#rebbykins rambles
rebbykins · 4 months
wow my brother sure has a messed up mind right now.
He just tried to tell me that Ai art is the same as a human artist. He's going on about how human artists, with enough time, can copy other's styles or even their art.
I don't have a good counter point besides "well people didn't consent to their art being used to teach AI" but that argument is poor b/c a person could copy/steal another's art too
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protag-jack · 6 years
just super random character ramblings
if you know about Jack as a character go ahead and read below.
so I’ve been listening to “Calm me down” by Mother Mother, thinking how it kind of relates to my nuzlocke character* and then I’m like oh. “use your teeth” “sooth my soul” “when you took me in/absolved my sins/with your flesh and skin” that sounds like what could have happened if Jack and Taka were in the desert!
As some of you know, I battled Taka at the water treatment plant so I did not get him in the desert. I was super sadface. 
But yeah, this song made me think about if Taka and Jack (who people may be aware I somewhat ship protagxTaka) wandered in the desert together. I mean, Jack would hate it because it’s sunny and he doesn’t get along with the sun much. Being half vampire and all that jazz
I guess what i’m really thinking about is Taka letting Jack drink some of his blood (“use your teeth”) while in the desert. also “when you took me in/absolved my sins” also sounds kind of like what Taka might feel/think (based on what i’ve seen via screen shots) about the protag accepting him to travel with them. also, Jack could calm Taka down if he starts freaking out...idk...
....so yeah. that’s it for my musings.
*if anyone cares about my nuzlocke character, she has disassociations from past pokemon she’s lost. Her Totodile has taken to biting her trainer’s hand to ground her. (”calm me down” ”use your teeth/and your mouth”)
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rebbykins · 3 years
just some rambling
So after having “The Queen of Nothing” since like 2019, I finally read it. I’d been reconnecting with some of my fairy characters and Holly Black’s world is a big influence on my characters. (Not just The Folk of the Air, but The Modern Faerie Tales and The Darkest Part of the Forest)
I really was mad at the end of “The Wicked King”, something about Jude just not talking to people because I thought that would make things better for her. Then I ended up reading “The Raven Boys” and the books that followed and I thought maybe I didn’t like books in first person or Black’s writing style. Or maybe I’d grown out of Young Adult fiction? That might be somewhat part of it. I’m no longer a teen similar to Jude, now a much more mature and fully thinking adult....
I think right now I’ve just really missed reading a book that I get engulfed in. I know I ate over 100 pages in TQoN one day. I went out and bought “How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories” today and already finished it. (it’s pretty short!) I have this hunger for more of the setting and have started reading fanfic already. There’s a few more stories I’d like to have told and I think I’ll only get those from the fans. I just want to talk to other people who have read the books but none of my friends have....Maybe I’ll reread the first two.
I think something I have enjoyed in FotA and MFT was that FotA pulled characters from MFT and DPofF. It felt like it wrapped things together nicely. I can not wait to see what her next series is. I kind of hope we get to see something from the Court of Teeth because there was a very interesting thought Jude had at the end of the story about their queen.
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rebbykins · 4 years
The Owl house looks cool
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rebbykins · 5 years
more The Raven Boys quotes
“This is what you get, Maura, for using your DNA to make a baby.” Calla said.
page 259
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rebbykins · 5 years
Rebby reads Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Quotes time
“I think,” he said, “that if--when--we find Glendower, I will ask him for Noah’s life. Do you think that would work?”
Page 100, Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Awww, Gansey wants to help Noah. <33 100% how I reacted reading this. I’m just so...sad that Noah seems to be less and less of a character right now.
But what she didn’t realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with each other. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about wen they would be with one another. Blue was perfectly aware that it was possible to have a friendship that wasn’t all-encompassing, that wasn’t blinding, deafening, maddening, quickening. It was just that now that she’d had this kind, she didn’t want the other.
Page 103, Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Okay so it’s not that I haven’t liked other quotes in the book...but this one really sticks out to me. Just that...all of the kids are in love with each other. Their friendship is very strong--even though Blue has known them for maybe 6 months.  I think one of the reasons I haven’t really quoted the story thus far is that I’m still waiting for something to happen. Like when is Blue going to tell Gansey about seeing his spirit? Ugh. Little things that felt like that would be so big in the first book but have yet to come to a head.
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rebbykins · 5 years
favorite ‘The Raven Boys’ quotes
and probably TRC over all. This post will be updated and probably just me rambling about my thoughts on the book.
Chapter 20, page 185:
“What is your plan with these things anyway?” Adam asked. Ronan smiled his lizard smile. “Ramp. BMW. The god-damn moon.” ... “The trajectory you’re building doesn’t suggest the moon,” Adam replied. “It suggests the end of your suspension.”
I really enjoy how Stiefvater has the interactions between the boys, it feels very real to me compared to other things I’ve been reading lately.
Also, I really love Noah, like how he knew that Adam sent Blue flowers. He reminds me of Cole from Dragon Age. I can’t wait learn more about him.
Lastly, at the end of chapter 21, when Gansey introduces the pilot of the helicopter as his sister--I don’t know why but it made me squee with excitement? Maybe because I’m interested in seeing a proper sibling relationship that Ronan and Declan don’t have? I donno. Maybe it’s b/c Helen called Gansey Dick? Or I’m interested in seeing how Blue will react to a female sibling of an Aglionby boy.
//end of my rambling for now
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rebbykins · 5 years
it’s almost 7 and I know I should eat but i’m not hungry
and no food that we have is interesting to me
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rebbykins · 5 years
I’m all for drawing the shopping cart scene
But what about the scene at the end of chapter 39 of Blue Lily, Lily Blue? Are there any drawings of this scene???? IF NOT I MIGHT NEED TO MAKE IT
“As the winds buffeted them, Noah slung a comradely arm around Blue’s shoulders and another around Adam’s and pulled them to him. They staggered back toward the trail. Blue’s arm was linked around the back of Noah, and her fingers grabbed Adam’s T-shirt so that they were one creature, a drunken six-legged animal. Adam’s hand was throbbing with the beat of his heart. Probably he was going to bleed to death on the way back down the mountain, but he was okay with that.”
It’s such a sweet image, I love it. I think in my mind I picture Adam only being like 5′4″-5′6″ so he’s also on the short side for a guy...and Noah....Noah is a bit taller maybe. But all of them are “short” vs like Ronan and Gansey....gah. I really like this image.
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rebbykins · 5 years
I forsee a lot of people naming their Corviknight or Murkrow “Chainsaw” in the next Pokemon game
I know I will be!
I hope “Chainsaw” isn’t a banned name.
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rebbykins · 5 years
My friendly neighbor hood! I have been too chicken to get the collar for her >>
This is the cute kitty purring!
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rebbykins · 5 years
Gosh all of this was my musings from when I was reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue and I forgot to post it.
Read more b/c spoilers. 
So what if Neil’s wife Aurora was a human once and she had Declan, but then died or something? So Neil dreamed up his wife to bring her back, so his son wouldn’t grow up without a mom?? Then she had Ronan and he became Neil’s favorite because he could pull things from dreams too?? this theory could also work if wife died after she had Ronan.
Just… omg that Ronan dreamed up Matthew. I hope we get to go into that a little more…but Declan could also have lied to Ronan b/c he’d have been like 4 right??? So who is he to remember shit?? <<LOL @ PAST ME XDD Declan feels like the only “always straight” guy with everyone, just the one who hides the full truth to keep his brother’s safe. Such a weight has been put on Declan’s shoulders
anyway. I’m very excited for Call Down the Hawk to focus more on the Lynch brothers.  PREDICTION: ASHLEY IS A RELIC HUNTER. that’s why she doesn’t mind Declan’s cheating, she is super close to a source to get shit. Adam said he didn’t trust Ashley too in the fucking first book.
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rebbykins · 5 years
Moomin: the invisible child
that was such a good episode vs the 1990′s version!
but oh no its winter now :(
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rebbykins · 5 years
having discovered “The Raven Boys” on tumblr, I came across spoilers of course.
so reading the first book and seeing how Adam was flirting with Blue makes me just... “lol really??”
but it also makes me excited to see how other characters end up together!!
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rebbykins · 5 years
random rambling
So I don’t watch Big Bang or Young Sheldon often, but I know most of the characters.
I happened to have the TV on when Young Sheldon came on, the episode "A Stunted Childhood and a Can of Fancy Mixed Nuts" ---when Paige sleeps over. I also then read a thing that is all “Ohhh Sheldon should have ended up with Paige!”
Here’s my thinking, since Paige doesn’t appear in Big Bang or is likely even mentioned: in another episode, she states that her parents are getting a divorce right? I’m guessing she ends up moving away.
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rebbykins · 6 years
The dragon prince
omg their aunt is mute! That is so cool!!
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