#saturn opposite Chiron
bivht · 4 months
Astrology Observations
tw: ED
A lot of people in my life with chiron-saturn hard aspects have one parent emotionally (or physically) absent and the other emotionally manipulative. Also common is intergenerational trauma/childhood trauma. This individual has difficulties relying on people for support. It sucks bc it’s quite a common aspect. I’d estimate roughly 25% of my class has this
Chiron-saturn hard aspects also make me think of someone with a wounded sense of restriction and discipline. In extreme cases it can lead to mental health conditions like eating disorders I.e. Karen carpenter with Saturn square Chiron. Eugenia cooney with Saturn opposite Chiron. Tbh this is more of an assumption, both individuals have mars square Saturn which could also be a factor
mars square Saturn is where the ability to feel motivated, take action, and progress is restricted by Saturn. And the square aspect makes it sooo difficult to overcome, it’s locked in place like a safe. Their sense of discipline is also kinda f’ed up. Potential to be self-punishers.
pisces moon with hard aspects to pluto can have emotionally manipulative mother in which the child believes their mother is their best friend but it’s really just an unstable relationship with lack of any emotional boundaries :/
moon-pluto/moon-saturn hard aspects is having at least one traumatic event relating to their mother by age 16
Venus-Chiron/chiron in the 7h can have a fear of people leaving them for someone better
Melpomene (18) conjunct pluto is so frickin’ powerful when they delve into tragic art such as sad songs/dance/writing. Melpomene is the muse of tragedy. Even if it’s a really happy or cute person, they’ll catch you off guard with their suitability in tragic roles
This is obvious but fatme (866) can have weight struggles
pisces moon is asking your mum for privacy and she says “I’m your MOTHER, I’ve seen you naked since you were a baby!”
virgo mercury is the definition of “oh no… anyway”
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black-lake · 1 year
"You feel extreme loneliness, very likely only children? being removed from everyone else even if you need people. Forced to do everything alone. Feeling like you have to deal with everything alone." hard relate (saturn in 12th). my mom has NPD and was so in love w/ the idea of being a mom that even though i wouldn't drink breast milk, she refused to buy me formula, like she had her HEART set on breastfeeding, so on day 11 of my time on this earth, i turned blue and almost asphyxiated to death (my saturn opposes my moon/chiron conjunction in sixth actually). i thought it was kind of cool how my experience lined up with what you wrote! (feel free to post publicly if you want)
wow that must have been so hard. your story definitely is influenced by that moon opposite saturn and conjunct chiron in 6th. saturn limiting and the 6th relating to your health at that age. I see how your mom would act that way. and with saturn sitting on the 12th, you probably dealt with the emotional and mental struggles that come with it alone. you can speak about it yes but you have the power to transmute and heal alone, remember it is an advantage to have, your connection with yourself and the universe transcends all of that. our parents mistakes open our eyes to so many things, a chance for our children to live better as we learn to never repeat their mistakes. thanks for sharing your story with us. you're amazing ♥︎
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malachiteclouds · 8 months
🌟natal astrology observations part 2 🌟
thank you guys for being patient! if y'all wanna follow me on insta @eudaimonia.o i don't post astro stuff but i'd love to make some friends :)
jupiter conjunct mars people can have extremely inflated egos. they are very argumentative and can't stand being wrong
moon opposite pluto have such intense feelings but they feel so far removed from them. they have a really difficult time processing their own emotions. they can repress feelings, then revisit the topic and not even realize they felt so strongly about it
1H pluto/conjunct asc love masks. they're spectacular at hiding and going unseen. they are masters at stealth and reservation which is why they intrigue people because they have complete control over who gets to see what and how much
aries rising/moon x being called "hot headed" all the time. they can physically get red in the face a lot/while mad or have really bad headaches/migraines
pisces placements have a specific look and are easy to spot. it's in their teeth , i can't explain it
7H saturn most loyal placement ever. they are devoted to understanding you and themselves through you. they can see their partners blind spots really well and they tend to be very genuine in their attempts to better themselves as an individual and the relationship as a whole. when they decide to commit, they will stick by your side through whatever it is you're going through
mercury chiron aspects, you guys NEED to write and/or speak. i know you feel its your weakness but really it is your superpower
women with lilith conjunct/opposite/square venus can have a habit of competing with other women. they can also put blame on women and think women are constantly jealous of them. they can have an itch for male validation that they really need to do some inner work to dismantle, as a lot of it comes from a past where THEY felt/feel insecure in their femininity or they felt/feel othered by women
moon north node aspects can be known for their mom or for being a mom. disharmonious aspects(squares/oppositions) can be notorious or infamous for being a "bad mom". can be extremely ridiculed for parenting style
12H stelliums live in quiet. in basements. in small apartments with lots of books and messy papers everywhere. they live in silence. they live in solitude. they live in stillness. they live in seclusion. they live in isolation. they were put on this earth in this lifetime for deep introspection and exploration of singularity.
5H moons are amazing in early childhood education. talk about thinking on your feet. it's basically like "hmm it would be fun to dip some yarn in some paint and drag it on the paper... oh and these 3 year olds happen to be here"
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xeeroo08 · 9 months
Astr observations 《4》
Disclaimer: I am not an astrologer. This post is only for entertainment purposes, so whatever I have mentioned, if it is reasonates, well and good, and if it doesn't, then please take it with a grain of salt. Thankyou.
🛖 Aries in 3rd house may have a very reckless yet mature behind the scenes relationship with their siblings. They also fight a lot with their siblings for no reason. Surprisingly, this usually goes physical more than verbal. Very playful relationship. There is always a strong urge to hit the other person and irritate them to death. It gives them pleasure. When injured, you might immediately stop the fight no matter how serious it is and take care of each other. Oh, and if someone else dares to trouble any of you, hell would break loose. They can't hear anything bad about each other. In certain cases, this could also apply to mars in 3rd house.
🪵 Dirty mind, Dirty mind, Dirty, Dirty, Dirty mind~ Heard the song? Yeah it's made for those who have their personal planets or ascendant conjuct asteroid Prevert. Trust me, the dumb way to die is by sneaking a glance in their minds. You will be traumatized for the rest of your life and will never look at them the same way again. At any given moment their thoughts are always in gutter. Yeah I am calling myself out at this one. Do I care? No.
🛖 Mars in 10th house folks are really good at dancing. They dance so well.... like you can see the passion in their steps. Dancing can be one of the hobbies in their lives. These people can also be known for dancing professionally and being captivating as hell on social media.
🪵 Lilith in 7th house could indiacte having seen a lot of failed marriages in their life. This could be in their immediate family or even include their own parents. Hence these people have a really different mindset when it comes to marriages. They might even resent the idea of getting married and often question, what's the point?
🛖 Moon in 1st house are babies. Literally babies. Like they look so damn cute and adorable that I just can't help myself but give them a huge hug. They are the most genuine type of people I think because its rarely when what's on their mind is not on their faces. They look so innocent and naive (even if they are legit not.) People just wanna protect them at all costs. They bring out the maternal instinct for them from the other person naturally. But no matter what their warmth is the best comfort zone and their arms are home <3
🪵 Mars in 5th house would definitely be that uncle/aunt/cousin/sibling who spoiled small kids to death and taught them to do weird stunts and create a headache for other family members.
🛖 Transit Saturn in 1st house is really frustrating. It feels like you are doing nothing progressive for yourself and just wasting time. Your efforts go in vain and its really hard to maintain consistency. Sometimes you also realize what mistakes you are making but you find it difficult to correct them. Mental state is always fluctuating and self-confidence is very down. This mainly goes on until the very end when you realize that now you gotta be serious. But when you really do hardwork and break the cycle of laziness, it pays off. Its like an immature, careless kid suddenly becoming a responsible and serious person. Remember, our beloved saturn plays mind games with you. Its either you break free from this if you want the prize or pay the price.
🪵 The people that I have seen to be most likely get cornered, misunderstood and targeted are people having chiron in their 1st house. Its really concerning and hurtful. Because of other idiots these babies get hurt on a very deep and subconscious level. They occasionally have identity crisis and depression is their bestfriend. They try to be happy but life always seems to push something in their way.
For example, I have this relative of mine and she lost her brother a year before she got married. She thought if she starts fresh, it would help. But unfortunately turned out her in-laws were not good people. She was gravely misunderstood by everyone. Even if people knew that it was not her fault, they took great pleasure in gossiping about her, blaming her and literally named her a psycho. Which she is not ofcourse. She was just mentally fragile and instead of understanding her, supporting her, they made her more unstable for no reason.
🛖 Leo venus folks love Cats. They are an animal lover by heart and soul. They are someone who might stop their car in the middle of the road because they saw a really cute cat walking on the sidewalk. Just to go their and mingle with it while thinking, If only I could take it home....
🪵 Cancer moons in 3rd house, please, please stop imitating that baby voice just to butter me up and get your work done. You might think its cute but no, I can see through everything and its so annoying plus immature. Ofc now it doesn't apply to everyone out there but those who do, please take my advice and stop it. Usually I have noticed only underdeveloped people do this but until they realize, its too late and others already find them so annoying. Honestly Cancer moons are so smart yet sometimes they.....*sighs*
🛖 Nessus aspecting Mercury could mean that you often end up hurting people through your words or the way you communicate even when you genuinely don't mean it. These people are really misunderstood a lot of times. Also this works the other way too. For example, you get easily hurt or offended when people speak ill about you. They might just share their opinion on your new home decor but instead you would feel insulted when in reality that's not the case. Not that you would hold a grudge, it depends person to person but you will definitely not overlook that. It would just sting a lot for no reason. You will always wonder, why did she say that?
For positive aspects, this could work out well too, for instance they know exactly what to say and what not to. They can be great negotiators, entrepreneurs and social influencers. They also know how to handle people embodying nessus qualities like a troll or opposition hell bent on creating trouble. Hard aspect people will slowly learn to overcome their problems in communication with time and experience.
🪵 Mars opposite MC screams suppressed anger. The thick tension between their anger and self-image is unbelievable. They don't like to get angry in public. They often gulp down their anger to the last extent because they don't want their reputation to get spoiled because of it. Sometimes its automatic they wanna get angry at someone but end up swallowing it anyway. But please don't test their patience. They might just explode unexpected at any time like a nuclear bomb and destroy everything within their range, not caring about their public image whatsoever.
🛖 Lilith in first house/Conjuct Ascendant are the infamous bad examples of the family while Lilith opposite Ascendant are the good examples with secrets darker than nightsky- always holding their sanity with a single string. Ironically, both are siblings, two sides of the same coin.
🪵 Remember, in one of my posts, I said that I don't relate with Aquarius rising and their unique fashion sense? Well, guys, I finally cracked the mystery! It's not our fashion sense that's unique. It's us. We are the aliens. Ok, that was a bad joke. But really, for example, a few months back, I wore a very pretty dress at my cousin's wedding. And istg people were looking at me like I was an alien, like I wore something totally out of the blue. As if It was not something improper or overdressed but very different than what everyone was wearing, which, of course, was not the case.
Now the funny thing is, if it was someone else wearing the same dress, I don't think anyone would've said anything about it. And voila! It happened. A few days back, I attended a family function, and I saw a girl wearing the same dress in different color and design. And fr nobody uttered a word. Those same people overlooked her as if it was totally normal. As if they didn't just make me talk of the town for a whole week because of that dress. So yeah, finally figured out, it's me, I am the problem.
🛖 Its not always true when they say Earth Mars people are calm and collected. I mean they are but suppose you have a virgo mars but you also have a Leo or Aries or Sagittarius stelium, your Virgo mars will be crying in the corner while that fire stellium will create a havoc and burn down the whole world in matter of some seconds.
🪵 North node in 11th house people are so likable. They are that one friend who knows the entire school and vice versa. So many connections and so many new friends. They just keep making connections left and right no matter where they go. People like to be in their contact. This gives me 'popular girl' vibe.
🛖 You sneaky little thing, you think no one knows how much you love reading smut? Yeah you, I am talking to you, Scorpio Jupiter/3rd house. Look me in the eye, I dare you to deny this.
🪵 Mercury conjuct Mars.... man, they literally spit fire when they talk. Can't win any argument against them. Ngl, I told my friend that I would leave her if she doesn't keep her hands off me special mention to her love language that is playfully hitting me at any possible situation. She just laughed and said, "Go, nobody would take you." Me: Cries silently. Her: I know baby truth hurts. Lemme give you a hug.
🛖 If you have no positive aspect to sun in your natal chart, it might be possible that people don't like your personality much. They think you are too egoistical or full of yourself. They might also backbitch about you a lot. Now this is just what I have observed so far. So it may not reasonate with everyone.
🪵 People with Sun conjuct Ascendant make very great leaders. They have a king/queen Aura surrounding them. And when they speak or share their opinion, people actually listen and take them seriously. When they walk in a room, they make sure everyone knows who has the authority.
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Synastry aspects with my unforgettable and beloved ex (Personal Experience) *Part-1* 💝👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic about the memories I had with my first ex in these days. I normally don’t reveal my feelings this because I’m worried that I wouldn’t be able to control myself and things would go worse as I tend to be impulsive when I really want something. However, I checked our synastry chart last night as I couldn’t sleep and I saw some lovey-dovey aspects as well as heartbreak aspects so let’s dive into it!🤿
His sun conjuncts my moon
💗This is a traditional soulmate aspect and I also think he’s my soulmate. We broke up because we were too young and our parents forced us to. Also, it was because he was moving to another city. If it had not been like that, I’m pretty sure that we would still be together to this day. He has also told me that he felt that we’re soulmates. I felt very comfortable with him most of the times and he just got me. He understood my feelings and I also could tell his feelings just by looking at him. Our energies also sometimes were mixed up. If he was sad, I was sad too and we were not even in the same place at those times. It was like magic. He was like the Ying to my Yang and Romeo to my Juliet. Even though we don’t have mercury aspects, our conversations were always going with the flow and there was not a single time when we had nothing to say. We were friends and also lovers.👫🏻
His moon conjuncts my Venus
💗This is also very warm and sweet, especially in Cancer. We both were romantic but needless to say, as I have a Venus in 12th house, I made more romantic gestures for him than he did for me. Whenever we were together, we stared at each other while holding hands and we smiled and giggled. It was like a scene from a typical high school romance movie. I loved to hold his hands so much. I felt very safe when I held his hands. I used to hug him from behind and from the front and at those times, I just felt like I was at home even though I was at school where I hated the most. I used to rub his cheeks while holding his hands from the other hand when he cried. I felt appreciated with him and we loved each other’s presence. Lovey-dovey for sure!👀
My moon conjuncts his mars
💗This is known as a “baby making” aspect in synastry from my knowledge. And even though we didn’t have sex and he didn’t even touch my private parts and neither did I, I always felt this electric connection flowing in my body whenever he touched my arms and thighs. My blood boiled suddenly and it was special. I felt like he could be the father of my children lmao😭😂. And I also loved staring at him and brushing off his hair when he slept. He was like a cheerleader for me too. He supported me emotionally and I supported him to take actions to achieve his goals. I was prone to anxiety attacks so I had difficulties in studying but he uplifted me and I also helped him learn by studying with him together. The connection between us felt so traditional though. Most of the time, I loved switching gender roles (not in bed). For instance, I didn’t want to become a housewife who stays at home and takes care of children. But with him, I just wanted to marry him, stay at home, nurture him and our children, cook for them and do typical housewife duties.👰🏻‍♀️
His venus trines my mars
💗That also indicates a sexual attraction but his Venus was in Leo and I am allergic to guys with Venus in Leo. I just don’t get along with them normally because they irritate me. They want someone who they can show off to public and I don’t know his intentions towards me but urgh idk I don’t like Venus Leo men (I love girls though). At this point, I think I played as a masculine role and he was in feminine mood because I kissed him first. Yes you saw it. He wasn’t making any moves so I wasn’t patient anymore and I just kissed him and he was soo surprised because in our country, girls don’t normally kiss first. He told me that it turned him on more but in a romantic way and not sexually.😃
My moon conjuncts his Jupiter
💗We were bubbly together. I laughed with him a lot and our relationship was teemed with giggles and crazy laughs. I enjoyed his company and he enjoyed mine too. I felt expanded intellectually when I was with him and I was willing to do everything together with him such as traveling and trying out adventurous activities. I provided him to open up his feelings but he never fully did.🤷🏻‍♀️
My sun squares his mars
💗We rarely fought during our relationship but there was one fight that I can never forget. At that time, he teased me about a trivial matter and I was so serious about it because I was on a period and I lashed out my anger at him. He didn’t get it and he never retreated and went on teasing me so I didn’t talk to him for 3 days even though he was sitting beside me in the class for all those days. He tried so hard to make me talk to him but I kinda insulted his mom and his exes and then, he fought me back (he was a momma boy, he still is). Our argument was intense and explosive. My mars Aries shot his ass off with non-stop cursing words and he also said that I was selfish and etc. The fight ended with the help of mutual friends but during the argument, it was like two tigers fighting for a piece of beef.🐯
His sun sextiles my Venus
💗I have to admit it. I liked him first and I kind of flirted with him. He flirted me back and we got together. From the first time I saw him, I had this lil crush on him like he was my type even though he didn’t meet my expectations. I adored him the way he was. I just felt so positive about him and he told me he felt it too.
My north node squares his moon
💗I have seen in a post on tumblr (I don’t remember the original author sorry) that those people whose personal planets make square aspect to your north node may drag you down or delay you in some way. In other words, they may be the reason for delays and restrictions to get to your life purpose. His moon squares my north node and I had to process our break up for about a year because of his feelings and mine. I don’t know how to explain this but I felt emotionally stuck with him like I could not escape from my own emotions and I felt that he was the one responsible for it.
My Lilith conjuncts his Venus
💗It’s really interesting to see this pattern going on with me because there are 3 guys that I can never forget in my life and two of them have their Venus conjunct my Lilith. I’ve read countless posts about Lilith contacts and I still don’t clearly get who is more obsessed with who but I’m pretty sure I was the one more obsessed with both of them. I couldn’t let go of them even after a long time. This guy and I broke up 3 years ago and look at me, I’m still here, writing a post about the synastry between him and I😭😂. Plus, I felt that I could show my Lilith side to him without worrying about being judged. So if any of you have experiences with Lilith conjunct venus, please share yours freely because I’m so curious!!😩
His Lilith conjuncts my mercury
💗He was obsessed with the way I talked. He told me to talk more with him about various topics because he felt good hearing my voice. I find this funny because my word usages are not even attractive and my voice is also not hot but he said he loved it. He didn’t like it too when I talked to other people, even to my older cousin brother. Pretty bit of a tiny red flag but I was so in love with him so I was blind at that time.😪
My Chiron opposes his Venus
💗This is also a same pattern because I was always heartbroken by guys who had their Venus in aspect with my chiron (not only opposition). People say that Venus conjunction chiron is a marriage aspect and it’s very healing but I got major traumas from a guy whose Venus conjunct my chiron so hmm umm excuse me!? Back to my ex, his Venus is in opposition with my chiron and it was not healing at all. AT ALL. He traumatized me. His parents traumatized me. His friends traumatized me. Honestly, it’s very complicated to explain but the reason why I got bullied and slut-shamed at school is because of him. But those experiences made me stronger and more mature. It brought me to where I am right now and that’s why I don’t regret it. It hurt me so much though. Like a sword in my heart.😔
His Saturn conjuncts my ascendant
💗So, I don’t have much to say about this aspect but I felt insecure with him at some times. Especially when it came to my daily activities and my appearance. I felt that I wasn’t pretty enough and I felt ashamed to mention what I did in my daily life. But this is not very personal because most guys from my class had their Saturn conjunct my ascendant as Saturn moves not so fast and those guys were at the same age with me. In a way, I felt insecure about my appearance with people who were at the same age with me.
His moon conjuncts my ascendant
💗I’m not very sure about this because I don’t know his birth time and the moon can differ from 1-10 degrees forward or backward depending on the birth time. But his moon is at 15 degrees (without birth time) and my ascendant is at 21 degrees, so it conjuncts as of now. I felt at ease with him as I mentioned earlier but I’m going to talk more about this aspect in my later post because his moon is in my 12th house and I have a lot to say about that. Even creepy and paranormal stuffs.🥶
His chiron conjuncts my descendant
💗I searched it up on Google and I saw that the chiron person is destined to give the descendant person a lesson in whatever ways and that is absolutely true. He brought lessons into my life and I’m really grateful for those and interestingly, back in those days, most guys in my class also had their chiron conjunct my descendant and they also brought me lessons and lessons and lessons. The whole class didn’t speak to me FYI. And also the whole school. That’s okay now because I realized that being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonely and you can feel lonely even though you’re going out with friends if you’re not in the right circle.
Anyways, I had to write this out because my heart was crying out for him so much and the only thing I can do at this time is writing this and recalling some sweet memories we shared. I have a love-hate relationship with him and currently, I miss him so much and wanna talk to him but I can’t. I wanna g we back with him kinda but as my friend said, there was a reason why I broke up with him and why I blocked him on social media so I shouldn’t go back.
This is the end of this post and remember these are not facts. These are just my personal experiences so take them with a pinch of salt!! Thank you for reading to the end and have a nice day!❤️
•There is gonna be a part-2 for the synastry with this ex and I will be mentioning about house overlays in that post but mainly about moon in 12th house so stay tuned!✨
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crystalsenergy · 1 year
method for placements and aspects that need healing: love and feeling unworthy 💔🔄💓 [Practical Astrology]
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How about healing yourself through words and thinking about constructive things?
Chiron in Libra, Chiron in the 7th house, Lilith in Libra, Lilith in the 7th house, Venus square Saturn, Venus opposite Saturn, Venus conjunction Saturn, Saturn in Libra, Saturn in the 7th house, Pluto in the 7th house, Venus square Pluto, Venus conjunction Pluto, Venus opposite Pluto.
repetitions for placements and aspects that may be in need of healing: love and feeling unworthy
we may not understand the power that the words have for the people around us and for ourselves, but what we hear always enters our mind, to some extent. some things impact us directly, others, unconsciously. examples:
how many times have you dreamed of something random that happened in your day, and that you didn't remember anymore? everything that happens to us enters our being, because we are always sharing and receiving information. that's why I've been talking for a long time about the importance of knowing how to consume the right information and being in environments that bring "good information" to your mind.
the more time you spend in places and with people that don't help, the more you receive negative messages, fuel for complicated, dysfunctional, negative thoughts.
a clear example: a person who has a terrible love relationship, living with this person who constantly says negative things about him/her, who nourishes in this person's mind feelings of incapacity and lack of love, of not being worthy of love. the damage that this relationship will do in that person's mind is immense.
many times, even after getting out of difficult situations, we tend to believe that we are fine, because consciously certain issues no longer affect us. we are wrong. because the most sensitive issues are always being dealt with in another "layer" of our mind: the unconscious.
therefore, the importance of working with the health of your thoughts is immense, healthy thoughts are thoughts open to change, healing, which admit your weaknesses, your internal needs. exaggeratedly negative thoughts need to be removed from your mind, but don't force yourself to change them, don't believe that running away from them is the ideal thing to do. what we need to do is replace them with other thoughts which, after a certain amount of time being repeated, will become things you will believe. thoughts that others will rarely speak to you. but do you really need to wait to hear these things?
we need to take care of ourselves, be responsible with our life. and for that you need to face your insecurities and try to heal them in the ways available to you.
"but I don't know exactly what are my insecurities."
I have some posts here where I mention which are the placements on the natal chart that indicate the Shadows of our personality. I remember some: placements with Saturn, Chiron, Lilith, Pluto, and some of the aspects with them.
In this post, I bring part 1 of repetitions to heal wounds, part 1 is about love, relationships in general, and healing the feeling of unworthy, unimportance, which can generate a series of problems in relationships, and, first, problems within you.
these are words that need to be truly spoken, and I believe that many, if not all, will feel the depth of these words, perhaps having difficulty speaking some of them at first. don't give up, the more you have difficulty talking, especially to yourself, the more you should keep trying.
remember that words have power. repeat them whenever necessary. and adapt to your reality. the important thing is to say something that will help you to understand your inner problems.
I say that because when you are full of misconceptions and you say something different, your mind rejects it. if you feel rejection towards these more constructive words, it means that you really need it, because you have many distorted ideas about this subject: love and worthiness.
repetitions for the following placements and aspects: Chiron in Libra Chiron in the 7th house lilith in libra Lilith in the 7th house Venus square Saturn Venus opposition Saturn Venus conjunction Saturn Saturn in Libra Saturn in the 7th house Pluto in the 7th house Venus square Pluto Venus conjunction Pluto
"My love life, blessed and happy, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you"
"I declare light, harmony, respect and happiness in my love life. I align with my soul mate and thrive with romance and harmony in love. I open myself to unconditional love, I love myself, I allow myself to truly love and be beloved. the love that sets free, the love that is light, and that flows from my divine spark and expands to the world around me. and so it is. My love life, blessed and happy, I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you". (by Marta Allegretti, Pt-Br)
other possibilities (my phrases):
"I believe that love exists. I stop believing that love was not meant for me and that love is about negative experiences and enduring bad things."
"I want to be love. I am love. So be it. And so it is." "I forgive those who hurt me. I forgive myself for hurt me. So be it. And so it is."
"I allow myself to receive a love that nourishes me, that frees me from the distorted feeling that loving is for few"
"I understand what love is, from the inside out. I understand that I need to love myself first, to then want to be loved. I understand that loving is a process, that I respect, and from which I deserve to receive the best."
"love is aligned in my life now. love is present in all my actions now. I am open to love. true love sets me free, from the inside out."
"Through the connection with my feelings of self-love, I learn the essence of loving, that from the most intimate contact with myself, I know to recognize the most sensitive needs of human life. I am ready to give, receive and trust in the love, so that I can share and receive from others. I know how to have empathy and compassion. So be it. And so it is."
"My emotional wounds, which are being healed with compassion and openness, I'm sorry, please forgive me, I'm grateful, I love you."
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itsmeanyango · 3 months
The information I'm sharing will put you YEARS ahead. If you'd like a personal reading, just reach out to me in my DMs or reach out to me on my WhatsApp business here.
I was writing reports for clients who wanted to know how Pluto in Aquarius would affect them and this inspired me to write the following.
Initially this was going to be life transits from age 25 to 65 but I've decided to start from age 23 because I know how HARD that particular year is.
I won't touch on every particular thing each year, I'm just touching on the events(astrological) that will make or break you given your personal choices.
Since you have this information now, please don't break you❤️.
I am also just copy pasting things from different readings I have done because source tells me someone booked a reading for a client who paid them a lot. In short, someone stole my reading to masquerade as their own work. I hope one day someone googles particular words from their reading and comes across my post then wonders, “hey, why are you using the exact same words from a reading I had done yet I never booked with you?”
I want to start by saying that although I've chosen age 23 as the starting point, age 17/18 is where the shift usually begins because that's the first “real” taste of freedom experience because you've just finished highschool + feel like an adult. The snare here is drugs, alcohol,sex and or romance. It could be all, it could be one or it could be some. Different circumstances make one fall into those snares, not just being idle.
If you get into substance abuse it tends to get out of hand and interferes with your relationship with money and even your education (university/college).
If it's sex, it greatly interferes with your relationships + attachment style(this is a good opportunity to work on your attachment btw). You will grow to be in dysfunctional relationships of all types from friendship to romance to work/professional relationships. Your perception of relationships will be skewed.
If it's romance, well that's where most people actually go downhill real quick because they let love get the best of them.
Are you doomed for any of the above three? No. However, it takes a special kind of someone to turn their wheel around and fix it all(especially in record time, which is before 23 or your first Saturn return). You can come back from all your poor choices, so many people before you have done it and so can you. It just takes extra strength and determination ESPECIALLY when you are in an environment that's set to be your number one enemy.
Age 23
The major event here is your 12H profection year. I have a deeper post for each element(fire, earth ,air and water) on 12H profection years here, go read it.
12H transits are not fun. 12H profection years are usually the longest 12H experiences unless one has planets in their 12H. The shorter the 12H transit, the harsher it is because you have a short timeline to deal with so much. That's why some months you wonder why everything is working against you. Some people already have particular months marked out as their worst months because they have noticed a pattern (this does not mean 12H transits are the main astrological reason why).
Let's say two people of the same age(maybe even twins), present with the same burn degree on the same body part. One is writhing in pain, screaming and crying. The other is just there, even eating a pack of crisps as if nothing is wrong. It may seem shocking and one may say everyone has their level of pain tolerance.
Then you find out that the one who is not flinching has been living with chronic pain and now this new pain is nothing new to them, they are in pain almost every day and without painkillers anyway.
That is how 12H transits are. Some people just shrug off the harsh experiences like nothing. Or share the most life stopping experiences like it's nothing because those experiences have been the order of the day. Everyone else is like, “are you okay?” and they are oblivious.
However, to those who have never experienced earth shattering things, 12H profection years and transits feel like they have been walking in circles in hell. People with 12H placements don't feel that 12H transits and profection years are all that bad. They feel it in their 1H profection year, because it's more quite and peaceful yet this(quiet and peace) is something they are not used to.
Next is age 24, which has the 1H profection year.
1H profection year Jupiter return. This is your first significant Jupiter return. Your actual first one was about 12 years ago but you were too little to understand. Chances are you had some good luck that year or you went through absolute mental anguish. This may have also manifested through your parents having some great financial fortune or opportunities. That fortune was supposed to be used on you, if misfortune ensued then it's because they did not give to Caesar what belongs to Ceasar.
Anyway, at 24 most people are graduating from university or have graduated from university. They wonder about the next step and it's usually in hope of employment and financial gain. However, what tends to happen is a magnitude of misfortune because whatever Jupiter touches expands.
It's really just a huge big tower moment that's meant to wake you up to who you really are, to shake off societal beliefs and values that have been drilled into you through different systems like your family and educational institutions as well as religion. If you handled your 12H profection year without resistance, this may not be as harsh of an experience. You will probably be in a state of Por qué? Not in dejection, but acceptance to learn the lesson or let whatever is next come so that you can move to the next chapter already.
Some people however, are very fortunate. This is because their parents married well(spiritually) or the nature of their birth chart is favourable for this astrological life event.
However, Jupiter has power over both money and the psyche. Money makes man mad. So whatever happens this transit, your psyche is impacted and it's up to you to be grounded or not.
Between age 28 and 30 you have already started your Saturn return, although some people begin to feel the shift(tends to come with challenges) at 27.
When religious leaders say “the day of judgement is very near”, they mean hell but what the day of judgement being very near means is your Saturn return.
Your Saturn return is the day of judgement, but it lasts way more than a day You became an adult in most places at 18, but this doesn't mean you are ready for the adult world. You are just learning. By the time you are 23 you have been five years an adult. A five year old child can talk, walk, feed themselves but bathing not really. They also can't go anywhere on their own. Five years as an adult, you are just finishing university and now wondering about the way forward. At age 12 you are almost a teenager and looking ahead thinking that high school is nearby. You are also probably wondering if your peers will like you, especially the gender you are attracted to.
Twelve years as an adult, at thirty you are wondering if you have made the right choices in your twenties and if the choices you currently carry with you from your twenties will be good or bad for you. Just like how at age 12 a child starts following the crowd to fit in, you might do just that at age thirty because everyone else turned out fine…but that's just what you see, or that's just what they show you.
Now when you followed the crowd at age 12 or watched people follow the crowd, how did that work for you/them?
At age thirty when you are before Saturn answering for the twelve years of adulthood (keep in mind that it takes the sun going round twelve zodiac signs to count as an astrological year), what do you think will happen for having followed the crowd? What about following Yourself?
Following the crowd looks like keeping the peace by not addressing what bothers you, looking the other way in the face of injustice when you know that what's going on is wrong( i.e being an enabler or perpetuating abuse) not standing up for yourself.
Saturn does not just punish you for being a bully to others. Saturn punishes you for not respecting and loving yourself. Sad but true, that's why people get baffled when the sweetest kindest person goes through horrendous things.
If you are the sweetest kindest person to others but an absolute horror to yourself, Saturn will punish you for that. So you better start self loving yourself!
At around 36 you get your Jupiter return.
It's your second one, the first one was around age 24. Jupiter returns are seen as the return that brings you luck. But why would luck come to your door when you don't make space for it?
Jupiter returns to see if you learnt your last lesson twelve years ago and prepared a space for the gifts he bears. It's like not putting milk and cookies under your Christmas tree for Santa yet you have the capacity to. So Jupiter simply tears down everything you consider fortune and this time expects to have found you ready in 12 years time.
At 24, Jupiter returns to see if you decentered your caregivers and the systems you have been through. If not, that tower had to come down like the London bridge song.
At this same age you have your Nodal return and Saturn opening square. Your Nodal return is the North Node simply returning to remind you who you are and where you are going. This transit is not harsh, it's like a reminder in your phone to make that call. It's up to you to follow the reminder or ignore it.
For your opening Saturn square, Saturn is back to see if you are getting it together or using his rewards well. It's slightly challenging and will remind you of a time you went through something similar. All you have to do is learn from your history, apply the relevant lessons and you will be okay.
Between age 41/42 and 43 you have your Saturn opposition and Uranus opposition.
Uranus is the planet of change. Change and transformation are very different. When someone says you have changed, it's because they recognise you but you are somebody they used to know. When you transform, you can slowly walk past people you used to be close to and they will not even stop to say hello because that is now a total stranger they see.
Uranus type of change is revolutionary. Consider how the coca-cola bottles have changed over time. Even without the logos you can tell that those must be coca-cola bottles. Uranus opposition manifests as midlife crisis. At this age you find families having issues when the parents are 41-42. If someone had their first child at 28, when they are 42-43 the child is now 14-15. The parents are going through a crisis and the child wants to be heard but nobody at home was there to listen. Then when the child grows up they talk about how it all started when they were 14. 15 and pregnant sound familiar?
Saturn opposition on the other hand is feeling like being selfish. You know you have responsibilities and people depend on you but you are just so tired of doing the right thing. “I feel something so wrong doing the right thing, I feel something so right doing the wrong thing”. That's counting stars by one republic. But is it worth it? Is it worth losing all the hard work you have put in so far because of a "short" stint in the sky that is simply calling you to discover uncomfortable parts of yourself?
The next transit happens around age 46 and it's your Pluto square and Nodal opposition Let's start with the nodal opposition.
Remember that Nodal return ten years ago that came as a reminder? Well, now whatever that was is facing some opposition. This is also happening after the quarter life crisis has been building up. You probably have a child who is now turning 18 and leaving home. Maybe there are other children but if not, you may be too distracted in your vices to even start feeling empty nest syndrome. So now you decide to do exactly what you wanted to do because your child isn't there to judge you, but you say that your reason is that you didn't want them to see the mess and get hurt.
The most destructive period of ones life is between age 41 and 48. Seven years a slave. This is why one should strive to start getting it together by 25 then thirty and ultimately at 35 so that all these challenges don't shake their foundations because they already did the inner work. When you are young and have the energy, use it wisely because when you grow older and your body just wants to rest you will find it easier to become everything you said you would never be than to be the version of yourself five year old you wanted to become.
At 48 you have your Jupiter return again.
At 24 Jupiter wants you to detach from your parents so that you can have some “wealth” of your own to start your life.
At 36, Jupiter returns to see if you'd like something to help you through 41 to 48 or you are still living in the past.
At 48 Jupiter returns to see if you have the capacity to be a custodian of generational wealth or if you have decided to live like you're in the tower of Babel that is built and falls over and over again.
I want to add that Jupiter rules Pisces but also Sagittarius. When you look at the pisces symbol, the fish are swimming in a circle. That's a loop. Infinity is a loop. If you don't learn from the past, you will forever be in a loop that will make you loose your mind. Sagittarius in this sense under Jupiter means, “you should have known better”. So everytime Jupiter returns, Jupiter expects you to have known better.
From here at 48 you now have your Chiron return coming in from age 49 to 50.
If you have done the work, nothing will scare you. Especially you being someone whose weakness has always been visible. Own your weakness and nobody will ever use it against you.
Age 54 is your nodal return,
it's not the first one you've experienced but this is a good time to look at memories back then. Good or bad memories. At 54 you are also looking at all the relationships you've had in your life so far. They can act as guides to the question, “have I been true to me?” That's a good journal prompt. You don't have to wait for 54, you can start now so by the time you are 54 you look back with fulfillment at your life choices. Your relationships are a direct reflection of who you are.
You'll also find yourself wondering what you are here for and you'll hope you have accomplished your purpose. This is not like the existential crisis of the mid twenties or the adult realisation of the thirties. This one comes with peace or bitterness.
Between age 58 to 60 you have your second Saturn return.
This is heavily about self judgement. It won't be Saturn on your case like at your first Saturn return. It will be you against you, Like Jekyl and Hyde(read this story).
Thinking about your choices in life. Wondering if you should have done better. Feeling like you have been in the same place forever.
You're looking at all the lessons you've learnt, all your accomplishments and deciding if they were beautiful or vanity.
Most people have soul eating regrets at this age and these regrets start manifesting as disease.
Finally between age 63 and 66 you have your closing Uranus square.
Remember that rebellion that started boiling up in you from age 21 to 24? The one especially if 23 was a tough year and you felt like you wouldn't make it through? That's what's coming in this age.
Now, is it(rebellion) worth it? That's the question you'll need then.
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ariesphysics · 1 year
Experiences with the Moon signs
This is my personal experiences with the Moon signs, this is going to be kinda long so I’m going to chop it in several posts (read: it’s 12AM and these are the only things that I have written). Themes refer to shared traits/feelings with the people I have encountered and had a chance to know. But, anyways enjoy reading. Comments are appreciated.
Theme: unfavored by their mother, passionate, opinionated, devoted to their nephews/nieces, anger issues, emotionally expressive
a. Father [with birth time] (his Moon sextile my Moon, 1° his Moon sextile my Neptune, 2°)
He is very supportive about my feelings, and does understand how to deal with me emotionally. He also hits bull's eye when he's telling me about something. It's comfortable and I feel very safe with him. He is protective of me and will not be afraid to reprimand or take action to someone who has wronged me.
I also serve as an inspiration to him, he really likes writing and the stuff he publishes are sometimes my idiosyncrasies. He also pushes me to do what I like but I'm really anxious about things I want to start doing.
When we are together, we will talk about politics, religion, history, people. I reckon it's probably his Sag Sun + Aries Moon and my 9th house dominance in work here. It always feels that I always have something to learn from him every time we hang out.
b. Close friend [no birth time] (their Moon sextile my Moon their Moon sextile my Neptune)
When we hang out, we tend to just joke around and talk about people and things happening with us. They really like giving gifts, I tend to just go home as fast as possible because 💕autism💕. But, when we do get together, they will always bring something to give me, whether it be food, an inanimate object, or something they found.
Although sometimes, I feel that our relationship is distant and we don't really get each other at certain times (we never had a fight), I don't really have a reason to call our relationship over. We weren't just as close like before because we have other stuff going on with our lives now. Still, when I'm with them, it's fun. Our relationship is very light-hearted but there were also moments that we spilled our guts to each other.
Theme: grudges, hot-headedness, comfort, opinionated, emotionally secretive
a. Paternal 1st cousin [no birth time] (her Moon sextile my MC)
I look up to her and she's the only person I can freely cry about my worries about my future job or position in society.
She also likes telling me about her work, and she quit her job because her comfort is not met there. She is also very childish in an affectionate sense, youthful.
b. Maternal 1st cousin [no birth time] (her Moon square my Venus)
It seems like I have a pacifying effect on her because when she is with her siblings, she is very chaotic and just screams every time she talks, but when she is with me, she is domesticated.
I have noticed that she picks up on my habits and also starts doing them, which kinda pisses me off for some reason, and she does not respect my personal boundaries sometimes.
You could mistake her for a Fire moon, but it's just her Aries stellium in action. The reason possibly why they are such a cesspit of hell together is her Moon opposites the Scorpio moon sibling and squares the Aquarius moon sibling.
c. Close friend [no birth time] (her Moon squares my Saturn, her Moon trines my Lilith)
When we are together, we just tend to do our own things in one room. But, when we do talk, our topics typically revolve around politics, although when we are out of that topic we just spout literal nonsense to each other (speaking gibberish for some reason).
And for some reason, she has been the only person I am comfortable with being physically close. She is very secretive, even to her circle of friends (which I am a part of), and when questioned about her feelings towards a thing, she will find a way to divert the topic.
Theme: light-heartedness, fun
a. Virgo Venus in question [no birth time] (his Moon conjunct my Mars, his Moon opposite my Pluto)
Yes, he had been stuck in my memory for how many years now. Probably my only proper crush. During the time that we were together, he always puts a smile on my face. To me, he was the funniest thing ever. I felt so light and cheery with him.
He was an amusing storyteller, although he really likes his dirty jokes. He would help me with mathematics and I helped him with languages. He also liked telling me his outlandish ideas and kept updating me on challenges he did (for example, using his phone without charging it for a month).
b. Past friend [no birth time] (her Moon square my Lilith, her Moon trine my Chiron)
We are now just acquaintances, not as close as before, but still on good terms, just grew out of each other.
But, when we were together, we also did childish and hilarious stuff. One time, we got punishment for it, lol.
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marsfa1ry · 1 year
me, existing, knows i don’t have any afflicted 4th house wonder where mommy n daddy issues come from
chiron conjunct moon opposite saturn :
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geographerdose · 1 year
Bad Fictional Fathers, Pt. 1
Tony Soprano
Sopranos, S1/E9
-Tony, after insulting/yelling at his son for eating again “an hour after dinner”, brings him a pizza+soda and apologizes to him
-We are all human and lose our tempers from time to time, particularly around loved ones. What he said was definitely not okay and has likely scarred/started an eating disorder within his son...
-but my main problem is with the fact that Tony doesn’t:
1. Even say goodbye to his son, who is clearly hurt from his words, after the work call interrupts their moment (just as his son starts to loosen up/forgive him)
2. Instead of going home after work to eat pizza and continue the interrupted time with his son, he goes out for steak+beer with his business associate/friend
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This might be the most heartbreaking display of neglect/abuse I have seen in this show so far.
Because not only does he try to buy his son off with pizza, but in his mind that’s all he had to do. This is demonstrated by his decision to go out for steak and beer with his friend after work.
It’s just as impersonal as companies buying pizza for the whole office in lieu of raises for inflation.
It breaks my heart.
Reminded me specifically of having a maltreated Sun in the second house of finances since Sun represents the father and second is finances. Sun square/oppose Mars or Saturn particularly. But simply having this placement might indicate a similar paternal dynamic. Sun in Libra/Aquarius. Night charts.
Extra credit for an angular Chiron placement.
I am still on this episode and I see him wanting to spend time with his son and then getting interrupted by the FBI, and thought “mm, maybe I was a bit harsh”.
Then he *intentionally* misses his sons last swim meet of the year out of revenge for his son wanting to go to the mall with his friends.
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Breaking your kids heart because of a bruised ego is not okay.
I think the shows immense popularity and success were partly due to its ability to capture these familiar, relatable dysfunctional dynamics. Probably why it has stayed so relevant after 15 years too. Maybe not, idk. I feel like a films success is directly connected to its relatability and believability.
Which is probably why mafia movies are so popular; the believability factor gets a lot more stretch.
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csrollyson · 1 year
Mystic Rectangle (Uranus, Chiron, Lilith, Saturn) [astrology]
The oppositions may actually serve as enablers while the trines and sextiles are more likely to be used creatively since the oppositions demand resolution, and the trines and sextiles show that the native has resources to work with the oppositions...
I am interpreting a chart with a blockbuster mystic rectangle, which results from two oppositions that cross each other, and their planets are also in trine and sextile. This one has Lilith (mean) opposition Saturn and Uranus opposition Chiron. The overall effect is that the oppositions, as difficult as they may be, may actually serve as enablers because they inject dynamism to the chart’s…
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inkedcigarillo · 2 years
Crab Boil (Spoken Word)
Forgive them father...for these niggas are givin DUMB.
Mercurial guided who rubs elbows with the father of time can't let shit slide cause..
they misguided..and time waits for no one..
created to heal but these wounds be in the way..
bustin' back open with every surface level conversation these niggas throw my way.. a whole projection.
BUT my projection is their protection because these pens sharpened to blades tucked in my locs show no mercy..
I got tired of the monologues and slipped into a soliloquy..
medusa wit da pen and pad so my gray matter stay on the lurk see I can't help it I'M THIRSTY..
and these niggas are waterlogged, intakin' my wisdom and tryna use it to murk me but chokin' when they realize that my hitta virgin Luna don't let their sins unearth me.. I'M GROUNDED..
175 million tabs open at all times and the great teacher keeps EXPANDING.
..until they no longer fit in the frame and realize I'm the one who been doing the mishandling..
So I trip over these words spillin from my loc tips, slippin over these number two pencil Glock clips until the pot flips..
leavin me burned and my meat exposed and the only eyes I loc pupils with is them ascending twins..
my own personal Topsy and Bopsy..comfortable in the mockery..until I realize the only person bein' mocked is...
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black-lake · 1 year
hey! i have chriron in scorpio opp. ascendant & on top of that I have saturn 12h and sometimes picking yourself back up feels hard, like sometimes the motivation lacks but once you do it it feels sooooo addicting I don’t know what it is, it’s like you said with how strong pluto placements rebirth ourselves constantly & it’s this cycle & idk I also have moon conj pluto there’s a lot but shiii it’s a rollercoaster ride I tell you what, & not everyone is tall enough to ride but I think people with these placements do come across tougher than they appear to most too which I love that you mentioned that in your post. lols I haven’t been on tumblr in such a long time sorry ab the spam but I’m happy to see you’re posting more I’ve been a fan for a while!! :)
I understand exactly what you're saying, I mean I have both aspects. saturn 12th is already a solid nightmare, I respect everyone who has it, I talked about it a lot lool, but so is saturn everywhere! In the 12th it just makes things invisible and harder to see so you need to feel it and believe it in a 12th house typa way instead, it's a spiritual journey, and we weren’t used to that. but once that faith and motivation is restored, it feels amazing, it rewards you and you won't believe it again lol.
chiron opposite ascendant is an annoying mf, like you don't know whether to deal with your wounded ass self or those wounded people that keep coming to your life. this aspect tho makes you soooo empathetic, like the bad in people won't trigger you anymore, because you know where it's coming from. and with moon conjunct pluto wow a true rollercoaster, all those placements make you invincible and wise. I'm so happy that you enjoyed my posts 💜 especially that we share similar experiences, tysm for sharing your thoughts ♥︎♥︎
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malachiteclouds · 2 years
🌟natal astrology observations part 1 🌟
✫ every gemini moon I've ever known has a terrible habit of lying completely unprovoked, especially if their mercury is also in an air sign. however, I think it just comes from a place of playfulness and excitement rather than deeper deception or manipulation.
✫ people w chiron conjunct/square/opposite jupiter are unbelievably dogmatic if they don't make a conscious effort not to be. they have this air about them that screams "you will never fully understand a concept unless I am the one to specifically explain it to you".
✫ (tw: dv) every person w chiron conjunct mars that I've met grew up in a HIGH crime neighborhood or had a lot of DV in the home. especially if it is in the 3rd, 4th, or 7th house.
✫ the 12th house represents your experience in the womb. ex: jupiter in 12H probably had a very lovely time in the womb, mom probably ate all the right things, sang to you, and lots of love and warmth. mercury in 12H might've had a mom who was overthinking or maybe very stressed during pregnancy (if you are more interested in this idea, read The Development of the Personality vol 1. by Howard Sasportas).
✫ men with lilith conjunct/square neptune tend to have SUCH a skewed image of women/femininity. they tend to have crazy "post-nut clarity", they'll see women as completely flawless until they get off then they hate them with their whole hearts.
✫ you will 100% know if a person w pluto conjunct venus is in love with you or not. they will go to the ends of the earth to prove their unconditional love. for them, love has to cost something for it to count- there needs to be some type of sacrifice.
✫ sun/ascendant conjunct pluto are polarizing as all hell. you either love them or you hate them, and honestly, that is determined by where the overlay is for your chart- people project on them a lot.
✫ saturn in the 8th or 12th house are the types of people to spend their whole time inebriated/under the influence trying to convince other people they aren't faded. there's this weird need to prove that they have everything under control and can handle their shit. IMO, psychedelics would be pretty rough for them (or at least extremely transformative).
✫ venus opposite saturn feels immense dissatisfaction with indulgence if it has not been worked for. the type to play hooky and regret it the moment they call out.
✫ sagittarius moons are almost always louder about stuff they have no clue about than their area of expertise. always assumes you want their unsolicited advice and get upset when you don't 💀
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harmoonix · 3 months
🍄 Retro - Astro 🍄
(Astrology Observations)
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🍄 - I love to stare in the eyes of the natives with Neptune - Asc aspects, most of my friends have such aspects and they truly have beautiful eyes
🍄 - Pluto in Sagittarius Generation is really meant to give and normalize things back to normal, and for example bringing things that were used in the past and to normalize them again
🍄 - Wanna know why so many Aquarius Suns may act so different and unique? Sun is ruled by Leo and Aquarius is its opposite sign so sun acts different in Aquarius
🍄 - Neptune and Mercury aspects can indicate love for music and most times for old music or old music style, you know liking those songs from the 90's
🍄 - One fast way to learn your sign houses in your birth chart is to know the order of the zodiac signs, this method worked with me for example you have Gemini Rising and Leo Sun > Your sun will be in the 3rd house because Leo is 1 sign (Cancer) apart from Gemini
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🍄 - 8°, 20° degrees on the Midheaven attract jealousy really fast, envy too and sometimes can even get hate without a reason, on the other hand people can become obsessed with them
🍄 - Sagittarius in your 4th/12th house axis can come from more nationalities/ethnicity/race like having more than 1 background country ancestry (or your ancestors/family members)
🍄 - Lilith in your 9th/12th or 4th house can indicate ancestors or family members working with the occult/witchcraft/magic/tarot etc...
🍄 - Sun in the 12th house natives have an ongoing karma, basically they are working on their karma constantly
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🍄 - Virgo Moon's beauty is underatted, they are so beautiful and they can actually look younger because of the Mercury's youth effect
🍄 - I remember once checking on google about Jupiter in Virgo husband (my sidereal Jupiter placement) and I got this:
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I can't tell if this is real or not tbh 😭😭
🍄 - Neptune aspecting Chiron will literally empower your subconscious with a lot of intuition, spirituality like you really have the chance to heal your subconscious in case is hurt with those placements
🍄 - Everyone I know with Cancer Placements gets so DEPRESSED based on the weather, and omg I'm not joking or something if the weather outside is bad they're gonna be depressed or in a bad mood
🍄 - Every time I see someones chart with 10th house placements especially Sun and Venus there I know they got the cash bag 💰💰
🍄 - Not gonna lie knowing how organized Virgo placements are, I think natives with Virgo in the 4th house have the most most most most most most organized house-castle ever just like in Cinderella and everything looking perfect
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🍄 - You can spot health problems in a chart by looking at their 6th house sign (both in tropcial and sidereal) looking at the ruler/lord of the 6th house and of course the planets (if there are) in the 6H house
🍄 - Stelliums play a very big role in a chart (A stellium is when you have 3 or more than 3 planets in a house) and indicates a big focus in that area
🍄 - Empty houses play a very big role as well, and an empty house is not a bad thing or something but spirituality talking it indicates an area you already completed in your past life
🍄 - Let me tell you how tricky Venus in Capricorn can be to make you fall in love with matured enough people and sometimes the karma comes and strikes and says "They're not the one for you"
🍄 - Moon in the 9th house is another tricky placement to have because in harsh aspects it can indicate a religious trauma and sometimes it can indicate love for religion/beliefs you understand what I mean...😭😭
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🍄 - A lot of people who happens to get betrayed have Pluto/Saturn Lilith and sometimes Neptune in the 11th house, (I know all the people can get betrayed but these are just some indicators
🍄 - Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 11th house can be blessed with friends or in general having luck with their friendships and social networks, sometimes their friends can come from a different background than them
🍄 - Mercury at 10°, 22° degrees really can have a deeper voice than others (depends on aspects) but their voice is so damn attractive
🍄 - Uranus and Lilith in the 5th house can get confused if they will want or not to have kids like is difficult and in the same time draining for them (Lilith in general in that house natives don't want kids but is just my thoughts on it)
🍄 - Sagittarius Midheaven/Midheaven in the 9th house or in Sagittarius Degrees 9°, 21° really need to chose something the job/career they're passionate about because it grants them luck
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🍄 - Midheaven at Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25° or MC in Aries have a big chance to get a leader position at their job or having the main character energy
🍄 - I tell you Gemini Moons and Moon in the 3rd house natives have the best tea ("Tea" as a gen z slang means gossip) like gossips stories i honestly wonder from where or who they know so many things im so invested y'all 😭😍
🍄 - 2nd house and the Moon Sign represent food in the birth chart, and I know water/earth ones love sweets so much
🍄 - If you want to know more about your true self check your Ascendant ruler persona chart, AND if you have 2 planets rulers check both persona charts for ex if you are Scorpio Risings check your Mars and Pluto persona charts, sadly for Leo Risings their natal chart is pretty much their true self (There is no Sun persona chart😭)
🍄 - Leo in the 7th house can have the same problem like your natal chart pretty much tells you about your future spouse because there is no Sun persona chart to look for in case you wanna look for your 7th house ruler persona chart 😭
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🍄 - Cancer Risings in your D9 (vedic) chart can indicate a nurturing spouse or in general your partner has a very nurturing and kind energy
🍄 - I admire 6th house Placements for how much they want to keep themselves healthy like is a top priority and i respect that so much, because your health matters so much in life ♥️♥️♥️🙌🏼
🍄 - Aries Placements especially Aries Juno I love their energy. They just give that leader and confident/powerful vibe (boss vibe) in the chart also someone very bold and funny I love them
🍄 - Draconic Chart is the chart of your soul before reincarnation/coming to earth and the placements are indicating how your soul expected to be on earth (like their life), and im gonna cry I have Saturn in the 7th house in this chart as well. my soul knew I will have to wait for that specific person to come 😭 I'm done...
🍄 - Mercury in the 11th house makes socially open natives they get along so good with most people because of their social skills, they're also smart, creative and very open minded too
🍄 - Pluto in the 12th house has a chance to become very powerful in this life because this placement usually indicates an painful karma, you will certainly experience a lot of good and bad things in your current life
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💝 This post was more like at a spiritual level 💝
Be blessed you all who read my observations 💝
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astrobiscuits · 4 months
Astrocartography notes
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🌍 Do you want to study abroad? Work abroad? Your MC lines show what domain to pursue:
Sun MC: photographer, actor; check the planet ruling your Sun's zodiac sign for more details
Moon MC: nurse, preschool/elementary teacher, childcare worker/nanny, doula, housekeeper
Mercury MC: librarian, language teacher, speech language pathologist, translator, working in academia, journalist, PR agent, receptionist, secretary, architect, economist, comedian
Venus MC: modelling, artist, fashion designer, hairstylist, makeup artist, art director, interior designer, garden designer, florist, wedding planner
Mars MC: surgeon, firefighter, working at the police, sportsman (the type of sport depends on the zodiac sign Mars is in your birth chart, for ex. Mars in Pisces = football, swimming; Mars in Libra = gymnastics); fitness instructor
Jupiter MC: international driver (driving to your Jupiter MC line brings bonusess💰💰), flight attendant, hotel manager, tour guide, philosopher
Saturn MC: general practitioner, dentist, law, working in the Parliament, working in public institutions, business (CEO), historian, construction worker
Uranus MC: STEM (engineering, ecology sciences, biology), electrician, weather presenter, astronomer/astrophysicist, astrologer, sociology, social worker, advocate for human rights/activist
Neptune MC: choreographer, scenographer, film/theater director, actor, ballet dancer, music composer, rehabilitation worker, bartender, yoga instructor, meditation teacher, reiki practitioner
Pluto MC: adult actor, therapist, psychiatrist, any job regarding forensics (detective, toxicologist, forensic accountant etc.), embalmer, funeral director, loan officer, research analyst
🌍 If you have no astrocartography lines passing through the country you lived for most of your life, you probably don't feel at home in that country and have always wanted to relocate to another country
🌍 When you have atleast 2 lines "conjuncting" each other through a certain country, the planet that is more dominant in your birth chart will have a higher effect in astrocartography
🌍 Mercury IC line can show where one of your siblings or cousins relocate at some point during their life
🌍 If you're a girl and you have daddy issues (hey, we don't judge here!!), travelling to Saturn DSC line will likely bring you lots of opportunities of meeting your perfect partner, but also harsh lessons regarding control in a relationship (this is a good line for you to heal your daddy issues)
🌍 If you want to meet your future spouse and you (personally) find international guys attractive, travelling to Jupiter DSC line is a very good idea. Your future spouse might also be a foreigner in that country, just like you :)
🌍 Sun ASC line shows you where you can find your life's purpose. Also your depression:📉📉 0%, while your happiness:📈📈 100% (unless your Sun is in your 8th or 12th house, then the mental health effect is the complete opposite)
🌍 You could give birth on your Moon IC line😳 or your mom could have given birth to you on that line
🌍 Venus ASC line shows you where you could take lots of pictures (of yourself, of the sightseeings). Also, where you could get diabetes where you will want to try every type of sweets you find there
🌍 You will either get very drunk, consume drugs or smoke some weird shit on your Neptune ASC line (pls take care of your health)
🌍 You could randomly meet an ex or someone who resembles your ex while travelling to your Chiron DSC line
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