#robert floyd series
intoanotherworld23 · 11 months
Chasing The Shadows
Pairing: Reader x Robert Floyd
Warnings: Mentions of killing and death, and description of violence, some minor kissing, swear words
Summary: When a deadly new virus breaks out into the world you and Bob Floyd fight for survival and for each other
Okay y’all this is someone completely new I’m writing for so you’ll have to let me know what you think of it so far! Hearts, reblogs, and comments are highly encouraged and appreciated! If you wish to be tagged for Lewis Pullman or this series let me know! IM TAGGING EVERYONE ON MY TAG LIST FOR THE FIRST CHAPTER SO IT CAN REACH A BIGGER AUDIENCE! Thank you everyone so much I love you all! XOXO
Check out my other works on my Hall Of Hunks
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"What's on the news?" Asking your husband as you plopped down on the couch a beer in hand passing him one.
"Somethin about a virus." He responded as he took a swig of his drink. "Already making its way into the states."
"A virus?" You questioned him as you looked over at him. "What kind of virus?"
"I don't know sounds like the flu or something." Shrugging your shoulders as you both continued to listen. Nothing was really being said about anything so it really peaked your curiosity as to what was really going on.
"Please the flu never really makes it through this town anyway." You scoffed hearing that. "Even if it did they wouldn't talk about it on the news."
"Well maybe if you stop talking and listen they'll tell us." He said making you lean back in exaggeration as you glared at him.
"What did you just say to me?" Placing your hands on your hips.
"You heard me." He mocked you as you opened your mouth partially lightly smacking his shoulder making him laugh. "Shhh there talking."
"You asshole." You joked both of you chuckling.
"Sources say this deadly virus is already spreading across the nation faster than the flu." Sighing loudly as that thought went out the window. "From what we've been told the major symptoms are high fever, rage, uncontrollable hunger, and swelling of gums."
"Jesus Christ what the hell kind of virus is this?" Bob asked leaning forward his elbows on his knees.
"Hospitals are filled with people all showing the same symptoms and doctors can't seem to figure out what the cause of this virus is."
"This definitely sounds worse than any flu I've heard of." Placing a hand on your chin eyes glued to the tv now.
"Hope they find the sorry son of a bitch who brought it here." Bob quipped as he quickly glanced at you.
"If he isn't already dead." Whispering but Bob still heard you anyway as he glanced at you with concern. "What?"
"Nothing." Stopping himself from really saying what was on his mind.
In that moment neither one of you really knew what to say or how to react exactly. This was the kind of stuff you saw on fantasy shows that had people wondering what if. Both of you were a little scared how how serious it sounded. Figuring you weren't the only ones who were feeling the same way.
"What should we do?" Whispering as you felt fear creeping up behind you. "Should we leave?"
"No I say we stay here until things calm down." Bob suggested sounding calm but you knew by the look on his face he was worried.
"Doesn't sound like things are gonna calm down soon."
"I bet in less than six months all that panic will have been for nothing." Bob shrugged his shoulders leaning back into the couch.
"Well there's no way in hell I'm gonna stay cooped up in this house for six months." You argued crossing your arms over your chest.
"State officials are asking that everyone stay inside and don't go out unless absolutely necessary." Bob looked at you with a proud smirk shaking your head at him with a giggle. "The only way to contract this unknown contagious virus is by being bitten or scratched."
"We'll just have to avoid being bitten or scratched." He joked nudging your shoulder.
"Please Robert don't joke this is serious." Keeping your focus on the news watching as they showed videos of different people being wheeled into hospitals and people driving by neighborhoods showing people losing control in their front lawns.
"I am taking it serious darlin." His tone softened when he could see the serious look on your face. "I'm sorry."
"Shit you'd think it was the end of the world or something." Bob shook his head as the newscaster continued to speak.
"Well it damn well looks that way." Showing a group of people already torching a building.
"Fucking hell." Bob exclaimed.
"Everyone is gonna lose their fucking minds once they all watch this." Taking a swig of your beer. "You remember what happened with that snow storm last year people wiped out everything in stores within days."
"Imagine what they'd do if we had an apocalypse." You continued feeling Bobs eyes on you.
"Baby I seriously doubt this is the apocalypse." Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder pulling you in close. "I'll keep you safe don't you worry."
"I know you will it's just scary." Admitting to him as you felt your eyes tearing up.
"Nothing and nobody is going to even come close to hurting you." Kissing the side of your temple his lips lingered for a few moments.
As the two of you sat there drinking your beer flipping through channel after channel, and all they were talking about was this virus. Even your reality shows were being interrupted by breaking news. You've never seen anything like this before in your life.
Friends and family texting you non stop asking if you were okay. You were just hoping Bob was right about everything will eventually blow over. They'd have to find someway to stop it or at least slow it down. Then everything would go back to normal, and you and Bob would be safe.
"Let's go to bed baby." Bob turned the tv off as he stood up grabbing your hand lifting you off the couch. "Enough of this shit."
"I don't think I can sleep now." Pulling the covers back as you climbed into bed Bob right behind you.
"I know what I can do to help you sleep." Wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you flush against him.
"Babe stop." Giggling as he wiggled his hands to the edge of your pajama bottoms.
"Come on I promise it'll be the best you've ever had." Burying his head in your neck kissing your collarbone trying to move on top.
“You’ve said that one before.” Hands pinching your sides going into a fit of giggles as he started tickling you.
“Better watch that pretty little mouth of yours.” He warned as he hovered his body over yours.
"Bob." Moaning as you felt him grinding on you hands moving along the length of your legs.
Before anything else could continue further a loud boom shook the house cause both you and Bob to look out the windows. Leaning up on your elbows as Bob jumped out to check what the noise was. Watching as he looked around not seeing anything that really stood out.
"The hell was that?" Asking him as you sat up completely.
"I don't know baby I don't see anything." Shaking his head as you walked back over to you. "I think maybe it was a crash or something."
"That sounded a lot louder than a car crash." Timing couldn't have been more perfect as you both heard another crash.
"Robert that's not a crash that sounds like something exploding." Standing up as he walked out of the room to the front door.
Following after him as some of the neighbors were already ahead of you and Bob. Standing on their lawns looking around to see what those noises were, and where they were coming from. Fear was written across everyone's face, and parents tried to keep their children inside.
"Did you see anything?" Bob yelled to the neighbor across the way.
"Looked like an explosion from the center of downtown." He responded watching as Bobs face fell hearing his words.
"Get inside." Bob pointed at you as he jogged in behind you slamming the door shut. "Get inside now."
"What?" You yelled at him as he paced around the room. "Robert what?"
"Sounds like someone is blowing up the town." Covering your mouth with your hand a gasp slipping past your lips.
“What do you mean blowing up?”
“I don’t know there just blowing up the town.��
"We can't stay here." It came out more as a suggestion than a question.
Before Bob could respond his phone started to ring. Walking back into the bedroom picking it up hearing his muffled voice as you just stood there. Feeling like your feet were stuck to the ground, and your body was starting to slowly freeze. 
You couldn't believe what you had been seeing and hearing. None of this felt like it was actually happening. Everything went quiet to where you literally could only hear yourself breathing. Your eyes staying open not even able to blink.
"Yeah yeah we'll meet you there." You heard him say as he hung up the phone and came back out to you. "That was my buddy he lives on the other side of town says we should leave he's got a safe house for us to stay at."
"What's going on?" Asking him your voice shaky as your eyes started to water.
"People are destroying the town and police are shooting people down in the streets." His words made your eyes go wide. "There patrolling neighborhoods and refusing to let people leave their homes."
"So then shouldn't we stay here." Whimpering as you could already hear commotion from outside.
"No it's not safe we have to leave now." Running to the closet grabbing a couple of bags. "Take only things that we need."
Handing you a bag you started filling them with medicine, food and bottles of water. Bob filling his with an extra set of clothes and other medical supplies. Once your bag was filled you quickly zipped it and then ran into your room to change into something else, and slipping on a pair of shoes.
Taking a solid minute to think about what was happening. Trying your hardest not to burst into tears. Leaning forward as your head started to spin, and you felt like you were going to be sick. Praying and hoping that this was all some kind of terrifying dream, and you would wake up safe in Bobs arms.
"Here." Bob blurted as he shoved something cold and hard in your hands.
"I've never shot a gun before." Looking at the dark gray steel weapon laying flat in your hands.
"Let's just hope you never have to." Not knowing whether he was telling you that or himself.
It seemed a little overdramatic having weapons, but judging on what you were hearing and seeing weapons were probably necessary. Besides Bob wouldn't just hand you a gun unless he absolutely thought you would need it to protect yourself. Especially if anything were to happen to him.
Setting the bags near the front door as you waited for Bob who grabbed yours and his phones. Bob taking one last look around the house making sure you guys didn't forget anything. Neither one of you knowing when you were going to be back if you would come back at all.
"Let's go baby military is moving in now." He looked up from his phone as you both grabbed a bag and headed to the truck outside.
Throwing your bags into the bed of the truck as you hopped inside. Bob starting the truck pulling out of the driveway and down the road. Looking around to see people loading their vehicles everyone with a look of panic on their faces not knowing what was gonna happen.
None of this felt real in your mind, and almost felt like it was some kind of drill. Maybe you and Bob were acting like everybody else, and just panicking for no reason. Maybe everything would die down in a few days. Or maybe things would only get worse and never end.
"Do you think we'll be able to make it?" You asked Chris after minutes of silence.
"I don't know sweetheart." His answer had your stomach churning. "But I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep us safe."
"How long are we gonna stay there for?"
"Until all of this blows over." Hearing the engine roar as he put his foot hard against the gas pedal.
"What if this never blows over?" Sniffling as a tear ran down your cheek.
"Then we'll stay together no matter what." Answering without hesitation.
"I love you Bob." His hand grabbed yours kissing your knuckles as he kept his eyes on the road.
"I love you too." Remaining calm was his man focus in order to help keep you calm so you didn't start to panic.
Neither one of you spoke the rest of the drive as you got closer to town. People yelling and screaming down the streets some people were even attacking others. If you weren't terrified before you were absolutely petrified now.
People were breaking into buildings, stores, shops, and pharmacies. Leaving them with handfuls of items running away nobody even attempting to stop them. It was pure madness and it was happening right in front of your eyes.
Hearing a loud rumble as you looked up to see a couple of helicopters flying over heading towards the center of town. Most likely military which means they were already in town blocking people from leaving. This was far more worse than you and Bob ever imagined.
Looking down one of the streets to see a military tank blocking anyone from leaving or entering. People filling the streets as they were begging and pleading to leave. Guns being drawn in their face to anyone who dared to get close enough.
"We'll go down this street avoid them as much as possible." Turning down another street that was empty.
"What if there at this safe house already?" Your mind going to worst case scenario.
"They won't." He snapped making you jump a little at his tone. "Besides he would have let us know and we'd go somewhere else."
That's when something started ringing in your ear, and that's when it hit you it was gunshots going off. You didn't want to look back, but you couldn't help it as you heard screams echoing around you.
Regrettably turning back watching as men opened fire on people bodies dropping to the floor, and blood filling the streets. Crying as you faced straight ahead Bob grabbing your thigh massaging it in comfort. Keeping his brave face on knowing exactly what was happening behind him.
He was going to protect you and keep you safe as long as he could. Even if it meant that he had to sacrifice himself to do so he would in a heartbeat. Your safety is a priority to him.
"Are we almost there?" You asked as he turned down a dirt road.
"Yeah baby less than a minute." Nodding his head as you rested your head against the head rest closing your eyes for a quick minute.
All you wanted to do in this moment was just sleep. Sleep and not wake up until all of this was over. Thinking that sleep would help calm your nerves, but in all reality all you would be able to do is just close them and not actually sleep.
Neither one of you prepared for anything like this, and never thought that you'd have to. You and Bob were clueless just like everybody else. The both of you were just going to have to take things one step at a a time, and hope things didn't take a turn for the worst.
"Baby we're here." Bob spoke softly your eyes opening slowly.
Looking forward as you saw a brick house straight ahead. The doors and window were sealed shut with some kind of steel. As Bob parked the car you both cautiously looked around. Everything was eerily quiet, and all you could hear was the sounds of the trees rustling, and the crickets chirping.
"Where is he?" You asked not seeing anyone.
"He's preparing the bunker." Looking over at Bob who was on his phone. "Said wait a minute and he'll be out."
"He's got a bunker hidden in this house?" Looking skeptically at the house raising your brows.
"Yep his old man left him this house." Bob turned to you. "Said it would take a lot more than a couple bombs to get through to this place."
"Gee that's comforting." Sighing out loud making Bob chuckle.
"It's better than being stuck out there baby." He did have a fair point there.
Which was the truth since it sounded like people were going crazy out there. If it meant staying in someone else’s bunker for a while to stay safe then that’s what you were going to have to do.
"God I hate when you're right." Grumbling as he grabbed your arm and pulled you close to him.
"Please you love it." Teasing you as he kissing your cheek multiple times.
"Just a little." Pressing your thumb and pointer finger together as you giggled.
"We're gonna be okay baby I can promise you that." Moving a hand up to your head stroking the back of it.
"I know you'll keep us safe." Pressing your hand against his both of you staring at each other.
A door creaked open catching both your attention as your focus now went to the opened door with a man standing in front of it. Bob hopping out of the car as you followed suit. Each grabbing a bag as you walked over to him. Eyeing the man with caution not knowing who he is.
Bob seemed to trust this man enough to do this, and you trusted Bob. Of all the people this guy could have called he chose Bob. Thanking your lucky stars that you would have some place to at least hide when all this is going down.
"Thank you for this Jake it means a lot." Bob patted the man on the back as he nodded.
"Bob this is my girl my wife Y/N." He introduced you the man glancing over to you. "Y/N this is an old very good buddy of mine Jake Seresin."
"The hell do you mean by old?" He scoffed cocking his head to the side.
"Your older than me." Bob joked as he punched his arm.
"Nice to meet you Y/N given the circumstances." Bowing his head down to which you gave a quick nod. "Alright let's head inside."
Following Jake inside the room it was practically empty. Expect for some desks and dressers that were opened and emptied. If you wouldn't have known better you would have thought this house was abandoned.
Your heart was starting to race a little bit more as you were being escorted around the house. Imagining a bunch of men running into the house with guns loaded ready to blow all of you sky high. Your breathing was becoming a little uneven and heavy.
Bob grabbed your hand in his noticing you were looking around and not really paying attention. Looking up at him as he gave you a weak smile and squeezed your hand. Silently telling you that everything was going to be okay.
Jake pulled back what looked like a bookshelf that revealed a metal door. Starting to feel a little hope and relief that things we're going to be okay with you both. Feeling a weight off your shoulders that you would both at least be sheltered.
"Just down these steps are where you'll both stay." He opened the steel door as Bob moved you in front of him hands on your shoulders.
Jake leading the way down a flight of steps turning on some fluorescent lights looking around to see steel walls. Multiples shelves stocked with food and water. Setting your bag down not noticing how dry your mouth was until you were staring at gallon jugs of water.
"This should last you both a couple months." Motioning around to all the food and water. "Here's where you two can sleep."
"And I even brought down some games so you two wouldn't die from boredom." Pointing to a shelf full of board games making Bob laugh. "Can't have any electronics on just in case there tracking."
"Which means turn your phones off." He requested as both you and Bob shut them down and threw them on the beds.
"What are you gonna do?" Bob asked Jake with concern and feeling bad you guys were taking over.
"Stay up top keep an eye on things." Shrugging his shoulders not sounding worried at all. "Make sure nobody gets in."
"Are you gonna be okay?" Bob not satisfied with that answer and worried for his friend.
"If I need you I'll holler brother." Jake joked both of them laughing while your face remained stoic.
"Jake thank you again for this." Bob praised with generosity.
"I would expect you to do the same thing for me." He responded smacking his arm with a grin.
"Absolutely brother." Bob shaking his hand with a loud clap.
"Do they know what kind of virus it is?" You spoke up both heads turning towards you.
"Yeah they do." He nodded his head as he looked down.
Neither you or Bob liked the way he said that or how his body language changed. Turning stiff and rigid like he just walked into something he didn't want to see. He stayed silent for a moment decided whether or not he wanted to tell you.
"What?" You pushed wanting an answer that he was hesitating on answering.
"The living dead."
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ryebecca · 2 months
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a dagger tale as old as time: "Look, Anita! Puppies everywhere!" 🐶 🐾 ✨ | (a 101 Dalmatians!Bob AU because you can't tell me that Bob Floyd isn't the most Roger-coded of all time - thanks to @withahappyrefrain and @bobfloydsbabe for the idea!)
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ereardon · 6 months
The Backup [Masterlist] — Full length series
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Summary: No strings attached sex never works, right? You and Jake Seresin have fallen into a bad pattern of seeking each other out for sex after dates go awry, but a year of being friends with benefits with Jake hasn’t been good for your dating life. Especially when the two of you are hiding your antics from your lifelong best friend Coyote and the rest of your tightly knit friend group. But what happens when you decide to take a step back and end the cycle with Jake to focus on your dating life? And why is it that all of the sudden Jake looks more irresistible than ever when you know he’s off limits? 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Status: Series is ongoing!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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rlphunter · 8 months
Top Gun Fic Recs!
Most if not all of these authors are strictly 18+ Only. Please abide by their rules.
Read each authors warning!!!
I made an attempt at summaries but each author does a better job so please check them out!
I have been lurking mainly in the Top Gun fandom so hi everyone!!
Jake Seresin x Reader
Less Talk (In Progress) by @tongue-like-a-razor
I love this series so much! In the nicest way no pressure way I need this series to end happily but I will also eat up anything they write and so should you!
In Too Deep (In Progress) by @sunlightmurdock
Jake after successfully wooing a single mom has to prove himself to her two kids when she has a work trip. The youngest takes to him but the oldest has their walls up and makes Jake really work for it. This series is so sweet and I can't wait to see how it ends.
Just Friends by @say-al0e
Spoiler alert! They are not just friends. This fic has jealous jake! which is amazing, sweetness and smut. Who could ask for more?
and the truth of the matter is (i’ll never let you go) by @fidogo
Some miscommunication plus smut makes for an amazing fic!
Oh, Baby Universe (In Progress) by @seresinhangmanjake 
I am obsessed with this universe! Reader leaves Jake in the dust and then comes back a year later with a mini Jake. Such a warm hug of a series.
Sunkissing by @top-hhun 
Jake comes back after eight and a half months and for once has someone to come home to.
Fuck! The Universe (Complete) by @roosterbruiser
Reader is a naval avaitor and the daughter of Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky. An unlikely companionship turns into something more.
De-instigating the Instigator by @jupitercomet
Turns out Jake Seresin does indeed have an off button. This is my absolute comfort fic that I reread ALL THE TIME!
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Like I Can (3 part Completed Series) by @sometimesanalice
The Daggers make a bet that they each have the perfect person to set up with reader. A sweet fic that I reread when I need some nice fluff but makes you work for it a little!
You’re All I Care About by @fandomxpreferences
Reader gets into an accident. A lot of angst.
Two to Tango (Completed Series) by @roosterforme
Little competition between the Naval aviators and Air Force pilots and neither of them are going to back down!
Bob Floyd x Reader
Full of Surprises by @withahappyrefrain
An unexpected side of Bob comes out......... SMUT!
After the Bar by @bradshawswife
Continuing the Bob fucks agenda!
Whoops by @roosterbruiser
An adorable Bob blurb that features our boy and Cats. Who can ask for more?
Why Me? (In Progress) by @lottesreads
A single glance was all it took for Bob to fall for the daughter of Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. I am so excited to see where this series goes!
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desert-fern · 8 months
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“Cartography and linguistics, Milo Thatch speaking!”
Join the magic! Find the rest of the Disney!Daggers moodboard series here!
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floydsglasses · 16 days
𝙳𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚜
{All Daggers included} Side note I've been watching too much Red Dead Redemption on YouTube so that's why I'm gifting you all this, ENJOY!
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𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕪 "ℝ𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣" 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕨 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 A gunslinger is a hero-of sorts. He can come in many package's but one thing that each character has in common is their quick draw of their gun. He is someone you would want on your side in a fight wither its a battle of word's or bullets
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𝕁𝕒𝕜𝕖 "ℍ𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕞𝕒𝕟" 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕚𝕟 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣 A rancher is the owner of a ranch, a spread of land where animals are raised, usually the Rancher is more wealthier then common town folk usually shown dressed more proper, but dont let that keep you away. They can be seen often working their own ranch and as well as employing those in desperate need of a job.
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ℕ𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 "ℙ𝕙𝕠𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕩" 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕖= 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕪 ℍ𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 A bounty hunter is a freelancer who assists law enforcement by pursuing wanted criminals for the price on their heads. Because of their line of work usually they are someone you dont want going after you. Know one thing, if the word's Wanted Dead or Alive are on parchment know you should be afraid.
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ℝ𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕥 "𝔹𝕠𝕓" 𝔽𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕓𝕝𝕖𝕣  The Professional Gambler is someone who emphasizes the "skill" part of the equation. They often are scanning everything and everyone, able to read people better then most. Usually they make their living through betting their money, and often come out on top.
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𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕪 "𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕓𝕠𝕪" 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕚𝕒 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕠 In simple term's its the Hispanic version of an outlaw. Often a bad guy, but recently they can be seen as a robin hood of sorts for the people, going against the corrupts government. He is quick with both a knife and gun, and certainly someone who can be your friend or foe
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ℝ𝕦𝕖𝕓𝕖𝕟 "ℙ𝕒𝕪𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜" 𝔽𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕙 Someone who shapes tools, weapons and other items out of iron and steel, so called because iron is a "black" metal. Specializing in creating weapon's, bullets, and horseshoes. They are a very neutral person and always willing to show off their craftsmen's ship
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𝕁𝕒𝕧𝕪 "ℂ𝕠𝕪𝕠𝕥𝕖" 𝕄𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕌𝕊 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 Often someone who will uphold the law and will not be easily persuaded by the local politics like the sheriff would be, they have usually a good moral compass and will make sure he get's his man. They have the power to deputize people, and form posses
So how do we feel about this return to mood boards, I am happy with it, we need more western au's of these dork's, I would die if I ever saw any of them like this
TAGGED: @fairyheart @sebsxphia @vivwritesfics @sugarcoated-lame @sailor-aviator
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laracrofted · 8 months
❝ down comes the night
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synopsis: billionaire bob floyd has a reputation for partying and womanizing, but bob has a secret. and when her work in the district attorney's office puts her in the crosshairs of the mob, fran find herself right in the middle of his double life.
pairing: batman!bob floyd x fran douglas (oc)
general warnings: minors and ageless accounts dni (18+), batman au, explicit smut, explicit language, alcohol, see individual posts for specific warnings.
down comes the night make your own luck (district attorney jake)
drabbles and blurbs
his deep voice ⊹ on the floor in front of the fireplace ⊹
playlist mood board batman bob edit work song edit search the tag
anything marked with ⊹ contains smut | requests are open for blurbs. send in a prompt or an idea!
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attapullman · 2 months
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POV: You have a quickie chapel wedding with Whodunit?Bob. You've been in love since high school and can't wait another minute 💒✨
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lewmagoo · 10 months
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a glimpse into bob floyd’s instagram
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
Letters to My Love
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Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female Reader
Summary: When you signed up to volunteer with the USO, you never anticipated that you would meet a man like Ensign Robert Floyd. Fate brings you together one balmy spring evening in Charleston—the night before Bob is set to ship off across the Atlantic. Pen and paper become your only means of sharing your heart with the naval aviator who’s captivated it, igniting a correspondence that spans the distance between you. Can love blossom even as war rages and thousands of miles keep you apart?
Set the Mood: If you’re looking for some 1940s vibes, check out the playlist I made to pair with the story!
Table of Contents
Part I // The Night We Met
Part II // Georgia on My Mind
Part III // Blue Moon
Part IV // Moonlight Becomes You
Part V // Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
Part VI // May Your Days Be Merry and Bright
Part VII // Auld Lang Syne
Part VIII // We’ll Meet Again
Part IX // Dream A Little Dream Of Me
Part X // Rosie the Riveter
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writernothingness · 2 years
Ice, walking into his house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Bob: Hey.
Hangman: Hi.
Rooster: Hello.
Phoenix : Hey!
Ice: I gave you the key for emergencies only!
Mav: They were out of Doritos.
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kinzis-writing · 1 year
Only Exception | Robert Floyd Masterlist
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Summary: Y/N Mitchell swore to herself that she would never allow herself to date or get involved with anyone from any branch of the military. After worrying about her father, the past few years, she knew that she never wanted to experience her worry for a significant other. After her father gets ordered back to California, she may just meet the one that ruins all of her plans. 
Warning(s): swearing, slight angst, mentions of sexual material, top gun related themes, Top Gun: Maverick spoilers, timelines won’t add up for story purposes, Female reader.  
Part One: 
Y/N Mitchell gets reacquainted with an old friend, as well as getting to see her father again after a few months. Knowing that her father is training the best of the best for a mission, means that she’ll end up meeting new people. Thanks to her best friend being in town, she gets to meet her father’s class, including the quiet and shy wso. 
Part Two: 
Y/N and Bob are growing closer every day, after inviting him to dinner confessions are made and dates are planned. One thing Y/N does not know is that there is a secret Bob is keeping from her. One day, when she’s with her father doing a team exercise, Maverick may just let Bob’s secret slip. Y/N then starts having doubts and fears that no one can control but herself. The new information may also make her debate some of her job choices.  
Part Three: 
It’s finally time for the dreaded suicide mission, after heartbreaking goodbyes and hopeful hearts, Y/N gets told some interesting news. The news that she knows is not true. While her family members and boyfriend are away, she’s keeping herself busy with her new job. Until she gets some awakening news from the admiral. 
Part Four: 
Two years after the suicide mission, Bob and Y/n are still going strong. It’s Christmas Time and this Christmas they are going to visit Bob’s family. This finally is filled with much love, surprises, and happy endings! 
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
Radar // Robert Floyd
Two Part Mini Series
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Radar // After Phoenix and Bob are forced to eject after a freak bird strike—the Top Gun class find out a little bit more about their quiet back seat weapons systems officer. (7.3k)
Mission Impossible // After Bob is picked to fly the mission with the Dagger team, memories of moments you both have shared together come flooding back—leading to a shock discovery. (9.6k
Another Statistic Blurb // The catalyst reason as to why Robert Floyd doesn’t drink alcohol.
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ereardon · 2 months
The Backup Ch. 10 sneak peek
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Bob paused. “It’s weird, you know,” he said quietly. “Without you guys here. Feels like something is missing.” 
“I miss you too.” You sucked in a breath. “How’s Jake?” 
“He’s, uh, in Texas.” You frowned into the phone. 
“He took a leave of absence,” Bob said. “Went to visit his grandmother at their ranch.” 
“When was the last time you talked to him?” 
“Two, maybe three weeks ago? Said he needed some space from the city.”
“From the city,” you whispered, “or from me?” 
Bob sighed. “You want the truth?” 
“Slice me open, Floyd,” you whispered. 
“He said the city is haunted by the ghost of you,” Bob said quietly. “That you’re around every corner. And even though he knows you’re in New York, a part of him always thinks you’re going to show up at his door.”
Masterlist here
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mrslectermoriarty · 12 days
Headcanon Series #20
I need the Daggers to have a TikTok Account, hear me out!
Coyote: "Were the Daggers, of course we look amazing in our flight suits." He does a twirl and strikes a pose. Applause behind the camera.
Cut to Halo: "Were the Daggers, of course we managed to get good callsigns." In the background someone yells “Fuck off, Egg White!”. Halo gives the camera a pointed look. “We definetly good the good call signs.”
Cut to Fanboy: "Were the Daggers, of course our CO is the Navy's greatest pilot." He holds up a picture of Maverick lying on the ground, he stumbled over his open shoelaces. “But seriously. He is.”
Cut to Fritz: "We're the Daggers, of course we've been at least once at Top Gun." The camera zooms out, so we can see the base he’s standing in front of. He does a thumbs up. “Crazy place!”
Cut to Hangman: "We’re the Daggers, of course we're the best of the best." Rooster in the background gives him the finger. Hangman doesn’t see it. Chuckling behind the camera. “What’s so funny?”
Cut to Phoenix: "We're the Daggers, of course we blackmail each other with embarassing photos." Bob is sitting in the background. He looks up into the camera and gives it a serious nod.
Cut to Omaha: "We're the Daggers, of course we look back at our academy days in shame." Fritz walks by and grimaces.
Cut to Payback, in a bar: "We're the Daggers, of course we loose a shit ton of money to each other when we play pool at the hard deck. Well, some of us." He smirks. Groaning behind the camera.
Cut to Bob: "We're the Daggers, of course we have a group chat." His phone lights up and he shows the screen to the camera. We see a group chat that gets new messages every couple seconds. “Guys? You know we’re all on the same base right now? We can actually talk to each other.”
Cut to Yale, it’s night by now and he’s standing in front of a dimly lit house in otherwise darkness. There’s whispering in the background. "We're the Daggers, of course we continue the tradition of raiding the CO's liquor stack."
Cut to Harvard, inside of a house. Looks like a living room. Everyone is standing in the middle of the room and shouting; it’s loud. Harvard looks bewildered. "We're the Daggers, of course our CO is married to an Admiral and didn't tell us about it. He also didn't tell us about one of us being his legal child." Cut to the zoomed in background where we can see a blurry figure standing in a corner with a glass in its hand. Cut to Harvard, now in selfie mode and close to his face. He whispers: “That’s the fucking COMPACFLT.”
Cut to Rooster in the same living room. He has a small, awkward smile on his face while Phoenix stands a bit behind him and looks pissed. "We're the Daggers, of course it never gets boring with us around, I guess." Hangman sneaks into the frame, kisses Rooster and runs away, yelling something like “it never does”. Rooster stands there, too stunned to speak. Behind the camera: “Wait, did he just-“
Cut to Maverick sitting in a comfortable looking armchair, elbows on his knees and a beer in his hands. He’s laughing into the camera and speaks with a soft voice: "They're my Daggers and of course they’re family." “No no no, you’re supposed to say- what, did you just call us family? Guys, Mav just called us his family!” Happy shouting erupts in the background and Maverick is being group-hugged by several aviators around him. The camera shakes and the video ends.
Beautiful inspiration, I must say…
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desert-fern · 8 months
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Alright! Any and all Disney Daggers made by me will show up here!
Remember, each character will have two: a hero and a villain (because I can’t help myself lol) I will alternate between one character’s villain and another’s hero before going back and finishing the list!
Also! If any of these moodboards spark a fic or oneshot idea, please credit me! I spent way too long working on these! And remember that I do not consent to having these reposted elsewhere (unless I do it on Pinterest!)
Villain -> Dr. Facilier
Hero -> Frozone
Villain -> Ken Doll
Hero -> Flynn Rider
Villain -> Ernesto de la Cruz
Hero -> Bruno Madrigal
Villain -> Syndrome
Hero -> Milo Thatch
Villain -> Maleficent
Hero -> Isabela Madrigal
Villain -> Jafar
Hero -> Prince Naveen
Villain -> Captain Hook
Hero -> Robin Hood
Penny Benjamin
Villain -> Mother Gothel
Hero -> Maid Marian
Amelia Benjamin
Villain -> Cruella de Vil
Hero -> Ariel
Villain -> Hades
Hero -> Peter Pan
Villain -> Prince Hans
Hero -> Hercules
Carole Bradshaw
Villain -> Lady Tremaine
Hero -> Wendy Darling
Villain -> Oogie Boogie
Hero -> King Triton
Villain -> Judge Claude Frollo
Hero -> Prince Adam/The Beast
Villain -> Gaston
Hero -> Kronk
Villain -> The Evil Queen
Hero -> Alice
#1 -> Maui!Javy
#2 -> Lady and the Tramp with Bob
#3 -> Buzz Lightyear!Bradley
#4 -> Woody!Jake
#5 -> Tadashi Hamada!Mickey
#6 -> 101 Dalmatians with Rhett (I know he isn’t a Dagger but shush!)
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