#sdkjfh hi there
louisshomesharry · 2 years
Most of the larries that stayed the first time wont do it again if BG doesnt end.not to mention those fucke up DMs and from what I have heard there were more.we are still here because we are hopeful that something might change.but all of this feels like 2019 to me and walls pre promo
yeah tbh from my experience and my friends' larries will just leave fandom but we'll probably still listen and buy louis' stuff bc he's just really good.
The thing is once your fandom dies down well it's harder to get the support he needs. we already saw it and still see it with his streams for walls.
in 2017 he was one of the boys with the most streams but then it all dwindle down and in 2019 his streams were so low and they still are.
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stiffyck · 3 months
Confessing this to your blog because you lowkey inspired me to do this by being so open with your thoughts on fanon (thank you /gen)
Just recently blocked the trafficblr and life series tags.
The way people wouldn’t stop talking about scar and Grian having sand permits this season pushed me over the edge. Hermitcraft has become a safe place for me, and the life series fandom has always been bad for my mental health.
Scar and Grian can be separate entities. They ARE separate entities. They are two different people. They don’t always have to be roped into the same box.
Anyway never feel bad for blocking tags. It can help your feelings a lot, and it affects no one but you.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
(This is not meant to be hateful towards anyone who does enjoy the life series fandom. These are just my feelings on the matter and everyone is entitled to their own opinion)
Yea thats honestly very fair. i might do that as well because as much as i love desert duo and 3rd life its started to get real annoying. i like the fact that these two fandoms overlap so much and i do find some of the angst and the ideas interesting but this has just been bugging me lately sdsdkjf
like it feels like people cannot view scar specifically without grian by his side. grian? sure people throw in mumbo and now even gem to him. (which okay. they can also be their own people come on.)
idk i just wish people talked about more stuff than just the stuff thats related to the life series and grians fishing addiction.
im always baffled that people dont talk about angst from other peoples episodes??? like i watch scar a lot. i always think "oh this has got to spawn some angst right?" but no. if grian is not invloved no angst sdkjfhs. the death loop he was in recently? the way he blew up grians bookshelves around his enchanter? like theres a lot of stuff i thought people would go insane over but. no.
gem? gem and her lighthouse? her whole build is supposed to be horrory and cursed but i barely see anything about her or her builds.
anyway yes i get what you mean and blocking tags is the best way to go about this sorta stuff sdkjfhs
im glad people are having fun with it but i also wish more people were insane about other stuff
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month
Do you have any comic recommendations for someone who’s trying to get more into Kon and the other teen heroes?
sure thing!! sorry i took a while to answer this, i've been travelling and wanted to actually sit down and take the time to get you links to some lists :)
so for the young justice team in general, here's a reading list of all the peripheral stories and tie-ins that go along with young justice (1998)! yj98 is probably the easiest place to start if you don't really know any of them.
for cassie, since she doesn't have any long solos like the boys do, here's a list of all of her appearances.
i also have a list of all of tim's appearances, but i know that bc he has So Fucking Many it can be pretty overwhelming, so for tim i'd mostly just rec his solo, robin (1993)! that is still pretty long but it is a Good story about his overall character arc and i rly love it so i will just rec the entirety, but i can also go through and find my fav arcs if you prefer a smaller selection sdkjfh
i don't have on-hand a similar list for bart yet but for him i will just say Read Impulse (1995). Do It. Impulse (1995) Is The Comic Of All Time. it's not that long comparatively (as in, less than 100 issues) and it's just suuuch a good story!!!
AND FOR KON: firstly here's a list of all HIS appearances. but also let me get on my soapbox really quick and say once again that i love superboy (1994)!!!! reign of the supermen is kon's origin story, which is probably easiest to read as a tpb (it follows the events of the death of superman), and then superboy '94 follows his further adventures. if you aren't aware, there is grooming and heavily implied statutory rape in this comic that gets... pretty excused by the narrative as being like. haha teen boys like adult women! and that sucks but also makes for a fascinating, tragic, accidental look at the way vulnerable kids get exploited from so many angles.
as for the general konmic reading experience, if getting into Every Single Appearance is (understandably!) too much at first, i also once wrote up this post about the major points to hit!
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xoshepard · 5 months
OC Name Meaning
tagged by @nowandthane thank youuuuu <3
Rules: google and post the meaning of your OC'S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
no pressure tags: @stormikins @kaos-kappa @geekybones @alexios @gethpyro
DA and ME kids under the cut!
disclaimer is i picked some of my DA characters' names based on meaning but everybody else was bc of sound so we'll get some fun results im sure sdklfjsdlk
Evanna Shepard: "god is gracious". uhhhhhh eva is not the most religious person skdjfh maybe her parents were religious before they died. actually writing this down for her story 📝 i don't remember how i came up with her name tbh!
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Audrey Shepard: "noble strength". this does fit! she is a war hero paragon after all. her name came from a friend i had in college who was like one of the sweetest people i've ever met. audrey is also very sweet
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Orion Shepard: "heaven's light". honestly. i just picked a space name for my spacer boy. i didn't even know searching would turn up a meaning for naming your human child sdfkjhdsfjk his name came from a story someone told me of how their brother goes by ryan but his name is actually orion
(he will get a custom head later but for now↓)
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Asteria Tabris: "star" or "starry one". yes there are multiple star-themed names on here bc i love stars
(i don't have a screenshot of her 😔 im still meaning to do her custom head but i also can't find any mod hair that i like. alas.)
Ruby Hawke: honestly i now have a list of flower names and gemstone names that i think would be cool to name my characters and this was the first one
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Amaris Lavellan: "promised by god". idk howwwww i got so many religious names for my least religious characters ksdjfhs not that Amaris doesn't believe in elven gods but this seems like it would equate more to The Maker. maybe it's because she's the herald. i believe i got her name from a name website
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Sterling Lavellan: "little star". aw shit here we go again w star names. honestly when i named him i thought "amaris" was also a star name and they're twins so i thought it made sense. guess not tho sdkjfhs
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Keala Trevelyan: "the path". uhhh yes he is on.. the path of the inquisitor. i guess. i have nooo memory of where his name came from
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Lulu Adaar: depending on language, "pearl" or "peaceful/protected/calm". imma be real, i just thought it would be great to have an adaar with a rly cutesy name
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august-anon · 2 years
Try Something New
Tickletober 2022, Day 10: Ticklish Kiss
Oops! I am late. Don't mind it sdkjfh. Life got in the way and now i am watching a puppy for someone and she has not stopped chewing on me long enough to let me write this in a timely manner, so sdkjfhdsf
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Ship(s): Tealoranges
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Jim/Ler!Oluwande
Word Count: 733 words
Summary: Oluwande is introducing Jim to new types of affection. This one just wound up being a little more... giddy, than the others.
[ao3 link]
They were trying a new form of affection, which was apparently something they did now. Testing out the waters, so to speak. Apparently, Jim was lacking in affection, whatever that meant, and Oluwande was determined to rectify that.
Today started off easy, something they already knew. Kisses, gentle and light, prickly and tingly, pressed against their cheeks. Jim sighed and gave a little hum. Olu gave a responding hum and changed course. Now, he pressed those same careful kisses against the ridge of Jim’s jaw. Jim smiled, running their hands up and down Olu’s back. This was just as nice, if not better. The kisses were a little more tingly here, but it only made them feel nicer. They stretched out their neck a little to give Oluwande more access, humming again.
And then Olu moved on to what he really wanted to see if they liked that day: neck kisses. And shit, did they feel nice. Jim’s eyes fluttered closed, humming a third time to let him know just how much they liked it. Soft and sweet and – dios mio, that was really tingly. It was the weirdest thing. No matter how much Jim liked it, it seemed like their body had other ideas, and they found themself fighting the urge to squirm away and scrunch up their neck, feeling the oddest urge to smile.
And then a memory snapped into place. Or rather, the fuzzy remains of one. Vague flashes of their brother, the rare moments he would get the upper hand in their play fights. His fingers clumsily scrabbling against their ribs, their stomach, the soles of their feet. It didn’t happen often, Jim winning their wrestling more often than not, but it happened often enough that the memory of the sensation stuck with them.
But they didn’t want Olu to stop, so obviously Olu couldn’t know. So instead they scrunched up their face where Oluwande couldn’t see it, his face tucked into their neck, and carefully controlled their breathing so as to not let loose any of the sounds building up in their chest.
And then, the worst outcome, Oluwande pulled back, his face marred with worry. “Jim, mate, are you alright?”
Jim furrowed their brow. “¿Sí? Why wouldn’t I be?”
He pulled back, and Jim swallowed another sound, this one being something far more disappointed than the ones building in their chest before. He waved a hand between them. “You got all tense.” His expression got all soft and sweet with understanding. “It’s okay if you don’t like it. You can tell me if you’re uncomfortable. It won’t upset me.”
Jim huffed, tilting their head back against the pillow, mussing their hair in the process. Maybe Olu would help them detangle it later. Their mouth twisted. Damn Olu for being so sweet and wonderful. Damn him for breaking through their walls. Damn him for everything. Because now Jim had to – blegh – communicate their feelings.
“‘M not uncomfortable,” they muttered. “You can keep going.”
Olu’s face did some weird scrunching and twisting, like he wasn’t sure whether or not to believe them. “Are you sure? You just – it seemed like you didn’t like it.”
“Goddamnit, Olu, it tickled, okay?”
“Oh.” Oluwande’s face relaxed. I can stop if you want. We can do something else.”
Jim scowled at them. “I said that you can keep going.”
There was a brief pause, then a sly grin spread over Oluwande’s face. He opened his mouth, a devious light in his eyes, but snapped it closed again as Jim glared. He chuckled, running his fingers through their hair, gently tugging out a few tangles along the way.
“Alright, alright. I won’t say anything.”
Olu leaned back in, brushing his lips across their neck once more and, oh, that little shit, he was doing it on purpose now. He’d nuzzle in a bit before each kiss, making sure his beard dragged across their skin in the most sensitive of ways. Each kiss left behind a wave of sensation that burrowed deep into their nerves, making them helpless to the slew of giggles they unearthed.
And apparently Olu had magic powers or something, because even when he moved back up to pepper their cheeks with kisses, Jim was overwhelmed by the ticklish feeling even then.
They were never going to live this down.
Maybe Oluwande would give them some more kisses as a consolation. 
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gardenerian · 2 years
Clumsy ian + husband mickey best combo! Mickey wants to laugh at how clumsy ian is, get mad at how clumsy ian is and go protect mode all at once. He’s gotten worry, that’s husband. He would very much like him around for a long time, intact.
clumsy ian is my favorite thing 😭 clifford the big red dog having absolutely no control over his limbs just flailing through life... i am a fan sdkjfh like yeah yeah rotc skills yadda yadda sure sure he's strong blah blah WHATEVER. what is most important to me is that he also trips over nothing and drops shit for no reason and is just generally A Mess 🥰 like the dichotomy of graceful ian + clumsy ian is deeply important to me 😭 lol yes mickey finds it equal parts hilarious and infuriating 🤕 he's only got the one husband!!!!
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mclarenyaoi · 4 months
Ooo! I have some fursona ideas if you want them! (Feel free to ignore if you don’t)
George is very Gray Heron vibes to me, tall and ~dramatic~. Yuki could be either a Japanese Dormouse or a Japanese Tit. Lewis I think could be a Lesser Kudu (and maybe he got his horns removed and it was a Really Big Deal)
hi anon!!! first of all, congratulations, you're my first ever anon ask on this blog! second of all, that previous thing is pretty much exactly why this is being answered a bit late ^^' i'm terribly sorry about that, i just really wanted to make my answer good!! thank you for giving me these ideas, i love them and i love you, whoever you are <3
this is gonna be a long post so my actual answer to this ask containing all the doodles and commentary will be under the cut. just like last time, all written notes will be transcribed in the alt text since my handwriting isn't particularly legible. apologies in advance for any spelling mistakes or accidental misinformation, i don't have the time or energy to give this post a proper proofread so if anyone finds any errors or needs clarification on anything, please let me know! anyways hope you all find this post enjoyable ^^
first up, grey heron george! i've never drawn a grey heron before, so this was quite fun if a bit complicated
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i ended up settling for the mid-length neck in the "final" headshot, but now that i've had more time to think on it, i think i'd choose to draw him with a long neck, tho he'd get some serious cramps after every race. it'd also be funnier as well — herons are, as you said, tall and dramatic... but herons from the front? yeah. blimey indeed.
there's also the matter of how his helmet would fit, esp since you can't exactly go and shave off a man's mouth. i couldn't find a good solution for this; my best idea was that little confused drawing in the corner. it's not a terrific solution by a long shot, but i suppose that's just how it'll be until i (or someone else? this is an open invitation, tho do tag me) come(s) up with a solution
i didn't do a fullbody sketch for grey heron george, but if i did i'd have him stand next to someone for comparison. i guess the question with that is how much his neck would factor into his height since he's plenty tall as is. i did also want to do a dramatic drawing for george, but i was severely struggling to figure out a pose. maybe i'll do one in the future..
next up, yuki. anon, i LOVED these suggestions! i ended up drawing both suggested fursonas bc why not lol. (also, i did assume by "japanese tit" you meant aegithalos caudatus japonicus (called shimaenaga (シマエナガ) in japanese) the white-faced subspecies of the long-tailed bushtit only found in hokkaido, japan) and not parsus minor, since the shimaenaga definitely gives more yuki vibes)
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(before i say anything i Just realized 2'58" makes no fucking sense so i need to correct this first — it should be 2'7" ! my bad yall)
i drew yuki as a tit before i drew him as a dormouse so i'll talk abt them in that order
obviously as a creature the shimaenaga is SO very yuki sdkjfh i mean just!! look at ittt!! the definition of borb (bird orb). ngl i was kinda hoping they'd have shrike-like tendencies just bc i love when little cute things kill with brutality, but nope! they're insectivores year-round. shimaenaga are polygynous and lay 7-10 eggs per brood, which is great bc they're vulnerable to cold temperatures and hokkaido has long winters. long-tailed tits typically have facial markings resembling big brows, but this subspecies loses those markings in adulthood, probably to better blend in with the snow. i think i was gonna draw hatchling yuki with big brows at some point, but didn't bc drawing babies is difficult and drawing babies as birds is even more difficult lmao. you might notice that i chose to go the beastars route with anthropomorphic animals and gave bird yuki humanoid limbs and no wings. why did i choose to do this? well. i am not great at drawing bird legs and i didn't feel like drawing them here
the japanese dormouse has an avg length of less than 8cm (3.15in) with a tail of 6cm (2.4in). they're omnivores, with a diet consisting of fruit, nuts, insects, spiders, bird eggs and nestlings, and small rodents—even other dormice, hence my little comment abt cannibalism. again, i like it when little cute things kill with brutality. i think this works better for yuki, who i personally see as being small but mighty, though it's not like it doesn't work to make him a particularly vulnerable animal. rise against the odds and all that
regardless of whichever animal you (widely encompassing) or i choose to draw yuki as, i find yuki as a small prey animal to be v interesting. both the shimaenaga and japanese dormouse are small and agile creatures, and fitting a small animal with yuki's personality is compelling to me (which is not to say i buy into the narrative of yuki being particularly explosive or having anger issues, bc i don't believe in nor stand for that lol). for the purpose of the narrative, i love you small but stubborn animals that can and will bite you!
before i move on please appreciate pierre and yuki in the corner, i am forever and always a citizen of yukierre nation
ok last and anything but least, lewis! i'll admit, anon, i was a bit confused at first why you specifically picked the lesser kudu for lewis, but after seeing a comparison of the greater and lesser kudus.. i get it. lesser kudus look cooler (more markings) and i enjoy that
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so, pretty clear timeline here. a headshot of lewis in the present, what lewis would look like with horns (i spent. so long on this. completely on accident bc i wanted the horns to look good and then had to make the rest of it look like it matched asgjfkh), what lewis looked like in ~2007, lewis post-surgery (complete horn removal), and then a sketch of lewis smiling bc i like his smile \(^u^)/
(btw, while you're here, there are only ~100k lesser kudu left in the world due to over-hunting and habitat destruction, so. figure i could stand to add a link to the african wildlife foundation page on kudus, where you can find a donation button in the corner)
anon, what you said abt lewis' horn removal being a really big deal... ough it had me thinkinggg. i think the symbolism in permanently sawing off a part of yourself to fit a mold is sooo intriguing (tho not completely matching w/ lewis' story, i think as a general concept it fucks) and also represents the sacrifices needed to be part of motorsport, particularly from a young age. pecora would need to either cut off or greatly shorten the length of their cranial appendage in order to fit their head in a helmet — technically you could like, cut holes in your helmet, but then if you have a serious crash it'd probably be a near-certain fatality due to the bone and blood and nerves in there, in addition to the obvious danger of having a heavy bone object potentially crushing into your skull. there's only a few species of pecora where having a cranial appendage isn't a sexually dimorphic thing (eg caribou, reindeer, cattle, wildebeest) so having big horns is largely a sign of masculinity, hence why lewis initially kept as much of his horns as he could (there's probably some regulation for how large horns can be before they become a danger)
so with that being said, when lewis removes his horns entirely, it causes some uproar since he's effectively socially emasculating himself on purpose. there's definitely shitty articles written about it left and right, angrily bullshitting about how it's a sign that this is the end of masculine pecora (it's not) or that regulations have gone too far (no one made him do it) or that lewis is a bad role model (nope) or whatever the hell. lewis gives like One statement on it, smth abt how he did it for his own comfort and nothing else, how it doesn't emasculate him (bc it doesn't, anyone can do whatever well-informed decision forever and it can mean fuck all if you want it to mean fuck all, Truly who give a shit), and again more shitty articles quote it. etc etc usual circlejerk of illiterate media "journalism" continues until it dies down once something else happens. idk, smth like that, i didn't go to fucking school for math realistic furry-verse timeline creation
asdkjfh oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who's read this whole thing, please let me know your thoughts and opinions or if i made any errors. anon, i appreciate you immensely, i am so terribly sorry for the rambling but i hope you found this post interesting!
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the-blaze-empress · 8 months
Thank you for the answer on time equivalents. It’s helped a bunch. I’m still enjoying it so much! I’m up to chapter sixteen. This part is sticking out to me right now
“It feels empty,” Phil says, leaning forwards, and putting his hand in the middle. “Here. It feels empty here.” There’s not nearly enough lines, it feels all hollow, and hollow things aren’t usually good.
“Yeah?” Techno asks, and Phil takes his hand away. There’s a print there now, and it feels less empty.”
I love the symbolism here. I can make a guess at what it means, and oh Phil he doesn’t know how close he is to understanding what Techno is hesitant to tell him cause of how Phil’s too traumatized.
Also died laughing at the part where Techno is explaining the card drawing Quackity did and he says that Quackity told him he was gona have a kid some day but doesn’t believe him. Man’s was literally hugging Phil in complete denial.
no problem!! im sooo happy u love the fic bc i love it too!! man ur gonna get to some Real Fun Stuff soon i cant WAIT to hear your thoughts!! pls tell me what u think about the 18th chapter <3
mannn i love that part too. it means SO MUCH even beyond what i initially wanted it to mean!! everything fit together SO nicely (i say sounding surprised when im the one who wrote the fuckin thing lollll)
SDKJFH YEAH techno is In Denial So Deep. its okay maybe he'll realise. maybe. literally everyone else has
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linoguy · 1 year
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no hate to chan cause his role in this is being a singing pole dancer (re: the guy at the bottom left doing the fanning dollar bills motion) but this is such a perfect example of the amount of effort backup dancers have to put in versus the main acts in certain scenes sdkjfhs the kings in the back are using every core muscle in their body to hang from these poles and little chan is singing his heart out <3 music and art ily
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gentil-minou · 2 years
It does make me happy to read your takes on Adrien from the pov of a therapist. This is partially because a person I followed said they could speak on psychology because they took psych course(s?) in post-secondary yet said that Adrien's storyline was like listening to the world's smallest violin and that essentially made me question on how much "credentials" someone should have to be taken seriously. I know I don't have any but that their POV was insulting, especially if they've taken psych
So I'm kinda torn on this ask because I know anon is being complimentary towards me and what I have to say and while I am genuinely flattered I do think it's worth taking other folks' opinions into account. So yeah I guess that salter's opinion is valid and I don't want to be like they're views are wrong. Everyone is entitled to what they think.
But also, here's the biggest difference between someone who studies psychology and someone who does it clinically with real people: as a clinician we cannot let our own biases interfere with our perception of the client. In my work, I frequently come across people who have completely opposite personalities and ideals from what I have. I've come across people who if they met me in real life we would actively disdain each other. And I still see those clients. Because at the end of the day, if I let my own views interfere with my perception of them or their case I would cause legitimate and definite harm.
Let's take Chloe for example. I've made it quite obvious that I dislike Chloe, but fun fact I have clients who are Chloe. And I still treat them. If Chloe were my client, instead of focusing on how I hate her actions and how she's digging her own hole (like I mention when I talk about her as a fan) as a clinician treating her we would focus mostly on her trauma and abuse, as well as the reason why she gets into volatile relationships, with a focus on building self-esteem within herself as well as focusing on positive relationships. Never, ever, would I invalidate or tell her she's a bad person.
The fact is that anyone can understand the psychology of a character and their motives, but it's our biases that interfere with that. The person you are referring to, whoever they are, is letting their bias interfere with their analysis of Adrien. They have the knowledge, but they may not fully have empathy.
I know this probably comes across as vagueposting but I see this way to often in the fandom and how it's actually extremely invalidating. Because the reality is people can see themselves in these characters. That's why I react so strongly when someone hates on a character, because I know a lot of people, especially they kids I work with, who see themselves in the characters. So a person who thinks they are Adrien is going to feel attacked, just like how someone who identifies with Chloe is going to feel attacked when folks badmouth her (which is why I try not to do that too much).
People often forget that while the characters we talk about aren't real, the people who love them are. When someone learns how to balance unbiased psychological analysis with empathy, it's usually pretty obvious because they will be neutral and not let their own opinions interfere.
Even I'm not perfect, and still working on changing how I talk about characters. But if any one person starts claiming they're an expert in a character, then I start to doubt them because the reality is the only expert is the character/individual themselves. Everyone else, including me, is just trying to interpret and should be able to accept when they're wrong.
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cherrysoos · 2 years
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*blows a kiss to the bleach fandom*
uryuu Ishida....my beloved....
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mamawasatesttube · 2 months
Hi! For the fic number thingy, 18 and 31 (do you enjoy research and which fic took the most? And do you have a beta reader/editor?)
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
i do!!! love to discover things and read papers. hmmm... the most research... it couuuld be any of the fics that reference that whole kryptonian reproductive anatomy headcanon about bidirectional hermaphroditism a la certain goby species, or it could be the as-yet-unpublished core four space fic!
i did some digging into star systems that would work for the plot i wanted (i.e. need a binary star system with one blue and one yellow star). and then some more digging to see what parts of that i could fictionalize (i picked albireo for cygnus constellation mythology-related reasons, but it is technically a binary star system composed of a smaller binary star system and another single star, so it's like. got more going on than just one blue one yellow). also i just think astronomy is really cool so i did further reading on it just for funsies. the plot is gonna be some star trek shit, so it won't necessarily be the most scientifically accurate thing ever, but i like to know what i'm contradicting in the name of scifi before i actually contradict it sdkjfh
31. Do you use a beta reader/editor?
generally no! if i'm feeling uncertain about a certain passage i might send it to a friend like hey. read this and tell me if the flow is ok. or like with tim car fic i was like britta. i dont know cars is this even right?? britta read the car part and tell me if its right. but overall nah i'm my own editor!! like, fairly regularly if i'm losing steam i'll send a wip or snippets of a wip to friends, but that's more for cheerleading than for feedback or editing. i enjoy editing so it works for me!
fanfiction writing asks!
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merry-harlowe · 3 years
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Friendly-fire attack at @fru1tb4tz of Kincaid! I’m such a sucker for troubled single dads, one of my fav character types ;-;
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oxidizeds · 3 years
“ shhh…. - it’ll be fine baby, no one will hear us ” [ ares & sg ]
"funny how you're saying that and i don't believe you." normally, seunggi would have no problem with ares pushing him up against a surface like this, but there's a pretty big prerequisite: they've got to be in private. clearly, the bathroom of a restaurant does not meet that criteria. going out to the same dinner party was already high risk — trying to make a show of it basically broke the scale. so, yeah. not his ideal place for the other male to be smothering him like this. still, there's almost a moment where he gets a little too lost in the feeling of those lips on his neck, back seemingly relaxing against the door of the stall. if there's one thing ares is good at in moments like these, it's knocking all sense out of seunggi. a finger lifts to tilt the other's chin up to give him a proper kiss, and he's seconds away from taking the bait, so close to falling for it — but then he hears the bathroom door open before their lips even touch and his hand is lifting to cover ares' mouth. as if he'd speak right now. seunggi offers an apologetic glance as they silently stand there, waiting for whoever it is to leave. the sink goes on, they wash their hands, then the hand-drier goes off. a second or two to apparently check their appearance in the mirror before —
"you two aren't slick." and he knows the voice all too well, leaving him to let out a silent groan. his oldest brother. and while seunggi's sure he'll never hear the end of it, he's very aware of how much worse this could've gone. pure luck, he supposes. "food's out. and dad's looking for you," is the last thing the oldest male tosses before a mumbled 'idiots' as he steps out once and for all. a raise of an eyebrow once they're finally left alone as if to say i told you so before seunggi's hand is moving. "drive back to mine later. i've got to go," he murmurs, giving ares' hips a tap before he's lightly pushing him off. a slide of the door's lock and he's slipping out of the other's grasp entirely. "and if there's any marks on me, you're dead!"
secret relationship memes
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louisshomesharry · 3 years
tired of harry styles(tm), wanna see harry
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gardenerian · 2 years
❤️! :) (- themilkoviches)
kammmmm! you are the coolest. i always love seeing you on my dash - you are always so friendly and you hype us all up! like our own cheerleader 🥰 it’s so encouraging to see. and you make the most creative sets! i always sit there and study them like “HOW did they DO THIS” like gahh you have such a distinct and cool style. i am so happy to know you and be here with you ❤️
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