#same thing with dax ds9 kinda
daisyachain · 6 months
There’s a bit of a paradox where desire is seen as a masculine trait in anglo-american western ideas of things and so then a woman showing active or carnivorous desire reads as gender non-conforming which means that one way of queercoding (as bisexual or trans) a female character is to give her a loud and unabashed appetite for males
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I just decided for myself that ezri was a good counselor before she had a bunch of previous hosts in her mind that she was unprepared and untrained for lol
I mean yeah I think that's a good way of looking at it. The thing is, trauma like that (even if it's a fantasy type of trauma that doesn't exist in reality) can't not change you. It made Ezri worse in very immediate ways, like her not remembering who she is, her preferences, even her name, but also in more subtle ones. She's awfully insecure when we meet her, understandably so, and she makes selfish choices left and right because what's happened to her made her self-absorbed. Staying on DS9 at the end of "Afterimage", going after Worf when he was declared MIA and getting in a relationship with Julian are all choices Ezri makes thinking of herself first. (You could also argue that that's her rich family background jumping out and yeah, point taken.) The same self-absorption also makes her a kinda terrible counselor.
The writers did this sort of on purpose (in a 'haha isn't it funny when the counselor is the one who's messed up' way) but they kinda left it... there, little more than a joke. Don't get me started on how dismissively they wrote her role in "It's Only A Paper Moon". I'd like to complicate this narrative a little; what do you do when what happened to you makes you unable to perform the job you were trained for? How long would it take for Ezri to realize that? How would she resist that realization, and how would she finally give in to it?
Her counselor training will probably always stay with her, just like the expertise from all her previous hosts will. Ezri has functionally already lived two lives: one where she was Ezri Tigan, counselor-to-be, and one where she is Ezri Dax, and she's still finding out what that means exactly. I want to extend to her the same grace that Sam Rutherford was granted on Lower Decks when he decided to try other jobs on the Cerritos.
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dragontamerno3 · 29 days
DS9 S2 E26 - Jem'hadar
Apparently, no one gets to have a vacation when in Starfleet lol
I was intrigued to finally get to see something about the Dominion beyond whispers. Even if we really didn't get to see much at all. This was the first concrete thing.
By not at all, we were mostly in a jail cell with Quark screaming the entire time (I appreciate Sisko's "He's hard to ignore" comment lol} and with the lady just sitting there quietly. We had a small fight with the Jem'hadar and then a few "We want you out of our space" threats. The only thing we really learned was that they're assholes and that they're severely overpowered.
The conversation with Dax at the beginning of the episode about the Odyssey felt very much like a "they're too days from retirement" conversation and this is one of those times I was sad I was right. The Captain of that ship actually seemed like he was going to be a fun character. A bit like Jellico but less of a War Hawk. We only got like 30 seconds of him but I thoroughly enjoyed how he interacted with everyone.
The lady being a spy was the first thing I thought because they look very similar, her and her pursuers but she did convince me of otherwise when she told Sisko her story. So it was both an "I knew it!" and a surprise when she was found out at the end.
While I remain interested in what else the Dominion has to offer I'm hoping the Jem'Hadar isn't the only ones we're going to be going up against.
The first half of the episode was a fun ride, though. Anytime Sisko is with Jake it's just the sweetest thing. I know that Avery fought to make it so that he wasn't a terrible father but man, those two are just so sweet together. Jake loves his father and Sisko will do everything for his boy. Including letting Nog in on their father/son bonding time. And Quark.
On that same note, I really appreciate how much Sisko goes out of his way to praise Nog, too. The kid isn't his son but that doesn't stop him from calling out the various good things he does. He hasn't said it on screen yet but I wouldn't be surprised if there are moments if Sisko actually tells Nog he's proud of him, too.
Quarks relationship with Nog is twisted but also kinda sweet. He hugs Nog when they're all safe again and it's clear he cares for the boy, but it doesn't hit the same as Dad!Sisko does.
My favorite part was Jake and Nog trying to figure out the runabout. All of it. But I had a laugh when Nog said he had a gut feeling about one of the chips and then the warp core almost exploded lol
6.5/10 - I'm not much of a fan of the bravado the Jem'hadar put on but the character stuff in this was brilliant
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negative-speedforce · 1 month
Gonna answer this one for Star Trek because I can-
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
The fandom demonizes Agnes Jurati a lot, and I kinda can see why. She killed her lab partner/ex, then willingly joined the Borg Queen and started her own Collective. However, the murder thing was under partial mind control, and with the Borg thing, again, you could also count that as partial mind control, and also, she looked so sexy doing it! God forbid women do anything!
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
Wesley Crusher. God fucking damn it that kid annoys me so much. Any episode of TNG featuring him makes me want to claw my own eyeballs out.
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
As much as I love Ezri Dax, they should have never killed off Jadzia. Remember that poll that was going around about "Did you ever stop watching a show because they killed off a character?" That was me with Jadzia Dax my beloved (I picked up DS9 again later when I wasn't pissed off anymore). Nonbinary Worm Queen, you will live forever in my heart.
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Borg Queen/Agnes Jurati. God, they're so horrible and toxic but at the same time, they're the only two people who seem to truly understand one another. Yeah, my taste in ships is weird, but I don't really care.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
Harry Kim. Not because I don't like him, but because of the tragedy and angst potential. Just think about it... a young man on his first mission, trapped 70,000 light-years from Earth and everyone he ever loved, dying alone and afraid in the void of space... that'd be some good angst.
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the premise of "avatar day" is very similar to this one ds9 episode where jadzia dax agrees to fulfill a klingon blood oath sworn by a past host and now i'm kinda wondering how aang would handle it if being accountable for his past lives' actions was like That. like obviously he is fully capable of saying No to murdering as part of his avatar duties no matter how much his past lives agree to it but the blood oath was about helping to avenge a personal loss, it wasn't about the state of the world or whatever. and even though kor let jadzia out of the blood oath (since technically she wasn't the one to make it) she agreed to do it, which to me feels similar to aang choosing to stand trial for kyoshi's crimes. like aang & co could've just skipped town like "well it was a past life so you're not accountable" but aang felt compelled to take responsibility for his past life's actions the same way jadzia did.
of course, there's a big difference in that jadzia has the memories of her past life and remembers the loss her past host swore to avenge. a similar situation would not feel as personal to aang bc he wouldn't remember it. but aang does feel this sense of responsibility to his past lives, feels a lot of guilt for his 100 year coma and all the things he didn't do. there's definitely a possibility that he'd come on the journey because he made a promise, and i think he might try to respect another culture's beliefs about murder even they are not his own.
ultimately, though, i think it might end the same way:
She hesitates, and meanwhile Kang stabs his knife into the Albino's back.
On the surface, he thanks Dax for the act of friendship in "letting" him have the death blow, but the knowing eyes between long friends hints at the deeper reality: that Kang has saved Jadzia from being forced to make the decision to kill the Albino.
(from the memory alpha page)
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Updates on the Me Getting My Two Friends I Set Up to Watch Star Trek
- Set up is these two have no prior knowledge of Star Trek whatsoever. I made a Joke about how Star Trek was a good first date activity (mostly to tease them because we were in a group at the time and I was the only one who knew they had gone on a good first date). I was not making a serious suggestion that I thought they would follow.
- I was mistaken.
- Turns out that watching Star Trek was a feature of both their 2nd and 3rd date and apparently now the euphemism for having some alone time is "going to watch Star Trek"
- again. They did not know ANYTHING about Star Trek other than what I gushed to them. So the first things they watched were (on my recommendation) "Amok Time" and "Rejoined" (it's a wlw relationship).
- From me they knew Amok Time was fuck or die and my friend was Fully. Convinced that the fuck or die of it was going to be Kirk being like "well Spock can't have sex with T'Pring, but if he doesn't have sex he'll die and it's not like I want to fuck him but I can't lose him so I'll have to do it I guess no homo." She was fully expecting them to walk into a room and then walk out again with the sex implied and was kinda disappointed it was just subtext.
- They had to leave in three minutes and there was 10 minutes left to Amok Time and both of them were expecting sex so they SKIPPED TO THE END in order to get to the sex and in doing so missed the gay wrestling and literally had to watch it over on date three.
- Dax walks in and again they know from me that it's a wlw episode so they're both looking at eachother like "is this one of the lesbians?? It is she???? Hermst????"
- They both had strong opinions on Bashir being the only one sitting in the chair and love Bashir and Dax. I really hope they don't break up before they get into DS9 proper bc I want to know their opinions on Kira Nerys So Much
- Described the build up to the Lenara and Dax kiss as "edging"
- I should add that Friend A and I planned a video call with the established purpose on filling me in on the tea bc I am not in the same physical location with them right now and thus have only been texting about all of this
-The I'm in a New Relationship call starts not with speaking about the new relationship but with asking me about how exactly the Trill past lives things work. I will make Trekkies of them yet.
-Also so I sent Friend A the Bashir and Garak first meeting video like 'haha you're the lizard guy in this situation' and she didn't share it with her girlfriend immediately bc "it portrays me offensively"
- but when she did finally share the video on date three Friend B went "I can't believe you hid that from me. My girlfriend hates me" and it was the first time she called Friend A her girlfriend, so now Friend A will forever associate the first time being entitled "my girlfriend" (not just with Friend B but with anyone) as connected with Elim Garak propositioning Dr. Julian Bashir for sex.
- Cannot wait for more updates
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kaelio · 3 years
I like how DS9 ended for garashir except I hate that they had to stick bashir with ezri at the end. that kinda ruins it for me, i think i would've preferred if they ended it with neither in relationships than suddenly make up with no build up that he loves her "passionately" and even have her suggest early season that his nice guy shit toward jadzia would've eventually worked out (ugh). like this implication that dax is his true love with all that. even if we can break them up in fic lol
I think if Jadzia had lived and her arc with Julian was Julian learning to respect her as a person and then actually falling in love with her for real, from a place of knowing, I'd lowkey like it (though not as much as garashir). And I think there'd be a good argument that would actually be a healthy, satisfying romantic arc. But as soon as it's Ezri instead, that arc is broken and cannot be satisfied. And they're definitely going to break up, it's built on the same foundations as her romance with Worf honestly. It's such a regression haha, and once Jadzia drops her "you should have kept bothering me!" line it is irreparably broken, just so, so broken. I'm Ezri/Quark, I think he's the only one who "got" it--and that Quark was one of the few people who actually respected Jadzia the entire while as well.
One thing we don't see enough of, though, as a novelty and a fun exploration of the space, is garashir where it's implied maybe this wasn't good for them but they did it anyway. I'd like to read a few where it's clear their romance is legit but that it absolutely destroyed them as people.
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motherfingtitan · 3 years
Hi! Big fan of your fics. I have a suggestion for one: the basic idea is that the Lower Decks characters (mainly the Warp Core Four) get involved with the ep. "Trials and Tribble-ations" Meet both DS9 and TOS crew in a subtle/not-so-subtle way (PARADOX!). Bonus: They are drawn and animated in TAS Filmation style, with some of them slightly aware. Maybe a bit of Mariner x Boimler? Hope you have fun with the idea.
Time Tribbles
The Warp Core Four decides to go back in time to the Enterprise to do some not-so-scientific research on Tribbles. They come across not one, but two famous Starfleet Crews
Tendi dragged herself to her bunk. She was absolutely exhausted from pulling double shifts in Medbay to make up for the influx of patients. Earlier today, some of the food replicators were producing food at extreme temperatures. They were also uncontrollably spewing food out, and in the case of ten forward, literally spraying boiling nacho cheese. Crew members had been in and out all day with burns. Just as she sat on her bed, she saw Mariner down the hallway. Both of them waved to each other.
"Yo, Tendi, what's up?" Mariner said as she walked up to her.
"Nothing much; I’m just exhausted from all the activity in Medbay. I did see somebody with a nacho cheese burn in the shape of an Orion continent!" She smiled.
"I have something that will cheer you up!" Mariner held up her finger and ran off, going to get her special piece of contraband.
After a few minutes, she returned with a Tribble in hand. It had brown fur and little white patches. She handed the Tribble to Tendi and sat down next to her. The cooing of the ball of fur filled the room.
"Personally, I would prefer getting drunk, but I thought this might be more up your alley" Beckett smiled as Tendi ran her hand through the fur, her eyes lit up.
"This is the cutest thing ever," Tendi squealed. She then spoke in baby talk to the Tribble, "Yes you are, you are the cutest little Tribble on this ship.”
She continued to pet the Tribble for a couple of minutes before finally speaking, "You know, I've always wanted to see a Tribble reproduce. I know that the ones they sell at the pet stores are neutered."
Beckett thought for a second before finally speaking. "Ok, so I got this really cool piece of contraband from the planet we did second contact with a couple of weeks back. I've been testing it, and I think it opens up portals to different times. We could go back in time to see Tribbles reproduce."
"But isn't that against the rules?”
"Yes, but it's for science, so it's probably ok. Come on, let get Rutherford and Boimler."
A few hours later, the four Ensigns were in an empty part of the docking bay. All of them were wearing 2260s uniforms. Tendi messed with her holographic disguise, trying to find the right hairstyle. She felt odd with blonde hair and peachy skin, but there was no way she could go back in time looking like an Orion. Enterprise crew members would ask too many questions.
"Bangs or no Bangs?" She adjusted her holographic remote, letting it flip through different hairstyles.
"Definitely the Bangs," Rutherford gave a thumbs up before continuing his excitement-filled lecture about Constitution-class ships. “Did you know that turbolifts were not completely voice-controlled back then? You had to hold down a bar for them to work.”
"Mariner, are you sure we should be doing this. Time travel is against 253.7-" Boimler began before being cut off Mariner.
"Rules, Schmules. Come on, Boims, this could be your one chance to see Kirk in flesh and blood."
"Fine, but I'm keeping you in check," he spoke.
Beckett then pulled out the small blue stone from her trouser pocket. It glowed softly in her hand. She set it down and stated where she wanted to go "Stardate 4523.3, USS Enterprise 1701."
The store glowed brighter until it flashed, opening up a small portal to the other ship. Its corridors were empty, meaning the Ensigns could slip in undetected.
"Ready to do science stuff?" Mariner asked Tendi.
She bounced in excitement, nodding rapidly. Mariner was the first to step into the portal. She felt slight tingles all over her body as she popped out on the other side. The Enterprise looked much different than the ships of her time. The lights had colored tints, and more equipment was exposed. Rutherford came out of the portal next, slightly dizzy but extremely excited to see such an old ship. Tendi and Boimler followed. Once through the portal, it returned to its original gem form.
Boimler slowly stood up, trying to shake off how dizzy he felt. "I feel so stiff and kinda cheap too,"
"You look different," Rutherford pointed out
"Oh god! Am I phasy again?!?"
"No, but your eyes look smaller," Tendi looked at all of them. "We all look kinda different."
"Probably some stupid time travel stuff, come on, let's got find some Tribbles!" Mariner shoved the gem in her pocket and started down the hallway, followed by the other four.
Soon, they came to the main corridor that was bustling with people. The women styled their hair in extravagant bumps and wore earrings. Most wore minidresses, a popular style in the 2260s, but a couple wore the tunic style uniform, just as Mariner was. The sound of boots tapping filled the hallway, and the gold rank bands on the officer sleeve sparkled among the sea of yellow, red, and blue. Perhaps the most striking thing, however, was the lack of aliens. The vast majority of the officers were human, a stark contrast from how diverse the Cerritos was.
Suddenly, Mariner stopped and motioned to the other three to get against the wall. From just around the corner, two very famous Starfleet officers could be heard.
"Is that Kirk?" Boimler asked
Mariner nodded, feeling just as excited as the rest of them but doing an excellent job of hiding it. Kirk and Spock were speaking with someone through the communication unit.
"Bridge to Captain Kirk." A young man with a Russian accent spoke.
"Kirk here." The captain responded
“Mister Baris is waiting on channel E to speak to you, sir."
Mariners’ heart was beating fast. She may have acted like she didn't care, but she did grow up as a Starfleet brat, and though she may have seen Captain Kirk in a holodeck simulation, it wasn't the same as being a couple of feet away from him.
"Mister Baris is coming on." The young man spoke again.
"Yes, Mister Baris. What can I do for you?" Kirk’s voice was pleasant
"Kirk, this station is swarming with Klingons." A man by the name of Baris replied.
"I was not aware, Mister Baris, that twelve Klingons constitutes a swarm."
"Captain Kirk, I consider your security measures a disgrace. In my opinion, you have taken this entire..."
At this point, Boimler had lost focus on that conversation as his eyes drifted to the other side of the hallway. There, a man with a deeper voice and a tall woman spoke. Both looked as if they were doing routine maintenance. The woman kept glancing back at the captain and the first officer.
"I had no idea." The woman began
"What?" The man replied, fiddling with some machinery.
“He's so much more handsome in person. And those eyes."
"Kirk had quite the reputation as a ladies' man."
"Not him. Spock."
Boimler noticed that, just like him, they looked out of place. He continued to listen.
"I can't believe you don't at least want to meet Captain Kirk."
"That's the last thing on my mind."
"Oh, come on, Benjamin. Are you telling me you're not the tiniest bit interested in meeting one of the most famous men in Starfleet history?"
Benjamin? He thought as he slowly went through all the people he knew named Benjamin in his head.
Benjamin Anderson
Benjamin Taylor
Benjamin Sisko
It was Captain Sisko! And the woman next to him must be one of his crew members. Jadzia Dax, maybe? His face twisted in confusion. What was he doing in this time?
"Guys, look!" Boimler whispered and motioned his head to the other side of the hallway.
"Is that... Sisko?" Rutherford asked. "He looks different," he added, still getting used to how everything looked in this period.
"Two famous Starfleet Captains in one day?!?" Tendi bounced on her heels.
"Why is he here?" Boimler looked at Mariner.
"I don't know, something to do with a Tribble and a bomb,"
"A bomb?!"
She shrugged. "Relax, it's on the space station. We will stay on the ship,"
"How do you even know all this?"
"I have my ways,"
The Ensigns decided that it was time to get moving. They didn't want to create too much suspicion by huddling up against the wall. The halls were so crowded, Constitution-class ships were certainly packed, even without the hallway bedrooms of the Cerritos. The colored lights enthralled Tendi. She was so used to sterile fluorescent lights that the soft blues, purples, and yellows were dazzling. She had read about these types of ships, but reading about it and seeing it were two different things.
"Gosh, I love Constitution-class ships," Tendi said.
But there was no response. She twisted her head back and forth, slightly panicking that she had lost her other three friends. She wanted to yell out their names, but that would raise too many questions. She would have to silently slither through the confusing corridors of the ship to find them, all while looking natural. Looking back and forth one more time, she decided to continue forward. Turning down a hallway, she noticed that there was a turbolift at the end. Inside were two men. One was a bulkier man in a red shirt, while the other man with slicked-back hair wore blue with a single strip of gold on the bottom of his sleeve.
"Deck twenty-one. Deck twenty-one. I said, Deck twenty-one." The man in the red shirt said. He's getting more frustrated every time he spoke.
"Maybe if you said please." The other man replied
Tendi remembered from Rutherford’s conversation earlier that turbolifts were not entirely voice commanded at this time. She continued to walk towards the lift.
"Maybe it's jammed. Help me get this wall panel off." The redshirt was starting to open a panel when the disguised Orion walked in. She put one hand on the wall handle and crossed her fingers, on the other hand, hoping that this would work.
"Deck fifteen." She spoke, and the lift started to move. She breathed a secret sigh of relief.
"I won't tell anyone if you don't." The medical man, with a British accent, spoke.
"My lips are sealed."
"Guys, where's Tendi?" Rutherford asks, trying to find one of his best friends.
"Aw Sh*t, we must have lost her" Mariner looked some more. "Tend-"
Boimler clamped his hand against her mouth. "Are you insane? You wanna mess up history?"
"Ok, then how do you want to find her?"
"Constitution-class ships only held about 300 people, so it shouldn't be too hard to find her, especially compared to a Galaxy-class ship," Rutherford suggested.
All three realize that the only way to find their friend was to just walk through the halls and hope they stumble across her. They started down the aisle, maneuvering their way through the mass amounts of people. At one point, Beckett hit somebody with her elbow.
"Oh, sorry." She said
The woman smiled and replied. She was wearing an operations red dress, and her hair was teased on top of her head. Her sleeves bore lieutenant stripes. "It's ok," she said as she walked away. She was making baby noises at something in her hand.
Mariner craned her neck just enough to see that in the lieutenants’ arms was a small Tribble. "It can't be long now."
Tendi saw the first baby Tribble in one of the turbolifts she was taking back down. She was alerted when she heard soft sweet cooing on the other side of the lift, and she couldn't resist. She picked it up, so happy to see an unneutered baby Tribble. At first, she only saw one every once in a while. Maybe one would be stuck to a wall. Another was in an older doctor's hands, and he was scanning it with a tricorder. However, the amount started to multiply, and before she knew it, Tribbles were lining every single hallway. They came and all shapes and sizes. Some were white with gray spots, and some were a beautiful shiny Brown. They stuck to the walls and the ceiling, and cooing filled the hallway, along with the occasional screech when someone stepped on one.
She tried to resist the temptation and only grab one, but every time she turned around, she found herself face-to-face with another ball of fur, and soon she had an entire armful of Tribbles. Curiously, as she wandered about trying to find her three friends, she saw Sisko and that other female officer scanning Tribbles. Both looked frazzled. She realized that they were scanning for a bomb of sorts and remembered that Mariner said it was on the space station, not on the Enterprise.
Speaking of Mariner, she finally found her friends walking towards her in a hallway. The pep in her step grew as she walked towards them.
"They are so cute!" Tendi showed off her arm full of at least ten Tribbles.
"Let's get to a private room, watch how a Tribble gives birth, and then get back to our own time," Boimler continued. "I don't want any time travel shenanigans on my file. It's not very Captain-like."
"Oh please," Mariner replied, "you realize how much stuff was on Kirk's record?"
The four came across an empty meeting room. They all walked in, Rutherford closed the door, and Tendi set one of her many Tribbles on the table. With her pad on hand, she was ready to take notes.
Tribbles reproduce fast, so it was only a matter of time before the one on the table, which Tendi lovingly named Warpy, gave birth. The ball of fur soon went from cooing to screeching as it tensed up half its body. Soon from underneath the adult Tribble, baby Tribbles emerged. Tendi was so excited, but the other three just watched with confused and uncomfortable faces. After she finished taking notes, Boimler suggested they leave.
"I'm going to miss the blonde hair, but I can't wait to have my old body back," Tendi spoke as Mariner pulled out her blue gem.
"Tell me about it; my eyes are the same color as my skin. That can't be healthy," she replied
"Maybe people look like this because of issues with the older technology," Rutherford suggested.
Mariner spoke to the gem the time she wanted to go back to. The portal opened underneath them.
"No one's got any Tribbles, right?" Mariner asked.
All of them nodded, and Mariner was the first to jump through the portal. Rutherford followed, and then Boimler. Tendi turned around one last time to her Tribbles.
"Bye, Warpy," she spoke as she jumped through the portal.
"Much fu*king better" Mariner cracked her back in the Cerritos’ shuttle bay. Tendi glanced over her notes and deactivated her disguise. Beckett came over to her and wrapped an arm around her.
"You had fun?"
"So much, thanks" Tendi smiled.
"How about we change and get some tacos?" Beckett spoke as she walked towards the doors.
"Okie Dokie" Rutherford and the other two ensigns followed.
As they walked to the mess hall, Mariner spoke to Boimler, “Glad you could join us. Ya know, you actually look confident in that old uniform! And kinda charming.”
“Thank you, I feel confident” He did a cheesy smirk.
“Annnnd now it’s gone.” She said, trying to hide the slightest blush.
They continued to their bunks to change. Unknown to Boimler, however, was a small ball of fur stuck to his vintage uniform boots.
Three days later
Ransom woke up for his morning shift at the sound of his alarm. When he reached over to turn it off, he felt a ball of fur right on his alarm clock. Upon opening his eyes, he saw that Tribbles filled his entire room, all cooing.
"Who brought an unneutered Tribble on board!?"
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For your Star Trek AU: Do any of your characters have experiences outside of their own culture? Like, say, do you have a Vulcan who has spent time on Earth? Or anything like that? :3
Oh, interesting! I’m an anthropology major so it’s kinda my whole job to ask what culture even is. 😂 Let’s see...
A lot of the crew are non-human! But the majority have spent at least some time on Earth for training, so for them, that was a time of being outside the dominant (human) culture.
There’s also a lot of inter-species relarionships! So, for example, when Klingon Tavi (taking B’Elanna’a spot) celebrates holidays with her human girlfriend J (she doesn’t really have a direct canon correlation, she was just needed,) she considers it time spent experiencing human culture, and vice-versa!
Good news: J is a linguistic and cultural expert, so she helps facilitate special days on the ship to reflect everyone’s backgrounds, or serves as a liaison to help her crewmen be attentive to the cultural practices of their peers. She also spent a lot of time on Ferenginar, working on behalf of Ferengi women to help them gain a more equitable standing in their homeworld’s society.
In my canon, Vulcan and Romulus have a closer, less antagonistic relationship, more along the lines of “distant cousins: two sides of the same family, often in conflict, but still there for each other when it counts.” As a result, most Vulcans and Romulans have a fair knowledge base of cultural competence when it comes to one another.
I like hybrid-species characters a lot, so there’s a lot of blending of cultures to suit their own personalities/experiences. Rissa, for instance, is a hybrid human/Vulcan and has a role in the sciences much like her godfather Spock did. She highly values meditation as part of general health practice, like a Vulcan does, but she is also more physically affectionate than your average Vulcan, and expressive if you take the time to learn how to “read” her.
Religion is also part of culture! Captain Ione Nazir’s Islamic faith is very important to her. Some of her friends take part in Ramadan fasts with her, and the whole ship celebrates Eid.
Since Aris (taking Seven’s spot) was a Borg drone for as long as she can remember, she’s learning a great deal about cultures near and far! She makes careful note of things as she encounters them. Her best friend and fellow ex-drone Hugh loves learning all he can about the multiple cultures he comes from. (I was really sad Seven and Hugh from TNG never got to be friends in Voyager or even really in Picard, so I included him and made them friends.)
Jadzia Dax is there from DS9 because I love her. She still has her fondness for Klingon operas and weaponry from Curzon Dax.
Whew, sorry, I’d say this is long enough now!
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captainpikeachu · 5 years
sMESA BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And boy oh boy was Saturday, October 5 such a good Trek news day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so....let’s get back to some good ole analysis of the teaser trailer for Discovery Season 3, still likely to be about a year away before we officially see it
Trailer begins with our queen Michael landing in the future
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that is a lot of dirt you might say, it’s like she landed near volcano or something
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ohhhhh a look into her gear - so it looks like her science division badge, a phaser, and a communicator maybe, the black one that looks like a phone and has the Starfleet delta decal on it, and there’s some other equipment that I don’t know what they are
then we hear Michael’s voice saying “I’ve spent a year searching for that domino that tipped over and started all of this”
and by this, I think she means she spent a year trying to find the cause of why the Federation has “fallen” in a sense, as this would tie into what looks to be the theme of the season by the looks of the rest of the trailer
accompanying her voiceover, we see the following images
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we not only see Michael’s changing hairstyle, but also how her mood has changed, going from worry and fear to almost resigned and ready for whatever that’s coming - also we see that she did seem to pick up more equipment or other objects throughout this one year period as indicated by the growing piles behind her
it is confirmed that Michael and the Disco crew did not land in the future together, so it looks like Michael arrived first, and the Disco crew lands one year after Michael’s arrival
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here we see Michael with our new series regular David Ajala who is playing a character named Cleveland “Book” Booker, from the looks of this scene, Michael runs into him at some point and they seem to be avoiding someone else or being chased by someone else and are trying to run away and hide
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and it seems Michael and Book are running away from some Andorians with very interesting weapons, we also see some humans behind the Andorians - could this be some remnant of a Starfleet/Federation?
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some sort of pulse weapon is released and Michael and Book are knocked flying and glass is breaking
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Michael and Book are walking across some landscape and we got two planets in the sky - I’m not sure what this planet is or if this is even the same planet where Michael landed, but we do know from the panels and interviews that Michael and the crew did not land at Terralysium as they had hoped
Book asks Michael, “You believe in ghosts?”
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Michael replies, “What does that mean?”
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Book: “That badge on your shirt.”
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the look on Michael’s face says it all - she realizes what he means - the Federation, Starfleet...they’re basically ghosts, something that doesn’t exist anymore
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Saru and Tilly are the next shot that we see, the doors look to be the Disco bay area? Maybe they are getting ready to take a shuttle and go somewhere? They certainly looked to be dressed for it.
next we hear a man’s voiceover saying “I watch this office everyday, believing that my hope was not in vain...”
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so Michael and Book are at this office and meeting the man speaking the voiceover, I don’t know if Book brought Michael there or if something else brought them there - like perhaps the people that were chasing them got them here?
and this man, I don’t know if he’s a Federation government member? or maybe this is a museum? or a believer of Federation ideals? or perhaps he is someone who is the descendant of a character we know from Season 1 and 2 (maybe like Ash Tyler) who has been told to wait for Michael and find her if she does appear in the future? that might be a bit of a stretch but it could be an easy way to explain his devotion and belief?
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we see the flag of the Federation, interestingly this one has only 6 stars
just to compare it with, this is the usual flag of the Federation that we see
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so at this point, it is looking like something caused the Federation to break up and become fractured? those 6 stars perhaps represents the 6 species/planets that are still standing together?
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the man’s voiceover contines in this next scene, “...and that hope is you, Commander Burnham”
the fact that he knows her name is why I am inclined to believe that he is the descendant of someone who knows Michael and has been told to one day expect her
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this next reaction shot of Michael’s face is not related to the scene before, as we see by the change in Michael’s hair, this shot is a year after the scene of Michael meeting the man above - this shot is likely Michael’s reaction to finding out that the Discovery crew has finally made it through
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explicit confirmation of how many years we jumped into the future - so since Disco Season 2 mostly took place in 2257, this means that Michael lands in 3187 and one year later is 3188, when the Discovery arrives
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at the panel, it was confirmed also that we would explore more of the Trill, and we see that in the trailer - the two people in red are likely Trills, the person in the foreground doesn’t look to be Michael, but it might be her, and the pool is where the symbionts are
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this could be Michael in the pool? or it could perhaps be another character who becomes a host? we have heard rumors that Disco Season 3 is possibly bringing in a nonbinary character, so this may be that person as this looks like the actor I was informed they had cast
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now these are definitely Trills, though it might be unlikely we will see the Dax symbiont from DS9 around in season 3, since I’m not sure the symbiont would be able to live into the 32nd century
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and there’s Discovery!!!!!
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Michael has found her Disco family!
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A shot of Detmer and Owosekun.
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Culber looks rather concerned
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some sort of confrontation is happening in the spore drive room, there is at least one person holding weapons, some non-Disco crew people, maybe someone after the spore drive? it was noted that the drive may become a target
we do see Stamets and Tilly in the top right corner, but the person to their left kinda looks like Stamets?
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Stamets and Tilly both look very unhappy and alarmed at the same time.
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Book and Michael are fighting on that planet we saw them walking across earlier, and it looks like those Andorians or whoever was chasing them has caught up to them
the person Michael is fighting doesn’t look like an Andorian, but Book is definitely fighting an Andorian
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and here we see Georgiou getting into some fights as well, and we see Saru behind her - it looks like wherever Saru and Tilly were going, Georgiou went with them as well
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this character here I believe is the nonbinary character they had rumored to have cast, and this might also be the same character we see go into the Trill pool and possibly be joined with a symbiont?
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now this shot....ohhhhhhh
so from left to right, we got Andorian, a species that I cannot really be sure of, Human, Cardassian(?), Lurian, and another Andorian
they are part of the same group that we saw earlier in the trailer chasing Book and Michael
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Book and Michael are booking it (sorry I couldn’t resist)
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so through the last few scenes, we have been hearing Saru’s voice saying “This ship bears the name Discovery. She has carried us into the future, and it will be our privilege to make that future bright.”
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Book and Michael are sure not skipping leg day in this trailer - this looks like some sort of science facility?
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next shot is an interesting one - this could either be a flashback to Prime Georgiou, or this is Mirror Georgiou pretending to be Prime for some undercover sort of mission?
either way, she says “Let’s see how this plays out, shall we?”
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Michael pointing a phaser at someone, now judging by her hair, this is one year after she landed in the future, and the person behind her is likely that nonbinary character (who I really need to know the name of so I can use their name properly)
also interesting to note about her uniform - the color stripes don’t look silver
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and a close up look on her badge....that’s the command division badge
now Michael’s uniform is missing the stripes across the shoulders that indicate a captain, but the change in color and badge looks like Michael is officially moving from science division into the command track and she will be wearing gold and not silver anymore
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something is happening on Discovery and Owosekun is getting shaken around
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Georgiou killing some folks
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Discovery flying
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and finally, we hear the man say “Where will you go?”
to which Michael answers, “Wherever the answers are.”
but look at the way they are holding hands, you do not hold hands with strangers like that, I mean, short of this guy being a fan, this sort of familiarity speaks to a deeper connection, which just goes to further add to my suspicion that this character is likely a Ash Tyler descendant of some sort, or a descendant of someone who once knew Michael and has been waiting for her to appear in the future because they were told to wait for her by someone who had knowledge that Discovery went into the future
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this logo color feels happier and brighter somehow
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so there it is! the trailer giving us the first look into season 3! SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!!!!
and I’m sure before its 2020 release, we will see at least one or two more trailers so we can have more of an idea, but I am so excited to see Discovery boldly go off into the future!!!!!!!!
whatever is happening this season, it’s looking like Discovery is going to be leading the way to rebuild a possibly fallen or broken Federation and restore it to the ideals that it once stood for! this is an interesting narrative, especially when compared to some of the themes we are seeing with Picard’s story and going rogue because the Federation won’t do the right thing to help.
I’ve said in other places already but it looks like Disco and Picard are both telling this overarching Federation narrative but going at it from two opposite ends with Picard detailing the gradual decline of the Federation while Disco is giving it a rebirth.
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icykalisartblog · 4 years
thanks so much for your input on garashir! how do you think julian and garak's respective character arcs (especially getting into the dominion war stuff) would've played out differently if, as you wrote, julian had come out in season 3 and gotten together with garak? also, how do you feel about the other big gay ships of ds9 (mainly, kiradax and quodo)? I love thinking of Julian and Jadz developing some queer solidarity over time, as I really like their friendship once he gets over her.
Bashir had a lot of issues with Starfleet and Federation policy throughout the show, so I’d see him joining the Cardassian resistance along with Garak, and the two of them continuing a silly, lovey-dovey relationship even in the face of war and potential death. In “Doctor Bashir, I Presume,” I’d expect Garak to meet Bashir’s parents and help him not capitulate to them just because they claim they “fixed” him out of love. Garak would probably be like, “Is that how you would justify it to Jules?” I also might set the reveal of Bashir’s enhancements before Tain’s death, so Garak feels even more strength when he has to face Tain again in prison. And since Garak and Bashir would already be a couple, I’d have both of them off-planet and taken by the Dominion at the same time instead of just Bashir.
It looks to me like Odo and Quark got together before the show actually began, and that it’s a very Cardassian-style courtship that’s happening (probably because they met on a then-Cardassian station) and they’re also both poly and can see other people. Their relationship does also continue to deepen and become less casual throughout the show though. Sort of relevant, but I’m not sure I liked the implication that Odo had to leave permanently and never visit his solid friends again. I think that kinda undermined his entire character arc.
I pretty sure I’m the only person who doesn’t like the idea of Kira and Dax being in a relationship. I’m aware of the fact that people are not going to share my opinion. I think Dax is so creepy toward Kira, taking her out on dates all the time, while Kira never shows any sign of understanding that these are dates! The bathhouse scene in “Way of the Warrior” was so gross, I actually shuddered watching it! Dax tries to pass it all off as a Trill cultural thing and Kira doesn’t seem to be aware of the sexual overtones at all!!! Obviously Dax and Kira are close friends, but there really needed to be some acknowledgement of this Nice Girl™ behavior. It’s like Dax can’t accept that there’s a hot lady she likes who isn’t interested. As a queer person myself, I recognize the desire for a WLW ship between these two strong women, but due to how creepy that pursuit is, I don’t like this one. 
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cardassiangf · 4 years
okay actually let me just do the top three placements for the ds9 crew, okay? okay here we go! these are just for fun & also my interpretation. also i realize some arent human and therefore would have different placements entirely, but you know what? idc. (and no ezri since i havent seen enough of her to make a good guess sfdgfhjh sorry!) 
julian i already said was a cancer sun virgo moon. workaholics who are kinda anxious but also full of love and affection, plus they also love to talk. for rising im kind of caught between aries and sagittarius, because they both in nicely with the top two. i am leaning more towards aries rising though for him. moves very fast to keep interest in things & is career minded. it’s kind of a combination that swings back and forth between this unflappable confidence (usually in the workplace) and a deep emotional vulnerability. also, they’re caregivers by nature. his childhood teddy bear was his ‘first patient,’ and that has to mean something. he also repeatedly shows himself to be drawn to people that might be in need of ‘fixing,’ and might not necessarily pull back until something shakes him out of it. julian is someone who buzzes with energy and feels so much at once it can be hard to reign in, but once he actually manages to do that, it’s almost unstoppable. 
for sisko im feeling gemini sun and scorpio moon. okay yes two signs with a bad rep for some reason but hear me out: this person is extremely charming, confident & elegant except when they're Not, there's intense confidence and resolve that comes through. and on that intensity, we’ve all seen sisko when he gets serious about something--it’s a Lot. it’s a combo that can also be thrown off kilter and that’s not a great thing, but sisko has an excellent support system to ground him so you don’t see the negativity. he’s also a pisces rising. the same intensity comes out in love and emotional intelligence with him here, he’s definitely someone in touch with that side of himself and that’s very Water Sign of him. so basically loving, protective, the type of person people get drawn too for one reason or another but also there’s a chaotic side to him too, and he’s got a flair for the dramatic (his escapades in the mirrorverse come to mind when i think about this.) 
jadzia... okay see my initial reaction is to just. fill her chart with fire. she’s a big personality on the surface, and extremely magnetic. but actually? leo sun pisces moon. okay yeah, a fire sign out from the gate but hear me out. there’s a lot of duality in jadzia, and while she outwardly shows a ton of confidence, she’s also pretty self reflective and i get the sense she much prefers to deal with her problems internally. like, people don’t really see much past her dazzling outside either, and as another leo sun, people do tend to write us off as a bit one dimensional at times. the known emotional sensitivity of the pisces mized with leo’s capacity to love is good for her i think. rising is a bit tricky, since jadzia also has dax to blend her personality with, but i think that virgo rising suits her well. for all of the fun she brings to the table, she also has a brilliant streak of practicality. 
kira is another instinctively ‘oh, fire sign!’ person but actually? i think she has a ton of water in her chart. she’s emotional and passionate and so devoted to the things and people she believes in, and maybe she isn’t used to paying attention to her emotions because the occupation didn’t let her, but she feels so deeply. for this reason, pisces sun sagittarius moon scorpio rising. the thing about kira is that she might hold a lot of anger, but most of it stems from love and protectiveness. she’s incredibly blunt and adaptable, and definitely one of those pisces who doesn’t actually want to admit they have anything in common with the other water signs lmao. she’s at her best when she’s around people who can ground her and kind of make her pause to evaluate things before jumping into action and seriously values the bonds she makes with people. she also doesn’t really care for staying still or playing political mind games and would much prefer to just jump into the Doing phase of things. 
quark is just. it took me a minute for him actually? idk he’s a bit of a weird one. for quark, he’s kind of dramatic and emotional but also has this wonderfully deviant side and, when it comes down to it, isn’t terrible at business negotiations at all. yes he has majorly fucked up some big opportunities, but also somehow has kept his bar running for what, 15? 20 years? through everything that’s happened on ds9.  quark is a capricorn sun, but it’s balanced out (or in conflict with) his aquarius moon and leo rising. quark is weird, and kind of a dick sometimes, but when he’s not trying to be a menace, he actually has a pretty good heart. he’s a pretty creative thinker and constantly finds new ways to use practical knowledge to his advantage. but he also likes to ‘outshine’ others and keep the spotlight on himself, and he’ll lie and trample over people to do so. the fact that this combo makes him attentive can be a bit of a double-edged sword; sure, he can listen to people when he feels like it, but what’s going to happen with that knowledge? who knows. not quark until he finds an opportunity for it at least. 
odo! does not technically have a birthday but who cares i love him so he’s here. yes, we will start obviously: virgo sun. what else would i go with. he’s a reserved person with a personality that errs on the side of uptight; very virgo stereotypical. but you know what else? aries moon. oh yes. odo walks into a room and as long as he wants you to know he’s there, you Will know. he’s bold in his own way, and extremely on top of details with intense attentiveness. of course there’s some fire in his chart, and probably a lot of it in other placements too.  his gemini rising helps this out immensely, which is kinda surprising. but also when gemini is ascendant with virgo in sun, it makes them meticulous, fast learners. maybe a bit nitpicky at times, but nothing that can’t be helped with practice. i think the aries placement would also probably explain the underlying sensitivity, because like, it’s generally one of the louder signs of the zodiac but here’s a secret from anther fire sign: we are So sensitive oh my fucking god. we have a ton of ego and pride (and you can’t tell me odo doesn’t have moments of that) so typically unless we’re in a place we feel we can let go, you won’t see it, but jesus Fucking christ fire signs have a lot of emotion under the surface. 
miles, who i just wanna lowkey take the piss out of and slap him with virgo/virgo/virgo but i will refrain lmao. no, for him, libra sun leo moon virgo rising. he’s extremely reliable, devoted to his work & friends & family even if he’s not the greatest at showing it? a bit emotionally constipated but he does try very hard and that’s why we love him. is it the placements or the fact that he’s an irish dad? who knows, but he’s very prone to just telling people things outright with nothing to cushion it. this can be good or bad, and seems to depend more on how well the other person knows him. his leo side makes him pretty warm when he’s comfortable, and i think his relationship with keiko actually paints him as a lowkey traditional romantic too. also, these placements make for really good parents, and we don’t see it as much as we see the jake/sisko father/son dynamic, but miles really does do his best for his kids. 
worf my boy, who i have loved dearly since i first saw tng. hard to make a guess for him im 100% happy with though. im decently satisfied with taurus sun leo moon scorpio rising. worf is just like. he doesn’t have a really big personality but you also are very aware of him? i wouldn’t say he’s stoic by any means, he’s just very. focused. he’s honest and tries his best to look at situations from a more lawful standpoint, or at least, one that makes the most sense with his own honour code. he seems drawn to stability, but also finds himself drawn to people who challenge him too? he’s out here looking for something to balance him out and put things in perspective for him. whether or not he takes that into consideration is another thing entirely. and i say scorpio because, you know what they say, still water runs deep. you might know what he’s thinking because he told you, but you might not know how he Feels about it. actually, you probably will not. the leo doesn’t really make him want to be in the spotlight or anything, in his case i think it acts more like his driving force. 
and listen. i know garak isn't crew. but i love him so he’s here and we’re all gonna like it.  this chaotic little bastard spy is an aquarius sun pisces moon capricorn rising.  garak is unique, and even if he doesn’t want to say it, he’s pretty ruled by his emotions too. he’s creative, and a grade-A manipulator who can charm his way just about anywhere (provided of course, the person in question isn’t someone who’s been warned about him, but even then, he has a good chance). he’s good a good, if not a bit Off, sense of humour and he comes off as someone who has a personal interest in the behaviour of people. not just a spy thing, but he’s invested--he does crave a certain intimacy and closeness which gets denied uh. most of his life actually. the capricorn read comes from how he’s been able to compartmentalize and commit acts of cruelty. an interrogation that was four hours of staring and not speaking is certainly creative. it’s also an insanely calculated and sadistic mind game for him. and it’s interesting to note that as much as he manipulates, he’s also very easily manipulated himself (see: Everything about tain jesus fuck i hate that man so much). he also runs into quite a bit of trouble when he’s not able to compartmentalize things any longer, whether it’s because the emotional toll is too high or he simply doesn’t see the point in the actions any longer. 
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trillscienceofficer · 4 years
Hmm, yeah... I think I kinda get it. There are definitely quite a few TV show deaths I'm still hung up on, and although I read and sometimes write fics where they survived, that won't stop be from being pretty emo about what happened in canon. And when it comes to Jadzia, the Dax symbiote, and Ezri... yeah, it's definitely a lot more complicated than "screw canon, she's fine"
Yes, it's exactly the feeling you describe, especially the part about Dax being more complicated than simply saying "oh yeah everything is the same except Jadzia is fine" because... her being fine changes things pretty dramatically, Ezri's story would be lost and that's an important part of DS9 to me. And imho it can't be 'oh Ezri gets another symbiont' either because it's being the Dax host after Jadzia that makes Ezri's arc so interesting. It's definitely a strange place to be in, fandom-wise, because fix-its that hit the balance that works for me are very very rare.
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whoguenard · 4 years
Top 5 Star Trek episodes
OF ALL THE SERIES???? Dude, that’s a tough one.
Since I know you’re interested in starting this at some point, here are my favorite DS9 episodes you can watch without knowing overarching plot:
1. DS9 Season 4, Episode 8: Little Green Men - Time Travel. Crime goblins. Aliens fucking with stupid humans from the 60′s. A fun time.
2. DS9 Season 5, Episode 6: Trials and Tribble-ations - You’ve actually seen this one, but it’s SO much fun. More time travel. Fun 90′s mix of classic Trek with newer Trek. They throw a Tribible at Kirk’s head. Dax wants to fuck Spock. We don’t talk about the other Klingons.
3. DS9 Season 6, Episode 13: Far Beyond the Stars - Kind of time travel? I might just have a thing for time travel. Captain Sisko finds himself living the life of a pulp science fiction writer in the 1950′s, where he is forced to deal with the racial issues of the period. Tanner, I know you, and you will cry.
4. DS9 Season 7, Episode 4: Take Me Out to the Holosuite - Humans teach aliens baseball. In the middle of a war. Death to the opposition. 
5. OKAY THIS ISN’T DS9, BUT I HAD TO. TNG Season 6, Episode 15: Picard kinda not really dies, and Q meets up with him in the afterlife. If you could redo the thing you most regret, would you still be the same person? What makes a person who they are? Is an omniscient being in love with a balding middle-aged space captain? 
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borgjaneway · 5 years
au: the casts of ds9 and voy are swapped. this is kind of two aus, so i demand ten headcanons
Okay, I’m gonna go with just the Starfleet crews get swapped for this, so Odo, Quark, etc, are still on DS9, and the Marquee are still on Voyager.
With Janeway on ds9 instead of Sisko Q probably shows up a lot more. He doesn’t tend to meddle on a large scale I think(?) but probably fucks with Dukat in some way that earns Q solid goodwill among the crew for a while.
Janeway’s dog and all her puppies live on DS9 and run freely like the Queen’s corgis. This drives Odo crazy.
I guess Janeway and Mark would end up getting married, making her the polar opposite of Sisko at the start of ds9 lol :/. Imagine her having to explain to her new husband that she’s now considered the Prophet.
Just realized everyone’s family’s would be able to live with them/come to visit. Tuvok’s wife lives on the station. Harry’s parents come to visit and fawn over how amazing their son is the entire time.
Garak attempts to hit on Harry but he’s like, “Oh no, I’m not falling for that,” and it goes nowhere.
Sisko wouldn’t be able to stand Neelix at all. Between his dad senses going crazy over Kes, and Neelix’s “cooking,” I don’t see him lasting long.
I think Sisko would be a lot better at integrating the two crews and not making the Marquee go full Starfleet. But I also feel like he’d keep his original second in command.
I’ve used this hc for an AU where Harry Kim is a joined Trill before but, Jadzia is both thrilled that her experiences and discoveries are being recorded via Dax, and worried that she’ll die with no way to pass it on to another host.
Julian gets found out early on. They’ve been using the EMH so Julian can accompany away missions, and after he gets injured the EMH does a scan that because ~plot reasons~ reveals his GM status. Julian erases the discovery and the EMH’s memory, but because this is around the same time Seska is betraying them it gets picked up as suspicious activity. Then there’s this whole thing where they think he’s the traitor and even after that gets cleared up it’s still clear it colors a lot of people’s view of him.
Him and Tom end up bonding over this.
Kira would be devastated being so far from Bajor and not being able to be there for it.
Kira and Seven actually get along quite well. Bajor didn’t have to deal with the Borg so there’s no stigma there, and they appreciate the other’s no nonsense personality.
Jadzia is a big fan of B’elanna, not just because of the Klingon thing, but because how tenacious and creative she is. B’elanna feels kinda weird about Jadzia at first because Jadzia comes in expecting her to be very Klingon and knowledgeable about the culture, which she isn’t. 
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multsicorn · 5 years
ds9 1x18, “dramatis personae”
this episode ended up being so exciting that it generated a fairly long liveblog - much of which was under False Pretenses, apparently, cause I’m not as good at reading even quite non-subtle plots as I think I am - so, under the cut!
Quark to Odo: spare me from beings who think pain is pleasure… in small doses, perhaps.  LOL this is far from the first such line, but if it’s not fanservice it sure as fuck feels like it.  Through my secondhand quodo glasses, but, jazzy, I can see what you have to work with.  And then Odo lowkey threatening Quark’s business rather than giving the bribe requested!  They play on the same level, all right!
Bashir is so much less entertaining when he’s actually doing his job, sigh.  Your job is to entertain me, not do your job!  And then he proves me right just a second later saying ‘I have literally no clue what to do for you, Odo, shrug, sorry not sorry.’  I heart.
… and okay do I by this point know the characters well enough to be correct in suspecting that it’s now (after Odo wakes up on his examining table) Bashir who’s acting suspiciously like not-him!
Kira: ‘You’re not gonna do anything about this.’ Sisko: ‘I’m not… and neither are you.’
This conflict is so exactly my narrative catnip, if it’s allowed to remain & develop… but it won’t be, will it?  So close, and yet so far.  Well, we’ll see.
Kira: ‘This station is Bajoran property.’ Sisko: ‘Commanded by a Federation officer.’
WITH a federation presence Bajor may very well be vulnerable to the Cardassians!  Especially if you guys aren’t gonna do anything about weapons shipments, (because you have your own separate priorities), jeez!
‘I wouldn’t get too friendly with the natives.  Remember where your loyalties lie.’  Wow, that’s ugly, O’Brien  (But to be fair, he is under mind control.)
Also if Kira and Dax are friends could we see some of this friendship PLEASE
Sisko saying he couldn’t care less about a Klingon ship is DEFINITELY ooc, but I’m still not sure about O’Brien’s testing of loyalties earlier.
Dax: “Are you trying to tell me something”?  I know she’s trying to suborn your loyalties, but it looks like she’s tryna flirt with you, Jadzia.
Okay with Kira’s ’I’m getting rid of Sisko’ I just think…. is everyone infected??  (Besides, obviously, Odo and Quark?)  I can’t be sure-sure, but it seems so.
It’s fun to watch, by the way, these episodes of ‘everyone’s acting SO MUCH MORE DRAMATIC than they normally would!’  Conflict and presumption and playfulness and so on, it’s all pretty ridiculous, but I enjoy it!  And Sisko’s defiance WITH SCREWDRIVER IN HAND :D.
And unrelated sidebar note: someone more attractive than Odo should push Bashir up against a wall PLS, I have just conceived a burning desire for this instantaneously right now.  (uh not to insult odo jazzy lol)
… is Bashir’s total manipulability because he is that naive f’real and the virus or whatever can’t change that about him?  LOL.
Threatening your superior officer while saying ‘sir’ is a damn good moment, ooc or not.
… you cannot just vent things into outer space like that with PEOPLE THERE, you can’t open the door, you’ll SUFFOCATE.  I know this show’s bad at the science but jeez.
Also, looking back at ’but that’s not allowed’ from the beginning of the episode, I’m kinda annoyed that the Varlyrian (sp?) ship conflict was taken over by this artificial ooc drama rather than being allowed to play out by the characters as they are/were.  Of course this was fun, but - I knew they’d swerve from it some way or other!  And then they did swerve!  (… yes, I’m complaining that this show isn’t a different show, but I am enjoying watching this show.  And I don’t spend enough time watching TV total to pick up multiple things at once.)
Kira apologizing though is *heart*s, even (especially!) because it wasn’t really her.
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