#ripred my beloved
yesthefandomfreakblr · 3 months
Finally doodled my husband again
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cutter-kirby · 1 year
ripred is easily the most character of all time. he's the most lethal creature in the entire series. he's positively gentle with an eight-year-old girl. he loves shrimp in cream sauce. he gnaws on skulls to be dramatic. he quotes shakespeare. he eats books. he once tried to take over a city with an army of lobsters. he doesn't believe in prophecies. he uses prophecies to get people to do what he wants. he knows some french. he lost his entire family to a flood. he's pretty chummy with the guy who pretty much caused said flood. he teaches echolocation to a twelve-year-old boy. he's even a giant sentient rat. what a guy.
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
"anyone can be a babygirl but it takes a man to be a single mother"
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juniswan · 2 years
Disclaimer I'm not that avid a YA reader these days bc ppl who make YA litchachoor their entire personality r insufferable etc etc but while the Hunger Games DID what every series thereafter tried to copy my fav thing Suzanne Collins wrote to this day is still The Underland Chronicles, which ironically is for even younger children. Just as heavy as THG, it's antithetical to everything Harry Potter stood for and I love it to death for that
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suzanne collins’s thought process while creating characters seems to be “you know what my adolescent protagonist needs? an incredibly bitchy uncle figure.” and she’s right.
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seagullcharmer · 18 days
aughhhhh < reread code of claw and is in my feelings abt it
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dochudson · 2 years
Compiling screenshots from tuc of passages that describe Ripred/the rats in general for no particular reason <3
Anyway it’s neat how he’s scary and funny and intimidating and smart and fierce and sarcastic and cool all at the same time <3
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chaoswithinthemind · 6 months
I first learned of the Underland Chronicles when I was in the third grade. My teacher read the first book to the class and I was hooked. Gregor, Boots, Luxa, Ares, Ripred - I was taken by a swarm of fantasy that nobody seemed to care about but me.
I finally started to reread them, and I felt a little lonely at not knowing anyone who knows this beloved series. That was when one of my moots suggested I look for the tag... and oh my god this is amazing. SOMEONE PLEASE TALK TO ME ABOUT MY FAVORITE CHILDHOOD SERIES!!!
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Well my dear ratty friends…
It’s been a fun battle, but we must finally see the Ultimate Rat Bracket (aka the bRATcket™️) come to a close.
And though Kugrash and his supporters fought with all their might and were hot on Ripred’s tail for quite a while, we have a clear winner!
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Thank you all for participating, whether that means voting, sending rataganda, making art, or yelling at your beloved friends to support your favorite little guy, I am so grateful for all the love and patience and have truly enjoyed running this tournament. I hope you all enjoyed and have found new media to check out thanks to this bracket. I know I certainly have!
Things to keep an eye out for!
At some point (unsure exactly when, since my schedule will be especially hectic these next few weeks!) I am planning to have a Loser’s Bracket! I need to figure out the details myself, but it should likely still be happening!
But first!
I am also planning a new tournament! It won’t be rat related, no, but I’m looking forward to seeing y’all there once it’s ready to accept submissions! Since it’s still technically in the planning stage I won’t link it right now, but I’ll post about it on this blog when it’s ready to go!
Thanks again my comrats, and now this rat king must bid you adieu!
(jk I’ll still be answering any asks or posting fanart/other stuff y’all send my way :])
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renthony · 1 year
I need more people to read those books, damn it!!!! I grew up on those bad boys! I read them as they were releasing! When everyone lost their shit over The Hunger Games books I was like, hey, go read her other books, too!!!! The Underland Chronicles are so fucking good, damn it! AAAAAAAAAA----
I love them. I don't believe that every book needs a film adaptation, but I do believe that TUC deserves an animated television series adaptation. Suzanne Collins got her start writing for TV, and that absolutely translates into her prose. The way it's paced would make it fucking fantastic as a book-per-season cartoon. NOT live-action, though--I don't think any of the creature characters would translate into CGI very well, and any semblance of "realistic" lighting would be utter hell to watch. Animation with clever use of color tones would be much more effective at selling the underground settings.
That said, just imagining the nightmare of trying to portray some of the events of that series in film form without getting slammed by TV censors...oof. The on-page genocide and the whole "carpet of corpses" scene alone would be brutal. I want to see what a dedicated team could do with it to make it the most heart-wrenching scene in all of children's media. God.
@ whoever makes TV decisions, let me make a TUC animated series, I want it so bad. Fuck. I have a mental cast list already half-made. Give me Wendie Malick as Solovet, Steven Yeun as Gregor, Keston John as Gregor's dad...I know I've had more ideas, but I forget what they are at the moment. Get Mark Hamill in there somewhere, just because I love him. Tara Strong can be Boots. Get Matt Mercer in there as one of the villains, but not Pearlpelt because Pearlpelt is way too pathetic for that. Shit, maybe Matt Mercer as Ripred--not a villain, but that absolute menacing vibe he gets sometimes demands a VA who can pull off sinister and sincere in equal measure.
I have ideas, is what I'm saying here.
Personally, I would list Suzanne Collins' work in The Underland Chronicles to be one of the biggest influences on my writing style. I don't write for children, but the "paced like a television show" style is something I aim for, and the complex politics with infinite depths of nuance that can't be neatly summarized as "good guys vs bad guys" is all over my writing.
Also Ripred is the Most Character Of All Time. Sad Dad Rat Man, my beloved. I want to know more about his army of lobsters.
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yesthefandomfreakblr · 10 months
Ripred: (To Gregor) You're a lazy loser. eat shit and die. then you won't be in my way.
Ripred: (standing on the wall talking to the human soldiers) You know the warrior? Yeah. That's my son. He's just like me. He's literally perfect. I made that. sweetest most perfect child in the world and wouldn't trade him for anything. He's handling his rager so well and has accelerated in training beyond what even I thought he could. I could literally not be more proud, my little man is such a badass. Did I mention he's my son??? If anything happened to him I would kill everything and everyone and then myself. That's my boy.
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aldoodles · 1 year
ooh if you want to talk about fiction -
-what's your favorite group makeup for each quest party in tuc? my personal favorite is probably prophecy of bane's (for my beloved ares mareth and twitchtip)
Oh my gosh same! Bane's having so many conflicting characters shoved into one space without Ripred to wrangle everyone was so interesting!! The tender, understated friendship between Gregor and Twitchtip? Spectacular. Everyone suffering with the shiners' nonsense? Endlessly amusing.
That party contains my favorite characters (aka Gregor, Howard, Mareth, Luxa, Ares, and Twitchtip) (minus ripred, have fun doing whatever political nonsense you're up to, king.)
The prophecy of blood's party is also really good, but I would say my second fave quest arrangement is the group following the marks of secret (even though it's not technically an official quest.) There's just so much support and care within those two family groups and it makes everything feel that much more desperate to watch them try to protect each other. It's such a good dynamic!!
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
“You know what you're doing, or at least, you flatter yourself you do.”
wHY IS NO ONE ADRESSING HOW FUCKING POWERFUL THIS LINE IS. No one even pays any attention to it. So subtle, just slipped in there like an afterthought. Thats the beauty of ripred. He tears you up from the inside so efficiently that you don't even realize it until its too late. Hes a sneaky sneaky sneak. You better watch out.
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astronauticaly · 9 months
Ripred my beloved
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
ripred really saw lizzie, said “is anyone gonna parent that child?” and then didnt wait for an answer, and i love him for that
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holyscream · 2 years
Seeing all the posts about ideas for an animated adaptation got me thinking about this again...
TUC is such a dark series that even when I first read it as a 12-year-old in 2010 and daydreamed about my perfect animated TUC movie I would imagine it being at least FSK 16 (sort of the German equivalent to R or NC-17). Many things you can put into books for kids without issue are going to be “too much” when visualized on screen—and I don't think TUC would gain anything from being sanitized (beyond making some injuries and deaths less graphic/gross).
So, while I wouldn't mind bright colors, artistic experiments, or out-there character designs, I always thought TUC would be best served with a style that features more realistic proportions and details than you see in many of the currently popular western animated shows.
Whenever I imagined an animated series or movie, I thought of something that looked something like these:
The Boondocks (2005–2014) dir. Seung Eun Kim (created by Aaron McGruder)
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Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016–2018) dir. Eugene Lee
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Ping Pong the Animation (2014) dir. Masaaki Yuasa
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Night Is Short, Walk on Girl (2017) dir. Masaaki Yuasa
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Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005–2008) created by Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko
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Ergo Proxy (2006) dir. Shûkô Murase
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The Lord of the Rings (1978) dir. Ralph Bakshi
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Watership Down (1978) dir. Martin Rosen
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Some of these are more gritty and some more experimental but I think together they make an okay moodboard of sorts for my preferred art style for an animated TUC adaptation.
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