#shitpist comic
boobgoogler · 5 months
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herlock's fortnite addiction at its finest.................
read from left 2 right in a like pattern idk i drew this while battling something!
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need-a-name-101 · 2 months
Cassie: call him Tim.
Bart: yeah Tim call him!
Tim: why is it always me that calls him? Why do I always call him? Huh it’s not like Kon lives in my ass.
Tim: (sees Cassie and Barts expression and turns)
Kon: ( whispers seductively as he pushes his sunglasses a little down his nose) you called babe?
Tim: (blushes hard) Damn it Kon.
Kon: Do you want me to- (gets tacked by Tim)
Cassie: should we stop them? ( Tim shoves Kon’s head in a wall) we have a mission.
Bart: nah let Batman and Superman deal with it. (Pulls out phone and starts recording)
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