#skelly was like... hey you know it doesn't have to be this bad right. you're supposed to suck less but I'll give you a hand
ay-asterisms · 1 year
so I managed to play more hades and finally met megara. and she promptly kicked my ass. twice.
0 notes
How would the skellies react to a very close friend asking if he'd want to share a bed fort with them? Shock though is that the skeleton has a crush on the friend!
It's up to you which ones you add!
Hey guys! Thanks for this ask. Sorry it took me so long to do it ^^'
I dunno who you are :)
hope you enjoy! Also for Crank, he doesn't get high off pot or whatever like that, because I don't know how it works, but he gets off something monsters use. It acts the way I want it to. Also so nobody can get mad at me -w- I have all of the high skeletons brah.
Sans- Normally he'd love any excuse to not do anything, but being that close to his crush? How is he supposed to be able to do that? After thinking of it for a few minutes, he literally stopped time to do it, shush. Finally he decided eh, what's the worst that could happen? Hahaha... a lot. He got into the bed fort with Y/n, got comfortable saying "I don't wanna break the law by resisting a-rest, so you bed believe that I'll be in here with you" god if Papyrus was here he would hate that pun, but Y/n giggled, rolling their eyes and lightly shoved his shoulder "you're a dork" they mutter and lay their head back against their arms, shutting their eyes. It was so warm in here, humans gave off more heat than they might expect, but he kind of liked it... he really liked it. He sighs out slowly and shuts his eyes to try to fall asleep but his mind kept reminding him that he was in bed with his crush. Ughhhhh this is so not fair! Why must he be this embarrassed? Who decided for him to get a crush on this human? At least they never killed anyone but... still.
Papyrus- When Y/n asked him if he wanted to share the bed fort with them, he quickly said no, because he didn't like to be stuck in one place for too long! He didn't even sleep during the night fully, he took power naps, because if he slept the whole night he got odd dreams! Yet then they got this disappointed look on their face and said that it was okay, even if he could easily tell that they were a little upset. When he noticed that, he would squirm, thinking of what to do. Being that close to his future datemate? He clears his throat and corrects himself "Human! I have changed my mind. I, the great Papyrus, see just how much you wish to lay with him! I will allow you" and with that he climbs into the fort pulling his legs up to his chest, looking over at Y/n, grinning. They smile back and slightly press against him, laying his head down and Papyrus felt his bones tense, then his cheeks quickly go a bright orange color, turning his head away getting lost in thought for a few seconds. It's strange how much dating power this human had. So not fair.
Blueberry- It had been a stressful day for Blueberry, his training wasn't going very well, and the tacos burned! He wasn't the happiest right now, yet when he sees Y/n in the bed fort and they look at him, grinning and ask "Hey Blue! You wanna lay with me?" then they pat beside them. Blueberry opens his mouth to tell him that he can't, because he had things to do, but paused turning his head down thinking about it. Maybe... it wouldn't be a bad idea. He smiles and walks over, climbing into the the fort with Y/n and snuggles up against them, making them laugh hugging him "there we are... I knew that that would work, you silly bones" he laughs and shuts his eyes. After a few minutes he opens his eyes but they went black as he noticed just how close he and Y/n was he could feel their breath against his cheek a little, huh it's minty nice! Oh geez. Did he really just get into a tight place with his crush?! What was he thinking? And now he can't get out of here without waking them up. Oh man this was embarrassing! But they were so comfortable... so warm. He felt sleep starting to take over so he just shuts his eyes, falling asleep against them.
Stretch- Stretch wasn't having a good day, his mental stuff was taking a low, which was pretty normal you know? Like he tried to never let it show, but sometimes it came out without him allowing it. Normally he lets himself make puns and riddles and that normally helps, but this time he couldn't even get out of bed, and luckily Blueberry isn't here to try to force him to get up, he's with Alphys! Stretch might go see Undyne or go to the door to make riddles with the weird guy on the otherside of the door in the forest. Yet this time he got woken up by bangs downstairs, which caused him to open his eyes staring up at the roof. Does he even want to get up to go and check? If it's someone here to try to kill him, oh well, a reset would happen anyway so... no. He shakes his head to get his mind off that and pushes himself to get up, walking downstairs to see Y/n making a fort "what are you doing?" he asked, making them jump looking over quickly "Oh!" they say, then smile "Hey Stretch. I figured since you don't seem to be in that good of a mood, we can have a bed fort together!" they stepped to the side to show it making Stretch look at the blankets and stuff, getting a little smile "Sure... I'd like that" he walks over, getting in first making them laugh saying "hey!" they climb in afterwards. No wonder he had a crush on them...
Axe- Being that close to a human, might not be good for Axe, depending on how long ago the underground was. He's still trying to learn not to attack humans, even if he won't eat them, his brother still could. It's a lot to unload from his head, you know? Yet when Y/n was laying in all those fluffy pillows and blankets, asking him to get in with them? There's no way that he could say no! He's just worried because of how big he is... After he agrees to get in and it turns out that yeah, he is a little too big, Y/n would just laugh and lean against him looking up at him with that smile that he grew to love "This better?" Axe stared at them, then nods slowly reaching up to tug at his eye socket his face feeling hot. Was he blushing? Most likely. Just being around Y/n made him nervous but also happy, so he doesn't know how to feel and if he should stay away from them, or spend all his time with them. Ugh... dumb humans. When Y/n fell asleep against him? He slowly started to rub their back, making sure to be careful with his claws. So the human would feel comfortable enough to fall asleep against him? Even with his past? He'd most likely wake them up again with his purring -w-
Noodle- Of course Noodle would agree! Y/n was his favoritest human that he totally didn't want as his datemate in the future and didn't have a crush on! Yet when they finish making it and Y/n is laying there, waiting for him to get in, a smile on their face as they looked at him? He started to feel nervous. What if he did something wrong? What if he hurt them? He still sometimes thought about hurting humans, it wasn't something he really *wanted* to do but something in his mind told him that it was needed, even after they got above ground. Ugh it's embarrassing... Screw it. Slowly, ever so slowly, he climbed into the fort feeling his bones creak ahhh climbing into places hurt his old bones, they started to get better the more he ate though, just like his brother. He started to twirl his thumbs together, not too sure what to do, which made Y/n smile wider, and they get him to lay down with them. They made sure that it was big enough for his big frame and suddenly Noodle was really comfortable like... really comfortable. This place was so warm and being around Y/n made him both happy and nervous... he tried to relax and sleep.
Red- Red didn't really have 'friends' because where he's from, friendship would just make things harder for you most of the time, but he started to change that when they got up to the above ground. He didn't think he'd get a crush or anything, but then boom, he got a crush on Y/n. Ugh he hates them so much with their pretty eyes, and nice face, and cool hair. Fuckass. Right after he realized that he did, in fact, have a crush on Y/n he stopped hanging out with them, sending them away whenever they asked about him. It was Edge that told him to stop being such a dumbass, which was a tad annoying, but hey, they started to hang out again! Now he regrets it. Y/n offered for him to lay with them. It sounds nice, really nice, look how soft the blankets and pillows are! Plus Y/n is soft too but... his eyes shoot between the door and the bed fort, his face red and grumbles "You're a fuckin' dumbass" he then crawled into the bed fort, snuggling up with the pillows and Y/n laughs softly, petting the top of his head with their hand "Yeah yeah" they start "Whatever you say you edgy bitch" Red growls but that was just the sound and shuts his eyes. If he was to be honest, he liked head pats.
Edge- Just like Papyrus he didn't really like to sleep all that much. It's a time where you're at your weakest, and he didn't trust anyone to protect him during the time that he sleeps, plus he has a lot of things to do! Yet when he saw his future daetmate, even if they didn't know, pouting when he told them no he had to stop himself from just doing it anyway. Ugh damn humans and their eyes of puppy! They're humans, why are they good at that? "Fine! I will lay with you, but only for 1 to 2 minutes" how Y/n's eyes and face lit up, it made him feel a sense of pride. He was the one to do that, not other people. He lets out a hum of pride and gets into the bed fort with them, after taking off his boots of course. He is not that much of an asshole and he lays his head down against his arm looking at Y/n "Why did you decide to make this? Humans are already squishy so I don't see why you need so many pillows and blankets" feeling them press against him made his bones tense up, and they yawn, starting to talk "Because I know you needed a bit of time to relax" they then lay their head down, shutting their eyes. Wait... they trusted him to sleep? He smiles a little and mumbles a thank you, shutting his own eyes. Maybe sleeping wasn't... the worst plan.
Lord- Of course when Y/n asked, while laying in the bed fort, Lord's face went a bright purple color and he started to splutter stuff out, then turn away crossing his arms over his chest "I cannot believe that you would ask that, just because you are my 'friend' doesn't mean that I trust you enough to do that!" he's just embarrassed. He trusts Y/n with so much, that's why he would sometimes leave Mutt with them while he has to go and do other things. Mutt was in the other room asleep right now, funnily enough. He could even hear the frown in Y/n's voice as they ask "you don't trust me?" He doesn't respond for a few seconds thinking it over in his skull tapping his foot on the ground with click click click sounds because of how high his boots were. After a few seconds he groans, tilting his head back "Dammit! Fine, just... ugh give me a second to go get dressed" He grabs his bag, stomping over to the bathroom to change in there, making Y/n smile. When he came back out, he was wearing 'pajamas' which was really just a very long shirt and baggy pants, then climbs into the fort with Y/n hiding his face into his arms, ignoring them for the first like 20 minutes. Laying with his crush... how embarrassing.
Mutt- The second Y/n said bed fort, and share, he jumped right into it and hugged Y/n, snuggling their faces together, humming happily. He loves the idea of sharing things with his future datemate! Of course he's a little embarrassed but the excitement outweighs the nerves. Y/n would most likely laugh and pat the top of his head, telling him to relax but he'd shake his head and start to talk "can't, I'm too excited. You know I love being close to you Y/n" during the whole time that they're in the fort, he's holding onto them like they can disappear at any second, because to him, they can. Sometimes it's hard to remember that humans wouldn't turn to dust, but he's seen so many people that he thought of as friends get dusted in front of him; it just worries him. He later asks if he can invite his brother which Y/n would... maybe agree to. Lord would not, in fact, agree to come in and just tell Mutt to stay with his dumb datemate which would then cause Mutt to get all embarrassed. Come on Lord. Don't call out your brother like that.
Wiseguy- When Y/n asked him if he wanted to share a fort, it was on a day that he wasn't the happiest. It wasn't that he wasn't happy, just he was stressed because of having to do some jobs but also his own studying. He's trying to figure things out about his past as well as his brothers, because well none of them knew anything. So when Y/n asked he smiled sleepily and nods, walking over climbing into the blankets and pillows with them, and quickly fell asleep. Y/n was really his best friend... other than his brother, but that's a special friendship, you know? Well when he woke up and saw Y/n snuggled up against him in their sleep, he realized just how close they were, and the fact that they pretty much slept together. He'd get a bright blue colored blush on his face, squirming a little bit. Oh god he fell asleep with his crush! Ughhhh he wasn't good at this romance thing. When there's no emotions connected, he could easily flirt and be pretty smooth but when there are feelings? He cannot do anything to save himself. Just like this. At least he wasn't nervous about the papers he found anymore, just very embarrassed.
Bones- Once again a boy that says no at first, only because he had a lot of work to do, and he didn't like staying still. Yet when he left the room, Clip made him turn around and go back in after whisper yelling not to lose this chance to be this close to his crush, and called him a dumbass. Yep! Bones had a total crush on Y/n, really big crush, it started after they first met when they saved him from getting dusted then he had to bring them back instead of just kill them but that doesn't really matter right now. He stands there his eyes shooting around, unsure of what he should do or say, he could feel his bones rattling. "Bones?" He jolts hearing their voice and quickly starts to talk, his skull feeling hot near the cheeks "I have changed my mind!" he starts "I will... lay with you as I am... tired! Yes, tired. Thank you for the offer my fut- my friend!" he laughs nervously half tempted to go jumping through the window to get out but he got in trouble last time... he walks over climbing into the bed fort with Y/n who smiles, and scoots a bit closer "okay okay, get some rest then skelli-bones" Was that a pun?
Clip- Clip and Y/n made plans to watch some movies together, of course they knew his 'secret' that he liked romance movies but they'd say that it was their idea if anyone asked because he still thought that he had it hidden. What a silly boy. When Clip came in to see the fort set up, with snacks and some of his favorite movies, he could honestly cry. Did they really set this up for him? Y/n offered for him to get in with them, which he did slowly, wondering if this was their way of saying that they were datemates, or...? Clip looks down at the case, putting a chip in his mouth "so do you do this for all of your friends or what?" They'd look over at him and smile, pressing closer against him "only my best ones!" they'd chirp in a happy tone, making him pause. Oh... Ouch... friendzoned. He averts his eye shine then goes back to Y/n, smiling weakly "Yeah, best friends" he looks forward at the tv trying not to think about it. He should be happy to just have a friend now.
Boss- Boss was annoyed at everything today. He got in trouble for almost getting caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing but nooo he's the bad guy for trying to help out. He grumbles under his breath, shrugging off his jacket putting it onto the hook by the door but pauses when he saw a bunch of pillows and blankets making him sigh rubbing his temples "Clip I swear to god if this is your doing-" he walks over leaning over to peek in. Instead of seeing his brother crying about some dumb romance movie he saw the human that he somehow got a crush on, curled up in the pillows asleep but slowly waking up, blinking open their eyes and they yawn, rubbing one of their eyes looking up mumbling "Boss?" He felt his body tense. Oh shit that's cute. He quickly stands up, turning his head away coughing into his fist "Oh Y/n! It is you, better than seeing my no good b-brother" fuck did he just stutter? They poke their head out of the bed fort, then smile and hold out their arms, welcoming him in. He stares at them, unsure of what to say or do. Did he really want to sleep with his crush? Well of course. He gulps and slowly climbs in, which caused them to cuddle up against him. He couldn't be that soft and cuddly, could he?
Books- As expected, Books had been spending a lot of time working on his books. Just reading and looking things up, so he had a little bit of a headache, but he couldn't just go and sleep! He had so much he needed to do. At least that's what he was thinking until he heard the door open and close making him sigh out slowly "I'm sorry, I can't help you with anything right now Crank, I have a lot to do" then he looked over to see Y/n, with their hands on their hips, tilting their head a little to the side, not looking too impressed. Seeing them liked that made his bones rattle a little but he smiles sheepishly "Oh! Hello Y/n, have you come to see the phenomenal Sans work? I-" they hold up their hand, so he stops talking and lets them talk "I made a fort, and you're going to come and lay in it, and if I have to drag you out there myself I will. You've been overworking yourself" he really wanted to say no, because he had to work, but he couldn't say no to his crush! So he sighs out slowly and mutters that he guessed he could take a break, making them smile and they help put everything away then takes him out to the fort. His face felt so hot.
Crank- let's be honest. Y/n most likely built the fort around him and got in with him and he woke up to see them and just went like eh, okay, that sounds nice and goes back to sleep. He doesn't care about it right now, he'll deal with the emotions when he isn't so tired and high.
Heavy- Because of his line of work, everyone thinks that he wouldn't need time to relax, because he was a cold blooded murderer. Totally not though! He loves to be pampered, just doesn't say it because people would, you know, most likely tease him. Then Y/n just comes into his room, asking him if he wants to sleep with them in their fort? He felt like he was going to cry. He quickly agreed and they went to lay together. Y/n made it big enough for him, since he was pretty big and they climb into it first, then Heavy did, laying his head down against his arms looking at them, lost in thought. His future datemate, being so sweet to him already... he knew he made a good choice not killing this one.
Mobster- Mobster had been busy with a lot of things. Because of his line of work, mostly hiding the bodies away that either his brothers, or others killed, he was pretty busy. It was hard to hide bones and to get the meat off and all that! At least he liked cooking -w- he never told Y/n about that though, because he was pretty sure as another human, she wouldn't feel safe with him cooking with human meat, it was just something that was the best choice for them. Because of how stressed he had been, he hadn't noticed he hasn't really gotten a lot of sleep lately. He only noticed when Y/n came over, tugging on his scarf to get his attention and he perks up, looking over his shoulder "oh?" he smiles, crouching down a little to look at them tilting his head to the side "Do you need something?" They would point over their shoulder "do you want to lay with me in my bed fort?" Mobster starts to say that he can't, but then realizes wow he's... really tired. His eyes started to close just standing there, but shakes his head to get his mind off that and stands up straight "Yes! We should rest together" he then starts to walk over to the living room, Y/n giggling as he follows after. He's had a crush on them for a long time, so this was a nice gift!
Error- As annoying as this sounds, it would take a lot of talking to talk Error into getting even remotely close to Y/n like that. He dislikes touching, and it would have to be big enough for them to be quite a bit far away from each other, or pillows between the two of them. It's strange but eh, they don't mind helping him out! Even more because it's a phobia, not just because he doesn't like Y/n. So when they asked him first time, his cheeks went yellow and he yelled at them for being weird and ignored them for a little while. Though after a while he would look at them, see that they looked comfortable curled up in one of the blankets. Of course he would think about it and grumble walking over "I'll lay with you, but... if you touch me I'll leave." Y/n laughs and nods, pointing to the part of the fort that was blocked off with pillows. He glares at the pillows, silent for a few seconds and mutters under his breath slowly climbing into it and lays his head down against his arms, then moves a pillow under his head. He was pretty sure he could get comfortable here maybe... it was really warm in here, he liked the warmth... plus getting close to his crush was a little nice.
Fresh- Y/n and Fresh had been hanging out all day already, they were very close friends, but Fresh didn't really... know how to react to all his feelings. It was weird to have the feelings, most of the time he just made up feelings and acted like he had emotions. Sometimes he did feel angry, other times he did feel happy but the emotions were few and far between. How strange. Well the other emotions he started to feel were more ones of love and affection, which he didn't really think he'd be able to feel... when suddenly Y/n jumps up he looks up tilting his head to the side and smiles as he asks "Ey brah, what you doin' over there? Thought we were gonna be fresh and all up and hang?" Y/n looks down at him with their bright smile "We are" they start "But I got an idea! Let's make a fort" then they run off before he could even answer. Huh how unfresh of them. He shrugs and gets up going to get blankets and pillows and stuff. This is gonna be the bomb! Total Buzz hype. After Y/n finished making it and jumped in, they pat beside them offering for him to get in with them making him look down at the blankets his glasses shifting to say 'oh yes' and he climbs in them going back to Yolo "man you got a dank freshtacular crib, dawg" Y/n chuckles, nodding looking a little amused. Man he loved them.
Reap- If they're in a place where he can touch them without worrying about killing them? Then you already know he's cuddling with Y/n. He has a crush on them, and he isn't that good at hiding it, he gets flustered a bit easily because he isn't used to being around people that aren't his brother or Life, so having a human that wants to be close to him? Well... it's shocking. Let's just say he just got to Y/n's house, when he noticed that they had a fort made? Why though? He tilts his head as he floats over, peeking in to see them and they look out at him, making him smile and he asks "What you doing there?" they'd smile and scoot forward, poking their head out from their little hide hole "Hey Reap, I made a fort. You want to come in? You can get comfortable and we can watch tv" Reaper cocks his head to one side, then the other, looking a little amused "oh so you want to cuddle death, huh?" he chuckles shaking his head. He found it so funny "you're gonna be the death of me but hey, let's put the fun back in funeral" he joked, then climbs in and slips their arms around Y/n resting his head on top of theirs shutting his eyes. He knew he shouldn't, he shouldn't be here, he shouldn't love this person so much but he can't help it. He's death and they're his light now.
Nightmare- Y/n lives in the Nightmare house with all the other 'bad' Sans. It's interesting, but since they're Nightmares 'best friend' more crush the others see them more as a mom, than anything else which is also interesting. Well since they live there, and can do pretty much anything they want, they decided to make a fort! Axe helped them with it, and Dusty told them that they were stupid because Nightmare was going to be mad. Well Nightmare came in, just to see Y/n finish with the blankets and got hit by happy feelings, making him hum in a bit of annoyance. He knew that Killer and Dusty were throwing pillows at each other, Axe running off to join them. Ugh he hates these guys "What the hell are you doing?" Y/n jumps looking over their shoulder at him, his arms crossed over his chest "uhhh" they start, then smile sheepishly "I was making a little... throne for us to share?" throne? It's a fucking fort. Yet... the idea of sharing a small space with his crush did sound appealing... he lifts Y/n with one of his tentacles "if the boys break anything in the castle because of you bringing out all the pillows, you'll be paying for it" he gets into the fort, and pulls them in afterwards placing them down. They stick out their tongue with a bleh sound.
Dusty- Dusty didn't really like not doing things. He hated the fact that Killer was supposed to be Nightmare's right hand man, but he never really tried to bother with it too much. No use in getting upset about it, so he liked treating things more like games. At first he didn't like to be here because of the whole, you know, no use of his LV that he tried so hard to get to but he has a lot of use of it, and he isn't alone anymore. Not you Pap, you know that. He walks into the castle holding his hands in his pockets, dust coming from his clothes while he walked if he shook himself off, there would most likely be a lot more. He was chatting with Pap as he walked in, but paused when he saw a fort and Pappy says that he should go and check it out "I was already going to do that" Dusty walks over and sees Y/n laying in the fort, curled up asleep, making his mouth go up in a small grin aww so cute! Sleeping in a place with murderers? How silly. Of course he climbs in to join them, what would he do if he didn't be a bit lasy sometimes? He wouldn't be a Sans. When they wake up and try to get out, he just holds them tighter, acting if he's asleep, or if he even isn't, he still wants them to stay.
Killer- Killer was the more serious out of all the 'bad' Sans, and he doesn't feel too bad for what he does, because if Nightmare tells him to do it, then he's going to do it. Yet when he met Y/n and they made him feel... something? He wanted to keep them. It took a lot of asking and deals with Nightmare but he finally agreed, and allowed Y/n to stay at the castle! After they and Killer got a friendship he invited them to stay there and he was happy to keep them... but then he started to get other feelings. Why'd he feel so... strange? It took a little while for him to figure out that he had a crush and wanted them as his datemate. He thought about it for a long time. Well today he came into the building after a mission was over brushing his hands off on his pants but paused when he saw a bunch of pillows and blankets making him sigh and he shakes his head walking over to it "Axe, Dusty, how many times do I have to tell you two not to make forts. You know Nightmare doesn't like it!" he would totally get into a pillow fight if he needed to though. He leans over, looking in and paused when he saw Y/n staring out at him, blinking slowly "...nevermind!" he says and smiles, resting his head down against his knuckles "well hello there" Y/n smiles sheepishly waving "Do I have to take it down?" they ask, but he shakes his head and climbs in "nope, just make room" he says. He'll take a punishment if he's gotta but sine he was the second in command pretty much he was pretty sure it would be okay.
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skellie-darlings · 3 years
Reader is gender neutral, but is implies to be female since they gave birth.
If you find any places where I accidentally mentioned a specific gender for Reader, please let me know so I can correct it.
I want to be as inclusive as possible to all my wonderful Readers. ❤
Possible TRIGGER WARNINGS: Murder, Threats of Murder, Deadbeat/Absent Fathers
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Reader and their ex Skellie have been broken up for about a year and a half. Eventually, Reader returns and tells Skellie that they were pregnant at the time of their break up and that Reader's young child is theirs. How will the Skellies react?
NOTE: Reader's baby is a skeleton monster with the ability to make themselves look like a human with illusionary magic. They are around 9-10 months old when Reader reaches out to their ex.
Part 2:
Sans-- He's a good, supportive father who pays his child support religiously. When they get older, Sans even goes out of his way to pay for all the extra-curricular activities of the child. He keeps a civil relationship with his ex, but he has brought up the topic of getting back together for the sake of their babybones. They didn't break up on bad terms, and Sans had proven to be a good provider before. Even if the romance isn't there, it's better for the child to grow up in a two parent household anyways. Live-in platonic co-parenting may be a bit weird, but Sans will make it work for his child. At least until they're grown.
Papyrus-- His relationship with the other parent doesn't matter. What does matter is his child's happiness. Papyrus won't care if the two of you get back together. Either way, Papyrus will be a daily figure in his child's life. Taking the child to their doctor's appointments, making sure their baby food is of the highest quality, etc. He'll even go out of his way to buy he and the child matching outfits! The child is very well loved by this lovable skeleton. You have nothing to worry about with Papyrus around.
Blueberry-- He'll be a bit shocked when you tell him about the child, and it will only take one look into their shifting eyelights to confirm that: yes, you're telling him the truth. And also, he almost immediately felt elation at the fact that he was a father now. He would be the most magnificent father you'd ever seen! Eventually, the two of you would get back together and overcome whatever obstacle broke you up in the first place. Blue is an amazing dad and he was happy that you decided to tell him. The best part of his day is spending time with his little family~
Stretch-- Yeahhhh, no. He's going to pretend that you didn't just say that. He wants nothing to do with you, and definitely refuses to step up to being a father. He agrees to send money to keep you from going to the courts, but other than that? He's nowhere to be found. He avoids your side of town like the plague, and any time he sees you in public, he'll port away just so he doesn't have to deal with that look in your eyes. He might come to regret his decision down the line when and if his child decides to hunt him down later in life, but right now? Stretch reeeally can't be bothered. But, hey, you did encourage him to be more careful when having sex, so... positives, am I right?
Red-- He'll ignore you and the child and pretend you don't exist. But he will send you money every time he gets paid to keep you and the court system off his non-existent ass. Otherwise? Leave him the hell alone. Edge is disappointed in the way Red refuses to step up, but Red thinks the kid is better off. He raised his brother from infancy and they barely go a day without being at each other's throats. He'd rather not fuck up another young SOUL with his terrible parenting. But Red does secretly stalk your social medias and downloads pictures of his kid. He loves them, deep down, but would prefer to keep a distance. For the child's sake. But hey, maybe when the kid is 21 (and that's if they don't hate Red's non-existent guts for not being around), Red might invite them out for a drink every once in a while. You know, cut the shit and all that. Heh... he wouldn't blame them if they refused, though...
Edge-- He is very shocked about the fact he has a child, but he does step up. While the two of you never get back together, you have an amazing co-parenting relationship. Edge takes the child on weekends and school breaks. You all come together for holidays and family get togethers at the skeleton house. He is a good father, and eventually, the two of you become close friends. Turns out you were better off as friends in the first place, but Edge will always have a bit of a soft spot for you since you did birth his child. He will definitely kill you if you tell anyone he said this, though! The two of you have a private chat where you not only discuss the wellbeing of your child, but also roast people throughout the day. If god saw your texts, you're both going to hell, but hey. That's what best friends are for, right?
Mal-- You will not make it out of the meeting alive if you tell him. Mal will kill you and your child immediately, not giving either of you a chance to run. His reputation is on the line and he will not be humiliated if and when the Royal Guard finds out Mal created a bastard out of a SOULbond (wedlock). Be smart or be dead. If he was going to be a father, it would be on his terms and his terms alone. In Mal's mind, no one has the right to pop back into his life and force a responsibility (burden) that he wasn't ready for. This will be the last (and most fatal) mistake you will ever make. Mal hopes it was worth it.
Cash-- He honestly doesn't give two shits about you or the kid since the break up. It's not like the two of you have a good history together in the first place. And here you are, trying to dump your bullshit on him again. Cash outright tells you that you and your child could die/dust right now and he'd step over your remains without a second glance back. If you try to hunt him down for child support, he'll kill you both without batting an eyelid. The poster child for "absent father." Cash will let the birth-giver of his child struggle as a single parent and watch them while thinking "damn that sucks. they'll figure it out." At the same time, Cash will be walking down the street with his new partner, destined to leave them with the same fate. If you look up the definition of "deadbeat," in the dictionary, all you will find is a picture of Cash flipping you off. Yeah, you're definitely on your own. Good luck, Reader.
I hope you all liked my first post! I love reading scenarios, one-shots and headcannons of how the Skellies would react to certain situations. Of course I had to chime in with my own versions!
I'll be posting 2 more parts and then I'll be open for requests. I look forward to writing out your requests!
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