#sherlolly s2 fics
superlc529 · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @esmealux ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 29 works on AO3. I've been working on a new Lucifer fic for the past 2 years on and off (mostly off) and that'll be my 30th on the site. However, I do have 63 works on ff.net (29 of them are the same) from various fandoms.
What's your total AO3 word count? As of right now, I have a word count of 179,925 words on AO3. I know that total is sometimes some writers' word count for a single fic. ;)
What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, it's mainly Lucifer (and Supernatural). I've been writing fanfics since I was a sophomore in high school. On ff.net I have written for (in no particular order): Bewitched, The Big Bang Theory, Castle, Doctor Who, Forever, Heroes, Jimmy Neutron, Lucifer, Smallville, Supernatural, Timeless, and Will & Grace.
Top five fics by kudos:
The More Things Change... (Lucifer): 1,090 kudos
Been Down This Road Before (Supernatural): 621 kudos
A Unique Guilt Trip (Lucifer): 548 kudos
Trick-Or-Treating Revelations (Lucifer): 543 kudos
Thanks For Listening (Lucifer): 449 kudos
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every comment if I can... at least on AO3.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't actually write angsty endings. All my fics have happy endings actually. ❤️
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, wow. Since all my fics have happy endings, it's hard to choose just one... for the ones I wrote over a decade ago, honestly, I can't remember... LOL. Read them if you so choose and pick your own. ;)
Do you get hate on fics?
I would get hate on fics on ff.net but thankfully (not so far) on AO3. When I first started writing fanfics, I interpreted some helpful advice AS hate, but it really wasn't. Thankfully the response is mostly positive on my writing. Sometimes I'll still get some "hate" on ff.net, but I still feel an obligation to post there for consistency since I cross-posted since getting an AO3 account.
Do you write smut?
No. (But I read it).
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I have written was a Castle & Forever crossover that can be found on ff.net and AO3 called Ties That Bind.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think somebody wanted to translate one of my older Smallville fics back in the day. Honestly, I can't remember which one or if it came to fruition.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not to my memory, but I used to beta all the time for Smallville. And I was a "consultant" on a fanfic on AO3 from a friend for a Forever and Quantum Leap crossover fic. Plus, I bounce ideas off with fandom friends in the Lucifer fanfiction world. ❤️
All time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhh... I can't say an all-time favorite ship because I love all of my ships equally. But I'll settle for my top two: Clois (Clark Kent and Lois Lane) and Deckerstar (Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I've had a WIP for Sherlock/Sherlolly in my documents for quite a few years. It's a time travel one where Sherlock from post S4 gets sent back to the time between the end of S1 & beginning of S2. I don't think that one is ever gonna be finished to be honest. I never post fics until they're finished anyway, so at least there won't be anybody disappointed. ;)
What are your writing strengths?
I try to pride myself on the characters being written in-character - where the reader can actually picture the actor's expressions, mannerisms, etc - like they're watching an episode. Dialogue is definitely where I excel.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really suck at descriptions. I'm not gonna lie. I have tried to work on setting the scene and character movements, etc but I still struggle with those factors.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm not really great at it. If the character is known to say words or phrases in another language, I might write it in a few times, but nothing that needs a long translation.
First fandom you wrote in?
Jimmy Neutron (on ff.net) when I was about 16 years old.
Favorite fic you've written?
I have a few, but honestly I'm more proud of my Lucifer stories and my one Supernatural story, so I'd have to go with a tie between my first ever Lucifer fic: The More Things Change... and my Supernatural fic: Been Down This Road Before. And right now the Lucifer fic I've been working on for 2 years is quickly becoming a favorite too. LOL. We'll see if people like it once I've finished it and started posting. ❤️
Tagging a few of my fandom friends: @my-crazy-awesome-sox, @mightbeawriter, @wendeckerstart, @kaykat666, @thewollfgang and anyone else who wants to or feels inclined to do it! And to those that I tagged, please don't feel obliged to do it. Love oo!! ❤️
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Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additions 12/21/23
Cake (Come to Grief series) by whashaza (Rated T, One-Shot) S2: You Do Count, Sherlolly & Sweets, Hurt/Comfort ff.net 2023
Forty Five Seconds by Annorahrose (Rated K, One-Shot) S2: You Do Count, Christmas AO3 2023
Molly's Mask by MissMazarin (Rated E, Incomplete, Multi-Chapter) Post TFP, Depression, Long fic, Slow Burn AO3 2018
Mistletoe and Molly by SimplyShelbs16 (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Christmas, Depressed Molly, Hurt/Comfort, Post TFP AO3 2023
Sherlolly by ibelieveinguardianangels (Rated K+, One-Shot) S3, Hurt/Comfort, MCD (Mary Watson) AO3 2020
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sherlolly-siya · 1 year
I went back to sherlolly after eons today. I wanted to read a post S2 fic and I'm so glad @mizjoely keeps an organized list 😭
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writingwife-83 · 1 year
Hi, do you want to play Desert Island Fics?
If not, then no worries!
But if yes, then imagine you've been marooned on a desert island. You have to choose which 8 fics you will save from the waves. They can be your own or written by other authors, they just have to be important or meaningful to you. Please explain why you selected them, include your favourite quotes if you like.
Out of the 8, choose your absolute favourite.
And on this desert island you also get to choose a luxury item to have with you, just as long as it has no practical use; and a book to read.
Finally, as you are castaway to your desert island, you get to select who will be the next Castaway.
Good luck!
I’ve had this sitting in my inbox for way too long lol. I knew it would take some time to answer, so I kept being slow about getting to it. But here goes, I’m gonna do my best! And I figured I’d break the first part up and do half fics by others and half fics by me. Also, heads up this is a multi ship list…
The Full House by @strawberrypatty (Emcee) This post s2 canonverse fic has a special place in my heart since it was not only my intro into sherlolly fan works, but also the first fanfic I ever read. It inspired me to try writing fanfic myself. ❤️
Blind Ambition by @opalskylovedivine This sherlolly canonverse fic is just so lovely in general, but it’s also special to me because I was privileged to be the beta reader for it. Good memories!
Repairer of the Fences by @englishable is just one of the best reylo au fics I’ve read. It’s so beautifully and emotionally written. It’s deeply moving but in the softest of ways.
The Green Rushes by darthsydious is absolutely one of the sweetest sherlolly aus. Choice world building and feels all around!
I Told You So. Listen, writing and sharing this fic was an experience like no other has been, and probably ever will be lol. So you best believe I’d want to save that one.
Zephyr. The fact that this is a multi chapter, it has art by @thisisartbylexie , and it became a pod fic? Yep, definitely worthy of being saved.
Half Agony, Half Hope by @thisisartbylexie and myself must be saved because it was such a fun project and the first time we collaborated on actually writing a fic together. I’m proud of how we made a modern Persuasion inspired sherlolly au work with Sherlock in the role of Anne. For similar reasons, my next and last one is…
Alliance also written by both me and @thisisartbylexie . This arranged marriage canon divergent fic was absolutely epic and just everything I could ever want the story of Reylo to be. If I do say so myself. 😂
I know I said I’d do my best but I refuse to choose a favorite. You cannot make me. 😝
As for the other luxury item question, I’m not sure if this is meant to be a book or not. The wording tripped me up a bit lol. If a book, I’ll say the Bible, but if it’s not supposed to be a book I’ll go with shampoo. I’m a grease ball and can’t stand not being able to wash my hair!
Thanks for sending the ask, and for the next castaway (if you want but no pressure!) I’ll tag @musicprincess1990 😉
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thisisartbylexie · 4 years
Sherlolly Appreciation Week - 2020 Fic Rec Post
@sherlollyappreciationweek is this week and I’ve had my head not screwed on straight and missed daily posting.  Which means y’all are going to deal with a single LONG post of Sherlolly Fic Recs. I’m making up for timeliness by dumping more recs than anyone asked for. Buckle up. 
(tl:dr - Listen, you can find every flavor of Sherlolly fic curated like a Willy Wonka’s factory over on @miz-joelys-sherlollilists, but I have curated a gourmet banquet for you right here. Please leave feedback for the creators.)
DAY ONE -  Gone But Not Forgotten (WIPs/Incomplete Fics)
I left a review and am also recommending The Ghost and Molly Hooper by doctor_WTF. This is the story of Molly who purchased 221B Baker St only to find that the last inhabitant died, but never really left. This is set as an AU with the context of TRF. 
Also gonna recommend A Line to Cross by @blogyourfeelingsaway. This is an AU where Molly doesn’t actually like Sherlock at first, much to his surprise...
Delayed For A Little While by @lono285. A Princess Bride AU we don’t deserve.
DAY TWO - Angst Fest 
Phoenix by @lono285. This is the author’s summary: Nothing could bring Molly Hooper back to life. He saw her final breath leave her body. But with a few short words from a nameless voice on the telephone, he realized the resumed beating of his heart had a name: hope.
Ghost of A Girl by Alethnya. Author’s summary: Death, as it turns out, wasn't quite as final as Molly had always believed. Fear not, you will smile at the end, I promise. 
 All You Ever Wanted At Just The Wrong Time by @soyeahso. This wasn’t what Molly expected being a relationship with Sherlock would be like. 
The Coffin-Maker’s Lullaby by @hobbitsdoitbetter. This is ANGST but it’s more like catharsis post-S4. 
But if you’re REALLY looking for The Pain Train, take the emotional tour via The Gods Have [No] Mercy by TuesdayTerrible. This is a soulmate AU.
Also, The Five Stages of an Illogical Death by AndInTimeThisTooShallPass. It’s exactly what you think it is. 
DAY THREE - When We Were Young (S1 & S2)
A Beautiful Mind by jankmusic. I have a theme for fics, apparently, because this one is also super emotional. This is set vaguely in the S2 timeline, but it’s an amnesia fic that starts with established Sherlolly. But then...
Her Last Bow by @PetraTodd. This is just after S2. Author’s summary: Like a knight going off to war, when Sherlock goes off to fight Moriarty's network, he takes a favor from Molly Hooper. (Of course, favors are normally *given* but Sherlock isn't really one for manners.)
All The Things Said and Unsaid by @elixirbb. Molly goes with Sherlock after The Fall. 
Every Time and Always by @flaignhan. Written just after S2.01 aired. 
Do I even need to mention The Full House  and Always Something by @emceefrodis? Because like, that should be part of the Sherlollian Bible or something. 
DAY FOUR - Bust Out (Comedy Gold)
Friends Like These by @elixirbb. Sherlolly post-S2 from Lestrade’s POV. 
A Little Inspiration by @lilsherlockian1975. Humor with some angst, but a fun read. 
If You Like It... by ll_again. ...put a ring on it. Post-S3 where Molly and the Holmes parents form a friendship. 
The New Conception by Quarto. Post-S3 ish. Author’s summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single consulting detective in possession of an undercover assignment must be in want of a wife.
DAY FIVE - EPIC (Long Fics)
A Fearful Hope Was All The World by @miabicicletta . End of the world AU that somehow hits HARD especially now. Not for the emotionally fragile, but there’s still HEA. 
In matters of the heart by TheSapphireSky. Regency AU. There’s mystery and heart-wrenching emotion with our favorite idiots. It’s *chef’s kiss*. 
The Signs of the Four by Emma_Lynch. Victorian AU you’re looking for. 
The Necessary Mother by darthsydious. Victorian AU where Sherlock is a single father and Molly comes to help him. This isn’t on AO3, so I will tag with the warning of character death (secondary, but still gutting due to period typical mortality). 
Molly Hooper and the Flagon Nocturnal by Zoa. It’s a CRIME that this Indiana Jones AU doesn’t have more comments.
In general, if you’re looking for LONG fics, check out the 2015 Sherlolly Big Bang Collection. Every fic has a minimum of 25K. 
DAY SIX - Fluffy Friday
So I like my fluff with a side of angst (for ~flavor~).
Order From Chaos by MaybeItsJustMyType. Soulmate AU. 
Semantics by @geekmama. Sap everywhere. 
Intuit by ClassySpanks. Molly runs away to Switzerland. 
Zephyr by @writingwife-83. A Victorian AU arranged marriage. 
I also had to mention Wedding Day by floosilver8. This is Groundhog Day-set up, Molly POV, set at the Watson wedding. Not like 100% fluffy, but I love reading it when I need a pick me up. 
DAY SEVEN - Free For All
You guys know I’m a sucker for a period AU. So I’m going to recommend one of my favorite AUs: London Bridge Is Falling Down by @lono285. This is a WWII-era AU that I love to bits and pieces because it’s ADORABLE. 
Speaking of AUs, here’s a Victorian amnesia fic. Changing Faces by @likingthistoomuch
Also, there’s an S2-ish hasty marriage AU Band of Gold by @mizjoely and the 1940s AU remix With This Ring written by me. (yup, I am SHAMELESS. And quite proud of this one.)
I’m gonna add with a tear, the truth comes by broomclosetkink. Semi-angsty AU of the Watson wedding. Fix-it fic.
Looking for the Christmas Carol AU? Well, try A Knockout Christmas by Ellis_Hendricks.
Here’s Sherlock-Is-An-Actual-Moron. Unplanned pregnancy AU where Sherlock doesn’t realize it’s his. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by darthsydious. 
OOOOOOOOF. I’ve been reading your Sherlolly fics since like 2011 and I have heaps more (SO many fantastic authors I didn’t even mention here!). 
Please check out the official post because the other half of this appreciation week is also leaving feedback for authors.  
Give them some LOVE! 
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dloveg · 3 years
the more time I spend in the sherlolly fandom, the more I realize that I do not understand why Molly is in love with Sherlock. I do see it in the show. We met her when she had a crush on him, but I dont think it was love. Even the time that she helped him during Reichenbach, it did not feel like love (well for me at least).
When he came back though, it felt different. The conversation in the stairs felt like they were letting go of a what could have been, even if there should have nothing been on both sides. Molly’s looks at Sherlock during the wedding already felt like love. But not as intense as how it felt that she loved him in TFP.
this is just blabbering, but Molly is awesome, isn’t she? Sherlock’s amazing, but hardly the kind of guy a normal girl would fall for. I think that is the part I am not seeing in the series Molly yet. we get a hint that Molly is a bit weird, but the series stopped showing us that side by S3. S3 Molly is more convetional and mature, which should also mean rational. But S3 Molly is kinda nuts to break it off with a nice guy like Tom. 
Am I answering my own question? S1 and S2 Molly is weird and is the type that would be attracted to Sherlock. S3 Molly tried to grow up and veer to more normal taste. S4 Molly is S1/S2 Molly in conflict with S3, making her miserable.
i guess the reason I am having these thoughts is because I am coming across light fluffy aus wherein Sherlock meets Molly for the first time and immediately falls in love with her, because why wouldn’t he? Molly’s smart, probably enthusiastically writes academic papers about subjects he likes, has the sense of humor that wont fly with normal people but would actually appeal to him.
And what does Sherlock has to offer? He’s brilliant but was also really mean. He’s hot. But I just dont really see Molly falling in love with him.
that is the fic I am looking for, something that would explain how molly’s crush turned into love. because I keep on reading fics showing how sherlock fell for molly when IMO, he should have fallen for her immediately. I need to understand why Molly is in love with him.
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dlrconlicense · 5 years
Sherlolly Fanfiction Week 2019 - Day 5
Day 5 - Epic
The Admirer by howterrifying (Rated T, AO3) - I actually loved the latter half of this fic, the interaction between Sherlock, Molly, and Molly’s son is extremely adorable. Plus Mycroft with a badass love interest certainly is a plus point.
The Price of Sentiment by Mouse9 (Rated T, AO3) - This is actually my most favourite long fic, I tend to re-read it every so often and I enjoy it even more with each re-read. Spanning end of S2 to S4, it’s a Molly-centric fic that deals with the consequences when she decides to make use of a gift that Sherlock has left her prior to his fall. And seriously, only Sherlock Holmes would leave the woman he has unsaid feelings for sperm as a gift = =||| It’s at times adorable, suspenseful, and an overall amazing read. 
The Other Woman by dragonaunt (Rated M, FF.net) - Ok so this one is actually part of a HUUUUUGE saga, I haven’t actually read all the installments yet. But this one I have re-read quite a bit, though it does carry a trigger warning of a sexual assault.
Hooper_Holmesverse AU by Emma_Lynch (Rated T, AO3) - Can’t really separately recommend just one installment of this, it’s just such a funny and fluffy little AU in which Molly and Sherlock had a child which no one else found out about even when the child was living under the roof of 221b Baker Street. Definitely have to read all installments in order for everything to make sense.
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I love fake relationship au for sherlolly, maybe for a case, or one shot, or anything fleeting. but I don't understand how authors write post ASiB or post s2, or post s3(well maybe I can understand in this timeline), or post s4(especially that!!) fics with that trope in multichapter with all the planning and the process to convince everyone they're a couple. Isn't it a little bit cruel for Molly? The pining. The callous treatment she gets from Sherlock. And I can't see Molly as the pining type. And I can't see Sherlock after ASiB as someone who disregard Molly's feeling. Hfft. I guess to each their own. But still, I really feel for her.
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mychakk · 7 years
Sherlolly Fanfiction Week - Day 1
I’ve decided to rec a couple of stories (and three authors) per day to celebrate the Sherlolly Fanfiction Week. I hope you’ll enjoy those recs, too. Here it goes, I try to give you some reasons for why I love those stories:
A story not necessarily well known:
Lessons in Love by 16magnolias - this is one of my top fav stories post s3. It’s a slow burn Sherlolly with Sherlock getting to learn what it means to love and to love Molly especially. There are some OOC, but they help instead of take over the story (although at first you may get such an impression, they do fade after the first couple of chapters). Also, this is a case fic and the climax of the story is amazing. You’ll feel for Sherlock for sure. Go shoo read!
Blind Ambition by OpalSkyLoveDivine - this one falls into the category of sick!lock. A beautiful slow burn Sherlolly, with lots of Sherlolly friendship, a jealous!lock mix, and of course a heartwarming ending. This is also a  couple of cases fic, but they are more background, as the Sherlolly relationship is the main focus. 
Molly's Garden by HeayPuckett - Here we have Sherlock dealing with Molly’s getting seriously hurt. He’s inept at dealing with it and struggles with the situation. The ending is very satisfying. May bring tears to your eyes, be warned. 
A story that I love but for not exactly the reason you may think:
Sustain or Concerto for the Famished in D Minor by MaybeAmanda - I think everyone knows this one. It’s one of the best Sherlolly stories ever and to think it was written already post s1 and still can be seen as canon/close to canon portrayal. Amazing. BUT! The reason I’m reccing it here is because one of my top fav things about this story is... Sherlock’s relationship with his family. The way they treat him and how it’s in the end vindicated in a way... It’s one of my top fav things there. Please give it a go if you hadn’t yet, all three parts plus coda!
A story well known to be reread:
The Resident Attachment and Those Left Behind by Maejones (@mae-jones) - seriously, two of the best stories, and I hope you have read them! ;) I have a confession to make about The Resident Attachment - when I first saw the summary I dismissed it as something completely not my area (despite it being a Historical!lock, which I adore). I saw it being updated regularly and finally decided to give it a go - the best decision I ever made! Read like four times already. Slow burn Sherlolly, with a case and drama and action, and some good ole angst, and of course the smut. Oh, the sumtty smut. mae-jones just rocks at smut. Go shoo read! Those Left Behind has been my top fav story about a secret Third Holmes child, period, and still is. It’s an amazing read especially after s4. Plus Sherlock is an idiot. But he kinds of means well. But he screws up anyway. Thankfully Molly loves him. Please read this, it’s freaking awesome. 
A long one shot that might have been skipped:
Dear Sherlock, by MudbloodPride - Sherlolly interaction through Molly’s eyes written in letters. WITH A TWIST! What would Molly do when she learns Sherlock is being sent to Easten Europe and she may lose him for real this time? Read and find out. Wrenches my heart then makes me tingle at the end. Wonderful long-shot. 
A shortie to be read:
The Arrangement by jankmusic - a believable modern marriage arrangement? Sure! Here it is. A sweet story with a little bit of drama at the beginning and fluffy ending. 
Whiskey and Words by Emmyjean - have you ever wondered if Sherlock had been ever struck by love at a first sight? John did and so he asked. And boy did his friend made a revelation. Molly doesn’t even make an appearance and yet... Perfect story, one I could definitely see happening in canon behind the scenes we were shown. 
An Author of old worth being dusted
Elixir.BB - an author who has written a lot of wonderful angsty stories post s2. and some amazing ones post 3. The stories will gut you and then bring smile and tingling feelings of hope. Lots of feels here. But so worth it, believe me!
An Author less known but worth checking out:
Ridiculosity - This author have a bunch of lovely, well written stories: a series with a Matchmaker Mary, a Vicotrian!lock Maid Trope, a soulmate one, and some other interesting one-shots. I like her style and way with words. Please check out her stories and leave a review. :)
An Author you know, but I’m going to rec anyway 😉
@mrsmcrieff also on ff.net: MrsMCrieff - if you are looking for an author specializing in slow burn Sherlolly, here she is! :D She’s also amazing with case fics. I love all of her stories, with lots of tension, some drama and action, plus the smut ;) Lots of wonderful reading here. I also really appreciate the regular updates, usually Sundays and Wednesdays :)
Here it is for tonight. I’ll see you all next day with another bunch of recs. Please let me know if the links don’t work. Happy reading, Everyone! ;)
Tagging (with permission to spread it widely in fandom) @mizjoely @elennemigo @mae-jones
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A pile of salt
Things that bother me currently about what should be my favorite thing to fan about (Sherlock Holmes on the whole):
-The relationship between Sherlock and John in BBC Sherlock is very toxic and unhealthy (especially after season 2′s cliffhanger. S1 and S2 were alright in that respect)
-If you search Ao3 for recently posted Sherlock Holmes fanfics, it’s all BBC Sherlock, canon holmes, and some brett, and almost all of them tend to be porn, porn without plot, or plot that ends in the two having sex (most commonly, hurt/comfort ending in porn)
Given point one, point two is kinda gross, unless someone has done some fix-it of the relationships of the show in their fic. Given that fact that many people say that homosexuality (especially between women) is over-sexualized, point two is terrible. Given the fact that it’s mainly women who write fanfic (with some exceptions, I know), it sucks. It’s harder and harder to search Sherlock Holmes tags on Ao3 lately.
Another point:
-Elementary has some of the best fanfics out of all the shows I read fic for
-People don’t ship sherlock holmes and joan watson, even in the show they are strictly friends as far as I can see
-I feel like the show is less popular because Watson is a female, when honestly it’s the best show on tv and a better show than BBC Sherlock.
-It portrays healthy friendships and relationships and yet people are obsessed with BBC Adlock, Johnlock, Sherlolly.
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onceinabluemoon13 · 7 years
001 molliarty
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: Between S2 and S3 when I ran out of sherlolly fics and decided to branch out.
my thoughts: I can’t see them lasting long term, but Moriarty is exactly Molly’s type, so I’m not surprised they dated. I think he liked her a lot more than he let on, and that’s why he didn’t target her in TRF.
What makes me happy about them: I like to imagine them watching Glee and cuddling with Toby the cat.
What makes me sad about them: Poor Molly got caught in the middle of a war between him and Sherlock. I think she probably felt really guilty afterwards.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Any noncon
things I look for in fanfic: Decent characterization that explains why Molly would be with Moriarty even though he’s a criminal mastermind.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Sherlock (for either of them tbh). Even though Jim’s dead (😔) I ship him with Eurus too.
My happily ever after for them: I don’t really have one.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: They alternate.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Singing along as they watch Glee together. 😂
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mizjoely · 7 years
Hey, what would you say are your favourite and least favourite tropes in Sherlolly fanfiction?
Least favorite is the easy one: any fics set after S2 that portray Molly as if it was still S1. And believe me, there are plenty of fics that do that, sadly.
Favorite is trickier, cause I really love a lot of them: fake dating, bed sharing, Victorian AU, vamp!lock, Uni!lock, teen!lock, hurt/comfort, parent!lock, “it’s for a case!”, kidnap fics...sooo many that I love!
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Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additions 10/20/22
Cigarettes by Lady Dudley (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2022
Do You Know What Time It Is? by mizjoely (Rated K, One-Shot) Anniversary fic, Post TFP, Established Sherlolly AO3 2022
I Don’t Have To Explain Myself by mizjoely (Rated K+, One-Shot) Historicalock (Regency) AO3 2022
Is This Supposed To Impress Me? by mizjoely (Rated K, One-Shot) Witch!Molly, Married Sherlolly AO3 2022
John by Lady Dudley (Rated K, One-Shot) S1: Lipstick & Coffee, Outside Looking In ff.net 2022
Lipstick by Lady Dudley (Rated K, One-Shot) S2: You Do Count ff.net 2022
Lipstick 2 by Lady Dudley (Rated K, One-Shot) S2: You Do Count ff.net 2022
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mousedetective · 7 years
It was a prompt where Sherlock asks john to be his bestman and since john gets jealous they have to deal with their feelings (or something like that) Anyway don't worry if u don't feel comfortable and sorry but I'm not native English
Oh, no, no worries about your English! It was spot on. You’re doing a remarkable job!
I actually don’t mind writing Jlock fic, for the most part. I’ve done it before as gifts in a fic exchange (I’m a pinch hitter at Holmestice sometimes for a wide variety of pairings when real life isn’t so hectic) and I will write it for friends and as requested for cheer-up fic, if someone really wants it. I usually just don’t write fic where there’s another relationship involved and there’s not-so-nice feelings in general unless it’s been shown in canon (the main one being Sherlock/Molly Tom, since we saw Sherlock really didn’t like Tom).
I haven’t deleted the prompt yet, and I could, perhaps, do something with it. I know it wouldn’t be Sherlolly that I have Sherlock’s relationship be, but maybe have it be an AU of some sort? Not like a TOTAL AU, but a canon divergence one from S2, where Mary wasn’t in the picture, if that would work? Because I have an idea along the lines of what happened in S3 with Janine and Magnussen but without Mary that could lead to a confession of feelings without my having to ruin any ships but would still be in character.
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writingwife-83 · 6 years
Made-up fic title: Oceans Apart
Ooh that’s a nice one. Hm, maybe that could be a bit of a peek into communications that sherlolly maintained during Sherlock’s time away between s2 and s3. Lots of things kinda between the lines in text and letters, and maybe special ways that Sherlock finds to send her messages. 
(I sent one to you as well, hopefully tumblr didn’t eat it lol)
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singingbun · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Sherlock Holmes & Molly Hooper Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Original character (briefly mentioned) Additional Tags: Sherlock is Alone, Molly absent, set between s2 and s3, Sherlock's Mind Palace, Aftermath of Violence, Inspired by Fanart, Umeko-Sherlolly Series: Part 4 of Time Tests its Waters (Sherlolly) Summary:
Sherlock's suicide mission to take down Moriarty's network is slowly drawing to a close. Within the time frame he spent travelling around the world, he sees Molly within the halls of his Mind Palace.
*Note: credits to the fanartist @umeko-sherlolly as inspiration for this fic.
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