#shinsuke kita imagine
cottonlemonade · 3 months
warnings: mdni, nsfw
I strongly believe that Kita has his sexual awakening when he starts dating you.
It takes quite a while before he kisses you deeper than a simple peck but once he does he is like “wait a minute.” and absolutely can’t stop anymore. Doesn’t want to stop anymore.
He starts to stare intensely at you during lectures not even paying attention to the professor because he could be kissing you right now. Why was he wasting his time with higher education?!
Once you guys take it a bit further and he knows what it’s like to eat you out, his mind goes blank and it’s becoming quite a problem. Usually you guys study together and he loves to tutor you but now you pretty much have to do all your reading horizontally because he politely asks if he may eat your pussy while quizzing you.
To be the most efficient lover he starts reading books and articles (and even sinks as low as to ask Atsumu because for some reason the men and women on campus just seem to fall for him left, right and center).
When it’s finally time for Kita to make love to you for the first time he turns primal. He grabs your love handles that he usually squeezes so tenderly when laying between your heavenly plush thighs and snaps his hips forward, burying his hard leaking cock as deep into you as he would the seeds on his fields.
He will from then on come up behind you when you are looking for a book in the library or when you are making dinner for you two, wrap his arms lovingly around your squishy form, maybe set a soft kiss against your temple, and with his usual calm manner, almost innocently, ask if he can fuck make love to you again like this morning.
You have no idea where this sweet, collected man hid all his urges when you met because Kita, once unleashed, is insatiable and you love it.
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emmyrosee · 9 months
Kita shinsuke gets confused after you start dating.
It’s not like it’s been a long time, far from it, but you felt so comfortable in his everyday life that he stops thinking too hard about your interactions.
You reach for his hand, he takes it. You shiver, he gives you his jacket. You’re hungry, he shares his snacks.
He gives you a compliment, you… hate him?
You must. There it is, in capital letters under his own blue text: OFBEOD KITAAAA I HATE YOU FRRR😭😭
His heart races as he rereads the text over and over again, unsure of what he could’ve possibly said to have you say ‘I hate you.’
Whatever it is, he needs to find a way to apologize.
The idea of upsetting you in a way he barely understands is concerning, it makes him extremely saddened, and he picks up his pace to get to practice.
He’s sure there’s someone there that can help him decipher your distress.
Leave it to the two twins, tying their shoes in sync, to be the first ones to notice his stress.
“Kita-San?” Osamu asks, brows furrowing. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” atsumu continues. “You’re late- you’re NEVER late.”
“And you look like you’re about to upchuck.”
“Osamu, Atsumu,” he says, breath shaky as the twins turn to look up at him. “You’re… familiar with relationships, yes?”
“Well he’s been single since birth-“
“-but I’ve got a little bit of knowledge. What’s up?”
Kita gnaws on his lip before he passes the phone to the grey haired twin, showing him your sudden outburst of hatred towards him. Osamu quirks a confused brow as his eyes glaze over the text, the blonde twin quickly popping on his feet to peer over Osamu’s shoulder to read along.
Osamu flicks his eyes from his phone up to Kita, “what am I looking at?”
“She hates me,” he says, a frightened lilt in his tone. “And I don’t know what I do. I don’t know what I did,or said, or how I can fix this. And I…” he takes a breath in to calm down, “I need your help.”
Osamu stays silent for a bit, and atsumu cracks a cheesy smile, “cap… you didn’t do anything.”
“You didn’t do anything- this is just… how some girls act,” osamu explains, and kita feels his cheeks warm up from the sudden crowd that’s gathered.
“Are we teaching Kita-San something now?” Suna teases, peering over Osamu’s shoulder to read the message. “Teaching him about giiiiiirls.”
And shinsuke wants to say something back, about how he knows girls and he doesn’t need to be taught anything…
But maybe he does.
Osamu takes a small breath in before passing his captain’s phone back to him, “sometimes, girls are just… uhm….”
“Aggressive?” He asks, and Akagi chuckles behind him.
“No,” Osamu hums thoughtfully. “I would probably say more… excited than guys, and it makes them kinda wanna… be… ferocious?”
“Feral?” Suna chimes in.
“Buck wild?”
“How about all of the above,” Aran says easily.
Kita quirks a brow, “so she doesn’t actually hate me?”
“No! She’s just excited that you complimented her, I think.”
“Yeah Kita-San,” Atsumu chuckles. “Girls only say they hate you when they love you; that’s like. A thing.”
“They also bite,” Akagi cuts in. “For… some reason.”
“They BITE?”
“I’ve been smacked so many times,” Aran playfully laments, and Shinsuke’s head whips towards him, only to make the ace shrug, “what? She’ll get excited to see you, or something good happens, and she just. Smacks your arms. It doesn’t always hurt.”
“What do you mean ALWAYS!” Shinsuke is suddenly extremely nervous about whether he received a girlfriend… or a pitbull.
“Or she’ll bite you,” Suna hums.
“Or says she hates you,” the twins circle back. At seeing their captains new nerves, they rise to their feet to clap him on the back.
“You’ll be fine, cap,” the blonde assures. “It’ll catch you by surprise, sure.”
“May be a little painful,” osamu snorts.
Atsumu snickers, “but you’ve liked her for a long time. And if it’s too much, you tell her to stop.” He nods before turning on his heel and mumbling a soft ‘hell knows you’re good at that,’ under his breath.
The conversation makes Shinsuke… convinced. He’s sure that there’s minimal that you can do to upset him, even if these methods of love lean far into the unconventional. He gnaws at his lip as the crowd disperses, golden eyes glazing over the contents once more.
He cracks a small smile, taking a soft breath in and letting his fingers take over typing and saying everything he could want to say in just a few words.
SENT I love you, too :)
You reply with an absolute jumble of words and praises, capitals and random emojis. He smiles before planting his phone in his bag and heading out to practice, feeling it buzz more than a few times in his pocket.
Maybe a few well intentioned bite marks wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to him.
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wttcsms · 1 month
Mr. Kita Shinsuke performing his everyday duty of keeping you full and pregnant😌 king of creampies and being a soft dom
cw breeding, pregnancy
oh, did you mean shinsuke kita who is absolutely obsessed with filling you to the brim with his cum? the same kita who dotes on you so heavily; he never wants you to lift a single finger, let him handle all the work. besides, what kind of husband would he be if he made his beloved, pregnant wife do any sort of work?
it's why he doesn't expect you to be on your knees when he gets home after a long, hard day of work. it's why he can only handle having you suck him off for so long before he's telling you gently but firmly to lie down, honey, i wanna take care of you, too.
kita's the type to fuck into you, slow and steady, careful not to hurt you, but still intense all the same. he'll have you with your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks into you so deeply, balls heavy against you. he refuses to fuck you shallow, fuck you quickly. no — he has to take his time, make sure that you're all nice and bred, so stuffed full of his cum that even if it leaks out of your sore pussy, he'll know that he's done his job.
while he's fucking you, he's murmuring sweet words of praise and promises. how you're such a good girl for taking your breeding so well, how you're going to be a great mother, how he can't wait for this one to be born so he can fuck another kid into you. when the two of you are done, he'll kiss you on the forehead and whisper that you're such a sweet, wonderful wife. with his dick still inside of you, showing no signs of softening just yet, you know that as a good wife, you're going to lie there and enjoy every second of the pleasure he has in store for you <3
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moonbeamwritings · 4 months
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"I have a surprise for you."
Shinsuke, despite his excitement and ever the gentleman, helps you out of your coat before his hand settles on the small of your back, ushering you into the living room.
"For me?" You tease as you take a seat on the couch.
"Of course," he says gently, a boyish grin starting to form on his lips. "It's Valentine's Day, isn't it?"
He's gone before you can pull him in and kiss that stupid smile off his face, disappearing down the hall to no doubt retrieve this mysterious surprise.
You bounce your leg as you wait, nervous for no good reason. You trust Shinsuke, trust him enough to know he isn't going to come back down the hall and fling a creepy-crawly into your lap. Tender love and care seeps into his every action, his every word, like sunlight washes over the rice paddies, and you know on a day like today it'll be no different.
When he returns, his hands are behind his back and his grin has spread into something proud. Lovesick. Excitement sets his features alight and it stirs a swarm of butterflies in your belly. He's so handsome like this, warm with affection and happy.
"It was hard to wrap, so I'm sorry there's nothing to open," Shinsuke warns, standing to one side, arms locked behind him. He catches your body shifting to steal a peek, and counters it, moving left and right so you can't catch a good glimpse. He knows you too well. You share a giggle. "Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart."
The reveal is nothing grand, no wild flourishes or confetti explosions, just you and Shinsuke and his pretty smile and rosy cheeks. It's perfect. A delicate bouquet of crocheted forget-me-nots and daisies, dotted with tulips and lilies, all perfectly arranged in a pretty crystal vase settles into your lap.
Your mouth drops open as you start to blink back tears. "And you-"
You can't even get the words out, but Shinsuke sits beside you, leg pressing against yours, and finds them for you. "I crocheted them and tried to arrange them so they looked pretty, but 'm a farmer not a florist." His fingers brush yours as he reaches to stroke a leaf. "Obviously."
Suddenly the last few weeks click into place. His more frequent trips to his grandma's, the disappearance of his basket of crochet supplies from the space beside his couch. All an effort to hide this little project from you.
He watches your eyes travel from flower to flower, fingers tracing gently over the petals, reverent in your appreciation of his handiwork. "Gram helped with the patterns, kept me sane. Never done anything quite this intricate, so I needed all the help I could get."
"Shinsuke, I-" You set the the vase on the table and shift to take his cheeks in your palms. "They're beautiful." Your thumb sweeps across the apple of his cheek. "Thank you."
He beams, pleased with himself. "I'm glad you like them."
"I love you." You pull him in for a kiss laced with adoration, fingers finding the nape of his neck as his hands curl around your waist. When you pull away, you bump your nose into his. You press a smile into his cheek.
"I love you too."
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noosayog · 4 months
001 an innocent valentine ft. kita shinsuke
wc: 500
valentine's masterlist, regular masterlist
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“Who do you think it’s for?” 
“Definitely not Atsumu.” 
“Hey! I’m a great catch, for your information-” 
“Yeah, right.” 
“Shh! They’re coming back!” 
“Put it away-”
“Zip it up-”
“What do you think you’re all doing?” 
The voice of the Inarizaki manager rings from above the second-year trio, Atsumu, Osamu, and Rintaro, caught red-handed rifling through your bag, a neatly wrapped box of chocolates pinched between their trespassing fingers. 
“Nothing!” they all say at once, dropping the box and standing at attention. 
You smack each of the three upside the head with the notebook you have in your hand. “Go back to practicing.” 
“Awwww, c’mon manager. At least give us something. Who’re those for?” Atsumu asks. 
You give him a look before fishing the box out of your bag and calling for Aran. 
“Aran! Here!” you call, chucking the box at him. “Happy Valentine’s.” 
Aran catches it easily, stuffing it in the pocket of his volleyball sweater. “Thank you.” 
“It was for Aran-kun?!” 
“Since when did you two start dating?” 
“Did ya see the way he was so nonchalant about it?!” 
“Big words for ya, ‘Tsumu.”
“Huh?! Ya picking a fight?!” 
“Hey!” you yell. “Shut up and hold out your hands.” 
They obediently stick their hands out. You drop 3 boxes, identical to the one thrown at Aran moments ago, into their waiting palms. 
With one last smack to each of their shoulders, they scurry off back to their drills, satisfied now that they’ve each received their own little prizes. They make it back onto the court just in time for Kita to return from speaking to the club advisor. 
“Hope they didn’t give ya too much trouble today.” 
“Nah,” you say. “They’re troublesome and a bit stupid, but it’s alright.” You look up at your boyfriend, swinging your joined hands and appreciating his thumb rubbing calm patterns along your cold fingers. 
“Yer hands are cold,” he says simply, stopping to wrap his scarf around your neck before joining your hands together again. 
“Thanks,” you breathe, inhaling deeply. 
The rest of the walk home flies by in comfortable silence, the hand held in his staying pleasantly warm even in the late-winter chill. At the entrance of your house, he lets go of your hands, smiling and nodding for you to go in. He stays to watch, making sure you’re in safely before leaving, as he does every day. 
When you stare at him, he tilts his head. “What’s wrong?” 
You laugh quietly. “You didn’t think I made chocolate for all those chuckleheads and not you, did you?” 
He rubs the back of his neck, blushing lightly. “I was looking forward to it, " he admits sheepishly. “But I don’t mind if ya don’t have anything for me. Just being able to be with ya like this makes me plenty happy.” 
You dig into your pockets to pull out a box just for him. It’s wrapped much more elaborately than the others are, with his name in curly, hand-written calligraphy. Instead of tossing it to him, as you did for the others, you hold the box out with two hands. 
“Will you accept my chocolate, Shin?” 
Kita smiles. The warmth rushes all the way through your body. 
“Of course. I’d be happy to.” 
He takes the box, undoing the ribbon and pops one into his mouth. “It’s good,” he says. 
“I’m glad,” you respond. You reach up on your tiptoes to press a lingering kiss into his cheek. 
“See you tomorrow, Shin.” 
“Tomorrow,” he nods.
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romiyaro · 7 months
ꜱɪʟʟʏ ʜᴜꜱʙᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ - (ᴋɪᴛᴀ ꜱʜɪɴꜱᴜᴋᴇ)
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Rrring rrrring !!
The alarm went off for 6am. Kita groaned, shuffling the blankets and turning to look at you.
He didn't have to wake up so early today. His only class was an afternoon class. Plus he stayed up last night with you, binge watching movies and cuddling on the couch.
It was around 2am when he woke up and realised how you both had fallen asleep on the couch. His neck was bent at a very uncomfortable angle.
He had craned his neck to look at you.
Only to coo at the sight of you curled up beside him, mouth drooling a huge patch onto his chest. He would keep it a secret, obviously predicting how mortified you would be if you were to know.
Now, as he stretches a hand, successfully stopping the alarm, he remembers a little something you had told him before the movie last night.
"I wanna make you breakfast in bed." You had pouted.
He could understand your complain. Every time he stayed over, he was the one making breakfast the next morning. It was a habit. And the bonus was he got to see your sleepy smile as you woke to the smell of the food.
He looks down at you, cosy and cuddled in the blankets, slightly snoring.
And he decides - five minutes more sleep won't hurt.
With one hand he laboriously sets the alarm for five minutes.
This time when the alarm rings, Kita lets it ring away, eyes shut closed. After the fifth ring, you wake up. For a second he feels you freeze against him.
And then you quickly sit up, like you remembered something.
Kita feels your palm, patting his face. He almost snorts when you bring your finger under his nose, probably checking if he's breathing. He keeps his breathing slow and steady, putting his hundred percent into the act.
You giggle. Slowly, you get up off the bed, hopping off to the kitchen, murmuring all the things you had planned to make to surprise him in bed.
And as the bedroom door closes behind him, Kita covers his face with his palms, rubbing hard against his cheeks and five o'clock beard. As he replays what happened, he grins, rolling around and burying his face in the pillow so his laugh is absorbed by it.
You just might be the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
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Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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etherrreal · 1 year
“when they’re feeling insecure”
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Pairing: atsumu x reader; kita x reader; suna x reader Genre: reverse comfort-fluff; drabbles & headcanons WC: 5.169 Warnings: N/A A/N: thanks for the request! this is actually the first piece we’ve worked on together so we’re excited for you all to see it! enjoy :) -Dawn & Luna
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since you and Atsumu tended to be strapped on time to spend with each other—with you working full-time and him being a national volleyball player—you liked to meet up with him after practice sometimes so you can pick up some food and get some quality time together
he was always taking his sweet time to get showered and ready to go, so you got to bond with some of his teammates, his captain Meian especially
when you found out you both loved the same show, every week, the day after the show aired, you got to practice a bit earlier so you and him had time to talk about the newest episode
Atsumu watched every week as you barely gave him a wave when you entered the gym those days, bee-lining straight to Meian and launching into animated conversation about your show
he had tried many times to sit down to watch it with you, but each time, about 15 minutes into the show, he found himself disinterested and distracted by his phone
he knew that never bothered you—”we don’t have to have the same interests,” you would tell him—but, week by week, as he observed you light up those days you walked into the gym to talk with Meian, he began to feel like maybe he wasn’t trying hard enough to get into your interests like you do for him
and he’d be damned if big bicep Meian would make you laugh more than he did
It’s Friday, you’re absolutely exhausted from work, and you’re ready to wash the grime of the day away in the hottest shower imaginable. You’re a little thrown off when you walk in the house and hear the T.V. playing in the living room, familiar voices from your favorite show coming from the room. You don’t remember leaving it on before you left, so you creep into the room slowly, peering around the corner to see a mop of blond hair leaning against the back of the couch.
“What are you doing?”
Atsumu snorts himself awake at the sound of your voice, eyes bleary as he tries to gather himself, gaze darting between you and the screen.
“Oh, me? Just catching up on your show.” He’s back to lounging against the arm of the couch, remote in hand gesturing to the screen. “It’s the part where that one girl, uh, Ashley is talkin’ to her boyfriend right now about how they’re going to move in together soon.” 
“Okay, first of all, that’s not her name.” You set your bag down next to the couch, throwing yourself down onto the cushion next to him. “Second, that’s her mortal enemy, and I’m pretty sure they’re talking about how she hopes he bites the dust on their next mission.” 
Atsumu stares at the screen, paying attention to the dialogue for probably the first time since turning it on. “Oh.”
You can’t help but chuckle at his cluelessness. “I’ve already told you, ‘Tsumu, you don’t have to like the same things that I do just because we’re dating. Just like I don’t like volleyball that much, you don’t have to like my show as much as I do.”
He gasps, scandalized. “You don’t like volleyball?!”
“Not as much as you do, dummy. That’s my point! We’re two separate people with separate interests, and that’s okay.”
“Yeah, but…” You don’t hear the rest of his statement as he mumbles it, shrinking into himself with arms crossed and chin buried into his chest. 
“You gotta speak up, babe. I couldn’t catch that.”
He sighs heavily, arms still crossed, now with a comically deep frown on his face. “But you and Meian are always talkin’ and laughin’ together at practice when you should be doing that with me, your boyfriend!”
“Oooh, come here, my dear sweet Atsumu.” He doesn’t hesitate to accept your invitation, nearly knocking the wind out of you as he wraps his arms around your torso, smushing his cheek against your chest. “You know I love you dearly. But trying to talk to you about my show is like talking to a brick wall, and I say that with all the love in the world. Now I finally have someone that I can talk to about my show, so you don’t have to hear me drone on.”
He grumbles. “I guess. But can’t you find someone else less… beefy to talk to about it with?”
You pause, trying to sift through his lot of friends for someone who doesn’t fit that bill. “Babe. All of your friends are beefy, so it wouldn’t even matter if there was someone else there that I can talk to about it. Besides, his appearance doesn’t even matter. It’s nothing more than some friendly chatter, alright?”
“Alright.” You press a kiss to the top of his head before he whines, tilting his head all the way up to offer his lips to you so you can give him a proper kiss. “...Just wish you’d be less happy about it.”
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you were invited to a night out at a bar with some old friends from high school, and decided to drag Kita along for the ride to introduce him to the ol’ gang
drinks were being served, shots were being had, and everyone was getting along swimmingly
Kita, who’d been nursing a bottle of water in preparation for work the next day, stayed by your side the whole night, smiling as you and your friends swapped stories and dutifully holding your things when they dragged you off to the dancefloor
he was at the bar getting you another drink when your friend Aina approached, leaning against the bar
“I like you for them,” she announced, words slurring. “They need someone plain like you to balance them out.”
he knew she didn’t mean it as an insult, but the word “plain” punched him right in the gut, insecurity washing over him as he realized it was absolutely true
you were the daring, adventurous type, always ready to jump right into things headfirst, while Kita preferred a steadier approach
normally this wasn’t a problem for the two of you, but suddenly Kita couldn’t help but wonder if maybe you were getting bored with him
it didn’t help that you had to cut your night short because of Kita’s early job, which consumed him with guilt as he watched you hug everyone goodbye, telling them you’d meet again at some point
the ride home was quiet as Kita thought about the ways he could be the fun, spontaneous man you deserved
the next day, he showed up at your door and invited you on an impromptu picnic date in the park, which you were more than happy to agree to
he was so ready to give you an amazing date and prove to you that he was more than just your plain boyfriend, but it seemed that the universe had other plans, as what was supposed to be your perfect and fun day quickly transformed into a disaster
at first, everything started off pretty smoothly, until Kita realized he forgot to bring a blanket, and the two of you were forced to sit on the wet, muddy grass
then when he opened the basket, he realized all the drinks had spilled on the drive over, effectively ruining all of the food he packed
you took it all in stride, reassuring him it could’ve happened to anyone, and ended up grabbing some takoyaki from a nearby food stand
for a moment Kita thought things were finally looking up, until an unleashed dog bounded towards you and knocked the takoyaki straight out of your hand and onto the ground, leaving the two of you to share whatever was left of his
he was so sure that it couldn’t get any worse, and then it started to rain– and not just a little drizzle, either, but a huge downpour that sent the two of you and the rest of your fellow park-goers scrambling for cover
and just to add insult to injury, his car ended up getting a flat only five minutes into the drive home, leaving him with no choice but to pull over and call for help, a shitty ending to an even shittier day
Kita’s not usually the type to believe that the universe is working against him –he prefers leaving those kinds of dramatics to the likes of Atsumu– but after the day he’s had, he’s starting to wonder.
His plan to prove to both you and himself that he could be an exciting, spontaneous, and definitely not plain boyfriend had started off decently enough. He showed up at your place with a nervous heart and a picnic basket in hand, announcing only somewhat shakily that he’d be stealing you for the day, whisking you off on an impromptu picnic date.
You’d had no prior warning, hence the whole spontaneous thing, but you went along with it easily enough, more than willing to spend a little extra time with your boyfriend. You threw on the quickest presentable outfit you could find and then you were off, eager to see where the day –and Kita– would take you. You ended up driving out to a flower field in the park, and it was absolutely wonderful.
For the first five minutes, at least.
Then it all went to shit.
Now the two of you are sitting in his car, soaked to the bone as you wait for a tow truck, and Kita is trying his very best not to let on how utterly defeated and pathetic he feels. He thinks the only thing keeping him from sulking outright is the fact that you’re still holding his hand, and even then, he can’t stop the frown that forms on his face.
“I’m so sorry about today,” he starts lamely, breaking the silence, voice shakier than he’s used to. He knows it’s not nearly enough to make up for the complete and utter catastrophe that your date turned into, but he supposes it’s a good enough place to start. “I know it wasn’t what you were expectin’ when I told you I’d be takin’ you out for a romantic picnic in the park. Hell, it wasn’t what I was expectin’, either.”
“Well, it was definitely an adventure, that’s for sure,” you say, in that carefree and teasing way of yours. Then you bring his hand closer to you and press your lips to the back of his palm, a playful but genuine smile tugging at your lips. “Still, I’m glad I came. I had a really good time today, Shin.”
Kita blinks, eyes wide as he stares at you as if you’ve grown a second head. “You did?”
“Of course I did. I was with you. I always have a good time when I’m with you.” You say it casually, easily, like it’s just that simple, and when he continues to gape at you, you raise an eyebrow. “What? Why do you look so surprised?”
“That’s because I am surprised. Today was a disaster, darlin’. It was the opposite of everythin’ that I wanted it to be.”
“Well, what did you want it to be?”
“Somethin’ good and excitin’ that you could enjoy the way you deserve.” He looks away, unable to meet your eyes as his gaze drifts to your intertwined hands, voice soft and quiet, defeated. “Somethin’ to show you that I could be fun and spontaneous, and not just the borin’ and plain boyfriend you’ve been stuck with.”
“Woah, wait, boring and plain? Stuck with?” you repeat, incredulous, brows furrowing as your lips curve into a frown of their own. “What are you talking about, Shin? You’re sure as hell not just someone I’m stuck with– where’s all of this even coming from?”
Despite himself, he hesitates. The last thing he wants to do is weigh you down with his insecurities, but Kita has never lied to you before, and he certainly doesn’t plan on starting now.
That’s when he tells about everything that happened last night, about Aina’s off-handed comment and about all the doubts and insecurities that’d been unearthed as a result. He tells you about the plan he made, the one he wanted so badly to be enough to prove to you that he could be the man you want, the man you deserve.
“I’m so sorry that happened, Shin,” is the first thing you say when he’s finished speaking, genuine and apologetic as you give his hand a comforting squeeze. “I know she was drunk, but Aina had no right to say that to you, and I’ll be telling her as much first thing tomorrow.”
“S’alright. I know she didn’t mean it as a bad thing,” Kita says, squeezing your hand back. “Still, it got me thinkin’, y’know? About you and me, and the fact that we’re so different. I mean, you– you’re so bright and darin’ and fearless and I’m just– I’m not.”
“So? I like you for you, Shin. I always have. And I especially like how different we both are.”
“I know. I do, too, I just– sometimes I just can’t help but feel like I’m borin’ you. Like you’re settlin’ for me. And I’m not sayin’ that I think you don’t love me, ‘cuz I know you do, I just–” He gives a shaky exhale and runs his free hand through his hair, faltering a little, before forcing himself to continue, though he still can’t quite meet your eyes. “I guess it’s just hard for me to make sense of the thought of someone as amazin’ and full of life as you wantin’ to be with someone as simple as me.”
The confession is raw and vulnerable, the way Kita’s only ever allowed himself to be around you. It softens you, makes you release his hand in favor of cupping his face, a silent plea to get him to look at you. And though he still feels pretty pathetic about everything, he doesn’t deny you, lifting his gaze to meet yours and finding himself stunned by the open affection in your eyes, the undeniable love he’s not sure he’ll ever get enough of.
“Oh, Shinsuke, baby, you’re not simple.” Your words, like your hands on his face, are gentle but firm, and when he shoots you a doubtful look, you lean closer and insist, “You’re not. You’re hardworking and dedicated, not to mention generous and so, so kind. You take care of me and make me laugh, and you’re always there to listen to me and support me, no matter how stubborn I am or how crazy my ideas get. You’re everything I want, not to mention everything I need. You make me better, and I love you, just the way you are.”
It’s strange, Kita thinks, how quickly your words ease the uncertainty and doubt that’d been weighing on his chest, how effortlessly your touch soothes him. There’s so much he wants to say to you. He wants to tell you how grateful he is for you, how much your words mean to him. Mostly, he wants to tell you that he loves you.
But then you tug his face towards you, closing the distance between you and pressing your lips firmly against his, and he realizes he doesn’t have to, because you already know. You feel it in the way he wraps his arms around you to pull you closer, in the way one of his hands tangles in your hair. Still, he does his best to prove it to you, anyway, deepening the kiss with a drag of his tongue across your lips and a muffled groan that has you scraping your nails against his scalp.
You’re both breathless when you pull away, just enough so that you can lean your forehead against his, all gentle comfort and soft affection.
“So get the thought of you being the person I settled for out of your pretty little head,” you say firmly, lightly tugging on his hair for good measure, “because you’re not. You’re the person I chose, the one I plan to continue choosing for a long, long time. Have I made myself clear?”
And Kita can only smile at you, turning his face to place a gentle kiss to the inside of your palm, all of his previous anxieties and insecurities forgotten.
“Crystal, darlin’.”
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you and Suna were at your cousin’s wedding, and you set off to grab some more drinks at the bar
Suna watched as you left—definitely checking out your ass—when he saw you get stopped by a guy, who put his hand hand on your arm and said something to you, and then suddenly, you were hugging
you were both so animated, so effortless, in your interactions, and Suna even saw you bust out laughing in a way you usually only do when he tells you the most god awful joke
Suna nudges your friend Aina who’s standing next to him, gesturing over to you both as he asks about who the guy is, thinking maybe he’s another cousin or something
“Oh, that’s her ex, Haru,” she explains, “They were friends all throughout childhood and even dated for a while in high school.”
this, of course, isn’t Suna’s first time hearing about your ex, seeing as the two of you have been dating long enough to have already swapped stories about previous breakups, but it is his first time seeing you and Haru interact in person
and while Suna already knows that the breakup was mutual and that you and Haru ended things pretty amicably, he’d be lying if he said seeing Haru act so familiar with you doesn’t bother him
still, Suna trusts you, and the last thing he’s going to do is make a scene at your cousin’s wedding, which is why he opts to ignore the interaction entirely, until one of the women standing nearby makes it impossible for him
the woman—maybe an aunt of yours—jumps in to add, “they were so cute, weren’t they? We were all so sure they were going to end up together. After all, they only broke up because they were heading off to different colleges.”
and if that doesn’t make him feel shitty enough, another woman, whom he quickly realizes is Haru’s mother, chimes in, “they would’ve been high school sweathearts, what’s more perfect than that! It’s too bad they had to break up.”
Aina freezes, panicked, as her gaze darts between him and the women nearby, like she’s debating whether or not she should say something, but Suna stops her with a shake of his head, brushing the whole thing off like it doesn’t bother him, even though it really does
Suna isn’t friends with any of his exes, so he doesn’t understand how two people who decided they couldn’t be together could act so natural and cheerful—and not deathly awkward—with one another years after the split
as much as he hates admitting it, you and Haru do look really good together, even if your interaction only ended up lasting a few minutes, and your family clearly still adores him, so much so that they invited him to your cousin’s wedding
it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that they prefer him over Suna, and while normally Suna wouldn’t give a damn about any of that, he can’t help but wonder if you feel the same way, if seeing Haru tonight made you regret breaking up with him in the first place
the two of you were high school sweethearts, after all; how can Suna hope to compare to that?
it puts him in a sour mood for the rest of the night, one that lasts throughout the rest of the reception and continues on your drive home
“Are you okay, Rin?”
Suna barely spares you a glance when you speak, keeping his eyes planted firmly on the road in front of him. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? Because you’ve been acting weird since the reception.”
“It’s nothing.” That’s a lie, of course, and you both know it. He’s been giving you the cold shoulder ever since you got in the car, the silence that’s settled between you nothing like the easy banter and teasing jokes you normally exchange on the way home. “I’m just tired.”
The rational part of him, the one he doesn’t always listen to, knows it isn’t fair for him to act this way. He’s being petty and immature, neither of which are reactions you deserve right now, but he can’t help it.
Being vulnerable has never been easy for Suna. It still isn’t, if he’s being honest, which is why, instead of talking to you about his feelings, he chooses to ignore them completely, burying them somewhere deep inside himself that even he can’t reach, despite the way his heart sinks and his hands tighten on the steering wheel the more he thinks about what your family said.
He doesn’t have to look at you to know that you’re frowning. You’ve always been able to see right through him, so of course you know that something’s bothering him, no matter how hard he tries to convince you otherwise.
He still hasn’t looked at you, but he imagines you sitting in the passenger seat with your arms crossed over your chest, furrowing your brows the way you always do when you can’t figure something out. “Did my family say something to you?”
He lets himself glance at you long enough to flash you a tight smile, a forced curving of his lips that doesn’t meet his eyes. “Nothing worth repeating.”
Your eyes narrow at his words, lips parting like you want to say something else, but then he’s pulling up in front of your apartment building and parking the car, and the moment is gone. The silence follows you into the lobby, up the elevator and all the way inside your shared apartment.
Suna quickly decides that he hates this kind of silence. He hates how bothered he still is about you and your stupid ex even more. Mostly, he hates the distance he feels between you now, even though he knows it’s one of his own creation.
He wants nothing more than to get rid of it, to lay his head in your lap and tell you exactly why he’s so upset while you stroke his hair and comfort him, but doing so would require him to be honest about his feelings, and you both already know how shitty he is at that. And the last thing Suna wants to do right now is start a fight, especially when he already feels like he’s not good enough for you.
You must sense his hesitance, because in the end, you’re the one that comes to him. You corner him while he’s sitting at the edge of your shared bed, approaching him with the same amount of care and delicateness you’d use with a stray cat.
You’re both still wearing your wedding clothes, but neither of you seems to care much about that right now. You push his jacket off his shoulders and he lets you, watching as you fold it with careful hands and set it neatly down on the bed next to him.
You move to stand in front of him, resting your hands on his shoulders. Suna finds himself shifting almost automatically to accommodate you, spreading his thighs so you can stand comfortably between his legs.
Then you’re running your fingers through his hair, nails scraping gently against his scalp in just the way he likes, and whatever ideas he had before about keeping his feelings to himself and suffering in silence immediately vanish from his brain. He’s nothing but putty in your hands right now, and all it took was one measly touch from you.
You’re good at that, Suna thinks. You’re good at softening him, at making him feel safe and loved, like he can tell you anything without being judged. It’s one of the things he loves the most about you.
It’s also why, despite his earlier hesitance, he allows himself to melt into your touch. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face against your stomach while you continue to run your fingers through your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head every now and then.
The two of you stay like that for a while, just holding each other and breathing in sync. Then you’re tugging gently at his scalp, coaxing him into looking up at you with your fingers in his hair. He goes willingly, always, for you.
“Are you ready to talk about it now?” you ask, soft and seeking, free of any judgment.
“You’re gonna think it’s stupid,” Suna mumbles, chin tucked securely against your body.
You press a soothing kiss to his forehead for good measure. “Try me.”
And though the thought of baring his feelings so openly still makes him kind of queasy, he does it anyway, relenting. “I didn’t know your ex was gonna be at the wedding.”
“Who, Haru? That’s who this is about?” You blink as genuine surprise laces your features, as if you’ve actually forgotten about your ex entirely, which pleases Suna more than he cares to admit. “He’s friends with my cousin. We all grew up together. I thought I told you that.”
“You did.” The smile he gives you is curt and tight-lipped. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “You just didn’t tell me how devastated your family was when the two of you broke up.”
“So they did say something to you, didn’t they?” You shake your head, understanding flashing in your eyes as your lips curve into a frown. “Who was it? Wait, don’t tell me– Aunt Eri?”
“The one and only,” Suna confirms, much to your chagrin. “She and Haru’s mom were convinced the two of you were meant to be, and that you were –get this– absolutely perfect for each other.”
The words taste sour in his mouth, a bitterness filling his voice that he only hopes you know isn’t directed towards you. Thankfully, you don’t seem to take any offense to it. If anything, you look upset for him, your jaw dropping and eyes widening in disbelief which quickly turns to anger at your own aunt’s audacity.
“Oh, no. Rin, baby, I’m so sorry,” you say, and he can tell from the look in your eyes how much you mean it. “They had no right to say any of that, least of all in front of you.” You lift a hand to cup his cheek and shake your head, eyes soft and apologetic. “I can only imagine how shitty it was to hear.”
“Yeah,” he mutters, frowning at the memory, “no kidding.” But he leans into your touch anyway, brushing his lips against your palm so you know he doesn’t blame you. “That’s not really the part that bothered me, anyway.”
You raise an eyebrow, tilting your head curiously. “Then what did?”
Suna already knows the answer, but he wants to hear it from you, which is why he takes a deep breath and asks, “Why did you and Haru break up?”
“We were going to different colleges,” you reply, confirming what your aunt told him. “We agreed it was the best thing for the both of us.”
And though it’s exactly the answer he was expecting, that still doesn’t make hearing it hurt any less. He swallows the lump in his throat and looks away, voice quieting. “So if you never broke up with him back then, you’d probably still be with him right now.”
“And if I won the lottery when I was eighteen the way I hoped I would, then I’d probably be single and in Madrid right now,” you shoot back easily, without missing a beat. “What’s your point?”
Suna frowns, fixing you with a pointed look. “Your family likes him. I mean, they really, really like him. Way more than they like me.”
“Well, then,” you lean forward, lips curving up into a smile, “I guess it’s a good thing you’re dating me and not any of them, isn’t it?”
He shakes his head, the frown on his face deepening even further. “You don’t get it. The only reason the two of you didn’t work out is because of bad timing, not because you didn’t love him anymore.”
“But that’s the thing. I don’t love him anymore, Rin. I love you and only you,” you insist. “I’m not the person I was when Haru and I were together. I grew up. I went to college, I moved out on my own, and then we met, and I fell in love with you.”
“That’s exactly my point,” he argues. “None of that would’ve ever happened if you hadn’t broken up with him. If he’d reached out to you while you were still in college, then you and I wouldn’t even be together right now.”
“But he didn’t, and he won’t. And even if he did now, it wouldn’t matter, because the only person I’m in love with is you.”
Your voice is steady, firm, leaving little room for argument. He tries anyway, opening his mouth to speak again, but you silence him with a finger pressed to his lips. And though Suna still isn’t completely convinced you’re what he deserves, he listens, quieting down long enough to hear you out properly.
“Rin, baby, if we sit here and argue about all the what if’s, we’ll always find some kind of excuse for why we couldn’t have been together,” you reason. “But we are, so why does it matter? We’re here together now, and I chose you– because I wanted you. I still want you.”
He watches, heart full and racing, as you settle yourself into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck, knees on either side of his thighs. He doesn’t hesitate to welcome you, hands resting on your hips, the weight of you warm and familiar in his arms.
“Do you still want me?” you ask, as if you don’t already know, as if there was ever any doubt.
And that, he quickly realizes, is exactly the point you’re trying to make, because no matter what happened in the past, no matter who the two of you have been with before this, he’s the one you’re choosing now, just like you are for him.
“More than I know what to do with,” he answers, reaching a hand up to your face to brush his thumb across your cheek.
“Then it’s settled. Everything else is just background noise.” You kiss him, then, deep and wanting, and it’s all he can do to kiss you back, longing and eager. You smile when you pull away, a sweet, loving thing he feels like an idiot for ever even doubting in the first place. “Okay?”
And Suna smiles, relieved, resting his forehead against yours.
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Written by: Dawn & Luna
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kairiscorner · 7 months
Hey! I'm sorry, I saw you wanted Haikyuu requests and my brainrot is plaguing me with this though.
Ok so, imagine with me: You are dating Asahi or Kita and whereas he is calm at times. You are the complete opposite! You're basically climbing walls, biting him and sometimes jumping on him at random times.
I'm sorry I just love the idea of a calm man and feral partner or maybe it's just self indulgent
OMGGGGGGG YES PLEASE, THEY'RE MY DARLINGS AND THEY WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY SMITTEN WITH A PARTNER LIKE THAT IMO also i'm sorry i defaulted the reader to be fem, this just struck me as a wonderful idea to make pt 2 of "his girl"! though i will give them they/them pronouns, unless you'd like for me to change it!
his girl. (part 2)
summary: nobody would have thought that your chaotic ass could be dealt with; well, one can only be surprised at the fact that he's able to be the mediator to your chaos... or, rather, the enabler (sometimes!) he just can't say no to you, his cute little partner.
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* ੈ✩‧₊˚ asahi azumane
many would be surprised to see this mature looking high school third year, a giant of a high school third year, actually having a soft heart underneath all his muscles and intimidating looks. he was just the sweetest, and you could vouch for it—because he really had a hard time saying no to you and your antics.
sure, you were smaller than him (and the much cuter one in the relationship, in his eyes) though you were like a firecracker; going off whenever everyone least expected it and just doing what you wanted at any given time.
sugawara and daichi were always worrying for the big man, he was responsible, though when handling you, he'd melt into a big puddle of shyness and utter affection whenever you'd peck a kiss on his cheek or give him a hug. you could never keep your hands off him, to the point that when you were being so clingy to him one time, he came into practice looking all bashful, with you riding on his back, gently biting at his reddening cheeks that just kept blushing due to how cute and loving you were being to him.
he can never get used to how much love your smaller self had for him, he can't take all the love you could give, though he was always willing to take it all and give you all of his love for you. you always surprised him with how hyper you could be, but that was part of the wonderful, lovable package that was you.
"i know, they can get... a bit too much sometimes, but i love them like that, and that'll never change." he'd gush to sugawara and daichi, to which they'd nod and sigh. 'he's completely smitten with them, isn't he?'
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ shinsuke kita
to faze kita is to be an absolutely feral person that nobody, not even the miya twins, could rival in having the most ridiculous antics; and that person was... of course, you. he was a straightforward, seemingly perfect, honors student; the no-nonsense captain of inarizaki's male volleyball team, and, surprisingly, your boyfriend.
he does everything on his own time, everything for every hour of every day had a schedule—everything was predictable because everything has a natural flow to follow, kita believed, until you came into his life and turned his oh-so organized life upside down. your chaotic nature could not be controlled, kita could only do so much to keep you in check—such as personally attending to you whenever he can to make sure you didn't do anything rash nor hurt yourself by accident.
he was always a worrier, much like daichi, and he could never settle down to think until you were safe and sound, not causing any chaos nor finding yourself in any chaos. he did respect your independence and never sought to control your actions, though all he hoped to teach you was self-control and moderation, that you can be as chaotic as you want with him, but make sure not to hurt others nor yourself when doing so.
he has said to you before, you can do whatever you feel like with him, just make sure not to hurt yourself or others—so you did just what you felt like doing when kita was mopping the floors of the gym. you rushed up to him, screamed his name all loudly and sweetly, and jumped on his back. gin, aran, suna, and the twins were there when it happened, and of course, they were all partially shocked to see that kita didn't budge at you lunging at him.
suna filmed you kissing down his neck as kita held your legs in place so you wouldn't fall, and steadied your grasp on him. "my love, i did say you could do what you want with me, but what i meant by that was behind closed doors." he reminded you with a stern, yet soft, voice. he could never raise his voice, especially not towards you, his beloved. mopping the floors would have to be rescheduled for later in the day, looks like right now, kita would be taking you outside to piggy back ride you as you smothered him with all your affection. the most unpredictable part of his days are always with you; they're always the most exciting part of his days.
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loveephia · 1 year
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kita shinsuke, who has the most kissable cheeks ever. his cheeks are shaped like giant baos; white, smooth, and most importantly, fluffy. you have to resist the urge to bite them sometimes in fear of hurting the poor boy.
when you're watching him write, the shape of his cheek is so round that you can't help but plant a big kiss on it. the "mwuah!" sound you make is clear. the pearly smile on your face is one kita finds adorable, even when he looks at you confused.
you use this to your advantage and plant a kiss on the other cheek. kita still hasn't said a word, so you sigh before cupping his face in the palm of your hands.
"kita, why are you so cute?" you complain, stretching his cheeks. kita smiles a bit. "i don't know what you're talking about, dear."
on days where kita seems more relaxed than usual, you risk it and give him a loving "nom" to the cheek.
then you go and bite the other cheek.
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forusomimiya · 10 months
He is able to cum in less than 3 minutes for one simple reason:
‘Cause he hears his own moans.
atsumu, akaashi, oikawa, yamaguchi, kita, kuroo, sakusa, konoha, mattsun, kageyama
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emmyrosee · 1 year
i know kita is so smart and so confident and suave, but you CANNOT convince me that sometimes, his intrusive thoughts win and he gets caught in his own head in the cutest ways.
like one day, he went to throw away a candy wrapper while still holding his phone- he ended up throwing his phone in the trash and holding the wrapper.
a few weeks ago, he was bringing a glass of juice to his spot on the couch, and for whatever reason, he threw it. on the couch. a complete moment of thoughtlessness that had him in a tizzy.
when he was dog sitting for the twins, one of the treats smelled like bacon, and he took a bite. he tossed it all back up, and he’d rather chew on glass than have anyone know he let his thoughts go that buckwild.
yesterday, suna sneezed, and he said a simple, albeit oddly firm “be quiet.” he apologized relentlessly, while suna just stifled his laughter as best as he can (which was not very) because where the literal hell did that come from?
atsumu had a rice grain on his cheek, and when he went to go take it off, for some god knows reason, he ate it. the twin was in absolute shambles.
just. kita is mr perfect, but god if his own brain doesn’t try its hardest to crack that whole facade and bring him down.
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noirflms · 2 months
haikyuu men as househusbands. or haikyuu men who’d be good househusbands in general.
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— ୨୧ ˖ ˚ AKAASHI KEIJI !
he is the one who keeps track of finance in the house , keeps track of how much you should spend even if you get a six-sum salary and love spending it on him even if he doesn't like it because he wants you to save for the future.
he also pretty much cooks all sorts of dishes and morning tea made by him is served to you in bed , he is just the best. buys groceries when you're out to work , keeps the house neat and clean — it's a penthouse so it's not much work as it's not that dirty all the time — keeps track of your health and if you're pretty much not skipping breakfast or lunch cuz he's there to spoon feed you at dinner.
he's not much fan of laundry just knows he has to fold it and keep it neatly in your shared closet and is pretty much a the best husband of all ( according to your mother ).
he is that type of house-husband who actually takes care of the loundry more than cooking and cleaning but still cleans the house just the way you like it — organized and neatly done. he doesn't step in the kitchen for he knows he might burn whatever he cooks so you don't let him step in there , it's either you come home and cook but if your tired , it's take out time!
whenever he does laundry he has a habit of smelling the clothes before folding for he like the smell of the detergent you use and the clothing softener should be if the best company because that is kinda professional when you go to work wearing soft and clean clothes.
dusts around the house with music playing in the background and does all the cleaning while blasting Oliva Rodrigo on the amazon echo you brought so he won't have to go on connecting his phone to the Bluetooth other than that he is just the best husband you could ask for.
— ୨୧ ˖ ˚ KITA SHINSUKE !
he is the package , can cook , cleans , does laundry , keeps track of all budgets and savings , knows every nook and cranny of the house and is happy being a house-husband for you. kita buys the best clothing softener and detergent , is a man of his words for if he promises breakfast in bed for you then you get it.
he sets up the house according to a taste that suits him and you like almsot all the time after seeing it on pinterest — yes HE HAS PINTEREST and you can't change my mind — cooks the best meals like you're in heaven to be eating such delicious meals , laundry is done and the house smells like lavander and you don't know how he does that and he keep it a secret ( it's just him using scented house cleaning stuff ).
grocery shopping is done with you because it's to lonely for him to go out so it's shopping time on the weekends , he is like a stay at home mum but you love him and for god sake who wouldn't want a man like KITA SHINSUKE.
you enter the house with the smell of the most delicious food being cooked and when I say delicious , it's over the top delicious. he loves cooking so much that he forgets he has to clean as well and do laundry. yamaguchi almost does everything before stepping into the kitchen and prepare a bento for you in the early morning with starting to think for dinner — even though lunch is not even thought out yet — and what to be baked when your home.
it may not seem like but he has a passion for baking good for you.
he blasts playlist made for him by you and tsukki , and does the cleaning and laundry because sometimes it's to lonely in the house , he keeps track of time and when you're gonna come so he could prepare a bubble bath and then start with the cooking so you could have been relaxed and come eat with him.
when it's a weekend , he wakes up late but the breakfast is in his hands to be cooked , and in the evening it's time for him and you to have a baking session and you cherish this baby more than anything.
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NOIRFLMS 2024 ! all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime , do not translate my works without permission.
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shoyostar · 7 months
you’re still the boy that i’d pick! ( 18 + )
⌗ friends w/benefits!kita, suna, aran, atsumu & osamu / f!reader.
status. on break, irregular updates.
soundtrack. vacation bible school — ayesha erotica.
genre. smau + written narrations. smut. university!au.
taglist. open — comment or send in an ask to be added.
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cardinal rule number one of university; don't fuck your classmates. unless they happen to have something you want.
premise. ‘friends with benefits’? more accurately fuck buddies with perks. you don’t fuck just any guy with a dick, and you certainly do not chase after men.
you don’t chase, they just come to you on their own terms and you get to fool around as you please, reaping the rewards for a little fun. and it’s all no strings attached, right?
“hold on, how do you know suna?”
“suna? suna who? i don’t know anybody by that name.”
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FEATURING: internationally regional // kuroo tetsurou HATE club
NOTE. episodes marked with ᝰ.ᐟ mean it has narrations! episodes listed here are subject to change. this series is very narration heavy, most episodes will have narrations.
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE ONE. — take notes for me, man.
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE TWO. — another rager thrown down the hall.
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE THREE. — and where are you going? ᝰ.ᐟ
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE FOUR. — meet me upstairs. ᝰ.ᐟ
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE FIVE. — it’s not THAT serious.
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE SIX. — is he really that good?
[ 🖇️ ] EPISODE SEVEN. — my favourite player.
more episodes TBA.
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reblogs are appreciated .ᐟ ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
© property of shoyostar / thomae 2023. all rights reserved.
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
Kita wasn’t surprised that he was in love with you. But he was surprised about the intensity with which the realization hit him. One day you two were studying together like many times before, trying to be productive throughout those precious free hours until your next classes. Since spaces in the library were limited you had to share a desk and his mind was already fuzzy with the feeling of your warm softness pressed to his side, when somehow the topic of your ideal life comes up.
And when he hears you dream about a little house somewhere in the countryside with a garden, maybe some ducks and chickens, a dog or a cat or maybe both and spending your days growing fruits and veggies, everything falls into place. You shall have it all. He would make sure of it. As long as that meant that at the end of a hard day’s work he would be coming home to you.
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elenadvrx · 3 months
!affectionate atsumu would give you a kiss on the cheek every time he walks past you, or whichever part of the skin is closes to him. he once kissed you on your butt cheek because you were on a ladder to reach something high above and your butt was at his eye level. when you asked him why he always kisses you, he told you that it's because he always wants you to know that he loves you, and will still love you even when he is mad at you. kisses are seen as a gesture of sweetness and love from his point of view.
!affectionate kita would feed you fresh fruits bought from the market, humming softly to himself when he sees you enjoy the taste of it. his thumb wipes off any excess juice that dribbles from the side of your lips and licks it off right after. this also applies to when the both of you are having a meal, he'd offer to feed you instead, gazing at you with such adoration and love that you always feel shy from it. he would just chuckle and give you a soft kiss on your blushing cheeks.
!affectionate gojo would cup your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks with this thumbs while cooing softly on how adorable and pretty you look and squishing your face afterwards, pecking your pouted lips. he then rubs his nose against yours, pressing his forehead on yours before nuzzling both your cheeks together. if he is feeling a little bitey, he'd bite softly on your cheeks and not let go till a few seconds later. he'd look at his bite mark proudly with a smug smile. this happens so often that you just accept it whenever it happens. it's like a routine.
!affectionate choso would have you sit in front of him on the floor of your living room so he could play with your hair. he'd brush it in the way you like it or do your night hair care routine, occasionally styling it with braids, pigtails, a ponytail, or if it's short, he'll try to tie it up like his hair. he'd decorate it with clips and colourful bobby pins, careful not to poke you with it or yank your hair too hard. once done, he'd massage your nape and shoulders, giving a kiss on your nape before hugging you from behind.
!affectionate wriothesley would have you sit on his lap in his office while he does his duties because busy or not, he likes to have you close by. one arm is wrapped around your waist, caressing your side from time to time. his head is tucked next to yours while your face leans on his shoulder. once he is done, he'll lift you up and place you on his desk, bringing his chair closer so he can rest his head on your stomach while loosely hugging you around your hips. he grabs your hand to place it on his head as a silent request to stroke his hair.
!affectionate diluc gets you to cuddle with him in the afternoon, tugging you close to him so he can wrap the blanket around the both of you. one hand is stroking your back up and down slowly while the other would lightly caress the features on your face. he starts from your eyebrows, to your eyes, your eyelashes to the bridge of your nose, the outline of your lips down to your jaw. if someone were to ask him to draw a portrait of you, he'd get every detail in perfect accuracy. he would then manoeuvre you to lie on top of him so your head rests on where his heart beats, slowly lulling the both of you to sleep while feeling the warmth and embrace of one another.
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lyykaia · 2 years
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