#reavenedges lies
coffee-at-annies · 1 year
I know I get cat pics all the time in dms and the group chat but like show the people. The babies are cute, let the people witness them
#love you Anne. but i love your cats more
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Here they are being sleepy babies since I was out most of Saturday and when I got home they just wanted to keep sleeping
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
@reavenedges-lies According to Steve Dangle Conor Timmins just scored his first NHL goal. Another one of your former boys on the scoresheet tonight.
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I will not send it on cause I don’t do chain posts but love you lovely
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podcasts-8-my-heart · 2 years
Okay but for real this time Carter and McGinn for the Bingo?
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Imma assume you mean Jeff Carter and not Carter Hart here for 5~ish reasons.
So what does 3 bingos get me???
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And McGinn in orange.
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mygeekcorner · 1 month
15 questions for 15(?) friends
Tagged by @playlistashton thank you
Are you named after anyone? Not that I know off
When was the last time you cried? Like earlier this week? I cry a lot, that's just how it is
Do you have kids? Thank god no
What sport do you play / have played? Tried a lot of stuff growing up and still can't sit still so: horseback riding, free diving, archery, dance (pole and ballet), yoga, figure skating, aerial hoop and silk have all had their turns
Do you use sarcasm? Only some of my sentences
What's the first thing you notice about people? I feel like there's no good answer cause everyone is so different with what's noticable, but uh, general vibe I guess?
What's your eye color? Hazel
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I like scary movies too, but don't watch nearly as much of them as I once did
Any talents? I give good scritches?
Where were you born? At a hospital
What are your hobbies? Reading, pole, and horses
Do you have any pets? No, we work too odd hours for one, but my parents have two adorable dogs
How tall are you? Tall enough
Favorite subject in school? Drama lol but I also really liked languages, and home ec which I feel gets forgotten a lot
Dream job? I'm in my 30s, I no longer have one OTL though growing up I alwaays wanted to be an actress or a writer. Which is why I do neither of those anymore rip
Tagging anyone who wants to play but I am especially bothering @krippe90 @ablazenqueen @imaginarydragonling @silversoulstardust @ieatnostalgia @hobbitsus @7nessasaryevils @tbiris @genderfluid-faerie-bf2 @wanderingwistfulness @texiliaz97 @nevergonnafallfor @ferrets-for-a-brain @otabekisautistic @reavenedges-lies
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get-hockeyed-idiot · 4 months
Unfortunately sometimes I think I'm the only person who has read the rulebook including the refs 😞 sorry the pens wasted everyone's time
You’d think the refs would remember the rules every once in a while!! I agree with @masonshaws opinions that reviews shouldn’t last longer than 60 seconds because at that point what could you even find in the video?? Also at least the Wild got a PP out of it!!
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quinloki · 3 months
Me(last night at 230am MST): quin hasn't updated in a while I hope they're okay. I'm gonna reread Unseen
This morning: new email- new chapter of Birds of a Feather
Me(waking up): oh I'm a genius 10/10 timing
Anyways 10/10 chapter as always lovely, can't wait to see what else happens and I hope you're doing well 💖
xD <3
I'm sorry to have worried you - I took a break from posting for the Gaza strike last week, and now I shall resume my regularly scheduled shenanigans.
I'm glad you enjoyed it \o/ Just two more chapters to go, I'm almost sad to see it end XD
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swampstew · 10 days
Raven I request BET because honestly sounds like a challenge
thanks so much for playing <3 so in my last ask I posted the tweets that inspired bet, but here are some outline snippets bc I haven't started the actual draft yet, i started this WIP literally this week
start with KID pov/start off with Kid’s current heading. meets reader in a town, reader is passing by and their gazes meet, both are kind of mesmerized by each other’s eyes but keep walking. Both turn back to look at each other, meet each other’s eyes again, blush and turn away. Kid sneaks a final glance, reader meets his gaze again, Kid blushes like a mf and wonders why he feels like a teenager sneaking glances at his crush for this v rando stranger.
MIGHT be a reader insert or new OC story. also might be an isekai trope! i'm rolling the dice on this one tbh
Ask me about my WIPS :D
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darkangel0410 · 11 months
I didn't know that about Gally, and I just, I'm so fucking sad that something like that could happen to someone like him. I only ever hear good things about him from our reporters here in AZ but that makes his love for being in the yotes org so much more poignant.
That first season he was here in AZ he was seemingly skittish then bloomed. The fans here love him for wanting to be here regardless of how well he was playing and the front offices don't really give a shit about what you've done so long as it wasn't absolutely atrocious. I'm just soft and now knowing that's why he enjoyed that first season with us after the trade makes this so much more bittersweet for me. Poor guy can't catch a break and I hope he can figure everything out and come back to AZ with pride
I've always had a soft spot for Gally, and I was so pleased that he seemed to find a spot in Arizona - he deserves that!!!! - and I hope once he gets help, and if he feels like he can still play, that he can go back there ❤️❤️
Yeah, Bergevin was the GM at that point, and I distinctly remember being disgusted when he (Bergevin) was talking to the media about it, and blaming him, and then had Gally apologize while his face was still bruised up - and idk how true it was because 1. I don't live in Montreal, and 2. I don't speak enough French to be able to read it reliably, but there were rumors at the time that the French tabloids were awful about the whole thing
I really hope he uses the player program and gets the help he needs ❤️❤️❤️
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coffee-at-annies · 2 years
Pictures of Dove & Lark for these trying times?
Here’s Lark being a normal one and Dove giving me the most judgmental stare for daring to look at her belly fluff
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fvcking-damage · 8 months
😘 Goodluck to your boys enjoy the meme
thank you ren!! lysm and good luck for your boys too :D <3
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provokedgoalie · 1 year
I couldn't imagine being a multifan team purely because I can barely deal with the fact that the yotes and the penguins play each other twice a year. Cause they're in different conferences, thats why i did it this way. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that multiple times a year. Let alone with the vitriol between intradivision play.
Yotes/Avs fans are crazy but in the best ways
It's hard watching when you like both teams, but I lowkey root for the one that's like in my top 5 lol.
I'm like barely getting into the Yotes so idk how the fans, nor the team, are. But I do see your posts on my dash about them & I'm like :D
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raysofcrosby · 2 years
Guys I'd share my icepacks with those of y'all dying of heat but it's 112°F today and is leveling out for the summer before it heats up and monsoon weather rolls in - An Arizonian
like pls its so crazy how its technically not even summer yet but the heat does not give a single fuck
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hockeylvr59 · 1 year
Why's your boy going so hard! Take a breather, or a penalty and sit down and breathe man
Because we're down two of our top six d, can't keep our forwards healthy, and the team was on a 5 game losing streak, so he's one of the players trying to carry all the weight. But yeah he needs to rest for sure. His ass better not be at practice lol.
He played over 30 against Vancouver two nights ago too. It's insane.
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podcasts-8-my-heart · 2 years
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In reference to this.
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huggybearmylove43 · 2 years
I see your URL and think friend. You're friendshaped and deserve hugs 🫂🫂
I…this made me emotional I love you so much thank you friend ❤️
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