#skwisgaar has such a slutty waist in this one
nyoomkitty · 29 days
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We amn’ts atheists no more! We love dat Jesus.
Original below cut!
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bitofthisandthat · 4 years
♡ Holli @ Pickles— only if you’d like, though!
send  ❛ ♡ ❜  to suddenly hug my muse !
He’s not in the best of moods, ( when is he? ) his usual pout and scowl is over something ‘minuscule’ according to the band, but to him, it’s full blown rage time.
He’s the one that plays multiple roles in the band and pretty much has to take the reigns from Nathan when Nathan decides he’s tapping out. He’s the one that has to ‘keep it together’ in the studio, while they all get piss drunk or get on dumbass tangents that have nothing to do with writing. ( Well, Skwisgaar is there to work hard too, but his ‘diva’ fits usually mean he’s taking a 2 hour powder and NOT coming back until William and Toki leave )  
But ohhhhh no, not Pickles.  He’s the one that also has to take their shit whenever it comes down the vocals. He screams. He does clean. He’s the most melodic, and they all usually love his singing. But sometimes, he gets ripped on for it, and that leads into the card blanch torment that is his Snakes n’ Barrels era...
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He’s mad now. Not mad because they fucked with him, they ALL mess with each other, that’s part of their thing. It’s how they are. No big deal. He’s flipped some pretty brutal shit on each of them at times, he owns it. No, he’s mad at himself right now for being such a little pissbaby about this. Why the  S n’ B  insults get him so angry, is beyond him. So, he slumps off to their vast, 4 star restaurant style kitchen to separate himself from those dildoes and stop his big-fat-baby temper from breaking something ‘pricey’ in the studio.
He’s fiddling with his drumsticks now, spinning and rattling them at warp speed against nothing at his temple; a compulsive twitch when he’s pissed and has nowhere to put it. He can’t break anything in here, so he’s over the counter, flipping through Decibel magazine and nearly spilling his black coffee in agitation. So, of course, he doesn’t notice as two delicate feet tip toe into the kitchen, behind him. The flash of white and peach from her person looks like a fuzzy halo from the LED lights above, and nothing else. 
She’s barely containing her giggles, but she makes it to him soundlessly, two soft hands sneaking up from behind him, and covering his eyes....A coy ‘guess who, baby?’ is breathed into his ear, and his irritation melts away in an instant.  “Uh....an Angel? A really slutty angel? ‘Cause I dig slutty angels, they’re th’ best.”  Her hands slip off his eyes to slap his bicep hard, the LOUD crack winning a big laugh from the drummer. “Ow. That hurt. A lot.” He turns round to face her, a big grin starting to pull at his cheeks. “Awwww I was wrong, it’s just the coolest chick ever. I’ll take it.” She must be over his gross tease, because she’s at his chest in a flash, arms looping around his neck and shoulders with a playful coo. Her head dips against his temple, as she squeezes him real tight.
Calloused hands fall at her waist, and he takes the hug completely, softening the moment he feels her hair brush gently on his cheek. Green eyes shut tightly, and his palm goes to her back, flattening gingerly. 
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“Thank you. I needed this.”
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