#setting: misc
of-beasts-and-blood · 2 years
Location: Definitely Present: James & ??? (Open)
James had a bad habit of slouching that he definitely, 100% blamed Sirius for. Before he’d met Sirius, James had been a truly upstanding member of society. Now look at him! He sighed dramatically, making a big show of slinging his legs off the couch and sitting up once the other person had finished talking. “I’m sorry, I genuinely didn’t listen to a single word of that. Can you please repeat it?”
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marthaskane · 1 year
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
If I ever created a human world au where all the characters were just regular humans with regular lives, Beel would absolutely be a farmer.
I just see him out there in a tractor with his dog, growing corn and wheat and what not. Maybe he has a flock of sheep he keeps for the fleece. A whole orchard full of fruit trees. Keeps bees & chickens.
I think his love of food would carry over into how he cares for his crops. He sells his produce at a local farmer’s market. Everybody knows him because he’s so nice & sweet & big & his crops are the best.
I think about it sometimes… maybe one day I’ll write a human au story. I have multiple ideas about it.
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gelphiegifs · 7 months
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Glinda will see Elphaba's hand and be like "is anyone going to hold that?" and then not wait for an answer.
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tyudeongi · 7 months
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klainegifs · 8 months
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wolvenjay · 2 years
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Trollhunters scenes that hurt in retrospect
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adhd-merlin · 4 months
I need to talk to merlin's set designers what did they put in gaius's chambers?? what did they hang on the walls?? I must know tell me
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liquidstar · 4 months
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sleepovers save money on hotel rooms while on missions 👍
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creaturecreek · 3 months
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Mae!!!! I think my partner @archiixx requested this :3
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of-beasts-and-blood · 2 years
Location: Laure’s humble abode Present: Devereaux & René & Laure (@lauredeschamps & @childish-omens​)
Devereaux was running on pure adrenaline at this point. Keeping himself alive was one thing. He was quick. Good at making himself scarce. He’d shot spells, sure, but nothing fatal. He was here out of obligation, not passion. He would not have someone’s blood on his hands. 
Keeping René alive was a whole different beast. René moved unpredictably, without rhyme or reason. He didn’t watch his surroundings. Had it not been for Devereaux slashing panicked stunning spells through the air, René could’ve been dead several times over. That was how the battle progressed - until Devereaux had lost sight of his target. 
He’d been too slow. By the time the battle was over and he’d combed through corpse after corpse, fearing the worst, René had gotten hurt. Miraculously, they found each other. The soot-stained hands of an artist clutched the bloodied face of a musician as the former let out a string of chastisements. But he was alive. René was hurt, but alive. 
They couldn’t go to St Mungo’s. The Marks on their arms would earn them little sympathy in that moment. There was only one place that Dev could think of that would be safe for them both. He hooked René’s arm over his shoulders, both boys leaning heavily on each other as they stumbled through the broken streets until they found a safe place for Dev to apparate them away. When their feet hit the ground again, Dev slumped forward against the doorframe. The sound of their arrival was enough to alert the occupant. Seconds later, Laure’s face appeared. Relief spread through his tensed muscles. “Your brother is the biggest idiot I’ve ever met. Can we come in?”
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fereldanwench · 4 months
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is there anything better than your favorite warm drink out of your favorite mug? ☕
⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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normasshearer · 28 days
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tag rules: select 13 horror films that at one point in time terrified the hell out of you (gifs optional)
i was tagged by @slayerbuffy thank you so much charlie!! <3
tagging @genes-tierney @stardewsvalley @rachmcadams @anthonysperkins if you want to! also tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
omg the 4th wall break asks lately have been making me think about belphie in that kinda situation hahaha i might be predictable oops
you get home from long day at work and some emo guy owns your bed, he's already made a nest and gotten a good few hours in too. you don't even have time to be scared before he starts being super entitled about it too LOL like "ugh mc, what took you so long?? ive been waiting here forever... why are you just standing there looking shocked, seriously >:v "
also i hope you're having a lovely day!! <3333 sending lots of love!!
Ahhh hello Starr!! I am having a lovely day and I hope you are, too!! 💕💕
Oh Belphie would be such a little punk lol! And I kinda think if you try to ask him how he got there, he's having none of it. Who cares about those kinda details?? He's here now and he wants your attention! If you ask him why he made the effort to find you this way, he'll blush and brush it off.
And if you're tired from working all day, you know a little bit of cuddling with Belphie will help you relax. Maybe take him outside to look at what you can see of the stars (depending on the amount of light pollution at your location), so he can point out to you how they differ from the Devildom (I just think Belphie has knowledge of the human world stars, too... like he made it a point to learn them).
I think he would help you make dinner if you're hungry, too. He probably knows a decent amount about human world food just from hanging around Beel. He might complain about it... like c'mon MC he came all the way here to see you and you're making him cook? But he'll still stir the sauce or saute the veggies...
But in the end, Belphie would want you to join him in his newly created nest in your bed. Let him cuddle you to sleep, all warm and cozy and he'll make sure you only have sweet dreams...
I'd be worried that he'd get smothered by my cat. Like that one chat photo where all the cats are super attached to Belphie and Satan's all mad about it? My cat very much likes to sleep on the same pillow as me, so I'm imagining walking in to find her sleeping on his head. I'd be concerned about his ability to breathe. Also pretty sure this would make him my cat's new favorite person lol!
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lordichamo · 8 months
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more survive!mine shit. refs n misc doodle stuff Also a lil bonus for Halloween under the readmore (...blood tw)
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ltcolonelcarter · 1 year
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The deviant leader has started a revolution. It’s leading an army to take Detroit by force. You have to find it, Connor. Find it, and destroy it with your own hands.
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