#rivaille x reader
Levi wasn’t experienced with sex until he met you, but he learned pretty quickly what you liked.
He learned quite quickly right where you’re g spot was, how you liked it being hit by his cock slamming into you. How you liked his fingers gently poking at it, and then licking your cum of his fingers making eye contact with you.
He quickly learned where you’re soft spot was, right on the side of your nape. It was one of his favorite parts too, he could feel your pulse against his lips as he sucked at the spot, trying to get moans to pass your lips.
He quickly learned what your favorite position is while he ate you out. You laying on your back, as you thighs rested on his shoulders, his tongue going to work on your clit and pushing deeper inside you. He would also learn that you like him lifting your ass and holding you up, allowing better access to your sweet liquids. He secretly like that you liked that too.
He quickly learned that you loved him riding you, as he slowly moved in and out, sucking at your neck, hearing your moans, as he pushes deeper, trying to keep his hips from bouncing to hard on you.
He quickly learned how much he loved fucking you.
“I was always a fast learner darling.” He said through a soft moan, filling you with his thick cum.
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yorsgirl · 2 months
Grant me a wish
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis: In which, Levi takes it upon himself to fulfil that one wish of yours.
Trope: Angst, fluff, established relationship.
Warnings: Post Canon, implied nsfw, kissing, no mentions of y/n.
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: Nothing just me milking my daydream with this fine specimen of a man. Fuck you Isayama for making my man go through all that shit 😭 (jk, thank you for writing this amazing story for us)
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Levi never said that he loved you.
In all the years you've spent with him neither did he once speak those three words. He never said those words while you were in the infirmary being treated for your broken ankle.
Neither had he ever urged you to skip any expedition nor did he push you away when you were adamant to fight this war alongside him.
Perhaps, his love is not to be heard. It's meant to be felt.
It was felt when you were the first one he looked for after every expedition. It was felt when he'd ask you to stay back for training. It was felt he himself strapped the harness of your ODM before an expedition. It was felt that after submitting the paperwork he'd take a trip to your room. It was felt when he told you about his past; revealing each and every darkest secret as you shared a cup of tea under the starlight. To know the hands which caressed your form every night with tenderness were the same hands stained with the red of death.
Amidst this never-ending war, the concept of a blooming romance was like a far-fetched dream. And there was a hint of fear. Fear of you suffering the same fate as everyone he loved.
For everyone he loved had been taken away one way or another.
It wasn't on any special day that it happened.
The air was humid and you could hear the crickets chirping outside your window. The sun was setting down the horizon slowly when Levi asked you that question.
"They died for us..." He had said, gazing out the window before shifting his form towards you.
"Would you live with me for the rest of my life?"
There was no bit of hesitation on his face but you could sense a subtle hint of fear when his voice turned heavy. Fear of what might be your answer. It wasn't a question on impulse or one of reassurance you had answered previously.
He didn't kneel before you nor did he voice out any of his feelings. It was a question, as simple as that. Yet, it was the most important he had ever asked of you.
When you didn't answer for long, he was prepared to apologize as his shoulders slumped down. But before he could conjure those words, your lips met his. It was unlike any other kisses you had shared until that day. Your lips didn't move against his, it stayed like a touch of a petal.
It was a kiss to shush him from wringing an apology (what was there to even apologize for), one to convey your answer.
He brought out a ring from his pocket. Nothing fancy, just a silver band on first inspection. In the second look, you found his initials engraved on the backside. He slid it on your finger without any further ado.
Next, he had passed you another identical ring and forwarded his hand to you. You found your initials engraved on its backside as he urged you to put it on him.
"I could only afford this." He confessed, meeting your gaze. There was a subtle disappointment lingering in his voice. He could have gotten you something more intricately crafted or one made of a more valuable metal.
You offered a soft smile, intertwining your fingers with his. The pad of his thumb rubbed circles upon your knuckles, the silver ring glinted as the sunlight reflected on it.
Only if he knew, you needed no ring for you had him by your side.
Each step towards the altar was a step-down memory lane.
Clad in a black suit, similar to the one he had worn to all the meetings in the survey corps. You always told him he looked like some nobleman wearing such an outfit.
You noticed the slight change in demeanor when he saw you walking down the aisle in your white dress and a bouquet of white lilies. He was standing before the priest; waiting for your arrival.
That caused a frown. His knee was still damaged and from the medical reports, he needed to rest it as much as possible. You remember repeatedly chiding him to use the wheelchair but his stubbornness was evident. You were sure to give him an earful after this was over.
You never took Levi as the one to want a traditional wedding ceremony. You were sure he'd want to just sign the papers in court and be done with it. That's what you thought. 
Until he asked you to pick a dress and a location. Informing you he had sent word to your union to the needful people. So you did, chose a dress to your liking and the spot which held both of your memories—the survey corps headquarters.
Walking between all the guests you reached him. A lot of guests weren't present to witness this matrimony. Only his remaining squad and the queen made a graceful appearance with her daughter - Ymir. But they were your family. The very family with whom you had fought a war alongside. The ones who held witness to your laughs and tears, who had your back through thick and thin.
A family brought together by tragedy.
Levi helped you up the stairs, offering his hand which you took gratefully. Standing before him, all the doubts that plagued your mind previously faded into thin air. There were no regrets, no second guesses, no jitters, nothing except the love you held for him. Looking back, there were a lot of things he didn't say but his actions conveyed proof of those unspoken words.
Everything felt right when you looked into his eyes.
A sense of tranquillity settled on you. Your loud heartbeat seized to a comforting pace when he held your hand. Gazing at you with no bit of hesitance whatsoever. There was a ghost of a smile adorning his lips.
He never looked more beautiful than now.
"Grant me a wish, Levi."
"What kind?"
"To speak of your honest feelings when the right day comes."
You were the strongest in his eyes.
Humanity's strongest soldier, they called him. He carried loads of expectations behind his back; and carried the hopes and dreams of every soldier who gave up their life for this cause. For a chance at freedom which was so valiantly fought for till the end.
And now, he stood before you. You, the woman who stuck by his side till the end. To not keep a distance when he revealed his vulnerabilities and shared about the darkness residing in him. Quite the contrary, you closed the distance into an embrace.
Surreal to know, you were here and not some vision in the air. You were here, right before him. And this war was over. The bloodshed, the death, the conflicts, everything was over. Hence now, he decided to live. Live a life with you which you used to speak about. A normal life.
He honestly didn't know what the future held. Neither was he aware of how this decision will turn out. He never had but he knew if you were with him; he'd figure it out.
The priest's voice reached his ears.
"State your vows."
Vows. He was never vocal about his intentions. Not the one to make sweet, empty promises. But here, he wished to say something which he always meant to express.
He took a deep breath, clutching your hand tightly in his. Each syllable of your name rolled off his mouth in an agonizing slow pattern.
And after a long time, he saw tears slide down your eyes. For once, these tears were not of sorrow but of happiness. The absolute bliss to hear him speak of his feelings for you. He granted your wish on this very day.
Those words:
"I'll always be yours."
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levisonlylover · 4 months
Secret romance in the Survey Corps
Fem!reader x Levi// a bit ooc//fluff//spoilers// A/N: It might be a bit messy since this was a bit rushed, hope this is okay
Levi would bring you tea whenever you are working late in the office. it could be paired with your favorite pastry.
Levi would stand beside you, maybe when going on a flight of stairs, he would have his hand behind your back for support
During meetings, he is always seen seated beside you or in front of you.
when sitting, he puts his arm on your chair as Erwin or Hange discusses the plans
At night, Levi would visit your barrack and sometimes stay there to cuddle up beside you or even listen to you ramble
at night, Levi would take you to the rooftop and look at the stars as he watches you admire the stars
When cleaning, he would assist you, whether dusting or mopping. And when both of you are alone, he would kiss your cheek in a split second.
when it comes to missions, Levi tends to become protective over you. He makes sures you are not out of his sight. He does not want to lose anyone dear, especially you.
During rainy days on missions, Levi would look for you, the memories flood back at him when it happens.
After missions, when you aren't injured, he'd take you to his office and tells you he is glad that you are safe.
After missions, when you are injured, Levi tends to worry ten times more. looking at your injuries with his stoic facade, when deep down in his heart, he worries.
During season 3, Levi catches you staring at him, the gray shirt almost hugging his form.
Season 3!Levi would shield you from anyone and whispering sweet stuff, making sure you're the only person to hear it.
During the rumbling, Levi was severely injured, but not too injured to make sure you are okay
During the rumbling, Levi would do his best to protect you from the generations of Titans.
In the aftermath of the rumbling, When you find him, Levi tends to tear up and try his best to hug you, not caring if anyone sees. he is just grateful you are okay
Post-war!Levi will make you stay with him in Marley to grow your relationship with him
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levmada · 6 months
Difficulties Levi has had to accept and adjust to since being discharged from the hospital—which aren’t mutually inclusive just yet—were countless already. Then came the matter of his hair.
There is one person and one person only whom he considers trusting with his hair.
Actually, he trusts you without question regardless of whatever it is. He'd just be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.
Your shared bathroom has a mirror stretching the length of the counter. He refused to sit in his wheelchair and get it covered in hair, and maneuvering into a proper chair wasn't difficult. He finds an excuse to look away from his obnoxiously overgrown bangs and awkwardly tacked-on white scar tape—and looks for you in the corner of the mirror. You set down the wheelchair somewhere outside his line of sight.
It's been several months, but he still finds it hard to accept.
He looks ahead again when he hears your footsteps, so he looks nothing but annoyed by what is surely a chore. In truth he’s so nervous he can hear his own heartbeat, and doesn’t hear you announce yourself.
You unwrap a towel on a the counter to reveal all your supplies. Nothing extravagant, it being everything he asked you to get.
Before you begin, you press a kiss to the top of his head.
The snipping sounds are terribly loud in his ears, little scrapes of a fork on a plate. It’s even the hardest thing to mess up the shaping where his undercut lays in the back, but even still.
He didn't imagine it like this. Certainly not so many memories coming, when over three decades have passed since someone else did this—Mom. In his memories she has him sat on the thin edge of their rusty bath, her kneeling behind him, and trimmed with a dull pair of fabric scissors. He can’t remember for sure, but there’s no way she made it look bad.
He hated getting his hair cut, he remembers just now. They only had one hairbrush, and the guilt would eat him up over Mom, who used it obsessively to keep her long hair neat and perfect.
So the feel of her fingers carding through his hair, or using the metal comb, was extremely painful. She'd chastise him gently. But he still couldn't bring himself.
Yet, now today, he hates himself for having hated it.
Levi can’t help but glance at his neck in the mirror. Later on, when he first asked Kenny to cut his hair, he threatened to clip his tiny throat from his shoulders with a pair of shears if he ever asked for help with something so stupid ever again. If he couldn't do something that basic by himself, he was destined to die a weak runt.
It was an odd overreaction from Kenny in retrospect.
He is weak now.
But he doesn't need to be strong any longer.
Unsure of how to feel, he makes an effort not to think at all until you pipe up that you want him to see. You pluck a handheld mirror from the counter for him to see.
He immediately makes a face, which he shoots at your reflection. "Hey. This is too long."
You smile. "I wanted to be extra careful so I don't go too short. Too much is better than too little. It's even, right?"
It is even.
He nods stiffly, pinning his tongue between his teeth as he looks away from the mirror. Like back then, this is suddenly painful, but only in the way that shows him another way in which you tell him that you love him.
Levi masterlist | main masterlist
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sonamytrash · 4 months
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Lust For Life
Levi Ackerman x F!reader
Warnings: Sex, oral sex, fingering, creampie, more sex.
Note: Purely self-indulgent smut. Inspired by Lust For Life by Lana Del Rey ft The Weekend. Song fic, but the lyrics are in a different font, so skip if you like. I left it a little open to interpretation. Levi and reader have been apart for some time, having been in a past relationship. At last reunited they fuck on his desk. Enjoy!
In these stolen moments,
The world is mine,
There's nobody here, just us together,
Keepin' me hot like July forever,
He reaches out and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, the proximity between the two of you making him feel alive again.
"You were always worth treating well," he says, his eyes locked with yours. "I never wanted to do anything to hurt you."
He leans in closer to you, the proximity between the two of you causing his heart to race. "I still care about you," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I always have, and I always will."
'Cause we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls
He leans in and presses his lips to yours, the kiss full of longing and tenderness. All the years you have spent apart, all the pain and suffering, melt away in that moment,
There's no way for us to come away
'Cause boy we're gold, boy we're gold
And I was like
The kiss between you and Levi grows deeper and drips with passion. His tongue explores your mouth and tastes every inch of you. The electric chemistry that exists between the two of you is palpable, each knowing exactly what the other desires. After all, you have danced this dance so many times before. Your bodies entwine together, the heat and passion impossible to ignore. Completely lost in one another.
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes
His hand finds its way to the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth hungrily. He moans into the kiss as he feels one hand trailing down his chest, another finding the waistband of his trousers, fingers working on the button. He groans as your hand travels south, caressing his hardness through the confinement of his clothes, the sensation driving him wild with desire.
They say only the good die young
That just ain't right
'Cause we're having too much fun
Too much fun tonight, yeah
One of your hands finds its way back to his muscular chest, having discarded his shirt. Removing each other's clothes, desperate to be as close as physically possible. Years of longing and desire, having been apart for so much time.
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Levi groans loudly as he feels your hand now wrap around his cock, the sensation driving him wild with pleasure. He had missed your touch so much, and now that he's finally here, it feels like a dream. You had always known just how to drive him wild and cloud his thoughts with nothing but you.
He uses his rough hands to caress your breasts, feeling your nipples hardening against his palms. He can feel the wetness seeping through your panties, and he can't resist dipping his fingers down to tease your clit.
'Til we run out of breath, gotta dance 'til we die
You kiss along his jaw and neck, slowly pumping his cock in your hands "Remember the things we used to do together Vi, dirty teenagers fucking like animals everywhere and anywhere." You say seductively, reminding him of the days where he would pull you into an alley or storehouse to fuck you senseless. A wanton moan escapes your lips when you feel those fingers you've missed so, so much.
My boyfriend's back
And he's cooler than ever
There's no more night, blue skies forever
Levi groans as he feels your lips on his neck and the feel of your hands pumping his cock, every touch and moan you bestow upon him, driving him wild with lust.
He can't help but smile at the memory of your wild teenage years, filled with sex and passion. The two of you sneaking around to fuck in the most risqué of places, always craving the feel of each other's bodies.
'Cause we're the masters of our own fate
We're the captains of our own souls
So there's no need for us to hesitate
We're all alone. Let's take control
"I remember," he says, his voice husky with desire. "I could never get enough of you, y/n. And I still evidently fucking can't." He says almost breathless.
And I was like
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes
He runs his fingers along your slit, the wetness making it easy to slide in between your folds, back into familiar territory. "I want to make you scream my name again," he whispers lustily in your ear. "That was always my favourite sound."
They say only the good die young
That just ain't right
'Cause we're having too much fun
Too much fun tonight, yeah
Levi groans at the feeling of your soft pussy clenching around his fingers, the thought of the sensation around his cock after so long. He loves the way your body sings for him, the way your pussy sucks him in hungrily.
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
Without any more hesitation, he picks you up by the hips and sets you down on his desk, spreading your legs wide open. Kneeling down between your thighs, breathing in your sweet scent before his tongue begins lapping at your wetness hungrily.
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
He sucks on your clit, fingers playing with your folds as he explores and enjoys every inch of you with his tongue again after so long apart, the picture of you having been etched into memory. The sensation is intense and the pleasure that he delivers almost too much.
"You're so fucking wet," he whispers seductively against your skin. "I've missed the taste of you, y/n."
Levi continues to lick and suck on your clit hungrily, worshipping the temple that is your body. He had missed this so much, missed the feel of you under his tongue, the taste of you, and the sound of your moans as they fill the room.
He speeds up the pace, his tongue working harder while he adds another finger into the mix. He plunges two fingers deep inside of you, working them in and out while his tongue laps at your folds.
My boyfriend's back
And he's cooler than ever
You come undone as he devours your cunt. Arching your back in pleasure as your orgasm rips through you.
There's no more night, blue skies forever
I told you twice in our love letter
There's no stopping now, green lights forever
Levi continues to work his fingers inside of you, lost in the pleasure of making you cum. Desperately trying to resist the urge to hump the air as his cock twitches in anticipation for the heaven he knows is yet to come.
You moan his name loudly, your body shaking with the force of your orgasm.
He drinks up every drop of your sweet nectar, the taste of you driving him wild with desire. He stands up, kissing you deeply and passionately as he shares the taste of your essence with you.
"You taste incredible, you always do," he coos, hands gripping your hips tightly. "I want to be inside of you so badly. I need to mould this pussy back to the shape of my cock." He says, telling you what he's going to do rather than asking.
You look at him, eyes heavy with lust "Fuck me levi." you pant, your legs open wide and your fingers spreading your swollen cunt for him to see before he stretches you on his cock.
And I was like,
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
Levi growls at your words, he positions himself between your legs, his cock hard and throbbing with need as he readies himself at your entrance.
Without warning, he plunges himself deep inside of you, feeling the warm wetness of your body enveloping him in a tight embrace.
Take off, take off
Take off all your clothes
"Fuck" he hisses, almost a whimper. "You feel so fucking good." he grunts, hips slamming hard into your own. "I've missed the feeling of your pussy around my cock like this."
As he thrusts into you again and again, he can feel the pleasure building inside of you once more, your moans becoming louder and more desperate with each passing moment.
"This pussy was made for me."
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes
He picks up the pace, gripping your hips tightly, thrusting harder and faster into you as you both become one. The sound of your moans fill the room, your bodies moving together for what feels like eternity.
And a lust for life, and a lust for life
He can't get enough of the sound of you and the sight of you quivering from pleasure, as you cum again on his cock, tits bouncing from his relentless movements, he relishes the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing him. With one final thrust, he feels his cock pulsing inside of you as he reaches his own orgasm, hot cum spurting deep inside of you as his cock kisses your cervix.
Keeps us alive, keeps us alive
He kisses you deeply, the taste of your lips forever etched into his memory. He knows that there's nothing in the world that he wouldn't do for you, nothing that would stop him from loving you endlessly, worshipping you for the rest of his life.
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oggirlboss · 2 months
[bunny girl!]
pairings: levi ackerman x bunny girl!reader and hanji zöe x being weird and chaotic and unhinged and adorable and alive
warnings: violence, possessiveness, and unconsensual experimentation.
notes: did i spend all night writing this? yes. do i regret it? not yet. yolo.
word count: 2,700
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          "shut the fuck up about it, hanji!!" the dark haired captain slammed his fists against the lab table, sending papers flying and shattering a half-filled beaker. he was completely fuming, eyes livid and teeth bared. he had never felt this disgusting, nothing had made him feel more violated than what hanji had proposed to him. but instead of feeling shame or guilt, he felt angry. he wanted to lash out, destroy something that mattered, make a fucking difference in something. everything already felt like it was falling apart and he was only doing his best to hold himself together. something vile twisted in his gut, churning his insides into molten mush. even looking at hanji reminded him of his grievous mistake. he never should have trusted them with such sensitive information about his sex life. he tensed before looking for the next item to throw.
          hanji popped up from behind a filing cabinet to tilt their head lovingly in levi's direction, either entirely oblivious to his rage, or taking an absurd delight in it. perhaps they thought that this was a game. they began giggling before seeking cover as levi threw a scalpel at them from across the room, cautiously craning their head to watch as the blade soared across the space separating them, embedding itself into the wall a few inches from hanji's eye. they scurried back into levi's line of sight for a second, narrowly avoiding the next object he threw at them. "make me!" hanji taunted.
          levi's voice was grating, hurting him with every word he spoke. he took great care to be direct and concise in his wording, knowing that hanji would do everything in their power to turn his words against him. each syllable rang out, chilling hanji to their core. "i'm going to fucking kill you." hanji was well aware that levi made no empty threats. but the sheer terror of the situation never set in on them. instead of shaking in fear, they felt guilty for starting a fight that caused their close friendship with levi hang in the balance.
          "i thought i was doing what you wanted, levi." they spoke softly, knowing that he was capable of hearing them over the melee. the activation of his ackerman genes lead his senses (specifically hearing) being heightened. "i'm sorry." their sudden apology startled levi. "i never would have done it if you didn't tell me about it." levi halted his attack against the mad scientist. he should have known that hanji's gesture had come from the goodness of their own heart. his features contorted as he buried his face in his hands. he should have let it go. he should have been able to let it slide. he should have known that hanji would do anything if they thought it could made levi happy. even if it meant overstepping his boundaries.
         "no, hanji. i'm sorry." he spoke as he carefully navigated the debris coating the lab room floor, steering clear of the shattered glass and spilled liquids. he lifted hanji from where they were curled in a nest of important filing papers, dusting off their coat and smoothing the wrinkles out of their collar. "it's my fault. i never should have told you about it."
          "no. no. no. it was my fault for taking the initiative." hanji rested their hand over their heart. "i should have waited until you asked me for help. i shouldn't have made the potion without your consent. can you find it inside yourself to forgive me?"
          "it's okay and i forgive you." levi was secretly glad they were able to reach a resolution. more than anything, he felt relieved that this incident wouldn't spread to affect anyone outside of them. "now we can destroy the potion, and put this all behind us."
          "yeah, um." hanji nervously fidgeted with their fingernails. their heart pounded in their chest, unable to look levi in the eyes any longer. "about that." their expression was painful for levi to witness. he knew it meant trouble for him. and trouble always resulted in more paperwork for him. "i've already put it in use." hanji amused themself by worrying at the dead skin that clung to their bottom lip.
          levi was at a loss for words. his grip on hanji's collar tightened slowly. "explain to me what you did. very clearly."
          "well," hanji gulped. "just a few hours ago, at breakfast, i saw a very clear opportunity to mess with [y/n]'s tea, originally i thought about putting a frog in it, but i thought that was too cruel. no creature deserves to boil to death in a substance that's 97% earl grey and 3% [y/n]'s backwash."
          as much as he knew that he shouldn't take the bait, levi bit the bullet and spoke his mind. "why do you know that?"
          hanji shrugged, grateful for the opportunity to distract levi from his mounting murderous intent. "just curious i suppose. but that is an entirely different experiment. on that day, i was taking a walk through the garden and i had the most peculiar thought. i was considering how to best catalogue the flora and fauna of the area and compose all the information into a book of what was edible and what wasn't when i started to wonder about other things." hanji gulped, their voice becoming more strained by the minute. "i was like, gee! hanji! i wonder how many models i could make of our friends phlegm globs? and so i collected a crowbar from the closet and lodged it down moblit's throat as-" levi's hand was quick as lightning, moving from hanji's collar to their throat. he just hoped hanji got the message that the longer they continued to stall, the tighter his grip would clamp down on their windpipe.
          "i don't care about that and you know it. tell me what you did with the goddamn potion."
          hanji proceeded with their story, carefully trying to croak out the words. "i had a perfect shot! i figured that since nobody was looking at me, and i conveniently had the potion in my pocket that it must have been fate! and my hand slipped over her drink." hanji tried to rub the back of their neck but levi just smacked their hand down. "so, she already drank it, and..." hanji careened in levi's grip to get a better look at the clock hanging on the opposite wall. "it should be going into effect any minute now."
          levi inhaled slowly. each second they spent in silence was torture for hanji. they knew each breath they breathed could very well be their last with someone as lethal as levi ackerman prepped to kill them. levi's eyes closed as he contemplated his next words, the shame and disgust surfacing inside of him again. "i take it back. i take it all back. i am going to fucking kill you." hanji made a noise that didn't sound human as levi tightened his grip, choking the life out of them.
          "l-levi!" they gasped, spittle flying as they spoke. thank god the door burst open when it did. the hallway light spilled into the decrepit room, illuminating the chaos surrounding where the two sole occupants of the room stood. hanji couldn't have been more excited to look upon the face of their savior, while levi slowly craned his neck around to view the person intruding while he was in the process of committing murder. the incoming light was blinding, obscuring the person standing in the doorway into a dark, human shaped figure. levi didn't realize who it was until they spoke.
          "levi, i don't feel too good." your voice sounded pitiful. you gripped your stomach tightly as you entered the room, broken glass making dreadful sounds as you walked closer to him.
          his grip on hanji's throat slackened, giving them an opportunity to fall to the floor and gasp for breath. he approached meeting you in the middle of the room. his hands cupped your jaw, searching your face for something wrong. "hey, what's wrong?"
          you sniffled. "you weren't in your office. i looked for you and you weren't there."
         "i know." he spoke softly, still examining you. "what else is it?" you threw your head back as a bought of nausea hit you. levi wasn't even doing anything wrong and you were already frustrated with him. irritable didn't even begin to describe how you were reacting.
          "head hurts. stomach aches. i feel hot everywhere and i've got the chills. i'm sick." hanji rolled over from where they were sprawled on the floor, they scratched at their temple as they made their thinking face.
          "maybe slightly more than sick." levi spared a glance at them.
          "levi, what are they going on about?" you ask, tilting your head.
          "nothing!" levi startled himself with how loud he spoke. he tried his best to mask his stress. "absolutely nothing. i am going to get you into bed, and you-" he pointed at hanji, his eyes showing what true hell would await them when they next met. "will stay put until i return." levi ushered you out and into the hallway, hurrying you along to your own room. you, however, weren't cooperating. your movements were sluggish and your reactions were slow. blood was rushing through your ears, making it hard to concentrate and listen to what levi was saying. the both of you were hardly any closer to your barracks. it was a miracle that you had made it all the way to hanji's lab without collapsing to begin with. having to trek all the way back to your room seemed like an impossible feat. you stopped moving, holding onto levi as you felt yourself sway.
          "your bed is closer, can i stay there for a bit?" you hiccupped as you stumbled over your own feet.
          levi's face heated, but he did his best to remain composed. "of course. of course. take your time." with his hands resting on your arm, he escorted you to his office, guiding you to the private bedroom that was connected to it. he ripped back his tightly tucked sheets and helped you to get situated beneath them. before leaving, he spread his nicest blanket over you.
          "come back soon." you whispered as he softly closed the door behind him. he breathed a sigh of relief, which was short lived as he remembered who had been the cause of his. before he even knew it, he was back in hanji's lab, hoisting them up against the wall by their throat.
          hanji held both their hands up in submission. "you know, i really thought we were over this."
          "what's going on with [y/n]? don't bother deflecting, just tell me what you know."
          "the potion would do exactly what you said you wanted! it's not like i had it in stock, or whatever. i made it specially for your use. took a lot of experimenting though. you think [y/n] is in bad shape? you should check on moblit. he's still out of it and it's been four days? on a related note, did you know that bunnies are incapable of vomiting?" levi struck the wall directly beside hanji's face, startling them back on track. "it's just like you said! after this potion, she'll hop right into your bed!" hanji threw their head back and laughed while levi stared in abject horror. 
         before he knew it, he was back inside of his office, staring at the door that separated him from his room. from his bed. from you. he eased the door open, lurking in the doorway as he thought about what awaited him inside the dark room. you, sleepy and curled tightly into the bedding. like a perfect dream. stepping over the threshold had never been easier. 
          what awaited him was anything but what he had conjured in his imagination.
          his sheets were strewn haphazardly across the bed, his blanket long discarded on the floor. the layers of your clothing seemed to have been thrown around the room at random. white undershirt laying by the door, pants by the window, your panties hanging over the edge of the bed. but there you were, prettily propped up with your face shoved into his pillow, muffling all your cute noises, your ass in the air, on display for his eyes only. but that wasn't what got his attention.
          instead of that, it was a perfectly round cotton tail that kept him from looking away. your body was convulsing, chest heaving as your middle and ring fingers were plunging in and out of your soaked cunt. you ignored your clit entirely, feeling so close to bursting that even slightest brush of skin against your bundle of nerves would send you over the edge. you settled for the brutal drag of your fingers inside of your walls, and even though it was painful, you continued to search for that high. you sobbed and cried tears of frustration, shifting your as as you searched for a better angle to crook your fingers, causing the little cotton tail to sway.
          levi's throat seized up, his pants tightening. he must have coughed or made some noise to alert you of his presence because you immediately ceased all movement. your fingers abandoned your wet pussy, fingers dripping with slick. you pressed your hands into the mattress on both sides of your, pushing yourself up off the bed until you were on all fours. your breaths came in quick succession, you felt like you were jumping out of your skin. turning to meet the stoic captain's gaze, your heart raced further. sparing him a heart stopping smirk, you shook your head a little, causing your droopy bunny ears to move with you.
          "levi." you sighed. "help me."
          levi could not move. this is hell. he thought. he must have died. he must be in hell.
          you whined at his lack of motion. shifting slowly across the bed, you pulled yourself up entirely until you were resting on your knees at the foot of the bed. beckoning him closer with both hands. he obeyed. with your hands exploring his chest, levi didn't think he could contain himself much further. the flat surface of your palms rested against the hard planes of his lower stomach, getting closer and closer to dangerous territory. you tilted your head back, lips pouting. 
          "kiss me. i want your mouth. i want to know how it tastes." you became more pained with each second he spent ignoring your pleas. inside, levi was a raging storm of self-doubt. it would be easier to give in. just accept it. he can't undo what has already been done. sealing his fate permanently, he knotted his fingers into your hair, securing his grip against the back of your head. your face contorted in pain, those bunny ears of yours twitched for god's sake. placing your hands upon his shoulders, you tried your best to keep him at a distance as the tug at your scalp became more insistent. 
          "if we're being honest, i've wondered the same thing about you on one or more occasions." he leaned forward closing the space between you, guiding your lips to slot against his. the lips touching yours were softer than you could have dreamed.
          "levi." you didn't know what else to say. carefully tugging him closer as you leaned back, pulling him closer as you settled back onto his bed. "i'm aching for you." your lips abandoned his, tracing the sharp curve of his jawline and resting upon his pulse point before retreating back to his lips. "my tongue feels swollen and my lips are raw." a high pitched moan emerged from you. "don't stop touching me. please."
       "i wouldn't dream of it, little bunny."
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theamberwriter · 1 year
The Perfect Blend
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Modern!Alpha!Levi Ackerman x Omega!GN!Reader || Tea Shop AU
Word count: 6.3k
So this is the first fic I’ve written in a while, and I cannot remember the last time I actually watched AoT. But my thirst for Levi can never be tamed. I hope this does him some justice. Also, I’m on my iPad. So the formatting may be a little weird.
Companion Art: [1] [2]
The Stem and Spine was the shiney new bookstore/tea shop opening on the corner on Prescott and Main. It seemed like ages since anyone had tried opening a store there. It was such a quaint spot. The historical building had detailed moldings, uneven red bricks, and chipped, dark blue paint. Six large, angled windows gave a panoramic view out to the bustling streets in your little college town.
It was the perfect spot to stop, drink tea, and people watch.
You were looking forward to opening day. You’d spent months crawling through every bookshop, online and in person, as well as every thrift shop trying to find one specific book. No one seemed to know of it’s existence. So you were silently begging the universe to cut you a break and let this new bookshop carry what you were looking for.
You’d only recently discovered their grand opening. An awkward omega gave you a flier. They were handing them out as people were leaving the grocery store. You were really excited, but maybe that was your inner bookworm talking.
Since the shop was right down the road, you decided to walk there on opening morning. You weren’t really expecting any sort of crowd. All of the college kids had gone home for the summer, so the streets had emptied out some. You enjoyed how quiet the summers were. So the long, winding line leading from the door of Stem and Spine was definitely a surprise.
You didn’t need to look for the book that badly. You could come in a month or so when things had died down some. You were going to head back home when you heard the people by you talking:
“I heard the guy running this place is hot as fuck,” said one.
“Did you hear what that girl in our study group said?” asked the other. The first shook their head. “Apparently his scent is like, super strong.”
The friend grinned, running their tongue over their teeth. “I can‘t wait to find out.”
Oh no, you mentally groaned then took a nice deep breath. The scents came one right after the other. A mangled mash up of pheromones. This line was almost entirely betas and omegas. And they were here for that alpha. You were never going to be able to shop there at this rate! As an omega yourself, you just knew they all would come from miles around until this guy was claimed.
You decided it was better to queue up, then maybe you’d actually get a chance to set foot inside. You waited for hours. You were sure those ahead of you would linger as long as possible and try to make an impression. That meant everyone had to stand in line longer.
By the time employees came down the line and told people they were closing for the night, your feet were killing you and your phone battery was nearly dead. All day and you’d only gotten a quarter of the way to the door! You could still see the spot you’d started from. A few people tried to get rowdy, complaining it was unfair that they’d been waiting all day. But their steam fizzled when employees threatened to call the police.
For two weeks, you checked the line for Stem and Spine. Day after day the line seemed to get longer. You saw a lot of returning faces, they must’ve been desperate. You even saw a handful of people getting escorted out by police! You also heard more and more rumors about what everyone was lining up for.
I heard he’s one of those hot, stoic types. I’d love to break him.
I heard that if you’re a beta or omega, just the guy’s scent is enough to make you jizz in your pants.
I heard he doesn’t like needy omegas, good thing I’m not like the others.
I heard he’s starting an entire harem - I’d love to be a part of that!
This is my eighth time going. I swear, I’m on the verge of making him my mate!
The rumors went on and on, getting more and more absurd. You wondered what this guy was really like, if he was really worth all of this. You weren’t interested, you just wanted a book! If anything, this was annoying. You figured it was probably annoying for him too, especially if he just wanted to do his job and not have to worry about anyone throwing themselves at him.
Finally, on a Sunday afternoon, you were able to set foot in Stem and Spine. It was quiet. No three block long line in sight. Sure, it was still busy but these people actually wanted books. They were all glued to the shelves, actually talking about books, and showing each other covers.
Inside was better than you’d imagined it. Everything was cream, gold, crimson, and navy blue. In one half was the tea shop. There were shelves of tea and accessories that lined the walls; loose leaf, prepackaged, diffusers, tea pots, honey sticks, spoon rests. As well as a long barista counter that had a large chalkboard and sizable drink list that was nothing but tea. There were a small handful of metal tables and chairs, and you remembered seeing some outside with umbrellas as well.
The other half of the store was the bookshop. There was row after row of books. Mostly fiction from your first glance. There were also displays for local authors and a shelf of new arrivals. You couldn’t wait to spend the day combing through. The entire vibe was cozy and the scent of jasmine wafting around was relaxing. You did wonder, however, how you were able to get in. Had the alpha been claimed? You didn’t smell anything overwhelming.
“Aaawwww, what do you mean he’s not here?!” You heard a girl whine. You were just starting on the second row of books.
“Mr. Ackerman isn’t here,” said the employee, irritation clear in their voice. “And no, I don’t know if he’ll be back today.”
The girl groaned loudly, but you didn’t hear her complain anymore. You figured she must’ve left. You wondered if she was the one who’d managed multiple visits.
“This has really gotten out of hand,” you heard the employee down the aisle say. They’d been stocking more books. “Great for sales, though.”
“That bad?” you asked. The employee looked at you, she looked tired. Her name tag read Mikasa.
“You have no idea,” she sighed. “I like working here. Levi is my cousin and a great boss, but these fangirls have just been too much. You’d think the fact that he ignores them would be a turn off. But they just keep coming.”
You didn’t realize you’d spent your whole afternoon in Stem and Spine until Mikasa came around to give you a five minute heads up. You were disappointed you didn’t find what you were looking for. But you still managed to find a couple hidden gems you were excited about. Maybe what you wanted was just too obscure.
You brought your books to the counter. As they rang you up, you noticed a clip board with a paper that read What Books Would You Like to See at Stem and Spine? Under that was a long list of handwritten titles and author names. You quickly scribbled down the book you were looking for. At least now there was a chance for it to appear.
Over the next month, you managed two visits to Stem and Spine every week. You and the employees actually started to recognize each other. You also started to see titles you recognized from the list. The mysterious Mr. Ackerman, however, still managed to escape your sight. Every time you went, there was a small posse outside just trying to grab a whiff.
It wasn’t until your first visit of the following month that you finally laid eyes on him. You’d just finished a series and were looking to start a new one. So you wandered over to the new arrivals section. You’d been there about half an hour when a heavy wave of lavender hit you. It filled your head, murking up your thoughts. You figured this had to be him, and the rumors were true - his scent was another beast entirely.
You shook your head to focus your thoughts. You liked this store, so this was something you were going to have to get used to if you wanted to keep shopping there. But you were also extremely concerned - if he was here, then that long line and hoard of omegas and betas would be too. You wanted to leave, but you were stuck between two books with money only for one.
You probably should’ve noticed the scent getting stronger. But you were so focused on reviewing the synopsis on both and thumbing through that you were oblivious. You didn’t wake from your stupor until there was a flutter of movement beside you. You glanced to your left to see a dark haired man in a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He set down the few boxes he was carrying.
This man, you realized, was where the lavender wall had come from. This was the infamous Levi Ackerman, owner of Stem and Spine. Mikasa had told you a bit about him in previous weeks. You liked talking to her whenever you came in.
“It’s rude to stare,” he said in a surprising tenor. His back was still to you. You cursed under your breath and turned back to the shelf. That was one way to embarrass yourself. You began musing between the books in your hands again.
After a long moment of silence, a voice said, “I’d pick the one in your right hand.”
You looked over to meet a bored pair of silver eyes. “What?”
“I’ve read them both. The book in your right hand was far more interesting.”
“Oh cool,” you said slowly. “Thanks. I would’ve been here for ages.”
You quickly placed the other one back in its place and scuttled away. You were just going to have to take his word for it. You didn’t want to hover anymore than you had. At the front, they packaged up your book and you were swiftly out the door.
Levi had been right, the book was very good and you were excited that there were four more books to follow with a movie planned. The next time you tried to go to Stem and Spine it was packed again. There was a line down the block and you just didn’t have the time to wait. Your shift at work started soon, and all you’d wanted to do was thank him for the recommendation.
You decided to head straight to work instead. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long to see the bookstore owner again. The wall of lavender hit you before you saw him. You watched everyone around you turn to stare. It didn’t seem to phase him in the least.
Levi came to the counter and briefly talked with your coworker, who couldn’t seem to keep a straight face. When they disappeared to look for someone, Levi waited at the counter. This was probably going to be weird, but you really did want to thank him for helping you find a new series you absolutely loved.
“Hey,” you started, the book in your hand. He glanced at you briefly. “I, uh. You probably don’t remember me, but you recommended this book to me last week. And I, uh, I just wanted to say thank you. It was really good.”
“I told you it was better,” he stated. “I remember the other one you had - the author writes shit. It doesn’t have any good character development and there were a few glaring plot holes.”
“Oh, that’s good to know - I’ll definitely take that off my reading list.” You laughed awkwardly, carefully tucking the book away in your bag. “I was, uh, I was going to stop by the shop earlier. See if you were there - so I could thank you. But that line was just - woo!”
“I’m going to have to do something about that.” You weren’t sure if that was directed at you, but Levi seemed lost in thought.
Your coworker soon came back with someone in tow. They talked for a minute and then Levi and his intoxicating scent were gone. Afterwards, your coworker could not shut up about him. There was no way you were going to tell them about the bookshop.
In the days that followed, the line to get into the shop shrunk. But there was a continuous crowd that flurried around. A few employees you recognized seemed to be doing crowd control.
“I don’t care that you want to see him,” said one. “You don’t actually want a book or tea! It’s clogging up the shop.”
So Levi was doing something about the outrageous line. You were looking forward to being able to shop there again. The employees inside seemed less stressed when you went in and, at least, you weren’t brushing shoulders with anyone.
“Hey, [Name]!” Mikasa called as she spied you. She waved from her spot at the book counter where she was talking with Levi. You waved back at her, accidentally met Levi’s eyes, and then shuffled off into the book aisle to grab the next installment of the series.
You paid for your book, then went over to the tea shop. You didn’t know much about tea, but you figured you might as well start trying the different blends. There was a small display set up that recommended different teas for certain books. Like a nice citrusy Lady Grey to go with Pride and Prejudice.
“I don’t think that tea pairs with your book.”
You knew that voice. You turned to find Levi there with you, hovering, observing as you skimmed through the tea bags. You looked down at the pouch of English Breakfast Tea in your hand.
“You don’t think so?”
“You’ll want a black currant tea.” Levi reached just above your head and pulled down a paper bag with a raven on it. “I’m partial to this one.”
You took the bag, turning it over in your hand. You put the original pouch you grabbed back. Awkwardly, you smiled at him. “Uh, thanks. Guess I’ll go pay for this then.”
You weren’t sure what to make of it, it was probably nothing. But this encounter left you with a strange feeling. There were a few more like that to follow too.
“You’ll want a different tea for that,” he said as you picked up the third book.
“I can’t just make the black currant one?” you asked, baffled.
“Each book has a flavor that it pairs with. This one is more of a mint. If you pick wrong, you'll ruin the whole damn experience.” Levi turned the full power of his eyes on you. You were frozen under them. “Just like each person has their scent. Each scent has something that pairs nicely with it. For example, mine is lavender, yours is more of a sage. The two go well together.”
“Oh,” was all you could manage. That was the first time you felt the little flutter in your chest.
Every time you went to Stem and Spine to purchase a book Levi was there over your shoulder. He’d direct you to whichever tea he felt best went with it. He even started talking about the nuances in the flavors. How the aromatics helped, which shape of tea bag was optimal, ideally how long to steep it for. You became very knowledgeable about tea in the following visits. You were sure you'd be an expert by the time you went to pick up the last book in the series he showed you. But nowhere near as knowledgeable as Levi.
The next time you went, you saw Mikasa at the counter speaking with Levi.
"You can have the days off. Just fill out the request form," Levi said as you walked up to them.
"You're going on vacation soon, Mikasa?" you asked.
She turned her eyes to you. "My mate is going into his rut soon. I always make sure to take those days off to help him with his nest or anything else he needs."
You smiled at her. "That's really thoughtful, Mikasa. I hope, if I find someone, that they're like you."
She raised an eyebrow. "You don't have a mate?"
"No." You shook your head and shrugged.
You could've sworn you caught Mikasa giving Levi a nudge and a sharp look. Levi gave her a brief glare back. Then his eyes turned to you, his gaze relaxed.
"Why?" he asked.
You laughed humorlessly. "No one's ever really stuck around or I broke up with them. One guy tried to get me to sell my book collection. He said that they were just a waste of time and money. So I decided that he was a waste of my time. There's nothing worse than someone who doesn't understand your hobbies."
Levi said nothing but hummed in response.
"Do you have a mate out there in this big wide world, Levi?" you asked.
"No," he spat curtly.
You didn't mean to gape, but you couldn't deny you were shocked. "Really?"
"I'm just surprised, ya know? With your strong scent and how handsome you are... I just figured by now someone would have come along. That's all."
Levi looked away from you. "My scent is more trouble than it's worth. All it does is draw shitty little brats."
You chuckled. "I can see that, considering the long line the first month you guys were open. I also noticed the growing wall of banned people. – Well I just came in to grab something really fast before work. My shift starts soon."
The college students were starting back up for the autumn semester. The streets began to fill up with cars of fresh faces, new dreams, and overstuffed suitcases. You had a feeling there'd be a new influx of people at Stem and Spine.
The hunch was correct.
Before you knew it, the store was once again filled wall to wall with people seeking Levi's attention. He seemed increasingly agitated every time you saw him. Then he once again disappeared for a few weeks, causing the crowds to thin.
“I heard the author is writing the final installment,” Mikasa said as she rang you up. “It’s supposed to be out in a few months.”
“Really? I thought this was the last book?” You raised an eyebrow. You weren’t upset, just surprised. The story felt like it could easily be wrapped up in one book. You hoped it wasn’t going to be one of those strangling the plot lines scenarios, where the whole series goes down in flames right at the end.
“Nope, one more.” Mikasa shook her head. “I’m sure Levi will be upset.”
“Does he really like this series?”
You met her with a curious gaze. Her eyes gave you nothing in return. You’d never really noticed how similar she and Levi looked until then. Both with silky black hair and unwavering grey eyes.
"I don't smell him around today. I take it he's still in hiding? I guess I'm on my own to find a tea, then," you laughed.
Mikasa handed you your bag, it was brown paper with a dark red book and tea leaf stamped onto it. You had a small collection you kept folded under your sink and used for various things.
"Hey, before you go," Mikasa started. "I'd like to consider us friends."
You nodded and smiled at her. "I'd like to think so."
"So then would you like to hang out when I'm not working? I was thinking about going to see the movie for this, it comes out soon. Would you like to go? I'll buy the tickets."
"That'd be awesome! I can pay you back."
Mikasa laughed, then waved her hand dismissively. "It's no issue, don't worry about it. Give me your number, and we can pick a date."
You exchanged numbers then wandered over to the teashop. You were only a little upset to be tea shopping alone. You were so used to having company. You wondered what type of tea Levi would recommend. You had to admit, you were starting to look forward to your shopping visits more knowing he was there. You were happier to see him than Mikasa most days. You were grateful for your newly formed friendship, so it made you feel a bit guilty. But you couldn’t deny that there was something soothing about listening to Levi’s passion for tea.
You thumbed through the pages of the book. Skimming without trying to spoil anything for yourself. You were just trying to get the feel. What flavor would this book be? Something dark and fruity, like a black currant? Or something a little lighter, more classic like the mint? You settled on an orange bergamot, this would have to work. You paid and then walked over to your job.
About half way through your shift, a familiar tsunami of lavender smacked you in the face. Levi strode casually through the lobby looking bored as ever. He had a bag in his hand. You wondered if he’d been out shopping. You met his gaze, immediately diverting your own back to your paperwork.
“Mikasa said you were in the shop today,” he said, the scent rolling off of him was strange and heavy.
You looked up, getting sucked into those silver pools. “Yeah, I came to get the next book in the series. I figured you were still keeping your distance. - Did you need my help with something? Did you need John again?”
“I wanted to make sure you didn’t pick a shitty tea.”
You scrutinized his face. It held absolutely nothing. He really came all this way to ask what tea you picked? Well, it was just the next street over. But he still had to go out of his way to see you. He didn’t have to do that. Your heart fluttered.
“I skimmed through, but I’m not sure I picked the right one.” You handed over the bag of tea you bought.
Levi rolled his eyes. “Tech, don’t spoil it for yourself, idiot.”
He took the bag, examining it thoroughly. He considered the ingredients for a long moment. You could practically see the cogs turning in his mind. Finally Levi handed it back over to you.
“Interesting choice,” he started. “But it works. I’m impressed.”
“Thanks, I really tried to put your lessons into practice,” you laughed. There was a long stretch of silence. “I suppose you’re probably going back to Stem and Spine, I won’t keep you any longer. But I appreciate you stopping by, I didn’t think you remembered that I worked here.”
Levi stood a moment longer, then placed the bag he’d been carrying on the counter. It was from his store. “I brought this in case you picked wrong. - I’d still like you to have it.”
You stood. “No, I couldn’t -”
“I insist.”
“At least let me lay you for it. Or exchange it for the one I bought!”
Levi was already walking away. “Just take the fucking thing. I picked it out for you.”
Then Levi was gone, but his lavender scent still swam in your head. You took the bag from the counter, peering in to inspect its contents. You were so curious what he picked. You pulled out a white bag of loose leaf tea with a rose stamped on it in pink. The name read The Start of Something Sweet, it was made with strawberries and rose. You couldn’t help but smile a bit to yourself.
Later that night you made yourself a cup using what you remembered of Levi’s impromptu tea lessons. You couldn’t keep the little smile off your face. Not even as you talked with Mikasa about your movie plans. You picked a date two Saturdays away. You were really excited, you could only hope that the movie did any sort of justice.
A few days later, you made another trip to Levi’s store. It was restock day. As usual, you beelined for the new arrivals section. You were disheartened to find your requested book had still not made an appearance. You groaned. Maybe they couldn’t find a distributor either. That’d be just your luck.
“Looking for anything in particular?” Mikasa asked, stopping beside you. “You look disappointed.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’ve been on the hunt for this one book and no one has it. I’ve checked everywhere! I even put it on your recommendations list when you first opened. It’s just getting annoying at this point.”
“Maybe I can track it down for you and get you a rush order?”
You smiled at her gratefully. “You’d do that for me?”
Mikasa shrugged. “It’s no problem. I don’t see why not. What’s Levi going to do? Fire me?”
“Sweet, thank you so much! I’ll text you what I’m looking for.”
“Hey, I’m actually about to go on break. Do you want to go get something to eat with me? You have off today, right?”
You agreed and hovered by the counter while Mikasa grabbed her things from the back. You chatted idly with a few of the other employees. They were complaining about how busy it’s been since school was back in session. You hadn’t been surprised, of course. They did build the town around the university after all.
Once the scent of lavender began wafting in, everyone became tense. You noticed something was off. It was sharper and so sweet it was almost bitter and very dense and heavy. Levi stalked in, looking irritated. He gave a sharp glare to his employees, but didn’t say anything. Instead marching through the door that said employees only on it.
“Something must’ve happened,” said one of the employees you were talking to. “He was in a good mood this morning.”
You wanted to go after him. In fact, your feet even began to pull in his direction on their own. But you stopped yourself, embarrassed. Tea aside - you didn’t know him all that well, after all. The last thing he’d probably wanted was a random omega tailing after him.
You had a thought, a reflection of something he told you - a book and a good cup of tea always made his mood better. He told you in passing, he probably didn’t even remember saying it. You knew you’d seen your favorite book somewhere in the store. With any luck, it was one he hadn’t read. You swept through the shelves, quickly finding it, then went to find a matching tea. You’d already had one in mind. Mikasa emerged just as the cashier was packing it all up for you. You had them wrap it in brown paper.
“Did you find something after all?” she asked.
You felt warm. Did it get hot all the sudden? You looked guiltily at the items in your hands.
“Actually,” you started awkwardly. “These are for Levi.”
“Yeah, he seemed pretty mad when he came through a few minutes ago. Could you - I don’t know - could you give these to him for me?”
“I think it would be better if you gave them to him yourself, he’s still here.”
Mikasa didn’t give you much of a choice as she steered you towards the door he’d gone through. She forcefully shoved you down a small hallway and into Levi’s office. He was furious when he heard the door open. The sharp scent was even thicker in here, nearly suffocating. But you couldn’t help your overwhelming urge to calm him.
“[Name],” Levi grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. His eyes were shut tight. “I know you can fucking read, the sign says employees only.”
“They have something for you, don’t be an asshole,” snapped Mikasa.
You thought you heard Levi mutter brat under his breath. He looked up at you, eyeing the items in your hands curiously. You smiled a bit. Avoiding his gaze, you admired how neat his desk was. You were sure, if you had a ruler, that everything would be evenly spaced apart.
“You seemed upset when you came in,” you said, swallowing thickly. “I remembered what you said and thought maybe a book and some tea would help? This one’s my favorite and I picked something that I thought went with it. - I promise I paid for it.”
You placed the items on his desk and slowly backed away. You tried to slip away now that your peace offering had been given. Mikasa, however, wouldn’t let you leave. Levi picked up the book, turning it over his hands. He studied the cover and read the synopsis. Finally, after a long minute, he hummed and turned back to you.
“I haven’t read this one,” Levi said. You stifled a sigh of relief. “You make interesting choices in tea, thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you said quickly and Mikasa finally let you out the door.
Mikasa didn’t bring up the incident over lunch. You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking about it. Why did you do that? It was incredibly impulsive, but also inappropriate. That was basically the equivalent of screaming out how much he made your heart race and your palms sweat.
You tried not to dwell on it. But over the course of the week, you found yourself reflecting. You had hoped, more than you realized, that he would like what you brought him. You wanted his approval, not just his thanks. But you hadn’t been able to find the time to stop by the store and see if he’d read it. You’d been too busy with work, along with some plans with friends.
The next time you saw Levi was at your work again. He came bearing another bag. You were worried your coworkers would start getting the wrong idea. An alpha giving an omega gifts - how must that have looked to them? Then again, it was awfully presumptuous to think that the bag was for you.
But you were certain that Levi would never court you. Did you want him to, even? You hadn’t put much thought into the idea. But you didn’t hate the thought of getting to know him better. All you knew was what little he’d revealed in your chats while you picked out books and tea. Along with a little of what Mikasa had told you.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” you joked as Levi stepped up to the counter.
There was a certain air about him today. Maybe it was the way he’d slicked his hair back neatly. Or how starched the collar on his shirt was where it came out of his camel colored vest. He even seemed a touch more rested than usual.
Levi placed a bag on the counter. “This is for you.”
You couldn’t stop the sound of delight that came out of your mouth as you took the book out of the bag. It was finally, finally in your hands. After countless hours of fruitless searching, the damn book was finally in your hand.
“Holy shit,” you cried. “You found it! How much do I owe you?”
“It’s on the house this time.” Levi reached in and pulled a small brown pouch out of the bag. He smirked, which sent a chill down your spine. “Cinnamon, something spicy to go with that dirty fucking shit you’re reading.”
You froze mid celebration, oh shit. It was indeed a book with a good chunk of smut in it. Your friend had let you borrow her copy, that’s the only reason you knew about the book in the first place.
“You read it?” your voice came out hoarse.
Levi clicked his tongue. “The important parts, to figure out which blend would go along with it. It’s no wonder you couldn’t find it, no self respecting bookshop carries porn.”
“It’s not porn!”
You were not expecting him to read it. But of course he would only read the spicy scenes. No context to the story or anything else. You were devastated.
“Mhm.” It did not sound like he believed you. With that, Levi turned and began to walk away. He called over his shoulder to have a good day, followed by the pet name they used in the book.
You felt warm all over, tingles chasing from head to toe. You stared after him until he was gone. Then you sat flustered in your seat with your cheek against the cool desk. You could feel a scream burning in the back of your throat. You were so glad there was a half wall so no one could see you.
When you finally got up the nerve to crack open the book you found an envelope. Your name was written in beautiful cursive on the back. Cautiously, you cut it open. Inside was money and a little note in the same scrawl.
I won’t hold this against you. I know your entire taste in literature isn’t trash. Here’s money back for the stuff you gave me. I can see why it’s your favorite.
L. Ackerman
PS. Don’t even fucking think about trying to give the money back.
It was a short note, but it was enough to bring that flutter back. You couldn’t help reading it over and over again.
Before you knew it, movie day was finally upon you. You dressed casually and were so excited that you got to the theater an hour before it started. There was no Mikasa in sight, so you sat on a bench and read. You didn’t start to worry until there was only fifteen minutes before the movie began and she was still nowhere to be seen. Not even a text.
You: Hey, just checking if you’re close by.
Mikasa: Sorry, I’m not going to be able to make it. Enjoy the movie, you’ll have to tell me what I missed.
You groaned. You did not want to see this movie on your own. Though, you supposed it wasn’t so bad. Lots of people went by themselves. You’d just been looking forward to some bonding time with your new friend.
“So this is what that little brat was up to,” said a voice behind you. You turned to find no other than Levi. His scent was just beginning to wrap you up in a field of flowers. He had two travel cups with him, and looked as attractive as ever. No white collared shirt today. That was replaced by casual clothes and tight fitting jeans.
“Mikasa?” you asked, forcing yourself to look away.
He rolled his eyes. “I should’ve known, she didn’t even read the damn thing.”
You stood in silence for a moment. You had to wonder if this was as weird for him as it was for you. You had to admit, you did not see this coming. You could only wonder if he was disappointed to see you there.
You cleared your throat. “Look, you don’t have to watch it with me. We can sit in separate rows -“
“Don’t be stupid. Here.” Levi held out a cup to you. “You didn’t get to read the first book with anything. - Let’s go see if they fucked our shit up.”
Levi grabbed your wrist, tugging towards the direction of your theater. Your skin tingled where he touched you. You weren’t surprised by the amount of stares, but each set of eyes you passed was still unnerving. You were glad to be in your seats where it’d be harder for them.
“I heard they’re already filming the next one,” Levi stated after a few moments. He wasn’t looking at you. He concentrated almost too hard on the screen, you thought he was going to bore holes into it. “We should go see it together when it comes out. Maybe grab dinner beforehand.”
“Like…a date?” you asked. It slipped out before you could stop yourself.
“What the hell else?”
You paused for a moment, twisting to look at him. You couldn’t figure out if he was serious or not. His cheeks gained a flush of pink. You smiled at him, then settled back into your seat.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that.”
Levi nodded, but didn’t say anything else as the lights went down. Somewhere through the night, in the tension of the dark theater, your hand ended up enveloped in his.
In the morning Stem and Spine was your first stop. You were there as soon as they opened. Mikasa was doing the opening drawer. You watched as Levi went up and slammed his hand down on the counter. She didn’t so much as flinch.
“Oi,” he said. Mikasa looked up at him. “What the hell was that stunt you pulled yesterday?”
You walked up behind him. “Yeah, you did miss one hell of a movie.”
“I don’t know why you’re both so annoyed, it seems my plan worked,” she said bored, not even bothering to look up from the cash she was counting.
“How did you know we wouldn’t just walk out of the theater and not watch the movie together?” you asked.
“You both like that series too much. Besides, Levi may know a lot about tea, but he’s also stupid. He never does anything for himself. So while he may not have realized what he was feeling, we all could see it. He just needed a little push. And so did you, [Name]. I knew you liked Levi.”
“I never actually told you that, though. I never told anyone.”
“You didn’t have to. You could smell it in the air when you were around each other. Like a call and response. You two were perfect and you couldn’t even see it. I knew from the first day you walked into the shop.”
Levi took your hand. “Don’t look so fucking smug.”
Mikasa laughed as Levi took you to his office. As soon as you stepped in Levi shut the door behind you. He gave you a swift kiss on the cheek as he went to his desk.
“She’s right you know,” he started, intentionally avoiding looking at you. “We are the perfect blend.”
You couldn’t help but wholeheartedly agree.
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laurageto · 7 months
Levi Ackerman
I stare at Levi, my hand placed on his chest. Tears stream down his cheek which he wipes away brashly with his shirt sleeve. I've never seen him like this before, he's never one to show his emotions about anything.
"Levi.. I honestly had no idea about your mother. I'm so sorry." My voice comes out as a silent croak. A lump forms in my throat. "And something I've never said to you before, I'm truly sorry for lying to you about who I was.. back when we were kids" the lump still sticking as I swallow hard. I feel all the courage I have leaking out of me, I'd never truly acknowledged how my lies had affected him. I always thought I'd lied for the greater good, for both of us. But that just wasn't true, I lied to protect me. I was so selfish.
His gaze draws up to meet mine, the anger has calmed but the sadness remains. "How do I know I can trust you y/n?" I can see his eyes desperately searching mine, he wants to believe me.
"I'll have to prove it to you. And I will, I promise. If you'll give me the chance to..." My voice trails off and I break our eye contact. What if he doesn't forgive me? What if I've wrecked everything?
I turn away and step lightly towards my bed when suddenly his fingers clasp my wrist and he spins me into an embrace. My nose lands snuggly into his pecks, the familar smell of fresh cotton and his unforgettable musk envelops my senses. My hand creeps up from my side as it slowly slides up his chest and clasps at the material it finds. Small pools of liquid fill my eyes as I feel him pull me closer in an embrace.
7 years. 7 years it's been since he last held me like this.
He leans his head down, nuzzling into my soft strands. His rib cage expands, taking my scent in. His fingers clasp tighter round my waist, as if the smell of me was all he needed to realise how much we meant to one another. He scoops my chin between his fingers and raises my head to face him, those hazel orbs entrancing me. Like I'm staring into my own soul.
"y/n... I'm about to show you just how much I've missed you"
And just like that, he slams me up against the nearest stone wall. He pins both of my wrists above my head with a single hand, his face dangerously close to mine. I can feel his hot breath against my soft pink lips. My cheeks flush a rosy hue as I glance down. Why do I feel nervous?
With his one free hand he runs a finger up my neck and brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear. He traces my chin and raises my head up again so that our eyes meet. "Don't look away from me. I want you to keep your eyes focused on mine. You are mine. You've always been mine".
Instantly he latches his lips onto my open neck, nibbling and sucking at my pale flesh causing me to whimper. "Levi.. you'll leave a mark"
"Exactly. That fucking Lieutenant will know to keep away from what isn't his" he growls into my lobe whilst planting small pecks onto my helix. He gently releases his grasp of my pinned wrists and rubs his forefingers along the collar of my lose white tee. Rrrrpppp!
Within seconds he's ripped the flimsy cotton off of my milky complexion. I haven't got a bra or underwear on due to the incident with one of the Lieutenants earlier so every inch of my skin is exposed. My small buds perk up as the cold air greets them.
Levi stares at my body hungrily, he bites his lip before sliding his tongue along his lips to moisten them. "7 years... I can't believe I've kept away from you for 7 years. Every. Single. Day. I've wanted to fuck the life out of you". He groans, his fingertips meet my nipples and put pressure on them slightly, rubbing them in a circular motion.
I can't even speak, my legs feel like jelly. I know my expression is speaking a thousand words. Absolute extacy.
"Not fair that I'm the only one being scrutinized here" I finally manage to squeak as I slowly undo his shirt buttons. His gorgeous chest starts to appear as the material falls away from his shoulders and drops to the ground. Fuck, he is utter perfection.
I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and my legs around his waist as he hoists me up onto him. His tongue finally finds my perky nipples, gently caressing one before lovingly moving onto the other, not forgetting any inch of me. His fingers scrabble mindlessly to find his zipper, the sense of urgency increasing every second. He finally pulls his pants down exposing his stiff erection. "Fuck, you make me so hard y/n"
I slowly push individual fingers into my mouth, wetting each one. I gaze doe eyed at him, driving him more and more wild. I slip my now wet fingers down through my legs and they find his cock. As my hand clasps it, I feel it pulsate. I begin to stroke it slowly, teasing my fingers around the edge. "I remember just how you like it'. He groans, closing his eyes. His palms clutch to my bum cheeks, leaving marks where they dig.
After a few minutes of teasing he carries me over to my bed and throws me onto it. I giggle as he eagerly spreads my legs apart, licking his lips as he kneels on the cold wooden floor. I can soon feel his warm breath on my clit. "Here she is, I've missed her..." He whispers as I melt into his chocolate brown iris'. He wraps both of his arms around my thighs and pulls me closer to his face. His lips finally meeting my pussy.
"I own this pussy. I own you. After tonight, you'll never look at another man again".
My entire being has been craving this moment for what feels like eternity.
I feel my muscles relaxing into the soft cotton sheets as his lips tenderly press against my clit. His tongue desperately searching for that sweet spot that he knows oh so well. A hushed whimper escapes my already parted lips as his mouth finds its mark. I feel his fingers grip my thighs tighter in acknowledgment. Bolts of electricity ignite throughout my body, rippling through every joint and muscle. Waves of pure pleasure pulsate throughout me. "Enjoy this baby" he utters before slowly dipping back in to enjoy your taste even more.
My fingertips tighten round the surrounding sheets as I can feel my body tensing close to orgasm. "S-stopp!" I moan as I push his head away, "I'm so close and I want this moment to last. It's my turn to pleasure you". He leans back onto his heels with a cheeky grin spread across his gorgeous face. He gracefully stands up, his abdominal muscles flexing before my very eyes. I can't help but lean forward and run my palms over them, feeling every indentation. Fuck how has he got even hotter? I'm literally salivating here Levi!
As my fingers wander his muscles, I notice the scars that mottle his ivory skin. My lips find them and land small pecks on every single one. I feel goosebumps emerge on his chest at the touch of me. As my mouth works it's magic I tentatively drag down the remainder of his pants exposing him completely. "Now we're on even grounds" I remark longingly staring at his member which is eagerly greeting me.
I look up at him, memorized but his hypnotic milk chocolate eyes. I'd never really noticed how beautiful they were, small flecks of amber laced through them. He reaches towards me, brushing strands of ivory away from my complezion to get a better view of me.
Taking both of my hands I wrap them round his shaft, slowly working up and down whilst keeping my aqua orbs fixated on his. I stick out my tongue and gently caress the tip of his erection, Levi bites down on his lips as a slight hiss escapes from them but he doesn't lose eye contact with me. I teasingly edge my mouth deeper and deeper down his shaft, his hands erratically finding my hair and grasping at it as he puts a small amount of pressure for me to go deeper. I happily accept.
The power I feel having all of him inside my mouth. "Fuck y/n" the words radiate from him. His left hand untangles from my long locks as it slides down my jaw and gently clasps around my neck. I know he can feel his own dick pumping inside of my throat which makes him even harder. "Shit!" He suddenly pulls out, his stiff cock right by my mouth as a string of saliva drips from the end. I take a gasp for breath while I can before he sticks it back in and continues to thrust. I cup his under carriage gently, my future children are in there. These babies need to be protected!
After a few rounds of edging him to an almost orgasm he drags me up off of my kneeling position on the bed and dominantly flips me over so that my rear is facing him. He licks his fingers before caressing my moist pussy. Using my own juices he wets the end of his cock and forcefully enters me. I yell out a squeal of pleasure which eggs him on more. It doesn't take long for his pace to quicken, slamming his entire body into mine.
I rock my hips back into him, matching his eager pace. Every pump drives me wild and I know it's doing the same to him. "I've missed this pussy, I've missed everything about you y/n" he groans, making no effort to hush his tones. It's almost as if he wants everyone to hear. He wants people to know that I'm his.
"Fuck, I forgot how big you are Levi" I mewl, I'm at his complete mercy. "I love it when you say my name. Say it again" he commands. "Levi. Fuck me harder" I express, my words emit a begging tone. I can almost hear his expression as a captivating grin spreads over him. His palms grab my hips greedily, hoisting up his foot onto the bed to enable him to get deeper.
He outstretches his forearm, clutching a collection of my tresses and curling them round his fingers. He tugs on them slightly which in turn pulls my head towards him. I'm well and truly in his control.
After a few minutes of us rampantly going at it he pulls himself out of me and slaps the supple pink skin of my bum. The mark of his hand quickly reddens the area that it had hit. Grabbing my waist he hungrily tosses me onto my back leaning into me so that my legs almost bend behind my head. "Lucky I'm flexible" I giggle before licking my lips siductively. He gives me a fervent look as he takes his shaft and plunges it back into me, gliding in and out of my now soaking vagina with ease.
"Keep g-going. I'm going to cum" the pitch in my voice heightens. "Look at me. I need you to look at me when I cum" he orders at me. The husky intense voice is playing no games. My orbs quickly meet his. "Don't cum in me" I whisper. As much as I want children with him one day, now probably wasn't the best time.
"I'll cum in you if I want to. If you get pregnant, well... nothing would make me happier if I'm honest" he puffs away, exhaustion now setting in. For some reason those words trigger my orgasm. "Fuuucckkk! Levi!" My toes curl as euphoria takes over. "Uhh.. ghh oh my god" he cries out. I can feel his dick pulsating inside me, the warm liquid filling every crevice. He leaves it inside of me whilst we both soak up the emotions we're feeling.
"I'm glad your mine again. I won't let anyone touch you ever again". He lovingly strokes my cheek wiping away the beads of sweat that had accumulated during our love making before collapsing beside me out of complete fatigue.
I turn to him, his eyes now closed.
My god, he's the most gorgeous human I've ever laid eyes on.
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ shingeki no kyojin - levi ackerman.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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br4tphobia · 1 year
With the mix of drabble prompts I was thinking fluff in a general modern!au with the reader and Levi being snowed in some nice and cozy cabin… they could maybe cuddle in front of a fireplace or something similar 🤭
(Also you don’t have to do this you can ignore it if you want)
omg anonnnn!! this is so cutee 🥹🥹 i gotchu!!
— "A DAY TO OURSELVES" ! ft levi a.
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✧˖*° match? + Levi ackerman x Gn!reader
✧˖*° prompt(s) + “guess we have the day to ourselves!” , “let me hold you.” , “i could stare at you forever.” , “im so lucky to have you.” ,
✧˖*° fandom + Attack on titan
✧˖*° vals note!! + aaaa i hope u liked this annieeee!
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"yea...were snowed in, guess we have the day to ourselves!" you call out to your boyfriend of two years. the aroma of sweet caramel swayed through the chilly air, you hum to yourself as you turn around to see Levi with an apron on taking out the golden brown sugar cookies. you get up with the blanket wrapped around your figure and rest your head on his shoulder, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. "smells good" you kiss his cheek, "yea..they need to cool off." he takes off his over mits and unties his apron, folding it up and put it on the kitchen island. you follow him to the couch like a lost puppy and sit on the couch with him, he grabs your waist and sits you on his lap. you can't help but gasp, his strength never not surprises you. "You coulda warned me" you scoff in sarcasm, rolling your eyes jokingly. "Oh shut up, let me hold you. you did say we had the day to ourselves, right?" you giggle at his remark "Yeah" you smile as you both sit in comfortable silence, only soft crackling was heard from the lit fire. the crisp “snip-snap-whoosh” of the orange blaze reflected on Levi's face, his sharp jaw, and raven bangs in front of his softened dark eyes that stared back into yours. “I could stare at you forever.” your cheeks heat up at the statement, smiling behind your hand as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him; he embraces you, loves, and cares for you. feeling his hand rub up and down on your back warms you all over. "I'm so lucky to have you" saying as you pull away to peck his lips before retreating back to your old position. "I tell myself that every day, I love you." your eyes slightly widen at those three words. you pull away once again, levis cheeks a flushed pink barely visible but if you look hard enough you'll notice. "I love you too, Levi." you caress his cheeks before kissing him, his soft lips pushing up against yours. pushing his cheeks together you pull away with an exaggerated "Mwah!" followed by giggling. his mouth is slightly agape from the sudden action, but can't help but curl his lips up. "i love you, so much."
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theemrsjaeger 2023 © do not plagiarize, copy, or repost anything I post.
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4ngeldusstt · 1 year
A/n: some levi angst/fluff cute situation thing, hope you like it!! <3
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 570
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“Don’t you dare get yourself killed, you hear me y/n?” He stated as I felt his fingers firmly holding the soft skin of either sides of my jaw, not allowing me to look away from those grey eyes that I so much adored looking at me filled with emotions, worry, anger, fear and… mostly love.
“I won’t, remember that I was trained by the best.” A cocky smirk appearing on your lips as you attempted to get loose from his grasp. He was not having your brattiness in a moment like this, he was dead serious. His hand sternly moving your head once again, so you had no other choice than to face him. “Even the best can get eaten by one of those fuckers, you are not invincible don’t forget that. You’ll be on my team, the decision is final, that way I can keep an eye on you, you fucking hear me?” His harsh tone could make anybody quiver in fear, but you knew him well enough to know that was his way of showing you his worry, the thought alone of you being not even killed but hurt by a titan was enough to set the spark of rage on his system.
When the Special Operations Squad was all set and already waiting in formation, expectant as we all watched the big door that separated the only thing we all ever knew and our safety from the dangerous world filled with titans slowly opening, your eyes quickly searching for Levi’s, when you found them you realized he was also looking for you, sharing a look filled to the brim with unconditional raw love he gave you a nod of reassurance calming any nerves you could have “I got you.” you heard him say so confidently that made you believe for a split second that you were in fact, invincible. “I know, and I got you.” You said back to him. “I know.” He smiled gently at you, that sight was everything you needed to make you want, no, need to stay alive more than ever before. So you could get to see that beautiful smile, that he only gifted to you, every single day for the rest of your life.
The voice of captain Erwin echoed through the air, letting us all know that it was time to exit the walls and giving start to the mission. No matter how many times you went out on expeditions, you never got used to it. But having Levi by your side made it all a little more bearable.
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Levi Ackerman thighs are a gift from God.
(That also need to be wrapped around my hips.)
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SOLITUDE by @arminsfavoritepookie
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(modern au pt.1). pt2 | I’ll post pt.3 if anyone requests it
Synopsis: In which you engage in a illicit forbidden relationship with your boyfriend’s best friend
Contains: Cheating, WLW smut, toxic relationships, cursing, smoking, alcoholism, forced proximity, jealously, public sex, secret relationship, choking, sexual tension, idk gay shit, etc Plot is nonexistent it's just smut...
Mikasa reached for her ancient, sputtering lighter and held it to the end of her cigarette. The flame flared up and illuminated her relaxed pose - her legs spread wide, her eyes hooded with some unidentifiable emotion.  Smoke quickly pervaded the room as she took a deep drag, and a sense of anticipation spread throughout. There was something powerful in the way she inhaled and exhaled, and it held you captive, watching her as you felt an unfamiliar feeling swell up in your chest. 
The tobacco aroma wafted across the room, enveloping you in an embrace of a million sensations that were as mystifying as they were magnetic. There was a certain peace in the moment and you couldn't help but to admire her enigmatic presence as you tried to puzzle out her silent and emotion-filled expression.
Mikasa kept smiling, no hint of her true emotions peeking through her relaxed facade. You found it almost infuriating how nonchalant she was about the whole situation, yet you couldn't bring yourself to get angry. A heavy, uneasy silence fell between the two of you, and all you wanted was for the moment to pass quickly. Why was she here, you wondered. Your boyfriend was, unfortunately, not present, yet Mikasa had shown no sign of surprise.
And you, with your gracious and hospitable attitude, had extended an offer of refreshments, regretting the invitation even before it had left your lips. All you wanted to do was escape the oppressive atmosphere that had developed, but all you could do was sit there, waiting for some kind of cue to give you an excuse to leave.
You shifted restlessly on the couch, your fingertips almost itchy with the urge to reach out to her. An unknown unease brewed within your being, it could have been from the anticipation that had filled your being since the start or it might have been the massaging of your own thighs in an effort to draw her attention to you. As the charged atmosphere hung between the two of you, an immense desire to make your feelings known took over, enveloping you completely. Just being in her vicinity had caused a flurry of intense emotions to arise within you
❝How you been, pretty?❞ she whispered, her arm stretched out along the couch and her lavender scent filled the room. Her gaze directed at the television, yet you could tell that she was entirely focused on you.
You lifted your head up from the depth of its hibernation, responding to her faint plea for acknowledgment. You hesitated before delivering your words, contemplating every possible answer you could conjure up within your soul.
"I'm doing alright, just feeling a bit exhausted," you said. She gave you a subtle nod, yet her eyes betrayed her discontentment. Your words hung in the air, and you could feel the tension building. You knew she wasn't pleased with your answer and it left you feeling very uneasy. A weary smile grazed across your face as the minutes dragged.
As you forced your gaze to the ceiling, a red hue passed through the otherwise gray fog from the burning tip of the cigarette. Even with your lungs slowly dying, the overpowering fragrance of the smoke seemed like a powerful reminder of her presence in the room. Her smoky tendrils danced across the floor like a spell was being woven and captivated your senses. You turned to Mikasa, coughing and found yourself momentarily transfixed.
Her formfitting clothes revealed the well-toned muscles beneath her shirt as she smoothly exhaled her smoke with every movement. A playful glimmer lit up her eyes as she cocked an eyebrow, clearly aware of the effects she had on you. Her grin widened and she carelessly flicked the remaining embers of her cigarette into the tray. You sighed in response, wishing you could focus on anything but her. Yet you couldn't look away from the enchanting figure as the smoke engulfed the room, capturing you both within it.
Mikasa's sensual laugh reverberated around the room, sending a thrill of anticipation down your spine and making you feel flushed with embarrassment. Despite trying to ignore it, you could still feel her piercing gaze upon you, knowing that smirk was never too far away.  "Fuck, pretty, I'm sorry, I should have asked if it was okay to smoke in here," Mikasa said in a voice that was both sweet and dangerous. "Forgive me?"
Your heart raced against your chest, as you locked eyes with Mikasa. She had come closer to you, and your body tensed as her thigh pressed against yours. Taking a deep breath, you said with a feigned confidence,
"I'm not a baby Mikasa, I've smoked plenty of times". To emphasize your point, you let out a raspy cough.  Mikasa seemed amused by your attempts to impress her and gave you a mischievous smirk. "Don't be afraid to tell me the truth, pretty, there's nobody here except you and me." Her words had a playfulness in them that made you feel annoyed—her dark eyes sparkled as she held your gaze
And to everyone else, that statement of hers could've come off as polite and conversational, like she was just a good friend of Armin's. But you knew the truth - she was up to no good. It was her trademark move - unannounced visits, overly intimate touches and gestures, endearments like 'pretty,' when she had no right to say them. Knowing how you reacted to words like that. And she kept at it despite the fact that Armin was in a relationship with you - and she was his best friend.
Your sweet boyfriend whom is completely oblivious to her flirting, blissfully unaware of the simmering desire that swells in every exchange of looks and touch.
❝What are you thinking now?❞ You saw the smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth, almost as if she had read your mind, and that is what sends shivers down your spine: her power to guess what is going on inside of you, tease you, ask you what you are feeling when she probably knows already. She was merely unabashedly flirting with you.
Deep down, a dark and twisted side of you enjoyed the situation, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell her off and simply kept your gaze fixed ahead and pretended to be entertained by her flirting and touches. You lacked courage, and she was all too aware of it. "Are you just going to ignore me, pretty?" Mikasa came closer, placing her hand on your thigh, sending a wave of alarm, nervousness, and excitement through your body as the boundaries slowly faded away.
❝Come on, tell me what's going through your mind,❞ she said, her breath caressing your skin. Her hands gently moved dangerously near your clit,  sending jolts of electricity to your heat. You let out a desperate sigh, a need so strong that you could barely control it. In the midst of your desire, you surprisingly asked if she had any more cigarettes left. She stared at you in shock before slowly retrieving another cigarette and lighter from her pocket, her lips quirked in amusement.
❝Shall we do a shotgun since you seem so eager?❞ A knowing smirk painted her face and the air around them suddenly seemed to crackle with something new, something captivating, something electrifying. You felt a flicker of unease; you had stepped into unknown territory.
❝Don't be scared, my love, it's only a lil smoke, I promise just inhale for me,❞ she cooed as she raised the cigarette to her lips again, her eyes glimmering in the darkness. You nervously took up the lighter and flipped it open, holding the flame to the end of the cigarette. Your heart raced and you looked up, meeting her gaze in the momentary burst of light.
She inhaled deeply from the cigarette, holding the smoke in her mouth while her palm was placed on your face. A cool sensation swept through you as she exhaled the smoke through your lips, their softness just barely touching each other as if a silent game was being played between you, and a fight ensued to see who would surrender first. Mikasa flicked her tongue across your lower lip, which resulted in a quiet moan erupting from you. Her heavy eyes locked with yours, an amused expression gracing her features.
"God, baby you really are filthy you know that?." White streams of smoke lingered in the air while she pulled back and studied you. The feel of her mouth pressed against yours stirred up a frenzy of feelings inside you. Every inch of your body was enveloped in sensations that can only be described as chaotic and blissful all at once.
As you gazed upon her with your heart ablaze with desire, she inhaled the last bit of the cigarette with her eyes closed, the hint of a smirk spread across her lips and her head tilted back against the sofa. The smoky air was heavy, almost palpable.
And then—Suddenly, you heard your cellphone ringing.
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levisonlylover · 5 months
Dating Levi Ackerman
[Levi x Female reader]
[fluff + slight smut]
A/N: my brain is burnt, but here we go I guess
Dating Levi Ackerman while dealing with the titans and stress can become hard. despite every disagreement, you seek for his touch. In some days, when the cadets are training, Levi would drag you in small rooms or even up in the trees just to kiss you. the man can be needy. Levi would also be subtle with his actions when he can't handle it anymore. He would pull you by the belt if it's loose and tightening it up for while saying "Dumbass. Your belt is loose." Levi would also try to show possessiveness by wrapping an arm around your shoulder while sitting down. on the outside he may seem like a cold man, but when you're with him, alone in your shared home, he becomes clingy and touch-starved. he would cuddle with you when he has the chance. on spicy days, he'd kiss you passionately, touching you all over to where it pleases you the most. the man decides to be gentle or rough in the sheets, depends how pent up he is. When it comes to after-care, he would prepare the bath for you to clean up, or even help you with your own chores. He'd tease you on work by saying "Tired already, soldier? the day has only started" when your legs tremble. During expeditions, Levi makes sures you are by his sight. Sometimes, he'd adjust the formation so you could be close to him. After expeditions, you two would go home after the report. In the comfort of your shared home, there's nothing better than staying In Levi's arms as he holds you tightly.
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levmada · 3 hours
levi and compliments to his lover, how would that go?
mm i have a couple ideas — (btw this is for canonverse levi :))
//gn!reader, fluff, hcs
When he gives you a task, direction, an order—especially if it was important, dangerous, or both.
On top of a hill fit for tents and not too steep with visibility several miles out was optimal in the first place, but the real detail that made the location priceless is a line of trees, straight and narrow tracking the decline—perfect environment for ODM gear, and perfect for Titans to slip down if the Survey Corps got attacked.
A few hours ago, a small squad was sent to scout out the area, and you’re on it. He’s suck waiting around a temporary camp in a grove, mostly surrounded by overgrown coppices; he imagines them like Titan hands thrust out of the ground with spindly, torn fingernails.
He rearranges his crossed arms, again, and looks out in the clearing. He hates to wait, especially while others might be fighting—and you’re among them. Erwin’s orders were to come right back if there was any Titan presence at all, but nothing is predictable when it comes to fighting them.
Just when he’d gotten to thinking too much, your group soon arrives back with easy expressions, and good news. What held you up was avoiding Titans on the way back here. Plenty gather to hear the news, and when the group disperses, you two are the last together.
He steps up to you and tells you candidly, “Good job.”
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He gives nicer? cuter? compliments when he’s comfy in your presence.
Levi looks more comfortable when you come sit down on the sofa with him after the nightmare he just had. He won’t admit it, of course.
It’s not that the dream bothers him as much as the sweaty fearing blanket over his bones after. He has tea to calm him down, which you hand to him before you sit, and, you.
He sips slowly as you squirm up next to him, your feet propped on the foot-table and arms crossed. As you rest against his side, and hip his tea, he slowly finds it within himself to breathe again and actually feel like he’s getting enough air.
He folds his legs and props his feet up the same as you, keeping his cup carefully cradled between his chest and knees. He turns his head, and you shift a little so he can rest it on your shoulder.
Just then, it occurs to him by an unknown source that he feels guilty about all this. There’s nothing he can do to make it leave, just ignore it.
He nestles into the crook of your neck a little more, and you hum. You showered earlier tonight (technically last night), like you do every night.
“You smell good,” he murmurs.
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this one is a no-brainer :)
On laundry days, you both have a system. Sometimes he’s the one ironing clothes and you’re folding and putting away, sometimes the other way around so you stay good at both. (You consider this one of Levi’s more relaxed routines.)
While you lay the next shirt over the ironing board, his fingers draw across flawless fold and cotton. It’s one of these things that make him smile.
“Nice job ironing these.”
(and every variation ;’)))
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when you impress him with your wit, attention to detail, instincts, etc.
Levi's voice comes from behind you. "This is a waste of time."
"It's still a good deed."
"I wonder if it being manipulation cancels out that fact. Weigh volunteer-work and blackmail on a scale."
You sigh, eyes dropping from the hilly field as far as the eye can see to the wind-tangled grass overgrown almost to your knees. Inside, Erwin is sweet-talking a noble; just an exceptionally inept one. One of the stablehands had burst in about a high-value stallion somehow escaping the fencing, and you both have been "volunteered" with looking out for it. It has bay roan coloring, which makes this a challenge.
He stubbornly stops following you after you went off the shaved path to the edge of the wood fencing. You shoot him a nagging look. He doesn't react.
With a dramatic sigh, accepting you're alone in this task, you idly go on your toes and squint out over the fields. There's roaming cattle, and plenty of it. But instead of dismissing them as obstacles, you silently examine portions of the field—if the horse is somewhere around here—divided into gatherings of cows.
"Oh, I think I see it."
It's been a couple minutes. Levi, who unbeknownst to you had been looking, grunts. "See what?"
"The horse." You backstep so you don't lose it until you're back beside him as you point it out.
He grunts, this time with a little impress, you notice. The faint satisfaction even shows on his face. "Good eye."
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When you show off your combat prowess.
Out in the training yard, if you’re in action Levi will usually find himself idly looking for you out of the corner of his eye.
For the sake of looking out for you—anything you can improve on, anything that will help keep you alive—and, just because he wants to. Nothing can be done to impress him, except occasionally what you do.
It’s a special moment when Levi can walk up to you and say almost blithely: “Remind me not to piss you off.”
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When you excel at something, especially something he can do, too.
There's a lot Levi's good at, but there are plenty of things he has never tried. If it’s the latter, he likes to observe you doing, with practiced, smooth grace, something he’s completely unfamiliar with. He would call it admiration, but that’s not scratching the surface.
He waits until an apparent easy point in your focus to say what’s on the tip of his tongue. He sort of turns his head, getting your attention by gently plucking your sleeve between his thumb and pointer finger.
“I don’t suppose you got a guidebook for that?”
Alternatively… if it’s something he’s well-experienced with, he’d huff and say, “Look at that. I see you don’t need my help.”
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When you feel insecure.
When you quietly express an insecurity about yourself, he doesn’t know how to make you see what he sees (if he even can), and more than that, he’s annoyed you see it as an undesirable about yourself (not that he’s annoyed you, exactly).
“Don’t be stupid,” he softly murmurs, taking your cheek and giving you a once-over before flicking your ear. The way he gazes into your eyes tells you what he doesn’t know how to put into words.
You don’t know why, but he makes you laugh.
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sonamytrash · 4 months
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Warnings: smut in later chapters, fem reader, swearing, suggestive themes. Not beta read. Reader is a vet/vet medic
Thank you for over 100 followers. Honestly, I only started writing fics for my own self-indulgence. I decided to share them with my fellow degenerates, and it seems that some of you like them, so here's the first small chapter to my new one. ❤️
Levi opens the door abruptly, making you jump. You pout at him playfully. "You scared me!" He narrows his eyes at you, "It's late," he says sternly. "What do you want?" He asks. You roll your eyes and walk into his office as he closes the door behind you both. Placing a pile of reports on his desk, you reply to his question, "The shitty reports you asked for that took me all evening." You complain. "And I know you never sleep, but shouldn't you be trying to get your three hours in?" You tease.
Levi smirks at your response. "Ah, yes. I did ask for those reports. Thank you." Taking a seat at his desk and giving a quick glance at the reports before looking back at you.
"And not right now." He places the reports aside and crosses his arms. "I have things to take care of that require my attention." His eyes then shift to you, "Speaking of attention, what else do you want?" His tone softening just a bit with a playful edge.
He respects your work. You are always efficient in what you do, which is why he often lets your tone and lack of respect towards him slide. Although you're not one of his direct subordinates, he still entertains more of your playful personality than he would tolerate from anyone else.
Truthfully, hiring a veterinary medic was one of Hanges more practical ideas. Having someone at the headquarters to provide and teach appropriate health care for the horses had saved a lot of money while costing very little to hire you. The overall survival rate of horses was much improved now that the soldiers knew better basic first aid, and the horses could return to headquarters for more appropriate treatment if they survived. Many of their losses weren't necessarily due to being directly crushed or eaten by Titans, but many surviving horses would die of injuries and infections upon the journey or arriving home. Your knowledge and skill had meant more horses were surviving out on the front lines and being able to recover when they returned. The cost of constantly replacing horses was drastically reduced. So even if he hadn't been on instructions to be on his best behaviour, what you brought to the regiment had genuinely earned his respect. Not only were you an intelligent woman, but you were downright infuriating. That sassy attitude, the playful humour you brought wherever you went and yet when necessary, you were stern, professional, and eloquent. It had made you popular amongst the regiment. And Levi wasn't immune. He really couldn't resist your charms. But God did he want to fuck that smart mouth of yours quiet sometimes.
Levi is taken from his thoughts when you reply, pouting. "You made such a big fucking deal about these reports that I've spent all evening making sure they were done, I would like to have had a hot bath and maybe read a book."
Levi rolls his eyes at your playful pout. "Well, since you are already here, you might as well stay and assist me with some paperwork," he says with a soft chuckle. He then proceeds to tidy his desk, placing the reports you brought in the correct pile and placing a smaller pile opposite him for you to work on.
"It shouldn't take too long and then you can go and have your well-deserved hot bath, princess." he adds with a smirk.
You bring your hand to your hips. "Either you're trying to torture me or just want an excuse to spend more time with me." You tease, taking a seat across from him. This kind of banter was the norm between the both of you, but he was much more receptive when it was behind closed doors.
A small smirk forms on Levi's lips, "You caught me," he replies sarcastically before he continues reading and signing paperwork.
You too glance over some of the papers and organise them into appropriate piles for him, "Busy day?" You ask, trying to spark some conversation.
"Just the usual," Levi says, his voice monotone as he signs the paperwork. "Paperwork, training, and keeping the brats in check." He pauses for a moment before looking back up at you. "Speaking of training, we'll have to arrange for another session soon." You grimace at his words. He insisted on the occasional sparring session to keep your self-defence up to scratch. "I'm not a fighter, levi. You beat the shit out of me every time, and even then, I know you're going soft on me." You groan playfully, "Literally everyone comes to watch me get beaten up." While you felt like he was trying to make your life difficult with these training sessions, it actually came from a place of care. He wanted you to be able to defend yourself.
Levi leans back in his seat, "You know I only do it to make you stronger," he says with a small grin. "And as for the spectators, what can I do? You're quite popular among the ranks." He then pauses for a moment before adding, "But I can always arrange for a more private session if that's what you prefer." His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer than necessary, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. A flirtatious exchange wasn't uncommon for the two of you, but how you fucking wished he would make good on the things he said.
You were instantly drawn to his suggestion and change in demeanour. "Oh yeah? And do you often give people private training sessions?" You say raising an eyebrow.
Levi chuckles softly, "You know I don't," he replies, his expression softening just a bit. "But for you, I can make an exception." He then shifts his gaze to the paperwork in front of him, pushing aside the distracting thoughts. "Anyway, you're distracting me," he says, beginning to sift through the papers again. But it's too late, your interest has been piqued, "Maybe that's not such a bad idea. What would we be working on during those sessions?" You ask, wanting to keep pressing the new suggestion.
Levi gives you a small, subtle smirk. "Hmm, we could work on whatever you feel you need improvement on," he says. "Maybe your form or your speed," he suggests. Almost throwing you into thinking you had misinterpreted his earlier tone. Before he follows up with a hint of mischief, "But whatever we work on, you can be sure that I'll push you to your limits."
You smirk in response, "Who knows, captain, maybe I'll push you to yours."
Levi smirks at your flirtatious comment and arches an eyebrow in amusement, "Is that so?" he replies in a teasing tone, his smirk widening. "I highly doubt that." He then leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "But I won't deny that I would enjoy the challenge." You mimic his movements, leaning forward in response, and meeting his gaze, "Oh I'm sure you would."
Levi's eyes linger on yours for a moment, studying your playful expression. "You're trouble," he says in a low voice before leaning back in his seat. "But I have to admit, I rather enjoy it." He then picks up a pen and begins scribbling on the papers in front of him, his mind wandering as he tries to suppress the arousal between his legs, relieved there's a desk inbetween the two of you.
"So I've been told," you reply playfully, finishing up the last of the papers he gave you to organise, giving you both a few moments of silence before you speak up again. "Do you think your private training session with a troublesome girl like me would whip me into shape?" You ask him seductively, being determined to see how far you can push him, having taken note of the tensing of his shoulders and how he occasionally bites his lip.
Levi finishes his scribbling, taking a deep breath as he places the pen he's gripping down before looking up at you. "Not a chance," he replies, his tone firm but playful. "But perhaps it would tire you out enough to be a good girl for at least a little while," he adds with a smirk of his own.
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