#sachiro hirugami fluff
noosayog · 2 years
[7:28 AM] Hirugami Sachiro - you're not prepared for a puppy. your vet convinces you otherwise.
wc: 900
warmings/content: fluff
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You thought you knew what you were getting into when you adopted a puppy and you knew puppies were a lot of work. But this is beyond your imagination. 
You didn’t know that puppies have to pee every 2 hours. This means you wake up at 1 AM, 3 AM, 5 AM, and 7 AM throughout the night. And half the time, your puppy is too cold, too scared, or too anxious to pee outside, so you stand outside in the wee hours of the morning, waiting on your puppy to pee, only to give up 15 minutes later. With what seems like spiteful intentions, she pees instantly upon setting paws on your hardwood floors.
You didn’t know they are too excited to sleep. With some help from the internet, you read that puppies are supposed to sleep at least 18 hours a day. Not yours. Breathe a bit too loud, and she is instantly up and zooming to your side in hopes of some excitement. 
You didn’t know that they only know how to play by biting. Her little puppy teeth are sharp and have already punctured every corner of your couch and chewed off bits of paint on every chair and table leg. She has even chewed through the stitches of her stuffie and would try to swallow its poor cotton guts. 
Lastly, you didn’t know they needed to see the vet so often. So here you are sitting in the vet’s office at 7 AM, smelling of half-digested puppy food- 
Oh, that? On the drive here, your puppy threw up on you, your passenger seat, and all over the center console. You also didn’t know that puppies apparently get carsick, so add that to your list. 
So again, here you are, sitting in the waiting room of the clinic, smelling of half-digested puppy food, and dark circles worse than finals week of undergrad. You’re stressed and exhausted. So much so that you admit you had spent the hours of 5 AM and 6 AM reading up on how to return an adopted puppy. 
The door of the waiting room opens and a man in blue scrubs calls out your puppy’s name. You stand up and follow him into an examination room, puppy wiggling in your arms. 
“Good morning! I’m Hirugami Sachiro and I’ll be checking up on your pet today. How are you?” the vet introduces. 
“Honestly, I’m terrible. Thanks for asking.” 
He nods knowingly and offers to take your puppy. He handles her easily, despite her squirming in excitement at the prospect of some attention. “First time dog owner?” 
You nod, too ashamed to admit that you were not prepared for the responsibility of owning a dog. 
He looks up from your puppy, and gives you a gentle, knowing smile. “It’ll get better, I promise. I’m sure you’re a wonderful pet parent.” 
Suddenly, you’re bursting into tears. You bring the paws of your hoodie up to rub at your eyes. “I’m just not confident that I can take good care of her. She’s so sweet and cute but she doesn’t seem happy with me and I’m just so stressed and I haven’t slept for more than 2 hours at a time in the past 3 days,” you wail. 
With your puppy in his arms, he sits in the chair next to yours. “For sleep, try not to stress about her too much. Dogs adapt well to schedules and if you leave her in her crate to sleep for the night, she’ll get used to it much sooner than you would think. And well, for her happiness, I promise you that your puppy is happy and loves you.” He holds your puppy up by her front paws and gives you a little wave with the left paw. “This is definitely the look of a happy pup, expert’s opinion.” 
Your puppy gives a little yip, like she’s in agreement. 
You let out a choked giggle at the silly sight and sweet gesture. “Thank you, it’s just been so rough and I’ve never done this before.” 
“A lot of first time dog owners deal with puppy blues. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing great.” 
A bit calmer now, you begin to feel embarrassed. “Sorry for venting and melting down in front of you. You were just trying to do your job and you had to be my therapist too.” 
He laughs and sends your puppy off with a healthy diagnosis and a treat, and you with a lighter heart. 
Two months and five vet visits later, you’ve built a manageable lifestyle around your puppy and developed a steady friendship with Hirugami. On your pup’s most recent visit, Hirugami gives her her final rounds of vaccinations. To you, Hirugami gives the sweetest smile and the gentlest pat on the shoulders like he’s proud of you. Casual touches have been more frequent in your visits; they come in the form of patting your head when you’ve shared a puppy milestone, brushing your fingers when he plucks your puppy from your arms, and shoulder-to-shoulder bumping when he leans in to explain information pamphlets. You ignore the erratic beating of your heart, rationalizing that he probably treats all his patient’s owners with this level of care. 
On your way out, you hear Hirugami shout your name and you turn around to see him jogging after you. 
“I was thinking. Now that your dog has all her shots, would you like to go on a walk with me and my dog? So she can socialize with other dogs?” 
Your heart is beating quickly again but you do your best to stamp down your hopes. He’s just being polite. He treats all his clients this way. He’s just a nice person by nature. 
He grins like he knows what you’re thinking. “I’m asking you on a date, by the way.” 
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
Just thinking about him coincidentally fucking you when it’s raining heavily . Him realising he can’t hear you clearly and fucks you even harder , bullying his cock in your pussy and hitting your sweet spot with every thrust. His hand snaking down to your puffy clit and fiddling with it . Pulling moans , whimpers and screams louder than the rain pitter pattering on the window
sakusa , SUNARINNN, miya twins , meian, HIRUGAMI , bokuto , hinata, komori , tsukishima
A/n : it is indeed raining here 😭 CANT WAIT TO HAVE A HOT SHOWER EHHEHEHE
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lunamochii · 4 months
"You like me don't you?"
"No, I don't!"
"You like me."
"I don't!!"
The members of Kamomedai are watching the scene unfold before them with a bored expression, it's been days ever since Sachiro figured out who was slipping confession letters to his locker and it was no other than you, their manager.
"Just admit that you like me and I'll be your boyfriend."
Sachiro clasp his hands together and broke out into a fit of laughter and the others could only roll their eyes, finally the never ending chase have come to an end.
"Ugh, whatever! I'm leaving!"
"Ah- wait up!"
Sachiro ran up to you and when he did, he engulf you to a hug which you didn't bother struggling and he showered kisses to your cheeks. Well, he likes you too. Waaaay before you start liking him.
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
Hello! Can I order a large chai latte for here with Sachiro Hirugami! I don't see much a fic of my baby😭 I fell inlove with him the moment I saw him on the anime🤣
Date Night
word count: 765 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Hirugami x chubby!Reader
genre: suggestive fluff
warnings: mdni, nsfw, spoilers
request: fluffy-spicy, date night with husband Hirugami
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“After you, madam.“
Your husband Sachiro opened the front door to your apartment with a little bow.
“Thank you, kind sir.“
As you walked past him, you cupped his cheek and he smiled contently.
After helping you out of your jacket you both b-lined to the kitchen, setting up camp in front of the open fridge, scavenging for food. As fun and romantic as the date at the observatory was, it had supremely lacked in snacks. You fed Sachiro a cherry tomato before tossing one into your own mouth.
After the third tomato he asked, “Pudding cups?” with a hopeful look in his eyes.
You dug around in the bottom shelf and produced two - one chocolate, one vanilla. A quick game of rock paper scissors decided that you (the winner) got to pick first and so you chose chocolate. Lounging around the kitchen, leaning against the counters, you talked about the exhibit and made plans what to have for dinner next week.
With a sweet vanilla flavored kiss he went off to take a shower, leaving you to wait in the bedroom, reading a few pages of your book.
Sachiro smoothed out the shirt he wore to bed and plopped down onto the sheets, when he heard the shower turning on and your distinct humming through the rushing water.
He scrolled through his phone, checking emails and his schedule for any upcoming surgeries at the vet clinic, when his eyes fell onto the cover of your book that was left pages down on your pillow to hold your place. He must have seen that cover a hundred times but apparently he never registered the seductive look of the very shirtless man who smirked up at him from the dust jacket.
With a curiously furrowed brow he picked it up and read a few lines while reaching for the glass of water on his nightstand.
He choked mid-sip, his eyes widening and cheeks flushing.
Okay, maybe it was just a crazy coincidence that he just happened to pick up the book at this scene. So he flipped a few pages back. Nope. The characters were at it again, this time in a restaurant bathroom. He thought back to the previous nights when he remembered you reading it before bed. With a completely straight face. How?!
When you came out of the bathroom, towel wrapped tightly around your body, you stopped in your tracks when you found your husband sitting with his back leaning against the headboard, your … “adult“ book in one hand, while the other was covering his mouth in a mixture of curious wonder and disbelief.
“Honey?“, he began without taking his eyes off the pages, “Would you have wanted me to get a bit more handsy at the observatory? Or-“, he turned to a previous page for reference, “follow you into the bathroom and-“
“Oh God, Sachiro, why are you reading that?“ Your voice came out in a high pitched, hysterical (and mortified) giggle and you jumped back into the en suite, hiding behind the door, only glancing through the slit in the frame at your husband, who - eyes still glued to the book - got up and sauntered over to you.
He offered a quick review. “The plot is … non-existent.”
That got you out of the corner.
“Now hold up, the plot is … it’s there!”
“Uh huh.”, he grinned and, remembering that he saw a couple of times that the male character liked to lean in doorways, he did the same, grinning at you with a raised brow.
Your face moved from tomato to beetroot red and you tried to move past him but channeling the book character he caught a corner of the towel and pulled ever so slightly. Originally, he just wanted to tease you and keep you in place but your determination to run away in embarrassment brought him the utter delight of his naked wife, still wet from the shower, reaching for the towel and in the process stumbling into his arms. He always loved the softness of your body and scolded you whenever you criticized your weight. He adored cuddling, kissing and touching every inch of you and he proved that as often as you’d let him.
He shut the book with a soft snap and you felt his arm tightening around your chubby waist, pulling you flush against him. Your mouth opened a little when you felt something hard pushing against your generous thighs.
“I also read that part you dog-eared, sweetheart.”, Sachiro said quietly, moving his hand lower, “Wanna give it a try?”
a/n: oh, one for Sachiro!! I’m so glad someone requested him 🌟 thank you and please enjoy!
inspired by this IG reel
for requests see here
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ennoshitas-princess · 2 months
Puppy Love
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Sachiro Hirugami x fem! reader Warnings: cuteness and fluff Summary: You work at a puppy hotel and Sachiro comes to check up on the puppies. Word Count: 651 This is held post time skip and there will be no manga spoilers.
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You peacefully enter the puppy place to be tackled by a bunch of fur balls of different shapes and sizes. One licked your cheeks all wet, while another one pulled your hair tie off.
“Hey! You cuties.” You giggled of pure joy.
“Hey y/n, the veterinarian is going to come soon. So these puppies better be in order.” One of your colleagues came in to feed them.You get up from the ground to look at their adorable faces, waiting for one in particular to come and place big brown eyes at you from below. How could you not resist them?
“Why hello there little bud. Are you hungry?” You cuddle his fluffy head.
You go to the counter where you keep doggy treats for the pups and grab one out of the jar.The puppy treat had a bumpy texture with little holes on top. The bone-shaped snack had a hint of red, but it was brown.You went over to the white fur ball and fed the treat to him, while he wagged his tail in excitement.
As he was done eating the doggy snack, the door opened to reveal a tall man with brown wavy hair. His chocolate eyes were soft and welcoming. His body was lean, but well-built. He inched towards where you stood.
“Hello miss, I am here to check on the puppies today.” His soothing voice felt like a lullaby for your eardrums.
“Oh, yes. They are going to be adopted pretty soon, and we wanted to make sure that they are all ready for their new family.” You picked up the puppy you just fed.
He smiled at you, examining your beauty. You were gentle while carrying the pup and he just adored it. Your h/l h/c hair fell perfectly framing your face. Your e/c eyes shining radiantly, making the stars from above jealous. Your smile, warmer than the sun. How could he not help to fall for your charm?
“I am l/n y/n, but you can call me however you want.” You smiled at him.
“Well Ms. l/n, I am Hirugami Sachiro.” He shook your hand.
One by one, the puppies were being checked. Some were still and quiet while being checked. Others were chaotic (✨ chaotic ✨). Others on the other hand, let's just say they looked like they were going to fight Sachiro for no reason, in a cute way. Others were drama queens while vaccinating.
You held each pup and cuddled their furry heads to comfort and distract them from the check up.
Oh, poor Sachiro thought you were an angel that fell from the highest altitude. Just by being the most caring and gentle person ever.
“And this one is the last one.” You carry the white fluff ball that you had a connection with.
“Oh, he seems like a cutie.” He grabbed his tiny paws.
Just like you. He thought.
The two of you finished checking all of the pups and it was kind of exhausting. They acted like a bunch of tiny little humans, running around and sucking things that weren't edible.
“So, I will see you the next time, I guess.” He rubbed the back of his head.
“Yep.” Your cheeks tinted pink.
“Hold on, I wanted to ask you if you are willing to exchange numbers.” Sachiro gave a toothy grin.
You look into his warm brown eyes. Sure, you just met him today, and of course you had a tiny crush on. Why not?
“Sure, you can have my number.” You hand your phone over to him.
You dial each other's numbers and give each other's phone back.
“Thank you!” He bows down.
“No, thank you for coming to check up on these puppies.” You smile at him.
And there he goes again, his cheeks grew warm and with a hue. How adorable he thought you were.
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A/n: well, here is another one shot for you all! I wrote this a few weeks ago. Hopefully you love it!!
If you want to request, here is the link
Thank you, come again soon!
All rights reserved copyright ©
Please DO NOT repost on any other platform!!
Reblogs are acceptable
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sassycheesecake · 11 months
Sachirō Hirugami x Reader ''A Change Is Gonna Come''
College life has been lonely and tiresome ever since you started studying biology and chemistry.
So you do what most lonely girls in college do.
You get a pet.
Specifically a cat.
A cat with half of her right ear missing, along with her left eye. She is your everything, even though she has only been with you for three weeks since you picked her up from the local shelter.
Her raven-black fur looks very slightly brown in the sunlight every time she would lay on the window sill next to the venus flytrap plants.
In the beginning, she would not leave her transport box, hissed and tried to scratch you, whenever you got close to try and pet her.
Now, she is the most cuddly cat.
If you think about it, she has been more affectionate than usual. Rubbing against you, the wall, the chair, your fridge and even the fricking toilet.
She meows loudly in the night, driving you insane.
Now if you never had a cat in heat before, then you don’t know what hell on earth is.
Kaizoku, the name you have given her, is getting on your last nerve.
Thankfully due to your majors, you realized that Kaizoku is in heat. 
Every cat owner’s worst nightmare, besides their pet getting pregnant unplanned.
Thanks to the lucky stars, a small vet clinic is just five blocks down the road, a very young owner who’d just graduated veterinary school.
Making an appointment for a previous check up for a future neutering appointment for Kaizoku, you make your way to the vet next Tuesday morning.
The morning you get up earlier to make it on time for the appointment, it seems like the little devil has vanished into thin air.
Seriously, you can’t find her anywhere!
You checked the shower, under all your furniture and even stepped on your counters to check on top of the cabinets.
It’s getting real close to the appointment time, you have to be there 15 minutes prior to sign in, it’s what the vet clinic requests.
Now you’re getting pissed. 
‘’ZOKU!” You yell out in frustration.
All of sudden, a small light bulb pops up in your head.
You just remembered that the little furball LOVES cheddar cheese.
As you pretend to make a sandwich and take the cheese out of the fridge, you rustle the plastic extra loud on purpose, hoping she will come out.
And just like magic, there she pops up magically on the counter, looking at the food in your hand.
Giving her a small piece, you cautiously walk backwards to grab the carrier box for her.
Still with her chewing, you feel the side handle of it, crouching down to grab it and hide it behind your back.
Sneaking up from behind, you gently grab her and she tries to run away.
Grabbing her front legs with one hand and her back legs with the other, Kaizoku begins biting your fingers, making you almost yell out in pain but quickly shoving her naughty ass into the box, quickly closing it so she can’t escape.
Huffing out a big breath, you look at the clock on the wall and you’re about to faint when you realize, it’s in less than 10 minutes.
Grabbing the transport box, you basically sprint down the stairs in your apartment building, almost giving Kaizoku a heart attack. 
Quickly getting into your small car, you try to minimize your lateness with going a little bit over the speed limit.
Finally arriving in the parking lot in front of the vet clinic, you get out and see that your cat’s eyes are insanely enlarged, hissing when you check on her.
‘’Alright, let’s do this.”
When you walk through the door, the bell above the door chimes with a cute tingle noise.
As you look around, only three people are sitting in the waiting area on the sides, with the front desk in the middle, where a blonde woman in cat scrubs is typing something on a computer.
You clear your throat and she greets you with a sunny smile.
Signing in on the clipboard on the counter, you sit on the left while the other two people across from you have a dog each on a colorful leash.
One dog is a big German shepherd that has a cone on its head with one leg wrapped in a cast.
The other dog is a lot smaller and he keeps growling at the other dog.
Kaizoku begins meowing in distress, you try to calm her down by gently talking to her.
Thankfully one of the employees calls you in immediately, telling you to follow her.
Getting up from the chair, you follow her and thank her for holding the door open for you.
Walking along the hallway you see multiple doors on the left and right side.
She stops on one of the right doors, pushing it open to let you in and tells you that the vet will be right in.
You look around in the examination room, seeing two anatomy posters of a cat and a dog on one side of the wall, with a small computer and a desk on the other side of the room.
Below the posters is a long metal table and you put the carrier box down and check on Kaizoku again.
She has her backside facing you, as if she is trying to show you the middle finger to taking her here.
Scanning some of the bones and muscles of the cat, a firm knock interrupts your reading. 
A tall man with light brown hair walks in, some of his wavy hair rests on his forehead, the same color in his eyes.
He has a strong build, his light blue scrubs hugging his figure perfectly.
When he looks from his clipboard to you, he greets you with a billion dollar smile, introducing himself.
„Hi, I am Dr. Sachirō Hirugami. What can I do for you today?“ He rubs his hands from the disinfectant on the wall, taking a small peek inside the carrier box.
Calming yourself a little bit, you explain your problem to him.
„Well this is Kaizoku. I got her from the local shelter. She was a rescue from a former abusive pet owner. I have had her for almost a month now and I think the shelter forgot to mention that she is not neutered. She meows over day, at night and it’s slowly driving me mad.“ 
He laughs a bit at your explanation and my gosh his laugh is a voice sent straight from heaven.
It’s soft and honest and you can’t help but blush at his reaction.
„Sounds to me like Mrs. Kaizoku is in heat. And I am guessing you want to spay her?“ He smiles knowingly.
Nodding to confirm, you hope it’s not going to cost too much….
Hirugami opens the cage door and you hear a loud hissing noise.
Your heart begins to drop, you start to sweat a bit from your anxiety about what Kaizoku will do.
All you see is a black little arm trying to scratch Hirugami‘s hand.
Quickly retracting his hand, he begins to laugh at her antics.
„I am SO sorry about her behavior! I hope she didn’t get you.“ You frantically begin to apologize for your cat‘s crude behavior.
He friendly waves you off, saying it’s his job to deal with animals and he loves treating them.
Taking off the top of the box, you see Kaizoku huddled in the corner of the transport box, ears completely flat and you hear a faint growl coming from her.
Hirugami thinks for a few seconds before reaching into one of the drawers behind him, pulling out a little thin tube that looks like paste that cats can lick from, like a treat basically.
So he’s trying to bribe her and gain her trust, that’s a good approach. 
Opening up the little tube, he squishes out a bit and carefully holds it out for her to sniff.
Kaizoku very cautiously moves forward, sniffing it with big round eyes, very soon starting to lick it a few times before deciding to like it.
Like A LOT. 
You see her pupils getting a bit smaller, her small body visibly relaxing and you can feel yourself relaxing as well.
Gently giving her head scratches with his other big hand, he gives her a soft smile and quietly says „See? I am not so bad.“ 
His actions towards your cat makes your heart warm and your head fuzzy.
I mean, your vet IS hot, no one is going to deny that.
Making sure he did earn her trust, he gently takes her out of the transportation box, petting her along her chin.
The next thing you hear is deep purring and you can’t believe your ears or your eyes.
Inwardly scoffing at her all-of-sudden friendly behavior she looks highly in bliss and you can’t believe that you’re getting jealous of a fricking cat.
Untangling his stethoscope from his neck, he listens to her heartbeat, her bowel movement, her lungs and checks for any abnormalities around her body.
You’re a little worried when he looks into her eye and wants to see her mouth that she will try to scratch or bite him, nothing happens.
It’s like she is under a calming spell, not aggressive at all towards the vet. 
Still in disbelief, he puts his stethoscope back around his neck and gives you a charming smile while picking Kaizoku up and petting her as he holds her close to his chest.
“Alright, what’s your magic trick?” You ask in suspicion as you watch Hirugami with squinted eyes.
He laughs and your suspiciousness, setting the black feline back into its kennel. 
Walking over to the disinfectant bottle holder, Hirugami disinfects his hands and leans against the counter to talk to you.
“So from what I have observed so far, Kaizoku is a very healthy cat. You still want to spay her? Is that your final decision?”
You nod in confirmation.
Nodding his head he takes his clipboard from the wall and tells you to make a new appointment with the front desk, giving you a small wink before he leaves the examination room.
Blushing a bit, you close up the kennel door and take Kaizoku with you again to the front desk. 
The same lady from earlier gives you a bright smile, along with a folded note attached to the apartment card for the next check up.
“What’s this?” You ask while pointing to the folded note.
The lady looks up from her computer, shrugging and continuing to type down.
“Dr. Hirugami told me to attach that note to your appointment card.”
“Oh uhm, okay. Thank you, have a good day.” You say as you exit the veterinarian clinic with Kaizoku. 
Putting her in the passenger seat and strapping the kennel, you make your way around the car to get in the driver’s side.
As you take the note to unfold it, you read over it with wide eyes and a blush.
“I can’t wait to see you again, I know I meant to check out Kaizoku but your irresistible looks have bewitched my heart. Until next time, kitten.”
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kosije · 1 year
Can I request a Hirugami Sachiro fluff wherein the reader accidentally/unintentionally confesses her feelings >^<
I rlly love your writing!! I dont see much hirugami posts so id rlly appreciate it if you wrote this!
a/n: so so so sorry for my absence ^^; thank you for your support and im happy you enjoy my writing! Lightly edited, feel free to lmk any mistakes :)
Spring just might be your favorite season. The cool wind, flower blossoms, and calm days at the park with your best friend, Sachirou, and his pup make it hard for other seasons to compete.
“I’m gonna take her for another lap around, wanna come?” he asks, beckoning the playful Maltese puppy, who’s the same shade as his hair with two taps on his thighs. The only word you can think of to describe him is perfect. The bright blue cloudless sky and green flower-dotted grass seem like they’re only as radiant as the man standing in them in front of you. His smile is dazzling and his white tee tight and khakis show off his physique.
You say you're still short of breath, hoping he couldn’t tell that you were gawking at him.
he nods, turning his focus to the Maltese and grabbing her leash.
Only once he’s out of sight do you smoothen out your floral dress and take a swig of the ice-cold lemonade he had packed in the basket holding the rest of your snacks. It’s one thing to find your best friend attractive. It was a fact that he was gorgeous. Whether it was you two walking through the halls, attending his volleyball games, or going to the park for a picnic, Sachirou always seemed to draw the attention of everyone around him. And just a light brush to his curly hair would have any girl falling for him. But in love?
You can tell you’re pushing it. Even if your diary has his name written on every page with hearts around it, you know he’s not yours. You’re his friend, and friends are only meant to be friendly.
So how come when you see the two run back a few minutes later, your heart skips a beat and you let yourself pretend the two- or three of you are on a date? After hours pass of talking, running, drawing, singing, dancing, and eating, you both decide to wine down at his apartment.
“I just feel that she’d be much better with the side character. I mean, they have way more chemistry.” You say in between snacking on a random bag of chips you grabbed from the basket.
“You’re better than me. If she ends up with the bad boy as a cliche, I might shit myself,” He says, laughing when you scrunch your nose to him and let out an airy laugh. You think you see his cheeks go pink, but before you can ask about it, his dog jumps between you two.
“Hey! Down girl!” He says leaning back to avoid being hit by her tail while you hide your chip bag and move to cuddle her, giggling over how Sachirou shouldn’t be so mean to her.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d believe she’ll to steal you away from me. Am I not cute enough?” He coos with a fake pout. Even if he is teasing, you can still feel your heartbeat spike.
“How could anything be cuter than you, Sachi?” You say subconsciously, still playing with his dog. It’s only after a couple beats of silence that you realize that was definitely not said in your head, and you feel a wave of embarrassment.
“I don’t know why I said that...” You mumble, not daring to look up and see his reaction. No matter how many excuses you tried to think of, none of them negated how obviously unfriendly you meant that.
“Listen I’m so-“
“Do you mean that?” His voice is soft, and against all of your reservations, your head turns up to face him. His lips are slightly parted, and his cheeks are flush.
You can’t find it in yourself to lie to him when he looks at you like that. So against the butterflies threatening to escape along with the chips, you breathlessly say yes.
His dog jumps from your lap, running off to somewhere you can’t bring yourself to focus on because his body is getting impossibly too yours. To the point where your fingertips are ghosting each other.
“How do you feel about me, really?” He asks his face now close enough that you can feel the shakey breath he lets out after the question. His eyes are steady on yours, but only for a beat does it flicker to your lips and you try your best to swallow the lump down your throat.
“I......What I feel for you is stronger than friendship. It has been stronger than that for a while now,” you confess, leaning into him with a rush of courage. “Is that... okay?”
“Is that okay?!” He squeaks, his voice cracking before tackling you down on his couch in a hug that almost knocks the wind out of you.
“Can’t... breathe,” you gasp, making him spring up and apologize profusely.
“A simple ‘yes’ would’ve been good,” you say, not being able to hide the elated grin pulling at your lips.
“It’s more than ‘okay’, stupid. Oh my gosh, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? Being in love with your best friend is a bigger cliche than that movie we were watching.”
If the hug didn’t make your heart skip a beat, his confessing he’s felt the same way as you make your heart feel like it’ll stop right here.
“Tell me about it.” You say, watching his breath hitch before moving his hand to your cheek, pulling you closer to him by his feather-light touch moving to your chin.
Wordlessly, his lips catch yours, and you feel your head spin. His kiss is soft and intoxicating, but so passionate you’re left gripping on his shirt. You both pull back for hair, and his eyes glint like he’s looking at the stars.
“I love you.” The words are easy and flow effortlessly from your lips like they’ve been said countless times before.
“I love you too.” He says, with that same smile that’s always lit everything around him up.
Softly, he pulls you into his chest, reviling in the realization that all of his feelings have led up to (what was) his wildest dreams coming true.
And when you hear his heart hammering against his chest as he presses his lips softly on your forehead, only then is it obvious that there is no better season than spring.
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emmyrosee · 2 months
Hi I love your stories!! You're also one of the reasons I started to write haikyuu fics again😆
If you may, can I request a fluff of husband!sachiro hirugami ? Idk how it goes tho but I just know being married to him is a cozy life😌
The warm towel folds evenly over the bend of your arm, meeting the other end before you place it on the bed. Your next article is a pair of pants, which you fold just as simply as the towel. Laundry day definitely isn’t your favorite day, but it’s a day you and sachiro can spend together afterwards, and that’s really all the motivation you need.
The devil himself comes into your bedroom with a song playing from the phone in his pocket and a smile on his face. “Hey, baby.”
“Hey you,” you hum, folding the pants to toss your arms around his neck, curling close to his chest as his hands settle on your lower back. “You finished putting away the dishes?”
“I did- thought I’d come out and bug you now,” he snickers, and you offer him a soft ‘ahh’ in reply. “You know what else?”
“It’s our song.”
It’s true. The song playing on his phone is one you two associated your love with, one warm and gentle, it makes your heart slow down in ease because it reminds you of him, and just as you rest your head against his chest, he starts to sway, guiding you in a simple dance in the middle of the bedroom, the song ending and repeating itself in his pocket.
You giggle, “you have this planned or something?”
“No!” He says incredulously. “I just heard it come on as I was finishing the dishes. We haven’t danced in forever, huh?”
“Yeah,” you hum blissfully, “been a while since we’ve made the time.”
“You still know how?” He teases, and before you can answer, he’s quick to spin you out of his arms before pulling you back in, your squeals and laughter egging him on. When you’re back in his grasp, you bat at his chest.
“Yes, I know how,” you say, beaming up at him. He leans down to press a kiss to your lips, the song coming to an end, followed by it replaying only seconds later. You snort, “I knew you had this planned.”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” he chuckles. “I wanted to have a romantic moment with you. Excuse me.”
“You’re excused,” you promise.
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noosayog · 2 years
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kageyama tobio
9:12 PM (fluff)
baby fever - tobio edition (fluff)
same bed trope (fluff)
sawamura daichi
parking ticket (fluff)
iwaizumi hajime
1:35 AM (fluff)
first kiss with Iwa (fluff)
baby fever - iwaizumi edition (fluff)
it's always been you (series of drabbles, royal au, angst to fluff)
oikawa toru
exactly where you wanted me (angst to fluff)
call my name (fluff, EWYWM outtake)
and yet, it's you (fluff, for @/shibaraki's komorebi collab)
ushijima wakatoshi
warm winter (fluff, for @/meloomi's Four Seasons Collab!)
baby fever - ushijima edition (fluff)
kuroo testsuro
how a loser dates (fluff)
miya atsumu
cold feet (angst to fluff)
jealousy (angst)
surprising Atsumu with a new tattoo (fluff)
movie night (fluff)
distracted (fluff)
in your dreams (angst to fluff)
not just nostalgia (angst to fluff)
baby fever - atsumu edition (fluff, suggestive)
baby fever pt 2 (fluff, smut)
university au, enemies to lovers (series of drabbles, angst to fluff)
my first task (fluff, dad! atsumu)
10:54 am (fluff i guess)
miya osamu
liar liar (fluff)
and there was only one bed! (fluff)
reciprocity (angst to fluff)
baby fever - osamu edition (fluff, suggestive)
a little less lonely with you (fluff)
suna rintaro
said enough (angst to fluff)
the agreement (series of drabbles, angst to fluff)
2:45pm (angst)
kita shinsuke
hate that you know me (fluff)
wedding season (fluff)
hirugami sachiro
7:28 AM (fluff)
sakusa kiyoomi
one night stand with your best friend (series of drabbles, angst to fluff)
8:49 PM (fluff)
baby fever - kiyoomi edition (fluff, suggestive)
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yoomiomiki · 2 years
He’s so sweet and domestic, always helping you blow dry your hair and helping with your skin care . His nimble fingers gently combing your hair , untangling the knots and massaging your hair . He’s not so sweet anymore when he accidentally tugs a lock of your hair too hard and he hears the prettiest moan from you . He can’t stop himself when he pulls you into one of the hottest make out session that resulted in your hair being all messy and tangled again . Guess he would just have to help you untangle it again .
SAKUSA , Hirugami, Kita , MEIAN, Ushijima , OSAMU , SUNA , IWAIZUMI , mattsun , Kageyama, Komori , Atsumu
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lunamochii · 4 months
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sachiro.hirugami x f!reader
cw; make out session,
"Oh c'mon! We already paid plus we'll go by groups!"
You refuse to let go on grabbing a tight hold on the railings of your school while your friends are doing the best they can, to get you off
"I rather jump down than go inside!"
It's your school's festival and your annoying friends manage to trick you on accompanying them to the second floor, where the class activities are happening. Your class decided to do a photobooth for the activity, not that much people are visiting so your class was place at the third floor.
The class that chose to do activities that got a lot of people visiting were place on second floor. For examples, cafe theme, horror booth and many more.
"You guys know I'm bad at any horror related!"
"We'll go hand in hand!"
"Nah-uh! You guys also said that last year but I was left inside."
Well, it was more likely of you running away from them since you got so scared that you let go of their hand.
"Hey guys! We all can hear you downstairs, what's up?"
Your friends let go of you and you sigh in relief and fixes your uniform.
You mentally gag and glared at your boyfriend, Sachiro, he knows how much you hate being called that but he loves to see your annoyed face.
"Oh hello sugarplum."
You smirk seeing his twisted look, if he knows what to tease you. You also know how to tease him back, two can play that game.
"Hirugami-san can you please, please, please drag your beautiful girlfriend inside the horror booth? We don't wanna waste our money y'know!"
"Hmmm horror booth huh.."
Sachiro looks at your way and you gulp seeing that nasty smirk he has on his face, before you can even run away he already have a tight grip on your hands and drag you. Hell, you can't even get yourself free from him.
"You can pay right after you get out!"
You heard the student who's assign on the entrance then you saw your friends laughing along with Korai and Gao, you wish they'll slip on to something once they are inside.
The inside is reaaaaally cold if you must say plus it's pitch black on the entrance, there's a faint light of red, green and blue. Plus, the eerie sounds they are playing. You found yourself sticking to your boyfriend's body like a leech.
"It's okay baby, I'm here."
If he said that in a normal setting where his just reading one of your mangas on your room then maybe, maybe you'll be feeling butterflies from your stomach.
"Walk faster, Hiro!"
"I am? Relax, I-"
You froze when you felt something cold touch your feet, you slowly look down and your eyes met with a bloodshot eyes and a gaping mouth of a 'ghost'
You scream and push him away as you ran off. Sachiro was left there standing dumbfounded, he look down and saw what scared his girlfriend and smiled. He even crouch down and pat them on the head before running after you. He couldn't care less to the people who pops out from the sides.
When he got out, he paid for his own fee and tried to look for you but you are no way in sight. Soon after Korai, Gao and together with your friends came out looking all spook out but they are only laughing.
"Guys! Did you see her inside?" Sachiro ask
"No? I thought you guys were together?"
Korai said and Sachiro felt nervous as much he wants to tease you, the thought of you crying alone makes him feel bad.
"Can I go back in? My girlfriend hasn't come out yet."
The shopkeeper nodded but just when he was about to enter, he bump into someone. Sachiro was about to say sorry when the person he bump into hug him.
"Don't leave me..."
It was you. His girlfriend, he sighs in relief and hugs you back. Kissing the crown of your head, he can feel the trembling of your body and he just hugs you tighter.
"Hey hey it's okay.."
He guided you on the side and wipe your cheeks with your tears, you pouted and cried more making Sachiro chuckle and kiss on the cheeks.
"Bubs u okay? We're sorry..."
Your friends approach you and you just nodded. When you ran off, you were fast to find the exit but someone appeared making you turn to your right and you ended up getting lost. It was like a maze inside.
"Is fine.. but don't you ever, EVER drag me there again."
You huff and cross your arms, your friends chuckles and promise they won't do it again.
"Guys we'll go on a date. See ya!"
Sachiro held your hand and drag you away from the group, he didn't even let you say your goodbyes to them.
"Hey! This is your second time dragging me away."
He didn't look back at you but his hand squeeze yours and you just let him be, you found yourself standing inside a empty room. You were about to ask him what is going on, he hug you, tight.
"Can I kiss you? I'm dying to kiss you."
"What? You drag me all the way here for that?"
He pulled away but his hands are still on your waist, his light brown eyes staring right at you.
"F-Fine.. I mean, okay. You can ki- mmff!"
Your back being press against the wall while his hands travels up and down, his tongue licking at your lips begging for an entrance. The moment you part your lips, he lets out a moan that made your legs wobble.
Normally, Sachiro doesn't act this way, his usually on his tame side everyday. You just don't know on why he is aggressive today.
"Sorry.. it's just you were so cute when you were crying.."
He said when he pulled away for a bit and before you can even answer him, his kissing you again. Your moans and his mixes together, your fingers tangling on his hair, pressing your body towards him.
"Wait- fuck.."
He pulled away and finally, you got a chance to breathe. He went to the nearest table and sat on it, his legs spread out. He held his hand towards you which you gladly took and now you're trap between his legs and resume your make-out session.
Sachiro admitted later that maybe, maybe not he got turn on seeing you on that vulnerable state and how cute you were crying. You told him that you'd rather hide when you cry than to face his less tame side.
bonus part.☆
"Wanna go in?"
You immediately shook your head and tried to drag away your husband, away from the horror booth you guys stumbled upon inside the mall
"Sugarplum please! You wouldn't want your honeybunch to suffer right?"
His brow twitches on the choice of endearment you use, you swear to god that you saw how his lips form into a nasty smirk. Intertwining his fingers to yours, he successfully drag you inside the booth.
Needless to say, you got fuck dumb by him later at night. Is what you get for pissing him off by using those cringey words and crying when you guys got out from the booth.
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cottonlemonade · 29 days
Kamomedai Masterlist
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Hirugami Sachiro
🍡🫧 Date Night ☕️ word count: 765, married, post-time skip
Hoshiumi Korai
🫧 Morning Routine [drabble]☕️
🫧 fluff // 🌱 comfort // 🍡 suggestive // 🪭 spice // 🌧️ angst/hurt // 🍋|☕️ request
back to the main masterlist
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keruimi · 1 month
Haikyuu Masterlist
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🤍 Comfort/ Fluff
💔 Angst
🖤 Sad Ending
💛 Happy Ending
Tsukishima Kei
The Person behind My Passion🤍💔
Nishinoya Yuu
Falling in Love with Him🤍
Kageyama Tobio
Your Emphathy🤍
Aoba Johsai
Oikawa Tooru
String of Fate💔💛
Sakusa Kiyoomi
The Love I Strive For🤍
Kuroo Tetsurou
In that One Moment💔💛
Kenma Kozume
Infatuation or Love🤍
Yaku Morisuke
In that One Moment💔💛
Bokuto Koutaro
Lingering Gazes🤍
Akaashi Keiji x reader
His Definition of Love💔🤍
Shirabu Kenjirou
Doubting Her Beauty💔🤍
Semi Eita
Her Breaking Point💔💛
Kita Shinsuke
The Role We Uphold🤍
Miya Atsumu
The Consequences of my Ignorance💔
Suna Rintaro
One's Mistake and Responsibilty💔
Hoshiumi Korai
The Person I Needed💔🤍
Hirugami Sachiro
In a Heartbeat💔🤍
Back to the Main Masterlist
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tetsuromybeloved · 2 years
can I pet your dog?
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♡ Hirugami Sachirō x gn!reader
♡ fluff
♡ request from @oikawascutie for 100 followers event -> i’m sorry for taking so long :(((, hope you’ll like it 🫶🏻
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Music was playing from your earbuds and the wind was moving your hair; you were at the park, enjoying summer break. Finally you were able to slow down from your studies and finish to read those books that you started time before.
You looked around when you noticed a tall figure with brown hair coming towards you; you recognised it was Sachiro, your crush from university. You two didn’t talk that much because you had many different classes, but ever since you met at a school party, you would wave at each other when you met in the hallways.
He lowered his gaze on you and smiled when he recognised you, “hi!” he waved at you. You blushed a little while smiling and waving back, “hi” you murmured. You cursed yourself internally for being embarrassing, then cleared your voice removing your ear buds.
He stopped when he was in front of you, “how are you?” he asked and you thought that he couldn’t be more cute. “Fine, thanks! You?” you said back, trying your best to not let the conversation die. He giggled “I can’t complain” he answered and you giggled. You looked at the dog that was with Sachiro; it was tiny and was looking at you while swinging his tail from one side to the other.
“Can I… pet your dog?” you said smiling at the fluffy creature and Sachiro nodded, “of course”. He got closer to you and kneeled in front of you, slightly pulling the leash to make the dog come closer, “his name is Coco”.
You cooed the moment you touched the fluffy brown coat, “he is so cute!” you exclaimed and Sachiro chuckled. He touched the dog then glanced at you. You looked up at him and, the moment you saw he was already looking at you, you blushed and looked away. The dog barked at you the moment you stopped caressing him, and you slightly chuckled starting again to touch behind his ears.
“Is he yours?” you asked, trying to forget the embarrassment. Sachiro was still looking at you with a smirk on his face, “yes, I got him a few month ago” he answered and you glanced at him again. He is handsome, was the thought that was clouding your mind.
There was a moment of silence between you two until he spoke again, “I’m happy I met you here”. Your eyes widened at his words, “w-why is that so?” you asked and he laughed throwing his head back.
He looked again at you and you could see his gentle gaze the moment your eyes met, “because every time I see you around campus you always seem to avoid me…” he stated and you averted your eyes; you didn’t want to avoid him, you just didn’t want him to see your red cheeks every time you would occasionally see him. “I never wanted to avoid you, it-it’s just that I’m always sooo busy” you said and he chuckled again.
Sachiro sat down and Coco went to stay between his legs, “okay, I get it” he said rolling his eyes, and you giggled waving your hands in front of you “no, I’m saying the truth!” you said back trying to suppress you laugh. He looked back at you with a smirk on his face, “you’re cute” he stated out of blue and you chocked on your own saliva.
You tried to breath but air wasn’t arriving in your lungs, and the only thing you could think inside of you was, how embarrassing. “ oh my god, y/n” Sachiro exclaimed alarmed, and came closer to you putting an hand on your back while taking your face with the other one.
His hands were big and you felt like melting with him so near you; you waved a hand at him trying to tell him you were okay but it was still difficult to talk. “Here, take this” he said offering you a water bottle he took from his backpack.
You drank a little then looked up at him, feeling your face burning, “sorry”. He shook his head smiling and you realised he still had his hand on your face when he caressed your cheek, “don’t worry, I’m sorry my words had this effect on you”. You rolled your eyes and looked down to hide your blush but he slightly pulled your chin to make your gazes meet again, “are you okay?” he asked and you nodded.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you. You were observing each other’s faces when your gaze fell on his lips. You were centimetres away, “can I?” Sachiro whispered looking at your mouth. You were going to answer him when Coco barked.
Sachiro pulled away from you clearing his voice, “uhm…” you looked at the dog and giggled. “Well…” you started but Sachiro interrupted you, “would you like to go on a date…”, you immediately looked at him, “with me?” he continued, looking at you with hope all around his face.
You couldn’t speak, too shocked by the sudden question. “I-…yes, I would love that” you answered with a smile all over your face; you were convinced that you were going to have an heart attack because of him sooner or later, but you believed that it was worth it.
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© tetsuromybeloved do not copy,modify or repost.
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sassycheesecake · 11 months
Kamomedai High 🐬
Sachirō Hirugami x Reader ''A Change Is Gonna Come''
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Kamomedai and Nohebi Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Hello Everyone. I’m starting a commission. If you want a request, you can message me in here, Wattpad and Quotev.  I'm going to make a com
Kamomedai Masterlist
Hoshiumi Korai - Ace
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Hirugami Sachiro - Middle Blocker
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Nohebi Masterlist
Daishou Suguru - Captain
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When their S/O in their Period (Part two) 🍭🧐
Numai Kazuma - Ace
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Hiroo Koji - Middle Blocker
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Naoyasu Kuguri - Wing Spiker
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Mika Yamaka - Daishou's Ex
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