#reesker au
flyingpotstickers · 1 month
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Head held higher than her heels.
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punksarahreese · 1 year
“You don’t get to call me that.” for estrangement omggg
Heat of the Moment
Estrangement | Exes!AU
Ship: Reesker
CW: accusations of abuse
WC: 1076
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They had been yelling for a while, to the point where Sarah expected someone from PD to come banging on the door about a noise complaint. Ava had backed herself into the wall beside her fishtank, mirroring Sarah’s closed off body language that urged her to stay back. Startled eyes tracked her every movement, noting every shift and step the other woman took.
She wasn’t sure how this argument started, just like everyone before it. Sarah had let herself in with a huff, tossing her keys onto the coffee table and not bothering to pick them up when they slipped onto the pristine grey carpet. That’s where her eyes stayed frozen as she looked for words, searching for a way to convey what she wanted.
“You keep me isolated,” Ava’s whisper was barely audible, “When was the last time I went out with friends? The last time I met up with you and your friends? I don’t have anyone but you in Chicago, Sarah, and part of me wonders if you wanted to keep it that way!”
“Don’t you dare say that,” Sarah spat, “Your inability to make friends is not my fault at all.”
“Right, so the way no one ever thinks to acknowledge me when they invite you out right in front of me, that’s all coincidence?’
Sarah scoffed, “Well I think your totally approachable personality could be to blame, Ava.”
“I have a personality disorder, Sarah!” Ava’s tone matched hers as she uncrossed her arms, visibly shaking. She was looking at her girlfriend in disbelief, wondering where on earth the understanding, loving woman she knew went in all of this.
“That doesn’t excuse anything.”
“I never said it did. It’s an explanation, Sarah, not an excuse. You know how hard I have worked to be better socially, you know I’m trying. You of all people would know…”
Sarah ignored the way she blinked rapidly, if she did she might lose her courage. If she acknowledged the hurt in her girlfriend’s watery eyes, she might drop the subject and then the cycle would begin anew. Love and care turning to small conflicts and then even bigger meltdowns. It wouldn’t change, it wouldn’t stop; not unless Sarah fought back.
“They’ve noticed.”
Sarah never once met her gaze, “At the hospital, they talk. They talk about how you act and how unfeeling you are. They wonder if you care about anyone but yourself. Your fights with Connor, your involvement with his dad. People have been talking for months.”
“I never did anything with Cornelius-”
“I’m not finished,” she said firmly, “They’ve talked to me, Ava. They ask if everything is okay at home. We say we’re dating but they never see us outside of work, not together. Some of the nurses ask if I’m okay, if there’s something wrong in our relationship.”
“I didn’t think anything was wrong… We just don’t do PDA, we aren’t those people. Sarah you know I never did anything with Connor’s dad and my relationship with Connor was a mutual issue. I’m not unfeeling, you know better than anyone that I feel too much. It’s why I have to depersonalize at work, otherwise I will break down.”
“Ava, I have been researching,” Sarah sighed, “Cluster B disorders… I think you were misdiagnosed.”
“Sarah Reese, I know what you’re thinking. Don’t you dare say it.”
Unruly curls bounced as she shook her head rapidly, mind racing too much to listen for the hurt in Ava’s voice. She had poured over countless journals and information for months, asking every psychiatrist she knew for information. Her notebook was littered with notes, messy beyond legibility for anyone else, all citing experiences she had recalled. Sarah had even reached out to her mom, something she never did anymore, asking for stories about her dad. She recited every observed behaviour and memory she had about the two of them, Ava and her dad, long enough that a connection bloomed in her mind.
“Your behaviour is concerning,” she started, “I can’t ignore it anymore, Ava. I wonder if you feel anything, really, because it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. I don’t want to believe you’re lying to me but that's all I can think now. Is all of it made up, do you really love me?”
“Sarah, I care about you so-”
Can you really love me? I think I have a habit of finding people who remind me of the man I grew up without… I begin to wonder if the pattern has any substance. The way you act, some of the things you’ve said, it doesn’t add up. I don’t think you’re borderline, Ava, I think you have ASPD.”
“Sarah,” tears had started tracking down Ava’s cheeks as the pain bubbled in her chest, “Don’t say that. You can’t diagnose me. I have trauma, I have all the markers of BPD and OCD. I was diagnosed after the last incident in my twenties, you know that; you read my notes. What are you even saying?”
“I’m saying people are asking if you abuse me emotionally,” Sarah’s voice was unlike she had ever heard before, cold and ripping at her heart like daggers, “My mind keeps comparing you to my dad and it all makes sense now. I’m saying I am starting to believe what they said may be true. I think maybe I flock to abusers with pretty words and lies-”
“No!” Ava’s scream rang through her apartment, punctuated by a thud as she backed into the wall again. Tears were freefalling down her face and leaving clumps of mascara behind, highlighting the agony she felt as she was staring at the woman she loved. Her hands shook violently as she tried to channel everything she felt into a feasible emotion, feeling like everything would bubble up until it exploded.
“You- you don’t get to call me that! After everything… How fucking dare you, Sarah? A-after I tried so hard, for years, to not become like the people who hurt me. You can call me a lot of things but psychopath? Abuser? I would never hurt you, and certainly not like this.”
“Ava, the research shows-”
“Out!” she screeched and scrambled to grab Sarah’s keys off the carpet, tossing them towards the door to make distance between them. She backed up again, arms crossed tightly around her body, “Get out, Sarah.”
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solesommerso · 8 months
whumptober 2023 day 3 : vows
Chicago med, Sarah/Ava other characters: Kevin (cpd), other doctors from med
warnings : forced marriage, kidnapping, chains/restraints, unwilling drugging, mentioned torture
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Sarah takes in a breath as she smoothes over her white dress, the material is thin and soft under her hands, it feels all too revealing. There’s a crowd of people awaiting her to walk down the aisle, a man she doesn’t know at her side, a sympathetic smile on his face as though he’s apologizing for what’s about to happen.
“You look stunning.” A grin gets sent Sarah’s way once she approaches her awaiting partner, anxiety sitting painfully in her stomach as she takes Ava in. Her dress is much more modest than Sarah’s is, gold jewelry laid over her neck to match the clip she has holding her short hair back, her makeup is light and shines under the overhead lights. She looks like any normal bride, happy and excited about her marriage, not like she drugged Sarah to get her here and like the chains still clanking at her ankles weren’t put there by Ava herself.
“Do you two have vows prepared?” Connor meets Sarah’s eyes with his own fearful look, she can’t see but she assumes he has chains around his ankles the same way Sarah does. The same way they all do: April, Natalie, Noah, Ethan, Will, even Maggie. They still look more drugged than Sarah herself is, she’s been here the longest, at the apartment complex that Ava bought but uses as her personal prison for her past coworkers.
“Sarah, the light of my life, you were perfect the minute I laid my eyes on you. You were everything I ever wanted, I knew I had to have you.” Her hands get taken into Ava’s, it makes her body shiver but she musters the best smile she can. Fighting only leads to punishment and Sarah can’t sit through another day of being strapped to the medical table in that cold room she could throw up thinking about.
“What the hells going on?!” Will yells and cuts through the quietness of the room, it startles the others more awake, the redhead pulling at the ties that hold his hands behind the chair he’s sat in.
Sarah hates to see him struggle, she wants to tell him it’s okay, that if he goes along they’ll make it out okay, but the man who walked Sarah down the aisle is moving towards Will before she can. His hands are on Halstead’s shoulders, holding him down with a grunt about staying quiet during the ceremony. Reese isn’t sure how Ava knows him, how he became apart of this, but she doesn’t think it’s by his own free will.
“No more interruptions! Today is a special day, a day for me and Sarah.” Ava shouts the first words but drops her tone to something softer. It’d almost sound sweet if Sarah didn’t know how her mood changes within seconds and how she might be plunging a knife into Reese’s skin if she’s not careful.
“Ava, what are you doing? Can’t we talk about this?” Natalie pips up with her voice shaking but that signature Natalie type of care showing through, she’s always been so hopeful.
“There’s nothing to talk about, me and Sarah love each other, we’re getting married.” One of Ava’s hands moves to brush against Sarah’s skin, Reese almost starts to cry. She feels so empty staring back into someone she once considered a close friend who know seems like a complete stranger.
“Sweetheart…” The dark haired girl trails off, looking helplessly at Sarah before turning her head towards where Will is still being whisper-yelled at by the man Sarah’s yet to hear name for.
“Will it’s okay, it’s alright.” Reese calls out as assuringly as she can, watching him continue to struggle is making her chest ache, and she knows Ava won’t tolerate it much longer.
“Kevin’s a cop, he’s going to have his unit looking for him. The people at the hospital are going to look for us.” Halstead ignores Sarah’s pleads to instead start shouting at Ava, an almost frantic tone in his voice.
“Nobody will be looking for Kevin since he quit his job, and so did you all, such a shame Goodwin wouldn’t pay you better wages. Nobody will notice you’re gone.” Even if Sarah has heard it all before, it still makes her stomach churn.
“And don’t worry Natalie, sweet little Owen is staying with his grandmother while you take some time to clear your head.” That eases Sarah as much as it does Manning, she hadn’t heard Ava mention Owen till now but it had been a constant question in the back of her mind.
“Now let’s get back to the wedding. It’s your turn to say your vows baby.” Ava’s lips curl into a smile, hands gripping Sarah’s, it takes all of Reese’s willpower to not start to sob the tears she’s been holding back since she got taken, instead she steels herself with a breath and thinks up the most romantic vows she can. The more she goes along the better it’ll be, the more of a chance they’ll have to get out of here.
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crockettmarcel · 1 year
"On the count of three, okay?" + reesker if you like for tsf <3
"I'm not jumping in that water, absolutely not," Ava says, wrapping her arms around her shaking body. "They aren't paying me to jump in a lake. And what if there are brain-eating amoebas in there? I don't want anything eating my brain."
Sarah smiles and takes her hand, then leads her slowly towards the end of the dock.
"It's not that cold, and I promise there are no amoebas of any kind in there. On the count of three, okay?"
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purple-dahlias · 1 year
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chalk cove!au
“I’m so tired of this,” Sarah huffs out, and she looks it, Ava observes, her head barely supported in her hands, dark curls spilling around her face and down her shoulders in a tangled mess. Two day old mascara forms a rim under her eyes.
“When does it get easier?” Her voice cracks, just a whisper above the sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks below, but the desperation is audible.
“Soon,” Ava hums softly, reaching along the railing and placing a well-manicured hand over Sarah’s icy one. “You’ve come so far already,” she reminds her.
“And if it’s not enough, if, if I can’t do it by myself…” Sarah trails off, staring out at the ocean, trying to find the divide between the ocean and the sky.
“You don’t have to, love,” Ava knits her brows together, knowing what Sarah is driving at, what she is worried about happening. What happened last time. “I’m here. And we’ll stay here as long as is needed. We’re going to do this together. I’m going to get us through this.”
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emily-prentits · 1 year
if names count for wip guessing game: ava
ofc!!! i dug out my reesker flower shop au for u :))
Sarah eyes the emblem embroidered onto Ava’s jacket, for some reason it's surrounded with colorful flowers, but oddly enough, the colors work well.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
13. Candle - Sarah Reese + Ava Bekker + Reader - Chicago Med - Summer Camp!AU
@purple-dahlias' Seven sentence fic July day 13: candle
The candles flickered as a light breeze blew through the darkness of the room.
"Because that's not creepy at all, there's not even a window open." You commented, glancing around at the windows as Sarah chewed her lip, meeting Ava's smirk.
"Getting scared?" Ava teased, but you rolled your eyes, looking at Sarah for a moment before your gaze lingered back on the spirit board that Ava had brought to camp this summer.
"No! Just..." You glanced at the windows again, about to get up and check the curtains were closed when a hand rested on your knee.
"Do we have any more lights? Maybe something less of a fire hazard?" Sarah enquired, looking towards Ava, who let out a huff, but nodded.
"I was saving this for the ghost stories later, but fine," putting out the unnecessarily large flashlight to turn on under her chin, illuminating her face creepily.
"Now, let's start off with something simple. Are there any spirits with us tonight?" Ava asked, gesturing for the three of you to place fingers on the planchette to see if the three of you would get an answer.
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space-rave12 · 9 months
If anyone wants to hear about my assassin reesker au, let me know
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bekkerarchives · 2 years
before i sleep a little bit of mistaken!au sarah thoughts
♡ lesbian, realized during med school but didn't really care lmao
♡  she didn't care bc she doesn't date, wont date and has never dated (she's definitely not scared. nope)
♡ is one of those strange people that enjoys studying
♡ that fear 100% stems from her parents, although idk if ill explore that in the fic bc i want to keep it lighthearted
♡ used to be a big reader in high school, so it makes her cringe when she falls into the fake dating trope she's read about one too many times
♡ cooks to deal with stress. her favourite thing to cook being chicken ramen
♡ weirdly active on instagram for an antisocial person, however she just occasionally posts on her story and uses the explore page to look at memes (its sort of a guilty pleasure) ((mood tbh))
♡ one of the things she posts is study photos at this coffee shop she's at constantly, and no matter how many times anyone asks her where it is she refuses to give it up bc its her spot
ᵇᵘᵗ ʷʰᵉⁿ ᵃᵛᵃ ᵃˢᵏˢ ˢʰᵉ ᵃˡᵐᵒˢᵗ ᶦᵐᵐᵉᵈᶦᵃᵗᵉˡʸ ᵗᵉˡˡˢ ʰᵉʳ
♡ she has a mental list locked away of people she’d date in a heartbeat, but she pushes it away because she refuses to date (ofc bc of her career... nothing else)
♡ autistic. 100% so. (idk if it'll come across well tho bc idk i struggle to write autistic characters even though I'm literally autistic its weird)
♡ secretly really into fashion and has an active Pinterest presence but just doesn't bother trying to dress up irl.
♡ collects cds because she thinks vinyl prices are “getting silly”
♡ plays animal crossing on the bus home from work to decompress
♡ her favorite drink is a cherry rum and coke
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page-doctor-bekker · 3 years
Exposé - msbp!au
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(A/N) So this is like, an exposition I guess. It’s necessary for the rest of the story. Ginormous trigger warning for allusions to child abuse, gaslighting + manipulation.
Sarah's vision blurred, as she faded in and out of consciousness. The pain is intense, and she feels like she might die. This isn't survivable. The worst of the pain hits her all at once, and she lets out a blood-curdling scream into her gag. After that pain, nothing.
"Oh Sarie, I have some bad news," His voice cut through the pain, like a scalpel in her lower back, "You're going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life..."
"Good morning Sarie," Sarah's dad sung, turning on the overhead lights as he walked into her room. He was holding a medium-sized pink bin, lined with a sterile sheet to create a sterile field, with a few syringes and medications, as well as sterile gloves, alcohol swabs, and a few other supplies. Sarah was scared awake, letting out a short groan. Her dad pulled a chair up, before pulling on a pair of gloves and disconnecting Sarah's PICC line from her overnight infusion.
He opened up a 10mL saline flush, screwed it onto the end of her line, and slowly pushed the plunger, drained the syringe into the line. Next, he pulled out another syringe, this time a 3mL syringe, half-full with clear liquid. He connected the syringe to the line, and administered the medication. She almost instantaneously felt calmer and sedated, as the Ativan coursed through her system. He proceeded to flush the line with more saline, then a syringe of Heparin. After that flush, he finished off the line by screwing on a swab cap. He tucked the line under the PICC cover, and pulled off and disposed of his gloves. Lastly, he helped Sarah sit up, and guided a small cup of pills into her shaky hand. He gave her a water cup with a straw, and helped her take her pills.
Sarah's dad moved her wheelchair closer to the bed and locked the wheels. He gently took the blankets off of her body, and threaded his left arm under her knees, and his right arm under her armpits around her body. He lifted her into her wheelchair, and buckled up her seatbelt. He hummed to her as he put her minimalist neck brace on to keep her head from flopping forward. The brace had a strap around the back of her neck, with two hard plastic pieces at the sides of her neck. The top of those plastic pieces split off onto a chin pad to hold her chin in place, and the bottoms of the plastic pieces split off into two rods that joined in a v-shape at her sternum.
Sarah’s dad turned off her overnight oxygen concentrator, and started peeling the cannula tape off of her prominent cheekbones. Sarah coughed a few times as the oxygen stopped.
“Today is tube change day,” Her dad announced, and Sarah was wheeled into the kitchen where she was sat at the table. Her dad started rummaging through the formula cabinet, "Do you want something to eat before we leave for the hospital?"
Sarah was quiet for a moment, trying to process those words through her Ativan-jumbled brain, "...Yes..." She finally decided, speaking slowly, "Can... I have... a..." She paused, thinking of what she wanted, "Cereal..."
"Yes," Sarah's dad confirmed, moving to fix her a bowl of cereal. A few quiet, zoned-out minutes later she was presented with a bowl of fruit loops. Her dad fitted the rings of her adaptive spoon onto her pointer finger and her thumb, and she started to spoon her cereal into her mouth. Her dad sat down to supervise as always, to make sure she didn't aspirate.
He multi-tasked, filling her feed bag with four cartons of formula and 8 ounces of Miralax mixed into water. He closed up the bag, and fitted the tubing into the Infinity pump. He flipped the bag upside down, and pushed the button to prime the tube. Once formula started dripping out of the end of the tube, he stopped.
Sarah's dad lifted her shirt, gently pulled the split gauze off from around her tube, and cleaned the area, "Today we have..." He grabbed the small fabric circle from the table, "Purple and pink stripes!" He fitted the tubie pad around her tube and clipped it together, and let her shirt fall.
Sarah finished her cereal, and watched as her dad tucked the bag of formula and the pump into one of Sarah’s various backpacks, and hung it on the back of her wheelchair. This particular backpack was a pale pink, with a panda on the front. On the lower right side of the backpack there was a plastic port where the tubing came out of. On the right side of Sarah’s wheelchair, between the back of the chair and the armrest was a velcro strap that held the tube out of the way of the wheel. He left her for a moment, grabbing an ice pack to tuck into the bag with the formula.
Sarah watched him, puzzled and confused, “Why aren’t you starting feeds?”
“Yes, we are going to the hospital today, you are due to have your tube replaced,” He started a sterile field, and started to draw up the day’s medications, five IV syringes and one G-tube syringe. He capped the syringes and tossed them into a plastic bag. He put her nighttime pills into a small pill container, and put it in the bag as well, “Just in case we aren’t home in time,” He put the bag into her backpack, “
Sarah started coughing a dry, rough cough. Her dad rubbed her back with one hand, and reaching over onto the table for her portable oxygen concentrator. He tucked the cannula into her nose and turned it on. She started to breathe easier, and her dad smiled.
Once she started to feel better, he spoke up, “I need to stop the machine so I can put this in your backpack and organize the tubing, okay?”
She nodded, and he turned the machine off and unplugged the tubing from the machine. Working quickly, he looped the excess tubing up and secured it with a tubie clip that he clipped to her shirt. He fed the tubing through the the velcro port in the back of her wheelchair, then through the port in her backpack. The oxygen concentrator went into the backpack, and he turned in back on once it was set up.
Once she was all set up, her dad looked at his watch, “I think it’s time to get this show on the road!”
Sarah nodded, and leaned against her headrest while her dad pushed her through the house, then out the door.
Sarah dozed all the way to the hospital, barely lucid enough to realize when she was being taken out of the car, and into the hospital.
“Let’s take a look at the ol’ g-tube then, ready?” Sarah was woken from her daze by the doctor, a brunette woman that Sarah had seen multiple times before, Dr. Manning.
Sarah nodded at the doctor, leaning back and lifting her shirt up to the underwire of her bra, exposing the tube.
“Mind if I give her her 11:00 meds?” Her dad inquired, looking at his watch. The doctor nodded and Sarah’s dad stole a pair of gloves from the wall and started fiddling with her PICC line. He pushed her morphine first, which immediately started to chill her out even more than the Ativan. The next medication was Benadryl, which was followed by saline and Heparin.
As the Benadryl kicked in, Sarah dozed off just in time for Dr. Manning to pull the tube out for the change.
An indiscernable amount of time later, Sarah woke up in a hospital bed, a different room from the procedure room she had been in before. 
“Sarah?” Her dad whispered, looking up from his phone. Sarah made a noise in the back of her throat, feeling a thin tube down her throat, and rubbed her eyes, before looking at her dad.
“Dad?” She croaked, “Where... Why are we here? Why do I have a nose tube?”
“You have an infection,” He explained, scooting closer to her bed and grabbing her right hand, “In your tube. They want to keep you here because of your immunodeficiency, they want to be a little more aggressive this ti-”
There was a knock at the door, and a doctor and a nurse walked in. They both helped themselves to some hand sanitizer off of the wall, and greeted her dad. Sarah settled back down, staying quiet.
“Whenever ANYONE in the hospital comes to talk to us, you stay QUIET. Do you hear me? Sarah, look at me. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? You are to remain absolutely silent. Do not tell them anything, you don’t understand what you’re talking about anyways. I’m the only one that can advocate for you. You’re only going to make things worse.”
“Do you have any idea how this infection might have started? Any other signs of illness, maybe another infection that spread? Have you travelled recently?”
“No, none of that.”
“And you’re always touching the tube with clean hands, cleaning it twice a day, using clean gauze, clean supplies, bathing often?”
“Yes, very clean. I’m very careful. She’s immunocompromised, and I would never do anything that could put her in danger.”
Sarah’s stomach churned. No, not clean.
“And you’re the only one who handles her tube? Is mom involved? Home healthcare nurses, babysitters?”
“Nope, it’s just me,” Sarah’s dad laughed, “Her mother took off, left me in the dust. No help I ever see! And I don’t let anyone else handle her tube.”
“Well, I think we’re going to go in for endoscopy to see what’s going on inside, see if the infection is in her stomach as well, maybe bacterial gastroenteritis, ulcers, buried bumper syndrome. We’ll see what we can find and take some more cultures.”
“Dirty tube...”
Sarah’s dad looked at her with a wrath hotter than a thousands suns, and then chuckled at the doctors, “Sorry, she just woke up. Sometimes she echoes what she hears from others, it doesn’t mean anything.”
“My tube is dirty,” She asserted groggily.
“Sweetheart, they just cleaned it an hour ago, it’s not dirty,” Sarah’s dad reassured, squeezing her hand. She sighed, and laid back.
The doctor left, and Sarah’s dad dropped her hand aggressively, “What do you think you’re doing?” He hissed, “They will take you away from me and hurt you. Is that what you want?”
Sarah shook her head.
“You will die without me. Do you understand? I do everything for you. I care for you, I do everything with no help. God forbid I make mistakes. God forbid I forget things sometimes.”
She looked away.
He grabbed the tube and pulled her to face him, which yanked the tape off of her cheek. She coughed as the tubing shifted in her throat.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” He scowled at her, before putting on a worried face, “Nurse!” He flagged down a nurse walking by their door, “She pulled the tape off. Poor thing, she doesn’t understand.”
(A/N) anyways sorry ava wasn’t in this one, i just needed to set the scene lol. hope you enjoyed!
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flyingpotstickers · 1 year
“Leave her be! Princess or not, learning to fight is essential.” for princess au
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+ @speeeenc also prompted the word 'safety' : (p.s. I picture the kids to be about 14-16 in this scene.)
Sarah blinks back surprise when she hears her betrothed's words of outrage--- Sarah was learning how to fight, being taught by Ava's brother, Connor, himself. She was safest with Avey of course, but Connor would do for a swift second.
"Leave her be!" Connor snickered, "Learning to fight is essential, even for princesses like you," he shot a quick look at his own betrothed, Will. "Don't you think so William?" he asked tauntingly.
Will, who hated his full name, shoved his groom to be. "Yeah, Ava. Don't you want Sarah here to be able to defend herself when you get grouchy and above your station?"
"HEY! I am your king!" Connor shouted indignantly.
"My love, I should hate to see your face when your crown won't fit because your ego's too big!" Will crowed out, laughing.
Sarah was pulled to the one side by Ava.
"Let me teach you how to fight, Princess. I will do you justice." Ava said earnestly, nudging her foot.
"Okay." Sarah smiled brightly.
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punksarahreese · 1 year
“I’m sick of hearing that I’ll be fine” for chronic or recurrence pls? 💖
Fine line | Chronic
Ava heard the laptop slam shut on itself from the bedroom, knowing that wasn’t a very good sign. She quickly ran the brush through her hair once more before leaving her perch on the bedside, following the frustrated muttering from down the hall.
Her girlfriend was pacing in the kitchen, the offending computer abandoned on the table. Her face portrayed more sadness than anger, despite the words she was spitting into the empty air at no one in particular.
“Hey,” Ava spoke before she approached, “Was the appointment-”
“Never turn to telemedicine, Ava,” Sarah interrupted her sharply, “Useless excuse for a cardiologist hides behind his computer. Didn’t even have the courtesy to turn his camera on before he told me my labs were normal.”
“Video appointments never do anyone justice,” Ava agreed slowly, “Did he say anything else?”
“Sinus tachycardia aggravated by the medication change,” she stopped her pacing to look at her girlfriend for the first time, “Stay on 5 mg and see him again in two months.”
“Yep,” the popped ‘p’ was incredulous, “Never mind the fact that I was in the ED with a heart rate of 150 after an eight hour shift with no improvement.”
The blonde had drifted over to Sarah, cautiously reaching out for her arm. She had seen the unsteady swaying that had taken over her girlfriend’s motions, whether or not she noticed in the midst of her emotions. The last thing they needed was for Sarah to pass out, lest she give herself another concussion on the way down.
“I know you’re upset, love, but can we sit down?” She tried to be gentle yet avoided coddling, knowing that’s not what she needed in that moment. Sarah met her concerned gaze and hesitated, yet she let her girlfriend guide her over to the chair she had left pushed out from the table.
“I’m sorry you aren’t getting the help you need, Sarah,” she pushed a rouge curl back behind her ear, “It’s not your fault.”
“I’m sick of hearing that I’ll be fine.”
“I know.”
The anger had dissipated but only to be replaced by frustrated tears, making tracks down Sarah’s flushed cheeks. The redness was from her exerting herself in her pacing, her body’s autonomic system unable to keep up, but the frustration only worsened it. Ava saw it in the way her hands shook and her chest heaved a little as she couldn’t stop the sob that escaped her.
“Oh,” Ava dragged her chair closer and grabbed for Sarah’s hand to help cease the tremor, “Sarah, I know you’re not fine. I know you’re hurting and I promise I believe you. We can find another doctor, I’ll contact as many cardiologists as I know and then some.”
“I’m just… I hate feeling so,” she shook her head, “Why is it so hard to get them to listen to me?”
“I don’t know, darling. It’s not fair.”
“I’m educated, I know what I’m talking about and I know my body,” Sarah swiped at a tear before it could traverse her jaw, “I’m not just a patient.”
“And you’re 100% correct,” Ava agreed, “Your ideas were good. We’ll find someone who will listen and help you make a proper treatment plan, okay?”
“I’m so sick of monitors and pushing myself so far for no improvement. An implanted monitor would be so much easier for everyone involved…”
“It would,” in her professional opinion Ava knew Sarah was in the right; an internal loop recorder was advisable in a dysautonomia patient like her girlfriend. She fainted at least two times a week and had over five monitoring periods over one year alone; an implanted device would be so much more efficient.
Sarah’s shoulders dropped in defeat, “He won’t even agree to infusion therapy. He said a port is worst case scenario and ‘we aren’t there yet’.“
“I’m sorry, my love,” Ava opened her arms but waited for her to make the decision. Sarah caved and leaned into her lover, an awkward position given the limited mobility of wooden chairs. Still, she relaxed into familiar arms because it was the only thing she could think of doing in that moment. She was tired, exhausted, and Ava was the only constant she could trust in that moment.
“You’re doing so well,” Ava promised as she used one hand to gently unclench Sarah’s tense fists, “I promise we’ll get the help you deserve.”
“I’m sorry, my love,” Ava opened her arms but waited for her to make the decision. Sarah caved and leaned into her lover, an awkward position given the limited mobility of wooden chairs. Still, she relaxed into familiar arms because it was the only thing she could think of doing in that moment. She was tired, exhausted, and Ava was the only constant she could trust in that moment.
“You’re doing so well,” Ava promised as she used one hand to gently unclench Sarah’s tense fists, “I promise we’ll get the help you deserve.”
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daaedoodles · 2 years
i feel like i have to say reesker for the ship asks lol :)
you DO have to say reesker ‼️answering these in context of pieces!au but my like idea of reesker in general is so stuck in my au,,. so oops.
who said i love you first
sarah 🥺 i’m spoiling a chapter idea here but oh well. like in s4e5, a man with huntington’s disease comes into ava’s care except it’s sarah working on the case with her and not dr charles. after ava blows up at sarah (like in the episode, dr charles stands by and refuses to do anything to save the patient since it’s against his wishes, sarah does the same) she storms off and sarah chases after her. ava cries and questions sarah and begs her to save him and sarah explains to her why she can’t help and listens to her, calming her down before pulling her into a hug. sarah just blurts it out, a quiet i love you as she just gently strokes avas hair, but once she does she doesn’t regret it because she knows she means it, and she does with her whole heart.
who would have the other’s picture as their phone background?
sarah! her phone lock screen for the longest time is the med christmas party from her first year at med (when she was a medical student) and her phone background is a plain pale pink. when she and ava start becoming close, she changes it to a photo connor took of the both of them hugging and smiling eachother half drunk at molly’s. this happens way before they start dating or she even actually considers that she might love ava as more than a friend, and once they start dating she looks back on it thinking she’s a total numbskull for not realising
who leaves notes in the fog on the bathroom mirror?
ava for sure. when they start living together, ava always showers first in the morning (plus she takes hot showers she hates cold or like body-temp showers) since she takes shifts an hour before sarah’s. it kind of becomes apart of their routine and ava leaves little things like “i love you” and “you’re beautiful” or “i miss you”. they’re usually smaller notes and written in the middle of the mirror, usually with a semi-scary huge smiley face like :) this one to the side. ava learns after a while that sarah thinks it’s kind of unsettling and swaps to :] this. w
who buys the other cheesy gifts?
sarah, it starts with her buying ava an anatomically correct heart pin (which ava looks at for a second before she reaches out and pins it on the collar of sarah’s shirt, telling her “keep it. you have my heart already” to which sarah pretty much dies internally and has no idea how to respond) so she decides to up her game, matching keychains, necklaces, a ridiculously expensive stethescope, on a sick day she also makes an entire jar of notes of reasons why she loves ava. ava tries but she always comments whenever she receives things like the last one that sarah has way too many good ideas and she will never be able to outdo her.
who initiated the first kiss?
ava! sarahs cute and all but she’s too nervous to initiate a kiss. it’s winter in chicago, sarah and ava are both bundled up in their warmest coats. they’re on a date, technically. ava asked her out too, and sarah said yes. it’s near christmas time and sarah’s started going on about how pretty the snow is and even though she’s freezing her butt off its worth it while she’s just staring at the trees and lights, looking away from ava. when she turns back ava is staring at her a little dumbly, “what?” sarah asks, and under her breath, ava tells her that that it’s pretty out here but she’s prettier. sarah buries her face into her scarf, turning red. ava then asks if it’s okay if she could kiss her and sarah is pretty much stunned, breathing out and nodding before ava raises her hand to hold sarah’s cheek, kissing her.
who kisses the other awake in the morning?
ava again, like i said before her shift starts an hour before sarah’s do most days, and sarah also is not a morning person. they cuddle with eachother to sleep a lot, or hold eachothers hands (and sarah uses ava as a pillow a lot, it’s comfortable don’t judge her). ava kisses her on the forehead or cheek while sarah is asleep, sometimes right before she’s about to leave and sometimes sarah wakes up, half asleep and grumpy her girlfriend has to go.
who starts tickle fights?
SARAH! i agree with u peach ava is secretly ticklish like,, i just feel like she would be and this is the hill i die on. she finds out when they’re watching a movie, ava’s laid across the couch with her head on her lap and sarah has her hands rubbing up and down ava’s back but she accidentally touches her waist and she flinches and squeaks. they still need to watch that movie again because neither of them remember the end of it since sarah was way too busy tickling and teasing ava for being ticklish, and ava was too busy being tortured by her girlfriend. now sarah uses the “i will tickle you” if ava’s being stubborn about not wanting to go to bed or go out or shower
who asks the who if they can join the other in the shower?
depends but i think ava mostly? on bad days sarah doesn’t shower and she hates it a lot (even on ‘good days’ she dreads showering) so ava usually takes her in and helps to bathe her (while giving her lots of hugs and little kisses because sarah deserves it and ava is so proud of her for coming to shower because she knows it’s hard sometimes)
who surprises the other in the middle of the work day with lunch?
possibly ava, i think she’d start making sarah lunches or buying her coffees and snacks to make sure she has enough to eat. she’d also sit there and comfort sarah if she couldn’t eat it or didn’t feel like it because sometimes she feels guilty her girlfriend put in all the effort and she can’t even do it, but avas always understanding and helps sarah one little step at a time. sometimes they split oreo packs or mandarins when sarah doesn’t feel up to finishing it all but she wants to try.
who was nervous and shy the first date?
oops i semi answered this one but sarah. ava’s the one who actually asked sarah to go on a date with her even though sarah was very open about how confused she was about their relationship (she still couldn’t actually gain the courage to actually DO anything like kiss her or ask her out) and still even after ava asks her out, on the first date sarah’s all flustered and nervous until they fall into their usual routine halfway, and before ava kisses her she turns into a nervous wreck again.
who kills/takes out spiders?
ava! sarah hates spiders but ava’s used to them and just insects in general. she never kills the spiders, she always catches it and takes the effort to actually go down to the first floor to throw it out. sarah thinks she’s insane for not killing them because hello it’s a big scary 8 legged monster looking thing that could bite either of them and send them to the ER, but ava always tells her the spiders are more afraid of her than she is of it.
who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk?
ava, again. sarah doesn’t drink anymore (sometimes when she’s upset she still does a little bit) and on the off chance she does recreationally she only drinks enough to get a little bit tipsy and giggly, but ava drinks like a champ and takes quite a while before she gets drunk. though even when she gets a little drunk, she starts boasting to everyone at molly’s about how she has the best girlfriend and how she’s the luckiest girl in the world. sarah thinks it’s endearing but also is very quick to shut things down if ava drank too much.
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crockettmarcel · 2 months
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purple-dahlias · 1 year
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emily-prentits · 2 years
for ur wip game:
i love u very much bye :)
omg remember the flower shop au i started ages ago????? i'll give you some of that
Sarah hums quietly as she works. She always has. Whether she was working on homework when she was in school, or organizing and arranging flowers — like she's doing now — she's always had music playing in her head.
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