#shoudl i tag them all. sure why not
doodles-in-sand · 3 months
doodle dump 👍 its also my birthda
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+ sona redesign for the 400th time lol (under cut)
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yes i stole shidous throw down fit. what about it. its actaully accurate to what i wear outside usually ill post a pic tmr if i remember to
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Jukebox reviews part 45! For context, see my post “A Project” under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Easily Led
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3/30/2019                                     mc mf md
Aw, this one's pretty cute and sweet, for how total the brainwashing is. It's more of a view of the end of the process (or, well, *an* end, I could see how he could find new things to brainwash her with if he wanted), so it's lacking some of the parts I enjoy most, but they're definitely into each other and the process and it's almost wholesome, in a "she's been brainwashed to be helpless on her own" sort of way. 8/10 spirals 
 You Broke Like Glass
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4/6/2019                                       mc mm
This one's fairly mean-spirited. And I can kinda understand someone wanting to be mean to their boss, but even so I just don't like the mean ones. Add in using amnesia to make Wayne question his reality this way ... it just isn't my thing. The description of the process, of what's going on in Wayne's head, is amazing, but it just isn't a flavor I want. 6/10 spirals 
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4/13/2019                                     mc mf ff md ma cb
Oh, that's *clever.* Also it's a Wild Rose and Sharpe story, so you know it's going to be fun. I adore these characters so much, and seeing them in action is always a delight. The everything in play here, the new villain... all of it's lovely. The mind control itself is pretty meh, whatever, it's magic-level tech, but still, it's a good story. 9/10 spirals 
 Dolly Dagger
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4/20/2019                                     mc mf ff fd
I love the "why do you assume voodoo how rude is that" take in this story, it's absolutely lovely. That's also the  main thing I like - this is a story of magic, and also the abuse of same. There's some good subtle influence as the magic starts to take shape, but mostly it's just a story of a (justifiably) angry man and a witch who doesn't seem to have ever heard any warnings of what you do with power coming back to you, and I just don't like either of them. 4/10 spirals 
 Just Like Christmas
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4/27/2019                                     mc ff
SO CUTE! Also plenty of heat, but it's the cute and shy way Paula approaches the topic that... well, I *remember* being like her. It's been over a decade since then, but I remember all the same. And seeing Duchess going from flirtatious to serious when they start talking about consent? yes, I love that. And the induction, using Tiana as a way to help get Paula into trance, just ... all of it is good and solid and hot and I love it. This is something completely grounded in "it could happen" realism, and I love every moment of it. 10/10 spirals 
 Candy Coated
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5/4/2019                                       mc
This is a clever induction theme, using candy as a metaphor for a mind melting away... even if my preferred trance-y candy is chocolate, which doesn't get mentioned. Fudge does, but fudge and flavored chocolate are different things. And feeding someone a flavored chocolate, seeing them melt into trance as it melts on their tongue? A+, 10/10 would do again. But that isn't this induction, for all it's closely related. The way Jukebox ties the way sugar melts into melting into trance is super good, and I love it, even if I'm less motivated by the sticky "treat" of an orgasm, because I can just be Like That. 8/10 spirals 
 This Is Just 4 U
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5/11/2019                                     mc ff
Well, that's sure a place for this story to go. The way the tension of not having direction, not having a master, builds and resolves is solid, and the command at the end.... oh, this remains such a good plot. I can see it's going to be bad for 4U and her Master, probably, but all the same. 9/10 spirals 
 Remind Me to Forget
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5/18/2019                                     mc ma
... no, I totally didn't just send this link to a friend with a "you'll enjoy this, you shoudl read it", whyever would I do that? Oh, you mean the main character made me think of her, especially just how conditioned to the scent of lavender she is? Ah, well, true. Which is to say I really enjoyed this story, and was picturing a lovely, sweet, tech-y metamour for most of the story, even if the description of the gal just dosn't quite match said metamour. Doesn't matter tho, because I can so definitely see my metamour doing exactly this sort of electronics programming someday just for fun, just because she loves being a brainwashed dolly. Which all sums up to "not my usual style, but it doesn't matter because it's just that good" 10/10 spirals 
 In Your Memory
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5/25/2019                                     mc mf ff md
Ooof, this isn't a fun use of amnesia, though there's definitely power in the "you can't resist me modifying your memories so how can you resist any other thing I do" that in a different context could be really hot. But in this one it just turns my stomach a little. I'm not the target audience for this one - not with the implied betrayal, at least - but if you like someone being trapped when trying to rescue a friend, the implication that their friend is helping to bend them to the hypnotist's will, and ruthless memory modification, give it a go. 6/10 spirals 
 Quick Like a Flash
 date uploaded   date updated     Tags
6/8/2019                                       mc ff
This is a good story. It also makes me think of my Fae-like girlfriend who enjoys using a suggestion that gives me "the gift of perfect obedience" - her words, not mine. Or, apparently, Jukebox's words, for all this story sure has a Fae creature using exactly that same phrase towards the end. Because sometimes life does indeed imitate art. And Queen Maeve does have that perfect sort of Fae energy that can be so much fun. I could do without the "I'll use you to control everyone who watches your show" element, that's not my speed, but that's really my only quibble. And also my girlfriend got many keysmashes over just how much of a "but. but. This is? Jukebox stop using the magic prophecy typewriter already" moment it was. But that's ok, she likes seeing me flustered. 9/10 spirals
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noro-noro-noro · 1 year
tagged by @haxxy​ !!! i didn’t see you tag me in this earlier wough 
currently reading: not very much recently actually. kengan omega & chainsaw man bc those update weekly-ish. might reread the dark tower soon since i haven’t been in the mood for a lot of games lately & it’s a little bit boring coming home & go to sleep immediately 
last song: i am actually listenign to this one rn 
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last movie: it was skinamarink! i can understand why everybody was so excited about it, but i think it could have benefitted from being shorter. they did a great job with the vibe though like i really did like what they did with the darkness where you start out trying to see what’s going on in there & then at the end the long shots of completely empty blackness are so scary you can’t look at them straight on. also i liked the toy telephone.
currently working on: nothing very much actually....drawing has not sparked joy recently so i just haven’t been doing it & i’ll get back to it when i feel like i want to again!! & all my work projects stay at work 😤 i am working on LIBRARY OF RUINA AGAIN i took a break earlier this month bc i got mad at a boss fight not working the way i’m pretty sure that it should, but i came to it!! (i’m still stuck). i’m also working on motivating myself to go hang out since one of my friends really wants me to play wind waker & he emulated it for me but i haven’t seen him since i got back lol but i really shoudl. maybe this evening. mayb after work wednesday
i will tag..... i don’t kjow....... . . . uuuu (gets scared)
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pollyna · 3 years
OOQ masterlist (not rated)
I’m going to create multiple post for every rating because the masterpost can’t anymore for the life of this hellsite.
Here the link to the masterpost: click. On it then i’m going to add all the links to the “smaller” lists and add ff directly here. Sorry for the confusion and impracticality :)
All tags and general rules added for the masterpost are valid here.
by the tail (a tiger) by plingo_kat (1,6k)
The thing about Bond (and Q has spent more time than he probably should have contemplating this topic), is that he’s a patriot.MI6 likes to recruit orphans because orphans are looking for someplace to belong. All the really good agents are those that succeed.
about Bond and suicide pills who shoudl have work on Silva but didn't and begin loyal to someone until it consumes you. and about love. bc nothing is mutually excluded.
quietly into the night by skylights (2,2k)
It's four in the morning and whatever Q had planned on saying regarding international incidents never happening at decent hours is suddenly lost, because this phone, this phone never rings in the middle of the night.
it's always darkest before the dawn. about grief and secrets and begin there until the end of it all. and after.
of all the things not yet discarded (you are my favourite one) by teatrolley (5,1k)
“You shouldn’t distract me,” Q says. His words are dragged out; languorous. There’s no hurry; there’s just breathing and soft touches. His fingers move from Bond’s earlobes into the edge of his hair. “Hm,” Bond says. “Shouldn’t I?” “You shouldn’t,” Q says. Bond moves his hands to Q’s neck, where he presses his fingertips lightly into soft skin, and turns his head to kiss Q again.
After they get together, Q stops discarding Bond's broken gadgets and uses them to build new things instead. Bond wonders why. Also, they're in love.
metaphors are something James Bond needs to understand better. And Q isn't in distress, even when he is. but it's okay, they both know what to do.
to do it right by teatrolley (9,9k)
“Is that all you’re going to say?” Bond asks. Q purses his lips, as if in thought. “They warned me about you,” he says. “What you might do. “Murder?” Bond asks. “Seduction.” “Ah.” Bond leans against the desk, supporting himself with one hand, in a manner that usually lets people know what his intentions are. Q looks him up and down and raises his brows. “Exhibit A,” Q says, and looks pointedly at Bond’s hips. “You can’t say it isn’t working,” Bond says. “No. I can’t.”
Love, in all of it's previous forms, has always screwed Bond over. So when he first kisses Q it's to get away from it, not to fall into it. Bond is, however, not known for his great emotional foresight.
this time he isn't going to screw it up.
Digging out the bullet by orphan_account (10,7k)
“You know, you’re not a very fun travel partner,” Q says. Really, how rude. “Most people would beg to differ,” Bond says. He’s sure Q will be able to figure out what he’s alluding to, but apparently it needs to be said out loud, because Q smirks, before he speaks again. “Oh. And what do you do with these people?” “I shag them,” Bond says. He’s not usually one to beat around the bush, when the question is this direct. Q, as expected, smiles like he already knew this would be the answer. “Well,” he says. “I don’t put out until the third date.”
Bond and Q are on a mission, and sleep together. Things go on from there. Well... when Bond says sleeping together, it's not exactly what he usually means. It seems, to get there, they take the long way round.Or: Bond is a bit messed up. Q is a bit in love with him. This may or may not be a good cocktail.
is a mess, but they're in love and it works, most of the time.
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Week 1 - Challenges 1-3 (Kind Of)
@sailingthroughemotion - Jen and Realist This story is continued from the 2018 festival. Check out the #tsrf2018 tag on my blog, if you’re curious (but it’s not necessary).
Huo and I have been busy. And, no, not in that way. Although maybe not without that, but we’ve hardly got enough time to even put a second thought into that because our schedules are constantly jam-packed. 
Our winter was spent mostly coasting - my parents had left me a healthy amount of money which Huo and I split into improving his house a bit to accommodate for aging Jax, who was starting to get a bit fed up with the boarding life, and fixing up my motorcycle. It was enough to pay for electricity for a good while, so I opted for taking shorter shifts at the butcher’s so I could work more on the house and with Realist. He doesn’t get to sit after the race season like he had the year prior - any signs of previous injuries are nothing but distant memories, so I continued to work with him. He’s a young, healthy stallion - he could use the muscle and the brain food. After Huo’s final reconciliation with Blue, he has seemed to have gotten over his aversion to capaill, and after we put the finishing touches on Jax’s backyard resort, he even opted for using Realist as his “ranch” horse. It’s quite a sight to behold, really - a pint-sized capall under a slightly archaic Western saddle with a slightly too-tall Thisby islander settled onto him. I am quite relieved that Realist doesn’t throw a fit about the different saddle or the new rider. Huo does ride differently - he doesn’t play around and debate with Realist like I do, but rather just works with him straight on. It’s a functioning system and sometimes I find myself quite fond of how supple Realist is under a tom-thumb bit. Our spring was spent in a similar fashion, except Realist had become virtually Huo’s horse, and when I wasn’t at the shop or tuning the motorcycle, I was tending to Jax’s arthritic needs. During my brother’s visit, he acquired himself a horse with a distant capall lineage that was suitable for export and agreed to start working our family’s Thoroughbred farm again. Business was rolling in for them again, I guess, so I was welcome to the funds some more, meaning I could get some nicer riding gear and have enough to pay for the insane import prices on some of the supplements Jax desperately needed. Jax is a sweet old man - it’s easy to see how he and Huo have been coworkers for so long, and evening now and again I layer on a few extra blankets under my English saddle and take him for a spin around the pasture. He’s stiff and he doesn’t have the same dangerous energy that a capall does, but he’s still a pleasure to mess around with. Huo, too, hasn’t been empty-handed. When he’s not steering Realist through his sheep, he’s working on his truck, and if the truck is up and running, he’s coursing to Skarmouth and back to sell his wool and some of his lambs. I can definitely say that it’s been nice. We have a comfortable routine, and although sometimes it gets a bit monotonous, it’s at the very least a rhythm rather than chaos. I happen to be one of the few people on Thisby that can say that they have nothing to fear - the whole island may want me dead (it’s been proven every single time I’ve tried to step foot around the races), but as long as I am just living along with this hunk of grass and rock, topped with a generous amount of sand, I can most certainly say that I haven’t got a single thing to complain about. — My knuckles ache from writing with a piece of chalk all evening and I’ve lost count of how many names I’ve written down. A few of the men and women that recognize me ask me if I’m planning on taking another year off while a few of the boys and girls that don’t, look at my scars and ask me if I’ve ever ridden. I recount my evening to Huo as we lay sprawled on the bed, half-reading forgotten letters. Huo is unusually quiet. “I don’t think I’m going to waste my time this year,” I continue anyway, scoffing. “That stupid race has nearly cost me my life twice now and for what? Spare change?” More silence. And then, “I ran Realist this morning.” I can already tell where this one is going and I’m ready to roll my eyes when what he says next catches me completely off-guard. “Some passing couple recognized him.” “From what?” I furrowed my brow. It wasn’t uncommon to see capaill surface and disappear and surface again. I mostly hoped that it was from the races - I wouldn’t want somebody making claims about a horse they lost some number of years ago. “From when you trained Kaitlyn,” he said it so coldly that my heart almost jumped to my throat. I had never told him about Kaitlyn. I only turned back after crossing the finish line with the excuse that she had been ‘just someone I thought I recognized’; I only went ot her funeral under the guise of it having been a surprise shift at the butcher’s and that had been a public service, as most race-casualty services often were, so I didn’t recognize any of the people there. My hear began to beat loudly against my ribcage. “H-her parents?” I stammered. Huo gave me the barest of nods. “How did the find out?” My voice suddenly sounded small, timid. “Her diary,” Huo said with a dry laugh. “I’m sorry I kept it from you, Huo, I-” my breathing began to hitch in my throat - to live under one roof with a man and not tell him about the possibility of a horribly miscalculated risk… “That’s not what I’m…” he exhaled through his nose and tried again. “That’s not the issue. They want an explanation. They want some kind of compensation.” “They’re trying to frame me for murder,” I said out-loud what I knew I never shoudl have. “Thisby laws protect capall owners, but they don’t protect trainers,” Huo continued. “No, hold on - do they think that I forced her to catch that thing?” I sat up, wild-eyed. “That’s not the point, Jen, you can’t just run head-first at this, listen to me,” he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “You signed the entry form for her, didn’t you?” “Yes, but I-” “Her parents didn’t even know she was racing, Jen!” Huo’s voice was so thoroughly steeped with disappointment that I just wanted to fall through the floor then and there. “But she told me…” my eyes began to fill with tears of frustration. The cognitive dissonance between grieving for Kaitlyn’s death and wanting to blame her for what was slowly registering as the end of the world was tearing me apart. “She kept talking about her brother, and…” “She was an only child,” Huo’s voice softened a bit and he finally sat up and gathered me into his arms. For the first time in a while, he smelled of horse sweat. He really did run Realist. “She lied to you, she lief to her parents, she lied to everyone.” I began to sob like a small child. Not the usual polite, bottled anguish I would usually put myself through to make sure I was silent, but instead helpless, uncontrollable wailing. I was both terrified and awashed with a new wave of grief. Not for the blonde-haired girl with the determined eyes but for the big-withered raven black mare that had the heart to die for her. I thought of Realist and how he longed only for my company and not the lulls of the ocean. I thought of Jax and how many years he’s served and how little he probably has left. And Huo held me, and he let me cry, and let me cling to him like I was not his strong, equally grounded girlfriend, but like I was sickly, toddler-aged granddaughter. Once I felt like I could breathe again I got myself a glass of water and Huo and I stood like coast-worn statues in the darkness of the kitchen. “How much do they want as compensation?” I managed, trying not to hide my disgust at the fact at calling monetary value ‘compensation’ for a human life. “Some… twenty thousand, thirty?” he scratched the back of his head. “Good lord,” I smiled, although I didn’t know why. “And if we - if I don’t pay it back…?” This was my problem, not Huo’s, if I hadn’t thought to tell him of this earlier, why should I have to drag him into it now? “They’re taking it to the mainland court. They family’s not from Thisby.” “Fucking Christ!” I exclaimed, feeling the animalistic urge to shatter the cup I was holding but somewhere deep inside, my sensible, grounded, equestrian self pulled back on the reins. — The road to Skarmouth that night felt like the road to purgatory. Most lights were off or dimmed, only the caterwaul of distant capaill and the perpetual crashing of waves gracing the stillness. I unlocked the back of the butcher’s and carefully snuck my way behind the counter desipte knowing that I was the only one there. I felt a deep need for secrecy, for if anyone found out the real reason I was actually putting my life on the line in these island games again, I’d die of shame alone - to hell with sea monsters and cliffs. I took the chalk in my still-aching hand and added an extra line: “Jen - Realist”. And just for good luck, I threw some coins into the betting jar with my name on it that I had kept from last year, just for good luck. The coins hit the bare glass walls with a hollow, resounding clatter. I needed all the good luck I could get this year.
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Nobody’s Around Prt 4
Prompt: Your highschool is known to be haunted. When doing some homework after hours, you hear a voice telling you the answers.
Dedicated to: @sin-cerely-mi, who indirectly gave me the idea. @jared-kleinmen​, @i-used-to-wear-the-fedora​ and @nyancheetosmusical​, y’all might enjoy this too? Maybe?
DISCLAIMER: I don’t mean to villainise any character, but the story is from Connor’s POV, and he doesn’t have an exemplary relationship with his family. I think all of the characters are deveoped and have their own depths, but it doesn’t show the way I want it to, because of the way the story ended up.
Warnings (also in the tags): Smoking, cursing, references to self harm, references to suicide, depressive thoughts, intrusive thoughts
“Do you like your parents?”
Hansen asked out of the blue one day. They were a few months into their sessions, and Hansen finally felt brave enough to actually talk. Sure, he stammered, talked too fast or about random things, but that was just Hansen. Honsestly, the ghost was good company.
Connor looked up from the english assignment and made a face.
“Hell no. Helecoptor bastards who want a perfect son and not the waste of space they raised. They hate me, they hate each other, and they should break up.”
Hansen flinched. Connor wondered if he had been too blunt. Just like Hansen, he was learning how to talk to people, but Hansen just sighed.
“I just... I miss my mom? Sometimes? I just, wonder if she ever became a paralegal. She was training when I- you know.”
Connor hummed. Hansen talked about his mom sometimes, never his dad. Connor got the hint.
“Maybe... try reach out to your parents.”, Hansen gestured to himself. “I know you think that the bond is unmendable, but you never know when it’s gonna be too late.”
His family noticed something when his grades started spiking. The school emailed the reports home and Zoe got praise, like always. Connor slunk to his room, not bothering to stick around for the resulting screaming match. ‘Your grades are shit and so are you’ was a frequent one between him and Larry. When his mom tapped on his door, he almost turned her away. But then she would tell Larry, and he would come up. Connor didn’t want that.
“Come in.”
He called from the bed. Cynthia walked in with a copy of his report in hand, Connor braced himself for the quiet dissapointment, but she was... smiling?
“Hey honey, I just wanted to say that I’m so proud of you. Look at this!”
She held out his report. A in Calc, B in English, B in Musical Theory, C in Psycology, A in Art, A in Biology. He had Hansen to thank for that last one.
“Honey, these are great. I’m so happy to see you’re doing better.”
Connor had barely realised. Sure, he was doing his homework. The greenhouse sessions were actually forcing him to study, and Hansen just looked so sad when Connor talked about bailing the classes...
He was passing.
For the first time in two years, he was passing.
Cynthia carefully reached out, trying for a hug. Connor almost pulled away, but then folded into the embrace.
“You never know when it’s gonna be too late.”
He owed his mom this much.
“Do you have siblings?”
Evan looked up from the daffodils as Connor asked him. Evan shook his head.
“I know my dad has kids with his new wife, but I never met them, why?”
“I have a sister and I treat her like shit.”
Evan set his jaw, he had been growing bolder as they grew closer. Connor didn’t think he’ ever been so close to someone before, he had a feeling Evan felt the same.
“Well then, you should fix that, shouldn’t you?”
Connor kncked on Zoe’s door with a bottle of nail polish in one hand and a fistful of hairties in the other. He was nervous, So fucking nervous. He had worked this out with Evan the other day, but ut seemed so stupid now. Of course she wouldn’t want to-
Zoe opened the door.
“What do you want Connor?”
She sounded irritated. Abort, abort!
“This is yours.”
He held out the black nail polish, he had swiped it years ago, but could never bring himself to use it. It felt like steling from her. He had done enough.
Zoe took it, surprised.
“Yes it is... wait, did you steal it?”, Connor turned to walk away, unwilling to answer. “You have paint in your hair by the way.” She noticed. Connor froze.
This was it.
This was his chance.
He took a deep breath and turned around.
“It was in the way, I was painting.”, he gingerly held up the hairties, suddenly blushing. Why was this so hard? “Can you- Do you want to braid it for me?”
Connor stormed into the greenhouse with a scowl on his face. Evan was there to greet him, like always. He seemed to sense the stormclouds, but pressed onwards anyway.
Stupid fucking-
He whirled on the blonde.
“Why the fuck did you do it? Why the fuck did you kill yourself?”
Connor couldn’t control himself.
“I fucking need you, and you don’t even exist. You make me so much better, but you’re-”
Connor growled, frustrated. Biting at his fingers in a desprate bid to get some of the frustration out. His parents had taken him on the skiing trip with the Harrises and his mom had smiled and said he could take a friend. Connor’s mind had flown to Evan, but then he had remembered.
He had been stuck at that resort for a week, angrily thinking about Evan and his soft voice and his big heart and thought
What a waste.
Evan was a waste. He shouldn’t be dead. He shoudl be out there, saving the rainforest or some shit. Not in a greenhouse in a highschool, spending the rest of forever growing plants no one looked at and helping Connor with his homework. What a waste.
Evan looked so small, so shocked. They didn’t talk about the fact that Evan had killed himself. It was tabboo between them, but Connor had stomped all over that like a bull in a china shop. He stormed right up to Evan.
“Why? You love trees and your mom and can name every plant species in here, why did you-”
Evan was crying.
Big, ugly tears rolling down his face.
“I don’t- I don’t know- I was so- so alone- and I had no frie- friends and everyone thought I was weird and-”
Evan dissolved into even larger sobs. Connor froze. This had not been the plan.
“Well... I’m your friend, aren’t I? And I don’t think you’re weird. Please stop crying.”
Evan kept wailing, but he leaned closer to Connor as he did. It was cold, but Connor could deal. Evan couldn’t phsically touch him, so he would give Evan whatever he could.
Connor stared across the table at his father.
The women of the house were out, leaving the boys alone. Eight months ago that would have been a recipie for disaster, now?
They had both prepared for this conversation, terrified of what the other was going to say. They looked at one another, wanting a sign. A hint. Not wanting to be the first one to make a move.
Eventaully, Connor broke.
“I have something to give you.”
Connor got up and went upstairs. He grabbed the baseball glove his dad had given him a few years back and went back down the stairs. He handed it to his dad.
“I’m never gonna be the son you wanted. I’m not into sports, I struggle to pay attention in class. I’m not gonna be a millionare.”
Larry nodded, looking down at the glove in his hands.
“But.. I am your son, in all my fucked up, angry glory. We don’t have to get along, but-”
Connor was cut off as his father caught him in a hug.
“I’m sorry.” Larry said, holding him tightly. “I’m sorry that I ever made you feel like you were less than enough. I only wanted what I thought was best and I failed and made it worse. Yu’ve tried so hard and done so well. I am so proud of you, Connor.”
Connor closed his eyes, a few stray tears slipping down his face.
“Thanks La- Thanks dad.”
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tw0tiem · 4 years
week 3
hi! Welcome back!
So on this week, i reviewed more on to what software i should use for my AR and what organising a clearer storyline for my storybook,
I decided to discuss with the lecturer that my lecturer, Louise referred me to which is Tan Ming Ken
He told me he’ll try to teahc me some Unity AR with Vulfora on monday so i’ll wait until then :)
For storyline based, I have to educate myself on more story writing/ story boarding to avoid cliches.
I tried deconstructing a few of my favourite characters to avoi this, makign sure their not a mary sue in eitherways,
a few research on helping me prevent myself from doing so:
x x x x x x
“ By slowing down and taking the time and trouble to imbue our stories with authentic, rich, specific moments and details, we achieve real drama and avoid its floozy cousins, sentimentality and melodrama. “
“ These descriptions are clichéd because they use stock phrases and images. They tell the reader without showing them. “
“ Firstly, by drawing out of your own well of human emotions and experiences. “
“ Cliches were not always cliches. Once upon a time, they were each fresh ideas. Just like those writers of yesteryear, you can come up with your own unique spin on storytelling. Challenge yourself to come up with different ways to tell a timeless tale. “
Case studies on games/movies with short simple storylines(which may stand in a cliche but also, doesn’t feel cliche at all), that has a connection with emotional simplicity
FLORENCE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaB7kJA2wmg)
FRANKEWENIE (begining scenes)
article case studies : x   x x x  x x x  x
Other than i did research on why would someone read my book - why woudl someone be intrested into reading a love story of someone else? but it gathered me into a couple of other questions-
- why would people read
- Why would people read advice books
- How are people
Some intresting answers that i’ve found:
“ literature does provide a way for people to experience the world in a different way. When readers are willing to identify with a character, it can change attitudes and behavior. Readers who identify with a character will feel more favorably toward that character and may also take on goals of that character. “
“ They take us beyond our world and into someone else’s real or imaginary one. They satisfy the curiosity of the elusive “What if?” “
So using my research that ive done, ive decided to draft out my characters into people with their own pros and cons
Storywritting references :
sketches :
Tumblr media Tumblr media
With this list, ive learnt how to develop them more as characters rather to fit a stereotype person. Like what ive read about, giving personalities and making them seem more like real humans a can prevent cliches, giving them actual personalities, not everyone is perfect and shoudl have some weakness and powers in their lives.
I feel like, i should add some of these infos when introducing the characters in the beginugn of the journal rather than leaping straight into a stroyline so users can understand who and where they stand on [ their relationship].
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tieflinglich · 7 years
Get To Know The Blogger!!! 
tagged by @sapphicattack​ TY!!
1) Drink: iced coffee
2) Phone call: to my sister to ask for.... coffee.
3) Text message: a picture of jumbo sized playing cards which followed a series of emojis
4) Song listened to: aw heck man im Pretty Sure it was some weeby shit
5) Time you cried: Incredibly Recently, lemme just say that
6) Dated somebody twice: ive barely dated anyone lmao
7) Been cheated on: nope!!! thank heck
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: yes yes Yessssss
9) Lost someone special: if you mean loss in a more general sense than Hell Fuck Yes
10) Been depressed: thumbs up emoji for days
11) Gotten drunk and puked: uh. debatable? i drank a bit too much vodka and had a little bit come up but that mightve been unfortunate biological happenings which popped up as well so probably a yes?
12) Pink!
13) Gold
14) Orange??? like an orange-ish red. Sanguine.
15) Made new friends: yes!!
16) Fallen out of love: ive fallen out of affection at the very least
17) Laughed until you cried: oh my god yes, its the best kind of laugh tbh
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: last i heard someone was gossiping about me was like high school man. i would hope that im enough of an Uninteresting Person that ppl dont really pay me much mind like that.
19) Met someone who changed your life: shruggo. id say no bc most folks like that i met Sadly before the one year mark 
20) Found out who your true friends are: ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: bro i kissed like one person on my facebook and thats the One Time I Regret
22) Facebook friends: probably abt a hundred at a generous estimate bc most of it is familial ties tbh
23) Pets: one!!! i put pictures of him all over instagram lmao
24) Want to change your name: i dont get why this is in how many/much. how many times i wanted ot change my name? legally, Loads!! socially? a few times but im pretty good with Jack.
25) Did I get for my birthday: i got a package of pierogis and Midnight on dvd, plus some hair dye and a pillow with the cool sequins on it that changes color with the direction you move them. its black and has like. iridescent colors on the other side that reminds me of a peacock and i LOVE IT.
26) Time I woke up: about nine-thirty, but i didnt get outta bed till noon.
27) Were you doing at midnight: i was like ten tabs into the bleach wiki
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: a few minutes ago
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: oH bOY
31) Are you listening to right now: silence because the last episode of TAZ just ended and i forgot to put on the new one
32) Gets on your nerves: when you need to eat and you remember you need to eat and go downstairs for food but forget in the middle of looking for food what you were doing and go back upstairs but then remember like two hours later that you needed food
33) Talked to a person named Tom: i knew a man with a sculpted chest named tom from like. deviantart that i added on facebook i think and i dont know if we’ve ever talked but that was back from like middle/high school era so.......
34) Is your most visited website: tombl
35) Elementary school/primary school: i went to Two of them and the second one is why i hate the song Danger Zone
36) High School: i remember watching madoka magica till i had to run to class at noon and it was a truly Magical time
37) College: i miss having a cool and dark little bed nook..............
38) Hair colour: red! bleached and dyed a few months ago, tried to redye it recently. 
39) Long/short hair: the front is about shoulder length, the back is about just touchign the neck.
40) Crush: weeps
41) Do you like about yourself: -
42) Piercings: snakebites!
43) Blood type: bro i dont even know
44) Nickname: artichoke fetish child, vodka dad, The Jack
45) Relationship status: single
46) Zodiac: Pisces
47) Pronouns: he/they
48) Favourite show: i mean i still like Steven Universe
49) Tattoos: FLEXES ARMS. I WISH........
50) Left or right handed: right!!
51) Surgery: My leg! My lehhhhhhhg!!!!
52) Piercings: lower lip
53) Best friend: uhhhhhhhhh good pal named who actually got me Super into drawing, storytelling, and roleplaying!!
54) Sport: i think it was soccer for a few years
55) Vacation: Orlando!!!! or Mississippi??
56) Pair of shoes: tiny kid shoes???? i guess?????
57) Eating: nothing!! 
58) Drinking: n... nothing.....
59) I am about to: read more wiki articles or Draw
60) Listening to: The Adventure Zone: Petals to the Metal!!!!!
62) Want to see: my friends!!
63) Want to get married: yeah sure! one day, eventually?
64) Career: ive never even had a job yet b r o
65) Hugs/kisses: both
66) Lips/eyes: i mean i like/notice..... lips more........
68) Younger/older: older, even if its by just a few months.
69) Romantic/spontaneous: i mean. i really like a planned-out event but that can Sometimes happen on the fly........ ish............................... mmmm
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: these arent really things ive ever thought about. lots of stomachs are nice if you can See Them but like. i guess i shoudl say i am Weak for Muscle.
71) Sensitive/loud: i mean, you can be sensitive and loud. why not both?
72) Hookup/relationship: relationship
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: ive never committed a crime but i enjoy being spontaneous as opposed to finding someone who is just as awkwardly hesitant as i am.........
74) Kissed a stranger: no but i got kissed by one lmao
75) Drank hard liquor: my name is vodka dad
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: i have LOST THEM SO MUCH and then panicked only to find them sitting on my FUCKING DESK
77) Turned someone down: i mean. i havent really been asked?? so i dont think so???
78) Canoodling on a first date: i dont know what canoodling means but ive never actually been on a Date so no.
79) Broken someone’s heart: not that i know
80) Had your own heart broken: hahahahaa
81) Been arrested: no
82) Cried when someone died: i honestly do not remember
83) Fallen for a friend: shhhHHH
84) Yourself: no
85) Miracles: i swear to god i was about to make a Stupid Reference but ye
86) Santa Claus: i am santa
87) Kisses on a first date: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿????????? do you mean for me or for others bc that doesnt seem like a situation id be in and also dont tell other people how to date
88) Angels: poses dramatically
89) Love at first sight: lmao nah mate
90) Best friend’s name: i mean i got a few names
91) Eye colour: dark brown
92) Favourite movie: i really like Kiki’s Delivery Service
ayyyyyyyyyy idk who to tag. do this if you want??? i guess?????
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1000liveslived-aa · 7 years
repost , don’t reblog ! tag 10 ! good luck !
TAGGED. @nxctiis​ TAGGING Anybody that wants to!
BASICS. FULL NAME : Emmalyn Ivy Alvaire NICKNAME : Emma, Squirt, Fun size, Sunshine, Ems AGE : 23 BIRTHDAY : June 24th ETHNIC GROUP : Caucasian NATIONALITY : American LANGUAGE / S : English, Spanish, German, French, Tolkien Elvish (yes she’s a fucking nerd)  SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Panromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Verse dependent  CLASS : Middle Class HOME TOWN / AREA : Lincoln, Kansas CURRENT HOME : Point Claire, Canada PROFESSION : Receptionist/Front desk clerk at Joey’s tattoo parlor
PHYSICAL. HAIR : Dirty blonde EYES : Light blue NOSE : More of a Greek type nose. Straight, not too long, not too big. Just about right, though with a slight crook from being broken once, and a bit narrow FACE : Heart shaped LIPS :She has a relatively deep v at the top, and the corners are almost always upturned COMPLEXION : Somewhat pale but she has a clear complexion most of the time. She does blush easily though  BLEMISHES : Like everybody she has some problem with acne from time to time. Not bad at all though SCARS : Gun shot scar to the right of her abdomen that is front and back.  TATTOOS : Script on her left forearm that reads “I love you, Dolly ~ Dad” HEIGHT : 5′4″ BUILD : Athletic, with just enough softness to round out any harsh edges ALLERGIES : none USUAL HAIR STYLE : straight or pulled back into a loose ponytail USUAL FACE LOOK : A smile on her lips or a mischievous look in her eyes USUAL CLOTHING : Tank top and leggings or shorts. If not that, she’s in sweatpants that she stole from her brothers probably, and another shirt that was also stolen. When I say somebody needs to stop the clothing thief, I’m not joking
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : SNAKES (terrified of them), abandonment, dying alone, being alone, being forgotten or cast aside.  ASPIRATION / S : to be happy  POSITIVE TRAITS : Incredibly loyal, happy, selfless, playful, hard working, caring, passionate, friendly, able to hold a conversation with anybody, very very curious, always wanting to learn more. loving NEGATIVE TRAITS : stubborn, possessive at times, horrible morning person, prankster, self-depreciating, tries to deal with negative emotions alone.  MBTI : Oh god I dont’ know ZODIAC : Leo SOUL TYPE / S : I have no idea ANIMALS : Panther VICE HABIT / S : Tapping her fingers against her thigh or against the closest flat curface.  FAITH : Raised as a Christian, but is a self acclaimed Atheist GHOSTS ? : No AFTERLIFE ? : No REINCARNATION ? : No ALIENS ? : She actually thinks there is something out there, yes. In her mind, if space is so big, it would be statistically impossible for humans to be the only species in the entire universe POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : Doesn’t have one.  ECONOMIC PREFERENCE : Anything that doesn’t have her homeless lol EDUCATION LEVEL : High school diploma. 
FAMILY. FATHER : Nuka Alvaire (deceased) Joey Hamilton (chosen father)  MOTHER : Mikayla Alvaire SIBLINGS : Sam and Marron Alvaire, Todd Hamilton EXTENDED FAMILY : Oh a fucking bunch. Not going to bother listing names NAME MEANING / S : Emmalyn - Hardworking HISTORICAL CONNECTION ? : none
FAVOURITES. BOOK : non-fiction mostly or educational MOVIE : Documentaries or disney 5 SONGS : Never Surrender by Skillet is really the only song that she would ever think about.  DEITY : no HOLIDAY : Christmas MONTH : June (and only partially because its her b-day month LOL) SEASON : Spring PLACE : Anywhere by the water WEATHER : Warm SOUND : Silence SCENT / S : Vanilla  TASTE / S : Chocolate or cocoa FEEL / S : Cuddles, gentle caresses, soft blankets ANIMAL / S : She doesn’t really have a favorite, really.  NUMBER : She doesn’t believe in lucky numbers, so none COLOUR : Turquoise and grey
EXTRA. TALENTS : She can rollerblade pretty well. She was very good at bartending, and could do those fancy bottle flips and whatnot, pranking people, acting innocent BAD AT : Not getting lost, knowing what to say during a depressing situation, ice skating, talking about the dark/bad things, cooking anything other than Italian TURN ONS : Oh god the list is endless. I’m not even going to go into this TURN OFFS : Being a fucking dick.  HOBBIES : Skating, reading, drinking coffee, taking walks, exploring, camping when she can.   GPOY QUOTES : “Not standing up for yourself makes you a victim. Not standing up for others makes you an accomplice.”
FC INFO. MAIN FC / S : Hayden Panettiere ALT FC / S : n/a OLDER FC / S : n/a but I shoudl find one YOUNGER FC / S : Hayden Panettiere lol VOICE CLAIM / S : Hayden Panettiere  CISBENT FC / S : Brenton Thwaites
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 : if you could write your character your way in their own movie , what would it be called , what style would it be filmed in , and what would it be about ? A1 : OH GOD HOW DO I ANSWER THIS. Fuck I don’t really know. I’m so bad at naming movies... but it would probably be in the same style as LOTR, and it would be based on Emma’s modern life probably. Idfk.  Q2 : what would their soundtrack / score sound like ? A2 : It would probably have a lot of upbeat songs, paired with songs that would really pull at your emotions.  Q3 : why did you start writing this character ? A3 : I’ve actually answered this question a few times now, but might as well do it again! She started off simply because Mickey was naturally going to have children. I started playing Emma and just kind of toying around with the idea of her, and it grew from there  Q4 : what first attracted you to this character ? A4: Oh god, it was her peppy attitude and her no-nonsense way of dealing with things that initially drew me to her. She was sassy from the very beginning, and was just so much fun. Q5 : describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse. A5 : How hard she closes down when things get hard for her emotionally. Its hard for her to reach out for help when she gets like that, and there are very few people that I’ve found can get through to her enough to get her to listen and its really frustrating for me at times.  Q6 : what do you have in common with your muse ? A6 : We both like the ocean and I can be sassy sometimes too? I’m not really sure I dont’ think about it that much.  Q7 : how does your muse feel about you ? A7 : Emma honestly kind of feels bad for me and I hate it LOL. Though not in a bad way? She just thinks that I take way too much shit from people when she would have told them to go fuck themselves.  Q8 : what characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ? A8 : Oooooh! Zagam, for sure. Sheldon, Todd, Caspian (cuz duh he’s her husband).  Q9 : what gives you inspiration to write your muse ? A9 : Literally anything. Emma is a major muse for me Q10 : how long did this take you to complete ? A10 : Probably like a hour? Idk I didn’t time myself 
Q11: what is the hardest part about writing your muse? A11: Her intelligence, honestly. I don’t like writing something that I don’t know about myself, so I try to research it and it takes time and then I’m worried I’m not getting it right. 
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