kakashi1005 · 3 months
Running Toward a Drug-Free Trichy: Morais Marathon Chronicles
In the heart of Trichy, a movement gained momentum as Morais Marathon sprinted into its second edition in 2023. Conceived by SEBCO Property Private Limited in 2022, Morais Marathon is more than just a run—it's a passionate pursuit for a "DRUG FREE TRICHY."
The inaugural edition, held in collaboration with the Trichy City Police, resonated with the community. Over 3000 spirited participants, including students from schools and colleges, alongside the general public, joined forces to tackle the social evil of drugs. The event welcomed the esteemed Thiru. Karthikeyan IPS, the Commissioner of City Police, as the chief guest. His presence added a touch of honor to the occasion as he awarded the winners with cash prizes, medals, and certificates.
Fueled by the overwhelming response to the first edition, Morais Marathon returns with even greater zeal in 2023. This year's theme, 'Run for Drug-Free Trichy,' underscores the unwavering commitment to cleanse the city from the clutches of substance abuse.
The Morais Marathon-2023 stands as a collaborative effort between the Trichy City Police and Morais City. Beyond the physical act of running, it symbolizes a collective stand against the social menace of drugs. Every step taken by the participants echoes the solidarity required to eliminate this pervasive issue from the fabric of Trichy.
This marathon is not just an event; it's a narrative of resilience and determination. As the community converges on the streets, the rhythm of their footsteps harmonizes with the pulse of a city yearning for positive change. Morais Marathon-2023 is not merely a race against time but a race toward a brighter, drug-free future for Trichy.
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joe4design · 9 months
Nike?SebCoe Building Graphics
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snowshoe1980 · 2 years
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Just a special social media shoutout to my beloved brother, @davidlevo for stepping away from the New York City based architecture firm he’s been with for the past 20+ years and leaping into the future with the west coast heartthrob firm of ZGF. So often in our lives we settle for what’s easiest and where we’ve done the most work; in light of that i commend my bro for realizing the work he wants to do is in the future, but that the future is NOW and we need to make changes to ensure that we keep building in the right direction for our planet, both literally and figuratively. The firm of ZGF is on the right path and im so proud of my brother for shaking life up a little and I hope to see him a little more here on the Best Coast going forward. (Btw: if you’ve been on the Nike campus anytime recently, ZGF is responsible for the SEBCO and Coach K building as well as the new CLT roof to America’s Favorite Airport, PDX!) LEVO=LOVE https://www.instagram.com/p/CjHlBXtOXP6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 years
Do you have any sebchal, maxiel, or seb/checo on the way? I think I saw on here a while back some talk about seb/checo and I’m curious if anyone has requested it?
Congratulations on your masters!!🎉🎉
Thank you so much!! I've spent the weekend celebrating (even now)!
The only slight version of Maxiel I have is actually a Max/Lando/Dan prompt. I've no maxiel requests and in my current au's they're background pairings. Unless it's the hangover au, but I won't be updating thag for a little while!
As for Sebchal....I have at least four prompts for them, one NSFW and some comfort ones 👀
As for Seb/Checo I think I've talked about them as grid dads more than a pairing but they would make an interesting pairing. Two tired grid dads that end up taking coffee dates to bitch about their grid kids who then try set them up because 'they'd be cute together'. Mainly Charles and Lance setting up their dads 👀
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snapshotxdelrusso · 4 years
blown up cheeks and dark eyes || sebco
Who: @fabsmythe & @snapshotxdelrusso
What: Sebastian and Franco get coffee but have to leave for the estate.
When: 21st January 2020
Where: Coffee shop and the Smythe Estate
TW: Abuse
Franco was scared. Like not even a little bit scared but so unbelievably scared he'd nearly cancelled. He sat down at the small coffee shop, head dipped to hide his injuries. The cut on his forehead looked feirce, the bruised jaw purple to match his eyes from the broken nose. He clutched his ribs, the walk a little too much for him
Sebastian took his usual precautions. He moved with two separate cars. One as a distraction for the paparazzi and one with the real Sebastian in it. His green eyes followed the decoy and a car chased after it so obviously. It took over an hour for him to arrive by natural LA traffic and the extent of his security forces. All it takes is one slip up and his world would be a PR toilet bowl. He walked into the small shop with a hood over his face. He asked his security force to order him his usual as he looked for some handsome looking. Instead he took one glance at the other delegated himself until he realized that was who he was meeting. Sebastian slipped in the chair. “I didn’t know such a handsome mug needed an ice latte that much.” Sebastian was thrown off. His green eyes examined the gashes and the scared and the hurt look. “Do you need to go to the hospital discretely?” Sebastian asked.
Franco watched as the other approaches and he gulped, why was he doing this, leaving himself alone with a guy like this?. He shook his head at the question, playing with his fingers having been to scared to order his own coffee. He shook his head at the question, "I only just got out of hospital last week" he said, "This hasn't just happened"
Sebastian was careful to look at the other as if there were nothing wrong with him. This was surprisingly easy since he did it so many years ago. Rather than scares and gashes, it was mostly breathing rubes, IVs and other various depressing things. His pressed his lips together. His wild green eyes bore into the other with wide curiosity and a reflection of softness. This is what he did whenever he was facing somebody whose was posed with telling of nasty and depressing details. Sebastian would listen if he wanted to speak further about the incident. He wouldn't dare ask the questions though. He knew the anxiety it caused whenever people asked what is wrong. Sometimes, it was this soft communication that people needed. Sebastian reached out his hand and let his long fingers slide into the crook of the male's sleeve. Sebastian was gay, but there was no use in thinking every other male out there was. Plus, this would bring less attention to the to. The security guard came up and placed Sebastian's order on the table. "Would you like anything to drink?" Sebastian said coolly. "Zeke will get it for you."
Franco looked at the hand now on his sleeve and placed his other hand over it, showing it was OK even if he was terrified. He nodded at the question, "Can I get a black coffee" he spoke as he calmed his breathing. He waited for the other to walk away and he sighed, "I was, I've been... My ex beat the shit out of me" he said in a whisper, "I only got out of hospital last week".
Sebastian nodded at Zeke and the large man stalked away to go fulfill the request. Sebastian turned his attention back to him. What was a hole that was filled with sorrow and compassion for the other suddenly pivoted into a wild amount of rage, fear and a bit of surprised. To this, Sebastian almost lifted his hand away from the other in shock. Instead, Sebastian moved so that both his hands covered Franco and Sebastian listened for more. Domestic violence was a common subject that surrounded him. After a friend personally experienced it first hand, Sebastian really didn't know what to then, or now. All he knew is that he could listen and comfort. "Where is your ex now?" He said in a soft tone. He was hoping that his eyes didn't automatically give away his outrage at hearing this type of news.
Franco looked to the table before looking up, the true pain and sadness in his eyes, "He's in jail" he admitted, "He'd been abusing me for about a year and then he found out I was moving to LA so he held me hostage and used violence to convince me otherwise. The whole relationship, I was only in it cause he threatened to fire me" he spoke without being able to stop himself
Listening to the word vomit, Sebastian's nails wracked against Franco's skin. It was unintentional, but Sebastian kept his focus on the other. After he finished, Sebastian didn't really know what to say. Rather than speaking, he decided to move his chair a little bit closed and wrap his arms around him in a gentle hug so that he wouldn't be hurt by Sebastian's movement. "If you ever need somewhere to be..." Sebastian started. "The Smythe estate is open to you. And I'm here for you now." He barely knew Franco. He only knew him threw his work and that's what originally attracted Sebastian to meet him. However, there might have been something floating around that the photographer had been acting odd lately. Then again, everybody famous acted in odd ways in general. Sebastian kept an arm on the other's back as a source for comfort. He gently started to rub his back gently, something his mother did when Sebastian was young. As for the news of where his ex currently was, there was a bit of relief from Sebastian. He hoped that man stayed there and rotted for acting against somebody else in that way. Sebastian's mine blinked as he thought about his general industry trivia. Did he know Franco's ex? Was he also somebody with power like he and Franco had. Sebastian couldn't remember. But that would be something he could ask later.
Franco had to take a deep breath at the touch and he closed his eyes, "I have broken ribs too" he whispered, "I think every inch of my torso is bruised or cut or something". He sighed and held his head up a little higher as he looked to Sebastian's eyes, "Thank you. My friend here got me a place and sorted everything for me. We are in the same business and she sorted me a job as well". As he cleared his throat his coffee came over and he held it to his cold hands, "His name was Jake Weiss, he was the manager at the firm I worked for in New York. He used to cut all my shoot short cause he'd want me home and I could't argue it".
Sebastian looked up as Zeke put down the coffee and then left to go rest at a nearby table. It was how he was trained to be discrete while watching over Sebastian. He continued to listen, taking little sips of his own drink. Sebastian was calmed now so that he could relax a bit. However, he kept his hand on Franco's back. His lips stiffened, with words on the tip. However, he wanted to hear all of it and focus on listening rather than responding. Personally, Sebastian couldn't imagine the situation he was in. Jake Weiss. The name was enough to spark memories. Oh the anger. Sebastian didn't particularly used the firm. There was really no reason for him too because he had all his own things here in LA. However, how many times did he see the bastard and never suspected a thing. He breathed out his frustration and continued to concentrate on the other, keeping his comfort hand on Franco's back.
Franco finally relaxed into the hand a little, wanting to have a friend here in LA. He saw the slight change and he cleared his throat, "Do you know Jake?" he asked as he sipped his coffee, "He told me he liked me and if I didn't return the feelings I'd be sacked. It only took him like 4 weeks before he started to hurt me. I was with him for about a year, fresh out of university... He... I... He didn't want me to come to LA, he wanted me for himself and now I have to have this stupid fucking mashed up face cause I decided to leave"
"I never personally contacted him. We had a bit of a bid on who would shoot some of my lines over in New York." Sebastian confessed. "But, we decided on somebody else." He didn't want to dwell on it or take away attention from him. "You're brave." This was the first words out of Sebastian's mouth that weren't carefully calculated. He snorted as he gave the other a grin. He went back to his controlled, carefully thought out words. "You did the right thing for yourself. I'm proud of you. And hey, I can see that handsome mug of yours." His eyebrows lifted and he gave Franco a sideways grin. He was hoping that he was coming off friendly enough to the other. "I'm dearly sorry to hear these things." Sebastian thought about a question that was looming on his mind. "What is going to come in the next coming months?"
"Yeah well I'm surprised he didn't bid the highest. He was always about the money and buying my silence. I'm glad you didn't use him, he would have sent me then cut the contract early". Franco scoffed, "I don't feel very brave. Brave would have fought back and I never did, I just took the hits and hoped one day they would stop" he admitted, his gaze dropping again, ashamed of how he had acted when he could have done so much more, "Not that handsome, not even under these scars". Franco shrugged, "My new boss is limiting my work load and all shoots have to go through him until I am fully healed but honestly, I'm absolutely terrified of being in the same room as him."
Sebastian pressed his lips together. He was personally glad he didn't use the company since this piece of news was extremely disturbing. Of course, there was nothing that was going to block this sort of thing from happening. It was unfortunate he could only react to it now. "Being brave isn't about standing up." Sebastian started. "Sometimes, things just happen. And it's about doing the best we can. Being brave isn't about a lack of fear, but about the fear that's present and how you react to it. And more times than usual, returning the violence could've had other unwanted outcomes." Sebastian shifted his hand so that he was back to holding the others hand again. It was probably hard for the other to imagine somebody like Sebastian who could come off as superficial to appreciate little things. Like the other's eyes and impressive figure. "Trust me, I've seen some uglies out there, and you're not one of them." "I have some connections." Sebastian told him. "If needed, I can pull some strings and I can put some research to backing up your current position and make sure that he can never touch you again."
"But if I was brave, I would have just let him fire me, let him just not have me to start with" he whispered as Sebastian held his hand. He looked at their hands and his breath hitched, "He never did that, held my hand or anything. He was... He had moments but he just was so possessive". He shook his head, "It's because I'm injured, he wants me to take it easy".
Sebastian was a bit lost for words. "It wasn't your fault..." Sebastian told him. People were desperate in this industry. Unfortunately, it comes at a huge cost. He took in a deep breathe. "He abused his power and he abused you too." It wasn't that easy, Sebastian knew this. But all he had was his words now and the warmth he could give. At the signal, Sebastian rubbed his smooth skin. Sure there were some rough spots, but it didn't matter. Personally, Sebastian loved the rough feel. It was different from his own terrible skin. Sebastian felt an overwhelming urge to tell and show the other that he did deserve it. He doesn't know why. He gave the other a grin. "I'm glad." Sebastian replied.
"It was though" he said, finally letting his voice crack that little bit, "I could have taken my skills any where, gone somewhere small fry and worked my way up but I just wanted to the best for once in my life". He looked at the coffee as he sniffled a little, "I wondered so many times if my greed meant I deserved this". When the other started to rub over his hand he watched it mesmerized and it was like he had a flashback. Jake was sitting on the couch, finishing his beer and holding Franco's hand and he squeezed hard making his ring dig into him.
Sebastian was about to say something when there was a wave from Zeke. Sebastian's lips flatten. This wasn't good. At least, for the moment they were in. Sebastian's green eyes followed him and he gave a signal. Somebody had spotted him. Sebastian glanced up to see his reflection in the painting next to him. He looked over at Franco. This was the price of fame. Plus, it seemed like the man was at his limits and Sebastian didn't want him crying in such a public area. "Maybe we can move to my estate?" Sebastian whispered. "It would be less public." He suggested gently.
Franco was pulled out of his thought and he jumped away, "I can't" he said wide eyed, "I can't be alone with anyone" spoke, fear ripping through him.
Sebastian presses his lips together. He needed to move and so did Franco for his own good. Quickly he wrote his number down on a napkin and handed it over. It was reckless. This was Sebastian private unmonitored line. Franco could sell these nine digits for a lot of money. “I’m sorry.” Sebastian told him. “I think I was the one that spoiled the party this time. But please let’s meet again?” Sebastian looked on to him. “Maybe by central where there is little people around?” Sebastian didn’t understand but he would have to go along. Franco was scared and Sebastian wasn’t going to force him to do anything.
Franco took the number and he sighed, "Fine I'll come" he said, not wanting to be left alone in the cafe either, "Please. I can't stay here alone either" he spoke as he saw Jake's face in his mind the whole time, desperate for others company, even if he was shaking like a leaf
Naturally, Sebastian took his hand. As soon as he walked outside, Sebastian shotted the photo camera and he held up his middle finger. He covered his face with his hoodie and guided the other into the alley where they got into the large black car. "Sorry for the hassle." Sebastian played as he breathed. He commanded that the driver drive them around. "You want to find somewhere else then?"
Franco hated the cameras especially now he looked the way he did, "We can go wherever, just I don't want cameras in my face" he whispered to the other
"There is an apartment complex around here with a park. You want to go there?" Sebastian asked. "It's mostly deserted."
"We can go to yours" he whispered, looking at his hands, "I just need to go somewhere please"
Sebastian leaned forward an pulled a bottle of water out of one of the stashes he had and handed it over. "The estate please. Tell Jen to cancel the rest of my appointments today." He said into a speaker. He thought about what to say on the ride. "Have you planned on what you're going to do in LA after you heal up?" Sebastian asked him
Franco took the water but he didn't drink it, he toyed with the label as he sat in the car, eyes fixed on his hands, "I have a job already I'm just not allowed to work right now"
Sebastian grinned. "As for places to explore." Sebastian took his own water and took a swing. "What you want to see and what you want to do. You're lucky you were relocated to somewhere like Oklahoma or Lima, Ohio."
Franco sighed, "I wasn't relocated. I'd been trying for months to get a  place here and Sydney finally finalised it all before Christmas"
"Well, good, at least you have good taste. So, why LA?"
Franco sighed, "It was the only place I had a contact who could get me away from him"
"You picked a good place. We have music, festivals, everything." Sebastian noted that they finally got to the gates of the Smythe estate and it's vast stretches.
Franco looked at the area around and he nodded, "Yeah I won't be going to any festivals any time soon" he said with a nod, "Can barely go get coffee"
"You'd be surprised about what can get accomplished." Sebastian rolled down the window to feel the breeze on the long wind up to the house. "Normally people are on something or not paying attention. It's easier than going to get coffee, trust me."
Franco shook his head, "It's not that. My confidence got knocked real bad this past year and I am a shell of the person I once was"
“Who moves to a new town and not reinvent themselves.” Sebastian mused with a large grin. The car pulled up and Sebastian waited for the man to come open his door. Sebastian stepped out and nodded to the large doors. As he approached, the doors opened automatically. “Welcome to the Estate. Please come in.”
Franco followed the other into the estate and his eyes widened, "Wow, this is incredible" he whispered
Sebastian's lips grin widely, as if proud by the other's statement. He didn't buy the house, but eventually he had his own stash of money to contribute to the family wealth. Sebastian moved into one of the wide guest rooms where lavish couch sat. "We can relax in here if you'd like."
Franco followed and nodded, "I don't think I have ever seen something like this" he whispered
Sebastian sat on his favorite space on the couch and kicked off his shoes. "Oh? Would you like a tour then?" He asked politely as he crossed his legs over.
Franco shook his head, "It's fine, I need a sit down" he spoke as he gently held his ribs
Sebastian nodded and then held out his hand to signal that he was welcome anywhere. "Don't over extort yourself. You can always get a tour later. Would you like to... possibly tell me more?"
Franco tilted his head, "What else would you like to know? I'm not ashamed about what happened. I can answer any questions"
"I just want to know about court and if he has officially been sentenced to prison." Sebastian wondered. "It took a lot of courage to come here with me. Since I am practically a stranger."
"Well he is going through trial in New York at the moment but being held in custody due to the risk" he spoke, "My face is only half of what he did to me". He took a deep breath and he he looked around, "Better then being left in the city on my own"
Sebastian crossed his legs and watched his foot bounce. "What's the wreckage."
Franco sighed and nodded, "Easier to show you" he said with a nod and he lifted his t-shirt other his head, revealing his bruised and cut body
There had been a lot of nastiness Sebastian had seen. Especially whenever his bloody sickness had taken over his body. He use to think as a child that the only fluid that can flow out of you as blood, but that was contested after his battle with cancer. "And how did he do that?" Sebastian asked. Without realizing his actions, Sebastian reached out and gently touched one of the marks.
Franco watched Sebastian's hand but he didn't back away, "He was trying to convince me to not leave for LA. Brute force was the only thing he knew"
Sebastian's soft green eyes mulled over the bruises. He could imagine the fist being thrown or the kicking that could've happened. He waited for more information as his fingers felt over the rough edges and moved on to other cuts, even some of the stitches.
"He thought the best thing for me was to keep me locked up in the apartment, to show me that he can make sure I won't go anywhere" he spoke softly as Sebastian trailed a hand over his wounds, "He told me so many times this is what I deserved”
The fluster of emotions that washed over him almost bubbled as Franco went on. He continued to look on the other, listening carefully as if it were the most important thing in the world. "He was wrong." Sebastian said eventually. It was the only thing he thought to utter.
Franco sighed, "I didn't even wanna be with him to start with but he was gunna fire me" he spoke, "He would treat me shit and then tell me he loved me, like this is what you do to those you love".
Sebastian pressed his lips together as he green eyes went to the other's face. There was a bit of intimacy in this moment. He had scares of his own, where his liver was partially removed from his surgery, his perfect body tainted and scared for life. He leaned in and moved to put down Franco's shirt. And moved so that he was lightly leaning on the other, moving to a more cuddling position. "Wrong." He said softly
Franco didn't turn the actions down, and he moved to cuddle the other, "I know it's too much for some people. I'm sorry if I make you comfortable" he whispered
Sebastian pressed his lips together. Surprisingly, he was softer than most people imagined. To the tabloids, he always would show them his clever wits and his snarky attitude to show the world he didn't care. "I'm here for you." He told the other as he wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sad, angry, and frustrated." Sebastian confessed. "But I'll help you in anyway you need." He closed his green eyes and settled into the position with the other.
Franco let the other hold him, even if his body screamed not to and he took a deep breath, "I said I wouldn't get close to anyone here. I'm scared to get close" he whispered against his better judgement
Sebastian nodded against Franco's head with his eyes closed. He really didn't know how to respond. Whenever he heard this statement, it was a different reason. "That's impossible you know." He finally said. "You'll turn yourself insane."
Franco took a moment as he felt the other and he had to beg himself not to crumble, "What if the next person hurts me again?"
"What if you died and you left that person behind?" Sebastian asked suddenly. He didn't mean too in the moment, but it was at the front of his brain.
Franco furrowed his brows, "See another reason to not let myself get close" he said with a shrug.
Sebastian smiled at the thought. “There really isn’t a reason in that. Then you’d just die lonely.”
"Would you wanna be happy with that if you'd been through this?" He asked, "No one is even gunna wanna look at this face or like kiss me"
“It doesn’t seem like it now but it’ll get better. And handsome, what if I said I wanted to kiss you.” Sebastian puckered his lips and placed them square on a soft part of Francos forehead.
Franco closed his eyes and he looked at the other, "You wanna kiss me" he shivered at the gentle touch to his head
Sebastian puckered his lips again into a kissing motion and winked. A flirtatious smile blossomed out of the kissy face. He leaned back and sunk into the soft couch and moved his hand so that he was holding Franco's. His green eyes were heavy and he shut his eyes. "Of course. I never lie."
Franco took a deep breath as he watched the over and he looked at him, "You don't think I'm some lame ass dude who gave up?"
"I think that maybe..." Sebastian started. He took in a deep breathe, calculating his answer. "It's okay to give up as long as it's not forever."
Franco nodded, "You don't think I gave up? Let him win?"
"Does being here mean anything to you?" Sebastian asked.
Franco shrugged his shoulders, "I think being here was the only brave thing I did"
"It's a start though right?"
"I'm sorry" he whispered, "I'm sorry I'm dragging you down"
"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked. "It takes a lot to drag me down."
"I'm being so negative and you've been nothing but kind to me"
"I'll restate myself only once for you, it takes a lot to bring me down."
Franco nodded and took a deep breath, "OK, thank you for letting me here today"
"You're always welcome." Sebastian told the other. "I gave you my number. You just have to call to make sure I'm here though."
"I meant today. I erm, with my face the way it is, I'm glad you didn't run"
Sebastian's lips curled. "You didn't seem that bad. I was a bit surprised though. I'm not going to lie." He half heartily joked. It was then did Sebastian realize that Princess had strolled into the room. The large white Maine Coone cat bounced onto the coffee table before them and looked up at the two of them with her giant blue eyes. Her large lioness body made her almost as big as a medium sized dog. "Now if you crossed her in an alley way, I would suggest crossing to the other side."
Franco dipped his head, "Yeah a lot of people have the same reaction when they see my face" he said with a nod, "And then you see the look of pity" he spoke as the cat came in the room, "She's freaking huge"
"She's a maine coon." Sebastian patted the seat next to him. On command, she leaped from the lavish coffee table to the soft couch and came over to Sebastian. "Also old. She's almost 13 years." He told him in a matter of fact tone. Princess showed her belly but flipping over and pawing at Sebastian's hand. He buried it deep in her fur. "I was more or less scared that you were in danger."
Franco watched the cat move around and he smiled at the actions, it was a cute cat, he would say that, "She's looking good for her age" he said with a nod. He listened to the last part, "No danger unless he wins at trial then lots of danger cause he knew where I was coming"
Sebastian swallowed. He had his fair amount of stalkers over the years and even though he's taken legal actions, they were hard to shake. "Do you know exactly what he knows?" Sebastian asked.
Franco sighed, "He pretty much knew everything down to the address. He found all my paperwork when he ripped the apartment apart"
Sebastian tilted his head. "That's difficult. Have you made arrangements to move again?"
Franco shook his head and let out a small scoff, "I haven't had chance to think about it. The company have promised me security if he decides to come after me"
"Sounds like a bridge down the road." Sebastian commented. As he was talking about this, Sebastian felt his stomach lurch and gargle. He loafed over his head lazily. "Oh, the inconveniences of the body. I don't want to get up." He confessed as he held one hand holding Franco's and one hand on his overly large cat.
Franco nodded, "I just have to hope the courts can see that what he did was bad and that he didn't bribe people" he said with a shrug, "You wanna order some food in or something?"
"It'll end one day Franco. Maybe we can hope for the conviction to stick." Sebastian clicked his teeth as he moved his hand off his cat. Instantly, Princess pawed for it back but Sebastian fought against her wants and pulled out his phone. "What do you want? I think we have steak in the fridge."
Franco looked at the other and he shrugged his shoulder's, "I don't really know, I hadn't thought much past lunch and that was hours ago" he laughed.
Sebastian sat there staring at him for a long moment before leaning in smoothly. "Your smile is cute." He said casually as he flipped his legs out under him and stood up. He stretched out his back and long torso before he moved casually into the kitchen to go get started on the steaks.
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theshoeaddicts · 5 years
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We've had some great opportunities in the last 10 years shooting different aspects of track and field/the running industry. One that came to mind is the last event before going home following the 2018 IAAF World Indoor Championships in Birmingham. The #IAAF hosted an event showing the new pieces they were adding to the #IAAFHERITAGE department. Seb Coe spoke on the importance of preserving these pieces of athletics history. We look forward to seeing their collection grow as the department finds more treasures from the track. Photo by Mike Deering, the Shoe Addicts. #RunBlogRun #SebCoe #trackandfield #athletics #theshoeaddicts (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNltDhn4W5/?igshid=dpooh1y0z5ys
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dirtroadtartan · 7 years
I would love to see cross country back in the Olympic Games
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The words come from the IAAF president, Sebastian Coe, when commenting the decision to integrate the event at the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games.
Would this implementation in the Summer Olympics be a good way of reinforcing the sport which carries most of the Olympic spirit? Or is athletics down to track and marathons in the days that we live and that's sufficient for the Olympic events?
What's your opinion on the subject?
[Photo: Cross Country race at the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris. Paavo Nurmi would be victorious.]
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xxelijahxxscottxx · 5 years
text message || sebco
FRANCO: hows the face
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uthc-trailrunning · 3 years
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@sebco: It's a wrap! Nos derniers athlètes de l'Ultra-Trail Harricana viennent de terminer le 42km Sauvage de St-Simeon. Bravo à tous et toutes et à l'an prochain. #jesuisloup #freeyourwild #trailrunning #ultrarunning #charlevoix
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somalilandsun1 · 3 years
Somaliland: Residents of Erigavo to Benefit from Solar Power Project- says Minister Jama
Somaliland: Residents of Erigavo to Benefit from Solar Power Project- says Minister Jama
Somalilandsun:  The Minister of Energy and Minerals of the Republic of Somaliland Hon. Jama Mohamud Egal who is on a working visit to Sanaag region toured a solar power plant installation site in Erigavo. His delegation was welcomed in Erigavo by Sanaag Governor Eng Ahmed Cisman Hassan, Erigavo Mayor Ismail Haji Nur and SEBCO Chairman Mohamud Ahmed Liban who gave details on the progress of the…
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sencogold · 4 years
Buy the best jewellery in this festive season from the best online jewellery stores in kolkata. Latest design crafted by the expert craftmen only for you at sebco gold and diamonds.
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kakashi1005 · 4 months
Morais City: A Transformative Real Estate Marvel by SEBCO Properties in Trichy
With its creation, Morais City, SEBCO Properties has irrevocably changed the real estate scene in the center of the charming city of Trichy. This ambitious project was started in 2000 with the goal of building a mega township that will not only meet but also beyond the expectations of its affluent clientele. Morais City, which is near the Tiruchirappalli International Airport and has many amenities to give its citizens to improve their quality of life, has been known as an epitome of perfection.
Quick Development and a dedication to excellence: Morais City has been a symbol of SEBCO Properties' constant attention to quality and commitment to excellence since its founding. This township's development has been extremely quick, guaranteeing that the aspirations of its esteemed clientele are not only fulfilled but exceeded. Because of the careful planning and implementation, the township is now a prime example of how to seamlessly blend contemporary infrastructure with the surrounding environment.
The Central Region's Biggest Hot Spot: Morais City has grown to be the biggest happening place in the state's central region because to the unwavering focus on its development. The township has become a sought-after destination for individuals looking for a complete living experience because of its advantageous location and extensive array of amenities. Morais City is a thriving community that promotes a sense of belonging and wellbeing, not merely a safe sanctuary for homeowners.
Morais International Business Park: In a calculated attempt to meet the increasing need for office space in Trichy, SEBCO Properties revealed plans to build the Morais International Business Park. This new development in Morais City showcases the developer's visionary thinking and awareness of the community's changing requirements. Modern office spaces are provided by the business park, which fosters an atmosphere that encourages creativity and production.
Features That Transform Lifestyle: Morais City is a destination for living that is more than just a center for business and housing. The township is home to several different facilities, including as parks, outdoor areas, medical centers, schools, and more. The well chosen amenities enhance the general well-being of the populace, resulting in Morais City becoming a prosperous and self-sufficient town.
In summary: Morais City by SEBCO Properties is a towering example of creative real estate development. With its quick start in 2000 and growth to become the biggest hub in the central area, Morais City has completely changed how people view and interact with contemporary living. Morais International Business Park is another way that SEBCO Properties is reshaping Trichy's future to meet the many demands of its citizens and companies. Morais City embodies the spirit of a thriving community and is more than just a development—it's a legacy in the making.
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joe4design · 9 months
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