#sanitary pads reusable
spaceydragons · 2 months
Dear people who get period's and use reusable sanitary products;
What are some good reusable pad brands that are reasonably priced that y'all recommend?
Bc I'm really tired of wasting so much money on disposable pads every month 💀
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booksr4ever18 · 6 months
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period-hub · 2 years
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Get your reusable cotton pads that are skin-friendly and eco-friendly from The Period Hub.
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unnati2anahat1 · 4 days
Anahat Unnati: Reusable Cloth Pads for Heavy Flow
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philsmeatylegss · 6 months
I saw a tiktok talking about the massive shortage of feminine hygiene products in Gaza.
The only charity right now that seems to be helping with this shortage is called Motherbeing
Motherbeing is an organization based on education and providing assistance in healthcare for Arab women.
They recently donated 200,000 sanitary pads as women have been taking dangerous measures to delay their periods out of fear of toxic shock syndrome.
In case you are unaware, toxic shock syndrome is a possibly life threatening infection that develops from wearing a feminine hygiene product, usually tampons or cups, for too long.
They currently don’t have donations open, but people are trying to get them to. There’s products you can buy from their website, however.
This will get like three notes, but I just came across it and I wanted to post something. When something as serious as genocide happens, people forget little things like pads and tampons, which actually can be life threatening.
If you want to donate to charities similar to this one, here’s a few I found:
-Helping Women Period: provides pads and tampons to women (and people with uteruses) who are low income or homeless.
-The Pad Project: supplies low income women with pads all over the world.
-She Supply: provides pads and tampons for homeless women in Texas
-Free the Tampon: organization working towards making sanitary products free
-The Period Panty Project: takes physical donations of sanitary products as well as just donations for women in Ohio.
-Days for Girls: donated reusable pads to women all over the world.
There’s a lot more. Feel free to research
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ecobravouk · 28 days
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Comparing the Cost-Effectiveness of Reusable vs. Disposable Pads
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qtpill · 2 months
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I made some simple reusable cotton period pads^^
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timepads · 2 months
Reusable sanitary pads offer a number of benefits, both for the environment and for personal health. These organic sanitary products items provide women a reason to grin while going about their daily lives, as they embody girl power and provide comfort.  
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repad · 7 months
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Buy Eco-friendly Sanitary Pads Online at Re:Pad
Discover Sustainable Comfort! Shop eco-friendly sanitary pads online at Re:Pad. Say goodbye to chemicals and embrace nature-friendly hygiene. Visit Re:Pad today for a greener, healthier period experience. Go green with Re:Pad. Visit our website https://www.repad.in/ to buy sanitary pads.
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period-hub · 2 years
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Buy best reusable sanitary cotton cloth pads from periodhub.com
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minksieuk · 1 year
Organic Bamboo Sanitary Pads offer a natural and sustainable alternative to traditional pads. Made from 100% bamboo fiber, they are hypoallergenic, breathable, and ultra-absorbent, providing reliable protection and maximum comfort. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and plastic waste and hello to a healthier and eco-friendly period. Try them today and experience the difference.
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ecobravouk · 28 days
The Psychological Impact of Using Reusable Pads: Empowerment and Confidence
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In the realm of eco-friendly living, the focus often falls on the environmental and financial benefits of sustainable choices. However, another aspect is equally important but frequently overlooked: the psychological impact.
In this article, we'll explore how using reusable pads can empower individuals and boost their confidence, leading to positive life changes.
The Psychological Benefits of Reusable Pads
Sense of Control
When individuals choose to use reusable pads, they are actively taking control of their menstrual health and hygiene. Unlike disposable pads, which are often mass-produced and made with synthetic materials, reusable pads are typically crafted from natural, breathable fabrics like cotton or bamboo. This choice allows users to prioritise their comfort and well-being, fostering a deeper connection with their bodies and menstrual cycles.
Individuals can tailor their menstrual care routine to suit their unique needs and preferences by opting for reusable pads. They can select pads of varying sizes, shapes, and absorbencies, ensuring optimal comfort and protection throughout their menstrual cycle. This sense of control extends beyond the physical aspects of menstruation to encompass emotional and psychological well-being. Users feel empowered to make informed choices about their bodies, leading to increased confidence and self-assurance.
Moreover, the act of using reusable pads involves a level of mindfulness and intentionality that is often lacking with disposable products. Users become more attuned to their bodies' signals and rhythms, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of their menstrual health. This heightened awareness can translate into improved self-esteem and body positivity as individuals learn to embrace and celebrate their natural cycles.
One of the unique aspects of reusable pads is the opportunity for self-expression and creativity. Unlike disposable pads, which typically come in plain, uniform designs, reusable pads often feature various colours, patterns, and prints. From bold florals to whimsical illustrations, a padded design suits every style and personality.
This diversity allows users to express themselves authentically and confidently, even during menstruation. They can choose pads that reflect their individual tastes, interests, and values, transforming a once-taboo topic into a form of self-expression and empowerment. Whether it's a vibrant floral pattern or a cheeky slogan, a reusable pad's design can be a source of inspiration and positivity during menstruation.
Furthermore, the act of selecting and wearing a reusable pad that resonates with them can boost individuals' self-esteem and sense of identity. It becomes a subtle yet meaningful way to reclaim ownership of their bodies and challenge societal norms surrounding menstruation. Instead of feeling ashamed or embarrassed, users can feel proud and empowered to embrace their menstrual cycles as a natural and normal part of life.
Reduced Environmental Guilt
In today's increasingly eco-conscious world, many individuals seek ways to minimise their environmental impact and live more sustainably. Reusable pads offer a practical and effective solution to this dilemma, allowing users to reduce their reliance on single-use plastics and disposable products.
By choosing reusable pads over disposable ones, individuals can alleviate feelings of guilt and eco-anxiety associated with contributing to environmental pollution. They can take pride in knowing that their menstrual care routine aligns with their sustainability and environmental stewardship values. This sense of eco-consciousness can translate into greater self-esteem and confidence as users feel empowered to make choices that positively impact the planet.
Moreover, the act of using reusable pads can serve as a tangible reminder of one's commitment to sustainability. It becomes a daily practice of environmental mindfulness, reinforcing the belief that small actions can make a big difference. Users feel empowered to be part of the solution to environmental challenges rather than passive contributors to the problem.
Overall, the psychological benefits of using reusable pads extend far beyond their practical utility. They offer a powerful opportunity for individuals to reclaim control over their bodies, express themselves authentically, and align their actions with their values of sustainability. By choosing reusable pads, users can experience renewed empowerment, confidence, and self-assurance, transforming their menstrual care routine into a source of positivity and pride.
FAQ Section:
Can reusable pads cause any discomfort or irritation?
Reusable pads are typically made from natural, breathable materials like cotton or bamboo, which are less likely to cause discomfort or irritation than synthetic materials used in disposable pads. However, individuals with sensitivities or allergies should choose pads made from hypoallergenic materials and ensure proper hygiene practices.
Are reusable pads suitable for heavy menstrual flows?
Reusable pads are available in different sizes and levels of absorbency, making them suitable for light to heavy menstrual flows. Some brands even offer extra-absorbent options for heavy flow days, providing users with peace of mind and confidence.
How do reusable pads compare to other menstrual products in terms of convenience?
While reusable pads require washing and maintenance, many users find them as convenient as disposable pads. With proper care and storage, reusable pads can be used on the go and offer the added benefit of reducing waste and environmental impact. However, individuals with busy lifestyles may prefer alternative menstrual products like menstrual cups or period underwear for maximum convenience. Visit Eco Bravo's website to find out more about the benefits of using reusable pads. © Eco Bravo
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franchiseindia · 2 years
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minksie14 · 2 years
Looking for the Cloth Sanitary Pads in Uk | Minksie
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We as a brand is conceptualised from the real experience of the struggle that every woman faces in her lifetime. The struggle of dealing with heavy blood flow during periods, the stained bedsheets, and the allergic reactions caused by disposable pads led to the introduction of cloth sanitary pads UK designed by us.
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smarthygeia · 9 months
🌼 Welcome to the world of menstrual cups - a revolutionary and eco-friendly alternative to traditional menstrual products! Discover the exceptional benefits of Savvy Menstrual Cups in this post. Traditional products like pads and tampons contribute to environmental pollution, but menstrual cups offer a sustainable solution. 
Say goodbye to irritation caused by chemicals in disposable products, as Savvy Menstrual Cups are made from hypoallergenic medical-grade silicon. With leak-free protection for up to 12 hours and the ability to wear them during physical activities, they provide comfort and convenience. Make the switch to Savvy, the FDA and ISO-certified choice, and join the menstrual cup revolution today for a healthier, budget-friendly, and eco-conscious period experience!
to know moew about the menstural cups then read the full blog at: https://medium.com/@smarthygeia2/why-should-you-use-menstrual-cups-the-savvy-solution-9f704f999917
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Make It Better - A Joel Miller Story
Joel Miller x f!reader/f!oc
Joel Miller masterlist
Menstruating in the midst of the apocalypse isn’t exactly a breeze. While Joel can be a real guy about her period, he's always up for helping ease her pain, in whatever way he can.
warnings | 18+ SMUT, period sex, enough said
a/n | this is entirely inspired by a post I saw today from @psychedelic-ink in search of some good, sweet period fics about Mr. Miller. Voila, folks.
Men have it so much easier in the apocalypse. This was a thought that had occurred to her monthly for the last twenty years. Everytime her period came, she found herself woefully unprepared. You would think that FEDRA would start mass producing pads or something, but obviously there were no women amongst the higher ups, because no such relief had ever come. She had figured out a number of tricks over the years, slicing up the military-issued socks to make reusable pads, keeping an eye out for old tampax boxes on runs with Joel. He’d always get flustered when she’d wave a lucky, smuggled box in his face, muttering something about not needing to know about that while she just grinned from ear to ear with the knowledge that she’d be set for the next month. She and Tess would give him endless shit for it, trying to outdo each other in making him blush amidst all their womanly talk. 
She missed Tess endlessly, but had quickly drawn Ellie into the challenge of freaking Joel out with talk of the very normal, very human thing that was menstruation. He at least tried to be a gentleman about it, while still being a total guy about it too, asking her if she was feeling ok when he knew hers was coming up, but also sometimes pulling the “you on the rag?” card when she was being particularly short with him. 
When they got to Jackson, and Maria hooked both her and Ellie up with diva cups, it had been a game changer. No more makeshift pads, no more scrounging for expired tampons. Finally, some damn relief from the conundrum that was menstruating during the end of the world. Since they had settled into the community, however, and her and Joel had been sharing a bit more than just each other’s platonic company, Joel’s seeming unease around the topic of her monthlies hadn’t really dissipated. 
He had actually jumped in shock when she showed him how the diva cup worked one night in their shared bathroom, a twisted look of horror on his features as she folded up the plastic contraption before letting it snap back into form. His words came out as an incredulous gasp when he finally spoke.
“You’re telling me that goes inside you, like that?” She had to bite back a laugh at his reaction. 
“Pretty sure I’ve had far more inside me very recently, Joel.” A brutal flush crept across his neck and face at that, leaving him a stammering mess as he quickly stumbled out of the bathroom. It was just too easy.
Another time, Joel had come home from a patrol shift to find her in the kitchen, boiling the diva cup to sanitize it before the next time. He had sweetly come up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and murmuring into her neck, asking what was for dinner. Then he got a good look at what was in the pot. That time, he had let out a yelp, tripping back on his feet and looking at her like she had grown a second head.
“Godammnit, woman. What the hell are you doing?” She had fixed him with a look, huffing at his big man-baby antics.
“Joel, I have to clean it somehow.” His eyes were wide, a terror-stricken look on his face.
“Not in the pans we eat out of though!” He didn’t seem convinced by her cajoling that it was perfectly sanitary and after that night, she never saw that pot again.
One thing they could agree on about all this, however, was period sex. First and foremost, Joel liked to feel needed, like he could give something to her, so it took little convincing to get him between her legs under the guise of helping ease her cramps. He hardly cared about the blood, and she thought he also didn’t mind how sensitive she got during that time of the month either. His only stipulation? That the diva cup came out before he got anywhere near her. 
As usual, her period had started the night before, always the middle of the month. She and Joel had been together for so long at this point that he could clock it pretty well, the next morning looking in the bathroom cabinet in the spot where she normally kept her diva cup before turning to look at her skeptically, his face still groggy with sleep. She had smirked at him around her toothbrush before wiping her mouth and fully looking at him.
“Yes, Joel? Do you have a question?” His brows shot up his forehead before settling back into a furrow, he cleared his throat.
“Is it um, is it–” She quirked a brow at his stumbling. He finally spit it out though.
“Is it– in there?” She couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out at his bashful look.
“You ask me the same thing every month and I give you the same answer every month. Yes, it’s in there.” His brow stayed furrowed as he rubbed the back of his neck, finally letting out a gruff hum before shuffling back into the bedroom. Some things never change. Why a man who had literally killed people with his bare hands couldn’t seem to get over the fact that she had a functioning uterus was beyond her, but damn, was it fun to watch him squirm.
She got home before him that night, having taken an earlier patrol shift. While she was certainly tough, having been out on the road for such a long time, she still got worn down by the requisite cramps that came every month and was currently in a world of hurt. She had once told Ellie that she’d trade all her non-essential organs for a bottle of midol. 
While not quite the same as painkillers, Maria had gifted her a bottle of peppermint oil for her cramps. Some of the women had been harvesting the wild plants and were beginning to distill them down for their medicinal properties, and apparently peppermint worked particularly well for pain. She took off her shirt and bra, not bothering to shuck off her pants before laying across their bed and rubbing some of the oil into her stomach, sighing at the instant relief that the cooling sensation brought. She let her eyes drift shut, enjoying the light tingling of the oil on her skin as well as the fresh scent of the peppermint, but was soon interrupted by the sound of heavy boots approaching the bedroom.
“Are you in– oh.” She cracked one eye open, taking in the sight of Joel standing over the bed, seemingly slack-jawed as he looked down at her. She couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Why does it smell like toothpaste in here?” She huffed at that, sitting up and handing him the bottle of peppermint oil.
“It’s for cramps, from Maria.” He looked at her then, and she was starting to feel warm at the way his gaze was wandering over her half-naked figure.
“You hurting?” She just shrugged, sighing as he stepped closer to let his fingertips skate along her collarbone. He leaned down to drop a kiss to her lips that she chased after to deepen, finally pulling away once they were both good and gasping for breath. Joel pressed his forehead to hers, his voice coming out hoarse.
“Can I help?” She grinned, gripping the hair at the nape of his neck and drawing her lips to his ear in a way that made him shudder.
“You sure can. But you better let me get up first. It’s still in there.” He was off her in a flash, hands up like he was surrendering to the period police. She couldn’t help the wicked laugh that came out as she jogged over to the bathroom to get fully undressed. She could hear him mumble after her retreating figure “fucking menace.”
Diva cup out, and towel in hand, she came back into the bedroom to find him shirtless, toeing off his boots and socks on the end of the bed. He paused in his movements when she stepped before him, completely bare. His face went totally slack as he took in the sight of her. Never gets old. He snapped himself out of it, swallowing thickly before looking up to her gaze.
“Lay yourself out for me, darlin.” His southern drawl was already getting slow and thick in a way that made her thighs clench. She did as he asked, laying down the towel before settling her hips over it and laying back against the pillows. He stood at the end of the bed, not taking his eyes off her as he peeled off his jeans. 
She had dipped one hand down to draw lazy strokes across her clit, already impossibly sensitive as his eyes bore down on her. She couldn’t help the whimper that ran through her throat when he slid his boxers off, his cock already hard as he crawled up onto the bed between her legs. Hovering over her, he rested one of his elbows by her temple as they met in an entirely sloppy kiss. They were both stubborn and it showed in the harsh tangle of tongues and scraping of teeth. He pulled away just for a moment to look down as his fingers dipped into her folds, drawing a long sweep up to her clit. She preened into his touch, hips already bucking up into his hand as he started to swirl his fingers around her clit.
“So worked up for me already, huh, pretty? Just need me to make you feel good, s’that it?” His voice was a low purr in her ear as he dipped his fingers down to her entrance. She whined as he started to thrust into her, his palm grinding against her clit in messy circles. 
“F-fuck, yes. Make me feel good, Joel. Wanna be good for you.” He dragged his lips up the arch of her neck, his murmurs sending vibrations through the tender skin.
“Always so good for me, darlin. Want you to come on my fingers, can you do that?” She was already embarrassingly close, clenching around his fingers with each thrust of his hand. All she could do was nod and bite back the shivering moans that were crawling up her throat. Joel dipped his head down to her chest, taking one of her peaked nipples into his hot mouth and she yelped out a broken curse at the feeling. There was a lewd pop when he pulled off her, resting his chin between the valley of her breasts as he watched her teeter over the edge of pleasure.
“Come for me, darlin. Show me how good it feels. Just let go.” The pleasure snapped in a jagged blur as she clamped down around his fingers, her hips jerking up into his hold. He worked her through it until she was starting to squirm in his hand, finally pulling his fingers away and wiping them off on the towel beneath her. 
She pulled him in by his neck for another kiss, her other hand sweeping down between them to palm at his throbbing hardness. He hissed into her mouth as her thumb swiped over his tip, smearing pre-cum down the length of him before lining him up with her entrance. 
“Want you, Joel. Wanna feel you, please.” He groaned into her neck before pressing his hips forward, both of them letting out broken sighs when his hips settled flush with hers. She drew one leg up, her knee hitching at his waist as he rolled his hips back before thrusting into her in one harsh stroke, quickly finding a pace that had her gasping out his name. 
“S’right, pretty. Keep saying my name– fuck– s’me who’s making you feel so good, huh?” She let out a whimpered “yes” to his question, her nails finding purchase in the tense muscles of his back. The pleasure was already starting to pool sure and heady at the base of her spine, her cunt fluttering around his thick length with each thrust. Joel seemed to notice, bringing his hand down between them to draw heavy sweeps across her clit. Her hips bucked at the sensation, a clipped cry bubbling from her throat. Joel’s eyes were fierce as he watched her crumpled expression of pleasure.
“Think you got one more for me, darlin. Be good for me. Come for me– fuck– need to feel you.” With a cry of his name she fell over the edge of pleasure again, spasming around his dick as he fucked her through the simmering throb. He wasn’t far behind, pulling out only to stroke himself a few times before he was releasing over her stomach. 
He hunched over her, his breath smearing across her collarbones as she lightly dragged her nails up and down his back, both of them trying to calm their racing pulses. Joel finally looked up at her, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of her mouth that drew a grin from her.
“That feel better, darlin?” 
“Much better, but we really need a shower now.”
They showered together, and it was sweet, all tender touches and soft smiles. But she couldn’t help herself when they got out, wrapping her towel around her body and grabbing the diva cup, waving it in Joel’s face. 
“You wanna see how it’s done, Miller?” He visibly blanched at her words, already shuffling out of the bathroom as he muttered a few words.
“Nope. No, ma’am.”
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