crystalsenergy · 2 hours
A inveja.
_ultrapassando os obstáculos comuns à evolução humana (projeto de textos, insights & reflexões).
a inveja e a comparação são sentimentos gerados pelo foco demasiado no externo (aparências, o que parece ser, o que é mostrado),
e pouco no interno (você, o que você tem, o que você quer, o que você sente que precisa e o que fazer em relação a isso).
a comparação e a inveja são fruto da desconexão de você consigo mesma, mesmo.
evite se comparar, se projetar, e caso se perceba nesse processo, tente trazer o foco para dentro,
perguntando-se constantemente:
"eu preciso viver assim?" "fazer isso me agrega em quê?" "o que faço com o meu poder pessoal, que existe em alguma medida, quando ignoro o que já possuo para querer o que o outro possui?"
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crystalsenergy · 1 day
_overcoming the common obstacles to human evolution (project of texts, insights & reflections)
Envy and comparison are feelings generated by excessive focus on the external (appearances, what seems to be, what is shown) and little on the internal (you, what you have, what you want, what you feel you need, and what to do about it).
Comparison and envy are the result of disconnection from yourself.
Avoid comparing yourself, projecting yourself, and if you notice yourself in this process,
try to shift the focus inward, asking yourself:
"Do I need to live like this?" "What does this add to me?" "What do I do with my personal power, which exists to some extent, when I ignore what I possess to desire what others have?
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crystalsenergy · 2 days
o que nos impede de evoluir de fato?
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somos serem em constante construção, não temos plena noção de quem somos, e isso faz parte da vida, da jornada de autoconhecimento.
porém, não reconhecer as nossas próprias limitações e tratar nossos problemas como coisas a serem escondidas não só dos outros, mas pior: de nós mesmos, é o que nos impede de evoluir e de dar passos largos no sentido de conhecermos a nós mesmos.
e a partir do momento que reconhecemos que isso existe, uma chave vira e as coisas passam a mudar positivamente.
existem questões reprimidas que podem ser chamadas de SOMBRAS, questões que estão aparecendo em você e influenciando seu comportamento agora mesmo, e talvez em parte você já nota, e em outra parte, nem tanto.
por isso é importante admitirmos quais são as nossas reais dificuldades - que constituirão já parte do que é a nossa Sombra, nos confrontando, descobrindo em quais tópicos não nos aceitamos ainda.
como descobrir quais as minhas sombras?
nesse post eu dou dicas de planetas e asteroides que nos ajudam a lembrar / descobrir mais da nossa própria sombra.
ok, mas como eu lido com essa sombra?
uma vez que trazemos luz à sombra, ela vai se tornando mais consciente e o que antes vinha em manifestações inconscientes e às vezes até mesmo irracionais (como um mecanismo de defesa quando você estava diante de um tópico que lhe era sensível e você "não notava"), agora vem como uma oportunidade para você questionar o porquê de agir da forma que age. trazer luz à sombra surge como uma chance de sermos mais conscientes de tudo que nos afeta em níveis inconscientes.
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crystalsenergy · 3 days
What prevents us from truly evolving?
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We are beings in constant construction, we do not have a full notion of who we are, and that is part of life, of the journey of self-awareness.
However, not recognizing our own limitations and treating our problems as things to be hidden not only from others, but worse: from ourselves, is what prevents us from evolving and taking big steps towards knowing ourselves.
That's why it's important to admit our real difficulties, thus, we confront ourselves, in which topics we don't accept ourselves. Because you can be sure: the repressed issues, which can be called SHADOWS, are showing up in you and influencing your behavior right now, and maybe you don't even notice.
How do I discover what my Shadows are?
In this post, I give tips on planets and asteroids that help us DISCOVER our Shadow.
Okay, but how do I deal with this Shadow?
Once we bring light to the shadow, it becomes more conscious, and what used to come in unconscious and sometimes even irrational manifestations (like a defense mechanism when you were faced with a sensitive topic and you "didn't notice"), now comes as an opportunity for you to question why you act the way you do. Bringing light to the shadow emerges as a chance for us to be more aware of everything that affects us on unconscious levels.
And that already accounts for about 50% of the self-healing process: becoming aware.
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crystalsenergy · 4 days
Meio do Céu em Áries 🔟♈🌟 (carreira)
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MC em Áries
indivíduos com esse posicionamento possuem o caminho de vida a trilhar em relação a colocarem a sua real identidade à mostra, mostrando às pessoas a sua maneira de lidar e resolver situações, muitas vezes estando a frente de movimentos, planos, projetos, por sua habilidade de liderança e pela sua capacidade de iniciativa.
São pessoas que possuem a missão e a escolha de se envolverem com tópicos que exijam muitas vezes soluções, decisões, e às vezes, tomadas de ações rápidas, dada a capacidade de Áries de lidar com situações mais 'imediatas', por se tratar de algo que ele já tende a lidar em sua natureza energética.
Apesar de as pessoas acreditarem se tratar de algo “eu e eu mesmo”, por estarmos falando do primeiro signo, que em tese, estaria mais ligado às questões de si mesmo, o caminho de quem tem Midheaven em Áries é, na realidade, um caminho que envolverá e demandará o desenvolvimento de seu lado Libra, a sua casa interior (Imum Coelli = 4ª casa, a casa naturalmente oposta ao Medium Coeli, que é a 10ª casa), que deve estar como se fosse em dia para conseguir desenvolver bem as suas questões com a carreira.
Por isso, para que o Áries apareça na vida pública, carreira e etc de maneira saudável, tendo sucesso e verdadeira felicidade,
é importante que a pessoa internamente esteja cuidando de sua relação consigo, acatando as suas necessidades internas librianas de vulnerabilidade, troca, carinho, sensibilidade, a fim de que saiba que o melhor Áries é aquele que vê o valor em ser exemplo, que expressa a sua identidade com confiança e sem autoritarismo ou controle, rigidez.
O caminho do MC em Áries é o de trabalhar a sua identidade em público.
Brilhe, mostre quem você é
e aproveite essa incrível oportunidade do universo para diretamente mostrar e até mesmo polir, desenvolver e aperfeiçoar todo o potencial do seu Eu.
E lembre-se sempre: nunca caminhamos só. As decisões podem vir de um só ser, mas a base e o suporte sempre virá de um conjunto.
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crystalsenergy · 5 days
Midheaven in Aries 🔟♈🌟
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MC in Aries
Individuals with this placement have a life path to walk to putting their real identity on display, showing people their way of live, dealing with and resolving situations, often being ahead of movements, plans, projects, due to their leadership ability and initiative.
These are individuals who have the mission and choice to engage with topics that often require solutions, decisions, and sometimes quick actions, given Aries' ability to deal with more 'immediate' situations, as it is something they already tend to handle in their energetic nature.
Although people believe it to be something "me and myself," because we are talking about the first sign, which theoretically would be more connected to self-issues, the path of those with Midheaven in Aries is, in reality, a path that will involve and demand the development of their Libra side, their inner house (Imum Coelli = 4th house, the house naturally opposite to the Medium Coeli, which is the 10th house), which must be as if in order to be able to develop their career issues well.
Therefore, for Aries to appear in public life, career, etc., in a healthy way, it is important that the person internally takes care of their relationship with themselves, accepting their Libra internal needs for vulnerability, exchange, affection, sensitivity, so that they know that the best Aries is the one who sees the value in being an example, who expresses their identity with confidence and without authoritarianism or control, rigidity.
The path of MC in Aries is to work on their identity in public.
Shine, show who you are, and seize this incredible opportunity from the universe to directly showcase and even polish, develop, and perfect all the potential of your Self.
And always remember: we never walk alone. Decisions may come from one individual, but the foundation and support always come from a group.
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crystalsenergy · 6 days
sobre autocobrança (uma tentativa de ajudar e uma vontade genuína de transmitir compreensão)
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「↝  precisamos falar sobre (auto)cobranças um assunto importante 」
seja vinda de você para você, seja vinda dos outros. cobrança é algo que pode mexer muito com o psicológico de uma pessoa. e muitas vezes é difícil não se afetar
vivendo, lidando com a minha vida, conhecendo outras pessoas. percebi que todos nós vamos sentir algum tipo de pressão em algum momento da vida.
o intuito deste texto é o de expandir o entendimento sobre esse assunto, transmitindo e se aprofundando nas facetas da autocobrança, nutrindo compreensão e contribuindo com maneiras de lidar com isso [de forma saudável, claro!
eu vejo cobranças como algo perigoso pra saúde mental de uma pessoa, que pode faze-la se sentir fraca, impotente, incapaz.
a maneira que vamos reagir a isso é única, é nossa. não podemos definir um padrão de reação à essas coisas, pois cada pessoa reage de uma maneira. mas acredito que todos podemos sempre lidar de maneira diferente, melhor pra nós mesmos. e, claro, essa maneira vai variar de pessoa para pessoa.
➥  autocobranças
muitas vezes a cobrança nem vem de fora, mas sim de dentro de si. e nesses casos acredito que podemos controlar mais a situação
eu já fui uma pessoa que me cobrava demais, que gostaria de alcançar a perfeição em tudo e me chateava se não chegasse nela, se nem tudo saísse perfeito. até que aprendi que buscar a perfeição é algo desgastante, ainda mais dependendo do que você está fazendo.
tem fases específicas de nossa vida em que parece que não vamos poder fugir de cobranças. a adolescência é a principal delas. pais, escola e a sociedade em si depositam uma série de obrigações nas suas costas, e você tendo que suportar tudo isso.
realmente é difícil.
mas o que vejo muitas vezes são pessoas que além da pressão vinda de fora também se pressionam. e isso faz muito mal.
como alguém que já passou por tudo isso aconselho demais que você garanta que pelo menos uma das cobranças não exista. a externa vai estar ali e você já precisa controlar/tentar lidar em como ela vai te afetar. então vamos tentar entender por que nos cobramos e como manejar melhor isso. okay?
antes de tudo, precisamos esclarecer que:
›› cobrar de si mesma (o) não é a melhor maneira de conseguir um bom resultado.
➥ superar a si mesmo e aos outros
muitos dos pensamentos de quem se cobra demais tem a ver com a vontade de superar a si mesma (o), a ultrapassar seus próprios limites. sempre querer mais de si, pra ti nunca está suficiente, nunca você chegou lá. pois você tem que trabalhar mais e mais. e superar a si normalmente tem a ver com algum padrão ou pessoa(s) específicas que foram colocadas em mente como perfil a ser seguido.
mas por que as pessoas geralmente possuem esse pensamento?
➥ comparações, influências da história de vida pessoal e do que foi ensinado
em muitas das vezes, a cobrança excessiva pode ter relação com o que foi ensinado pra ti enquanto você crescia. escola, família, o exterior em si. ideias de que você precisa superar o outro para ser valorizado, para ser considerado melhor. algumas comparações feitas desde pequeno: crianças em escolas sendo vistas e comparadas de acordo com notas e desempenhos, ou em casa ensinadas pelos pais que precisam superar os outros para serem bem vistos.
esses pensamentos são muito equivocados e se não geram problemas nessa idade, podem gerar frustrações mais tarde, na adolescência, por exemplo. o que se pararmos pra ver é ainda pior: pois é sendo adolescente que você recebe ainda mais cobranças a serem carregadas.
➥ autocobrança para ficar bem
outra coisa que infelizmente é ensinada à gente é como devemos sempre nos forçar a ficar bem, sorrir sempre, buscar as vezes até fingir um bom humor e bem estar que não estamos sentindo. quando, na realidade, não estamos nem um pouco bem.
com a vida [e com a psicologia também] aprendi que esconder as coisas é ainda pior. esconder aos outros é também esconder a si mesmo. eu entendo que há lugares e pessoas que não vale a pena contar como estamos nos sentindo; mas são duas coisas diferentes:
- não contar tudo para qualquer pessoa - fingir que está bem
todos os sentimentos existem para serem vividos. é como se fossem fases que você precisa realmente viver, pois caso contrário você não vai sair do 0. é como se precisássemos passar pela dor, entende-la e claro que buscar ajuda dos outros e dentro de si mesma (o) para sair disso.
autocobrança para ficar bem logo nunca vai te trazer benefícios. você realmente passa a se enxergar como alguém inferior por não estar sorrindo, vivendo a vida do jeito dos outros.
e aqui entra o mesmo ensinamento que vale para autocobranças em coisas como escola: não se compare. você vive um momento e as pessoas outros momentos. cada um de nós temos o nosso tempo. você já sorriu muito e teve dias felizes, você não é só sofrimento. e nos seus dias felizes também haviam pessoas tristes, passando por fases ruins. portanto, cada um de nós temos um momento só nosso. seja bom ou ruim, deve ser vivido.
não se compare.
➥ tarefas e mais tarefas
muitas pessoas se enchem de tarefas acreditando que vai conseguir cumprir todas. isso também gera muitas frustrações e aos poucos pode acabar com a saúde mental e autoestima também.
➥ o que pode acontecer
essas atitudes e pensamentos direcionados a si mesma (o) pode gerar sentimentos de ansiedade e culpa. ansiedade para fazer mais e mais coisas e se superar (o que é péssimo, pois você não vive o momento, vive numa ansiedade pra fazer uma coisa atrás da outra).
culpa por não conseguir fazer mais tarefas.
eu já me frustrei muito com autocobranças. era fase de vestibular e eu era cobrada. a escola, cursinho, parentes. as pessoas em si colocavam uma pressão dizendo 'a patrícia é certeza que passa, se ela não passar...'
elogios também geram cobranças. expectativas também geram cobranças.
o ideal é permitir que a pessoa viva o tempo dela.
eu também quis abraçar o mundo, fazer várias coisas ao mesmo tempo. para quem estava de fora aquilo era o certo. "se espelhe nela, fulano, fulana". "faça como ela, várias coisas ao mesmo tempo". mas não, precisamos saber escolher o que vamos fazer, como vamos fazer.
quando você escolhe abraçar o mundo coloca muitas responsabilidades pra si mesma (o) em sua mesa, se sobrecarrega e se culpa muito por não conseguir fazer todas as suas tarefas. e é óbvio que não vai conseguir: você se enche de coisas para fazer e ainda busca uma perfeição. não existe tempo e tampouco energia para que tudo saia dessa maneira.
➥ como lidar
as coisas podem dar certo.
a mudança de hábito e desconstruir esses pensamentos é algo muito importante.
Experimente terapia, frequências de cura disponíveis em locais como Youtube, músicas relaxantes (a música tem imenso poder!), frequências Solfeggio, frequências binaurais, e não somente com foco em "concentração, aprendizado", porque de nada isso servirá se a base do teu ser não está pautada em um mínimo autorespeito e busca por harmonia interna. Ninguém aguenta eterna autoexigência sem sucumbir.
mensagem importante: você pode e vai viver a sua vida bem, se você se cobra muito hoje, existe uma saída para isso. não se sinta mal por se cobrar, não se culpe. tente mudar aos poucos, pegue leve consigo mesma (o), viva seu tempo, seja gentil pra si.
e desconstrua os pensamentos: perfeccionismo as vezes pode não ser tão bom assim.
➥ tenha metas reais pra sua rotina!
de nada adianta se atolar de tarefas. seja realista, defina a si mesma (o) somente aquilo que você tem possibilidade de conseguir cumprir no seu dia.
➥ não se compare.  ₊˚.
cada um tem seu ritmo.
cada um tem seu tempo.
cada pessoa vai chegar lá no seu tempo.
você não é pior por "ainda" estar aqui. não existe ainda, pois você não está atrasada (o) em nada. respeite seu tempo e seja gentil consigo mesma (o). é o que você merece
não corra, não se frustre. se desprenda dos outros, dos padrões, do que é exigido de você nos ambientes que você vive. você não é as suas cobranças.
a vida não é uma corrida.
"pare de correr por nada, meu amigo. você não precisa ter um sonho que qualquer um sonha". você não precisa seguir o sonho alheio. crie e corra atrás dos seus.
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crystalsenergy · 7 days
Self demands (an attempt at how to deal with this, and a genuine transmission of understanding 🌿🌼)
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Whether it comes from you to yourself or from others, demands are something that can greatly affect a person's psychological well-being. And often, it's difficult not to be affected.
Living, dealing with my life, getting to know other people, I realized that all of us will feel some kind of pressure at some point in life.
I see demands as something dangerous for a person's mental health, which can make them feel weak, powerless, incapable.
The way we react to it is unique, it's ours. We cannot define a standard reaction to these things because each person reacts differently. But I believe that we can always handle it differently, better for ourselves. And, of course, this way will vary from person to person.
➥ Self-demands
Many times, the demand doesn't even come from outside but from within. And in these cases, I believe we can control the situation more.
I used to be a person who demanded too much of myself, who wanted to achieve perfection in everything and was upset if I didn't reach it, if everything didn't turn out perfect. Until I learned that seeking perfection is exhausting, especially depending on what you're doing.
There are specific phases of our lives that seem like we cannot escape demands. Adolescence is the main one. Parents, school, and society itself place a series of obligations on your shoulders, a lot of times, it's the consequence of their projections on youth. It's really hard. But what I often see are people who, in addition to the pressure from outside, also pressure themselves. And that's very harmful.
As someone who has been through all of this, I strongly advise you to make sure that at least one of the demands doesn't exist. The external one will be there, and you already need to control/try to handle how it will affect you.
So let's try to understand why we demand things from ourselves and how to handle it better. Okay?
First of all, we need to clarify that: ›› Demanding too much of oneself is not the best way to achieve a good result.
➥ Overcoming oneself and others
Many of the thoughts of those who demand too much have to do with the desire to overcome oneself, to surpass one's own limits. Always wanting more from oneself, for you, it's never enough, you never get there. Because you have to work more and more. Overcoming oneself usually has to do with some standard or specific person(s) that have been set in mind as a profile to be followed. But why do people generally have this thought?
➥ Comparisons, influences of personal life history, and what was taught
Many times, excessive demands may be related to what was taught to you as you were growing up. School, family, the outside itself. Ideas that you need to surpass others to be valued, to be considered better. Some comparisons made since childhood: children in schools being seen and compared according to grades and performances, or at home taught by parents that they need to surpass others to be well-regarded.
These thoughts are very misguided, and if they don't cause problems at that age, they can generate frustrations later, in adolescence, for example. What is even worse if we stop to think about it: it's during adolescence that you receive even more demands to carry.
➥ Self-demands to be well Another thing that unfortunately is taught to us is how we should always force ourselves to be well, always smile, sometimes even pretend a good mood and well-being that we are not feeling at all.
With life [and with Psychology too], I learned that hiding things is even worse. Hiding from others is also hiding from oneself. I understand that there are places and people that it's not worth telling how we are feeling; but it's two different things:
Not telling everything to everyone
VS. Pretending to be well
All feelings exist to be lived.
It's like phases that you really need to experience because otherwise, you won't move forward.
It's as if we need to go through the pain, understand it, and of course, seek help from others and within ourselves to get out of it.
Self-demanding to be well soon will never bring benefits.
You really start to see yourself as inferior for not smiling, living life the way others do. And here comes the same teaching that applies to demands in things like school: do not compare.
You live a moment, and people live other moments. Each of us has our own time.
You have smiled a lot and had happy days; you are not just suffering. And in your happy days, there were also sad people going through bad phases. Therefore, each of us has our own moment. Whether good or bad, it must be lived. Do not compare.
➥ Tasks and more tasks
Many people fill themselves with tasks believing that they will be able to fulfill all of them. This also generates many frustrations and can gradually end up with mental health and self-esteem too.
➥ What can happen
These attitudes and thoughts directed at oneself can generate feelings of anxiety and guilt. Anxiety to do more and more things and surpass oneself (which is terrible because you don't live in the moment, you live in anxiety to do one thing after another). Guilt for not being able to do more tasks.
I have been very frustrated with self-demands. It was the vestibular phase, and I was under pressure. School, prep course, relatives. People, in general, put pressure, saying, 'if she doesn't pass…' Expectations also generate demands. The ideal is to allow the person to live their own time.
I also wanted to embrace the world, do several things at the same time. For those on the outside, that was right. "Look up to her, [Name]." "Do it like her, several things at the same time." But no, we need to know how to choose what we are going to do, how we are going to do it.
When you choose to embrace the world =
you put many responsibilities on yourself, overload yourself, and blame yourself a lot for not being able to do all your tasks. And obviously, you won't be able to: you fill yourself with things to do and still seek perfection. There is no time or energy for everything to go this way.
➥ How to deal with it
Calm down, not everything is lost, and things can work out.
Changing habits and deconstructing these thoughts is very important.
Seek help.
Try therapy, healing frequencies available in places like YouTube, relaxing music (music has immense power!), Solfeggio frequencies, binaural frequencies, and not only with a focus on "concentration, learning", because none of this will serve if the foundation of your being is not based on a minimum of self-respect and a search for internal harmony. No one can endure eternal self-demand without succumbing.
Important message: you can and will live your life well. If you demand a lot from yourself today, there is a way out of it. Don't feel bad for demanding from yourself, don't blame yourself. Try to change gradually, take it easy on yourself, live your time, be kind to yourself. And deconstruct the thoughts: perfectionism masks benefits, in the short term and initially, you may perceive this as something good, but in the long run, the downsides prevail.
➥ Have real goals for your routine!
It's no use getting overwhelmed with tasks. Be realistic, define for yourself only what you have the possibility to accomplish in your day.
➥ Do. not. compare. ₊˚.
Everyone has their own pace. Everyone has their own time. Each person will get there in their own time. You are not worse for "still" being here. There is no "still" because you are not behind in anything. Respect your time and be kind to yourself. It's what you deserve.
Do not rush, do not get frustrated.
Detach yourself from others, from standards, from what is required of you in the environments you live in. You are not your demands.
Life is not a race.
"Stop running for nothing, You don't need to have a dream that anyone dreams." "You don't need to follow someone else's dream. Create and chase after your own."
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crystalsenergy · 9 days
Mars signs - sexual preferences, p0sitions [according to Mars sign only] 🔥💞✨ (a deep study) +18
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PLEASE, BE HEALTHY IN YOUR USE OF YOUR LIBIDO! This is a very intense and high energy. Be conscious, healthy, present, and wise about what you are seeking when pursuing something sexual.
Our libido is the deepest and most sacred energy we have. It can be used for our personal goals, strengthening personal relationships, spiritual connection, healing, and ultimately, for sexual relations. In other moments, I will detail the use of libido for these purposes for each placement. As I know it is of interest to many, and it is also mine, to learn more about the sexual activity of Mars placements, I bring this post to you. Enjoy (with awareness!).
Remember that individual preferences can vary, and communication, consent, and mutual enjoyment should always be priorities in any sexual encounter.
By continuing, you agree that you are over 18 years old. Below are some images of adult content (without explicit genital organs).
Mars in Aries individuals are characterized by their passionate, bold, and assertive approach to sex. They have a strong desire for physical intimacy and a need for excitement and novelty in their sexual experiences. Their sexual preferences often align with their enthusiastic and adventurous nature.
Spontaneity: Mars in Aries individuals are highly aroused by spontaneous sexual encounters. They thrive on the thrill of the moment. Planning and routine may not be as appealing to them as the excitement of spontaneous passion.
Assertiveness: They prefer partners who are equally assertive and enthusiastic about sex. Mars in Aries appreciates when their partner takes the initiative and demonstrates a strong desire for them. Being pursued and desired is a significant turn-on for them.
Adventure: These individuals have a natural craving for adventure in the bedroom. They are eager to try new things, experiment with different positions, and explore their fantasies. Variety and novelty are crucial aspects of their sexual satisfaction.
Physicality: Physicality plays a central role in the sexual preferences of Mars in Aries. They enjoy vigorous and energetic sex, often incorporating playful wrestling, physical activity, or athletic moves into their encounters. A good physical workout during sex is a turn-on for them.
Quickies: Mars in Aries individuals may find quick and passionate encounters highly arousing. They are often ready for spontaneous romps, even if they are brief. Quickies can add excitement and spontaneity to their sexual routine.
Sexual Positions for Mars in Aries:
Mars in Aries individuals prefer sexual positions that allow them to take the lead, showcase their assertiveness, and maintain a high level of physical intensity. These positions often emphasize deep penetration and intense physical connection:
Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl: These positions enable the Mars in Aries individual to take control of the rhythm and intensity of the experience while providing an enticing view for both partners.
Doggy Style: This position offers deep penetration and a sense of dominance, aligning with Mars in Aries' desire for assertive and passionate encounters. It allows them to be in control.
Standing Positions: Mars in Aries may enjoy sex while standing, against a wall or other surfaces, adding an element of excitement and novelty. It allows for spontaneity and physicality.
Bent Over: Positions where one partner bends over, such as the "Bent Over Desk" or "Bent Over Table" positionsn.
Mars in Taurus individuals are known for their sensual, patient, and pleasure-seeking approach to sex. They highly value physical intimacy and the gratification of the senses. Their sexual preferences often align with their appreciation for sensuality and comfort.
Sensuality: Mars in Taurus individuals are turned on by the sensory aspects of sex. They appreciate the textures, scents, tastes, and sounds involved in the experience. Foreplay and physical sensations are crucial to their arousal.
Patience: They prefer a slow and methodical approach to sex, savoring each moment. Mars in Taurus appreciates partners who take their time and enjoy a languid and unhurried encounter.
Physical Pleasure: Physical pleasure is central to their sexual preferences. They enjoy touch, massage, and physical closeness. Creating a comfortable and indulgent atmosphere enhances their sexual satisfaction.
Stability: Mars in Taurus individuals often prefer sex within the context of a stable and committed relationship. Emotional security and trust are essential to their sexual fulfillment.
Routine and Consistency: They may have specific routines or rituals that enhance their sexual experiences. Consistency and reliability in their partner's affection and attention are highly valued.
Sexual Positions for Mars in Taurus:
Mars in Taurus individuals prefer sexual positions that emphasize physical pleasure, deep connection, and comfort. These positions often allow for a slow and sensual experience that caters to their sensual nature.
Spooning: In the spooning position, both partners lie on their sides with one partner behind the other. This position allows for intimate physical contact and a sense of security. It's perfect for slow, sensual lovemaking. Both partners can relax and savor the physical sensations of intimacy.
Missionary with a Twist: The traditional missionary position can be enhanced by incorporating sensual touches, gentle kisses, and eye contact. Mars in Taurus appreciates the emotional connection in this position.
Missionary: The classic missionary position can be highly satisfying for Mars in Taurus. It offers face-to-face intimacy, allowing for deep emotional connection and the opportunity to savor each moment.
Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl: These positions provide Mars in Taurus individuals with a view and a level of control that can be enjoyable. The slow and deliberate movements in these positions align with their patient nature.
Lotus: The Lotus position allows for face-to-face intimacy, promoting a deep emotional connection. Partners sit facing each other with their legs wrapped around each other. It's a position that encourages slow, sensual movements.
Sensual Massage: Incorporating sensual massage into foreplay can be a highly arousing experience for Mars in Taurus. The focus on touch and physical pleasure caters to their sensual preferences.
Standing Spooning: This variation of the spooning position involves one partner standing while the other is in front, allowing for deep penetration and a strong physical connection. It's a mix of comfort and intensity.
Slow and Sensual Exploration: Mars in Taurus individuals often enjoy exploring their partner's body slowly and sensually. This can involve extended foreplay, gentle caresses, and kissing. The focus is on savoring each moment and paying attention to the physical sensations and responses of both partners.
Mars in Gemini individuals are known for their curious, playful, and mentally stimulating approach to sex. They value communication, variety, and mental connection in their sexual experiences. Their sexual preferences often align with their need for mental stimulation and versatility.
Mental Stimulation: Mars in Gemini individuals are highly aroused by mental connection and communication. They enjoy flirting, playful banter, and intellectual exchanges as part of foreplay.
Variety and Experimentation: They thrive on variety and enjoy trying new things in the bedroom. Mars in Gemini appreciates partners who are open to exploring different sexual fantasies and positions.
Playfulness: Playfulness and a sense of humor are essential to their sexual satisfaction. They enjoy keeping the mood light and engaging in erotic playfulness with their partner.
Communication: Mars in Gemini values verbal communication during sex. They may enjoy talking dirty, sharing fantasies, and using words to enhance the sexual experience.
Adaptability: They are adaptable lovers and can switch between different roles or personas in the bedroom. This adaptability can lead to exciting and diverse sexual encounters.
Sexual Positions for Mars in Gemini:
Mars in Gemini individuals prefer sexual positions that offer mental stimulation, versatility, and opportunities for communication. These positions often involve movement, variety, and the use of words to enhance the experiencence.
Talking Missionary: In the missionary position, Mars in Gemini individuals can maintain eye contact and engage in verbal communication with their partner. They can express desires and fantasies, adding an intellectual dimension to the encounter.
The Kama Sutra: Exploring various Kama Sutra positions can cater to their need for variety and experimentation. These positions offer a wide range of possibilities for adventurous lovemaking.
Erotic Role-Play: Mars in Gemini may enjoy incorporating role-play into their sexual encounters. It allows them to explore different personas and engage in playful, imaginative scenarios.
Standing or Quickie Positions: These positions, such as against a wall or in a standing position, offer spontaneity and excitement.
Another playful and adventurous position involves one partner supporting the other's legs while they maintain a position similar to a wheelbarrow. It allows for physical closeness and can be a fun and exhilarating experience.
Reverse Cowgirl: In this position, the receiving partner is on top, facing away from the penetrating partner. It offers Mars in Gemini individuals a different perspective and variety in their sexual encounters. Verbal communication can still play a role in this position.
The Lotus Blossom: Similar to the Lotus position mentioned to Mars in Taurus, the Lotus Blossom allows for face-to-face intimacy. However, it involves more active movement and versatility, catering to Mars in Gemini's desire for variety.
The Lap Dance: Mars in Gemini individuals may enjoy taking on the role of a sexy dancer or receiving a lap dance from their partner. It's a playful and exciting way to incorporate movement and role-play into the bedroom.
Sensual Shower: For those who enjoy variety and spontaneity, having sex in the shower can be a thrilling experience. The sensation of water, combined with physical closeness, can be highly arousing.
Mars in Cancer individuals are known for their nurturing, emotional, and sensitive approach to sex. They highly value emotional intimacy, trust, and a strong emotional connection in their sexual experiences. Their sexual preferences often align with their need for security and closeness.
Emotional Intimacy: Mars in Cancer individuals are deeply aroused by emotional closeness and intimacy. They seek partners who can create a strong emotional bond and make them feel safe and cherished.
Comfort and Security: They thrive in an environment of comfort and security. A cozy, private setting enhances their sexual satisfaction, and they appreciate partners who prioritize their emotional well-being.
Gentle and Tender Touch: Mars in Cancer individuals prefer lovemaking that is gentle, tender, and nurturing. They enjoy soft caresses, cuddling, and a slow, sensual pace during sex.
Trust and Loyalty: Trust and loyalty are essential to their sexual fulfillment. They need to feel emotionally connected and secure with their partner to fully enjoy the experience.
Nurturing and Care: They are often turned on by partners who exhibit nurturing and caring qualities. Acts of kindness, cuddling, and verbal reassurance enhance their sexual connection.
Sexual Positions for Mars in Cancer:
Mars in Cancer individuals prefer sexual positions that prioritize emotional intimacy, tenderness, and a strong emotional connection. These positions often involve slow and gentle movements, allowing for ample physical closeness.
Spoon Position: The Spoon Position involves both partners lying on their sides, with one partner nestled behind the other. This position allows for close physical contact, creating a sense of emotional intimacy and security.
Missionary Position: The classic Missionary Position involves one partner lying on their back while the other partner lies on top, facing each other. This position allows for face-to-face intimacy, enabling emotional connection and the opportunity to savor each moment.
Yab-Yum Position: The Yab-Yum Position is a seated position where both partners face each other and sit in a cross-legged position, creating direct eye contact and deep emotional connection. It emphasizes emotional intimacy and closeness.
Cradle Position: In the Cradle Position, one partner lies on their back while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position offers emotional intimacy, as the partners can maintain eye contact and engage in affectionate touching.
Lotus Position: The Lotus Position involves both partners sitting cross-legged facing each other. This position encourages emotional intimacy and slow, sensual movements, allowing partners to connect on an emotional level.
Embrace Position: In the Embrace Position, one partner sits on the edge of a surface while the other partner sits in their lap, facing each other. This position promotes close physical contact and emotional connection.
Kneeling Position: The Kneeling Position can be performed with one partner kneeling on a surface while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. It encourages emotional closeness and allows partners to maintain eye contact.
Tantric Sex Positions: Exploring Tantric sex positions can be beneficial for Mars in Cancer individuals, as they emphasize emotional connection and intimacy. These positions often involve slow, deliberate movements and deep eye contact.
Sensual Massage: Incorporating sensual massage techniques into foreplay can be highly arousing for Mars in Cancer. Massaging each other's bodies can promote relaxation, emotional intimacy, and heightened sensitivity to touch.
Breathing and Eye Gazing: While not traditional sexual positions, techniques such as synchronized breathing and prolonged eye gazing can enhance emotional connection and intimacy during lovemaking.
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""Lion's Roar Position"": The Lion's Roar Position can be interpreted as a variation of the classic Missionary Position. In this position, one partner (the "lion") lies on their back while the other partner straddles them (the "tamer"). The tamer can take charge and set the rhythm, allowing the lion to express themselves with vocalizations and theatrics, which can be highly arousing for Mars in Leo.
""Firework Position"": The Firework Position is all about visual excitement. Partners lie side by side, facing each other, with their legs intertwined. This position allows for deep eye contact and the opportunity to watch each other's reactions, creating a passionate and visually stimulating experience.
""The Royal Throne"": In this position, one partner sits on a sturdy surface, such as a chair or the edge of the bed, while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. The seated partner can take on a regal and commanding role, which can be particularly appealing to Mars in Leo, who enjoys being the center of attention.
Role-Play Positions: Mars in Leo individuals often appreciate role-playing scenarios that allow them to take on dramatic personas. Incorporating costumes or props can enhance the theatrical experience. Popular role-play scenarios may include teacher and student, boss and secretary, or fantasy characters.
""The Catwalk"": In the Catwalk position, one partner stands upright while the other partner wraps their legs around their waist. This position emphasizes the dominant partner's physical prowess and can lead to intense and passionate encounters.
""The Regal Embrace"": The Regal Embrace position begins with both partners standing, facing each other. One partner lifts the other partner off the ground, and they wrap their legs around their partner's waist, creating a powerful and passionate embrace.
""The Throne of Pleasure"": In the Throne of Pleasure position, one partner sits comfortably on a sturdy surface, while the other partner kneels before them, providing oral pleasure. This position allows the 'dominant' partner to enjoy being the center of attention and receiving lavish admiration.
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The Lap Dance: Mars in Virgo individuals may enjoy taking on the role of a sexy dancer or receiving a lap dance from their partner. It's a playful and exciting way to incorporate movement and physical contact.
"The Healer's Embrace": In the Healer's Embrace position, one partner lies on their back while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position allows the partner on top to take control, providing attention to detail and a focus on the physical sensations of their partner.
"The Precision Connection": The Precision Connection position involves one partner sitting on the edge of a surface while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position emphasizes careful and deliberate movements, as well as open communication about desires and preferences.
"The Aligned Lotus": In the Aligned Lotus position, both partners sit cross-legged, facing each other. This position encourages emotional connection and alignment of energies while maintaining a focus on the intricacies of pleasure.
"The Sensual Scrutiny": In the Sensual Scrutiny position, one partner lies on their stomach while the other partner uses their hands to explore their body with gentle caresses and massages. This position highlights the Mars in Virgo individual's attention to detail and their desire to provide pleasure through touch.
The Intimate Observation: This position involves one partner lying on their back with their knees bent and their legs spread, while the other partner kneels between their legs. It allows for up-close exploration and careful observation of their partner's responses and desires.
Erotic Role-Play: Mars in Virgo individuals may enjoy incorporating role-play scenarios that involve themes of service, caregiving, or medical examinations. This allows them to express their desire to provide pleasure and attention to their partner's needs.
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The Lap Dance: Mars in Libra individuals may enjoy taking on the role of a sexy dancer or receiving a lap dance from their partner.
"The Harmony Embrace": In the Harmony Embrace position, both partners lie on their sides, facing each other. This position emphasizes symmetry and balance, allowing for intimate eye contact and a sense of harmony during lovemaking.
"The Synchronized Connection": The Synchronized Connection position involves both partners lying on their backs, side by side. Their bodies align as they engage in rhythmic movements together, fostering a sense of coordination and mutual pleasure.
"The Libra Lotus": In the Libra Lotus position, both partners sit cross-legged, facing each other. This position promotes equality and fairness in sexual encounters, emphasizing reciprocity and shared pleasure.
"The Mirror Dance": The Mirror Dance position begins with one partner lying on their back while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position allows for mirroring movements and synchronized responses, enhancing the sense of connection and mutual enjoyment.
"The Elevation": In the Elevation position, one partner lies on their back on a surface, while the other partner sits on top, facing forward. This position creates a sense of balance and allows for deep eye contact, facilitating emotional connection during intercourse.
"The Balanced Butterfly": The Balanced Butterfly position involves one partner sitting on a surface with their legs spread open, while the other partner straddles them and maintains balance with their hands on the surface. This position symbolizes equilibrium and promotes communication and mutual pleasure.
Sensual Exploration: Mars in Libra individuals may enjoy sensual exploration of their partner's body, focusing on delicate touches, kisses.
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"The Scorpio Seduction": In the Scorpio Seduction position, one partner lies on their back while the other partner kneels between their legs, facing forward. This intimate position allows for deep penetration and intense eye contact, intensifying the sense of connection and passion.
"The Power Play": The Power Play position involves one partner sitting comfortably on a sturdy surface, while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position emphasizes dominance and submission dynamics, heightening arousal through power exchange.
"The Deep Dive": In the Deep Dive position, one partner lies face down on a surface while the other partner enters from behind. This position allows for deep penetration and the exploration of intense physical sensations.
"The Scorpion's Embrace": The Scorpion's Embrace position begins with both partners lying on their sides, facing each other. One partner lifts their upper leg over the other's hip, creating a deep and passionate connection that emphasizes intensity and emotional closeness.
"The Intimate Bond": In the Intimate Bond position, both partners sit cross-legged, facing each other. This position promotes emotional and physical intimacy, allowing for direct eye contact and the exploration of each other's desires.
"The Eros' Kiss": The Eros' Kiss position starts with one partner seated on the edge of a surface, while the other partner straddles their lap, facing forward. This position encourages passionate kissing and sensual touch, intensifying desire and connection.
"The Sensual Serpent": The Sensual Serpent position begins with one partner lying on their stomach, while the other partner lies on top, facing the same direction. This position allows for slow, sensual movements and deep penetration, fostering a sense of trust and emotional connection.
"The Deep Union": In the Deep Union position, both partners lie on their sides, facing the same direction. One partner lifts their upper leg over the other partner's hip, creating a deep and intimate connection. This position encourages shared sensations and vulnerability.
The Dominance Play: Mars in Scorpio individuals may enjoy exploring dominance and submission dynamics. In the Dominance Play position, one partner takes on a dominant role while the other partner submits willingly. This can include restraints, role-play, and sensual teasing.
"The Adventurous Archer": In the Adventurous Archer position, one partner lies on their back while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position reflects the adventurous spirit of Mars in Sagittarius, allowing for exploration and spontaneity in lovemaking.
"The Equestrian Fantasy": The Equestrian Fantasy position begins with one partner kneeling on a surface while the other partner straddles them from behind, like a rider on a horse. This position promotes a sense of freedom and playfulness, allowing for deep connection and dynamic movement.
"The Wanderlust Union": In the Wanderlust Union position, both partners stand facing each other. This position encourages exploration and mobility, as partners can move and shift easily, catering to their adventurous desires.
"The Explorer's Embrace": The Explorer's Embrace position involves one partner sitting on a sturdy surface while the other partner straddles their lap, facing forward. This position emphasizes enthusiastic exploration and intimate connection.
"The Nomad's Intimacy": In the Nomad's Intimacy position, one partner sits cross-legged on a surface, while the other partner straddles them, facing forward. This position allows for close physical contact and passionate exploration, catering to Mars in Sagittarius' desire for new experiences.
Outdoor Adventures: Mars in Sagittarius individuals may enjoy outdoor sexual encounters, such as making love in nature or engaging in spontaneous intimacy during camping trips or hikes. This aligns with their love for exploration and the outdoors.
"The Climbing Goat": The Climbing Goat position involves one partner lying on their back with their legs bent and feet flat on the surface. The other partner climbs on top and straddles their hips, facing forward. This position allows for deep penetration and a strong sense of authority.
"The Business Merger": In the Business Merger position, both partners stand facing each other, and one partner lifts the other partner's leg, wrapping it around their waist. This position symbolizes partnership and a shared sense of ambition.
"The Stairway to Ecstasy": The Stairway to Ecstasy position is performed on a staircase. One partner sits on a lower step while the other partner straddles their lap, facing forward. This position combines intimacy and an element of dominance, aligning with Mars in Capricorn's preferences.
Embrace: In the Embrace position, one partner sits on a sturdy chair while the other partner straddles their lap, facing forward. This position allows for intense eye contact and embodies a sense of authority and control.
The Dominance Play: Mars in Capricorn individuals may enjoy incorporating dominance and submission dynamics into their sexual encounters. This can include restraints, role-play, and explicit power dynamics, catering to their desire for control.
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"The Innovator's Embrace": In the Innovator's Embrace position, both partners sit cross-legged, facing each other. This position encourages open communication, experimentation, and the exchange of creative ideas during lovemaking.
"The Aquarian Adventure": The Aquarian Adventure position involves one partner lying on their back while the other partner kneels between their legs, facing forward. This position allows for unconventional and experimental movements, reflecting Mars in Aquarius' desire for variety.
"The Cosmic Connection": In the Cosmic Connection position, both partners lie side by side, facing the same direction. This position emphasizes a sense of unity and shared experiences, as well as the exploration of new and imaginative techniques.
"The Futuristic Fusion": The Futuristic Fusion position starts with one partner sitting on a surface while the other partner straddles their lap, facing forward. This position encourages innovative and futuristic experimentation in lovemaking.
The Intellectual Intimacy: Mars in Aquarius individuals often find intellectual connection highly arousing. Engaging in deep conversations or debates during foreplay can enhance their sexual experiences.
"The Techno-Tantra": Exploring technology-assisted intimacy, such as using interactive apps or devices (except p0rn, please!), can align with Mars in Aquarius' love for innovation and unconventional approaches to sex.
"The Voyeur's Delight": Mars in Aquarius individuals may enjoy watching or being watched by their partner during sexual encounters. This can include incorporating mirrors or other visual aids for added excitement.
For Mars in Pisces individuals, incorporating water experiences into their lovemaking can be deeply sensual and fulfilling. Water adds an extra layer of emotional and sensory connection, aligning with their romantic and dreamy nature.
Bath Time Bliss: Sharing a warm bath or shower with the partner can be an intimate and sensual experience. The sensation of water on the skin, combined with loving touches, creates a soothing and arousing atmosphere.
Skinny Dipping: If in the right setting, skinny dipping in a secluded pond, lake, or pool can be a thrilling and liberating experience. The water's buoyancy enhances the sensation of touch, making it a sensuous adventure.
Underwater Exploration: For those who enjoy snorkeling or scuba diving, exploring the underwater world together can be a unique and romantic bonding experience. The weightlessness and mystery of the ocean can heighten passion.
Beachside Lovemaking: Making love on a sandy beach, with the waves gently lapping at the shore, can be incredibly romantic. Just be mindful of comfort and privacy.
Waterbed Play: A waterbed can provide a fun and unique sexual experience. The gentle movement of the water underneath can mimic the feeling of being on a boat, enhancing sensuality.
Candlelit Baths: Running a bath with scented oils, candles, and rose petals can create a sensual and relaxing atmosphere. Taking turns pampering each other in the bath can lead to passionate moments.
Sexual positions for Mars in Pisces:
"The Dreamy Embrace": In the Dreamy Embrace position, both partners lie on their sides, facing each other. This intimate position encourages gentle, slow movements and fosters a deep emotional connection, reflecting Mars in Pisces' desire for tender lovemaking.
"The Ocean's Rhythm": The Ocean's Rhythm position involves one partner lying on their back, and the other partner straddles their hips, facing forward. This position allows for rhythmic, fluid movements, mirroring the ebb and flow of the ocean, which can be highly sensual and passionate.
"The Piscean Merge": In the Piscean Merge position, both partners lie on their backs, with one partner's head resting on the other partner's shoulder. This position emphasizes emotional connection and the blending of energies, creating a sense of oneness.
"The Sensory Sensation": Mars in Pisces individuals often enjoy sensual experiences. Blindfolding one or both partners and focusing on tactile sensations like massage, feather touches, or ice play can heighten their arousal.
"The Surrendering Position": Mars in Pisces individuals may find pleasure in surrendering control to their partner. In this position, one partner takes the lead while the other partner allows themselves to be guided, emphasizing trust and vulnerability.
"The Fantasy Voyage": Exploring sexual fantasies, role-play, or creating an imaginative scenario together can be highly arousing for Mars in Pisces.
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crystalsenergy · 9 days
Insatisfação profissional, dificuldades com carreira, trabalho e o que a Astrologia diz disso (desequilíbrios no eixo IC-MC como 1 das possibilidades)
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a importância de sempre olhar a sua casa oposta!
Vamos entender um pouco mais disso hoje?
Sem um mundo interior bem resolvido, tudo respinga na carreira.
É sem sentido buscarmos a fuga na carreira para o que é de ordem puramente interna e o oposto é verdadeiro.
Muitas pessoas que estão com dificuldades emocionais, consigo mesmas, injetam toda, literalmente toooda energia que possuem na carreira e atolam a sua vida inteiramente disso para fugir de suas demandas internas. Será que isso ocorre por quê? E qual a relação direta disso com vida interna, por quê?
A Astro nos lembra um pouco mais disso ao partirmos da perspectiva do que é básico para cada um de nós: a troca de energia e entrega às nossas próprias polaridades.
Normalmente, são questões consigo mesmas. Questões internas de cunho emocional. Mas não vemos só isso ocorrer.
Também ocorre muito de as pessoas acumularem questões emocionais para resolverem com outras pessoas, e por diferentes razões, guardam, deixam de falar, de tratar, de resolver, mas todo dia isso reaparece, como estresse, memória negativa, mecanismos de defesa, e como ela não encara, para que área você acha que isso respinga? Carreira.
Também podemos falar das questões com família, que muitas vezes são bastante delicadas, envolvendo muita carga emocional e mental, e que quando não cuidadas por meio de por exemplo diálogo (quando este é possível, óbvio), terapia, ou outros meios possíveis, refletem na área da carreira por meio de insatisfação e acúmulo.
Paty, por que isso ocorre?
Primeiro que por se tratarem de casas opostas, pedem pelo equilíbrio. Polaridades não são inutilidades, são complementos uma da outra.
Segundo que o acúmulo de energia em uma acaba por gerar um acúmulo na outra pelas próprias tendências nossas. Naturalmente somos inclinados a olharmos para o eixo oposto de praticamente tudo que lidamos, o problema é não fazermos isso de maneira consciente e sequer saudável. E a Astrologia, novamente, nos exemplifica isso muito bem.
Exemplos recorrentes de como lidamos com a polaridade das casas de maneira desequilibrada:
Se estamos com problemas na área da intimidade e da vulnerabilidade, da entrega (casa 8), tendemos a querer distanciar o olhar para isso, e focar no prazer pessoal, e as vezes até mesmo nas conquistas materiais (casa 2), sendo que se o problema iniciou em algo relacionado a casa 8, deveríamos resolver com ela, e não buscar um paliativo com a sua casa oposta, que no fim, só mascara temporariamente o problema, mas não o soluciona de fato.
Se estamos com problemas com relacionamentos, cooperação, harmonia (casa 7), fugimos de resolver as nossas dificuldades com isso e de repente saltamos para um estado de independência em excesso, foco demasiado em si mesmo e, a depender do nível de questões mal resolvidas, até mesmo um egoísmo forjado que mascara mágoas e chateações (casa 1 em imenso desequilíbrio).
A Astrologia nos relembra que ambos os lados são complementos de uma só coisa,
a 4ª e a 10ª casa (Fundo e Meio do Céu) são os pontos opostos e complementares que nos lembram que sem um, não há o equilíbrio do outro. E com toda casa oposta é assim!
Por isso: não existe boa carreira sem mundo interior sendo cuidado.
Não existe bom mundo interior sem vida exterior sendo desenvolvida.
Não existe vida profissional satisfatória a longo prazo sem mundo interior sendo cuidado.
Se a nossa casa 4 está bagunçada dentro do que ela significa em nossa vida real, e não estamos buscando reajustar isso, a energia acumulada na casa 4 respingará para a casa 10, a sua oposta complementar.
A sua casa 10 e tudo que você vive nela em sua vida real não é 100% independente, é autônoma de todo o resto de seu mapa, mas por ser integrar Um todo (o todo que é você, o ‘dono’ do mapa astral natal), se uma parte vai mal, inclusive a exata oposta e complementar a ela, ela vai sentir demais os efeitos.
A Astrologia é uma maneira de traduzirmos e lermos quem somos. Não são meras criações humanas. São códigos cósmicos e, em essência, sagrados, pois nos permitem enxergar perfeitamente quem já éramos antes de encarnarmos (mapa natal como um todo), os ideais de nossa Alma (NN, NS e etc), as dificuldades atuais (mapas de trânsito, de retorno solar, retornos planetários…).
Ela é uma ferramenta incrível e sagrada que, se utilizada com sabedoria, discernimento e clareza, nos levam pra conclusões ótimas de diversas questões de nossas vidas. Como essa que estamos explanando agora.
Não é que as coisas precisem estar perfeitas, mas precisamos estar olhando aos problemas, senão, eles viram praticamente lodo, coisa parada, em nossa vida.
E energia parada é energia velha, Astrologia é energia cósmica, energia cósmica chega até nós, e tudo que somos e fazemos, está em nosso campo energético.
Então sim, a ação em desequilíbrio em uma área nossa nos afeta e vai significar mais acúmulo de energia desarmônica naquela área (que provavelmente o mapa astral natal já traduz como algo que a pessoa carrega em desarmonia). E está tudo bem! Apenas vamos buscar a partir de agora: curar, cuidar e olhar para isso.
E você, já notou ou se coloca aberto/a para começar a notar o quanto, na prática, a sua relação com a sua casa 4 tem impactado a saúde e o sucesso de sua casa 10?
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crystalsenergy · 9 days
Professional dissatisfaction, career & work difficulties, and what Astrology says about it (imbalance in the IC-MC axis as ONE of the possibilities 4️⃣↔️🔟).
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the importance of always looking at your opposite house! let's understand more about this today?
Without a well-resolved inner world, everything spills over into your career.
It's pointless to seek refuge in your career for purely internal matters, and the opposite is true.
Why does this happen? And what is the direct relation of this with internal life, why?
Astrology reminds us about the exchange of energy and surrender to our own polarities.
Many people who are experiencing emotional difficulties with themselves inject all, literally all the energy they have into their careers and drown their entire lives in it to avoid facing their internal demands. Usually, these are issues with themselves. Internal emotional issues.
But it's not just that we see happening.
It also often occurs that people accumulate emotional issues to resolve with others, and for different reasons, they keep, don't talk about, don't address, don't resolve, but every day it reappears, like stress, negative memory, defense mechanisms, and as they don't face it, in which area do you think it spills over? Career.
We can also talk about family issues, which are often quite delicate, involving a lot of emotional and mental burden, and when not taken care of through, for example, dialogue (when possible, of course), therapy, or other possible ways, they reflect in the area of ​​the career through dissatisfaction and accumulation.
Paty, why does this happen?
-> First, because we are talking about two opposite houses, the 4th and the 10th (Imum and Medium Coeli), and they call for balance.
Polarities, opposites (houses or signs) are not uselessness,
they complement each other.
-> Second, the accumulation of energy in one ends up generating an accumulation in the other by our own tendencies. Naturally, we are inclined to look at the opposite axis of practically everything we deal with, the problem is not doing this consciously and not even healthily.
And Astrology, again, exemplifies this very well for us (After all, the Astrology that applies to earthlings represents exactly our greatest habits and tendencies that we collectively share through the conscious and collective unconscious, habits that some possess more, and others less, all depending on the free will and level to which each one connects to all of this. Below you will understand better, through the examples:)
Recurring examples of how we deal with the polarity of houses in an unbalanced way:
If we have problems in the area of ​​intimacy and vulnerability, surrender (8th house), we tend to want to distance ourselves from that, manifesting the negative side of the 8th house, which is that of closure, fear of vulnerability, but before looking at it with the intention of healing, we quickly run into the arms of the 2nd house, focusing only on personal pleasure, and sometimes even material achievements (2nd house). If the problem started with something related to the 8th house, we should solve it with it, and not seek a palliative with its opposite house, which in the end, only temporarily masks the problem, but does not actually solve it.
If we have problems with relationships, cooperation, harmony (7th house), we avoid solving our difficulties with that and suddenly jump to a state of excessive independence, too much focus on oneself, and, depending on the level of unresolved issues, even a forged selfishness that masks hurt and annoyance (1st house in immense imbalance).
Astrology reminds us that both sides are complements of one thing, the 4th and 10th houses (Imum Coeli and Midheaven) are the opposite and complementary points that remind us that without one, there is no balance of the other. And with every opposite house, it's like that!
Therefore: there is no good career without the inner world being taken care of.
There is no satisfactory professional life in the long run without the inner world being taken care of.
If our 4th house is messy
within what it means in our real life, and we are not seeking to readjust it,
the accumulated energy in this house will spill over into the 10th house, its complementary opposite.
Your 10th house is not 100% independent, it is only autonomous from everything else in your chart, but because it integrates One whole (the whole that is you), if one part is doing badly, including the exact opposite and complementary to it, the rest will feel the effects too much.
Astrology is a way for us to translate and read who we are.
Astrology is not mere human creation. Astrology is cosmic and essentially made up of sacred codes, which allow us to see perfectly who we already were before we incarnated (natal chart as a whole), the ideals and tasks of our Soul (NN, SN, etc.), the current difficulties (transit charts, solar return charts, planetary returns...).
It is an incredible and sacred tool that, if used with wisdom, discernment, and clarity, lead us to excellent conclusions about various issues in our lives. Like the one we are discussing now.
It's not that things need to be perfect, but we need to be looking at the problems, otherwise, they turn practically into sludge, a stagnant thing, in our life.
And stagnant energy is old energy,
Astrology is cosmic energy.
Cosmic energy reaches us, and everything we are and do is in our energy field.
So yes, action in imbalance in one of our areas affects us, and will mean more accumulation of disharmonious energy in that area.
(Area that the natal astrological chart probably already translates as something that the person carries in disharmony)
And that's okay! Let's seek to heal, care for, and look at it.
And you, have you noticed or are you open to starting to notice how, in practice, your relationship with your 4th house has impacted the health and success of your 10th house?
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crystalsenergy · 10 days
Somos todos espelhos uns dos outros... literalmente. 🪞
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«Diversas vezes as pessoas que lidamos estão lidando com as suas projeções, sequer estão nos olhando pelo que somos. E nós fazemos o mesmo com os outros. E ler sobre isso, reconhecer isso, é tão importante, pois assim paramos de projetar nos outros as nossas coisinhas desorganizadas, bem como paramos de receber tão abertamente as projeções das pessoas como verdades absolutas da (nossa) vida.»
o quanto das suas opiniões acerca dos outros não reflete exatamente a sua visão deles, mas sim o que você sente sobre si mesmo ao olhar para eles?
Damos alguns exemplos abaixo e partilhamos reflexões valiosas sobre isso. Acompanhe
Exemplo 1
Uma pessoa que já está na sua idade adulta e que especificamente tem a frustração de não ter vivido os seus sonhos, não ter buscado algo que a preenchesse, por diversas razões particulares dela. É algo que pede pela cura e harmonização disso, para que a pessoa não viva com essa infelicidade dentro de si mesma.
Porém, muitos de nós não temos o hábito de refletir sobre o quanto o nosso passado impacta o nosso presente, e tampouco sobre o quanto temos as nossas bagagens bagunçadas que refletimos nos outros o tem-po in-te-i-ro.
Eis que a pessoa do exemplo, mais velha, e que tem essa questão específica de frustração, vê uma pessoa jovem adulta sendo independente, correndo atrás de seus sonhos.
Sempre que lida com um jovem que a lembra disso, logo seu ego se confronta com a informação de “eu queria estar vivendo isso”, e a energia deste ser parte para uma posição de inveja, e as vezes pode até mesmo buscar prejudicar a outra pessoa inventando histórias, distorcendo a independência do outro para a arrogância do outro, fofocando, e afins.
E a coisa “louca” é que, acredite, esse ser diz para si mesmo que está fazendo isso por razões que ele mesmo inventa para si próprio (“essa pessoa é arrogante, olha ela, toda independente!”) sendo que, na realidade, é ela que está constantemente se sentindo incomodada com a presença forte e independente do outro. Baixa autoestima e comparação, que, infelizmente, levam a inveja.
O jovem, no caso do exemplo, não precisa dizer algo para a pessoa para que isso seja impulsionado, pois o ego, que é o canal primário por onde tendemos a ter contatos com os outros, capta essa informação.
O ego captará, saberá que é algo que precisa ser compensado internamente mas que a pessoa, por orgulho, por desconhecimento, por desinteresse, por estagnação, ou pelo que for, não correu atrás de corrigir.
Sabendo disso, o ego, que tem funções importantes para a nossa estrutura psíquica, mas sempre dependerá da maneira que o seu “dono” o conduz, lidará com a inveja, pois é essa a forma que a pessoa lida com as coisas que recebe de seu entorno e que “batem” nela no efeito espelho, já que, na realidade, todos servimos de espelhos uns aos outros. O tempo inteiro (e era para isso ser algo bom, mas a maneira que lidamos torna ruim).
O ego humano* é importante, mas não o fim de tudo.
*Ego enquanto parte integrante de uma estrutura psíquica, e não Ego no conceito pejorativo que damos à palavra de vez em quando.
Ele é apenas uma parte da estrutura da mente. Ele é limitado, mas existe para que o ser humano, com suas limitações atuais, lide pouco a pouco com o que conseguir, com o que puder, a partir das trocas que faz. A mente consciente é limitada.
O inconsciente, infinito (e somos mais que 80% feitos de mente inconsciente!). O ego é a parte mais ativa em nós, mas não é a única que existe. E por isso existe um eixo a ser ativado, que é o eixo Ego-Self, para que todo ser humano saiba que o lugar do Ego é o lugar do apoio para viver o momento, para lidar com o momento.
O Ego é como se fosse um filtro para que a consciência se apoie e viva. Mas não é o fim. Por isso, nem tudo que a sua mente consciente diz, é a real.
A mente “consciente” precisa ser refutada e revista por você mesmo, pois ela SE PROJETA o tempo inteiro, ela está a todo momento entrando em contato com os outros e levando aos outros o que é unicamente dela (especialmente as coisas mal resolvidas, mas também as coisas boas), bem como está sempre trazendo para dentro o que os outros dizem.
E se assim é, e se o Ego está na parte da consciência mas ele é limitado, não reflete tudo, ele precisa ser refutado. Para que a nossa vida mental seja mais saudável e de fato consciente, no sentido puro e verdadeiro da palavra.
No exemplo, a pessoa que está invejando sente falta de ter independência e confiança para seguir seu próprio caminho, internamente, ela está ausente disso, é algo que ela sabe que não tem ali dentro dela mas que para o próprio bem-estar dela e sonho, seria importante ter (afinal, quanto mais vivemos a nossa vida em integridade, buscando sermos e vivermos mais lados de nós mesmos, menos restritos, limitados, seremos, e a tua consciência, no fundo, sabe disso).
O outro lado da projeção:
E do outro lado, caso se trate de uma pessoa com traços de personalidade de medo de julgamento, medo de exclusão, essa situação vai negativamente se encaixar, fazendo com que o ser que está invejando pareça estar tão certo e quem tem medo do julgamento, se sente para baixo. É importante cuidar disso para evitar maiores questões internas.
Se você identifica que alguém está se projetando em você de uma maneira bastante negativa, se afaste, cuide disso em ti e deixe que o trabalho interno do outro, é do outro. Mas, apesar de ser difícil, evite a questão de raiva e vingança. Isso vai te prender neste processo por mais tempo que o necessário.
Ambas pessoas precisam de ajuda, no primeiro caso, por ter uma profunda baixa autoestima a ponto de deixar isso respingar aos outros; no segundo caso, por ter uma raiz de medo do julgamento e medo de não agradar aos outros, que a leva a crer que as críticas mais árduas e negativas que surgirem das pessoas refletem a realidade.
Outro exemplo:
Uma mulher que se nega a vivência do seu lado feminino na integridade (a questão do autoconhecimento sexual, por exemplo) por se condicionar a algum tipo de restrição intensa, e que também vive a dificuldade de, ao olhar para toda e qualquer mulher que não faz o mesmo que ela, julga, mas não é qualquer julgamento, mas sim uma categorização e rotulação, porque para ela a ferida com a vivência de outros lados do seu feminino é tão limitada, e, por ela seguir negando isso para ela, a raiva por quem vive em liberdade surge e aumenta sempre que se depara com essa pessoa.
É importante ambos os lados cuidarem disso, o primeiro, que está emanando e se projetando, o segundo, para que suas dificuldades internas com medo de julgamento ou algo similar, não aumentem. Tudo pode ser se reverter< para uma oportunidade de cura! Curar, curar, curar, ainda e especialmente se a pessoa tenha vindo, na maldade, me machucar.
Esses são apenas alguns dos diversos exemplos que poderíamos dar para ilustrar como nem sempre as nossas opiniões sobre os outros e as opiniões que dão são de fato o que as coisas são.
Não se apegue as opiniões alheias. Elas sequer representam a verdade das coisas.
Diversas vezes as pessoas que lidamos estão lidando com AS SUAS PROJEÇÕES, sequer estão nos olhando pelo que somos. E nós fazemos o mesmo com os outros.
E ler sobre isso, reconhecer isso, é tão importante, pois assim paramos de projetar nos outros as nossas coisinhas desorganizadas, bem como paramos de receber tão abertamente as projeções das pessoas como verdades absolutas da vida.
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crystalsenergy · 10 days
We are all mirrors of each other...
literally 🪞
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Don't cling to others' opinions.
They don't even represent the truth of things.
Many times the people we deal with are dealing with THEIR OWN PROJECTIONS, they are not even looking at us for who we are. And we do the same with others. And reading about this, recognizing this, is so important, because then we stop projecting our own disorganized things onto others, as well as stop receiving so openly the projections of people as absolute truths of life.
How much of your opinions about others doesn't exactly reflect your view of them, but rather what you feel about yourself when looking at them? Some examples.
The person who is already in their adulthood and who specifically has the frustration of not having lived their dreams, not having pursued something that fulfilled them, for various personal reasons of theirs.
It is something that calls for healing and harmonization of this, so that the person does not live with this unhappiness within themselves. However, many of us do not have the habit of reflecting on how much our past impacts our present, and neither on how much we have our baggage disorganized that we reflect onto others the who-o-le time.
So, the person in the example, older, and who has this specific issue of frustration, sees a young adult being independent, chasing their dreams.
Whenever dealing with a young person who reminds them of this, their ego immediately confronts with the information of "I wished I was living this", and this being's energy shifts to a position of envy, and sometimes it can even seek to harm the other person by inventing stories, distorting the other's independence into arrogance, gossiping, and so on.
And the "crazy" thing is that, believe it or not, this being tells themselves that they are doing this for reasons they invent for themselves ("this person is arrogant, look at them, all independent!") when, in reality, it is they who are constantly feeling uncomfortable with the strong and independent presence of the other. Low self-esteem and comparison, which unfortunately lead to envy.
The young person, in the example's case, doesn't need to say anything to the person for this to be triggered, because the ego, which is the primary channel through which we tend to have contacts with others, captures this information.
The ego will capture, will know that it is something that needs to be compensated internally but that the person, out of pride, out of ignorance, out of disinterest, out of stagnation, or whatever, did not run after correcting.
Knowing this, the ego, which has important functions for our psychic structure, but will always depend on how its "owner" conducts it, will deal with envy, as this is the way the person deals with things they receive from their surroundings and that "hit" them in the mirror effect, since, in reality, we all serve as mirrors to each other. All the time (and it was supposed to be a good thing, but the way we deal with it makes it bad).
The human ego is important,
but not the end of everything.
It is only a part of the mind's structure. It is limited, but it exists so that the human being, with their current limitations, deals little by little with what they can from the exchanges they make.
The conscious mind is limited. The unconscious, infinite (and we are more than 80% made of unconscious mind!).
The ego is the most active part in us, but it is not the only one that exists.
And so there is an axis to be activated, which is the Ego-Self axis, so that every human being knows that the place of the Ego is the place of support to live the moment, to deal with the moment.
The Ego is like a filter for consciousness to support and live. But it's not the end.
Therefore, not everything your conscious mind says is real.
The "conscious" mind needs to be refuted and reviewed by yourself, because it PROJECTS itself all the time, it is always in contact with others and taking to others what is uniquely its own (especially unresolved things, but also good things), as well as always bringing in what others say.
And if so, and if the Ego is in the part of consciousness but it is limited, does not reflect everything, it needs to be refuted. So that our mental life is healthier and truly conscious, in the pure and true sense of the word.
In the example, the person who is envying lacks independence and confidence to follow their own path internally, they are absent from it, it is something they know they do not have within them but that for their own well-being and dream, it would be important to have (after all, the more we live our lives in integrity, seeking to be and live more sides of ourselves, less restricted, limited, we will be, and your consciousness, deep down, knows this 🙌🌟).
Another important point to mention is: On the other side, if it is a person with traits of fear of judgment, fear of exclusion, this situation will negatively fit, making the being who is envying seem so right and the one who is afraid of judgment, feels down. It is important to take care of this to avoid further internal issues.
If you identify that someone is projecting onto you in a very negative way, step back, take care of it in yourself and let the other's internal work be their own. But, although difficult, avoid the issue of anger and revenge. This will keep you in this process longer than necessary.
Both people need help,
in the first case, for having a deep low self-esteem to the point of letting this splash onto others;
in the second case, for having a root of fear of judgment and fear of not pleasing others, which leads them to believe that the harshest and most negative criticisms that arise from people reflect reality.
Another example:
A woman who denies the experience of her feminine side in integrity (the issue of sexual self-awareness, for example) by conditioning herself to some kind of intense restriction, and who also experiences the difficulty of, when looking at any woman who does not do the same as her, judges, but it is not just any judgment, but rather a categorization and labeling, because for her the wound with the experience of other sides of her femininity is so limited, and, because she keeps denying this to herself, the anger at those who live in freedom arises and increases whenever she encounters such a person.
It is important for both sides to take care of this, the first, who is emanating and projecting, the second, so that their internal difficulties with fear of judgment or something similar, do not increase.
Everything can be reversed into an opportunity for healing! Heal, heal, heal, still and especially if the person has come, in malice, because of their projection, to hurt me.
These are just some of the various examples we could give to illustrate how our opinions about others and the opinions they give are not always what things really are.
Don't cling to others' opinions.
They don't even represent the truth of things.
Many times the people we deal with are dealing with THEIR OWN PROJECTIONS, they are not even looking at us for who we are. And we do the same with others.
And reading about this, recognizing this, is so important, because then we stop projecting our own disorganized things onto others, as well as stop receiving so openly the projections of people as absolute truths of life.
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crystalsenergy · 29 days
Healing for Chiron signs 💚✨
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Remember that healing is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to seek support from therapists, counselors, spiritual advisors along the way. Self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to YOUR personal growth are essential for Chiron healing.
Chiron in Aries: Healing the wounds associated with Chiron in Aries starts with embracing your inner strength and self-assertion.
Tips: Cultivate self-confidence by setting and achieving personal goals that empower you. Face your fears head-on, and don't shy away from confrontations that help you express your needs. Explore physical activities like martial arts or competitive sports to build resilience. Learn to initiate and take action without the fear of rejection. Remember that your worth is not defined by external validation but by your self-acceptance.
Chiron in Taurus: Healing Chiron in Taurus involves nurturing self-worth and finding stability within.
Tips: Practice self-care routines that reconnect you with your senses and the physical world. Create a secure and comforting home environment. Work on building financial stability and managing resources wisely to boost your sense of self-reliance. Explore nature, gardening, or grounding practices to strengthen your connection to the Earth's energies. Understand that your true worth goes beyond material possessions.
Chiron in Gemini: Healing Chiron in Gemini requires addressing communication and mental challenges.
Tips: Understand that your curiosity and adaptability can be strengths once you embrace them. Develop effective communication skills by actively listening and expressing your thoughts clearly. Engage in activities that stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge, such as reading, writing, or learning a new language. Rebuild trust in your ability to connect with others by nurturing genuine, open conversations. Seek therapy or counseling to heal sibling relationships or childhood communication issues.
Chiron in Cancer: Healing Chiron in Cancer begins with nurturing and emotional self-care.
Tips: Create a safe and loving home environment that provides emotional security and comfort. Explore your emotional depths through self-reflection, journaling, or seeking therapy. Reconnect with your inner life and work on healing any childhood wounds or family dynamics that have left scars. Embrace your nurturing side and allow vulnerability to become a source of strength and connection. Understand that emotional healing is a process that takes time and self-compassion.
Chiron in Leo: To heal Chiron in Leo wounds, you have to take care of your level of self-confidence and self-expression.
Tips: Engage in creative activities that allow your unique talents and personality to shine. Embrace opportunities to showcase your skills and receive positive feedback. Cultivate self-love and self-validation, reducing the need for external recognition. Understand that true leadership comes from the heart and from authenticity, not just the ego. Recognize your innate ability to inspire and uplift others with your warmth and charisma.
Chiron in Virgo: Healing Chiron in Virgo involves addressing perfectionism and self-criticism.
Tips: Practice self-compassion by accepting your imperfections and embracing self-love. Engage in self-care routines that prioritize physical and mental well-being. Develop your skills in service to others, recognizing that your healing journey is deeply intertwined with helping others. Seek guidance from holistic or alternative health practices, and remember that healing often comes through a focus on holistic well-being, not just one way of take care of yourself.
Chiron in Libra: Healing Chiron in Libra involves addressing wounds related to relationships and balance.
Tips: Seek harmony in your human connections by practicing effective communication and conflict resolution. Cultivate self-love and self-acceptance, recognizing that your worth doesn't depend on external opinions or partnerships. Work on healing any past relationship wounds through therapy, self-reflection... Embrace your ability to bring people together and find beauty in the balance between giving and receiving.
Chiron in Scorpio: Healing Chiron in Scorpio requires facing deep emotional wounds and transformation.
Tips: Explore your emotional depths through therapy, journaling, or spiritual practices. Allow yourself to confront and release past traumas and fears. Embrace vulnerability and trust in your ability to regenerate and transform. Seek to heal trust issues by practicing forgiveness and rebuilding trust in yourself and others. Understand that your intensity and depth can be sources of strength and healing.
Chiron in Sagittarius: Healing Chiron in Sagittarius begins with a quest for higher meaning and wisdom.
Tips: Explore different belief systems and philosophies to find your own truth. Engage in adventures and expand your horizons through travel or learning. Find meaning in life's challenges and recognize that they lead to growth. Seek spiritual guidance or practices that resonate with you. Embrace your adventurous spirit and optimism as sources of healing and personal expansion.
Chiron in Capricorn: Healing Chiron in Capricorn involves addressing wounds related to ambition and responsibility.
Tips: Build self-confidence and overcome fears of inadequacy by setting achievable goals. Take charge of your life and career path, recognizing that you have the ability to succeed. Embrace your responsibilities and understand that they lead to personal growth and empowerment. Seek to heal any issues related to authority figures through therapy or self-reflection. Understand that your determination and work ethic can lead to significant achievements and healing.
Chiron in Aquarius: Healing Chiron in Aquarius requires embracing your uniqueness and ideals.
Tips: Celebrate your individuality and connect with like-minded individuals who share your values. Engage in humanitarian efforts or seek out causes that align with your beliefs. Challenge convention and explore innovative paths for personal growth and healing. Embrace your innovative and unconventional side, recognizing that it can lead to positive change. Find meaning in your friendships and connections with a community that supports your growth.
Chiron in Pisces: To heal Chiron in Pisces wounds, it's necessary to connect with your spirituality and explore mindfulness practices.
Tips: Use creative outlets like art, music, or writing as a means of self-expression and emotional healing. Set and maintain healthy emotional boundaries to protect your energy and well-being. Seek therapy or counseling to address any issues related to addiction or escapism. Explore your empathetic nature and use it as a source of healing and connection with others. Understand that your sensitivity and compassion can be strengths once you embrace them.
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crystalsenergy · 2 months
Energetic Wisdom ✨💭
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The need to know how to choose what you read and see - energetic wisdom.
When I was a teenager and didn't yet have much awareness of how my energy worked as an empath and sensitive person (All that I'm going to say here also applies to people who don't see themselves as empaths or sensitives).
I didn't always follow my intuition, which already indicated to me that the most appropriate path was not to have every energetic exchange with things, subjects, environments, and people that came up.
In a way, I learned through practice to polish and connect to this inner wisdom that warned me not to go down the path that would harm me.
An example of something that harmed me and that I no longer do:
I would hear about some tragedy that really affected me, and I would immediately go and find out what happened.
The problem is that I not only found out but also was affected by the news.
By the way, we have to admit the media's ability to transmit and focus on bad news. They know that unfortunately, they attract more attention for different reasons: people who are more sensitive and end up connecting with the energy of pain because of unbridled empathy; people who have sensationalization patterns and enjoy watching the news because they live with the energy of "spectacularization of life," or both cases together.
Have you ever stopped to think? Does evil really prevail/has it always prevailed? Or has the media contributed and still contributes to making people think that only evil exists, that everything is bad?
Rarely do we see the media showing good deeds, things focused on well-being. It's true that our reality is really complicated. But goodness still exists! People need to have at least a glimmer of hope.
And what about those super strange cases that immediately pique our curiosity? Things out of the ordinary.
Whenever you hear a "little voice" inside you saying "don't open it, don't research this". If that's the case, it's something you really shouldn't see. And follow this voice. It's the voice of Inner Wisdom!
If some part of you recognizes that this is not good, it's because it will harm you in some way.
I use myself as an example: I'm afraid of horror movies. Depending on the movie or series, when many years ago I didn't follow my intuition, watching it would affect me a lot, I would have it in my head for a long time, and it would influence other things in my life. That's why I rarely watch horror movies because I know it will negatively impact me (and spiritually, by the way, there are some consequences of attracting some not-so-nice energies, either from the macabre and often violent stories or from the frequency of fear that many people start to vibrate at, which on the Hawkins Scale, is one of the lowest existing frequencies).
Attention. Everything we research will affect us. To a greater or lesser extent, in a good way or not, but it will affect us!
Nothing is "just a search," just an experience here and there. Let's be more responsible with directing our mental energy, especially, but not only. Physical and emotional energy too.
When we are vulnerable, more emotionally sensitive, attention must be doubled. Don't look for negative, bad things. Don't research heavy subjects.
Don't give room for self-destruction and other negative feelings to start swirling around your mind. Control your thoughts. The internet is such an open, infinite space, and that's its danger: anyone can access whatever they want.
Since there's no one to control you, control yourself about what you're going to research, watch, read, get in touch with.
Be your friend, don't intoxicate yourself with unhealthy things for your mind, especially.
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crystalsenergy · 2 months
a necessidade de saber escolher o que você lê e vê - Sabedoria Energética
tudo reverbera
tudo adentra... se demos um sim para isso
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tudo reverbera
tudo adentra, pois não existe como a tua mente entender que um assunto não deve ser processado por ela, se você mesmo foi atrás ou deu um Sim para que o assunto adentrasse a partir da sua curiosidade.
quando eu era adolescente e ainda não tinha tanta consciência do funcionamento da minha energia enquanto empata e sensitiva, nem sempre eu seguia a minha intuição que já me apontava que o caminho mais adequado não era o de ter toda e qualquer troca energética com as coisas, assuntos, ambientes e pessoas que surgiam.
de certa forma, fui aprendendo na prática a polir e me ligar a essa sabedoria interna que me avisava que eu não deveria ir pelo caminho que me faria mal.
um exemplo de algo que me fazia mal e que hoje em dia não faço mais:
eu ficava sabendo de alguma tragédia que mexia muuito comigo e logo ia atrás de saber o que aconteceu.
o problema é que eu só não ficava sabendo como também me afetava pela notícia.
por sinal, temos que admitir a capacidade da mídia de transmitir e focar nas notícias ruins. pois sabem que elas, infelizmente, chamam mais atenção, por diferentes razões - pessoas mais sensíveis que acabam se conectando com a energia da dor por conta da empatia desenfreada; pessoas que têm padrões de sensacionalização e que gostam de assistir às notícias pois convivem com a energia de "espetacularização da vida", ou ambos os casos juntos.
já pararam para pensar? será o mal realmente prevalece/sempre prevaleceu? ou a mídia contribuiu e ainda contribui para que as pessoas pensem que só o mal existe, que está tudo ruim?
raramente se vê a mídia mostrando boas ações, coisas voltadas ao bem estar. tudo bem que nossa realidade é realmente complicada. mas o bem ainda existe! as pessoas precisam ter pelo menos uma pitada de esperança.
e quando são aqueles casos super estranhos, que logo atiçam nossa curiosidade? coisas fora do normal.
sempre que voce ouvir uma "voizinha" dentro de você dizendo "não abre, não pesquisa isso", é algo que você realmente não deveria ver. e siga esta voz. é a voz da Sabedoria interior!
se alguma parte de você reconhece que isso não é bom, é porque te fará algum mal.
eu me uso como exemplo: tenho medo de filmes de terror. dependendo do filme ou da série quando muitos anos atrás eu não seguia a minha intuição, assistir me afetava muito, eu ficava com aquilo na cabeça por tempos e influenciava em outras coisas na minha vida. por isso, raramente assisto coisas de terror, pois sei que me deixará negativamente impactada (e no sentido espiritual, por sinal, tem algumas consequências de atração de algumas energias não tão legais, seja pelas histórias macabras e muitas vezes violentas, seja pela frequência de medo que muitos passam a vibrar, que na Escala Hawkins, é uma das menores frequências existentes).
atenção. tudo que a gente pesquisa nos afetará. em maior ou menor proporção, de boa maneira ou não, mas afetará! nada é "apenas uma pesquisa", apenas uma experiência aqui e ali. sejamos mais responsáveis com o direcionamento da nossa energia mental, especialmente, mas não só. energia física e emocional também.
quando estamos vulneráveis, mais sensíveis emocionalmente, a atenção deve ser redobrada. não procure coisas negativas, ruins. não faça pesquisas sobre assuntos pesados.
não abra margem/não dê espaço para a autodestruição e demais sentimentos negativos começarem a rodear sua mente. controle seus pensamentos. a internet é um espaço tão aberto, infinito, e esse é o perigo dela: qualquer um pode ter acesso ao que quiser.
já que não tem quem te controle, controle você mesmo com relação ao que você vai pesquisar, assistir, ler, entrar em contato.
seja seu amigo, não se intoxique com coisas nada saudáveis para a sua mente, especialmente!
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crystalsenergy · 2 months
ecos de empatia> refletindo sobre a atual dinâmica do ser humano
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o que deveríamos aprender a ser? existiria um ideal de ser humano?
eu acredito muito que precisamos aprender:
a sermos aquele tipo de pessoa de coração quente até nos dias maaaais gelados. dentro e fora da gente
a sermos aquelas pessoas que gostaríamos que fossem conosco e aquelam que fazem algo pelos outros mesmo que tais coisas feitas não sejam a nossa maior necessidade
a sermos bons para pedir mas também bons para dar e doar quando o outro precisa
a darmos valor ao que nos é útil e saudável independente do momento, e a espalhar isso aos demais mesmo que não seja uma necessidade só nossa. aprender a compartilhar, doar e sair mais da nossa bolha de necessidades.
como por exemplo, aprender a buscar o bem para si e aos outros em dias que a vida não grita por isso. em dias que não acontece nada urgente, nada "necessário demais".
em dias que não somos lembrados de maneira intensa e hostil, do quanto existem pessoas precisando de nós ao nosso redor.
espalhar o bem em dias não trágicos. em dias comuns, ordinários.
aprender a buscar palavras de motivação aos outros e a ti, mas não apenas em dias que o teu eu tá precisando. espalhar isso naturalmente.
sejam aprendizados, necessidades..
doar mais e compartilhar mais o bem.
eu sempre me pergunto, quase que automaticamente, o que eu tenho feito. como eu tenho vivido. que tipo de pessoa eu tenho sido. e eu acho que essa é uma autocrítica e uma autorreflexão muito necessária, especialmente num mundo onde temos sido cada dia mais alheios de nós e dos outros [vivendo por viver, quase que robôs ligados no automático], numa sociedade com pessoas tão "frias" para a dor e problemas do mundo [sendo que todos vivemos no mesmo lugar??? e energias são compartilhadas].
eu acho que todo mundo deveria ter mais consciência de que o barulho que você faz aqui afeta o ser aqui e lá. a harmonia que você planta aqui afeta o ser aqui e lá. sabe, podemos ser mais positivos e melhores pro mundo em si.
muitos reclamam da vida, da sociedade, mas reclamam a partir do seu umbigo. da sua única e própria visão do que é "problema" [o Seu problema, a Sua necessidade]. e isso não pode ser (só) assim. a gente tem que aprender a ter mais empatia e ver mais o coletivo. a necessidade coletiva.
e acho que quando você aprende a ver as coisas assim, automaticamente acaba sentindo efeitos bons disso em ti:
você nota, se lembra ou considera que vários passam pelo mesmo que você,
você passa a enxergar mais de uma pessoa com o mesmo problema além de você;
você pode ser tão mais gentil consigo e com o mundo à sua volta, largando o seu eu tão individualista e abrindo espaço para um eu que ainda tem os mesmos problemas, mas lida com eles de uma forma diferente enxergando que vários passam pelo mesmo
você valida os demais, a você
e ainda pode ver que isso não é um problema tão terrível assim.
o poder de enxergar as pessoas com olhos mais gentis e não largar a fé de que as coisas podem melhorar.
pois o problema que um lida aqui, é parecidíssimo com o que alguém lida lá, acolá.
por que? porque não existe ninguém superior a você, e nem inferior.
existem pessoas que passam por diversos problemas diferentes, e outros, muito parecidos, mas que podem ensinar umas as outras a ultrapassarem isso.
o mundo é menos cruel quando a gente aprende que nós quem criamos [como humanos] o nosso próprio sofrimento e quando enxergamos que a nossa forma de lidar pode mudar tudo
e isso me lembra muito meus aprendizados com budismo:
a sua dor terá doído, mas ela será o que você fará com ela.
e tudo dependerá da sua forma de lidar, e dependerá se você vai enxergar ou não que a dor é resultado desse mundo que a gente vive.
e que ele é assim exatamente porque estamos o deixando assim. logo, a questão se volta para você: o que você vai fazer por si e pelo mundo?
pois se começarmos a mudar as coisas hoje, as nossas próprias dores amanhã serão minimizadas ou evitadas também.
a vida é complicada pela maneira que vivemos e pelo modo que fazemos as coisas funcionarem ao nosso redor.
por isso mesmo, fazer a sua parte para ser menos doloroso para os outros pode ser bom e inclusive, o IDEAL, no fim. pois tudo que emanamos volta para nós mesmos, seja o amor ou a indiferença.
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