lvnasea · 4 months
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LUNA SEA - 2022.08.27 復活祭 -A NEW VOICE- Day2 “Naked Voice”
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dailydoseofsugizo · 7 months
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aimedbladeatyou · 9 months
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mikayoko · 5 months
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I love u.. Itsumademo... (^_^ ) ♪
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madamcrimson · 1 year
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Kawamura Ryuichi (LUNA SEA)
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losrtphu · 8 months
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original scan
link to part 1
What's a dream that you've had recently?
RYUICHI: I had a dream where i was put on fire. i was on the rooftop of a building and i was talking to the sky and a random guy came and burned off my left arm.
SUGIZO: I don't remember.. i have a lot of dreams though.
INORAN: When we we're recording i was asleep dreaming about arranging songs.
J: I'm still dreaming now. I'm a boy who's always dreaming (laughs)
SHINYA: I always dream when i go to sleep so i don't know (laughs)
How would you describe what God is?
RYUICHI: Someone who knows everything
SUGIZO: God is the creator of everything, and all knowing. but his form might be all humans as well.
INORAN: ...I wonder where he could be
J: God's real form...i feel like it would be something inside all of us not a figure like Christ or Buddha
SHINYA: Something that is really important/precious. i have a really strong sense of faith so I've never missed hatsumoude (first shrine visit of the year).
What is something that lasts forever?
RYUICHI: I still haven't found it.
SUGIZO: The idea of space. but there might not be anything that lasts forever, but on my level of thinking i would say space
INORAN:hmm... i would definitely say love
J: That is something that I've always been searching for
SHINYA: Something that is endless would have to mean that it's something that you have to pursue but i guess that would also make it impossible to reach.
How do you spend most of your nights and from what hours?
RYUICHI: The time that i do spend in my house is very short. around 12pm i take a bath, have dinner, watch a video on cars. yea i probably do those the most.
SUGIZO: I am always up until the sun comes.
INORAN: I turn the TV because there's always something always going on , but by 4am I'll definitely have NO energy
J: Around after 12pm I'm usually drinking and rolling on my sofa listening to music.
SHINYA: I space out while thinking about a bunch of stuff, while watching TV.
Favorite 3 CDs that you've been listening to during this recording period(TN: genuinely thought i was going insane because only shinya names CDs, everyone else just names the artist for some reason???)
RYUICHI: I haven't had any to listen to recently. I've kind of stopped listening to CDs.
SUGIZO: what I've been listening to is "ICE" and "DREAM DOLPHIN", but "TRICKY" has been my favorite since last year
INORAN: There's quite a lot so i cant pick what's my top 3, but i would probably say john Coltrane's album
J: Smashing pumpkins, Silverchair and John Osborne (TN: I'm guessing he means Ozzy Osborne)
SHINYA: none. when recording i only listen to our music, if i were to say which, style, mother and Eden.
Whats the first thing or person that comes to your mind when i say "quiet/still" ?
RYUICHI: I know a woman who is the exact meaning of the word silent, if i were to say an object..maybe a clock and i would also say that the waves of the sea feel still.
SUGIZO: The moon. the thought of death. I feel that if something is quiet/still it is like death, and not in a negative way but in a beautiful way
INORAN: I don't know...i think stillness coexists with movement
J: Me... why are you laughing??(laughs)
SHINYA: I think i would say God. i feel like he has a very still/quiet image.
Name a moment in the past when you've been the most angry
RYUICHI: I get pissed off when I'm denied to live the way i want to.
SUGIZO: Betrayal in human relationships, there's so many people that i would kill if i met them again.  
INORAN: I get angry often so i honestly don't know (laughs)
J: Around high-school because i had to suddenly decided my own future
SHINYA: At the Budokan live a typhoon blew away the set, i genuinely went insane. (TN:pretty sure this was also their first Budokan live)
Name something that you want right now
RYUICHI: I know perfect things don't exist, but i want an honest love
SUGIZO: Sometime for my mind to go blank.
INORAN: Endless time.
J: Myself, time to be alone as myself.
SHINYA: A medicine that that makes me able to be awake all the time, sleeping is just a waste of time.
Name a book/s that you read often
RYUICHI: I think i have a lot of car books, the books are western so they have a different feel.
SUGIZO: Phillip k.dick books.
INORAN: I don't read books.
J: A book called それから(TN: no Eng title but I'd translate this as "after that/and then") which is a collection of stories by Akemi Edo
SHINYA: The books that i have, have lately been collections of short poems, its more like "Oh i have nothing to do so I'll just read"
A person who has your ideal lifestyle
RYUICHI: No one, I guess that would mean that person is myself.
SUGIZO: Jim Morrison, or Mike Tyson. I think after he came out of prison his performance has been amazing.
INORAN: The life that I'm living right now is the most ideal.
J: Someone who doesn't give up no matter what life throws at them.
SHINYA: Someone who enjoys life, as in, no matter what they do they have fun, i think that's wonderful.
What makes you want to hug someone?
RYUICHI: I really love casual gestures. gestures that come out without knowing.
SUGIZO: When I love that person so much I can't help it.
INORAN: When i want to hug them.
J: There's lots of different cases so...i guess when i want to hug them (laughs)
SHINYA: After a performance. i can't explain it well but after I've used everything up/got everything out of my system i start to feel like i need to hug someone. (TN: proof -> 1:40 https://youtu.be/VAQ20Qoqgm0?si=QWOcF5rK2Md42-CF&t=101)
What do you think is a sin?
RYUICHI: I don't think anything outweighs the sin of lying to yourself.
SUGIZO: Betrayal, and also suicide.
INORAN: Betrayal.
J: Lying.
SHINYA: It's not something you can count, because living as a human at the core is a sin, if we can all live while being conscious of our actions i think the world would be a better place.
What have you lost recently?
RYUICHI: I think when you stop lying to yourself you have to make sacrifices....so there would also be a time where you have to lose friends or partners.
SUGIZO: Time (laughs)
INORAN: There are probably a lot of things I've lost, in order to gain something you need to lose something.
J: Nothing.
SHINYA: Even if i had lost something i don't really care, if I've gained something I've probably lost something in the process (laughs)
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lustrous-dawn · 3 months
Susano snarled at the dragons so bolden to approach them as they folded their wings to shelter the human from view. The dragons encircled them, cutting off their escape routes. Growls resounded amongst themselves, some unsure, others with unveiled menace as eyes focused balefully on the prize the Lugia hid.
What have you done, Ryuichi?! The telepathic line was old, barely used. It was a shock to the human they held close, their head jerking at the booming voice. 
I have done nothing. I only acted as an ambassador as you have told me. There was no trace of a lie hidden beneath his serious tone. He clutched his arm tight to his person, the raking of claws marring his forearm. Ryuichi held his head, his eyes fierce as he met those of a dragon unflinching. The one whose claws are stained with blood. This one said I was not to be trusted. 
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yoshikiofficial · 1 year
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Thank you everyone, I had an amazing birthday. @yoshikichannelofficial Yoshiki #TheLastRockStars #yoshiki #heath #xjapan #ryuichi #lunasea #hyde #LArcenCiel #hisashi #glay #zikill #RyutaroArimura #PlasticTree #yukke #mucc #aki #sid #maya #lmc #Psycholecemu #karyu #angelo #hazuki #lynch #umi #vistlip #danchoo #dezert #yoshikibirthday (at Tokyo Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMfbBTS6s4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beatlynxx · 1 year
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LUNA SEA :: 「Mother」 lyrics booklet
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foundheavencreations · 4 months
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Recent drawings from over the weekend. Going to digital color them later.
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lvnasea · 6 months
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Sugizo and Ryuichi SEARCH FOR MY EDEN tour (1993)
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dailydoseofsugizo · 7 months
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aimedbladeatyou · 8 months
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mikayoko · 5 months
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Sugizo selfies!
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madamcrimson · 1 year
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losrtphu · 8 months
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link to original scan
Link to part 2
What is sports do you guys like?
RYUICHI: Surfing,boxing and tennis. I'm the type who has to play the sport themselves or they wont be satisfied.
SUGIZO: Boxing, ah but I'd like to try scuba-diving or sky diving!
INORAN: If it's just watching sports then i like them all
J: Soccer. watching the Olympics (laughs)
SHINYA: i like watching people play sports, because you can feel that person's determination and passion while watching
What is your favorite time of the day?
RYUICHI: Right before falling asleep.
SUGIZO: At night. my body gets a surge of energy, even the rough nights, the lonely quiet nights, everything starts at night.
J: It has nothing to do with the time of the day, but whenever I'm in my bed i feel happy
SHINYA: Morning, when I've just woken up. It's rough, but i enjoy thinking about what to do for the day.
what's your favorite brand of alcohol/cigarettes and how much do you drink/smoke?
RYUICHI: I don't smoke. as for wine i drink white Italian wine or white German wine. for whisky i enjoy 12 year old Canadian club whiskey.
SUGIZO: for cigarettes, JPS. my recent favorite is a vodka base cocktail, or like a vodka martini.
INORAN: about 3 boxes of Kent milds. for alcohol as long as it's good Japanese sake I'm fine. how much i drink/smoke depends on the time and place (laughs)
J: 3 boxes of caster milds. for alcohol, lots of beer, vodka, wine, honestly anything (laughs)
SHINYA: i smoke Rothmans. i don't know about alcohol but i drink watered down whiskey a lot.
name a movie that moved you.
RYUICHI: I think I've been moving away from watching movies...
SUGIZO: This year i would say "STRANGE DAYS" but my all time favorite is probably the 007 series or "BLADE RUNNER". and also "GODFATHER"
INORAN: Hmm i haven't watched many recently. but i want to watch "LISBON STORY" and "HEAT".
J: I haven't watched any recently but "RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT" was really heartwarming, i liked it.
SHINYA: I haven't had time to watch movies. i have a sets of laser discs but i haven't watched a single one of them.
What's your ultimate dream woman?
RYUICHI: A girl who seems normal at first but when she talks she seems a bit stand offish, but a they still have a childish part about them.
SUGIZO: Vanessa Paradis or Sophie Marceau. oh! and Carole Bouquet, for some reason they're all french..
INORAN: I don't have an ideal and I don't really care about appearance, I just want someone who can sympathize/empathize(TN: honestly not sure if the difference matters here lol) with me
J: i think that someone who is put together/independent and is actively trying to fulfill their goal is wonderful.
SHINYA: I admire the idea of being a women. because emotionally speaking it's something i could never be, so i want to know more about them.
Do you guys have any pets, and if not what pet would u like to raise?
RYUICHI: I've started raising 2 dogs, one's a Pomeranian and the other one's a miniature sheep dog.
SUGIZO: Turtles. They're a something-something akamimi turtle (red ear slider) or something like that, they're really cute! by the way they're names are Mickey and Malorie ((TN: he named them based off the two main characters in the movie "natural born killers"))
INORAN: 2 cats. there's a lot of animals that id like to have as pets though, like a dog or a fish... oh yeah, a wolf.
J: I'd want to have a dog as a pet but having an owl as a pet also sounds nice cus they're awake at the same time i am (laughs) letting them sit on my shoulder and then going for walks (laughs)
SHINYA: i have a hamster. if i were to have a pet in the future probably a big fluffy dog, like a golden retriever.
name some items that are near the entrance of your house.
RYUICHI: The first thing you see when you walk in my house is probably the lights, but i do have a stone statue placed there as well.
SUGIZO: I have an art piece that my friend made.
INORAN: i have a lot of stuff, like pictures, framed art, lamps etc
J: I don't have a lot of decorations in my house. ah! but i do have a bass that was made the year i was born laying around.
SHINYA: Mine's filled with car goods, like the emblems of mini-cars or jaguars etc
at 9pm, yesterday, what were you doing?
RYUICHI: I was driving, on my way to go eat.
SUGIZO: starting to check the photos we'd took in the studio (this is after the shooting had ended, this interview was done in a Denny's at 7 in the morning)
INORAN: met with friends and drank
J: I think i was holding a phone?while napping
SHINYA: I was sleeping at home. i was tired after recording something for TV and got home and just finished watching downtown "GOTTSU "A" KANJI" (laughs)
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