#she broke a slate over his head because he called her carrots because of her red hair? iconic actually
Everyone say thank you to Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe for inventing enemies-to-lovers
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anneshirleycuffbert · 4 years
Gilbert’s letter to Anne - #2
My Anne with an E,
I definitely deserved it. I confess, you ensnared me the moment I first saw you but I think it was when you broke your slate over my head that I began to love you. And having been in love with you for so long, I was beginning to think I’d never hear you say those words and now that you’ve written them to me, a part of me fears this is all a dream.
I apologize I haven’t written to you sooner. The first few days of class were incredibly hectic and I did not want to write you until I was caught up and was able to pay your words the rapt attention they deserve. You must know that I love you–that I am wholeheartedly in love with you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.
I ended my relationship with Winifred because I realized that the person I truly love is you. It always has been and always will be you. I am truly sorry for any grievance my ignorance has caused. Please consider my apology all-inclusive and diligently inform me of any offences that require special attention. I’m determined to learn the same lesson you’ve learned on relying on truth and not assumption. Regarding your case with my first letter and your offenses to me, please know it’s all water under the bridge. And a source of amusement to me now.
I cannot express how glad I am to hear about your parents. I look forward to meeting them in the pages of your mother’s book and learning the language of the flowers in which the three of you have mastered fluency. As for the Aster you sent with your letter, I keep it on my desk, safely enclosed in a picture frame. Thank you. I look at it when I need to be reminded there is good in the world because it makes me think of you and of home.
You’ll find with this letter a handful of chamomile flowers. For our first assignment in Herbology class, students were tasked to gather edible plants and flowers. We learned to clean, dry, preserve, and use the substances to make basic natural remedies and teas. Since it is beginning to cool in Toronto, I reckon it’s definitely become breezy on the Island. Please take the liberty of sharing the chamomile tea with your housemates as a preventative for colds, and perhaps your housekeeper as well, seeing that she will need help getting a good night’s sleep with you girls under her roof. I hope to earn her good graces in preparation for my future visits. Give Moody and Charlie my warm regards; I hope they’re staying out of scrapes. I forgot to thank Diana for confronting me on the train that fateful day, so please extend my deepest thanks and gratitude for her honesty and boldness.
Toronto and its people are diverting. There is always something to see and do, which is a happy distraction from the loneliness that accompanies me in a large city. I have made some friends, but few good ones. Kindred spirits are hard to come by, even in a university as large as U of T. I’ll have you know that Dr Emily Oak is a kindred spirit and in her thirties, so you needn’t worry about her, or any other. You are the fond object of my affection and desire, Anne, and the only keeper of the key to my heart.
Kiss Delly for me when you visit and give everyone my love. I have to warn you, Bash was over-the-moon after I wrote to him about us and I don’t think he’s recovered from his hysterics and gloating. I also wrote to Matthew and Marilla soon as I arrived at Union Station, and I have received their blessing to court you. Jerry Baynard even took the time to write a post script at the end of the Cuthberts’ letter, with a friendly warning to me. I laughed aloud when I saw he spelled your name with a capital E and had to explain to my roommate, Benjamin Frederick Wright, the reason for my outburst. What incident brought on Jerry’s exaggerated emphasis on the spelling of your name? 
I feel the bittersweet nostalgia of the past, same as you. But I also take comfort in knowing that we always carry these memories with us through life. Some experiences are pleasant and some are dreadful, but it takes both to grow a person. When I find living in Toronto difficult, I think of my father, of dear Mary. The joy and pain of their memory keeps me going. I pray your memories will give you the same grace. Your very existence has brought life to Avonlea and will bring hope to Charlottetown and I am hopeful it will extend the same blessings to you.
You’ve answered my most pressing questions so I offer you this one: May I visit you at Queen’s on one of the harvest weekends? I don’t have a definite date planned yet, but perhaps we could travel to Avonlea together when I come calling. Bash anticipates good crop on the farm this year, and I promised I’d help him with the harvest. I’m sure he’ll take every opportunity to tease me about you then.
Ben just threatened to give me a bunch of fives and a black eye if I don’t turn off my lamp soon–the poor man cannot sleep with any light on, which surprises me because he is from the city–so I must end my letter here. He might not seem kindred at first acquaintance, but I assure you he is. That story is for another time. I’ll be seeing you, Carrots.
With all my love,
P.S. word of the day: Resfeber (Swedish) - the restless race of the traveller's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.
P.P.S. If you are challenging me to a long-distance duel of fascinating words, be forewarned: Ben has an excellent foreign vocabulary dictionary which I’ve been given permission to borrow for the sole purpose of battling you, so prepare to accept defeat.
This is Letter 2! To read Letter 1: Anne’s letter to Gilbert, click here
To read Anne’s reply letter or more awae shorts, click here to access my index!
thank you for all your lovely comments and support <3 let me know if you want more shirbert letters!
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cozzysworld · 3 years
My Anne with an E,
I definitely deserved it. I confess, you ensnared me the moment I first saw you but I think it was when you broke your slate over my head that I began to love you. And having been in love with you for so long, I was beginning to think I’d never hear you say those words and now that you’ve written them to me, a part of me fears this is all a dream.
I apologize I haven’t written to you sooner. The first few days of class were incredibly hectic and I did not want to write you until I was caught up and was able to pay your words the rapt attention they deserve. You must know that I love you–that I am wholeheartedly in love with you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.
I ended my relationship with Winifred because I realized that the person I truly love is you. It always has been and always will be you. I am truly sorry for any grievance my ignorance has caused. Please consider my apology all-inclusive and diligently inform me of any offences that require special attention. I’m determined to learn the same lesson you’ve learned on relying on truth and not assumption. Regarding your case with my first letter and your offenses to me, please know it’s all water under the bridge. And a source of amusement to me now.
I cannot express how glad I am to hear about your parents. I look forward to meeting them in the pages of your mother’s book and learning the language of the flowers in which the three of you have mastered fluency. As for the Aster you sent with your letter, I keep it on my desk, safely enclosed in a picture frame. Thank you. I look at it when I need to be reminded there is good in the world because it makes me think of you and of home.
You’ll find with this letter a handful of chamomile flowers. For our first assignment in Herbology class, students were tasked to gather edible plants and flowers. We learned to clean, dry, preserve, and use the substances to make basic natural remedies and teas. Since it is beginning to cool in Toronto, I reckon it’s definitely become breezy on the Island. Please take the liberty of sharing the chamomile tea with your housemates as a preventative for colds, and perhaps your housekeeper as well, seeing that she will need help getting a good night’s sleep with you girls under her roof. I hope to earn her good graces in preparation for my future visits. Give Moody and Charlie my warm regards; I hope they’re staying out of scrapes. I forgot to thank Diana for confronting me on the train that fateful day, so please extend my deepest thanks and gratitude for her honesty and boldness.
Toronto and its people are diverting. There is always something to see and do, which is a happy distraction from the loneliness that accompanies me in a large city. I have made some friends, but few good ones. Kindred spirits are hard to come by, even in a university as large as U of T. I’ll have you know that Dr Emily Oak is a kindred spirit and in her thirties, so you needn’t worry about her, or any other. You are the fond object of my affection and desire, Anne, and the only keeper of the key to my heart.
Kiss Delly for me when you visit and give everyone my love. I have to warn you, Bash was over-the-moon after I wrote to him about us and I don’t think he’s recovered from his hysterics and gloating. I also wrote to Matthew and Marilla soon as I arrived at Union Station, and I have received their blessing to court you. Jerry Baynard even took the time to write a post script at the end of the Cuthberts’ letter, with a friendly warning to me. I laughed aloud when I saw he spelled your name with a capital E and had to explain to my roommate, Benjamin Frederick Wright, the reason for my outburst. What incident brought on Jerry’s exaggerated emphasis on the spelling of your name?
I feel the bittersweet nostalgia of the past, same as you. But I also take comfort in knowing that we always carry these memories with us through life. Some experiences are pleasant and some are dreadful, but it takes both to grow a person. When I find living in Toronto difficult, I think of my father, of dear Mary. The joy and pain of their memory keeps me going. I pray your memories will give you the same grace. Your very existence has brought life to Avonlea and will bring hope to Charlottetown and I am hopeful it will extend the same blessings to you.
You’ve answered my most pressing questions so I offer you this one: May I visit you at Queen’s on one of the harvest weekends? I don’t have a definite date planned yet, but perhaps we could travel to Avonlea together when I come calling. Bash anticipates good crop on the farm this year, and I promised I’d help him with the harvest. I’m sure he’ll take every opportunity to tease me about you then.
Ben just threatened to give me a bunch of fives and a black eye if I don’t turn off my lamp soon–the poor man cannot sleep with any light on, which surprises me because he is from the city–so I must end my letter here. He might not seem kindred at first acquaintance, but I assure you he is. That story is for another time. I’ll be seeing you, Carrots.
With all my love,
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Entirely Impossible: Chapter 6
“So you’re telling me that Anne is angry with me because she likes me?” Gilbert asked Bash.
“Yes,” Bash said as he fed Dellie some more breakfast, “Do I need to spell it out for you?”
“I don’t understand.”
“That dance you hated so much? It’s because you danced with Anne?” Bash asked.
“I didn’t hate it because of Anne. I just. I felt. There were a lot of feelings and I felt overwhelmed.” Gilbert sighed. 
“Well, I suspect your Anne felt them too,” Bash said.
“Don’t call her that,” Gilbert sighed.
“Well, at any rate, from what I can tell you shared something in that dance. And then you show up at the fair with Winnie and barely give her the time of day. It hurt her feelings, Blythe.”
“I didn’t ignore her at the fair! She’s the one who ran from me!” Gilbert said.
“All she had to do was say something!” Gilbert said, “If I had known, I- I”
“You would have what, Blythe?”
“I don’t know.” Gilbert sighed. 
“Well, think about it this way, what if Anne had shown up on someone else’s arm at the fair? What would have you done then? You would have told her that made you upset?” Bash asked.
“It wouldn’t have mattered because Anne can do as she pleases!” Gilbert said, then suddenly thought of Anne dancing with Charlie Sloane and felt a pang in his chest. “I... i don’t know.” 
“Well that’s exactly what you did to Anne.”
“I just want her to be my friend, Bash. I don’t want her to hate me.” Gilbert sighed. 
“Well, I think you want more than her friendship, Blythe. You’ve been gone over that girl for as long as I’ve known you.”
“I am not gone over Anne!”
Bash chuckled, “Well, at any rate you have a choice to make.”
“i can’t choose between Winnie and Anne! They are incomparable!” Gilbert said.
“I suspect if you don’t choose then they will choose for you,” Was Bash’s reply.
“I can’t think about this right now.” was Gilbert’s reply.
Gilbert did not like Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. Not in that way. Or did he? He didn’t know. His feelings were so confusing. He liked Winnie. She was easy to be with. Their path was clear and easy to walk. She was forthright and he knew what she expected of him. 
Anne was not easy. Nothing with Anne was ever easy. Anne broke a slate over his head. She hid in boxcars and hopped rides on trains. She was fiercely passionate. She was unexpected. She was extraordinary. She cut off all of her hair. She consistently infuriated and enchanted Gilbert. She was anything but easy. 
So why couldn’t he stop thinking about her?
Why did he feel as if Anne was a storm that he would weather every day if it meant he got to be with her? Why did he feel so compelled upon her ignoring him to pull her hair and call her carrots... just to get her attention. 
Why was it that when he was at sea she was the person he missed the most? When he looked at the horizon on that ship he wondered if she was looking that way too. He dreamed of her. 
When he’d received her letter his heart had flipped. He had drank that disgusting drink rather than admit he did or did not have feelings for her.
He had returned to Avonlea not because of the gold, but because of Anne. She had reminded him that he was cared for. He had a place. In Avonlea. And secretly, Gilbert had to admit to himself, he hoped with her. 
Anne was the most vibrant and beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. She was compassionate. She cared so deeply for others. Her words worked magic on him in a way he couldn’t explain. She did something to him. She had... what was the phrase used in Pride in Prejudice? Bewitched him body and soul?
Gilbert had chased after Anne the first day of their meeting and he felt as though he would always be chasing her. Every day for the rest of his life would be spent chasing her in one way or another. Maybe it was about time that Gilbert admitted that. 
“Winnie, I, I don’t know how to say this.” Gilbert said as they walked towards her home after having tea. 
“I suspect the best way is just to say it,” Winnie said with a grin.
“I... I think I’m in love... with Anne.” Gilbert said finally. 
“Oh.” Winnie said, clearly surprised. 
“I- I didn’t know it for a long time. But I think some part of me has always been in love with her. And I don’t think it’s fair for me to continue seeing you when my feelings are so uncertain. I don’t know what I want, or how Anne even feels about me, but I know it isn’t fair to you if I continued on like before.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Winnie said slowly. 
“I am so sorry.” Gilbert said, searching her face. She took Gilbert’s hand in her own for a brief second.
“I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I am happy for you Gilbert. You deserve every love and happiness in the world. And I do expect you to still write letters to me and chat like old chums. Because we can still be friends if nothing else.” Winnie said with a small, sad smile. 
“I. Of course. Thank you for being so understanding.” Gilbert said, amazed at how kind Winnie was.
“You are a remarkable woman,” He said, she nodded and Gilbert thought she might have been holding back tears. 
“But it has always been Anne, hasn’t it?” Winnie said with a smile. 
“I suspect it has been,” Gilbert said.
“She suits you,” Winnie said, “She is just as compassionate and unconventional as you. Now that you’ve told me I can’t imagine you being happy with anyone else.”
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carrotsofavonlea · 4 years
Drive Me Crazy
Chapter Four: A clean slate
"And then we can get the alumni to come." Anne scanned over the list, the planning committee for the Centennial looking on with indifference in their eyes. "Ok, I know this isn't that exciting but we need to talk about this."
"No, what we need to talk about is you and Gilbert Blythe." Tillie said, "Since when did you become friends again?"
Anne sighed, she'd been through this hundreds of times. "Things happen. He's changed since we last hung out."
"Are you dating?" Ruby had panic in her eyes.
"No…" Anne looked down, pretending to smile dreamily. "Well...who knows. Maybe there's something there that wasn't there before…."
"I don't buy it." Josie said, "I think he'll get bored as soon as Winifred wants him back."
"You don't know Gilbert like I do." Anne shook her head, but she knew that was exactly their plan.
"They've lived next door for years, Josie. Sooner or later they were bound to make up again." Diana suggested.
"It's odd. Gilbert Blythe is finally single again but he goes for Anne."
"And why wouldn't he?" Anne felt defensive over her fake almost-relationship.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"
Anne's stomach dropped to her knees. Gilbert was stood behind her, holding his tray and a smug smile on his face at the expression of Anne's friends.
"Uh, well…" Josie awkwardly mumbled, looking around for help from the others, but they just gawped at Gilbert.
"Anne, can we talk?" He said softly, and Anne nodded, letting him lead her a few steps away from the table.
"What's up?"
"Nothing." He laughed, "I just wanted to see their expression at us talking together. Act like I'm saying something important."
"That'll be an acting challenge." She said through gritted teeth as she touched his arm, making the conversation look flirtatious from an outside perspective.
"Now act like I've asked you on a date."
"What?" Anne's mouth dropped and Gilbert smiled.
"There, just like that!" He spun her around and pushed her back to her friends. "See you tonight, carrots!" He called and fled the scene before Anne could ask anymore questions.
"I…." She looked over her shoulder at him but he'd got lost in the crowd.
Ruby looked like she was about to burst into tears. "Did Gilbert just ask you on a date?!"
"I... yeah. He did."
Diana gave her a look that said "I know what you're doing".
"I'm happy for you Anne…." Ruby tried to smile but she could see her friend's heart breaking. If anything Anne was doing her a favour, Gilbert certainly didn't have feelings for Ruby and it would only hurt her more if she held out hope.
"Thank you Ruby. I know it's sudden but... sometimes things just hit you. Life's unpredictable."
"Yes, unpredictable." Diana raised an eyebrow at Anne who shrugged pretending she didn't know what Diana meant.
Anne was in her room when she heard a tapping on her window. She opened it and saw Gilbert across from her, dressed fairly nicely.
"What are you doing?"
"Hello? We have a date." He gestured to his outfit. It was only one of his typical dorky sweaters, but he'd thrown a denim jacket over it.
She looked down at her pyjamas, "That was a fake date."
His face creased and she knew something was coming, "Yeah...about that."
"A bunch of people are going to the diner, and by "people" I mean my friends but also Winnie…"
Anne sighed, this was after all the whole reason they were doing this.
"I know we said we'd start small but Winnie is going to be there with someone new, I can't turn up by myself."
"Fine. Give me five minutes."
"Great." He smiled, and Anne realised she hadn't seen him smile this much (at least not directed at her) for years. All these things she had missed since their friendship ended suddenly came back, and she was secretly enjoying it. It felt nice to be on speaking terms again, but she was not about to admit that to him.
"Where are you going?" Marilla looked up from her book when Anne passed her on her way out.
"Uh...just to see some friends."
"I thought you were seeing Roy, you're dressed like a date."
"Roy broke up with me remember?" Anne awkwardly shuffled towards the door. "I'm just going with some friends to the diner. I'll be back before 11."
"Well, have fun." Marilla gave her a sly smile, peeking out the window to see Anne getting into Gilbert's car.
Marilla still helped whenever she could with Gilbert, but since his friend Bash moved in, he didn't need it as much. It was sad to see how Gilbert and Anne's friendship had disappeared, but it looked like things were finally changing for the better. She was glad, she'd missed having the boy around and hopefully she'd be seeing a lot more of him.
When they pulled up outside the diner, Anne could see for the first time something in Gilbert's eyes...panic?
"Are you ok?" She followed his gaze to see Winifred sat in a booth, a tall blonde boy with his arm around her as they laughed with a group of Gilbert's friends.
"I just...didn't expect to see her moving on so quickly." He said quietly, and Anne put a hand on his shoulder.
"We'll just have to show her what a huge mistake she made."
He gave her a small smile, climbing out of the car.
"Do we walk in holding hands? Or is that too much?" Anne asked before they started walking.
He thought about it for a second, but shook his head. "No one's seen us together even as friends, let alone on a date. We'll keep it low-key."
Anne laughed, "Low-key? Ok."
He rolled his eyes, walking ahead so she had to run slightly to catch up. But ever the gentleman, Gilbert held the door open for Anne, making sure Winifred saw.
"Gilbert!" Moody stood up to greet him, but then raised an eyebrow at Anne's appearance. "And... Anne?"
"Hey…" Anne awkwardly waved at everyone, seeing Charlie Sloane, the two Paul's (which was which she still didn't know), and two other girls she had seen around school but never spoken to.
"So you're Gilbert's...friend?" Winifred was the first to speak to Anne.
"Uh, yeah. We lost touch for a couple years but lately we just got talking again and...well here we are." Anne gave Gilbert a smile and he returned it, as if to say 'nice acting'.
"Well, I'm glad things worked out for you two in the end." But from Winifred's tone they could tell she wasn't that glad.
Anne grew bold, "I suppose it's lucky you broke up with him, or we might never have the chance to reconnect. So thanks I guess-"
Gilbert's eyes grew wide and he wrapped an arm around Anne's shoulder, lightly pulling her head against his chest to stop her talking. "Ah haha, isn't she funny?"
Anne felt herself blushing, being this close to Gilbert. She could smell his cologne; it was more subtle than Roy's, but it was enough to notice.
He finally let go of her and whispered in her ear "She'll get suspicious if you don't chill."
Anne nodded, still reeling from that brief and sudden interaction, but pretended like he'd said something sweet and put a hand on his chest briefly as she giggled. Winifred's eyes were locked on her hand, but Gilbert pretended like he hadn't noticed.
"Do you want a soda?" Gilbert shuffled out of the booth, removing his arm from Anne.
"Sure." She watched him leave with Moody and the other boys, suddenly feeling awkward at being alone with the girls.
"I didn't know you two were so close." Moody nodded to Anne while he and Gilbert were waiting in line.
"I told you, we just connected the other night. Some things just happen and you can't explain it."
"It doesn't happen to do with the fact that Winnie dumped you?"
"No." Gilbert's voice raised an octave. "I mean, no. Winnie dumped me and I'm over her, trust me. With Anne it's different, we're just... seeing where this goes. She's actually kind of cool now."
He looked across the diner and saw Anne at the table, the rest of the girls were laughing, including Winnie. Anne was dramatically speaking, obviously telling some funny story. He found himself smiling without realising. Maybe that wasn't a lie, she was kind of cool.
"She's always been cool. I just lost sight of that a long time ago."
Moody rolled his eyes, "Ok, you don't have to declare your love for her."
"What? I'm just…" Gilbert shook his head, "nevermind."
"Since you and Anne are now... you know," Moody leaned an arm on Gilbert's shoulder, "Do you think you could get her to get Diana to go out with me?"
"I'm not using Anne so you can get a date." Gilbert shoved him off, "Ask Diana yourself."
He grabbed the soda and left Moody to return to the table.
"Here." Gilbert passed Anne her drink, sitting back next to her.
Winifred's new boyfriend sat back down as well, kissing her in front of everyone. Anne glanced at Gilbert and saw his jaw was clenched as he stared intensely out the window to avoid the scene before them.  She thought about maybe she should kiss him too, but then she remembered the first rule on their list: no kissing.
"Say, Anne." Moody shuffled in the booth next to her, pulling Gilbert's attention from the window. "You know Diana?"
"My best friend?"
Gilbert shook his head subtly behind Anne, directed at Moody, but the boy ignored him.
"Do you think you could convince her to go out with me?"
"Well I...I could ask her? But I can't guarantee she'll say yes." Anne shrugged, "Why don't you ask her yourself?"
"Because he's being a baby." Gilbert leaned across Anne to poke Moody. "If you like a girl you should say something."
"I suppose it worked for you." Moody gestured to Anne.
"I don't-" he started to say before he remembered what they were doing, "I mean, yeah. I told Anne and now look."
Winifred made eye contact with Gilbert but his eyes swept over hers. He could tell it was getting to her, the plan was already beginning to work.
Suddenly Anne's eyes grew wide and she gasped, grabbing Gilbert's arm.
"I love this song." Anne jumped up, pulling Gilbert's hand with her. "Dance with me."
"Here?" He looked around the diner, no one was dancing.
"Please?" She leaned close, whispering into his ear "It'll drive Winifred mad."
He sighed, but nodded, allowing her to pull him into the isles between tables.
Everyone turned to watch them, and Gilbert felt a little awkward at first. But Anne seemed a natural to having people stare at her, and danced like she didn't care. She grabbed his hand, swinging it about, turning herself around as he stood still.
"Come on." She laughed, and grabbed his other hand, making him move. "There you go!"
He slowly gave in, and soon they were dancing up and down the diner, not caring that people were watching. He couldn't help himself laughing, feeling at once so stupid but not caring in the slightest.
After a few moments, other people slowly started to join in, and Anne cheered.
"See? Isn't this fun?" She laughed, throwing her arms into the air.
Gilbert stopped dancing for a second, caught in a weird moment where he couldn't pull his eyes from her as she twirled around. She was so carefree, so different from everyone else, it was refreshing to be around again. For just a moment he felt like they were kids again, before everything changed.
She caught him staring and tilted her head as if to say "what?"
But he shook his head, and grabbed her by the waist, picking her up as she shrieked with laughter. She glanced over and saw Winifred turn away, eyes cold.
"You were a little genius tonight." Gilbert said when they arrived outside their houses.
"As always." Anne put a hand under her chin as if to show off and Gilbert laughed.
"I mean about the dancing. Winnie was so jealous, even though she had her new boyfriend there."
"What about you, and the lifting? Who knew you were so romantic?"
"I try." He ran a hand through his floppy hair, pretending to be suave.
They were both laughing in his car, neither had gotten out yet.
"Gilbert…" Anne said quietly, suddenly getting serious. "I'm sorry about everything."
He couldn't look at her, knowing where this was going. "We don't have to…" his voice was quiet. "It was a long time ago."
"I know, but I want to. We used to be so close, but when your dad was ill I just couldn't bear it. I know that's nothing compared to how you were feeling, and I was selfish. I just couldn't imagine losing someone you love, I never knew my parents so I didn't understand. But I do now. I wasn't there for you when I should have been and I let us grow apart. I'm sorry Gilbert. I really, really am. I hope we can be friends again."
He wiped a tear from his eye before facing her again, she also had watery eyes. "It wasn't just your fault, I shut you out. I had Bash so I didn't think I needed anyone else. But I think we should call it a clean slate. Start over."
Anne nodded, "I'd like that."
Gilbert laughed softly, holding out his hand, "Then hi. I'm Gilbert."
Anne shook her head in mirth, but played along, shaking his hand, "Hi, I'm Anne."
Tag List: @rohaintahquil @hakunamademons @thxnderclouds @awaeforlife@m1rkw00dpr1ncess @mrs-shirley-cuthbert-blythe @nerdybrunette @i-ammischiefmanaged @sarahisatotalgeek @neomikaha @etsatymton @parkeroffline
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enchanted-keys · 4 years
otp profile game!
rules: answer the questions about your favorite ship (all time or current) then tag 10 people to do it too!
I was tagged by @lumiereandcogsworth thank you so much! *-*
Ship and fandom:
What were their first impressions of each other? 
My boy was whipped for Anne since the very beginning...he got from really curious and intrigued to completely lovestruck in the few hours that went by between him saving her from a bully and her smashing her slate over his head.
I do believe that Anne, after taking her mind off from the whole Billy accident, was sort of curious and interested, but then she was forbidden from talking to him if she wanted to be friends with the girls...and then he pulled her braid and called her Carrots, and everything went downhill, so she set her mind to hate him for eternity. She wasn’t very successful, though.
A moment you think that both/one of them will remember forever about each other: 
Omg, this is hard to answer. Every moment they share is so iconic and important.
Let me go at least with 4:
1. Well, not to be lame but their first kiss (also the moment of truth) was pretty epic and unforgettable. I believe their world turned on its axis right then and there.
2. The way they led together a protest in favor of human rights and found out how well they work together, not to mention how their ideals align perfectly. They’re that power couple.
3. The hug they shared in 3x03, because Anne learned how to be there for him while he was grieving and needed someone to hold on to.
4. Dance practice in 3x05...I mean there was no way they could go back to look at each other the way they did before dancing TDWS. Not to mention that no one forgets the first time they get all hot and bothered, so much that they find themselves planning the wedding in their heads.
A moment you think that both/one of them wishes hadn’t happened: 
Probably, if Anne knew that Gilbert decided to ask Winnie out, and tried to move on from his ‘crush’ on her only after she pretty much broke his heart on the train in 3x02, that would be something they would both wish had never happened. That’s when things started to go downhill...other than that I’m not sure, because at the end of the day, Winnie was the push they both needed to figure out just how much in love they already were.
What is Their Moment for you? 
Again, there’s more than one. But the moment they literally ran across the town to get to each other and clear out all the misunderstandings, and then, at long long last, kissed in a very public place, propriety be damned, was...life changing.
Life Questions:
Marriage? If yes, who proposes?
They both would, let’s be real. They’re so chaotic they would probably start planning a proposal at the same time. I feel like Gilbert wouldn’t want to scare her and propose before he’s sure she’s ready, but I also think that he would just...know. And Anne might get impatient before he realizes it’s the right moment to ask, and take matters in her hands.
Idk, both are likely to propose first.
Children? If yes, if one had to stay home with them, who would do it? 
Yes. I mean, even if you don’t consider the books, they just really want a family of their own, that much is clear. And both are so good with children...
Well, since they would have kids at the beginning of the 20th century, and since Gilbert being a doctor couldn’t afford to stay home that much (as much as he’d love to take care of their children, and let Anne be the one who works), I believe Anne.
I don’t know for sure when women we allowed to work despite being married in Canada, but I feel like after giving up her teaching position, Anne could take a chance to be writer, once she’s married.
Housing? Where do they live together? 
In a lovely, yet simple and comfortable house in Avonlea. Either with a view on the sea, or by the woods, where there are plenty of trees.
Pets? Do they get a pet together? 
Do horses count? I don’t think so, lmao.
Person A & B…
Who would kill/remove the spider and who would leave it under a cup and leave the room?
Neither of them would kill a spider or keep it trapped, they would probably just let it wander around the house.
Who sings all day long and who gets so used to it they don’t even hear it anymore?
We know they both have singing tendencies, but I think Anne is the one who does it the most, and Gilbert would just be enchanted by her and her voice. He would just stand there with the biggest heart eyes, like the lovesick fool that he is. 
When he’s the one who’s singing Anne is just amused by how goofy and playful he is.
Who can cook a gourmet meal for two and who can maybe use the toaster?
Anne. Gilbert can’t cook to save his life, unless it’s super basic stuff, lmao. I’m not sure he wouldn’t burn toasts too, though.
Who wakes up before the sun rises and who would sleep in until 2pm if they didn’t have an alarm?
Neither of them strikes me like a morning person, tbh. 
But Anne would get bored after staying in bed for too long.
Who is more affectionate/touchy?
They both are, but Gilbert more.
Who wears the other’s hoodies/shirts?
Anne 100% wears his shirts. And suspenders.
Who said i love you first?
Anne's love note doesn't really count since it's written and Gilbert never got to read it.
They probably both did in their letters, but I feel like after reuniting Gilbert would take the first chance available to tell her in person...as many times as he can.
tagging: @captainmorningstar @chloexdecker @dorisquinn @royalcordelia / @jump-on-winds-back
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onedayiwillflyfree · 5 years
When the Sun Begins to Fall Chapter 3
For the previous two chapters, check it out on AO3
Chapter 3
Gilbert had loved train rides for as long as he could remember. When he was a boy, he always marvelled at their speed and how the scenery looked as they passed by. Now when he boarded one, his mind filled with happy memories of his father and their many adventures in his last few months of life. It had never failed to bring a smile to his face until today.
Today, the train seemed to be trudging along far too slowly and, despite the changing leaves and the cerulean water crashing against the outer edges of the island, the scenery looked dull. Gilbert’s foot bounced as anxiety coursed through his body, his eyes glued out the window.
You haven’t seen her yet, you don’t know that it is consumption. You need to see her. Stop jumping to conclusions.
Bash nudged Gilbert’s twitching foot gently with his own. His attention shot to the man across from him, who in turn gestured towards Gilberts hands and passed him a handkerchief. Gilbert glanced down to notice he had unconsciously tore off the skin surrounding his thumb nail and blood was dripping down the back of his hand. He accepted the rag, pressed it firmly against the ripped skin and turned his attention back to the window. His eyes were starting to burn with exhaustion. Looking down at his watch, he deduced that he had been up for close to fifteen hours already, waking up early to study before he went in to care for back to back patients for twelve hours. Now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure he hadn’t eaten yet either.
“Blythe,” Gilbert lazily rolled his eyes in Bash’s direction. “Get some sleep, worrying won’t make the time go any faster.” Gilbert opened his mouth in protest but Bash lifted his hand. “You and I both know how you are when you don’t sleep. You won’t be any good for her if you’re like this.”
He felt the need to argue but Bash turned his head out the window, indicating the discussion was over. Gilbert rubbed his eyes while quietly deciding that his obnoxious brother was correct. When he was exhausted, he could barely add two and two together, let alone take care of someone. He adjusted himself so that his back was facing the window, resting his head on the cool pane of glass that separates him from the passing world. As he drifted off to sleep, he swore he could hear the trees whispering good night to him.
“So, when do you suppose you will be back?” Anne questioned sorrowfully, wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders. Gilbert hated when she looked this upset. He never quite knew the right thing to say to her. 
He took a deep breath as he walked over to a dying tree at the end of the orchard. “It’s only a semester, but Winnie’s father has set up for me to stay through the summer to attend lectures and expos. So roughly the end of August, give or take.”  He took out spool of twine, wrapping it around the trunk of the tree. Bash would need to cut it before next season to make room for a new tree. 
“And you’re leaving the day after Christmas?” Anne mumbled.
He turned to face her and nodded. “Yes, I am meeting Winnie up in Charlottetown and we will be leaving two days before the new year.” 
“Oh,” she mumbled as she brushed a stray curl behind her ear. Gilbert had always found Anne to be beautiful but recently she had begun to wear her hair up in the most intricate styles, each one complementing her face perfectly. He hated to admit it but everyday, when she met him at the end of the Blythe-Lacroix orchard, his heart skipped a beat. 
They stood in silence for a moment, staring at each other. Anne broke the silence as she turned to face the far end of the orchard. “Perhaps we should keep walking. It’s getting late and if you want to finish tonight, then we should move on.” 
He stepped toward her and instantly they fell back into stride with one another. Over the last four months, since their graduation, each day they would meet on the path where the orchard met the woods and they would walk. Some days they would share ideals and discuss poetry, other days Anne would rant about the pranks some student (whose name began with an M and ended with an innie May) had played on her.
And some days they would get into such a disagreement that Anne would storm off in a rage, claiming she would never speak to him again. But he didn’t worry because he knew the next day, right on time, she would walk up the bend carrying a peace offering. It had become a routine and the most treasured part of his day.
They continued walking the length of the orchard in silence, making Gilbert feel incredibly uncomfortable. They used to be able to silently study with one another, casting occasional glances up at one another. But this silence was different, it wasn’t routine.
 He stopped by one of the final rows of tree and plucked a perfect green apple. He smirked, noticing Anne deep in thought as she continued walking. “Hey, Carrots,” Anne spun around. Her hair caught loosely on a stay branch, pulling her hair pins out of their designated spot as she turned, causing fiery curls to fall over her shoulders. Gilbert’s smirk grew mischievously as a flush crept up her cheeks. “Catch.” He threw the apple, which she caught with ease. She was preparing to throw it back when he turned on his heels and sprinted towards the woods.
“Gilbert Blythe!” he heard her yell as she began to take off after him. “You get back here!” He ran, dodging the trees, occasionally throwing a look over his shoulder to make sure she was still there. She was trying to maintain a serious face as she ran, but every time she yelled at him to stop, he heard laughter in her voice. It was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.
He slowed his stride as they closed in on the lake that Anne had beautifully dubbed The Lake of Shining Waters. Once she closed in, she took aim at his back and threw the apple as hard as she could. It landed on the ground beside him with a soft thud. 
“You’re gonna have to do better than that, Carrots!” he shot a look over his shoulder only to notice she wasn’t running after him any longer. Instead, she stood about ten feet away, panting, her face pink as a peony. He slowed to a stop, meeting her eyes with his own. “Awe Anne,” he ran his fingers through his hair as he started taking steps back towards her. “I was just messin…”
“You promise you will come back, right? To Avonlea, I mean.” Anne asked, stopping him dead in his tracks. He stared at her with wide eyes. “Because when you last left...you promised me that you would come home someday. And you did. And back then...we didn’t even have what we have now.” She looked into his eyes, stepping closer to him slowly.
Gilbert felt as if his heart was going to pound out of his chest. “What do you mean by what we have now?” She continued to step closer to him and he didn’t dare move. Once she was not more than two feet away, she stopped and took a deep breath.
“I just mean this,” she gestured her hands between the two of them as if he was supposed to understand what she meant. He cocked an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes. “Happiness...when we are together. Don’t you feel it too?”
*More than you will ever know*, Gilbert thought to himself. He dared to take a step forward and when she didn’t break his gaze, he closed the remaining foot that separated them.
They continued to hold each other's gaze, Anne not shying away as she used to so often. Something had changed within her since Matthew had passed and she began at Queens. She exuded confidence and strength, becoming the woman she always dreamed she would be as a girl. 
Gilbert wasn’t sure how long they stared at one another for, frankly he didn’t care. He could have stayed there, staring at this beautiful fire queen for the rest of his life if it was allowed. And it was within that moment that he realized the truth. He didn’t want Paris. He didn’t want Sorbonne or even Winifred. He wanted Anne Shirley Cuthbert, the girl who had broken a slate across his face and competed with him so fiercely all these years. Deep down, he had always wanted Anne. 
“Ask me to stay,” he told her, breaking the silence. Anne looked taken aback by the sudden declaration and tears to form in her eyes. They looked on the verge of pooling over when she quickly swept them away. Before she could put her hand back down at her side, he grabbed it in his own. Her skin felt smooth against his calloused palms but her hand fit perfectly within his. It felt right, “I will stay if you ask me to.”
Anne looked at their joined hands and began to contemplate the choice she had been presented with. After a moment, she bit her lip and lifted her free hand up to Gilberts face. She gingerly touched a stray curl before she moving it down to caress his cheek. He held his breath in fear she would pull away if he exhaled.
Sadness flashed across her face and swiftly she pulled away from him, stepping back until they had a few feet between them. Tears fell over her eyelids but she didn’t seem to care. Her voice cracked when she spoke. “I can’t Gil… I’m so sorry…” With that, she turned and ran back up the hill. He wanted to reach out, he wanted to catch her and wrap her up in his arms and never let go. But he knew now that he couldn’t. She had made her choice. 
And it wasn’t him.
“Gilbert,” he opened his eyes to see Bash standing over him, gently shaking his shoulder. Gilbert straightened and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He peered out the window to the small train platform with a faded sign that read WELCOME TO AVONLEA. Bash patted his shoulder. “Welcome home, brother.”
“Mr. Lacroix, over here!” a voice called from a wagon just down the road. Gilbert smiled, immediately recognizing the wagon and its driver. Jerry Baynard climbed down, tying Belle’s reigns against the hitching post before turning towards the pair. “Gilbert! Welcome home!” Jerry held out his hand that Gilbert accepted, feeling slightly ashamed of how soft his hands had become in the last nine months.
“Jerry, good to see you,” Gilbert replied curtly, throwing his bag onto the back of the wagon and pulling himself up. He wasn’t intentionally trying to be rude, he was excited to be home and to see his old friend, but he wasn’t exactly in the mood for small talk. Jerry, seeming to understand Gilberts attitude, swiftly unknotted Belle’s reins and handed them up to Sebastian, who had taken his place in the driver's seat. Bash reached out a hand and pulled Jerry up next to him before giving the reins a sharp flick.
“So,” Jerry turned in his seat. “I have to ask…” He pointed up to Gilberts head. “What’s with the hair?” Bash let out a roar of laughter so loud that it frightened Belle, almost causing them to veer into a ditch. Gilbert rolled his eyes as a confused Jerry looked between the two men.
“See,” Bash, still chuckling as he steered Belle back to center. “Told you there was somethin’ wrong with it.” He cast a glance back at Gilbert, whose jaw tensed. Bash cleared his throat. “Jerry, how about you sing us one of those tunes you’re always hummin’.”
Despite confusion still overwhelming him, Jerry obliged and began to sing. 
Even though he was there under peculiar circumstances, it was nice to know that Green Gables stayed the same no matter the occasion. The green shingled room and starch white siding looked the same today as they did the first time he stepped foot on the property, which instantly calmed some worries he felt at the moment. 
“Woah,” Bash pulled Belle to a halt, allowing Jerry to slide down the side of the wagon and open the paddock gate. Once through the gate, Gilbert felt his fingers started to twitch once again. He hadn’t been to Green Gables in over nine months. Not since he had come to say goodbye to Anne, when he had secretly hoped she had reconsidered asking him to stay.
She didn’t.
But she did take him in her arms so tightly he felt as if he was going to burst. They held each other only for a moment, before she walked back into the house, closing the door behind her without another word.
The wagon came to a halt at the entrance of the barn and he threw himself off the back. “I’ll uh, put Belle up. You go on in,” he instructed, beginning to undo Belle’s harness.
He didn’t have to be told twice. In fact, he had to force himself not to bolt up the steps, past Marilla, and straight into Anne’s room. He stepped slow and steady, looking in every direction he could until he stopped just a few feet from the kitchen door, looking down at a cluster of dormant daylily cluster. 
“You know, Green Gables is exquisite as is. However,” Anne wiped her brow, not realizing her forehead was now streaked with soil. “With Matthew gone, the world needs a little more color all around.” She whispered to the plants more so than Gilbert. He didn’t mind, he understood grieving better than most. It had only been a week since Matthews heart had failed him and Anne had been trying her best to cope in any way she could. Two days ago, she baked sixteen apple pies, claiming none of them were perfect and she had to keep trying to get it right. And yesterday, she wrote ten pages on why the Bronte sisters should have never had to pen under a man’s name and discussed society's oppression of women. Gilbert had actually thought the paper to be quite good and wanted to publish it in the paper before she tore it up and threw it into the stove
And today’s method of coping was flowers. She finished patting down the last of the soil and dusted her hands together. “There you are, my dears. Welcome to your new home.” Gilbert looked on as she gently nuzzled her face against each bud, admiring her love for nature and all things good. 
After each bud had received the proper amount of affection, she attempted to stand, only to discover one of her feet had fallen asleep in the process of planting. “Oh no,” she stumbled as Gilbert reached out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her in the opposite direction of the fall. He accidentally pulled her too hard causing her to collide into his chest, sending them both crashing to the ground. Okay, that hurt he thought to himself as he rubbed the small bump that was beginning to form on his tail bone.
Beside him, Anne lay face down in the grass, her shoulders shaking. Gilbert quickly sat up, grabbing her arm. “Anne? Oh God, Anne, are you alright?!” 
She rolled over and he saw why her shoulders were shaking now: she was giggling. No, not just giggling. Laughing so hard that tears began to form in her eyes. “I..am...such...a clutz!” she yelled, barely able to form the sentence.
Gilbert smiled, it was the first time he had seen her smile in a week. Her laughter was uncontrollable and he couldn’t help but join in, her laugh was so sweet that it was contagious. Together, the two lay on the ground, laughing insanely until their stomachs began to ache. After at least two minutes, the laughter began to die down, Gilbert resting his hand on his sore abdomen. Anne stared at the clouds above them as Gilbert turned to look at her. Tears began streaming down her cheeks but she didn’t look upset, she looked hopeful. 
“Gilbert, do you think Marilla will like the flowers? She is so desperately sad.” 
He turned his gaze to join hers, watching the clouds slowly move overhead. “Yeah, Anne, I think she will like them very much.” 
Gilbert pulled his gaze from the flowers and the memories they held when suddenly the screen door crashed opened to reveal a little girl who looked much older than when he last left. Bash’s face lit up excitedly, bending down, ready to hug his little girl. “Hello my little lo…”
“UNSEL GILBUR!” Gilbert barely had time to place his bag on the ground before the toddler launched herself off of the porch. He caught her, wrapping his arms tightly around the girls tiny body as fastened her arms around his neck.
“My girl!” He began smothering his niece’s face with heaps of kisses as her bushy curls tickled his cheeks. He had missed his niece horribly in their time apart from one another, feeling a piece of his heart was missing. She grabbed hold of his face, giggling, and gingerly placed a sloppy kiss on the tip of his nose.
“Well then,” Bash mocked hurt but was unable to hide a jovial tone behind his words. Gilbert allowed a chuckle to escape his lips when the screen door flew open once more, only this time revealing the harrowing Marilla Cuthbert. Wiping her flour covered hands on her apron in frustration, she began to scold the young girl.
“Delphine Lacroix, I have told you a hundred times not to…” her demeanor changed when her gaze met Gilberts own. “Gilbert Blythe, well aren’t you a site for sore eyes.”
Gilbert slowly lowered Dellie to the ground next to him, taking her small hand within his own. “Hello Marilla.” Tears formed in the older woman’s eyes as she took gently strides towards him, stopping when she was an arms length away. “You look well.” he bent down to kiss her cheek softly. Stunned, she reached her hands and grasped his biceps, letting the tears dampen her cheeks. 
“Look at you,” she scanned the length of his body, still in shock of the man that stood before her. “You left for Paris a boy, and they sent us back a man.” 
“Yeah, they also sent him back with a haircut that makes him look like a moke,” Bash lifted his daughter, who seemingly just noticed that her father was there. Marilla whacked the towel that had sitting on her shoulder against Bash’s arm. Dellie giggled when her father jumped “Ow, its true!” Bash and Marilla stared at one another before they too began to laugh.
Gilberts eyes moistened, unable to fight the happiness he was feeling at that very moment. He was home, truly home. Surrounded by people who loved him for the man he was, never asking him to be anything else. It almost made the anxiety he was feeling at that moment fade into a distant memory. Almost.
The moment was interrupted all too quickly by an intense coughing fit coming from the upper level of the house. Everyone silenced immediately as Gilberts heart fell into his stomach. “How is she?” He whispered.
Marilla shot a glance to Bash, who nodded in silent understanding. “Hey sweet girl, why don’t you go show me what you and Miss Marilla were workin’ on in the kitchen, eh?” Dellie quickly whipped her head back and forth, pointing over to her Uncle.
“Don’t worry Del, I’m not leaving,” Gilbert took his bag in his hand and pointed upstairs. “I just need to go check on Auntie Anne, alright?” Dellie contemplated his response for a brief moment before accepting it and pointed to the kitchen. 
“Go Papa!” Bash obliged, flying her into the kitchen as if she were a bird, letting the door slam behind them. Marilla’s eyes met Gilbert’s, so much fear sat behind them that it sent a chill down his spine. 
“This was in her coat pocket when Bash brought her home.” She slid her hand into her apron pocket and pulled out a handkerchief with tiny purple and pink flowers embroidered along the edges. Something so intricate could only belong to one person. She gestured it towards him, which he swiftly began to unfold to reveal a crimson spot in the center. Before he could stop himself, he inhaled sharply. Marilla, trying to remain strong, let a single tear roll down her cheek. “Does she have it? Does she have what the Gillis girl had?”
“I need to see her,” his voice cracking as he put the handkerchief into his coat pocket. Marilla nodded as they made their way up and through the door.
----- ----
Gilbert rapped his knuckles against the door at the end of the upstairs hallway. “Come in,” a weak voice called from within the room. 
Taking a deep breath, Gilbert pushed gently against the door, eyes immediately shooting towards the bed. Much to his surprise, it was empty and panic began to set it. Quickly, he scanned the room, searching for the person he desired to see. He found her sitting near her window, wrapped in a thick quilt, staring out to the setting sun.
“I know that I need to stay in bed Marilla, but,” Anne let out a series of chesty cough that shook her entire body. Perfect flaming curls bounced against her back with each one. Gilberts stood silently, unable to find words for what he was feeling. “Sorry,” she whispered once the coughing had ceased. “But you know how I feel about sunsets.”
“I do,” he answered, somehow preventing his voice from cracking. Anne stiffened in her chair, holding her breath. Slowly, she rotated so that she was facing Gilbert head on. “Long time no see Carrots.
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annesurelyblythe · 6 years
you’ll always be my only guiding light (2/2)
Summary: After Anne kisses him and runs away, Gilbert gets some advice from Bash, which causes him to take action.  
Tags: Anne with An E, Anne Shirley/Gilbert Blythe, Book Spoilers, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Post-Canon
Words: 2,000       ao3  |  part one
Rated: G 
Anne was kissing him. Anne Shirley Cuthbert was kissing him, Gilbert John Blythe. And all he could do was stand there, frozen; so in shock was he that he was convinced he was dreaming. He’d had one or two—or twenty, or a hundred—dreams that had played out in a similar fashion. As he’d said before, Anne was a passionate individual, and he was never more attracted to her than when she had her dander up about something. In his dreams though, it was usually him doing the kissing. Most of the time, that was when he woke up, because even his subconscious couldn’t dream up anything as perfect as Anne kissing him for real. Like she was doing now.
Just as soon as he’d finally overcome his shock and was about to wrap his arms around her slender form and pull her closer, she abruptly tore away with a gasp. When Gilbert opened his eyes, he found her with a look akin to a skittish deer on her face. She was trembling, and he struggled to calm his own emotions and reassure her.
“Anne,” he said gently, but she didn’t seem to hear him, eyes were darting to and fro.
He stepped towards her, intending to take her hands in his, but in the next second, she turned and dashed away in the direction she’d come.
“Anne!” he called to her back, but he got no response, and watched helplessly as her red hair swished out of sight.
Gilbert stood there, frozen again, watching the spot she’d disappeared to, trying in vain to process what had happened. Should he go after her? Did she want him to? She had kissed him, so that meant she had to have some feelings for him, right? Or maybe it had been the impulse of the moment and she regretted it immediately, which would somewhat explain the running away part.
So absorbed in his thoughts was he, that he didn’t hear Bash come out of the house.
“What’s happened to you, man?” he asked, and Gilbert blinked, trying to focus on Bash’s concerned face. “You look like you been struck by lightning.”
Silence. Then, “Anne kissed me.”
Bash looked at him for a long second before breaking into a jubilant smile. “Well, well, well, way to go, Blythe! I knew it’d happen eventually!”
Gilbert’s expression didn’t change. “She kissed me, and then she ran away.”
Bash grimaced, poorly concealing a cheeky grin. “You that bad at it, then?” Gilbert glared at him and made to walk away, but Bash pulled him back. “Calm down, Blythe, you know I’m just pullin’ your leg. Now, tell me what happened.”
“I have no idea,” Gilbert told him, moving to sit on the chopping block. “One minute we were arguing about the Avonlea school and the next she was kissing me! Then she pulled away looking absolutely petrified and left!”
Bash laughed, hastily covering it up with a cough at Gilbert’s dark look. “You a bright fellow, Blythe, but you sure are blind when it comes to matters of the heart,” the older man said. “That girl’s as gone over you as you are over her, and I think she might’ve just realized it.”
Gilbert dropped his elbows on to his knees, carding his fingers through his hair in frustration. “If that’s true, why’d she run away from me?” he asked. “It doesn’t make any sense."
“If I’ve learned anything, Blythe, it’s that women don’t always make sense,” Bash shrugged.
“You’re really not helping, you know,” grumbled Gilbert.
Bash grinned again, clapping Gilbert on the shoulder. “Alright, alright, you want some real advice?” he asked. Gilbert nodded sullenly. “Don’t wait too long to go after her. Speaking as a fellow who’s been in her position before, she’s bound to be overthinking everything, and that’s the last thing you want.”
Bash left him with those words of wisdom, heading back inside to Mary and their twin toddlers, Davy and Dora. Gilbert stood with a renewed sense of determination, looking again to where Anne had disappeared. Bash was right, he had to go after her, and he thought he knew just where she would be.
He trekked through the forest for awhile, not encountering a single soul; though in his state of mind, he doubted he would have noticed anyone who wasn’t a particular redhead. After a time, he finally broke through the trees and onto the plains before the shore. Anne had brought him here a few times to do homework, citing it as a place conducive to thought and creativity.
Gilbert scanned the bluffs above the cliffs quickly, and spotted her right away. She was motionless, staring out at the sea, and he was hesitant to intrude on her peace, but if there was even a small chance that she felt something for him, he had to take it.
Gilbert approached cautiously, hoping when she saw him, she wouldn’t run again, but she never looked back from the ocean. When he was only a few yards away, his breath caught in his throat. The way the sunlight illuminated her porcelain skin as the wind whipped around the long auburn strands of her hair made her appear almost ethereal, like a fairy creature from one of her stories. She was utterly bewitching. Gilbert had been under her spell for a long time, but the pull he felt towards her had never been as strong it was at that moment.
She kissed you, he told himself, trying to calm his nerves. There was something there between him and Anne; there always had been, and he had to believe that she felt it as well.
It was that thought that propelled him closer, until finally, Gilbert’s soft footsteps alerted Anne to his presence. Her shoulders were immediately rigid with tension, but she kept her eyes on the ocean. He came to stand next to her, keeping his eyes on the horizon as well. Silence reigned over them, and his anxiety slowly abated as the soothing sound of the waves and the scent of the sea water washed over him.
“You know, when I was on that steamboat with Bash,” Gilbert began softly, “I used to sneak up to the main deck everyday. I would get in heaps of trouble for it, but I would just stare across the water at the horizon for as long as I could. Do you know what I thought about?”
Anne didn’t answer, but he heard her breathing fluctuate slightly.
He continued haltingly, “Well, I guess I thought about a lot of things. My dad, the future, the past.” Gilbert took a deep breath. “But mostly I thought about you, Anne. I wondered where you were, who you might be with, what sort of adventures you were getting up to. Whether you might be thinking of me, too.” He laughed self-deprecatingly. “I talked Bash’s ear off about you, and he teased me something rotten.”
He let the silence fall between them again, hoping his words would spark something in her, even if it was to just to tell him off.
“I did think about you,” she finally whispered, making his heart swell twice it’s normal size. Gilbert turned to look at her, but her eyes stayed stubbornly straight ahead. “I repeatedly told myself not to, but I couldn’t help it.” Her voice broke as she blurted out, “I’m so sorry, Gilbert. I never should have kissed you! I understand if you never wish to speak to me again!”
He couldn’t take it anymore, gently turning her towards him by the shoulders. “Anne, did you not listen to anything I just said?” He asked, half amused, half incredulous. “I only want you to apologize if that kiss meant nothing to you. Because to me, it meant everything.“
The tears in her eyes startled him. She seemed torn between elation and alarm. “Please, Gil, I just don’t want anything to change!”
“It doesn’t have to change anything,” Gilbert protested. “Anne, we’re still young, and we’ve both got so much that we want to accomplish. I’m not proposing or anything, neither of us are ready for that.” Yet, he amended to himself. He ducked his head slightly so that their eyes were level. “I just want to know if I have a chance. If there’s any way you feel the way I do. You should know though, there’s never been anyone else for me since the moment we met.”
“Even after the slate?” Anne asked weakly.
“Especially after the slate!” Gilbert laughed. He cupped her face in his hands, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “Carrots.”
Anne smiled, but her gray-green eyes were hesitant. “Are you sure you want me, Gil?” she asked. “There are other girls less homely and troublesome, I’m sure.”
Gilbert frowned. “Anne, I want you to forget whatever simple-minded person called you ‘homely,’” he said sternly before softening. “You’re anything but. And if you’ll let me, I’ll remind you every day how beautiful you are.”
Anne released a little giggle, some of her tension melting away, easing Gilbert’s own anxiety. “Every day might be a tad excessive,” she said brightly. “Imagine how much more vain I’d become! Marilla would have to scold me even more than she does already.”
“Every other day, then,” Gilbert promised. “Until you believe it as much as I do.”
Anne cheeks took on a rosy hue that made him grin. Unfortunately, they had a piece of business to settle between them before all could be well again.
Gilbert pulled away slightly, taking Anne’s hands up with his own. “Anne, about the Avonlea school—“
“Oh, Gil, I’m so ashamed of the way I acted,” Anne moaned. “I’m sure I don’t deserve your goodness. Instead of thanking you like I should have, I was an ungrateful wretch!”
Gilbert smiled at her dramatics. “Well, I will say that you sure know how to send a fellow mixed signals, Anne Shirley Cuthbert,” he said drolly. He winked at her. “If I might be so bold, I think I know a way you can make it up to me.”
To her credit, Anne’s innocent 16-year-old mind did not immediately understand his suggestion. “Of course, anything!” When he gave a pointed look at her mouth, her eyes grew wide with comprehension and she blushed again. “Oh!”
He gave her what he was sure was an enamored look, squeezing her hands. “May I?” he asked softly. “I wasn’t exactly able to participate last time.”
She nodded shyly but peered up at him with trust in her eyes. He took a steadying breath before moving closer, not quite believing his luck. Gilbert cupped her face in his hands, smiling before closing his eyes and pressing his lips to hers. Her lips were petal soft as they moved against his, and he sighed contently when he felt her hands come up to rest on his chest.
He was sure his heart was going to burst with happiness and relief, and he struggled to contain his fervor, not wanting to scare Anne, but in a moment, she had fisted her fingers into his shirt and was urging him a little closer. He gladly obliged, deepening their kiss until they both broke away breathlessly.
Anne’s eyes were dancing with glee, and she laughed gaily. He did the same, feeling lighter than he had in years. It was Anne, of course. She had a natural light to her that no one could ever extinguish and he was basking in it now, as he’d never been able to before. It was truly breathtaking, and something he’d never take for granted.
“Do you want me to walk you back to Green Gables?” He asked, thinking with considerable reluctance about having to part with her soon.
She seemed to feel similarly. “Oh, not just yet, Gil,” Anne pleaded. “It’s turned into such a glorious day, and I’ve been hiding away inside Green Gables for much too long. Can we stay a little while more?”
“As long as you’d like,” he replied, smoothing a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Gilbert pulled her into his embrace, feeling her smile into his neck as she encircled her arms around his back. No more words were spoken for a while as together, they looked out at the sun glistening off the waves.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I'm a little worried I moved everything too quickly, but I figure Anne is 16, Gil is almost 19, they're allowed to be a little mature and know their feelings. Also, I feel like the show is speeding up their relationship a little more than it is in the books, which is not unsurprising given they're not sure how many seasons they'll actually have. 
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A lavender place between wake and sleep
*A one shot of Anne and Gilbert meeting at dawn before their wedding. *
The air was cool and the sky still dark when Anne slipped out of the back door of Green Gables and headed toward the woods. The stars were beginning to fade from the sky and the sky was beginning to lighten as she made her way along the grassy path she knew so well.
A slight breeze blew her hair gently and caused her night gown to float behind her. Anne reveled in the feeling of grass between her toes and smiled up into the lightning sky.
“Oh what a glorious day to be married,” she whispered as her eyes lit onto a grove filled with wildflowers. She glanced at the sky again and then sat down amongst the flowers. She plucked the prettiest from their stems and quickly wove them into a flower crown that she placed upon her head.
The sky was turning from light grey to pink and red when she rose and stretched. She was so overjoyed at the day ahead of her that she couldn’t help but twirl around the flowers, dancing like she used to as a child. She was so enchanted with her own thoughts and the beauty of the morning that she didn’t notice anyone approaching until he was right upon her in the grove.
“How did I know you would be here?” Gilbert asked with a laugh. Anne turned to him with a grin, grabbing his hand as she turned back to stare at the sunrise.
“Perhaps it’s because I’ve always told you I want to be married at dawn.” Anne said without looking at him.
“I was actually going to say the enchantment if your very existence draws me to wherever you are, for that is where my heart resides.” Gilbert murmured, leaning in to place a kiss on Anne’s cheek.
Anne looked at him then, eyes wide, a smile playing on her lips, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, looking toward the eastern horizon.
“What a glorious dawn, a dawn of a new life, our life together.” She whispered, “it’s like the universe knows how special this day will be, dont you think, Gil?”
“Every day with you is a special day to me, Anne-girl,” Gilbert murmered into her hair, “but this day is indeed glorious. I have waited for this day my whole life.”
Anne turned her face up to Gilbert’s. She noted he had already shaved and was dressed for the day... well for a regular day. He hadn’t donned his suit yet, simply wearing his trousers, white shirt, and suspenders. He looked so handsome, gazing into the dawn, jaw set, a faint smile on his lips, the wind playing with the curls atop his head.
“I only wish I could give you the wedding you have dreamed of,” Gilbert said quietly, not looking at Anne.
“What are you talking about, Gil?” Anne whispered, “today will be lovely.”
“I know it will be lovely, but it is not the wedding you told me of when we were still kids,” Gilbert said, looking at Anne now.
“Oh, Gil my dawn wedding would never fly with Marilla and Diana. Trust me I tried.”
“But, Anne,” Gilbert said suddenly, “we are here, aren’t we? It’s the dawn of our wedding day.”
Anne’s breath was taken away at the realization.
“You’re right. It’s almost like fate. Here we are at dawn. We found each other by chance.”
“Marry me, Anne,” Gilbert said suddenly, “right now. We can have a ceremony of our own out here just like you dreamed. We can have our own little dawn wedding for the both of us right now and then have the official one this afternoon for everyone else.”
Anne laughed breathlessly at the wildly sincere look on Gilbert’s face as he stared into her eyes.
“Marry me, Anne. Please?” He whispered.
“Of course I will, darling Gil.” She whispered.
Gently, Anne placed her hand on Gilbert’s cheek and turned to face him. When he pressed his face into her hand and closed his eyes she placed her other hand on the other side of his face. Gently, she traced his lips with her thumb and ran her fingers through his hair. She brushed her fingers along his jaw and his brow. She ran her finger down his nose and Gilbert sighed.
“Mmm Anne, what are you doing?” Gilbert murmured, “Not that I don’t enjoy it because it is quite pleasant.”
“Stay still, Gil,” Anne whispered, “ive only just realized that this will be the last time I am to gaze upon you an unmarried woman. We shall never again be Gilbert and Anne, schoolmates and chums.”
“Darling we haven’t been just friends for quite some time,” Gilbert chuckled, opening his eyes a crack to watch Anne gaze at him intensely, but he didn’t move.
“Oh Gil, just let me gaze upon you while you still look like the boy I fell in love with all those years ago. The dawn light makes all our old selves feel alive again and I want to greet each one as a single woman one last time before we are married.”
Gilbert opened his eyes and gazed in wonder at his beautiful Anne with her extraordinary thoughts. He remained silent as she gazed upon him. Anne brought his face toward hers and Gilbert obliged, expecting a kiss and surprised when Anne placed a kiss on the side of his head.
“There’s the Gilbert that called me ‘carrots’ when i ignored him at school.”
She brought her lips to his cheek next.
“And the boy bearing more grief than anyone ever should.”
She placed a kiss on his forehead, right between his eyebrows.
“And the boy who went off to sea with the worries of the world on his shoulders.”
A kiss on his nose followed.
“Here’s the Gilbert that returned, ready to take on the world and pursue his dreams.”
Gently Anne kissed each of Gilbert’s eyelids.
“Now I see the Gilbert who saw the world for what it could be and decided to work to change it for the better.”
She kissed his chin.
“Here is the Gilbert who has told the truth even when it was hard.”
Anne took Gilbert’s hand in her own hands and placed a kiss in the center of his palm.
“This is Gilbert the man and good doctor who works restlessly until his patients are cured.”
Anne gently grasped Gilbert’s face and kissed his lips gently and lingeringly. It was a slow kiss, lingering, and sweet. She only pulled away when Gilbert sighed into her mouth.
“And here is my Gilliest of Gils. The man I fell in love with. The compassionate, romantic kindred spirit of mine. My future husband, my best friend, my partner and equal.”
“Oh, Anne.” Gilbert said, pulling her into his embrace.
He kissed her cheek.
“I see the girl I meet on the path to school when we were just children. The one I asked if she had any dragons for me to slay.”
He kissed her hands.
“Here’s the Anne with her fiery temper who broke her slate over my head. And the one who wrote me while I was at sea.”
He kissed her nose and her forehead and her chin.
“Here’s the Anne I came back to. Here’s Anne the writer, the caregiver, the friend, the comforter, the compassionate.”
He kissed her eyelids and her neck and finally her lips.
“And here is the Anne who gave me hope. The one who lifted my spirits and showed me how to love.”
Gilbert kissed Anne again then pulled away, running a hand through her loose hair.
“How could I be so lucky as to find you, my beautiful elven fairy girl? My Anne who comes to me at dawn in a gossamer gown and flower crown, natural and beautiful and perfectly Anne-ish.”
“It’s hardly gossamer but you’re the one who came to me, dearest.” Anne whispered.
“And I will continue to, for the rest of my life Anne. I have chased you my whole life and if you let me I will stand by your side and face life’s ups and downs with you until my dying breath.” Gilbert whispered passionately, taking Anne’s hand in his.
Anne felt her breath catch. She had written to him about her dream wedding nearly a year and a half ago right at the beginning of their engagement. She never thought he would remember the whole thing.
“Anne Shirley-Cuthbert,” Gilbert whispered, “I hereby swear that from this day forward I shall stand by your side as your equal and partner, your lover and comrade in all things. I shall never hinder your ambitions and dreams, but rather support you in all you choose to do from this day until the day I die. Will you take me as your lifemate, to have and to hold through thick and thin, whatever may come?”
Tears of joy sprang to her eyes and she held Gilbert’s hand firmly in her own and placed the other on his cheek.
“Oh Gil, i take your to have and to hold in sickness and health, in thick and thin, whatever storms may come, to be my life mates. I hereby vow to support you in all your endeavors and to stand by your side as we face the storms of life and the joys. I take you, my equal in intellect and compassion as my partner in all things from this day forth until I die. There is no one else I could have a love bond with. You are my true kindred spirit. It has always been you, for our souls dance together in such a way that it lights up the world around us and everything seems brighter.”
It was at this point Anne leapt into Gilbert’s arms and kissed him fiercely. He grabbed her by the waist and after kissing her quite passionately for a good moment he picked her up and spun her around. The two danced in the meadow as the dawn broke.
Anne tangled her hands in Gilbert’s hair and pushed him down into the grass so as to be able to kiss him more easily. She sat in his lap and kissed his lips and his cheeks and his neck until Gilbert thought he might forget his very name.
It was nearing 7 am when Anne finally snuck back into Green Gables. She found Marilla and Diana awaiting her. However, rather than questions they offered her smiles and hugs.
The official wedding was beautiful, and the first bride of Green Gables was happy as could be. Her husband couldn’t think of a joy better than the day as it unfolded. However, it was the private promises made that dawn that tang truest to them both and it was to those vows of equality, love, and support that they clung to in the years as they unfolded sweetly before themselves.
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