#rfid armband
smarttagweb · 2 months
RFID Schlüsselanhänger
RFID Keyfobs sind kompakt, praktisch und dank des hochwertigen PVC oder ABS Material robust. Jetzt informieren!
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idtronicwellfit · 4 months
Intelligente Spa-Lösungen: Wie RFID-Schließfächer das Kundenerlebnis verbessern
Mit dem Einzug des technologischen Fortschritts in die Spa-Branche werden intelligente Lösungen wie RFID-Spindschlösser neu definiert und bieten den Spa-Besuchern eine nahtlose und sichere Umgebung. Die RFID-Technologie (Radio-Frequency Identification), vor allem in Form von RFID-Armbändern und RFID-Karten, spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verbesserung des gesamten Spa-Erlebnisses.
Einer der Hauptvorteile der Integration von RFID-Spindschlössern in Spas ist das erhöhte Sicherheitsniveau, das sie bieten. Herkömmliche Schließfachsysteme sind oft auf Schlüssel oder Codes angewiesen, was für die Gäste umständlich sein kann und Sicherheitsrisiken birgt. RFID-Armbänder und -Karten bieten jedoch eine sichere und bequeme Alternative. Die Gäste können mühelos auf ihre Schließfächer zugreifen, indem sie einfach ihr RFID-Armband oder ihre RFID-Karte verwenden, und sie müssen sich keine Sorgen mehr über verlorene Schlüssel oder unbefugten Zugang machen.
Für Spa-Betreiber, die nach fortschrittlichen RFID-Lösungen suchen, ist es wichtig, die Möglichkeiten von Unternehmen wie (https://idtronic-wellfit.de/) zu erkunden und zu nutzen. Auf der Website werden eine Reihe von RFID-Produkten vorgestellt, die speziell für Spa-Umgebungen entwickelt wurden und eine nahtlose Integration gewährleisten, die die Sicherheit und den Komfort für Spa-Mitarbeiter und Kunden erhöht.
Die Integration von RFID-Technologie trägt erheblich zur Effizienz des Spa-Betriebs bei. Die RFID-Technologie ermöglicht einen einfachen Zugang und minimiert die Wartezeiten, sodass die Gäste mühelos zwischen den Spa-Einrichtungen wechseln können. Dieser rationalisierte Prozess steigert nicht nur die Kundenzufriedenheit, sondern spiegelt auch das Engagement des Spas wider, ein modernes und kundenorientiertes Erlebnis zu bieten.
Darüber hinaus eröffnet der Einsatz von RFID-Armbändern und -Karten in Spa-Schließfachsystemen Möglichkeiten für personalisierte Dienstleistungen. Spa-Besucher können ihre RFID-Geräte mit ihren Profilen verknüpfen, was maßgeschneiderte Erlebnisse ermöglicht, wie beispielsweise personalisierte Umkleidekabinenbeleuchtung, Musikpräferenzen oder sogar gezielte Werbeaktionen, die auf ihrem Nutzungsverhalten basieren. Dieses Maß an Individualisierung verleiht dem Spa-Besuch eine zusätzliche Ebene von Luxus und Raffinesse.
Die Integration der RFID-Technologie geht über den Zugang zu Schließfächern hinaus und bietet Spa-Betreibern wertvolle Einblicke in das Verhalten und die Vorlieben ihrer Kunden. Mithilfe von Datenanalysen können Spas Spitzenzeiten, beliebte Annehmlichkeiten und Kundenpräferenzen ermitteln und so strategische Entscheidungen zur Verbesserung des gesamten Spa-Managements treffen.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass RFID Spindschlösser an der Spitze intelligenter Spa-Lösungen stehen und sowohl für Spa-Betreiber als auch für Kunden ein sicheres, effizientes und personalisiertes Erlebnis bieten. Die Verwendung von RFID-Armbändern und -Karten verbessert den Spa-Aufenthalt und spiegelt das Engagement für technologische Innovation und Kundenzufriedenheit wider. Da sich die Spa-Branche ständig weiterentwickelt, sichert die RFID-Technologie einen Wettbewerbsvorteil bei der Bereitstellung eines wirklich modernen und angenehmen Spa-Erlebnisses.
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reverse-logistics · 9 months
Power Your Flexible Life FLCB (FPC Lithium-Ceramic Battery), is the worldwide first success of solid-like Li battery technology. FLCB breaks a new ground in Li-ion Battery about the battery appearance, technique, production process, features, and safety. FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) and solid-like electrolyte were intrepidly adopted and achieve the possibility of Li-Battery’s thinning out, flexibility, and ultra-safety. The dangers of leakage, fire, or explosion are not issues anymore. Formable Mechanism of the FLCB also makes the High Flexibility of Product Design, including Flexible or Irregular Forming mode. FLCB provides access to a wide variety of markets, contributes significantly to the end product benefit and is difficult for competitors to imitate for its depth of technology Know-How.
FLCB Applications: Wearable: Smart Glasses/LED Hat/ LED Jacket/ Lighting Gloves /Smart Watches / Lighting Armband /Heating Shoes IOT: Active RFID /Smart Card/Functional Card /Logistic sensor /Recorder MEMS/ Smart Home Tubular Type: Electrical Cigarettes/Pens /Bluetooth Headset /Smart Glasses
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reliableracing · 1 year
Mountain Madness for 12/08/22
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RFID Timing Kits With Tags Or Armbands From FDS Timing! Read the full article
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techniktagebuch · 5 years
März 2019
Beim Urlaub auf den Kanaren bekommen wir (nachdem wir uns einverstanden erklärt haben) an der Hotelrezeption ein Armband mit einem RFID-Chip umgebunden. Mit dem Armband öffnen wir die Zimmertür und die Pforte zur Hotelanlage. Außerdem halten uns die Kellner bei einer Getränkebestellung ein Smartphone-ähnliches Gerät ans Handgelenk, um die Zimmernummer auszulesen. Anschließend müssen wir, wie gehabt, die Bestellung auf einem Kassenzettel mit der Unterschrift quittieren.
Im Hotelzimmer gibt es eine Extrakarte, die wir in den Kartenhalter stecken müssen, in den früher die Zimmerschlüsselkarten reingingen, um die Stromversorgung einzuschalten. Wir ziehen die Stromkarte auch immer brav heraus, wenn wir das Zimmer verlassen. Die gleiche Funktion könnten allerdings auch einfachere Licht- und Klimaanlagenschalter versehen, finde ich.
Das Armband mit dem Chip macht mich jedoch ausnehmend glücklich, denn ich kann die Schlüsselkarte nicht mehr im Zimmer vergessen. Wenn ich alleine schwimmen gehe, brauche ich mir keine Sorgen mehr zu machen, dass die am Ufer zurückgelassene Karte wegweht oder auf eine andere Weise abhanden kommt. Ich denke öfters an die Leute in Schweden, die sich einen RFID-Chip in die Hand haben implantieren lassen.
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pycubepycube · 3 years
Rfid Tracking System | Pycube
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RFID tracking systems are a major benefit to healthcare facilities. RFID patient tracking together with asset tracking help hospitals manage workflows better. RFID patient tracking systems ensure that patients are monitored around the clock throughout the facility, assuring a sense of comfort and security. RFID hospital patient tracking makes it easy for healthcare administrators to keep tabs on patients who need their attention, thereby improving patient care and satisfaction too. This is made possible with RFID enabled patient armbands which can be tracked with the help of sensors placed throughout the facility. RFID PATIENT TRACKING SYSTEMS RFID tracking systems enable monitoring the status of a patient and the assets allocated to them in a healthcare facility. RFID hospital patient tracking systems ensure that patient location data is available in a central repository for hospital administrators to easily access. This gives them the power to take necessary actions as and when required so that hospital resources are better utilized. RFID patient tracking data can be analyzed to deliver a hassle-free experience for other patients in the future as well. Better Patient Communication Relatives of patients and caretakers are always anxious to know about the patient’s safety and recovery within the hospital. RFID patient tracking systems ensure that hospital administrators can provide accurate information about any patient-related communication. RFID patient tracking can thus drastically reduce anxiety in a hospital environment, even for those accompanying the patient. RFID hospital patient tracking can impact the perception of a hospital for somebody not seeking treatment at the facility, thereby improving overall satisfaction levels.
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seraphaether-blog · 5 years
iPhone 6/6S with iPhone 6/6S Card Case with RFID Blocking by Dockem - 3 Card Holder slots, black VUP Universal IPhone 7 Plus/6S/6/5S Sports Armband With Reflective Band VUP Workout
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trylkstopocket · 3 years
Cloud Computing With Kubernetes Cluster Elastic Scaling
Brandon Thurgood Dept. of Computing Letterkenny Institute of Technology Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland [email protected]
Ruth G. Lennon Dept. of Computing Letterkenny Institute of Technology Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland
Abstract —Cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent in the industry, necessitating the requirement for advanced platforms to support their workloads through parallel and distributed architectures. Kubernetes provides an ideal platform for hosting various workloads, including dynamic workloads based on AI applications that support ubiquitous computing devices leveraging parallel and distributed architectures. The rationale is that Kubernetes can be used to support backend services running on parallel and distributed architectures, hosting ubiquitous cloud computing workloads. These applications support smart homes and concerts, providing an environment that automatically scales based on demand. While Kubernetes does offer support for auto scaling of Pods to support these workloads, automated scaling of the cluster itself is not currently offered. In this paper we introduce a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) solution for autoscaling Kubernetes (K8s) worker nodes within a cluster to support dynamic workloads. We go on to discuss scalability issues and security concerns both on the platform and within the hosted AI applications.
Keywords—Autoscaling, Kubernetes, Artificial Intelligence, parallel and distributed architectures, Infrastructure as a Service, Container as a Service
I. INTRODUCTION Devices that are compatible with ubiquitous computing are typically small in order to allow them to remain unobtrusive, which generally limits their processing power and ability to run Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications. AI applications processing the information from devices on the sensor network allow the devices to adapt to the environment efficiently as more data becomes available. Transferring the data to and from the sensor network can be achieved by leveraging technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) or Near Field Communication (NFC) devices [1]. Another method that can be used to overcome this limitation is to leverage a single device within the sensor network capable of internet connectivity, such as a smartphone or tablet device. A single device with internet connectivity within the sensor network could allow ubiquitous devices to communicate with cloud-based systems by leveraging the device as a proxy. The cloud-based system can then perform more complex computations of the data and communicate results with the devices and surrounding architecture, while also improving user experience.
Ubiquitous computing devices such as Wi-Fi, RFID or WSN enabled armbands sold in the form of concert tickets can
communicate directly with containerized AI applications hosted on the Kubernetes cloud platforms, providing valuable information that can be used to both track and predict crowd movement. Crowd movement detection can be achieved through several methods such as video-based or signal-based identification methods. Video-based methods such as Mid Based Foreground Segmentation and Head-Shoulder Detection [ 2 ] are costly to implement as they require both cameras and vast amounts of storage to host the video files. Signal-based methods for detecting crowd movement typically function upon radio frequency identification (RFID) [ 3 ] tags requiring dedicated sensing equipment to be placed at the venue. At present, there is a promising method for detecting the number of people in a queue by utilizing the widespread Wi-Fi signal to extract the received signal strength (RSS) or channel state information (CSI) [ 4 ], however these methods are unlikely suited for dense crowd counting and movement detection within confined spaces. While a combination of these crowd movement methods could possibly be leveraged to communicate with applications hosted on cloud architecture, this paper focuses on the elastic scaling of a Kubernetes cluster based on demand.
Allowing interconnected systems to respond to certain types of crowd movements by changing the environment hosts a plethora of possibilities. Should an environment be able to adjust to certain types of crowd movements, for instance by widening or opening additional doorways, not only could user experience be improved, overcrowding hazards could also be prevented.
Smart homes connected via sensors to containerized AI- based applications running on Kubernetes could improve living experiences of users by automatically adjusting the environment within the home. Adjusting elements such as lighting, temperature and music to the needs of the user could vastly improve experience in an unobtrusive manner. Ubiquitous computing within the home powered by Kubernetes and its ability to auto scale provides endless possibilities to automating and improving living experiences.
As more devices join the network, the cloud-based system in turn is required to scale in accordance with load in order to maintain stability and provide the best user experience in a sustainable method. While commercial cloud-based solutions such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provide this functionality in public clouds, as of the time of writing no free and open source solution existed for elastically scaling private cloud or on-premise K8s clusters. This paper introduces a Free / Open-Source Software (FOSS) solution based on Kubernetes (K8s). The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) layer of this
solution is currently based on VMware vSphere technology in a private cloud model which is both proprietary and costly, however the solution can easily be adapted to leverage platforms such as oVirt or libvirt to make it entirely FOSS, with only the likes of server and networking hardware incurring cost. The solution is also adaptable to elastically scale into hybrid cloud architectures and leverage edge computing.
Cloud computing can take many forms, supporting various devices which are backed by a myriad of supporting infrastructure.
A. Ubiquitous Computing
While ubiquitous computing is intended to work transparently to the user [ 5 ], advanced levels of computation are required for the solution to remain effective, which the sensor devices are typically incapable of. Having a single device on the sensor network capable of internet communication will allow the sensor data to be uploaded to the cloud and analysed before instructions are made available for the devices to download and execute. In order to achieve these advanced levels of computation and AI processing a containerized cloud-based system [6] running on Kubernetes is proposed. This solution will need to auto-scale based on load, as it would be difficult to predict load on the system as users interact more and move in and out of network coverage areas, as is the norm in ubiquitous computing.
B. Edge and Fog Computing
Edge computing, commonly referred to as just “edge”, brings processing close to the data source, eliminating the need for the data to be sent to a remote cloud or other centralized system for processing. Elimination of the distance and time it takes to transport data to centralized sources improves the speed and performance of data transport which in turn improves applications performance on the edge. Edge computing can potentially address the concerns of response time and bandwidth constraints inherent with cloud computing [7]. Fog computing is a defined standard of how edge computing should work. It facilitates the operation of compute, storage and networking services between edge devices and cloud computing hosted in the datacentre.
C. Infrastructure as a Service
Cloud-based systems capable of elastically scaling [ 8 ] and interacting with ubiquitous computing sensor networks require an Infrastructure as a service component such as VMware vSphere to run the workloads. This layer provides computational abilities far beyond that of individual ubiquitous computing devices on the sensor network and provides an environment for the Kubernetes cluster nodes to both run and scale. Thus, IaaS can be exploited to support Ubiquitous Computing.
D. Container as a Service
Artificial intelligence components of ubiquitous computing systems should run in containerized environments
following 12-factor designs. This design will allow them to scale as required and to accommodate the unpredictable load sensor networks will place on the system [ 9 ]. Kubernetes provides an ideal platform for this type of workload. While K8s does provide a scaling service known as the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), functionality to elastically scale the number of cluster worker nodes is not currently offered within the platform itself. The clusters ability to automatically scale would enable scaling support for ubiquitous computing beyond the limits of the cluster, not only on the user facing components but on the operational and supporting services as well. In order to successfully support ubiquitous computing, it is proposed that all elements of the system elastically scale vertically and horizontally on demand. Horizontal scaling will be implemented in the form of increasing compute resources through additional worker nodes rather than vertical scaling which entails adding resources to existing nodes. Horizontal scaling was selected as it requires zero downtime as apposed to vertical scaling which requires hosts to be powered down before adding additional resources.
E. Distributed Architecture Distributed architecture is a software system with interconnections between a collection of independent systems. Coordination and communication is established between the systems through API calls or message passing, with the intention of achieving a common goal. This type of architecture can be leveraged extensively in various designs including but not limited to application, infrastructure and network design [1 0 ].
F. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent, with their impact on individuals and societies varying widely [ 11 ]. While AI has no generally accepted definition, the term obscures the actual mechanism, with the possibility of hiding untrustworthy methods [ 11 ]. Implementation of AI methods without rigorous integrity can lead to devices and systems that are untrustworthy and sometimes dangerous [ 12 ]. Systems that are aware of the location of dense crowds of people and which control mechanisms such as opening and closing of doors can have profound negative impact if not implemented in a failsafe trustworthy manner.
Cloud and ubiquitous computing in the context of this paper may take the form of a smart home with interconnected devices throughout, consisting of the user wearing a smart watch that interacts with distributed sensors, all communicating via Wi-Fi with the containerized AI application hosted on Kubernetes. The sensor network could not only turn lights on when a room in entered, a variety of other functions could be performed based on the constantly uploaded sensor data to the Kubernetes cloud platform which processes the data and can provide constant feedback to the sensor network. The AI applications could trigger actions such
as setting of ambient lighting or relaxing music based on mood, posture or a variety of other factors.
Having the ubiquitous computing sensor network respond to both physical motions, number of inhabitants and various other inputs would allow for a fully interactive experience in an unobtrusive manner. As the number of users interacting with the platform are likely to fluctuate, as family and guests come and go, or new sensor networks are onboarded, the platform is able to automatically scale both in the form of containers spinning up as required within the cluster, and the cluster itself scaling new worker nodes as the number of containers consume the capacity of the cluster.
Another scenario in which ubiquitous computing devices can leverage the cloud platform would be through the form of sensor network connected armbands sold as concert tickets. As users enter the arena, the platform could be used to track the number of concertgoers entering the stadium, which entrances were used, compressed areas within the arena that require attention as well as several other use cases, particularly in emergency situations should they arise. Having a flood of devices either join or leave the network requires a platform that can elastically expand and contract, which is one of the key focus areas of the proposed solution.
The proposed solution was primarily tested with on- premise private cloud infrastructure; however, the design could theoretically be adapted to run in hybrid cloud or edge computing designs as well. An in-depth discussion of the solution and the need to scale beyond the cluster boundary can be found in [13].
Figure 1. Ubiquitous computing powered by Kubernetes cluster autoscaling
The solution consists of virtual machines that make up the Kubernetes platform running on ESXi hosts, managed by VMware vCenter. This design choice was made due to market penetration analysis of virtualization in private clouds, according to Smart Profile’s analysis in 2017, VMware held seventy five percent of the server virtualization market [1 4 ]. The selection of Kubernetes as the container orchestration platform was based on its widespread adoption in the market
and the fact that it has become commonly known as the standard for container orchestration. Within the Kubernetes virtual machines are Linux operating systems based on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, which in turn have Docker runtime 17.03.3-ce installed, providing the container execution environment. Ubuntu was selected as it is the standard platform for K8s, while Docker was selected due to its tight integration with K8s and wide industry adoption. In order to manage the container-based workloads, Kubernetes v1.13. provided a container orchestration platform which consisted of 3 master nodes and 3 worker nodes, which are the base of the unscaled cluster configuration. A minimum of three master nodes are required to establish a redundant control plane, as this is required for etcd to maintain quorum should a single master node fail. The VM scaling solution was based on Foreman Version 1.19.1. Foreman is a complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers. The Foreman implementation was deployed as a virtual machine based on CentOS Linux 7 (Core). Foreman was selected as it is completely FOSS as opposed to many market contenders, as well as its tight integration with VMware products and adaptability to other platforms. The installation of Foreman utilized a collection of Puppet modules and configured the Puppet master at version 5.5.8 to control both Foreman and the scaled Kubernetes worker node VMs from the same server.
The ingress solution, which was based on HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 was run on additional virtual machines based on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS. The HA-Proxy design choice was based on it being FOSS and its wide industry adoption. In addition to these servers there was a VM used to manage the Kubernetes cluster and act as the CA (Certificate Authority). The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) server used was CFSSL, CloudFlare's PKI/TLS toolkit and was selected due to widespread usage on K8s and available documentation.
The virtual machines in which the Kubernetes nodes run should be distributed across a minimum of three physical ESXi nodes, with anti-affinity rules configured on the vCenter to separate the VMs in a single-master and single-worker node per physical ESXi host configuration. This design is intended to provide redundancy to support the ubiquitous computing devices allowing the solution to remain entirely functional in the event of virtual machine or physical host failure.
The container network was implemented using Weave Net. Weave Net implements industry standard VXLAN encapsulation between hosts to create a virtual overlay network that connects Docker containers across multiple hosts and enables their automatic discovery.
Communication with the containerized applications running within the Kubernetes environment was established by initiating connections through separate virtual machines configured to run HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 in a Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Active/Active Cluster configuration. HA-Proxy was then configured to relay connections to the Kubernetes ingress API, which manages external access to services within the cluster. This design contributed to the level of redundancy required for the solution to support the dynamic workloads. The HA-Proxy VMs should be governed by anti-affinity rules in the vCenter environment forcing them to run on separate physical ESXi hosts to increase their redundancy.
The ability for this solution to elastically scale virtual machines on the vCenter managed IaaS platform was provided by the lifecycle management tool named Foreman. Foreman interfaces with the vCenter API to trigger creation of additional virtual machines, based on preconfigured templates. The templates were hosted on the vCenter platform and contained the base Linux OS based on Ubuntu 16.04. LTS, with the Kubelet package and configuration scripts preinstalled.
The Foreman tool managed both the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS) solutions. DHCP was based on Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. (ISC) DHCP, and DNS was based on ISC DNS which is based on Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) version 9.
Scaling worker nodes was initiated via a vCenter alarm which triggered once a specified Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Memory threshold was reached and maintained for a defined number of minutes within a control VM, which was one of the worker nodes in the base configuration of the Kubernetes cluster. Configuration of the vCenter alarm can be seen in figure 2. The control VM selection can be any worker node in the cluster however only a single VM should be monitored in order to avoid scaling multiple VMs simultaneously. The reason any worker node can be selected is due to the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) distributing Pods onto all available worker nodes at the time of initial scaling. The alarm was configured to execute a bash script hosted on the vCenter server when it fires. The performance metrics affected by the synthetic application load can be seen in figure 3.
Figure 2. The vCenter create-VM alarm
Synthetic application load that triggered elastic scaling was generated using a tool named Locust, this tool simulated users accessing a web app hosted in a Pod within the Kubernetes cluster. This page performed CPU intensive calculations purely to simulate load. In a real-world scenario this application would be based on AI code that interacts with the relevant ubiquitous computing devices. The synthetic load generated by Locust can be seen in figure 4.
Figure 3. Control VM’s CPU performance metrics with load.
Figure 4. The Locust tool generating load.
The bash script was configured to execute a separate script on the remote Foreman server which performed multiple functions. First a hostname with a random unique integer appended was generated, both stored as a variable and written to a text file. The script then called the Command Line Interface (CLI) tool for Foreman, named Hammer. Switches were passed to the Hammer CLI tool, which include the unique hostname which was stored as a variable, as well as switches that instruct Foreman to create a VM from template, based on preconfigured values within Foreman, such as which template to instruct the vCenter to clone, number of vCPUs etc. Various preconfigured values exist within the Foreman tool which allow Hammer to trigger a preconfigured VM build process. The process the script follows to create the scaled Kubernetes worker nodes can be seen in figure 5.
Figure 5. The create VM script process
When the Hammer CLI tool executes the API call to Foreman, several tasks are initiated. First an API call to the vCenter server is made calling for a clone to be created from the preconfigured template, with the same name passed as the hostname switch via the CLI. Next a DHCP reservation is created based on the Media Access Control (MAC) address returned from the vCenter server during the API call, which is the configured MAC address of the new VM, using an available Internet Protocol (IP) address from the configured DHCP pool of addresses. A DNS A and PTR record are then added to the BIND zone file listing the hostname previously passed as a switch to the Hammer tool, with the same IP address configured in the DHCP reservation based on the newly created VMs MAC address. This allows the VM to boot with an expected IP address and hostname, allowing Puppet to connect to the VM once booted and complete configuration.
Configuration of the scaled VMs once booted is controlled by the Puppet tool, which Foreman interacts with via its API. A preconfigured Puppet script which is hosted within Foreman is executed on the booted VM via the Puppet master and is used to perform various functions, including an update of installed packages, installation of new packages if required and perform any other defined configuration tasks. As part of the Puppet script, the hostname is configured to be the same as that registered in DNS, then a command is executed to join the scaled VM to the Kubernetes cluster as a worker node. For the command to function indefinitely a non-expiring bootstrap token was generated on the Kubernetes platform.
For the solution to automatically downward scale both VMs and K8s worker nodes, a separate vCenter alarm was configured to monitor CPU or Memory and trigger when the configured threshold is below the defined threshold for a defined number of minutes. The alarm configuration can be seen in figure 6. When the alarm is triggered a script is executed on the vCenter server to remove the worker node from the Kubernetes cluster and power the VM down and delete it. This activity can be seen in figure 7. The script process to delete Kubernetes worker nodes and their associated VMs can be seen in figure 8.
Figure 6. The vCenter delete-VM alarm.
Figure 7. VM deletion triggered by load reduction.
The bash script used to scale inwards or remove worker nodes and VMs called a separate script which was run on the remote Foreman server where several commands and additional scripts were also executed.
Figure 8. The delete VM script process
First, Secure Copy (SCP) was called to copy the text file containing the scaled VM names created during execution of the upward-scaling script to the VM used to manage the K8s cluster. SCP was then called again to copy the same text file to the Foreman VM. A separate bash script was then called from within the script to execute on the remote K8s management VM and remove the scaled worker node from the cluster. The script used the Linux sed command to parse the top line of the text file for the relevant hostname and passed that into the kubectl delete node command as a switch. Once the remote script used to remove the K8s node completed, a second script was called from within the original script to execute on the remote Foreman server, again parsing the top line of the text file containing scaled hostnames using the Linux sed command, then passing that as a variable to the Hammer CLI command to delete the specified VM. The Hammer CLI tool then called the vCenter API to power the VM down and delete it. The sed command was then used to remove the first line from the file containing hostnames, this allowed the process to complete on any additional scaled VMs.
The process proved to be a robust solution for automatically and elastically scaling K8s worker nodes hosted on the vSphere IaaS platform. As application load increased within the Kubernetes cluster, available resources were consumed on all available worker nodes. This triggered elastic scale-out which introduced more resources into the cluster, making them available to serve existing and further increased load. As application load was either decreased or removed
entirely the solution triggered scale-in activity removing all unnecessary worker nodes in the cluster.
The cost savings gained through this form of elastic cluster scaling, based on public cloud VMs referenced in [1 5 ], are US$0.10 per virtual machine/hour. Based on these figures, increasing the cluster size with three additional nodes will cost approximately $219 per month, whereas elastically scaling out as needed within the month may cost US$50.40 based on typical usage*. This reduction in costs could equate to as much as a 76.99% saving.
*Typical usage is defined as intermittent bursts with a maximum of 1 week per month.
This solution brings with it a vast number of use cases. In addition to the two scenarios listed, it could be used to support medical, law enforcement, agriculture, traffic and a myriad of other use cases.
Possibly one of the most crucial aspects of this solution is security. Any system that is aware of the location and movement of people is likely to be a target for nefarious individuals and systems to exploit the data. Not only will securing the data be paramount, how the system uses that data could lead to dangerous situations. For example, should the AI be implemented in an untrustworthy or unsafe manner, crowds fleeing towards an exit could be obstructed by doors closing rather than opening. Threat agents who gain access to the system or data and can manipulate its functionality could in theory force the system to act in a dangerous manner.
During testing the HPA was found to distribute workload unevenly amongst available worker nodes. Under load across 3 nodes and 20 scaled Pods, a variance of as much as a 20% CPU activity was witnessed. Based on this the control VM selection should be based on analysed workload distribution within the environment.
While the solution can horizontally scale by adding Pods to existing worker nodes very fast through the HPA, the much slower speed at which it can scale the cluster by adding new worker nodes should be taken into consideration when configuring alarm thresholds. Under testing conditions scaled worker nodes were only active in the Kubernetes cluster 6 - 8 minutes after threshold alarms fired and triggered VM builds. This is due to several factors such as the hardware type and configuration, amount of time it takes to clone the VM from template, boot the operating system, configure it and join it to the Kubernetes cluster.
Based on the amount of time it takes to complete the elastic scaling activity, the solution should be configured to only respond to reasonable periods of increased load on the system. Should the alarm threshold be configured to fire after short periods of increased load, VMs may still be in the process of creating while the load drops below the requirement for that added worker node. Should the alarm thresholds be configured to fire only after extended periods of time, user experience may be impacted. Careful consideration should be taken to determine alarm threshold parameters to cater for each of these factors.
While the base system is configured with three worker nodes, which the solution is not able to automatically reduce past that, additional worker nodes can manually be added to the base configuration in which case the solution would only scale once usage across all existing base nodes exceeds the configured threshold. Therefore, when the solution is deployed, a performance baseline should be taken to determine the optimal number of worker nodes required for the system to run optimally and the base number of worker nodes adjusted accordingly.
Configuration of the MaxPods value in the HPA should be carefully evaluated as it could inhibit the efficacy of the solution. Once the MaxPods value is reached, the Pods will no longer scale within the cluster unless this value is set large enough or until it is increased once worker nodes are added. Dynamically adjusting the HPA MaxPods value as part of the elastic scaling activity would be effortless to implement.
Testing of the solution was conducted using synthetic load based on a containerized web application that performed a CPU intensive mathematical calculation every time the web page was hit, based on the K8s HPA example Pod. Load was generated by using a tool named Locust, which is an open source load testing tool [1 6 ]. In order to generate load that proved enough to maintain above 70% CPU utilization on the control VM, 3 0 0 users were simulated at a hatch rate of 300.
This solution could yield positive results by hosting the base cluster on private cloud architecture for security reasons, while elastically scaling either into a hybrid cloud design or onto edge devices to increased accessibility and reduced latency and bandwidth consumption.
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK While this research was based on a proprietary IaaS solution, additional research could produce an entirely FOSS solution. Foreman has built-in support for oVirt and libvirt which can be leveraged; however, the alarming solution will also need to be adapted as it is currently based on vCenter performance alarms. Use of Prometheus and Alertmanager would likely yield positive results in triggering VM builds through the Foreman API. This solution provides a dynamically scaling support infrastructure for ubiquitous computing which can be used in a variety of different use cases. Running AI, although not a requirement, is likely to yield advances in in the field.
This research provides a discussion on scalability issues but the issue of security within such devices remains a concern as previously mentioned. Whilst many solutions have been put forward [1 7 , 1 8 ] it is clear that attacks on ubiquitous devices and their associated AI applications hosted on cloud infrastructure can range from issues regarding privacy to endangering lives [1 9 ]. Further issues in ubiquitous and cloud computing include the human aspects [ 20 ] including interaction and design and contextual usage. It is clear that much research in this field is yet to be done.
The authors would like to thank Letterkenny Institute of Technology for their funding of this research work.
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0 notes
Rfid Tracking System
RFID tracking system are a major benefit to healthcare facilities. RFID hospital patient tracking makes it easy for healthcare administrators to keep tabs on patients who need their attention, thereby improving patient care and satisfaction too. This is made possible with RFID enabled patient armbands which can be tracked with the help of sensors placed throughout the facility.
0 notes
pycube · 3 years
RFID tracking systems are a major benefit to healthcare facilities. RFID patient tracking together with asset tracking help hospitals manage workflows better. RFID patient tracking systems ensure that patients are monitored around the clock throughout the facility, assuring a sense of comfort and security. RFID hospital patient tracking makes it easy for healthcare administrators to keep tabs on patients who need their attention, thereby improving patient care and satisfaction too. This is made possible with RFID enabled patient armbands which can be tracked with the help of sensors placed throughout the facility.
21525 Ridgetop Circle,Suite 110, Sterling, 20166. 
0 notes
smarttagweb · 3 months
Möglichkeiten freisetzen: Die Vielseitigkeit von RFID Transponders für verschiedene Anwendungen
In der dynamischen Landschaft der technologischen Innovation haben sich RFID-Transponder als wichtige Akteure erwiesen und ihre Vielseitigkeit in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen unter Beweis gestellt. Von der Bestandsverwaltung bis zur Zugangskontrolle haben sich die Möglichkeiten von RFID-Transpondern weiterentwickelt und bieten Lösungen, die Prozesse rationalisieren und die betriebliche Effizienz verbessern.
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Der Kern dieser Vielseitigkeit liegt in der Fähigkeit von RFID Transponders, Informationen drahtlos zu speichern und zu übertragen. Der Nutzen dieser Technologie zeigt sich in verschiedenen Bereichen. Die iDTRONIC Smart Tag Website (https://idtronic-smarttag.de/) beleuchtet die vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von RFID-Transpondern.
Eine der wichtigsten Anwendungen von RFID-Transpondern ist die Bestands- und Vermögensverwaltung. Unternehmen aller Branchen, einschließlich Einzelhandel und Logistik, haben sich die RFID-Technologie zu eigen gemacht, um in Echtzeit Einblicke in ihren Bestand zu erhalten. RFID-Transponder, auch RFID-Etiketten genannt, ermöglichen eine schnelle und genaue Verfolgung von Produkten in der gesamten Lieferkette. Die Möglichkeit, RFID tags kaufen, die auf spezifische Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind, hat sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Instrument für Unternehmen gemacht, die ihre Bestandskontrollprozesse optimieren wollen.
Die Website hebt die Rolle von RFID-Transpondern in Zugangskontrollsystemen hervor und zeigt deren Effektivität bei der Bereitstellung sicherer und effizienter Zugangslösungen. Ob in Firmenbüros, Bildungseinrichtungen oder im Gesundheitswesen, RFID-Transponder bieten eine nahtlose und kontaktlose Authentifizierung. Dies erhöht nicht nur die Sicherheit, sondern trägt auch zu einer rationalisierten und reibungslosen Benutzererfahrung bei.
Darüber hinaus finden RFID-Transponder Anwendung im Bereich der intelligenten Städte und des IoT (Internet der Dinge). Die Website zeigt auf, wie diese Transponder in die städtische Infrastruktur integriert werden können, um intelligente Lösungen für die Parkraumbewirtschaftung, den öffentlichen Nahverkehr und die Abfallwirtschaft zu ermöglichen. Die Anpassungsfähigkeit der RFID-Technologie ermöglicht die Schaffung vernetzter Systeme, die zur allgemeinen Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit moderner städtischer Umgebungen beitragen.
Ein interessanter Aspekt, der auf der iDTRONIC Smart Tag Website behandelt wird, sind die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten, die beim Kauf von RFID-Tags zur Verfügung stehen. Die Anpassung von RFID-Transpondern an spezifische Anforderungen stellt sicher, dass sie sich nahtlos in bestehende Systeme und Prozesse einfügen und eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung für jede Anwendung bieten.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Vielseitigkeit von RFID-Transpondern ein Beweis für ihre transformative Wirkung auf verschiedene Branchen ist. Von der Bestandsverwaltung über die Zugangskontrolle bis hin zu Smart-City-Anwendungen - die RFID-Technologie entwickelt sich ständig weiter und passt sich den sich ständig ändernden Anforderungen der modernen Welt an. Die Möglichkeit, RFID-Etiketten zu kaufen, die auf bestimmte Anwendungen zugeschnitten sind, unterstreicht die Flexibilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit dieser Transponder und macht sie zu einem unschätzbaren Vorteil für Unternehmen und Städte, die nach Effizienz und Innovation streben.
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einsturown · 5 years
Kinds of ID Badge Holders
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The ID badge holders are the one that display and protects ID cards. Accessible in a diversity of different colors and materials, these holders and ID cards permit you to safely attach the ID cards to the clothing or to the lanyard.
1. Armband Badge Holder – this is styled for active work surroundings like the warehouses, construction sites and armband badge holder can hold the badge high up within the arms where it can be out of your way, but this is still highly visible.
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2. Clip On and Magnetic Badge Holders – this clip on and magnetic badge holder may come in a diversity of sizes and may keep the ID badge fastened to the pocket or to the clothing. This will make them simple to wear and use in diversities of industries and with uniforms.
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3. Colored Badge Holders – this colored badge holder may come in different colors, and this will make it simple in color coding the ID card program and differentiating between different kinds of badges or may indicate varying stage of security clearance.
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4. ID Badge Dispensers – this ID badge dispenser is available in both flexible and rigid materials and are designed to display and protect access control cards, IDs, banks or ATM cards, and or some other that needed to be regularly accessed for reading or swiping.
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5. Multi-Card Badge Holder – it will keep several cards close to your by using this Multi-Card Badge Holder. This helpful badge holder is exclusively important if you are in need of employee ID cards and access control or separate payment cards for secure workplaces.
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6. Oversized and Event Badge Holders – it simply protects and display the event badges with this oversized and event badge holder. These holders are exclusively sized to take an oversized event badge for conventions, seminars, conferences, and a lot more.
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7. Proximity Badge Holders – this proximity badge holder is normally used with an access control card, it locks the ID card into the holder the moment an ID accessory has been attached and so the ID card can be used without the need to remove it from a holder.
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8. Rigid Badge Holders – this rigid badge holder gives a better protection for the ID cards. With the rigid ID holder, the card will be less possible to snap or bend in half. The chain holes and the slot permit, allow you in displaying the ID card without the need to punch a hole in a card itself.
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9. RFID Shielded Badge Holder – this will protect the sensitive data on the ID cards with the RFID Shielded Badge Holder. This holder protects the cards from illegal duplication and skimming with the specialized material which blocks the scanner.
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10. Standard Clear Badge Holder – the flexible, clear ID badge holder shields the ID card from elements while permitting the security staffs to see on the card through a holder. The badge holder attached to the ID accessories without the need to punch a hole in a card itself.
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11. Specialty Badge Holders – the selection of exclusively badge holders contains ticket sized ID holder, nylon holder, slot-free badge grip and a lot more. This badge holder adds a great convenience for the cardholder.
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12. Luggage Tags - With these luggage tag holders, you can be sure that the tag will really stay attached to the luggage. The luggage tag presents a diversity of colors and included those that are made of rigid plastics, leather, semi-rigid vinyl, and also leatherette.
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Kleertech, 2017, All-in-One badge, Access 2018
0 notes
hangultime · 7 years
Sicherheit kaufen
Sicherheit kaufen
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Material: Aluminiumlegierung
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7. Unsichtbares Sicherheitsschloss für Türen und Fenster - DIE Lösung gegen Einbrüche
Remock Lockey wird komfortable per Fernbedienung geöffnet und geschlossen.
Das Schloss wird inklusive vier Fernbedienungen geliefert.
Die Fernbedienungen sind mit einem Anticopy-Verschlüsselungssystem ausgestattet. Der sich stets ändernde Code kann nicht kopiert werden.
6 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!189,00 €
8. Die Polyvagal-Theorie und die Suche nach Sicherheit: Traumabehandlung, soziales Engagement und Bindung
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9. KKmoon Tür Sicherheit Tor Eintrag Zutrittskontrollsystem + 10 Schlüsselanhänger RFID Nähe Türeinstieg Access Control System
Hohe Qualitaet und hohe Sicherheit. Empfindliche und schnelle Reaktion.
Unterstuetzt 250 Standard-Benutzer. Support-Passwort, Karte plus Passwort & Passwort Plus Karte
Kann Kartennummer hinzufuegen und loeschen Kartennummer als Ihre Anforderung. Mit 10 Stueck Schluess
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10. Sicherheits-Stiefel S3 Typ BESTBOY in den Größen 35 bis 48 - Das Standardmodell für den täglichen Baueinsatz!, Größe: 48
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Bei Amazon kaufen!33,90 €
11. Homematic IP Starter Set Sicherheit plus, 143399A0
Starter Set für die zuverlässige Überwachung und Alarmierung für mehr Sicherheit in den eigenen vier Wänden
Komfortable Steuerung über die Homematic IP App
Besonders zuverlässiges hmip-funkprotokoll auf 868-mhz-basis
76 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!146,85 €
12. 120 Stück Sicherheitsnadeln-Set, Sicherheitsnadeln 28-32-38-45-mm, Sicherheitsnadeln groß bis klein, Silber
Praktisches Sicherheitsnadeln Sortiment in vier verschiedene Größen - Ideal auch zum Basteln oder Nähen-Zubehör in den Größen mini, klein, mittel und groß
Haben sie immer die passenden Sicherheitsnadeln stabil zum Nähen, fürs Büro oder zur Hochzeit - Sicherheitsnadel mit Klammer, Kralle, Verschluss
Abmessungen der verschiedenen stabilen Büro-Klammern: 10 Stück x 45mm; 20 Stück x 38mm; 40 Stück x 30mm und 50 Stück x 28mm
29 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!5,95 €
13. Sicherheits Digital Codeschloss DAK 2200 Türöffnen per Code Sabotagekontakt und Positionsüberwachung der Tür
Positionsüberwachung der Tür (Türschließ- Funktion, Alarm bei Öffnen ohne Codeschloss, Sperrfunktion 2. Tür mit Schaltverzögerung)
2. Benutzercode für Ansteuerung eines 2. Schaltausgangs (1 A/30 VDC)
15 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!44,92 €
14. Fomito Sicherheits-Kabel für Kamera
Entwickelt für Spiegelreflex-Kameras.
Kamera-Sicherheitskabelm Ihr Sling Strap
Bietet eine sichere Verbindung zwischen Kamera und Kameraband für zusätzliche Sicherheit.
3 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!11,31 €
15. NALATI Baby Kindergehen Armgelenk Band Anti-verloren Kinder Sicherheit Handgelenk Link Sicherheit --1.8M
➤Material: Neopren + Drahtseil + Klettverschluss + PP-Seilband + Plastikschnalle; Länge: 1.8m; Farbe: Blau, Orange
➤Kleinkind verlieren nicht: Es ist schwer für Eltern an öffentlichen Orten auf Kinder aufzupassen,dieses Sicherheits-Handgelenk läßt Kinder in der Nähe halten.
➤Handgelenkbügel ist sehr weich, Anti-stechend Klettverschluss ist einstellbar, machen Eltern' und Kinders Hand bequem.
10 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!11,99 €
16. HUDORA Sicherheit Safety Pop Up Set Skateboard Inliner Zubehör - 85071
2 Safety Pop Up's
Auffällig sicher!
Pop-Up System ermöglicht schnellen Auf- und Abbau
8 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!24,57 €
17. Hunde Sicherheits Gurt fürs Auto , IWILCS Verstellbarer Ruckdämpfer Sicherheit Auto Sicherheitsgurt für Hunde mit elastischer , Nylon 55 bis 75 cm Einstellbar [2 Stück]
Schütze dich & Deinen Liebling Hund : Der Hundegurt schützt deinen Liebling davor sich zu einem gefährlichen Wurfgeschoss zu verwandeln - bei einem Unfall oder plötzlichem Bremsen.
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29 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!7,99 €
18. HomeSecure HS2861 Sicherheitsschloss-Satz – Weiß
Hat eine weiße Pulverbeschichtung. Sicherheitsschlösser für PVCU-Fenster und -Türen.
Hohe Verarbeitungsqualität.
Zusätzliche Sicherheit durch Montage an Fenster oder Türen.
76 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!13,36 €
19. Auraglow Drahtloser Superhelles Sicherheitslicht mit PIR Bewegungssensor, Wetterfest, Solarbetrieben Sicherheit Licht
Beleuchten Sie Auffahrten, Veranden, Terrassen und mehr, dank der kabellosen Leuchte mit Bewegungsmelder von Auraglow
Das wetterfeste Design macht es ideal für den Einsatz in Gewerbeimmobilien, in Lagerhallen und Speichern Das moderne Solarpanel lädt sich durch natürliches Tageslicht auf und bietet bis zu 90 Aktivierungen pro Ladung! Keine Kabel oder Batterien erforderlich!
Erkennt Bewegung auf bis zu 3 Meter Entfernung, für den Innen- und Außenbereich, komplett wetterfest! - Sieht aus wie eine Überwachungskamera, was Eindringlinge abschreckt!
154 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!14,99 €
20. DESERMO Reisegeldbeutel mit RFID Blocker | Sicherheits Gürteltasche mit Diebstahlschutz
ANTI-DIEBSTAHL GELDBÖRSE - angenehm zu tragen und einfach zu handhaben
3 separate Fächer für Bargeld, Kreditkarte und Reisepass
15 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!10,65 €
21. Sigel SY404 Kinder-Sicherheits-Armband Set zum Beschriften, Motive: Einhorn Fußball Totenköpfe, 3 Stück, 19,7 cm
Notfallarmband-Set für Kinder, hautfreundlich und schadstoffgeprüft
Maße: 19,7 x 3,2 cm, mit Beschriftungsfeld für Name und Telefonnummer
Material Armband: Polyvinylchlorid, Verschluss: stabiler Kunststoff
8 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!10,49 €
22. KERMEN - Sicherheitsschuhe S3 SRC Hoch Leicht Arbeits-schuhe Rutschhemmend Sicherheits-Halbschuh - Schwarz 43
Antistatischer Schuh
52 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!25,99 €
23. Die Welt von Gestern: Erinnerungen eines Europäers - Das goldene Zeitalter der Sicherheit
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24. Die innere Sicherheit [Special Edition]
FSK 12
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Bei Amazon kaufen!9,79 €
25. Sicherheits Schließzylinder Tür Schloß Türschloß 67 mm 6 x Schlüssel 31/36 Messing
Schlüssel: 6 Stk.
Schraube: M 5 x 62 mm
Länge Schenkel: 31/36 mm, Länge Gesamt: 67 mm
11 Bewertungen
Bei Amazon kaufen!12,19 €
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reliableracing · 1 year
Mountain Madness for 12/01/22
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RFID Timing Kits With Tags Or Armbands From FDS Timing! Read the full article
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smarttagweb · 3 months
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RFID Armband
Egal, ob für Thermen, Schwimmbäder, Hotels oder Festivals – iDTRONIC bietet ✓ hochwertige RFID Wristbands für ✓ viele Einsatzbereiche. ➔ Mehr erfahren! Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website: https://idtronic-smarttag.de/rfid-armbaender/
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smarttagweb · 5 months
Vielseitigkeit erforschen: RFID-Transponder für verschiedene Anwendungen
Im Zeitalter der intelligenten Technologien haben sich RFID-Transponder als vielseitige Werkzeuge erwiesen, die in den unterschiedlichsten Branchen eingesetzt werden können. Diese kompakten Geräte, die mit der Radiofrequenz-Identifikationstechnologie (RFID) ausgestattet sind, definieren die Landschaft der Identifizierung und Zugangskontrolle neu. Da Unternehmen nach effizienten Lösungen für die Verfolgung, Überwachung und Sicherung von Vermögenswerten suchen, haben sich RFID-Transponder in verschiedenen Anwendungen als unschätzbar wertvoll erwiesen.
Verständnis von RFID-Transpondern: Das Herzstück der RFID-Technologie sind RFID-Transponder, kleine elektronische Geräte, die Daten drahtlos über Funkfrequenzen speichern und übertragen. Die IDTRONIC SMART TAG Website https://idtronic-smarttag.de/ bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über RFID-Transponder und zeigt ihre Vielseitigkeit und Anwendungen in verschiedenen Branchen.
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Zugangskontrollösungen mit RFID-Transpondern: Eine der wichtigsten Anwendungen von RFID-Transpondern ist die Zugangskontrolle. Diese Geräte spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der RFID Zutrittskontrolle und bieten sichere und bequeme Methoden, um den Zutritt zu bestimmten Bereichen zu ermöglichen oder einzuschränken. Von schlüssellosen Zugangssystemen in Büros bis hin zu sicheren Zugangspunkten in Industrieanlagen sorgen RFID-Transponder für eine effiziente und zuverlässige Zugangskontrolle.
Auf der IDTRONIC SMART TAG-Website finden Sie eine Vielzahl von RFID-Transpondern, die für Zugangskontrollösungen entwickelt wurden. Diese Geräte bieten unterschiedliche Formfaktoren und Funktionalitäten, so dass Unternehmen den Transponder auswählen können, der ihren spezifischen Anforderungen an die Zugangskontrolle am besten entspricht.
Verfolgung und Verwaltung von Vermögenswerten: RFID-Transponder sind für die Verfolgung und Verwaltung von Vermögenswerten unerlässlich. Von der Bestandskontrolle im Einzelhandel bis zur Überwachung von Anlagen in Fertigungsbetrieben bieten diese Geräte eine nahtlose Lösung für die Verfolgung und Verwaltung wertvoller Vermögenswerte. Auf der IDTRONIC SMART TAG-Website werden RFID-Transponder vorgestellt, die sich durch ihre Langlebigkeit und große Reichweite auszeichnen und somit ideal für verschiedene Anwendungen zur Verfolgung von Vermögenswerten geeignet sind.
Optimierung von Logistik und Lieferkette: In der Logistik- und Lieferkettenbranche tragen RFID-Transponder zu optimierten Abläufen und erhöhter Effizienz bei. Die Möglichkeit, Sendungen zu verfolgen und Bestände in Echtzeit zu überwachen, ermöglicht reibungslosere Logistikprozesse. RFID-Transponder mit fortschrittlichen Funktionen, wie die auf der IDTRONIC SMART TAG-Website vorgestellten, sind auf die spezifischen Anforderungen der Logistik- und Lieferkettenbranche zugeschnitten.
Anpassbare Lösungen für verschiedene Branchen: Eine der größten Stärken von RFID-Transpondern ist ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit an verschiedene Branchen. Ob im Gesundheitswesen, im Einzelhandel oder in der Fertigung, RFID-Transponder bieten anpassbare Lösungen, die den einzigartigen Bedürfnissen der verschiedenen Branchen gerecht werden. Die IDTRONIC SMART TAG-Website dient als Ressource für Unternehmen, die die verschiedenen Anwendungen von RFID-Transpondern in unterschiedlichen Branchen erkunden möchten.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass RFID-Transponder bei einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen als Katalysator für Effizienz und Sicherheit dienen. Von Lösungen für die RFID Zugangskontrolle über die Verfolgung von Vermögenswerten bis hin zur Optimierung der Logistik - die Vielseitigkeit von RFID-Transpondern verändert die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen arbeiten. Im Zuge des technologischen Fortschritts wird die Rolle von RFID-Transpondern in verschiedenen Anwendungen weiter zunehmen und zur Entwicklung intelligenter und vernetzter Branchen beitragen.
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