#she is the ultimate badass
tansu-bomb · 6 months
Ren Ruyi is QUEEN.
QUEEN ! QUEEN !! QUEEN !!!!!!!!!
Oh how she is capable of physically or mentally shredding arrogant, powerful men into little little pieces is just … 🔥🔥🔥🔥
She begins by casually issuing commands to her former disciple…
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Then circles around him like a tiger would its prey; it’s physical & emotional intimidation at its finest, really!
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She is quite disappointed with him & how he has mindlessly festered his obsession all these years. She knows the only way to deal with him & the situations he’s creating is to pluck it by the roots and lay it all out — forcing him to face his demons.
So she bares open his darkest self, his deepest secrets…slaps the nonsense off him…and puts the fear of Shifu back in him.
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And she finishes by packaging this incident into a learning lesson for her current disciple.
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I literally watched this entire scene like Mr. Du — with my mouth hanging open, sitting at the edge of my seat, and a range of exhilarating emotions coursing through me.
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This character…and this scene is EVERYTHING!
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kiraman · 2 months
vi is so fucking fascinating to me, I am studying her like a bug in a jar
she was a CHILD putting on her father's gauntlets in spite of the fear gathered in her little body, in spite of just witnessing someone she's known all her life die in a HORRIFIC way (benzo), still she rises, still she says I HAVE TO DO THIS still she takes on men three times her size and fucks them up so bad that silco has to send his shimmered up fucked up monster to try to stop her and STILL she persists, indifferent to the worst happening because she’s survived the worst already. furious and unstoppable and determined to do whatever she has to survive and ensure those she loves survive, no matter the cost.
vi under all that debris, bruised, bleeding, screaming, watching her family die, staring at the monkey head in shock and crying because this can't be happening, they were so close...
sobbing in pain until her father saves her just to watch helpless as he dies protecting her. they were so SO CLOSE to surviving, so close to escaping and everything gets ripped away in a second
vi trapped in that prison cell for years and years on end with the ghosts of her family and her guilt for company, drowning in guilt, wondering if her sister's still alive, no doubt thinking about how she LET her slip right through her fingers
the last thing vander said to her was "take care of powder"
she's let the man who's her FATHER and loves more than anything down.
"whatever happens is on you" / "protect the family" / "take care of powder" .... but she can't, not anymore, she's fucked it up and let everyone down (re "I should have been there for you, for everyone") all she can do is sit in that shitty prison cell, on that freezing floor, hungry, bloody, counting the hours until she can somehow rescue powder
Vi is piercings and tats that no doubt got infected, she's a child becoming a woman too fast, she is a danger-zone high-risk disaster area and won't back down, won't give up.
Vi is soft!! self-sacrificing, protective, supportive. ("You wanna talk about today?", "We've all had bad days, but we learn, and we stick together") brave, SMART, witty. she's got a tongue sharp as her fists and a barbed, delicious sense of humour. she gives people nicknames (cupcake, pow pow, pretty boy) and fights with everything that she's got to protect what she loves!!!! she is her father's daughter!!!
she is idealistic and expects the world to see her reason, look at things through her eyes and wanna make a change ( "This is how things are, how they've always been. I was so stupid to think it could change. / "oil and water that's all there is" )
and yes! vi is not flawless. she's obsessive (re sevika. to her eyes she is the last thing standing between her and silco/getting to silco and saving jinx) and complicated, morally ambivalent because she makes mistakes, flies off the handle like a comet crashing through everything in her way, makes reckless choices because she has to. she is selfish when it comes to jinx and would do anything to keep her safe.
look at the way she hugs the people she cares about!!!
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the sun and the moon and the universe between them
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Waitwaitwait fuck I just had a realisation. Anderson and Alucard are both kind of awful father figures?
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rugbuggk · 1 month
Hellsing AU where Integra is a singer and she’s invited to sing a happy birthday song to this cursed, dark ass king. While she is expected to arrive in an elegant dress and dressed like any other lady in the castle, she arrives poorly dressed, wearing armor and with a broken lens, some blood running through her lips.
Without any comment about the disappointment of the audience, Integra sings as a siren, if it were not for her loud presentation it’d be for sure that more than one nobleman would fall on their feet for her and although only some people applauded at the end of her song, only one is hypnotized when he hears how she apologizes, in her words describing how one of the guards did not stop calling her “English whore” for wearing a dress that wasn’t of his liking, so she stole his armor in response.
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verdantcreek · 7 months
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watcher-1, kate laswell 👁️‍🗨️
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hanakihan · 10 months
man you have no idea the sheer DESIRE to write something about Titanic esque chulwoo AU
The main drill is that Sungs come from a rather wealthy old noble family (courtesy of Ashborn as their predecessor being royal knight or smth), Jin-Woo is a next heir while Jin-Ah studies to become a doctor (or a nurse depending on timeline it happens im not even completely sure with setting but probably og titanic vibe mixed with Korean Idek wheeze) and parents send them on a cruise ship for vacation (and in hopes jinwoo will meet nice noblewoman or any woman since sungs are pretty chill about bloodline)
Then there’s Jin-Chul who’s a ship engineer/captain in training courtesy of navy captain on pension Gun-Hee. Gun-Hee comes from rather humble background but managed to reach rather prestigious position of first navy and then civil ship captain but now he’s on pension, and this man is an example to Jin-Chul that you can reach your dream despite your upbringing. Jin-Chul himself also comes from rather humble background on verge of poverty but money and fame never fascinated him, but ships and sailing did. When Jin-Chul was assigned on Gun-Hee’s ship as a new engineer, Gun-Hee saw talent in boy and unofficially took him under his wing teaching him to be a captain. Then Gun-Hee left (or honestly more likely was forcefully dismissed) and Jin-Chul got assigned as one of engineers/coal workers on this giant ship, but Gun-Hee still sails under his own name as a trader or smth like that.
Cue sailing day and at evening Jin-Woo excused himself since noble parties bore him to death and anyway, evening is beautiful and sea is calm. Wandering around he stumbles upon Jin-Chul doing small repairs and who nearly hit Jin-Woo in nose with his elbow because he came too close without announcement. Jin-Chul stiffly apologizing because he knows how annoying nobles can be but is surprised when Jin-Woo is the one to apologize for being so careless and invites him for an apology tea or coffee since compared to other choices Jin-Chul seems as a perfect company thanks to his sharp tongue, wits and knowledge.
Some day of cruise pass and they become rather close friends, Jin-Woo visits Jin-Chul in lowest decks which surprises everyone here and they have a rather nice drinking and dancing session, while in turn Jin-Woo helps Jin-Chul to sneak in 1st class deck so they can chat and play chess in peace of room (and so he can introduce Jin-Chul to Jin-Ah). Jin-Woo even tries to gift Jin-Chul his sapphire brooch so he can sell it for nice sum of money and get his own ship or even open his own company or smth, but Jin-Chul politely refuses, satisfied with their friendship.
Cue disaster night. Now think about captain being an incompetent prick (maybe even on levels of Costa Concordia captain damn) and fucking up entire probably miss into sure hit (even if Jin-Chul risked it and asked people to follow his instructions despite it being a big ass discipline insubordination but no one really minded because people saw that captain gives shit orders) but since bridge was still under captains command, instructions contradicted, but it still allowed a graze hit rather than direct one. So yea this gets worse, Jin-Chul was in section that suffered from impact and got tore, barely got out of here along with most of his men. Seeing how fast water fills decks he tells people to go higher and himself runs to find Sungs or other people he knows. Apparently he finds panicking Jin-Ah and through dangers of ice cold water and falling construction manages to cross paths with Jin-Woo until they got separated again. They manage to get out of sinking shell that nearly becomes their coffin (because he promised Jin-Woo to take care of and save Jin-Ah no matter what goddamnit), Jin-Chul manages to place Jin-Ah on some drifting wood before starting to sink because of cold water.
Now, I’m a sucker for happy endings despite shit looking really bad, so let’s say Jin-Woo with others on safe boat manages to find shell shocked Jin-Ah wrapped in Jin-Chul’s coat, pointing at water and trying to say something with her teeth chattering and managing to say that he’s drowning, Jin-Woo saying ‘not on my fucking watch’ and jumps after, managing to grab him and drag on surface, man is absolutely freezing with lips blue and not really conscious but still weakly breathing.
ANYWAY they safely get back on shore, they all get medical treatment, Jin-Chul earns himself pneumonia (well fuck his sailing dreams ig), Sungs’ gratitude for saving their children and a fucking trial because captain blamed entire catastrophe on lower deck crew defying his orders and following engineer’s ones and that’s a big ass crime in navy. Things ain’t looking good because they want to prosecute him in shortest time to give people answers who’s the guilty one, Jin-Woo is really ready to throw hands with people, Jin-Chul’s patient explanations through coughs ain’t helping because no one can confirm accuracy of his words and that’s when Gun-Hee himself enters court saying smth like ‘maybe you should interrogate deck staff too to hear what commands captain was giving’ and then our sir proceeds to destroy this captain‘s whole career. Jin-Chul is cleaned of accusations and becomes a sort of a good example semi-legend, but thanks to extreme colds diving he now can’t sail on long distances but fear not Gun-Hee invites him to work for him since Jin-Chul is out of commission and Jin-Woo once again gifts Jin-Chul a sapphire brooch but this time asking if Jin-Chul will share future with him. Jin-Chul honestly having ??? reaction while Jin-Woo with the most deadpan face asks ‘You seriously think I’ll dive into cold waters of ocean at night to drag you on surface and then using my body warmth to keep you alive if i didn’t cared about you???’
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duvewing · 9 months
little pet peeve of mine is when a person’s only idea to make kyrie a ‘stronger character’ is to just give her a sword
#saint.txt#and before anyone misinterprets this i think that kyrie being given more agency by at least knowing how to physically defend herself#and her loved ones is good. there is no reason why she cannot be able to defend herself in some way#there is nothing wrong with making kyrie a fighter too#but also i am a bit ? when people seem to think that giving her a sword and making her be good at wielding said sword#is an inherent improvement over her current character#like yea it could at least give her more potential for agency but i just don’t think kyrie being a badass on the same level as the others#is my cup of tea. and i mean ‘badass’ in like the physical combat oriented way#bc i think part of the appeal of kyrie for me is the fact that she is ultimately the most ‘normal’ of the cast#i like her from a more grounded human perspective and how that interacts with the world and other characters around her#i am generally more interested in seeing kyrie’s pov abt this world and the everyday things she does to deal with it#and help others deal with it and playing her own role outside of the battlefield#and fighting only when necessary to defend herself#than i am in kyrie being made out to be the same combat focused badass that all the others are#like again before i get misinterpreted i think that ideas where kyrie is indeed a good fighter are nice#there is nothing wrong with them and i indulge in them from time to time too#it’s just this particular attitude about ‘kyrie must be a fighter to be a better character’#that i take issue with#and also i’m just generally not a fan of ‘generic girlboss kyrie’ when it’s taken seriously lol#that being said i think giving kyrie a sword would be funny#once again i just think there’s other approaches to take when it comes to building on kyrie’s character#but of course i’d much rather have that than the people who think kyrie is completely useless and boring#and therefore she should get killed off. instead of like idk. actually wanting the series to develop her character more#or the people who claim she has no personality and try to twist the canon#to make that personality ‘abusive to nero’
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generalsyndulla · 1 year
We don’t talk enough about how Sabine ultimately chose her found family over her Mandalorian identity
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there’s already too many Alucard x reader fics. I’d rather have Integra x female reader
Yeah I noticed that too lol
So maybe you’ll end up getting two (because the fencing one is in the works)
Thank you for the input 💚
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Okayyy I was tagged by @iknowtheendnatural, thank you!
Rules: List 5 comfort characters and tag at least 5 people.
1. Castiel
2. Dean Winchester
3. Johnathan Creek
4. Pippin
5. Irene Winters
Tagging with no pressure (you can answer in tags or replies if you would like!) @theoneandonlypigeon @zepptraxxdean @aturnoftheearth @teacupthesauceror-blog @hoycas
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Ok so I wanted to see Jessica Moore again
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many-gay-magpies · 9 months
anyways i finished the peripheral. had to come on tumblr to search stuff up about it immediately because what the fuck was that ending. found out amazon renewed and then canceled season 2. we are in the dystopia now
#my opinions:#lowbeer ROCKS she is literally so cool her vibes are IMMACULATE she is just amazing#style through the roof. charisma through the fucking stratosphere#the name lowbeer ALONE is just. so incredibly badass#then you add EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HER??? fucking fantastic#i love pretty much all the characters theyre all so unique and complicated and HUMAN#i had pretty much no clue what was going on plot-wise the entire last episode but thats fine cuz ill never get to find out anyway#!! :D!!.!!! ..#amazon can get fucked.#all the war buddies' relationships were so SWEET i loved them#flynne my beloved 💞💞💞💞#cherise's fashion game was UNTOUCHABLE my god. her vibes? impeccable. all of the women in this show are so gorgeous i cannot take it#also i could not help but envision a world where lev zubov's character position was instead fulfilled by a butch lesbian. same clothes same#-personality same story same everything. literally nothing changes except she's a hot snazzy murderous butch#because you can never have too much queer#also. on that note. flynne? bisexual as hell.#for that matter everyone's at least a lil bi just cuz i say so#i also loved tommy's little ''kill the bad guy(s) and immediately get fucked up about it'' arc#aelita got that ultimate lesbian rizz. oh my GOD#that scene with grace? 'whats her name?' 'its a he actually' 'oh you poor thing' i love her. do you get that? i love her so much.#is everyone this queer in the book because if so i NEED to read it#im gonna read it anyway but like thatll make me want to even more#aaaaand thus concludes my thoughts on the peripheral. for now anyway lol#magpie thoughts#the peripheral#the peripheral amazon
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burned-lariat · 1 year
Way to go, Trina! Clock that evil nanny!
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Just remember folks! Integra isn’t trapped in a room with you, you’re trapped in a room with Integra!
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Irene Papas (Tribute to a Bad Man, Electra, Zorba the Greek)—"From the opening shot of Michael Cacoyannis's Electra, as the proud, implacable face emerges from encroaching shadows, it becomes impossible to imagine anyone else as Euripides's heroine. Erect, immutably dignified, dark eyes burning fiercely beneath heavy black brows, Irene Papas visibly embodies the sublimity of classical Greece, tragic yet serene." -Philip Kemp (film critic) Also she's a a badass.
Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire)—Leigh is exceptionally beautiful. To quote Garson Kanin, Leigh was "a stunner whose ravishing beauty often tended to obscure her staggering achievements as an actress. Great beauties are infrequently great actresses—simply because they don't need to be. Vivien was different; ambitious, persevering, serious, often inspired." She was an actor's actor, one of those big old-school theatre dames, full of drama and temper.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Irene Papas:
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An amazing actress and singer, some may say a literal Greek goddess. Fought against military dictatorship in her home country and had an affair with Marlon Brando.
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She literally played Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world in Greek mythology, what more could you want
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Vivien Leigh propaganda:
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"I submit this gifset--help she is so beautiful and tragic"
"Extremely versatile, absolutely beautiful features and a wonderful resting bitch face if needed."
"She has such a range of character types that she could fit any favorite type of woman. And have you seen her in the Red Dress? with her cocked eyebrow???"
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[Linked GwtW gifset]
"She played one of the most famously unlikable characters in cinema history and knocked it out of the park."
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"Vivien Leigh vs every established and wannabe actress on Earth- grand slam winner for Scarlett O'Hara and won the oscar. Ultimate power couple with hottie finalist Laurence Olivier. I am just on my knees for that arched eyebrow and smouldering look."
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"She’s just mmm the PASSION behind her performances is palpable, she’s so beautiful and elegant and amazing and yeah"
"look at her. im a gay man and im in love with her"
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