#sgaeyl @ violet: you remind me of tairn. xaden @ violet: you remind me of sgaeyl :’)
super-oddity · 7 months
Fourth Wing bonus content: Sgaeyl teasing Xaden, ch 14
“…What you should be asking is if Sgaeyl saw it, too."
"You did not just bring me into this nonsense."
"You sure as hell dragged me into it. Since when do you get all mushy over smaller dragons?"
"Since when do you get emotional over human women?" Sgaeyl challenges.
"I'm pissed, not emotional," I correct her.
Fourth Wing, page 512
"This is cruel, even for you," Sgaeyl notes with a hint of amusement.
"It's unfortunate that it hurts her, but she's going to have to toughen up to survive our partnership, and Aetos can't be anywhere around us."
"Oh, so we're not discussing that you were already moving when Tairn landed?" she fires back. "That had he not arrived, you'd be guilty of the very thing the colonel's offspring accuses you of doing?"
"I moved on instinct to protect—"
"Let's not embarrass each other by letting you finish that sentence."
I fucking hate when she does that. She's the only being on the Continent with a sharper tongue than mine. Well. Violence might give her a run for her money.
Fourth Wing, page 513
…anger highlighting the blue in [Violet’s] eyes as she rips her gaze from mine, focusing on the movement of the riot as they land.
What in Dunne's name is wrong with me that I'm noticing shit like that?
"Now who's getting mushy?" Sgaeyl asks.
"Attracted and mushy aren't the same thing."
Fourth Wing, page 515
“…Tairn thinks you'll play bodyguard.” [Violet] snorts. “Little does he know just how much you dislike me.”
"He knows exactly how much you dislike her and how often you stare—”
“I will volunteer for every cold-weather mission in existence if you—”
"Rude. As if your inability to control your own hormones should result in my discomfort." She mentally shudders. Ruthless and vicious as my girl might be, she draws the line at the cold unless we're flying for Aretia.
Fourth Wing, page 516
"She's two years vour junior and in your chain of command." Sgaeyl feigns outrage.
"And you're fifty years younger than Tairn. Your point?"
Fourth Wing, page 516
I pin my feet to the field with shadows to keep from marching over there and feeding Aetos my fist. How fucking dare he kiss the mouth he wouldn't bend a rule to protect, when I would—
"Yes, what would you do?" Sgaeyl asks
Fuck me. What wouldn't I do?
Fourth Wing, page 518
I need to stay as far away from her as possible.
"But you won't," Sgaeyl predicts, and I'd be tempted to raise my middle finger if I didn't think she'd bite the damned thing off as a reminder that she can.
Fourth Wing, page 518
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calirph · 2 months
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All sentences on this meme have been taken from Fourth' Wing Novel by Rebecca Yarros. You can change names, locations, pronouns and anything else you see fit. Fourth Wing is a YA Fantasy novel and includes suggestive topics as well the staple of fantasy these days; dragons.
A dragon without its rider is a tragedy.  A rider without their dragon is dead.
There’s nowhere in existence you could go that I wouldn’t find you, Violence.
I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over, then I'll do it.
You gave me your heart, and I'm keeping it-
Hope is a fickle, dangerous thing. It steals your focus and aims it toward the possibilities instead of keeping it where it belongs—on the probabilities.
Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable, but you’re really a violent little thing, aren’t you?
I’m going to keep you. You’re mine, Violet.
I’ve been yours for longer than you could ever imagine.
Lies are comforting. Truth is painful.
I am the sky and the power of every storm that has ever been. I am infinite.
Oh, Gods.
Which one are you calling out for? Because it’s just you and me in this room, Vi, and I don’t share.
There is nothing more sacred than the Archives. Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.
The right way isn’t the only way.
One generation to change the text. One generation chooses to teach that text. The next grows, and the lie becomes history.
I will not die today.
None of this is worth it without you.
You can't make me fall for you and then die.
You’re making us look bad. Stop it.
He cares for you. That’s already hard enough for him.
He cares about keeping me alive. There’s a difference.
You never considered that it was you I couldn’t stay away from?
You’re not going to handle me?
You still love me. It's possible.
I’m just… not as strong as other riders.
It’s hard to love a second home as much as the first.
I fucking love your hair. If you ever want to bring me to my knees or win an argument, just let it down. I’ll get the point.
Dragon relationships are absolutely incomprehensible.
You should try a human one sometime. Just as vicious, but less fire.
I appreciate the elevation to deity, but my name will do.
We can live as cowards or die as riders.
Dragons always know.
I'm over here keeping my hands and memories to myself because you asked me to, and you're fucking me with your eyes. That's not playing fair.
Told you to stop staring.
If you'd just man up and admit there's something between us, I would strip down to my skin so you could see every single inch of me. 
You will not fall. I will not allow it.
When did I ever give you the impression that I give a fuck what people think about me?
I thought you said kissing me was a mistake.
Have you always been this tall?
I told you that I was the one who would decide when I'm ready to risk my heart, and I'm saying it.
You want me. And no, I'm not just talking about in bed. You. Want. Me, Xaden Riorson. 
Remember that folklore is passed from one generation to the next to teach us about our past. If we lose it, we lose the links to our past.
Gods, yes. This is exactly what I need.
They’re a mated pair, Tairn and Sgaeyl. The strongest bonded pair in centuries.
Dragons value strength and cunning and... ferocity in their riders.
And this mouth. All I ever want to do is kiss you, even when you piss me off.
Aren't you a little small for a dragon rider?
If I get my hands on you, really, honestly get my hands on you, I don't know if I'll be able to stop.
They choose for reasons they don’t see fit to share with us. And not all strength is physical, Violet.
Even the most effective poisons come in pretty package.
There is no stronger bond than that between two mated dragons.
Now I take care of you.
We will feast on their bones, Silver One.
I'd have to be a masochist to sleep with you, and I can assure you, I'm not.
The scars are a reminder.
And now I’m a rider. Riders fight.
Dragons pay no heed to your puny gods.
His father was the Great Betrayer. He led the rebellion.
We both know this is a bad idea.
The pursuit of knowledge is the key to unlocking the door to wisdom.
Nature likes all things in balance.
In war, people die. It’s not glorious like the bards sing about.
Your mother has never understood that while riders may be the weapons of our kingdom, it’s the scribes who have all the real power in this world.
At some point, you and I are going to have to start trusting each other.
Do you boys just want to whip it out and measure? It would be faster.
Holy shit. I’m on the back of a dragon.
I can't think when you look at me like that.
Guess everyone wants to be a dragon rider until they’re actually twenty feet away from one.
...power can quickly turn and control you.
If you're looking for a little fun, I'm happy to oblige-
I'm not a damned liability.
When exactly did you decide not to ruin me?
You could command the sky to surrender all its power.
You're overstepping.
He is not sleeping in my room.
Fuck, I'm never going to get enough of you, am I?
Humans have no say in the laws of dragons.
His rider died in the Tyrrish rebellion.
Don't you look handsome.
I've heard healer cadets have a thing for riders.
If I get my hands on you, really, honestly get my hands on you, I don't know if I'll be able to stop.
Stop being so fucking honorable.
I'm not dignifying that with a response. This is an order.
For there, in the land beyond the shadows, were monsters that dwelled in the night and dined on the souls of children who wandered too close to the woods.
But keeping me safe is keeping me from growing, too.
Too heavy. I’m pretty quick with daggers, though.
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purple-haired-faerie · 7 months
Some soft/fluffy (etc) Xaden/Violet HCs
So in one of Xadens Iron Flame bonus Chapters, Garrick says about knowing Xaden 20 years. Which is a decent amount of time. Especially when you consider they must have made friends around the age of 3. Meaning Garrick must have his fair share of embarrassing stories of Xaden. Imagine Garrick and Violet having a drink (or a few) and get tipsy and Garrick is all "did I tell you about the time...?" And Xadens like "thank the Gods one of you is my best friend and I love the other one of you or you'd both be dead" (in a really affectionate way)
Talking of Garrick, remember that comment he made to Xaden about 'helping him communicate in his relationship' or something. Okay so I have an image that Xaden legit rants to Garrick about how Violent 'wants to get to know me' and keeps 'asking questions' and Garrick is just "oh you love sick puppy don't you have it bad. You need help!'
After the war and everything they realize they haven't actually been on a proper date as such. Apparently fighting on a training mat or having intense sexual experiences don't count. Their dates aren't sickly romantic but they make at least some effort. Xaden will bring Violet a bunch of purple flowers, and take her places all over Aretia. The first place he takes her is his hilltop.
When it comes to Xaden officially taking his throne; Xaden makes it clear that unless Violet gets formally recognized and sworn in as his equal, he's not taking it. It's non negotiable to him
When they get married, the initial plan is to have a small ceremony with only those close to them invited. Rhi as Violets maid of honor, and Mira and Brennan walking Violet down the aisle, and Garrick and Bodhi as best men. Somehow one thing turns into another and they end up with this big ass wedding. As for their wedding night? Lets just say Sgaeyl and Tairn get a taste of their own medicine in the 'projecting the fact they are very much getting it on'
Eventually they have five kids overall. three of them are biological (two boys, the younger being premature and having some health issues as a result. They simply make the adjustments to let him live a full life and a girl who is a total Daddy's girl) And an adopted set of siblings, a boy and girl (Xaden was reminded of Liam and Sloane and didn't want these siblings separated) who lost there parents in the war, and had a few failed foster placements. They don't treat them any different to the other children as far as making sure they know they are loved
Xaden goes onto rule Tyrenndor and Violet is a professor and researcher. Her specialism are History and Venin (given how much she had to research and discover to cure Xaden).
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justallihere · 22 days
idk what it is, but I LOVE cranky violet. she just so funny, like a tiny kitten that is agitated 💀
I am so curious to see how Vi's second signet will play out in SITQ, v excited on how you expand on it!!!!
Xaden takes Vi's health very seriously, thank you very much. Even if he has to tell his stubborn wife to take a break!!!!!!
“She’s done for the day,” Xaden said without turning to look at him.  “Hey!” Violet snapped. “You don’t get to decide that.”  “You can’t even sit up straight,” he pointed out.
Tairn is such a tease. I wanna see him "attempt" to maul Xaden and make Vi freak out, making Xaden feel all warm and fuzzy inside bc it shows she cares.
idk if its recency bias, but that entire massage scene felt very Bridgerton-esque (in a good way!!!!) THE TENSION??? THE HAND PLACEMENT???? Mans put his hand underneath her gown. I am UNWELL!!!
I love this for them. i was cackling reading this. Xaden is too funny
“Technically, they’re our books,” he corrected with an infuriating little smirk. “They’re educational.”
“You know I’m the king,” Xaden said, “I’m the richest man in this country. I’m sure I could afford it.”  “I’m the queen,” Violet reminded him, tipping her chin up defiantly. “Your wealth is already mine, which means I have no use for whatever you want to give me.” 
Vi has come so far in being comfortable with her position as queen and all the pros and cons that come with it!! sobbing
I love them so much Alli!!!!!
I have so many ideas for cranky Violet (not necessarily in this world, just in general) because I love her so much
Tairn is too scared of Sgaeyl to actually attempt to do real damage to Xaden 💀
Xaden definitely gives Anthony “obsessed with his wife” Bridgerton vibes. Like he is taking every single opportunity to touch his wife (and also to remind her that he’s hot too and hey please look at him). And anything she wants? He’ll give it to her. Immediately
I love them too my babies!!!!
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alyshiba · 3 months
Violet second signet Theories and Facts
So, I've posted this on the Fourth Wing Reddit Sub. Then I felt like resuscitating my tumblr and posting this on here as well, just to see if any of you would like to add to this conversation.
So, ofc spoilers ahead for the entirety of Iron Flame. I also apologize for my bad spelling, vocabulary and grammar, English is not my native lenguage. So feel free to correct any errors, I greatly apreciate it if you do.
As everyone else is I'm going crazy trying to find out what Violet's second signet is, so I'm trying to sum up in one place all of the information about it I could find in the books (easter eggs, foreshadowing, odd stuff etc) and online. If you all want to participate it would abe awsome, maybe we'll crack the code.
What we know as a fact so far:
I'll be quoting the books directly, in my case it's an ebook, so please be warned that the page number might vary
1. What we know about singets and how they relate to the rider:
A rider's signet is "the result of the unique chemistry between rider and dragon and usually say more about the rider than the dragon", this is what professor Kaori tells the class in page 127 of FW (ebook, so might differ) when our beloved Jack Barlowe inquires about Tairn. This is later confirmed also by Sgaeyl in page 233: "A signet is a combination of our power with your own ability to channel. It reflects who you are at the core of your being" (Sgaeyl, FW p. 233). In general we are often reminded that a signet is influenced more by the rider, and by their needs/desires, as Violet herself confirms, again, in page 415 of FW "What had Sgaeyl said about signets? It reflects who you are at the core of your being. It makes sense. Mira is protective. Dain has to know everything. And Xaden…has secrets." So: Mira is protective and her signet is warding, Dain has to know everything so his signet is to read memories, and Xaden has secrets... and gives us shadows.
So What does Violet need in Fourth Wing ? During the entirety of the book Violet need power: the power to defend herself, to survive, to keep herself saddled and so on. She needs power so that she'll survive and won't be seen as the weakest link. Not something specific, just power, strenght, or what you want to call it. She wants to be strong, and she struggles when she's not. And that need manifest in her lightning wielding, or pure power as we later understand. This is a concept I want to focus on, since Violet uses it in this passage of IF (P. 592-594) to figure out Xaden's second signet: " “Signets have to do with who we are at our core and what we need,” I think out loud. If he won’t tell me, then I’ll figure it out my damn self. “You are a master of secrets, hence the shadows.” [...] “But what do you need?” I ponder, ignoring the tense set of his jaw. “You need to question everyone to make your own impressions. You need to be a quick judge of character in order to know who to trust and who not to in order to have run those smuggling missions at Basgiath for years. More than anything, you need control. It’s woven into every aspect of your personality.” “Stop,” he demands. [...] He has to have full control. He has to make snap character judgments. He has to intrinsically know who to trust and who not to. In order for the movement to have been as successful as it was within the walls of Basgiath, he has to know…everything. Xaden’s most pressing need is information. Tairn shifts, angling his body toward Sgaeyl instead of beside her. Oh gods. There’s only one signet riders are killed for having. Fear churns in my stomach and threatens to bring up what little I’ve had to eat today." This here is the explanation of how this process works. The basic, most pressing, need of the character creates the signet.
Fourth Wing, as we said before, is focused on Violet's problem with strenght and being the weakest link = the most powerfull signet maybe ever. Iron Flame is focused on Violet's trust problems, her problem adapting in the entire new situation, her problem with the fear of being caught by the venin, her problem wanting to protect everyone, defeat the bad guys. This is what we are working with in order to pinpoint which second signet she has manifested.
2. Time stopping, or slowing, is NOT a signet.
In the same page of the Sgaeyl quote I mentioned above, Andarna tells us: "Feathertails shouldn't bond because they can accidentaly gift their power to humans. Dragon's can't channel - not really - until we're big, but we're still born with something special." and again, few lines later "I gave my gift to you. Because I'm still a feathertail". So this passage is confirmation enough that Andarna gave Violet the gift of slowing time. We don't know if this gift can be trained.. it's never mentioned in the books, yet. But from IF we know that since Andarna is not a feathertail anymore she no longer has her gift, and therefore we all assumed that Violet could no longer stop time entirely. But is it truly the case? Remember that we know nearly nothing about feathertails, the info we're given through the books are not actually that many. Anyhow, the conversation in that page moves on and keeps confirming that stopping time, is in fact not a signet: - Here Sgaeyl answers the question directly: " “Like a signet?” I ask out loud so Xaden can hear. “No,” Sgaeyl answers. “ " - Here Tairn elaborates: "Bonding too young allows them to give their gift directly, and a rider could easily drain them and burn out. " - And here we have confirmation from Xaden "If leadership knew riders could take her gifts for themselves, rather than depending on their own signets…"
Then they move on and Tairn tells Violet this "there’s no saying how long you’ll have the ability. Most feathertail gifts disappear with maturity when they begin to channel." So basically we don't know how much time will this gift stuck to Violet. Tairn doesn't know, and as readers we are not meant to either. BUT that's why in Iron Flame we have passages in which Violet counts second, heartbeats or in which generally time seems to slow. It's becouse it likely does thanks to Andarna's gift. Not to a second signet.
3. No signet can be used while riders drink the serum, therefore, the visions of Liam are NOT part of a signet
When Violet saw Liam she had been drinking the signet-blocking serum for a while, she was cut off from both the mental bond with her dragons, Xaden, and from her/their power. IF talking to Liam was a consequence of her 2nd signet.. then she would've been able to wield lightning too as well, don't you think?
Page 167 of IF is the first time we're introduced to the serum by Professor Grady, and this is what he has to say about it: "You’ve all been dosed with a particular mixture of herbs that dulls not only your connections but your signet as well As frustrating as it is, we’re actually pretty proud of the concoction, so let us know if you feel any side effects". Then a few pages laters Sawyer points out that they were cut off from bond and signet until they were given the antidote: "Does it bother anyone else that they just took away our bonds? Our signets? And then handed them back like it wasn’t…”". So we know that they cannot wield when the serum, or elixir as they call it, is in their sistem.
The inability to wield and communicate with Tairn is what made Violet realized she's been dosed in the aftermath of being caught, as written in page 359: "Terror expands the pressure in my throat. I can’t reach Tairn or Xaden. Can’t call on my signet or even my knife skills, since my hands are bound. I’m alone and fucking defenseless. Nolon walks in, his steps sluggish, his eyes heavy with sadness. “We just need you to answer a few questions, Violet.” “You drugged me.” My voice cracks. “I trusted you. I’ve always trusted you.”" And we now from Violet's POV that she got contstantly dosed while prisoner of Varrish. This is why the visions of Liam in those passages are just that, hallucinations, and not a signet.
Not to mention that we have this interview in which Rebecca herself sais that it was just an allucination. I'll quote the part here so that you don't have to scroll and search, since it's quite a lenghty interview: "Why did you choose Liam as the one that Violet would hallucinate during her long interrogation by Varrish, when she could have also imagined Mira or Xaden or anyone else she loved was there? Because Liam is the one who protected her. He spent the entire end of his life, from the time he’s placed in another squad, protecting her and being her bodyguard. And naturally, she has this immense guilt. Part of her just floundering in this book and not thinking things through and not being as logical as she is is because she’s gotten someone killed, someone that she deeply cares about. At least she feels like she got him killed. It was Liam’s choice to go into that battle. But in her mind, especially after Sloane accuses her and things like that, she thinks that it’s her fault. So in that moment, you would draw from the person that had kept you safe. And logically, if Xaden had been there, it would have confused readers — is he there, is he not, what’s going on? But you put Liam and the readers know that, OK, she’s hallucinating. Plus, I wanted to see him again, selfishly."
These are the informations we know for certain. As well as, from the same interview, confirmation from Rebecca that Violet's second signet actually manifested sometime during Iron Flame.
And those are also the reason why I think two of the most popular theories I've seen around are in fact wrong.
So, after all of this facts, what we are left with ?
A pretty bullet point. Violet's second signet:
Reflects who she is at the core of her being;
Answers her most pressing need;
It isn't neither time bending or speaking / visualizing the dead;
So, let's analyze the first two points:
Who is Violet at her core? We have the simple answer at page 352 of FW: "the Riders Quadrant stripped away the fear and even the anger about being thrown into this quadrant, and it revealed who I really am. At my core, Dain, I’m a rider. Tairn knew it. Andarna knew it. It’s why they chose me." That doesn't give us many information, doesn't it ? Andarna kinds of does at the of IF in page 688: "I waited six hundred and fifty years to hatch. Waited until your eighteenth summer, when I heard our elders talk of the weakling daughter of their general, the girl forecasted to become the head of the scribes, and I knew. You would have the mind of a scribe and the heart of a rider. You would be mine." Violet is supposed to be the best of both worlds, a fierce warrior and the most intelligent scholar. In Fourth Wing we see her struggle to become the first, while in Iron Flame we see her fight for lost knowledge (Amogst other things). She is someone who values honesty, and for the best part of the second book she is either miserable becouse she's keeping secrets from her friends, or enraged becouse secrets are kept from her. She wants to protect everyone, including those who had beed her enemies literally since the day before, or innocent strangers. And doesn't esitate to put herself at risk to archieve that. Therefore as many before suggested there's a duality in her that has a lot to do with her signets: there's the warrior, the part that bonded with Tairn, that needs power, strenght. And wields lighning. And then there's the scholar. The one that needs to see the bigger picture, to have all of the informations. These parts are then unified by Violet's need to use both to protect and fix (people and, more generically, the world).
What is Violet's, unanswered, most pressing need? We already dealt with her struggle for strenght in Fourth Wing which resoulted in her lightning signet. In the second book we're met with more pressing needs: Violet needs informations (in general, about everything, I mean, she just found out that everything she knew was false), but she also needs for everyone to stop lying to her, she needs to build back her trust towards a lot of people (Dain, Xaden, her mother.. these are just the first that come to mind), to know the extent of Xaden's smugglery, how to power the wards, to protect, how to defeat the Venin.. and so on. Are you already seeing the pattern ? She needs to understand, and to do it quickly becouse there's no time.
There's another point I'd like to analyze, and this has to do with the writing of the books. I noticed how Rebecca likes to make Violet struggle by exagerating her wants or her needs: as I said about a thousand times, in Fourth Wing, Violet needs to be strong, to survive. So Rebecca gives her a signet that is a plain weapon. And the strongest of her generation at that (if not ever). And right after the signet manifested, Violet immediately strarts to struggle because she knows that from that moment on she's a weapon, her signet kills on strike. In Iron Flame her needs shifts, so I can totally see how, by the same logic, she will make Violet struggle with a signet that exagerates the needs that we pinpointed above.
So ? After all of this jibber jabber, what the hell is her signet ?
Distance Wielding: It does not answer to any of her needs, and that is a point that also Xaden makes, when his second signet is revealed: " “Are you a distance wielder?” I’ve only read about two riders in all of history who could cross hundreds of miles in a single step. “There hasn’t been a distance wielder in centuries, and don’t you think if I was one, I would have spent every night in your bed?” " that's about all of the confirmation we need. Aside from the fact that Tairn and Sgaeyl wouldn't be affected by this signet, and would in fact have to fly anyways, we would have had instances where Violet would just be in one place, and immeadiately after another, very far away. She would've use it during the heist, for example, or when she faced the Venin when they were at Tecarus's or, since signet manifest (or strenghten) in moments of high emotions, when her mother was dieing and she was held back. It makes more sense with Aaric's character. Even though, I have a feeling we already have a kind of distance wielder: " “I’m fine. I promise. You guys have a great time.” I force a smile. “I’ll let you know if I need your help burying a body later.” Ridoc sputters into a cough, and Sawyer pounds him on the back. “I think she might mean you,” Rhiannon says as she gives Xaden an arch look. “I’m certain she does.” “Let’s go,” Sawyer says, leading the three of them out of the doorway. “I’ll do it, too,” Rhiannon says over her shoulder. “I’ve never moved anything as big as you, but I bet my signet could put you in the ground without even disturbing the dirt if I’m pissed enough.” She shoots a look at him before walking down the hallway" Doesn't that sound a little to much like distance wielding ? I know that Rhiannon moves things (or people, just saying) and not herself but... that's an odd thing to throw there Rebecca.
Siphon: The main argument that people make to back up this theory is that some secondary character's signets seems to get more powerfull in passages of the book when Violet is nearby. The moments that immediately comes to mind are: Mira shielding at Tecaru's palace and Rhiannon pulling a dagger through a wall when Violet is first interrogated in her room. I personally don't buy into this theory, because one it also doesn't answer any of the pressing need Violet has, and second we have some evidence (at least I interpret it that way) against this theory. First we have the opening quote of chapter 53 of IF "The art of imbuing comes naturally to only a handful of signets" in which we're met with the only second confirmed siphon so far: Sloane. This sentence I believe serves to justify the fact that Violet can Imbue the alloy orbs she's given without being a siphon, then we have the first description of Sloane siphoning: "I claw at Sloane’s grip, but the harder I fight, the weaker I feel, and the insufferable heat of my power lessens as Sloane starts to scream, letting me fall to the ground" here we see that Sloane is touching Violet while siphoning. And the second time she did, at the end of the battle: " “You can’t imbue something this big in an instant. Not without hundreds of riders, which we don’t have. If you want to save your friends, you’ll do this!” she shouts at Sloane, her fingers wrapped around the firstyear’s wrist as she drags her to the wardstone. [...] Mom nods, picking up Sloane’s left hand and putting it on the lowest circle of the massive rune carved into the stone [...] “Mom!” My voice cracks as she laces her fingers with Sloane’s. [...] She falls to her knees but doesn’t let go of Sloane." still the siphon is touching both Lillith AND the wardstone in order to make her power work. We can safely say that in order to siphon the rider needs to touch the object, or person, that they need to siphon power to or from. There is only one case in which Violet is touching someone who is experiencing an heightening singet, and that's Mira. But Brennan was too, AND they were in a certain-death situation so we can attribute this event to Mira developing her signet on her own. So we can safely say that the odds are not in favor of this signet (Rihannon wasn't being touched, she was in another room). But most importantly every time we've been talked about siphons it was always in a matter or transfering some power or draining it (Sloane, Naolin...), we've never shown someone "charging" (for lack of a better word) another signet.
Mending: I've also read theories that say that Violet is some sort of mender, like magic mender or something, where basically she will mend Venin, or the magic of world she lives in. This simply has nothing to back the theory up.
At last there's the one I think that's it. I'll start with some quotes directly from IF:
P. 692 (when Lillith's vital force is being siphoned in the wardstone): "I drag my gaze to hers, but I’m not here. Not really. I’m dying on the battlefield, the last of my strength fading, burning, consuming my body. But it will be worth it to save the one I love. Violet." This is most definetly NOT Violet's POV, don't you think ?
" “And you won’t do it for something as trite as power or as easily satiable as greed,” he promises in a whisper, “but for the most illogical of mortal emotions— love. Or you’ll die.” He shrugs. “You both will.” " This sounds a lot like Xaden's own fears to me, and what ended up happening.
The first one is the most direct: why would we get a random POV shift in the middle of a very dramatic and important scene? It never happened in the series before, it's not an ability riders have. This is such a random, violent (lol) change of POV that there's no way it has nothing to do with signets.
Then there's the dreams, we know Violet thinks she's the protagonist, becouse it's her POV, but the Sage never adresses her with a name (but he doesn't know it, fine, i'll give you that) but neither with she/her pronouns. He calls her rider, or avoids calling her at all. So what if they are not Violet's nightmares, and what if the Sage realized that too?
That would require Violet being inside someone's head, and that is what I think her signet is. She's some sort of inntinnsic.
I think her journey in Iron Flame ends up giving her the power to momentarily see into someone's conciousness (not just see with another person's eyes). Not read their mind (like the inntinnsic we see in FW), or intentions (like Xaden), more like Dain but live, not recorded. That would also explain why her nightmares ends up becoming not hers, but Xaden's reality. There's no way that POV shift means nothing.
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feral-girl-fall · 2 months
Summary: Xaden's spent the entire day worrying about Violet's latest flare up. When she passes out in front of the dining hall, the worry reaches a fever pitch.
Pairing: Violet Sorrengail/Xaden Riorson
Warnings: Angst, fainting
Violet really should’ve eaten today.
Xaden tries not to hover over her, but as always, he’s painfully aware that something is off and almost physically unable to keep himself from her. She’d mentioned early this morning that she was having a bad flare-up, and that always meant she picked at her food. But at breakfast, she hadn’t even managed that. Xaden had tried his hardest not to notice that Violet made no attempt to enter the food queue, settling only for a mug of juice. He tried not to notice that she sipped even at that, at the sugar that her body desperately needed. He tried not to notice the grimaces of pain, the distraction on her face, the dark circles he could see even two dozen feet away. Because whenever she was in the room, it was a physical pull he felt towards her. To look at her. Be near her. Protect her. And when something was wrong… It took everything in him not to race over to her and make a scene. But Violet doesn’t need to be babied, never has. So Xaden settles for glaring down at his bowl of oatmeal and ignoring his friends conversing around him.
She’ll ask for help if she needs it, Sgaeyl reminds him through the bond, and Xaden isn’t sure how his dragon manages to get that out without laughing.  
If you say so, Xaden grumbles back, hoping for once that he’s wrong.
Then Violet is up and moving, and Xaden can’t help but look at her. When he does, he catches the slightest falter in her step. He looks back down, focusing on his breathing and trying to tell himself that she’s okay, even if he doesn’t fully believe it.
“She’s gone, man,” Bodhi helpfully lets him know a moment later. “You good?”
“She’s going to be the death of me,” Xaden grumbles. He wolfs down the rest of his lunch and heads to his next classes, trying to focus on anything that’s been taught. He considers asking Sgaeyl for a status update from Tairn, but decides he doesn’t need to get on his dragon’s bad side before noon. Left without a way to contact or check on Violet, it’s like there’s an itch building deep under Xaden’s skin. He’s never had an issue with stillness, until he met her. Now every time she’s out of his sight, he wants to bounce his knee, fidget with his pencil, trace circles on his desk. It’s like his body needs a distraction while he counts the minutes until they’re together.
By the time they break for lunch, Xaden is ready to burst out of his skin. He rushes towards the dining hall whilst trying to look as casual as possible. From the looks he gets from several of his peers, it’s not working. He gets within ten feet of the entrance before he spots a small group encircling Violet. Xaden’s heart rate ratchets up a notch, alarm bells starting to ring in his head. Bodhi comes up behind him, out of breath from running to catch up.
Rhiannon turns to face him, stepping to the side to allow him into their little circle. And that’s when he sees Violet’s face, pale as driven snow. She’s got a hand on Ridoc’s shoulder, steadying herself. Ridoc’s face is as tense as his posture, and Xaden notes with gratitude and dismay that he’s poised to catch her if she falls.
“What happened?” Xaden demands, voice low and dangerous.
“Just need a second,” Violet answers, lips pursed tight. She closes her eyes against what must be a wave of dizziness, and Xaden curses every god he can name. He reaches for her, and he’s not sure if he’s relieved or terrified when Violet lets him put an arm on her waist.
“We’ve got to get her out of here,” Xaden starts to say, mindful of their peers all around them. He’s interrupted when Violet gives a soft moan and her eyes roll back. He lunges to grab her when she goes limp, protecting her head before lowering her down to the ground.
“Violet?” A panicked voice reaches their group, high with worry.
Great timing.
Dain tries to push through and get to Violet, and even Xaden is surprised by the growl that passes his lips. “Don’t touch her!” He yells, worry raising his rage at Dain to a fever pitch. Dain pauses, feet from Violet, holding both hands in the air and glaring at Xaden.
Xaden thrives on control, and all of it is going out the window in this single moment. Rhiannon, Ridoc, and Sawyer are arguing amongst themselves about whether to move Violet or what to do, while Bodhi stands shoulder to shoulder with Xaden, providing a united front against Dain.
“I’ve seen this with her before. I can help,” Dain grits out through clenched teeth. His posture is all anger, but his eyes are pleading. As much as Xaden doesn’t want to accept his help, he’s grown up with Violet and borne witness to a lot of her suffering.
“What do we do?” Xaden asks, trying to keep the desperation from his tone. He feels the seconds slipping away like sand in an hourglass, and the urge to act, to help her, is overwhelming.
“Get a cool, damp cloth,” Dain instructs. He leans around Xaden to take a look at Violet, and Xaden suppresses the urge to throttle him. “Lay her on her back, elevate her feet.”
Xaden turns, and Ridoc is already running off to get a cloth. Rhiannon and Sawyer gently roll Violet from her side to her back, and then Rhiannon picks up Violet’s feet and holds them a foot or so off the ground. The flurry of activity dulls a little bit of the rage in Xaden, knowing that Violet is precious not just to him, but to all these people. Xaden glances at Bodhi, who nods almost imperceptibly. Then Xaden is moving to kneel next to Violet while Bodhi functions as their makeshift guard. He hears Dain scoff at being babysat, but Xaden has bigger issues to worry about than Aetos’ feelings.
He's almost afraid to touch her, but worry wins out in the end. Xaden reaches out and starts gently shaking Violet by the shoulders, calling her name. Ridoc arrives with a damp cloth, and places it on the back of her neck as Dain instructs. Within a few seconds – the longest few of Xaden’s life – Violet is wrinkling her nose and scrunching her eyes tightly shut. The relief is so intense that Xaden has to close his eyes for a moment, and even considers apologizing to some of the gods he’s undoubtedly pissed off.
“Violet? Can you hear me?” Xaden asks. His tone is insistent, but he keeps his voice low; both to avoid drawing even more attention and in case Violet’s sensitive to sound.
Violet’s eyelids flutter open just the slightest bit, and she looks up at Xaden before grimacing and closing them again. Xaden swears he sees her cheeks flush pink before she covers her eyes with her arm.
“Headache?” He guesses, and Violet nods.
“Take the cloth and drape it over her eyes, now that she’s awake,” Dain calls over. Xaden does as he’s told, and Violet sighs in relief.
“We need to get her to her room,” Rhiannon reminds Xaden, as if he’s not painfully aware.
“Can I move her?” Xaden asks Dain. As much as he’s grateful for the help, he can’t help the hint of steel still in his voice.
“I’m right here,” Violet grumbles beneath him. “And I can walk. Help me up.”
“Not happening, Violence. If you’re well enough to move, I’m the one moving you.” The moment when Violet’s eyes rolled back in her head is still flashing through Xaden’s mind, and he wants – needs – to avoid a repeat performance. So when Violet finally huffs her agreement, Xaden gratefully takes her in his arms and starts off towards her room. He’ll have time to thank the others later, but for the moment, his priority is Violet.
“Your heart is racing,” Violet whispers, head pressed to his chest, and Xaden draws in a sharp breath.
“I was thinking about how I would’ve had to explain this to your mother,” Xaden brushes her off, earning a soft snort in return. It doesn’t take long to rush Violet back to her bedroom and settle her in, and Xaden already misses the contact as soon as she’s out of his arms. He’s never been more grateful to be behind closed doors, when he can pull her to his chest and stroke her hair. Where he can wrap her in his arms and steady them both with a gentle kiss.
“I’ll be okay,” Violet tells him, locking eyes to make him believe it.
Xaden takes her hand and places it on his chest, grounding himself. “I know. Rest now, Violence.”
She looks like she wants to argue, but she gives in and settles down in bed. For this moment, she’ll let him take care of her.
And Xaden can’t think of anything he’s ever been more grateful for.
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justallihere · 4 months
This is a play by play of my thoughts while I was reading todays chapter:
Did Xaden relish in stabbing the cadet and stopping him from calling Violet a wh0re because he couldn’t kill the Basgaith cadet for calling her that and attempting to kill her?
OMG, I love the little tidbit about Sgayel and Tairn's courtship. That was like so unexpected but it just adds to the story and the parallels in the dragons and their riders.
Is Xaden internally going feral seeing Violet wear his shirt?
" His fearless fucking wife, who held absolutely no regard for her own safety"  DON’T PANIC EVERYONE, ITS STARTING!!!
I am confident that Sloane and Tessa are 100% behind Queen Violet and are ready to fight to defend her honor
Xadens love languages: Physical touch, acts of service, gift giving.
Violet is truly an unbothered queen and she has other shit to worry about!!!! I LITERALLY LOVE YOUR VERSION OF VIOLET.
“What do you need me to do?” Xaden asked. “Because you can’t live like this. We can’t live like this.” 
“Do you want to get a divorce?” she muttered bitterly. 
“Not particularly.” He sighed
YOUR HONOR, YOUR HONOR!!!!!! The scream I scrumpt when I read this. Violet is literally going to mentally burn out at this rate. 😭😭😭Xaden wants to comfort her SOOOO bad!!!!
I am literally sobbing, god i love them so damn much!!!!!!!
I'm so curious sd to know what Bodhi, Garrick, Imogen in particular, and Brennan's thoughts are on all of this. Are Imogen and Garrick discussing how dumb Xaden is????
“Did Xaden relish stabbing the cadet?” Absolutely. Not just because it reminded him of the last time someone tried to assassinate Violet but also because he is violent and wants everyone who thinks badly about his wife to suffer
Baby boy is in less denial than he was before, but as this is a relative scale I’m not entirely sure how much that says about him
I would read 200k words about Tairn and Sgaeyl’s courtship and mating. I will not be writing it beyond little bits and pieces but I would offer a forehead kiss to anyone who wants to. And yes, I am a firm believer that Violet and Xaden’s relationship mirrors theirs in a lot a ways because dragon and rider are also so similar in this case
“Is Xaden going feral over Violet wearing his shirt?” ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY HE IS. If she would have not taken it off that would have been very cool to him but alas. Here we are
Violet is SO tired. My baby girl. Xaden wants to wrap her in every blanket he owns and hold her and let her sleep for like 3 days straight but she would not allow that
Bodhi, Garrick, and Imogen are standing in a corner going “what the fuck is this idiot doing,” Liam is unsurprised as hell, and Brennan is trying desperately to not have an opinion because he knows Violet is still angry and would not appreciate him poking his nose into whatever the fuck she and Xaden are doing from, like, an interpersonal standpoint
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justallihere · 3 months
Violet wrapped in a blanket walking around at night like a smol baby and everyone stil being terrified of her was peak comedy! It reminded me so much of Andarna!
Then Violet insulting Cat and even her sister not coming to her rescue reminded me so much of Tairn 😭😭 or nvm it must be me overthinking.
This chapter was chef's kiss 🤌
Btw, you had previously mentioned something about Jesinia getting treason 👀👀👀👀. My guess would be that Violet would surrender herself to protect her, but no need to react to this because ✨️spoilers✨️
Lastly, if I'm not wrong, in the book it has been hinted at the fact that if Xaden dies Violet, too, will die. In the scene in IF when Mira and Xaden have a mission together, Xaden is almost about to die but Mira steps in and protects him. She then orders him to leave. Further in the scene, Xaden had apologized to Violet on the behalf of the marked ones because they had been treating her as a weak extention of Xaden. Does that not mean that there are chances that Xaden's death would lead to Violet's?
One last question (the post is elongating. sorry). In sitq, did Violet meet Mira to their trip to the outpost? If yes, who convinced her to leave when there was an attack out there, considering Xaden was not there?
Violet is a very tiny, very deadly baby. She can still kill someone wrapped up in her blanket
I like to think Syrena knows her sister is insane, and also she’s kind of getting a feel for Violet too by sitting back and watching how she reacts—Violet and Cat had met before, but Violet and Syrena hadn’t. Unfortunate that was their first interaction 😂
The book is not the clearest on the dynamics of who is going to live if someone dies. In the first book I never got the impression that Xaden’s death would have the same impact that Violet’s would. Even in the second one, Tairn only calls his death an “emotional inconvenience” to Sgaeyl (if he’s joking is unclear lmao). I took that scene with Mira to just be Mira being a big sister and knowing that if something happened to Xaden then Violet would be very upset. Mira seems to view him as Violet’s annoying boyfriend, not really that if he dies then Violet dies. I asked my friend her thoughts and she agreed but we could both definitely be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
Re: the outpost, yes! You can assume most of the major canon moments stayed basically the same just without Xaden. Mira and Dain would have been the ones to convince Violet to leave
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