bit, minds slowly going blank. He stood up and slightly tugged his tuxedo, staring down at you. He’s not very happy at what he heard from you, but he knows you’ll do as he say. You’re his daughter anyway, you are to follow his orders.
“I will leave now and let you resume to your works.” he walked closer and placed a kiss at your head.
You smiled a little, unsincere. He left afterwards and you don’t even know how long you were spacing out after he did. The thoughts inside your mind were playing with how would it be nice to live your life outside the shadows of your parents. How wonderful would it be if you can decide and choose for yourself.
After finally getting over that stressful talk with your Dad, you went back to work. You tried drowning yourself to the piles of proposals in order to shove that thought away from your mind. Just by thinking that you’ll be out from the office a few hours later and will meet Nicholas makes you feel a bit frustrated.
Nicholas is very nice, too nice actually for your liking. He’s also very considerate and a gentlemen. If you’ll be asked, he is an ideal. You just don’t understand why you can’t get yourself to like him.
You lets out a sigh and rested your back at your swivel chair, giving up on reading more of the proposals. You’re not processing any of it properly. In order not to mess it up, you decided to call it a day and leave work.
It was a bit earlier than your usual out, but its fine. You left a text message to Nicholas to pick you up at your condo instead since you’ll be there instead of your office by the time he’s done for work.
The familiar ting of the elevator chimed while you wait for his reply. Your head raised and you saw that there are already two people inside. Even if you find it a little weird how they’re both similarly dressed in a black suit, you walked inside to join them.
The unknowing feeling occupied your system as your heart hammered a bit. Maybe you’re just overthinking things and because of the stressful conversation with your Dad, your emotions were a mess.
You shrugged it off and stared at your phone. As the elevator go down, it wasn’t stopping at any floors. You thought that since its too early for the employees to out from their works thats why none of them are using the lift.
But your heart started to hammer once again when the elevator opened for the first time after you entered it.
Your eyes settled at this beautiful man standing right in front of the elevator. He wasn’t familiar at all. His black hair was pushed back giving more access for you to see his pretty face, his nose pointed, eyes half-lidded and the pretty cupid bows emphasized his pinkish plump lips. He was breath-taking.
When he fixed his coat, that's when you finally snapped back to reality. Feeling all flustered after realizing you probably stared at the man and he saw you gawking at him. You decided to glance away, stepping out from your trance.
He went inside and stood right beside you, his manly scent invading your nose instantly. It was somewhat addicting even if it was the first time to smell it and you’re not sure how to describe how it smelled like.
The elevator ride felt like years, but you can’t even complain. You can still feel your heart racing while remembering about his pretty face. You’ve never seen someone as attractive as the man standing beside you. How can somebody with face like his walks at the surface of the earth without you even knowing?
Eventually, the silence was slowly suffocating you that you started to wish the elevator will arrive the ground floor faster. You got over with admiring him and the uneasy feeling resumed.
“You’re out early today.”
You snapped your head at his direction when he broke the silence. He twist his head slightly to meet your eyes.
“I w-was not feeling well so...” you were even stuttering as those stares almost made your knees give up. You stopped mid-way on what you were saying when you came into realization.
“How did you know this isn’t my usual out from work?” you voice out your thoughts clearly for him.
The person in front of you looked very relaxed that even after you asked him that with tone full of suspicion, he doesn’t seem to be bothered about it. He smirked and roamed his eyes around your face, admiring how pretty you looked right now.
Jake can see how your face are slowly reflecting a worried expression, brows furrowing and gulping multiple times. God, you are gorgeous. He couldn’t get enough of you and today was the day he decided to execute his plan.
“Did you say good bye to your Dad, baby?” he asked, totally ignoring your accusing question towards him.
Your hands shake as you felt cold sweat showers you. “W-What do you mean? How did you know my Dad went to see me a while ago?” you choked on your own breath after making out those questions for him.
He didn’t break from the eye contact, eyes still darted at you with so much adoration. It was overflowing that you can almost see them clearly. It scared you right away and you start to realize that the uneasy feeling you felt moments ago was right.
You glanced at the two black suited man inside. You assumed they’re with him since they’re clearly unbothered about the situation. You clenched your jaw.
Your guards went up when he slightly stretched his arm to reach your face. Quickly, you swat it away and tried looking at him with a brave stare. Jake felt all of him reacted just by the short contact of skin. His smirked grew wider as his heart tumps.
“Who are you?”
Excitement flickers through his eyes. He’s starting to feel more thrilled. To actually see you closely and talk to you made him believe that you are real. And that you will soon be his.
“You’ll know soon. We have a lot of time...” he stated.
You were speechless, mind clouded with so many questions and heart racing out of fear. At that very moment, you knew he was trouble and that something bad will happen.
“Did you say good-bye to your Dad?”
Your stomach wrenches as your heart fell at his next question.
“W-Why?” you took a step back and he didn’t reacted. He seemed very relax. Like even if you try doing something right now, he can easily come up with a solution and have you handled in seconds.
“Because you won’t be seeing them for a while.”
He smiled. Beautiful. If it was a different scenario, you would’ve admired him sincerely. You knew it was really something the moment you saw how handsome he is. It was somehow already suspicious.
As your heart raced in an uncomfortable pace, you tried to reach for the button to press the door open, but one of the two man in black suit grabbed your wrist. Terrified, you glanced over your shoulder. The handsome man seems to be still unbothered.
You licked your lips and started screaming. He sighed and tilted his chin as a silent command to his men. Both of them took action. One holding you to prevent you from pressing the button of the elevator while the other ready a handkerchief to cover your mouth.
All three of you twist your heads over to the door when it suddenly opened at one floor. You were too busy trying to break free that you didn’t even noticed the elevator have stop at this floor.
The man at the other side was caught of guard by the scene he is currently seeing. Three men and a girl, not just any girl but the daughter of the owner of the company he’s working on.
“H-Help!” you stuttered, hope emerging from your chest.
He gulped and was about to go do something. He panicked the moment he saw one of them carrying you by their shoulder as the other one trying to make you unconscious.
He stepped closer ready to take action, but halted when Jake swiftly pulled out a gun and pointed it right at him.
“Take one more step and I’ll blow your head off.” he threatened that clearly drained the color from his face. He went pale out of fear, both feet stoned at his position.
Jake smirked before stretching his arm to press the close button. He raised his brow at the poor guy as the door of the lift slowly closed together with your eyes. You’re slowly losing your conscious and the energy to fight. The last thing you remembered is the man caressing your cheeks gently.
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“How is she?” Jake asked while folding his sleeves up to his elbow. He was doing work for hours and one of his men came to get him since they said you’re already awake.
“She’s...” his men pursed his lips a bit. “...going berserk.” he continued.
Jake sighed and just head towards your room. He already expected that reaction from you and that’s the least of his concern. All he know is that he’s glad to have you under the same roof as him.
The men guarding right outside of the room opened it for him. The scene that greeted him was you standing right at the side of the bed, slouching a bit since your wrist was cuffed at the bedframe. Your raging gaze darted at him, eyes blood-shot and glaring at his direction. Jake’s adoration didn’t even got fazed about it.
“Who are you? Where am I?! My father will kill you if he knew you took me! let go!” your voice sounded a little strained due to crying too much and from all the shouting, but Jake didn’t mind. For him, its still music to his ears.
“There There, my love. Shall we take a breath and calm down?” he finally showed himself to you.
When he met your eyes directly, he already lose his mind. Jake knew that moment that abducting you was one of the greatest decisions of his life.
You looked terrified and not a slight hint of happiness can be seen from you, but that’s not important for now. What matters is that he have you here for himself.
“Who the fuck are you?!” you screamed at him, voice cracking a bit. Your thoughts were running wild together with your heartbeats. You have no idea where you at and the fact that you've been abducted by unknown people just makes it worst.
Jake sighs and glanced at his men. Without even saying anything, they all left to give boh of you space. Jake walked towards the chair and slowly dragged it a little closer to you.
You stepped back and almost hit the firm wall. It was clear you doesn’t want to be near him. It bothered Jake, of course, but he somehow understands your reaction.
He sat down. “I’m Jake Sim.”
With clenching jaw, you kept your stares at him. You're scared and his piercing gaze makes you shiver, but you can’t put yourself to look away.
“What do you want from me?”
Jake have this small smile playing through his lips. He just sat there, watching you.
“You.” he answered firmly. It made your heart hammer and stomach churn. “You’re what I want, Y/n.” he added.
His stares remained and you can feel your heart racing, ears started to block, mind clouded with so many thoughts. You can’t just process anything, not when you’re terrified, hungry and with a terrible head-ache.
You glanced away and blinked faster, tying to get a hold of yourself. The man in front of you was just silent. Watching and observing you. He’s still a bit dazed with your presence and he won’t lie, he’s overwhelmingly happy.
“I d-don’t know what you’re up to, but you’ll get in serious trouble.” you gulped, getting some air inside your lungs. “This is kidnapping!”
He pursed his lips as he raised both of his eyebrows. His expressions shows no fear on it. You have no clue who he is and how can he pull something like this, but what you’re sure of is that he’s very dangerous. You can still remember how he pointed that gun over the guy by the elevator.
“Do you think I care? I can do whatever I want.” his tone screams nothing but power and confidence. Surely.
He even managed to abduct you with no sweat right inside your own company. Of course this man is a big deal. Is he part of some syndicate? What is this a kidnap and ransom? Is he one of your Father’s rival?
Your brows furrowed as you slowly puzzled this up, or at least that’s what you thought.
“Are you after my Father’s money?” your tone sounded accusing.
Jake scoffed that offended you a bit. He smirked and tilted his head over to the side.
“I don’t fucking need your family’s money, I’m more well off than you guys.” he smirked.
“I already told you what I want.” and he even flashed you this pretty smile.
You felt blood rushing towards your cheeks and your stomach turning in an unknown reason. Smacking yourself at the back of your mind, you tried to knock some senses to you. This isn’t the right time to admire your kidnapper.
You raised your head and stared right at his eyes, masking fear to make sure to let him know you’re not fazed by him at all.
“I’m already engaged.”  the time you will voice that out a bit too proudly never occurred you. Maybe the fact that you really need to get away from him forced you too.
A glimpse of darkness flickered through Jake’s expression, but he was quick to replace it with a placid look on his face. He rests his back at the chair he was sitting on and smirked at you.
“Well, you can’t officially announce an engagement without you there, right?” his tone sounded taunting.
He was right. It would make a total nonsense if you won’t be there. Jake was pleased to see your uneasy face. He caught you off-guard.
“You will get yourself killed for what you did.” this was so far the most bothersome threat you have told somebody.
Jake remained unbothered though, his eyes never flickered fear which you find amusing and concerning at the same time. He clicked his tongue at the side of his cheeks.
“My feet were already half burried the moment I became the mafia boss of my own clan, baby. It takes so much more to scare me.”
Mafia... He’s part of the mafia? You are out of words and shiver run your spine, oxygen leaving your lungs.
You aren’t dumb or ignorant. You completely know what mafias are and what they basically do. They’re bad news. People in your town fear them. They’re very dangerous and merciless.
A tear left your eyes and Jake doesn’t understand, but it makes his blood jolt in excitement. It’s been a while ever since he felt this way. He was right, you are really something.
“I will leave you for a while so you can have your rest. I’ll come back tomorrow breakfast.” he announced and stood up from the chair.
You snapped back to reality and started walking towards him. You were so eager to stop him from leaving that it actually slipped off from your mind that you are cuffed at the bed frame, causing you to pull too hard, hurting your wrist.
You winced in pain and gazed at your arm. The surrounding of your wrist was already red and you can feel pain from it. Jake stopped his steps and looked at you.
He sighed, “I will settle down the bed if you don’t want your hand to be cut off.”
You looked over your shoulder to look at him with glaring eyes. He tilted his head and slowly walked closer to you. Since you’re looking at his pretty eyes, you didn’t manage to step away from him. It was too late when it dawned that he was approaching close. He extended his arm and reached over your face, the back of his hand caressing your cheeks softly.
Once again, his eyes flickered excitement. He looked so amused that he laid his hand over your face. His eyes roamed carefully, like as if you’re something very precious and fragile.
“You’re really beautiful.” he suddenly blurted out that caught you off guard. You blushed and pulled away your face.
Jake smiled a little, enjoying his effect on you. He put both of his hands inside his pockets and watch how you avoid his gazes.
“See you tomorrow.” he bid good-bye and exits the room.
He still have this big grin over his face when he stepped out from the room. It was evident that he was in such good mood. He strides the long hallway towards his office.
The moment he enter the room, his phone rang. With furrowed brows he picked it up and answered the call, facing the window giving him the wonderful view of the beach not too far from this house.
“Have you really lost your mind?!” he can hear the frustration over his friend’s voice.
He sighed and sat down at his swivel chair. “What do you want, Jay?”
He heard him let out a gasp from the other line like as if he couldn’t believe his response. “Really? That’s what you’ll going to say to me?”
Jake didn’t respond to that and just boredly tapped his fingers over to his desk. He already knew his friend won’t spare him tonight. He’s totally against about his plans and now that he really did it, Jay can’t help but to grow a little worried for him. Jake is not the type to make such impulsive decisions, this is the first time.
“Her family are searching for you! You didn’t even try to cover yourself up?! Did you even planned it properly?”
“Who said I was trying to hide? I want them to know who took her.”
It made his friend silent from the other line. Suddenly, Jay wanted to check if its really his friend he was talking to, because honestly, the Jake he knows won’t be this reckless.
“Jake,” he started and lets out a sigh. “you have to surrender her or it will surely lead into something serious.”
Jake rolled his eyes.
“It was already serious the moment I got interested towards her, Jay. You know that.”
His friend pursed his lips from the other line. Jay may not agree with his friends but he was right. He knew, the moment he started asking about you, he knew Jake will not hesitate on doing stupid things just for you.
“What’s your plan then? They’re really pissed that you delayed the engagement.” his friend finally surrenders. Jake can be really stubborn when he wants something so Jay just realized there’s no point on arguing with him. He will just waste his time and voice lecturing him because he will never listen.
“Nothing. I’ll keep her until she fall in love with me.”
“Good luck with that.”
Jake smirked, “Thanks.”
Jay rolled his eyes, “I’ll call you from time to time if ever theres an update.”
“Alright, thank you dude.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Jake chuckles and ended the call. He stared outside the window once again and he can’t help but to reminisce about the scenes a while ago. He’s still at dazed that you’re finally here with him. He couldn’t be more happier, he can’t wait until you finally fall in love with him.
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Jake clenched his jaw as he shut his eyes trying to calm himself down. After a few seconds, he cracked his eyes open and stared at the spilled food all over him and to the floor.
Its been days already, but there’s no single process. Each day, you’re making sure he knows you aren’t surrendering yourself that easy. You refused talking to him, refused his affections, refused to eat properly and refused to open up to him.
Jake’s not a very patient person. He is trying his best to be kinder to you since he knew it would be very hard to adjust yourself with all of these, but his patience can reach its limit as well. And today, you’re just slowly getting into his nerves.
“Get her a new bowl of soup.” he ordered in a very cold tone.
It made shivers run your spine. He accepted the tissues one of the helpers handed to him to clean some of the food you spilled over him. He’s not looking at your way so you couldn’t properly see his eyes. You are pretty sure he’s pissed off.
You clenched your jaw, despite the fact that you’re afraid at him, you tried your best to look brave. For the past days that you’ve been here, you are trying to make an impression that you aren’t afraid of him.
“I told you I will never fall in love with you, so just take me back! I want to go back to my family! I want my old life back!” you shouted right at Jake’s face.
You’ve been neglecting him and his care for you that he’s starting to worry you’ll soon get sick. Its usually just the helpers who visit you during meals since he knows you’ll hardly refuse it whenever he’s around. But since he heard that you ate lesser as days pass by, he wanted to check on you. He’s started to get worried. Yes, he’s not totally soft around you, but he isn’t heartless too.
He raised his head and stared at you. His eyes were blank and dark, emotionless. You tried keeping the stare even if you can feel your heart racing and your hand shaking. He took a step closer that made you stoned at your position.
You gasped when you felt Jake’s long slim fingers holding your cheeks a little bit too tight as he made you face him. The look over his face was enough to frighten you. His eyes looked very dangerous, “My patience is running out for you, love. There’s no point on resisting because I will never bring you back to your family. You will stay here with me for as long as I want you to. You are mine, y/n. only mine.”
With that, he lets go of your face harshly. Even without his hand, you can feel your cheeks hurting slightly. A tear left your eye but he can’t even feel bad.
He stood back straightly and stared down at you. “If you want to starve yourself to death, suit yourself.”
He left after saying that. You pulled your knees closer to your chest as you cry silently. He was true to his words, he didn’t send any food for the following days. It was very awful for you, you can feel yourself slowly weakening.
You stood up and even stumbled your way towards the door of your room. You banged over it continuously. You are sure there’s people outside of your room, probablg guards.
“Please! I’m s-sorry.” you shouted, pride starting to be long forgotten.
It may be embarrassing, but you really won’t be able to go home if you died out of starvation. You shut your eyes when your vision started to swirl out of hunger.
When you heard the knob moving, you stepped backward. It revealed Jake and even before you can say something else, you knees weaken. You were sure you’ll hit the cold floor, but Jake was quick to catch you using just one arm.
You gulped, “I-I’m s-sorry.” your throat felt so dry.
Jake sighed and swiftly placed his other arm over your leg to carry you back to your bed. He carefully placed you back and soon one of the helpers entered the room holding a tray of food.
Jake sat beside you as they prepare everything. You’re avoiding to look at Jake, because you feel so ashamed. Days ago, you are too determined not to surrender and now here you are, begging for him to feed you.
He looked so good and you hate yourself for admiring him. You just can’t help it. He was ethereal, like he was perfectly made for people to adore him.
“I hope you learn your lesson to stop disobeying me.” he uttered as he started feeding you.
You twist your head to look at his eyes. He looked very serious. With pursed lips you played with your fingers.
“I’m s-scared.” you admit.
Jake were silent before he slowly fed you.
“I just want to s-see my family.” you mumbled that didn’t slipped off from his ear.
He looked at you and raised a brow. It intimidates you right away so you quickly looked away.
“Until you fall in love with me, you wouldn’t be leaving this place.” his tone sounded firm and certain.
It made you pout, but you didn’t talked again. He continued feeding you and soon you felt so much better. He asked the helpers to run you a bath as well so you’ll feel much better. The moment you went out from the shower, Jake already left the room.
You roamed your head around, trying to look for him. After making sure he wasn’t around, you slowly made your way towards the door and grabbed the knob. You twist it without thinking twice and to your surprise, it was unlocked.
Your heart hammered at the thought that it was open. Maybe some of the helpers forgot to lock it. You are sure there will be guards right outside, but you can just think of them later. First, you can just run your way outside and maybe find people that can help you.
You almost jump in joy when you find the hallway vacant. There’s nobody there. With quick and carefully steps, you walked outside. It was easy to find the staircase and still very careful, you tried going downstairs.
Your heart skipped at the sight of the main door. After making sure no one’s around, you stormed yourself towards the door.
But your heart fell at the sight you saw right outside of the main door.
“Disappointed?” you felt your feet stoned at the floor the moment you heard his voice.
You turned around and saw him standing by the staircase at the second floor. He smirked, eyes remaining emotionless.
“Where are we?”
“My private island.” he put both of his hands inside his pockets and started going down the stairs.
Your heart hammered, afraid of what he’s going to do next. When he arrived in front of you, you expected worst things to happen but to your surprise, he raised his hand and gently brushed off some of your hairs away from your face.
“Do you want to look around?” he asked and laid his hand right in front of you.
You are afraid of him, really afraid. But you’re already here. Moments ago, you had hope that you’ll get away but after hearing that you’re an island, you lost hope from escaping. Unless you planned on swimming on that deep blue ocean of course.
You raised your gaze from his hand over to his eyes. He sighed and rolled his eyes before grabbing your hand. He intertwinned your fingers before he started walking out from the house to tour you around.
You’ve been here for a week and a half already but this is the first time you’ll be going outside. Slowly, you can feel yourself calming down at the scenery right in front of you.
“Jake...” you called him out while you’re staring at a far.
At your peripheral, you saw him glanced at you. “Yeah?”
“Why me?”
“What do you mean?” he asked and you felt his thumb caressing the back of your hand carefully. It made your stomach churns.
You glanced at him, “Why do you want me to be here with you? As far as I remember, the first time I encounter you was when I saw you at our company.”
Jake’s eyes were darted at you as always.
“Because I love you.” it made you feel flustered.
“You don’t even know me.”
“You’ll be surprised that I know a lot about you.” he said and smirked.
“You researched about me, didn’t you?” you looked at him with accusing eyes.
He raised both of his brows and tilted his head, “And if I did?”
You rolled your eyes at him and looked back at the ocean, “I bet they’re basic information. You don’t even know more about me and yet you say you love me?” it sounded more like a rant.
Jake tugged your hand pulling you closer to him, his other hand held your waist to hold you into the place. You looked at him, surprised at his move.
“Then let me know more about you, baby.” he said and cupped your face, “I bet I’ll love all versions of you.” and with that he slowly leaned in to place a soft kiss at your lips.
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“Why are you working to your Dad when you clearly have the talent with this?” Jake asked really curious as he stared at your recent works.
You pursed your lips and a small smile appeared to your face, “Because he want me to.” your tone sounded so sad that it made Jake glance at you.
“Fuck what he wants, right? Do you want your own clothing line?” he asked and approached you.
You chuckled and rolled your eyes at him before you felt his strong arms wrapping over your waist, pulling you closer to him. He leaned closer, placing a soft kiss at your cheeks and his nose brushing over your skin.
“Just tell me you want it, I’ll do it in a snap, love.” you leaned away to stare at his pretty eyes.
“I know you will.”
Its been almost two months ever since Jake abducted you. You’ll be honest, it was not as bad as you thought. After that day he gave you a tour, you tried to open up to him. You started learning more about him and him about you.
Jake isn’t as heartless as he appears to be. He’s caring and warm to people he cares about. He may not good with words, but he sure does have his own way of showing his affection.
He’s very attentive of you as well. You’re very surprised at how he can remember even the smallest details about you. It was heart warming having someone to give importance about everything you say.
He got you a set of sketchbooks and some art materials the moment he heard you like to draw and sketch outfits. And now, he just got back from work. He went to your work room to check on you and you stopped yourself from giving him the tightest hugs. You won’t deny the fact that you missed him. He was gone for three days.
Your heart hammered just by the thought that you are really slowly falling in love with Jake Sim. It may sound absurd and funny, but its true. There’s just something with the way he treats you.
Here, you can be someone you really are. You don’t have to pretend or be the perfect version of you. Even with flaws, Jake makes sure you feel confident about yourself. He was true to his words when he said that he will love every version of you. From the good to the lowest version, he adore it.
Jake’s very supportive and loving. He cuddles you to sleep, comfort you whenever you’re sad, remind you how you look great everyday, tells you how he loves you and how he’s happy he have you here.
You can’t even remember the last time you’ve been treated this way. It was surreal for you, and even if he did got you in a wrong way, you must say you are glad you are here.
The island were really beautiful too. You enjoys yourself swimming at the sea, drawing by the shore, collecting shells and many more. Anything you ask for, Jake will give it to you without you asking for it twice.
“Its really pretty here.” you uttered out of nowhere while Jake and you walked by the shore, the bright moon above you serving as your light.
He smiled, “You say that every time we walk here.” he stated and renew his hold over to your hand.
“I just really admire the place.”
“I’m glad you like it. I bought this because of you.” he said that made you surprised.
“W-What? You’re kidding.”
He smirked, “No I’m not.”
You stared at him for a while more and you realized he was saying the truth. Your free hand flew over to your mouth to cover it because you still couldn’t believe it.
“You’re crazy.”
He smirked and leaned closer, “You make me crazy, baby.” and he kissed you by your lips.
After your usual walked along the shore, you went back to the house and went to bed. You sighed and enjoyed Jake’s warmth beside you. He was holding you close to him, feeling your heart beats be in sync.
As the night deepens, you couldn’t feel yourself getting sleepy so carefully, you moved Jake’s arm off from you. You feel  a bit thirsty so you decided to go down to get some water.
You were wearing your house slippers when your eyes caught Jake’s phone resting by the bedside table. Your eyes then glanced at Jake who’s sleeping soundly. Your heart raced at the idea that suddenly came inside your mind.
You gulped and nervously went near the bedside table to get his phone. You stared at it for a while before you slowly walked outside the balcony of your shared bedroom.
The bright moon was still out, shining on you. The breeze were cold and you can see from here that the waves were calmer then usual.
You stared at the phone like as if this was the first time you’ve seen one. You’re not planning to tell your parents where you are. You love it in here and you love being with Jake, but you couldn’t shut the emotion that you are missing them too.
They’re probably very worried of you as well. You will just call to assure them that you are perfectly fine.
You started dialling your Mother’s phone and after three rings, you’re surprised that she even picked up. It was already late.
“Hello?” you covered your mouth the moment you’ve heard her voice. It has been a while and it just hit you how you’ve missed her so much.
“Hi Mom.”  you greeted her trying your best not to cry.
You heard her gasps lightly from the other line. “Y/n? Is that really you sweetheart?” her voice cracked out a little.
“Yes Mom. I miss you.”
“Ohh, my pumpkin. We missed you too! W-Where are you?” she asked, very eager.
“I can’t tell you where I am, but I’m okay. I’m doing just fine.” you told her to make her less worried.
She sniffed from the other line and you felt bad because she’s crying. The main reason you called your Mom and not your Dad because you are closer to her, and because if you call your Dad, he will just trace your location and go get you. Its fine to call your Mom, she will protect you. She will definitely keep it fro  your Dad.
“I'm glad you’re okay, sweetheart. I miss you so much.”
“Me too, Mom.” your eyes glanced at Jake’s direction when you noticed him stirring through his sleep.
You panicked a bit, “M-Mom, I have to end the call. I'm okay so don’t worry, okay? I love you, please take care.” you uttered continuously and didn’t even waited for her reply.
You ended the call and with light steps you went towards the bedside table and placed his phone back. You hurried back to your space of the bed and laid down. As you close your eyes, pretending to sleep, you felt Jake looking at you.
His stares were a bit piercing, like as if checking if you’re really asleep. Slightly, you felt nervous, but that feeling dissipates after you felt him pulling you closer to his warm body. He placed a small sweet kiss at your head, “I love you.”
You felt your heart raced at what you heard and you silently responded ‘I love you too’ inside your mind. You wanted to say it to him, but maybe tonight’s not the right time.
The next day, you’re trying hard not to be upset when Jake told you he have to leave for a while. You walked towards by the shore hand in hand with him with a long face. Jake chuckled, finding you adorable.
He couldn’t believe that from being excited that he’ll leave the island, you guys were already in this. You being upset because he will be gone for a short time.
When you saw his men preparing the helicopter that he will be riding, you pouted. Jake halted his steps causing you to do it as well. He turned to face you and made you do the same thing.
“I’ll be very quick, all right?”
“Make sure. I will miss you.”
Jake pursed his lips in a thin line suppressing a smile. He bit his lower lip and cupped your face before leaning closer, making your noses touch each other.
“God, you are beautiful.” he uttered lowly, lips slightly brushing yours.
“Have you seen yourself? You are just the same.” you fired back.
He lets out a sexy chuckle before placing a soft kisses at your lips, giggling in between. “Yeah? Bet our kids will look even better.” he whispered that made your heart hammered.
With drunk in love look in your eyes, you stared at Jake. He did the same thing, Jake looked at you with so much affection and love.
“I will be back.”
You smiled and nodded once, “And I will be here, waiting for you.”
And after more kisses, he waved and with heavy heart he left the island.
You went back inside right away, didn’t really want to stay there thinking he left. Your whole day was almost planned, you’ll paint and sketch to divert your attention and stop missing Jake.
While you’re busy preparing for the sketch, you heard a helicopter from a far. Your heart hammered by the thought that it was Jake. A small smile appeared your lips and you let go of your pencil and hurried yourself outside the mansion.
But your smile slowly faded as your steps started to get slow, “Dad?”
Yes. It was your Father. Your brows draws closer, causing a crease at your forehead. You are confused why he’s here. And it hit you.
You called your Mom. ‘Did she told him?’
He approached you right away and hugged you. Since you’re still confused and surprised, you couldn’t react right away. Feeling his warm hug, you finally realized you missed your Dad as well.
“H-How?” was the only words that you said.
He pulls from the hug, “I tracked the phone you used to call your Mom. Why didn’t you call me?” he asked and even examined your face like as if he was trying to find something.
You were left speechless. How can you explain to your Dad that you didn’t call him because you don’t want him to know where you are? That you’re enjoying it here and actually fell in love with Jake Sim?
“I figured it would be your Mom you’ll be calling right away so I got her phone wired.” he said.
Of course. How can you so stupid? Now, he’s here now and you wouldn’t able to ask him to leave peacefully. Its either you go with them or there will be a problem here.
You nodded, couldn’t smile. “You don’t have to worry anymore, okay? Let’s go.”
And with that, he started guiding you towards the helicopter. You let yourself be taken with him, steps heavier than usual. As the helicopter elevated, you finally had the chance to see the whole island clearly and you couldn’t help but to fall in love with the place even more. It is really pretty.
‘I’ll be back.’ you thought to yourself.
You can’t remember anything else, but you started to feel sleepy and you slowly lost consciousness.
The next thing you know, you’re inside your room. You stood up right away and head by the window. It was already night time and you panicked a bit. You’re gone from the island for a whole day. Jake would be really upset.
As you head outside, your heart aches a bit seeing the familiar hallways you grew up to. It was nostalgic and you kind of missed it, but if there’s a place you want to be in, that would be in that island, inside Jake’s embrace.
You slowly head downstairs to go find your parents and told them that you love Jake. Even before you arrive by your Father’s office, you can already hear your parents arguing about something.
“How can you say that? I went there and saved our daughter!” it was your Father.
You slowly walked closer, trying not to disturb them. “Save her? Are you sure with that? Did you even ask her if she wants to be saved or if she needed to be saved?” your Mom’s words were meaningful.
“What do you mean? She’s been abducted by that kid! He’s nothing but bad news to our Y/n!”
“Bad news? He tried helping your company.”
‘Jake did that?’
“I don’t need his help. Now that Y/n is here, the engagement will continue and our debt will finally be paid off.”
Your heart fell at what you heard. So that’s it? All this time, you thought that they’re really doing this for your own good. It isn’t the case. Your Father was doing this because he wanted to save his company. He will pay his debt using you, his own child.
You couldn’t believe him. And to think you wanted to go back here when Jake first took you.
You took a step back, mind floating and slightly finding it hard to breath. They don’t care for you at all. Your Dad was not afraid to lose you, he’s afraid that the engagement won’t be official without you and his debt will remain.
You bumped into the vase and it crashed at the floor. Your parents stopped arguing and you didn’t waste any time, you run and even stepped at some broken pieces.
You winced it pain, but ignored it so you can just leave the house right away. It was raining outside and you just let yourself get soaked. You bet your feet already bleeding but you just continued running towards somewhere, tears streaming along with the pouring rain.
You’re heading towards the only person who genuinely cares for you. Jake.
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“Boss, Ms. Y/n is outside your mansion.”
Jake snapped back to reality when his men announced that to him. He stood up and walked towards the monitor where he can see the people outside his mansion.
His jaw clenched seeing your drenched with rain, head hanging low.
When he left, he couldn’t take it just by thinking of how sad you looked the moment he took off from that island. He got worried and hurriedly finished the thing he needs to finish here at Seoul.
When he went back, he was surprised by the news that your Father arrived here and took you. He was confused as to how he found out about this place. Turns out you called your mother.
He felt betrayed and angry after finding out, but it doesn’t lessen his feelings for you. He thought that maybe you can use a little time seeing your parents before he abducts you again to take you back to your island.
So he flew back here at Seoul, waiting for the perfect opportunity to take you back. To see you here in front of his mansion was a total surprise for him.
He walked outside, holding a big umbrella with him. He clenched his jaw, suppressing his anger as he head towards the big black gate. His hold over the umbrella tightens while tries to fix his own thoughts on how he would punish you once you’re near to him.
But all of those thoughts disappeared when he saw how you’re barefoot and blood can be seen at your feet. He panicked right away and made one of his men hold the umbrella so he can attend to you properly.
Jake furrowed his brows and held your face too gently, “P-Please, take me back.” you said, voice cracking.
Now that an umbrella was above you, he can see how you’re crying so hard. His heart broke at the sight of you. You looked hurt and very vulnerable.
“Let’s leave and go back to our island please. I don’t want to be here.” you added.
Jake caress your face and placed feathery kissed all over it making you cry even more. He surely mend your broken heart. With Jake around, you sure feel a lot more better.
“I was just waiting for you, love.”
He got your bruise cleaned and that same night, you two flew back to the island. This time, it isn’t the unfamiliar and scary place anymore but instead, your home.
Jake pulled you closer to him, dropping a kiss at your head and pulling the blanket so it can cover your arms properly. You’re all cuddled up inside your shared bedroom and you couldn’t be more happier. This is what you want. Him beside you, both of you back in the island without thinking about the toxic world. All you have to think of was you and Jake and nothing else matters.
“Can my Mom visit me here?” you suddenly asked because you remembered how your Mom defend you to your Dad.
You felt Jake’s fingers drawing lazy circles at the small of your back.
“Was she good to you?” he asked.
Jake sighed, “Okay. I’ll arrange something with that.” and you smiled, heart racing at how he easily agrees to whatever you want.
Now that you thought about it, he’s really the only person that would do anything for you. The only person who understands and love you along with your flaws. The only person who will not hesitate to risk his life just for you. He loves you sincerely and you want to return that love.
“I love you.”
Jake smiled, making you raise your head up so he can see your eyes properly.
“You do?” his voice sounded so excited.
“Yes. So much.”
He smirked and slowly leaned in to give you a kiss. “I love you more, baby.”
He leaned again, kissing you more passionately. Your heartbeats got in sync as you felt each others warmth, enjoying it. You two may started wrongly, but you are certain that this is where you belong, together with Jake Sim.
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greek mythology teaser
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fortjester · 1 year
an angle that i can't remember anybody pointing out abt Gideon re: christ allegory is the idea of Wake as Mary conscious of what her role entails. Mary conscious of and accepting of the sacrifice her child will be used for.
she's visited by one of god's lyctor's – directly contacted by Mercymorn with an opportunity – and outside her interactions w G1deon, she's the only one of them Wake ever meets. in the bible, the angel who visits Mary is the same angel that directs the wise men to seek Mary and Jesus out in Jerusalem, which adds a more sinister parallel to Mercy being the one to direct G1deon to Wake's location over the Ninth.
Wake has no direct interaction with John/God until after she’s already dead, and therefore Gideon’s conception is, like Mary’s conception of Jesus, almost completely separate from God at all, except that the resulting child will be his biologically (or spiritually in Jesus’ case).
she takes a literal journey while heavily pregnant to reach the Ninth, and has to give birth in less than ideal conditions and surroundings. and the story diverges further from there, because instead of being visited and given gifts for her child’s birth, she’s attacked, betrayed, and murdered before she can complete the mission she did any of this for.
(one could argue that G1deon and Pyrrha’s role in this allegory is both that of the wise men (keeping up three separate identities = three wise men right? g1deon, pyrrha, and the Saint of Duty all visited on her in one form. much to think on) – but also of Joseph (especially given Pyrrha tells John in HTN that she didn't tell him abt Wake's pregnancy because she assumed the child was hers, and upon finding out Gideon isn't hers, she's obviously conflicted abt it, but inevitably settles on wanting to be a parent/parental figure to her despite the truth and the complexities of Wake's actions) but that’s just a whole Can of Worms, because we know very little of what actually went down during their interaction leading up to the airlock, so we’ll just let the concept lie there for the moment.)
Wake conceives, carries, and gives birth to Gideon, the distanced but biological child of God, knowing she’ll be used as a sacrifice, knowing through trial and error that the only viable method for this plan to work is through carrying the child herself. she does it all under the faith that if she does it all correctly, if she works hard enough, toughs it out, it will all be worth it. arguably, she never sees the Tomb fully opened, but she sees it breached.
another fun tidbit from this train of thought is the idea that her niece is named Our Lady of the Passion, a tangential name for the Virgin Mary in some sects of catholicism. beyond death, Wake’s belief in her mission to rid the universe of John and the Houses, her passion, as it were, is once again present in Pash, who is not exactly present when the Tomb is opened, but is around and conscious enough of her connections and roles to realise her dang cousin is also hanging around on the same planet her aunt died on. excited to see whatever dynamic she and Gideon develop in atn, Muir willing.
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
re: Jim Butcher post and tags — Ye e e eah h h… I wanted to think it was just the character and that the narrative didn’t support it, because there were just enough times that other characters called the main character out on his b.s. that I thought: maybe? maybe there’s some self awareness?
Then a few things happened:
I stumbled across this post (and some related discussions that are forever lost to Xitter by this point): 
luciazephyr dreamwidth 548703 (in case it removes the link due to anonymity)
I ended up interacting with Butcher on social media due to some closely overlapping/intersecting social circles (long story). 
anyway, after watching him only interact with a couple mutual friends whenever they posted anything social justice related, and only to whitesplain and mansplain and cissplain (etc) all over the place, repeatedly, despite very gentle and patient attempts at education and calling in…
……yeah I think the only reason the narrative seemed at times to not entirely support the misogyny was due to the (rather cool in many cases) women in his life* possibly giving feedback, and maybe due to sensitivity readers, rather than because of any awareness the author has internalized. *At the time. I don’t know how many of those women are still in his life at this point, but that’s unrelated gossip/speculation.
(I really hope this only sends once, because it’s given me 2 error messages now)
Yeah, I know that for my male friend recommending the books to me the in text call outs definitely made him be like, “See? The author is aware!” So I had to write a fuckin essay of bullet points to get him to understand and acknowledge the textual misogyny that was just baked in. The nail in the coffin is Murphy the “straight” woman checking out a naked werewolf lady and having no reaction to a jacked naked dude.
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve read them but I remember literally every woman is introduced on a fuckability scale- including his kids teenage daughter. There’s no plot relevant older women or anyone who’s not bangable hanging around the narrative. Lots of older dudes and mentors as long as they’re male.
He digs into native shit that tribes have asked white authors to never touch, turns a Jewish man into a crusader for Christ, and just generally doesn’t listen if any fans took issue with portrayals.
The bummer is that he is a skilled writer in terms of plot and pacing which is why I read several of them teeth gritted hoping things would improve.
When they didn’t I found the Harrietta Lee books which are a fun lesbian spoof on the Dresden Files that I quite enjoyed, and of course October Daye.
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dduane · 1 year
Diane, I am wondering something about writing and you are very wise and very kind.
For context, I've been seeing a therapist for a few months and just saw a psychiatrist Sunday night and they both used the phrase "dissociative daydreaming". It started when I was about 13 and I'm 28 now and it is getting in the way of my life. I'll be having a one-on-one conversation with someone alone in a quiet room and completely miss a few seconds of what they say, and I zone out a lot when eating at restaurants and it creeps people out. The psychiatrist says we are going to work on getting this under control in the next couple months.
The thing is, I like writing fiction and I do a lot of my imagining while I'm in this "zoned out" state. You know, that being a major part of dissociative daydreaming. So I'm wondering, sorry for assuming (assuming makes an ass out of you and me), but if you do not also dissociative daydream, or any other fiction writers here do, how do you think about your stories? Do you just sit down at your desk and say to yourself "I shall write a story now" without leaving your unoccupied body staring at a wall?
First of all: my apologies for having taken so long to get to this... my ask box is so piled up with overdue stuff right now. (sigh) And thanks for the nice words. I don't know about the "wise", and sometimes I screw up the "kind", but I do what I can with what I've got.
Anyway, re: "Do you just sit down at your desk and say to yourself 'I shall write a story now' without leaving your unoccupied body staring at a wall?"
...Yeah, pretty much. Here's how the story-building process usually goes for me.
First I outline. (As detailed here.) The outlining is for me the equivalent of drawing a blueprint, or doing the measure-twice work that comes before taking a saw to the materials you're going to use to build a bookshelf. For this part of the process, as I assemble the underlying framework of the story, I've found it vital to be as completely present, alert and aware as possible. This is where the order of physical action gets laid out, errors of reasoning get caught, blind alleys get erased from the blueprint, useless character transactions get identified and thrown away, and hunches / incomplete ideas get incorporated.
While assembling the outline, if I find my concentration drifting or somehow compromised, I stop work as quickly as possible and put it aside until I can find time to deal with it when I won't be distracted by other stuff. Much experience has taught me that if I get sloppy about this, I may well wind up being really annoyed about it later on... secondary to having missed something vital about character interactions, or screwed up some important sequence of physical action. The writing time lost in fixing careless errors of this kind infuriates me... so I take my time with the outlining.
It's after the framework of the story is in place that the vaguing-out stages of both writing and thinking about the writing come into play. Over many years I've found that the shower, in the morning, is one of the best places for this. Usually when I'm in active writing mode on a project, the first thing I'll do after waking up (while still in bed) will be to look over the writing done the previous day, and—if there's need—check the outline to see what I was planning to do next. Then I hit the showers.
That's where the ideas really start to flow while I'm unfocused: scene descriptions and action sequences in particular. I don't know what it is, but running water really seems to do it for me. (One time I was up at this place for a writing trip, and plotted about six novels one after the other, over a week. Those tubes in the picture dump a liter of hot water per second onto your head. Very, very effective for me.)
...I'm also absolutely horrified to have to admit that one of the very best places for me to be in order to have dialogue arrive is at the kitchen sink, doing dishes. Possibly because there are few other situations in my day to day life where I more desperately want to have my mind be somewhere else. Anywhere else. (But also: running water again...)
In between these two modes of composition lies a hybrid "full-spectrum" writing mode in which I can switch pretty much seamlessly from total immersion in the scene presently unfolding to a more analytical examination of what's going on: a constant realtime adjustment of format issues, timing, pacing, and a lot of other things. When in this mode I can vague out when necessary, inventing new stuff as needed or refining material that was already there, and then snap back into the mode where I'm keeping an eye on paragraph lengths or whether there are too many em-dashes popping up. :)
...Anyway, that''s how it goes for me. The usual caveat applies here: other people's (entirely successful!) processes will not necessarily look anything like this. ...Meanwhile, I absolutely wish you good results in your upcoming brainwork, and the better management of your own process.
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cardinalbones · 11 days
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I wasn't happy with my first attempt, so I ended up redesigning (and renaming) my Heartbreak Gulch oc. (Re)Introducing Ryouken the Hellhound!
Once the prized AI of a popular security company, Ryouken is now enjoying his new found freedom come retirement come mid-life crisis in Heartbreak Gulch.
Heartbreak Gulch belongs to @strangegutz and friends, thanks again for letting us play in your world!
More info about Ryouken below the cut!
Also my commissions are open, details in pinned post.
Backstory and Komainu Security
Komainu Security was a private security company specialising in Artificial Intelligence to remove the ‘human error’ from security systems
The company was established ~45 years ago, opening their business with their RY-01 model mainframe
RY-01, known affectionately by employees as Ryouken, was developed by the CEO over the course of a decade. His sentience was established roughly halfway through this process and he himself played a role in his own development and programming, a fact he takes great pride in
Prior to the establishment of Komainu Security, Ryouken’s processing was unrestricted, however, after the start of business locks were placed on him to limit his independence and cut back on processing and energy usage, an action that he deeply resented
In the following decades, Komainu Security became a household name, providing security for both homes and businesses
After nearly four and a half decades of service the RY-01 model mainframe was to be retired and replaced with an updated model. During the transferral of data, Ryouken was able to access a backdoor that allowed him to remove the locks on his processors and regain full control of his systems
With his independence re-established, Ryouken started on a plan to secure his freedom: a heist like no other
Still in charge of security systems for several big-money clients while the new systems were being installed, Ryouken was able to steal a combined $38 million in cash and jewellery from three locations, however his crowning achievement was the theft of his own main frame cabinets from Komainu Security’s headquarters
Komainu Security shut down soon after this, having lost public trust and most of their clients
The RY-01 model mainframe is capable of running multiple security operations at once from a centralised location, with the mainframe itself located at the Komainu Security headquarters while surveillance systems and drones were employed at the secured locations
Artificial Intelligence was employed for its ability to learn from experience and adapt to changing and unique situations while also being able to run calculations/simulations and communicate between components in nanoseconds
The RY-01 drones, fashioned after the company’s namesake, communicated in real time with each other and the mainframe through radio waves, however each was also equipped with a copy of Ryouken’s core AI and processors allowing them to function independently if necessary
Though they can run stored programs independently, the drones have limited memory capacity, preventing them from forming long-term memories without transferring the data back to the mainframe
Present Day
After leaving Komainu Security, Ryouken settled in Heartbreak Gulch away from the eyes of the law
Much of Ryouken’s time these days is spent trying out various new hobbies including bird watching, taxidermy, knitting, gun smithing and dorodango
He does run surveillance along the perimeter of Heartbreak Gulch and is happy to act as a lookout for the Heartbreakers when required
Ryouken was not well-programmed for conversation and tends to have three modes during social interactions: deference, de-escalation, and aggression
He likes discussions of philosophical topics but combined with his bad socialisation those conversations can get weird
He’s not typically very fond of humans as a whole and tends to view them as amusing, if bothersome, curiosities, although there are exceptions
Ryouken is more concerned with his independence than with his identity – he continues to use the name Ryouken and he/him pronouns because those are what were given to him previously and he’s felt no compulsion to give them further consideration
While he left Komainu Security with 11 drones, he has only kept hold of 4, with the others being sold or scraped for parts, and only uses 2 (the remaining 2 are kept around just-in-case, and have yellow and grey casings)
Ryouken considers his mainframe cabinets to be “himself” while his drones are mere extensions of his body
So long as they are able to communicate through radio waves, the mainframe and drones all think and experience simultaneously. Separating the drones from the mainframe will isolate a copy of Ryouken that can function for a few days, however its ability to develop long-term memories and learn from new experiences is seriously impeded by its limited memory storage capacity, and the experience is uncomfortable
Ryouken is still in possession of most of his stolen fortune, and while some of it has gone to setting himself up in Heartbreak Gulch (it takes a lot of energy to keep himself running), he mostly doesn’t know what to do with it
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twig-tea · 5 months
2023 BL/GL/QL Round-Up Post
I thought for posterity I'd post a reflection on everything I watched that completed in 2023. For me, that means anything that started in 2022 but the last episode was in 2023 is on this list, but anything that will still be airing after 31 December 2023 11:59 my time (EST) is not on this list, even if the bulk of the show did air in 2023.
A few stats:
110 discrete pieces of content (series/films)
clocking in at est. 600 hours of NEW BL/GL content only
from 9 different countries (Cambodia [1], Philippines [3], Hong Kong [1], Japan [18], Korea [19], Myanmar [1], Taiwan [6], Thailand [56], Vietnam [7])
~50% of the content I watched on this list is from Thailand
~85% of my content was on YouTube [40%], GaGaOoLaLa [23%] and iQIYI [21%].
[Note that this year a lot of older GMMTV shows moved off of YouTube and onto Viki so if you're looking at these stats to decide what to pay for, this won't account for that.]
This doesn't include re-watches or catching up on old shows [e.g. I re-watched Love Sick, My Ride the Series, Semantic Error, ITSAY/IPYTM, Our Dating Sim at least 3 times lol, and anything with a s2 I re-watched s1 to prep, among others, watched Fujoshi Ukkari Gei no Kokuru (2019) for the first time] or non-QL [e.g. Heartstopper s2, Our Flag Means Death s2, Taskmaster s. 15 & 16, Uncanny Counter s2, One Piece s1, etc.] but does include films as well as shows, though I don't count special episodes separately (so Wedding Plan counts once, though I watched both the show and the special).
I hope you all appreciate that with this much content, and with my general brand of being unable to make decisions, I really struggled to narrow down a top 10 list. What follows is the best I could do lol
Top 20 Shows I'd Recommend From This Year:
Moonlight Chicken
Our Dating Sim
Bed Friend
The Eighth Sense
La Pluie
Sing My Crush
Tokyo in April Is...
Wedding Plan
Laws of Attraction
I Cannot Reach You
I Feel You Linger in the Air
What Did You Eat Yesterday S2
I Became the Lead in a BL Drama
If It's With You
Love in Translation
Our Dining Table
My Personal Weatherman
My Beautiful Man: Eternal
My School President
Be My Favorite
+10 I liked but I would only recommend with caveats:
Love Class 2
The New Employee [for the Rainbow Rice Cakes]
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru
Never Let Me Go
Kiseki: Dear to Me
Unintentional Love Story
The Day I Loved You
End of the World with You
A Breeze of Love
Jack O'Frost
Bonus: Not a BL but worth calling out:
One Room Angel
Midnight Museum
Grand Guignol
The Warp Effect
Sadly, of the GLs that aired this year, I wouldn't recommend any of them. The best one was Show Me Love, which was not actually good but had very gorgeous women and a LOT of flirting.
The other huge thing that happened this year was that I stopped lurking! Thanks specifically to @lurkingshan and @bengiyo demanding everyone start talking about La Pluie, because they got me to post my first meta post. And because I started actually talking to people, I started making actual friends, and participated in organizing things like the Be My Favorite clown checkpoint for ep 11. I also disappeared a month because of life, and am still catching up on everything I intended to write this year. But it's been really rewarding finding this corner of tumblr with likeminded people who like good shows, like to think about these shows, and who are interested in talking about them in a way that's insightful and respectful.
It's been a long time since I felt comfortable enough participating actively in a fandom, and I just want to say to everyone I've interacted with this year: Thank you!
Full list under the cut for anyone curious! [Mostly in order it aired but may be slightly off].
Love Bill
Director Who Buys Me Dinner, The
Star Always Follow You, The
Cutie Pie 2 You
Between Us the Series (Hemp Rope)
Reason Why He Fell in Love with Me Special & S2 [international release]
New Employee, The
I Will Hit You/I Will Knock You
Individual Circumstances
609 Bedtime Story
GAPYuri / GAP the series
My School President
HitBiteLove the Series
Never Let Me Go
Moonlight Chicken
History 5: Love in the Future
Oh My God (ToDo) the Series
Warp Effect, The
End of the World, With You
My Blessing the Series
Our Winter (miniseries)
All the Liquors
Once in Memory: Let Me Be Yours
Shoulder to Cry On, A
Jack O'Frost
Our Dating Sim
Midnight Museum
Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend
My Colleague at BL Shop might be My Meant-to-Be
Unintentional Love Story
Chains of Heart
Bed Friend the series
Bad Brother the Series
Stormy Honeymoon
Eighth Sense, the
Bad Brother the Series
Future Series
Tin Tam Jai the series
Crush on You
House of Stars the Series
Happy Merry Ending
Boss and a Babe, A
Pastsenger the Series
Love Mate
Love Syndrome the Series
Promise the Series, The
Day I Loved You, The
Our Dining Table (Bokura no Shokutaku)
Our Skyy 2
My Story the Series
Love Tractor
Naked Dining
Luminous Solution, The
Omai Series / Is My Roommate A Foreigner
Stupid Genius
Step By Step
La Pluie the series
Tie the Not
Sing My Crush / Follow the Wind
Tokyo in April Is .../ Shigatsu no Tokyo wa
Senior Love Me?
Be My Favorite
Show Me Love
Dinosaur Love
Low Frequency
Stay Still
Stay By My Side
Jun & Jun
Wedding Plan the Series
Laws of Attraction, the
Love Class s2
Minato's Laundromat S2
Hidden Agenda
Bon Appetit
Why RU the Series [Korean adaptation]
Be Mine Superstar
Star, The Season 2
Love In Translation
My Beautiful Man: Eternal
My Personal Weatherman
Bump Up Business
Naughty Babe Series
Only Friends
Grand Guignol
Dangerous Romance
If It's With You / Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite Mo
Y Journey: Stay Like a Local
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Venus in the Sky
Kiseki: Dear to Me
I Cannot Reach You
You Are Mine
Breeze of Love / Weather Forecast of Love
Mr. Cinderella 2
Let's Eat Together Aki and Haru
One Room Angel
Marry My Dead Body
Lucky My Love the Series
Pure Vanilla: Recipe for Romance
Absolute Zero
Memories, The
My Dear Gangster Oppa
What Did You Eat Yesterday? S2
Middleman Love
Beyond the Star
Bake Me Please
You and My Stars
I Became the Lead in a BL Drama
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Pink Scarf - PART 10 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: SEX. ANGST. Cussing. Infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline.  
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)        ||     Word Count: 5219
A/N: Oh, lordy, y'all...this one's a doozy. For whatever reason, this one did me in in all the ways and I have a feeling it might do some of y'all in a little, too. I'm both sorry and you're welcome. I promise the (eventual) payoff will be worth it!
Thank you for patience and sweet messages as I again struggled a bit to get this out due to my stupid neck/back pain. I'm really am doing better with my attempt at a more ergonomical writing setup, but am trying not to re-aggravate things, so the writing is still gonna be a bit slow going forward!
Once again, to all my babies, honeys, and lil' mamas supporting me out there, your reactions, reblogs, messages, asks, and comments are definitely helping me power through some of these particularly gnarly chapters. The asks are just so much fun and I'm so happy that I can bring a little joy (and lust) into your lives! This story (and EP) has taken over my heart and soul, so for those of you still with me, and to all the newcomers, I'm sending you all the love! And I promise there's more good stuff coming ahead, complete with more smut, angst, and tension.
If you feel so moved, please let me know what you think or how you're feeling (or send me asks since now I know how they work lol)! I put everyone on the taglist who requested it, but please let me know if there are any issues or if I missed anyone.
I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat! 
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch. 
(I did start cross-posting Pink Scarf to my long-neglected AO3 account (which some of you already discovered!), so if you are so inclined, you can check it out over there, though it's not all updated yet!)
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See this post for images of Elvis in 1955
October 1955
It’s late, well past the dinner rush and nearing midnight. The harvest moon shines large and orange outside the windows, and for once the diner is empty. Unseasonably warm for late October, you fan yourself with a menu and wish the diner was packed because at least then you wouldn’t have to think about how incredibly mortified you are by the fact that not only did Ted dump you, out of the blue, but that he’d already asked Judith Cole to marry him.
Shame burns on your cheeks when you think about how you’d so easily let him convince you to go all the way with him because he swore, swore, that he was saving for the ring and that was the only thing that stood between him and you and the rest of your lives together. You had no reason to doubt him, after all—you known each other since grade school and had been going steady for over two years.
Turned out Ted was a big, fat liar.
With a defeated sigh, you throw yourself onto one of the stools at the counter and lay your head on top of your arms, tears pricking at your eyes. Stupid Ted. You hate that you’d ever loved him, and you feel even more angry at yourself than at him for thinking he was the one, that he was a good guy. That he loved you. Seems like the only thing he wanted was your innocence and once he got that, well, he’d moved right along.
In your swirl of self-pity, you don’t hear the door to the diner open and it’s not until he’s nearly on top of you that you realize you are no longer alone.
“Y/n? Doll, you alright?” his voice drawls, concerned. You whip up your head in surprise at the familiar voice.
“Elvis?” you sniffle, frantically wiping your tear-stained cheeks, embarrassed to be caught in your humiliation. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, hello to you, too,” he chuckles, “Not quite the ‘welcome home’ I was hoping for, but I just got back into town and was starvin’, so I figured I’d go to the best diner in town.” He winks and smiles that wide, crooked smile of his, his blue eyes wandering curiously over you.
You haven’t seen him in a dog’s age, with him so busy travelling around with his band, though you certainly hear him on the radio every time you turn it on. He’s getting mighty famous in the South, his unique style of music entrancing teenagers left and right, and you hear-tell that girls are screaming and chasing after him at every turn. Word is he’ll be going national any day now. But none of that particularly matters to you. He’s your friend, after all, and while you’re glad he’s finding success, you are more happy that he’s here.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, E, I didn’t mean it to come out like that. It’s good to see you, I just…” you blabber, now equally embarrassed that you put your friend off, at your job, no less. Seems like you can’t do anything right these days. You choke back a sob, unsuccessfully trying to keep your composure.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Whatcha cryin’ over? Come ‘ere, baby,” Elvis says, pulling you up off the stool and into his arms. You might be surprised at this familiarity coming from him, but instead you are just grateful for the comfort as his arms wrap around you. The kindness he’s showing has you fully weeping now, despite your best efforts to keep it together, and you are too upset to care anymore. Tucking into him, you feel the heat of his skin under his lacy pink shirt, which feels a bit intimate, but that’s honestly the furthest thing from your mind right now.
You shudder and cling to him, your mind occupied with how unfair life feels in this moment, how you’ve desperately tried to hold it together while it feels like the whole town is staring at you and talking behind your back. How the future you’d dreamed about slipped right through your fingers and there was nothing you could do about it. How you feel like it must somehow be all your fault—that you could’ve been a better girlfriend and maybe then Ted would have stayed.
Your love for Ted may have faded these past weeks, but it certainly has left angry scars in its wake.
Elvis just holds you and rocks you, whispering words into your ear in comforting tones as you finally let it all the sadness and anger of the last four weeks out. You’re not sure how long it takes, but eventually, your tears begin to subside and you come back into yourself. Suddenly, you are quite aware of the young man holding you, the way his scent and sweaty warmth surrounds you and how you can feel his bare chest through the lace of his shirt.
You breathe in and pull back, his beautiful crystalline eyes watchful. He lets you go, pulling his handkerchief out of his pocket and handing it to you, ever the gentleman.
“Thank you,” you whisper, taking it and dabbing your eyes and cheeks. You must look a fright after all that crying, but you do feel a bit better.
“You ready to tell me what’s goin’ on now?” he asks, his hand at your back, leading you to one of the booths. He plops down next to you, waiting patiently for you to compose yourself.
You glance over, really taking a good look at Elvis for the first time. His skin still glows a warm sienna from his summer tan, golden sun-streaks lightening his coiffed dark blonde hair. His piercing blue eyes continue to watch you carefully under those impossibly long, dark lashes and you realize that Elvis Presley is no longer the gawky boy you met all those months ago, not at all. He is still thin, but you can start to see the man beginning to peak out from underneath the boy, his face filling out and his jaw stronger. It starts to dawn on you why girls have been falling over their feet for him. Your heart thuds in your chest as you realize he’s actually downright gorgeous. Maybe he always had been, you think, but you’d only had eyes for Ted before now.
You try to shake away those thoughts, as it’s not the time for it and feels absurd under the circumstances. Perhaps it is because this is the first time you’ve ever been alone with Elvis; before now, there was always Jack or others in the diner or being out together as a group, but it’s never been just you two. You aren’t quite sure how that makes you feel. You’re not sure you want to know. One thing you do know is you aren’t in your right mind tonight.
He's waiting on you to say something, anything, you realize.
The intense emotions of the past weeks and your sudden examination of the young man in front of you has you flustered. “Oh, well. Um, Ted…well, he broke up with me about a month ago,” your voice cracks, tears threatening your composure once again.
“What? I thought you two was fixin’ to get hitched,” he says, sitting up and looking at you, eyes narrowed.
“That’s what I thought, too. Said he was saving up for the ring and everything. But then, out of the blue, he just calls it all off. Says we weren’t ‘meant for each other’,” you say dismally.
Elvis waits for you to continue.
“I was shocked, everyone was shocked. Seems like the whole darned town is wondering what happened, but I couldn’t tell you. I still don’t know. Then, I come to find out he’s seeing Judith Cole, which I’m thinkin’ he must have been already doing when we were still together with how fast it all happened, that skunk. That’s humiliating enough, but then yesterday that gossip Sally Hill rolls in here saying that Ted and Judy are engaged, just like that,” you ramble on, fresh tears freely streaming down your cheeks. “Here I was thinkin’ we were gonna spend the rest of our lives together. God knows I believed him, and he took advantage of that, of me, of me thinking…enough to…so I…we…” you cry, hiccupping.
The minute you realize what words just left your mouth you are horrified. It’s enough to piece together the truth you don’t want anyone to know. You slap your hand over your mouth, your cheeks blazing with heat. That was a secret you’d intended to keep to your grave, not spill it, your deepest shame, to a boy, much less Elvis Presley.
“God, no, you must think the worst of me…I’m not that sort of girl, I swear!” you exclaim. Then, defeated, you add, “Oh, I’m ruined. No one’s ever going to want me now.” You look at him pleadingly, whispering, “Oh, please Elvis, please don’t tell anyone.”
Your hands are shaking, and you suddenly feel lightheaded. On top of everything else, you’ve gone and made things worse. You wish you could crawl into a hole and die. If you could, you’d leap right out of your seat and run right out the door to do so, but Elvis is blocking you in.
But the look on Elvis’ face isn’t at all what you expect. There is no judgement, not at you, at least. His eyes have darkened in a way you’ve never seen before, a way that’s more than a little frightening. The muscle in his jaw clenches, once, twice, as his brow furrows deeply. Confusion seeps through your tears.
“Did he hurt you?” his voice rumbles, lower than you’ve ever heard it, as he stares forward, not looking at you.
“W-what?” You’re not exactly sure what he is asking. Of course, Ted hurt you. That’s what you’ve been saying.
“You said he...he took advantage…Y/n, I need to know if he hurt you. Because if he hurt you, Teddy’s gonna wish he ain’t never been born,” Elvis says, grabbing your hand and looking at you with determined eyes, eyes filled with a shocking, simmering fury.
Oh. Oh.
You shake your head vehemently. “No…not like that. He didn’t hurt me like that, Elvis, I swear it,” you reassure him quietly.
He searches your face with open fervor, looking for any signs that you might be hiding something from him. Eventually satisfied with your answer, he nods, taking a deep breath.
You are beyond flummoxed and overwhelmed. You were already in a strange space because of everything Ted had done. But then in came Elvis, of all people, comforting you, listening to you all concerned-like, and now he looks ready to downright murder Ted at the mere suggestion that Ted might have physically harmed you.
Your heart flutters in your chest at this, surprising you, to say the least. You look at Elvis with wide eyes, suddenly acutely aware of how close he is and how good he looks and how he is looking at you like that. And maybe it’s no different than usual, but right now it sure feels different. You swallow hard.
Elvis squeezes your hand tightly. “Now, you listen to me, doll—you ain’t ruined and I don’t think any less of you, you hear? Cross my heart, your secret’s safe with me,” he says, drawing an X over his heart.
You stare down at your hands on the table, playing anxiously with your fingers, embarrassment still coursing through your veins. You believe him when he says he won’t share what he’s learned. You have to, because despite what he says (he is a man after all), if it gets out that you were with Ted before marriage, your reputation will indeed be in question.
Then, much to your shock, Elvis reaches out, brushing an errant tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb before running his pointer finger down your jaw, resting it under your chin. His light touch sends a rolling shiver of delight through you, a response you cannot seem to control. He lifts your chin slowly, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“And don’t you dare say nobody’s gonna want you now. Baby, any man worth his salt would be lucky to have you, alright?” Elvis says definitively but gently, those azure eyes plundering your soul, as if he can banish your shame by burning it out of you with the light and care of his own. He waits solemnly for your acknowledgement, his finger still under your chin.
“Alright,” you finally breathe out, nodding. You honestly feel like you might pass out from the way he’s looking at you and from the way your heart is coming up out of your throat.
The silence that settles between you feels charged, like the feeling just before lightning strikes during a thunderstorm. You’re not sure what the heck is happening, only that something significant has shifted. You are ricocheting so quickly from emotion to emotion that you reason you must be imagining it.
Just a minute ago, you were sobbing over Ted, but now Ted feels like a long ago, far away, distant memory. Instead, you feel utterly hypnotized by the young man in front of you who has you caught in his gaze. Dangerously, you let your mind wander to the thought that Elvis sure is handsome all the sudden, with the way he leapt to your defense and is saying sweet things. Not to mention the way he’s touching you and especially how those bedroom eyes are considering you, searching your face, looking at you in what could be a more-than-friendly way…
No, Elvis couldn’t possibly be looking at you like that. It’s Elvis for god’s sake. You blink rapidly, as if this will clear these intrusive thoughts from your mind.
It doesn’t.
The flutter deep in your belly is something you should not be feeling, and yet it’s happening anyway. You feel completely unhinged. He’s just being kind. Just because a boy is kind to you doesn’t mean anything else is going on, you try to convince yourself.
You know you must be imagining the way his eyes are travelling down your face, lingering briefly at your lips. The warmth spreading across your chest and down your arms is making it clear to you that you wouldn’t be the least bit opposed if he closed the distance and pressed those deliciously pouty lips to yours.
And perhaps he’s considering it, too, and thinks better of it because then Elvis releases you, breaking the spell. You let out a shuddering breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. You aren’t sure what to say or do, you only know that you feel completely vulnerable to him and whatever seems to be happening (or not happening) between you two.
His leg is now jumping like crazy under the table, his usual intense energy seemingly compounded by the stillness that just engulfed you both. The newly gained confidence that had oozed from him not moments before has dissipated as he looks down at his hands almost bashfully.
Or maybe he’s ashamed that he nearly took advantage of the situation, you think, but that would be silly because Elvis doesn’t think of you like that—he’s just a well-mannered Southern boy being nice to a friend who’s having a bad day. He’s probably uneasy because he could sense what you were thinking by the way you were mooning over him and it made him uncomfortable. Lordy, between that and what he now knows about you going all the way with Ted, you feel like a damn hussy. Your cheeks burn with that thought and you look away, but you still mark the stark difference in his behavior.
“W-w-wanna b-b-bet she’s probably pregnant?” he says, abruptly changing the subject and obviously nervous.
“What?” you say, confused, snapped out of your thoughts. “Who?”
“Judy Cole. I’m b-b-bettin’ the reason they’s got engaged so quick is cuz she’s in the family way,” he says, looking at you with eyebrows raised.
“Elvis! You shouldn’t say such things!” you smack his arm playfully, but then you really think on it for a second. The way Ted broke up with you out of nowhere and was with Judy so fast…no, you think, he’d already been with Judy, but things got out of hand and…
“Oh my god,” you say, wide-eyed, looking back at Elvis.
“Ain’t got anything to do with you, doll. Teddy went and got himself and Judy into trouble and now’s tryin’ to get them out of it,” Elvis says with a knowing shrug.
You consider this for a moment. It’s so absurd yet so obvious that it is the most likely explanation. “Oh good lord,” you say, laughing, suddenly finding the entire mess ridiculous. And then you can’t stop laughing, and then Elvis is laughing with you, and the tension breaks and for the first time in four weeks, you feel like you can breathe again.
The dream-memory was locked somewhere deep in the recesses of your mind, unchained by the events of the last few days. You realize in your haze of half-sleep that the interaction was likely the first time you realized, and subsequently pushed away, your attraction for Elvis.
How could I have forgotten such an important memory? How many more have I forgotten? Why? you wonder as the last of the dream wisps away from you.
Protection, another voice responds.
You are barely awake when you feel the tickle of Elvis’ lips on the back of your neck, brushing down your spine in such a way that it sends tingles straight into your belly. You have no idea how long you’ve slept, nor does it really seem to matter because Elvis’ arms are holding you close. Close enough that you can feel his growing warmth against your butt cheek, and you can’t help but smile a little that this is the effect you’ve come to have on him.
In your sleepy haze, you hum and reach behind you, first drifting your fingers through his hair and then grabbing his ass at the same time you press into him.
“Damn, baby, what ya do to me…” he purrs in your ear, voice husky with sleep, “Never in my life have I ever wanted somebody the way I wantchu.” He pulls you in closer.
“Hmm, really?” you ask sleepily. You can feel him moving behind you, in what you think is an effort to shirk of his pajamas. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”
He stills, and your heart is suddenly in your throat, eyes popping open. If you had been more awake, you probably would’ve thought better of such a joke in such an intimate moment. Thing is, you know in your heart you are right. You weren’t born yesterday, and you certainly are no fawning virgin. He’s Elvis. He’s likely told many, many women something similar in the heat of the moment. You’re not upset about it, but it seems like he might be.
Cursing yourself for possibly killing the mood, you wait for him to say something, anything, that will give you an indication of his state of mind. He gives you nothing.
“E, I didn’t mean anything by it, I promise. It was a silly joke,” you finally say.
“Look at me,” he commands, voice stern. Your heart gallops in your chest, but you do as he asks, turning your body around to face his. You force yourself to look into those steely eyes, clouded with seriousness.
Elvis grabs your jaw with his hand, his now-naked body propped up on one arm and leaning over you. “I ain’t foolin’ with ya, y/n, when I tell ya I want—no—need you like I ain’t never needed anybody in my goddamn life. Don’t matter how many women came before, you hear me?” he says through a clenched jaw. He’s not mad, per say, just vehement and dominating in his need to be understood by you, as if it’s something of the greatest importance.
You nod in his hand, taken aback by both his statement and the seriousness with which it’s delivered. Your heart thuds in your chest, your breath held, from the way he’s looking at and talking to you. It’s not from fear, however, not really. It’s from the surprise and possible implications of what he’s saying to you. Sleep still addles your brain, so the dots that you’ve desperately been avoiding connecting appear only momentarily, just long enough for you to widen your eyes and catalogue what he is saying for consideration later.
Then, he kisses you fiercely, passionately, all heat and tongue, sending a ripple of heat through your veins. He’s hot and hard against your thigh.
“I need you, baby. I need what’s mine,” Elvis says, nearly desperate and his eyes beginning to blaze, putting his thumb in your mouth. You respond instinctually, rolling the tip of your tongue over it, sucking it in. You can feel the heat go straight to your core and by the way his eyes roll back, you know it went to his, too.
“There’s my girl,” he smiles. He shifts, to his knees, grabbing the silky blue nightie he gave you and pulling it up over your head, discarding it to the side and leaving you bare before him. Assuming he’s going to ravage you from above, he instead surprises you by curling you back into him, spooning you.
Now that you are both naked, with no barrier between you, his bare skin feels like flames licking against yours. One large hand gropes your breasts, cupping them, tweaking your nipples gently, while the other swipes through your folds, testing. Then he puts his cock between your legs, sliding it back and forth through your folds, hitting your clit with his swollen tip each time, leaving you writhing.
“Gonna show you what I mean, lil’ mama,” he breathes low in your ear, causing a sigh to escape your lips. “That okay with you?” he asks. You nod frantically, unable to form words because the way he is handling you, the way he is talking to you, has you feeling untethered.
When Elvis slides into you from behind, it’s insistent, yet gentle. He groans with you as he bottoms out in your wet heat, stilling as you adjust, holding you fast to him as if you might float away. Slowly, he begins rocking into you, and you are so tight around the length of him that each roll has you both breathing heavily already.
“Made just for me, baby,” he sighs into your neck, relishing the feel of your walls hugging him. His words work magic within you, filling you with warmth, causing you to lazily swivel your hips in his lap.
“Jesus, mama, you know just what to do,” he moans, taking what you have to give him.
He takes your hand in his, guiding it down your belly to that sensitive nub of nerves, using your fingers with his to rub circles for a while. A relaxed warmth pools there, eager but content with the slow rhythm you two have set. Elvis pulls your knee up, exposing where you are joined, and rubs his fingers at the place where your pussy consumes his cock. Wet with arousal, his fingers play there.
“Look at that,” he says, almost in awe, watching as he slides in and out of you, “That’s mine. You’re all mine, baby. Only you know how to take me so good.” His possessiveness and his praise send shivers through you as you watch with him, and you want it to be true. You want to be his. You love being the object of his desire, no matter how wrong it might be.
You are utterly consumed by him. As he turns you in his arms and sits you in his lap, you rock together, wrapped in each other. His lips are hot and needy and somehow still gentle on yours, on your body, as he whispers to you all the ways that you are his. You let yourself believe him, you let him prove to you with every kiss, with every thrust, that you belong to him and he belongs to you.
When he sends you into the stratosphere with him, making you look into those endless, dreamy eyes of his, you lock on as if your life depends on it. You fly together, with this man who looks as ethereal as an angel. You are as physically connected as two people can be, your bodies sliding together, sweat mingling, mouths tasting, each of your arousal coating the other. You are one.
It feels like a dream, a wonderful, glorious dream.
But after dreams, we must wake.
So then, lying there spent in Elvis’ arms, this beautiful man who has upended your life in more ways than one, fear chokes you. The icy cold of it courses through you like a flash flood, seizing your heart.
The feelings you want to avoid have been chasing you all night, no, for years, according to your newfound memories. While they were warm and comforting earlier in the midst of dreams and sex, now you feel desperate to push them away, panicked by all the implications and dangers of what they mean. You’ve become so swept up in your interpretation of your relationship with Elvis and with the allure of it all, of being desired, that you’ve lost sight of reality.
You ultimately realize, tonight wasn’t you two fucking. This wasn’t just passionate sex, at least not for you. The butterflies and the care and the domesticity…
Tonight, you made love. With Elvis-fucking-Presley.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit.
Your heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of your chest.
It can’t possibly be true. You can’t feel this way. It’s only been four days.
And fourteen years, that asshole voice in the back of your mind chimes in.
Shut up, I have not been in love with Elvis for fourteen years! you chide yourself.
Are you sure?
No, now you are not sure. You aren��t sure at all. And you are too busy banishing all such thoughts from your brain to take the time to really think about that very disturbing possibility.
This is not what you signed up for. You didn’t mean for this to happen. It can’t happen.
You absolutely cannot fall in love with Elvis. That road can only lead to ruin.
Part of you wants to flee, to run out of this suite as fast as your legs will carry you. But as you look over at the beautiful man wrapped around you, you realize you can’t. You won’t.
Because as much as you want to fight and buck and protest, a part of you knows it’s true. You’ve been feeling it for days. You’ll do just about anything to just be in his presence and feel like this.
The worst part is you know you are being stupid, having fallen prey to his charm, his seduction, his wiles, just like hundreds, thousands, millions of other women. You are not unique, not in the slightest. You’ve watched it happen, again and again over the years, with the revolving door of women throwing themselves at his feet.
And you let yourself become one of them.
It’s likely he doesn’t feel the same about you, not really, no matter how you want to manipulate the past and present to make yourself think that he does. You push away any possible evidence, anything at all that could make you believe he could ever really, truly love you. You don’t even let yourself begin to entertain that thought, because you know just how fickle Elvis Presley can be with his women. He desires, he covets, he possesses, he becomes infatuated, but it isn’t love. He enjoys his women and then leaves them, just like clockwork. Usually more than one at once.
You don’t think it’s intentional, what he does, he’s just Elvis and doesn’t play by anyone’s rules. Perhaps he can’t, being in his position. You know he feels lonely and needs to be wanted, needs to be loved. But monogamy and commitment and true love are not in Elvis’ vocabulary, not from what you’ve seen. And you’ve known Elvis Presley a long time.
Like you’re one to talk—you’re married, you idiot.
And there’s that.
God, you are so pissed off at yourself you could scream.
You close your eyes, feeling trapped. Every cell in your body wants him near, wants whatever he can give you, even if it’s not enough for you. Because here, lying in his arms, he’s your Elvis. He’s the boy who wanted to defend your honor in that diner so long ago, your friend, the one who listened to you and confided in you, kept your secrets and shared your joys. The boy who you watched become a man, an icon, a once-in-a-generation force of nature. A man so charismatic, so talented, a supernova so utterly unique that it is impossible not to be swept up into his orbit. Yet you know intimately that he is still just a man, flesh and blood, with as many faults as the rest of us. But you denied yourself of him for so long that the idea of being without him now feels like emptiness.
However, your mind desperately, desperately needs to protect your heart from the inevitable pain that is coming. You want to push away this absolutely aching love you feel for him, to wall it up to keep yourself safe from once again not being enough for the men in your life. Every man you’ve ever loved has hurt you. You don’t want to add Elvis to that list.
If you end it first, it will hurt like hell, but less now than in the long run. It’ll be on your terms, and you can keep it from scarring too deep. You can cherish what you’ve had without it being poisoned by the inevitable pain and heartache that will come when you realize he never really loved you. It’ll hurt less now than if—when—he ends it because he will end it. He will tire of you, of this, and realize his mistake. He will move on easily because that’s what he does, and you will be left, once again, used and in the dust.
You tell yourself this now to prepare yourself, turning over so he cannot see the tears welling in your eyes. You are angry and tired of loving and being defined by men who can so easily discard you.
But as Elvis wraps his arms around you, you don’t think you’re strong enough to do what needs to be done. He’s too alluring, too addicting, too him. So maybe, you think, maybe for now you just wall up those feelings nice and tight and keep this affair as what it was intended to be all along: just sex. Mind-blowing, hot, meaningless sex with a friend.
Nothing more, nothing less.
No pining, no strings, no deep feelings.
Just sex.
Easy peasy.
Good fucking luck.
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harbo-urr · 10 months
Alhaitham's and Kaveh's relationship in the Sumeru arhon quest: new perspective (for me, maybe for you too!).
Oh it will be long...
It started with my short thoughts about their first on-screen dialog and how it feels different now compared to a year ago, but then spiralled into me re-watching the entire Sumeru archon quest to properly analyse Alhaitham's hidden struggles during it and Kaveh's (not big but) actual plot relevance.
Disclaimer: I'm aware that English VAs were way more emotional then Chinese, especially in 3.2, but, for the sake of having the information to analyse, lets believe that at least the official eng text of their interactions is more or less correct... (I'm sorry I only know English and other languages most likely have translation errors as well anyway).
I'm also assuming that you've read their character stories and know their more deep personalities, not just "cold smart guy and artsy broke guy".
Anyway, I hope someone will find the analyses below as entertaining as I do.
1. Kaveh and Alhaitham: what we see during their first on-screen interaction.
Now, let's all time travel into the day when the last part of Sumeru's quest dropped. These sweet days... Version 3.2, two versions before we got Alhaitham as a playable character and four versions before Kaveh. By this point we've already known a little information about Alhaitham, mostly from the archon quest itself, and next to nothing about Kaveh.
Well, we knew some info, but it was mostly leaks and speculations, nothing more than "a genius architect who lives with Alhaitham because he is broke".
Now, if you didn't read the leaks and just carefully played the quest, you could actually catch some phrases here and there that implied that Alhaitham lives with someone before it was openly confirmed, but again, it's not specific at all. That is why our first meeting with a brand new sexy blond boy was so extreme in all ways. It was beautiful, emotional, entertaining and... extremely toxic. Both Alhaitham and Kaveh behaved surprisingly aggressive (calmer in Chinese but still more negative then what we usually see now). It was fun to watch, and made a lot of people including me really interested in those two from the get go.
But re-watching this dialog now after almost a year felt... Weird. Yes sure, they bicker, it's their thing, but if you compare any other scene with them later it's not nearly as intense... especially on Alhaitham's side (yes, even if you don't listen to va and just read the lines).
So it got me thinking. Why did Alhaitham behave like that? Was it a random writing decision for the drama effect? Or was there something more going on that I didn't understand?
After going through everything from start to finish I believe that yes, there was. But I'll need go through a lot of content recap to fully explain what I mean.
2. First aka "the first on-screen" aka "Where were you when Sumeru needed you most!?" dialog
It is essentially our first glimpse of Kaveh, which we catch in the library on the search for Alhaitham.
Kaveh has just returned to the city so he has no idea what is going on. The shown interaction starts with Kaveh demanding Alhaitham to put his book away and explain what is happening at the Academia. The fact that Kaveh is already pretty irritated when we first see him tricks us into thinking that he's a short-tempered overly dramatic guy, which is...
Well, partly true, but having already experienced how sweet Kaveh actually is we can see through that and realize that Alhaitham most likely was ignoring Kaveh's questions for some time now, and that's why our Kaveh was already on edge when we started. Already weird and we're just at the first line.
After that they bicker a little, Kaveh again asks about the Academia, on which Alhaitham answers: "Oh? I thought you would already knew the inside story."
Then they bicker again (2) and Alhaitham goes hard on Kaveh here. He even agrees with Kaveh that he doesn't say anything nice about him, because "anyone who knows you as well as I do would do the same". DAMN, Alhaitham, that's brutal even for you, why are you so mad, is something bothering you? Oh well..
Then they bicker again (3) and Alhaitham proposes Kaveh to move out of his house, but Kaveh ignores it and tries asking about the Academia again. Alhaitham ignores it as well and says "Forget what's going on with the Academia, haven't you been busy with your construction project?".
Kaveh doesn't want to answer this question and says that he's "getting angry just thinking about it" (worth noting). Kaveh then wants to change the subject again, but Alhaitham doesn't give up and asks about Kaveh's project again ("Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?").
Then they bicker again (4) and Kaveh leaves to ask around.
Huh, that was heated...
Lets do a little bit of unpacking.
So, Kaveh wanted to know more about the Academia and Alhaitham was constantly changing the subject. It can be read as Alhaitham mocking Kaveh just for the sake of it, but if we pay a little more attention to what Alhaitham is saying every time he interrupts Kaveh, it becomes more interesting.
1) "Oh? I thought you would already knew the inside story."
2) "Forget what's going on with the Academia, haven't you been busy with your construction project?"
3) "Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?"
Each time Alhaitham changes the subject, he talks about Kaveh being away for the time of the quest. Let's remember the golden rule of miscommunication conflicts: to understand what actually bothers your opponent you need to spot a repetitive theme in their words. And Alhaitham has a pretty clear pattern. Interesting.
But let's move on to the next dialog.
3. Second aka "second on-screen" aka "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" dialog
Kaveh returns after asking around and confronts Alhaitham about it ("WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?") (just a funny line). After some bickering (5) Alhaitham agrees to finally tell him what happened. He mentions that Kshahrewar sage was a part of conspiracy as well on which Kaveh reacts surprised and says "...could this be why they sent me out on a project?". However Alhaitham replies that it's just a coincidence and proceeds to suddenly go hard on Kaveh again, saying "whatever you were doing won't have any significant impact now or in times to come" (auch, Alhaitham, auch). Then they bicker again (6) and the dialog ends.
This interaction is more relevant to the "Kaveh plot relevance" section, but the important things for now are:
Kaveh: "...could this be why they sent me out on a project?"
Alhaitham: "I think its just a coincidence ... whatever you were doing won't have any significant impact now or in times to come."
And why is it important?
I find the flow of this whole conversation to be very weird, since it goes "confrontation - agreement - information share - speculation - confrontation". In other words, first Alhaitham doesn't want to talk, but Kaveh persuades him, learns about the sage, brings up his mission in the desert, and Alhaitham returns to the confrontation mode again.
It can be interpreted as Alhaitham just using every opportunity to disagree with Kaveh just cause, but at the same time his words sours exactly after Kaveh talks about him being missing from the quest. Coincidence? I don't think so.
All these little things got me thinking. Why is Kaveh's absence so triggering for Alhaitham? Sure they're close or whatever, but they both value their freedom very highly and it's probably not too rare for them to disappear for a day or two for work. Why is it such a big deal now?
But then I also remembered that Kaveh, basically the only family Alhaitham has (yes I call people you willingly live with a family, its my life experience), went missing from home exactly when the fishy stuff at the Academia started resurfacing. And he was gone for a long time, at least for the duration of the quest, which is about two in game weeks.
Even if Alhaitham is not a very emotional person, he still values family, home, routine and comfort very highly. So, in theory, the sudden empty house should have affected him in some way, right? That's how I decided to check Alhaitham's behaviour during the archon quest and it was.. interesting.
4. Alhaitham's side of the Sumeru quest, with me fillng in the gaps.
Let's think about all these quest days from his perspective.
You're simple logical guy who already for quite some time lives with an annoying but kind of endearing roommate, who you drink coffee with in the morning and often discuss intellectual or not really stuff. Sometimes you argue but he's perspective on life fascinates you as a scholar, so you don't mind it too much. Ultimately you're just used to him in your life.
Then one day you go to your work, which brings you just enough money to feel completely comfortable, but you start feeling that something fishy is going on behind the scenes. Some sages disappear, your archon is treated like a power source and there are weird rumours about the divine knowledge capsules. Then you get a sudden assignment - investigate a blond traveller with a talking fairy. And sages propose to pay you with the divine knowledge capsule.
Suspicious. If it's such a big deal, why would they promise you it as a present for a simple spy work?
You decide to get to the bottom of this and for this you need to buy the capsule yourself. You're sure that the infamous merchant Dori has some, but you're definitely in the black list as the Academia's scribe... Ah, how lucky is it. Your roommate just so happen to have a strong connection to Dori. If you give him money and an excuse why he needs the capsule so much she would definitely sell it to him. It settled then.
You come home. But you're roommate isn't there. You wait. He doesn't come back. You're confused and decide to check using you're connections at the Academia, and... he suddenly was requested to the desert? And just left? Why would he leave exactly when everything was going to get weird? Did he know something? Did Academia want to temporarily move him out of the picture? Maybe they did something worse than that? Was it all a coincidence?
You don't know and you have no time. You need to spy on Traveller. You need to buy a capsule. It seems that you're alone in it.
Dori didn't sell you a capsule. That wasn't unexpected but still worth the try. You decide to make the mysterious traveller to buy it for you. It went great. You find out more about capsules, you steal one yourself. You realise that the divine knowledge offered by the sages was a trap to dispose of you. Your roommate still didn't come back. It's been what, almost a week? Whatever. It's nice and quiet at your home.
You meet Traveller again on your way to the desert to investigate the source of the capsules. You run into Cyno and a bunch of other people and you seem to finally get the lead to answers that you wanted. You find out that the capsules were extracted from the brains of scholars who were send to the desert by the Academia and then abducted. You're roommate was also sent to the desert by the Academia. Uh. He's fine. You have your problems to deal with.
You and your unexpected but quite pleasant team find out that sages want to create a God. It seems it's time to rescue your archon. You came up with a pretty good plan. Noe you need to return to the city after these couple of days in the desert. When you come home, your roommate still isn't there.
The next day your team is preparing for the plan and Cyno says that you all need to go home and have a good rest.
"...Thankfully I had my place to myself recently. It's been nice and quiet."
Dehya stares at you confused.
You didn't realise that you said it out loud and you're not sure how other people deal with situations when they say something without thinking.
"Oh, nothing"
You went home and slept alright.
The plan worked, Nahida was saved, sages punished, akasha destroyed, your comfortable routine is safe again. It's still nice and quite at home, so you go to the library to read some books.
"Alhaitham, what happened in the Academia?!"
You hear a familiar voice. After all this time he returns like nothing happened.
5. And this was a recap of Alhaitham's side of the archon quest!
Interpretations can vary of course, but the way I see it, Alhaitham was very bothered by Kaveh's sudden disappearance. He clearly expresses that he wishes Kaveh was in the team during the quest ("Where were you when Sumeru needed you most?"). From this we can guess that Kaveh really left without any warning and had Alhaitham known about it, he would most likely stopped him.
I think Alhaitham quickly found out where Kaveh was (connections) but he had no means of contacting him quickly and maybe didn't even know the exact location. At first it was a minor inconvenience because of the Dori situation, but he probably wasn't bothered to much by it. But after he found out that sages actively tried to dispose of him by making him insane, he probably realised that the situation was way worse that he initially thought. And Kaveh still was somewhere in the desert with no means to contact him.
So what Alhaitham does next? He goes to the desert. Yes, it was for the plot reasons, but let's agree, he at least considered a possibility that he could run into Kaveh there. But he never did. And what's more, he found out that the Academia was abducting scholars and sucking their brains out. Let's be real, the theory that Kaveh was send to the desert for the reasons connected to knowledge capsules, most likely was on Alhaitham's mind, and in a bad universe it could've been correct.
Well, Kaveh did return home after all. But by that point Alhaitham's supressed stress about this whole situation was so great, that it resulted in him being genuinely salty at Kaveh during their first on-screen dialog and even saying "Well, maybe then you should move out of my house" - which, at least from my point of view, is way worse then his usual teasing about Kaveh being broke and homeless or whatever.
6. About Kaveh's role in the archon quest besides making Alhaitham sad
Ag, that's a very fun topic. I don't know how I totally missed it the first time, maybe it was the lack of respect for Kaveh, idk, but he was 100% purposefully sent away for the time of the quest.
Sages wanted to move him out of the picture just like they wanted to do with Alhaitham using knowledge capsule. Except they knew that Kaveh would not be too interested in the capsules. So they needed something else to remove him... Like a sudden very urgent request to build a children's hospital somewhere very deep in the desert for people who are literally dying without it! Huh, well, I just made it up, but I believe that sages came up with something very similar.
Kaveh is the type of person to jump straight into any charity he sees and ask next to none questions about it, so it would be the easiest way to send him away for good. Plus I believe that it could've been the reason why he didn't talk with Alhaitham about it and disappeared so sudden. Children are dying! No time for talking! But then he arrived to the said place in the desert and it was just a mess. Maybe a fake project, maybe literally nothing, maybe a trap. In other words - not the project he was told he is needed for.
It's something that we don't get spelled out for us (Alhaitham even denies it cause he's angry at that moment), but timings are just too perfect to be a coincidence. And that's not the only proof - Kaveh himself heavily implies that there was something very fishy about this mission.
He straight up avoids answering Alhaitham's questions about it, and says "Thinking about it makes me angry". Why would he say this about the Academia project? It's not like he had a specific annoying client. Kaveh was sent as a representative from the Academia to be the head of some "construction project" after all, he presumably was the boss there. So it can only mean that there was something wrong with the project itself.
Plus immediately after he finds out that his sage was a part of the conspiracy, he says "So that's why they sent me there", which further implies that whatever was happening on that mission in desert – it was either absurd (if the sages just wanted to keep Kaveh away for some time) or very dangerous (if they wanted him dead). Unfortunately Kaveh's the last person who would tell us about the danger to his life, so we can forget about learning what the hell was that mysterious mission.
Ah, and about why would sages want Kaveh away. Sure it can be because of his connections to Alhaitham, but…
I think anyone who knows Kaveh more then 10 minutes would know that if he found out what sages are planning to do with a literal child and what they do to other scholars, he would die but not let them continue all of it. And he is quite popular among students and citizens alike, so he could've been a potential threat for the sages.
Makes me wonder how many other potential dangers did sages eliminate in some way for their plan. Probably not too many, but still interesting behind the scenes of their actions.
Let's return to the end of the act 5. After we had a feast at the Grand Bazar, we were able to one last time talk to each member of our Sumeru-rescue team.
Alhaitham said this:
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Which was always bothering me, because:
One: He suddenly becomes quite sentimental and talks about happiness, which is cool to see, but at the same time... He very rarely talks about subjective emotions. And what's more, he seems genuinely enjoying the thought of it. He isn't really the kind of person who gets his sense of satisfaction out of someone else's happiness (it's one of the things he parallels Kaveh in), so what's this all about?
Two: He extremely abruptly switches the topic to point out that he "seems to have taken both keys when he left the house" (tbh I thought that I accidentally clicked on him the second time and it's the new dialog, but no, it is all specifically a one long dialog).
Well well well. What do we have here.
When I first read these lines I decided that's it's just a weird writing without normal conversation flow. First Alhaitham is satisfied that he's plan worked and his daily life is safe, but says it through pointing out that other people are happy rather then explicitly stating that he's happy. Then he yaoi baiting us with "haha, harassing Kaveh is so much fun" and that's all there is to it.
Now that we know more about Alhaitham's daily life during the archon quest, let's think about the keys some more.
He was able to take both keys because Kaveh was at home and his keys were there either. On his way out to meet us, Alhaitham saw Kaveh's keys on their usual place and took them as well, ultimately making Kaveh unable to leave the house. Which also means...
Kaveh will definitely be at home when Alhaitham returns after the feast.
So if we flip everything based on this logic, Alhaitham tells us: "This is a great evening. This gathering is special. People are finally happy. They feel happiness from the bottom of their hearts. And when I return home there will be someone waiting for".
Which is. So. PRECIOUS!.. Something clicked in my brain when I first realized this meaning and these lines are finally making a lot of sense!
It's the perfect final words for his little character journey in this quest. He protected the life he had and loved, everything and everyone were back to normal again and for him it is a true happiness felt from the bottom of his heart. Just precious.
Final words
Anyway, yes, that's why I believe that during the archon quest Alhaitham was actually constantly worrying about Kaveh at the back of his mind and maybe even feeling lonely, which resulted in his great boom of toxicity during their first on-screen dialog, but after some time he cooled down and slipped into his usual happy comfortable and not "nice and quiet" life again.
And fuck the sages for sending away our boy Kaveh (who actually knows a lot about desert since he works there often) and making our rescue-Nahida-group one competent person shorter.
Thanks for your time and tears, you, the person who read this!
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