#screw you muse i'm writing anyway!
koqabear · 2 months
I don't know, but I'm so excited for manipulative gyu.😩 is this a fic you're really writing??? I'm so excited!
IT IS ‼️‼️ i am also really excited, i can’t tell if it’s the extra burst of inspiration talking or if i’m fr gonna stick with this (the latter, i pray.)
anyways, here’s a sneak peek no one asked for !
You’re stuck with Beomgyu hours after that— even though your mother was able to calm you down, it seemed as though you were afraid of the boy for the rest of your time there; hiding behind any object that was able to cover your frame, hugging your bear tightly and using it as a shield to peek at him— averting your eyes frantically when he’d glance at you and meet your weary gaze. 
Despite your mother’s attempts to get the two of you— or rather, mostly you— comfortable around each other, you both seemed dead set on not wanting to interact with the other, resigned to stay in separate sides of the room and turning your back to him when your mother had to leave to fetch a toy Beomgyu insisted he left on the couch of one of the main rooms, not bothering to specify which one; you attempted to follow her, but she prevented you from doing so, a reassuring smile stuck on her face as she asked you to wait on the beanbag. 
If Beomgyu didn’t know any better, he could’ve confused you for a mannequin; frozen still, small hands gripping onto your stuffie and wide eyes keeping watch at the door— the sight was both parts intriguing and irritating, and the boy reluctantly found himself watching you, observing you carefully— even then, it seemed as though you didn’t even blink. 
“You’re such a scaredy-cat.” Beomgyu says loudly, point proven further from the way you flinch and snap your gaze over to where he sits on the bed; arms crossed petulantly, eyes narrowed and watching you intently, “Are you scared your mom left you here?”
The very thought is enough to have your eyes widening; only a year difference in age, Beomgyu ponders to himself, yet you seem extremely attached to your mother, and are quite gullible too— he frowns at the way your mind visibly seems to wander, thinking of scenarios that only cause you to panic— and though Beomgyu knows he should feel bad, he can only find himself wondering just how far he can take this. 
“You might just be stuck here forever,” he muses, pushing himself off the bed and walking over to you, standing before you and watching the way you try to deny his claims, albeit a bit hesitantly, “I think she got tired of you.”
You refuse to believe him— but it’s been a while, and your mother still hasn’t come back. The way he looks down at you makes you feel so small, his expression so sure and serious that you’re beginning to wonder the truth of his words; beginning to wonder if your mother really left you. 
“She abandoned you.” Beomgyu finishes, watching with cold eyes as your mind slowly succumbs to the possibility.
And after a moment, it happens. There it is again, he thinks to himself, watching your eyes well up and your expression screw into one of sorrow so effortlessly— he drinks it all in with fascination, never having seen someone who can spill tears and get so heartbroken on a whim; your fingers dig into your plush and your body shakes with hiccups, continuing to defend your mother weakly and saying that she will come back. 
“No she won’t,” Beomgyu says apathetically, watching the way your face twists into a frown and you attempt to fight back— but you’re believing him, and his interest is piqued, whispers telling him to see if he can get you to give up your fighting entirely, “you’re such a crybaby. She doesn’t like that. My mom says that kids like you are annoying. That no one wants a whiny kid.”
Through your messy sniffles and shed tears, you stop to think— could this be true? Beomgyu’s expression is blank even as your eyes finally meet his, solemn and unshaken, as though what he said is nothing but a universal truth— and the more you look at him, the more he looks at you, the more you believe it. 
Beomgyu can almost see something shatter within you; his lips upturn in a small smile. 
“I like you,” he suddenly says, bold and innocent as he reaches out to offer his hand; you blink, dazed, unsure of what to make of his words as you remain silent— blindly, you take his hand. “You’re weird. Let's go find your mom– she’s downstairs.”
He pulls you up before you can protest; he’s just a few inches taller than you, and you find yourself looking up as you trail after him, hugging your plush tightly with one arm— through shaky sniffles and stutters, you’re finally able to ask him a question. 
“You mean she didn’t leave me?”
Beomgyu scoffs. 
“No. I was lying. Couldn’t you tell?”
You shake your head petulantly, your stare burning into the boy’s side profile; the light that bleeds in from the floor-to-ceiling windows that line the hall almost casts a glow onto him, like a halo of sorts. You feel an odd sense of comfort.  
For the second time today, Beomgyu’s lips quirk up into a miniscule smile. He nods. 
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variousxreader · 4 months
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Sick!Buggy x GN Reader
OPLA- Semi NSFW - Emetophilia - Hurt Comfort, whump (?) taking care of Sick Buggy
Length: Roughly 1,600 words according to my app.
Oops, i wrote a lot. I went more toward sudden onset nausea rather than a food poisoning/ flu type deal, i hope thats okay! I literally felt my mouth water upon getting this request. Delicious! Chefs Kiss! My Emeto kink is related to the care of the sickie, so if you want something more NSFW and really fucking filthy and gross just come back for more and tell me exactly what you want baby birds!
Again i write in Mobile so i have to do my own semi formatting via paragraph breaks / indenting so if it looks awkward thats why
Clown sitting duty was your favorite duty aboard The Going Merry. You had tagged along with the Trio in Shells town and had been with them since. When you first met Buggy in Orange Town with the others you were captivated by the ringmaster captain. He was gorgeous for one, Funny and charismatic; and a hell of a lot of fun to flirt with and fluster.
So when Buggy had returned to your company, in a soggy wet bag looking like the drowned puppy he was being treated as; you readily volunteered your baby sitting services. The rest of the crew had no objection. Unless you two started flirting and dirty talking each other in earshot, then they all glared and shooed you and the Clown head away. Everything had been going quite well, Buggy behaved with you, as much as the callous man could "behave" that is. He gave directions and told you about his time at sea. You'd built quite a bond with him over the days, caring for him and feeding and watering him.
Buggy was quite smitten with you, and usually in a great mood as long as he woke up in your arms in the same hammock, and fed by your caring hand. Hell he'd even let you wash and brush his hair after several attempts at biting off your fingers, even re-do his make up from where the bag incident had sullied it. So when the jester suddenly began to withdraw into himself, you grew worried. He spoke curtly and was short with you, seemingly out of the blue. You had not a damn clue what you'd done to scorn him.
"Buggy, whats wrong you're looking a little green around the gills." You hummed, cupping his stubbled cheek with a cool hand. He leaned into your touch, as much as he could that is.
"Just.. not feeling peachy Sweets, nothing for you to worry that pretty little head of yours about." Buggy spoke metered, with a focus on a singular spot on the wall.
"I'm gonna worry about you anyway Bugs, i've grown to like you quite a bit." You tucked a loose strand of hair back behind his ear.
"Ah your impeccable taste aside it's just those shit head fish men fucking with my body" He grit his teeth, huffing a breath. "I'm sure they'll get bored soon enough and leave it be... for a while." Suddenly he tenses and slams his eyes shut, bracing for what you had no clue. So you scooped him up gently and set him in your lap, undoing his bandana and combing your fingers through his sea blue locks.
"Mm..." he mutters, relaxing a fraction. "I think they're spinning my body on a carnival ride or game" Buggy's voice waived a tad, eyes still screwed shut.
"Like the knife throwing shit you had Zoro tied on?" You mused, rubbing his temples.
"Ugh Karma, a vindictive cunt isn't she?" Buggy Hissed. "Just put me on the shelf or something and let me be!"
"I'm not gonna leave you alone when you're suffering Bugs." You could tell his nausea was mounting, based on the increased swallowing you could feel from his throat.
"No seriously! Put me down j-just fuckin lean me over a bucket or ledge." He squirmed as much as he could as a stump, snapping his cute teeth at you.
"Shhh I'm gonna take care of you, whether you like it or not Mr." You did set him on the dresser of your room for a moment whilst going to fetch some water and a bucket, as well as a clean rag. Returning the angered head to your lap once you were done. Buggy, ever vicious whilst vulnerable growled and tried to protest more, but visibly calmed when you dabbed the damp cloth over his sweaty forehead and cheeks, in an attempt to cool him and soothe him.
"S'not.....gonna be pretty." Buggy was paler than you'd ever could imagine, he looked more akin to a ghost than clown. "Y-you really don't need t' see.. or hear this." He warns with less venom; his ire dying out as he became more and more miserable. He was sweating even more now, occasional belches leaving his mouth; signaling his inevitable demise at the hands of nausea.
"Buggy you could choke, you've no way to manage this safely on your own. I know it's embarrassing but it's okay, i'm here. I've got you." You cooed soothingly, rubbing the base of his skull as he didn't have a back currently. You moved to stand, holding him gently at an angle over the bucket so he indeed would not choke on his own vomit.
Buggy wanted to cry, for many reasons at the moment, but most of all your kindness toward him. You were so caring and gentle. Always eager to please him and take care of him. He never had anyone offer to take care of him when he was sick... not since Shanks. Ugh thats the last thing he wanted to think about now. His shitty former best friend turned unambitious coward. Pathetic. He regretted eating so much of the blonde's cooking last night. Stupid fucking cook and his stupid fucking food. Where ever the hell his stomach was it was lurching violently. Its contents sloshing around like the turbulent waters of The Grand Line. He was drooling like a fucking idiot, stupid fucking everything. His mind was cussing everything and anything while he spat into the bucket you'd provided. Your gentle voice and fingers on his skin a cool balm to the storm inside him. God fuck he didn't want you to see him weak and pitiful and sick.
He gagged. Loudly, his back had it been attached to him would have been arched taught and painfully. You cooed at him again spoke reassuring words as he retched. Spittle dripped from his lips as he screwed his eyes shut again, gagging again swiftly, roughly. He hacked and spit and swallowed air down greedily when he could. Head trembling already from the unpleasant feeling and exertion. "Nfgh Fuck me." Buggy moaned, before out of no where the dam burst and acrid vomit spewed from his lips, messily into the bucket. He coughed and hacked, before vomiting again, sounding like he was dying.
"Thats it baby," you cooed. "Let it all out, it's alright, i've got you." You held the poor man, rubbed the base of his skull in little circles and did your best to comfort him. By the third eruption of puke from his lips, he was gasping for air as a reprieve finally came, tears and snot and vomit staining his pretty, pretty face.
"S'okay Buggy, you're okay." You wiped his face with the damp rag and cleaned him up. Kissing the top of his head on his bandana.
He heaved ragged breaths eyes shut tight. Throat stinging from the acidity. Fucking of course he had drank with you last night. Goddamn rum, burns even worse coming up. God you were being so good to him, why the fuck was he kinda turned on? His cock should be the farthest thing from his addled mind right now; but no one had ever tended to him so lovingly before. Buggy thought he might just start weeping openly; how the fuck had he earned your kindness?! He'd tortured your crew and threatened all kinds of horrors upon them, and yet you were humming to him, kissing his temples and wiping his own fluids off his face. He's never been so confusedly horny and touched in all his life.
You gave him a sip of water once it seemed like he had recovered. He swished it around his mouth before spitting it into the desecrated bucket. Then drank in earnest from the glass you held to his lips; once he had his fill he pulled away panting yet again.
"Just rest your throat honey." You called to him, cradling him in your arms as if he were a precious babe. Buggy nodded weakly, sniffling and hiding his face in your clothes. He wasn't ready to talk. Not after that display of nasty you had to bear witness to; also he couldn't find the words to express his gratitude. Hell he had no idea what to say when someone as amazing as you dotes and mother hens a fuck up like him.
After some time had passed, you tucked him into a bundle of blankets in your hammock, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He flushed as red as his pretty nose and buried his face to hide it. A soft giggle told him he'd failed at that. Buggy heard you move to clean up the mess and he was grateful. Fuck talk about how to ruin shit with your crush in moments. He didn't have long to sulk though; as you'd returned picked him up and got into the hammock, resting him on your chest. You proceeded to undo his bandana and hair, letting his tresses fall; your nails were suddenly gently scratching at his scalp and he moaned lightly at the sensation.
"The fuck did I ever do to deserve you..?" Buggy muttered more to himself than anything; but you answered nonetheless.
"Dunno, but I'm glad you did it." You smiled petting him gently.
Buggy blushed again, and huffed indignantly. "Ya weren't supposed to hear that sweets."
"But I did. Now get some rest Bugs. You're safe with me."
There was a drawn out pause before he responded; softly, almost in reverence "I know."
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nowandthane · 4 months
7 snippets, 7 people
thank you @vakariansvixenand @stormikins for tagging me!! <3<3<3
no pressure tagging @xoshepard @poetikat @sweetmage (feel free to not read this it's all mass effect jsdhfg) @illusivesoul @westernlarch @sillyliterature @mxanigel @menacingmetal @grim-starling
These are all gonna be from Sarani's longfic because I'm not writing anything else atm. Mostly rough and unedited too so beware xD
cw for suicidal ideation in the last two
She turned to look at him, shocked at the outburst. His eyes were wet with tears that stubbornly refused to fall. He glared back at her, as if challenging her to defy him. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought that she really should. This was insubordination. But she felt so relieved that someone else was making the decisions that she just relented, turning to look back out into space in silence.
“How could I have left him behind?” she whispered, long minutes later. Her face was wet. Joker was quiet for long enough that she stopped expecting an answer — what could he have said, anyway? But he did answer.
“You were doing your job, Commander. I… I’m sorry.” And he really did sound sorry for her.
“This job fucking sucks.”
Finch sneered. “I can find a dozen Reds who’ll swear they saw you kill aliens for fun. Who’s going to believe you then?”
His grey eyes caught hers, and held them steadily. The world slowed down as she seriously considered whether he really did know. Even without proof, anyone who had known her then could put two and two together and figure out what she did — no one else could have done it. But no one ever cared before.
Now it was something they could use against her. And they were threatening to.
Was that was he was doing? His words saying one thing, but meaning another?
I know you killed her, but I won’t say it in front of them. As long as you do what I say, no one else will ever know.
Was that what was behind his words?
The image of her, of Nazia, crying and begging Shepard for forgiveness intruded on her mind. Her screams echoed in Shepard’s ears, her blood sticky on Shepard’s hands.
“Do you compare yourself to your old Captain a lot?” Garrus asked.
“Not really. Not anymore.” Shepard shook off the thoughts rattling in her head. “I know I have a screwed up moral compass. That’s just a result of my ‘upbringing’. But I don’t let that turn me into monster. I don’t want to cross any more lines, but I keep stumbling over them anyway.”
Garrus looked at her, his thoughts and emotions inscrutable. She was getting better with reading turians, but he seemed closed off to her at this moment. Silence became heavy in the air, and she did nothing to break it.
“I wonder…” Garrus finally mused, “if I killed Saren, would I be struggling with it now as you are about Finch? I don’t know what the answer to that is, and that — that kind of scares me. Am I a monster, Shepard?”
“No, Garrus.” She smiled at him a little sadly. “You’re not a monster.”
“Yet,” he said. “Don’t you ever think that it takes a monster to stop a monster?”
“Sometimes,” she answered. “Mostly, it feels like an excuse.”
Garrus nodded. “Why did you get so angry when he called you by your name?”
“How about a new name?”
“What’s wrong with Shepard?”
“No, not that. Don’t you want to change Jane?”
“What’s wrong with Jane?” She frowned.
“Well clearly the orphanage just named you that because they couldn’t be fucked to actually care about you. Don’t you want a name more fitting for who you are?”
“I don’t want any connection to the people who threw me away like I was trash,” she said curtly.
“It’s not about your parents,” Nazia insisted. “They suck, but you have a whole culture that you come from.”
“I know nothing about it.”
“So? Don’t you want to reclaim it?”
“Well, you clearly want me to.”
“Just think about it. It can be like… like a new start for you!”
Considering it. Maybe it is better, to have a new name, one untainted by the dirtiness of her beginning. And if Nazia was the one renaming her, so much the better. She was the one who made Shepard feel like a human. And if this was important to Zi, then it was important to her.
“You think you know me so well?” she asked, sneering. She regretted it almost immediately when the animation that had taken hold of Garrus abruptly left him. He had seemed more alive for a brief moment there, much more like the angrily passionate man who had argued with his superior at the Presidium, or the one in Dr. Michel’s clinic, ready to take on a group of thugs alone.
As his commanding officer, it didn’t feel good to have made one of her own people feel so small. But even outside of that, she felt bad because she did think he was a good person, just misguided. And this conversation they’d just had was their first real one. They had been getting to know each other.
He was turning to leave when she said, “Wait. I’m sorry.”
He turned back to her, expectant, but now that the apology had come out of her mouth, she floundered for what else to say.
“I was trying to compliment you,” Garrus pointed out, breaking the awkward silence. “Didn’t think you’d take it so badly.”
“Do you still want to die?” Shepard asked.
“Do you?” Thane returned.
She had to turn away. “Sometimes.”
Leaning against the viewing window, she turned her gaze on the drive core below — pulsing, powerful, dangerous. Peripherally, she noticed Thane standing and coming to her on silent feet, but she still couldn’t bring herself to look at him.
“I don’t.” His presence behind her felt like a weight she couldn’t shake off. “I agreed with you, once. That perhaps those of us who have died should stay dead.”
“You never really died,” she said.
“In all the ways that matter, I did.” He touched her shoulder, so softly that she barely felt it, except that there was no atom of her existence that could ever be unaware of him. “Will you not look at me, siha?”
The dream begins as it always does: with the fall. Falling through the nothingness of space, the alarms in her armour chiming as she gasped desperately for oxygen. There is a breach somewhere. Probably around her torso, where pain and warmth radiated.
She flailed helplessly, heat and hurt building. But it never did reach an unbearable point. They faded away as she fell, and with them went the burdens she carried. Her legs stopped kicking and her arms stopped reaching. She fell looking at the vastness of space, that blanket of mystery she had watched so often when she was stuck on Earth, so determined to get away.
And she did. The choices she was presented with had been unacceptable to her, and so she had found another way. She became more — made herself more. She had explored the galaxy, helped people, saved lives… She’d made a difference.
For better, not worse.
When she lost consciousness, it was without pain. Without worries. Peace was not something she had ever been familiar with, but she learned what it meant, right there at the end.
If only it really was the end.
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1ivinqdeadqir1 · 2 years
Your writing is just *chefs kiss* it's so immersive and good!!! Anyway, can you do headcanons of Nacho x reader (Jo & Amber are out of the picture) who's a college/PhD student that works VERY late into the night because they have trouble stopping themselves from working?
"Just 10 more minutes" then it becomes 1 hour lol
And it's kinda unhealthy esp since they have to wake up for morning classes
Idk your rules or if you do headcanons, so if you don't, feel free to write a scenario instead!
Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Varga x Reader 
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Ignacio 'Nacho' Varga x PhD!student reader HCs Request:
A/N: this was so fun to write, I'm going to write a few fics for nacho whilst I have the muse for him, so please send some soft, angsty, or even smutty requests in via the inbox and I'll check them out!!
First off, Nacho finds it cool how you’re a PhD student. When you first met, he asked you a few questions about it
You thought it was pretty strange, you were only at Manuel Varga's store to have the interior of your car fixed up… 
Though Ignacio was nice enough, and you had to admit very handsome 
He admires your dedication, he thinks it’s amazing how you manage to put so much work into something (this is, of course, before you’re dating and before he finds out how excessive work is)
You probably start as friends to begin, though I can imagine he’d ask you out as soon as the time was right. 
"Uh, when you’re free do you wanna go for a drink maybe?" 
You were silent. 
At first, he thought he’d screwed it, because of how quiet you were.
But he couldn’t have been more wrong. 
"I’m sorry- I know it’s- I shouldn’t have asked-"
"I’d love to go for a drink with you, Ignacio…"
A few months later, when you’re properly dating and an established couple, things begin to change. 
you spend more time at his home, staying overnight to keep him company (and for sus reasons… obviously) 
You usually watch movies, though recently you’ve been more and more invested in your work and it’s taking away from the time you have together 
That was a concern for him at first, but you always reassured him and made sure to make it up one way or another 
It was all fine until it started affecting your health. 
Recently, you've been sleeping a maximum of 3 hours.
You’d go to bed at 3 am and wake up at 6 to prepare yourself for your classes 
He’d grown more uneasy, noticing how you began to dissociate yourself and fall asleep wherever you could. 
He’d one time caught you in the bath half asleep, so he quickly helped you out and lay you in bed- only to then find you awake at your computer with a cup of coffee 45 minutes later
Now, we are at the present day... 
 He comes home, tired after another long and exhausting day. He feels like he’s going to pass out, but he doesn’t 
He walks into the small office you’d both set up, it wasn’t anything fancy, just something quaint that’d make it easier to revise 
Nacho sometimes regretted giving you the office, maybe then you’d sleep more
He finds you at the desk, hunched over a book and taking notes
You were so absorbed in your work that you hadn’t even heard him enter
“Baby, it’s 4 am” 
You’d turn and look at him, unsure of what to say- it probably takes you a minute to fully comprehend what he’d just said 
“Yeah, I know… I’ll be in bed soon, just another hour, okay?” 
He’d hum, frown and walk over to hug you from behind your chair, pressing a few sweet kisses to your collarbone and the top of your head. 
“I’m serious, you haven't slept properly in days, mija… “ 
You’d always deny it, but he was right. It was ironic how you’d be training for a doctorate and have your boyfriend school you on when to sleep
“I know… but I promise I won’t be long- look I’ll even set alarm”
He’d say goodnight, run his hands through your hair and then go straight to bed 
At about 6 am he hears an alarm 
he’s a bit freaked out at first, 
Though calms down when he finally recognises where it’s coming from 
He’d walk into the small office and find you lying atop the expensive wooden desk with your arms folded. 
He’d turn off the alarm and pick you up 
He’d then tuck you into your bed, lingering for a moment, his fingers brushing your hair from your face. He loved the feeling of your warmth
He loved to watch as your chest rose and fell at intakes of breath. 
Anything human served as a reminder that this was real and he wasn’t living out some elaborate fantasy 
After turning off all the electronics in the converted office area, he’d head back to bed and crawl beside you
You who are now fast asleep 
IDC what you say nacho is the best cuddler going. 
you wake up at about 12 pm 
At first, you're worried that you’ll miss a class- but then you remember your lecture was cancelled for today, and you breathe for a minute
Nacho is asleep beside you, an arm draped loosely over your body. You smile and shuffle closer to him, 
You trace the pad of your finger slowly from the bridge of his nose to the tip a few times
He’d always found that soothing
After about five minutes he slowly wakes up, opening his eyes to meet yours 
You smile and press a kiss to his lips 
“Buenas Dias, sleepy” he’d say, as you yawn into your hand and nuzzle into the crook of his neck
“Good morning to you, too”
You’d get up to move, but he’d hold you down and pull you closer by your waist
“Stay for a while longer baby… you’ve been working too hard you’re going to make yourself sick”
You’d just sigh and press your lips to his cheek
“I told you I’m fine Ignacio, honestly… you don’t have to worry”
“You’ve been sleeping less, eating less because of it- you’re the smartest person I know, y/n”
You’d just stare at him with your bright eyes, and he’d sigh similarly to how you had earlier 
“What I’m trying to say is I love you, but you need to know that you’re overworking yourself, you don’t need to overwork yourself the way that you do”
You’d just hum, eyes already becoming heavy just from talking, he probably is right 
“Alright… I’ll take it easy.. for you” 
“not just for me, for you, okay?”
You nod, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head. You place your hands on his chest and kiss him quickly
He tries not to smile like a lovesick idiot but he does 
“Now go back to sleep, we can order takeout later if you want- watch that movie you’ve been wanting to see”
“Alright… Goodnight nacho”
“Sleep tight, kiddo”
A/N: I'd die for him.
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i was tagged by the wonderful @deardiary17 to share 7 (or more) lines from my latest WIP, so that means y'all are getting some unasked for midgelenny! (ask me about this convoluted fic at your own risk <3 i can be so annoying about it for the low low price of one single tumblr ask):
"You missed your calling," she muses, squinting theatrically at the paper napkin.
She flips it ninety degrees, then ninety degrees again, her pseudo-examination accompanied by a frown. "You should have been a doctor, with this handwriting."
He groans. "Don't put that in your set."
"Why, because it's not funny or because sloppy penmanship is your dirty little secret?"
"Oh, Mrs. Maisel," he says with a mocking smirk; he does so hate to be obvious with her. "I have more dirty little secrets than I know what to do with."
"So, it's just not funny. I'll workshop it," she says, and apparently she means now, because her mouth does not stop moving, even as she folds the napkin up at precise angles and slips it into her purse. "You know, I can sort of almost picture it: Dr. Leonard Bruce, writing bogus Benzedrine prescriptions."
"Still not funny. And 'Bruce' is a stage name. I'd be Dr. Schneider, which is not very sexy."
She winces. "No, it really isn't. Not sure how you'd look in a white coat either…"
"Okay," he tips his head back, draining the last of his drink. "You keep workshopping, I'm going now."
She pouts. "So soon?"
"You'll be glad to be rid of me."
"Yes," she agrees, nodding with slightly too much emphasis. She's tipsy, he realizes. She had to get tipsy to come over and talk to him? He knows the feeling. "You are a terrible bore."
"'Is Lenny Bruce boring at home?'" he quotes, flicking one final salute over his shoulder before he goes. He doesn't want to look back, but he does anyway.
Midge smiles at him, just a little. And crookedly, her perfect lips pursed.
And—my god, he really is so fucking screwed.
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canon-fcdder · 6 months
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It's cool how you use font size to show how loud your muses are talking, though it makes it hard to read the dialogue sometimes. I feel bad about saying it, but I also want to be able to read the words you lovingly and carefully crafted together. ♡
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(( Yeeeeeah, unfortunately that's not really a ❛ Stylistic ❜ choice and more of a ❛ Tunglr really likes screwing with my text ❜ thing. dfjkfngdfkgd — I think it might have to do with the new editor, since I don't recall my replies sometimes being Wonky until it switched over. Then again, I don't know for sure. Because on My desktop and mobile, everything looks Normal-Sized ( i'll include a pic of how it's Meant to look under the cut ) but apparently it can get HELLISHLY small and sporadic for some of my writing partners?? ))
(( From now on, Imma go into HTML and see if I can manually fix dialogue before posting replies and pray it sticks, because Damn. I think the text gets fixed when a post is saved into drafts, but again— I'm not sure. But anyway, sorry about that and honestly thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. I really appreciate it and there's no need to apologize, because nah I'm with you— I am Not one for ridiculously small text and very much want all my things to be Readable. I only show how loud my muses are talking through descriptors ( and occasionally using Big Text ) not by trying to hide what is being said. lmao ))
(( Ex: How my shiz is Supposed to look rip fdjgndfg ))
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
Okay hi some irl stuff below
I've been lurking for a little while while I get my head screwed back on straight. It has been a WEEK.
So on Easter, I was driving across the state heading back to school when my truck started shaking, making a horrible racket and the check engine light came on. Now, it's an old truck ('03 ford ranger), so it's not the first time this has happened. I managed to limp it to a local auto shop that was open, they read the codes, and spat back error in the cylinder. At first, I believed it to be a simple fix, likely the coil pack or the spark plugs I replaced last summer failed, no biggie.
Unfortunately, it was catastrophic engine failure. The truck's totaled.
Which is too bad, because that truck has been closer than some of my family these past 6 years. I've personally rebuilt a lot of it - it's what got me interested in working on cars. It's taken me across the state, into other states, through 2 years of high school, 4 years of undergrad, and a year of grad school. With 250k miles on it, I wish I could say I was surprised, but she was a good old beast. There's potential for fixing it, but it depends on how much time, energy and money I want to put into doing a total 1-1 motor swap on it. Not the point, but it's a potential.
That then snowballed into a dozen of other bad days. I was borrowing a car for the time being ( again, being 300 miles away from any family or loved ones, I needed a car ), that then was towed because I didn't have a parking pass on it for one night. I had a lamp crash down on my head and shatter glass everywhere. I have exams, and final projects, and patient discharge reports. Pretty much everything that could have gone wrong this past week, did.
The good new is, life is starting to finally stable out. My exams are next week, then I have a week off before the summer semester starts. I landed my fall internship. My research projects are starting to take off. And I'm about to make it through my first year of grad school!!!
Anyway, my point of writing this is to kinda screw my head back on straight, and provide little updates about where I've been. Ultimately, I'm safe, my loved ones are safe, and I had to say goodbye to a good, good car. It seems silly to be emotional over a car, but I am, and it's been a weird mourning process. Giving myself lots of grace lately. I may consider doing writing commissions to help pay for towing/auto shops/literally everything else, so keep an eye out for that.
Love you all. Take care of yourself. I'll be around a little bit here and on discord, come chat with me about your muse and your day.
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aquaburst3 · 6 months
Sunday Fic Update November 26, 2023
Not technically Sunday in my timezone, but honestly, fuck it. I have enough to update you guys on and everywhere else in North America is Sunday now anyway, so I can screw the rules in this instance.
I got a spattering of parts done in Pomefiore. However, they're all in the Glorious Masquerade mini arc, instead of anything recent. But, I like working on future bits sometimes when the muse comes to me, and I needed to work on it eventually, so it's not all bad.
On the flip side, I got a fair amount done in regards to my second round of edits on Heartslabyul. I complete 4 of the chapters that require in depth edits over the weekend with @stormkitty97's help on Friday night. Plus, I started writing the new chapter in that arc. (Because, yep, I'm scrapping the whole "Trey gives exposition about Riddle's backstory" chapter to make Riddle's past a mystery, but adding in another one before the chandelier incident. Equivalent Exchange?) I still have a long way to go, since editing this particular entry is a lot more daunting than I thought, but at least this was a really good start. Like I said before, I feel like these super in depth chapter edits are necessary for making my version of Grim consistent and to line things up to the grander plan I have for the series better than before.
As for my collab projects, @stormkitty97 and I completed a couple of chapters for an upcoming fic. I'll put a link to it up on my masterlist once it's out. We also posted up the next chapter in our Descendants rewrite fic. Link for it is on my AO3 profile.
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septembersghost · 1 year
the thing you said about taylor and pete using similar imagery is so interesting to me because the moment i listened to so much for stardust (the song) and heard lines like “i need the sound of crowds or i can’t fall asleep at night” and specially “like a sledgehammer to a disco ball crushing all my low low lows” i instantly was reminded of mirrorball
pete is a quintessential mirrorball and those lines really do express it - he's been revisiting that theme for so long, but laid it bare there, and it's also mastermind (to make them love me and make it seem effortless), which appears in flu game too: all this effort to make it look effortless. (it's also applause by lady gaga, which is on taylor's pre-show playlist. i live for the applause...) the way so much (for) stardust deals with fame, survival, and doing your damndest to cling onto that life and carve out love and happiness in it despite everything, still recognizing that the attention and bright lights bring hurt, but you can't stay away from them either. sledgehammer to a disco ball, hammer to the statue of david, when i break it's in a million pieces. the themes with mental health (which of course are consistently there in pete's writing and part of what makes that raw and personal and expressive), and not being defined by that, but rather recognizing what it is, and how to keep going, it's all so midnights-coded. screw-top wine and internal labyrinths and turning down the sunshine to chase the pain, and reveling in creation of the art, and living anyway. you're on your own, kid/i am my own muse. you should find another guiding light, but i shine so bright/so much for stardust, we thought we had it all. it's very much that vulnerability of: i need your love and attention, i'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me.
so MUCH of pete's writing is: i'm still a believer, but i don't know why, i've never been a natural, all i do is try, try, try, at its core. i want to be known for my hits, not just my misses. i'd promise you anything for another shot at life. i don't even have my own attention, you say: "please don't ever change," but you don't like me the way i am. i will never ask you for anything, except to dream sweet of me. also! former heroes who quit too late -> all of my heroes die all alone. would you read my eulogy? -> is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me? me, i'm still a sunbeam -> i'm the free-flowing wind in our sails. i could go on and on here! and of course my favorite: you are what you love, not who loves you -> i just think that you are what you love. they share some divine lyrical thread, it's probably why i love them both the way i do. car crash hearts.
they're also often saying, this is what i am, this is who i am, but it's not all i am, and then compassion and power spring forth from that.
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Re: post/688866316647628800 - unfortunately, this is the sad reality that gets created when we push hard on the 'let people write what they want without consequence and you can't tell them they're wrong because then you're purity police'. There are unfortunately people who take it too far and think it's totally ok to do this and that if you tell them otherwise, then you're just infringing on their right to free creative expression or some BS. Fortunately a lot of people out there are respectful in their writing of questionable content but sadly, there are a lot of people out there who firmly believe that their right to write whatever stuff they want outweighs people's right to feel safe and not be triggered. This is what I think of when I see people posting un-tagged open starters containing highly triggering content in indie tags for the world to see. They want to write that stuff with anyone they can, so screw anyone who doesn't want to see that.
Much like the person who acknowledged that my rules said no non-con and thought 'oh I want to write that with them anyway' so forced it into a thread with me - without even considering why I may not have wanted to engage in those topics. Not that the why should matter, if someone says no, then that should be enough, but she didn't pause to think maybe this is something that this person went through in real life and it is traumatic for them, she didn't think maybe this is there for a reason and it's best to avoid. Nope, she wanted her muse to be assaulted that way in a thread and went for it despite stating that she did see that it was a no-go in my rules. So sadly, yeah, this is what we get for basically saying that people should always be allowed to write what they want and have no push back. I'm sorry to you, OP, and anyone else who has been through this kind of thing. No one's right to write whatever they want should ever be prioritised over your safety and I hope that you all are able to create a safe online environment for yourselves.
Referencing this post.
~ Mod MJ ~
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witchoftrinity · 19 days
1 from basics, 2 from OCs !
Munday Questions
Do you tell your friends / family that you write?
Half my friends are also writers writers/rp people too so its a boon to my sanity when I don't need to explain how out of pocket my muse choices are. As for my family well...yeah I haven't lmao.
They do know I do DND stuff so realistically it shouldn't be too hard to explain this as well. It'd be more trying to tell them the muses I do and not sound like a lunatic.
Who was your first OC?
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its been so long I wouldn't even know. Beyond DND characters there's definitely around 2 dozen characters just lost to time that I wrote down concepts for and never really expanded upon.
I think the first real one I developed significantly was a Fate Master that I still use relatively often to this day. She wasn't anything special, really most of it was just other character traits that I cut off and slapped onto her but that's what we all did way back when. Nowadays I actually have a coherent idea of who they are and not some hobbled mess but goddamn their FC changed a few hundred times and really shows how my tastes went.
I'm talking like Deadman Wonderland to Tokyo ESP to Otherside Picnic to whatever is on my mind today. If you ask how it got to that point I LITERALLY would not be able to tell you it just happened. But she's someone I sat down and wrote out a backstory and all that jazz. Nowadays there's stuff like XIV where I can shove most of my energy and call it a day. But past Allul was crazy don't screw with them.
How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC?
I'm very sorry that this part is long but really its just me rambling with my bad opinions especially as someone who does canons a lot more nowadays. Anyway...
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"Just do it. Within reason." - Allul 2k24
This is like 30% a shitpost but also like 70% serious. I feel too many people get hung up on handling everything at once rather then taking it one step at a time. Your mind (especially someone like myself who goes full ADHD constantly) just can't work that way delegating everything to where it needs to go. Then you lose motivation, do nothing, all the above and nothing ever gets done. At least that's how I've noticed my mind goes.
Basically my mindset goes
1. Jot down the idea for a character or group of them. 2. Ruminate over how/what they might do in said setting. Main goal smack dab in the middle. 3. What forces/motivations are helping them reach that goal? Friends? Foes forcing their hand? Outside forces beyond our comprehension? Those are the circles around that middle goal. 4. Other ideas, potentially characters that are intertwined with them, etc.
So Teacher Allul is in session and four an example like this I'll do a certain someone that reared their head here for awhile. Ofc I feel DND works off different rules because you are (usually) at the DM's mercy but that doesn't mean you can't have a compelling OC.
For Asuna "Step 2" I really wanted to try and push the whole "sheltered royalty wants to find out about the real world" vibe but not make it basically her defining character purpose. "Step 3's" forces that influenced her was...well her actually dying and coming back as a ghost on top of the world ending threat that the campaign had. The people she met along the way and getting closure with those intertwined with her own past helped motivate her IC to keep pushing to finally get some that ending she wanted and still open the book for more adventures down the road.
For your own characters just existing in their own universes or other canonverses you definitely have more breathing room since you can fill them into the blanks or have something in the story influence them. It helps ease your mind and connects the goals much easier then your own mind. But ofc YMMV and most importantly, you should have fun! If something isn't seeming right look at it later and find out what you aren't enjoying. it's your character and you can do whatever the hell you want.
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roadandruingame · 3 months
RaR Musings #9: Defining Fun
Once upon a time, I was designing Road and Ruin v001, adding all sorts of variables and rerolls and sorting high-to-low, on the expectation that there was no reason not to rely on digital integration of tools at the table, if people were gonna be putting their character sheets and pdfs on their phone anyway, and googling their spells rather than checking the book or writing them down.
I pulled back from that for a few reasons. First, because the more variables there were, the harder it was for players to learn what they do, and where they come from, and why they matter. They didn't care if the computer handled it, they straight up didn't remember what they did. The second reason, is for the sake of elegance; it was a kind of challenge to myself, to boil multiple different variables away, until I was left with a single equation that best simulated the mechanic effectively. But the last, and probably most important reason, was that it wasn't fun.
It takes a special kind of nerd to get excited about a system that asks you to sort variables, reroll certain numbers, and multiply and divide, and while I wanted that kind of person to have fun sitting at my table, I started to care about the number of people who'd sit at that table. Not that I'm not willing to appeal to a niche audience, absolutely, but as a social game, it's important that you're able to find, and RETAIN, a certain number of players, in order to keep the game going.
Or you could do what I did and draft rules that allows players to play solo and without a dungeon master in a group BUT BESIDES THAT
I read an AngryGM article that references a paper, aiming to quantify eight different kinds of fun involved in a game: Sensation, Fantasy, Narrative, Challenge, Fellowship, Discovery, Expression, and Submission. Talking about how much people appreciate tactile feedback of dice, paper, and minis did a lot to get me to reassess why so many friends had inexplicably not warmed to the idea of playing tabletop games digitally during the pandemic, or over long distances when living too far to visit.
Historically, ttrpgs like Dungeons and Dragons were a nerd hobby. It involved fantasy, something shunned by the socially well-to-do, and math, delighting only those who found a kind of joy in assigning values to fiction and modifying them with know-how. DND has since become mainstream, scooping up vast hordes of non-nerds who wander into just about every space, whether it's suited to them or not, and demand to be entertained. Some people stay, some people leave, but there begins dark mutterings about whether people are "playing the game right".
The common rebuttal is that there is no way to play the game right; that if you're having fun, then you're playing it as right as it can be played. Discard the rules, fudge what isn't satisfying, this is your free time and you deserve fun, dammit, and DND is fun!
But then, what is fun? Why is it some people don't have fun when playing DND? How is it that some people have fun playing DND, but only sometimes? With different hosts, different players, different rules?
No other game genre has the same expectations. Someone who enjoys a game, but then plays a session they don't enjoy, is almost exclusively the result of somebody screwing around and ruining the experience. But in ttrpgs? It's expected, nay, STATISTICALLY LIKELY that there are going to be groups you quit because of how they're playing a game that you otherwise enjoy, and that somehow you're in the wrong for it, not the group who threw the rules out the window.
Past a certain point, there's no sense trying to appeal to everyone. Making sure you entertain enough people that they can keep the game alive and going, that's definitely important, but I don't think there's anything wrong with people being told, "if you didn't have fun with this game and these rules, then this game and it's rules aren't for you. Feel free to seek a different game", rather than bending over backwards to try to fit 100% of all newcomers into the same narrow margins of modularity the game is capable of. And, there is also something to be said about community, togetherness, yadda yadda. It is important. But how big does the circle have to be? How many people does it truly have to encapsulate, before you start to undermine the enjoyment of the people who were there first? Why does there have to be a game that fits millions of people, at the cost of it's most diehard fans? Why can't there just be different games that appeal to different people?
I think a lot about this, as a fan of other, non-DND games. I'm not in circles where I get to start them up often, whereas DND players are overflowing at the brim, desperate to play, but few GMs are willing to host a game with 8+ players, and those who do, don't do it twice, and there's a non zero chance that the game your player thinks they want, and what they expect, isn't what you enjoy or are willing to provide. When the game's population has reached critical mass, but there aren't enough GMs to host, we should ask ourselves why. Clearly, the kinds of people who 'have fun' hosting are not the same breed of people who don't, and if the people who HAD fun hosting, don't anymore, then the game's most important, limited resource starts to decay, and it becomes harder and harder to find someone with the enthusiasm and the patience to host.
So, as a designer, I'm at an impasse. I can design for myself, knowing that I distinctly don't represent the interests of the mass public, or I can design for a slightly larger, but still niche audience, or I can throw all my own preferences to the wind and churn out some mass-appeal game, that'll never manage to dislodge the abject obsession that people have with DND anyway.
I began by designing for myself, but over time, I realized that even I wasn't enjoying what I'd made, because I'd "forgotten to put the fun in it." Years later, I'm not sure that I fully grasp what's 'fun', but I am designing better, more game-y games.
My goals for Road and Ruin include having a split of simulation-type mechanics, to give a stable expectation of how the world works and what the average person is capable of, and input from player interpretation, to bridge the gap between players becoming game hosts, and to blur the line between what roles and responsibilities that the host is meant to have. The exact brand of fun I want to provide is one of invention and discovery; as a story is generated and twists occur, failure should be exciting, because of the opportunity to design what failure here means for a character and the narrative, rather than some kind of personal slight or punishment for something that was ultimately decided by dice in the first place.
In short, as I've been accused before, my goal is to create a game that's meant to be played by dungeon masters. But, crucially, the goal is to create a pipeline that warms 'players' to what being a game host actually means, and have them join the ranks of people who host games, using all the same skills that they would normally have developed as a player. A lot of people claim that there's no such thing as a GM and a player, that the GM is just another player at the table, but I'd say that the player is just another GM, and it's time to bring them up to speed.
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tottwritesfanfic · 7 months
alright i want to apologise in advance a bit, because I recently tripped and fell into another BNHA fixation, and it's sorta getting in the way of my other stuff.
So. If I look as if I've jumped fandoms for the next however long...I really haven't. I just added to the pile, and I'm returning to my old VR AU because holy ensemble cast, it sure does scratch that itch.
...is it bad that ensemble casts are basically a prerequisite for any fandom I might get invested in enough to write for?
Anyway, not the point. The point is that I'm channelling my current obsession into NaNo this year (as co-ML for Kent's region I try to give it my all when I participate!), so I'm afraid everything else is probably not going to get much love for the next few weeks or so.
Probably. I know what I'm like, and I usually find it hard to stick to one project at a time, especially if I don't want to burn out. TBH, that's the other reason I'm doing this - so far, the only part of this AU i've posted is a standalone prequel fic which no one really cared about anyway because it had no ships. So if I burn out and this goes nowhere, at least I haven't left anyone hanging, right?
Also, if you want to take a peek at any of the decidedly excessive worldbuilding notes I've been putting together for the last couple of weeks, just hit me up. So far there's like...10k of it, including my musings on how the hell to turn quirks into VR hacks which make sense on a digital platform. Some of these are more straightforward than others, let me tell you.
I am also decidedly in love with how OFA/AFO works in this setting, but that's for me to know and you to find out if I ever get as far as posting this damn thing.
also also dropping this here because I can and it gives you a bit of an idea of the setting: In the AU, basically the surface of the planet got screwed over a couple of hundred years ago, and everyone lives underground, logging into a VR world where they can roleplay as pre-disaster humans for the sake of their sanity for their waking hours. Quirks are basically government-sanctioned hacks which people apply to their VR accounts, because ultimately it was easier to legitimise and legislate them than try and get people to stop doing that. A chief problem in the story is dealing with the fallout of an entire world of people who no longer remember how to touch grass. (It's a lot more serious than this, but basically my planning seriousness is inversely proportionate to the tone of the fic itself, and I just. I cannot talk about my work in any other way.)
Here's a snippet from my planning document to give you an example:
Aizawa is just a regular-ass dude who got his hero licence in spite of his Exploit rather than because of it. He’s also IRL ripped because his eye problems aren’t exactly conducive to 16 hours of screentime a day. This is why no fucker has heard of him, because all his heroics happen in short, irate bursts before he logs out to dose up on fucking eye drops.
His chief strength in this AU is not a borderline gamebreaking exploit, it’s the fact that he can, like, actually function in the real world a hell of a lot better than most folks.
Which meeeeeeaans, that he becomes 1A's teacher in the real world, after they all realise they need to buff up for this shit because they’re (mostly) totally clueless on how to function outside of the Interface. In this fic, UA is basically 1A's super secret offline school where they learn proper fitness and agility, and the physical, mechanical skills they’re gonna need in order to pull off the heist of the century. Hahaha, Aizawa is gonna be That Guy who is super strict about everyone’s screen time lmao.
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healbellls · 1 year
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@acalculatedfuture has sent: What would you say is the most unique trait about your character? (Morty Barry Rowan and Juan)
canon questionare. [Accepting]
12. What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
// Thinking real hard about this question, because of the sheer amount of expansion I've done on these characters... So I'll be mainly focusing, in difference between my interpretation and the popular fanon views on these characters.
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// I've talked not too long ago about, why I prefer the manga's take on his powers, instead of the loosen mainline games.
Another thing I actually seem to enjoy, that not many people seem to be that fond of, are his gen 2's designs. Both the anime's and his spritework. I feel like it is cool to acknowledge it as a relic of what early pokemon things were like. Just because a character doesn't have a somber/dark pallette of colors or design, it doesn't mean it can't be a specialist in ghost-type.
Furthermore, I like to view it as a subtle way to tell us things, about Morty's character. And in that aspect, it is a very rich one. I'm not saying that gen 4's Morty looks are bad, not all! Especially now that we know, his new look was definetely inspired by his early beta design, found in the Spaceworld 98 Gold version leaked beta. But there is a lot to be said, about a gym leader who looks like he belongs in a modern city, and not in the one city that's all about Johto's traditional roots.
ANyway, I'm saying all of those things, because I 100% incorporate them to his story.
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// I'd like to put up first a disclaimer, bc I've had to deal with some flack for saying this in the past. But back then, I didn't know to put it into words in a better way. So, while I'm changing my approach to this subject going forward, my views are still the same ones.
I have nothing against people who project things onto fictional characters, or even live through them for that matter. I don't do any of that, my muses never reflect me in any shape or form. I try my best to stray away from people who do those things mentioned above, because it makes me uncomfortable due to really bad experiences, with people who couldn't separate themselves from their muses. You do you, I'm not here to judge anyone. And even less tell ppl, what they can or can't do.
With that said, I'm well aware that the fandom seems to have an expectation for anyone who RPs Barry, to immediately label him with some kind of mental disorder. Either because they are projecting it onto the character, or they really think it is the only "valid" explanation for his mannerism in the games.
And I don't feel comfortable doing that. I don't like just smacking these characters with a serious condition, I'm not on board with the 'uwu so quirky' treatment towards the subject of mental health.
Unless I'm certain that's something I want to write about, I'll do that. Otherwise, I'd rather not screw up by accidentally making light of these touchy subjects. It's not erasure, even less ableism. I want them to be handled properly, with the respect it deserves.
My young Barry is merely going through a phase, he lacks maturity, he lacks patience. He will eventually grow out of it, it is a matter of time for him.
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// For a community that claims to love diversity, breaking the mold, and progressiveness. A lot of people seem to forget the fact that our first line-up of serious contest coordinators were Wallace, AND Juan. Two men who were definetely breaking out of stereotypes, and were both used to represent a game's feature, that down the line fell back on the stereotype of "contests are for feminine girls only".
No hate obviously but. coughs Lisia coughs. I really like her, but it is a shame that they preferred to do this, instead of re-purposing a character that fit in with it perfectly.
I'm practically nitpicking with Juan, bc my man is so obscure. I think that even Masters legitimately forgot about him.
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// Back at the subject of people taking their in-game experience, in a literal worldbuilding way.
No, Rowan isn't a bad "researcher" for sending trainers to fill out the pokedex for him. The pokedex project is literally meant to be a combined effort, between trainers and researchers. No, Rowan also isn't a bad professor for not knowing every single pokemon out there, and even less when it comes to Legendaries.
Filling out the pokedex is just a game quest, you (general) dingus.
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houseofsannae · 1 year
for the fanfic emoji ask game, 🤡 😈 and 🌞?
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
I'm very much the kind of person who laughs at their own jokes, so it happens a lot. But to pick a recent one, this exchange in Dearly Beloved:
            “I think we can trust our friends to keep our world safe,” Kairi replied, grinning. “Plus, Dad loves Terra. Pretty sure if we weren’t together he’d be trying to set me up with him.”             “I mean, I get it. Terra’s pretty hot,” Riku mused. “Sure your dad doesn’t just have a crush on him?”             That rewarded him with Kairi’s face screwing up in disgust. “Ew! Riku, Dad’s old! Don’t even joke about that!”             “He’s not even fifty yet,” Riku said, grinning.             “Old, Riku! Plus he’s my dad!” Kairi rolled her eyes. “And Terra’s straight, anyways.” She shuddered. “Not a funny joke, mister.”             “Noted, Princess,” Riku said, still smiling.             “Can’t take you anywhere,” Kairi grumbled to herself, but she was smiling, too.             “We don’t have our itinerary figured out yet,” said Riku. “So, yeah, at the moment…”             “I’m going to strangle you,” Kairi said, in a loving way.             “Buy me dinner first,” Riku replied.
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Oh, yeah, constantly. The cliffhanger ending of Seven and Thirteen comes to mind. To use a different Wrath of Khan quote than my usual one: "I've hurt you. And I wish... to go on, hurting you."
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Preferred? No. Required? Yes. Due to my work schedule I normally only have time to write in the extremely early hours of the morning, after work (second shift life, baybeeeeeee). (Which is also why I'm answering this at this time)
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thenexusofsouls · 1 year
What was the muse you mentioned you were planning to revive? I'm so curious :o Also lmaoo poor Tony, adopting Nebula right after he already lost a "child" (Peter) and right before becoming an actual father... now, Nebula might reunite with him in the afterlife. Tbh it's looking like a few gotgs are gonna die.. which... *LOUD EXHALE* They are such comfort characters I love these weird ass space misfits 💔
{i am the caretaker of souls} Honestly, death is not the worst thing that can happen to MCU characters in my opinion. I mean... look at Wanda and Vision, heh. Wanda’s been just mentally destroyed and gone down a very dark path, and Vision... *sigh* Poor Vision. Leaving him dead would have been better for him and for fans, I think. To refurbish him like a cell phone was just... I know White Vis was in the comics and all that, but I was really hoping they wouldn’t go there in the MCU... and they did. I prefer a good death to a bad one, or to writers just screwing up the character and disappointing fans.
There are plenty of characters where, even though they died, they had good deaths and frankly their lives would have been hell if they’d still gone on living for various reasons. Some muses I used to write or still do have had those kinds of deaths, where they died protecting others in some heroic fashion that either redeems them somewhat or at least has them go out on a good note to be remembered positively for. Carlos from the Resident Evil live action movies comes to mind. Also, Luther from Red Widow. And I would’ve said Vision too had he um... stayed dead. Pietro, certainly, although I have a lotta problems with the setup and mechanics of his death, but... yeah, he died a hero and there’s no better way to go out.
I’m fine with a character I love dying as long as that death is A Good Death™, it’s meaningful, and it leaves fans on a good note. Tony’s death, as rough as it was for fans, was definitely a good one for him that let him go out a hero and in a way that fans will always remember him positively for. I prefer this... to... A Bad Death™, where it’s meaningless or overly terrible for fans or it’s just poor writing and doesn’t make sense. Or, and this is the one I hate the most, a death that is an insult to a lotta things the character holds dear, identifies as, or stands for. Ned Stark from GoT/ASoIaF, for example. Also, I would argue and have argued in the past, Nuada from Hellboy II.
And characters don’t have to die to be ruined. Steve Rogers, I’m looking at you. What they did to him in the MCU was terrible. There aren’t many things that I outright reject from canon, but his ending in Endgame is one of them. Completely out of character and bad writing. I would have preferred him to die heroically like Tony than for the writers to do that to him. I am not an arrogant person (or most times, even a confident person, heh), but I could have written him a better ending than those writers did. But anyway, my point is... just have hope that, if they do kill off some GotG people, they get A Good Death™ and aren’t ruined by the writers, heh.
Okay. Now. As far as the muse I was thinking of reviving... yeeeeeah, I was actually hoping nobody remembered that I said that, haha. Only because I said that and then things got crazy in my life and now I don’t foresee having the time to bring back an old muse as complex as him right now. I still want to revive him, I just need time to re-watch his movie, go through his blog and re-familiarize myself with all my headcanons and a ton of aspects of his life that I fleshed out beyond canon, and I do have a fanfic that I stopped writing a few years ago that I really should go back and finish. If I can do all of those things, I think I can get back into writing him.
He’s not the kind of muse I want to just jump into, and after 3-4 years of him being quiet and me not writing him at all, I know he’s going to come out a bit different than before. I’m a different person now than I was 4 years ago. A lot has happened in my life, not all of it good, and that’s fine, but I need to find my voice with him where it stands now and not necessarily try to emulate the way I used to write him. So yeah, it’s just a matter of having the time to do all of this. I have a 6-day hiatus coming up, but it’s for work, so I’m not sure I’m going to have time then, but then I’m off for a month (which honestly is more like three weeks because I need to start prepping early before Spring semester), so... I’m optimistic that maybe I’ll have time then? *shrugs* I’ll try.
But umm... yeah he’s actually a muse I already mentioned earlier, heh. Nuada from Hellboy II. I want to bring him here and make him a private muse, only because his blog still has like 600+ followers and I can’t take on that kind of new activity right now. Also, because I know he’s going to come out different after such a long hiatus from writing him, I kindof want to distance myself from my old blog and the way I used to write him before. If his was a side blog, I would probably archive or delete and start a new one, but because it’s my main that all my other rp blogs are sides of, I can’t get rid of it, and I don’t want him to have his own blog because that will invite a lot more activity than I have time for. So... he’s going to be hiding here on my multi once I can get him set up. But don’t tell him that, because according to him, he never hides from anything. 🙄
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