#shippers inc
raziiyah · 28 days
me thinking randall despised johnny for manipulating him and kicking out of ror; in which he harbored his hate for years like he did with sulley and wanted to vengefully show everyone including johnny how wrong they were for underestimating him in college
what randall and johnny's relationship ended up being:
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beetlerings · 2 months
Guys how would we feel if I also made a jrwi ship name list but without incest on it
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dennisboobs · 7 months
any time my trash twins posts pop off again im always nervously patrolling the reblogs paranoid about Certain People reblogging but. seriously u have no idea how happy it makes me to see everyone talking about their sibling quirks and shit, man. i love them so much.
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I feel like a bad person for liking some of my f/os. (TW! MENTIONS OF CHEATING, PRO/COMSHIPPING, INCEST, GR00MING, PED0S & RXPE)
Some ppl(mostly pro/comshippers) hc some of my f/os as cheaters, ped0s, gr00mers and rxpist, last three mostly to said characters siblings. And will sometimes be like “oh! Well their an monster so ofc they’d rxpe/groom [character]!!” About my monster f/os(I have a couple monster & eldritch horror f/os, but they never did that in canon, nor was it ever Implied for them to do so.), sometimes it’s even about like..the sweetest characters ever. I usually block those ppl, but than later on I feel disgusting for liking the character, And terrified to think that they would do that to me aswell. I’ve been gr00med multiple times and it just. Hurts and sickens me to think my f/o would do that to me or others :(
-🕸 anon(if it’s not taken)
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
I find it hilariously sad that shippers try to use the excuse “Leo and Karai aren’t blood related so it’s okay to ship them” in the 2012 series.
First off, NO. Blood relation or not they are still siblings with the same father therefore it is and will always be inc*st. Inc*st doesn’t specifically mean blood relation. It also applies to adopted, half blood, and step relatives. Saying it doesn’t count is a major insult to those who are adopted/half blood/step relatives in there families. Congratulations, you just told someone that there family isn’t truly and will never be their real family.
But here’s the thing: Remember the Mutant Apocalypse arc from season 5? Remember adult Mikey and Raph having hair, with Mikey having hair on his head and Raph having a full grown beard? That should be impossible, right? They’re turtles! Reptiles! It would only be possible if the turtles have human DNA, which in fact they do! In 2012 the mutation logic is that you mutate into the last thing you touch. For the them, it’s Hamato Yoshi aka Splinter! That’s why the turtles mutated into humanoid turtles. The turtles are able to grow hair because they have Splinter’s human DNA in them!
So thanks to the mutagen that mutated them, the turtles and Splinter are genetically related, therefore Karai is ALSO genetically related to the turtles because she is Splinter’s biological daughter. 
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sunprophets · 3 months
in my google docs being insane about the sons of sparda
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riveluart · 2 years
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🎶We’ll meet again…🎶
I completely forgot about it yesterday so it’s a little late but I did it
It’s been so long since I’ve done Gravity Falls art
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casiavium · 1 year
Actually. I take back what I said. I will not hate it if Ghirahim and Fi are in TOTK on the condition they are siblings canonically
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lotussokka · 1 year
thinking about jace talking to alec about his conflicting feelings for clary at alec’s “bachelor party”..... he really went to the expert on that topic didnt he?
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Prompt for you: Julieta shows love through her food.
I used this prompt to finally write a little something for the Pancita Bruno universe. It's a little bit rough, but I hope you'll like it
Julieta knows how to say 'I love you'. How to move the lips and the tongue to form the words and push them out into the open for everyone to hear. 
She has said those words a lot in her 50 years of life. 
Six years old. Hugging her mother. "I love you, Mama!" 
Twelve years old. Apologizing to her sister after a stupid fight. "I love you, Pepa." 
Twenty-two years old. Looking into Agustin's eyes on a moonlit night, gathering all of her courage onto her tongue so she won't bail again. "I love you, mi Amor." 
At various ages, many times.
It is also the first thing she says to each of her daughters as she holds them in her arms after an exhausting but rewarding night. 
"I love you, Isabela Madrigal."
"I love you, Luisa Madrigal." 
"I love you, Mirabel Madrigal." 
So many declarations of love. Saying it feels like an old friend by now. Second nature. 
Julieta suspects that she hasn't told anyone 'I love you' quite as often as she'd told her little brother, though. 
If people knew, they'd probably call that weird, considering that she has a husband and three children. 
But what no one, maybe not even her own family could understand was that Bruno just needed to hear the words more often than others. He needed the reassurance because where else would he get that?  Shut away in his tower most of the time. Walking through the village with a bowed head and clenched fists. Like a ghost, walking amongst the living. 
So she told him as much as she could. 
So he wouldn't forget. 
Even after Mirabel's ceremony Julieta had searched for him as soon as her little girl had settled into bed. She had seen him come out of Mama's room. 
"Are you okay?" she had asked, noticing his vacant, red-rimmed eyes. 
"Yes." he had replied, not meeting her eyes and turning away. "Just a lot on my mind." 
"Ok. I love you." 
Bruno had paused. For a second she had hoped he would turn around, but then his shoulders had slumped and he'd continued walking. 
"Love you too." he'd mumbled just before   disappearing around a corner. 
That had been the last time for ten years Julieta had been able to say 'I love you' to her brother. 
Now that he is back she once again tries to tell him as often as possible. But suddenly the words feel hollow on their own. Not enough. 
Does he still remember how much she loves him? Are words and affirmations really enough to show him (to keep him from disappearing again)? 
Coming out of the walls, he looks sick. Pale and tired and worst of all, malnourished. 
Bruno had always been slim, but this is something else. This is skin stretching over too sharp cheekbones. This is fingers so thin that she's afraid he's going to break one off if he gestures too much. This is a stomach that looks healthy and full, while being anything but. This is a stomach bulging with water retention because of ascites and an enlarged liver. 
This is starving. 
And at least she knows just what to do about that! 
And while words don't feel like they are enough anymore, every time she accompanies them with a snack or a meal, the dark endless pit in her chest feels a little bit brighter. 
One day after his return. His favorite meal, for the first time after ten years. The recipe is still as fresh in her mind as if it was yesterday. "Here you go. I love you." 
One week after they start rebuilding Casita. Setting down a basket full of little cakes beneath the tree where her brother is taking a break. "Take it easy. I love you, Brunito." 
One month after Casita comes back. A hefty breakfast and a kiss on the head. "Good morning. I love you." 
One year after she finally gets him back. Sneaking up behind him to pinch his finally healthy little pancita and delighting in his outraged squawk and flailing arms. Shoving a bunuelo into his open mouth and watching him swallow it with a roll of his eyes. 
"Stop it, Juli! I'm still full from breakfast. I'm gonna explode one of these days." 
Julieta laughs. Before she can follow up with the usual "I love you" he turns around and hugs her. His face is buried in her neck and she can't help but put her arms around his waist, marveling at the little spare tire she can feel there. 
"I love you." he whispers. 
Julieta sighs happily. 
"I love you too." 
Take a drink every time you read 'I love you', I dare you.
@waitingonavision I hope this was a worthy addition
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simonstamenovic · 11 months
genuinely need more freaks to follow and befriend
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dennisboobs · 5 months
in light of. recent events. the reason for me having "dni if you ship dennis/dee" in my bio is because. it's for my OWN personal comfort. it's not a fucking Statement on my ~moral purity~ or a virtue signal, it's because i do not want my posts about the twins being read into in any way, nor do i want to talk to people who are HIDING that they ship them because it makes me extremely uncomfortable. unfollow me. don't interact. it's a personal trigger and i am trying to carve out a space i feel comfortable speaking in.
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ferretwhomst · 11 months
i've been getting a lot of new followers out of my gravity falls posts lately so just wanted to say this before . if anyone tags my pines family art as pinec/st or stanc/st or some shit i'm gonna get Violent
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
Just ship the fucked up dynamic you claim to love!
< I said this earlier in frustration over fans who claim to love fucked up dynamics, enemies to lovers, unhealthy romances, etc. yet they go out of their way to do whatever possible to absolve the offending partner, or situation, so it's palatable yet still hide behind "you just don't like x ship because it's fucked up" like, no, I'm annoyed! I'm annoyed because it could be interesting! Even if it's not a good healthy ship but then you went and erased interesting aspects of it and claim it wasn't "His/Her fault bc they had x trauma" or demonized another non ship character to take the heat off the ship dynamic, and then you have the gall, the stones, the balls if you will, to claim I don't understand because I can't accept something that isn't pure or good?
The reason I didn't want to post this is because I know it will get turned into a Pro vs Anti Fandom ship debate and I am sick to death of those. This isn't about that.
I'm not into fictional ships for it all to be pure and good, sometimes I want to see fictional characters tear each other apart emotionally because of what happened in canon so erasing characters actions takes away so much. But sure, I don't understand the characters, I'm wrong for not subscribing to this weird "fucked up romance lite" thing that fans push onto fandom.
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tiny-space-robot · 2 years
good news: I will never stop being obnoxiously open about what I like and I will always have fun just being me and enjoying myself
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sevelevs · 2 years
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