#red sleeveless jumpsuit
jonkentt · 2 years
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✰✰ Robin & Wonder Girl ✰✰ Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #8 (2022)
[ID: 6 edits of Dick Grayson as Robin and Donna Troy as Wonder Girl. Donna is wearing a red sleeveless jumpsuit with white stars on each side, and her dark hair is braided on one side. Dick's in his classic Robin suit but with green pants and green domino mask. 1-4: Their expressions are vaguely concerned or thoughtful. 5: Dick’s eyes are closed and his grin is smug. 6: Donna is smiling. End ID]
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slvttyplum · 7 months
✮⋆˙what you guys roleplay as
nanami: santa and his elf
- he’s going to give you his present alright.
- who knows how this conversation even came about.
- wait… i do.
- he came home one day after the two of you had a conversation about bed time fun.
- he had a bag that contained two costumes
- you took them out, your eyes wide as an owl.
- a green corset like dress with spaghetti straps, with a green bow and white fur coating the outside of it
- a green thong, elf ears, fishnet stockings that clips to the main piece
- his was a furry santa sleeveless, the red pants, and a hat.
- you were giggling your ass off
- when you showed him how you looked he was drooling and whistling.
- “come sit on santa’s lap.” you sit on his lap grinning ear to ear.
- “what do you want for christmas?” he says holding onto your waist bouncing his leg.
- “hmm… i think i santa.” you say wrapping your arms around him. he smiles grabbing your legs carrying you bridal style to the room.
satoru: police and prisoner
- “no i want to be the officer.” you roll your eyes snatching the costume from him.
- “no IM going to be the officer.” you say pouting.
- he thought because of the dynamics he should’ve been the police officer
- which made you side eye him cause what the fuck?
- but you both came to an agreement.
- the costume was very short shorts, a long sleeve crop top, handcuffs, a hat, a badge, and boots
- his costume was just… an orange jumpsuit.
- you walk out swinging the cuffs swaying your hips, “i’ve heard you’ve been a bad bad boy.”
- his pupils are forming into little hearts by the second, he quickly nods.
- “i’ve been a very bad boy.”
- he’s sitting down on the couch, and he opens his legs some more as you walk in between that.
- “tis tis, i’m obligated to punish you.”
- he gulps nodding again, “please… please do.”
suguru: firefighter and a hot mom
(this is hilarious idk why)
- at this point the both of you had tons of costumes
- you weren’t sure what else to dress up as until suguru came home with a bag
- that contained two costumes
- one being a firefighter, with just the bottoms and orange suspenders with a hat.
- yours was a big see through robe with feathers on the end.
- you’re on the couch drinking wine playing into your roll and suguru walks out
- his hair in a bun his hand grabbing his bulge.
- “heard there was a fire round here.” he says putting on a voice
- you suppress your laugh uncrossing your legs, “maybe.”
- he walks closer to you still rubbing himself, “the only fire i see here is you, cause you’re hot.
- you spread your legs so he can walk in between them, “oh yeah? i got something that can put out any fire.”
- he smirks at you walking in between your legs winking, “so do i.”
choso: ups deliverer and man (lol)
- you both were going to do barbie and ken but couldn’t find the right accessories
- so you went with the oldest costume you could think of
- “wow classy.” he mutters pouting and rolling his eyes.
- you laugh handing him a box, “stop whining and put this on.”
- his eyes light up and you both go to change
- you walk out with your costume on, brown shorts, a black belt, a brown button up crop top, a tiny black bag on the side, a hat, and a box under your arm
- choso is wearing a regular black and white suit.
- “wait what the hell? why are you wearing that and i’m wearing a suit?”
- you groan dropping the box, “because sir… it’s fun.”
- he’s sitting on the couch and you walk in holding out the box with your face scrunched up
- “are you choso? here’s your package.” he rolls his eyes getting up wrapping his arm around your waist
- “when do you get off? ima hav to fix that attitude of yours.”
- you smirk, “how about now?”
toji: a devil and angel
- at first he didn’t want to do it
- but with some persuasion, he happily obliged
- you shove a bag in his face, peeking from the side smiling
- “lookie lookie at what i got.” he grabs the bag about to peek in but you snatch the bag.
- “no it’s a surprise, go get changed.” you say doing a happy dance.
- “where’s yours?” he says taking the bag from you looking around.
- “don’t worry about it, get changed.”
- after changing you both walk out and you clasp your hand over your mouth
- “oh my god you look so good.” he’s wearing small white tight shorts, and a halo over his head
- “damn… i could say the same.” you’re wearing red devil horns, a mesh red top with a red bra, and a red skirt with tights.
- “how about a devil and angel make love.”you say smiling.
- he grins walking towards you, “i’ll be so good for you tonight”
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terrestrialnoob · 1 year
Time and Information
She was walked through the halls of Bel Rev Prison by four guards down an unfamiliar passage. She was soon joined by a younger woman with blonde pigtails who was happily chatting to her escort until she saw her fellow prisoner.
“Oh my gosh! A new face!” She cheered in a heavy Brooklyn accent, “Better be careful or it’ll get blown to bits!”
The two were taken into separate rooms and there was a sudden jolt of horror at the chair in the center of the room. It looked far too familiar, straps and gaps for easy access to specific parts of the body – the soft, weak parts. It was similar to something she’d once made when she was younger, dumber, and too scared of the unknown – no, too scared of being wrong about the unknown to see what was right in front of her. She struggled against the guards, but one punched her in the gut and she was forcefully strapped down into the chair. She was warned not to move before there was a sharp pain at the back of her neck. She sat frozen as something was forced under her skin, she could feel it anchoring into bone. After that, she was unstrapped and furiously asked what they’d done to her. “They’ll explain it soon enough.”
She was lead out of the surgical room and into a large concrete room, with 2 metal crates. She spotted the girl from earlier standing next to one of the crates. She looked up at her from pulling on a red and black diamond patterned leotard over fishnet leggings. The girl waved and shouted, “You made it!”
She waved back to the blonde then one of the guards lead her to the other crate and opened it. Her eyes stared to tear at the sight of her old aqua jumpsuit. There were also her goggles, utility belt, respirator mask, and a handful of non-compacted weapons.
She followed the implicit instruction to change into her jumpsuit, and it felt like putting on her real skin on again. It had been so long, she was starting to see silver in her auburn hair that had grown so long her braid went all the way down to her back. But the suit fit, just like it always did.
“Awooga!” The girl cheered and shouted, “I’m not usually a MILF kinda gal, but you look tight.”
She almost laughed at getting catcalled by the other woman and even flexed her arm to show off her prison muscle. The two were soon lead to a new room and she saw three other non-guards in the room, all in their own colorful costume. A large man had on a bear-skin cloak over body armor while another seemed to be dressed up like an airline pilot. A humanoid tiger creature was also there, they were already wearing a sleeveless Chinese-style martial arts uniform.
“Boomer!” The girl shouted and waved at the airline pilot and he smiled and greeted her in turn.
“It’s good to see you Harley,” He said with an Australian accent, “who’s your friend?”
Before she could answer, a door slammed open. A woman entered; thick and sturdy who held herself like a pillar of The Acropolis, like if she fell, the whole of civilization would fall with her. At her side was a man dressed up in his own custom red, silver, and black body armor.
The woman stopped and glared at the prisoners like they were less than human and took time to memorize all their inhumanity before she spoke, “Ladies, gentlemen. For those who don’t know, I am Amanda Waller, head of Task Force X, an off the books strike team of convicts used as expendable agents working for the U.S. Government. You are now members of Task Force X. Succeed in your mission, and you’ll get time off your sentences. Any questions?”
“A few, ma’am,” She rose her hand.
Waller raised her eyebrow and nodded, but before she could ask, the man in the bear skin shouted, “The Bear fight for Mother Russia, not U.S. Pigs!” His accent was thick and he stomped his heavy boots up to Waller, towering over her in an attempt to intimidate. “I will not work for you.”
Waller glared up at him and waved at the door behind her, “Be warned, there’s a small explosive in your neck, and if you do any little thing I don’t like, your head will be blown clean off. Take one step out that door, and you’re dead.”
The Russian growled at her, then pushed past her. He took one confident step through the door - the explosion was bright but quiet, and eviscerated the man’s head in seconds.
Waller turned back to the others, “Did that answer any of your questions?”
“A few yes,” She smiled and gently rubbed her neck where the small lump was indicating which of her questions had been answered. Then she continued, much to the horror of the Australian. “Are the terms of this – arrangement negotiable?”
Waller answered before she even finished, “You can’t refuse.”
She nodded her head, “I assumed as much. But, there’s something I want more than time off my sentence.”
“Oh?” Waller gave her a scrutinizing look, the kind that a woman who’s always looking for a better deal has.
“It’s about my son. Last I saw him, he was being experimented on in a government lab. The thing I want is unredacted copies of the files. I want to know Every. Single. Thing. any research lab anywhere has ever done to my son. And his current location.” Her voice shifted from relatively polite to absolutely deadly; almost like she now blamed everything the government has ever done wrong on Waller as a representative. The man next to Waller seemed to flinch, but the two women didn’t break eye contact.
“Might be difficult, given that most of the facilities that would have that information were destroyed. But I don’t have to tell you that, do I?” Waller stared her down, or at least tried to. There was silence, and for a moment several people in the room expected a head to explode. But then Waller said, “Do the mission, and I’ll see what I can get from the guys in white.”
The woman who stood up to The Acropolis smiled dangerously as she said, “I’m sure a woman of your standing and reach can get her hands into any government office.”
Waller smiled back, “You flatter me, Ms. Fenton.”
“Doctor Fenton,” She corrected, “One doesn’t lose their education simply because they’re imprisoned.”
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sharowolet · 3 months
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[ID: digital drawing of columbina sitting in arlecchino's lap with drinks in their hands. They are in fancy cocktail party outfits - arlecchino is in a black sleeveless jumpsuit with the front of her chest partially exposed, columbina in a white dress with a black and red bow and tights, and her hair is tied into a braid over her shoulder. Arlecchino is looking at the viewer and columbina is leaning into arlecchino. Columbina has six wings that are out and creeping around the frame to surround them.]
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theviridianbunny · 2 months
The night of the Black Sapphire Gala holds many stories, memories and secrets.
Victoria Crane belongs to my beloved @another-corpo-rat - thank you for trusting me with her and letting me write her with her wife and hubbie (and soon to give Viridian and Jackie the worst night of their life at this gala ) - Sprimklimg little bits of oc lore into my fics oh Lordy - one day I will give proper exposition to all my world building (when I eventually have the spoons - Ty audhd) This is not beta read and I’m currently posting this as I sit by a pool in Egypt in near 30c heat - the sunshine has spurred me on to try and write again (maybe it’s also the one rum and coke I have in the afternoons :3c)
Part two coming soon (ish) - you can also read this fic over on ao3 here ❤️
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It started off as just a simple question. Victoria’s golden optics studying her partner through the pain of a large back-lit bathroom mirror. She watched as Amrin’s white and orange cybernetic hand steadily applied that last bit of makeup. The handsome mechanic was all dolled up for tonight. Ornately patterned Golden eyeliner and garnet red lipstick - she wore a backless black halter neck jumpsuit - low cut - a lace bralette underneath. Leather heeled boots made her just as tall as Victoria.
“ my darling- how did you get your burn scar? Victoria's tone was inquisitive. Trying not to pry and pick - to mine and dig on insecurities - this question was caring - and genuine.
Sadly for Victoria - it was poorly timed. Victoria noticed how her partner's body language clammed up - her red eyes avoiding Victoria’s gold for just a moment. Their eyes met through the mirror as Victoria came to her - one golden hand caressing Amrins bare shoulder - there was a moment of silence as Victoria waited for her to speak.
Amrin's lips pursed- before she spoke.
“I’d rather not discuss that - not tonight. In time- ill be happy to tell you the story- but not tonight ” Amrin’s voice was unusually stern as she put away her makeup tidy into a small hessian bag - then stashed away into a draw.
She joined Victoria , who was dressed in a sleeveless gold fronted body suit. Paired with motor oil black kick flared trousers and strapped marching black sandals. Chunky Emerald earrings adorned with golden vipers matched the buckles on the sandals.
“Darling, would you like one of my furs?” Victoria asked - gesturing to her rail of mink and animal furs - a mix of synthetic and the real thing.
Amrin shook her head “no thank you - I should be plenty warm without one, once we’re inside…’
And with that, Victoria offered her hand out to Amrin and the two made their way out of Kurt’s penthouse - entering a glass pained elevator to make their way to the ballroom of the black sapphire.
“How did you get your scar Vic?” Amrin asked - trying to throw the attention off of herself.
Victoria smirked - the golden plating over the old facial wound shone magnificently as she pulled the other woman into her - the two shared a momentary kiss - before the older woman spoke.
Her voice soft - spoken close - like the two were sharing secrets.
“Oh, You know how I got it Amrin-” a golden hand against Amrin's back - holding and tracing up and down Amrin’s spine as she continued “ You know of the incident of 75- you know of the little rabbit... word is, she's here with her dullard tonight… the two have been running around dogtown like a pair of stray puppies. “
As the lift reached the outer balcony- the two women made their way to the ballroom itself. They were under a blanket of stars , smog and light pollution.
Victoria heading to the bar - to drink and find Kurt. Amrin on the other hand made a b-line for the open-air balcony. The night was still young and the party hadn't truly started yet. Guests were still arriving. Amrin knew she was alone out there as she leant over the metal railing.
Amrin looked out onto the night city skyline and sighed to herself. Victoria’s question had stirred something within her… Amrin knew her partner had good intentions- she knew Victoria never wanted to intentionally upset her..
Amrin groaned - she thought to herself that maybe her skin was growing thin.
It had been many years since she left night city - since she left Rasmus and the trauma team. It'd been months since she'd heard from the cyberpsychosis researcher - maybe he'd finally got the hint she didn't want to be in contact as regularly anymore…
Amrin and Rasmus had history - albeit ancient now. From friends to lovers- to husband and wife and work partners - Their eventual divorce was probably one of the most difficult and messiest moments of their lives.
There were times her mind wandered back to the Sakura haired medic -mostly to the little things - the mundane things that made her world brighter. … like how she would come home to the apartment after working a night shift on the trauma team..
She’d come home - worn out and ready to have a shower and fall into bed. The apartment would be stinking of smoke and a symphony of swears could be heard, pronounced in a thick brummie accent.
Curiously would get the better of her , she would venture into the kitchen after taking off her jacket and boots - and see Rasmus plating up a synth bacon sandwich for her - the bacon would be burnt , surely it would be acrid and hard to digest..
But Amrin wouldn't care, the food was made with love and care. That's all that mattered. She'd take the plate from Rasmus and thank him - a quick peck to his cheek before she sat down and tucked into her breakfast. She'd watch as Rasmus would linger for a moment- the two sharing smiles before he would go and get ready for his day shift on the trauma team..
The days of Soft smiles and burnt synth bacon were long gone now.
Mostly all that remained were memories of the stormy night - the one that left the pair both physically and emotionally traumatised. There were only memories of the night that really felt like the beginning of the end.
The night was cold - Amrin wished she'd taken up Victoria’s offer of a fur coat. She knew there was one that would have gone just perfectly … Amrin grumbled to herself in her mother tongue and debated moving inside - but ultimately decided to stay out a little longer.
She booted up the hollo , she scrolled down to Rasmus's holo icon. A sakura blossom - entangled between dna heelexis. Her fingers dwindled and she hesitated- before taking the plunge and calling him. Her mouth going dry - she didn't know what to say- she just wanted to hear his voice…
The ringer rung out until it went to answer phone - Rasmus's familiar voice spoke with a calm - yet professional demeanour.
“This is Rasmus Sundburg - Night city trauma team research. Sorry I can't pick up your call right now. Leave a voicemail and I'll get back to you as soon as I can”
The line beeped - prompting Amrin to talk - she sighed deeply, before speaking.
“Rasmus- its me.. Sorry its been a while-” Her mind going blank “Gods- I. . Call me when you can - yeah? We need a catch up.. ”
And with that, she cut the line- before she embarrassed herself further. Face flushed. She reached into her clutch wallet- she pulled out her e - cigarette. Feeling tearful as she took a drag and then exhaled Cherry flavoured vapour.
Hot pin prick tears welling - she sniffed- looking out to the city still.
She cried - silent and alone. Amrin preferred it that way- no one to see her in such a vulnerable state.
Wiping her eyes with her free hand - she grumbled with frustration, more at herself than anything. Her makeup was sure to be smudged by her tears…
Trying to compose herself now- Amrin prepared her to mingle. To be social. To please and be merry - even though all she wanted to do was return to her bed - get into her pyjamas and sleep. She didn't want to be human or socialise - running on empty and burnt out now. The day leading up to this gala had already been hard on her…
As Amrin tried to get herself to breathe - She felt the metal of a cybernetic hand touch the small of her back - Amrin knew that touch from anywhere.
Kurt had joined her now. She was no longer alone.
Dressed down on such an evening. Black tshirt tucked into slate grey cargos. Combat boots polished with new laces.
“What are you doing out here on your own?” His voice stern , but also laced with concert.
“I could ask you the same thing- thought Victoria would be all over you by now” she jerked back at him. Amrin didn't mean for her words to come out as sharp as they had.
Amrin heard how Kurt laughed - how he smiled softly all be it for a moment.
“Oh shes already demanded her quota of kisses - but she made an off comment about you - thought she might have hit a nerve”
Hansen watched as his lover furrowed her eyebrows and took another drag of her e-ciggarette. Blowing out the smoke - she stuffed the cigarette back into her purse.
“I'll take that as a yes-”
Amrin pursed her lips - before speaking.
“ I'm trying to be brave . To talk about the pain- the suffering- the past. But it takes time… I’m just not ready to open up to her Kurt..”
“I know , my dear” his words genuine- soft. Offering out a big cybernetic arm to the mechanic.
“Join me inside? The night is still young- I can direct you to a quiet corner where you won’t be disturbed” a small chuckle arose before he next spoke “and my darling - if any of our guests dares disturb you - know they will feel my wrath and all of dogtown’s too”
He watched how his lover smiled - all be it for a moment - as he took his arm and leant into him. A casual act of intimacy Amrin never thought she would feel again. She stayed close to him for a moment - feeling his warmth against the coldness of the night.
“Ready to go inside?” He asked
Amrin’s reply came as a silent nod.
And so, Kurt lead his dear mechanic inside. Taking her to one of the many bars - where a masculine chromed up bartender was serving a woman in a very expensive dress. Silver hands poured what looked to be an espresso martini, as he wished the woman a good night.
The bartender turned to the colonel and his mechanic.
“What can I get you both tonight?” He asked - instinctively reaching to the scotch for the colonel.
“The usual for me ” Kurt’s gaze travelled to Amrin.
She was still thinking - but then very softly spoke her order.
“A Bloody Mary please - with extra black pepper and spice”
Her social battery just wasn’t there tonight - Kurt could tell as Amrin leant into him.
As the bartender quickly got to work making drinks - Amrin reached into her purse - pulling out a pair of tiny golden plates earbuds - slotting the left one into her ear.
To her surprise - holo rang out quietly.
Amrin quickly rejected the incoming call - now wasn’t a good time. She had a Bloody Mary to drink and a social battery to try and recharge.
She quickly messaged her ex husband - frantically typing
“call you back soon. At a corporate engagement” - this was a partial lie. Yes she was at a corporate engagement - no she did not intend to call Rasmus back anytime soon.
She probably would in time - but not tonight.
The mood began to lift as the bartender handed Amrin her Bloody Mary - Kurt his scotch. Amrin letting go of Kurt’s arm to grab her Bloody Mary. She took a sip - it was definitely spicy enough.
The two moved away from the bar.
Kurt took a mouthful of his beverage before he gestured towards the roulette tables.
“There’s a quiet nook on the right side of the roulette tables - a few comfy sofas with cushions.” He placed his hand over Amrin’s back as a sign of comfort “ You can spend as much time as you’d like there - and also know there’s no pressure to stay, you’ve got a key to the penthouse- you can go and make yourself comfy up there if that would be easier on your mind” Kurt’s tone was reassuring.
“Thank you,Kurt. I think I will be fine down here.”
Amrin’s gaze travelled to the red haired twins at one of roulette tables. Feeling the mischievous energy of the woman in yellow.
“The two redheads won’t cause me trouble - right ?” She asked - debating putting her second ear bud in.
She heard how Kurt laughed.
“Oh, the netrunner twins?” He asked
“Yes, them. The woman gives me uneasy vibes”
“Aymeric” he gestured to the man in blue “and Aurore” the woman in yellow “they will not cause trouble - I promise you.” Kurt reassured his lover.
He took her cybernetic hand and kissed the back of it - before he continued
“If for whatever ungodly reason they decide to give you trouble or grief - or even look at you the wrong way - you are to send me a message on the hollo - I will send Victoria down to give them a bollocking- or I will do it myself.” - there was a slightly comedic tone to his voice.
He placed another kiss on her hand- for luck.
“Does that sound fair Amrin?” He asked. Seeing how she smiled felt like his evening had been made already
“It sounds great” she replied - taking the other ear bud from its case - placing it into her ear - the world around her went blissfully quiet.
The two shared a kiss before they parted ways. She waved to Kurt before she turned and walked away.
As Amrin made her way to the roulette tables - she passed a woman with short teal hair and skull implanted kiroshis. An Arasaka cyber arm partially visible through the mesh sleeves of her blouse. High waisted trousers and blocked heel boots made her appear tatter than she actually was.
The handsome mechanic watched from afar as the woman ordered a very blue looking cocktail and thanked the bartender - she watched as the woman wandered across the ballroom to a very tall and broad man - dressed in a sharp suit. Golden cross earrings dangled from his ear lobes and delicate cable cyberware mapped out his face. Dark hair shaved short at the back and sides - with a top knot tied with a wine red hairband.
Amrin watched as the man bent down to kiss the woman on the cheek, before she made her way to the quiet spot Kurt recommended. As she passed the netrunner twins and found her self a comfy quiet spot - She booted up her holo. Taking a large gulp of her Bloody Mary before texting Victoria.
“I think I’ve spotted your rabbit-”
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capabletrinket · 7 months
I spy with my little eye....
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A dope halloween costume!! This was way too many hours of work but I'm so proud of it!! I very much plan to take the I Spy patch off and wear it more regularly. Video is absolutely incoming.
[ID: Two photos from the front and back of a woman with red hair posing in front of a mirror. She wears an orange turtleneck cluttered with black item designs on the sleeves and a black sleeveless jumpsuit covered in white object designs. A tombstone shaped patch on the back says 'I SPY' in large letters, followed by I Spy style clues]
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bippot · 1 year
Loved bad boy Bob 💕💕💕. Have you seen bad times at the el Royale? If so, Miles fic?
I have seen Bad Times, so here you go...it's quite long (I got carried away)
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Summary: Although he doesn't know her movies, Miles becomes enraptured by one of his guest and fails to restrain himself to show her the kind of love he believes she deserves.
Yet, their fling must be kept under the radar because her stage mother is rather possesive.
Additional Tags: Secret Relationship, Voyeurism, Fluff and Smut, Canon-Typical Violence, Mommy Issues, Childhood Trauma, Gun Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending
Music recommendation: A World Without Love by Peter and Gordon
Full Masterlist - here
Decked out in her favourite sleeveless flared denim jumpsuit the star of stage and screen, the illustrious Y/N L/N, drove into the parking lot of the hotel her manager had told her to check in at. It was a fancy looking place and well known for its clientèle over the years. Senators and thieves and those who liked their privacy had stayed in the establishment ten times over. And, she was sure they paid handsomely for the employees' indiscretion.
Not that Y/N had anything to hide. Rumours swirled around the starlet as they did with everyone in the industry. Yet, unlike those around her, the chatter was just that. They had no solid foundation. No evil deeds that she kept deep in the cupboard for a pesky reporter or detective to uncover. Hollywood and the greater world was yet to tarnish her.
Miles knew that as soon as she sauntered through the door. He could tell as soon as she gave him a warm, genuine smile that the El Royale was no place for a lady with a heart such as hers. This place would corrupt her in no time.
Yet, he couldn't seem to make his mouth move. She looked like a dream come true. Every inch was perfectly sculpted and her hair shone in the soft lights of reception. And, by the time she had gently closed the door behind her and let out a friendly "It's awful windy out there, don't you think?" he was utterly hooked.
Somehow, Miles found his voice. "I hope the weather wasn't too much trouble for you, ma'am."
His reply came out a little stiff and her smile grew brighter when she heard his words. She glanced in all directions, taking in all the lavish interior of the hotel with a curious glance. Her eyes were dancing between each piece of furniture before she glanced up and breathed out, "Such a beautiful chandelier," at nobody in particular.
Admittedly, she did have a point. The El Royale was an alluring hotel because that's what it was supposed to do. The building reminded him of the Monkshood flowers that one of the ladies in his hometown used to grow in her front garden. They were a brilliant, rich purple shade that made all the other gardeners around envious of Mrs Watson's skills. However, they weren't as envious when dear old Sooty the dog decided to taste the petals one day and immediately went into cardiac arrest. Beautiful but deadly.
Then, her gaze was then cast on Miles. He swallowed the lump in his throat at the sight and forced himself to nod back. "Sorry, I can't help but marvel at handsome things," Y/N replied, flashing him her pearly whites once again. That's when he realised she'd been beaming at him as he reminisced about the past. She didn't even seem to register the way his cheeks were burning bright red.
"Its beauty is only surface level." He took a breath so he could lie, "I heard that one of the hotels in Tahoe had the Dalai Lama stay there one time, ma'am. Now that must be the perfect place for one such as yourself. I'm sure I have their telephone number around here somewhere."
Chuckling at him, she walked up to the desk and leant her elbows against the wood, placing her hand on her fist. "I don't think that's true," she stated, completely unaffected by the fact that he'd lied to her, and she tilted his badge so she could read it. "My dear Miles, you have been fed misinformation. Yet, I think you know that too."
Fuck, he'd never been good at lying, especially to pretty ladies. Clearing his throat, Miles tried to ignore how close she had gotten. Not a single muscle in his body relaxed at all. All he could see was that face. Damn the way that her lips formed his name like a prayer, and damn how mesmerising she looked as she said it.
While she wasn't currently in danger, she could be. Staying at the El Royale increased her chances at brushing shoulders with the seedy side of reality. The hotel held many secrets within its walls, and he desperately refused to add hers to the list. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't like he had much of a choice.
"Aren't you going to give me the big speech?" she questioned him, tilting her head to the side. "My mama stayed here a while back. She said the boy behind the counter had real stage presence when he gave her the speech."
Stage presence? Nobody had ever told him that he was charismatic in any way. In fact, he thought he was downright boring most of the time. He hadn't even gone to college or studied or done anything remotely interesting - anything he felt comfortable telling a stranger. If someone had told him that he possessed some sort of charm, he would have laughed them out of the room.
"Your mama oversold my skills," he joked, trying to keep his cool. Though the way that her lip curled up at the corner made his knees go weak. "Still, I'll do my best."
Here it was. He walked around the desk and stood on the state line, delivering the lines he said every day. Obviously, he knew them like the back of his hand but he felt obligated to recite them with a bit more gusto than usual. Maybe it was because she was looking at him like he was the most interesting thing in the lobby.
"The El Royale is a bi-state establishment. You have the option to stay in either the great state of California." Playfully, he hopped into California. Then, he slid into Nevada, dragging his foot to meet the other with a flourish of his arms. "Or the great state of Nevada. Warmth And sunshine to the west or hope and opportunity to the east. Which would you prefer?"
"Bravo, bravo!" she applauded loudly, making the man blush from the compliment alone and he gave her bow as if he'd just been on Broadway. "Can I give you one tinsy piece of advice?"
"Of course, ma'am."
"Have a little more hope in your skills, Miles. My mama was right."
Oh god, what was happening? Why was the girl being so kind to him? Nobody was this nice to him unless they were after something. But, there was no trace of mockery or ill intent in her features. There wasn't even a hint of malice. She genuinely seemed to find Miles likeable and amusing. That was new. And he was not sure what to make of it.
"To answer your expertly delivered question, Nevada please. Don't mind which room. As long as it's got a comfy bed, I'll be content."
"Would've expected you to be a California girl after all, Miss-"
"Call me Y/N," she offered, holding out her hand for him to shake. Once he did, her fingers felt so warm against his and he was trying to focus on something other than her touch. He was failing miserably. His hand lingered longer than necessary, and yet, she didn't seem to mind at all. "It's very nice to meet you, Miles."
Now, he had no idea where the confidence came from that graced him with the ability to lift her knuckles to his lips and softly kiss them, but he did it and he did it with a warm smile. "Likewise, Miss Y/N."
Was she blushing?
"Just Y/N, Miles. No need for formalities."
He repeated it slowly, savouring the way it felt slipping off his tongue, like sweet honey. It was almost foreign. The way it rolled on his tongue in the most pleasing way possible. He was glad that the others weren't around to hear how utterly enchanted he felt by the woman in front of him.
"Which room has the comfiest bed then? Or have you already stolen that one for yourself?"
Before he could stop himself, he scoffed, "Definitely not. My bed is like sleeping on rocks," and there was no disputing how her expression changed. She looked somewhat concerned and slightly alarmed at his statement. "It's not like I sleep much anyway."
If he thought that admission would ease her, he was wrong. It only served to confuse her further and cause a deep frown to form on her lips. He gulped nervously under the weight of her stare and quickly tried to brush past it.
"Room Four. It's closest to all the amenities here in reception and has the comfiest bed on the Nevada side."
For a moment, neither of them moved, then Miles turned to retrieve her key and money when she handed enough over for the week, but the sudden silence of the surroundings made him hurry up his actions. He hadn't moved so fast in so long.
"I'll walk you to your room," he blurted out suddenly and instantly cursed himself for doing so. It sounded incredibly creepy and stalkerish; a bad combination in his book. Despite the fact that he was the bellhop too, he wished he'd never said it so frantically.
"Lead the way."
With a curt nod, Y/N followed him as he walked her to her room across the lobby. The entire trip to her room, he kept glancing back at her, wondering if she noticed the strange behaviour he was exhibiting or if it was just him. Whatever it was though, it was making him feel awkward.
As they finally arrived at her room, Miles turned towards her, trying his hardest to look calm despite feeling as if he were suffocating underneath the pressure of her gaze. Her eyes were filled with an emotion he didn't want to decipher, but judging by her expression, he would've guessed that it was probably a worry.
Was she worried about him? Had he somehow offended her? Perhaps she saw through his act, or perhaps she was merely curious as to why he kept looking at her strangely. However, before he could ask her if he'd done anything wrong, she spoke first. "Are there any other guests here?"
"No, ma'am. Just the two of us."
"We're alone?"
The hopeful tone she spoke with was not lost on him. Although her voice remained casual and composed, it did not escape his attention. He nodded slowly.
"Wow, I've never been alone before," she breathed out, smiling at him, her expression showing pure joy at their current situation. He certainly didn't miss the flutter that shot through his heart. Stepping towards him, she placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and took her suitcase from his grip. "Thank you, Miles."
Without saying anything else, she disappeared into her room, leaving Miles standing there dumbfounded and completely speechless. His chest tightened, causing him to wonder whether she'd truly enjoyed the brief moment that they shared together or if she was just playing him or if she was just that nice.
Either way, his brain couldn't help but replay the sound of her laughter again. It was soft and sweet and made him forget... fuck, he forgot to get her to sign the ledger. That stupid ledger! He stomped towards the front desk to get it and returned to her door less than five minutes after she had closed it.
"Yes, Miles?" She asked through the wood as he knocked on it.
"Sorry, Y/N, ma'am. I forgot to get you to sign the ledger, do you mind if you could do it now? I can always come back later if -"
She opened the door to reveal her face without a trace of makeup on it and she was obviously about to change as the puffy shirt she'd been wearing under her jumpsuit was gone and the straps had clearly been hastily pulled over her shoulders so she wasn't revealing her cleavage too much.
It made his insides churn and he swallowed harshly in an attempt to quench the rising lust he felt for her. Instead, he cleared his throat and forced a smile onto his face, although he really wanted nothing more than to just grab her by the waist and drag her into his arms, kissing the life out of her senseless.
Then he remembered the ledger and held it out towards her. She smiled at him before taking it from his hands. Without another word, she began scribbling her name onto the page in neat, cursive handwriting. She even added a smiley face at the end for extra measure.
"There. Done," she exclaimed excitedly and handed it back to him. "Did I see one of those Automat thingamabobs earlier?"
"You did, ma'am. We offer both sandwiches and pies." He leaned forward and whispered, "Although, I must admit - and I beg of you to not tell my boss - the food here ain't as tasty as it used to be. I apologise in advance. Try to get apple pie if you can, it's the best of the worst."
Following his lead, she also closed the gap between them and inquired in a hushed voice, "So, does that mean you would decline if I asked you to join me?"
The way she looked up at him from beneath her lashes with such innocent, pleading eyes, made him feel so hot inside. He was certain that he wouldn't last a single second with her if he let her continue looking at him like that.
Fuck it. "Any chance to spend more time in your presence, I'll take, ma'am."
Her eyes widened, seemingly taken aback by his response, and her cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. There was no doubting it this time, she definitely blushed at that. "Really?" She asked, sounding more surprised than he expected her to be. "Oh Miles, you're too sweet for your own good. I'll meet you at seven?"
"I'll be there."
Without giving himself another chance to speak and somehow fuck up, he hurriedly walked back to reception, cursing internally that he hadn't said goodbye properly, and headed towards the bar to pour a glass of whisky for his nerves.
As he was doing that, Y/N was lying in bed, her head resting on the pillow, gazing up at the ceiling. Her fingers idly toyed with the ends of her hair, twisting the strands about each other in an effort to keep herself from squealing aloud in pure glee from his bold declaration.
Now, her mama wouldn't approve. God no. But... her mama wasn't here. What harm could it do? He had been nothing but friendly and polite with her so far. Despite how Y/N knew she was naïve when it came to the outside world and those inhabited it, she could tell that Miles didn't want to hurt a fly.
Whether he was capable of hurting a fly or not was a completely different question. A question that she didn't know the answer to.
To occupy her time before dinner, Y/N decided to change into something more comfortable. Miles had arrived when she thought about putting her nightgown on, but now, that wasn't appropriate. She needed to look presentable for dinner with her new friend, especially since he seemed like a proper gentleman who deserved her respect and gratitude.
Miles usually checked up on his guests through the two way mirror to ensure they had settled in without trouble, which was the most innocent way he used the observation corridor. It was so he could prepare if they asked for more towels or pillows before they'd even said the words out of their mouth to him. This part tended to last a quick two minutes.
Not this time. When he first realised she was changing, Miles shielded his eyes instinctively. But then his curiosity got the better of him and peeked at her through a slit between his fingers to find her shimmying down the bottom of her jumpsuit. His jaw immediately hit the floor in complete shock and he stared unabashedly at her curves. His eyes traced every single dip and part of bare skin from her neck to her breasts to her thighs and her waist to her... to everywhere she was exposed.
He felt lightheaded just looking at her. How could a woman be this beautiful? Was it possible? His thoughts swirled around in his mind, drowning out everything else as she removed her bra, leaving her clad only in a white, lacy panties. He couldn't breathe at all due to how aroused he was right now.
When she put her new dress on, he immediately felt a little guilty for staring so shamelessly at her. He hadn't meant to stare; it's just that she was simply too tempting. Once she was dressed, he shifted so he could no longer see through the mirror, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself and his erection down. It would be a sin to touch himself over what he just saw. Not because he didn't want to - because he did want to, he really wanted to - but because it would be perverted.
Even though Miles had never had the touch of a woman before, he knew what it entailed after filming it so many times. Truthfully, it terrified him. The kind of intimacy he usually witnessed was rough, crude and violent. Y/N didn't deserve that. She was soft and kind, caring and gentle. She didn't belong in that category, and therefore, he realised he shouldn't touch her. Under no circumstances should he ever treat her in such a way.
But his body betrayed him, telling him otherwise as he felt his cock hardening further. He couldn't touch her, but he could touch himself. In order to ease the pain and satisfy the throbbing ache that formed within his member, Miles had to do something about it. His fingers fumbled with his belt for a moment before finally managing to release the latch and pull it open. He quickly reached down and unzipped his jeans, allowing them to fall to his thighs.
His breathing grew heavy when he looked down. The bulge between his legs stood tall and prominent. He couldn't wait anymore and took himself into his hand, stroking his shaft while closing his eyes tightly. He slowly pumped up and down, gradually increasing the speed of his motion until he found a rhythm where it all began to melt away until there was only him lost within the image of her, and a pleasurable haze surrounding his body.
The pressure was building up behind his stomach and he groaned, gripping tightly onto the corner of the wall beside him for support. He couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't stop. He clenched his jaw together tightly and pressed his forehead against the cold wall as his hips bucked upwards, trying desperately to find relief.
With one last powerful thrust that shot him directly to heaven, he let out a cry of pleasure as he released all of his feelings all over himself. His body trembled slightly from the adrenaline coursing through him and he slid down the wall to sit in a heap on the floor, ashamed but sated for now.
Once he had recovered his breath enough to think again, he wiped the dribble off his chin - that he was unaware of until his sense came back to him - and sped to his room in order to change his clothes and rid himself of the remnants of his indiscretion in a hurry. As he threw open the wardrobe and pulled out a fresh pair of clothes, he tried to focus on getting ready for dinner, not the sight of Y/N's lush, inviting curves lying there invitingly and tempting him with their beauty once again.
Clearly, he was going insane. He could feel himself becoming obsessed with her. It wasn't fair for him to have such desires, not when he barely knew anything about her. Yet, he craved her company so deeply. He found himself unable to help himself. It was impossible to not get drawn to her like a moth to a flame. He was powerless to resist.
"Hiya Miles!" She greeted as she entered the lobby. He'd been staring off into space, obviously daydreaming and jumped slightly upon hearing her voice. Thankfully, he managed to compose himself and offered her an awkward smile.
Unabashedly, his eyes followed her figure as she moved across to the automat. He pretended to be busy with a piece of paper, pretending not to notice the way that every single movement of hers brought him immense pleasure. And when she turned and caught him watching her, he averted his gaze.
Y/N examined the pies through the glass and came to the conclusion that they were very anaemic looking in their current condition. And, there were only two left. One blueberry. One apple. It almost seemed like fate. She slid coins through the slot and patiently waited on their food to become more toasty.
Inside his head, Miles was having a little conflict. The more time he spent making it seem like he was doing actual work meant less of a chance to overstep his boundaries and get caught red handed drooling over a lady that was so far out of his league. However, he needed to be around her. That's what currently occupied his head - her.
And, she would eventually realise that stapling the same piece of paper ten times was a method of distracting himself.
"Food's done. Do you want to pick the music?" She called out once she'd placed the pies down, looking over her shoulder to see Miles jump at her voice again. "Sorry for startling you, honey."
Honey. He had no idea if she could see how his face softened as he heard that pet name fall from her lips. He shook his head lightly, forcing the silly grin that threatened to form on his face away.
He couldn't resist any more and made his way to the jukebox to pick the song. As soon as he saw Peter and Gordon, he knew that was what he was going to pick. "World Without Love okay?" he asked after he'd pressed the button so it was too late if she hated it. Luckily, the way she bopped her head to the beat implied that she didn't mind it.
Before Miles knew it, he was sitting in front of Y/N with apple pie on his plate. She'd given herself the blueberry, which wasn't as nice as the apple and he'd told her that. Had she forgotten? Or was she being nice yet again?
"How has your day been, Miles?" Y/N inquired as she bit into her pie, letting the lacklustre flavours flood her taste buds and filling her up with happiness despite how soggy the pastry was. "Were there any guests leave this morning or have you been here on your own for a while?"
If Miles didn't know any better, he'd say her eyes glistened a little when she tasted the desert, like a child who'd finally been given a piece of chocolate.
"No visitors," Miles said. "Just been me all weekend. Your arrival was quite the surprise."
"A good surprise, I hope."
Her smile widened as she spoke, causing his heart to flutter and butterflies in his stomach. She really was a sweetheart and even though she was completely foreign to him, he still adored her. It scared the shit out of him how much he genuinely enjoyed spending time with her even though he'd only met her today. She brought a smile to his tired face.
"The best surprise, ma'am," he admitted before taking a bite of his pie. Why did it taste better today? Was it because he was in a good mood? No, no. That can't be possible. It must be a different brand. Yet, he was sure they hadn't changed suppliers.
The pair continued to speak while they ate, a weird sense of familiarity between them despite how unfamiliar they were with each other. And he soon found out she was an actress.
"I'm sorry, I don't get out to the movies much these days," he confessed, sounding almost ashamed. She shrugged.
"Don't apologise," Y/N reassured and leaned her elbow on the table. She played with her fingers while gazing into his eyes for a short while. Then she admitted, "If I'm honest, I don't really like it when people recognise me these days." She chuckled, blushing a little and looked down shyly. "When I was a kid it was exciting. These days? I'm not so sure."
Miles unconsciously slid his hand on top of hers. She smiled and laced her fingers with his and squeezed them gently. A surge of warmness spread through his chest, his face reddening, and he cleared his throat nervously, but didn't shy away from her touch. They shared smiles and a comfortable silence for a few moments, enjoying the comfort the simple contact provided.
"If it's any consolation, you're the prettiest movie star I've ever met," Miles blurted out suddenly. He cringed inwardly when he heard the words come from his mouth. He'd intended it to sound smooth, flirtatious even, but it came out rather blunt instead. He stared intently at Y/N, willing for some sort of reaction to take place.
She blinked, surprised by his sudden compliment, her cheeks dusted pink. She opened and closed her mouth for a few seconds before breaking out into a bright smile, causing Miles to relax slightly with a smile of his own tugging at his lips.
"And, you're the prettiest concierge I've ever met," she replied softly. Her eyes danced around the lobby, admiring the beauty of their surroundings, but ultimately settling on Miles himself. He felt a slight thrill course through him as she gazed at him, noticing how intensely his gaze lingered on her lips.
But, he quickly dismissed any thought of kissing her. They probably wouldn't know where to begin and he doubted he would be able to control his actions, which was the last thing either of them wanted. So, he chose to keep his feelings at bay and instead opted for some light conversation.
"How'd you find the pie?" He asked casually, hoping that his attempt at nonchalance would pass unnoticed, although it was rather obvious. But, thankfully, she didn't seem to suspect anything, or if she did, chose to ignore it completely.
"It's... the best dessert I've eaten in years. But, my mamma puts me on a diet so I don't think my judgement is all that good."
"A diet? I've never understood why lovely ladies deprive themselves of the joys of life."
"Well, it's not my choice." She shrugged as though it made perfect sense, before pausing briefly. "I do agree with you though."
After all he'd heard of her mother, Miles was starting to not like the woman very much, especially considering how she treated Y/N. He found himself wishing that he could take care of her properly. Not just because he liked Y/N, although he definitely did. He wished that he could protect her. Protect her honour. Protect her soul. She deserved it.
However, he realised that he'd gotten lost in his thoughts again. The warmth inside Miles grew exponentially as she stared straight back at him with her piercing eyes and the sweetest smile. How long had it been since anyone smiled at him like that? It felt good. Really good.
"Ma'am, I hope you don't find this too forward, but would it be alright if I kissed you?" He blurted out before he even noticed what he'd done.
It was something he'd been dying to ask her ever since the moment he'd set his eyes on her and the feelings of desperation and longing took over whenever the thought of her filled him.
"Yes!" she replied without a hint of hesitation, her eyes twinkling.
As soon as that word slipped out of her mouth, he felt like he was going to melt from the sheer amount of relief coursing through his body, a wave of happiness rushing throughout every inch of his being.
So, she shifted around the booth to sit next to him as he slid his arm on the seat behind her, holding her close. He cupped her cheek in one of his hands and gave an awkward laugh. "I, uh, it's been so long... back in school," he mumbled sheepishly as his thumb brushed her cheekbones. "I'm sorry... I apologise if it's, if I'm not -"
Interrupting him by surging forward and pressing her lips against his own was not something he'd expected her to do, nor was it something he was prepared for. The world seemed to slow down and everything around him disappeared, leaving nothing but Y/N.
For one brief second, he was frozen, too shocked to even react. The soft press of her lips against his own, the hot feeling spreading through his entire body as though a warm blanket had been wrapped around him, her sweet scent flooding his senses was so perfect. And then he returned the kiss, his emotions flowing freely as he moved his tongue along her bottom lip, urging her to open her mouth and allow him access. When she did, he deepened the kiss and ran his fingers through her hair.
Everything melted away as he focused only on her, only on her lips. He was intoxicated by her. His heart pounded loudly in his ears; he couldn't hear anything else as her nails began drawing small patterns against his jaw. He could barely believe what was happening.
And the kiss was far too scandalous to be allowed in polite society. However, neither cared about such things. He felt free; as though he had no torrid past or sketchy present, he had absolutely none of the responsibilities that burdened him in reality. So, he let himself be selfish once more, pushing aside the consequences of doing such things and focusing on how amazing this felt.
How wonderful this felt. How he loved the way Y/N tasted. How she kissed back. The way she matched the rhythm of his mouth. He needed this. Needed to feel her. Wanted to be near her. He pulled away slightly to catch his breath and stared down into her eyes with wonder as he tried to comprehend what had just happened.
The room spun a little as he took in a big gulp of air, the sensation dizzying and couldn't help but notice the colour high in her cheeks, her chest rising and falling heavily as she panted. They both sat there in complete silence for what seemed like minutes. Until, finally, he spoke.
"...Is this real?" He whispered, almost scared to say those dreaded words aloud. Because, he honestly wasn't certain.
A movie star kissed him?! That's simply preposterous. Wasn't she supposed to be famous, or something? Why would she be interested in little old Miles Miller? In fact, she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world. Why, oh why, would she go for a concierge?
"I hope it is," she breathed out and laughed a bit.
"So...if I asked if you wanted to do it again, you would say...?" He trailed off, uncertain and doubtful whether to push for an answer or not.
"Would you like to kiss me again?"
A smile lit up her features when the words left her lips and his eyes flickered downward to study the enticing curve of her lips, his body reacting automatically and leaning towards her.
"Yes. Very much."
Her smile widened impossibly and they leaned in to meet each other halfway, closing their eyes as their lips collided in another searingly passionate kiss. Their lips melded with soft touches, lingering, exploring, learning. Every movement, every gasp, every sigh. Nothing was wasted, nothing was rushed or desperate.
No, this was slow and sweet, and their kisses were tender. Achingly tender. It felt right. Everything felt right.
Then he moaned against her lips and shot away in embarrassment. "I apologise... I, uh, got too into it. Sorry, if I took it too far..." He mumbled awkwardly, avoiding her stare as a blush crept onto his cheeks and spread across his neck. He really, really wished he hadn't crossed a line. "I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable, ma'am."
"What? No! Oh goodness, no," she reassured hurriedly, reaching out to lay a reassuring hand on his forearm. "Please don't worry yourself! I found it rather enjoyable."
"Oh... well, I'm glad to hear that," he replied with a relieved grin, his gaze flickering to hers. And, despite the nervousness swirling within him, he couldn't help but feel happy.
Because, despite all the pain that he'd been put through over the years, his countless failed attempts at finding happiness, his many flaws and imperfections, the terrible person he was as a teenager, the scars and mistakes that littered his body and soul, and the dark secrets he held hidden beneath his skin, he finally found one pocket of happiness in the world, and her name was Y/N L/N.
"I don't usually do this sort of thing, I'm sorry if -"
"Please stop apologising to me." She interrupted him with a slight shake of her head, as though she couldn't believe he was thinking so lowly of himself. "And besides..." her voice dropped to a whisper, a playful smirk playing on her lips as she reached out with one finger and gently stroked the side of his face before continuing. "Who am I to refuse a handsome man such as you? You're quite irresistible."
Miles couldn't contain the delighted grin upon his lips as he looked down at her, his blue eyes twinkling like galaxies as he gazed deeply into her eyes, drinking in every detail, every expression and every tone.
But then his eyes wandered down and he caught a brief look at her bra strap. The fabric of her sleeve had fallen and given him a peek at the skin there.The guilt came washing back into his brain as he felt his face heat up in embarrassment, the memories of watching her in the observation corridor flashing through his mind. He tugged her dress back in place and quickly averted his eyes before she could see the shame he suddenly found himself feeling and cleared his throat nervously.
"I know you just told me to stop apologising to you, but I can't. I did a bad thing, Miss, and I understand if you never want to see me again," he admitted and knelt on the floor beside her while keeping his eyes locked with hers and his voice soft. "Just know, I'll always remember your kindness. Please, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
She frowned as she saw tears forming in his eyes and she immediately stroked his hair soothingly in an attempt to calm him. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked softly, placing the palm of her hand underneath his chin and tilting his head upwards to look her in the eye. "Miles? I don't understand."
"It's just... the first time in a while anyone has ever shown me any kindness and you're so pretty, you are..." he murmured, struggling to find the proper words and, in the end, merely looking into her eyes for a moment before breaking away with a sigh. "This hotel is for the damned. For the corrupt. And my bosses, they, uh, they make me spy on people sometimes."
"Are you spying on me?" She raised an eyebrow, her expression growing curious.
"I haven't been asked to... the mirror in your room, it's a two way. There's this corridor where I can look into each room and earlier I..." He took a breath, gathering all his courage to tell her. "I looked into your room and you were changing. I should've looked away. My mother raised me better than that. But I couldn't help myself. I didn't mean to."
He stopped to observe the metaphorical gears turning in her head as he noticed the look of shock slowly taking shape on her features. His stomach sank, unable to stop the wave of dread rushing through his blood as he watched her slowly begin to realise the full implications of what he was telling her.
Quietly, she asked, "Did you like what you saw?"
His eyes lowered to his lap briefly before lifting back to her and nodding hesitantly. "I, uh, I did," he said reluctantly, trying to avoid meeting her gaze. "Every part of you is mesmerising and that doesn't excuse my actions. I'm so so-"
Once again, she silenced him with a kiss, this time pressing her lips firmly against his. Her arms slipped around his shoulders pulling him closer to her as he kissed back in kind, letting out a quiet sigh and wrapping his hands on either side of her waist. He ran his hands along her sides, tracing her curves delicately and savouring the soft touch of the smooth fabric of her dress against his calloused fingers.
When they parted for air, he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes as he continued to run his hands along her body. He didn't dare open them. Didn't dare move as he remained there for what felt like hours.
After a moment, he felt gentle fingers brushing the top of his head, tucking stray strands of his messy locks behind his ears and holding his cheek in place with her other hand.
"Can I see this corridor?" She asked quietly, her voice husky, almost raspy.
His eyes fluttered open, and he looked deep into her eyes, wondering momentarily if it was wise to allow her to visit that section of the hotel. If the company knew about it...
"You won't tell anybody, will you?" He asked timidly, afraid she might take offence. After all, why would she trust him now? She shook her head as she smiled gently down at him, her thumb rubbing tiny circles against the light stubble of his cheek.
"Nobody would believe me even if I wanted to."
With a nod, he stood from the ground, offering her his arm, which she graciously accepted and allowed him to escort her to the corridor. As they walked past the maintenance closet that was his room, she let out a sad sigh and stopped outside it. "Sweetie, you deserve more comfort than this," Y/N whispered in a small voice. A small, sincere voice that made him feel even worse.
Then she noticed the needles next to his cot, which he'd clearly forgotten about until then because he froze and his head snapped back towards hers, his eyes wide, a startled gasp escaping his lips. He wasn't going to deny it if she asked. But she didn't ask. She quietly closed the door and slipped her hand into his as they continued walking, neither one speaking.
They entered the corridor together, a solemn silence settling, and Miles stared at his feet, the seriousness of inevitable conversation weighing heavily upon his conscience already. Y/N squeezed his hand gently and brought his attention back to her.
"I assume you have seen some scandalous things in your time here at the hotel?" She questioned gently, the look on her face sympathetic, understanding and deeply concerned.
"Uh, yeah, you could say that."
Just as she'd done when she'd first entered the hotel, her eyes scanned across every single part of the room, taking in every single aspect before her and walking away from him to really absorb every part. That was until her gaze lingered a little longer on a particular spot of the wall to the right of her room. Miles followed her line of sight.
"Oh...that's, uh, I forgot to clean that up." He winced slightly and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before continuing in an apologetic tone. "I got a bit...excited, ma'am." He glanced sheepishly at her, waiting to see how she'd react.
But, surprisingly, her expression remained unchanged, although he could sense a hint of amusement in her eyes.
"When you were watching me?"
Miles swallowed hard. He forced himself to nod his head, his cheeks burning bright red in humiliation, and, after clearing his throat yet again, he continued. "Yes, I-I've seen a lot of things in my life and you, you have no idea..." His face twisted into a frown. "This hotel is evil and I'm no better. You are a literal angel and I'm sorry. So sorry that we've corrupted you. You shouldn't be here, not like this."
For what seemed to be an eternity, she stared at him, her eyes piercing straight through him before she sighed. "If I were you, I wouldn't waste anymore breath apologising," She mumbled as she shook her head and reached for his hand once more. "My whole life has been watched by strangers, and at least I know this stranger by name. I don't know you well, but I do know enough, Miles. Enough to know that you are a kind person and that you don't deserve to be stuck here. This is not where you belong."
As her thumb caressed his skin, the corners of her mouth began to quirk upwards and a smile formed on her face, but Miles could sense the sadness concealed beneath it. And he didn't blame her for it. He understood, and he also felt horrible that she hadn't been given the chance to live a normal life. He'd only met her today and yet, somehow, he had already become so aware of how much she disliked her career, her fame, everything.
"I hope you're right," he breathed as he cupped her cheek with his left hand and brought their foreheads together, inhaling sharply as he felt her hot breath fanning over his skin.
Eventually, they did leave the corridor. Miles walked her to her room and, once she'd opened the door and stepped inside, he turned to walk away, muttering a quick goodbye but she held onto his arm before he got too far, stopping him in his tracks.
"Miles, would you like to stay with me tonight?" She whispered tenderly, and despite the fact that he really, really wished to accept her invitation, he still hesitated, looking nervously over his shoulder like he assumed someone was going to stop him. But nobody came.
It was entirely his decision.
"Of course I want to," he replied, staring earnestly into her eyes as he waited for her reply. "But I don't think I should."
She frowned for a brief moment, confusion clearly evident in her features, before she finally nodded her head, letting go of his arm slowly as she wrapped her arms around herself, hugging herself tightly.
"I don't trust myself. I'm a weak man, I know that, and I don't trust myself to not touch you. It's not right of me."
"What if I want you to touch me?"
A faint blush spread across her cheeks as she averted her gaze. Her mother would be livid. Propositioning a man she'd just met? How brazen! Her eyes returned to meet his as she gave him a hopeful look, her brows furrowed and her bottom lip between her teeth.
Suddenly, his heart was hammering painfully in his chest. Was he going to regret giving in (because of course he was going to give in)? He wasn't sure, and yet, the thought of being alone with her filled him with a nervous excitement he couldn't describe.
Without another word, he took a step forward to close the distance between them and pressed his lips softly against hers, feeling his heart thumping wildly as he closed his eyes and let himself indulge in her touch. The second his tongue brushed against hers, he felt himself move her further into the hotel room and close the door behind him, but there was no thought there. It was instinctual.
One second, they were standing in front of the door, the next, the back of her knees hit the bed and she fell backwards onto it with a squeal, making him chuckle as he followed her down. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on either side of her head and gazed down at her.
"This is a stupid idea," he muttered as a grin tugged playfully on his lips and he dipped closer until their noses touched. Her eyes flickered briefly down to his lips before returning to his gaze with curiosity filling them. "But I suppose I can't help myself, can I?"
And he sealed his fate with another kiss, his free hand trailing down her spine till it landed just below her butt, cupping it possessively and drawing in closer to press himself flush against her body, his groin brushing up against hers and making her moan softly.
Immediately, Miles felt the vibrations of her moan reverberate throughout his entire being, a pleasurable sensation shooting down his body and igniting something within his chest, causing him to lose control. His hands travelled down her body until they reached her thighs, pulling them upward and pushing them open, leaving very little space between them.
"Miles... Miles, I've never - Be gentle..." Y/N whispered shakily, her eyes flickering shut as he ran his fingers along her inner thigh. She moaned loudly at the contact. Her hands fisted the material at the hem of his top, bunching it up and tugging on it, her nails digging into the soft cotton.
Gentle. He rarely ever saw that at this hotel. But now, here, with her, in her room, with her eyes shut and her legs slightly parted, it all suddenly felt so right, so right. That's all he wanted. To make her feel good and safe and comfortable, to take care of her, to be with her, and maybe to be able to make her feel loved too.
"I ain't either. I've seen it and I don't want us to be like that. We won't be. I promise. I'll cherish every single part of you, every precious piece."
He paused, drew his hands away from her leg and trailed up her abdomen until he was cradling her cheek, brushing his thumb against her bottom lip and gazing affectionately into her eyes, trying desperately to convey to her what he was trying to tell her. The heat he felt surging through his body, the need coursing through his veins, to make love to her...all of it was overwhelming.
"Let me love you the way you deserve it, and I will." His words were soft and low, filled with desire, sincerity, and a deep emotion that he could not hide. He meant each and every one of those words; there was no hesitation in them. There wasn't even any doubt.
And then, after what felt like an agonising eternity to him, Y/N lifted the hem of her dress up and pulled it over her head, revealing herself to him completely. For a brief moment, Miles stared down at her, taking in the full beauty of her, her curves, her curves that were made of nothing but perfection and pure temptation.
"Uh, now you," she anxiously demanded, gesturing for him to undress too, her voice husky as she bit down lightly on her bottom lip, her cheeks flushed.
Slowly, he removed his shirt, allowing it to fall to the floor and, after standing, removed his trousers and dropped them on top of his shirt. "Th-this is me," he told her, smiling sheepishly when her eyes widened as she stared up at him, her cheeks turning even redder than they already were. "Sorry that this is it."
"Don't apologise," she gasped out quickly as she pushed herself into a sitting position and held her hands out so he would get closer to her. "Can I? I mean - Would it be okay?" Her fingers hooked themselves around the waistband of his underwear. "I've never seen one before."
When he gave his consent, she tentatively slid his underwear down his hips and he stood completely naked before her, watching silently, waiting for whatever reaction she might have had to see. She blinked several times, as though trying to process what she was seeing, before she looked back up at him with a shy smile adorning her features.
"So that's what a penis looks like in real life."
The way she said it made Miles roll his eyes and shake his head, unable to keep the smirk from forming on his lips as he moved towards her, his eyes flicking between her innocent, curious ones. He placed a finger underneath her chin and lifted her face so he could place his lips against hers again, savouring the taste of her, and enjoying every single second of having her against him.
Frankly, he couldn't remember the last time he was so contented in his life.
"Lie back," he murmured against her mouth before he started removing her bra, taking his time and kissing her neck and shoulders as he went.
Once the bra joined his discarded clothes on the floor, he trailed down her torso slowly and kissed along her abdomen until he reached her navel and looked up for confirmation that he could continue. She nodded her head eagerly, biting her bottom lip as she watched him wiggle her panties down her thighs, her breath hitching at how beautifully perfect and delicate he looked in that very moment.
His hair was all over the place, his lips plump and swollen, his skin covered in goosebumps, and his chest heaving as his fingers traced her waist.
"I, uh, I have a general idea about what to do so... tell me if this is bad or if you want me to stop," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing red as he began pressing kisses against her stomach, his breath tickling her skin as he did so.
Y/N was silent as she watched, mesmerised by the sight that was unfolding before her, yet couldn't help herself from closing her eyes as Miles kissed her inner thigh. "Oh Miles," she breathed, her voice shaking with pleasure as he grazed his lips further up her leg, pausing for only a few seconds to allow her time to react before he continued.
"Can I? Can I touch your...?"
Here goes nothing, he thought nervously as he brushed his finger through her folds, teasing her and drawing small gasps of air from her lungs. He nudged her clit a few times, but never lingered so she urged, "Can you, uh, a bit higher?" And he didn't hesitate at all in complying. "That feels good."
"It does?"
"Mhm," she hummed breathlessly, her eyes fluttering open and looking down at him with a lustful look in her eyes that nearly caused his insides to turn to jelly.
"Do you ever... Oh, I can't believe I'm going to ask a lady this. Do you, you know, touch yourself?" he asked curiously, tracing slow circles around her clit.
Her cheeks reddened immediately. "Sometimes. I've never been able to... ah... finish the job."
"I don't think my fingers are long enough."
Long enough? Surely, she could touch her clit without any problem? Oh. Then he remembered all the times he'd seen women getting pleasured and slid his finger to her entrance, poking in only slightly to see if he was going in the right direction, and was pleasantly surprised when she let out a gasp of surprise and bucked to take more of his finger.
Clearly, he was doing something right. So far, so good. His lips curled into a grin as he stroked her gently, his other hand moving from her hip to hold her hand, rubbing circles onto her palm. He pressed light kisses along her belly and ribs as his confidence rose, his movements quickening, feeling like he couldn't get enough of her, of this woman beneath him.
"Is this okay?" he muttered, his eyes never leaving her.
"Yes! Yes, it's great, just like that!" she replied excitedly, placing her free hand above his and gripping his shoulder tightly when he slid another digit in. He smiled softly to himself, happy to hear the response he had received. It sounded as though she liked his touches; it seemed like a start, anyway.
As he worked to find that special spot inside her that brought her the sweetest bliss she'd ever experienced, he kept whispering sweet reassurances to her, his voice soft and gentle and loving in an almost magical way that made her shiver and melt into a bundle of delicious butterflies. Butterflies that swam through her mind as well as her body, causing her to close her eyes and moan his name repeatedly under her breath, begging for more, more, more.
"Miles, I think I'm ready. Please, please make love to me."
This time he hesitated a little bit more; he knew that asking her that would be a risk, a big one, one that could end very badly. But still, his body reacted faster than his brain and within mere moments, he was lifting her thighs over his and settling between them, positioning himself to slowly and carefully push inside her entrance.
When he felt the warm sensation of her walls wrapping themselves around him and the tightness of the muscles contracting around his shaft, he groaned deeply and buried his head in the crook of her neck. He inhaled her scent, her fragrance, her smell of passion and sweetness...and he swore that he was lost.
Completely consumed by her, by everything she was and nothing mattered anymore. Not anything other than what he felt right now; their connection; what they were together, because it felt like everything he had wanted and needed since he first laid his eyes upon her.
"Can I start to move? Is this okay?" he whispered.
Her answer was a slight nod, which caused him to begin moving in and out, gently, slowly, making sure that he wouldn't hurt her. As he got used to the sensation, he moved his hands down to her hips, holding on tightly as he continued to rock and thrust inside her, a satisfied moan emitting from deep within him each time.
"Oh baby, does this feel as good for you as it does for me? Do you need-"
Y/N cut him off by kissing him hard, her arms looping around his neck and pulling his lips down against hers passionately, desperately needing to feel what he was doing to her. The kiss grew sloppy, filled with heated gasps and moans, their bodies pressed firmly together as they continued to move slowly against one another.
"You can go harder, if you want."
Miles groaned loudly at the sound of those words. "Are you sure?" he whispered hoarsely between heavy breaths, his eyes meeting hers intensely as he pulled back from the kiss.
"I won't break."
A low, throaty chuckle escaped his lips as his gaze travelled downwards to where they were connected. He was entranced at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her, stretching her and filling her, knowing that every inch was inside her, giving her pleasure for the very first time.
"You're beautiful, y'know that?" he uttered, increasing the forcefulness of his strokes.
She swallowed hard, arching her back and letting out a long, high moan at the feeling of being stretched so much, pushed so far. Her eyes locked onto his as he continued to stare into them lovingly, completely engrossed in the scene playing out before him.
Their breathing became more laboured and erratic, the heat between them rising rapidly, becoming almost unbearable, their sweat dripping down their bodies, their hearts pounding loud enough in their ears to drown out everything else.
With one final thrust, both of their voices mingled together in a shout, Y/N releasing the tears building up behind her eyes before her entire body tensed and shuddered, her legs trembling underneath him, the intensity of her orgasm hitting her suddenly, causing her toes to curl and her face to scrunch up, tightening around him even more.
He groaned loudly and quickly pulled out of her, fisting his cock until it spilled all over her stomach, leaving him panting heavily with a dazed look in his eyes while she tried to catch her breath. She opened her mouth, ready to speak, but no words left her lips.
Instead, she stared at him, unable to believe what had just happened, her face a bright pink hue as she stared up at him, searching for a hint of regret. When she found none there, she simply wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him to her chest tightly, burying her nose in his hair as his hands wound tightly around her lower back.
"Did... Did I do okay?" he murmured softly, a goofy grin tugging at his lips once she nodded against his hair.
"Did I?"
"You were perfect."He lifted his head up and looked into her eyes tenderly before leaning down to plant a soft peck upon her forehead and then another on her lips, causing a round of giggles to erupt from her. "Thank you for sharing this moment with me," he said, brushing his fingertips across her cheek before pressing several kisses against her mouth again. "For trusting me enough to have this with me."
She gave him an equally wide smile. "You've made me happier than... than I can ever remember being, so no, thank you, thank you Miles."
They lay there in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the feeling of being together, their limbs tangled together and the warmth radiating from their bodies, seeping into every single crevice, every nook and cranny of their bodies.
The moonlight streamed into her room and began illuminating every single one of his features, making him appear ethereal in its presence. Her gaze lingered on him, taking in how incredibly handsome and gorgeous he really was, his blue eyes glistening with love, his expression soft, his skin smooth and flawless.
"What's with that face?" he asked softly, running his thumb delicately over her cheekbone, wiping away a stray tear that had escaped. She chuckled lightly and shook her head lightly, turning her face towards him and pressing a small kiss against his palm.
"I don't want this to be a one time thing." She paused momentarily, looking down at her hands and biting her lip. "I... I just feel like myself here. The next five years of my life are planned out and taken care of, just as the last five were. But right now, here with you, I'm just Y/N."
A frown settled on his features and he placed his forefinger against her chin, raising her head up to meet his eyes again. "You know where I work. Come and see me whenever you want."
"It's not that easy."
"Why not?"
Inside Y/N's head, she was debating over whether or not to tell him. And, as strange as it sounds, the decision was easy. Despite the fact they had met only twelve hours before, she was sure Miles knew her better than anyone else in her life. Still, she posed the question, "Do you want to know a secret?"
"Only if you feel okay with me knowing."
Before she spilled the tea, she chuckled and gave him a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. "You're so sweet." Then came the confession. Her face fell as she admitted, "The only reason I was allowed to come here was because I threatened to kill myself if I didn't get a vacation."
Miles' jaw dropped open in shock, his brows furrowing slightly as he stared at her in bewilderment.
"My mama has had me working non-stop since I was six. I know if I carried on the way I was going, she would have had me committed to one of the mental hospitals..." Her voice trailed off and she took in a sharp breath, her voice wavering as she confessed to him, "She hates me. She loves me, sure, but she doesn't like me. She loves the money, the fame, the success, all of that."
Tenderly, Miles reached out and cupped her cheeks, stroking her cheekbones with his thumbs soothingly, a sad yet caring look on his face. "What about your dad?"
"He died a while back."
"I'm sorry for unloading all this on you like that. I shouldn't have done that." She forced a smile. "Forget I said anything."
But he wasn't having any of it. If she wanted to spill secrets, so did he.
"The only way I can sleep more than two hours is to get high. I've never slept all that well but it got so much worse when I came back from Vietnam. I -"
"Oh lord, I feel like a real asshole now." She sighed heavily. "You have a reason, a real reason, to complain. You're a veteran and I'm just a whiny child who can't handle not getting her way."
He let out a hearty laugh and ran his thumb softly along her lips before kissing them gently. "You are nothing of the sort, darling. Pain is pain no matter where it comes from, whether it's in the brain or the heart or the body," he said gently. "And I'll tell you something... I think you are definitely the most beautiful, smart, kind and amazing person I have ever laid my eyes upon."
A blush formed immediately on her cheeks as she lowered her gaze, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay as she felt her heart start racing again.
"Come on," Miles cooed after a few moments of silence, "Let's get some rest...and please don't be offended if I'm not here when you wake up. That just means I couldn't sleep so...you know." His voice drifted off awkwardly at the end of his sentence, but she got what he meant.
"I understand. Although I do wish you could sleep without it, I understand."
Wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her on top of his chest, he kissed the crown of her head, inhaling and exhaling slowly whilst rubbing his hand up and down her back. Y/N watched him for a few minutes, her gaze lingering on him, studying his facial features as his breathing regulated and her fingers tracing across his collarbone in slow circles.
Then, after a short while, she leaned over his sleeping figure, planting a quick kiss on his forehead before settling down on his chest to fall asleep. She'd have been happy to stay awake just watching him sleep forever, but exhaustion soon overcame her senses and she started to drift off into slumber, the sound of Miles' quiet snoring lulling her into a peaceful dreamless sleep.
Surprisingly, Miles didn't have any nightmares that night, not a single one. He still woke up every few hours, but that was only because that was his routine nowadays. Every time he'd wake up, he'd glance over at the sleeping form of the girl lying on him and would find her fast asleep and curled up securely against him. And every single time, he'd think, 'Wow, this is real. She's real," then close his eyes with a smug smile, eventually falling back to sleep shortly after.
That morning, after a long and exhausting night, the sun rose and the world outside filled with light. As the sunlight poured through the bedroom window, Miles blinked his eyes repeatedly in an attempt to clear them, yawning loudly as the events of the previous day played through his mind.
Y/N stirred beside him and turned over, burying herself even deeper within the warm blanket covering her before lifting her head up and gazing at Miles through bleary eyes. A slight smile crept up on him before he pressed a brief kiss to her lips and shifted onto his elbow, reaching out his hand to brush a few strands of hair behind her ear.
"How'd you look so pretty in the morning? Like a vision of perfection." He smirked when a faint pink dusted her cheeks. "I must be the luckiest man in the universe to be waking up with such a gorgeous creature beside me."
She raised her arms and wrapped them loosely around his neck, smiling and laughing quietly at his comment as she replied, "If you say so."
"Oh, I do say so. I really do." He pulled her closer, pressing his nose into her cheek affectionately. "I better get to work before everyone starts calling for me. I was supposed to phone the boss' office last night to give him the daily report but it seemed to have slipped my mind, and I blame you for that. You're a bit too distracting for my poor old brain."
With those words, he slid out of bed and grabbed his clothes from the floor, hastily putting them on before throwing on his jacket and shoes. "Don't I get a kiss before I go? I won't survive otherwise," he added, grinning as Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and pushed herself upright on the mattress. She grabbed his collar and pulled his face down towards hers before connecting their mouths together in a deep and passionate kiss.
When they broke apart for air, both of them were breathing heavily, and they smiled goofily at each other. "Dinner. Same time as yesterday?" Y/N asked him.
"Of course."
He nodded, flashing her another bright grin before pecking her cheek before heading out the door in a hurry. Y/N giggled, shaking her head at the sight as she flopped back onto her pillow, closing her eyes once more.
Miles made himself look presentable and worked his way through the list of shit he had to do that day. First one his agenda was to do yesterday's daily call in. He expected that it wouldn't take long as there was only one name on the guest list.
"I apologise but the phones were down yesterday. The rain really did a number on the lines, it seemed," he lied into the receiver. Then, after listening to the person's complaints for a few seconds, he said, "Only one guest. Room Four, Miss Y/N L/N."
Even her name brought a smile to his face. That smile faded when the voice on the other end responded, "Keep her under surveillance. Film her tonight, that is if she's still alive. Have you heard any rumblings from her room this morning?"
"No, uh, no I haven't."
"Clean up may be required. Phone if the body is in need of removal." There was five seconds of silence then the man hung up on Miles.
His feet moved faster than his brain processed that information. He raced across to Y/N's and began knocking sharply on the door. "It's me Y/N," he called softly into the wooden door. He waited patiently for several moments, holding his breath and drumming his fingers against the wood until he heard her footsteps approaching her side of the door.
Opening the door, she stared at him in confusion. "Is everything okay?" Taking a step backward, she held the door open for him and he stepped inside as quickly as possible, closing the door behind him cautiously. She took a moment to study him, a frown marring her pretty face.
"My boss has requested that I film you. Who was in the room when you, uh, made your threat?"
"Just my mother."
"Ah, then I assume it was her who informed my boss that you were possibly planning to have a... an 'accident'."
Quickly rushing to soothe her, he ran his hands up and down her biceps gently. Still, he thought aloud, "I don't understand why she would want such a thing on film."
Y/N had an answer. Whether it was right or wrong was unknown, but there was no doubt that the thought was dark. "I assume it's because it would be my last performance."
The words left her mouth and they hung in the air between them, a heavy weight settling between them. He looked deeply into her eyes, searching for any sign that it was a thing that could happen. Miles shook his head in disbelief and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Nevermind it. I'll tell you just before the recording begins and just after it ends." He brushed a strand of hair back from her temple with a finger, looking into her troubled eyes, and she closed them, nodding silently. "As long as you don't give them anything to talk about, they won't talk."
After checking she was okay and one final kiss, Miles went back to work.
Turns out, Miles was right - she did nothing out of the ordinary on her recording so nothing could be used against her. And as soon as he'd filmed her for the appropriate amount of time (most of which she pretended to sleep through), he informed her that it was all over.
"Nothing to worry about?"
"Nothing at all."
"Well, come here then, my darling Miles," she cooed and slipped her hands into his, pulling him towards where she was knelt on the bed. He chuckled at her antics before letting himself be pulled onto the bed, landing on top of her.
Their faces were inches away from each other and he reached his thumb up to caress her bottom lip gently, her skin soft and smooth underneath his touch. "We'll have to be quieter since there's somebody in three," he murmured, resting his forehead against hers. Her breaths hitched when he dipped his head lower, capturing her lips in a searing and passionate kiss that got more scandalous by the second.
They spent every night of her stay like that, both of them growing more confident with each interaction they shared and enjoying the newfound intimacy that came along with it. During the day, they'd do their own things, but as soon as the night came, Miles found himself sneaking into Y/N's room. She always welcomed him in, welcoming him into her life, her heart, her very being as if it were the most natural thing ever, and they'd spend nights doing whatever else they could to try and forget what was waiting for them once her stay was over.
"Mm, good morning," she greeted him on the final morning, smiling up at him as she opened her sleepy eyes. They stared at each other lovingly for some time, before he leaned forward to capture her lips with his own, kissing her deeply, savouring the sweet taste of her mouth.
Miles had been awake for a while. Knowing that he may never see her again, he had risen early that morning, deciding to make sure he had plenty of time to commit every detail of her face to memory. He'd studied every curve, every wrinkle, every line and freckle on her skin as he traced his fingers over her delicate cheekbones, admiring every inch of her beautiful face with a longing gaze, drinking her in with a love so pure he didn't believe he was capable of feeling as such towards anyone else ever again.
"You're killing me with all this lovin' today." She tilted her chin upwards slightly, giving him access to her neck, and he kissed lightly, teasingly, at her pulse point while his hands rested lazily on either side of her waist. "How long have you been awake, honey?"
"Long enough."
His kisses moved downwards slowly across the edge of her shoulder blade and made their way towards her breasts, teasing her and tantalising her in turns. He nuzzled her skin, causing her to let out a sigh and run her hand along the hairs on the back of his head, her fingernails skimming lightly over his scalp.
It was a no brainer; he couldn't resist touching her anymore. It drove him insane every single time they were separated - he wanted to feel her skin against his own, smell her scent, hear her heartbeat - and the thought that he wouldn't be able to do that for a while was tearing him apart.
So, he wanted to ensure that she'd remember him. Every kiss, every tender gesture, every touch, every smile, every moment of bliss that had passed between them in that small room, he wanted her to remember it forever. And he'd always wanted to know what it was like to go down on a girl. Two birds, one stone, really.
Settling between her thighs, he parted her legs wider and lowered his head, placing soft kisses all over her stomach and down her hips, eventually getting close to her core. Her breathing grew heavier, more shallow as the anticipation and desire built up inside of her.
"Please," she begged him as she felt his nose graze her clit. That was all he needed to hear before he began licking and sucking at her core. His tongue flicked and swirled around the sensitive area, teasing her, drawing as many moans out of her as he could.
"Why didn't I do this sooner?" He was clearly enjoying himself, taking full advantage of his position to please her as much as he could with the limited time he had left with her, and the fact that it turned him on too was a bonus. "You definitely taste better than those god awful pies. Wish I could taste you every day."
A laugh bubbled out of her throat at that comment as her head fell backwards. Yet, it was soon overshadowed with another moan as he added a finger into the mix, thrusting into her slowly with a purposeful intent, his lips moving against her clit at a steady rhythm. A whine escaped his lips as she gripped his hair tightly, her eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy.
Due to all his ministrations, she was wriggling beneath him, her movements becoming more frantic until he splayed his hand across the expanse of her stomach and pushed her back down to the mattress. "I got you, baby. Try to relax for me now," he whispered as he continued to pump into her, driving her closer and closer to the edge. "There we go. Come on now. Give it to me."
He watched with satisfaction as her body trembled under him, her muscles clenching and relaxing around his fingers. As her legs started trembling violently, he increased the tempo of his strokes, pushing deep and fast into her, eliciting cries from her lips. The sight of her in this state aroused him beyond measure.
Honestly, he didn't even care about how loud she was getting. There were only two other rooms that were currently in use and they were both on the California side.
Soon enough, her body gave in to the sensations of pleasure shooting throughout her entire being, causing her to tremble and writhe beneath him. They waited for her breath to slow and for her hips to stop jolting.
"Oh Miles, oh honey, I'm gonna miss you. Obviously more than just the sex, I'm gonna miss you in the quiet moments, y'know? I'm gonna miss your voice, I'm gonna miss your arms wrapped around me... You make me feel so happy, and safe, and loved... I wish I had all of this, all of you, to myself forever."
Her words caused tears to prick behind his eyes, and he pulled her tight against him, his cheek pressed against the top of her head. His hands stroked the length of her back soothingly as she cried against his chest, her words lingering in his mind for hours afterwards.
When she was checking out, another guest was waiting to be checked in so the pair couldn't have the heartfelt send off that they wanted.
"Goodbye for now, Miles."
"Have a safe trip home, miss."
Then she was out the door.
'My dearest Miles,
I apologise for taking so long to write. My mother has been watching me like a hawk ever since I returned to her. My hairdresser, she's a lovely woman named Georgia that I've known since I was young, is my only way to get these letters to you. When I was a kid she used to sneak sweets and chocolate to me, now it seems that she's kind enough to post my letters to you.
Oh, this is Y/N by the way. I forgot to say.
In our time apart, part of me had hoped that I would manage to push the thought of you from my mind so I couldn't miss you, but that's not the case. The thought of you is still there. I don't think it's ever going anywhere and, truthfully, I don't mind it. It is the only thing that is guaranteed to bring a smile to my face every day, whether it's a happy smile or a sad one.
Forgive me if this letter isn't terribly exciting and I'm distracting you from your life, but I couldn't help it when all I want to do right now is steal my mama's car and drive to you.
I'm never sure how to end letters so all I'll say is l hope to see you soon. I'm still trying to convince mama to let me have monthly breaks. She seems unconvinced. Maybe she'll be more responsive next week.
Words aren’t enough but they'll have to do for now, Y/N :)'
Miles had been in a daze after he read her letter. It had been two months since they'd seen each other last and yet, seeing the first word of her letters felt like a physical blow to him. It was bittersweet: of course he wanted to hear from her again, he desperately needed to, but he also found that it made his yearning for her even worse.
He spent every moment of free time he had coming up with a response.
'To my angel,
Throughout my life I never been good at doing all that fancy poetic kind of writing so I'm sorry if my words aren't as flowery as yours, but I'm trying. Expressing myself is something I'm not great at. I'm just gonna try really hard and hope that you'll understand.
Georgia seems nice and I'm glad you have somebody close by that shows you the kindness you deserve – though I wish there were some way that I could be the one doing that.
The cleaners came not long after you left, as they tend to do on Friday lunchtimes, and I don't know. It made me sad to think of them cleaning away the final traces of you from your room. In a way, it was the only physical reminder of you (until your letter) and they took it from me.
Obviously they didn't know that and were a little surprised when I acted off with them, yet I don't really fault them for it now. After all, they had to clean it.
I also don't know how to end this. I reckon the best way is to reassure you that your letter made my shitty week into the best I'd had in two months. To tell you that my feelings haven't changed one bit and that everything I feel for you will remain the same.
Can't wait to see you too, Miles <3'
It was impossible to keep a straight face as Y/N read the letter at her hairdressers. Since the L/N's had known Georgia so long, Y/N was allowed to go there without supervision every week. "What's got you so happy, Sweet Pea?" Georgia asked her as she ran her fingers through Y/N's hair, tying it up in a bun to keep it out of her face.
"I made a friend."
"Does your mother know?"
"Good." Georgia nodded. "I could sew a secret pocket in your coat if you want to keep your boyfriend's love letters away from your mother's prying eyes?"
That was something Y/N hadn't thought of - where she would keep the letters. Just about everything she owned was under the watch of her mother. "You would?" She gasped, looking over at her with big, pleading eyes, which Georgia quickly responded to with her usual smirk.
"I might if you tell me who he is. Who is this Miles that you had me send a letter to?"
Y/N's eyes widened slightly, a blush rising to her cheeks. She wasn't expecting such an immediate response. It wouldn't hurt to tell her a little bit, would it? "I met him at the hotel I stayed at."
"And what?"
"Well, does he know who you are?"
Being with Miles, Y/N often forgot that she was famous, that people she didn't know knew her. Coming back to that reality was a little overwhelming. She was no longer Y/N, she was Y/N L/N.
"Not at first. He doesn't watch many movies and, uh, he was in Vietnam when Death to the Moon came out so he probably missed the time when my name was everywhere -"
"Sweet Pea, your name still is everywhere," Georgia cut in with a roll of her eyes, gesturing to the billboard that was directed opposite the salon that had both Y/N's face and name on it. "I don't think you can hide yourself from anyone anymore. Enjoy it, enjoy the limelight while it lasts. It will fade."
"I guess," Y/N laughed, though it was humourless and sad sounding. She sighed and turned back towards the mirror, her expression turning serious. "I'll be waiting for it to fade."
More and more letters were exchanged over the next batch of weeks that followed. Until Y/N finally convinced her mother for three days off and the only stipulation was that she had to spend them at the El Royale. It was a win-win.
"Room six for you Mr and Mrs Hill, my name is Miles and I'll show you to -"
He stopped mid-sentence. There stood Y/N, smiling at him and clutching her handbag close to her body, looking gorgeous with her curls falling over her shoulders and her eyes sparkling as she greeted him with that stupid cute grin. His heart jumped in his chest as he tried to fight back his wide grin.
"Uh, Miss L/N, it's a pleasure to see you back. I'll be right back to check you out - I mean in - check you in," Miles fumbled over his words, stumbling backwards and bumping into his desk before managing to recover in enough time to show the Hill's to their room.
Waiting for his return, Y/N walked around and gazed at the lobby. It was unchanged. Exactly as it had been when she first arrived a few months prior. She sat down on one of the armchairs and pulled out her journal again, flipping to a clean page to write a little note.
When Miles returned, he had the biggest smile on his face. A huge, dopey smile that stretched from ear to ear. It was almost contagious and it made Y/N smile just looking at him. She held up the note, which was just 'Missed you!' in bubble letters. Miles's eyes lit up as he read it. He felt giddy and euphoric inside. His happiness made him unable to think properly and rushed to Y/N before he realised he had taken a step forward and leaned down to kiss her.
The kiss was short and sweet, but they both felt like they were drunk on its warmth, its familiarity and its sweetness. It had grown, blossomed and became even more precious to both of them.
"Probably shouldn't have done that in front of the windows," Miles muttered sheepishly, yet within five seconds, he cursed, "Oh, fuck it," and kissed her again, this time longer, deeper and more passionately. When they broke apart, they shared a shy smile.
From that moment on, they saw each other every month for a few days and as soon as she left neither could wait until the next visit, and then the next visit, then the next and the next.
A year in and they developed a routine of sorts between themselves. She'd arrive and he'd deal with the other guests before showing her to her room, where he'd chivalrously carry her suitcase into her room. Then, unchivalrously, would pin her against the door and start making out like horny teenagers, hands roaming freely and tongues tangling together.
Y/N giggled as her hands clutched onto his shirt. He grinned, kissing her neck, nipping softly at the skin with his teeth and causing goosebumps to rise on her soft flesh. "Miles..." she whispered, tugging at his hair lightly.
"l got you a gift and I can't wait to give it to you."
"For me?"
"For you."
With a satisfied grunt, Miles pulled himself away just enough for her to take his hand and lead him to the bed. Sitting down on the edge of it, he waited patiently for her to unzip her case and pull out the boxed presents she'd purchased for him. "So this is why your case was heavier this week," he joked quietly, lifting up the lid carefully and letting out a small sound of appreciation when he realised what was inside. "Meccano!"
To her, Meccano was just small pieces of metal and screws but he'd told her how much he had wanted a set when he was a kid and now he had five of them. As he continued to look through the box, Y/N sar behind him and rested her head on his shoulder, taking comfort in how happy he seemed. It was good to see him so carefree. So full of life. He looked so beautiful, it filled Y/N with pride and joy.
"I assume you like my gifts?" Y/N murmured, her lips brushing against Miles's shoulder. He nodded very enthusiastically. "Good."
"I actually got you something too."
"You did?"
"Yeah, baby, I'm not going to forget our one year."
Neither had told the other that they had gotten presents and didn't expect a present of their own, but, like usual, they were on the exact same page.
Quickly moving to the door, Miles turned and explained, "I was going to give you it at dinner but I'll go get it now instead." He was speedy to retrieve her gift from his room and return to her. "Close your eyes, I forgot wrapping paper."
Y/N closed her eyes obediently and soon felt a large rectangular thing being placed on her upturned palms. Opening them slowly, she opened her mouth in surprise when she saw that what she was holding was actually a drawing. A really good drawing of her. She took it carefully from the box and stared down at it, tears coming to her eyes.
"I drew it myself," Miles explained. "It's not great but-"
"It's wonderful, honey."
Unlike some of the other pieces of art she'd seen of herself, Miles's picture of her wasn't intentionally flattering but it was real. And it was put together with so much love. It was how she looked when she genuinely smiled - her cheeks squishing her eyes up, crinkling in the corners, and her nose scrunching up and her grin goofy. She looked like a normal girl who was joking around. She looked comfortable. Happy. Content.
Pulling the drawing closer, her nose scrunching up, she brought it close to her face and began crying. Her voice choked up as she said, "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." She looked up, wiping her eyes and seeing Miles gazing down at her with such adoration, an expression that mirrored her own.
"I'll draw you a thousand pictures if you want," he promised, taking the drawing out of her hands and placing it on her suitcase so he could hug her tightly, his cheek pressed against the crown of her head. "Anything more than that and I'll get early arthritis."
She let out a chuckle and pulled back just far enough to look up at him. "I love you," she stated firmly, cupping his cheek and caressing the warm skin with her thumb. His smile somehow widened, almost comically so.
"And I love you so much, Y/N," he replied, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers in another long passionate kiss.
Their lips slid together perfectly. Neither of them had the need to breathe. Neither of them cared. And neither of them heard the door opening until it was too late.
"What the-"
The two jumped apart and turned around, their eyes widening in shock as her mother entered the room. Fury was written across her features as she glared daggers at Miles, but to be honest, primarily at Y/N. Her nostrils flared and she pointed a finger at the boy, her voice dripping with venom.
"Take your hands off my daughter!"
Miles swallowed hard and raised his hands so they were hovering on either side of his head.
"Ma'am -"
"Don't Ma'am me. Thank the lord Georgia let this little thing slip so I could stop you from defiling my child," Mrs L/N snapped. Y/N couldn't help rolling her eyes at her mother's antics, which was not something she would've dared to do a year ago.
But things had changed. Y/N had changed.
"Mama, leave Miles alone. You're embarrassing yourself, and Miles doesn't deserve to be insulted by you." Y/N crossed her arms and looked her mother dead in the eye. Mrs L/N pursed her lips and turned her glare onto Y/N, the intensity making the girl shrink into herself slightly.
But still, Y/N remained firm, refusing to let her mother bully or belittle her any further. She knew that if she did, there would only be a bigger problem and a bigger mess that would result from Mrs L/N having a fit. That was never going to happen. Ever. Because there was no way she was ever going to let that woman control her life anymore.
"Look what you've done to her, boy. She's rudely talking back to her mother without any sense, and I won't tolerate this behaviour!" Mrs L/N barked at Miles accusingly, ignoring how he flinched when she waved her hand around. He was trying to keep his composure and remain calm, but it was a losing battle.
"Mama, please..." Y/N pleaded softly, her heart shattering in pain as she noticed how affected Miles looked by her mothers anger. "Please don't hurt him for being kind to me."
Mrs L/N huffed loudly and shook her head. "Kind? Kind? How am I supposed to go around knowing my daughter is a whore and a tramp?! My daughter is a goddamn slut! Who would have thought?!"
Miles clenched his fists, breathing shakily through his nose, and Y/N instinctively reached out and grabbed one of his hands, silently urging him to be calm. Y/N knew that Miles could do some real damage if he got angry enough. He could kill someone, maybe even her mother, in seconds.
"I think you should go," Y/N calmly suggested, trying to keep her voice steady as she spoke. She gave Mrs L/N a pleading gaze. "Go home."
"Oh no, no! This isn't over, young lady. Not by a long shot! You may have fooled everybody else, including your Daddy, but I know better. That peace and love act is bullshit! There's nothing innocent about you now thanks to him."
With those words, Mrs L/N reached into her bag and pulled out a gun. It was a small, silver pistol, probably about four inches long, with a silvery finish. She had it aimed right between Miles's brows, making Y/N gasp and move in front of him without hesitation.
Although Y/N knew this was all happening, it still felt so surreal. Her world was spinning, her emotions were running high. All she wanted was Miles and this was definitely not helping matters and she'd be damned if she let anything happen to him. She couldn't bear the thought of him getting hurt. Not because of her.
And Miles was thinking the exact same thing but in reverse. Yet, unlike Y/N, he had the skills to sort the issue out. It would be an aggressive diffusion and that wasn't something he ever wished for her to see, but her safety was paramount.
So, he nudged Y/N out of the way while saying calmly, "I apologise in advance, ma'am," and punched Mrs L/N in the face, grabbing the gun from her grip and turning it on her in seconds. He stood there and watched as she fell to her knees, clutching her jaw in agony and gasping for air. The sound made him feel sick to his stomach.
"That's for being a bad mom," he growled menacingly, his voice low and dangerous, making Y/N shiver slightly. He then crouched next to her and flicked her bloody nose. "And that's for being insane."
"Bad?" Mrs L/N scoffed. "No, I made her. Without me, she'd be nobody. Nobody would know her name without me."
Y/N didn't know what to do. She'd never seen him like this before. Never, ever. The man who had been gentle and loving towards her was suddenly punching people to the point where his knuckles were bruising.
"Miles," she whimpered, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing gently. He instantly stopped what he was doing and wrapped her up in his arms, his body tense and cold, not showing any sign of relaxing anytime soon. She took the opportunity to take the gun from his hand, her fingers trembling as she tucked it into the back of her skirt.
On shaky legs, Y/N walked over to her mother slowly and offered a hand to help her up, holding her gaze steadily. Her mother hesitated for a second but eventually slapped it away, yanking herself to her feet on her own accord, her hand immediately going to clutch her bleeding lip.
"What a man you've picked, Y/N. A dirty, violent, scumbag." She sniffed as she tried to compose herself. "Okay, pack your suitcase. We're leaving. Now." She walked past Y/N, heading towards the doorway, and threw one last dirty look at Miles.
"I'm not coming with you, mama."
She stopped dead in her tracks and whipped her head towards her daughter, an angry expression plastered across her face once again. "Two options: you come with me and I graciously forget about this blip, or the police find out who gave me this busted lip," she said, her voice raising slightly at the end. "Now, come on."
A few moments passed in silence as Y/N stared at her mother blankly, feeling frozen in place. The tears that she had been fighting to hold back finally broke free.
"Why do you do everything in your power to make me unhappy?" Y/N asked brokenly, dropping her voice to barely above a whisper and taking a step forward. She hadn't meant to say it, not really. But there was something burning inside of her and she found herself unable to suppress it.
"I do everything in my power to make you successful."
While Y/N knew that was somewhat true, she just couldn't seem to accept it. After everything her mother had put her through, surely not all of it was her benefit. That was in no way completely true. Sure, her mother was pushy and that was helpful, she was also spiteful and that definitely wasn't.
"Thank you, but..I-I think I can manage on my own from now on," Y/N replied firmly, forcing herself to keep her cool while wiping tears from her face, her cheeks flushed and cheeks wet. She cleared her throat. "So, please, just leave me alone."
"You're good! This boy! This boy has his claws in you and you'll never shake them loose!" Mrs L/N shrieked hysterically. "He will ruin you! He'll corrupt you. And then what good are you to me?!"
Y/N was tired of hearing that shit. Of hearing people speak about her like they were a damn prize or a trophy to win. Like all of it was her fault.
Tired and worn out and hurt and broken beyond belief, Y/N couldn't stand listening to her mother's words anymore. She had heard enough. She was sick of the abuse. Sick of her mother being cruel and selfish and unfair. She couldn't take it anymore.
"Think of your life: he's going to be in jail by the end of the day and you, you'll be all alone -"
Before she realised she'd done it, Y/N brought the gun out in one swift movement and pointed it directly between her mother's eyes, pulling the trigger and causing her to fall down lifelessly on the floor. She looked down at the lifeless body and blinked repeatedly until her tears dried up, and she managed to gather up the courage to turn around and face Miles again, only to realise he was staring straight at her with wide, shocked eyes.
"W...what?" Y/N stammered out breathlessly, her heart pounding madly against her ribcage and her chest tightening painfully, suffocating her. She gripped her shirt tightly and took a deep shuddering breath to stop herself from hyperventilating.
This wasn't happening...this wasn't happening. It can't be happening...
Miles quickly snapped out of his trance and his brain moved a mile a minute. His mind swarmed with every possible scenario until he remembered something that had happened not long after he'd first started working at the El Royale.
A guest who frequented the establishment had threatened to expose the hotel's secret and was promptly disposed of. Y/N's mother knew the hotel's secret.
"I can handle this. I can. I can handle it. It's okay…" Y/N repeated under her breath as she stared vacantly at her shaking hands. "Everything is fine."
"Stay here, I need to make a call."
Before she could reply, Miles kissed her on the forehead and rushed to reception to call his boss. It took a few seconds for him to get through, but when he did, he wasted no time telling him what had occurred - or rather, what he wanted them to think had occurred.
"Any witnesses?"
"Mrs L/N's daughter, although she seems grateful for the whole thing so I don't think she'll make a fuss," Miles lied
almost too smoothly, trying his best to stay composed and appear nonchalant , which was hard due to how nervous he was at that moment. He wasn't exactly proud of lying, but what choice did he have?
"Keep an eye on her."
As soon as the line clicked off, Miles dragged his hands down his face and sighed deeply, his muscles tense and his mind buzzing with thoughts and feelings he couldn't quite grasp.
One thing he knew for certain was that the El Royale had corrupted Y/N L/N.
Miles found Y/N in the exact position he'd left her in. She stood in the middle of the room, staring at the blood on the carpet and her mother's lifeless corpse. Tears were running freely down her flushed cheeks as she struggled to control her breathing and the rising sense of panic.
"Baby..." he mumbled quietly but urgently, walking up behind her. He placed a tentative hand on the small of her back and gently rubbed circular circles on it, hoping to ground her and calm her down, even though he himself felt very shaken right then.
Yet, Miles was more familiar with this type of thing. He dealt with mental breakdowns many times during his time in the army. He experienced it all too often to count. And he had experienced them alone.
"It's all sorted out," he whispered softly, his lips brushing the hair on top of her head. "Everything will be alright."
After a moment or two passed, Y/N turned around and looked up at Miles with wide, glazed eyes, her bottom lip quivering slightly before she pressed her them together, looking away from him and biting down on her bottom lip in an attempt to try and stop herself from bursting into loud sobbing.
He couldn't blame her for crying. He couldn't blame her for falling apart like that. All he could do right now was wrap his arms around her and rock her back and forth gently as he let her cry and tremble and grip onto him like her very life depended on it.
"When the clean up crew gets here, you'll have to act like everything is fine, okay? Let me do the talking." Miles pulled away just enough so that he could look Y/N dead in the eyes. The girl nodded and smiled weakly.
"You got it." She responded softly.
For a brief, brief moment, Y/N forgot who and where she was. Forgot everything except that he was right here. For a brief, brief moment, she thought they'd be alright.
In the blink of an eye, others arrived, carrying their tools and equipment in tow. Eventually though, things began to pick up. People began asking questions, most of which Miles answered and Y/N nodded in agreement. Some of the questions were more probing, some less, but overall it was a lot to deal with.
After signing so many NDA's and being told exactly what would happen if she ever said anything about what she saw, Y/N was moved to a new room. She sat on the bed staring blankly into nothingness, her fingers fidgeting and twisting together nervously.
Weirdly, Miles was celebrated. Since he'd posed the murder as his act of defence towards the El Royale, he was praised for his actions since his boss thought he was showing the ultimate sign of loyalty. In a way, he was loyal. Just not to the El Royale. He didn't give a fuck about the hotel.
And it wasn't too long before he was slapped on the back and urged to, "Go check up on the girl and, don't worry, we won't say anything if we hear her screaming. You deserve a warrior's celebration and she's pretty," with a slimey wink that made Miles want to vomit.
One, how dare someone think to do that to any lady? Two, how dare someone think to do that to his lady? And three, how dare someone think that he was capable of doing that to a lady? It was wrong! Totally wrong! Absolutely wrong! But like a lot of things in Miles' life, it would be easier if he just kept his head down, said nothing and quietly made preparations so that it wouldn't happen. Or if it did happen, he could be prepared to stop it.
Y/N was locked in another staring contest with the wall when he entered her room. He walked over to the bed and crouched between her knees, taking hold of her trembling hands and kissing them. She sniffled once and finally lifted her tearful gaze up to meet Miles'. They both remained silent for a bit; neither of them knew what to say or how to talk.
"I think once I'm allowed to leave, I can't, shouldn't, come back," Y/N murmured eventually, her voice breaking with emotion, her eyes tearing up again. Miles frowned, stroking her knuckles with the tip of his finger and rubbing the back of her palm comfortingly with his thumb.
He wished there was something he could say to ease her pain, but the truth was that there was nothing he could possibly say to fix this kind of situation, but he wished there was anyway he could help. The worst part about it all was that he was powerless, unable to stop it. Unable to protect her from the world. From everything that was hurting her. He hated seeing her suffer like this.
"Tell you what, when we get into the off season, I'll take you back to my home with me. We'll stay in bed till noon each day and watch reruns of tv shows all afternoon, eating junk food, and pretending that we're normal people living our lives in peace. How does that sound? Sounds nice to me. Yeah?" Miles said cheerfully with an enthusiastic grin, trying to brighten the mood and erase the dark aura from Y/N's body as much as possible.
"That does sound nice," Y/N murmured quietly, smiling lightly, wiping tears from her eyes. "I don't know if I deserve nice."
With a knowing sigh, Miles took a seat next to her. "I'm not going to sugarcoat this, the guilt never goes away and it never will. It doesn't matter whether she deserved it or not, you'll still feel terrible about what you've done," he paused and took a deep breath. "But if anyone deserves forgiveness, it's you. And as far as I can see, the only thing you did wrong was fall in love with someone that your abusive mother didn't approve of."
"Falling in love with you is the only right thing I've done in my whole life." Y/N closed her eyes and leaned her head against Miles' shoulder. "Thank you, Miles...for making my life a little brighter and I'm sorry I ruined it."
"Don't apologise," he shook his head, pulling her closer as she snuggled up against him. "It'll be okay, okay? I'll make sure that it will. Don't worry."
The following day, the cleaners had reverted the hotel room exactly how it had been before the shooting and everything that originally was in there, including the couple's anniversary gifts, had been removed and replaced.
Miles made sure Y/N was near him at all times since that slimy guy kept giving her weird looks and whispering dirty comments behind her back. And, boy, he was glad he had locked their hotel door that first night because an hour or two after he returned to her, somebody was rattling the door knob.
Thankfully, nothing happened. But the pair did opt to stay in Miles' tiny bedroom away from the others for the next three days that she was under surveillance. The bed was uncomfortable, the blankets were scratchy, but it didn't matter, nothing mattered compared to having Y/N safely in his arms every night. She spent her days there while he worked because Miles could very easily see if anyone walked in the direction of his little maintenance closet and stop them before they'd even get a chance.
When her surveillance was over, Y/N was briefed about how she should proceed. Her mother's death had been from a heart attack, she'd been told, and that it was a very sad and sudden incident that horrified a doting daughter such as herself. That's why she needed a few months back from the spotlight. She was grieving and needed some time and space to recover.
So, that was her excuse when she returned to Los Angeles.
Before she left, Miles gave Y/N one last kiss. A quick peck on the lips that lingered longer than it should have but neither one of them cared anymore. "Remember the story, stick to it and I'll see you by the end of the month. Okay?" He said sweetly with a smile, running his fingers through her hair and leaning in to press his forehead against hers.
"Okay." She replied in a quiet tone as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and squeezed him close. "And Miles..." She pulled away slightly and tilted her chin up so that she could look into his eyes. "I love you...so much."
"I love you, too. So much," he whispered in response, cupping her cheek in his hand and caressing it with gentle movements. They gazed lovingly at each other for a few moments before Miles pressed his lips onto her forehead. "Be safe, please?" His eyes pleaded.
"I promise."
As soon as they looked away from each other, she turned and headed out. Miles sighed deeply and let his shoulders sag. He wanted to cry, wanted to scream, wanted to punch walls until his knuckles bled, but none of those things came out. All he felt now was empty and tired.
The following month was the worst of Miles' life.
'To my angel,
Firstly, I've got some bad news. The boss wants me to work another month
and I'm afraid what the repercussions will be if I decline. While I was not punished for what happened, I am still under his thumb. Probably even more now.
But, we will see each other again. Just not as soon as we had planned.
How are you? Are you doing well? Do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything - I mean it, you can call me whenever you can. If anything happens. If nothing happens. Be warned, the boss will be able to hear everything we say, but still, I would never decline a chance to hear your voice.
I'm afraid I have to cut this short as I hear the priest who is staying here grumble and groan. He's old and probably fell. Which I do feel bad about because, I'm not going to lie, I'm coming down from a really bad trip and I don't see it getting better any time soon, yet I know that if I had been out there, I could've caught him.
I love you, baby, and don't give up hope. Even if things do not turn out the way we wish they would, we are young and have time, Miles <3.'
He slipped away for a moment to the post box down the road and it was the only bit of peace he had that entire day.
A news channel was the one who told Y/N about what went down at the El Royale.
She'd been feeling better than she had in a while after cutting all ties with her job. She'd bought herself out of all the contracts for upcoming films she was supposed to be in. Her publicist had been fired. Then a statement had been sent out to the press about her retirement from acting.
Then, as she was walking to say a final goodbye to Georgia, a television in an electronic store window broadcasted a shot of flames engulfing the outside of the hotel.
"Reports have finally come out about a multiple homicide at the El Royale, eight found dead last week in what appeared to be a gunfight. One currently in a critical condition. Though it is believed that two or three people may have fled the scene. Anyone with any information call the number below."
Dazed, Y/N's feet took her straight to Georgia's without her realising it. Once there, however, she stood outside it, her hands clasped firmly in front of her as she thought about Miles and tried to keep from crying. She had no idea what she'd do if she ended up losing him. It was hard enough as it was already. She had no idea how she would deal with it if she lost him.
"Sweet Pea, what are you doing just standing in the doorway? Come inside, dear." Georgia motioned for her to enter the salon. With a heavy heart, Y/N entered the salon and collapsed onto a chair at the vanity, burying her face in the palms of her hands.
"Have I got any letters?"
"Yes, two."
Georgia reached into one of the drawers, pulled out the objects in question and handed them over to Y/N, who immediately noticed that they had different handwriting. One was Miles', she knew that like the back of her hand. The other, she had no idea.
Y/N read Miles' first. In the corner it was dated on the day of the fire. And his spelling was atrocious so she knew he was high.
Then she moved on to the mystery one.
'Dear Miss Y/N,
There's no easy way to say this but Miles is in the hospital.'
There was the biggest sigh of relief released from Y/N's lips. He was alive, that was enough.
'And his condition is, to put simply, not good. He was stabbed and died for a few minutes before the firefighters found him and the paramedics managed to revive what little life he had left.
He doesn't speak much, it's too hard while he's in the process of recovering, but he has said your name too many times for me to count. And he has a habit of humming that Peter and Gordon song that came out last year, he mumbled something that sounded like 'playing in ambulance' so I can only assume that's what popped him back up.
I can only assume what you are to my son based on the letters they found in his room and gave to his mother and I. I know that your appearances at the hospital would mean the world to him. You're important to him, Y/N. More than you may realise.
Hope to see you, Charles Miller'
At the bottom was a 'ps' that included what hospital and room Mike's was currently in.
Without another word, Y/N was out of her seat and was walking out, calling over her shoulder, "Thank you for everything. Telling my mother about Miles was a shitty thing to do but I forgive you," as she shut the door behind her.
The journey wasn't long and she was soon standing in front of Miles' room with her hands clenched into fists at her sides as she stared intently at the door and waited for the courage to knock. Finally, she raised her knuckles to tap on the door lightly.
Opening it was a man that had a sweet smile and cute nose, which was exactly like Miles'. Charles took one look at the girl before him and chuckled, immediately gesturing for her to come in and pointed to a billboard that could be seen from the window.
"I thought he was saying that you looked like the actress in the picture, not that you are her," the man commented, giving Y/N a friendly smile as he closed the door gently. "His mom will be back in a sec and she won't believe that Miles bagged himself a movie star."
"Oh, I'm not anymore. I quit today," Y/N confessed sheepishly as she walked across to sit on the edge of the bed, scanning every part of Miles' sleeping form. He was lying on his side with an oxygen mask on his face and bandages covering the lower half of his torso.
"Would you like me to give you a moment alone?" The man asked kindly when he saw the look on her face.
"Yes please. Thank you." Y/N smiled gratefully and nodded, watching as he quietly exited the room before reaching over and brushing Miles' hair gently out of his face.
There were bags under his eyes and his skin was almost completely grey, yet she couldn't help but notice the tiny smile that tugged on his lips for a split second.
"My beautiful boy... Why is the world so cruel to you? Why did you have to go through all of this?" Y/N muttered, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes and fall down along her cheeks. She didn't want to cry. But she couldn't stop herself. "Tell you what, the moment you get better I'll make sure we have the most boring, normal life we can think of. We'll go to the park, maybe go ice skating, you like ice skating right?"
Y/N giggled as Miles shifted ever so slightly towards her. She watched as he breathed slowly in and out, waiting for a response that wouldn't come.
"I just met your dad, he seems nice, he reminds me a lot of you." She brushed a finger against his cheekbone gently, teasing, "He's handsome. Maybe I've got a crush on your dad too, so you've got some competition now, eh?"
"Losing to my old man would surely do me in," he croaked, gathering the strength to open his eyes. "Hi baby."
His voice was raspy and dry but it made a small smile appear on Y/N's lips nonetheless.
"Hi honey."
They'd get through this. Together. Like they always did.
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
Before A Fall [Five Hargreeves x F Reader]. Ch 9 (Hard Feelings Part 2)
SUMMARY: As your life begins to grow around Five's, his attitude becomes a little sinister. When does protection become suffocation and when does taking matters into your own hands become betrayal? (weekly updates)
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
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Today's a big day for both of you: Five's going to break into JUICED's head offices and you're going to meet their disgruntled ex-employee.
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Klaus and a sprinkling of gore below. Proceed at your own risk.
Chapter 9: Harvey Klein
Five was cuddly last night. He fell asleep with his body nestled tightly against yours, lips grazing your neck and holding you to him tightly.
“I’m glad things are okay between us now. It doesn’t feel right to fight with you.”
Your stomach tightened. Things weren’t okay between you and still aren’t now. He might have thought that a sex and a passage of Jane Austen solved it, but it didn’t. 
You had a moment of guilt-ridden doubt. This secret with Klaus: was it right to cherish it, to relish keeping something from Five? This man picked up all your pieces and loved you back together again: was it right to feel empowered by getting one over on him, in cultivating a piece of independence through defiance of him? 
You didn’t know, so you said the only thing you knew for sure:
“I love you.”
You felt him smile against your skin. 
“I love you too… you know I just want you to be safe?”
You nodded, but that settled all your doubts: you had no interest in being kept safe like a china doll: wrapped up in layers of padding and kept in a box.
So, while you outwardly accepted Five’s shadiness about what was going on, you continued to conspire with Klaus. 
Their heist is today. Their plan, when all was said and done, was to break into the JUICED head offices by night and see what they could find. In your opinion, it was breathtakingly stupid. Most of the employees would have their computers at home with them by night and there wasn’t going to be some filing cabinet marked ‘evil plans.’ Sometimes the Academy’s lack of experience in solving problems in indirect ways was painfully obvious.
You might have mentioned this if not for your plans with Klaus. You wanted to prove to Five that you weren’t helpless. 
Out of lingering loyalty to Five, Klaus had been unwilling to let you do this alone, so him keeping watch from the sidelines was the compromise you’d reached. You had taken a long lunch break to pull this off and Klaus had been waiting in a car outside.
“Get in bitch!”
You laughed. He’d ‘borrowed’ Five’s Corvette and was waiting there with the top down.
“Five is going to kill us.”
“He’s going to kill us anyway, may as well go out in style!”
You’d found yourself unable to disagree and jumped in.
You’d dressed today with more than usual care, trying to give the impression you thought would work best for the man Harvey seemed to be. Pictures of him with previous girlfriends had been plenty, and he certainly had a type. Not you, precisely, but near enough that you could mimic. 
You'd chosen a sleeveless black jumpsuit, positioning the plunge neckline so as to make a red bra just visible if you moved the right way. You wanted him to see professional competence but begin to form the idea that you might have a wild side. The white blazer you'd been wearing to cover up a little at work was left in the trunk; wearing it in front of Klein would defeat the object. 
Standing in front of Klein's table now, you find you're not nervous.
“Mr Klein?”
He looks exactly like he did in his socials: an early forties sales guy. Hard working, hard drinking and a bit of an asshole. He was wearing the ‘trendy start-up sales team’ uniform: a polo shirt and expensive sneakers rather than office-wear. Together you’d followed him from his new workplace to a hipster bar and casual eatery. Klaus had entered a minute or two after Klein and chosen a seat nearby. As you entered, he was ordering a coffee.
“I’m so sorry to interrupt you- this is a strange thing to say- but I actually follow you on LinkedIn and I was hoping to meet you in person- it's Harvey Klein, right?” you give your most ingratiating smile.
He smiles back, only slightly wrongfooted. You shake his hand and introduce yourself, “I’m with Hammonds.”
“Oh!” he says, as if this means something to him.
“It’s so nice to meet you. I really loved your piece on facilitating customer success. What you say about cross-organization collaboration- it’s so, so true!” 
You give a little outtake of breath, as if his wisdom had been revelatory.
He preens, “Thank you, it’s nice to know someone reads them.”
“Of course they do, I catch them often,” then, eagerly, “Do you mind if I sit down?”
“Sure.” He looks up at you- his smile goes from flattered to deliberately charming. This is a good sign.
As you take the seat, you lean forward slightly, giving your bra an opportunity to slip. If he notices, he’s good at hiding it.
“I think my favorite piece of yours was the recent one, about a start-up environment offering a more dynamic challenge? Around the time you left JUICED?”
“Yeah,” he nods gravely, “I was really going through some stuff then. I think I wrote it as a way of coping, you know? The only way out is through.”
You nod slowly for a second, and seem to ponder his profundity. Then, you catch his eye, smile and look briefly down at the table top.
“They must really regret losing you. But what do they expect when they don’t give credit where credit’s due? I bet it wasn’t challenging to you anymore?”
He nods and gives a smile of his own, it’s as if he’s thankful to feel seen. You feel a twinge of regret for manipulating him. He’s an open book and doesn’t realize it. He casts his eye down a second before bringing his up to meet you. They’re very blue and his designer-stubble suits him. If not for Five, he might be the sort of man you’d like.
You tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear and look up at him through your lashes as he answers.
“Yeah, like you say, it wasn’t a challenge. And when a company doesn’t value me anymore, I am straight out that barn door.”
You laugh in a tinkling way that certainly sounds fake to your own ears but apparently not to his: he mirrors you, laughing too.
“I think I still have to learn to be like that. I’m just…so early in my career. I’m not thirty yet and I don’t feel established enough…”
“Ah, imposter syndrome!” he takes a sip of his beer and settles comfortably into the role you’ve carved out for him: flattered by the attentions of a younger woman apparently eager for his mentorship, “I bet you don’t know your value to them.”
“I just thought it was brave that you got out when you did. Was it the Holbrook elementary thing that did it for you?”
He looks a little uneasy at this, so you back up a little: 
“-or was it just being undervalued?”
He relaxes, “Yeah it was mainly being passed over once too often, but the Holbrook thing wasn’t great. Felt like we were turning that school into a little George Orwell novel.”
You laugh again,  "I know exactly what you mean!” 
You accidentally catch Klaus’s eye over the top of Harvey’s head. He makes a silent simper and presses an imaginary pair of breasts together. You’re glad you’re already laughing, otherwise you couldn’t have kept a straight face. Recovering, you continue:
“I’ve heard so many rumors about it! I was speaking to this guy at a conference last year and he said there are absolutely crazy encrypted files all over JUICED’s hard drives.”
He sniggers, “Oh I have no doubt there are.”
You wave an airy hand: of course he would know all about it. You lean forward again, as if in conspiracy with him, but really to give him an uninterrupted view down your neckline. His eyes flick down and then slowly back to your face.
“Of course, you couldn’t stay knowing that something like that was going on. I’m sure you had a feeling.”
“I certainly did.”
“Nothing gets past you, huh?”
“There’s more than one secret at JUICED, let me tell you.” he leans in too.
You give a quiet, eager gasp.
“Oh I bet there is! Get this- and this is strictly on the downlow but I know I can trust you: my biggest client is this artisanal soda company: 'SodaShack', if you've heard of them? They're only a year old."
He clearly hasn't, which is no surprise as you just made them up.
"You should try their lavender and hibiscus. Anyway, JUICED's tactics are shocking. So unethical- like a wannabe monopoly! Competition's supposed to be a good thing but they're trying to annihilate them at every turn. God, if there's anything you know, please tell me!" 
Harvey winks and taps the side of his nose: that's for me to know and you to find out. 
"Come on!" you give the flirtatious smile that could make Five melt in under a second, "You won't help a girl cement her career?"
Harvey just laughs and shakes his head, but he's clearly interested. 
“Ok, fine... I can tell you something though: you know I told you I met a guy at a conference?”
He nods. You glance around theatrically and gesture him closer with a single finger. He leans in closer and so do you.
“Well…he told me that’s there’s definitely something more going on with the Holbrook thing. He was absolutely sure they’re drugging the kids or something- like there’s a mystery ingredient.” 
You laugh slightly breathily in his ear, keeping your mouth beside his cheek for fractionally longer than needed. 
You catch Klaus’s eye again and he winks.
“Can you believe that?” you say, leaning back into your seat.
“I…can actually.” 
Klein looks like he’s only just realizing, putting disparate memories together in his mind's eye.
“Really? Oh, I’d love to get that sort of information on them. It would absolutely torpedo them.”
You look up at him, the suggestion of flirtation back in your eye.
“But I’d need a man who’s willing to take risks for what’s right.”
You check your watch, “Oh, I’m sorry! It’s so late, I just got caught up talking to you- time flies, right?”
You reach for your purse and fish around in it, producing and handing him a fake business card printed just for this purpose.
“I’d really love for you to give me a call sometime. Soon.”
He looks down at the card and then back up at you.
“...I’ll make sure to do that.”
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You readjusted your neckline.
“We’ve got him. Hook line and sinker. If he knows how to get it, he’s coming to me.
Klaus kept sniggering,
“Oh Five would be soo pissed! You were like 'oooohh Harv, you’re such a big, strong LinkedIn man, look at my boobies.' "
“Gotta do what you gotta do.”
“No, I love it.”
As Klaus drove you back to work, you found yourself becoming preoccupied. You’d been channeling your mother throughout the conversation with Klein, and this was no point of pride.
Throughout the afternoon in the office, you'd managed to get the bulk of your work done, but had to keep pushing down little rushes of guilt when you imagined how hurt Five would be if he'd seen that out of context. Though it hadn't even approached apology-status, he was right when he read you that passage from his book: he might have been an asshole, but he'd never been inconstant.
 You shake this off, reminding yourself that HE could have been the one sitting there instead of Klaus, if he'd only thought you were worthy of asking for help. There would be no danger of him seeing it out of context in that case.
Nevertheless, flirting with Harvey felt wrong, even if it was for the greater good. 
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Now it's evening. Five and the others left for JUICED’s head offices a little way outside the city a few hours ago, weapons holstered. You and Klaus had taken advantage of their absence to spend a couple of hours cyber-stalking your next best leads on JUICED after Harvey.  As promising as he seemed, you didn’t want to rely on that.
But just as you went up to bed, your specially-bought burner phone  rung with an unknown number. You’d run downstairs and now you’re back in the living room again to find Klaus behind the bar.
Answering the call, you gesture him over and put the phone on loudspeaker.  
“Hi, it’s Harvey Klein here, just giving you a call. Excuse the lateness.”
“He’s thirsty,” Klaus mouths.
“Oh Mr Klein! I’m happy to hear from you so soon?”
“I couldn't get our conversation out of my head. Call me Harv, please.”
You try to sound a little playful, but it's harder over the phone.
“Ok. Harv.”
“Now…I’ve been thinking about you.”
Klaus looks as if he’s going to burst out laughing and you move away in preparation, shielding the phone's mic from the potential outburst.
“Yeah. I’m pretty sure that by the end of the day tomorrow, I’m going to have some information on JUICED.”
“Wow! Are you serious? How?”
“I’ve got a contact close to the Product Innovation lead: it's his P.A, Jeff. He got drunk at the Christmas party last year, made a pass at me and then sent me about six dick pics from the bathroom.”
He laughs heartily.
“I showed him that I’ve got those messages saved and backed up on the cloud. His wife wouldn’t be too happy to find out, you see? Anyway, he told me he will get me any and all information about secret ingredients and the school sponsorship as soon as he gets into work. He's scared shitless.”
“Does he have access to that? Or do you think he'll be able to get his boss’s passwords?”
“Oh, no doubt. Jenkins is a dinosaur. Pretty ironic for the guy who heads up Product Innovation, but there we go. Jeff told me he keeps all his passwords written in a notebook in his unlocked desk drawer. The idiot.”
You believe this easily. You’d had a manager who used the same, easily guessed password for everything. A corporation could be as powerful as it wanted, but their security was only as strong as their most inept personnel.
“So…I was thinking…” Harv draws out his question flirtatiously, “If I give you the info, you blow the whistle and save your little soda artisans, I get one benefit in that I get to screw over JUICED. But I think I’d want something a little extra…”
Klaus wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
“I’ll give it all to you tomorrow night if you take me out to dinner. I...felt like we really hit it off today and maybe we could see how things go."
“I think that seems like more than a fair deal Harv. I wouldn't mind getting to know you a little better.”
When you finish up the call, after arranging a meeting time at a nice restaurant in the city, Klaus squeals and you both jump up and down a little.
“Are we about to crack this thing by you being a giant ho-bag?  I'd usually be fully supportive of this but...I am Five's brother and-”
“Don't worry. I’ll flirt a little, get the files and ghost him. It's kinda mean but he’s collateral damage.”
“If he expects a hand job or something, I’m happy to take that one for the team. I gotta protect my brother’s girlfriend’s honor.”
The front door bangs open, making you both jump.
The sound of raised, panicked voices and flurries of movement issue from the entrance hall. Before you can react beyond instinctive fright, the living room doors burst open too.
A laden Luther careers his way through, going quickly in the direction of their father’s rooms. Sloane and Viktor are at his shoulders. They all look disheveled: dirty and clothes torn with just-clotted cuts on their exposed skin. In Luther’s arms, Five lies limp.
You reel: his chest and right arm are soaked in blood. He’s naked from the waist up but for his shirt turned into an improvised dressing, now dripping with congealing blood. His eyes are closed.
As your chest tightens and you feel the world spin, Klaus’s hand closes around your elbow and he pulls you after the others.
You give chase as Luther hurries Five past the surveillance room and into one you’ve never needed to enter before.
A gurney complete with drip sits in the middle of the tiled floor. Luther lays Five gently on this. Although his breath hitches a little, he gives no other sign of consciousness.
“He’s lost blood.”
You get the first real look at Five’s face. It's white-wan. You push past Luther and manage to touch him, slapping lightly at his cheek. He doesn't stir; his face is cold.. Klaus grabs you under the arms and pulls you back.
“Why isn’t he at the hospital?”
“Too many questions.” says Sloane, preparing a sterile needle and grabbing Viktor’s proffered inner-elbow.
Meanwhile, Luther roots out a pair of trauma shears and smartly cuts away the shirt.
“Antibiotics,” he murmurs, and goes to search the large cabinet along one wall.
Sloane attaches the needle and transfusion device to Viktor.
As Luther finishes, he lowers the gurney, giving gravity the most assistance he can in the coming blood transfusion. 
You get a full sight of what’s happened to Five. 
His clavicle is crater-like; ghostly-white bone visible amid a deep rosette of rough gore. It looks like dark, raw meat. Blood still pools and drips. The flesh around it looks like pulverized liver. This is clearly the exit wound.
You start to cry, fighting to get out of Klaus’ grip, but he holds you fast.
“You have to let them work!”
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed.) @dilfjohhny , @sunsunhe, @w4stedtr4sh, @nevbrooke-555, @theredvelvetbitch, @td-miley01, @five-hxrgreeves
Masterpost Alternatively, join me on AO3.  Here is a link to the whole series
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gourdkeeper · 11 months
Reader x Jamie Halloween fic part 1
Middle of July but the crave for Halloween struck early so here we have it. This will be a two part fic, both with the same prologue.
Word count: 2374
Content warnings: 18+, gender neutral reader, reader gets scared and promises payback, Jamie becomes a victim to the reader, knife usage (a prop), semi public, masturbation, sex in costumes
Part 2 where Jamie scares you instead (soon)
It was Halloween and both you and Jamie planned to go to the party being held in the abandoned Red Factory.
Jamie wasn't much of a Halloween person, he never really dressed up much, he found it silly as he said, truth is he was a bit scared of being seen as cringe-worthy and wouldn't be taken serious anymore. He also didn't like the idea of getting scared during a movie or if he happened to play a videogame. He remembers, not so fondly, of a time his cousins had him play a maze game that ended up jumpscaring him and giving him trust issues for awhile and even though there was no ill intent, he had been teased over his reaction for awhile. He doesn't hold it against them, he's just not the biggest fan of horror. He scared easily and he would never be caught confessing it.
However, for you, the love of his life, he is willing to put that aside and dress up for once, go to a themed party and even go and visit a haunted house in the middle of a forest that stays just outside Metro City. He's not exactly thrilled for it, but you're worth the effort and he would do just about anything just to see a smile on your face. After all, you're the great Jamie Siu's partner, if anyone deserves happiness, it's you.
You decided to meet up at the party instead of going together to save up on time otherwise you'd end up making out or getting drunk even before arriving, which isn't a bad idea, but not for tonight.
You were wearing a Michael Myers costume. Halloween is dear to you so you just tend to put some effort every time in it. Donning a jumpsuit full of fake blood splatters, a chainsaw with a motor but without the chain equipped carried on your back,  dull prop knife in hand and the iconic mask was kept on your belt so you can put it on later after you find your boyfriend.
The place is crowded already almost everyone wearing costumes, it's gonna be hard to tell who Jamie is, you don't even know what he's wearing to boot.
You're pretty sure you see Luke far off wearing some sort of frankenstein get up, he's the only face you recognize so you start walking his way until you feel a light tap on your left shouder.
You halt and look behind.
No one, what the hell?
You just begin turning back to a loud yell making you stumble back a few steps clutching your chest.
"What the- ...jerk..." you mumble with a small smile appearing on your face.
Jamie's laughing his ass off, not expecting you to fall for something so basic and silly.
He looks stunning, it's gonna be hard to keep your eyes off of him. Wearing a long and tight sleeveless black and red qipao with baggy grey pants underneath, and a paper charm attached to a small hat, resembling a jiangshi with a modern twist. Damn. He even got fangs on.
"Maybe Halloween can be fun", he says still laughing at your expense, "Should have seen your face-"
Your fist meets his chest lightly.
"Tsk knock it off. I'm gonna get you back for that."
"Get me back? Oh come on now, Jamie Siu doesn't ever get scared." Lying through his teeth, you know you can scare him and you will, you're not going home without it happening.
"Is that a dare?" You smirk, hand on your hip.
"A dare you'll fail at." He has this smug attitude and cocky smirk on his lips that you can't wait to wipe off later.
You banter for a bit longer before going to sit at the bar for a little.
"You sure put a lot of effort in this... Is that thing real?“ he points at the chainsaw.
"What do you think?" You gauge what his response will be, might give you a good idea.
He looks at it for a couple of seconds, drink in hand.
"Hmmmm... Fake." He looks pretty confident of that answer.
You smile at him, trying not to laugh because he's so so wrong. "Smart. How did you know?"
"Of course I'm smart, you know me. I shouldn't even need to answer something like that." He kicks back the drink in one go and pours himself one more.
"You put in a lot more effort than expected too, thought you'd just show up in a tank top or something."
"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't even show up." he smiles at you, baring his cute fangs.
"So," you start, "do you still want to go to the haunted house after this?"
He chokes up on his drink momentarily. "Ah- uh..." He forgot about it, or was hoping you would have forgotten at least but of course that didn't happen. "Sure!" He exclaims while trying to hide any anxiousness, "Can't wait to see you getting scared a second time."
"Sure thing wuss."
"Am not, you were the one getting startled not me." He spits back.
"Well," you get up energised, "let's get going then, it's kinda boring here anyway!"
You tug on his arm and drag him away with you.
Outside he walks in front of you. Your eyes are glued to him, he's so beautiful you could just eat him up. You're basically undressing him with your gaze.
You reach the outskirts of Metro City, loads of vegetation and trees.
"Is there really no other way there? Do we really need to walk through the forest?"
"Yep. No other way." You lie, there is a beaten path elsewhere but it's more fun this way, for you that is.
You stick to him while walking, he looks painfully wary. Every small sound has him whipping his head around, doesn't help much that it's dark and the moonlight only lets you see so much.
"Babe..." you speak in a small voice.
"Hm?" he turns his head to look at you.
"I need to pee."
"Now? There are no bathrooms here-"
"I'll just, go behind a bush, it's alright. Will you wait for me here?"
"Ugh...sure, make it quick though."
He's clearly not a fan of this. He's antsy enough as is, being left alone right now is downright terrifying. The wind whistling and blowing through the leaves, branches smacking each other making him jump, "Nothing bad's gonna happen, it's just some trees dude..." he pep talks himself to keep calm.
You went behind a bush like you said you would but of course you don't need to pee, you just needed to keep him somewhere you could see while he's distracted. You sneak your way around. Careful to not step on any twigs or make any unwanted noise. You circle around a tree and keep going until you can see him from the back. You tiptoe your way to another tree. He has no idea you're this close, any closer and you'd be practically breathing down his neck.
He grows more inpatient by the second, he asked you to be quick goddamit and it's been *almost* a minute, outrageous. To him it felt like an eternity.
"You ok?" he asks with a shaky voice and takes a step forward. Good. This is it.
You take the chance to put on your mask.
"Look if this is your attempt to scare me it's not gonna work..." He takes another uncertain step forth.
You take the, according to Jamie, "fake" chainsaw into your hold and slowly emerge from your hiding, eyes glued to his back.
"If you jump out at me you're so lame-"
You rev up the engine in short bursts, holding the chainsaw upwards and charging at him.
"WHAT THE F-" he exclaims, color drained from his face, followed by a breathless scream.
He trips and stumbles back incredulous, hat falling from his head. His heart pounding, damn near bursting from his chest as he scrambles to get back up and running.
You give chase for a second, revving up the harmless saw a couple more times as you see him turn and hide behind a tree. You know exactly which one. You can't help but giggle to yourself, his reaction could have not been any better, it's like you took it straight from a cheap slasher movie.
"You! Fucking! Asshole!" He yells out from his crappy hiding spot. His heart is still doing flips in his chest and breath shallow. He knows it was you under the mask but *still*. There's no brushing off this one, he knows he shrieked and looked horrified, there is no "Jamie Siu doesn't get scared" out of this.
You remain silent, approaching slow and steady, just hoping you can squeeze a bit more out of the situation. You sling the chainsaw back, and take your prop knife out instead.
You're standing at the tree he's hiding behind of and pace around it. You can see his face, his head whipped back against the tree, taking in short and heavy breaths, spine slouched back, hand opening his garment because he's too warm.
He looks delicious and the expression painted on his face makes you hot and bothered. You approach just a bit more. Somehow unnoticed. Your face inching from his.
Were you really that good at sneaking around or is it just unexpected to be *that* close? It doesn't matter.
"Boo" you whisper.
Jamie jumps out of his skin once more.
You erupt in laughter, you almost pity him, he was so out of it that even the "bro" came out, you'd feel bad for him if he hadn't been the one starting this.
It's his turn to punch your chest in jest now.
"That was *not* funny!" he pouts with his eyes shut and holds his index finger out, "And take that damned thing off it's freaking me the hell out!“ he points at your mask shakily.
You oblige, you have the biggest shit-eating-grin on your face, "Not funny to you maybe!"
You take a step in his direction. Your eyes diving under his collar bone and at his exposed chest... Did he really have to undo his shirt?
"What are you staring for?"
"Oh you know..."
"Hm?" he can tell the gears in your head are turning but he's unsure what the thoughts are.
"What if... What if I chased after you..." your voice low, barely above a whisper, your body closing in on his, "Until I got you pinned down... And then had my way with you... We're alone after all..."
His adam's apple bobs on his throat, face feeling warmer with the implications, he hates how much his body betrays him, he was supposed to be upset at you for scaring him but he knows where this is going and he can't say the idea doesn't excite him.
"You played such a good victim..." you take the knife and put it under his chin, lifting it up. You can see his lips part and his hands reaching for the tree behind him for salvation.
"...Want to keep playing?"
You must've awakened something new in him, something primal deep within.
He flashed you a smile and quickly pushed you off of him with his foot and runs off.
You yelp and chase right after. Hot on his track, gripping hard onto the knife.
Just as you're closing in he changes direction. Leaving you scrambled up momentarily before resuming.
"Fine, you wanna play that way?“ you mutter and speed up parallel to him to cut him off.
Jamie looks over his shoulder, thinking he lost you and the moment he turns around there you are, almost mimicking the way he got you earlier in the evening.
He stops abruptly and tried to get away but you grab him by his hair and pull him to you, knife against his throat threateningly.
"I would behave if I were you..." you whisper in his ear, pulling the knife backward, limiting his range of motion further.
Of course the blade is completely dull, but the cold steel plays tricks on his mind.
The hand that tugged on his silky hair travelling down his body, groping his exposed chest.
His hands threaten to hold onto yours and you remind him of his place.
"Keep those hands up where I can see them."
He's quick to obey and has to surpress a moan. His dick is rock hard against his pants. Why this is turning him on his beyond his comprehension but he'll play along.
Your hand travels down and snaked beyond the flap on the garment and under the pant's waistband to find his erection and the lack of underwear.
"Oh? Someone's a bit dirty..." you whisper as you take him in your fist, small cries of pleasure spilling from his lips when you start pumping.
His knees are buckling together, his hands up and sticking out but trembling.
You can feel how wet he has become, there is almost no friction as you jerk him, applying more pressure everytime your hand passes the ridge of the head and sometimes rubbing your thumb on his tip.
He's moaning and rocking his hips, not thinking clear anymore. He never expected to be handled this way in the middle of a forest in Halloween but here he is, with his voice growing whiny by the second and pleading you to keep going.
You speed up, knife flush against his neck as he moans with his eyes shut tight and mouth gaped. He doesn't hold back as he comes with a grunt of relief, his body weakly leaning on yours for support as you drain him dry.
You take a couple of minutes to take a breather together.
He's a bit embarrased by this discovery. Maybe Halloween isn't that bad.
You clear your throat. "Still want to go to the haunted house?"
He chokes up on air, "Nah, I think I'm good!“
You both laugh together.
"Told you I'd get you back."
"No idea what you're talking about." he averts his gaze still laughing.
"Sure thing o'great Jamie Siu." You poke at him.
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woodenstarfish · 9 days
The Ceremony
I’m soooo excited and nervous to post this story on here! Comments and questions are more than welcomed! I hope you enjoy!
3K words
"SAGE! SAGE WHERE ARE YOU!" Her father's panicked voice pierced through the air, Sage could barely hear him over the screams and crackling of fire. She desperately tried to call out to him but only managed a weak cough as the smoke stole her breath. The rubble pinning her down was becoming heavier with each passing moment, the little girl knew it will crush her to death if the fire didn't reach her first. She hopelessly stared ahead to the scene in front of her; fairies frantically flying around, moms' carrying crying children, men dragging bodies away from the burning homes. And. So. Much. Fire. The flames completely engulfed the place that used to be her village, her home, carrying an unbearable heat that scorched the girl's skin. Then, her sight was interrupted by a darkness creeping over her eyes, she welcomed it and fell into the black void.
The young woman woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air, her heart pounding against her chest. She frantically glanced over her surroundings for any sign of destruction, but just saw her sad excuse of a room. She let out a sigh of relief as she sunk back down into the warm comfort of her bed, why the hell am I getting these nightmares, I should be over it by now Sage thought. But before she could think of any answers for herself, she heard a loud knock on her door.
"Sage, you better be up and ready right now!" The voice of a man shouted through the door.
Despite the stern tone, Sage couldn't help but chuckle,"I don't know, I'm pretty comfortable right now. How about you come back later." She called back, settling back down into her bed.
A loud, irritated sigh could be heard through the wooden door, "Please tell me you are just pulling my leg and didn't forget what today is."
She stared at the door for a moment, searching her memories for anything she could have forgotten, then the realization hit her like she just flew headfirst into a tree. "Oh gods! Why didn't you just tell me!" Sage immediately jumped out of bed and sprinted to the wardrobe that sat at the corner of the room, pulling out her black jumpsuit.
"I did like five times!" The man outside her door yelled,"I shouldn't even have to, you're old enough to wake yourself up!"
She knew he was right, but she didn't have enough time to come up with a retort, so she just shot an evil glare towards the door hoping he could feel it burning into him. Sage quickly slid on her set of light blue armored shoulder, elbow, and knee pads over her black jumpsuit. She hurriedly put on her matching breastplate while trying not to get her wings caught in it, that was the last thing she needed right now. Finally, she put on a white, sleeveless duster coat with little gold designs covering it. She slid her wings through the hole cut in the back of the jacket.
Then she made her way to the mirror. Her light brown hair was a tangled mess and her pale, freckled face had red marks all over it from what she guessed was her pillow after the rough night. She looked terrible. Sage quickly grabbed her brush and started painfully yanking out all of the knots. Once she felt that most were gone, she braided her long hair and flung it over her right shoulder.
"Are you almost done? We gotta get going!" The voice from beyond the door called out, sounding even more irritated.
"Yeah, I'm heading out now!" She called back as she put on her blue belt and armored boots. She reached out and grabbed her silver sword that rested by the door and sheathed it in the holder on her belt before opening the door.
She was immediately greeted by her good friend, Rod, who was standing outside of the door with his arms crossed. The two have been best friends since they were kids, so she never took him very seriously. He has a lean but muscular body that towered over the people around him, his brown skin gleamed from the yellow artificial light illuminating the hallway. His face sported a scar that traveled down his left cheek to his jawbone from an encounter with a group of sprites.
Rod wore identical armor to hers except his was green since he was part of the Ground Force and had to blend into the undergrowth, while she was in the Air Force and spent most of her days up towards the blue sky. His matching white and gold duster coat hung from his broad shoulders loosely over his body down to his shins. A required piece of clothing to show their higher authority.
Both Sage and Rod had been the military commanders of their kingdom, The Hollow, for two years. Rod commanded the entire Ground Force while Sage was in charge of the Air Force. Being the only fairy in the kingdom had its advantages when it came to impressing the royals and getting promotions. Since the rest of the Air Force had to fly using domesticated humming birds, they weren't nearly as agile when it came to aerial combat. The two commanders reported to the King who was the general of the military (despite never have been in combat before). He mostly listened to them anyways, so she supposed it didn't matter.
She gave Rod a confident smile,"See, there was nothing to stress over," she proudly put her gloved hands on her hips.
Rod only rolled his eyes, "Right, are you sure you got everything?" When Sage didn't pick up on his hint, he pointed to his head at his green helmet that had a small golden semicircle attached to the front. She held up her finger before sprinting into her room and grabbing the matching blue helmet she left in her wardrobe along with her goggles made of leather and acorn shells. As she ran back out of her room, she placed her helmet on her head and put her goggles over her helmet for easy access.
Rod nodded,"Now you're ready" he said with an amused smile.
Sage immediately ran around her friend so she wouldn't be as late to the ceremony meeting, but he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "What are you doing?" She complained,"We're late enough as it is!" His grip only tightened on her arm when she tried to yank herself free, and he used his free hand to cover her mouth.
"Shhhhh! Do you want to wake up the whole barracks!" Rod whispered yelled as he let go of Sage.
Confusion covered her face as she looked up at her friend,"What do you mean? Isn't everyone already outsi-" Then it hit her. Rod, her apparent "best friend," tricked her into waking up early. He only smiled as she stood silently staring into his purple eyes, resisting the urge to punch him right in the face. She let in a deep breath and put on a smile of her own, though it wasn't a friendly one,"You better have a good reason for waking me up early." She crossed her arms, daring him to come up with a lame excuse as to why he forced her out of bed in a panic.
She could tell Rod was fighting his inner demons to hold in his laughter,"Actually, I do for once," he lightly patted her arm and the two started walking down the long wooden hallway lined with doors on the right side that opened to different barracks. On their left was a shabby little fence that apparently protected the troops from falling off the walkway to their deaths. Sage peeked over the fence and saw the giant pit that seemed to stretch down forever, she could barely make out the bottom of the hollowed out tree that held the soldiers living quarters.
The duo made their way to one of the elevators located at the end of the quiet hallway, they stepped on the platform and flicked the lever that activated the pulley system. This was a new invention created to help the nymphs since they kept complaining about climbing up and down all of the stairs, though Sage never had a problem since she can fly. The elevator made loud creaking noises threatening to break at any given moment, she couldn't understand how the nymphs thought this death trap was better than stairs.
Rod began talking as the unstable elevator made its way down,"the King requested we come in early to go over details for the ceremony."
Sage crossed her arms,"he never told me that."
"He probably figured you would be asleep anyways," Rod teased.
Sage chose not to retort back. They've been having the same argument for years and it always just went around in circles. It wasn't her fault she liked to sleep!
Rod then glanced off the elevator, smiling to himself. "Look at us. Casually going to the castle to speak to the King and Queen. I sometimes still can't believe we actually made it." He turned his whole body so he was facing Sage, leaning back against the feeble railing,"If I told myself years ago that the two of us would become commanders of the military, I would have thought I hit my head and became crazy!" He laughed, shaking his head.
Sage laughed along,"it really is crazy," she agreed. Considering she became a refugee with no family or home when she was young, she never thought she would make any impact in life. Especially during a time when the fae were hunted and taken by humans for reasons unknown to Sage. But the late king had given her a chance and allowed her to stay in The Hollow. Sage worked hard to ensure that trust didn't go to waste.
The struggling elevator reached the ground level with a loud thud, and the two friends silently stepped off. They weaved their way through the crowd of soldiers getting ready for the morning patrols, who saluted the commanders as they walked by. They returned their salutes with curt nods as they quickly made their way to the tree's exit. The exit was just a simple hole in the bark covered by the tree's roots and tall grass, making it a perfect hiding place from giant animals and sprites.
As they walked through, Sage was immediately greeted by the freezing winter wind and shivered. The rising sun was barely visible behind the dark grey clouds that covered the sky as they made their way along the path to the center of The Hollow, snow crunching under their feet with every step. She could see banners blowing in the wind as they hung from the homes made out of rocks and mud. The kingdom of The Hollow was surrounded by big, reinforced walls of rock, mud, and bark that housed a number of guard posts in order to keep one of the biggest nymph civilizations safe from the unforgiving world. Beyond that was a wall of large bushes that kept the kingdom hidden from any outsiders.
Although it was early in the cold morning, the kingdom was already bustling with excitement. Delicious, warm smells wafted through the air from the hundreds of street venders, making Sage's mouth water. Blue and pink streamers flew in the sky, a sharp contrast to the white snow that covered everything like a blanket. Huddled by small fires, she saw families and friends excitedly talking amongst themselves, filling the air with laughter.
Sage smiled at the sight knowing everyone came together to celebrate this very special day. For today, the King and Queen were revealing their newborn baby to the people of The Hollow. No one knew the name of the newborn royal or their gender, so it was a huge guessing game for the citizens.
Unfortunately, that meant the newborn royal would be exposed to the world. No one wanted to risk the life of the baby, especially with the increasing tension with the neighboring sprites. Therefore the commanders were forced to prepare for any given scenario instead of joining the festivities like everyone else.
A big group of younglings bundled up in fluffy fur coats ran over to Sage and Rod,"Can you guys play web catch with us again?" The kids jumped around as they surrounded the two, holding them captive in their circle while they waited for a response.
Sage chuckled as a little girl started pulling on her arm towards the court,"I'm sorry kiddos, Rod and I are really busy today because of the celebration." She felt a little pinch of guilt as the children collectively "awwed" at her response.
Her tall friend got down on one knee so he can be at somewhat eye level with the kids,"We'll play web catch with you guys all day tomorrow. How does that sound?" The group of children cheered wildly at his words, making Sage feel like the villain for delivering the bad news.
As the group began to run towards the court (avoiding the forming patches of ice), Sage fanned out her wings, purposefully smacking Rod in the face for making her look like the bad guy. She stifled a laugh at the abashed look on his face and he quickly rose to his feet to avoid anymore hits.
They exchange a 'this isn't over look' and turned towards the looming castle in the distance that housed the royal family. As they walked, citizens greeted them with smiles and asked what gender they thought the newborn was or if they were going to be at the ceremony.
Rod was the one who answered all the questions while Sage just smiled and listened. It wasn't like she didn't enjoy talking to people, she actually loved interacting with civilians, but small talk was not part of her skill set. Thankfully, citizens understood not to take her silence personally and were happy to talk to Rod. Much to Rod's dismay, they had to quickly end the conversations and made their way through the crowds.
Sage and Rod finally reached the castle to go over last minute details with the King and Queen regarding security measures. Despite meeting at the castle every day, it was still a breathtaking sight. The white marble structure towered over every building as it sat towards the back of the kingdom. It looked too good to be lived in, too perfect. As Sage stared at the golden doors in front of her, she failed to notice the ice under her foot and yelped as she landed smack down on her butt.
She rolled onto her side holding her now bruised buttocks,"You got to be kidding me right now," she groaned.
Rod stumbled around as he held his stomach laughing at his friend's mishap. He tried to help her up but only burst out laughing every time he looked at her. Sage cursed under her breath as she shakily rose to her feet, agitatedly flicking her wings.
To her dismay, she noticed a soldier briskly walking towards them. He looked fresh out of the academy, his orange curls fell over his eyes from under his green helmet, and his nose and cheeks were bright pink from the bitter wind. Sage desperately hoped that he didn't see one of his superiors losing a fight to a small patch of ice.
"Good morning Commander Miller," he saluted towards Rod who was now breathing heavily as he recovered from his laughing fit, then he turned to Sage,"Good morning Commander Burton." The two simply nodded to the young soldier before he continued,"The King and Queen are expecting you. Please head inside."
Their footsteps echoed through the exquisite white halls lined with paintings and pale gray statues on each wall. They passed by servants dressed in black carrying fancy appetizers through a door, causing Sage's stomach to rumbled and she made a mental note to steal some on her way out.
When they entered the large throne room, she immediately spotted the King and Queen sitting stiffly on their purple and gold thrones, whispering quietly to each other. They stopped as the commanders walked into the room, giving them a polite smile.
Sage was disappointed to find no sign of the baby. She was secretly hoping she would find out who the firstborn child was before everyone else.
"Greetings your majesties," Rod and Sage said in unison as they removed their helmets. They knelt down on one knee and bowed.
King Ronin fixed his golden crown decorated with green and blue jewels on his head as he rose from his seat,"Good morning commanders, I hope you're ready for today." He said as he adjusted the green cape around his shoulders decorated with intricate gold markings.
The duo stood back to their feet before Rod spoke,"Yes my lord, we have made all of the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your family and the citizens of The Hollow. I assure you, sir, there will be no issues today." He said with full confidence.
"Good, good," the King rubbed his brown beard turning his full attention to Rod,"Where are the ground patrols stationed?"
Rod stiffened a bit more under the gaze, his smiling face becoming emotionless,"There are troops positioned on top of the walls and some are patrolling a few feet beyond the walls. Some units are stationed inside the Kingdom, sir."
"How about you Commander Burton?"
Now it was Sage's turn to stiffen up,"The air units are positioned on top of the trees and castle. There are patrols flying above the Kingdom, throughout the forest, and the borders shared with the sprites, sir."
"However, your majesty," she added, exchanging a glance with Rod. "Miller and I believe it will be best to postpone the celebration. There is a storm coming in and we think citizens should be preparing themselves and the tunnels rather than getting caught outside."
The King pondered to himself, scrunching up his brows as he seemed to debate something in his head. He glanced back at the Queen sitting quietly on her throne, who returned his gaze with calm green eyes. Queen Claire looked stunning as usual. Her dark tan skin had a healthy glow and her black hair was put up in an elegant bun. Her stunning green dress sparkled every time she moved. Everything about her proclaimed royalty. She only held her husband's gaze, letting her eyes do the talking.
King Ronin stroked his beard as he looked back at his commanders,"I want the ceremony to continue as planned. The people have been looking forward to this celebration for months. I can't cancel it now."
Sage's eyes widened. They weren't expecting the King to dismiss their concerns about the storm. Even as they nodded in agreement, Sage was already making plans on how to safely get everyone into the tunnels in a short amount of time.
But her planning halted when King Ronin met her eyes again."although I still don't know if we feel safe revealing our firstborn to the public with the growing tensions with the sprites," he admitted with a frown. "I think it'll be best if Commander Burton checked the borders herself to make sure everything is okay."
Sage was all for this plan. As a commander and the only fairy in a kingdom of nymphs, she felt she had to prove herself constantly to assure everyone that she had their best interests at heart. The last thing she wanted was a bunch of sprites sneaking across the border and hurting the people she sworn to protect.
Rod, however, didn't like this new proposal and spoke up before Sage could voice her agreement. "Respectfully sir, I don't see how sending one person to check the borders, especially a commander, benefits anyone." His voice was calm but stern as he continued,"What would she be able to see that all of the other patrolmen can't? It's better to have her stay at The Hollow where she can command the Air Force if something happens."
The King seemed unbothered by Rod's protest,"Commander Burton is a fairy, one of a kind. She is faster than all of the hummingbirds combined and can check the borders in an instant," The King slowly walked towards the pair, his black boots thumping against the marble floor,"She has proven herself more than capable to handle this assignment. And if anything were to happen, we have the best patrolmen in the forest led by a reliable commander to help her." He gave Rod a knowing look,"I understand your concerns, but you need to trust me as much as I trust you." King Ronin said with full confidence.
Sage spoke up before Rod said anything he may regret,"I understand your reasoning, sir," She could feel Rod's eyes piercing through her armor as she continued,"I will leave immediately and come back by noon for the celebration."
King Ronin's eyes wrinkled at the corners as he smiled,"I knew I could count on you Burton." He clapped his hands together, "Alright then, we have no time to waste! You two are dismissed!" He declared with a wave of his hand.
Sage briskly walked back out into the cold morning air, trying to take off before Rod attempted to change her mind. She was too slow. "Sage this really isn't a good idea." He said as he tightly gripped her shoulder and turned her around. He looked up at the sky,"A storm is coming in and I don't want you stuck out there by yourself. Especially with the sprites getting bolder."
"Rod." She calmly looked into his purple eyes full of concern,"I'm not some helpless youngling. I've earned my title as commander. I can handle whatever comes my way," she gently brushed his cold cheek with her hand and smiled,"I'll be back before you know it."
Her friend loosened his grip on her shoulder,"If you don't come back by nightfall, I'm going out there myself," He sternly stated, leaving no doubts in Sage's mind that he would do it.
Sage wiggled out of the loose grip on her shoulder and gave him her most confident smile,"Just worry about setting up for the ceremony, I'll be fine," she patted the green armor covering his arm,"You can trust me big guy."
Rod nodded without saying a word, the concern in his eyes begging her not to go. Sage could only give him a little wave before she put on her goggles, fluttered her white wings and took off into the sky, disappearing over the wall.
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insomniac-jay · 11 months
Official Hero Costumes
Part 1
These are the last hero costumes post Imma make bc I finally know what the hell I'm doing. Most of these apply for both BNHAverse and Giftedverse. Also, if my artist mutuals want to take some creative liberties they can.
Joou Hitsugaya | Splendor
Splendor is a very versatile woman in the sense that she never wears the same hero costume everyday. But one thing they have in common is that they look like designer outfits one could find on the runway.
Joou's most notable costume consists of a white cold shoulder dress with diamonds sewn into it. The dress features slits that allow for easier movement. Her white boots are designer. Her costume also features different pieces of armor such as gauntlets, pauldrons, and more.
Irefumi Hitsugaya | Inkstain
Irefumi's costume sticks to their punk roots and is quite revealing in male hero outfit terms. It consists of a black jean vest with several different pins, spikes, and their hero symbol on the back (they'd go entirely shirtless if it weren't for the restrictions). The vest is always open for easy Quirk use. Furthermore, they also wear red plaid jeans and a pair of black combat boots. They also wear a red domino mask.
Shukara Inoue/Chuso Mejia | Chargeman
Shukara/Chuso has a flair for the dramatic, which is fitting considering he's also a well-known wrestler. His costume is a skintight royal blue catsuit with a deep V neck exposing his chest (boobs out city). The catsuit also features built-in gold shoulder and knee pads as well as fringes of the same color. His boots are the same royal blue color and has jewels in it.
Sorami/Oya Amarai | Stormchaser
Oya/Sorami's costume is simple with a weather reporter motif. Sorami/Oya wears a dark blue bodysuit with shorts, black boots, and clear raincoat. Around her waist is a stylish utility belt that she can also store her umbrella in.
Kagehiko Ankokugai | Hades
Kagehiko's costume is probably one of the most difficult to pinpoint but I'm gonna try my best. His costume consists of a black skintight spandex suit with a white skeletal design, tattered red waist cape with silver chain belts, and black boots. He also wears a dark red cape with skull shaped buttons.
Sakura Ankokugai | Persephone
Sakura's hero costume sticks to her nature theme and is made up of a green bodysuit with short shorts and a pink half skirt attached to it. The skirt is shaped like flower petals. Sakura's bodysuit has floral patterns on it. She wears a pair of brown boots with flowers on them.
Hibana/Donna Maikaru | Superstar
Donna/Hibana's costume definitely encapsulates her 70s theme with a silver 70s style halter top jumpsuit and disco ball patterned roller skates. The jumpsuit is holographic, infused with Superstar's DNA to enhance her Quirk in combat.
Akio/Alan Shingenchi | Demoman
Alan/Akio's costume remains pretty much the same as I had it with just a few minor changes. His costume is fairly simple as it looks like an armored construction worker's uniform. It consists of a sleeveless orange vest with white straps underneath a black shirt, baggy black pants, and orange boots with jackhammer heels on them. He also wears an orange hardhat with a black vizor for eye protection and several pieces of armor of the same color.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer @spoilercreati
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styleofdiamandis · 7 months
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Directed by Charlotte Rutherford, the music video for Marina's track, "Blue," unfolds within the nostalgic landscape of Dreamland, the UK's oldest amusement park. Beyond its melodic allure, the video presents a curated visual experience, showcasing Marina's distinctive fashion choices against the backdrop of an iconic location.
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For the opening sequence of the music video, the songstress graced the screen in an exquisite ensemble that set the tone for the entire visual experience.
Marina effortlessly blended sophistication with a touch of whimsy as she adorned Australian brand The Fifth Label's Just For Now white wrap dress, featuring a tasteful tie waist that added an elegant dimension to her look.
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Adding a bold and avant-garde touch to her ensemble, Marina accessorized with the Kitti clear acetate cat-eye sunglasses from another Aussie label, Quay.
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Elevating her ensemble to unparalleled heights of sophistication, Marina added the final brushstroke to her look with the Carlita vintage metallic silver leather pumps from Liudmila's Fall/Winter 2015 "Peranatoriana" collection.
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Buckle up as we accompany M on a thrilling ride through Dreamland, where her fashion journey takes a dazzling turn. In a spectacular display of glitz and glamour, Marina emerges on the scene donning a silver sequined jumpsuit crafted by the emerging designer label, Isolated Heroes.
The sleeveless design allows Marina the freedom to move with unrestrained confidence, capturing the essence of the music video's energetic rhythm. The silver sequins catch the vibrant lights of the amusement park, creating a mesmerizing play of reflections that mirrors the joy and exuberance of the surroundings.
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In the mystical realm of Dreamland, Marina transforms into a fortune teller, and her ethereal look is accentuated by the exquisite jewelry designs from Pandora, the esteemed sponsor of the video. Pandora's creations, known for their timeless elegance, adorn Marina's hands and wrists with a curated selection of bracelets and rings, each piece telling a story of its own.
Among the dazzling array of jewelry, Ma chose to grace her fingers with the Majestic Feathers bypass ring, a design that adds a touch of enchantment to the fortune teller aesthetic.
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As the crescendo of "Blue" builds to its peak, the Welsh-Greek singer takes center stage in a high-energy dancing sequence, adorned in a show-stopping custom creation by emerging designer Paula Knorr. The sleeveless jumpsuit, crafted from red and purple lamé, becomes a visual symphony of movement and color, amplifying the dynamism of the music and Marina's electrifying performance.
This bespoke piece is a testament to Paula's innovative design sensibilities, drawing inspiration from her MA graduate collection to create a garment that seamlessly fuses boldness and grace.
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tealsteell · 7 months
It was probably the first time since acquiring stardom that ezreal was booked for an event solo . . . the other members of HEARTSTEEL, his brothers, booked for other various charity functions across the city .
The scheduling was certainly a nightmare for Alune , who wasn't a fan of splitting the group up in such capacity . . . but she realized that it was better to get six forms of public attention over a single one , and so she begrudgingly pencilled in their date and times .
As expected , the event was riddled with paparazzi and well-dressed celebrities scattered about ; a red carpet showcasing the way into the venue . . . and as much as deep down , the self-conscience boy wanted to just scurrying into the building without attracting the awe of the cameras ? the pop-star on the outside was ecstatic over these prospects .
So , there he was in a situation he had found himself in multiple times before . posing and smiling for the barrage of lens flares and photography flashes that were hurled in his direction . he's wearing an eye-catching red jumpsuit that's coupled with pearly white Doc Martens ; brought together by a white dress shirt and a blue bowtie with yellow polka dots and an accenting yellow belt around his waist . it's cartoony, like something out of 80's kids movie . . . it shouldn't work , but ezreal pulls it off .
Out of the corner of his eye . . . he spots something that gathers his attention , familar purple long locks in a tantilizing sleeveless, void black dress and deep purple heels . He recognizes her nearly instantly as @peachyguard of K/DA fame . . .
The cameras oogle and awe at her unobtainable beauty and frame , perhaps some wishing they were the dress in question . . . ezreal ? he can't help but feel a bit of fandom come over him , after all . . . K/DA was a household name in the pop industry already , while HEARTSTEEL were still finding their way .
Before he could continue his internal monologuing , he is snapped back to reality by a blogger's question ,
❝ Kai'Sa ! Ezreal ! Can we get a picture of you two ? ❞
Wait . . . what ? Suddenly his eyes shift back towards the direction he had saw the woman , who is now standing mere inches away from him .
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bumblebeetlebee · 1 year
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Maiden | 3/3
[ Image ID: The picture shows the queens forest at twilight. Many different versions of The Maiden, Changeling, and Angel of Justice wander through it, all connected with red string.
The bottom of the picture is underwater in the river. The Rusalka floats in the river holding Margaret. She has blue skin, thick stylized eyelashes, and long black hair that billows around her. Her head is severed and floats above her neck. She is screaming. In her arms Margaret is unconscious, her eyes closed and mouth open. Margaret has dark brown skin and long curly black hair that floats behind her. She is wearing a frilly green dress. Written in white next to them is: “You’ve heard this story before.” A red string flows from the words and around the characters.
At the bank of the river Travis (as William) and Margaret, from their married days, hold each other. Margaret is kneeling over Travis with a hand holding his cheek; She is smiling at him with their noses touching. Margaret is wearing a white backless dress, her hair loosely tied to the side, and she is covered in flowers and vines. Travis is leaned back on his hands. He is wearing a green coat and light yellow pants. He is also covered in flowers. They are smiling at each other. The red string comes from the left of the page and wraps around them before continuing backwards.
Further back in the forest bending and tree is the old Maiden and Changeling. The Changeling is leaning out from behind the tree. He has light skin, long black hair, and white eyes. He is wearing a gray shirt and brown pants, both of which are covered in vines and flowers. Peeking out from behind him is The Maiden. She has short brown hair, black eyes, and brown skin. She is wearing a green jumpsuit with bark around her calves. She is similarly covered in flowers. She is grinning up at The Changeling who gives her a slight smile in return. The red string is wrapped around The Maiden’s hair.
Emerging from the tree above them to gently hold The Maiden’s hair is the arm of The Angel of Justice. She has tanned skin that is broken up with black and white feathers, getting more concentrated closer to her elbow. One black and white eye is on her forearm and it is looking at The Maiden. The red string wraps up her wrist and falls to the other side of her arm.
Sitting with her back to the tree line is Margaret from her time as a black lily. Her hair is loose and she wears a gray sleeveless dress with a white blouse. She is holding a letter and looking upwards. A tattoo of a black lily is visible on her neck. The red string goes across her arm and lap before crossing over her shoulder.
Behind two trees in the background is Travis and Gable, in their present day appearances. They are walking with their pinkies linked together. Travis wears a green jacket with brown trim, brown pants, and a white shirt with a cravat. He is looking back at Gable. Gable is a very tall person with silver hair in a bun and with an undercut. They wear a purple coat and an unbuttoned white shirt. They are looking at Travis. The red string is wrapped around their interlocked fingers.
To the left of Travis and Gable is Gable’s sword stabbed into the ground it glows a soft yellow and a fire burns at its base. The red string loops around its hilt.
Hidden in the trees above Travis and Gable is the face of The Forest queen. She has brown bark-like skin and green hair that blends into the leaves. The red string brushes across her hair.
The sky is a blend of of purple and gray clouds and two feathers float at the very top. One feather is Uriel’s; it is made of fire. The other belongs to the prior Angel of Justice. It is black and white with three eyes. The red string is tied between the two feathers. End ID]
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TLR Fashion Posts: Talia Neptune
Finally getting into making more fashion posts! I have been meaning to do some more for a long while, especially with Talia here is I love her fancy tomboy style so much and wanted the chance to explore it more. So, I hope you enjoy!
(Her sister's: Amaya)
Talia's style in a way can be described as a fancy or stylish tomboy, as she does not feel all that comfortable with the traditional flowing skirts and dresses of her kingdom, but still enjoys a stylish and feminine style with her outfits and accessories. A lot of her outfits are also pretty revealing that show off a lot of skin, both because she knows she is attractive and it is in her tastes already, but also because they are easier to move around in and all sorts of room to layer accessories. Tight-fitting and sleeveless tops, crop-tops in all sorts of styles, sleeveless rompers, bralette tops, jumpsuits that are either completely form-fitting or have wide legs, formal, fitting, or flowy shorts, fancy lace leggings, and flowy or loose-fitting pants. Prefers halter or v-necklines with her tops, and largely prefers to have her arms uncovered, but does have a couple of formal or fancy jackets to wear if the weather is colder. As already stated, she cannot stand skirts or dresses that much, but if she must for a formal or royal event, then she is more inclined to wearing high-low ones with attached shorts underneath, or jumpsuit dresses. For footwear, she has a pretty large collection that consists almost exclusively heels and sandals, ranging in various styles and lengths but she prefers strappy or decorative ones the most.
For colors, she has a very bright and peppy color pallate, that ranges more on the warmer side. Yellow and pink are two of her main favorite colors so she wears those the most, with her preferring lighter and more pastel shades of yellow, and more vibrant and brighter pinks. Also enjoys oranges and silver-blues, with light purples and reds on occasion but never any green. As traditional Arianian clothing is mostly white with gold accents, she does have a lot of white pieces in her closet to balance with her more colorful pieces, and does have a few light or silver gray pieces as well, with black only being for some accessories. Prefers solid colors with her clothes but does have some pieces that have celestial motifs and patterns on them, and loves diamond embellishments or glittering and sparkly material. As she is royalty she works with the palace designers to make a lot of her clothes, so they are all made out of high-quality material but she also loves to go shopping with her sisters or friends, so a lot of her clothes have been bought in Arialas as well.
For accessories, she absolutely loves wearing jewelry, and does not care about being excessive or "extra" in this department as she always layers a lot of it with her outfits. All of her jewelry is gold in color, and she owns plenty of gold necklaces, bangle and cuff bracelets, rings, and large dangly or hoop earrings. Most of her jewelry pieces contain celestial motifs and are simple gold to balance a little better with her outfits, but she does have a lot of pieces that contain diamonds or have a sort of "shimmer" quality to them. A big fan of armbands, intrically-designed ones or simple cuff ones, and anklets but she only wears those with shorter heels. Owns a few belts in plain white or gold, most with fancy buckles but she does have a few chain belts. Doesn't wear hair accessories that much since she has shorter hair, but when it is styled all nice she has some fancy hair pins to pull it back with.
For her hair, it is naturally wavy and she keeps it at around chin-length, wearing it down most of the time but she does like curling or pulling it back in fancy styles for royal events or just because sometimes. It is also a natural silvery-white color, which she always found too boring on its own and loves to experiment with different hair colors or color combinations, with her right now sporting a pretty, all-over salmony-pink color. Absolutely loves wearing makeup, and does not care if her looks are considered "extra" on a daily basis. Her usual looks consist of shimmering eyeshadow in gold, pink, or other warm shades, a little bit of highlighter and blush, and shiny but natural-colored lip-glosses or lipsticks, to have her makeup looks draw more attention to her eyes. Loves getting her nails done, preferring to keep them long and usually likes to get glitter polish or some sort of fun design, with her and her sister Maya liking to go to the salon together to get their nails done. Enjoys wearing perfume, with her liking sweet and romantic scents.
- Some inspirations:
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natterghast · 8 months
so my brain is definitely in the clown zone cus I was working on a profile for constantin for a discord i'm in with friends last night. here have constantin's full description :o)
Constantin is broad, muscular, and tall, with a mane of long, curly red hair; occasionally has braids. Pale skinned as if with paint, king often sports menacing gazes punctuated by white pupilless eyes that are ringed; has a needlelike, pointed nose that's multicolored like apple candies. Wears a sleeveless, bright patterned jumpsuit and little else; prefers to be barefoot, sometimes wears fun shaped nipple pasties. Makeup varies, but he goes for sharp edges instead of curves or circles. (eg. sunbursts, stars, triangles, winged eyeliner)
● age: unknown ● gender: trans masculine, she/her, he/him, and king ● orientation: bisexual with a preference for women, polyamorous ● height: 6'9" ● weight: roughly 300lb ● other physicality notes: sharp teeth, mouth is a gate to hell; eyes spiral inwards with greens and reds when Constantin uses certain abilities; internal temperature runs significantly hotter than most, roughly 115 - 120 F (46 - 49 C); has vertical eyebrow piercings ● more: knows three different sign languages, and a sign cant the posse came up with
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