#resident rep paige
sunnyside-isle · 1 year
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Finally working on remodeling the houses on my island, starting with Pietro!
He deserved a proper circus-y house :o)
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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yes I caved in, here's my Welcome Home ARG OCs - Paige & Tabby Trouble <3 (ft Barnaby and Zircon, @raetreaderarts's OC)
the idea I had for these two is that they're meant to be characters original and exclusive to a potential Welcome Home cartoon show that was in the making (which explains why there's no puppets of them) but got scrapped or maybe it never aired - Paige and Tabby were created to appeal to older kids who were more into whacky characters like Tom & Jerry, and to cause more action and shenanigans within the neighbourhood
more info abt them under the cut!
I designed them with the idea of. yknow. when cartoons have remakes or reboots and extra characters are added to appeal to the current generations, but they're a little disconnected from the original cast that it causes old fans to IMMEDIATELY dislike them? so it causes this rift of "OH IM A FAN OF THE OLD WELCOME HOME!!" kinda vibe.
Paige runs the local library (which also doubles as the siblings' house) and has a one-sided rivalry with Frank. Paige is ALSO implied to have been just as reckless and wild as their sibling Tabby, but "mellowed out" after moving to Home <3 the running joke is that they act very strict, elegant and mysterious but lose their marbles very easily.
Tabby is an energetic prankster who never grew out of their mischevious phase, most of their pranks end up causing a lot of trouble for everyone involved instead - which they're forced to fix at the very end. Since Paige is trying to clean up their act, Tabby feels like they have to make up for it with double shenanigans. They lie a lot for fun and love to play sports.
I imagine the educational aspect would still remain somewhat, so Paige would teach useful school stuff like using planners, making to-do lists, library etiquette, etc. And Tabby would urge kids to stay physically active because of all the sports they play, the rules of most games (with their own TWIST!!!) and so on. BUT ALSO!!!
they're NYANBINARY rep and meant to help kids explore and normalize queerness - some cats are neither girls nor boys, some are both, some are more and they're still the coolest cats in the neighbourhood, nothing wrong with that <3
I also like to think that Tabby really looks up to Barnaby since he's the resident clown and that they get along with Sally and often volunteer to help. Or rather, that Tabby likes to volunteer to help their neighbours with anything, so a lot of scripts were about them helping others like, Howdy at the store or Eddie with the mail, Sally with her plays etc - but they always leave things halfway through because they have the attention span of a fly.
And Paige really gets along with Polly and Eddie because "they're good influences" and it makes them feel all grown up to hang out with responsible people.
i love these dumb sibling kitties so much oughhhh
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popblank · 4 years
Signature Theatre Artistic Director Paige Evans said, "I'm delighted that our productions will have future lives beyond their artistic home at Signature, with the co-production of Octet at Berkeley Rep and Cambodian Rock Band in our first national tour. We're excited that these special productions will be shared with audiences across the country, once theatre is open and flourishing again. We're eager to see what's next for both Dave and Lauren as they continue to build their bodies of work in their residencies at Signature."
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deneigement · 5 years
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❝ you thought we could be controlled like pretty flowers in a hothouse garden. you thought we were roses and daisies and shrinking violets, but we are wild things. ❞
❄ · · · ROXANNE LECLERC has been in Ellingham for 26 years and they look exactly like ADELAIDE KANE. Having turned TWENTY-SIX years old on their last birthday, they are currently a PHARMACEUTICAL REPRESENTATIVE and ARE HAPPY WITH THAT. Known as the HOYDEN, it’s no secret that they’re ENERGETIC & PERSUASIVE, but also OBSTINATE & LOQUACIOUS. If you’re to meet them, please remember that they are a CIS WOMAN and use SHE/HER. { SAM + 24 + THEY/THEM + EST }
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Lorelai Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ) + Paige Matthews ( Charmed ) + Rachel Green ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Lucy Pevensie ( The Chronicles of Narnia ) + Rapunzel ( Tangled ) + Donkey ( Shrek ) + Burton Guster ( Psych ) + Merida ( Brave ) + Lilo ( Lilo & Stitch ) + Megara ( Hercules )
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none i can think of!
roxanne’s paternal side of the family has had a presence in ellingham since it was first founded, and though most of the leclercs have now left the town, roxanne, her parents and her paternal grandparents still reside there. in fact, roxanne now lives in the small antique house that was passed down from generation to generation. she’s the oldest grandchild, and her parents already had a pretty good house, and so, when roxanne’s grandparents moved to an apartment and then a nursing home, they gave the house to roxanne. after all, she had a stable job (and was married at the time), and would be able to take good care of it.
she has two younger siblings who currently live in montréal, and if you do want to play one of them, i’d be happy for us to work out a reason together as to why they’d be back in ellingham!
always having done well in school, she had plenty of opportunities when it came to post-secondary education. she ended up going to cégep at gérald-godin, in the west island section of montréal, where she found a similar charm to ellingham, though it was much bigger. then, she went on to study biology at université de montréal, which she loved, but had difficulty seeing herself becoming either a biologist or a biology teacher.
finally, at a career fair, she was approached by someone from a pharmaceutical company that was looking for reps, and after informing herself a little bit about it, she applied! luckily enough, they needed someone to help cover their territory in the south west of québec, and as roxanne knew the area well and was willing to go back there, she ended up getting the job.
roxanne honestly really likes her job. she has a boss, sure, but she’s mostly in control of what she does and how she does it, and she enjoys that. plus, it gives her an excuse to keep up to date with biology, pharmaceutical stuff and medical stuff, which are all things that really interest her.
really, how do i put it… strict when it comes to science? like she’s outgoing and imaginative and what not, but to her, a fact that’s been proven by science is a fact and like! is very angry at antivax people and what not!
divorced from her high school sweetheart a few months ago, and though it wasn’t necessarily easy, they’re better friends for it now, and she’s not resentful or anything like that.
i think that her pinterest board and the personality section of her about page might be useful to understand her personality better, and you can find links to those right below this!
PLOTTING: if you want to plot, please dm me on this blog or on discord at samta claus#8864 !!
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roxanneleclercs · 5 years
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❝ you thought we could be controlled like pretty flowers in a hothouse garden. you thought we were roses and daisies and shrinking violets, but we are wild things. ❞
❄ · · · ROXANNE LECLERC has been in Ellingham for 26 years and they look exactly like ADELAIDE KANE. Having turned TWENTY-SIX years old on their last birthday, they are currently a PHARMACEUTICAL REPRESENTATIVE and ARE HAPPY WITH THAT. Known as the HOYDEN, it’s no secret that they're ENERGETIC & PERSUASIVE, but also OBSTINATE & LOQUACIOUS. If you’re to meet them, please remember that they are a CIS WOMAN and use SHE/HER. { SAM + 24 + THEY/THEM + EST }
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Lorelai Gilmore ( Gilmore Girls ) + Paige Matthews ( Charmed ) + Rachel Green ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Lucy Pevensie ( The Chronicles of Narnia ) + Rapunzel ( Tangled ) + Donkey ( Shrek ) + Burton Guster ( Psych ) + Merida ( Brave ) + Lilo ( Lilo & Stitch ) + Megara ( Hercules )
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none i can think of!
roxanne’s paternal side of the family has had a presence in ellingham since it was first founded, and though most of the leclercs have now left the town, roxanne, her parents and her paternal grandparents still reside there. in fact, roxanne now lives in the small antique house that was passed down from generation to generation. she’s the oldest grandchild, and her parents already had a pretty good house, and so, when roxanne’s grandparents moved to an apartment and then a nursing home, they gave the house to roxanne. after all, she had a stable job (and was married at the time), and would be able to take good care of it. 
she has two younger siblings who currently live in montréal, and if you do want to play one of them, i’d be happy for us to work out a reason together as to why they’d be back in ellingham!
always having done well in school, she had plenty of opportunities when it came to post-secondary education. she ended up going to cégep at gérald-godin, in the west island section of montréal, where she found a similar charm to ellingham, though it was much bigger. then, she went on to study biology at université de montréal, which she loved, but had difficulty seeing herself becoming either a biologist or a biology teacher.
finally, at a career fair, she was approached by someone from a pharmaceutical company that was looking for reps, and after informing herself a little bit about it, she applied! luckily enough, they needed someone to help cover their territory in the south west of québec, and as roxanne knew the area well and was willing to go back there, she ended up getting the job.
roxanne honestly really likes her job. she has a boss, sure, but she’s mostly in control of what she does and how she does it, and she enjoys that. plus, it gives her an excuse to keep up to date with biology, pharmaceutical stuff and medical stuff, which are all things that really interest her.
really, how do i put it... strict when it comes to science? like she’s outgoing and imaginative and what not, but to her, a fact that’s been proven by science is a fact and like! is very angry at antivax people and what not!
divorced from her high school sweetheart a few months ago, and though it wasn’t necessarily easy, they’re better friends for it now, and she’s not resentful or anything like that. 
i think that her pinterest board and the personality section of her about page might be useful to understand her personality better, and you can find links to those right below this!
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realestate63141 · 7 years
Oh No, Mr. Bill!
Like what you read below? Sign up for HUFFPOST HILL and get a cheeky dose of political news every evening!
Financial entanglements forced Todd Ricketts to withdraw his nomination to be deputy commerce secretary — proving your bookkeeping can be too murky even for the Trump administration. Evan McMullin is vying to raise his national profile — oh, he’s also mulling a run for Congress. And Bill O’Reilly was fired from Fox News. Somewhere, Jeff Zucker just asked someone to hold his beer. This is HUFFPOST HILL for Wednesday, April 19th, 2017:
NIL O’REILLY - Thank goodness for Ivanka and Jared’s moderating influence over Rupert Murdoch. Lydia O’Connor and Michael Calderone: “Bill O’Reilly will no longer be employed at Fox News, the network’s parent company 21st Century Fox said in a statement Wednesday. The decision comes after allegations of him sexually harassing female colleagues prompted protests outside network headquarters and a mass exodus from advertisers…. Fox News host Tucker Carlson will take over O’Reilly’s 8 p.m. time slot next Monday, Fox confirmed…. Following a bombshell New York Times report earlier this month indicating O’Reilly and Fox News have paid around $13 million in settlements to address complaints brought by five of his former female colleagues, advertisers began fleeing the show. Within days, more than 50 companies announced they would no longer air spots during the show.” [HuffPost]
How did O’Reilly stay on board for so long? “Even beyond these incidents, O’Reilly often made clear his contempt for women. On his radio show in August 2006, he commented on the rape and murder of a young woman, suggesting that she shared some of the blame because of her intoxicated state and what she was wearing…. I wrote about O’Reilly’s comments in 2009 when I worked for the site ThinkProgress, tied to the news that he was slated to speak at a fundraiser to benefit rape survivors. In return, O’Reilly sent his producer, Jesse Watters, to track me down and ambush me while I was on vacation in another state a few weeks later.” [HuffPost’s Amanda Terkel]
In the middle of all this, O’Reilly met the pope on Thursday.
CHAFFETZ RETIRING FROM CONGRESS - The Utah congressman is looking forward to spending more time with his wife a corkboard in his basement covered with magazine cutouts of Hillary Clinton connected by thumbtacks and red string. Paige Lavender and Matt Fuller: “Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the controversial chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said on Wednesday he will not run for re-election, after BuzzFeed reported that he would retire at the end of this term…. Chaffetz noted he would ‘not be a candidate for any office in 2018,’ leaving open the possibility he may run for governor in 2020…. His decision sets off an immediate gavel fight to take over the top spot on the oversight committee…. Among some of the leading contenders for the spot are former Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Rep. Jimmy Duncan (R-Tenn.), and the man Chaffetz beat out for the gavel in late 2014: Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio).” [HuffPost]
But will David French get into the race? “[F]ormer independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin spoke with advisers to evaluate his options in the state with a victory suddenly seeming more likely than before…. [A] source close to McMullin told Independent Journal Review that McMullin is ‘considering running in 2018’ but still hasn’t made a decision on how he will proceed.” [IJR]
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RICKETTS WITHDRAWS NOMINATION - Lynn Sweet: “Unable to untangle his complex financial holdings to the satisfaction of the Office of Government Ethics, Cubs board member Todd Ricketts, tapped by President Donald Trump to be the Deputy Commerce Secretary, on Wednesday withdrew his nomination, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned. Ricketts, a Wilmette resident who is a member of the billionaire Ricketts clan, was willing to divest his considerable personal portfolio of holdings, but that was apparently not enough. Some of the Ricketts investments are in family enterprises, including the Cubs…. Ricketts has varied business interests, from his ‘Higher Gear’ bike store in Wilmette to his position on the TD Ameritrade board. The Ricketts family are large shareholders of the company Joe Ricketts founded in 1975. Ricketts and his three siblings are on the Cubs board, legally known as Chicago Baseball Holdings LLC.” [Chicago Sun-Times]
TRUMP-CURIEL SHOWDOWN, PT. 2 - Alan Gomez: “President Trump will confront a familiar figure in the lawsuit over a DREAMer who was deported by federal immigration agents: U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel. He’s the judge who oversaw a lawsuit involving Trump University who Trump accused of being biased because of his ‘Mexican heritage.’ Curiel, who was born in Indiana, approved a $25 million settlement between Trump and students who claimed they overpaid for real estate seminars…. Now, Curiel has been assigned to handle a lawsuit brought on behalf of Juan Manuel Montes, 23, a California resident who was deported in February despite being approved for the Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which provides protective status for undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children.” [USA Today]
ADELSON DUMPED A LOT OF MONEY ON TRUMP’S INAUGURATION - Condolences to the online gambling industry. Rosalind S. Helderman and John Wagner: “Casino magnate and Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson donated $5 million to President Trump’s inaugural festivities, as corporate interests and lobbyists lifted the inaugural committee’s fundraising to record levels. In all, more than 45 individuals and companies donated at least $1 million each to the effort as Trump broke with the practice of most recent inaugural committees and placed no limits on corporate or individual donors. Major donors included Robert Mercer, the hedge fund manager who has been one of Trump’s biggest donors, Dow Chemical, and Phillip Ruffin, a longtime Trump friend and business partner. Several owners of National Football League teams gave $1 million, including Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, Los Angeles Rams owner Stanley Kroenke, Houston Texans owner Robert McNair and a Trump friend who owns the New England Patriots, Robert K. Kraft, whose team is visiting the White House on Wednesday.” [WaPo]
FUTURE FAILED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ANDREW CUOMO MADE A LOT OF MONEY OFF OF A BAD BOOK - Tom Precious: “Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo...has made $783,000 from HarperCollins for his book. The book sold 3,200 copies since it was published in the fall of 2014, according to tracking company NPD BookScan. That works out to royalty payments to Cuomo of $245 per book…. In his 2016 tax filings made public Monday, the book royalty income was listed at $218,100…. Cuomo’s government spokesman declined to say how many copies of the book have been sold. ‘This payment was contractual and per the agreement with the publisher,’’ Richard Azzopardi, a Cuomo spokesman, said of the book income in 2015.” [Buffalo News]
WONDER HOW THIS WILL GO - Congratulations to Exxon Mobil on its resumed joint venture.  Jay Solomon and Bradley Olson: “Exxon Mobil Corp has applied to the Treasury Department for a waiver from U.S. sanctions on Russia in a bid to resume its joint venture with state oil giant PAO Rosneft, according to people familiar with the matter. Exxon has been seeking U.S. permission to drill with Rosneft in several areas banned by sanctions and applied in recent months for a waiver to proceed in the Black Sea, according to these people…. Congress has also launched an investigation into whether there were ties between aides to Donald Trump and Russia’s government during the presidential campaign and the political transition.Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is Exxon’s former chief executive officer and in that role forged a close working relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and with Rosneft, a company that is critical to Russia’s oil-reliant economy.” [WSJ]
ANOTHER BUSH VYING TO SCREW UP ANOTHER MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL TEAM - Guess they’ll be able to bond over the fact that they both dated Mariah Carey. Douglas Hanks: “Jeb Bush and Derek Jeter have joined forces in their bid to buy the Miami Marlins, according to sources familiar with the talks. The former Florida governor and retired New York Yankees star once were rivals for the Major League Baseball franchise but now have teamed up to try and buy the team, the sources said. They are competing against a New York financier named Wayne Rothbaum, manager of Quogue Capital, a source close to the situation said. It is not known if other would-be suitors of the Marlins remain in the hunt.” [Miami Herald]
OH MY! Patricia Mazzei: “Miami Republican Sen. Frank Artiles dropped the n-word to a pair of African-American colleagues in private conversation Monday night — after calling one of them a ‘fucking asshole,’ a ‘bitch’ and a ‘girl,’ the two senators said. Over drinks after 10 p.m. at the members-only Governors Club just steps from the state Capitol, Artiles told Sens. Audrey Gibson of Jacksonville and Perry Thurston of Fort Lauderdale that Senate President Joe Negron of Stuart had risen to his powerful GOP leadership role because ‘six niggers’ in the Republican caucus had elected him…. It’s unclear whom Artiles was referring to, since the only black senators in the state Senate are all Democrats.” [Miami Herald]
BECAUSE YOU’VE READ THIS FAR - Here’s a beagle playing the piano.
FLORIDA TO BE SLIGHTLY LESS TERRIBLE FOR A BIT - New Jersey, however… well, you can’t make zero any more devoid of value than it already is. Darren Samuelsohn and Ken Vogel: “[O]nce his exclusive seaside retreat at Mar-a-Lago closes for the season, Trump is expected to shift his weekend plans north, to his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey — and bring with him all the chaos that comes with being a preferred presidential destination. ‘We’re kind of apprehensive, I guess you could say,’ said Nick Strakhov, a retired telecommunications professional and longtime resident who serves on the Bedminster land use board. ‘It’s nice to be recognized. But on the other hand, if it gets to be tedious, we might start to complain.’ Street closures and traffic jams were a big problem last fall across the region when the then-president-elect traveled to Bedminster by motorcade from Trump Tower in midtown Manhattan for a weekend’s worth of interviews with potential Cabinet nominees.” [Politico]
- “The Simpsons” turns 30 years old. Here are the first “Simpsons” shorts from the “Tracey Ullman Show.”
- Gibbons aren’t happy about a rat in their enclosure.
- Recounting a date with the former general manager of the Times Square Olive Garden.
Bill O'Reilly Alex Jones Rudy Giuliani Tomi Lahren Chris Christie People who are having a waaaaaay different 2017 than they expected.
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) April 19, 2017
I Was Ambushed By Bill O’Reilly. But I Still Have A Job And He Doesn’t. AMA.
— Amanda Terkel (@aterkel) April 19, 2017
Updated Fox News lineup 8 PM Pepe Frog and Friends 9 PM The Comments Section 10 PM Email From My Dad With the Subject "RE: Re: re: FWD:"
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) April 19, 2017
Got something to add? Send tips/quotes/stories/photos/events/fundraisers/job movement/juicy miscellanea to Eliot Nelson ([email protected])
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2pDygDx
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sunnyside-isle · 1 month
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The villager hunt begins! And wouldn't ya know it, the first island I landed on today had Audie!
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sunnyside-isle · 2 years
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Some screencaps I got last night. Sadly I never got around to properly decking out Hibiscus for Halloween, but I can at least show the little costume I made for Paige and some snaps I got of the updated version of Coco’s graveyard!
(Played with overlays and stuff in post since the photos looked a little muddy)
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sunnyside-isle · 2 years
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Started redecorating Paige’s house for the first time in months and managed to finish her bedroom! Might make some minor adjustments later, but I’m overall satisfied with it for now.
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