calciumcryptid · 5 months
ShinOjiRin Headcanons
This is a ship between Shinsou Hitoshi, Ojiro Mashirao, and Rin Hiryu from Boku No Hero Academia that has lived in my brain for years now and I need to post these headcanons.
Relationship Timeline
Rin had a small crush on Ojiro from the start of his first year, but it didn't cement until Ojiro stepped down from the Sports Festival. He immediately goes to ask Ojiro out who agrees. They date for the entirety of their first year.
Shinsou developed a crush on Ojiro after he stepped down, or at least paused for a moment. He asked Ojiro during the first semester into their second year, and Ojiro rejected him.
Shinsou tried to not like Rin out of principle, but gave up due to the man being too polite.
Despite this, Shinsou and Ojiro kind of get pushed into a close proximity kind of situation when Shinsou needs to catch up on the physical training. Rin tags along, and before they know it they are all dating by the second semester.
Outside Perspective Headcanons
They are so low-key about their relationship, like, ridiculously low-key about their relationship to an absurd degree.
Even the ones who knew about it never knew the full details. Ojiro told Hagakure about Rin asking him out but he never told her about Shinsou. The IzuCrew encouraged Shinsou to ask Ojiro out, only to sympathize when he was rejected despite never learning why. The Common Sense Kings hyped Rin up about asking Ojiro out but did not know about Shinsou. The TokoFlock (minus Hagakure) knew Shinsou and Ojiro were together, but overlooked the Rin variable.
(Except for Shouji, Shouji knows all but minds his business like a regular person.)
It isn't until graduation the rest of their classmates learn about it in its entirety, and they only learn about it because Mina overheard their future plans including moving in together and bothered to ask about it.
Since Rin and Ojiro become public heroes, they are the pair in the public eye. Shinsou insists it doesn't bother him, but it bothers Rin and Ojiro because they have a whole other husband.
(Seriously the amount of times they request for an extra spot is ridiculous. You would think Shinsou's name wasn't on the certificate.)
Aizawa nearly had a heart attack when a fellow teacher told him they caught Shinsou kissing a blonde, and demanded Shinsou bring his boyfriend to dinner. He was so hyper focused on the blonde detail he was caught off-guard when there was a second significant other.
Mutant S/Os Headcanons
Due to his quirk, Rin has a lot of dragon tendencies like hoarding significant others' clothing, and dressing them jewelry despite them not wearing any normally. Luckily, the other two find it endearing.
Since Rin is a Chinese dragon, he'll sit outside in the middle of storms. It never fails to give his significant others' heart attacks. Though his tendency to dance with them in the rain makes up for his otherwise horror film shenanigans.
He will also just sit on his significant others and cuddle with them, and has been affectionately called a 'lap lizard' by Ojiro.
Due to his quirk, Ojiro has mutant tendencies like grooming his significant others or constantly touching them. He will rub heads and purrs too. Shinsou nearly exploded from heart palpation when he first experienced it.
(Asiatic Lion/Black and Gold Howler Monkey hybrid Ojiro Mashirao supremacy!)
Depending on the temperature, Shinsou will cling to one over the other. He will cling to Rin when it is warm and Ojiro when it is cold. Regardless, Rin will have a protective grip on them and Ojiro tucks his tail around them.
They have to accommodate mutant diets, so Shinsou has learned to use his lunches to balance out the immense amount of meat they consume on a daily basis.
Other Headcanons
In terms of pet names, Rin is the only one who uses them as he calls them Bao Bèi (with the 'my treasure' meaning). Ojiro sometimes calls them babe, but mainly joins Shinsou in calling his s/o by their first names.
Somehow, Shinsou is the one with the best sleep schedule despite working at night and otherwise being an insomniac. He often has to drag the other two to bed because they are up training or working on paperwork.
Due to their different schedules, dates are a pain to schedule to the point their colleagues look at them funny when they look forward to a night of takeout and whatever bromance series Rin brought from his last trip to China.
They need to train separately or they will flirt like they are in leads in an action movie. They have one love language and it is throwing hands, and their friends are tired.
They don't have wedding rings, they have wedding gauntlets and their friends are tired. (Hatsume was ecstatic about the commission.)
Seriously, they are the battle triad.
There is nothing funnier than Rin's rich energy colliding with Shinsou's grunge lifestyle. Ojiro often has to serve as a tie breaker.
They are the triad who leave food out for animals, both wild and strays, and Rin may or may not be building a crow army.
They all get equally embarrassed when their friends share pining stage stories. Hagakure especially takes immense joy from dramatically reading her and Ojiro's old text conversations.
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I'd like to think these three love cuddling. Ojiro usually falls asleep though.
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Heart Quotient Chapter 13
They're kinda Yin and Yang for me, BroTP. Even though Rin isn't developed much in the manga, I think they could go along well together. They both wear traditional clothes too. If Rin is 5/6 A stat in Chineseness then he must know a form of martial arts. Ojiro would love sparring with him.
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Kinda OT3. Coz I like Rin and had been thinking in what ways are he and Ojiro different. (Bottom left is the first drawing and the others followed. Read clockwise from top left though.)
Headcanon that Ojiro and Hagakure don’t really mind him third-wheeling. Rin loves cuddling Toru since she’s so warm. Likewise, she likes how cool he feels. Ojiro gets jealous sometimes but realizes that the way he and Rin cuddle is the very definition of “no personal space.” Besides, Rin helps him become more affectionate towards Tooru so he humors him.
Hagakure’s usually the one who’s distracted but when Rin shows up, the two boys go into their own world and she gets dragged along sometimes. Rin and Hagakure enjoy sharing their culture with each other, food, clothes, etc. Rin is usually the one giving gifts since he has cash to spare. He saved up a lot from part-timing in his family business. (At least they pay him properly)
Fufu and Chichi:
Rin gets mischievous once he becomes close friends with someone. When Ojiro and Hagakure officially became a couple, he decides to mess with them. He gave them nicknames, telling Tooru to call Ojiro, FuFu, which comes from the last character of his name; while Ojiro calls Tooru, Chizi. Ojiro can’t pronounce the Zi so it becomes Chichi instead. Then he lies about it being terms meaning boy-friend and girl-friend in Mandarin. (It’s actually husband and wife.) XD
Rin: So when Keke (Ojiro) says Chichi he’ll always have a smile on his face. When Sau-zi (Tooru) says Fufu it’s like she’s inviting you for a kiss.
Ojiro gets flustered: You’re lying.
Rin: No, seriously. I’m not. haha
Hagakure: Ooh ooooh!!! I like that. FuFuuu♥ Come on. Kiss?
Ojiro groans and gives in.
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Maybe Ojiro is secretly scared of cats🤔 but he's a cat magnet.
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Rin being an ass of a brother, forcing him to get over his ailurophobia (why isn't it felinophobia?) Mashi will be so mad at him, but they'll still cuddle later.
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Rin Hiryu for @commonsensekingsweek
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