#shinzo sago
florathaumatos · 5 months
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sago for a weekly drawing theme thing on insta
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mahousenshi-skeletor · 3 months
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man. he's cool but he kills people
a little Mushrambo as a treat
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teenageoaffireknight · 9 months
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Takato and Rika-Digimon Tamers
Yakumo and Sago-Shinzo
Katio and Rena-Dinozaurs
Tony and Sara Goodman-Flint The Time Detective
Episode 33
A chance encounter
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sunyatas · 9 months
“Just one more kiss… please.” // Mushra @ Yakumo
Kisses! Kisses! Kisses! || I'm a heathan for kiss memes, so always accepting
Taking place in the time frame of episode 27, before Mushra gives her the flower. (Arc 2)
The tender, soft sweep of the initial touch of their lips tasted sweeter than anything she could have fathomed in her dreams. Lashes brushed along his cheek, her focus drifting from the weariness that encompassed her, and instead focused on those little aspects of him that the human yearned to embrace and fall deeply into as their connection lingered, soft, gentle grazing of skin.
Hints of smoke and earth lingered along the corner of his lips. It was the lingering of a fire that not only burned beyond his flesh, but inside his heart. That familiarity that drew her in, his own scent, that singular, unique swirl that encompassed her every time he had ever held her, protected her, shielded her from every and any dangers. Even if those days had long passed, that familiar warmth resounded in her mind as if it had just been yesterday that he had embraced her, catching her when she fell to certain doom. Having this small sip of him once more now, she easily could have drank deeply of him every single day.
Yet, Yakumo knew even if she was to allow her mirth to continue, to allow herself to succumb to Mushra's embrace, the days they had together were dwindling. The amount of sunsets she would have to enjoy this bliss would rapidly be eclipsed by the darkness that was Lanancuras.
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Despite traveling together once more, not to Shinzo as they had once set off to do, to seal away the evil that seeped into the land, happiness was still entirely fleeting for the woman. Mushra no longer recalled their original journey, their time together, and instead merely looked after her as a distant protector. At least, that had been her thought until moments from their past spilled from his lips without warning. Sentiments that Yakumo thought had been long lost to the former timeline were arising in little ways.
Knowledge of her adoration of flowers. Small comments that she had only ever shared with him on moonlit nights by the fire. The way he looked at her when she smiled.
This night, willfully and with enough of her energy and power regained, Yakumo indignantly insisted to do the night's watch, so her companions could be offered the same respite as they had given her. Unable to deny her, Binka, Kutal, and Sago had resigned to slumber, but Mushra had remained awake with her, despite her pleas--such the pleas that were indeed half-hearted, as soaking up every moment with her friends elated her weary heart.
She wasn't sure how it happened, or why she had done it. Sitting by the fire upon the small log beside him, it was as if she had been transported back to those halcyon days of seeking the remainders of humanity and looking forward to every morning. He was trying to make her laugh--his normal, very Mushra way, and before she knew her own thoughts, flesh moved on it's own. Fingers cupped his cheek and she had come in, sealing her lips to his in a passionate, yearning lock. It was only once they had connected that realization hit her of what had sparked the notion: he had flashed her that bright, bright smile and she wanted to cement the beam from him against her.
A tender kiss. One that Yakumo had longed to give him since she had realized her feelings after the battle with Caris at Mechano City, but could never give in to fruition. The moment she realized her affection for the Enterran before her, it was swept away in fire, ash, and sands. But now it was real.
Yakumo lingered a moment more before allowing herself to parting away from him, only to submerge herself as a wash of cold came over her. A lack of his radiating warmth and the knowledge that this could never last more than a few more weeks--as long as her body held out against the evil Celestial--leading to only leaving Mushra to lament as she had over him years before.
A vicious cycle of sorrow for the potential lovers. One to depart the world while the other lives, only for them to reunite long enough to repeat the sorrow again in a new timeline.
"Mu-Mushra, I--" Yakumo began to recoil, her face radiating with crimson, fingers lifting to hide her face. But he halted them, gently, pulling them back down to his chest. Her breath halted in her chest, widened blue gaze wholly trained on him, hand curling around his own as those words were whispered.
"Just one more kiss...please."
Her heart ached hearing the utterance. He was ever so gentle with her, his immense strength easily capable of overwhelming her, he never let himself hurt her. Even now, when she has breached beyond what was allowed, when she had given in to feelings she had thought were left back in the dunes of the desert, Mushra was gentle with her. Gentle with these feelings that she had locked away for all these years.
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A slow nod came as she leaned in once more, lips hovering over his own as she softly whispered in return. "One more." Her free hand moved to wrap around his shoulder, pulling herself closer to him, allowing herself to indulge in his scent once more. "...Mushra..." His name breathed with more than just the syllables, before silence enraptured them in the crisp, night mountain air, the fire crackling steadily.
Just once more she could give in, before her final journey.
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snowymuses · 8 months
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Name: Yakumo Tatsuro Age: 20 Birthdate: September 26th Zodiac: Libra
“Violence will only be the downfall of yourself.”
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Please fully read the following if you have never seen Shinzo/Mushrambo; Otherwise, please skip down to Blog Arc. ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲Arc 1
Yakumo Tatsuro, the daughter of Dr. Daigo Tatsuro, the man who helped create the Enterran race, was only a five year old child when placed into the robotic creature, Hakuba, for her own safety. The capsule she lived in was only supposed to sustain her in a sleep for fifty years, but malfunctioned and allotted her to live for over five hundred. When she awoke, she was the last human on Enterra as a seventeen year old girl, entrusted with the quest to find Shinzo, the very last sanctuary for humans in a time when the rest had been killed off by Enterrans.
At first, she was alone and only knew to travel to the West, but then encountered three Enterrans that became her best friends: Mushra, Sago, and Kutal. The four of them, accompanied by her robotic steed of sorts, Hakuba, searched out Shinzo, and in doing so, awakened the power within Yakumo that she had absorbed as a child from a gem from a metorite that held the entity Lanacuras (Planet Consumer and reason for humanity’s extinction).
Discovering her telepathic powers, Yakumo refused to use them for violence, abhorring the thought of doing so, until the day came when the Enterran who had killed her race came from the past (with the help of seven Enterran Generals whom had helped destroy humanity in the first place) and tried to kill friends and destroy the world once more. The Demon Mushrambo was born into the world, seeking to kill off the last human. This was the only time when she used her powers against him, and in his defeat, the timeline was reset, and the human race returned, as if it had never left.
▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲Arc 2
In this new timeline, Yakumo had more control over her powers, able to create powerful shields and used her gifts to hold back Lanacuras, who now poised to rise up now that humanity restored. Yakumo eventually sacrificed herself to weaken the dark being and her death paved the way for her friends to defeat him. Her power was lent to them from beyond her death, and although the ultimate Enterran warrior, her knight, Mushrambo, had been defeated, Mushra, her closest friend and protector, rose up and unlocked his once godly powers which allowed the defeat of the Planet Eater and called for peace across Enterra. However, in doing so, it had caused a piece of the sun to spurt off, and in one final act, Mushra took the fallen Lanancuras to stop it. In doing so, he sacrificed himself, but not before Yakumo visited in spirit to him, telling him that she had finally found Shinzo. With him, she ascended to the heavenly place of Shinzo and reunited with her family in death.
Mushra, however, was returned to Enterra, picking up a Guardian Card, and left to travel the world in search of his friends, while Yakumo’s spirit rested in the afterlife.
▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲Blog Arc
She thought she would be able to be happy in this paradise, but when Mushra was returned to Enterra, the after life seemed as if something was missing that Yakumo could not put her finger on. The days seemed to draw on, and the girl could not find solace in her paradise. This was noticed by the Guardians who watched over Shinzo.
The Celestial Beings, guardians of the universe, found Yakumo’s bravery to be commendable in life and in deserving of reward. Due to her life within a capsule, they knew her short, human life had not been fulfilled, and could foresee the need for her again. Sensing these and her desires, they created her a body in her own image on Enterra and returned her soul back to the form, causing her to come back to life. However, it came at a price: Her memories became scattered, she losing many of the visions of her past to the void of space. She can only remember glimpses, such as her friends, and also recalls events from both timelines. If she tries to remember too much at once, she will feel faint and may black out, erasing the memories she obtained.
The Celestial Beings were kind when they realized their inability to help her more. They gave Yakumo a task to remember: To find Shinzo. In doing so, she could find the key to unlocking her mind.
Since her reawakening, Yakumo has begun traveling across Enterra with to seek out her other friends and her memories along the road to Shinzo. However, it seems that the power from one of the cards, the Time Witch Rusephine, has permeated through the world since her destruction. Now, Yakumo and her friends tend to find themselves sucked through various portals in time, granting them the chance to make new bonds and friendships throughout the world.
I have four ‘main’ verses to play on. When interacting with Yakumo, characters will be placed into one of these verses.
Verse One: Main Verse/Shinzo Verse. Set of the blog for asks, and any occurrences with characters within the world of Shinzo. Yakumo regains her memories with time and interactions with people within the world of Shinzo. (Tag: V1; We’re going to Shinzo!)
Verse Two: Second Verse/Beckon Verse (Because people are ‘beckoned’ to the world of Shinzo). This is the verse encounters those who come to the world of Shinzo (Enterra) from external universes. In this verse, as Yakumo slowly realizes her powers, she regains memories. (Tag: V2; Welcome to Enterra!)
Verse Three: Third Verse/Portal Verse (Because she goes through portals to other worlds). This is a verse is one in which Yakumo is transported to a different time/universe through the means of time/space portals created by an Enterran General, Rusphine. This is used for anyone she meets outside the Shinzo world. Memories are regained as she realizes more of her powers while in the other world.(Tag: V3; Where’s West?)
Verse Four: Fourth Verse/Memories Verse. This a verse for a Yakumo who has all of her memories and never lost them on her return to Enterra. This verse can mix into any of the other verses, but is only available by request. This Yakumo is vastly different than the one normal encountered on the blog and has full control of her power. (Tag: V4; Guardian Soul)
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queenharumiura · 11 months
((I was watching some Samurai Champloo clips when I realized the dub voice of Mugen sounds familiar, so I looked it up and saw that VA voiced a few things from my childhood, but in particular, Sago from ‘Shinzo’. I don’t know if anyone remembers the show since it wasn’t popular or anything but I was lowkey obsessed when I was younger. I liked hyper Sago and Mushrambo, okay? Pain is when you can’t really find episodes online but apparently DVDs exist... and you sit there... contemplating if you risk it because there’s a high chance this is a scam but like--- childhood obsession...))
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gobsnacc · 3 years
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darkprinceinc · 2 years
Hi, I'm here as a nerd of obscure anime--anyone on this hellsite ever watch Shinzo on Jetix? Or 4kids?
If so, would you be interested in a fan discord?
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Pic for reference!!
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crimson-chains · 4 years
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Did a challenge with friends where we drew characters from shows/mangas from our childhood! :D
So I drew and sort of slightly redesigned Sago from Shinzo!!! ^^
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jose92gt · 4 years
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Una serie que disfrutaba antes de irme a estudiar era le de Shinzo/Mushrambo
La serie cuenta las aventuras de Yakumo Tatsuro, una chica que despertó de un sueño criogénico de 500 años en una Tierra poblada únicamente por nuevas formas de vida llamadas enterrícolas. Junto a sus amigos y protectores Mushra, Sago y Kutal, deberá encontrar el santuario llamado Shinzo, en la cual según cuentan los rumores todavía sobreviven humanos. La serie conto conto alrededor de 32 episodios
La primera temporada fue del episodio 1 al 21 y la segunda del 22 al 32
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florathaumatos · 2 years
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authenticmaniac · 4 years
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Belly dancing! Kutal being Kutal. Anybody remember Shinzo or is it just me?
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teenageoaffireknight · 2 months
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steve blum
april 29, 1960
frank-dorothy and the wizard of oz
yamaki, and guilmon-digimon tamers
falcomon-digimon data squad
logan/wolverine-wolverine and the x-men
spike-cowboy bebop
jamie-mega xlr
starscream-transformers prime
kazuma-s cry ed
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dinasan1 · 4 years
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Space Time Mushrambo
LOL, this title gave me brain damage (It's like... A crossover between Mushrambo and Space Time Detective Genshi Kun) Yeah, I NOTICED I haven't uploaded in like   F O R E V E R Tell 'ya what, I actually started working on this drawing on *September*, yup, Fuckin'    S E P T E M B E R XD But... It sorta came to a halt at some point, the frequency of sitting on the drawing decreased each day... To the point I barely even touched it :/ 2019 and 2020 were shitty years for me My health finally sorted out (I stopped with those AWFUL night shifts that were PLAGUING my sleep), improved my eating even more (not that it was actually bad for quite a while now), started working HARDER BETTER FASTER STRONGER (I'm sorry) out at the gym. However, everything job or career related was FREAKIN' HORRIBLE! I quit the job at the museum, hoping to proceed to an art career... ... Yeah... That didn't go as planned, so I went to a HORRIBLE job, at a storehouse of a clothing shop... EW! NEVER again. Then I went to be a security check...er? (It's not like an armed security guard, but just an unarmed idiot who checks people... At fuckin' minimum wage) The job wasn't actually that bad, but good lord the conditions were so PUTRID, just like a at the storehouse - It was dirty and nasty, and standing outside that IDIOTIC mall, I kept breathin' people's STUPID STINKY cigarettes, and car's fuel waste. And now look at me, I'm back as a security guard at the museum Thank GOD they really REALLY love me there XD And my timing couldn't have been more right, since I'm STILL working there, while it's completely closed off for the crowd, it's only the security there, so I sit there all alone, no stupid customers and shit. Long story short, we're forced to stay at home (with the exception of buying food/going to a job of necessity), so I got NOTHING to do but work (sketch in my sketchbook), house chores, and my hobbies (drawing is one of them obviously) So I've spent *4 days straight* of FINISHING THIS DRAWING And... it was HELLA worth it!!!!! I... Think it's my best so far! Why this character?, well, he WAS my muse back at the summer, since I rewatched this anime IN JAPANESE, properly (it was dubbed on Fox Kids when I was 5  ) I used to have the biggest crush over him when I was 5... And rewatching it many months ago, I understood exactly why He's... AWESOME!!! :eager:, I'll never forget how badass he was when he managed to (in a matter of like 2-3 seconds) ever so precisely poke out the key off of T.P lady's neck (It's in my avatar so it makes sense  ) Why does he have those creepy eyes? Only 2 or 3 times in this anime, his usually bright SHINY eyes, turned out like this... I think it tends to happen when he becomes less human and more vampire-y (using speed/reflexes etc.) So I HAD to draw him with those eyes (they just look so BADASS!) Why this specific pose and background?, well, It's because I LOVED Mushrambo as a kid (it aired on Jetix when I was like... 7 years old?), since they were so closed in their airing time AND I was crushing on both Kyoichiro and hyper sago, I decided to combine them! It's Kyoichiro, using the reference of Mushrambo's intro (where you see Sago transform to hyper Sago, with his rose and stuff) That's literally all it is. I SOLD MY BODY AND SOUL TO SATAN SO I COULD BE PROUD OF THIS ART P.S - I STILL have no idea wtf am I even doing with this resolution thing, moving to digital after 10+ years of traditional is HARD! DX https://www.deviantart.com/dinasan1/art/Space-Time-Mushrambo-834529526
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snowydoodles · 5 years
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"Yakumo loves apples! Big, red, ripe ones!"
"Maybe when the time is right, the Guardians will give her back to us."
As inktober ends, I knew since the beginning of this month it would end with a soft Yakumo. Despite never entering a ripe old age in canon, she has ripened my heart to connecting with others. I really want to thank those who have supported me through the years, in my art, in my writing, and life.
Inktober Day 31: Ripe
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Shinzo - Opening Intro.
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