iocity · 1 day
ASL ‘Merica AU where Sabo feels guilty about involving his brothers in his conflicts with his biological parents. They are real bona fide assholes, and Sabo does not in any way want to reconnect with them, but they are PERSISTENT. With every yelled word bouncing off the walls of the brothers shared home, Sabo’s guilt grows. He stopped believing when they said they would change years ago, but he can’t seem to shake them off.
Sabo who doesn’t tell his brothers how he feels because they have their own problems, their own struggles that seem so much bigger than old parent problems. He is supposed to be strong. He is sure that in a house of people with “real” issues, his won’t matter.
Sabo who can’t help but get angry when he has to deal with his biological family, but not regular angry. It sticks for the whole day, onto the next, and that same feeling of guilt creeps up the back of his neck. He hates how his brothers seem to walk on eggshells around him when he is in his moods, but he can’t stand to pretend to be in a sunny mood he is not in (his brothers can tell anyway). He snaps because his parents are the knife in his side, and he is in pain.
Sabo who hates crying, because crying means his parents have won the nonexistent but constantly present battle between them. Crying means that they have made him weak again, made him helpless, made him remember what he used to be. Guilt is met with shame, and shame accompanied by sorrow and anger. His own reflection an overwhelming cacophony of everything he hates. His mother’s lips, his father’s eyes; his own genetics betray him. He feels his parents in him, and he braces himself as fear overtakes him; his hands grip the wall as he silences his breaths.
Sabo who holds his breath to exact his control, to break their hold over him. His breath can’t shake if he doesn’t let it out; his eyes can’t cry if his heart is trying to escape his chest. If he is in control he can be cold, calculated; he can give his parents what they deserve. What they gave to him. To him, it’s logic, it’s reason, and it’s strength.
Sabo who can’t help the jolt that runs through him when he feels arms around him, his chest heaving with warm air, the ache within him worsening. He has been pulled out of his control and into the warmth and unpredictability of his brothers’ arms. All at once he is melting, and it shows in the way his chest heaves into a sigh, then a sob, in the way that water flows down his cheeks until he is sure there is a puddle under him, and in the way that he reaches blindly for them through his tears. They are already there.
Sabo whose apologies fall on deaf ears, because they don’t give a damn about his parents (something they now make sure to tell him often), they give a damn about him.
Luffy who can’t help but cry too, because Sabo is not only his older brother, but his heart. Not by blood but by choice which, for him, means so much more. It’s only natural to cry when your heart hurts. He clings to Sabo, hoping to solidify his presence, because he is there. He isn’t a thought or a feeling, he isn’t fleeting. He is permanent. Heart to heart, warm and present. He doesn’t understand; he never cared much about things like his biological family. Despite that, he is shifting to his feet, making Sabo’s favorite snack consuming mind because his words often fail him but his hands rarely do. Food brings people together, right? He hopes Sabo is hungry, so they can eat together.
Ace whose clenched jaw, deep frown, and furrowed brows speak for him. ‘Why didn’t you tell us? Why did you do this alone?’ But he’ll nag later, because first and foremost he is the oldest brother. So for now Ace will hold his little brother while he cries and control the anger bubbling up within him, not only at Sabo’s parents, but at the world. He is unmoving even when Sabo has stilled from his crying, silent when Luffy wriggles out of their grip to grab snacks for them. As still and permanent as rock, letting Sabo lean on him until he finds the strength to walk on his own.
Sabo whose guilt and shame crashes against the corners of his mind, frustration rising because he is full of feelings he doesn’t recognize and therefore can’t control.
Sabo who is spiraling until a warm gas station honeybun is being shoved under his nose by forceful hands, ratty sandals being tucked aside as Luffy sits criss-cross in front of him with a plate of his own, Ace’s plate balancing on Luffy’s straw hat. A hand is on his neck as he rocks back and forth slowly, looking nervous.
“I don’t think it was supposed to be microwaved with the wrapper on y’all.”
“You’re shitting me.”
Sabo who hears Ace cursing about the house being rented and microplastics, and Luffy arguing back despite knowing he is in the wrong.
Sabo who laughs. In disbelief, in amusement, in insanity. He can’t tell anymore, but he feels the waves stilling in his mind, replaced with the sound of his brothers’ quarreling and his own laughter. Because they don’t give a damn about what he perceives to be weakness; he doesn’t need to feel ashamed.
Sabo who knows his life isn’t fixed and who knows he will have to talk to his brothers eventually, but who also loves his brothers and warm gas station honey buns. Sabo who feels at home in this familiar warmth.
“Man, I love you guys.”
Tags c|:D : @porschethemermaid
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antiv3nom · 6 months
sorry im not done saboposting but buddy is threatening to crack Skulls with his hands now. i get the unhingedness of it all now. i love my wife
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iocity · 4 days
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Ace having his name tatted correctly bc Sabo is still with them in this photo and he knows he is still alive… this is making me physically ill rn y’all have a good damn night.
credit: @/nyaponi on twt
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iocity · 12 days
ASL ‘Merica AU where Luffy LOVES to cuddle and spend time together with his family and friends (little guy is constantly and consistently as snug as a bug in a rug) and always hassles his brothers about it. Sitting down to watch a movie?? Luffy needs to sit in the middle for optimal warmth and comfort. Ace cooking dinner for them while they all chill in the kitchen? Luffy is constantly beside him, wrapped in a blanket, doing shit all but mooching off his warmth, bothering him about what he is cooking, and talking his and Sabo’s ear off (one of Ace’s favorite times of the day, has been caught secretly calling it ‘brotherly bonding time’). Sabo has a work from home day?? Luffy is ECSTATIC, setting up a pile of blankets and pulling out his nintendo switch and PROMISING to be quiet while his brother is clocks in (he fails and pouts when Sabo gives him “The Look”, still insisting that Sabo plays Mario Kart with him in the blanket fort during his hour lunch). He hasn’t seen Ace during the semester because he had to move for his mentorship?? Luffy is clinging onto him and asking to play video games or go outside and skate; Ace threatening to beat the shit out of his (and Sabo’s) ass(es) every five seconds while Sabo just points and laughs like a maniac (Ace doesn’t mind at all actually, he just can’t go easy on his little brothers). The ONLY motherfucker who can escape cuddling (if he is lucky) is Sabo, and that is SPECIFICALLY because sometimes he gets touch averse. Luffy tried to give Sabo a hug ONCE during one of these moods and got the most wide-eyed, fanged, angry “The Look” of all time, (Sabo felt like shit later and apologized while explaining the concept of touch aversion and boundaries, which Luffy did NOT understand but did respect) so now he tries to ask about Sabo’s mood before spending time with him or hugging him. The ASL brothers going home to visit Dadan?? Luffy is NOT letting her go for the next 15 minutes, and when he does he follows her around all day(he missed her) and tries to help around the house (he fails miserably and Ace ends up taking over telling him to go sit in time out with Sabo). Tl;dr Luffy is the cuddliest most quality time enjoying fucker around and I STAND on it.
tags :)) : @porschethemermaid
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iocity · 16 days
ASL ‘Merica AU where Sabo is a straight A+ to almost failing gifted kid burnout warrior who goes to college for PoliSci (he is a raging socialist and also fucking insane actually, the craziest. He is the student government president on campus when he goes to college, and the Dean HATES HIM; he KEEPS GETTING ELECTED THOUGH. He fucks with the dean PURPOSELY and acts like he has no fucking clue he is driving the poor man insane. He is in for his masters at 21, and despite being quite the important figure on campus (he literally met the governor for lunch and later keyed his car, secretly ofc) he is absolutely unhinged and criminal in his activities), Ace is a delinquent who ONLY gets to stay in school because he makes ok grades (he is a GOD at literally anything crafty or homemaking-y but sucks at school cause unfair skill testing is a state requirement. Sewing, printmaking, art, photography, jewelry making, carpentry, fashion, pottery, stop motion; you name it and Ace is going fucking insane in the studio. He ends up mentoring for welding and jewelry making, and he goes to trade school. Everyone there is surprised at how polite and well-mannered he is cause he dresses like a SLUT. He acts business casual but dresses like he just got back from an LA bender), and Luffy fails miserably at everything but Biology, specifically entomology and ethnobotany, but he is like a child genius in those (his special interests are bugs and food basically, which is also how he ends up meeting Sanji; a quirked up french (he is from Manhattan) boy goated with the sauce, the sauce in question being béchamel. Luffy is a freshman in for… you guessed it! An Entomology and Biology (they did not have ethnobotany; he whined so hard until Sabo threatened to key the Dean’s car, and Ace had to stop them) double major, and the ONLY reason he hasn’t failed out is because he is so freakishly smart at his majors’ classes despite failing every other class. He SUCKS at chemistry and advanced calc though (he needs to pass them for his majors), which is how he ends up getting tutoring from this absolute nerd in highschool (Choppa) and his adoptive dad (Franky). Also Sanji has an even specialer interest than Luffy foodwise and Luffy really admires him because of that).
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iocity · 4 days
ASL ‘Merica AU where Ace constantly beats himself up about not being able to live with his brothers during the semester. As rough and tough as he would like to appear, he calls them every day, RELIGIOUSLY, and sometimes multiple times a day (Luffy misses him so he doesn’t mind at all, hell sometimes Luffy calls Ace back to back just to yap. Sabo finds it endearing how much Ace cares, but he will NEVER admit it due to their ongoing older brother rivalry and also his pride). He is such a big softie, and everyone who knows him knows all about his brothers (he carries ALL of their school/his fav pics in his wallet or bag. I mean from THE WEEK that they met. His self-introduction isn’t complete without showing at least one pic of him and his brothers). One night he calls them at like 3am, absolutely out his damn mind WASTED (Luffy and Sabo are laughing their asses off, bc Ace is an EMOTIONAL drunk), just to rant about how much he values their presence and feels like he needs to be there for them more. Sabo calls him back FIRST thing in the morning at like 7am (Sabo hopes he wakes Ace up out of his hangover nap just because Sabo wants to be as annoying as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time), and Ace is SO embarrassed. Not even a hi or hello, the first thing Sabo hears on the line is Ace’s groggy ass voice mumbling:
“I will fucking kill you if you utter a single fucking word.”
And what does Sabo say (the little shit)?
“Aww, just wanted to call my big brother on this fine morning and ask him how it felt to be a complete wet rag. I almost gagged this morning; I mean you really laid it on thick. ‘I miss you guys’ and ‘tell Luffy not to get into too much trouble’ or, maybe even my personal favorite, ‘don’t overwork yourself Sabo and make sure to sleep and eat well. If you die I’ll drag you back down and kill you myself’. You’ve gone soft I fear… and the sobbing?? I mean really you’ve outdone yourself.”
Ace would see red if he wasn’t on the verge of vomiting (and if Sabo’s impression of him wasn’t mildly hilarious). All Sabo hears (over his own laughter ofc) is a slew of curses and pained groans accompanied by heavy footfalls before the line cuts with a final venomous, “Fuck you.”
When Luffy bombards the ASL group chat a few hours later with a chipper voice message detailing how he just casually finished running from the cops, Ace is bout ready to book a flight back. The only thing that stops him is Luffy sending a quick:
“Oh! I love you too Ace, I never got to say it back because you kept crying like a little baby!”
Of course, seconded by Sabo with a little heart reaction and a slew of laughing emojis (Sabo may not say it directly often, but Ace thinks the heart reaction is enough). Despite the raging embarrassment (and the mild murderous intent) he felt at that moment, his lips quirked up into a smile as he read it. He may let the bullying slide just this once (he has gone soft, but maybe he doesn’t mind it).
Tags :) : @porschethemermaid
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iocity · 16 days
ASL ‘Merica AU where Ace feels left out that Sabo and Luffy have special cool hats so he picks out a fuckass (it’s actually quite nice) vintage orange cowboy hat from Goodwill and decorates it with a string of beads he made from pretty carnelian beads he found at the dump (he made a matching necklace for himself and bracelet for Dadan and she was GEEKED UP about it) and decorations he hand sewed gruelingly despite not at all knowing how to sew (the start of his habit of being really good at random housekeeping tasks) from Dadan’s old clothes (she is PISSED). He steals the tassel from Sabo’s dad’s graduation tassels bc, in his words, “he ain’t worth a damn college or not”. He is so so proud when he shows his brothers, beaming and grinning as they compliment him (his hat need is satiated and he craves his brothers’ attention despite the way he acts).
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iocity · 16 days
ASL ‘Merica AU where Luffy and Ace are full blown (poc) southern boys with a Latina adoptive mother and Sabo is some pasty white kid from the midwest who has a really weird ass accent (britishwest I call it lovingly) they picked up at a garbage dump they (by they I mean Ace) were setting fires in one day. Sabo just kinda… gets kidnapped by Ace and Luffy… and decides to squat in their house, and Dadan is so pissed at first but grows a soft spot for him. He picks up some of the words Dadan, Luffy, and Ace say in Spanish and gets his ass grounded when he starts cussing out his brothers in FLUENT spanish one day (Dadan is secretly so proud). Just outta no where this kid is so good at speaking spanish.
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iocity · 16 days
Drawing Sabo like a paper white ghost bc whose little white baby is that?? Dadan’s. Dadan’s little white baby. And she was always on his bad ass about how sunburnt he would get (yes, even in the winter) fuckin around in the goddamn woods with his two equally bad ass brothers (who tan easily and don’t burn even if they should be just as sunburnt bc they are ANOMALIES who need to be studied, especially Luffy, who is basically impervious to any climate) so he ended up just wearing long sleeved clothes and his hat ALL the time. And he haunts the shack in the woods they built with his whiteness, often hiding in the corners at night to scare the shit out of Luffy cause the kid basically fucking glows.
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iocity · 3 days
My sabo-being-a-calculated-little-shit agenda will NEVER end. He is so smart but he uses it for EVIL.
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iocity · 3 days
I love Sabo and his big beautiful lips and his big ol slightly offputting A10 blue eyes.
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iocity · 3 days
The fact that Sabo canonically says “bloody hell” in the sub is so funny to me like ok britboy GO GO GO!
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