#sm eyes of the universe
Pump's blue eye thing has 100% increased in frequency throughout the episodes
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matcharabbit · 26 days
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I love all of their designs so much
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prof-ramses · 2 months
The Tree Banshee theory
This is a theory predicting the role of Spooky Month's most enigmatic monster, one many fans might not even know about yet, so sit back and enjoy!
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Watching HS for a second time, Gregor's pose here stuck out to me, so I went back to check my hunch...
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Yep, he's in the same pose as the figure on the left wing of the gate. But what about the tree like figure on the right wing?
Well, for that, we turn to the movie theatre, many fans know about the demon priest poster that foreshadowed HS back in TT, well we see a very interesting poster for a second in episode 6
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"The Forest Sight", huh?
Now for the clencher, we turn to an image from the arg
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The same eye patterns, and a ghoulish being I've come to call the Tree Banshee, you might remember it for it's scream in TT or for an illustration of it in the book from the TT arg.
I believe this entity also somehow benefits from sacrifices made to Eyes and that it will be a/the major monster of a future episode, which lines up well with my idea of Roy's episode being about him chasing Skid and Pump into the woods, where they get lost.
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eunchancorner · 1 year
I’ve got a request that might go along with your tickle cult au.
The eyes of the universe would be such a playfully, evil ler. Like, you see those tentacles?! Skid, pump, the hatzgang, and kevin would be screwed.
Ok and the fact that the moment Eyes comes onto screen in the candy store and then it cuts like- THAT GIVES ME AN UNDETERMINED AMOUNT OF TIME TO WORK WITH FOR KEVIN SO THAT’S WHAT YOU’RE GETTING >:D
Ler Eyes, Lee Kevin
Warning: Cussing, eldritch horror-level being, body horror (Eyes has many eyes (duh) and tentacle-like appendages), Kevin having a whole-ass meltdown
Word count: 1726
“Here we go,” Kevin grumbled as two familiar faces ran in through the doors. Every October, without fail, those two would come in and ask for their candy bars. Routine at this point, and still he felt a surprising amount of shock when they darted in and planted their faces onto the glass of the display. I’m gonna have to clean that later, he thought begrudgingly.
“What do you kids want?” he asked as though he didn’t know the answer already.
“Three candy cans please!” they requested in unison.
Wait, three? Something’s not adding up here…
“Where’s the third one?” he questioned, looking between the two. A small crash made him look up and-
The moment he saw those huge, baby-blue, glowing eyes staring into his soul he ducked under the counter, facing away for good measure.
Nope. Nope. Nopety nope nope.
“Uhm, Kevin? We- we still want our candy cans?” Skid noted, staring through the glass display at the cashier behind it.
“Why the hell is there an eldritch horror in my shop-” he asked, mostly himself. What was going on? Why? Why was this happening? Was this thing going to kill him? Why hadn’t it already killed Skid and Pump? Was it going to keep him as some sort of slave? As some sort of human pet?
“Don’t worry, Eyes is friendly!” Pump’s voice piped up, snapping him out of his thoughts, “Come look at the stars!”
”Look at the- What kind of- Fuck that!”
“C’mon, it’s ok! It doesn’t hurt!” Skid tried to convince him but he wasn’t having it. There was nothing they could do to convince him that the… thing they’d brought in didn’t have some kind of malicious intent. It had to, right? Nothing that big and freaky looking didn’t, right? He shut his eyes tightly. Not today, whatever the fuck you are!
“Kevin, c’mon, Eyes isn’t gonna hurt you! They’re really really nice!” he heard Skid speak up from the other side of the counter, but the cashier kept his eyes tight shut. He pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face, not wanting to even look up at all.
As the seconds ticked by, filled only with the ominous humming of the creature, he felt himself growing more and more anxious at the fact that it hadn’t left yet. Why isn’t it gone? Is it that set on capturing me? On… doing whatever it’s planning? Am I gonna just be stuck here?
“Kevin?” the familiar voice of the skeleton-costume-clad kid snapped him out of his thoughts, “Are you ok?”
He just barely peeked up to see him now right in front of him. He must not have heard him approach over the noise the whatever-he’d-brought was making.
“Are… are you scared of Eyes?” “Why wouldn’t I be?! You brought a Lovecraftian horror into the place I work! I don’t know what that thing is going to do to me and I’m not finding out!” Kevin snapped at the young boy before hiding his face again, seemingly curling up tighter.
Skid was a little shocked by his outburst, but, to be fair, Eyes wasn’t exactly human. He was sure he’d be scared, too, if he and Pump weren’t the first to meet the monster. Plus, he’d heard how prone Kevin was to freakouts, so he probably should have warned him.
“Hey, it’s ok… Eyes won’t hurt you, they’re really nice, I promise…” he tried to console the terrified man, who only had another outburst.
“How do I know it doesn’t have some sort of influence on you and is making you say those things?!” he practically screamed.
That was also understandable, especially since Pump seemed to be in some sort of trance. Or at least, his eyes had turned the same color as Eyes’ were, and he was trying to get people to stare into them.
“I promise I’m not! I think Pump is, but I’m not! Please, Kevin? You’re my friend, I wouldn’t hurt you…”
Finally Kevin peeked out from behind his knees. It was almost like the roles were reversed, like Kevin was a scared child, and Skid was the trusted adult who had to keep him calm.
“You promise me nothing bad will happen? Because if it does, and I survive, I’m coming for you and your mom, got it?” he finally conceded, and Skid nodded, understanding.
The worker planted his hand on the counter, silently hyping himself up to look at the horror, grabbing extra candy to appease the monstrosity and, finally, stood completely, attempting to merely peek, throw the candy and run.
Unfortunately, he was way too slow.
He felt his inhibitions lowering as he slowly stood straight, looking into the eyes as some type of hold was taken over him. It was… terrifying, but calm. He didn’t know what was happening, but he didn’t feel the need to care. He felt nothing. That was, until he felt something.
It was small at first, like a small buzz in his chest, but slowly he felt it spreading throughout his body. What was this? It almost tickled, and, in a way… he kinda wished it tickled more. Why was he feeling like this? Wasn’t something like this for little kids? Was that what ‘Eyes’ did? Made people want to be tickled? It was strange and confusing and relieving… or at least it would be if he could feel anything other than the strange tingles filling his whole body. Or, until he did feel something else.
It was quick, something brushing against his side, just light and quick enough to make him squeak. It finally prompted him to move, flinching and curling up just a bit, a small smile flowing freely onto his lips. Normally he’d try to block any sort of reaction like this, but he just… didn’t feel the need to.
The light blue haze surrounding his vision made him blind to whatever it was, but he felt it again, a bit higher, closer to his ribs, eliciting another squeak. His hands balled into fists and clenched close to his chest, a slight blush rising on his face.
“I think his ribs are really ticklish!” Pump suddenly spouted, somehow knowing information he had no business knowing, but, somehow, Kevin wasn’t confused or mad or embarrassed. Still, all he felt was the tingling inside, and the strange tickles that brushed over him. This time, around his ribs. Had he been able to have a conscious thought, he would have realized that it Pump had somehow been able to share his own knowledge and told Eyes, and it was Eyes itself that was tickling him, and he would come to realize this in a few day’s time.
But in that moment, the tickling didn’t let up anymore. The strange, soft tendrils of the eyes brushed up and around his ribs, sending him into fits of soft giggles, squirming at the tickles, not towards, nor away, but rather in either direction, his already small area of vision being completely cut off as he squeezed his eyes shut.
“See, Kevin, it doesn’t hurt, does it?” Skid asked innocently, earning a head shake from Kevin.
“N-nohoho ihit- EEEhehehe!!” he nearly honestly said it tickled before he felt something softly brushing over his tum and pulling a squeal from his lips. His belly was far more sensitive to soft tickles than his own death spot was, hell it wasn’t even too bad on his ribs.
“Oh, I think he’s trying to say it tickles! I can kinda feel it too, it’s weird but cool,” Pump blurted out, and Skid nodded.
Meanwhile, Kevin’s body acted completely on instinct, grabbing at something that felt like it was soft and downy, not to mention, big. It felt like it had a thin coat of very soft fur, that very fur probably what made it so tickly. He didn’t push whatever it was away, he just held on, as though he was just trying to ground himself, despite the fact that the rest of his body felt like it was nearly floating.
“LET ME SHOW YOU SOMETHING, FLESH PILES,” Eyes suddenly spoke, the many voices echoing inside of and outside of everyone’s heads. Its many eyes began to glow their soft blue, and the moment Kevin peeked his eyes open at his odd tickler, everything suddenly changed.
“AHAHAHA WAHAHAIT WHAHAHAHAT?!” he suddenly cackled as the ticklish feelings intensified. Eyes wasn’t physically doing anything different to him, no, he just suddenly felt twice as ticklish as he was before, nearly everything tickled, even his own clothes, the breeze still flowing in from the open door, making his shortish, fluffy hair brush against his neck. He collapsed to the ground, curling up and pounding his fist into the floor, squealing and cackling. It wasn’t like he could help himself, he was acting completely on instinct, all he could do when he was feeling nothing more than buzzing lee mood and incredibly ticklish touches. Tears sprung to his eyes and his cheeks started to hurt. He felt light and airy, almost like a strange sense of happiness was washing over him. Was it because the odd lee mood the monster instilled in him was being satisfied by said monster? Was it an effect of the trance itself? Either way, the odd, calm happiness was there even after Eyes slowly stopped it’s tickling, leaving him a panting, giggly puddle on the floor.
He slowly opened his eyes, the baby blue haze gone from his vision, confusion and relief  beginning to peek through the overwhelming, soft happiness he still found himself in, letting himself just giggle on the floor as he threw a box and two bags over the counter top.
“Jehe- juhust get whahahatehever…” he giggled out, barely even reacting to the three ‘thank you’s he received.
As his giggling died down and he heard the three leave, he looked up at the ceiling, a slight, lingering sense of peace residing inside him. Oddly enough, this was the best he’d ever felt since he’d started working here, strange. He sighed slightly and got back up, deciding he might as well get back to work while he was still in a good mood.
Little did he know, he was also going to be the subject of a lot of odd side effects. Including weeks of tickly dreams.
Fun fact: Did you know that in the AU, all those who have been under the Eyes influence can just barely feel when someone else who has or is, is being tickled? Justtttt enough to instill a lee mood ;>
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margarita-tumb · 11 months
Old drawings (Spooky Month)
I think my Twitter died so I’m back
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provenbeat · 2 months
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I have cracked the code, it all makes sense now
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grimgummies · 11 months
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I need y'all to hear me out for a sec
Anyways the post that started it all
Aaaand a little extra context pff
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 months
hi hello have a new SM OC because I am just. So awesome
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Darcy winn (she gets better I swear this was the first drawing)
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More winter outfit. Also me figuring her out more
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Old friends
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cookiethew0lf · 1 month
Cult Of The Spooky
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Inspired by ghosts-and-glory.
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sammysworld-official · 2 months
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Spooky Month - The Cult Meeting
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the-spooky-children · 2 months
SM 10 has to end, in my mind, with Skid and Pump looking up at the sky, stargazing, and Eyes' stars look back at them and wink (like how they did in episode 2), both the kids eyes widen, they then smile and wink back, and the episode cuts to the credits
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spookee-bones · 2 months
I remembered this video existed and instantly knew what I had to do
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prof-ramses · 2 months
Analyzing the Hollow Sorrows thumbnail for last minute predictions
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The first thing I want to say is I didn't look at the cast list, so I don't know if there really is a new demon, but I'm operating under the assumption there is.
The eye in the background is Moloch's, being paralyzed, he's reduced to a watching ghostly presence and a looming threat if New Demon succeeds at freeing him.
The big thing is that Skid is looking at Gregor while Pump is looking at Patty, possessed by New Demon. I think this is symbolic of the role this episode will play in the boys' arcs. Pump is drawn to the more chaotic and unpredictable supernatural events happening in town. Pump is also the one who seems to be more affected by Eyes
On the other hand, Skid is drawn to Gregor, who is heavily implied to be a cultist in this image:
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So him manipulating Skid into replacing his father is a distinct possibility. All this supports my idea that the finale episode will see a clash of Skid and the cult against Pump and Eyes.
Also, the fact that Gregor is shadowed in the same way as the villains serves as yet more evidence that his intentions aren't pure.
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dexter-erotoph · 1 year
spooky month portrayed by youtube comments
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Kiss me, son of God
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souldagger · 2 years
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Saint Idris, patron of incomprehensible truths.
i’m reading the final architecture series by adrian tchaikovsky and im a little obsessed with it ngl
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