#she’s trying to pull a Stacey dash from what it seems
tariah23 · 3 months
I’m not rooting for Candace Owens just because she spoke out about israel and Zionists, man.
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analiavs · 7 months
Give Me Some Sugar
word count: 4455
Warnings: Kylar, rape, stalking, kidnapping, electrocution, KYLAR, drugging, choking, a pinch of mind break and a dash of Stockholm syndrome
Summary: Briar catches the attention of a sweet little sugar daddy. But of course he's more than meets the eye
AO3 link for those that prefer:
Hit read more if you prefer to read in tumblr (it's long tho)
He’d been searching for his beloved when he saw them, Hanshoku Kanona made flesh. He couldn’t believe his eyes. S-rank ass, D-rank chest, long brown hair with matching eyes, milky skin, and perfect teeth. He’d thought his beloved would be the closest he’d ever get to seeing perfection in real life, but the lithe form in front of him changed everything. 
“Listen kid, I’m not for sale.” The voice, while not deep, was male. Well, maybe absolute perfection came at a cost. How could he have thought himself worthy of seeding the pinnacle of humanity after all. Nevertheless he could practically visualize his darling in a mating press.
“I’m a man. Don’t underestimate me, I’ll be sure to win your heart.” He quoted his favorite badass anime character  Yūdokuna otokorashi-sa. 
“Excuse me?” 
“What do you like? I’ll prove myself worthy of your love.” 
“Honey I have expensive tastes, a brat like you could never satisfy me.” Just as quickly as he’d met them, he watched his beloved strut away. He’d seen him then. A designer suit and jewelry adorning his body. If his beloved wanted to be a sugar baby he could provide.
Kanona would never have been driven by greed, but once he’d lured his beloved into his grip he could show him the way. He’d make sure to get as much information as possible from the strippers at school. And finally lay his trap.
He cornered one of the Chads the next day. 
“Listen man, I don’t want any trouble.” He’d put his hands up. Yes, he had his knife out, but it was necessary for the interrogation. It was lunchtime so there wouldn’t be anyone in this hallway.
“Just answer my questions and there won’t be any problems.”
“Ok ok, just put the knife down dude.”
“NO! Not until you answer my questions.” He pulled some of his pictures out, his hands trembling from the adrenaline.
“Who is this? And what do you know about them?”
“Huh, Briar. He’s the owner of the brothel. A really corrupt and evil person, is he blackmailing you? If you need help Kylar-” The information close at hand his frenzy grew.
“No I don’t! Give me more information!”
“Um ok. He’s um basically an alcoholic, but he only drinks wine. He’s got a daddy kink. Shit… what else? He’s dangerous, I don’t recommend catching his eye. If he really likes you, you'll get better paying but more degrading shows or have to service him personally.” The Chad rambled. He trembled with rage at the thought of this jock getting to touch his beloved. For a hot second he considered stabbing him, but it wasn’t his fault if his beloved was slutting around trying to find his soulmate. Besides, neither of them were still pure.
“Never touch him again!” 
“Listen man, if it was my choice I’d never even go to Harvest St.” The Chad shrugged. He grit his teeth before leaving to get to his next target. He found her flashing passersby in the courtyard. He couldn’t believe he’d once thought this mere Stacey was worthy of his affection.
“Come with me!” 
“You wanna fuck?” The bimbo asked, eagerly following him. He led her to a bathroom stall. 
“What do you know about Briar?” She seemed confused, lowering the skirt that didn’t cover the cum dripping down her legs. He couldn’t believe only yesterday seeing that would have filled him with jealousy.
“The brothel owner? He’s a real shady sonnuva bitch. You don’t want to get involved with him bruv, you might end up in a real froggy situation.” 
“Tell me about him!” She scoffed,
“What about him? He’s a sloppy drunk and a solid fuck. Likes pretty things, likes breaking pretty things. Real sadist type ya know? One of the worst scum this town has to offer but he’s charismatic.” They weren’t saying anything of substance about his beloved. Merely his negatives, the negatives he was going to fix.
Without saying anything else he left the bathroom stall. That must mean no one truly knew him. He’d get his beloved to open up to him and only him. He chose to forgo the rest of his lessons and dedicate himself to his mission. 
He rushed home to collect his tool kit. He heard his parents hissing with displeasure over him cutting class. But they didn’t understand, no one did. He grabbed his surveillance equipment: bugs, camera, binoculars, his spy cameras, and tracking devices. 
He stared reverently at his poster of his dear Kanona, soon he would be able to feel her between his fingers. He dressed in a fully black outfit, completed with a hoodie, mask, gloves, and sunglasses. While he may not be the ideal size of an alpha male it wasn’t all negative. Plus, that Stacey had always told him he had inches where it mattered.
One look at his dick and his precious would know he was a true alpha male. And ever since he’d started following Dr. Magnum’s workout videos he’d been gaining physical strength. Combine that with his limitless pepper spray supply and he would be unbeatable. Finally, factor in his wealth and there was no debate he was a high-value man. 
He recited Dr. Magnum’s fifteen affirmations for high value men in the mirror until he felt the strength from the words in his soul. Prepared and confident he headed towards Harvest Street. He followed the hidden paths that avoided the other townspeople. 
He made it to Harvest Street without a confrontation and snuck into the brothel unnoticed. Since it was still afternoon, there weren't many patrons. He had to be extra discrete while planting his bugs and spy cameras.
He kept a constant scan of the brothel as he worked. No one noticed him. Once he set devices to have a 24/7  stream of data from the brothel he slid into the shadows to wait for his beloved to come out of his office.
As it got later in the evening more patrons and strippers arrived. His beloved shouldn’t associate with all these dirty grimy people. Well, soon the only person his dear Kanona would see was him. Shortly after the Stacey strutted in, Briar finally stepped out of his office.
He resisted the urge to abduct his darling right then and there and forced himself to focus on his mission. He picked the lock to the room with ease and slipped in, making sure to lock it behind him. 
Instead of a desk like he expected he saw a rather ornate sofa. There were a few filing cabinets and barrels in the room but besides that the room was empty. He quickly set up his bugs and cameras. He found a stash of wine bottles. 
They were expensive, but not as expensive as some of the bottles in his parents' wine cellar. He might have just found a good use for them now.
He went through and inspected the other fixtures in the room. The barrels he saw a large amount of aphrodisiac drugs. He wanted to go through the filing cabinets, but he didn’t want to risk leaving a trace. As he was doing a final sweep he noticed a door hidden in the wall. 
Intrigued, he picked the lock and snuck into the room. It looked like a bedroom, a private bedroom. Glee tickled his spine. This room was meant only for his darling’s eyes, no one else. This was their little secret. He was overjoyed as he planted his bugs and spy cameras. There was even a little bathroom attached to the room. His feed would be glorious, he could never have expected such a stroke of good luck. He set cameras everywhere. 
He took note of what kind of soaps and perfumes he preferred. Even the clothes and jewelry. And couldn’t resist the urge to steal a pair of red briefs out of the underwear drawer. His beloved scent was all over them. He inhaled deeply, sighing in pleasure.
As much as he wanted to stay in the room forever, he knew he couldn’t linger for too long or he’d run the risk of being caught.  Reluctantly he snuck back out of the bedroom and office. No one saw him, all focused on the admittedly impressive autofisting going on on stage. Even the security guards were watching his ex obsession contort herself on the stage. 
He spotted his beloved sitting next to the Headteacher of all people. He swallowed down  jealousy and refocused. Now came the tricky part after all. Even for the Stacey he’d never considered implanting a tracking device, but now it felt necessary. 
He couldn’t risk his precious Kanona ever being able to get away from him. He readied his syringe and crawled on the disgusting ground to evade attention. He made it to his beloved's ankle, the needle tip was small enough that he wouldn’t feel it, but he wished he could sanitize the area before sticking him. He plunged it quickly and efficiently, as he’d predicted it went unnoticed. 
While he was under their table he decided to eavesdrop and tie Leighton’ shoes together. 
“Ugh, I tried to get her to do private photoshoots for me, but she laughed and said she could use the publicity.” He was so close to his beloved, but he didn’t dare touch him. He did sniff him though. 
“Psh, pay her enough and she’ll do anything. If you can’t even afford one of Bailey’s whores you really are worthless. This towns so fucked who doesn’t have a sextape floating around at this point? Once your students figure that out, you’ll be powerless. We’d have to call you Failton.” He was glad his beloved didn’t seem to care for the Headteacher even if they were sitting together.
“Shut up slut, what’ll you do when people realize they’re paying for something this town provides for free?”
“Convenience fee darling, besides my services satisfy certain tastes. The underground has a queue after all.” His beloved’s voice took on a layered tone. These underground dealings were likely what had struck fear in the Chad and Stacey’s heart. Well he’d just have to purify his darling’s soul. He took one last sniff before sneaking away. 
He had the rest of his preparations to make after all. Back at home he prepared his surveillance room. He set up the different channels for his camera feeds and then their complimentary audio channels. He had several screens dedicated to showing the feeds and then a central screen that could enlarge a feed and play the audio. 
He watched his beloved for a while before heading to bed. Now that the preliminary preparations were complete he’d be able to relax. Continue to go to school and keep his parents and society satisfied. 
Soon he’d have his precious Kanona and she’d never want to ever be apart from him. Ever.
When some creep had talked a big game about winning him over he hadn’t really put much stock in it. He knew he was hot, and he used it to his advantage. So when the guy popped up a week later with the most expensive bottle of wine he’d ever seen he almost didn’t know how to react.
He recovered quickly enough to smile and twirl his hair on a finger. He assumed  he’d raided some cellar and had no idea what he actually had in his hands. 
“Aw, thanks cutie.” He cooed, grabbing the bottle. He batted his eyes and asked his name.
“Ky... Kylar.” Even a stutter, this was going to be too easy. He’d always been partial to keeping a sugar daddy around, though it had been a long time since he’d had a consummate sugar daddy. Nevertheless, his old charms came flooding back like muscle memory.
“Kylar… hmm what a cute name.” Kylar’s whole face turned red, he bit back a laugh. 
“Maybe you can satisfy my tastes after all.” He smiled before strutting away from the guy. He could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he walked away. 
Usually he would drink in his office, but he wanted to savor this in private. And be sure it wasn’t tampered with.
He grabbed his fanciest wine glass and a corkscrew then settled onto his bed. The seal was still perfectly intact, he smiled. 
Aged one hundred years, he couldn’t wait. Alone he was free to dress up and fantasize a bit. 
He slipped into a lace negligee and posed in front of the mirror.
“Honey you’ve still got it.” He hadn’t even had to give anything up for the wine bottle, his new diet must be working better than he’d thought. He inspected his body carefully, there were no imperfections that he could see. He put on a jewelry set, now he looked perfect. 
He laid down on his bed and uncorked his wine bottle. It smelled heavenly, he poured himself a glass and flicked it around with his wrist. He sipped and moaned. The bottle really didn’t disappoint, it was smooth and strong.
He drank almost half the bottle and found himself asleep. In the following weeks Kylar got him luxury perfumes and soaps. He quickly swapped them into his daily routine. His skin and hair had never been so soft. 
He’d never had a paypig before but he was loving it. Kylar’s weekly visits soon came to be his favorite day of the week. 
A few months into their relationship Kylar came up to him holding some jewelry boxes. He couldn’t wait to see how they topped the gifts he’d already received. 
“Ooh, come to my office sweetie.” He practically dragged him to his sofa. 
“What’d you get me this week?” He purred. Kylar stuttered but finally managed to say jewelry. Eagerly, he grabbed the biggest case first. 
It was a genuine pearl necklace. He could feel his jaw drop a bit, this was the most expensive jewelry he’d ever held in his hands. It practically shone in the box.
His hands shook as he put the necklace on. Then he reached out for the next box. Pearl and opal earrings, he put them on eagerly. This matching set must look gorgeous. He could see the shine reflecting from them.
It made his own jewelry look like mere trinkets in comparison. 
“One more.” Kyar said and opened up a ring box. A lustrous opal ring surrounded by small pearls. It was gorgeous. He took off the rings he already had on and put it on his ring finger. He stared at it, mesmerized by its beauty.
“I got the rings and earrings custom made, though they can’t compare to your beauty.” 
“Aw, you're such a smooth talker.” He waited for the shoe to drop, surely even a virgin wouldn’t give such expensive jewelry for nothing in exchange. 
“Don’t worry my love, these are just gifts from me to you. I can wait-” He muttered something under his breath and before he could blink Kylar was gone. How flattering, he hadn’t thought he could still get people to fall in love with him with just a look. 
He rushed into his room to dress to match his new jewelry. He slipped on the light blue suit jacket Kylar had gotten tailor made for him. Then gazed at his reflection in the mirror. 
He wasted almost half an hour enraptured with the jewelry. Such lustrous gems weren’t often seen by commoners. He needed to keep himself in Kylar’s good graces. He giggled to himself wondering how Kylar would top this. He hadn’t imagined that the brat was anything more than just a thief. 
He finished picking out the luxury outfit that matched his new jewelry, he wondered how long had Kylar been planning out these gifts for them to match perfectly. With a spritz of the cologne he’d been gifted, he finally stepped out of his room. 
All eyes were on him, as they should be. He could taste the jealousy in the air. He smiled and called his driver. There were some “independent contractors” he wanted to get under his control today. When the limo pulled up he slid into his seat.
“Take me to the cafe and after that the pub.” He was craving pancakes, but he was likely going to get a fruit salad. Then shakedown some floozies and he could call it a day.  Five minutes into the ride his eyes got heavy and he fell asleep. 
When he woke up his head was pounding. There was something heavy around his neck, he sat up slowly. He kept blinking trying to refocus his eyes. He felt around his neck and found a collar that was attached to a metal chain. He tried to get it off, but it wouldn’t budge. Who would dare kidnap him! He shook with rage as he tried to free himself. 
There were no weak points on the chain. It was better than the restraints he used in the underground. He took in the room. He was on a king sized bed and the blankets were soft enough. There was a dresser with a mirror attached. He looked at himself. 
His hair was a mess but he looked normal enough. He still had his ring and earrings on, but the necklace had been replaced with the collar. He got off the bed. To his surprise the chain could extend from the wall. He walked towards one of the doors in the room and the chain didn’t stop him. He opened the door and found a bathroom. It was already prepared with toiletries and cosmetics. 
Was this another underground ring trying to show off their power? But there was no way his bodyguards wouldn’t have noticed. He walked out the bathroom to the next door and tried it. 
He’d expected it to be locked but it opened out to a hallway. He tried to step out of the room, but the chain didn’t extend anymore. He tried to force it and suddenly the chain flew back into the wall, yanking him on the bed by the neck. He coughed and sputtered trying to regain his breath. 
He tried to feel for a weak point on the collar, but couldn’t find it. He pressed on the usual failure points, but nothing worked.  He heard a rustling coming from the hallway, he prepared himself for a confrontation. But to his shock it was Kylar. 
“My precious Kanona-chan, finally I have you all to myself. It’s been so hard waiting, but tonight we can finally consummate our love.” Kylar’s face was split into a monstrous grin. 
“What the fuck are you talking about!?” He got up ready to beat the shit out of the little motherfucker, but an electrical jolt from the collar brought him to his knees. 
“Oh my love, don’t be like that. I don’t want to have to punish you. Tonight we’ll have so much fun. I have your outfit for tonight. You already have the ring.” Kylar paused to giggle to himself. This guy was insane, he backed up into the bed. 
“You can’t keep me here, you… you psycho.” He spat. He screamed when the collar jolted him again. He collapsed onto the bed. Kylar walked up to him and pet his hair.
“Oh darling, don’t worry no one will find us here. So put this on. I don’t want you to get punished again.” He spoke like he wasn’t the one hurting him and dropped a brown parcel onto the bed. 
“I’ll give you some privacy to get changed, but it’s not like I haven’t seen it before. And make sure you put everything on. If anything’s missing you might have to get punished.” Kylar stalked out of the room. He pressed a hand to his chest, his heart was actually racing. He knew he was angry, but could it be that he was scared too?
With shaking hands he reached for the package. He opened it and found a white short ball gown. He stripped and put it on numbly. It didn’t even cover his butt. He’d done the same to countless whores, but he’d never expected to be on the receiving end. There wasn’t even underwear in the bag, though there was a white leg garter. He slipped it on. 
He looked in the mirror. He looked like some kind of perverse bride, he’d had girls do a few shows on the concept but it was a little too cliche for his tastes. It didn’t take long for Kylar to stumble back in, this time wearing an ill fitting suit. 
“My beautiful bride, this will be a night we remember for the rest of our lives. Tomorrow we’ll dance, but tonight we’ll have some fun. Just like in the first volume of Isshō tsudzuku no ni jūbun'na hanshoku.” Kylar pushed him onto the bed. He had no idea what he was raving about, when he tried to struggle he was shocked again. He went limp on the bed. 
“First, the garter.” He watched Kylar go down to his thigh. The bastard mouthed at it, kissing his leg sloppily. Before finally grabbing it with his teeth and pulling it down. Once he finished that he jumped up and pressed a kiss to his mouth, it tasted overwhelmingly of mint. 
“I’d follow the manga to a t, but I wouldn’t want it to hurt. Heheeheehe, I learned that the hard way. No, my darling there’s no pain play till volume three. Today’s our simple wedding night.” Just how long did this freak plan on keeping him here. 
“Listen… I’ll let you get one freebie. Just let me go after ok. Please Kylar, there won’t be any consequences if you do.” His voice sweet as pie, he batted his eyes. 
“You want this just as much as I do my love? Oh my darling I’ll never let you go!” This motherfucker wasn’t listening at all. Kylar pinned him on his back and climbed up his body till he could kiss him. Kylar forced his tongue into his mouth. Kylar kept his eyes open staring directly at him while he kissed him. Eventually he just closed his eyes to escape his gaze, letting Kylar do what he wanted. 
Green eyes weren’t a rarity in this town, but something about Kylar’s eyes actually made him feel nervous. Kylar didn’t let up for air, he felt his eyes start to water. He had no choice but to bite down on Kylar’s tongue to try and get him to let up. Of course the collar shocked the hell out of him, but at least Kylar pulled back. He gasped for air, still laying on his back. 
“Oh my dear Kanona-chan, if you wanted to skip to consummation you should have just said that. You know I could kiss you forever.” Kylar was completely wrapped up in his own little fantasy world. He didn’t even respond. Just stared at the ceiling, willing it to be over with already.
He doubted a shrimp like Kylar could be packing much, or have stamina. That’s what he told himself as awkward fingers breached him. At least the dude knew to use lube.
He still felt pretty limber from the monthly farm orgy, so at least he had that going for him. Though small as Kylar’s hands were he could probably double fist him and he still wouldn’t feel it. He wasn’t particularly skilled either. If he told himself it was just a pity fuck that might make it more bearable. 
Despite the crushing blow to his pride, so far things had been pretty vanilla. So really he just needed to focus on escaping. Or cajole the creep into taking the collar off. He didn’t bother watching Kylar put it in. Maybe if he seemed disinterested Kylar would get a reality check.
Thus he was wholly unprepared for the biggest cock he’d ever taken to get rammed into him. He felt the wind get pushed out of him, even Remy’s stupid bulls weren’t that big. He tried smacking the idiot as he tried to blink the tears out of his eyes. 
“What the fu- mmph” somehow the whelp was able to reach up and kiss him. Effectively muffling his complaints. He tried biting down on Kylar but that only seemed to inspire him. He’d never felt anything like this before. Maybe Remy could enjoy a battering ram on his prostate, he preferred his lovers to be more sensual. He almost choked on the spit pooling in his mouth. Finally Kylar let up so he could breathe. He gasped and sucked air in, body bouncing from the force of Kylar’s thrusts. 
“You bastard! I’ll sell you to the farm for this! Mmph-!” The hands that had been clawed around his waist wrapped around his neck in a death grip. He tried to claw them off. Kylar looked mad as he humped into him. 
“You love this , you love this, you love this…” He kept repeating it. He tried to loosen Kylar’s grip, but he was electrocuted. His body spasmed as Kylar kept fucking him. His body started feeling tingling as black spots started appearing in his vision. In a way the novelty was thrilling. 
He never let anyone be so rough with him. None of his playmates ever so much as slapped his ass. As he started losing consciousness, his eyes started rolling back. He felt his arms falling limp at his sides as the world went black. When he woke up, he gasped. 
His body tingled. He’d never felt anything like this, he felt his own dick was hard. Another hard jab to his prostate, he gasped gently. He felt hypersensitive now, his mind was foggy. He hadn’t realized when it started to feel good. He moaned quietly. Kylar suddenly stilled. 
“Oh my dear Kanona! I knew you would love this too! If it’s better for you, you can call me daddy.” Kylar said pressing frenzied kisses around his chest before starting to thrust into him wildly. He bounced with each thrust. The shrimp had a surprising amount of core strength. Kylar’s sweat dripped onto him. 
“I’m gonna breed you now, but don’t worry you won’t get pregnant until volume 6.” He shivered, feeling his own orgasm finally force its way out. Finally Kylar’s hips stuttered before he ground into him and collapsed onto him. He couldn’t believe he’d passed out on top of him. And he was still inside. Ugh… at least he didn’t have to deal with the cum dripping out for now. Kylar was almost endearing, cuddling into him. He shook his head. He needed to focus on escaping. But the afterglow got to him too and he fell asleep.
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For dayton can you write being childhood best friends with him and you've always been there at his races and one day your running late so you don't get to see him before for his pep talk. And his race goes horribly and eventually when he sees you he gets angry and you get in to a argument. But eventually he makes it up to you.
A/N: Alright, here’s my first go at writing for Dayton White! I watched Logan Lucky and absolutely adored it. Dayton does not get the love he deserves! I decided Im going to make this at least a two parter, potentially spanning into one or two more. I really want to dive into the past with these two! This will focus more on their relationship growing up, while the second (and potentially third) part will contain more of the angst. Once again if I don’t write for a Seb character you like, just ask and I’ll try and gain access to it! I hope you guys enjoy. I also really hate to do this, but I recently quit my job due to a toxic work environment. Here is my ko-fi, if you can donate that would be cool, but if you can’t no pressure!!! Love you all ❤️
Pairings: Dayton White x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, no proofreading (I’ll get to it)
Word Count: 2.5k
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You’re Always There Part 1
Your earliest memory of Dayton was meeting him at Memorial Park in your hometown. You were both 5 years old, new to the world outside of your home. It was the day before Kindergarten, and both of your parents wanted you to make new friends before the first day of school. Hopefully meeting someone in your class, they felt you wouldn’t be as scared being truly away from them for the first time. You only had a single mom, and she did everything for you that she could, even taking you to the park after her long day at work. Dayton had both parents, making it easier for him to let go and meet new people. His home was “complete” by societal standards.
“Mommy I don’t wanna go play on the slide. I wanna go home and play dinosaurs with you” you said looking up at your mother.
She kneeled down to look you in the eye, holding her shining gaze with yours looking both serious and concerned, “Honey, you know you go to school tomorrow. This is your chance to go meet someone new, maybe even have a friend when you go into school tomorrow.”
You were extremely hesitant. You loved your momma, and she loved you more than anything. You had friends on your street that you liked to play with, but your mom was never far away, only a quick yell and she would be there. This was different. She had told you she wasn’t going to be there if you needed her, and that you would have to wait until school was over to see her again. You cried for two days straight after you had the “school” talk. What were you going to do without your mom? She was your superhero, your friend, and the best mother in the whole wide world. You didn’t need anyone else. That’s what you thought, at least. Until you met Dayton.
“Go on chickadee, go make some friends. You’re a big girl now who can build pyramids with blocks and cut out dinosaurs with scissors, you can do anything” your mother said with a smile.
This was all you needed to muster up the courage to conquer the slide. You nodded at your mom and ran off towards the wooden playground. They really should’ve made these things plastic, with splinters and bee stings being common afflictions of being on the playground, but it didn’t matter to you. It was fun all the same.
You began to climb the steps of the huge castle, making your way through drawbridges and holes through the wood to get to the slide. There were two other little girls there, a little older than you, maybe seven. You mustered up a quiet “hi” but they didn’t hear you, already screaming and running off in a different direction. Just when your hopes of making a friend had been dashed, you heard another voice from behind you.
“Hi. What’s your name?”
A boy of brunette hair and ocean blue eyes was staring at you expectantly. You weren’t expecting anyone to respond except those girls, so you were timid at first. You opened your mouth to speak several times but nothing came out. You started to become overwhelmed, tears welling up in your eyes.
The boy noticed, looking at you confused. He had only asked you your name. However, his momma always said if someone was crying, you fix it.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me your name. Do you need a hug?”
All you could do was nod, strangely opening up to this welcoming boy. He smiled and brought you in for a tiny hug. He wants gentle, kind of rough actually as he swayed you back and forth with energy. He pulled away, hoping you had felt better. You did.
“I’m Dayton” he said, smiling at you.
You smiled back, with tear stains still on your cheek.
“I’m Y/N”
“Y/N, it looks like you need another hug” Dayton gave you another hug, holding you until he stopped hearing the faint sniffle that escaped your body every so often.
You pulled away, nodding to indicate you were alright now.
“You wanna go down the slide? My mommy is probably wondering where I am” Dayton asked innocently.
You nodded, relief washing over you that someone wanted to be your friend
“That sounds awesome.”
From that day forward, you and Dayton were attached at the hip. Elementary school had been a breeze. Thankfully, Dayton was in your class your first year. Although it didn’t stay that way, you would always find time to meet and play during recess. Recess time turned into meeting after school, and meeting after school extended into high school.
Dayton began racing during freshman year. Your school offered a racing club which allowed students to meet after school and go to various tracks in the state to see what it was like to race. You and Dayton had always gone Go-Kart driving on the weekends, but you never thought it would turn into anything serious. Dayton, however, has found his passion. He started building his own race car after school sophomore year, and even asked if you would come over to help. You knew absolutely nothing about building a race car, but Dayton wanted you to be there and that’s all that mattered.
“Y’know I know nothing about building a damn car right? Do YOU even know anything about building a car?” you posed to Dayton in an almost accusatory tone.
“As a matter of fact, Y/N, I have been studying how to build this ‘damn car’ for over a year now, so why don’t you put a little respect on Francine’s name?”
“Well, Dayton, I suggest you begin studying geometry before you fail the quarter. And you named the thing already? Is it your lover or you car?”
“It’s both” he gave you a weird wink, one on the left, and then another on the right in secession.
“You are absolutely gross, White. I can’t believe I ever agreed to go down that slide with you when we were five. It was probably all apart of your evil plan to keep me from being someone else’s best friend just so I could build this car with you” you rolled your eyes as you sat on the hood of his family car.
“God you’re so right. You caught me. Our entire friendship has been a sham, and it all led up to this moment. And now that I finally have you where I want you...” he said with a low growl, planting both of his hands on either side of you as you sat on the hood of his car.
“I’m gonna get ya!” He said tickling your sides
You shrieked, absolutely taken aback that his hands were all over you.
God, his hands were all over you.
Alright, maybe he is cute, but there was no way you two would ever date. You came to that conclusion a long time ago. Your crush developed in the 6th grade, which is absolutely astounding considering middle schoolers are anything but normal. Even in the most awkward stage of life Dayton still managed to be charming and cute as ever. You were determined to tell him, but he would never shut up about Stacey Waterson. You hated her with every fiber of your being. What was wrong with you after all? You had it all, at least that’s what your mom said. You were decently pretty, immensely funny, and his best friend. You shared everything together. What more could he want? Well, the answer to that question would be Stacey Waterson. He wanted her, and not you.
You came back to from the tickling after laughing for what seemed like minutes. Your sides were hurting from contracting your ab muscles for too long. You pushed Dayton off of you playfully, but he pounced back on you, pinning your arms above your head.
“Say the password and I’ll let you go” he stared you down, being absolutely serious.
However, you wanted to double check.
“You can’t be serious” you retorted back, completely flustered due to the situation you were currently in on top of the incessant tickling that occurred just moments before.
“Oh, I’m serious. Say the password and I’ll let you go!” He said with a huge smile on his face.
“Jesus Christ, let me go you dick” you said while struggling to get up.
Dayton made a loud buzzing sound in your face.
“Try again!”
“Dayton come on let me up!”
Dayton made another loud buzzing sound in your face.
“Come on Y/N, just one little word and this can all go away. All you gotta do is say..”
“Goddamnit Dayton, chicken! Chicken for fuck’s sake” you said waiting for his response.
Dayton made another loud buzzing sound in your face.
“I’m sorry, that’s the old password. There’s a new password” he smiled at you, knowing this was ridiculous.
You finally mustered up the strength to push him off of you.
“What do you mean the password has changed!”
The password “chicken” has been used in every single scenario since you first let. For whatever reason, You and Dayton found that word hilarious when you were at a birthday party in the third grade. It was Danny Henry’s 8th birthday, and of course it was chicken themed. Every child gets infatuated with a new thing every year. Danny happened to live on a farm, and all year he wouldn’t stop talking about getting a pet chicken. You all wore chicken hats, there were chicken plates, a chicken cake. There was even a “Pin the Beak on the Chicken” game which, if you do say so yourself, was way more entertaining than “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.” You and Dayton lost it by the time your mom picked you up from the party, absolutely hysterical in the backseat. Ever since then, it was your secret password for everything.
“I was thinking we should change stuff up. Make up a new password, it has been seven years since we thought of one.”
“Oh yeah? And what is this new life changing password that is soooo good that our childhood memory is being brushed under the rug?” you question.
Dayton had an almost hurt look on his face, but he proposed the new password to you anyways. 
“I thought the new password could be Francine. Y’know, I just think this is another great milestone in our friendship, working on this car and all. This day is really important to me and I’m glad you’re here” he said with sincerity.
You didn’t know what to say. This day did mean a lot to him, and your friendship overall. 
You nodded in agreement. 
“Alright, the new password is Francine. However, I will still be accepting chicken as a password in the future.”
Dayton smiled one of the biggest smiles you had ever seen.
“Deal. Now, let’s get this car on the road. We have a lot of work to do if I’m gonna be ready for my first ever official race next Saturday.”
Race day was here. You woke up early next Saturday morning and drove over to Dayton’s house to pick him up to go to the race track. Dayton’s dad was taking his race car down in their trailer, but you and Dayton wanted to head to your special place before the race. It was eight o’clock in the morning and Dayton had until noon to get to the race track. 
Ever since the 6th grade, you and Dayton would walk to this rock in the woods after school to talk about your day. Your mom got home at seven every night, so you only had four hours to do something before she got home and realized you were “missing.” You talked about everything on that rock, and that rock was also where you realized you had the biggest crush on someone since your infatuation with Paul Rudd in “Clueless.”
You pulled up in your beat up Dodge Intrepid, newly sporting your license. You grabbed some granola bars and bottles of orange juice to enjoy while sitting on the rock.
You both sat down on ground, leaning up against the thing. You both sighed and enjoyed the crisp cool morning air. Finally, you broke the silence.
“You nervous for today?”
Dayton looked down between his legs while chewing on his granola bar.
“I am absolutely terrified. I mean, what if I mess up?”
You laughed a little.
He looked at you with confusion.
“What’s so funny?” 
You shook your head.
“it’s your first are Dayton. It’s okay to be nervous and even mess up. At the end of the day, everyone is going to be proud of you. We’ll all tell you how great you did because we know how much you care about this. You’ll do amazing.”
He smiled, almost not expecting such kind words to come from your mouth.
“You’re something else Y/N, ya know that?”
“Oh yeah? Stacey Waterson is something else too I bet” you said half jokingly, half serious.
He rolled his eyes. 
“Who gives a fuck about Stacey Waterson when I have a girl like you to cheer me on and surprisingly gives the best pep talks.”
“Well the way I see it she was the one who got the invitation to prom, not little old me who will be spending that Saturday night in my basement playing my PlayStation.” 
He shook his head again.
“I never asked Stacey to prom.”
You suddenly shifted to look at him square in the face.
“I said, I didn't ask Stacey to prom.”
You were dumbfounded. He told you he was absolutely determined to take her. What had changed?
“W-Why? Why didn’t you ask her?”
He kept smiling and shaking his head.
“God Y/N, for being one of the smartest girls I have ever met you really can be dumb sometimes.”
“Excuse you, Dayton White, I happen to be taking AP U.S History, Honors Biology, and-”
That’s when you thought heaven had fell down from the skies and landed right on that rock.
Dayton had leaned in and kissed you. God, why did he have to be so charming?
He slowly took your lip into his mouth and gently sucked on it. You reciprocated by taking his top lip into your mouth and began moving your mouth with his. Time had stopped. It felt like you had molded into one person, enjoying the sensation of each other’s lips. 
He finally pulled away, looking you dead in the eyes.
“Do you understand now?”
You nodded, still stunned by his actions.
“I think we better go. I wanna see this handsome boy I kissed win his first race.”
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suituuup · 3 years
The Bachelorette
For a fic x art trade with @thehorriblyslowmurderer. Thank you, I hope you like it :D
rated: T
Word count: 2,5k
ao3 link
“Holy shit, it’s freezing!” Beca hisses as she steps out of the car, making a dash in the snow for the front door of the cabin the Bellas will be staying at for the next three nights. 
She punches in the code given by the owner via email and pushes the door open just as Chloe makes it to the top of the steps, following her fiancée inside. 
“Oh wow,” she breathes, taking in the huge space that’s a perfect mix of authentic and modern, with a jaw-dropping view of the range of mountains in the distance through the large bay window in the living room. 
The perks of having a famous girlfriend; they didn’t have to pay for anything, Beca having made a deal with the owners to promote the place on her Instagram while they stayed there for their bachelorette weekend. 
A fire is already crackling in the wood-burner and a welcome basket with goodies sits on the kitchen island. Chloe walks over, plucking the note. 
“Dear Beca and Chloe. We hope you and your friends have the best time at our cabin,” she reads outloud before taking a look at what’s inside: a couple bottles of wine, cheese, chocolate and fruits. “That’s so sweet of them.” 
Beca hums, sliding her arms around Chloe’s waist from behind and hooking her chin over her shoulder. She nips at Chloe’s earlobe. “How much time do you think we have until the others get here?” 
“We’re here, pitches!” Amy’s voice interrupts Chloe’s lusty thoughts before she can reply.
She giggles at Beca’s groan, patting her forearm and stepping out of her embrace to greet their friends. Everyone’s been so busy this year, their last reunion dating back to last New Years Eve. “Hey guys!” 
“We brought booze!” Stacie exclaims, holding up two bottles of tequila. “I’ve got like, a bunch more in the trunk.” 
“Let’s pimp this place up, ladies,” Aubrey instructs, carrying a box containing what looks like rainbow themed-decorations. 
“Oh jeez,” Beca mutters as once everyone greeted everyone, the Bellas move about the place to prep dinner and whatever else they have planned for herself and Chloe. “Should we be scared?” She mumbles to her fiancée. 
“Trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Stacie says as she walks past them, winking. 
Yeah. They should definitely be scared. 
The first night turns out to be pretty low key, Jessica, Ashley and Aubrey whipping up an amazing dinner for all of them. They drink wine and play a drunken game of Twister and Cards Against Humanity, turning in rather early as they plan on hitting the slopes the morning after. 
“Today was so much fun,” Chloe gushes as she swipes through her photos once they’ve made it back to the cabin after their day spent skiing. “I even caught your fall on film.” 
Beca grumbles, trying to get her cold fingers to work down her jacket zipper. “You better not post that on social media, Beale.” 
“How’s your ass?” Chloe smirks, locking her phone and tossing it on the bed. 
“Poor baby,” Chloe sighs, pushing to her feet and sliding up behind Beca. She peppers her jaw with soft kisses and nuzzles her cheek. “Come shower with me?” 
Beca seems to fight off a shiver, not one triggered by the cold. “Be there in a sec.” 
Walking into their fancy ensuite bathroom, Chloe turns on the spray in the Italian shower and strips the remaining layers on her body before stepping under the hot water. Slender arms loop around her waist less than a minute later, Beca’s warm body pressing against hers. 
“You think you can be quiet?” Is murmured against her ear as one of Beca’s hands slides downwards. 
Chloe bites back a moan, turning around in Beca’s arms and stepping back until her back hits the stone wall behind her. She watches with darkened eyes as Beca lowers herself to the tile floor and hooks one leg over her shoulder, Chloe’s eyes sliding shut at that first lick. 
When they eventually come out of the shower a while later dressed in matching robes, they find Bride-to-be shirts folded on their bed, along with a sticker stuck to one of them. 
quit boning and meet us downstairs! the party’s awaitin’
The back of the shirt sports selfie of them that they must have taken from Chloe’s instagram. 
“This is so cheesy,” Beca grumbles as she shrugs it on, but Chloe knows she secretly loves it. 
“There they are!” Stacie shouts when they make it downstairs fifteen minutes later. 
Music is pumping through Beca’s expensive wireless speaker and the coffee table is covered in various liquor bottles, snacks and a handful of pizza boxes.
“Have a seat, ladies,” Amy motions to the two chairs facing the couch with a flourish of her hand, bowing her head. 
Chloe and Beca sit down, and Jessica and Ashely set a rainbow tiara on their heads and sling a bride-to-be sash across their chests. 
“We had each of you fill out a bachelorette quiz a week ago, and you’ll have to guess the other’s answers. If you get it wrong, you have to take a shot,” Aubrey explains, motioning towards the row of shots set on the coffee table. 
“And if we get it right?” Chloe questions, cocking an eyebrow. 
She’s gonna crush this game. 
“You get to pick a present out of the gift bag.” She nods to the large tote bag sat between their chairs. “Any questions?” 
Both shake their heads as Aubrey plops down on the couch between Emily and CR. “Chloe, what is Beca’s favorite feature about you?” 
“That’s easy,” Chloe beams, glancing at her fiancée with heart-eyes.  “My eyes.” 
Beca rolls hers as Chloe leans in to kiss her cheek before reaching into the bag. She wraps her hand around a bottle and pulls it out, reading its label. “Ooooh, coconut massage oil.” 
“Boring. Alright, next question,” Stacey says, plucking the sheet from Aubrey’s hands and ignoring Aubrey’s objection. “What could Chloe eat every day?” 
Beca smirks, and without a beat of hesitation, replies, “Me.” 
Emily flushes hard, Stacie smirks devilishly, while Aubrey makes a face. The rest of the girls hoot and whistle, and the tips of Beca’s ears redden. 
“I knew you’d put something dirty on a bachelorette quizz,” Beca murmurs into Chloe’s ear a beat later as she leans across the short distance between them. “Otherwise I would have said pizza.” 
Chloe grins, leaning in to peck her lips. “Correct.” 
Beca fishes a gift out of the bag and unfolds the clothing item. Her cheeks turn a shade darker. “Wow, that’s… I have no words.” 
The pair of hot pink panties read: You may now bang the bride. 
“I love them!” Chloe says, snatching them from her fiancée’s hand. “I’ll keep ‘em.” 
“Chloe, what was Beca’s first impression of you?” 
“She thought that I was crazy,” Chloe replies. She shrugs, smiling sheepishly. “I did break into her shower.” 
“The word we were looking for was intense,” Stacie corrects with a tut. “Take a shot.” 
“Oh come on, she’s just being polite because I’m her fiancée!” Chloe argues with a laugh. 
“Take a shot, ginger!” Amy shouts. 
With a grumble, Chloe plucks the shot glass in front of her off the table and knocks it back, grimacing at the burn as it slides down her throat. 
Jessica is the one to ask the next question. “Beca, what was Chloe’s first car?” 
“Seriously!?” Beca asks. “How am I supposed to know that?” 
“You do!” Chloe points out, a shit-eating grin spreading across her features. 
“Really?” Beca mumbles and reaches out to take her first shot. 
“My old Jeep! We had sex in it,” Chloe blurts out, giggled as Beca chokes a little on the liquid. “And broke the front seat.”
“TMI,” Aubrey winces, her nose scrunching up before she takes a sip from her red solo cup. 
“Chloe, what job did Beca want to do as a kid?” Emily asks. 
Chloe’s eyes light up. “Oooh, she wanted to be a detective!” 
Beca chuckles. “I was obsessed with Scooby-Doo as a kid.” 
“Aw, you found your real life Daphne!” Ashley gushes while Beca rolls her eyes. 
She bends to pick something from the bag, pulling out a pair of padded handcuffs. 
“Oh, nice! Ours isn’t padded,” Chloe comments, as she takes them from her fiancée. She leans in to whisper something into Beca’s ear. “I know you like it when it hurts, but I don’t like seeing you all bruised up.” 
“Beca, your submissive is showing,” Stacie states when Beca blushes from Chloe’s comment, plucking the sheet from Emily’s hold. 
“Beca, what’s Chloe’s biggest accomplishment?” 
“Easy. She has two: winning the Worlds and getting into vet school.” 
“Nice, babe,” Chloe praises, holding her hand up for a high-five. 
By the time they’re finished with the questions, Chloe is definitely buzzed (she had like three shots out of fifteen questions, which isn’t too bad in her opinion), and they’ve added a few gifts to their pile, a variety of sweet and kinky: matching Mrs and Mrs mugs, a bottle of lube, two sets of gorgeous satin pajamas, a spa treatment for two at Chloe’s favorite establishment in NYC, and a strapless strap-on (the best in the market, according to Stacie). 
“Now we believe Beca has something planned for Chloe,” Aubrey says as she stands, taking Beca’s phone from Beca’s hand. 
Chloe’s head whips to the left towards Beca, an eyebrow raised in surprise. “You do?” 
“Mhm,” Beca hums while four of the girls move the coffee table to make space. She brushes a too short kiss to Chloe’s lips, pulling away before Chloe’s ready to end it, and casts her a wink as she steps backwards. “Go sit in that armchair.” 
The opening notes of Beyoncé’s Dance For You drift through the speakers, Chloe’s jaw dropping when she realizes Beca is about to dance for her in front of their friends. 
“Oh my gosh,” Chloe breathes out with a laugh, her body temperature cranking up a notch as she gets comfortable. 
Beca’s hips start to swivel to the beat of the song, hands leaving her hips to slowly hike up her sides. Her fingers tangle into her brunette hair as she twists to stand sideways and slowly shimmies lower. One hand leaving her hair, Beca traces her bottom lip with her pointer finger and bites down onto the tip before she straightens, arching her back so her ass sticks out as she rises from her crouched position. She adds a hair flip to the mix before slowly strutting towards Chloe, perfectly on cue with the beat, all the while keeping her gaze locked with Chloe’s.
“Work it, girl!” Stacie shouts as Beca stands in front of Chloe, bending down so that they share the same breath. 
A chill runs down Chloe’s spine as she resists closing the distance between them, knowing from the wickedness flashing in Beca’s eyes that she’s bound to pull away before their lips can touch.  
Beca spins around, her hips matching the chorus as she bends at the knees with her legs spread and grinds it low for a few beats. Her perfect ass brushes against Chloe’s body on her way back up, and it takes everything in Chloe not to grab and squeeze it. 
The volume rises around them as the girls cheer and hoot, but Chloe can only focus on Beca and how sexy she is as she turns back to face her, hands running through her own hair then drifting down the curve of her neck, over her breasts and stomach. 
“It’s called a lap dance for a reason, shortstack,” Amy calls out as the song flawlessly transitions to Drunk In Love, the perfect arrangement no doubt one of Beca’s works.
Chloe’s mouth dries up as Beca sets both hands on Chloe’s knees and spreads them apart. 
“No touching,” Beca husks lowly, nipping at the shell of her ear and eliciting a quiet moan from Chloe. She turns around and her hips start to move in a slow, sensual dance; swerving, popping, grinding and occasionally rubbing against Chloe’s crotch. 
Spinning back around, she braces a hand by Chloe’s head and sets her right knee in the space between Chloe’s left thigh and the arm of the chair, rolling her body towards Chloe once. She straddles her lap next, her lips parted to accommodate her heavier breathing as she stares down at Chloe. 
Chloe’s fingers dig into the leather of the arm rest to keep her hands from touching Beca as her hips gyrate in lazy circles in her lap. When the song comes to an end, Beca cups her cheek, pulling her into a deep, languid kiss which Chloe eagerly returns, finally giving in to the burning desire and palming her ass, giving both cheeks a firm squeeze. 
“Alright, alright! We get the message,” Aubrey’s voice cuts through their lustful lip lock. 
“That was so freaking hot,” Chloe breathes across Beca’s lips, nipping at the bottom one before backing away. “I need the rest of that performance later.”
Beca wets her lips, smirking. “Deal.”
Games less centered around the brides-to-be follow as they pass around a joint of weed and eat pizza while sprawled out on the various couches in the living room. 
It’s past three am by the time they head upstairs, and Chloe can tell by the expression on Beca’s face that she’s high. Chloe only took one hit and feels fine, if not still a little drunk from the shots she downed at the start of the party. 
“You okay?” She asks, catching Beca staring at her with a look as she pulls her sleeping shirt over her head. 
Beca nods. “I’m just… we’ll be married in less than a month.” She seems to ponder on her words for a few seconds. “Married. That’s like… big.” 
Chloe raises an eyebrow and steps closer, lowering herself on Beca’s lap as she sits at the foot of the bed. “Are you freaking out?” 
“Weirdly, no,” Beca replies as her arms loop around Chloe’s waist. “I actually can’t wait. For our wedding, our honeymoon, our kids…”
“Our kids, huh?” Chloe questions in amusement. She twirls a brunette lock around her pointer finger. “How many kids are we talking?” 
“Mmm, at least two. I didn’t like being an only child and you loved growing up with siblings so I want that for our children, too.” 
Chloe’s smile is so big, it almost hurts. “Sounds like a good plan.” She brushes a kiss to the apple of Beca’s cheek. “You know what else sounds like a good plan? You giving me the rest of that performance. Preferably with less clothes on.” 
Beca’s eyes darken at that, her lips curving into a smirk. “Yes, ma’am.” 
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"I'm Going To Plead Guilty!"
Friday 9th October 2020
Hello again everyone! Hope you're all keeping okay. Finally I'll be getting all up to date and writing about Friday's episode today. I'm not going to keep you all hanging, let's jump straight to it! After the events on what happened the previous day, Whitney is stood in the Courtroom alone, after how Gray acted in court, she can't seem to get it out of her mind. As Sonia joins her, she worries that Gray could be having some kind of mental breakdown. Sonia instructs her not to think about Gray, today is about her and it's her time to have her say! But has the damage already been done?!
At home, Gray is sat on the stairs, clinging to their stair banister, as Keegan is banging on his front door, telling him that the family need to see him to make sure he's okay. He did a disappearing act at his wife's funeral, surely the Taylor family are going to realise that something isn't right with Gray. He is struggling more now than before. At the Minute Mart, Billy is doing everything he can to try and cheer Karen up, he suggests taking her away from the Square just for the day, but Karen is insistent she needs to be around for Mack and Mia. She is clearly still grieving for her daughter but I think most importantly, she's feeling the need to perhaps talk to Gray, she wants an explanation as to why he missed his wife's funeral! As she leaves the shop, Honey praises Billy for trying to do the right thing. She realises it was him who got Mitch and Karen talking again. This little moment between Honey and Billy was really pretty cute, they're a bit like Kat and Alfie aren't they? I truly believe that Honey and Billy belong together! Don't you guys agree? I do kind of sense there is something still there between the two.
At the Carter household, Mick is looking over paperwork for his day in court. Linda joins him and asks if he's okay. Do any of you guys feel that their marriage is currently on the rocks right now? They're not talking to one another, they're keeping secrets from each other and the way they're speaking to each other isn't really very nice. I think it's been a while since Mick called Linda '"L"? It's also been a long time since either of them of showed the other any affection. Mick informs his wife that he's contemplating telling the truth about what he saw the night Leo died. But Linda is quick to tell him not to! She worries that if he does he'll be sent down for perverting the course of justice! She tells him he doesn't have a choice other than sticking to what he said in his statement, Mick then drops the line "So you're the only one who gets to tell the truth?" - is he making a dig at his wife for coming clean about the kiss she had with Max?! But little does he know that she's also not informing him about the big sip of alcohol she had the other night!
Meanwhile at the Taylor household, Karen is still grief stricken as she unloads her grocery shopping, both Mitch and Keegan are there as she rants about Gray not being there for Chantelle, she can't understand why he would leave her on the day of her own funeral. Mitch tries to reassure his ex that no matter what happens he will always be there to support her. But Karen can't take it anymore, after she almost kissed Mitch she's been feeling worse. As soon as Mitch tries to comfort her, she snaps! She tells him that even though they both love Chantelle, that's as far as things will go between them. She informs him that she is with Billy now and she loves him and the only way she'll be able to move forward is if he moves out. Mitch is clearly saddened by this as it's clear he was wanting things to be move forward with Karen, he was hoping of possibly rekindling their relationship?
At the Slaters, Kat and Jean are literally scrounging their house to find some money to pay Suki. Stacey says she'll be able to flog all her designer gear online and pay the rent that way, but Jean informs her that she's given the majority of it back to Ruby, seeing as it was bought with her money. Stacey is furious with her Mother for going behind her back, just as voices are about to be raised, Kush walks in. Jean informs him that if they don't come up with rent soon, they will all be living on the streets, Kush reassures her and tells her not to worry. It's then he pulls out from behind his back a massive wad of cash. Kat and Stacey are visibly happy to see him with the amount of money he's holding, but Jean looks just a little suspicious. Where did he get that amount of money from?! Is Kush hiding something?
Back at court, Whitney is finally having her say! The judge asks the question whether her relationship with Leo was a serious one, he also states the fact that she has had many men in her life. Whitney does as Sonia says and stands up for herself ... Can I just say how brilliant she was at this part?! I love how cocky she was saying that the main reason she was there is because Leo pulled a knife out on her, but if they want to know about her past relationships she'll be happy to tell them. She goes on to inform them about both Lee and Callum and she confirms that she is still friends with them to this day, regardless of their relationships falling apart. She makes the perfect point that if she is guilty of anything is for her taste in men!
Meanwhile, Habiba is still eager to get Jags out of prison. She walks up to the station with a huge protest board, reading "Free The Jaguar". As she arrives, we can already see that Jags is sat in a police car, ready to be sent away after confessing to the crime. Habiba rushes to her boyfriends aid and pleads to him to tell the truth, she asks him to look her in the eyes if he did attack Martin, obviously he can't do that, he looks down towards his feet. She pleads to the police officer to let her have one last word with her boyfriend before he's taken away. She rushes back to the window and tells him that he has to tell the truth, otherwise, how are they going to be able to get married? Jags looks through the window in confusion, it's then she pulls out a ring and purposes to her boyfriend. But he knows he can't, he doesn't respond and Habiba is left heartbroken as the car drives away.
Finally, Mick has arrived in court is about to have his say to defend Whitney! It's clear that Mick is feeling very nervous already - realising that he's having to lie in court. This scene was also a brilliant one, I don't really know how to explain it but I think it was just so clever! As Mick is being asked very difficult questions about his relationship with Whitney and about what happened the night Leo died, Mick is quite clearly shaken, his breath his raspy. To me, it looks as if he's about to have another panic attack. Everything Mick is hearing goes all fuzzy, the room goes blurry and he can barely breathe. He tries to loosen his tie, suddenly he collapses to the floor and Whitney and Sonia are left in shock!
Iqra finally catches up with her sister, after her failed attempt to get Jags to admit the truth. Habiba is looking saddened as she asks her whether she knows anyone who would like an engagement ring, as Jags didn't appear to want it. Iqra is surprised to hear that her sister popped the question. Ash happens to overhear the conversation and she gives her apologies to Habiba. She then tells both the girls that she's convinced that the only reason Jags won't say he's innocent is because he's got himself involved with some really heavy serious criminals. But then, I think Ash slips up a little - she reassures her that that isn't the case, as she says this both Iqra and Habiba look at her, and it clicks to Habiba that Ash knows something! She demands Ash to tell them what she knows, but she's quick to defend her family. Habiba is angry as she leaves the room and Iqra explains to her girlfriend that her sister is just upset and that she believes her. Ash breathes a sigh of relief. I think the Panesar family are going to be really careful what they say around Habiba now ... or should Habiba be the one who needs to be careful? If Suki finds out that Habiba is trying to find the truth, she'll surely act to make sure she doesn't uncover it!
At the Vic, Whitney and Sonia are informing Sharon about what happened to Mick at Court. Suddenly, Linda enters asking Whitney where Mick has go to, she also asks her how he got on in Court. Whitney informs Linda that Mick didn't say anything - but as she's about to explain as to why - Linda interrupts her, saying how Mick had been stressed and worried about going to Court and everything. Suddenly, Sharon drops her foot in it and asks whether Mick is out of hospital, Linda looks confused and looks to both Whitney and Sonia. Sonia then informs her that he collapsed with a panic attack whilst on the stand, the fact that the judge gave him a tough time and questioned him about his previous fling with Whitney. Linda dashes off to find her husband. Whitney then pulls out her phone to make a phone, whoever it is she's speaking to, she informs them it's urgent. As she leaves the Vic, Suki and Vinny can be seen sat having a drink together, Suki watches in disgust as Whitney leaves the pub and makes the nasty comment that she should be the one in prison. Suddenly, Kush makes himself known, he throws the rent money on the table in front of them saying he'll give the rest to them later, as he turns away we can see him playing poker on his phone. Is this going to be a new storyline for Kush now? In recent episodes we've heard the odd mention of him and Martin playing online poker and honestly - I didn't think much of it at first, but now it seems to be becoming a big part of Kush's life. Is that how he managed to get the rent money for Suki? Is Kush going to become a gambling addict? If so, I think it would be a very interesting story, plus to someone who's so level-headed. Kush is a character who cares about his family very much, I don't think he's ever put a foot wrong - other than perhaps sleeping with his best friend's wife - but I don't think we've seen a gambling addiction for a very long time. I think it would be a brilliant storyline, however a very distressing one - what do you guys think?
Back at home, Linda is on the phone to the hospital, frantic to find out information about her husband. But then Mick finally makes himself home, Linda is clearly relieved to see him. This conversation is another interesting one, he looks like he's in a world of his own as he speaks to his wife. He informs her that he was going to tell them truth before he had his panic attack. Linda informs him that she's been told about what happened in Court, what they questioned him about. It's then Mick starts to say that it was all his fault, it shouldn't have happened, he should've stopped it! Part of me is thinking that he's talking about Frankie. Is Frankie what's on his mind right now? Linda obviously seems to think that he's talking about Whitney, she assures him that he's been forgiven and everything in the past doesn't matter to them now. But is that really the case? It's still going to be a huge shock when Linda finds out about Frankie! I don't know about you guys, but I'm really looking forward to that secret coming out!
The final scene of the episode, Whitney and Sonia have met up with her solicitor? I'm guessing it's her solicitor anyway? Whitney has called them together wanting to know what her chances are, but it looks as if her mind has already been made up. She knows that she's not going to get away with it, even by the look of the jury, she knows she's going to be sent to prison. Sonia tells her to stay strong, stay positive and fight, but has Whitney had enough? Does she know it'll be pointless as she believes she'll be going to prison anyway? She takes a deep breath and reveals to Sonia that she's going to plead guilty to the murder of Leo!
There are so many things happening in the soap right now, and there so many twists and turns coming. I believe there are many ways in which all the story-lines could go. I'm sorry if this blog is a little boring, I'm trying to make sure I mention/highlight I feel which are the important parts of the episode. I hope you'll all enjoy reading, if you have any ideas on how I can make this blog a little better, please don't hesitate to throw me some ideas. I'd love to hear what you guys think! Anyway, thank you all for reading. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I'll be back on Monday evening with the start of a whole new week! Have a brilliant weekend everyone and I'll be back very soon xXx
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meshugana1 · 6 years
"On Halloween night a where it's full of scares and fright, one soul wanders to find some 'treats' of his in the form of women he likes to bone. But as this holiday has taught us that girls can carry a lot of tricks especially one group which which usually are ideal for sorting out these kinds of pricks." To clarify, all the girls turn one man into an anthro Black cat with 6-breasts,green eyes,a slutty witch costume but just hat, toe/heel showing witch stockings and jack-o-lantern bell collar.
   William zipped his pants up and left the young princess to tidy herself up in the bushes. How he loved Halloween. Even the stuck up girls put out. Must be the full moon or that escapist feeling in the air this time of year. It was the perfect time for a guy like him. He didn’t even have to put much effort into his costume. Just a white t-shirt, a pack of cheap cigarettes rolled in the sleeve, his hair slicked back with pomade, and jeans with a pair of cheap boots. It was the total Brando package, and he didn’t even have to spend thirty bucks. It already paid for itself, that was the third bimbo so far that wrapped her lips around his seven inches and the sun hadn’t even set yet.
   As he rounded the corner, he already spotted his next conquest. The first thing he saw was tits, huge juicy ones. They were attached to a pretty face too, beautiful tan skin, really sexy eyes, and hair like a wildflower. Her costume didn’t hurt her figure either. Pink, nearly transparent silk, covered her fabulous tits and even her goofy airy silk pants couldn’t hide an ass that went on for days. God love the genie look. William sauntered over with his usual confidence, the bulge in his jeans was obvious and warned of exactly what he wanted. “Sup pretty lady? You seem like you need some company, my night is free if you like what you see,” William said. The woman looked William up and down. ‘What was it about this night that made it so easy?’ She thought. This would be the forty-third boy she came across trying to take advantage of her, it was too easy really.   “Well thank you, young Master, I am but a humble genie, and I would love to repay you. So, your wish is my command Master,” She said. She held her hands in front of her chest and popped her hips slowly to a rhythm William could not hear.   “Well then, I think first I’ll wish for you to give me a little pussy, then—”   “WISH GRANTED!” She said snapping her fingers. There was a flash and a surging of smoke from her feet. William coughed and waved the air clear, and spotted the crazy girl’s ass bouncing away.   “All you had to do was so no, crazy bitch,” William said. He did what he usually did when he was rebuffed, he reached he’d down to readjust his semi-turgid best friend. He patted his left leg, where it usually rested but felt only thigh. He checked the other but found nothing still. He gulped, jamming his hand into his jeans. He felt skin, on a night like tonight he would always forgo underwear, it just got in the way. But as he rubbed his crotch, he didn’t feel his shaft, nor his balls, nor his head. He just felt a little…tingly? He didn’t give up searching, but then, on a downstroke, his index finger slipped inside him. His knees shook, his finger was wet, and when his nail grazed a sensitive little bud of nerves, the mystery was solved. “MY COCK TURNED INTO A CUNT?!”
   William ran hard, pants dangling by an ankle and dripping pussy exposed to the nippy air. He gave no thought to his direction, his eyes stared ahead blankly. He rounded the corner and struck something soft, then two bodies crashed into the ground. His bare ass rubbed into the ground and the long grass tickled his pussy.   “What the hell dude? *Pbbbrrrbbtt* Watch where you’re going!” The woman said. William looked at the victim of his panicked dash. The first thing he saw was an enormous round belly attached to an incredibly sexy woman. Her breasts were glorious and her ass was the stuff of legends, if she could lay off the burritos, she would’ve been another fine woman he would love to let suck him off if his circumstances were different.   “Uh, sorry,” William said. He tried to raise himself off the ground, but the shock from his sudden transformation was setting in and they remained rooted to the earth.   “Oh! I’m so sorry, *fffwwweeeeeenn* I guess ‘dude’ is a bit offensive huh? My bad, *Splorttt*” she said. Why would she say that? He thought. Then he remembered his state of dress, and what he was unintentionally exposing to her.   “Wait, NO! I’m not trans, I was cursed or something, I don’t normally look like this I swear!”   “Cursed? *Brrrrrrrbbbb* Really? *Flablatch* No way! I can totally help! I’m Stacey and I’m a witch in training,*fffffffffffffffffffffffffffp*” she said. Fifteen minutes ago he would’ve thought she was some crazy pregnant chick, but now the scales had fallen from his eyes and he would grasp at any straw.   “Really!? Oh please help me, I’ll do anything!”   “No problem. *Rrrrrppppppttttt* I understand what you’re going through too, just brace yourself. *Ppppppppppppttttrrrr* I probably can’t fix all off this but I think I can put one thing back to normal at least,” Stacey said. William was a smidge confused. There was only one thing wrong with him so how could she miss? Stacey began speaking, and letting out a long, high pitched fart, in a language William had no hope of knowing. Her rate of strange words increased along with her gas. Then she just stopped, and William felt a twinge in his chest. He pulled up his shirt and saw his nipples had become puffy and erect, and his pecs started to look a little fatty. He then felt a tremendous sense of vertigo and the ground rapidly approached him. Then his chest trembled and surged forth with such force that it knocked him off balance. He had fleshy bags attached to his chest topped with large, puffy nipples. He couldn’t say the word, he wouldn’t say the word.   “Well, *Blort* that’s all I can really do without making it worse. You got a doozy of a spell on you. *Sprrrutut* I hope that get’s you back to normal a bit, bye! *Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*” Stacey said. She turned and waddled away, the sounds of gas still echoing into the night.
   William shambled against a fence. Twice, how could the same thing happen to a guy twice in less than an hour? It was like being struck by magical lightning, then getting hit by a magical meteor. He felt his…chest, dangle and bob with every step. He knew this fence, it was some recluse middle-aged ladies. He used to be tall enough to peer clear over the top, now thanks to that gassy bitch he was a foot too short. William didn’t even have the will to put his pants back on. What was the point? All people would see of his living nightmare was a costume of a gender-bent freak. He continued on his hopeless march when he rubbed himself against a soft pair of tits coming around the corner.   “WHAT?! How dare you touch me so casually!” William heard, he didn’t care. What else could happen to him. Going to jail would be an improvement at this rate. “Are you ignoring me you little bastard? You think you can fondle a goddess and get away with it? I know your type little man. You think you’re just a real tomcat, don’t you? I can tell you’ve already been given a few lessons, but they clearly aren’t enough for someone like you,” The woman said.   “What? Oh god no, no! Please don’t, it was an accident! Leave me alone!” William said. He didn’t wait for an answer and turned to run. His shorter legs pumped as hard as they could but nothing was moving around him. The woman held her hand out, suspending him in the air.   “You want to be a little Tomcat? Fine! One little change though, I’d hate to erase your progress!” She said. William flailed in the air. Three times, three fucking times! His clothing dissolved into nothingness, exposing his new breasts and pristine pussy completely. His short body began to contract even further, reducing him to just barely above four and a half feet. What remained of his masculine form began to melt away. His arms became supple and graceful, so did his legs. His waist contorted into a tiny shape, his legs became slender at the calf but tremendously thick in the thigh. His ass tingled, then it felt like it was falling out, becoming a tight, round fanny. All his muscles faded away, his facial features softened, going from the hard face of a rugged man to a supermodels visage. No trace of him was left. Then it got worse.
   The hairs on his arms having nearly gone were returning with force. Same with his legs. Before this evening, he was gifted with very light flaxen hair. But his hair growing in now was black as black. It was probably the same on his head, he could feel it coming down his neck and slipping past his shoulders. It was getting thicker and thicker, soon it coated his arms and legs so entirely that he could see no skin beneath any of it. His new fur shined glossy. There was a pinch atop his head as pointed ears, much better suited for his new shape. Another pinch came above his engorged bottom as his spine lengthened nearly four feet. Unceremoniously he dropped toward the ground. He twisted and distorted his body on the way down without effort. His arms and legs hit the earth first, catching him.    “There, now you look the part, Pussy. Maybe you’ll think better of trying to cop a feel on a goddess with your filthy paws,” she said. She turned aggressively on her heel, then left down the sidewalk leaving William to lick his magical wounds.
   He sat there a while, squatting, feeling his tail flick back and forth. “FUCK! FUCKFUCKFUCK! Why?! Why me?! I didn’t do anything and now the universe has fucked me FOUR FUCKING TIMES! Now I’m a big tatted cat bitch?! Of fucking course! Why not? Who cares?! Is that all you got? Can’t get any worse so bring it the fuck on! What’s next? Antlers? A cock on my forehead? How about a whole buncha titties? Could always use more of those right?!”   “Well, now that you mention it that doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” came a small voice behind him. Every hair on Williams body stood on end. Every muscle tensed and he shot into the air nearly fifteen feet, landing in the recluses yard. The hair all over his body stood on end and his arms and legs remained stiff and outstretched.   “Holy Titania, sorry didn’t mean to scare you kitty,” the voice came again. William turned and saw something he both feared and begrudgingly expected. It was a tiny blonde woman, no more than six inches tall, floating there in a green dress. “Let me guess, you’re gonna change me too? Fucking great, FUCKING GREAT! Well, get on with it you little freak. Do your fucking worst!” William said.   “Hey! Don’t you yell at me you little bitch! I know you’re having a rough night, fella, and maybe if you were nicer, I would’ve helped you out. But now? Well, you reap what you sow!” She said. Yellow light shot from her hands and struck William below his breasts. He felt a cramp, followed by three others. Then his shoulders slumped as four new pairs of breasts, each one equal to his first set, weighted him down so much he was forced nearly to all fours. “There, enjoy what being an asshole gets you,” the fairy said. With that, she turned and left in a blinding display of speed.
   William plopped down on his round bottom and grabbed one of his middle tits. They felt so heavy. His chest began to heave, then the tops of his original pair of jugs began to moisten with his tears. It was so unfair. All he wanted to do was get his dick a little bit wet, that’s all. What was so wrong with that? Now he was a freak, a six titted cat freak. What was he going to do? Where could he go? His family wouldn’t recognize him now, none of his friends would care beyond wanting to fuck him. He was screwed. Stuck crying in the cold and the grass. “Perfect!” He decried.   “I’ll say,” a sultry voice said behind him. He wasn’t surprised this time. His new ears picked up the creaking of the porch ages ago. The woman was simply stunning, beautiful olive skin, a voluptuous figure and a sexy as hell witches costume. “You look like you’ve had a rough night,” she said.   “Oh yeah, sniff, how can you tell?” William said.   “Well, the tits give it away. Come on up here, no need for tears.”   “Like hell there isn’t,” William said as he sulked up the steps of her porch, “Look at me! I’m practically a monster.”   “Hardly, I’ve seen monsters before and you are quite far from that. I’d even say you look pretty cute.”   “Oh what, are you a witch too or something?”   “Yeah, isn’t the costume obvious?” She said with a smile.   “Oh.”   “Don’t worry little kitten; I’m not going to hurt you.”   “Might as well, everyone else with magical powers is.”   “Actually, I was going to ask if you might want a job.”   “A job?”   “Yup, interested?”   “What kind of job could I do like this?”   “Well, most witches have familiars, but I’ve never really gotten around to it. I’m not exactly proactive, but when such an opportunity lands in ones lap it is unwise not to take advantage.”   “What does a familiar do? I don’t have to do anything crazy or satanic do I?”   “Satanic, really? I just run a little store of oddities and antiques. I guess you’d run the counter sometimes, organize, anything else I need, maybe test out new magical items I acquire, that sort of thing. And of course, you’d be living here with me. What do you think?”   “You’d want a giant titted cat monster running the store while you’re at lunch?”   “I have a myriad of items at my shop kitty; they’re almost all of a magical nature. There are more than a few that would change the way you look to something a bit more socially acceptable. So, what do you think?” William didn’t need much time to think.   “What choice do I have?” William extended his hand to her, “I’m William.”   “Pleasure to meet you, I am Saveta, but you’ll call me Mistress when it’s just us from now on,” Saveta said as she clasped his outstretched hand. William felt a surge coming from her hand that left him weak in the knees.   “I don’t know about that Mistress, sounds a little too kinky. Wait what? I just called you Mistress instead of Mistress. Oh crap, is this magic again?”   “Yeah, sorry. It’s best you don’t think too hard about it until you’re used to it. But here, a little welcome home present,” Saveta said. She lifted her hands and seemed to produce a choker from nowhere. It looked expensive. It was jack-o-lantern shaped, of course. Saveta placed it around Williams’ neck, it fit perfectly. The moment she clasp was locked it disappeared, and William was bathed in a blue-hued light. A witch’s hat, nearly identical to his new Mistress’s appeared on his head. It even had holes specially placed for his ears.   “A hat?” William said.   “The bell has a pretty nice feature too,” Saveta said. She curled her finger and flicked the bell, sending the ring into Williams’ ears, then she did it again. The bell began to glow, then Williams world seemed to collapse in on itself. Where he was once sitting, he now was suspended in mid-air. As he fell to the chair, he contorted, catching himself on the seat cushion. He felt claws, whiskers, and warmth from the fur now covering his entire form. “Mrrow?”   “Useful right? Just for when company is over. And two more hits to change back,” she said striking the bell twice. William popped back into his human-ish form.   “That feels so weird!”   “You’ll get used to it; you can do it yourself too you know, should the need arise. Now come along inside, I’d like to take those tits for a test ride before anymore trick or treaters arrive,” Saveta said delivering a swift and sharp smack to Williams’ bottom, that answering more questions about what she meant than anything else.
The End. Hope Y’all like it!
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ghozt1ng-blog · 7 years
Mysteries of the Q Files
Chapter 1: Unwanted Fieldtrip
Getting a private tour of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's headquarters in Washington D.C. would be a treat for a anyone, unless you happened to be Trick and the person giving you the tour was your own mother. Trick’s forehead stuck to the passenger window as he stared drearily at the trees and buildings zipping by. His mother spoke up in a clipped tone.
“Don’t do that Patrick! You’ll get smudges all over the window. Do you want to give the car a thorough cleaning tonight?”
Trick grunted and pulled back from the window, using the sleeve of his shirt to try and wipe away the foggy grease stain. He did not want to look at his mother right now. She was, after all, the one who was dragging him to work with her. It was her fault that he was in the car! She shouldn’t be allowed to complain!
Well… That wasn’t entirely true. He had just gotten himself suspended for the second time this year. It was seventh since he had been in high school, and he was just a junior. He was going for the record! Trick grinned a little at his reflection in the window. This last stunt had been beautifully complex and they couldn’t even 100% pin it on him this time. The look of the principle with a plunger glued to his face had been priceless!
Trick had fed his friend Joel a nasty concoction of chili, military grade cheese, and some sugar free gummy bears before he went to his teacher’s assistant job at the front office. There he had unloaded the ultimate payload in the office bathroom. After Joel was hauled out by the nurse, the principal had tried in vain to unclog the toilet. Trick had just happened on by and seeing the right state of the situation and the poor state of the plunger had volunteered to grab another. The second one he borrowed from the janitor he coated with Gorilla Glue and then “tripped” as he had handed it to the principal. How was he supposed to know it would seal to his face that quickly? Or that it was just about as nasty as the one Joel’s payload had sullied so spectacularly?
They had never figured out that Joel’s food and explosive diarrhea was part of the plan. The added assault on a student might have earned him an expulsion. But what did he really care anyway? High school was a boring game of popularity and trying to beat everyone out with the best grades. Everyone always said it was so complicated and that no one could ever understand. Nonsense. It was merely a game with simple rules, but hundreds of ways to implement said rules. Once Trick had learned that, it was a matter of observation and the right kind of devil-may-care grin to navigate the whole mess.
The absurdity of the whole situation, school, the plunger, and the suspension caused Trick to chuckle a little. It was not lost on his mother however. She gave him a sharp look and said, “I know that you find all of this very funny Patrick, but seriously! There are consequences for your actions! If you have any sense whatsoever, you will see that when we get to the office.”
Trick didn’t say a thing, but just reclined his seat and looked up dully at the gray roof of the car. His mother hoped against all hope that seeing brilliant men and women like himself incarcerated for their mischief would help him to straighten up. Fat chance of that happening. His games and pranks were all that gave him excitement and meaning in his otherwise mundane life. If high school was the apex to life, it was a boring and pointless one. The game had lost its savor half way through his sophomore year and had not gotten any better.
“Please put your seat back. We’re almost there, and I don’t want you getting flagged for looking suspicious.”
Trick threw his mother an angry look and she responded with a withering one of her own. He sighed and put up his chair.
“Honestly, mom, I don’t know why you are doing this.”
“You know very well,” she snapped. “Your father can’t watch you and maybe coming with me might just get some sense into that thick skull of yours! Think about your future for once and that getting suspended does not help!”
Trick knew she was right on that account, but he didn’t want to agree with her at the moment. She gave his mom a sideways glance of contempt. Agent Susan Brown, Trick’s mother, was a well built, towering woman with her blonde hair trimmed into a neat pixie cut. Very utilitarian for her work. She was a top marksman and savvy field agent. One thing Trick knew he got from his mother was her sense of awareness and quick thinking. He probably also got his athleticism from her. She would have been out in the field right now busting up some cartel guys, serial killers, or domestic terrorists had it not been for some vicious Bureau politics a year back that stuck with her the Q Files.
Now Agent Brown languished in a joke of a department that worked on unexplainable cases and basically dabbled in conspiracy theories. She almost never left headquarters these days, but Trick was certain she was still as skillful an agent as she ever was. He could admire her perseverance. Personally, he would have made the lives of those who tried to screw him over a living hell.
They approached the J. Edgar Hoover building and attempted to find some parking. The giant, off white building did not look like the kind of place that housed some of the nation’s top minds and agents, but that was probably a good thing. Trick had learned that most people thought that the FBI was stationed at Langley, which by contrast seemed to invite attacks and intrigue so that they could keep cranking out more Bourne movies.  
Trick’s mother quickly located a parking spot and he followed his mother into the large building. Once they got past security, Agent Brown led her son through a veritable maze of cubicles and pillars to corridor somewhat to the back of the building. This took them to another maze of cubicles and eventually set of offices stuffed in a corner, almost like an afterthought. On a fading plaque, placed as though someone wanted people to miss it, read the title Office of the Q Files. Little comics and stickers that all made fun of conspiracies and dumb government officials adorned the rest of the doors and the thresholds.
As they entered a door at the very corner, Trick entered a squashed office, overflowing with papers and haphazard filing cabinets. There at two of three desks sat Agents Miles and Conturbatio, the latter usually referred to as the Sphinx. Stacey Miles was an attractive, young agent with her brown hair in elaborate braid and stylish glasses on her face. Howard “Sphinx” Conturbatio was a taller, middle aged man with a proud nose and piercing green eyes. The rest of his face though gave off the impression that he was perpetually bored.
“Susan, good to see you this morning,” Agent Miles beamed.
“Another exhilarating day of rifling through papers and files,” Sphinx said. “I left a pile on your desk to sort through. We have to determine whether or not the new pesticides used in Wisconsin are causing people to act more erratically than usual. Oh, hello there Patrick.”
“Susan, is that your son? He’s a handsome boy,” Miles gushed.
Trick felt himself go a little hot around the collar, despite himself. He had seen the Sphinx before,the man had joined his family for dinner once. The guy was like Fox Mulder come to life, obsessed with the paranormal and determined to prove it. Trick’s father thought him insane. Stacey Miles wasn’t much better; she was an avid conspiracy theorist and a bit of an airhead. Trick’s mother was essentially there to keep these two grounded in reality as best she could. A task she rarely complained about.
The Sphinx reached for some extra files and said, “Patrick, how about you help us out? If we get done quickly, maybe we’ll find some good place to eat out for lunch. What do you say?”
Trick backed away a step and said, “That’s sounds fantastic. Uh… I need to get a drink and go to the bathroom first. Can you point the way?”
His mom shot him a look that said if he was not back in five minutes he was a dead man, as Stacey pointed and said, “By the hallway where you came in is the bathroom and a coffee table is not too far from there, too.”
“Thanks,” Trick said hurriedly as he almost dashed away. Crap! I did not want to come here! And now on top of makeup work they are going to have me sifting through boring paperwork as well? Nice going mom...
He was so caught up in his disgruntled thoughts that he was not paying attention to where he was going and collided head on with two somethings.
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warriorend · 7 years
is long
Bad happens but it’s not really explicit
mostly just there’s a really creepy guy (and an accident) so just watch out for those
I finished writing the woman's order down and went back to the machines, looking at my coworkers on the way by.
"Hey, I'm almost done with my shift. I think this is the last one I'm gonna do, then I'm out of here."
They all made varying sounds of approval, and I started working on the ice cream. It was pretty easy to do, really. Just strawberry, a medium. I finished and bought it back up to the front counter. She was about to hand me her money, but the ground rumbled and I dropped the cone.
She ran out of the parlor and my coworkers were already making a dash toward the back door. In the confusion, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door, jumping over the counter. I ran outside and into an alleyway, and pulled on the wig and mask, quickly pulling off my work clothes. Underneath was the suit I always wore. I heard my phone vibrate and pulled it out of my jeans pocket, looking at who was calling.
"Downtown area, near that one ice cream place."
"Already there."
The person hung up and I finished getting my stuff on, and sat down, pulling on my shoes. I tossed my bag into a small building and started climbing, jumping every so often. I jumped across the alley and got onto the roof of the next building.
I was running right toward the chaos, and I jumped down, grabbing the wall to slow myself down. I grabbed a metal pipe and ran my hand down it, feeling it vibrate. The pipe started to warm up, and I kept running. I stopped right on the border of the fight, looking around. Civilians were either out cold or running.
The superhero they called "Justice" was fighting, but I couldn't see who she was fighting. I just stood back and waited, then saw Telec.
"So, what's the situation?"
"Her archnemesis, who, by all logic, appears to really like her."
"That's a catastrophe waiting to happen."
"You don't seem too concerned. Isn't she like, a role model to you or something?"
"Sure, but she's an adult. I'm not going to get worked up over who likes her and who she likes."
"You gonna fight?"
"What formation will we use?"
"None. I'm not your boss, you know. I'm pretty sure you're older than I am, after all. Besides, if that's her archnemesis, I don't want to be harassing her while she's fighting."
"So you'll fight with her? Or just stay out of it?"
"I'll fight with her, but I won't be upset if I get hit by her. I'm not entirely trustworthy."
"No, but you also aren't all that bad. I feel like you could be much worse."
"True. Can you lift me into the air?"
"I can try. How far up?"
"Building height."
"Alright, then I'm out."
"Got it."
She started lifting me up, and I got onto a pretty tall building. I could see the fight clearly from up here. The pipe I was holding was glowing a bright red at this point, a sign that it was really hot.
I made my way to the edge and stood on it, watching the fight. Both of them saw me at the same time, and I jumped off, managing to catch myself on a ledge. I pushed off and flipped, grabbing onto the windowsill of a car. When I landed and felt myself on solid ground, I looked at her archnemesis and threw the car at him, letting the momentum carry me forward into a flip.
I heard footsteps and saw Justice running toward me. I turned around and moved out of the way of her first attack, then grabbed her wrist during the second. I balanced on my heels and spun, getting her away from me.
The villain had managed to avoid the car and was now looking at me. I saw him open his mouth to say something, but I was already on him. I threw him at Justice, who managed to catch him and put his arms behind his back. I went to walk away, but I heard her voice.
"Who are you? I've seen you before, but you've always vanished before I had a chance to ask."
"Well, it'd be stupid to give you my real name, and I don't really have an alternate name. So just call me something, and maybe I'll catch on."
"How old are you? Surely you aren't that young?"
"Actually, I'm turning seventeen soon. So, if you wanna look at it in current events, I'm sixteen."
I walked away as the police arrived, dropping the metal pipe. I heard police officers yelling at me, but I just kept walking, heading back toward my bag.
"Man, the boss is gonna kill me if I don't get that mess at work cleaned up. I bet it's started melting onto the promotional messages."
I was taking off my mask and wig when I heard Telec come up from behind me.
"So that's what you look like. I was expecting you to look a little more intimidating. Cute freckles, though."
"I'm only sixteen, after all. I haven't had much time to develop any scars." "Where are your parents?"
"...In another town. I kinda...ran off after I found out the hard way about my powers."
"Alright, I won't press. Just get some sleep or food or something. Powers like that have to be hell on your energy. I think I can already see bags under your eyes."
"It's not too bad. Besides, I have a mess to clean up at work."
"You work?"
"Yeah, at an ice cream parlor. You should come over sometime."
"I would, if my eyes didn't draw the attention they do."
"Wear contacts or something. Better yet, claim that those are contacts. People will just think of you as a really dedicated cosplayer."
There was a moment where she stopped talking, and all that could be heard was me pulling my work uniform on. I heard her take a breath and put my shoulder on my bag.
"Why do you put yourself in so much danger by not aligning with one side?"
"Huh. Never really thought about it. Maybe because always having one opinion and having to dislike certain people really isn't my thing? I dunno, man."
I started walking toward the ice cream parlor, looking at the sunset. The sun was almost completely down, and normal people with bad intentions would be coming out soon.
I heard someone yell and turned around in time to see a pole falling from a lift. I pulled Telec out from under it, but it still hit her arm and hit the ground.
Her arm was in horrible condition, and I knew leaving it like this was worse than just taking off most of it.
I let energy encompass my hand, and started to work. The wound cauterized as I cut, so it couldn't bleed and make my job harder. Telec was in shock, staring at the sky.
"Kid, what's wrong? You look all scared. Wait, are you bleeding?"
"Everything's alright for now, just stay calm and keep looking at the stars."
I managed to finish getting her forearm off, and put my hand over the wound, pushing heat from my palm. The wound finished cauterizing and I pulled a cloth out of my bag, not really looking at it. I only gave it a cursory glance to make sure it was clean and wrapped it around her wound, then picked her up. One of the workers ran over to me.
"An ambulance is on the way. You some sort of superhero or something?"
"I'm not a hero, just a person with powers. Thank you for calling an ambulance."
"Does she have anyone else to ride with her?"
"No, as far as I know. I can, though."
I heard a wailing noise and looked up, seeing red and blue lights. Two people jumped out of the ambulance and ran toward me, but I just asked them to bring a stretcher over.
They did, and I set Telec down. They put her in the ambulance and I got in with her, bringing my bag along. The doctors took off the cloth and looked at the wound.
"Who cauterized it?"
"I did."
"A good job. Did the pole take her arm off?"
"I did that too."
"With what?"
"Energy. Condensed into a blade strong enough to cut bone, but not visible to the naked eye."
"So you have superpowers?"
"Yes. It's really just the ability to manipulate energy, though."
"As much as I hate cauterized wounds, it was the best route of action, I think. It would have been bleeding too heavily to bind effectively, as the trauma was dealt by a blunt object. Besides, it was probably more sterile than it usually is, because of the tool used."
"After we get to the hospital, may I leave her in your care?"
"Yes, but we'd like to get a record if we can. It wouldn't be released to the public, but it would be given to other hospitals as an example."
"I...can't do that. I'm sorry. Especially if you have to include a picture."
"Unfortunately, it's required-"
The ambulance stopped and the doors opened. We were at the hospital. I ran out the doors, grabbing my bag. I ran off, pushing my legs forward. I felt so tired, my vision was blurring. I was having trouble running, stumbling every few steps.
When I was sure I was safe, I stopped, laying on the pavement and panting. I heard footsteps to my left and got up, glaring at the person. It was a man, a beard extending down to the middle of his neck. I could practically smell the alcohol on his breath, even though he was across the street from me.
I tried to get up, but my legs buckled. My eyes were stinging from being tired, and I couldn't do anything to defend myself. I heard him yell in pain and fall down, and it seemed so surreal and sudden that I thought that I had finally passed out.
A woman walked across the street, holding out a hand. It was the woman from the ice cream parlor earlier.
"Oh, hey, it's you. I hope everything was ok after I ran out."
I could barely get words out of my mouth, I was so busy breathing. "Yeah. Everything's fine. Don't worry."
"Who were you running from?"
"Ah...stray dog. Tried to bite my ankle."
"Do you have somewhere safe close to here? I can help you get home if you don't."
"Nah, I share an apartment with some of my classmates not too far from here. I should be able to walk."
"I'll help get you back. You seem pretty worn out."
"Thank you. What's your name?"
"Stacey. Yours?"
"Becca. It's nice to meet you."
We walked to Telec's apartment, where she lived with a cousin of hers. I knocked on the door, pulling out Telec's armband. I had taken it off to deal with her wound easier. I handed it to her cousin and she let me in. I thanked Stacey again and went to the couch and fell down, falling asleep almost immediately.
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the-master-cylinder · 4 years
What are you doing with Ghoulies II? Charles Band: That should be fun. Ed Naha’s writing the script. It’s still a bit early to talk about exactly what the plan is , but we’ll shoot this year and have it out next year. We’ll have some fun with it. Ghoulies not only did well at the box office not a blockbuster, but it did well but it has done huge videocassette business. It’s one of the top 10 or 15 video releases of ’85. and it has been sold to cable and syndication. That just means that for whatever reason, people like it. In my opinion, it’s a very weak film, but it had a few redeeming moments. I hope that in the sequel, we’ll be able to take what was good about the original and do that throughout the entire picture.
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Vicious Lips (1986) Sometime in the distant future, a fledgling band gets an opportunity for a breakthrough, if they can make it in time to a faraway planet to perform in a very popular club.
Ghoulies II (1987) Ghoulies are shanghaied by a priest who intends to exterminate them, but they manage to escape to a low-rent carnival. There they take up residence in “Satan’s Den,” a foundering, old-fashioned haunted house attraction run by Royal Dano, who fears he may lose ownership of the show due to sagging attendance. The presence of the ghoulies at first gives business a much-needed boost … until the slimy little buggers start dining on the patrons.
At first, Empire Pictures president Charles Band couldn’t find anyone who would touch the project unless changes were made in the script. something he was adamantly opposed to doing. Finally, he took it to the one person he knew he could trust to make the movie exactly the way he wanted it, a man with both the talent and experience in low-budget filmmaking to pull it off, the same man who had, in fact, taught him everything he knew about the motion picture business: his father, Albert Band, an old hand at horror.
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Ghoulies II, the director is completely in charge, seems quite happy with the results and expects that the sequel will do even better than its successful predecessor. Not that he really has the time to sit and worry about it; Empire Pictures has 12 more movies due before Christmas, which means everybody at Empire has to hustle. And nobody hustles with any greater enthusiasm or verve than Albert Band, the company’s executive vice president of production.
“Albert has as much energy as any of the teenagers in my crew.” praises John Buechler, whose ability to whip up monsters faster than a short order cook flips burgers has made him an integral part of Empire’s operation. Buechler has worked with Papa Band a number of times. “He has a strong background in filmmaking and he knows exactly what he wants.”
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He should, having been in show business for four decades as a producer, writer and director. “Actually.” confesses Band, producing is what I enjoy the most. I only became a director to save myself a director’s salary.”
“Albert wrote a helluva good script,” says Royal Dano, one of the cast members. In Ghoulies II, Dano portrays the drunken operator of a sideshow attraction who accidentally picks up the dreaded title creatures.
To that end, David Allen, whose special FX have enhanced many of Empire’s pictures, was brought onto the project. According to him, the reason the FX succeed is that Band was willing to spend whatever it took to make them that way.
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“I’ve never actually worked with him on the set.” Allen reveals, but I know he cares about the pictures. If he didn’t there have certainly been times, especially on Ghoulies II, when he could have made more economical choices.”
As with most Empire movies, the principal photography was completed in Rome, where near-freezing temperatures gave birth to one of the fastest-moving crews in movie history. “They wanted to get the hell out of there,” confirms actor Dano, who had the foresight to pack long thermal underwear.
Directed by Peter Manoogian, produced by Band and distributed by Empire. Enemy Territory (1987) Barry (Frank) is a formerly successful insurance executive whose career and life are being destroyed by alcoholism. As the day ends, he is sent to a notorious New York City housing project, the Lincoln Towers, to try and complete a life insurance policy sale to a nice elderly woman named Elva (Frances Foster). Meanwhile, a man named Will (Parker), a soft-spoken but tough employee of the telephone company, also heads to the building to hook up with his girlfriend and repair the phone lines. Unfortunately for Barry, while inquiring where Elva’s apartment is, he taps a boy, Decon (Theo Caesar) on the shoulder and quickly becomes the hated target of a savage, fanatical gang called the Vampires, who run the Towers. They’re led by their ruthless but charismatic leader the Count (Tony Todd), who runs his gang like a cult and is seen to be indestructible by himself and his followers. An attempt to kill Barry leads to the deaths of the building’s security guard and Decon. With Barry’s entrapment inside the building, he crosses paths with Will and makes his first reluctant ally willing to help him. They take safety in Elva’s apartment, but escape when the Vampires trap them. Leaving Elva behind, they find Elva’s determined granddaughter Toni (Stacey Dash), visiting with her neighbors. Toni suggests they go to the apartment of Mr. Parker (Vincent), a bigoted, crippled and unstable but yet still vicious Vietnam vet the gang fears (along the way Barry is forced to kill one of the gang members leaving him with mild PTSD). Paid for his help, Parker lets the trio in (revealing he’s modified a wheelchair with an arsenal of concealed weapons). Then Toni leaves to check on her grandmother, but when she arrives, she discovers Elva had been beaten and forced to reveal where Barry and Will are.
The Vampires, holding Elva and Toni hostage, arrive at Parker’s apartment with Barry surrendering himself to save them. As Barry and Will exit, Parker and the Vampires engage in a shootout. In the midst of the gunfire, Barry, Will, and Toni escape. When Elva and Parker retreat back inside his apartment, Parker is shot in the chest and a short time later dies as Elva struggles to save him. Next, the trio head to the apartment of Chet Cole (Deon Richmond), a little boy, living with his mother, whom they heard is the only one who knows a way out of the building that no one else knows, not even the Vampires. According to Chet, the way out is in the building’s basement, with Chet offering to show them, but his mother sends him to bed, leading him to sneak out.
After saving them from being killed by Psycho (Robert Lee Rush), the Count’s crazed relative (by knocking said gang member down a elevator shaft with a baseball bat), Chet joins the trio as they descend to the basement through said elevator shaft. In the basement, Chet shows them the way out, but the opening is too small for either Barry or Will to fit through. Toni however is able to fit through (but as she is leaving, gets grabbed by a badly injured Psycho who Barry forcibly finishes off with some power tools) and runs to get the police. But when she arrives at the station, the officers refuse to help, due to two cops being shot on a previous visit to the building.
While Barry and Will wait, Will comes up with another plan. Using the money that Elva gave Barry earlier in the film, they send Chet back upstairs. With sunrise approaching, Chet litters the money out a window to the Vampires guarding the basement door to the outside. At the same time, the Count and other Vampires realize that after checking every apartment in the building the basement is the only place left to look (on entering said basement the Count is stunned to see Psycho is dead). When the money distraction works, Barry and Will escape just as the Count and his remaining Vampires arrive, and Barry is shot in the ankle.
Outside, Will and a wounded Barry start running as they are being chased and tormented by the last of the gang (with the Count ordering his followers to let him avenge Decon and Psycho). Cornered, Will uses the one shot he has left in his gun to protect Barry and himself, he does this by having a final showdown with the Count. As the Count closes in, Will shoots and struggles with him, until he knocks him briefly to the ground. The Vampires are momentarily demoralized when they see the Count is not invulnerable, despite his claims he still is, with Barry using this distraction to slam a swing seat into his head repeatedly until the Count collapses and dies while the other Vampires, now enraged at their leader’s death prepare to gun down Barry and Will. But Elva, using Parker’s machine gun, fires shots at them from the apartment window to hold them at bay. Seconds later, Toni and the police finally arrive, with the remaining gang members fleeing back into the apartment complex. Having survived a deadly night against a vicious gang, the film ends with Will and Toni accompanying Barry as he is taken to an ambulance.
Catacombs (1988), Concept Art
Catacombs (1988) In the 17th century, an order of monks in Italy capture and entomb a demon that has possessed a member of their group. 400 years later, school teacher Elizabeth Magrino (Laura Schaefer) visits the monastery in order to do some research. What she and the current monks do not realize is that the evil hiding within the catacombs has unwittingly been released.
Despite a somewhat hackneyed story, an ancient evil buried in the title location beneath a remote monastery, and the utterly insane casting of Timothy Van Patten as a monk, this is a pretty good little film. Emphasis is on mood instead of gore and there is an honest attempt to develop the characters before they become victims of the revived terror. Director Schmoeller makes good use of his European locales and piles the atmospheric visuals on thick to make a film that could almost pass for genuine Italian semi-classic from the heyday of Mario Bava.
The film was the last officially completed film by Empire Pictures before the company was seized by Crédit Lyonnais for failure to pay on loans. As a result, the film’s release was delayed for five years. It was eventually given the new title Curse IV: The Ultimate Sacrifice by Columbia TriStar Home Video, and was released direct-to-video on VHS in 1993.
Transformations (1988) Wolfgang is traveling in outer space when a monster, which he sees as a beautiful woman, appears in his spaceship and makes love with him. Then the ship is forced to land on a planet which is a penal colony. Here he meets Miranda who falls in love with him. A group of prisoners uses him and his spaceship to fly away from the planet. But the monster which is by now inside Wolfgang arouses and only Miranda’s love can save him.
Arena (1989) Steve Armstrong (Paul Satterfield) is working as a short order cook on a space station somewhere in the galaxy. Overwhelmed by the volume of orders, he repeatedly fouls up and soon finds himself in a confrontation with an alien patron named Vang. After a fight which smashes up the diner and leaves the alien injured, Steve and his friend and co-worker Shorty (Hamilton Camp) are fired. As it turns out, Vang is an Arena fighter, and his manager Quinn (Claudia Christian) confronts Steve. Amazed that a human could beat one of her best fighters, Quinn offers him a contract, but convinced that humans no longer have a place in the Arena, Steve refuses, intending to make his way back to Earth.
Lacking sufficient money for a ticket, Shorty attempts to raise the cash by gambling in an underground casino. The game is raided by the authorities and in the confusion, Shorty pockets the money. Caught in the act by crime boss Rogor (Marc Alaimo) and his enforcer Weezil (Armin Shimerman), Shorty is held for ransom. Steve promises to pay off the debt, so he reluctantly returns to Quinn and agrees to a contract. Remarkably he wins his first match with an alien named Sloth in an upset. He continues fighting, determined to prove that a human has what it takes to be champion, and soon becomes a top contender. Despite Rogor’s multiple attempts to cheat, Steve ultimately wins the championship from Rogor’s top fighter, an alien named Horn (Michael Deak).
Deadly Weapon (1989) A teenager named Zeke, who fantasizes that he is from outer space, is bullied by some other teens at school and deals with a drunken father, runaway mother and a sister who delights in being nasty to him. He finds a lost experimental military weapon in a river near his home. The weapon fires anti-gravity X-rays. Zeke uses it for self-defense as a means to deal with his persecutors, both at school and at home.
An army team led by the overzealous Lt. Dalton, responsible for originally losing the weapon, is sent to recover the weapon before its unstable reactor overloads and causes a meltdown. The situation degenerates into a siege.
Michael Miner
Although planned as a sequel to Laserblast, while writing the script – and partially due to financial constraints, Band and Miner decided to make an original film, based on the central idea.
Michael Miner,  who had just finished co-writing RoboCop with Edward Neumeier, saw in that Deadly Weapon poster the chance to “blast the Spielberg mythical suburbia and the warmth of childhood,” to create a “neo-Lucas, neo-Spielberg flick.
More than that, it was a chance to direct, an opportunity Miner missed out on when his then in-production RoboCop blossomed from a low-budget picture into a big-budget, extravaganza that the studio felt had to be given to a veteran director.
So, Miner called a physicist friend, quizzed him about the kinds of weapons scientists have on paper these days, and found his deadly weapon-an anti-matter pistol powered by a “backpack reactor about the size of two shoe boxes.” Then, he and writer friend George Lafia started thinking-what if the transport train carrying this hi-tech weapon derails, and the gun is found by “a 15-year-old, heavy metal loser?”
They had their movie. A concept that Miner’s RoboCop partner Ed Neumeier neatly boiled down to four simple sentences: “He’s 15. He’s got nuclear capability. He’s got 24 hours to live. He’s the kid with the ray gun.” Charles Band was sold.
The film was shot in May and June of 1987 at various locations around Southern California on a budget of $2 million. Although the budget restricted Miner somewhat, he doesn’t resent the limitation. “Empire gave me the permission to make a dark film with a dark ending. I think it takes a little company like Empire to make a picture like this –people who want to make interesting pictures and are willing to allow the freedom necessary to do it.”
“The upside was I could pretty much do what I wanted,” says Miner. “I had a pretty long leash. The downside was I could only work with $3 million.”
The budget obviously limited the scope of the special effects used, but Miner made do with what he could afford. Whenever Zeke shoots the pistol, he’s hit by an air cannon and a reactive light, with the desired effect being that of an exploding concussion grenade. The pistol is used several times in the film, setting the target on fire each time, and there’s one particularly notable shot of a head bursting into flames and writhing (an articulated puppet head was used for this).
Miner sees Deadly Weapon as “science fiction meets Badlands” and insists it’s not just another exploitation flick. “At its root, it’s a personal film, but there’s a mean edge to it,” he says. “I’m very proud of Deadly Weapon. I think I did a good job.”
Miner hopes to reach a young audience with the picture. “The film starts off being a Charles Bronson type revenge picture and then takes that desire for revenge and puts it into the mind of a 15 year-old who is still wavering about what to do,” said Miner.
Spellcaster (1991) Orphaned siblings Jackie and Tom are elated to be chosen to participate in a treasure hunt alongside other players, for a prize of one million dollars. Set in an Italian castle owned by the mysterious Diablo, all they must do to win the contest is be the first to find the check. Also hunting for the money are several others that are highly competitive and willing to do anything to win. The contest is to be recorded for a MTV-esque music channel and sponsored by the recording company of pop star Cassandra Castle, who is to accompany the contestants throughout the hunt along with VJ Rex. Cassandra, however, is unwilling to spend any time with the contestants and prefers to spend all of her time drinking excessively in her private room. Upon a whim Cassandra makes a deal with Rex to hide the money on her person so none of the contestants can find it. Upon the end of the competition the two will split the winnings.
Once the contest begins the contestants begin a frantic search for the check, unaware of Cassandra’s duplicity or that supernatural forces are picking the players off one by one. Cassandra’s plans are waylaid when the forces begin to torment her and cause her to lose the check, which is carried throughout the castle on a magical breeze. Eventually only Jackie, Cassandra, and Tom are left, upon which point they are unable to ignore that something is very wrong. As Jackie frantically searches for answers she discovers a room at the top of the castle containing a crystal ball and Diablo, who reveals himself to be a demon. He also tells her that he has captured the souls of the other contestants in the sphere and will take them all to Hell, as well as that his next victim will be her brother. Meanwhile Cassandra and Tom have romantically connected with one another. He also discovers the check, which has landed near him and Cassandra. Tom is shocked when Cassandra chooses to burn the check and warns him that the money comes with strings attached that he wouldn’t want. She throws the check into a fireplace, only Diablo to magically summon her to his room and chastise her for ruining his plans, revealing that Cassandra had formed a contract with him and that he will be taking her soul to Hell as well. In exchange for her soul she gained fame and wealth, which she quickly realized was not worth the bargain and took to alcohol and drugs to numb herself to her reality. In order to save both Tom and Cassandra Jackie tries to bargain with Diablo, offering her soul in exchange for the both of them. Horrified, Cassandra chooses to destroy Diablo’s crystal ball, which puts an end to his evil plans and brings all of the contestants back to life. This also frees Cassandra, who reveals that she convinced Diablo to give her back her soul and to instead VJ at the music channel. The film closes with Diablo hosting a music broadcast and announcing a new contest that will bring him all new victims.
The film began shooting during July 1986 near Rome, Italy. Executive producer Charles Band allowed the filming to take place in a 12th century castle he had purchased for filmmaking, Castello di Giove. Spellcaster’s script was written by Dennis Paoli and Ed Naha, frequent collaborators with Stuart Gordon. The film was produced by Band’s Empire Pictures, which went defunct in 1988, and Spellcaster’s release was delayed until 1992, when it was released through Columbia TriStar Home Pictures.
Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (1989) The U.S. government, eager to protect the nation’s avacado supplies, recruits feminist professor Margo Hunt to make contact with the Piranha Women, an all-female tribe who believe men are only good as a source of food. Accompanying Dr. Hunt on her trip are Jim, a guide of questionable competence, and Bunny, a student of unquestionable incompetence.
Robot Jox (1989) Retrospective The reasons for the prolonged delay for Robot Jox (1989) are numerous, all related to the toppling of Band’s Empire beneath the weight of a staggering $46 million in debts. Empire ran out of money when the company saw the film’s budget balloon from $7 to $9 million. Whether due to inferior product or the company’s attempt to distribute its own films, Band was forced to relinquish control of Empire and regroup under the banner The Band Company (its video arm called Half Moon Productions), where Gordon has an office on a film-by-film arrangement. (TWE now owns the Empire catalog, including films that were not yet complete at the time of the takeover.)
Gordon scoffs at the industry talk that Robot Jox was responsible for the fall of the Band Empire. “I don’t believe that this picture sunk Empire, though it certainly didn’t help,” he admitted. “It is true, however, that it was the most expensive picture Empire ever produced-three or four times their normal budget. It also had the longest post-production schedule. But even if everything had gone like clockwork, it would still have required a year of post. Charlie had envisioned that Robot Jox would put Empire on the map, financially speaking. Unfortunately we were not able to get the movie done in time to save the company.”
Even though Empire was clearly in the midst of severe financial woes by this time, Allen insists that he was never pressured by Band to finish. “He understood what we were battling, which was the weather. Empire’s loan money was costing them interest, but we weren’t that expensive-our effects came in at less than 25% of total budget.”
But Band’s video Empire was about to fall. Explained Band, “Basically, in a nutshell, we had some bad timing. We’d just set up a big operation in Italy and suddenly the dollar absolutely fell apart and the cost of living in Italy quadrupled, so suddenly we were in the wrong country in terms of getting a shop set up and making movies. We were there to save money, and the last few pictures we made at Empire cost 20 or 30% more than it would have to make them in this country, which is totally insane considering that just to shoot the picture offshore there is an awful lot of effort that goes into traveling, etc.”
Added Albert Band, “In the beginning, you got 2000 lira to the dollar. When we left, it was 600. The whole Italian experience marked us for life, me and my children, because those years were very formative, not just in growing up, but growing up in a different culture, living with a different language, making movies we liked, building an empire.”
What happened to Empire Pictures? Charles Band: The problems really were two-fold. There were all the normal problems with all the independents because the business has changed radically. These independents, including Empire, became too big too fast, driven by a worldwide home video fever that dried up. The fever mainly for B movies in the home video markets was very forgiving; anything sold. Today, it’s just not the case. It’s an A-driven market, but the occasional B movie will work. The premise of Empire in the early ’80s made sense, but in the late ’80s, it makes no sense. Control your own distribution? That’s not necessary today. Make 4,000 movies a year? You can’t do that anymore.
The other thing that happened to Empire is that in the early days, when we made a dozen or so video hits, pictures that did very well internationally as well, we sold the rights to several video distributors at a bargain price. Had Empire been able to control its own video destiny while the video world was exploding, and reaped the benefits of its video successes, it would not have had any financial problems.
Typically, we would make a picture on a small loss, assuming we would see overages from video, but the deal we made from video, which would sometimes help get the picture made, just didn’t have a chance of showing us overages because it was written in such a way that we would have to sell truckloads of tapes to make any money beyond the advance. It doesn’t take too many of those kind of movies to ultimately create a deficit. Empire never had any huge amount of debt, but the only way it would have been able to turn itself around would have been to get a lot more money to make bigger movies and do business differently. It got to be very wearying at the end, as well. You have to be on call morning and night to the banks you’re involved with, and that’s just not what I wanted to do.
So you were operating on a kind of brinksmanship policy that worked fine when the market was flush, but when the market went away, you toppled over the brink? Charles Band: Yes. Some companies went down in flames, other companies went bankrupt. Neither of these things happened to Empire. It was a graceful end to a five-year history of making 50-odd movies. And I left with an enormous amount of experience, hopefully some of it useful to me now, and with a rare opportunity in a whole new world to start again, in a sense, but doing things the right way. I’ve been very, very lucky. 1988 was a great year for me. I’ve no regrets.
The quality of the Empire movies varied, and tended downward somewhat over the years. Charles Band: I don’t know how to say it without sounding like I did everything over there, which I clearly didn’t, but the less time I spent involved in a production, the less the picture showed any real magic. We had good filmmakers and bad filmmakers; we took chances with a lot of new filmmakers, and some of those worked out real well and some were disappointments. The earlier pictures, even though they were all modest efforts, were better than the later ones, because for the last year and a half of Empire, I barely had five percent of my time and energy left to deal with filmmaking. That’s why with the new companies, I plan to do just one thing, and that is to make these pictures.
At Empire, I spent most of my time dealing with things that were outside what I love doing, which is making movies and being on a motion picture set. So I decided to set up my new life in a way that would really divide the two areas I wanted to concentrate in. I set up Bandcompany and Full Moon Productions. Bandcompany basically will be making one or two larger-budgeted films a year, the first one of which is Pit and the Pendulum , which Stuart Gordon is directing in Italy. There are a couple of others in preparation that will probably wind up being deals directly with studios, where we won’t be involved in any of the sales or marketing, but those movies are few and far between. Sometimes, seven or eight months go by between projects. Sometimes years, if you’re really unlucky.
Why were so many films still on the shelf when Empire was sold? Charles Band: Because for the final four or five months, the president of Empire, the chief financial operator and myself were trying to convince the banks to allow Empire to change course. There was a whole list of things we wanted to do, and it required more money. During that period, we had films that would have fit nicely into that new Empire; we didn’t want to give every last film away to various home video companies. We wanted to start off with a bit of a head start. So there was a kind of moratorium put on finishing certain pictures, selling certain pictures. We kind of kept everything to try and make this deal. When the deal didn’t work out the way I wanted it and this other offer came about, another four or five months went by, only because it takes that much time for new people to come in and figure out what they’ve got. So the pictures are being finished, and now through God knows what convoluted deal they are coming out. There were about seven or eight of them, the best of which, the absolutely last picture Empire made, was Robot Jox. It would be ironic if’ it became a big hit.
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY love-it-loud.co.uk Cinefantastique v13n06 Cinefantastique v12n02 Cinefantastique v15n04 Cinefantastique v15n02 Cinefantastique v16n01 Cinefantastique Vol 08 No 2-3 Cinefantastique v18n02-03 (March 1988)3 DELIRIUM#01 DELIRIUM#03 DELIRIUM#04 DELIRIUM#05 FANGORIA#30 FANGORIA#202 FANGORIA#190 FANGORIA#54 FANGORIA#56 FANGORIA#57 FANGORIA#215 FANGORIA#69 MONSTERLAND#39 MONSTERLAND#10 GOREZONE #8 starburstmagazine#03 mjsimpson-films Famous Monsters of Filmland#161 tomboftheunproducedhorrormovie comingsoon.com Starlog#127 Rue Morgue#136 Horrorfan#03 Femme Fatales v09n07 Draculina#14 The Dark Side#28
The History of Empire Films Part Six What are you doing with Ghoulies II? Charles Band: That should be fun. Ed Naha's writing the script.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                                          OCTOBER    2019  
 Stephen King has released yet another: The Institute
Salmon Rushdie has given us Quichotte
October 1: Jimmy Carter is 95!! Go Jimmy
For some new discoveries and theories on the often told tale, check out Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the secret history of the 60,s by Tom O’Neill.
Metallica has cancelled their tour.
The Creamery Bridge in Vermont was closed for a time because of a Sasquatch scare.
Days alert: Woo Hoo!! Dr. Rolf is back!! ** Why do they keep using that ‘WET PAINT’ sign all over the town square? A joke?  Really painting the sets and they just leave them up for an inside laugh? ** The Shah/Jen story was good.. it showed what a good actor he really was. He was always so blah! It’s funny that as he left us , we finally get his back story. He even mentioned Norman Bates. ** Stefan is out.  Claire is in.  I loved Dr. Rolf’s “pro life” line. Will many of the young girls get pregnant, ( think Lani, Ciara, Gabi, Sarah, Haley and Kristen) and will all the babies get mixed up and will Days jump a year ahead? Well, that’s the rumor. ** What is up with Hope?
Senator Chuck Grassley is applying for his second bailout since October for the farm he owns. ** $30 billion in welfare has been given to farmers.
This whole vaping scare is not really a surprise. Why do companies have to be so greedy and fill these with nicotine anyway? Why do good flavors have to be taken off the market because parents can’t keep them away from the kids? Can’t we have fun flavored simple mist in a vaping apparatus that has no dangerous chemicals? So many people just need that occasional outlet and something to do when relaxing.
Spy devices were found near the White House. They believe Israelis are responsible.
Word is that around Liberty University, Jerry Falwell Jr. uses fear in dealing with staff and sends them pictures of his wife in sexual situations.
They need to make a biopic about Rickie Lee Jones and it should star Hillary Swank. JS
A CIA source has been pulled from Russia they say because Trump can’t be trusted not to tell Putin who he is. The operative is the agent who confirmed the interference in the 2016 election and has worked there for decades.
Rose McGowan and some of the Me too movers and shakers would like Lisa Bloom to be disbarred after her dealings with Harvey Weinstein.
Mark Sanford is running for President.
Sarah Palin’s husband has filed for divorce.
Stacey Dash was arrested for domestic battery in Florida.
Stranger Things has been renewed for season 4.
Hey.. Robert King.. Glad that U R back!
People from Alabama were calling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in a panic after scary clown 45 included them in the path of Hurricane Dorian. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross threatened to fire meteorologists who contradicted the idiot.
John Legend and Chrissy Teigen got into it with the Pres. She called him a pussy ass bitch.
In the 80’s, 80% of our clothing were made here in the U.S., now it is 3%.
The House Judiciary committee is holding hearings about hush money to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels.
Conversion therapy leader, McKrae Game has announced he is gay.
It is odd that we don’t hear more about women who are addicted to crime shows. It is such a thing.
Weight Watchers is not WW. OK.
North Carolina’s political maps have been deemed unconstitutional and must be redrawn.
In Nashville, Rev. Dan Reehil has banned Harry Potter books at the St. Edwards School
Why does Fallon imitate his guests all the time? He is always repeating what they do much like a child would.
Scary Clown’s personal assistant, Madeline Westerhout is out.** John Bolton is out.
$32.50 for a Trump key chain? What?
SNL started off the season with a bang. Woody Harrelson hosted and ended by showing support for Greta Thunberg. The next hosts will be Phoebe Waller- Bridge, David harbor, Kristen Stewart and Eddie Murphy.
A man was chopping down an old diseased tree when a cannonball fell out of it. This particular cannonball in a tree was near a home that was used as a hospital during the first battel of independence, Mo. in the Civil War.
In Kentucky, Mitch McConnell said yes to treasury funds for an aluminum plant backed by a Russian oligarch. He said no to treasury funds for coal miner’s health care and pensions.
Joe Biden pledges to take no fossil fuel money but then attended a fundraiser hosted by Andrew Goldman, founder of Natural Gas Company, Western LNG.** It’s so sad, Biden leads which makes it seem that the people who pay the least attention decide who is going to run this place.** He really has to stop saying, “Look”,  all the time.
The Sept. 12 Dem debate was exciting, I loved the kudos that Biden and then others gave to Beto for his actions in Texas after the shootings.  Other than that Biden seemed to stumble a lot especially with his, “make sure the kids hear words” stuff. O’Rourke seems to have finally hit his stride with, “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15’s.”  I’m not even sure I agree but I loved so much that he had the guts to say it. I’m in! His only real problem was the color of his tie, it washed him out. Later, Briscoe Cain sent a tweet to Beto: My AR-15 is ready for you.** Yang, as usual was not given enough time but he did calm the others when they wanted to spar. He spoke so clearly and did not sidestep.  He had a great point with the U.S. not starting wars because we are not too good at rebuilding. Case in point: Puerto Rico. He also proposed $100 in democracy dollars so people can participate and give to the candidates they believe in. He seemed to tear up when talking about missing his son’s first day at school.  His salesmen pitch like giveaway was too much though. ** Buttigieg had a good idea with his ‘community rural visas’ to bring immigration everywhere.** Warren and Sanders were straight forward with no real surprises. Gotta thank Bernie for reminding us that he didn’t vote for Bush’s war or Trumps military spending bills and the crowd seemed to love him. Both at the debate and after (like Bari Weiss on Maher’s overtime), people keep calling Bernie ‘President’. Accidents? ** Harris was cool and calm but seemed a bit scripted.  She was the only one to really bring up Trump. ** Protestors had to be cleared as Biden started his final words. They were yelling, “We are DACA recipients. Our lives are at risk.” I’m sure it had to unnerve him as he began to talk of his sad life and his family. The late night comics said that he did a good job but I didn’t think so.** Klobachar told us a lot about herself. I think I learned the most about her. Castro, who I really liked a lot at the first debate, should just get out after this performance. ** Why was Rahm Emanuel there?** The Trump campaign sent a banner flying over Texas  Southern University. ** DeBlasio is out.
By the end of September, Warren is #1 in New Hampshire. She is 2 points behind in the nation and Yang is #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We will no longer sell the AR-15 to the public.”- Colt   Thanks Beto!!  A simple candidate has made more positive change than Scary Clown. Stop being so scared Dems, change can happen!
When Warren was on Colbert she said,” Why don’t we just quit now and do a selfie line?  The selfies are the most fun about this. Really? The night before, after her rally she selfied for 4 hours.
Young people will propel the changes in the views of this country. The young demographic thinks differently on guns and climate and the young usually rule eventually. VOTE!!
An intelligence official filed a formal whistle blower complaint against our ruthless Archie Bunker on steroids about his interaction with a foreign leader. It seems that it was a phone call with Ukraine’s Zelinski about the Biden’s but things are still unfolding.  Did he pressure people to work with Guilliani? The transcript is out and Pelosi has started a formal impeachment inquiry. When the WH sent talking points to their republican colleagues to try to calm the waters, they accidently sent them to the Dems too.  The WH also moved the info to a private server as we now know there is even more stuff there. Wouldn’t it be justice if the private server brought him down? ** Blame is flying everywhere. Trump has thrown Barr and Rudy and even Pence into the mess. Rudy tells us that he went to the Ukraine for the state department but they say no! He has been so rude and unhinged on the talk circuit. He has now been subpoened.** Joseph Maguire, acting director of National intelligence was only on the job a few days when he was informed of the whistleblower complaint. He was questioned all day in hearings and was very polite. Both sides could calm down on the snarky.** The Secretary of State is basically holding down 3 jobs.  The WH is quite under staffed  and there is talk that they may bring in outside people to handle the situation but Trump does not want that.  The campaign is where they will really fight, that is where all their money is. ** The ambassador to Ukraine has stepped down.**
Now word is that Trump and Barr tried to get Australian PM Scott Morrison to look into those who were behind the Russia investigation. Pompeo is now getting pulled in too. It is really like the tin foil hat conspiracy guy down the street is running this country.
Never compare your insides to someone else’s outside.  -Thank you Rob Lowe
Hillary and Chelsea are headed out to promote their new book, Gutsy Women. It is impeccable timing but I am sure she is so sick of talking about the big blowhard elephant in the room. It really is time to hear from her again.
Law and Order SVO started its 21st season with a little nod to Gunsmoke. What a great touch.
Has the military really spent $200,000 on Trump’s Scottish resort?
What’s up with the Cleveland Browns? They are winning.
4 feet of snow in September in Montana?
Seth Meyers went too far with his Rudy hate. I am a bit disturbed that Seth, Maher and Colbert get nearly as bold in the other direction as Fox News. Yes, these are evil people running the country and there is enough that they do without calling them out on things that are not your business.  About Rudy marrying a second cousin, Seth said “that’s awful.” Don’t pass your prejudice and judgement on these people like others do on color and religion et al. Cousins can marry, it’s not illegal and how might that make the children of cousins feel?  
Pennsylvania  Senator Michael Folmer was arrested for child porn that was on his computer and has since resigned.  I am sure that if he went on Fox and said nice things about the fearless leader that he could get a job in the White House. It seems to be the way it is done, Fox is the audition.
Robert C. O’Brien is the new National Security Advisor.
The family of John Dillinger do not believe that he is in the grave. A body id buried in Indianapolis but they have asked for an exhumation.
Millions came out on the 20th to ask for action on climate change. Go Greta Thunberg !! Some are spinning it that since she is autistic, she has been abused by her parents by being forced into her activism. I have seen no evidence this. She makes more sense than most leaders on the subject. Fox’s Michael Knowles even called her mentally ill and has since apologized. Thoughts? ** Central America is starving to death because of the impact of climate change. Reports from the Trump administration prove this and aid has been cut off which causes migration.
Trump us jumping into bed with Saudi Arabia who has the 5th largest defense budget in the world. Troops are being sent to Iran.
Doc Martin is here with its 9th season. The dog will fall in love. The Doc and Louisa’s relationship is doing well as their careers are shifting. It all just reminds me how much I want to live in Cornwall.
The biggest grossing tours of all time as of this year are. 1. Ed Sheeran: The Divide 2. U: 360 3. Stones: A Bigger Bang 4. Guns N Roses: Not in this lifetime 5. Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams 6. Roger Waters: The Wall 7. AC/DC: Black Ice 8. Stones: No Filter 9. Bruno Mars: 24K 10. Madonna: Sticky and Sweet
James Corden put Bill Maher in his place. Fat shaming is as wrong as any other. Bullying is never funny. The week after Maher’s rant, Michael Moore went on and had lost some weight. Hmmm.
Hiking with Kevin has the best guests, there is really a cross section of all kinds of people.  A hike seems to break down defenses and the stories are great!!
The North Dakota pipeline spill that was said to be 10 gallons worth was really millions of gallons.
Almost Family is a show about a sperm donor. It is good to see Tim Hutton again.
A woman gets a late night show.. check out A Little Late with Lilly Singh.
Prodigal Son stars Michael Sheen as a serial killer called The Surgeon.
Julian Fellowes will bring us The Gilded Age about 1885 New York.
Some are freaking about all the official stays at Trump properties. The whole thing is a ridiculous mess. Mitch and the boys would be screaming to the heavens if this was a different President. The really sad part is that the crews that are just there to help POTUS and the VP say the stays are so costly that their expenses won’t even cover food. ** Did a Glasgow refueling stop finally tip off the house oversight committee to the far reach of all these expenditures?** They claim there is never anything to hide. Why do they always hide everything?
Demi Moore has a new tell all titled Inside Out that seems full of revelations.
Check out the saga of the Donald J. Trump state park in NY which is really nothing more than a tax write off full of overgrown land and abandoned old buildings.
Check out the Art Bell vault.
Scary Clown was going to meet with the Taliban at Camp David as 9/11 was upon us.** The Taliban says their doors re open.**Word is that the congressional inquiry into 9/11 has 28 redacted pages which showed evidence of the Saudi’s involvement in the attacks.
Scottish courts ruled that Boris Johnson illegally suspended parliament.
From his reaction, Colbert behaves like Letterman in that a guest should dress a certain way. Personally, I like Conan’s casual ways. Now, I like Colbert but he also seems to push people to talk politics when they don’t really want to. Move on!
“We are in a very difficult situation at the moment, especially in the U.S., where all the environmental controls that were put in place, that were just about adequate have been rolled back by the current administration so much that they are being wiped out.” –Mick Jagger
“When you’re 85 years old and you have children and grandchildren, you will leave them nothing if we don’t vote these people out of office in Brazil, in London, in Washington. They are ruining the world.” –Donald Sutherland
Check out the new film, The Burnt Orange Heresy.
Finn Wittrock, Paul Giamatti and Amy Irving will appear in A Mouthful of Air.
“The lungs of the earth are in flames.” – Leo Dicaprio. The Amazon, the world’s most diverse eco system is getting no help from its own leaders and they won’t accept help from the G7. It’s all about building more crap to them. It is as if three fourths of the U.S. was on fire.** Wouldn’t it be a great idea if Jeff Bezos, who has taken flak for not paying taxes and for workers conditions would step up and pledge a huge sum to help save the rainforest that bears its name?? The world needs heroes.
Better Call Saul has wrapped season 5.
Hasbro has bought Death Row Records.
The San Francisco board of supervisors has declared the NRA a terrorist organization.
New SNL cast member Shane Gillis who was in hot water after racist remarks surfaced, has been let go before he ever hit the stage.
Mike Pence claims he was bit by American Pharoah but his trainer is not too sure about that.
Obama Netflix?
Kieran Culkin and Jazz Charton had a little girl that they named Kinsey Sioux.
Dollface on Hulu looks interesting.
In sexual harassment news: Brett Kavanaugh has been hit with other allegations. Not all accusations are coming from the victims.** Placido Domingo has been accused by 20 women of unwanted advances.
The71st Emmys have come and gone. There is a lot to celebrate in television right now with over 500 scripted original shows. Highlights include Norman Lear winning for Live in front of a studio audience: Norman Lears’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons to become the oldest winner ever at 97. Other winners were Leaving Neverland for best doc.  Glow won for stunt coordination. Succession won for their theme and for writing. RuPaul won for reality host and Drag Race won for show. Russian Doll took home cinematoghraphy. Carpool Karaoke : When Corden met McCartney:Live from Liverpool took home a statue. Peter Dinklage won for best supporting actor, Fleabag won big and Game of Thrones took home the top prize.  Other winners were Bill Hader, Patricia Arquette, Ben Whishaw, Billy Porter and Jodie Comer.  SNL with Adam Sandler and Last Week Tonight were winners.  I was so excited to see that Ozark won for Julia Garner and Bateman for directing. Succession won for directing.  I thought  the fashion went wrong with Amy Poehler, and Dascha Polanco. There was awesome fashion with Regina King, Viola Davis, Maya Rudolph, Bob Odenkirk, Billy Porter, Angela Bassett, Michelle Williams, Kerry Washington, Zendaya, Sarah Silverman, Catherine Zeta- Jones, Karamo Brown, Gwyneth Paltro, Catherine O’Hara, Emilia Clarke, Phoebe Waller Bridge and Niecy Nash.** The In memoriam was fucked up when they honored Andre Previn  but showed a very much alive Leonard Slacken. Let me run that part of the show, they are always messing that up. It may not matter much longer because the ratings were so low. It is already a shame that they don’t broadcast the daytime Emmy’s.
R.I.P. Jim Leavelle, Carol Lynley, T Boone Pickens, Daniel Johnston, Robert Frank, Ric Ocasek, Eddie Money, Sander Vanocur , Peter Lindbergh, Robert Haunter, Jacques Chirac , Jose Jose , Bob Esty, Wayne Fitzgerald, Jessye Norman and Cokie Roberts.
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nathangotcreative · 6 years
(2/12/18) Fictional Place: Riding in cars with strangers.
The car, like so many other objects, loomed out of the dimness of the rainstorm with shocking abruptness, but instead of vanishing back into the cacophony, it slid easily to the curb next to Zeke. He pushed his bedraggled raven-black hair out of his face and studied the creature through eyes narrowed with the force of the storm.
It was a newer car, but not fresh off the line. Less than a decade old, anyway. One of those slick German sedans that looked more expensive than they were. The gunmetal gray somehow stood out against the gray-black of the rain and the night. A single patch of rust, small but distinct, glared near the right front tire rim like a cold sore.
The window slid down just a few inches on the front passenger side, nearest him. Through the small band, a woman’s face peered out at him.
“Zeke, right?”
He blinked. “Uh. Yeah.”
“You go to school with my daughter, Cass.”
Zeke didn’t know anyone named Cass, but he figured it’d be rude to refute that the woman’s daughter existed. “Oh, right. Hi.”
“This storm is crazy! Hop in, let me give you a lift home.”
Zeke looked around him. The rain wasn’t letting up; all about were shadows seen through static, like those ancient home movies his uncle Drew was always watching when he and his mom went to go visit him at the assisted living center. Something about the blurriness of the images and the glassiness of Uncle Drew’s eyes suggested an impossible self-awareness that always freaked the hell out of Zeke. This rain was like that; besides, it wasn’t the best neighborhood.
“I don’t wanna ruin your seats,” he said lamely.
The woman’s eyes were bright, and although he couldn’t see the bottom half of her face, she was clearly amused. “I’d rather you didn’t catch hypothermia than have dry seats. Come on in.”
The door clicked as it unlocked. Zeke hesitated another moment, then opened the door and slid in, resting his skateboard on his knees.
The interior was warm, dry, and smelled faintly of pine from the air freshener dangling off the blinker lever on the steering wheel. The dash was a pristine, glistening maroon, and the seats were spotless white Detroit leather. He could practically feel the water soaking into the material. Something must have read on his face, because the woman giggled.
“Really, it’s okay. I’ll towel off the seat when I get home. Where am I taking you?”
Zeke mumbled directions to Dad’s house. Technically he wasn’t supposed to visit Dad for another few days, but he didn’t feel like going home to another shouting match with Mom just yet. He had to repeat the directions, louder, because she hadn’t understood his mumbles, and now he sank as far into his seat as he could get.
“I’m Stacey, by the way,” she said as she pulled back onto the road.
“Yes, I know.” She looked amused rather than annoyed. Zeke stared at her as she drove, trying to decide if he’d ever seen her before. She seemed awfully familiar with him, anyway. She had sharp, low cheekbones and slightly weathered skin, but not cracked or wrinkled. Her shoulder-length auburn hair exploded from her head in a blowout that made her look a little like one of those POP! figures. If her daughter looked anything like her, Zeke was now certain he’d never met her in his life. He absently wondered if he was being abducted, but doubted his life was nearly that interesting. Besides, creeps kidnapped little boys, not sixteen-year-olds.
Stacey kept trying to make small talk, and Zeke kept mumbling replies. He knew she thought he was being rude, she had to. He didn’t mean to be, he just had now idea how to talk to her. Despite clearly being in her forties, Stacey was well-proportioned and sat with her back slightly arched. He found it distracting. In fact, he was pretty sure she’d just said something.
Like dead men walking to the firing line, his eyes slowly traveled up from where they’d been resting to her face. “Uh. Sorry?”
She still looked amused. Whenever he stared at the girls in school like that, they got angry and called him a pervert. Stacey gave him a look of... not annoyance, exactly, but... acceptance? Like she was used to it. He guessed that must have been it. But she was smirking too, like she found it funny. Zeke began studying the deck tape on his board very thoroughly. Trucks were getting loose; he’d have to tighten those.
“I was just saying, Cass told me you’re very good with that thing,” she repeated, twirling one plastic-nailed finger at his skateboard. “You’ve got the body for it. Svelte, I think is the term.”
Okay, so this Cass had seen him at the skate park at some point; couldn’t have been at school. He had to stop bringing his deck to school because it kept getting confiscated. Principal Radovich would take it even if he wasn’t riding it, calling it “a hooligan’s hobby.” What a prick.
Zeke shrugged. “I’m okay. Egger’s better, but he’s been at it since he was, like, six. Or something.”
Stacey cleared her throat. “Egger?”
“Oh. Uh. Nickname. He got it because--” He stopped, because Egger got it because his farts always smelled like rotten eggs. He supposed she didn’t want to hear about that. “Uh. Long story.”
Zeke stared out onto the rain-slicked sidewalks. Occasionally pedestrians braved the onslaught in ponchos. One poor lost soul attempted to use an umbrella, a circle-shaped man who looked to be about three hundred years old. The umbrella lost the battle in about two seconds of being opened, first turned inside-out, then sent on its merry way off into the yawning abyss of the night sky. The defeated look on the old man’s face vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared.
The ride continued in silence for several minutes. The radio and AC controls were lined with fake wood paneling, and Zeke traced his fingers down the shining plastic surface. Stacey apparently mistook it as a cue, because she finally broke the silence. “Did you want the radio on? You can pick a station if you want. Just no country,” she added with a conspiratorial wink.
Zeke opened his mouth to correct her, but snapped it shut again and nodded. He surfed through a few stations before deciding on a nineties alt-rock station. He didn’t really know any alt-rock bands--that was mostly Dad’s thing--but her radio’s digital face displayed the song and artist as “Everything Zen” by Bush. He didn’t really understand the lyrics, but it was fast and loud, so it was alright by him.
“I saw them in college, you know,” Stacey said. “God, that was forever ago. Long before I met Cass’ father. What a party.” The car slid to a halt, and Zeke looked up to see the familiar edifices of his street. “Which one is it?”
Zeke pointed to the flaking green house with the uninviting black shingled roof where his dad lived. She crept up to it and parked on the street. She put the car in Park and turned to face Zeke directly. He had a very vivid flashback of a nature video he’d watched when he was eleven, when a leopard had stalked an impala. One second, the leopard was an immobile lump of spots in the grass. The next, an explosion of movement and suddenly an implala with a shattered neck was twitching its last in the leopard’s jaws.
“I’m going to give you my number,” Stacey said in a slow, deliberate tone. “If you need a ride, you call me any time. Okay?” She looked at him pointedly. He really wished she didn’t have such nice posture.
She kept him locked in that stare for a long time, that amused look never leaving her face. Zeke felt very small under that stare. “Okay. Get inside, get dry.”
Zeke thanked her and threw open the door, hesitating for only the briefest moment before thrusting himself out into the storm once more and slamming the car door behind him. He raced for Dad’s house and decided that, despite the icy rain, he was probably going to need a cold shower before bed.
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