#settphel cyberpunk au
bluiex · 7 months
Screw it my brain rot is so real and SO INTENSE right now Im sharing my thoughts on a Cyberpunk AU for Settphel
Definitely not taking inspo for Setts background from Cyberpunk ER hehe Sett being a street kid (because im in love with league species- there will be vastayans and things in this universe. so Sett is half vas, and his mom full) Whos mom works as a EMT, long hours just to pay the bills and for Sett to go to a corpo school Sett definitely fought a lot because he is street scum going to a corpo school, and half-Vastayan- bros got it rough out here Age 16 is when he gets his first chrome, fist enhancing chrome that make him as strong as like ykno, in league lmao so then theres The Pit, he frequents this after getting the chrome (illegally may I add) and starts bringing home money ofc he tells his Ma its from work, hes found jobs no need to worry Ma, you can start taking less shifts. now this is how it deviates from CPER, Sett actually stays in corpo school (doesnt lose his mom) he climbs that Corpo ladder. But on the side, he manages to take over The Pit and many other underground gangs while doing so. He ends up getting all the way to the top of the Corpo Ladder and becoming the CEO of one of the companies Gets his Ma a lovely cottage outside of the city, away from the struggles and dangers of living there. Esp now that hes got many people out for his head- needs his Ma away and blissfully unaware of his underground shit and safe
For Aphelios..
Nomad makes more sense for Aphelios the more i think about it Growing up way outside of the city, in the "desert" area, but it wont be a desert here, itll be the mountains in this universe lol anyways yeah the religion being very stigmatized. The Solari of the city, hate Lunari. So far the hate leaks into the common people cuz the Solari is in the city and everywhere So they stay in the mountains. Though growing up Alune and Phel are faced with the Corpos wanting to encroach on their land, keep trying to buy it and stuff like that. as they get older, the elders of the clan raising Aphelios to become their assassin, to slowly start killing off Corpos, the important ones, or as important as they can get to. While Alune stays back at the clan, learning everything she can to take over as the leader once the Elders are gone in this, Aphelios just chooses not to speak most of the time, only when he has to he will. Preferring to sign with his sister and anyone who knows it
This is where Sett comes into the picture, now being the main dog of Corpos now, his company wants to forcefully take the Lunari land (under Setts nose too, because Sett isnt the kind of man to take away someones home like that. and people still hold prejudices against Sett being half-vastayan and a former streetkid, so theyd definitely not tell the big man what theyre doing and just push all backlash and blame onto him) Aphelios is tasked to assassinate Sett at a some corpo "ball" (not really a ball its a formal party or something)
At this party, of course Sett is on high alert. He always is really, a lot of people want him dead. So when a strange man comes into the party, dressed to the nines- unfamiliar face- Sett is wary, keeps a keen eye on him all night. Whenever Sett isn't looking though, caught up in conversations, he feels eyes burning into him, but when he looks in the direction its gone. What a good assassin, being able to hide from Sett like that Peaks his interest greatly After awhile, skillfully playing a game of cat and mouse with this stranger, Sett is finally able to get to one of his private rooms and simply waits, his poisoned drink in hand on a plush armchair for the assassin to walk in and make sure the job was done
Much to Phel's surprise, when he sneaks into the room, Sett is waiting for him, the smuggest grin on his face he's ever seen.
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faerbloom · 4 months
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cyberpunk au settphel oopsssssss
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admiralanarchy · 4 months
It's been a month
You know what that means- I've forgotten this account again loool
Anyway, time for WRITING UPDATE, because there have been many of them.
For the tl;dr go here
First off are Genshin Impact fics:
My HeiKazuHei Spirit Realm AU, Sacrifice of a Sacred Deer, is up to chapter 13/16! Nearing the end folks!
I've also written yet another KaeLucKae reconciliation fic, Stars in Our Hands, this one full of tasty little Mondstadt headcanons.
Now for the SettPhel:
I've begun the arduous process of compiling all my many many blurbs into Anthologies, which are now all connected into a series.
First of the blurbs is the random menagerie of AU's, conveniently titled "SettPhel Anthology Two: Blurb Edition". It has a little bit of everything at this point.
Second of the blurbs are my Ionia Nights/Moonfall in Navori City (Neo Noir AU) shorts as well as my super exclusive Patron only SettPhelSett smut fic.
They are still getting updated sporadically (usually on Sundays and Tuesdays) and there's a special Neo Noir YasuAhri on the way still.
As for stuff in the oven...
Well, I haven't announced it officially yet, but there is an incredibly saucy Neuvillette/Wriothesley fic I'm working on, and when i say saucy, I mean it.
There's also a half-hearted HaiKaveh Cyberpunk 2077 AU and some other short Settphel fics. Potentially my two Perihelion Settphel zine fics will be released here soon too!
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admiralanarchy · 5 months
... Guess who forgot about their Tumblr until now?
That's right, it's me. I forgot my Tumblr. Again.
Anyway here's my second annual fic Year in Review!
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As you can see, I was terribly productive as always and as passionate about Graphic Design as ever.
Now for the good stuff: The Fic Breakdown (down below) or simply found on my Ao3
First off, I started Genshin Impact in like, March.
And immediately had to write a bunch of stuff.
Dutiful Things;
A Noelle Centric Character Study (SFW, Oneshot)
Answering the age old question of why she is still just a maid
House of Cards
A Luckae Reconcilliation fic (NSFW-ish, Oneshot)
The boys get back together somewhat over a game of strip GI TCG
HeiKazuHei Anthology
New Anthology! (SFW- so far, 2/? Chapters)
So far a Cyberpunk 2077 AU, and a Geisha Kazuha AU
In Pursuit
A KazuHei Vampire Romance (NSFW, Oneshot)
Written for the shipweek and featuring Trans Heizou
A Case File on Meeting your Doom
A HeiKazuHei Canonverse exploration (SFW, Complete)
featuring the gradual progression of their relationship, pre-Vision hunt
Never fear, I've still been writing SettPhel, just not as much;
SettPhel Anthology
2 new works added (NSFW, 6/? Chapters)
The infamous Demon Sett and Corpse Bride AU twitter blurbs are now in the Anthology
Navori Dawn
Ionia Nights Neo Noir sequel (SFW, Complete)
A certain Golden Demon makes an appearance, and is interested in a certain Lunari Assassin.
Ionia Nights prequel (SFW, Oneshot)
The events that started it all, and sealed the deal between Sett and the Lunari
Loosely SettPhel in Spirit Blossom (Zine Fic, Oneshot)
Aphelios goes on a journey...
And lastly, the one random Homestuck fic I have worked on for nearly 2 years on and off...
Testing for Two
Dirk centric Portal AU (SFW, Oneshot)
Dirk needs to stop a brain clone of himself, set in Aperture Labs
As always, my work can be found here!
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