#seonwoo lee
marymeswettie · 1 year
Yuri & Seonwoo – Form Of Sympathy (동정의 형태).
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flwrkisses · 6 months
tiktoks enhypen would make with you.
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happy 3 years of enha!!! to celebrate here's my first ot7 enha headcannon !! i hope you guys enjoyyyy.
genre: fluff. established relationship.
warning: links to tiktok. i do not know anyone in the videos below. not proof read.
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he's not one to outwardly ask to make tiktoks with you, or be really on top of current trends. however, you thought it would be funny to record his reaction to you playing the "water" song associated with the tiktok trend to see if he would look over. it was something most people were doing with their boyfriends and it looked funny. heeseung was well aware of the "water" trend and even did the dance for you one night to make you laugh. however, he did not know people were testing their boyfriends to see if they would look over in attempt to see a girl doing the sensual dance on the screen. so when you take the video you both can't help but laugh uncontrollably. watching him playfully sulk in the corner was also an added plus.
a lot like heeseung, jay is aware of tiktok and maybe some trends however he had never need the lipstick trend you had been dying to do with him. so when you show him the tiktok he can't help but smile a little at the fact that you wanted to do it with him. as you placed the kisses all over his face he giggled and looked in the mirror. it was safe to say that jay had never been covered in lipstick like this before so it made him extremely giggly. even made him want to snap a selfie once you had planted each kiss and made sure the lipstick stain was visible on his tanned skin. you'd have to film the video multiple times because he'd get a little too distracted while looking at you. theres no hiding the love in his eyes for you... fr.
he was the one who saw this trend on his fyp and showed you the videos. he thought it was the cutest thing and literally begged you to film it with him. after a couple days on convincing you said yes. so on your way to your dinner date, jake props up his phone on a street lamp and with out rehearsing much filmed the interaction with you. what you didn't expect was for him to lean in and kiss you so passionately and aggressively as he did. in between kisses all you can hear were his happy giggles because he knew he took you off guard in the best way possible. so that one and only take was the one he used to upload, and man he was reaaaaaal proud about it.
you've been dying to post something cute with your boyfriend on social media, however sunghoon is so anti pda and couples content it took him a little bit on convincing. luckily, when you showed him this trend he realized he hardly had to be in the video and the focus was on you, which in his shy nature he really enjoyed. so when you guys went outside to film it, he didn't think about his speed or force. grabbing you to his chest a little too roughly made the both of you burst out into laughter uncontrollably. he obviously apologized for almost snapping you in half in between his sweet smile and chuckles. and when you both looked back at the video, sunghoon begged you to post it because he just thought the end result was way too funny not to put out there.
sunoo loves scrolling through tiktok, he's on all the trends and knows all about the "sassy man apocalypse". and is very proud to say he is in fact part of it. he always talks about how you're so lucky to have such a soft, sensitive, and sassy boyfriend to keep it real with you all the time. however, he never thought you would make a tiktok like this and post it. he honestly had no idea why you were filming him while he played on his phone, and of course gave you the hardest side eye on earth. but, later you show hin the video you made and it made him laugh. he knew he had to watch his facial expressions moving forward because his face said it all in that video. yes you have a sassy man but you wouldn't have it any other way!
being honest, jungwon has always let you know how much he hates cringy couple tiktok trends and tends to make fun of them. so one day when you're out in the park he sees another couple doing a rather sweet looking trend and it makes him want to immediately make fun of it. so when he gives you the idea of spinning and then running at you at full speed you laugh and agree. while filming you couldn't help but notice his bright dimpled smile coming at you at as he ran towards you. you fought the urge of stopping him in his tracks and kissing his excessively cute face and ran away as instructed. watching the video back, the both of you couldn't help but laugh. it ended up being much cuter than intended but, you guys were always an unintentionally cute couple.
riki is the definition of your hype man. if you do something he stands and watches happily all the time and usually hypes you up while doing it. so when you pull out your phone and prop it up while on a walk home after dinner, he couldn't help but watch you dance to your little tiktok song. if he's being honest, he's not a tiktok type guy and a little like jungwon finds couple tiktok trends kinda cringy and honestly most tiktok trends cringe in general. he's always in his head about looking cool... but, when you encorage him to dance a little he gets kinda into it making it fun for both of you. looking back at the video he thinks it's funny and actually kinda cute. but he never expected you to post it. it was just a video of the two of you messing around like young people do, deep down however he's actually kinda happy you're showing him off... even if it is on tiktok.
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
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kpoprhia · 4 months
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❥ Like or reblog if you save ✧ 🎋
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cheolsfae · 4 months
can you do jay from enhypen as a boyfriend and his ideal type please?
His ideal type. Here is as a partner!
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: 4 of wands, 9 of swords (reversed)
He might be someone who isn't really scared of losing the person to someone else. Not in like a toxic way. But more in like an "If they won't someone else will" type of vibe. He wants harmony in a connection and if it isn't equal give and take, he doesn't want it. He's very secure with who he is as a person. Someone from the past could have been projecting onto him their own insecurities and he doesn't want a repeat of that. He wants something more peaceful. Not more chaos than what once was.
Present: queen of cups, knight of pentacles, king of pentacles
He's very affectionate. He could like to give you things, maybe by you things. It might be his love language, present giving. It's how he shows you he cares about you. Doing little things for you could be another thing he does (because duh, we see that from the cameras) but I think it's more intimate when it's for a partner rather than for a friend/member. He's more reliant on what feels right for the person he's with. Does that make sense? Like he will follow with whatever type of love language the other person has and try his best to offer up that type of love as best he possibly can.
Future: temperance, ace of cups
He's very patient, he wants what's best for you. He's over filling with love for you. He wants a stable foundation, not something built from shakiness. Nothing weak, strong durable love. His soulmate to put it simply. He's a very romantic and loving person who deserves to have that same type of love given back to him. He'll have it one day, it's going to take time.
Bottom of the deck: 3 of pentacles
Again, he is someone with a give and take mentality. Someone willing to put in their half of work in the relationship. He's that kind of person. But he's willing to pick up some slack when he needs to just as he hopes his future partner to be. To work as a unit and not against one another!
*Oracle deck was also used!
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j4ygyu · 1 month
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— nothing there yet
confessing to his mute crush | fluff
sulking when he has to leave for work | fluff
— rejecting his kisses | fluff
— nothing here yet
— nothing here yet
— nothing here yet
— nothing here yet
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s-oyng · 7 months
most likely to date an idol ?
💬 엔하이픈 & female idol reader ୨ৎ genre+ fluff established relationship word count. 241 disclaimers. not proofread | a/n. this is my first work of writing so don’t be too harsh please ><
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heeseung, jaeyun, & jongseong.. absolutely love that fans can recognize you both. he's prideful of the fact he's dating an idol that everyone loves. when watching other idols in awe of you, he can't help but smile. having an girlfriend that everyone looks up to and wants to be like is the best thing in the world to him. he gets to watch trainees become fangirls and boys over you, watching as other idols jump at the chance to talk to you— the whole experience is amazing to him.
sunghoon & jungwon.. the difficulty overcomes the happiness of it. the dedication and passion you both have for your careers in the spotlight sometimes takes away from the time you have for each other. the constant attention from fans and the media is what ruins it. there are constant rumors of your breakup or infidelity, hate, getting shipped with other idols— there is little to no privacy, and he does not like that. he still enjoys that you understand his stress and the problems of being an idol though.
seonwoo & riki.. the limitations and the distance is disheartening. the moments of frustration and loneliness, the pressure to keep up with the media and please everyone is hard. it's hard having an idol girlfriend, especially one that is always in the light of the public. the lack of privacy is the hardest for him.. he'd rather date someone that isn't an idol.
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orangflowalober · 5 months
Enha reaction to their only competition being your young, hot professor
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Pairing: Enhypen x Reader
Genre: crack, established relationship
Summary: the boys having the realization that the professor you said not to worry about is actually something to worry about
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: mentions of food (coffee), cigarettes, killing idk let me know if I missed something
A/n: based on personal experience! also I used those videos from the fan signs as reference for how jealous the boys would be! so pls cut me some slack I did my best not to make them too out of character!
Heesung was slowly approaching you, watching you with gentle eyes as you stood in front of your collage with your friends.
But then.
He heard something oddly specific.
“So how are we feeling after today y/n?” the friend he didn’t recognise asked, lifting a cigarette to her lips as the rest of them giggled.
Heesung stopped at a fair distance and listened to the conversation.
Then his eyes widened as your hands flew to your hair and you started tugging and playing with it.
You only did that when he did something that made you feel flustered… So what was it that warranted it this time?
“Why, I had a blast!” you laughed.
“Of course you did,” the one he recognised as Nami retorted with a smile.
“Especially when he was checking over your work right?” a third one laughed quietly.
He realised they were all throwing playful jabs at you, and you were reciprocating the attitude.
However, Heesung felt terribly out of loop.
“Here he comes,” Mia knocked her elbow against your ribs.
Heesungs eyes flew to the door of the college as he watched a man leave.
“Goodbye” the five of you chorused and the new person gave them an oddly bright tight lipped smile.
As soon as you deemed him out of earshot, you giggled so girlishly that Heesung’s heart-strings tugged and unable to contained himself he yelled, feeling outraged;
You turned to face your boyfriend with a sheepish look on your face, while your friends only burst out into laughter.
“He he” you laughed awkwardly, “hii babe…”
Park Jay Jongseong
Jay had finally got his hands on you after a long and exhausting exam week and talking you out had been something he’d been looking forward to for far too long.
You were chatting his ear off about something and he was taking the time to commit the sight to memory, having been deprived of his wonderful girlfriend for two weeks now.
And then.
Someone ruined his fun.
He didn’t know who the man was. He only knew that you suddenly straightened and walked towards him and immediately started a conversation.
Now Jay wasn’t a jealous person by any means, but there was something in the way you were gazing at the man while he was speaking and the way he was looking at you while raving about something.
Then you finally parted with a bright smile and a nod of your head.
You squealed before you could stop yourself and Jay was immediately on guard.
“Who was that?” he tried to keep the bitterness from his voice but he knew he failed the moment you looked up at him.
“Oh!” you gasped, “I think I’ve told you about him-” 
He was just about ready to commit murder before your next words left your mouth.
“That’s my Creative Writing professor.” you told him with a brilliant smile. “You know? The one I went to visit last week for help with my essays?”
Well now he just felt stupid.
“Oh” he said with a blank look in his eye. “I guess I should have taken your word for it when you said he’s young.” and after a few seconds of deliberation he added quietly; “And attractive.”
Sim Jake Jaeyun
Jake took great pride in being your boyfriend.
I mean.
You look into the mirror every morning don’t you?
You know what he means.
And knowing how positively beautiful you were, you honestly shouldn’t be surprised at how jealous he was.
He was happily skipping on the way to pick you up after your classes, only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight that greeted him.
You were standing there, looking cute as shit, with a man that wasn’t him next to you, locked into a serious conversation.
He froze seeing you looking so shy, with that adorable nod you did when you were too flustered to speak and he almost strangled the man next to you for the bright smile he gave you when he briefly heard the man say alright? And you responded with a dutiful, yet lovely, yes.
Before he could do anything about the situation, however, the man walked away without looking back and Jake hurried to you.
Your cheeks flushed red at the sight of your boyfriend.
“Jake!” you exclaimed, happy to see him, “Did you wait long?” you asked him, but before he had the opportunity to respond, you just kept talking.
“I hope you didn’t” you grinned sheepishly, “I just had to ask my professor something about the exam we’re having soon.”
Well, now Jake just felt silly.
Park Sunghoon
You knew better than to talk to Sunghoon about anyone you found remotely attractive.
Boy or girl.
Boy was just too damn jealous and possessive.
So just what made you think that being seen by your incredibly possessive boyfriend with your young and rather attractive professor was a good idea?
The answer is nothing.
Because you didn’t expect this would happen.
You were sitting with your boyfriend at a cafe when he had to leave for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and that was exactly when your professor showed up. 
Sunghoon had so much fun on your dates and he knew you did too.
So when he was coming out of the bathroom to the sight of you standing next to your chair with a different man, bro was seeing red for a hot second before making his way towards you.
He stuttered in his walk when he realised you were speaking to the man in rapid English.
Well now he had no way of knowing what you were talking about. 
Just when he came next to you, the man turned around and left, a cup of coffee in his hand. 
“Jagiya…” Sunghoon began, an arm wrapping around your waist as you two sat down, “Who was that?” he asked somewhat calmly, a particular edge to his voice.
Your eyes shone with entertainment, realising why he was like this and he groaned.
“That,” you wildly grinned, “was my professor.”
Sunghoon looked you dead in the eye as he spoke his next words.
“Never look his way again jagiya. I’m dead serious.”
You laughed so hard, tears sprang to your eyes, while your boyfriend only looked at you with stars in his eyes.
Kim Seonwoo
“Oh?” Seonwoo peered over your shoulder at your phone, “You’re sending an e-mail?”
You looked at him with a faint smile, eyes softening at the sight of your dearest boyfriend.
“Yeah” you hummed, leaning on his shoulder, allowing him a better look at your phone. “I have to ask my professor if I can come to consultations because of the exam we’re having soon.”
Seonwoo nodded gravely, knowing what a tough time you were having with exams. 
“Which professor is this?” he asked, having been acquainted with all of them through your stories about classes and tutorials.
You only offered him a sly grin as you finally sent the e-mail.
“Try and guess.” you giggled, putting your phone away. A rare feat for you.
Seonwoo groaned in annoyance.
“Come on Y/n!” he whined cutely, grabbing your hand and shaking it, “How am I supposed to know that?!”
You only laughed, taking a hold of his hand and interlocking your fingers with his.
“You remember the one I mentioned a while ago?” you giggled quietly, watching his eyes widen, “The one that’s new to the faculty? That one.”
“But whyyyyy” now he wholeheartedly whined, “you have me why do you need to see him!!”
The only thing you could do was burst into laughter at the way your boyfriend was pretending to be jealous.
“You’re not doing a very good job at pretending to be jealous.” you smiled at your adorable boyfriend.
“Because I’m not” he huffed, “I already know you’re mine. I have nothing to worry about.”
You only blushed at his confident words.
Yang Jungwon
Jungwon would have been so happy to see you looking so excited to see him if his gaze wasn’t stuck to the man you were just squealing about with one of your friends.
Now, Jungwon took great pride in the fact that he wasn’t a complete jealous freak like some of his hyungs.
There was something about your giddy, toothy smile that made him panic as his gaze was trained on the retreating figure of the man.
Not to mention he sometimes got insecure thinking you might want to be with someone your own age (or older).
“What’re you looking at?” you tugged on his jacket, a worried expression taking over your face. “What’s wrong Won?”
“Who was that?” he asked before he could stop himself.
He regretted it as soon as you made a confused noise.
“Who was who?”
“That… that person who you were just losing your mind over with Jamie,” he huffed, resigning himself to this fate.
You looked confused for another few moments before realisation dawned on your face and you giggled, tucking your face against his shoulder while hugging his arm.
“That’s my professor” you smiled brightly at him, “Jamie likes him a lot,” you giggled thinking about how much your friend likes to fan-girl about the older British man, “I am unfortunately, despite having such a wonderful, beautiful, smart and gorgeous boyfriend,” you listed praise after praise watching the blush on his face grow more and more vibrant, “not immune.”
You pressed a kiss to his piping hot cheek, not helping his current predicament and he whined cutely.
“But don’t worry,” you interlocked your hands and smiled even brighter at him, “I won’t look at him anymore~ Anything for my cute boyfriend~”
Nishimura Riki Ni-ki
Riki stared at the paper you were clutching and he couldn’t help but zero-in on the writing on it that clearly wasn’t yours.
He had an inkling it was another male specimen but wasn’t sure how to bring it up.
“What’s that?” he nodded at the paper, deciding to go for the safest option.
“Hmm?” you turned to face him. “Oh, you mean this?” you waved the paper in your hand.
He nodded, ready for everything and nothing at the same time.
“It’s some feedback from my professor” you explained to him, bringing the paper closer to him so he could read it. “It’s for a project I'm doing right now. It’s 60% of my grade.”
“Oh,” his eyebrow scrunched, “what subject is this?”
You grinned manically and Riki’s heart jumped seeing the unhinged look on your pretty face.
“The one we have with our newest addition to the faculty” your smile was sharp and he knew you knew what he was about to say next.
“That new hot professor or something?”
You burst into laughter. 
The words that left his mouth weren’t yours. You’d never say that about any of your professors. The words were uttered by your friend Mai when the three of you had gone out at the beginning of the semester. 
But it seems that her reaction must have left an impression on your impossibly tall boyfriend and your laugh, slowed into a quiet, cute giggle as you raised your hand and hooked it around Riki’s neck in a half hug.
“I don’t even find him that attractive sugar sticks” you grinned and your cutie of a boyfriend only huffed letting you tug him against yourself in a cuddle, feeling your much shorter hands pull him into a warm embrace.
My dearest girls: @ch3rryc0smos & @janaicetea
if anyone wants to be a part of the taglist send an ask <3
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artiebartie · 27 days
THEIR CB IS SOOOO GOOD!!! UNSKIPPABLE ALBUM FR YET AGAIN!!! ALSO FATAL TROUBLE VOCALS AND THE SONG IN GENERAL 😫 Imma be living there for weeks. They're just so 😩🤌🏻 god I am so proud of them every day, blessing us once more. I am worried though about them as Jake, Hee and Won were all coughing and sniffly pretty bad throughout the whole live 🥺 cb's are some of the most stressful and tiring times for the idols with all the promotions, schedules and performances plus tours happening a little after that. I really hope they can get enough good rest in between and have stuff to help their poor coughs and colds, my poor boys 😥🧡
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vivvangel · 6 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝.
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vivienne ! ➜ viv | '03 — ⤿ she/her > guidelines. !
🧷 ✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀 masterlist. – includes sfw & nsfw | side blog.
my lovies🩷 [ # vivster # viv reads # viv talks ]
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ if you copy my work, do it right — if not, do not copy, translate, or repost my work without credit | @vivvangel, 2023.
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lil-black-kitty · 9 months
I have this weird feeling that detective moon will fall in love with ye bun eventually. But at the end ye bun is going to end up with seon woo🥲🥲 and I'm not ready for this
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itz-jiwon-k · 9 days
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ღ enha bios !
。  ،  come here and get some ٬ !
୭  it's like a pola͜͡roid love  ︵ 
⌯  . ´ all i need is yo͟u͟r͟ poison ಌ !
⋆⠀_ give me ferver ৲⠀.
⌒ ˀ  i'm a lucifer ، . -
★ _ shout when we're together ぃ ˑ 
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kyuusberry · 4 months
got my hands cuffed (got my hands cuffed), criminal love (criminal love)
god, this night tastes just like, ooh
criminal love, love
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kpoprhia · 29 days
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cheolsfae · 4 months
☾ Enhypen Sensitive S/O!
Long post ahead! Some of these surprised me more than they should have. Keep in mind these guys are still pretty young they are trying to get it together in front of the world!
Tarot Reading
Request: Hiiii your readings are so good I just binge-read all of them (I think thats a word) Is there any way you do a reading on how enhypen would be with an s/o thats more sensitive? Like one that constantly needs reassurance kind of thing. If you can't do all the members that's fine I understand. 🤍🤍
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: ace of swords, the empress
He may have been ready to comfort this type of person. Willing to do what he could to help his sensitive partners. I feel like he was pretty empathetic with them. They were crying? He was also crying. They were mad at someone at work? So was he! He really might have been good at this. He felt like he was able to be that support system for his partners. Someone they could rely on. Dependable.
Present: the high priestess (reversed), queen of wands
I keep hearing the cats out of the bag. Not really sure what that is about? Maybe that's important to him in some way. Anyway, He may choose to withdraw from a sensitive s/o if he had/has one right now. I don't think he could provide any emotional stability for them. He might be nice and friendly with them but I think it would wear off quickly. His emotions are focused elsewhere at the moment (most likely work). He could be dealing with this type of person right now, things just aren't working out. This person might be his soulmate but he's not giving it much thought.
Future: 5 of pentacles (reversed), king of swords
If another person were to enter his life, an emotional one, I think he would have to turn them away. He's not in a place to handle that right now. He's fully aware that he cannot give another person the affection that they are seeking right now.
Bottom of the deck: the emperor
He's trying to be more stable. He's trying to balance his personal life with his work life. I don't think he wants to add another person to the mix at this point in time. Seems like he's stressed enough.
Past: 8 of pentacles, 2 of swords
He could have ignored the issues and distracted himself with other things and tried not to over think anything his partner was saying. He's also someone who is sensitive so it could have really affected him deeper than he was letting on. He may not have been looking at the bigger issues at hand. Just focusing on the comments that may have seemed like personal attacks when they weren't.
Present: temperance, the fool
He doesn't want to keep doing that with his partners anymore. He feels like he's more patient with them, like he's willing to listen and take into account about what they are thinking and feeling. It feels like he's willing to trust them more than he previously had. He's being warned to not make any foolish mistakes with the next person. He's being cautious with the next person to make any sort of approach on him.
Future: knight of cups, 10 of cups
He knows the type of relationship he wants in the future and the type of trust and love he wants to be able to give to that person. But I think he's working on becoming a better person. For that future person. So they can have that stable connection for that total happiness. He's willing to be more submissive and listen to them and trying not to take the whole thing as a personal attack.
Bottom of the deck: 3 of swords (reversed)
He's trying to heal past wounds. He's trying to be that person that's healed so he doesn't hurt the next person he's involved with. The healing process feels like it's something that is never going to end but it will. He will be a better person by the end of it. It's a bit of a tough journey but he will get through it just fine.
Past: king of pentacles (reversed), 4 of wands
In the past, I don't think he reacted very well to his partners being "overly emotional". He may have been quick to dismiss them and write them off as no big deal, which clearly it was, to that person. He was not one to take it too seriously. He may have been guided to pay attention to what he was doing to this person. He knew what he was doing was wrong to do but it was like he couldn't get his head out of his ass long enough to straighten his act out.
Present: ace of swords, the sun
It seems like he came to some kind of wake up call to this. He's realizing that you need to listen to what the other person is feeling even if you don't necessarily like it. They need to be felt like they are being heard, like they are genuinely cared for. He knew he was the main issue in that past relationship. He knew what he was doing. He's wizened up since then, at least a little bit. But he's still stuck quite a bit.
Future: page of swords, page of pentacles
He could have recently heard something about this past person. The one who was "overly emotional" and he's not liking what they are saying about him. They could be gossiping about him. He's being guided to speak to friends or family about this situation. See what they have to say about the situation. He's trying to come to some type of acceptance of the person he once was. He knows he screwed up and he knows this person has every right to say what they said but it still hurts.
Bottom of the deck: 2 of swords
He's debating if he should approach this person about this or not. One one hand, he wants to move on and live his best life but on the other this person is testing him with all of the negativity they are spreading about him. He doesn't want to because he knows whatever he says could affect his job but at the same time it still sucks to know that someone you once trusted is now just shit talking about you.
Past: 7 of cups, the moon
He's a runner, he's a track star. I feel like he took the easy way out of this. He may have thought about his options before leaving but ultimately he would always leave them when they became too much for him to handle. It may have been a while before he left but he still left without a second glance.
Present: 6 of pentacles, 5 of cups
Now, he might be more willing to help out more. To do things that can help his sensitive S/O. But I think to him, it's draining. Like it's hard for him to keep a positive attitude. He's doing better but still kind of in a selfish vibe. He's stuck in his masculine vibe. He's not really wanting to move out of it. Someone may view as weakness.
Future: ace of swords, 6 of swords
He's going to be moving to more stable waters. He's trying to better himself so he can keep a healthy relationship. He doesn't want to keep this cycle going. He wants to be better than that! He wants to do more things to help out and such. Acts of service may be his love language.
Bottom of the deck: ace of pentacles
He's slowly moving toward a new person. They might be like that and he is going to be trying to be better. I don't know how successful he's going to be. Considering he isn't trying to fix it all that much. . .
Past: 9 of pentacles, 3 of wands
He might have valued his own independence in the past. He was more interested in furthering his own career goals. I don't think a person was even on his radar. He was more so following his own intuition more than anything else. I think he knew he was nowhere near ready for any type of commitment.
Present: the sun, 5 of cups (reversed)
He might feel like he can handle someone more sensitive but he could hold a lot back. Kind of like muting himself or shutting down because he doesn't know how that person might react. It's more out of fear than anything else. He doesn't want to make them upset. He needs to look at how he handles/carries himself over all. Rather than looking at the bigger side of the issue (with his sensitive S/O), he's looking at the fine details. Little things that do not matter in the bigger scheme of things.
Future: 5 of swords, king of swords
He might even cause fights. Not intentionally but accidentally, frequently. He might be a bit guarded with this person because they are so sensitive, he might feel like he has to watch his own emotions too much to not set off his partner. This would end up being a bit of a habit. Again, not intentionally.
Bottom of the deck: knight of swords
He would foolishly do things without thinking. Kind of reckless behavior. Having a sensitive partner would make him think more about his actions but I don't think he would really want to.
Past: 3 of cups, the chariot
He may not have cared for a sensitive partner in the past. He might have just tossed the whole idea of a partner aside, he might have just wanted to have fun and play the field a bit. He most definitely knew he was not in any sort of mental space to deal with a partner. He knew he was not capable enough to handle anything so serious at that point in time.
Present: knight of pentacles, 4 of pentacles
Now, I think he could handle the situation a bit better. He would definitely be taking a slower approach to them though. He might even be a little protective of his own energy. Like trying not to take their over flow of emotion to heart. Like trying not to take it as an attack on him. Again, would be protecting himself and really hesitant to make a deep connection with an emotional person.
Future: the wheel of fortune. ace of swords
He might even feel blessed/lucky to have someone like that is good for him. I think this would help him grow as a person. I feel like his spirit guides might be sending him signals to let him know that his person is near. They are close to him but he needs to grow up a bit more before he meets them, so he is able to be that emotionally available partner.
Bottom of the deck: 5 of wands
Again, he's trying not to take things as a personal attack. He knows in doing so it would only cause chaos and a huge argument. It would do more harm than good in a relationship. He needs to go through some rebirth before anything like a relationship can happen for him. He needs to break some habits.
Past: king of pentacles, 8 of swords
He might not have been ready to take on this type of relationship. He probably felt like he couldn't be the person they may have needed him to be. He might have been too much in his head about this. It might have caused some anxiety about this whole thing. He was looking at the bigger picture of things. Like he knew this was something he needed to get together before he entered any relationship. He wasn't stable in any regard.
Present: 6 of pentacles, 4 of cups (reversed)
Now, I think he feels he has more to give to an emotional/sensitive type of person. He feels like he can do so unapologetically. He might feel like he's more ready to do that. he's since changed. He feels like a brand new person. Someone more capable and emotionally available. So I think he could handle this better now than he could back then
Future: 7 of cups (reversed), 9 of wands
He might feel like he's ready for a relationship overall. Yea, he's a little scared of getting hurt but he feels like he can handle it. It's something he might be needing in his life or he feels like he needs right now. He feels like he can give more. More than he could in the past. He would value this person like the world depended on it!
Bottom of the deck: 6 of wands
He's feeling pretty good over all, he feels like he has his shit together. He thinks he can handle anyone the universe brings him. It's just a matter of someone coming along for him lmao.
*Oracle deck was also used!
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jakehoonsbby · 1 year
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crying screaming throwinf up 😍😍😍
46 notes · View notes
ms-no1kpopstan · 3 months
@ms-no1kpopstan’𝓈 ℳ𝒶𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉
❤️‍🔥 - angst
💖 - fluff
🎀- oneshot
🌷- series
❤️‍🩹 - hurt, comfort
📎- teaser
❌ - discontinued
!!!! I only write for enhypen and now txt too!
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Enha! (ot7)
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Lee Heeseung
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Park Jongseong
I got you blocked, excited to never talk, I, am so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🔥, 🎀
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Sim Jaeyun
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Park Sunghoon
Period problems 💖,🎀
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Kim Seonwoo
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Yang Jungwon
when pretty isn’t pretty enough, what do you do? ❤️‍🩹, 🎀
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Nishimura Riki
Me or her? ❌,💖,🌷
I ain’t(am) worried bout it ❤️‍🩹,🎀,💖
when you comfort Riki after he has a long day of work ❤️‍🩹,💖,🎀
I can run faster with no wind resistance 💖,🌷/🎀,❤️‍🔥
Woah! Who’s that? 💖,🎀
kiss and make up 🎀, ❤️‍🔥, 💖, ❤️‍🩹
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Tomorrow x together (ot5)
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Choi Yeonjun
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Choi Soobin
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Choi Beomgyu
마치 déjà vu, 넌 마치 déjà vu… (📎,❤️‍🔥,💖, 🎀)
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Kang Taehyun
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Heuning Kai
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the end!
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