#she’s also older than Mannimarco and used to be a Psijic
mannimarcoiscool · 9 months
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unsettlingcreature · 1 year
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outfits for my three eso characters when they're not out adventuring ^^ info beneath the cut because I love to ramble
Non-binary argonian, they/them pronouns
Currently working with House Ravenwatch in High Rock
Templar, primarily using Sword and Shield. Tank.
Most people (humans & elves usually) at first assume that they're just very short for an argonian, hearing the raspy voice and seeing their skills in combat. However, anyone who's familiar with argonians realises that they're actually only a teenager. They recently turned 17.
Their family lived on Bleakrock Isle, mostly as fishermen but also helping recover lost cargo from shipwrecks. Paddles trained with their older brother and they both intended to join the Ebonheart Pact's forces when they got older. When the island was attacked by the Daggerfall Covenant, the family were separated and Paddles-Upstream was forced to fight for their survival.
Incredibly optimistic and loyal, but also merciless when it comes to a fight. Although they want to save people, they also know that many people cannot be trusted (and redemption is far more complicated and lengthy than just putting someone down.)
Khaahni the Fleet-footed
Female khajiit, specifically a pahmar-raht (and tall for one too)
Recently left Auridon for Grahtwood with Sha-briri.
Warden, switching between Sword and Shield and a Restoration staff. Healer.
Used to work as a healer in Mistral and was called to help heal the sailors caught up in the maomer attack. She and Sha-briri were quickly recruited by Razum'dar - Khaahni only agreed to join in the first place so she could try and get closer to him (infatuation can be a powerful thing).
Owns the Warm Sands Tavern (and its adjoining guild), mainly taking on mercenary work outside of her duties as an Eye of the Queen. Somewhat, the tavern works as an information brokerage but is mainly for its patrons to relax.
Very passionate, when there's something to do then she puts her whole self into it (and sprints right at it, earning her epithet). It does mean she often has to drag Sha-briri away from things that catch his curiosity so they can stay on track though.
Dorian Renault
Male breton (with an altmer parent, leading to his more elven appearance).
Constantly moving between the Summerset Isles, Artaeum and Western Skyrim.
Necromancer... technically. is incredibly secretive about it and mainly roams around in hunting leathers and uses a bow. Only really wears his mage robes when he's at the tavern or on Artaeum, he thinks it marks him as a target.
Used to be a teacher at the Mages' Guild on Auridon, a job he got thanks to his (altmer) grandparents' influence. He quit in order to pursue his interest in relics and researching ayleid ruins. In the process, he got recruited into the Psijic Order (leading him to discover Mannimarco's research on necromancy).
He relies on stealth and his silver tongue to get through danger. He will easily lie or put on an act if it furthers his goals. He has no real desire to hurt or screw people over, he mostly just wants to pursue his own research and curiosities without disturbance.
Has a soft spot for younger people or those with a desire to learn. Literally he will cave so fast. Paddles-Upstream unintentionally has him wrapped around their finger.
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colonel-killa-bee · 4 years
In a conflict between Tamriel, the Continent and Thedas, who would come at top, who in the middle and who would get the short end of the stick?
Before the introduction of Solas, I’d have said thedas in third easily. Arch Demon is a joke outside their world, Flemeth was taken down by a dude with a sword lol or some average magic skills, and lichee like Mannimarco pull her parlor trick of reconstituting themselves from a piece of their soul via phylactaries commonly.
Also, Tamriel mages shit on thedas mages easily, same for the continent. Sorceresses are considered powerful for using portals, which while yes they use them a bit more easily than most in Tamriel besides a select few like Abnur and others, they did so commonly enough in eso, more so than the Continent.
Plus, Abnur isn’t at all the most powerful mage in lore yet he’s pretty comparable to Yennifer in power, in his old weakened state.
Meanwhile in Thedas, you’re a good mage if you avoid becoming a demon condom and throw some fire balls and avoid blood magic which isn’t even that good, AND mages can’t enchant in that world 😂
Solas is the only one that gives pause, but I bet Ciri could teleport in, remove his head, and that’s that.
Ciri, and the Wild Hunt are easily the most powerful things from that world along with some magical beings like Vampires, the true higher vampires I mean, which absolutely shit on vampires in tes, and yet Geralt’s killed both, multiple times.
Granted a Higher vamps don’t truly die by anything but other higher vamps, but he did defeat them.
The older one he faced that completely wiped the floor with him tho... that’s another matter.
It’s hard to truly gauge but I’d say the only ones that could really compare with the likes of Ciri and the Wild Hunt, as well as Higher Vampires is the Dovahkiin, and possibly some of the most powerful mages in history that battle with daedra lords and the like, meaning the Tribunal, Nerevarine since he/she can kill the Tribunal, the Psijic monks for sure, these people stop time like nothing, etc etc. Even a Geralt would be trouble for many of them but not the most powerful mages in Tamrielic history. Geralts more on par with Cyrus the Restless and Ysgramor, not Pelinal, Wulfharth, etc. Demigods.
And because there’s so many power houses like that in TES, both demigods and not, I say Tamriel, the Continent, then Thedas.
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