tazmilyxfamily · 2 months
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"The first Belmont I see, and he taps me on the nose."
No emotions behind that sentence. Just a statement of fact. Why.
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xdeerxhealerx · 9 months
{{ @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter }}
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"Hey, Simon" Danetta sat on a log "Can you train me a little? I may be small and young, but I want to help for my sister and friends"
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
@rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter cont:
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[.:♔:.]The dragon lord leans forward, ridged brow arched quizzically, a brief moment as he huffs and haughtily turns his nose up, as if he was insulted. Who was this BLOND MAN and his chain doing here? “And I don’t recall ever having a human refer to me as simply a demon, though you are not far off, sir. I do have demonic properties about me but I’m primarily a dragon, if you please.” He was used to his height being commented on at this point, and found it more of a compliment if anything.
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“What kind of knight are you? You’re rather under-dressed to be hunting dragons or whatever it is you are seeking. And might I add you are a rather meaty one, aren’t you~?"
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villains4hire · 11 months
@rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter wanted to meet Ice Queen
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Throwing a warning ice-shot down at him from above, "Begone! I say! Begoooo- hey wait. Why are you out here in that getup, pal? That must be KILLER on the BOING-LOINS in this weather. And why are your muscles so defined and hot and you're basically naked? UGH, are you a pervert? Or worse, a 'hero' or something? LOOK I sent a fruit basket three weeks ago! Mostly untouched and uneaten, I am TIRED of you guys coming onto MY lawn, have some principle and at least go through the proper channels if you want to arch me!"
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"That's just common courtesy and respecting bylaws. Isn't that right, Gunther?"
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tenebristhequeen · 1 year
// Closed Starter for @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter
[ A rumbling sound echoes in the forest, before a large black Dragoness jumps out of the tall vegetation.
With a quick and deadly bite, she kills a rather old deer, before dropping her prey to her side, making a small roar to call out for some small cubs. Those are not her children, but she's keeping an eye on them, along with providing food.
As they chirp and eat, Tenebris perks up, feeling a new presence nearby, a paw of hers gets placed between the new presence and the cub, while she shows her teeth as a warning]
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Ghrr..Show yourself...No sudden moves...
[ As Queen, her duty is to protect her subjects, especially the cubs.. she's usually very kind and calm, but with the babies there she can't risk their life ]
Who are you? And what brings you into my Kingdom, if you're aware of that..
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“Excuse me, you’re the princess of this kingdom, right? Would you mind telling me where I ended up?” ((Hi! I meant to send a starter before but seemed to forget to.))
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"You're in the Mushroom Kingdom, and yes, I am the princess. Peach Toadstool is my name. Who might you be? did you perhaps end up here from a Warp Pipe?"
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finncomet · 1 year
"Finn, was it? I tried to stop Dracula to save you, but unfortunately... Alexander stopped me from succeeding. I'm terribly sorry that my enemy hurt and made you suffer this way. If only I had just got to you in time... None of this hell would be going on right now...
☄️ "You- you did? Alexander did? But I thought I was on good terms with him now..."
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"What the heck? Don't blame yourself! This was my battle. The only one responsible was me. I didn't wanna drag anyone else into it anyway, that'd defeat the whole purpose." 🦋
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youfight-likeacow · 9 months
Starter for @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter
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"Wait, vampires? You hunt... like, with the fangs and the blood sucking? Those are real? Add another thing I gotta look out for him coming back as..."
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expresscaptain · 10 months
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There are always unusual characters in the streets of New New York. That went double for summertime; it seemed anyone and everyone crawled out of their collective holes to see the light of day again. Still, it was a bit odd to see someone dressed like that guy was.
"You look lost. I don't mean to presume-" She very much was presuming, but was trying to come off as nice regardless. "But the annual tabletop gaming convention is that way."
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gravityvampire · 1 year
"Don't be afraid, I don't hunt all vampires. Just the evil ones. So you have nothing to worry about. My name is Simon Belmont by the way. And you are?" ((Just thought Simon should meet Naomi. XD))
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|| 🌙 ||: ❝ I... I am afraid literally all the time, sir. W-What do you qualify as evil? ❞
There was a wide range of what people considered evil, she found that out first hand when she got into hero work.
Some people sang her praises (much to her dismay) and others cursed her and call her a monster (also to her dismay). So when someone she didn't know would come up, claim he only hunted "evil" vampires, and told her not to worry... she was going to worry.
|| 🌙 ||: ❝ N-Naomi. N-Naomi Auretta... It's... N-Nice to meet you... Simon.❞
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codenamejudas · 2 months
"Damn, Judas! You are lucky to get the highest chance of winning!" Simon was giving his friend two thumbs up!
He takes a few dramatic bows, "Thank you, thank you. Been working these guns by throwing rocks at billboards."
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xdeerxhealerx · 6 months
{{ @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter | x | }}
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"YAY!" she was on his shoulder, "Now I can be your ears if there's danger about," she said as Fleet was in her arms making happy deer sounds.
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{{ @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter​}}
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“Wow” her red eyes looked at the horizon as the hills were lush green. The trees were colors of yellow and red meaning that fall was here. The young Dhampir never been outside of her home and with her care taker’s permission, Cherish can finally experience the life she missed.
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Nicole stood beside Simon “You’re lucky that I can’t say no to her” she said coldly. The vampire doesn’t trust humans. She seems them as vile creatures who don’t care about anyone “But she trust you and wants to go on adventures with you” 
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villains4hire · 1 year
@rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter plotted for Kerillian with Simon.
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In the distance, sounds of bells and screams could be heard of townsfolk, walls falling down as swarms of creatures would descend into in literal droves, the ground razed and set aflame as the guards were slaughtered. Yet a mysterious, ornately adorned warrior armed with a shield and spear around Simon's height had appeared, running abnormally fast in heavy armor in a complete, acrobatic sprinting leap, dodging and weaving like a dancing dervish as the heads of the rat creatures would have their heads destroyed in gore. Yet refusing to move from a choke point that they reached, the vermin were threatening to break into like a flood, a stroke of the shield, groups of them sent flying as that bash rang out in a sickening crack.
In the background, as they fought against what was hopeless, the townsfolk had boarded themselves into a warehouse at the docks. The choke-point only a few feet away, a few elven-crafted knives tossed here and there by the warrior at any that had climbed the tall buildings to move past her. The warrior was alone in the choke-point, injuries notably starting to stack up as those movements became more and more primal with a honed edge of precise brutality.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
"I never seen a demon quite like you before... Not to mention met one that's taller than my sworn enemy, Dracula..." Simon said, looking up to the demon lord without a hint of fear in his blue hues.
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The dragon lord leans forward, ridged brow arched quizzically, a brief moment as he huffs and haughtily turns his nose up, as if he was insulted. Who was this BLOND MAN and his chain doing here?
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“And I don’t recall ever having a human refer to me as simply a demon, though you are not far off, sir. I do have demonic properties about me but I’m primarily a dragon, if you please.”
He was used to his height being commented on at this point, and found it more of a compliment if anything.
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“What kind of knight are you? You’re rather under-dressed to be hunting dragons or whatever it is you are seeking. And might I add you are a rather meaty one, aren’t you~?"
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Why was it that Luigi always had to end up somewhere spooky? Why oh why had Polterpup dragged him through that weird painting into this very cursed place? And here he was without his trusty Poltergust vacuum to boot! All he had was a flashlight in hand and it was only there because he’d been using it to see what he’d been fixing at home!
Luigi shined the beam of light this way and that, his body shaking like a leaf. “P-p-pup!” he called out. “Where are you? P-p-p-pooooooolterpup?” There was a noise nearby and Luigi nearly jumped out of his skin and yelped.
Luigi, in his infinite fright, put the flashlight in front of him like it was a sword and let its beam shine outward. Hopefully, if some awful thing was in front of him, the light would stop it. He wouldn’t know what was in front of him though as he’d shut his eyes. He simply clutched the flashlight and prayed he’d keep living.
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